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INSTRUCTOR NAME: Rosie L. Hammond DATE TAUGHT: Sept. 20, 2021
SUBJECT: General Science
TOPIC: General Anatomy and Physiology
Upon competition of the lesson, the student will be able to:
1. Define and explain the importance of anatomy and physiology to the cosmetology
2. Describe cells, their structure, and their reproduction.
3. Define tissue and identify the four types of tissues found in the body.
4. Name the 11 central body systems and explain their essential functions.
TEACHING AIDS: (Audio/visual equipment, handouts, etc., used by instructor):
1. Whiteboard
2. LCD Projector
3. Standard DVD Series
FACILITY: Theory Classroom, Building 3- Room 112
TIME ALLOTMENT: 1 to 2 hours (adjust based on the school schedule and student
1. Read Chapter _6_, Milady Cosmetology Standard Textbook, 2016
1. Milady Cosmetology Standard Textbook, 2016
2. Milady Cosmetology Standard Workbook, 2016
1. Review chapter, entire lesson plan, and Milady Standard Cosmetology instructor-support
slides before the lesson.
2. Ensure that new terms are defined.
3. Refer to objectives.
4. Ask questions to assess understanding.
5. Ensure that learners are actively involved.
6. Reteach as needed.
I. Cosmetologists Are Licensed
A. Cosmetologists are licensed to perform services on clients in ways that are not permitted in
many other occupations.
B. Cosmetologists should consider it an honor to help others in their quest for well-being.
C. Cosmetologists need an understanding of the anatomy and physiology of the human body
to perform better services.
II. Define and Explain the Importance of Anatomy and Physiology to the Cosmetology
A. Cosmetology is limited to:
1. Skin
2. Muscles
3. Nerves
4. Circulatory system
5. Bones (head, face, neck, shoulders, arms, lower legs, and feet).
B. Understanding the anatomy can help you understand techniques to:
1. Do scalp massages
2. Facials
3. Manicures
4. Pedicures
5. Shampooing
C. Understanding the bones and facial structure can:
1. Help style flattering hairstyles
2. Help apply makeup better
D. Definitions:
1. Anatomy- Study of the human body structure that can be seen with the naked eye and
how the body parts are organized
2. Physiology- Study the functions and activities performed by the body’s structures.
III. Describe Cells, Their Structure, And Their Reproduction
(Cells are the basic units of all living things –from bacteria to plants to animals to human beings.
Without cells, life does not exist. The cell is responsible for carrying on all life processes.)
A. Basic structure of the cell
1. All living cells are composed of protoplasm (proteins, fats, carbohydrates, mineral salts,
and water are present).
2. Most cells contain a nucleus, cytoplasm, and cell membrane.
-Nucleus-Found in the middle of the cell (like the yolk of the egg), an essential part of
reproduction and metabolism.
-Cytoplasm-Watery liquid surrounds the nucleus and is needed for the growth,
reproduction, and repair of the cell’s protoplasm.
-Cell Membrane-Part encloses the protoplasm and permits soluble substances to enter
and leave the cell.
B. Cell Reproduction and division
1. Cells can reproduce (provide new cells) and replace worn-out or injured ones.
2. Mitosis-Cell division into two called daughter cells.
3. An adequate amount of food, oxygen, and water, suitable temperatures, and the ability to
eliminate waste products are needed for cell reproduction to happen.
IV. Define Tissues and Identify The Four Types of Tissues Found in The Body
A. Tissue is a collection of similar cells that perform a particular function.
B. Body Tissue can be recognized by its characteristic appearance.
C. Body tissues are composed of large amounts of water and other substances.
D. The four types of tissue in the body are as follows:
1. Connective Tissue-Fibrous tissues that bind together, protect, and support the various
parts of the body (For example, connective tissues, ligaments, tendons, blood).
-Adipose tissue (Fat)- Gives smoothness and contour to the body (insulates and protects).
2. Epithelial Tissue-Protective covers body surfaces such as skin, mucous membranes, the
tissue inside the mouth, the heart lining, digestive and respiratory organs, and the glands.
3. Muscle Tissue-Contracts and moves various parts of the body.
4. Nerve Tissue-Carries messages to and from the brain and coordinates all bodily
functions. They are composed of special cells called neurons that make up the nerves, brain, and
spinal cord.
V. Name The 11 Main Body Systems and Explain Their Basic Functions
A. Organs are structures composed of specialized tissues designed to perform specific
functions in plants and animals.
B. Body systems are groups of body organs acting together to perform one or more functions.
*C. The Skeletal System: Forms the physical foundation of the body and is composed of
206 bones (Different sizes and shapes connected to movable and immovable parts).
D. Primary functions of the skeletal system:
1. Gives shape and support to the body.
2. Protects various internal structures and organs.
3. Serves as attachments to help produce body movements.
4. Helps produce both white and red blood cells (bone marrow).
5. Stores most of the body’s calcium, phosphorous, magnesium, and sodium supply.
E. Joint- Connection between two or more bones.
F. Types of bones:
1. Bones of the skull-Two parts:
-Cranium- An oval, bony case that protects the brain.
-Facial skeleton-The framework of the face is composed of 14 bones.
2. Bones of the skull:
-Occipital Bone-Hindmost bone of the skull forms the back of the nape.
-Parietal bone Bones form the sides and top of the skull.
-Frontal bone- Bone that forms the forehead
-Temporal bones- Bones that form the side of the head in the ear region (ethmoid and
3. Bones of the face:
-Nasal-Form the bridge of the nose (2).
-Lacrimal bones- Bones located at the front inner wall of the eye sockets (2).
-Zygomatic- Cheekbones.
-Maxillae- bones of the upper jaw.
-Mandible- Lower jawbone (most extensive and most potent of the face).
4. Bones of the neck:
-Hyoid bone- U-shaped bone at the base of the tongue that supports the tongue and its
muscles (only bone in the throat).
-Cervical bone- The seven bones of the top part of the vertebral column, located in the
neck region.
5. Bones of the chest, shoulder, and back:
-Thorax- Known as the pulmonary track (sternum, ribs, thoracic vertebrae. Protects the
heart, lungs, and other internal organs.
- Ribs- Twelve pairs of bones forming the wall of the thorax.
-Scapula- Shoulder blade.
-Sternum- Breastbone.
-Clavicle- Collarbone.
6. Bones of the arms and hands:
-Humerus- Uppermost and largest bone in the arm.
- Ulna- Inner and more prominent bone in the forearm attached to the wrist and located
on the side of the little finger.
-Radius- Smaller bone in the forearm on the same side as the thumb.
-Carpus- Known as the wrist; eight small bones.
-Metacarpus- Bones of the palms of the hand; five bones.
-Phalanges (Digits). They are bones of the fingers and toes (three in each finger and two
in the thumb).
7. Bones of the leg, ankle, and foot:
-Femur- Bone located in the leg above the knee.
The tibia is the larger of the two bones that form the leg below the knee.
The fibula is more minor of the two bones that form the leg below the knee.
-Patella- Kneecap.
-Talus- Anklebone (foot is made up of 26 bones).
-Tarsal- Heel bones and associated with it.
-Metatarsal- Toe bones.
G. Muscular System: The body systemthat covers, shapes, and holds the skeleton
systemin place; the muscular systemcontracts and moves various parts of the body.
H. Three parts of a muscle:
1. Origin- Part of the muscle that does not move and is attached closest to the skeleton.
2. Belly- The middle part of the muscle.
3. Insertion- The part of the muscle that moves and is farthest to the origin
I. Muscles can be stimulated by the following methods:
1. Massages (hands, electric, vibrators, water jets)
2. Electric therapy-Infrared light/dry heat/moist heat/
3. Nerve impulses
4. Chemicals
J. Types of muscles:
1. Muscles of the scalp:
-Epicanius- Covers the top of the skull.
-Occipitallia- The muscle that draws the scalp backward.
-Frontalis- Muscles of the scalp that raises the eyebrows, draw the scalp forward, and
help cause wrinkles across the forehead.
-Epicranial aponeurosis- Tendons that connect the occipitalis and frontalis muscles.
2. Muscles of the neck:
-Platysma muscle- Broad muscle responsible for lowering the jaw and lip.
-Sternocleidomastoideus- Muscle of the neck that lowers and rotates the head.
3. Muscles of the eye:
-Orbicular oculi muscle- Ring muscle of the eye socket; allows you to close your eyes.
-Corrugator muscle- Draws the eyebrow down and wrinkles the forehead.
-Levator palpebrae superioris muscle- Controls the eyelids.
4. Muscles of the nose-Procerus muscle cover the nose’, lower the eyebrows, and cause
wrinkles across the bridge.
5. Muscles of the mouth:
-Buccinator muscle- Muscle of the cheek.
-Depressor labii inferioris muscle- Surrounds the lower lip.
-Levator anguli oris muscle- Raise the angle of the mouth.
-Mentalis muscle- Elevates the lower lip and raises and wrinkles the skin of the chin.
-Orbicularis oris muscle- Muscles around the upper lips that compresses/puckers the
-Risorius muscle- Muscle of the mouth that causes us to grin.
-Triangularis muscle- Pulls down the corners of the mouth.
-Zygomaticus major muscles- Muscles on both sides of the face used when smiling or
-Zygomaticus minor muscles- Muscles on both sides of the face helps in smiling.
6. Muscles that attach the arms to the body:
-Latissimus dorsi- Muscles covering the lower back (helps rotate the shoulders).
-Pectoralis major/minor- Muscles of the chest that assist the swinging movements of
the arm.
-Serratus anterior- Muscles of the chest that assist in breathing.
-Trapezius- Muscle that covers the back of the neck and the upper and middle region of
the back.
7. Muscles of the shoulder and arm:
-Bicep-Produces the contour of the front and inner side of the upper arm.
-Deltoid- Large triangular muscle that covers the shoulder joint.
-Tricep- Large muscle that covers the back of the upper arm and extends to the forearm.
-Extensors- Muscles that straighten the wrists, hand, and fingers-
-Flexor-Extensor muscle of the wrist.
-Pronator- Muscles that turn the hand inward so that the palm faces downward.
Supinator is the forearm muscle that rotates the radius outward and the palm upward.
8. Muscles of the hand:
Abductors are muscles that draw a body part outward (fingers, arms, toes).
Adductors are the muscle that draws a body part inward (fingers, arms, toes).
9. Muscles of the lower leg:
-Extensor digitalis, longus- Muscle that bents the foot up and extends the toes.
-Extensor halluces longus- Muscle that extends the big toe and flexes the foot.
-Tibialis anterior- muscle that covers the front of the shins.
-Peroneus longus- the muscle that covers the outer side of the calf. Turns the foot
-Peroneus Brevis- Muscle that bends the foot down and out, on the lower side of the
-Gastrocnemius- Muscle attaches to the rear surface of the heel.
-Soleus- Muscle that originates at the upper part of the fibula (bends the foot down).
-Flexor digiti minimi- Muscle that moves the little toe.
-Flexor digitorum brevis- Muscle that flexes the toes and helps maintain balance.
-Abductor-hallucinate- Muscle that moves the big toe away from the other toes.
-Abductor digiti minimi- the muscle that separates the fingers and the toes.
( Insert activity 5 on page 77 in the Study Guide book.)
K. The Nervous System
1. The nervous systemis a well-organized system composed of the brain, spinal cord,
and nerves responsible for controlling all other body systems and making them
work harmoniously and efficiently—neurology- The scientific study of the nervous
system's structure, function, and pathology.
2. Divisions of the nervous system:
-Central nervous system (CNS)- controls the voluntary muscles (five senses,
consciousness, mental activities, body movements, facial expressions); consists of the brain,
spinal cord, spinal nerves, and cranial nerves.
-Peripheral nervous system (PNS)- Carries impulses or messages to and from the central
nervous system.
The autonomic nervous system controls the involuntary muscles (breathing, blood vessels,
heart, glands).
L. The brain and spinal cord:
1. The brain’s Largest and most complex nerve tissue; controls sensation, muscles, the
activity of glands, the power to think, sense, and feel (12 cranial nerves).
2. Spinal cord- Portion of the nervous system that extends to the extremity of the trunk (31
3. Neuron- Nerve cell.
4-Dendrites- Carry and receive messages.
5. Axon terminal- Extensions of a neuron set away from the cell body to other neurons,
glands, or muscles.
6. Nerves- Impulses are sent through them from the brain.
M. Types of nerves:
1. Nerves of the head, face, and neck- Sensory nerves:
-Fifth cranial nerve- Largest of the face; it controls chewing.
-Seventh cranial nerve- (facial nerve)- Chief motor nerve of the face
-Eleventh cranial nerve- Controls the motion of the neck and shoulder muscles.
2. Nerves of the arms and hands:
-Digital- Supplies impulses to the fingers.
-Radial Nerve-Supplies the thumb side of the arm and back of the hand.
-Median nerve- Supplies the arm and hand.
Ulnar nerve- The nerve that affects the little finger and the palm.
3. Nerves of the lower leg and foot:
Sciatic nerve- The longest and largest nerve in the body; it passes through the thigh.
-Tibial nerve- Division of the sciatic nerve that passes through the knee.
-Common peroneal nerve- Division of the sciatic nerve that extends from behind the knee
to wind around other areas.
-Deep peroneal nerve- Extends down the front of the leg.
-Superficial peroneal nerve- Provides impulses to the muscles.
-Saphenous nerve- Provides impulses to the inner side of the leg and foot.
-Sural nerve- Supplies impulses to the skin on the outer side and back of the foot and leg.
*N. The Circulatory System (Cardiovascular System)
Controls the steady circulation of the blood through the body using the heart, arteries,
veins, and capillaries that distribute blood throughout the body. The heart (the cone-shaped
organ that keeps the blood moving within the circulatory system.
O. The circulatory system is known as the cardiovascular/vascular system.
1. The vascular system controls the blood flow throughout the body through the heart
and the blood vessels.
2. The circulatory system consists of the following:
- Arteries
3. The heart is the size of a clenched fist. It keeps the blood moving within the
circulatory system.
4. The heart beats approximately 60 to 80 times per minute.
5. Four interior chambers and valves of the heart.
-Atrium (left and right)- Upper thin chamber that blood is pumped through.
-Ventricle (left and right)- The lower thick chamber that receives blood.
6. Valves are structures that temporarily close a passage or permit blood to flow in one
7. Two systems critical to the process of continuous circulation.
-Pulmonary circulation- Takes deoxygenated blood to the lungs for oxygenation and
waste removal and then returns that blood to the heart to deliver oxygen-rich blood to the body.
-Systematic circulation- Carry the oxygen-rich blood from the heart throughout the
body, and return deoxygenated blood to the heart.
P. Blood vessels are tube-like structures that include arteries, veins, etc., bringing blood to
and from the heart. Blood vessel types:
1. Aorta-Largest artery in the body.
2. Arterioles Small arteries that deliver blood to capillaries.
3. Capillaries- Tiny, thin blood vessels that connect the smaller articles to venules;
bring nutrients and carry away waste materials.
4. Venules- Small blood vessels that connect the capillaries to the veins.
5. Veins- Located close to the outer skin; keeps blood flowing in one direction.
Q. Blood is a red liquid that supplies oxygen and nutrients to cells and tissues and removes
carbon dioxide and waste. Chief functions of the blood:
1. Carries water, oxygen, and food to all cells and tissues of the body.
2. Carries away carbon dioxide and waste products eliminated from organs.
3. Helps equalize the body’s temperature.
4. Works with the body’s immune system to help protect the body from harmful toxins
and bacteria.
5. Seals leaks in injured blood vessels by forming clots.
R. Arteries of the head, face, and neck:
1. Common carotid arteries are the main arteries that supply blood to the head, face, and
2. Internal carotid artery- Supplies blood to the brain, eyes, eyelids, forehead, nose, and
internal ear.
-Supraorbital artery- Supplies blood to the upper eyelids and forehead.
-Infraorbital artery- Supplies blood to the muscle of the eye.
-External carotid artery- Supplies blood to the front part of the scalp, ear, face, neck,
and sides of the head:
-Facial artery (submental, Inferior labial, angular, superior labial) provides blood to
the chin and lower lip, the nose, and the upper lip region.
-Superficial temporal artery- provides blood to the muscles of the front, side, and top
of the head. Some branches of this artery include:
-Frontal artery- Supplies blood to the forehead and upper eyelids.
-Parietal artery- Supplies blood to return the side and crown of the head.
-Transverse facial artery. Supplies blood to the skin and masseter muscle (opening
and closing the mouth).
-Middle temporal artery- Supplies blood to the temples.
-Anterior auricular artery- Supplies blood to the front part of the ear.
- -Superficial artery- Supplies blood to the muscles of the front, side, and top of the
-Occipital artery- supplies blood to the skin and muscles of the scalp and back of the
head up the crown.
-Posterior artery- Provides blood to the scalp- the area behind the ear.
S. Veins of the head, face, and neck:
1. Internal jugular vein- Located at the side of the neck to collect blood from the brain
and parts of the face and neck.
2. External jugular vein- Located at the side of the neck; carries blood returning to the
heart from the head, face, and neck.
T. Blood supply to the arm and hand:
1. Ulnar artery- Provides blood to the little finger side of the arm and palm.
2. Radial artery- Supplies blood to the thumb side of the arm and muscles.
U. Blood supply to the lower leg and foot:
1. Popliteal artery- Supplies blood to the foot
2. Anterior artery- Supplies blood to the lower leg muscles, skin, foot, first and second
3. Posterior artery- Supplies blood to the ankle and the back of the lower leg.
4. Dorsalis pedis artery- Supplies blood to the foot.
V. The Lymphatic Immune System
1. This system carries waste and impurities away from the cells and protects the
body from disease by developing immunities and destroying disease-causing
2. The lymph vessels, the lymph, the lymph nodes, the thymus gland, and the spleen make
up this system.
3. Lymph is a clear liquid that circulates in the lymph spaces of the body.
4. The primary functions of the lymphatic/immune system are as follows:
-Carry nourishment from the blood to the body cells.
-Act as a defense against toxins and bacteria and remove by-products (pus, dead
-Remove waste material from the body cells to the blood.
-Provide a suitable fluid environment for the cells.
*W. The Integumentary System
1. The integumentary systemconsists of the skin and its accessory organs (oil, sweat
glands, sensory receptors, hair, nails).
2. Integument means a natural covering (skin).
*X. The Endocrine System
1. A group of specialized glands that affect the entire body’s growth, development,
sexual functions, and health.
2. Glands are secretory organs that release some aspects from the blood to convert them
into compounds.
3. Two main types of glands:
-Endocrine (Ductless glands)- Thyroid/ pituitary glands release substances into the
-Exocrine (Duct glands)- Tube-like glands such as sweat and oil glands.
*Y. The Digestive System
1. The digestive system- (Gastrointestinal system) Breaks down food into nutrients
and waste.
2. The digestive system consists of the mouth, stomach, intestines, salivary and gastric
glands, and other organs.
3. Digestive enzymes- Chemicals that change certain foods into a soluble form that the
body can use.
*Z. The Excretory System
1. A group of organs responsible for purifying the body by eliminating waste matter.
2. Body organs crucial role in the excretory process:
-Kidneys excrete urine (water and waste products).
-Liver discharges toxins produced during digestion.
-Skin eliminates waste through sweating.
-Large intestines eliminate waste decomposed and undigested food.
-Lungs exhale carbon dioxide.
*A1. The Respiratory System
1. This system consists of the lungs and air passages that enable breathing
(supplying the body with oxygen and eliminating carbon dioxide).
2. Respiration is the act of breathing
3. The lungs are the organs of respiration and are protected by the ribs.
4. The diaphragm helps control breathing.
5. Inhalation- Oxygen is passed through the blood (breathing).
6. Exhalation- Carbon dioxide collected from the blood is expelled from the lungs.
7. Oxygen is more essential than food or water.
*A2. The Reproductive System:
1. This system performs the function of producing offspring and passing on the
genetic code from one generation to another.
2. The reproductive system includes:
(Female) (Male)
-Ovaries -Testes
-Uterine tubes -Prostate glands
-Uterus -Penis
-Vagina -Urethra
3. The reproductive system produces hormones:
- Estrogen in females
-Testosterones in males
4. These hormones can affect the skin in several ways (acne).
5. Cosmetologists can provide proper skincare.
As you study all the various subjects, you must understand the relevant anatomy to apply your
skills effectively.
-When cutting and styling hair, knowledge of the bone structure of the head will aid you in
correctly sectioning for accuracy.
-When giving massage services, you will need to massage from the insertion to the origin of the
muscles, so you strengthen rather than stretch them.
-Your understanding and application of proper nutrition and health will aid you in your
professional work by reducing strain and fatigue.
Summary and Review:
•Why is the study of anatomy, physiology, and histology essential to cosmetologists?
Answer: An overview of human anatomy and physiology is essential to cosmetologists because
it will enable you to:
-Understand how the human body functions as an integrated whole.
-Recognize changes from what is considered normal for the body.
-Understand the scientific basis for correctly applying services and products such as scalp
manipulations and facials.
Note: The answer to this question can be found on page 114 of Milady Standard Cosmetology.
•Define anatomy physiology.
Answer: The definitions of anatomy and physiology are:
. Anatomy: The study of structures of the human body that can be seen with the naked eye and
how the body parts are organized. It is the science of the structure of organisms or their parts.
. Physiology: The study of the functions and activities performed by the body's structures.
Note: The answer to this question can be found on page 115 of Milady Standard Cosmetology.
•Name and describe the fundamental structures of a cell.
Answer: The basic structures of a cell are:
-Nucleus: dense, active protoplasm found in the center of the cell. It plays a vital role in cell
reproduction and metabolism.
The cytoplasm is the cell’s protoplasm; it is the watery fluid surrounding its nucleus and is
needed for growth, reproduction, and self-repair.
-Cell membrane: the cell part encloses the protoplasm and permits soluble substances to enter
and leave the cell.
Note: The answer to this question can be found on page 116 of Milady Standard Cosmetology.
•Explain cell metabolism and its purpose.
•List and describe the functions of the four tissue types found in the human body.
Answer: The four types of tissue that are found in the human body are:
-Connective tissue: Fibrous tissue that binds together, protects and supports the various parts of
the body. Examples of connective tissue are bone, cartilage, ligaments, tendons, blood, lymph,
and fat (called adipose tissue).
-Epithelial tissue: Protective covering on body surfaces. Skin, mucous membranes, the tissue
inside the mouth, the heart’s lining, digestive organs, respiratory organs, and glands are
examples of epithelial tissue.
-Muscle tissue: Contracts and moves various parts of the body.
-Nerve tissue: Carries messages to and from the brain and controls and coordinates all body
functions. Nerve tissue comprises special cells known as neurons that make up the nerves, brain,
and spinal cord.
Note: The answer to this question can be found on page 117 of Milady Standard Cosmetology.
•What are organs?
Answer: Organs are structures composed of specialized tissues designed to perform specific
functions in plants and animals.
Note: The answer to this question can be found on page 117 of Milady Standard Cosmetology.
•Explain cell metabolism and its purpose.
•List and describe the functions of the four tissue types found in the human body.
•What are organs?
•List and describe the functions of the main organs found in the body.
•Name the 11 central body systems and their functions.
Answer: The 11 central body systems and their functions are:
-Circulatory: Controls the steady circulation of the blood through the body using the heart and
blood vessels.
-Digestive: Changes food into nutrients and wastes; consists of the mouth, stomach, intestines,
salivary and gastric glands, and other organs.
-Endocrine: Affects the growth, development, sexual functions, and health of the entire body;
consists of specialized glands.
-Excretory: Purifies the body by eliminating waste matter; consists of kidneys, liver, skin, large
intestine, and lungs.
Integumentary: It serves as a protective covering and helps regulate the body's temperature; it
consists of the skin and its accessory organs such as oil and sweat glands, hair, and nails.
-Lymphatic: Protects the body from disease by developing immunities and destroying disease-
causing toxins and bacteria. Major organ systems are lymph, lymph nodes, thymus gland, and
-Muscular: Covers, shapes, and supports the skeleton tissue; also contracts and moves various
body parts. This system includes muscles and connective tissues.
-Nervous: Controls and coordinates all other systems inside and outside of the body and makes
them work harmoniously and efficiently; consists of the brain, spinal cord, and nerves.
-Reproductive: Responsible for processes by which plants and animals produce offspring. These
include females: ovaries, uterus, and the vagina. The male would consist of the testes, the
prostate, and the penis.
-Respiratory: Enables breathing, supplying the body with oxygen, and eliminating carbon
dioxide as a waste product; consists of lungs and air passages.
-Skeletal: Physical foundation of the body; consists of 206 bones that vary in size and shape and
are connected by movable and immovable joints. The bones and joints make up the skeletal
system. Note: The answer to this question can be found on page 118 of Milady Standard
•List the primary functions of the skeletal system.
Answer: The skeletal system gives shape and support to the body; protects various internal
structures and organs; serves as attachments for muscles and acts as levers-to produce body
movements; helps produce both white and red blood cells (one of the functions of the bone
marrow); and stores most of the body's calcium supply as well as phosphorus, magnesium, and
Note: The answer to this question can be found on page 119 of Milady Standard Cosmetology.
•Name and describe the three types of muscle tissue found in the body.
•Name and describe the types of nerves found in the body and how they work.
Answer: The types of nerves found in the body and how they work are:
-Sensory nerves (afferent nerves): Carry impulses or messages from the sense organs to the
brain, where sensations such as touch, cold, heat, sight, sound, taste, smell, pain, and pressure are
experienced. Sensory nerve endings called receptors are located close to the skin’s surface. As
impulses pass from the sensory nerves to the brain and back through the motor nerves to the
muscles, a complete circuit is established, resulting in the movement of the muscles.
-Motor nerves (efferent nerves): Carry impulses from the brain to the muscles or glands. These
transmitted impulses move.
Note: The answer to this question can be found on page 129 of Milady Standard Cosmetology.
•Name and briefly describe the blood vessels found in the body.
Answer: The types of blood vessels found in the body are:
-Arteries: Thick-walled, muscular, flexible tubes that carry oxygenated blood away from the
heart to the arterioles. The largest artery in the body is the aorta.
-Arterioles: Small arteries that deliver blood to capillaries.
-Capillaries: Tiny, thin-walled blood vessels that connect the smaller arteries to the venules.
They bring nutrients to the cells and carry away waste materials.
- Venules: Small vessels that connect the capillaries to the veins. They collect blood from the
capillaries and drain it into the veins.
-Veins: Thin-walled blood vessels that are less elastic than arteries. They contain cup-like valves
that prevent backflow and carry blood containing waste products from capillaries back toward
the heart for cleaning and to pick up oxygen. Veins are located closer to the outer skin surface of
the body than
Note: The answer to this question can be found on page 133 of Milady Standard Cosmetology.
•List and describe the composition of blood.
•Name and discuss the two main types of glands found in the human body.
-Exocrine glands, or duct glands, produce a substance that travels through small tube-like ducts.
Sweat and oil glands of the skin belong to this group.
-Endocrine glands, or ductless glands, such as the thyroid and pituitary glands, release secretions
called hormones directly into the bloodstream, which influence the welfare of the entire body.
Hormones, such as insulin, adrenaline, and estrogen stimulate functional activity or secretion in
other parts of the body.
Note: The answer to this question can be found on page 138 of Milady Standard Cosmetology.
•List the organs of the excretory systems and their functions.
1. Endocrine- Controls hormones in the body that controls the entire body’s growth,
development, sexual function, and health.
2. Integumentary-Provides protective covering and regulates body temperature.
3. Excretory- Eliminates waste from the body, reducing build-up toxins.
4. Neurology- The scientific study of the nervous system.
5. Sciatic Nerve- The longest and largest nerve in the body.
6. Abductors- Muscles that draw a body part such as a finger, arm, or toe from the body’s
midline or an extremity.
7. Anatomy- The study of the human body that can be seen with the naked eye and organized.
8. Body Systems- Group of organs working together and acting as one function. The human
body is composed of 11 major systems.
9. Physiology-The study of the functions and activities performed by the body’s structures.
10. Cells- Basic units of all living things (from bacteria to plants to animals-human beings).
1. The thyroid and pituitary are known as ____________glands (endocrine).
2. (True or False)- The ovaries, urethra, and pineal gland are all part of the reproductive system.
(FALSE: The pineal gland has to do with the endocrine system).
3. The word __________ means a natural covering that protects the body (integumentary).
4. __________ is a fluid circulating throughout the body, carrying oxygen and nutrients to cells
and tissues and removing carbon dioxide and waste from them (Blood).
5. The cardiovascular system is also known as the _________system (circulatory).

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Chapter 6 lesson plan general anatomy and physiology

  • 1. CHAPTER 6 LESSON PLAN: INSTRUCTOR NAME: Rosie L. Hammond DATE TAUGHT: Sept. 20, 2021 SUBJECT: General Science TOPIC: General Anatomy and Physiology LESSON OBJECTIVES: Upon competition of the lesson, the student will be able to: 1. Define and explain the importance of anatomy and physiology to the cosmetology profession. 2. Describe cells, their structure, and their reproduction. 3. Define tissue and identify the four types of tissues found in the body. 4. Name the 11 central body systems and explain their essential functions. IMPLEMENTS, EQUIPMENT, SUPPLIES REQUIRED: STUDENT INSTRUCTOR ITEMS X X TEXTBOOK X X WORKBOOK X X NOTEBOOK X X PENS, PENCILS TEACHING AIDS: (Audio/visual equipment, handouts, etc., used by instructor): 1. Whiteboard 2. LCD Projector 3. Standard DVD Series FACILITY: Theory Classroom, Building 3- Room 112 TIME ALLOTMENT: 1 to 2 hours (adjust based on the school schedule and student activities/participation) PRIOR STUDENT ASSIGNMENT: 1. Read Chapter _6_, Milady Cosmetology Standard Textbook, 2016 EDUCATOR REFERENCES: 1. Milady Cosmetology Standard Textbook, 2016 2. Milady Cosmetology Standard Workbook, 2016 NOTES TO EDUCATOR: 1. Review chapter, entire lesson plan, and Milady Standard Cosmetology instructor-support slides before the lesson. 2. Ensure that new terms are defined. 3. Refer to objectives. 4. Ask questions to assess understanding. 5. Ensure that learners are actively involved. 6. Reteach as needed.
  • 2. I. Cosmetologists Are Licensed A. Cosmetologists are licensed to perform services on clients in ways that are not permitted in many other occupations. B. Cosmetologists should consider it an honor to help others in their quest for well-being. C. Cosmetologists need an understanding of the anatomy and physiology of the human body to perform better services. II. Define and Explain the Importance of Anatomy and Physiology to the Cosmetology Profession A. Cosmetology is limited to: 1. Skin 2. Muscles 3. Nerves 4. Circulatory system 5. Bones (head, face, neck, shoulders, arms, lower legs, and feet). B. Understanding the anatomy can help you understand techniques to: 1. Do scalp massages 2. Facials 3. Manicures 4. Pedicures 5. Shampooing C. Understanding the bones and facial structure can: 1. Help style flattering hairstyles 2. Help apply makeup better D. Definitions: 1. Anatomy- Study of the human body structure that can be seen with the naked eye and how the body parts are organized 2. Physiology- Study the functions and activities performed by the body’s structures. III. Describe Cells, Their Structure, And Their Reproduction (Cells are the basic units of all living things –from bacteria to plants to animals to human beings. Without cells, life does not exist. The cell is responsible for carrying on all life processes.) A. Basic structure of the cell 1. All living cells are composed of protoplasm (proteins, fats, carbohydrates, mineral salts, and water are present). 2. Most cells contain a nucleus, cytoplasm, and cell membrane. -Nucleus-Found in the middle of the cell (like the yolk of the egg), an essential part of reproduction and metabolism. -Cytoplasm-Watery liquid surrounds the nucleus and is needed for the growth, reproduction, and repair of the cell’s protoplasm.
  • 3. -Cell Membrane-Part encloses the protoplasm and permits soluble substances to enter and leave the cell. B. Cell Reproduction and division 1. Cells can reproduce (provide new cells) and replace worn-out or injured ones. 2. Mitosis-Cell division into two called daughter cells. 3. An adequate amount of food, oxygen, and water, suitable temperatures, and the ability to eliminate waste products are needed for cell reproduction to happen. IV. Define Tissues and Identify The Four Types of Tissues Found in The Body A. Tissue is a collection of similar cells that perform a particular function. B. Body Tissue can be recognized by its characteristic appearance. C. Body tissues are composed of large amounts of water and other substances. D. The four types of tissue in the body are as follows: 1. Connective Tissue-Fibrous tissues that bind together, protect, and support the various parts of the body (For example, connective tissues, ligaments, tendons, blood). -Adipose tissue (Fat)- Gives smoothness and contour to the body (insulates and protects). 2. Epithelial Tissue-Protective covers body surfaces such as skin, mucous membranes, the tissue inside the mouth, the heart lining, digestive and respiratory organs, and the glands. 3. Muscle Tissue-Contracts and moves various parts of the body. 4. Nerve Tissue-Carries messages to and from the brain and coordinates all bodily functions. They are composed of special cells called neurons that make up the nerves, brain, and spinal cord. V. Name The 11 Main Body Systems and Explain Their Basic Functions A. Organs are structures composed of specialized tissues designed to perform specific functions in plants and animals. B. Body systems are groups of body organs acting together to perform one or more functions. *C. The Skeletal System: Forms the physical foundation of the body and is composed of 206 bones (Different sizes and shapes connected to movable and immovable parts). D. Primary functions of the skeletal system: 1. Gives shape and support to the body. 2. Protects various internal structures and organs. 3. Serves as attachments to help produce body movements. 4. Helps produce both white and red blood cells (bone marrow). 5. Stores most of the body’s calcium, phosphorous, magnesium, and sodium supply. E. Joint- Connection between two or more bones. F. Types of bones: 1. Bones of the skull-Two parts: -Cranium- An oval, bony case that protects the brain. -Facial skeleton-The framework of the face is composed of 14 bones. 2. Bones of the skull: -Occipital Bone-Hindmost bone of the skull forms the back of the nape.
  • 4. -Parietal bone Bones form the sides and top of the skull. -Frontal bone- Bone that forms the forehead -Temporal bones- Bones that form the side of the head in the ear region (ethmoid and sphenoid). 3. Bones of the face: -Nasal-Form the bridge of the nose (2). -Lacrimal bones- Bones located at the front inner wall of the eye sockets (2). -Zygomatic- Cheekbones. -Maxillae- bones of the upper jaw. -Mandible- Lower jawbone (most extensive and most potent of the face). 4. Bones of the neck: -Hyoid bone- U-shaped bone at the base of the tongue that supports the tongue and its muscles (only bone in the throat). -Cervical bone- The seven bones of the top part of the vertebral column, located in the neck region. 5. Bones of the chest, shoulder, and back: -Thorax- Known as the pulmonary track (sternum, ribs, thoracic vertebrae. Protects the heart, lungs, and other internal organs. - Ribs- Twelve pairs of bones forming the wall of the thorax. -Scapula- Shoulder blade. -Sternum- Breastbone. -Clavicle- Collarbone. 6. Bones of the arms and hands: -Humerus- Uppermost and largest bone in the arm. - Ulna- Inner and more prominent bone in the forearm attached to the wrist and located on the side of the little finger. -Radius- Smaller bone in the forearm on the same side as the thumb. -Carpus- Known as the wrist; eight small bones. -Metacarpus- Bones of the palms of the hand; five bones. -Phalanges (Digits). They are bones of the fingers and toes (three in each finger and two in the thumb). 7. Bones of the leg, ankle, and foot: -Femur- Bone located in the leg above the knee. The tibia is the larger of the two bones that form the leg below the knee. The fibula is more minor of the two bones that form the leg below the knee. -Patella- Kneecap. -Talus- Anklebone (foot is made up of 26 bones). -Tarsal- Heel bones and associated with it. -Metatarsal- Toe bones. G. Muscular System: The body systemthat covers, shapes, and holds the skeleton systemin place; the muscular systemcontracts and moves various parts of the body. H. Three parts of a muscle: 1. Origin- Part of the muscle that does not move and is attached closest to the skeleton. 2. Belly- The middle part of the muscle. 3. Insertion- The part of the muscle that moves and is farthest to the origin
  • 5. I. Muscles can be stimulated by the following methods: 1. Massages (hands, electric, vibrators, water jets) 2. Electric therapy-Infrared light/dry heat/moist heat/ 3. Nerve impulses 4. Chemicals J. Types of muscles: 1. Muscles of the scalp: -Epicanius- Covers the top of the skull. -Occipitallia- The muscle that draws the scalp backward. -Frontalis- Muscles of the scalp that raises the eyebrows, draw the scalp forward, and help cause wrinkles across the forehead. -Epicranial aponeurosis- Tendons that connect the occipitalis and frontalis muscles. 2. Muscles of the neck: -Platysma muscle- Broad muscle responsible for lowering the jaw and lip. -Sternocleidomastoideus- Muscle of the neck that lowers and rotates the head. 3. Muscles of the eye: -Orbicular oculi muscle- Ring muscle of the eye socket; allows you to close your eyes. -Corrugator muscle- Draws the eyebrow down and wrinkles the forehead. -Levator palpebrae superioris muscle- Controls the eyelids. 4. Muscles of the nose-Procerus muscle cover the nose’, lower the eyebrows, and cause wrinkles across the bridge. 5. Muscles of the mouth: -Buccinator muscle- Muscle of the cheek. -Depressor labii inferioris muscle- Surrounds the lower lip. -Levator anguli oris muscle- Raise the angle of the mouth. -Mentalis muscle- Elevates the lower lip and raises and wrinkles the skin of the chin. -Orbicularis oris muscle- Muscles around the upper lips that compresses/puckers the lips. -Risorius muscle- Muscle of the mouth that causes us to grin. -Triangularis muscle- Pulls down the corners of the mouth. -Zygomaticus major muscles- Muscles on both sides of the face used when smiling or laughing. -Zygomaticus minor muscles- Muscles on both sides of the face helps in smiling. 6. Muscles that attach the arms to the body: -Latissimus dorsi- Muscles covering the lower back (helps rotate the shoulders). -Pectoralis major/minor- Muscles of the chest that assist the swinging movements of the arm. -Serratus anterior- Muscles of the chest that assist in breathing. -Trapezius- Muscle that covers the back of the neck and the upper and middle region of the back. 7. Muscles of the shoulder and arm: -Bicep-Produces the contour of the front and inner side of the upper arm. -Deltoid- Large triangular muscle that covers the shoulder joint. -Tricep- Large muscle that covers the back of the upper arm and extends to the forearm. -Extensors- Muscles that straighten the wrists, hand, and fingers- -Flexor-Extensor muscle of the wrist.
  • 6. -Pronator- Muscles that turn the hand inward so that the palm faces downward. Supinator is the forearm muscle that rotates the radius outward and the palm upward. 8. Muscles of the hand: Abductors are muscles that draw a body part outward (fingers, arms, toes). Adductors are the muscle that draws a body part inward (fingers, arms, toes). 9. Muscles of the lower leg: -Extensor digitalis, longus- Muscle that bents the foot up and extends the toes. -Extensor halluces longus- Muscle that extends the big toe and flexes the foot. -Tibialis anterior- muscle that covers the front of the shins. -Peroneus longus- the muscle that covers the outer side of the calf. Turns the foot outward. -Peroneus Brevis- Muscle that bends the foot down and out, on the lower side of the fibula. -Gastrocnemius- Muscle attaches to the rear surface of the heel. -Soleus- Muscle that originates at the upper part of the fibula (bends the foot down). -Flexor digiti minimi- Muscle that moves the little toe. -Flexor digitorum brevis- Muscle that flexes the toes and helps maintain balance. -Abductor-hallucinate- Muscle that moves the big toe away from the other toes. -Abductor digiti minimi- the muscle that separates the fingers and the toes. ( Insert activity 5 on page 77 in the Study Guide book.) J K. The Nervous System 1. The nervous systemis a well-organized system composed of the brain, spinal cord, and nerves responsible for controlling all other body systems and making them work harmoniously and efficiently—neurology- The scientific study of the nervous system's structure, function, and pathology. 2. Divisions of the nervous system: -Central nervous system (CNS)- controls the voluntary muscles (five senses, consciousness, mental activities, body movements, facial expressions); consists of the brain, spinal cord, spinal nerves, and cranial nerves. -Peripheral nervous system (PNS)- Carries impulses or messages to and from the central nervous system. The autonomic nervous system controls the involuntary muscles (breathing, blood vessels, heart, glands). L. The brain and spinal cord: 1. The brain’s Largest and most complex nerve tissue; controls sensation, muscles, the activity of glands, the power to think, sense, and feel (12 cranial nerves). 2. Spinal cord- Portion of the nervous system that extends to the extremity of the trunk (31 pairs). 3. Neuron- Nerve cell. 4-Dendrites- Carry and receive messages. 5. Axon terminal- Extensions of a neuron set away from the cell body to other neurons, glands, or muscles. 6. Nerves- Impulses are sent through them from the brain. M. Types of nerves: 1. Nerves of the head, face, and neck- Sensory nerves:
  • 7. -Fifth cranial nerve- Largest of the face; it controls chewing. -Seventh cranial nerve- (facial nerve)- Chief motor nerve of the face -Eleventh cranial nerve- Controls the motion of the neck and shoulder muscles. 2. Nerves of the arms and hands: -Digital- Supplies impulses to the fingers. -Radial Nerve-Supplies the thumb side of the arm and back of the hand. -Median nerve- Supplies the arm and hand. Ulnar nerve- The nerve that affects the little finger and the palm. 3. Nerves of the lower leg and foot: Sciatic nerve- The longest and largest nerve in the body; it passes through the thigh. -Tibial nerve- Division of the sciatic nerve that passes through the knee. -Common peroneal nerve- Division of the sciatic nerve that extends from behind the knee to wind around other areas. -Deep peroneal nerve- Extends down the front of the leg. -Superficial peroneal nerve- Provides impulses to the muscles. -Saphenous nerve- Provides impulses to the inner side of the leg and foot. -Sural nerve- Supplies impulses to the skin on the outer side and back of the foot and leg. *N. The Circulatory System (Cardiovascular System) Controls the steady circulation of the blood through the body using the heart, arteries, veins, and capillaries that distribute blood throughout the body. The heart (the cone-shaped organ that keeps the blood moving within the circulatory system. O. The circulatory system is known as the cardiovascular/vascular system. 1. The vascular system controls the blood flow throughout the body through the heart and the blood vessels. 2. The circulatory system consists of the following: -Heart - Arteries -Vein -Capillaries 3. The heart is the size of a clenched fist. It keeps the blood moving within the circulatory system. 4. The heart beats approximately 60 to 80 times per minute. 5. Four interior chambers and valves of the heart. -Atrium (left and right)- Upper thin chamber that blood is pumped through. -Ventricle (left and right)- The lower thick chamber that receives blood. 6. Valves are structures that temporarily close a passage or permit blood to flow in one direction. 7. Two systems critical to the process of continuous circulation. -Pulmonary circulation- Takes deoxygenated blood to the lungs for oxygenation and waste removal and then returns that blood to the heart to deliver oxygen-rich blood to the body. -Systematic circulation- Carry the oxygen-rich blood from the heart throughout the body, and return deoxygenated blood to the heart. P. Blood vessels are tube-like structures that include arteries, veins, etc., bringing blood to and from the heart. Blood vessel types:
  • 8. 1. Aorta-Largest artery in the body. 2. Arterioles Small arteries that deliver blood to capillaries. 3. Capillaries- Tiny, thin blood vessels that connect the smaller articles to venules; bring nutrients and carry away waste materials. 4. Venules- Small blood vessels that connect the capillaries to the veins. 5. Veins- Located close to the outer skin; keeps blood flowing in one direction. Q. Blood is a red liquid that supplies oxygen and nutrients to cells and tissues and removes carbon dioxide and waste. Chief functions of the blood: 1. Carries water, oxygen, and food to all cells and tissues of the body. 2. Carries away carbon dioxide and waste products eliminated from organs. 3. Helps equalize the body’s temperature. 4. Works with the body’s immune system to help protect the body from harmful toxins and bacteria. 5. Seals leaks in injured blood vessels by forming clots. R. Arteries of the head, face, and neck: 1. Common carotid arteries are the main arteries that supply blood to the head, face, and neck. 2. Internal carotid artery- Supplies blood to the brain, eyes, eyelids, forehead, nose, and internal ear. -Supraorbital artery- Supplies blood to the upper eyelids and forehead. -Infraorbital artery- Supplies blood to the muscle of the eye. -External carotid artery- Supplies blood to the front part of the scalp, ear, face, neck, and sides of the head: -Facial artery (submental, Inferior labial, angular, superior labial) provides blood to the chin and lower lip, the nose, and the upper lip region. -Superficial temporal artery- provides blood to the muscles of the front, side, and top of the head. Some branches of this artery include: -Frontal artery- Supplies blood to the forehead and upper eyelids. -Parietal artery- Supplies blood to return the side and crown of the head. -Transverse facial artery. Supplies blood to the skin and masseter muscle (opening and closing the mouth). -Middle temporal artery- Supplies blood to the temples. -Anterior auricular artery- Supplies blood to the front part of the ear. - -Superficial artery- Supplies blood to the muscles of the front, side, and top of the head -Occipital artery- supplies blood to the skin and muscles of the scalp and back of the head up the crown. -Posterior artery- Provides blood to the scalp- the area behind the ear. S. Veins of the head, face, and neck: 1. Internal jugular vein- Located at the side of the neck to collect blood from the brain and parts of the face and neck. 2. External jugular vein- Located at the side of the neck; carries blood returning to the heart from the head, face, and neck. T. Blood supply to the arm and hand: 1. Ulnar artery- Provides blood to the little finger side of the arm and palm. 2. Radial artery- Supplies blood to the thumb side of the arm and muscles.
  • 9. U. Blood supply to the lower leg and foot: 1. Popliteal artery- Supplies blood to the foot 2. Anterior artery- Supplies blood to the lower leg muscles, skin, foot, first and second toes. 3. Posterior artery- Supplies blood to the ankle and the back of the lower leg. 4. Dorsalis pedis artery- Supplies blood to the foot. V. The Lymphatic Immune System 1. This system carries waste and impurities away from the cells and protects the body from disease by developing immunities and destroying disease-causing microorganisms. 2. The lymph vessels, the lymph, the lymph nodes, the thymus gland, and the spleen make up this system. 3. Lymph is a clear liquid that circulates in the lymph spaces of the body. 4. The primary functions of the lymphatic/immune system are as follows: -Carry nourishment from the blood to the body cells. -Act as a defense against toxins and bacteria and remove by-products (pus, dead tissue). -Remove waste material from the body cells to the blood. -Provide a suitable fluid environment for the cells. *W. The Integumentary System 1. The integumentary systemconsists of the skin and its accessory organs (oil, sweat glands, sensory receptors, hair, nails). 2. Integument means a natural covering (skin). *X. The Endocrine System 1. A group of specialized glands that affect the entire body’s growth, development, sexual functions, and health. 2. Glands are secretory organs that release some aspects from the blood to convert them into compounds. 3. Two main types of glands: -Endocrine (Ductless glands)- Thyroid/ pituitary glands release substances into the bloodstream. -Exocrine (Duct glands)- Tube-like glands such as sweat and oil glands. *Y. The Digestive System 1. The digestive system- (Gastrointestinal system) Breaks down food into nutrients and waste. 2. The digestive system consists of the mouth, stomach, intestines, salivary and gastric glands, and other organs. 3. Digestive enzymes- Chemicals that change certain foods into a soluble form that the body can use. *Z. The Excretory System 1. A group of organs responsible for purifying the body by eliminating waste matter. 2. Body organs crucial role in the excretory process:
  • 10. -Kidneys excrete urine (water and waste products). -Liver discharges toxins produced during digestion. -Skin eliminates waste through sweating. -Large intestines eliminate waste decomposed and undigested food. -Lungs exhale carbon dioxide. *A1. The Respiratory System 1. This system consists of the lungs and air passages that enable breathing (supplying the body with oxygen and eliminating carbon dioxide). 2. Respiration is the act of breathing 3. The lungs are the organs of respiration and are protected by the ribs. 4. The diaphragm helps control breathing. 5. Inhalation- Oxygen is passed through the blood (breathing). 6. Exhalation- Carbon dioxide collected from the blood is expelled from the lungs. 7. Oxygen is more essential than food or water. *A2. The Reproductive System: 1. This system performs the function of producing offspring and passing on the genetic code from one generation to another. 2. The reproductive system includes: (Female) (Male) -Ovaries -Testes -Uterine tubes -Prostate glands -Uterus -Penis -Vagina -Urethra 3. The reproductive system produces hormones: - Estrogen in females -Testosterones in males 4. These hormones can affect the skin in several ways (acne). 5. Cosmetologists can provide proper skincare. SUMMARY AND REVIEW As you study all the various subjects, you must understand the relevant anatomy to apply your skills effectively. -When cutting and styling hair, knowledge of the bone structure of the head will aid you in correctly sectioning for accuracy. -When giving massage services, you will need to massage from the insertion to the origin of the muscles, so you strengthen rather than stretch them. -Your understanding and application of proper nutrition and health will aid you in your professional work by reducing strain and fatigue. Summary and Review: •Why is the study of anatomy, physiology, and histology essential to cosmetologists?
  • 11. Answer: An overview of human anatomy and physiology is essential to cosmetologists because it will enable you to: -Understand how the human body functions as an integrated whole. -Recognize changes from what is considered normal for the body. -Understand the scientific basis for correctly applying services and products such as scalp manipulations and facials. Note: The answer to this question can be found on page 114 of Milady Standard Cosmetology. •Define anatomy physiology. Answer: The definitions of anatomy and physiology are: . Anatomy: The study of structures of the human body that can be seen with the naked eye and how the body parts are organized. It is the science of the structure of organisms or their parts. . Physiology: The study of the functions and activities performed by the body's structures. Note: The answer to this question can be found on page 115 of Milady Standard Cosmetology. •Name and describe the fundamental structures of a cell. Answer: The basic structures of a cell are: -Nucleus: dense, active protoplasm found in the center of the cell. It plays a vital role in cell reproduction and metabolism. The cytoplasm is the cell’s protoplasm; it is the watery fluid surrounding its nucleus and is needed for growth, reproduction, and self-repair. -Cell membrane: the cell part encloses the protoplasm and permits soluble substances to enter and leave the cell. Note: The answer to this question can be found on page 116 of Milady Standard Cosmetology. •Explain cell metabolism and its purpose. •List and describe the functions of the four tissue types found in the human body. Answer: The four types of tissue that are found in the human body are: -Connective tissue: Fibrous tissue that binds together, protects and supports the various parts of the body. Examples of connective tissue are bone, cartilage, ligaments, tendons, blood, lymph, and fat (called adipose tissue). -Epithelial tissue: Protective covering on body surfaces. Skin, mucous membranes, the tissue inside the mouth, the heart’s lining, digestive organs, respiratory organs, and glands are examples of epithelial tissue. -Muscle tissue: Contracts and moves various parts of the body. -Nerve tissue: Carries messages to and from the brain and controls and coordinates all body functions. Nerve tissue comprises special cells known as neurons that make up the nerves, brain, and spinal cord. Note: The answer to this question can be found on page 117 of Milady Standard Cosmetology. •What are organs? Answer: Organs are structures composed of specialized tissues designed to perform specific functions in plants and animals. Note: The answer to this question can be found on page 117 of Milady Standard Cosmetology. •Explain cell metabolism and its purpose.
  • 12. •List and describe the functions of the four tissue types found in the human body. •What are organs? •List and describe the functions of the main organs found in the body. •Name the 11 central body systems and their functions. Answer: The 11 central body systems and their functions are: -Circulatory: Controls the steady circulation of the blood through the body using the heart and blood vessels. -Digestive: Changes food into nutrients and wastes; consists of the mouth, stomach, intestines, salivary and gastric glands, and other organs. -Endocrine: Affects the growth, development, sexual functions, and health of the entire body; consists of specialized glands. -Excretory: Purifies the body by eliminating waste matter; consists of kidneys, liver, skin, large intestine, and lungs. Integumentary: It serves as a protective covering and helps regulate the body's temperature; it consists of the skin and its accessory organs such as oil and sweat glands, hair, and nails. -Lymphatic: Protects the body from disease by developing immunities and destroying disease- causing toxins and bacteria. Major organ systems are lymph, lymph nodes, thymus gland, and spleen. -Muscular: Covers, shapes, and supports the skeleton tissue; also contracts and moves various body parts. This system includes muscles and connective tissues. -Nervous: Controls and coordinates all other systems inside and outside of the body and makes them work harmoniously and efficiently; consists of the brain, spinal cord, and nerves. -Reproductive: Responsible for processes by which plants and animals produce offspring. These include females: ovaries, uterus, and the vagina. The male would consist of the testes, the prostate, and the penis. -Respiratory: Enables breathing, supplying the body with oxygen, and eliminating carbon dioxide as a waste product; consists of lungs and air passages. -Skeletal: Physical foundation of the body; consists of 206 bones that vary in size and shape and are connected by movable and immovable joints. The bones and joints make up the skeletal system. Note: The answer to this question can be found on page 118 of Milady Standard Cosmetology. •List the primary functions of the skeletal system. Answer: The skeletal system gives shape and support to the body; protects various internal structures and organs; serves as attachments for muscles and acts as levers-to produce body movements; helps produce both white and red blood cells (one of the functions of the bone marrow); and stores most of the body's calcium supply as well as phosphorus, magnesium, and sodium. Note: The answer to this question can be found on page 119 of Milady Standard Cosmetology. •Name and describe the three types of muscle tissue found in the body. •Name and describe the types of nerves found in the body and how they work. Answer: The types of nerves found in the body and how they work are:
  • 13. -Sensory nerves (afferent nerves): Carry impulses or messages from the sense organs to the brain, where sensations such as touch, cold, heat, sight, sound, taste, smell, pain, and pressure are experienced. Sensory nerve endings called receptors are located close to the skin’s surface. As impulses pass from the sensory nerves to the brain and back through the motor nerves to the muscles, a complete circuit is established, resulting in the movement of the muscles. -Motor nerves (efferent nerves): Carry impulses from the brain to the muscles or glands. These transmitted impulses move. Note: The answer to this question can be found on page 129 of Milady Standard Cosmetology. •Name and briefly describe the blood vessels found in the body. Answer: The types of blood vessels found in the body are: -Arteries: Thick-walled, muscular, flexible tubes that carry oxygenated blood away from the heart to the arterioles. The largest artery in the body is the aorta. -Arterioles: Small arteries that deliver blood to capillaries. -Capillaries: Tiny, thin-walled blood vessels that connect the smaller arteries to the venules. They bring nutrients to the cells and carry away waste materials. - Venules: Small vessels that connect the capillaries to the veins. They collect blood from the capillaries and drain it into the veins. -Veins: Thin-walled blood vessels that are less elastic than arteries. They contain cup-like valves that prevent backflow and carry blood containing waste products from capillaries back toward the heart for cleaning and to pick up oxygen. Veins are located closer to the outer skin surface of the body than arteries. Note: The answer to this question can be found on page 133 of Milady Standard Cosmetology. •List and describe the composition of blood. •Name and discuss the two main types of glands found in the human body. Answer: -Exocrine glands, or duct glands, produce a substance that travels through small tube-like ducts. Sweat and oil glands of the skin belong to this group. -Endocrine glands, or ductless glands, such as the thyroid and pituitary glands, release secretions called hormones directly into the bloodstream, which influence the welfare of the entire body. Hormones, such as insulin, adrenaline, and estrogen stimulate functional activity or secretion in other parts of the body. Note: The answer to this question can be found on page 138 of Milady Standard Cosmetology. •List the organs of the excretory systems and their functions. Glossary: 1. Endocrine- Controls hormones in the body that controls the entire body’s growth, development, sexual function, and health. 2. Integumentary-Provides protective covering and regulates body temperature. 3. Excretory- Eliminates waste from the body, reducing build-up toxins. 4. Neurology- The scientific study of the nervous system.
  • 14. 5. Sciatic Nerve- The longest and largest nerve in the body. 6. Abductors- Muscles that draw a body part such as a finger, arm, or toe from the body’s midline or an extremity. 7. Anatomy- The study of the human body that can be seen with the naked eye and organized. 8. Body Systems- Group of organs working together and acting as one function. The human body is composed of 11 major systems. 9. Physiology-The study of the functions and activities performed by the body’s structures. 10. Cells- Basic units of all living things (from bacteria to plants to animals-human beings). Questions: 1. The thyroid and pituitary are known as ____________glands (endocrine). 2. (True or False)- The ovaries, urethra, and pineal gland are all part of the reproductive system. (FALSE: The pineal gland has to do with the endocrine system). 3. The word __________ means a natural covering that protects the body (integumentary). 4. __________ is a fluid circulating throughout the body, carrying oxygen and nutrients to cells and tissues and removing carbon dioxide and waste from them (Blood). 5. The cardiovascular system is also known as the _________system (circulatory).