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                   CO-OPERATION PROJECT
YEAR         2008____                    PROJECT CODE________28812601__________________
1. Hankkeen perustiedot
1. Basic information on the Project

1.1 Name of Organisation registered in Finland

Suomen ylioppilaskuntien liitto SYL ry

1.2 Name of Organisation in English

National Union of University Students of in Finland

1.3 Name of Project in Finnish

Ammatti- ja yrittäjyyskoulutuksella paremmat työllistymismahdollisuudet Lusakan nuorille

1.4 Name of Project in English

Vocational and entrepreneurial education: increasing employment possibilities of young people in

1.5 Name of Project in other relevant language


1.6 Location of Project (country, province, village/community)

Zambia, Lusaka

1.7 Name of co-operation Partner

Kanyama Youth Programme (KYP)

1.8 Planned initiation and termination dates of the Project

January 2006- December 2008

1.9 Summary of the core idea of the Project and the key results and impacts achieved
    (see Project plan, 1.11.)

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The aim of this project is to diminish the negative effects of poverty by offering vocational training for
vulnerable people in Kanyama constituency in Lusaka. This would strengthen the self-sufficiency of the
people by improving their possibilities for employment, either as an employee or self-employed in small
scale business.

The project’s second stage focused on improving and further developing the operations of the KYP
Technical Institution. Key results achieved by the second stage of the project are:

-     Quality of education has improved
o means and materials for teaching have been improved
o staff have been trained
o teaching premises have been renovated
-     Image and reputation has improved
o marketing has improved from previous years
, the marketing strategy has been implemented the whole year round in 2008
o Marketing and Information Manager has been employed
o Internet pages have been designed but due to a virus problem they are not in function yet
-     KYP as an organisation has improved
o income generating activities have been surveyed
    - restaurant in KYP is working and profitable
o KYP is able to finance administrative activities

1.10 Financing summary
Year _____2008_____                                                                                 Euros
Project support not used in the previous year                                                       0,00
(incl. not withdrawn + withdrawn unused funds)
Support approved for the reporting year                                                             39 651,00
Total Project support available for the reporting year                                              39 651,00
Total Project support used during the reporting year                                                39 652,60
Funds not used, transferred to be used and reported in the following year                           -
(incl. not withdrawn + withdrawn unused funds)

1.11 Other financing of the Project during the reporting year, if any.
     Please state here the amount and source of this financing.

Technical Vocational and Entrepreneurship Training Authority (TEVETA) through Window four of the
TEVETA Fund financed the construction of a workshop (which shall now be used as a school hall), four
rooms’ offices and showroom. The project was worth ZMK 931,893,111-00 (approx. 184 155 euros)

Other finances were from the following sources:

Source                                                                       Amount contributed

Rent of offices................................................................................ K 122,750,000 (approx. 24 257
Students’ tuition fees...................................................................... K 88,469,000 (approx. 17 482 euros)
Sale of membership card and contributions................................... K 40,000 (approx. 8 euros)
Other income.................................................................................. K 18,011,000 (approx. 3 559 euros)

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Workshops and projects.................................................................. K 24,836,000 (approx. 4 908 euros)

Total finances from other sources.................................... K 254,106,640.73 (approx. 50 215 euros)

2. Co-operation Partner and co-operation procedure

2.1 How did the co-operation Partner participate in the implementation of the Project?
    (e.g. Did they provide labour, economic resources, other assets?)

KYP has been responsible for the project's implementation. KYP has provided the teaching premises
for the project, and carried financial responsibility for all local administrative costs (including
administrative staff), and maintenance of the campus area. KYP's own financial contribution is
composed of course fees of students, rental incomes from campus area businesses and from a cellular
network tower on campus premises, organization's membership fees and contributions, and incomes
from workshops.

2.2 Were there other parties involved in the co-operation (e.g. Finnish, local or international
    organisations or officials)? Please describe their role and involvement in the Project.

1.       The Lusaka City Council (LCC)

The LCC offered technical assistance to the board on various policy issues that affected the
programme. This was done through board meetings which included the senior representative of the
department of Housing and Social Services. The LCC has been instrumental in ensuring that KYP will
become a member of Trade Schools Coordinating Committee hosted by the LCC.

2.       The Association of CISEP* Users (ACU)

KYP being a member of ACU the implementation of Concept for Informal Sector Employment
Promotion through the KYP Service Centre continued. Information on business matters, market
development and other business opportunities was given to both existing and potential entrepreneurs.
The ACU has also partnered in a short course on modern roof making.

*Centre for Informal Sector Employment Promotion

3.       Kara Counseling (Umoyo Training Centre*)

Kara Counselilng continued its cooperation with KYP through Umoyo Training Centre by sponsoring
vulnerable girls for training at KYP.

*Umoyo Training Centre is a residential life skills program near Lusaka run by Kara Counselling, where
vulnerable teenage girls who are orphaned (mainly due to HIV/AIDS) are taught practical and income
generating skills. Orphan girls are chosen by their communities (by elders, local political leaders, or at
a community meeting). For one year a safe environment is provided for girls where they can learn skills
such as tailoring, farming, batiking and candle making. In addition the these income-generating skills,
they are taught family planning and HIV/AIDS prevention, household caretaking, financial budgeting,
personal health and hygiene and especially the importance of social responsibility, community values,
ethics and self-awareness. Umoyo also helps the girls with job placement or further training after
graduation. Many of these girls come study at KYP.

4.       Technical Education Vocation and Entrepreneurship Training Authority (TEVETA)

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TEVETA being the training authority was involved in the programme through their annual routine
inspection. They ensured that the recommended standards of training were met by KYP. It has
maintained its standards of providing training and remains under TEVETA rating at grade two (2) which
is the second highest standard for training providers in the country.

5.      Examination Council of Zambia (ECZ)

KYP is a registered examination centre under ECZ. ECZ is one of the examination authorities in
Zambia. ECZ provided independent qualified trade testers to conduct examinations at KYP.

6.      KEPA project advisor

KEPA project advisor in Kepa Office Lusaka has helped in communication and monitoring the project
in general.

3. Sustainability of the Project

3.1 How did predictable or unprecedented external factors affect the implementation of the Project?
    (economic, social, environmental or cultural factors)

Economic Factors
     National Electricity crisis directly affected training programmes for the institute as the whole
     country experienced power outages. This has affected computer lessons and Catering practical
     training for they entirely depend on electricity.
     The fuel prices in Zambia have increased steadily meaning higher production costs of various
     commodities. This in turn has increased the prices of training materials and tools. The
     international food crises raised directly the prices of food items used in Hotel and catering
     practicals. It has also formed pressure to increase wages.

Social factors
       Members of the general public have established backyard training courses in Tailoring and
       Designing. There are no considerations for the minimum standards of providing such training:
       the providing of these courses has negatively affected the enrolment for Tailoring and
       Designing in KYP.

Environmental factors
      The closure of the Soweto Market which is located directly opposite the Training centre affected
      the implementation of the programme for hundreds of marketers started operating right outside
      the training centre. This affected the cleanliness of the outside environment of the training
      centre, also school advertisement and messages got covered by make shift stores.

Political Factors
·      The illness and death of the Zambian President and the by-elections caused lot of uncertainty in
the country. Learning was affected and business operated with fear.

3.2 How has the local government, local organisation or the beneficiaries themselves taken
    responsibility for the economic sustainability and continuation of the Project?

Local Organisation (KYP)

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KYP has been working on strengthening existing business ventures and establishing new ones.
Strategies have been put in place to ensure that rentals from tenants are paid on time and students
complete paying their tuition fees before they graduate. A business plan is being developed to ensure
maximum utilisation of the newly built workshop.

Direct beneficiaries
During the reporting year the students have been more consistent in paying tuition fees as compared
to the previous years. The improvement in tuition fees payment has been significant.

Local Government
Local government is not doing much to ensure economic sustainability of the project; however efforts
are being made to ensure the involvement of the local government in financing community training.
The local Authority has introduced the ward development fund and there are efforts made to access
the fund for the development of community campus.
The area Councillor has been very supportive of the project. The Chief community Development officer
from the department of Housing and social services at Lusaka City Council has been helpful in
providing technical assistance to the board and management on matters of governance.

4. Beneficiaries

4.1 Who were the direct beneficiaries of the Project, and how many were there?

Students of KYP Technical Institute

A total of 114 students (66 male, 48 female) graduated from KYP during 2008. This is an increase of
almost 10% from the previous year. In addition, 69 students started their studies in July 2008, adding
up to a total of 183 students participating in KYP’s training programs during 2008. See summary below
for distribution according to gender.

Distribution of students according to courses

  Name of Course           July Intake      Jan. 2008          July 2008 Intake
                           2007             Intake
                           Male Female      Male    Female     Male      Female     Total
  Auto Mechanics           16      0        25       0         21        0          62
  Auto Electrical          10      2        9        0         10        0          31
  Hotel and Catering       4       7        3        16        3         27         59
  Tailoring and            0       12       0        10        0         8          30
  Total                         30 21       37       26        34        35         183

KYP as an organisation

KYP benefited from the project through the funding which assisted the programme to improve its
training standards at both centres. This was enhanced through provision of training materials and

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Teachers, staff and Board of Trustees of KYP

Four lectures and two administrative staff member were also beneficiaries of the project, since the
project has been financing the salaries and related expenses to the ones directly involved in the
implementation of project.

Several other actors also benefited from the project such as the Board of Trustees (13), implementing
staff and the employees liable to them (15).

4.2 Who were the indirect beneficiaries of the Project?

Zambian governmental actors such as the Ministry of Youth Sport and Child development benefited
indirectly from the project as it addressed one of the major needs of the youth in Zambia. The Ministry
of Science and Technology also benefited indirectly from the project, since they are responsible for the
provision of training to the people of Zambia.

Students’ families have benefited of the project through increased earning potential of their family
members and possible future trickle-down earnings.

KYP members benefited from the programme because it contributed towards meeting the goals and
objectives of the organisation, which are to “equip youths from their respective communities with
technical skills”.

Both the employees of the industrial attachments and future potential employees benefited from trained
workforce during their internship and after their graduation.

Other indirect beneficiaries were community groups (like drama and other art groups) operating at
KYP’s premises. Around 20-30 street children participated in arts activities, 30 girls were trained as
peer educators on a campaign against Gender based violence and Human Rights and over 500
community members were reached through drama performances on HIV and AIDS awareness.

If the project support granted was less than 20.000 €, please answer the following question:

4.3 How did the beneficiaries participate in the Project?

Students of KYP Technical Institute

Students gave feedback on how training should be improved at the two training centres, what they feel
could be done to improve their learning conditions and other services offered to the target group.
Students gave written feed back through answering assessment questionnaires, oral feedback by
organizing meetings between the student committee and the management and by giving anonymous
feedback through suggestion boxes. Students participated in the Annual Action Planning through
appointed representatives.

The commitment of students was verified through class reports, registers and minutes of the student
committee meetings. The class attendance of the students, which rated at about 98%, also assisted in
the smooth implementation of the programme, for students are the most important party in the
implementation of this project. The students had the responsibility to ensure that they paid tuition fees.

KYP as an organisation

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KYP’s tasks and responsibilities in this project involved identifying and recruitment of the target group,
appraising and supervising trainers during the project, ensuring that high quality training standards
were maintained, ensuring that work plans were developed at every level and that there was full
participation of all parties in the planning and implementation of the programme. The institute also
ensured that training materials where procured and were adequate to facilitate accurate acquisition of
skills by students.

Teachers, staff and Board of Trustees of KYP

Teachers had the responsibility to plan and provide quality training. They ensured that all educational
principles and documentation were put in place for effective delivery of Training. They also
recommended and gathered necessary training materials.

The board was responsible for setting policies and ensuring that there was effectiveness and efficiency
in the management of the project. The commitment of the board can be measured through minutes of
their monitoring and development meetings. They worked vigorously to enhance community
participation, transparency and accountability in the management of the project resources.

Members’ of auxiliary staff were given a chance to participate in the planning of the programme. They
were also given a chance to make submissions to management on future plans and effective ways of
improving the effectiveness of the project.

The annual action planning enabled departmental managers with the involvement of their respective
members to develop work plans for the year 2008. Top management’s responsibility was to ensure that
plans were in line with the KYP – SYL project plan. Other stakeholders involved in the planning were;
the Board, students and some members of the community.

Employees of industrial attachments

Employees of industrial attachments gave important feedback on the skills of KYP students doing
internships. KYP students were rated on the basis of appearance, punctuality, adaptability and quality
of work performed.

If the project support granted was 20.000 € or more, please answer the following question:

4.4 Please specify the way in which each group of beneficiaries participated in the Project.

5. Project objective, implementation and monitoring


5.1 Has the objective(s) of the Project remained the same as in the original Project plan? If they have
    changed, please describe how.

The objectives have not changed.

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5.2 Have the objectives of the Project been implemented by the activities as mentioned in the Action
    Plan? If the activities are different from the original plan, please state the reason for the change and
    the nature of the current plan of action. Has the Project proceeded according to the original

Most parts of the action plan have been followed as planned. Main activities are listed below.

1. Quality of the education

·     Tools were acquired for all courses
·     Teaching materials for all courses were acquired (i.e. food ingredients for catering)
·     There were visiting lecturers in all courses (Mechanic for Contract Haurage, Auto-electrician in
the Ministry of Agriculture Engineering workshop, Food Production Specialist running her own Hotel
and Catering service business, Diploma holder specialised in Men’s garments)
·     Educational visits to various companies were implemented: Hotel and Catering: Lilayi Lodge,
Precem Hotel; Auto-Mechanics: Mitsubishi Motors, Toyota Zambia; Auto-Electrical: Duly Motors, Auto-
World; Tailoring and Designing: Lusaka City Clothing Factory, Zambia National Service Clothing
·     Text books where acquired for all courses
·     Hotel and catering lecturer ’Mr. Lucky Kapambwe’ went back to Luanshya Technical and
Vocational Training to study Records Management which is phase two (2) of the Teaching
methodology Training. The Tailoring and Designing Lecturer ’Mrs Royce Banda’ was sponsored to
attend a two week Psychosocial Counselling and Conflict Management Training at the Lusaka Peace
·     Renovations were done to the toilet facilities at both campuses. A few touches were made to the
classrooms which had leaking roofs.
·     Communication skills were taught in each course by ETVO volunteers.
·     Entrepreneurial training has been taught part of the courses.

2. KYP’s image
·      Marketing strategy has been implemented throughout the year.
·      Series of ten interviews were held on Zambia National Broadcasting Corporation Radio Two.
The series helped in increasing awareness about KYP activities. ZNBC is public broadcaster which
enjoys over 2 million viewership and listeners country wide. Adverts were also transmitted on Hone FM
coupled with sponsored interviews. Radio Listeners were given a chance to send Short Message
·      Graduation ceremony held on 24th December 2008 at KYPT city campus was televised on MUVI
Television the most popular Television station in Lusaka. The graduation was officiated by the Director
of Development from TEVETA on behalf of the Ministry of Science and Technology Permanent
·      Posters were stuck around Lusaka compounds, invitation letters were sent to churches and
other community groups. Also newspaper adverts and advertising through City market notice board
was used as well as some meetings in church places and drama performances.
·      KYP participated in the National TEVET fair sponsored by Ministry of Science and Technical and
Vocational Training
·      Class room walls were repainted with the aim of improving the image of Kanyama Youth
Programme. Uniformity in colour was maintained.
·      Being the only Trades centre providing free computer training to the students has improved KYP
·      KYP worked with the local groups which included African Dance Factory, Kandodo memorial
theatre, Kanyama Arts Centre and Health Initiative project for Communities to address cross cutting
issues HIV/AIDS, Human rights, and civic education. The activities were conducted through community

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sensitisation programme using drama, workshops and public speaking. The community was also
sensitised on the activities and objectives of KYP.
·      HIV/AIDS awareness raising is integrated in training programme with the help of peer educator
from Family Health Trust.

3. KYP’s sustainability

·     Phase two (2) of the Training of Board Members was done in March 2008. All the Board
members participated in the one (1) day training programme that was aimed at enabling the Board
understand technicalities in policy formulation. The workshop was facilitated by a hired consultant.
    • There are subcommittees that meet three times a year between Board meetings. Also student
       representatives are allowed to participate in subcommittee work. For efficiency the number of
       subcommittees has been reduced from previous five into three. Subcommittees are:
           o project
           o finance
           o education
    • KYP’s own course related business venture started in September 2006 when the restaurant
       was opened. The restaurant has been running though with quite small profit margin. KYP has
       looked into ways to improve the restaurants profitability and surveyed the viability of other
       business ventures.
·     Annual review meeting was held in December 2008 at KYP city campus. Members of the
Community, Board Members, Students, Teachers and Management participated in the review
programme. The review enabled management understand the strengths and weaknesses exhibited in
the year 2008. The annual review was also an opportunity for various stakeholders to participate in the
planning process of the training centre.

The only deviations are:
-     Training manager David Zulu who started in December 2007 resigned in beginning of August
2008. The new training manager has not been employed. The operation of the institute and the
motivation of the teaching staff suffered due to the lack of training manager.
-     Teaching materials were acquired, but due to a tight budget, materials could not be guaranteed
for all courses at all times.
-     According to student feedback, the quality of the training materials and premises has not been
raised according to planned schedule.
-     Computer virus destroyed a computer where the design for KYP Internet pages was. Due to this
the website has still not been opened. There are attempts to recover the lost data on the affected
-    The annual general meeting was not held. Instead was the annual review and planning meeting
which was attended by the board, members of staff, students and representatives of other

If the project support granted was less than 20.000 €, please answer the following question:

5.3 Please estimate how and how successfully the objectives of the Project have been achieved from
    the beginning of the Project and during the reporting year.

If the project support granted was 20.000 € or more, please answer the following question:

5.4 Please describe the results that have been achieved since the beginning of the Project and during
    the reporting year.

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1. Quality of the education of KYP has improved

1.1.     During the reported year 114 students graduated.

1.2. Performance in terms of students' grades has increased, based on both theoretical and practical
assessments. See example below of Hotel & Catering Course:

Hotel and Catering July 2007–         Hotel and Catering Jan 2008 Total Students - 19
Total Students - 11
Grade                                 Number of             Grade
                                      Students              Number of
Distinction                           0                     Distinction
Merit                                 5                     Merit
Credit                                3                     Credit
Pass                                  2                     Pass
Satisfactory                          1                     Satisfactory    1

1.3. Almost all students were able to find traineeship placements (industrial attachment). KYP has
been able to build and maintain relationship with some hotels and other companies. This has made it
easier for the students to finds traineeship placement. The chart below shows the distribution of
students' traineeship:

Name of        Number of      Name of Institution
Course         Students
Tailoring                                    •Lusaka Clothing
and            0              4              Factory
Designing                                    •City Marketing
               0              15             Tailoring shops
               0              3              •ZNS factory

Automotive                                   •Zambia Army
Mechanics      1              0              Garage
               8              0              •MHA Motors
               5              0              •Mawaso Motors
                                             •Zambia Police
               4              0              Garage
                                             •Heavy Industrial
               23             0              Area garages

Hotel and                                    •Pre-cem
Catering       1              8
               1              6              •Gonde Lodge
               2              4              Lodge
               2              4              •LilayiLodge
               0              1              •Ndeke Hotel

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Auto-                                          •Heavy Industrial
Electrical      19             2               Garages

1.4. Students were able to find employment

Considering the dwindling formal sector, finding employment in Zambia is quite difficult. However, most
of the students have been able to get employment after proving their skills during industrial attachment.
The table below shows a comparison of employed students between the intakes of 2007 and 2008.

Hotel and Catering Jan 2007   Hotel and Catering Jan 2008
5 out of 10 students employed 9 out of 19 employed

Automotive Mechanics Jan 07        Auto Mechanics Jan 2008
8 out of 25 employed               7 out 25 employed

Auto electrical Jan 2007           Auto electrical Jan 2008
1 out of 10                        3 out 9 employed

Tailoring and Design Jan 2007      tailoring and Designing Jan 08
4 out of 10                        2 out 9 employed

1.5. KYP's teaching facilities and resources of education have improved

       - KYP has been able to acquire new teaching materials and books for all courses
       - The integration of entrepreneurship and computer training in all training programme have
       added value to the courses
       - KYP has established a computer room and this has enabled the students to acquire skills to
       use computers

1.6. Increse in staff motivation through training

       - The employee's attendance was rated at 95%, most of the absenteeism was due illness or
       other eventualities related to bereavements in the family

2. KYP is better known among employers and youth and has developed a better profiled image

       -KYP marketing has improved from previous years
       - The statistics below are collected from students' application forms about how they have
       heard about KYP:
             - 47% responded that they heard through friends who had benefited from the training
             - 42% through TV, radio and newpaper adds or posters
             - 11% through curch announcement
       - Number of enquires and applications has increased:

2007                                2008
1st Visit (inquiries)               2nd Visit         1st Visit       2nd Visit
                                    (Applicants)      (inquiries)     (Applicants)
3500                                200               3650            240

3. KYP's sustainability in the administration and financing has increased

       - Currently there are 20 tenants on the premises of the KYP. There are still many tenants who
       don't pay on time.

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- TEVETA grade was managed to keep in the second highest level (2) during the reporting
       - Increased self-finance through renting premises and operating a restaurant

If the project support granted was less than 20.000 €, please answer the following question:

5.5 How did the separation of responsibilities in the implementation of the Project work?

If the project support granted was 20.000 € or more, please answer the question:

5.6 Describe the implementation and monitoring procedure of the Project and the responsibility of each
    party therein.

Structure of implementation                          Annual General Meeting
                             SYL                       Board of Trustees                                TEVETA

           (monitoring and                                 Executive
           information)                                   Coordinator

                           Commercial and                Accountant               Training Manager
                          projects Manager*

          Marketing and                  Tailor                                         Lecturers
          Information                                              (tailoring, catering, autoelecrical, automechanics)


Bolded staff are part of the project (financed by SYL and Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland)

KYP is owned by the community (Kanyama constituency) who delegates control to democratically
elected Board of Trustees. The board develops policies based on the goals and mission of KYP and
employs management to put the policies into action. They monitor the process of how management
implements the activities and utilizes the resources of the project.

The board monitored the implementation of the project through quarterly reports from management
and by approving the budgets and withdrawals of project funds from the bank.

In this project, management has been responsible for planning, organizing, leading and controlling the
operations of the project. Management ensures that activities are implemented in accordance with the
project plan. Management comprises of the Executive Co-ordinator, Marketing & Information Manager,
Training Manager (who resigned in August, now KYP is looking for a new one) and the Commercial &
Projects Managers.

      Implementing staff (lower management)
The implementing staff ensured that activities were implemented in accordance with the objectives and
action plan of the institution. The implementing staff reports to the management.

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Auxiliary staff
Auxiliary staff's responsibility is to protect and help to create a conductive learning environment.


5.7 How did the responsible persons in the Finnish organisation follow the implementation of the
    Project and the use of financial resources? How did they participate in the implementation

The official monitoring is carried out by quarterly and annual reports which include the narrative report
and the financial report. In SYL the monitoring is done by the Project Coordinator (Teemu Sokka until
31.8. and Anni Vihriälä starting from 1.9.) and SYL`s advisory board of development cooperation
(KENKKU). KENKKU consists of 14 voluntary members of different student unions and it has meetings
every month. A great part of KENKKU`s work is also done by emails through which the members
discuss issues related to the project. Within KENKKU there is also a smaller group of people forming
the Zambia group that follows especially KYP-SYL project. The group has its own meetings in addition
to KENKKU meetings. The project coordinator reports to SYL board about the project.

During 2008 the monitoring has also been done by regular emails with KYP and phone calls when
needed. Kepa Zambia office´s Saara Kalaluka has also helped in the monitoring by conducting visits to
KYP and by emails.

In April of the reporting year a two-week monitoring visit was implemented by two members of
KENKKU (Satu Nieminen and Minttu Naarminen). During the visit there were meetings with KYP
board, management, teachers and students. Also Kepa´s project adviser Saara Kalaluka, Teveta´s
Development division director David Chakonta, ETVO volunteer Marita Häkkinen and other training
providers in the area were consulted. During the visit there were also discussions about the future
plans and partnership between KYP and SYL. There were some concerns about the insufficient
training equipment and materials. Also discussions were held over the general management of KYP.
Decision was made to continue the partnership and apply for a continuation of the project as in general
it was seen to be meaningful and reaching well the beneficiaries.

5.8 How did the local co-operation partners follow the implementation of the Project?

Teachers and the training manager gathered up once every month to a follow-up meeting. There was a
common meeting between all the teachers and all the members of administrative board where the
project and its budget were discussed. Executive Coordinator reported to the board of Trustees about
the progress of activities and about the project’s budget. The three sub-committees financial,
educational and project sub-committee, who work under the board of Trustees, each met quarterly and
discussed about the progress of the project. Student representatives of every subject and intake had
monthly gather ups with the teachers and the training manager.

5.9 What kind of qualitative or quantitative data was collected on the advancement of the Project?

-     The improved quality of teaching in KYP
      Students gave feedback through interviews, questionnaires, Annual Review Meeting, suggestion
box and by participating in the student committee.

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The amount and gender of students were compiled and the statistics were monitored.
        The development of students’ grades was monitored.
        The motivation and commitment of teachers were monitored through confidential discussions
within the work community and with teachers’ attendance register.
       The development of the facilities were monitored e.g. with the reports of TEVETA.
        Employers of traineeships were asked to fill in an evaluation form on the skills of the trainees.
The form contains details of the employer, personal details of the students, student’s practical
performance competence level, feedback on student’s work attitude and professionalism, adaptation to
modern equipment, and commitment towards work and adherence to workshop rules and regulations.

-      The improvement of the image and visibility of KYP among the employers and the youth
       The success of the marketing strategy was monitored by the statistics on the ways in which the
students had heard about KYP.
       Teachers and students reported both verbally and in written form for Training Manager about the
quality of industrial attachment places and how easy it was to get one.
       Success of marketing was monitored also by compiling statistics of the evolution of number of
applications and enquiries.

-     Sustainability of financial base and managerial working methods
      Tenants’ capability to pay rents has been monitored.
      TEVETA inspection report
       KYP’s first business venture’s (restaurant) financial sustainability was monitored.

5.10 How has the Project budget been realised? If the realised costs in one or more of the budget
     sections differ by 15 % from the planned costs, please explain here.

The project budget has been in most parts realised as planned. Deviations:
-The salaries were a bit lower because of the resignment of the training manager
-The audit costs remained the same as last year (the budgeted amount is a lot lower). The increase in
the audit costs was compensated in lowering the expenses in materials, procurements and

5.11 Where and how were the accounting and audit of the Project arranged?

The accounting and auditing of the project were arranged in Zambia. The accounts were prepared by
KYP, while auditing was performed by KJK and Associates, an independent and accredited auditing
firm. The selection of auditors was done by the board in cooperation with KEPA Zambia.

5.12 Has the organisation carried out an evaluation of the Project during the reporting year?
     If so, please state here the findings in brief. Please also attach the evaluation report.

There was no evaluation carried out during the reporting year.

5.13. How has the organization informed of the Project? Give details on the target groups, information
     material and distribution channels.

The members of KENKKU inform about the project in their own universities. SYL also has a mailing list
for all the university students interested in development cooperation issues and information about the
project can also be found in the internet on SYL`s development cooperation webpage.

                                                                                             Page 14/17
6. Lessons learned and the continuation of the Project

6.1 Describe the nature of problems encountered during the Project and the attempts to sove them.
    (e.g. in reaching the beneficiaries, working to keep to the timetable and other risks not included in

The budget has not been fully sufficient in relation to the activities. Further problems have been caused
by the increasing prices of commodities in Zambia resulting in high cost of teaching materials. This
situation has made it difficult for the institution to ensure adequate training materials and to function at
full capacity. There has also been increased pressure to increase the wages due to the increased cost
of living and food. The project caters only for part of members of staff and KYP is responsible of wages
of the other staff.

There have been efforts made to subsidise the high training costs using income from the rentals.
However there are some difficulties due to the poor response in payment of rental fees by the tenants.
KYP is keeping records and working to enforce system to receive the tenants’ payments on time. In
2008 a decision was made not to raise the tuition fees due to the focus on less privileged youth.
However the institution is looking at enhancing more Guardian or sponsor participation. There are
plans to form Guardian –Sponsor Committee. This would increase the understanding of the importance
of paying tuition fees on time and helping the institute generate more resources for practical training.

The training manager resigned in the end of summer and the hiring of the new training manager has
been prolonged. The institute has operated without training manager for the remaining months. This
has put strain on management and teachers.

There have also been difficulties due to an unclear situation concerning electricity bills before the year
2001. Due to the confusion in payment in electricity bills the electricity company figures that the
institute has not bayed it pills fully. This has resulted in them cutting the power in Kanyama Campus.
Management is making efforts to settle the dispute. The lack of electricity has affected the teaching in
Kanyama Campus. This does not affect City campus where for example computer lessons are toughed

6.2 Describe the next stages of the implementation of the Project.

The year 2008 was the last year of the project. There is a continuation plan made for the years 2009-
2011. In the continuation project more focus is set on updating the curriculum in order to meet the
needs of current job market and to strengthen entrepreneurship training. Attention is also given to
improve KYP’s financial and administrative sustainability.

7. Free-form description of the Project and its operation
(optional: if the other questions in this form are not suitable or sufficient to describe the
Project, please use this space to give additional information.)

8. Project costs and financing

7. Costs and financing of the Project                                 2008

                                                                                                Page 15/17
                                                            Project          Cost
Project costs                                               budget           performance

1. Personnel costs (Appendix 1)
Salaries and related costs of Finnish personnel                        0             0,00
Travel and accommodation of Finnish personnel                          0             0,00
Salaries and related costs of local personnel                      5 520         4 980,00
Other personnel costs                                                  0             0,00
Value of Finnish voluntary work                                        0             0,00
Personnel costs, subtotal                                          5 520         4 980,00

2. Activity costs (e.g. training) (Appendix 2)
Fees of hired experts                                               9 264       8 929,00
Other costs                                                         9 720      12 855,00
Activity costs, subtotal                                           18 984      21 784,00

3. Materials, procurements and investments (Appendix 3)
Procurement of materials and appliances                            4 200         3 701,00
Construction                                                       4 620         1 620,00
Other procurements                                                     0           302,00
Value of donated goods                                                 0             0,00
Materials, procurements and investments, subtotal                  8 820         5 623,00
4. Operation and maintenance (Appendix 4)
Operation costs                                                        420          0,00
Maintenance costs                                                        0        445,00
Operation and maintenance, subtotal                                    420        445,00

5. Monitoring and evaluation (Appendix 5)
External services (incl. experts)                                    820         1 707,00
Travel and accommodation                                           5 400         4 955,84
Other costs                                                        2 020         2 489,58
Monitoring and evaluation, subtotal                                8 240         9 152,42

Total implementation costs                                         41 984      41 984,42
6. Administrative costs (Appendix 6)
Salaries and related costs of administrative personnel             2 777         3 387,49
Office costs                                                         207            40,25
Statutory audit costs of the Finnish organisation                      0             0,00
Fund-raising and information                                           0             0,00
Value of Finnish voluntary work in administration                  1 680         1 236,00
Total administrative costs                                         4 664         4 663,74

Total project costs                                               46 648       46 648,16

   Administrative costs as a % of total costs ( max. 10%)           10,00          10,00

                                                            Project              Cost
Project financing                                           Budget           performance

1. Self-financing (Appendix 7)
Cash contributions                                                 3 517         3 517,00
Voluntary work and material donations                              3 480         3 478,56
Total self-financing                                               6 997         6 995,56
    Self-financing as a % of total costs (min 15%)                    15            15,00

                                                                                            Page 16/17
2. Project support from the Ministry for Foreign Affairs
Earlier allocation of project support
Support used during the project year                              39 651   39 652,60

Total financing                                                   46 648   46 648,16

9. Signatures

Place and date                                       Place and date

Signature                                            Signature

Name in Capitals                                     Name in Capitals

Position                                             Position

❏     Copy of the co-operation agreement between organisations (if it was not attached to the Project

❏     Report of the Board of Directors

❏     Financial Statement of the organisation
      (= income statement, balance sheet, notes to the financial statement)

❏     Audit report on the organisation's annual financial statements

❏     Auditor's assurance on the legal use of the Project funds


                                                                                           Page 17/17

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Mohd Adib Abd Muin, Senior Lecturer at Universiti Utara Malaysia

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Sam annual report_2008_fm

  • 1. ANNUAL REPORT FOR NGO DEVELOPMENT CO-OPERATION PROJECT YEAR 2008____ PROJECT CODE________28812601__________________ 1. Hankkeen perustiedot 1. Basic information on the Project 1.1 Name of Organisation registered in Finland Suomen ylioppilaskuntien liitto SYL ry 1.2 Name of Organisation in English National Union of University Students of in Finland 1.3 Name of Project in Finnish Ammatti- ja yrittäjyyskoulutuksella paremmat työllistymismahdollisuudet Lusakan nuorille 1.4 Name of Project in English Vocational and entrepreneurial education: increasing employment possibilities of young people in Lusaka 1.5 Name of Project in other relevant language - 1.6 Location of Project (country, province, village/community) Zambia, Lusaka 1.7 Name of co-operation Partner Kanyama Youth Programme (KYP) 1.8 Planned initiation and termination dates of the Project January 2006- December 2008 1.9 Summary of the core idea of the Project and the key results and impacts achieved (see Project plan, 1.11.) Page 1/17
  • 2. The aim of this project is to diminish the negative effects of poverty by offering vocational training for vulnerable people in Kanyama constituency in Lusaka. This would strengthen the self-sufficiency of the people by improving their possibilities for employment, either as an employee or self-employed in small scale business. The project’s second stage focused on improving and further developing the operations of the KYP Technical Institution. Key results achieved by the second stage of the project are: - Quality of education has improved o means and materials for teaching have been improved o staff have been trained o teaching premises have been renovated - Image and reputation has improved o marketing has improved from previous years , the marketing strategy has been implemented the whole year round in 2008 o Marketing and Information Manager has been employed o Internet pages have been designed but due to a virus problem they are not in function yet - KYP as an organisation has improved o income generating activities have been surveyed - restaurant in KYP is working and profitable o KYP is able to finance administrative activities 1.10 Financing summary Year _____2008_____ Euros Project support not used in the previous year 0,00 (incl. not withdrawn + withdrawn unused funds) Support approved for the reporting year 39 651,00 Total Project support available for the reporting year 39 651,00 Total Project support used during the reporting year 39 652,60 Funds not used, transferred to be used and reported in the following year - (incl. not withdrawn + withdrawn unused funds) 1.11 Other financing of the Project during the reporting year, if any. Please state here the amount and source of this financing. Technical Vocational and Entrepreneurship Training Authority (TEVETA) through Window four of the TEVETA Fund financed the construction of a workshop (which shall now be used as a school hall), four rooms’ offices and showroom. The project was worth ZMK 931,893,111-00 (approx. 184 155 euros) Other finances were from the following sources: Source Amount contributed Rent of offices................................................................................ K 122,750,000 (approx. 24 257 euros) Students’ tuition fees...................................................................... K 88,469,000 (approx. 17 482 euros) Sale of membership card and contributions................................... K 40,000 (approx. 8 euros) Other income.................................................................................. K 18,011,000 (approx. 3 559 euros) Page 2/17
  • 3. Workshops and projects.................................................................. K 24,836,000 (approx. 4 908 euros) Total finances from other sources.................................... K 254,106,640.73 (approx. 50 215 euros) 2. Co-operation Partner and co-operation procedure 2.1 How did the co-operation Partner participate in the implementation of the Project? (e.g. Did they provide labour, economic resources, other assets?) KYP has been responsible for the project's implementation. KYP has provided the teaching premises for the project, and carried financial responsibility for all local administrative costs (including administrative staff), and maintenance of the campus area. KYP's own financial contribution is composed of course fees of students, rental incomes from campus area businesses and from a cellular network tower on campus premises, organization's membership fees and contributions, and incomes from workshops. 2.2 Were there other parties involved in the co-operation (e.g. Finnish, local or international organisations or officials)? Please describe their role and involvement in the Project. 1. The Lusaka City Council (LCC) The LCC offered technical assistance to the board on various policy issues that affected the programme. This was done through board meetings which included the senior representative of the department of Housing and Social Services. The LCC has been instrumental in ensuring that KYP will become a member of Trade Schools Coordinating Committee hosted by the LCC. 2. The Association of CISEP* Users (ACU) KYP being a member of ACU the implementation of Concept for Informal Sector Employment Promotion through the KYP Service Centre continued. Information on business matters, market development and other business opportunities was given to both existing and potential entrepreneurs. The ACU has also partnered in a short course on modern roof making. *Centre for Informal Sector Employment Promotion 3. Kara Counseling (Umoyo Training Centre*) Kara Counselilng continued its cooperation with KYP through Umoyo Training Centre by sponsoring vulnerable girls for training at KYP. *Umoyo Training Centre is a residential life skills program near Lusaka run by Kara Counselling, where vulnerable teenage girls who are orphaned (mainly due to HIV/AIDS) are taught practical and income generating skills. Orphan girls are chosen by their communities (by elders, local political leaders, or at a community meeting). For one year a safe environment is provided for girls where they can learn skills such as tailoring, farming, batiking and candle making. In addition the these income-generating skills, they are taught family planning and HIV/AIDS prevention, household caretaking, financial budgeting, personal health and hygiene and especially the importance of social responsibility, community values, ethics and self-awareness. Umoyo also helps the girls with job placement or further training after graduation. Many of these girls come study at KYP. 4. Technical Education Vocation and Entrepreneurship Training Authority (TEVETA) Page 3/17
  • 4. TEVETA being the training authority was involved in the programme through their annual routine inspection. They ensured that the recommended standards of training were met by KYP. It has maintained its standards of providing training and remains under TEVETA rating at grade two (2) which is the second highest standard for training providers in the country. 5. Examination Council of Zambia (ECZ) KYP is a registered examination centre under ECZ. ECZ is one of the examination authorities in Zambia. ECZ provided independent qualified trade testers to conduct examinations at KYP. 6. KEPA project advisor KEPA project advisor in Kepa Office Lusaka has helped in communication and monitoring the project in general. 3. Sustainability of the Project 3.1 How did predictable or unprecedented external factors affect the implementation of the Project? (economic, social, environmental or cultural factors) Economic Factors National Electricity crisis directly affected training programmes for the institute as the whole country experienced power outages. This has affected computer lessons and Catering practical training for they entirely depend on electricity. The fuel prices in Zambia have increased steadily meaning higher production costs of various commodities. This in turn has increased the prices of training materials and tools. The international food crises raised directly the prices of food items used in Hotel and catering practicals. It has also formed pressure to increase wages. Social factors Members of the general public have established backyard training courses in Tailoring and Designing. There are no considerations for the minimum standards of providing such training: the providing of these courses has negatively affected the enrolment for Tailoring and Designing in KYP. Environmental factors The closure of the Soweto Market which is located directly opposite the Training centre affected the implementation of the programme for hundreds of marketers started operating right outside the training centre. This affected the cleanliness of the outside environment of the training centre, also school advertisement and messages got covered by make shift stores. Political Factors · The illness and death of the Zambian President and the by-elections caused lot of uncertainty in the country. Learning was affected and business operated with fear. 3.2 How has the local government, local organisation or the beneficiaries themselves taken responsibility for the economic sustainability and continuation of the Project? Local Organisation (KYP) Page 4/17
  • 5. KYP has been working on strengthening existing business ventures and establishing new ones. Strategies have been put in place to ensure that rentals from tenants are paid on time and students complete paying their tuition fees before they graduate. A business plan is being developed to ensure maximum utilisation of the newly built workshop. Direct beneficiaries During the reporting year the students have been more consistent in paying tuition fees as compared to the previous years. The improvement in tuition fees payment has been significant. Local Government Local government is not doing much to ensure economic sustainability of the project; however efforts are being made to ensure the involvement of the local government in financing community training. The local Authority has introduced the ward development fund and there are efforts made to access the fund for the development of community campus. The area Councillor has been very supportive of the project. The Chief community Development officer from the department of Housing and social services at Lusaka City Council has been helpful in providing technical assistance to the board and management on matters of governance. 4. Beneficiaries 4.1 Who were the direct beneficiaries of the Project, and how many were there? Students of KYP Technical Institute A total of 114 students (66 male, 48 female) graduated from KYP during 2008. This is an increase of almost 10% from the previous year. In addition, 69 students started their studies in July 2008, adding up to a total of 183 students participating in KYP’s training programs during 2008. See summary below for distribution according to gender. Distribution of students according to courses Name of Course July Intake Jan. 2008 July 2008 Intake 2007 Intake Male Female Male Female Male Female Total Auto Mechanics 16 0 25 0 21 0 62 Auto Electrical 10 2 9 0 10 0 31 Hotel and Catering 4 7 3 16 3 27 59 Tailoring and 0 12 0 10 0 8 30 Designing Total 30 21 37 26 34 35 183 KYP as an organisation KYP benefited from the project through the funding which assisted the programme to improve its training standards at both centres. This was enhanced through provision of training materials and facilities. Page 5/17
  • 6. Teachers, staff and Board of Trustees of KYP Four lectures and two administrative staff member were also beneficiaries of the project, since the project has been financing the salaries and related expenses to the ones directly involved in the implementation of project. Several other actors also benefited from the project such as the Board of Trustees (13), implementing staff and the employees liable to them (15). 4.2 Who were the indirect beneficiaries of the Project? Zambian governmental actors such as the Ministry of Youth Sport and Child development benefited indirectly from the project as it addressed one of the major needs of the youth in Zambia. The Ministry of Science and Technology also benefited indirectly from the project, since they are responsible for the provision of training to the people of Zambia. Students’ families have benefited of the project through increased earning potential of their family members and possible future trickle-down earnings. KYP members benefited from the programme because it contributed towards meeting the goals and objectives of the organisation, which are to “equip youths from their respective communities with technical skills”. Both the employees of the industrial attachments and future potential employees benefited from trained workforce during their internship and after their graduation. Other indirect beneficiaries were community groups (like drama and other art groups) operating at KYP’s premises. Around 20-30 street children participated in arts activities, 30 girls were trained as peer educators on a campaign against Gender based violence and Human Rights and over 500 community members were reached through drama performances on HIV and AIDS awareness. If the project support granted was less than 20.000 €, please answer the following question: 4.3 How did the beneficiaries participate in the Project? Students of KYP Technical Institute Students gave feedback on how training should be improved at the two training centres, what they feel could be done to improve their learning conditions and other services offered to the target group. Students gave written feed back through answering assessment questionnaires, oral feedback by organizing meetings between the student committee and the management and by giving anonymous feedback through suggestion boxes. Students participated in the Annual Action Planning through appointed representatives. The commitment of students was verified through class reports, registers and minutes of the student committee meetings. The class attendance of the students, which rated at about 98%, also assisted in the smooth implementation of the programme, for students are the most important party in the implementation of this project. The students had the responsibility to ensure that they paid tuition fees. KYP as an organisation Page 6/17
  • 7. KYP’s tasks and responsibilities in this project involved identifying and recruitment of the target group, appraising and supervising trainers during the project, ensuring that high quality training standards were maintained, ensuring that work plans were developed at every level and that there was full participation of all parties in the planning and implementation of the programme. The institute also ensured that training materials where procured and were adequate to facilitate accurate acquisition of skills by students. Teachers, staff and Board of Trustees of KYP Teachers had the responsibility to plan and provide quality training. They ensured that all educational principles and documentation were put in place for effective delivery of Training. They also recommended and gathered necessary training materials. The board was responsible for setting policies and ensuring that there was effectiveness and efficiency in the management of the project. The commitment of the board can be measured through minutes of their monitoring and development meetings. They worked vigorously to enhance community participation, transparency and accountability in the management of the project resources. Members’ of auxiliary staff were given a chance to participate in the planning of the programme. They were also given a chance to make submissions to management on future plans and effective ways of improving the effectiveness of the project. The annual action planning enabled departmental managers with the involvement of their respective members to develop work plans for the year 2008. Top management’s responsibility was to ensure that plans were in line with the KYP – SYL project plan. Other stakeholders involved in the planning were; the Board, students and some members of the community. Employees of industrial attachments Employees of industrial attachments gave important feedback on the skills of KYP students doing internships. KYP students were rated on the basis of appearance, punctuality, adaptability and quality of work performed. If the project support granted was 20.000 € or more, please answer the following question: 4.4 Please specify the way in which each group of beneficiaries participated in the Project. 5. Project objective, implementation and monitoring OBJECTIVE 5.1 Has the objective(s) of the Project remained the same as in the original Project plan? If they have changed, please describe how. The objectives have not changed. Page 7/17
  • 8. IMPLEMENTATION 5.2 Have the objectives of the Project been implemented by the activities as mentioned in the Action Plan? If the activities are different from the original plan, please state the reason for the change and the nature of the current plan of action. Has the Project proceeded according to the original timetable? Most parts of the action plan have been followed as planned. Main activities are listed below. 1. Quality of the education · Tools were acquired for all courses · Teaching materials for all courses were acquired (i.e. food ingredients for catering) · There were visiting lecturers in all courses (Mechanic for Contract Haurage, Auto-electrician in the Ministry of Agriculture Engineering workshop, Food Production Specialist running her own Hotel and Catering service business, Diploma holder specialised in Men’s garments) · Educational visits to various companies were implemented: Hotel and Catering: Lilayi Lodge, Precem Hotel; Auto-Mechanics: Mitsubishi Motors, Toyota Zambia; Auto-Electrical: Duly Motors, Auto- World; Tailoring and Designing: Lusaka City Clothing Factory, Zambia National Service Clothing Factory · Text books where acquired for all courses · Hotel and catering lecturer ’Mr. Lucky Kapambwe’ went back to Luanshya Technical and Vocational Training to study Records Management which is phase two (2) of the Teaching methodology Training. The Tailoring and Designing Lecturer ’Mrs Royce Banda’ was sponsored to attend a two week Psychosocial Counselling and Conflict Management Training at the Lusaka Peace Centre. · Renovations were done to the toilet facilities at both campuses. A few touches were made to the classrooms which had leaking roofs. · Communication skills were taught in each course by ETVO volunteers. · Entrepreneurial training has been taught part of the courses. 2. KYP’s image · Marketing strategy has been implemented throughout the year. · Series of ten interviews were held on Zambia National Broadcasting Corporation Radio Two. The series helped in increasing awareness about KYP activities. ZNBC is public broadcaster which enjoys over 2 million viewership and listeners country wide. Adverts were also transmitted on Hone FM coupled with sponsored interviews. Radio Listeners were given a chance to send Short Message · Graduation ceremony held on 24th December 2008 at KYPT city campus was televised on MUVI Television the most popular Television station in Lusaka. The graduation was officiated by the Director of Development from TEVETA on behalf of the Ministry of Science and Technology Permanent Secretary. · Posters were stuck around Lusaka compounds, invitation letters were sent to churches and other community groups. Also newspaper adverts and advertising through City market notice board was used as well as some meetings in church places and drama performances. · KYP participated in the National TEVET fair sponsored by Ministry of Science and Technical and Vocational Training · Class room walls were repainted with the aim of improving the image of Kanyama Youth Programme. Uniformity in colour was maintained. · Being the only Trades centre providing free computer training to the students has improved KYP image · KYP worked with the local groups which included African Dance Factory, Kandodo memorial theatre, Kanyama Arts Centre and Health Initiative project for Communities to address cross cutting issues HIV/AIDS, Human rights, and civic education. The activities were conducted through community Page 8/17
  • 9. sensitisation programme using drama, workshops and public speaking. The community was also sensitised on the activities and objectives of KYP. · HIV/AIDS awareness raising is integrated in training programme with the help of peer educator from Family Health Trust. 3. KYP’s sustainability · Phase two (2) of the Training of Board Members was done in March 2008. All the Board members participated in the one (1) day training programme that was aimed at enabling the Board understand technicalities in policy formulation. The workshop was facilitated by a hired consultant. • There are subcommittees that meet three times a year between Board meetings. Also student representatives are allowed to participate in subcommittee work. For efficiency the number of subcommittees has been reduced from previous five into three. Subcommittees are: o project o finance o education • KYP’s own course related business venture started in September 2006 when the restaurant was opened. The restaurant has been running though with quite small profit margin. KYP has looked into ways to improve the restaurants profitability and surveyed the viability of other business ventures. · Annual review meeting was held in December 2008 at KYP city campus. Members of the Community, Board Members, Students, Teachers and Management participated in the review programme. The review enabled management understand the strengths and weaknesses exhibited in the year 2008. The annual review was also an opportunity for various stakeholders to participate in the planning process of the training centre. The only deviations are: - Training manager David Zulu who started in December 2007 resigned in beginning of August 2008. The new training manager has not been employed. The operation of the institute and the motivation of the teaching staff suffered due to the lack of training manager. - Teaching materials were acquired, but due to a tight budget, materials could not be guaranteed for all courses at all times. - According to student feedback, the quality of the training materials and premises has not been raised according to planned schedule. - Computer virus destroyed a computer where the design for KYP Internet pages was. Due to this the website has still not been opened. There are attempts to recover the lost data on the affected computer. - The annual general meeting was not held. Instead was the annual review and planning meeting which was attended by the board, members of staff, students and representatives of other organizations. If the project support granted was less than 20.000 €, please answer the following question: 5.3 Please estimate how and how successfully the objectives of the Project have been achieved from the beginning of the Project and during the reporting year. If the project support granted was 20.000 € or more, please answer the following question: 5.4 Please describe the results that have been achieved since the beginning of the Project and during the reporting year. Page 9/17
  • 10. 1. Quality of the education of KYP has improved 1.1. During the reported year 114 students graduated. 1.2. Performance in terms of students' grades has increased, based on both theoretical and practical assessments. See example below of Hotel & Catering Course: Hotel and Catering July 2007– Hotel and Catering Jan 2008 Total Students - 19 Total Students - 11 Grade Number of Grade Students Number of Students Distinction 0 Distinction 1 Merit 5 Merit 7 Credit 3 Credit 0 Pass 2 Pass 8 Satisfactory 1 Satisfactory 1 1.3. Almost all students were able to find traineeship placements (industrial attachment). KYP has been able to build and maintain relationship with some hotels and other companies. This has made it easier for the students to finds traineeship placement. The chart below shows the distribution of students' traineeship: Name of Number of Name of Institution Course Students Male Female Tailoring •Lusaka Clothing and 0 4 Factory Designing •City Marketing 0 15 Tailoring shops 0 3 •ZNS factory Automotive •Zambia Army Mechanics 1 0 Garage 8 0 •MHA Motors 5 0 •Mawaso Motors •Zambia Police 4 0 Garage •Heavy Industrial 23 0 Area garages Hotel and •Pre-cem Catering 1 8 1 6 •Gonde Lodge •Sambalayas 2 4 Lodge 2 4 •LilayiLodge 0 1 •Ndeke Hotel • Page 10/17
  • 11. Auto- •Heavy Industrial Electrical 19 2 Garages 1.4. Students were able to find employment Considering the dwindling formal sector, finding employment in Zambia is quite difficult. However, most of the students have been able to get employment after proving their skills during industrial attachment. The table below shows a comparison of employed students between the intakes of 2007 and 2008. Hotel and Catering Jan 2007 Hotel and Catering Jan 2008 5 out of 10 students employed 9 out of 19 employed Automotive Mechanics Jan 07 Auto Mechanics Jan 2008 8 out of 25 employed 7 out 25 employed Auto electrical Jan 2007 Auto electrical Jan 2008 1 out of 10 3 out 9 employed Tailoring and Design Jan 2007 tailoring and Designing Jan 08 4 out of 10 2 out 9 employed 1.5. KYP's teaching facilities and resources of education have improved - KYP has been able to acquire new teaching materials and books for all courses - The integration of entrepreneurship and computer training in all training programme have added value to the courses - KYP has established a computer room and this has enabled the students to acquire skills to use computers 1.6. Increse in staff motivation through training - The employee's attendance was rated at 95%, most of the absenteeism was due illness or other eventualities related to bereavements in the family 2. KYP is better known among employers and youth and has developed a better profiled image -KYP marketing has improved from previous years - The statistics below are collected from students' application forms about how they have heard about KYP: - 47% responded that they heard through friends who had benefited from the training programmes - 42% through TV, radio and newpaper adds or posters - 11% through curch announcement - Number of enquires and applications has increased: 2007 2008 1st Visit (inquiries) 2nd Visit 1st Visit 2nd Visit (Applicants) (inquiries) (Applicants) 3500 200 3650 240 3. KYP's sustainability in the administration and financing has increased - Currently there are 20 tenants on the premises of the KYP. There are still many tenants who don't pay on time. Page 11/17
  • 12. - TEVETA grade was managed to keep in the second highest level (2) during the reporting year - Increased self-finance through renting premises and operating a restaurant If the project support granted was less than 20.000 €, please answer the following question: 5.5 How did the separation of responsibilities in the implementation of the Project work? If the project support granted was 20.000 € or more, please answer the question: 5.6 Describe the implementation and monitoring procedure of the Project and the responsibility of each party therein. Structure of implementation Annual General Meeting SYL Board of Trustees TEVETA Kenkku (monitoring and Executive information) Coordinator Commercial and Accountant Training Manager projects Manager* Marketing and Tailor Lecturers Information (tailoring, catering, autoelecrical, automechanics) Manager Cashier Students Bolded staff are part of the project (financed by SYL and Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland) KYP is owned by the community (Kanyama constituency) who delegates control to democratically elected Board of Trustees. The board develops policies based on the goals and mission of KYP and employs management to put the policies into action. They monitor the process of how management implements the activities and utilizes the resources of the project. The board monitored the implementation of the project through quarterly reports from management and by approving the budgets and withdrawals of project funds from the bank. Management In this project, management has been responsible for planning, organizing, leading and controlling the operations of the project. Management ensures that activities are implemented in accordance with the project plan. Management comprises of the Executive Co-ordinator, Marketing & Information Manager, Training Manager (who resigned in August, now KYP is looking for a new one) and the Commercial & Projects Managers. Implementing staff (lower management) The implementing staff ensured that activities were implemented in accordance with the objectives and action plan of the institution. The implementing staff reports to the management. Page 12/17
  • 13. Auxiliary staff Auxiliary staff's responsibility is to protect and help to create a conductive learning environment. MONITORING 5.7 How did the responsible persons in the Finnish organisation follow the implementation of the Project and the use of financial resources? How did they participate in the implementation themselves? The official monitoring is carried out by quarterly and annual reports which include the narrative report and the financial report. In SYL the monitoring is done by the Project Coordinator (Teemu Sokka until 31.8. and Anni Vihriälä starting from 1.9.) and SYL`s advisory board of development cooperation (KENKKU). KENKKU consists of 14 voluntary members of different student unions and it has meetings every month. A great part of KENKKU`s work is also done by emails through which the members discuss issues related to the project. Within KENKKU there is also a smaller group of people forming the Zambia group that follows especially KYP-SYL project. The group has its own meetings in addition to KENKKU meetings. The project coordinator reports to SYL board about the project. During 2008 the monitoring has also been done by regular emails with KYP and phone calls when needed. Kepa Zambia office´s Saara Kalaluka has also helped in the monitoring by conducting visits to KYP and by emails. In April of the reporting year a two-week monitoring visit was implemented by two members of KENKKU (Satu Nieminen and Minttu Naarminen). During the visit there were meetings with KYP board, management, teachers and students. Also Kepa´s project adviser Saara Kalaluka, Teveta´s Development division director David Chakonta, ETVO volunteer Marita Häkkinen and other training providers in the area were consulted. During the visit there were also discussions about the future plans and partnership between KYP and SYL. There were some concerns about the insufficient training equipment and materials. Also discussions were held over the general management of KYP. Decision was made to continue the partnership and apply for a continuation of the project as in general it was seen to be meaningful and reaching well the beneficiaries. 5.8 How did the local co-operation partners follow the implementation of the Project? Teachers and the training manager gathered up once every month to a follow-up meeting. There was a common meeting between all the teachers and all the members of administrative board where the project and its budget were discussed. Executive Coordinator reported to the board of Trustees about the progress of activities and about the project’s budget. The three sub-committees financial, educational and project sub-committee, who work under the board of Trustees, each met quarterly and discussed about the progress of the project. Student representatives of every subject and intake had monthly gather ups with the teachers and the training manager. 5.9 What kind of qualitative or quantitative data was collected on the advancement of the Project? - The improved quality of teaching in KYP Students gave feedback through interviews, questionnaires, Annual Review Meeting, suggestion box and by participating in the student committee. Page 13/17
  • 14. The amount and gender of students were compiled and the statistics were monitored. The development of students’ grades was monitored. The motivation and commitment of teachers were monitored through confidential discussions within the work community and with teachers’ attendance register. The development of the facilities were monitored e.g. with the reports of TEVETA. Employers of traineeships were asked to fill in an evaluation form on the skills of the trainees. The form contains details of the employer, personal details of the students, student’s practical performance competence level, feedback on student’s work attitude and professionalism, adaptation to modern equipment, and commitment towards work and adherence to workshop rules and regulations. - The improvement of the image and visibility of KYP among the employers and the youth The success of the marketing strategy was monitored by the statistics on the ways in which the students had heard about KYP. Teachers and students reported both verbally and in written form for Training Manager about the quality of industrial attachment places and how easy it was to get one. Success of marketing was monitored also by compiling statistics of the evolution of number of applications and enquiries. - Sustainability of financial base and managerial working methods Tenants’ capability to pay rents has been monitored. TEVETA inspection report KYP’s first business venture’s (restaurant) financial sustainability was monitored. 5.10 How has the Project budget been realised? If the realised costs in one or more of the budget sections differ by 15 % from the planned costs, please explain here. The project budget has been in most parts realised as planned. Deviations: -The salaries were a bit lower because of the resignment of the training manager -The audit costs remained the same as last year (the budgeted amount is a lot lower). The increase in the audit costs was compensated in lowering the expenses in materials, procurements and investments. 5.11 Where and how were the accounting and audit of the Project arranged? The accounting and auditing of the project were arranged in Zambia. The accounts were prepared by KYP, while auditing was performed by KJK and Associates, an independent and accredited auditing firm. The selection of auditors was done by the board in cooperation with KEPA Zambia. 5.12 Has the organisation carried out an evaluation of the Project during the reporting year? If so, please state here the findings in brief. Please also attach the evaluation report. There was no evaluation carried out during the reporting year. 5.13. How has the organization informed of the Project? Give details on the target groups, information material and distribution channels. The members of KENKKU inform about the project in their own universities. SYL also has a mailing list for all the university students interested in development cooperation issues and information about the project can also be found in the internet on SYL`s development cooperation webpage. Page 14/17
  • 15. 6. Lessons learned and the continuation of the Project 6.1 Describe the nature of problems encountered during the Project and the attempts to sove them. (e.g. in reaching the beneficiaries, working to keep to the timetable and other risks not included in 3.7) The budget has not been fully sufficient in relation to the activities. Further problems have been caused by the increasing prices of commodities in Zambia resulting in high cost of teaching materials. This situation has made it difficult for the institution to ensure adequate training materials and to function at full capacity. There has also been increased pressure to increase the wages due to the increased cost of living and food. The project caters only for part of members of staff and KYP is responsible of wages of the other staff. There have been efforts made to subsidise the high training costs using income from the rentals. However there are some difficulties due to the poor response in payment of rental fees by the tenants. KYP is keeping records and working to enforce system to receive the tenants’ payments on time. In 2008 a decision was made not to raise the tuition fees due to the focus on less privileged youth. However the institution is looking at enhancing more Guardian or sponsor participation. There are plans to form Guardian –Sponsor Committee. This would increase the understanding of the importance of paying tuition fees on time and helping the institute generate more resources for practical training. The training manager resigned in the end of summer and the hiring of the new training manager has been prolonged. The institute has operated without training manager for the remaining months. This has put strain on management and teachers. There have also been difficulties due to an unclear situation concerning electricity bills before the year 2001. Due to the confusion in payment in electricity bills the electricity company figures that the institute has not bayed it pills fully. This has resulted in them cutting the power in Kanyama Campus. Management is making efforts to settle the dispute. The lack of electricity has affected the teaching in Kanyama Campus. This does not affect City campus where for example computer lessons are toughed 6.2 Describe the next stages of the implementation of the Project. The year 2008 was the last year of the project. There is a continuation plan made for the years 2009- 2011. In the continuation project more focus is set on updating the curriculum in order to meet the needs of current job market and to strengthen entrepreneurship training. Attention is also given to improve KYP’s financial and administrative sustainability. 7. Free-form description of the Project and its operation (optional: if the other questions in this form are not suitable or sufficient to describe the Project, please use this space to give additional information.) 8. Project costs and financing 7. Costs and financing of the Project 2008 Page 15/17
  • 16. Approved Project Cost Project costs budget performance 1. Personnel costs (Appendix 1) Salaries and related costs of Finnish personnel 0 0,00 Travel and accommodation of Finnish personnel 0 0,00 Salaries and related costs of local personnel 5 520 4 980,00 Other personnel costs 0 0,00 Value of Finnish voluntary work 0 0,00 Personnel costs, subtotal 5 520 4 980,00 2. Activity costs (e.g. training) (Appendix 2) Fees of hired experts 9 264 8 929,00 Other costs 9 720 12 855,00 Activity costs, subtotal 18 984 21 784,00 3. Materials, procurements and investments (Appendix 3) Procurement of materials and appliances 4 200 3 701,00 Construction 4 620 1 620,00 Other procurements 0 302,00 Value of donated goods 0 0,00 Materials, procurements and investments, subtotal 8 820 5 623,00 4. Operation and maintenance (Appendix 4) Operation costs 420 0,00 Maintenance costs 0 445,00 Operation and maintenance, subtotal 420 445,00 5. Monitoring and evaluation (Appendix 5) External services (incl. experts) 820 1 707,00 Travel and accommodation 5 400 4 955,84 Other costs 2 020 2 489,58 Monitoring and evaluation, subtotal 8 240 9 152,42 Total implementation costs 41 984 41 984,42 6. Administrative costs (Appendix 6) Salaries and related costs of administrative personnel 2 777 3 387,49 Office costs 207 40,25 Statutory audit costs of the Finnish organisation 0 0,00 Fund-raising and information 0 0,00 Value of Finnish voluntary work in administration 1 680 1 236,00 Total administrative costs 4 664 4 663,74 Total project costs 46 648 46 648,16 Administrative costs as a % of total costs ( max. 10%) 10,00 10,00 Approved Project Cost Project financing Budget performance 1. Self-financing (Appendix 7) Cash contributions 3 517 3 517,00 Voluntary work and material donations 3 480 3 478,56 Total self-financing 6 997 6 995,56 Self-financing as a % of total costs (min 15%) 15 15,00 Page 16/17
  • 17. 2. Project support from the Ministry for Foreign Affairs Earlier allocation of project support Support used during the project year 39 651 39 652,60 Total financing 46 648 46 648,16 9. Signatures Place and date Place and date Signature Signature Name in Capitals Name in Capitals Position Position ❏ Copy of the co-operation agreement between organisations (if it was not attached to the Project plan) ❏ Report of the Board of Directors ❏ Financial Statement of the organisation (= income statement, balance sheet, notes to the financial statement) ❏ Audit report on the organisation's annual financial statements ❏ Auditor's assurance on the legal use of the Project funds ❏ Page 17/17