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Part II –Key Summaries
Differences between IFRS
Sako Mayrick -EMAC 1
• IPSAS 1/ IAS 1 – Presentation of Financial Statements
• IPSAS 2/IAS 7 - Cash Flow Statements
• IPSAS 3/IAS 3 - Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors
• IPSAS 4/IAS 21 – The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates
• IPSAS 5/IAS 23 – Borrowing Costs
• IPSAS 6/IAS 27 – Consolidated and Separate Financial Statements
• IPSAS 7/IAS 28 – Investments in Associates
• IPSAS 8/IAS 31 – Interest in Joint Ventures
• IPSAS 9/IAS 18 – Revenue from Exchange Transactions
• IPSAS 10/IAS 29 – Financial Reporting in Hyperinflationary Economies
• IPSAS 11/IAS 11 - Construction Contracts
• IPSAS 12/IAS 2 – Inventories
• IPSAS 13/IAS 17 – Leases
• IPSAS 14/IAS 10 – Events After the Reporting Date
• IPSAS 15/ - Financial Instruments Disclosure and Presentation, superseded by IPSAS
28 IPSAS 30
• IPSAS 16 /IAS 40 – Investment Property
• IPSAS 17 /IAS 16 - Property, Plant and Equipment
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• IPSAS 17 /IAS 16 - Property, Plant and Equipment
• IPSAS 18/IAS 14 – Segment Reporting
• IPSAS 19 / IAS 37 – Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets
• IPSAS 20/ IAS 24 – Related Party Disclosures
• IPSAS 21 / IAS 36 – Impairment of Non – Cash – Generating Assets
• IPSAS 22 / IAS NA - Disclosure of Financial Information about the General
Government Sector
• IPSAS 23/IAS NA - Revenue from Non – Exchange Transactions (Taxes and Transfers)
• IPSAS 24 / IAS NA - Presentation of Budget Information in Financial Statements
• IPSAS 25 / IAS 19 - Employee Benefits
• IPSAS 26/ IAS 36 - Impairment of Cash Generating Assets
• IPSAS 27/IAS 41 – Agriculture
• IPSAS 28/ IAS 32 – Financial Instruments: Presentation
• IPSAS 29/ IAS 39 – Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement
• IPSAS 30 / IFRS 7 – Financial Instruments : Disclosures
• IPSAS 31/ IAS 38 -- Intangible Assets
• IPSAS 32 /IFRIC 12 – Service Concession Arrangement: Grantor
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• Shows the presentation of accrual based FS
• Fundamental principles in preparation of FS
– Going Concern Assumption
– Consistency in presentation and classification
– Accrual basis of accounting
– Aggregation
– Materiality
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• Complete set of FS in Tanzania comprises of:
a. Three items
b. Four items
c. Six items
d. Seven items
e. None of the above
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• Complete set of FS comprises of:
a. Three items
b. Four items
c. Six items
d. Seven items
e. None of the above
Sako Mayrick 6
• Complete set of FS comprises
– Statement of financial position
– Statement of financial performance
– Statement of changes in net asset/equity
– Statement of Cash flow
– Directors Report
– A comparison of budget and actual amounts
– Notes (summary of significant policies and other
explanatory notes)
Sako Mayrick 7
• Explicit statement
– An entity should make an explicit and unreserved
statement of compliance to IPSAS in notes
– FS do not comply to IPSAS unless it complies with
all the requirements of IPSAs.
– No offsetting of
• Assets and liabilities
• Revenue and expenses Unless permitted or
required by IPSAS
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• Comparative prior information should be presented for
all amount shown in the FS and notes
– In case presentation or classification is amended, comparative
amounts should reclassified, and the nature, amount of, and
reason for any reclassification shall be disclosed
– FS are generally prepared annually. Contrary a disclosure is
– Distinction between CA/NCA to the CL/NCL should be made
• The current and non-current is measured in 12 months period from
reporting date (either settlement or recovery)
– The analysis of expenses in the SFP may be by
• Nature or by function
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• It is for users in public sector to monitor
appropriations or budget authorization
• Uses of resources in accordance with adopted
• Use of columnar format with separate
columns for budget amounts and actual
amounts and variance
• Disclosure of budgeted amounts that has been
exceed with details of the reasons thereof.
Sako Mayrick 10
• Accounting policies
• The judgments that management has made in the process
of applying the entity’s accounting policies that have the
most significant effect on the amounts recognized in the FS
• Key assumptions concerning the future, and other key
sources of estimation uncertainty, that have a significant
risk of causing material adjustment to the carrying amounts
of assets and liabilities within the next FY
• The domicile and legal form of the entity
• A description of the nature of entity’s operations
• Reference to relevant legislation
• The name of controlling entity and ultimate controlling
entity of the economic entity
• Sample FS on the Appendix to IPSAS 1
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Other Issues
• Going concern
• Consistency of presentation
• Materiality and Aggregation
• No offsetting unless permitted by IPSAS
– Revenue from exchange transaction
– Gain or loss from disposal of NCA
• Comparative information
– When the presentation of items is amended, comparative amounts shall be re-classified unless reclassification
is impracticable.
• Structure and content
– Identification of financial statements separate from annual report
– Each component of FS shall be identified clearly and prominently
– Name of entity, economic entity, presentation currency, level of rounding
• Reporting period; changes may be for realignment to budget
• Timelines; FS should be issued within six months of reporting date
• Directors Report is implied under Par. 149-150 of IPSAS 1
• Prohibition of Extraordinary Items
• Classification of expenses by function and by natureSako Mayrick 12
How IPSAS differs from IAS 1
• Different terminology
– Statement of financial performance vs statement of CI
– Net asset or equity while IAS 1 uses equity
– Use of the term income is not in IPSAS 1 it uses revenue
– IAS 1 defines IFRS to include IFRSs, IASs and SIC/IFRIC
interpretations but IPSA 1 does not define IPSAS
– IPSAS 1 does not explicitly preclude the presentation of items
of revenue and expense as extraordinary items either on the
fact of the SFP or in the notes. IAS 1 prohibits any items of
income and expense to be presented as extraordinary items
either on fact of the income statement or notes.
– IPSA 1 contains transition provision allowing non disclosure
of items that have been excluded from the FS due to the
application of transition provision in another IPSAS which is
not the case in the IAS 1
– Economic entity Vs Group of entities
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Does xxx comply with IPSAS 1?
• See the worked example 1
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• Major classification in the CFS
– Operating Activities (using direct (recommended) or indirect method)
– Investing Activities
– Financing Activities
• Cash equivalents includes
– Short term investment (less than three months from the date of acquisition) Readily
convertible to known amounts cash
– Exclude equity investments
• The use of direct method requires entities to provide a reconciliation of the surplus/deficit
from ordinary activities with the net cash flows from operating activities
• CF from interest and dividends received and paid shall be disclosed separately and
classified either operating, investing or financing activities
• CF from taxes on net surplus are classified as operating unless they can be specifically
identified within the F or I activities.
• Exchange rate for foreign denominated currency translation shall be the rate in effect at
the date of cash flows
• Cash flows from acquisition and disposal of controlled entities and other operating units
shall be presented separately and classified as investing activities with separate disclosure.
• Illustration of CFS is shown on appendices to IPSAS 2 ( SEE ALSO TRAINING NOTES 2)
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Does xxxx comply with IPSAS 2?
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How does IPSAS 2 differ from IAS 7
• Use of terms revenue, statement of financial
performance and net assets/equity Vs
Income, Income Statement and Equity
• IPSAS 2 allows either the direct and indirect
method to be used. Where a direct method
is used disclosure of reconciliation for
surplus or deficit to operating CF is required
in notes
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• IPSAS are authoritative policy statements
• In absence of IPSA, the use of judgment in developing and applying accounting policy for
– Relevant information for decision making needs of users
– Reliable, in that the financial statements
• Represents faithfully the financial position, financial performance and cash flows of an entity
• Reflect economic substance of the transactions, other events and conditions and note merely the legal
• Are neutral
• Are prudent and ; complete in all material aspects
– In absence of IPSAS management may consider most recent pronouncements of other standard
setting bodies, and acceptable public and private sector practices.
• Consistency application of accounting policy, change only when it is required by IPSAS
• All material prior period errors shall be corrected retrospectively in the first set of
financial statements authorized for issue after their discovery, by restating comparative
prior period amounts, or if the error occur before the earliest period presented, by
restating the opening SFP.
• A change from one basis of accounting to another basis of accounting is a change in
accounting policy Sako Mayrick 18
• When an entity changes an accounting policy upon initial application of an IPSAS that
does not include specific transitional provisions applying to that change, or changes an
accounting policy voluntarily, it shall apply the change retrospectively.
• when a change in accounting policy is applied retrospectively in accordance with
paragraph above, the entity shall adjust the opening balance of each affected component
of net assets/equity for the earliest period presented, and the other comparative
amounts disclosed for each prior period presented as if the new accounting policy had
always been applied
• When it is impracticable to determine the period-specific effects of changing an
accounting policy on comparative information for one or more prior periods presented,
the entity shall apply the new accounting policy to the carrying amounts of assets and
liabilities as at the beginning of the earliest period for which retrospective application is
practicable, which may be the current period, and shall make a corresponding
adjustment to the opening balance of each affected component of net assets/equity for
that period.
• When an entity applies a new accounting policy retrospectively, it applies the new
accounting policy to comparative information for prior periods as far back as is
• Usually the adjustment is made to accumulated surpluses or deficits
• Any other information about prior periods, such as historical summaries of financial data,
is also Sako Mayrick 19
• On initial application of IPSAS which has effect on
current period or prior period; entity shall disclose
a. Title of the standard
b. Change in accounting policy and reason for decision
c. Nature of change in accounting policy
d. Description of the transitional provisions
e. Effects of transitional provisions on future periods ( if
f. Amount of adjustment required
g. FS of the subsequent periods need not to repeat these
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• Is a result of uncertainties during reporting period
• It involves judgment based on available, latest
information e. g. Tax revenue due to government, Bad
debts arising from uncollected taxes, inventory
obsolescence, fair value of financial assets and financial
• Revision of an estimate does not relate to prior periods
and is not correction of an error
• This is not change in accounting policy
• The change shall be recognized by adjusting the
carrying amount of the related asset, liability, or net
asset in the period of change
Sako Mayrick 21
• It arises in respect of the recognition,
measurement, presentation or disclosure of
elements of financial statements
• Entity must correct material prior period
errors retrospectively in the first set of FS
authorized for issue by
– Restating the comparative amounts for prior
Sako Mayrick 22
How is IPSAS 3 different from IAS 8?
• Different terminologies; statement of financial
performance, accumulated surplus or deficit
and net assets/equity Vs. Income statement,
retained earnings and equity in IFRS
• Use of term income Vs. Revenue in IPSAS
Sako Mayrick 23
• Covers
– Foreign currency transactions and
– Foreign operations
• The reporting entity’s functional currency should be properly
identified based on primary economic environment
• Translation should be done for foreign currency items into
functional currency
– Initial recognition and measurement record the spot exchange rate
– Subsequent reporting dates
• Monetary items use the closing rate
• Non monetary items use the transaction date exchange rates that are carried at historical
• Non monetary items that are carried at fair value use the valuation date exchange rates
– Exchange differences arising from settlement and translation of monetary items at a
different rate should be included in surplus or deficit,
• Exception: for consolidated financial statement with foreign operation, the differences will
be recognized in the surplus or deficit on disposal of net investment.
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• The results and financial position of an entity’s
foreign operations for non hyperinflationary
economy are translated into presentation currency
– Assets and Liabilities are translated at the closing date of
the SFP
– Revenue and Expenses of each SFP are translated at the
date of transaction
– Resulting exchange difference are recognized as separate
component of net asset or equity
Sako Mayrick 25
How does IPSAS 4 differ from IAS 21
• IPSAS contains an additional transitional
arrangement allowing an entity, when first
adopting IPSASs, to deem cumulative
translational differences existing at the date of
first adoption of accrual IPSASs to Zero as in IFRS
• Different terminology e.g. revenue, economic
entity, statement of financial performance and
net assets/equity in IPSAS Vs. Income, group,
statement of comprehensive income and equity
Sako Mayrick 26
• The costs includes
– Interests, amortization of discounts or premiums on borrowing and
amortization of ancillary costs incurred in the arrangement of borrowings
• Accounting treatment
– Expense model – charge all the borrowing costs to expenses in the period
– Capitalization model – capitalize borrowing costs which are directly
attributable to the acquisition or construction of a qualifying asset
• It should be probable that the costs will result in future economic benefit or service
potential to the entity and costs can be measured reliably
• The model should be applied consistently to all borrowing costs that are directly
attributable to acquisition, construction or production of all qualifying assets of the
entity. Investment income from temporary investment should be deducted from the
actual borrowing costs
• Qualifying asset is an asset which requires a substantial period of time to make it
ready for its intended use or sale. Examples include office buildings, hospitals,
infrastructure assets such as roads, bridges and power generation facilities and some
• Capitalization rate (Weighted average of borrowing costs ) should be used if funds are
borrowed generally and used for the purpose of obtaining qualifying assets
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• Consolidated FS must include all controlled entities except
– If the control is temporary because the controlled entity is acquired and held exclusively with a
view to its subsequent disposal within 12 from acquisition
– Management is actively seeking a buyer
• Controlled entity is an entity controlled by another entity, known as controlling entity even if the
activities are dissimilar.
• Control is the power to govern the operating and financial policies
• Balances, transactions, revenue and expenses between entities within the economic entity are
eliminated in full
• Consolidated financial statements shall be prepared using uniform accounting policies for like
transactions and other events in similar circumstances
• Same reporting date within three months maximum range
• NCI is reported in net asset/equity in Consolidated SFP, separately from the controlling entity’s net
assets/equity and is not deducted in measuring the economic entity’s revenue or expense
• Surplus or deficit of the economic entity is allocated between minority and majority interest on the
face of the statement of financial performance.
• In the controlling entity’s separate financial statements: account for all its investments in controlling
entities, associates and joint ventures either using the equity method, at cost or as financial
– Under the equity method, subsidiaries‟ net assets (A-L) collapse into one line usually called
– Equity method is often called “one line consolidation”Sako Mayrick 28
• Caters for all investment where investor has significant influence
– Exception
• Venture capital organizations
• Mutual fund or unit trust or similar entity, such as investment linked
insurance fund that is measured at fair value
• The investment shall be classified as held for sell if its is acquired exclusively with
a view to its disposal within twelve months from acquisition and that
management is actively seeking a buyer and accounted differently
• Equity method is used for all investments in associates over which the entity has
significant influence ( Rebuttable presumption of significant influence if it is more
than 20% of voting power)
– The investment is initially recorded at costs and subsequently adjusted by
the investor’s share of the investee’s post acquisition change in net
– Investors’ statement of financial performance reflects its share in the
investee’s post-acquisition surplus or deficit
• Investor’s FS shall be prepared using uniform accounting policies for like
transactions and events in similar circumstances
Sako Mayrick 29
• JV is a binding arrangement ( IAS 31 uses contractual
arrangement) whereby two or more parties are
committed to undertake an activity that is subject to
joint control
• Applicable to all investments which investor has joint
– Exception
• Venture capital organization
• Mutual fund, trust or similar entity, such as an investment-linked
insurance fund that is insured at fair value
– It can be jointly controlled operations, jointly controlled
assets and jointly controlled entities. Each has different
accounting treatments Sako Mayrick 30
• Jointly controlled operations
– Venturer recognize the assets it controls and expenses and liabilities it incurs, and
its share of revenue earned, in both its separate and consolidated FS
• Jointly controlled assets
– Venturer recognize in its FS its share of jointly controlled assets any liabilities that
it has incurred and its share of any liabilities incurred jointly with other venturer,
revenue earned from the sale or use of its share of output of the joint venture, its
share of expenses incurred by joint venture and expenses incurred directly in
respect of its interest in the joint venture.
• Jointly controlled entities
– It permits two accounting policies
• Proportionate consolidated: under this method, the venture's SFP includes its
share of the assets that it controls jointly and its share of liabilities for which
it is jointly responsible. Its SFP includes its share of revenue and expenses of
the jointly controlled entity
• Equity method as described in IPSAS 7
Sako Mayrick 31
• The exchange transactions includes the
following events
– Rendering of services
– Sale of goods; and
– The use of other entity assets yielding interest,
royalties or dividends
• Revenue shall be measured at fair value of the
consideration received or receivable
Sako Mayrick 32
• Recognition
– Sale of goods
• When significant risks and rewards have been transferred to purchaser, loss of
effective control by the seller, amount of revenue can be reliably measured; it
is likely that the economic benefits or services potential associated with the
transaction will flow to the entity, and the costs incurred or to be incurred can
be measured reliably
– Rendering of service
• Stage of completion of transaction at the reporting date, provided outcome
can be estimated reliably, if not then recognize only to the extent of expenses
that are recoverable
– Interest (on time proportion based on effective yield on the assets),
royalties (substance of relevant agreement) and dividends ( when
shareholders right to receive payment is established)
• When it is probable that the economic benefits or services potential will flow
to the entity and amount of revenue can be measured reliably
Sako Mayrick 33
• FS of an entity that reports in the currency of a hyper-
inflationary economy shall be stated in terms of the
measuring unit current at the reporting date.
• Comparative figures for prior periods shall be stated in
the same measuring unit currency at reporting date
• Surplus or deficit on the net monetary position shall be
separately disclosed in the SFP
• For Public Sector entities, the budgetary information
shall also be restated into the same current measuring
• The economy is hyperinflationary when there is a 100%
cumulative rate of inflation over 3 years
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• It deals with FS of the contractor
– Contract revenue shall comprise of
• Initial amount agreed in the contract;
• Variations in the contract work;
• Claims;
• Incentive payments; to the extent which the result of
revenue can be measured reliably.
– Contract revenue is measured at fair value of
consideration received or receivable
– Contract cost shall comprise of costs directly related
to specific contract, and are allocated to contract on
systematic and rational basis
Sako Mayrick 35
• Covers
– Cost determination, expense recognition, write-down to the
– Guidance on the cost formula that are used to assign costs to
• Inventories are measured at
– Lower of COST and NRV ( for exchange transactions)
– If they are acquire through a non-exchange transaction, the cost
shall be measured at their fair value as at the date of
– Lower of cost and current replacement costs if they are held for
• Distribution at no charge or a nominal charge; or
• Consumption in the production process of goods to be distributed at
no charge or for nominal charge
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• The costs includes; purchase costs, conversion cost ( material, labor and
overhead) and other costs to bring the inventory into its present location and
condition, but not foreign exchange differences and selling costs
• An entity shall apply the same cost formula for all inventories having similar
nature and use to the entity
• For interchangeable items, cost is determined either by
– FIFO or Weighted average basis, LIFO is not permitted
• For inventories with different nature and use, different cost formulas may be
• When the inventory is sold, exchanged or distributed, the carrying amount
shall be recognized as an expense in the period in which the related revenue
is recognized. If there is no related revenue, the expense is recognized when
goods are distributed or related services have been rendered
• Write down to NRV are recognized as an expense in the period the loss or the
write down occurs. Reversals arising from the increase in NRV are recognized
as reduction of inventory expense in the period in which they occur.
Sako Mayrick 37
• Scope
– Explains appropriate accounting policies and disclosures to
apply in relation to finance and operating leases
• There are two types of leases
– Finance lease – it transfers substantially all risks and
rewards incidental to ownership of an asset. The title may
or may not be eventually transferred
• Eg. It covers substantially all the asset’s life or present value of
lease payment is substantially equal to the assets fair value
– Operating lease
• The land and building element of the lease of land and buildings
are considered separately for purpose of lease classification
Sako Mayrick 38
• Finance leases – lessee’s Accounting:
– Assets and liabilities are recognized at lower of
present value of minimum lease payments and
the fair value of the assets, determined at
inception of the lease. Discount rate shall be
interest rate implicit in the lease or the
incremental borrowing rate
– Depreciation policy is as for owned assets
– Finance lease payment – apportioned between
interest and reduction in outstanding liability
Sako Mayrick 39
• Finance Leases - Lessor’s Accounting
– An amount equal to the net investment in lease is recognized as a receivable in the SFP
– Finance revenue is recognized based on a pattern reflecting a constant periodic rate of return
on the lessor’s net investment
• Operating leases – lessee’s Accounting
– Lease payments are recognized as an expense in the SFPerformance on the straight line basis
over the lease term
• Operating leases – lessor’s accounting
– Assets held for operating leases shall be presented in the statement of financial position
according to the nature of assets
– Lease revenue shall be recognized on a straight line basis over the lease term
• Lessors of operating leases shall add initial direct costs incurred in negotiating
and arranging an operating lease to the carrying amount of the leased asset and
recognize them as an expense over the lease term on the same basis as the
lease revenue
• Sale and leaseback transaction will depend on whether these are essentially
finance or operating leases. Sako Mayrick 40
• Scope
– Describes as to when an entity shall adjust its FS for events
after the reporting date
– Disclosure to give when the FS were authorized for issue,
and about events after reporting date
• EARD are favorable and unfavorable events that
occur between the reporting date and the date when
the FS are authorized for issue.
• There are two types
– Adjusting events
– Non adjusting events
Sako Mayrick 41
• Adjusting events are those that provide evidence of conditions that existed at the reporting date – adjust the FS to
reflect those events that provide evidence of condition that existed at the reporting date e.g. settlement of court
case after reporting date, that confirms that the entity had an obligation at reporting date)
• Non-adjusting events are those that are indicative of the conditions that arose after the reporting date but do not
adjust the FS to reflect the events that arose after the reporting date e.g. decline in fair value of property after year
end, which does not change the valuation of property at the reporting date)
• Dividend proposed or declared after the reporting date shall not be recognized as a liability at the reporting date.
Disclosure is required
• An entity should not prepare its FS on the going concern basis if events after the reporting date indicate that the
going concern assumption is not appropriate ( e.g. if there is an intention to liquidate the entity or cease
operations after reporting date, or that there is no realistic alternative to do so)
• The entity shall disclose the date its FS were authorized for issue and who gave that authorization. If another body
has the power to amend the FS after issuance, the entity shall disclose the fact
• If an entity obtains information after the reporting date, but before the FS are authorized for issue, about
conditions that existed at the reporting date, the entity shall update disclosures that relate to these conditions in
the light of the new information
• An entity shall disclose the following for each material category of non adjusting event after the reporting date
– The nature of the event and
– An estimate of its financial effect, or a statement that such an estimate cannot be made
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• Scope
– Accounting treatment of IP and related disclosures
• IP is a land or buildings held (whether by the owner
or under a finance lease) to earn rentals or for capital
appreciation or both, rather than for
– Use in the production or supply of goods or
services or for administrative purposes
– Sale in the ordinary course of operations
Sako Mayrick 43
• Recognition of IP
– Only if the future economic benefit or service potential associated with the investment
property will flow to the entity
– The cost or fair value of the IP can be measured reliably
• Measurement
– Initially at cost including the transaction costs; if it has been acquired through non
exchange transaction than at its fair value at the date of acquisition
– Afterwards use either of two models
• Fair value model; IP is measured at fair value and changes in FV are recognized in
surplus or deficit for the period in which it arises
• Cost model; investment property is measured at depreciated costs less any
accumulated impairment losses. FV of the investment property shall still be
– A chosen measurement model shall be applied to all the entity’s investment property
– If an entity uses the FV model, but when a particular property is acquired, there is clear
evidence that the entity will not be able to determine FV on continuing basis, the cost
model is used for that property – and it shall continue to be used until disposal of that
property. In that case,the residual value of the investment property shall be assumed
– Change from one model to another shall be made only if the change will result in a more
appropriate presentation ( highly unlikely for change from FV to cost model)
Sako Mayrick 44
• Scope
– Explains principles for initial recognition and subsequent accounting (Carrying Amounts and
depreciation charges and impairment losses)
• Recognition
– PPE shall be recognized as assets if, it is probable that the future economic benefit or
service potential associated with the item will flow to the entity, and the cost or FV of the
item can be measured reliably
– Heritage assets are optional for IPSAS 17
– IPSAS 17 also covers other assets such as Military equipment, infrastructure assets e.g. road
networks, sewer systems and communication networks
– Initial recognition is done at cost which includes costs necessary to get the assets ready for
its intended use. For non exchange assets, its cost is its fair value as at the date of
acquisition. If payment is deferred, interest shall be recognized
– Subsequent to acquisition, there are two accounting model for the entire class of PPE
• Cost model: the asset is carried at cost less depreciation and impairment losses
• Revaluation model: the asset is carried at revalued amount, which is fair value at
revaluation date less subsequent depreciation and impairment losses
Sako Mayrick 45
• Revaluation Model
– Revaluations shall be carried out regularly. All items of a given class
shall be revalued. Revaluation increases shall be credited directly to
revaluation surplus.
– Increases shall be recognized as revenue in surplus or deficit to the
extent that it reverses a revaluation decreases of the same class of
asset previously recognized as an expense in the surplus or deficit.
– Decreases are debited first against the revaluation surplus related
to the same class of assets, and any excess against surplus or
– When the asset is disposed off, the revaluation surplus is
transferred directly to accumulated surpluses or deficits and is not
recycled through surplus or deficit.
Sako Mayrick 46
• Each part of PPE that is significant in relation to the total cost of an
item shall be depreciated separately
• Depreciation is charged systematically over the asset’s useful life. It
must reflect the pattern in which the asset’s future economic benefits
or service potential is expected to be consumed by the entity.
• The residual value must be reviewed must be reviewed at least
annually and shall equal the amount the entity would receive
currently if the assets were already of the age and condition expected
a the end of its useful life.
• If operation of an item of PPE (e.g. aircraft) requires regular major
inspections, when each major inspections is performed, its cost is
recognized in the carrying amount of the asset as a replacement, if
the recognition criteria are satisfied.
Sako Mayrick 47
• Land and buildings are separable assets and are accounted separately, even when they are
acquired together. Land has normally unlimited useful life, and therefore is not depreciated
• To determine whether an item of PPE is impaired, the entity applies IPSAS 21 or IPSAS 26 as
• All exchange of PPE shall be measured at FV, including exchanges of similar items, unless
the exchange transaction lack commercial substance or the fair value of neither the asset
received nor the asset given up is reliably measurable
• The carrying amount of item of PPE must be derecognized
– On disposal, or
– When no future economic benefit or service potential is expected from its use or disposal
• The gains of disposal shall be included in surplus or deficit and shall not be classified as
• IPSAS 17 contains transitional provisions allowing entities not to recognize PPE for reporting
periods beginning on the date within five years following the date of first adoption of
accrual accounting in accordance with IPSAS
• The transitional provisions allows entities to recognize the PPE at cost or fair value on first
adopting of the standard
Sako Mayrick 48
• PPE (send request from
Sako Mayrick 49
Review of xxxx Financials
• Request for appendix 1 at
Sako Mayrick 50

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Ipsas training part ii differences btn ipsas and ifrs

  • 1. INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC SECTOR ACCOUNTING STANDARDS Part II –Key Summaries Differences between IFRS and IPSAS Sako Mayrick -EMAC 1
  • 2. KEY IPSAS • IPSAS 1/ IAS 1 – Presentation of Financial Statements • IPSAS 2/IAS 7 - Cash Flow Statements • IPSAS 3/IAS 3 - Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors • IPSAS 4/IAS 21 – The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates • IPSAS 5/IAS 23 – Borrowing Costs • IPSAS 6/IAS 27 – Consolidated and Separate Financial Statements • IPSAS 7/IAS 28 – Investments in Associates • IPSAS 8/IAS 31 – Interest in Joint Ventures • IPSAS 9/IAS 18 – Revenue from Exchange Transactions • IPSAS 10/IAS 29 – Financial Reporting in Hyperinflationary Economies • IPSAS 11/IAS 11 - Construction Contracts • IPSAS 12/IAS 2 – Inventories • IPSAS 13/IAS 17 – Leases • IPSAS 14/IAS 10 – Events After the Reporting Date • IPSAS 15/ - Financial Instruments Disclosure and Presentation, superseded by IPSAS 28 IPSAS 30 • IPSAS 16 /IAS 40 – Investment Property • IPSAS 17 /IAS 16 - Property, Plant and Equipment Sako Mayrick 2
  • 3. KEY IPSAS • IPSAS 17 /IAS 16 - Property, Plant and Equipment • IPSAS 18/IAS 14 – Segment Reporting • IPSAS 19 / IAS 37 – Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets • IPSAS 20/ IAS 24 – Related Party Disclosures • IPSAS 21 / IAS 36 – Impairment of Non – Cash – Generating Assets • IPSAS 22 / IAS NA - Disclosure of Financial Information about the General Government Sector • IPSAS 23/IAS NA - Revenue from Non – Exchange Transactions (Taxes and Transfers) • IPSAS 24 / IAS NA - Presentation of Budget Information in Financial Statements • IPSAS 25 / IAS 19 - Employee Benefits • IPSAS 26/ IAS 36 - Impairment of Cash Generating Assets • IPSAS 27/IAS 41 – Agriculture • IPSAS 28/ IAS 32 – Financial Instruments: Presentation • IPSAS 29/ IAS 39 – Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement • IPSAS 30 / IFRS 7 – Financial Instruments : Disclosures • IPSAS 31/ IAS 38 -- Intangible Assets • IPSAS 32 /IFRIC 12 – Service Concession Arrangement: Grantor Sako Mayrick 3
  • 4. IPSAS 1 PRESENTATION OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS • Shows the presentation of accrual based FS • Fundamental principles in preparation of FS – Going Concern Assumption – Consistency in presentation and classification – Accrual basis of accounting – Aggregation – Materiality Sako Mayrick 4
  • 5. IPSAS 1 PRESENTATION OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS • Complete set of FS in Tanzania comprises of: a. Three items b. Four items c. Six items d. Seven items e. None of the above Sako Mayrick 5
  • 6. IPSAS 1 PRESENTATION OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS • Complete set of FS comprises of: a. Three items b. Four items c. Six items d. Seven items e. None of the above Sako Mayrick 6
  • 7. IPSAS 1 PRESENTATION OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS • Complete set of FS comprises – Statement of financial position – Statement of financial performance – Statement of changes in net asset/equity – Statement of Cash flow – Directors Report – A comparison of budget and actual amounts – Notes (summary of significant policies and other explanatory notes) Sako Mayrick 7
  • 8. IPSAS 1 PRESENTATION OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS • Explicit statement – An entity should make an explicit and unreserved statement of compliance to IPSAS in notes – FS do not comply to IPSAS unless it complies with all the requirements of IPSAs. – No offsetting of • Assets and liabilities • Revenue and expenses Unless permitted or required by IPSAS Sako Mayrick 8
  • 9. IPSAS 1 GENERAL ISSUES • Comparative prior information should be presented for all amount shown in the FS and notes – In case presentation or classification is amended, comparative amounts should reclassified, and the nature, amount of, and reason for any reclassification shall be disclosed – FS are generally prepared annually. Contrary a disclosure is required – Distinction between CA/NCA to the CL/NCL should be made clear • The current and non-current is measured in 12 months period from reporting date (either settlement or recovery) – The analysis of expenses in the SFP may be by • Nature or by function Sako Mayrick 9
  • 10. IPSAS 1 PRESENTATIONOF BUDGET INFO • It is for users in public sector to monitor appropriations or budget authorization • Uses of resources in accordance with adopted budget • Use of columnar format with separate columns for budget amounts and actual amounts and variance • Disclosure of budgeted amounts that has been exceed with details of the reasons thereof. Sako Mayrick 10
  • 11. IPSAS 1 MINIMUM DISCLOSURE REQUIREMENTS IN NOTES • Accounting policies • The judgments that management has made in the process of applying the entity’s accounting policies that have the most significant effect on the amounts recognized in the FS • Key assumptions concerning the future, and other key sources of estimation uncertainty, that have a significant risk of causing material adjustment to the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities within the next FY • The domicile and legal form of the entity • A description of the nature of entity’s operations • Reference to relevant legislation • The name of controlling entity and ultimate controlling entity of the economic entity • Sample FS on the Appendix to IPSAS 1 Sako Mayrick 11
  • 12. IPSAS 1 Other Issues • Going concern • Consistency of presentation • Materiality and Aggregation • No offsetting unless permitted by IPSAS – Revenue from exchange transaction – Gain or loss from disposal of NCA • Comparative information – When the presentation of items is amended, comparative amounts shall be re-classified unless reclassification is impracticable. • Structure and content – Identification of financial statements separate from annual report – Each component of FS shall be identified clearly and prominently – Name of entity, economic entity, presentation currency, level of rounding • Reporting period; changes may be for realignment to budget • Timelines; FS should be issued within six months of reporting date • Directors Report is implied under Par. 149-150 of IPSAS 1 • Prohibition of Extraordinary Items • Classification of expenses by function and by natureSako Mayrick 12
  • 13. How IPSAS differs from IAS 1 • Different terminology – Statement of financial performance vs statement of CI – Net asset or equity while IAS 1 uses equity – Use of the term income is not in IPSAS 1 it uses revenue – IAS 1 defines IFRS to include IFRSs, IASs and SIC/IFRIC interpretations but IPSA 1 does not define IPSAS – IPSAS 1 does not explicitly preclude the presentation of items of revenue and expense as extraordinary items either on the fact of the SFP or in the notes. IAS 1 prohibits any items of income and expense to be presented as extraordinary items either on fact of the income statement or notes. – IPSA 1 contains transition provision allowing non disclosure of items that have been excluded from the FS due to the application of transition provision in another IPSAS which is not the case in the IAS 1 – Economic entity Vs Group of entities Sako Mayrick 13
  • 14. Does xxx comply with IPSAS 1? • See the worked example 1 Sako Mayrick 14
  • 15. IPSAS 2 CASH FLOW STATEMENTS • Major classification in the CFS – Operating Activities (using direct (recommended) or indirect method) – Investing Activities – Financing Activities • Cash equivalents includes – Short term investment (less than three months from the date of acquisition) Readily convertible to known amounts cash – Exclude equity investments • The use of direct method requires entities to provide a reconciliation of the surplus/deficit from ordinary activities with the net cash flows from operating activities • CF from interest and dividends received and paid shall be disclosed separately and classified either operating, investing or financing activities • CF from taxes on net surplus are classified as operating unless they can be specifically identified within the F or I activities. • Exchange rate for foreign denominated currency translation shall be the rate in effect at the date of cash flows • Cash flows from acquisition and disposal of controlled entities and other operating units shall be presented separately and classified as investing activities with separate disclosure. • Illustration of CFS is shown on appendices to IPSAS 2 ( SEE ALSO TRAINING NOTES 2) Sako Mayrick 15
  • 16. IPSAS 2 CASH FLOW STATEMENTS Does xxxx comply with IPSAS 2? Sako Mayrick 16
  • 17. How does IPSAS 2 differ from IAS 7 • Use of terms revenue, statement of financial performance and net assets/equity Vs Income, Income Statement and Equity • IPSAS 2 allows either the direct and indirect method to be used. Where a direct method is used disclosure of reconciliation for surplus or deficit to operating CF is required in notes Sako Mayrick 17
  • 18. IPSAS 3 ACCOUNTING POLICIES, CHANGES IN ACCOUNTING POLICIES AND ERRORS • IPSAS are authoritative policy statements • In absence of IPSA, the use of judgment in developing and applying accounting policy for – Relevant information for decision making needs of users – Reliable, in that the financial statements • Represents faithfully the financial position, financial performance and cash flows of an entity • Reflect economic substance of the transactions, other events and conditions and note merely the legal form • Are neutral • Are prudent and ; complete in all material aspects – In absence of IPSAS management may consider most recent pronouncements of other standard setting bodies, and acceptable public and private sector practices. • Consistency application of accounting policy, change only when it is required by IPSAS • All material prior period errors shall be corrected retrospectively in the first set of financial statements authorized for issue after their discovery, by restating comparative prior period amounts, or if the error occur before the earliest period presented, by restating the opening SFP. • A change from one basis of accounting to another basis of accounting is a change in accounting policy Sako Mayrick 18
  • 19. IPSAS 3 • When an entity changes an accounting policy upon initial application of an IPSAS that does not include specific transitional provisions applying to that change, or changes an accounting policy voluntarily, it shall apply the change retrospectively. • when a change in accounting policy is applied retrospectively in accordance with paragraph above, the entity shall adjust the opening balance of each affected component of net assets/equity for the earliest period presented, and the other comparative amounts disclosed for each prior period presented as if the new accounting policy had always been applied • When it is impracticable to determine the period-specific effects of changing an accounting policy on comparative information for one or more prior periods presented, the entity shall apply the new accounting policy to the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities as at the beginning of the earliest period for which retrospective application is practicable, which may be the current period, and shall make a corresponding adjustment to the opening balance of each affected component of net assets/equity for that period. • When an entity applies a new accounting policy retrospectively, it applies the new accounting policy to comparative information for prior periods as far back as is practicable. • Usually the adjustment is made to accumulated surpluses or deficits • Any other information about prior periods, such as historical summaries of financial data, is also Sako Mayrick 19
  • 20. IPSAS 3 • On initial application of IPSAS which has effect on current period or prior period; entity shall disclose a. Title of the standard b. Change in accounting policy and reason for decision c. Nature of change in accounting policy d. Description of the transitional provisions e. Effects of transitional provisions on future periods ( if applicable) f. Amount of adjustment required g. FS of the subsequent periods need not to repeat these disclosures Sako Mayrick 20
  • 21. IPSAS 3 CHANGES OF ACCOUNTING ESTIMATES • Is a result of uncertainties during reporting period • It involves judgment based on available, latest information e. g. Tax revenue due to government, Bad debts arising from uncollected taxes, inventory obsolescence, fair value of financial assets and financial liabilities • Revision of an estimate does not relate to prior periods and is not correction of an error • This is not change in accounting policy • The change shall be recognized by adjusting the carrying amount of the related asset, liability, or net asset in the period of change Sako Mayrick 21
  • 22. IPSAS 3 ERRORS • It arises in respect of the recognition, measurement, presentation or disclosure of elements of financial statements • Entity must correct material prior period errors retrospectively in the first set of FS authorized for issue by – Restating the comparative amounts for prior period Sako Mayrick 22
  • 23. How is IPSAS 3 different from IAS 8? • Different terminologies; statement of financial performance, accumulated surplus or deficit and net assets/equity Vs. Income statement, retained earnings and equity in IFRS • Use of term income Vs. Revenue in IPSAS Sako Mayrick 23
  • 24. IPSAS 4 THE EFFECT OF CHANGES IN FOREIGN EXCHANGE RATES • Covers – Foreign currency transactions and – Foreign operations • The reporting entity’s functional currency should be properly identified based on primary economic environment • Translation should be done for foreign currency items into functional currency – Initial recognition and measurement record the spot exchange rate – Subsequent reporting dates • Monetary items use the closing rate • Non monetary items use the transaction date exchange rates that are carried at historical costs • Non monetary items that are carried at fair value use the valuation date exchange rates – Exchange differences arising from settlement and translation of monetary items at a different rate should be included in surplus or deficit, • Exception: for consolidated financial statement with foreign operation, the differences will be recognized in the surplus or deficit on disposal of net investment. Sako Mayrick 24
  • 25. IPSAS 4 THE EFFECT OF CHANGES IN FOREIGN EXCHANGE RATES • The results and financial position of an entity’s foreign operations for non hyperinflationary economy are translated into presentation currency by – Assets and Liabilities are translated at the closing date of the SFP – Revenue and Expenses of each SFP are translated at the date of transaction – Resulting exchange difference are recognized as separate component of net asset or equity Sako Mayrick 25
  • 26. How does IPSAS 4 differ from IAS 21 • IPSAS contains an additional transitional arrangement allowing an entity, when first adopting IPSASs, to deem cumulative translational differences existing at the date of first adoption of accrual IPSASs to Zero as in IFRS • Different terminology e.g. revenue, economic entity, statement of financial performance and net assets/equity in IPSAS Vs. Income, group, statement of comprehensive income and equity in IFRS Sako Mayrick 26
  • 27. IPSAS 5 BORROWING COSTS • The costs includes – Interests, amortization of discounts or premiums on borrowing and amortization of ancillary costs incurred in the arrangement of borrowings • Accounting treatment – Expense model – charge all the borrowing costs to expenses in the period incurred – Capitalization model – capitalize borrowing costs which are directly attributable to the acquisition or construction of a qualifying asset • It should be probable that the costs will result in future economic benefit or service potential to the entity and costs can be measured reliably • The model should be applied consistently to all borrowing costs that are directly attributable to acquisition, construction or production of all qualifying assets of the entity. Investment income from temporary investment should be deducted from the actual borrowing costs • Qualifying asset is an asset which requires a substantial period of time to make it ready for its intended use or sale. Examples include office buildings, hospitals, infrastructure assets such as roads, bridges and power generation facilities and some inventories • Capitalization rate (Weighted average of borrowing costs ) should be used if funds are borrowed generally and used for the purpose of obtaining qualifying assets Sako Mayrick 27
  • 28. IPSAS 6 CONSOLIDATED AND SEPARATE FS • Consolidated FS must include all controlled entities except – If the control is temporary because the controlled entity is acquired and held exclusively with a view to its subsequent disposal within 12 from acquisition – Management is actively seeking a buyer • Controlled entity is an entity controlled by another entity, known as controlling entity even if the activities are dissimilar. • Control is the power to govern the operating and financial policies • Balances, transactions, revenue and expenses between entities within the economic entity are eliminated in full • Consolidated financial statements shall be prepared using uniform accounting policies for like transactions and other events in similar circumstances • Same reporting date within three months maximum range • NCI is reported in net asset/equity in Consolidated SFP, separately from the controlling entity’s net assets/equity and is not deducted in measuring the economic entity’s revenue or expense • Surplus or deficit of the economic entity is allocated between minority and majority interest on the face of the statement of financial performance. • In the controlling entity’s separate financial statements: account for all its investments in controlling entities, associates and joint ventures either using the equity method, at cost or as financial instrument. – Under the equity method, subsidiaries‟ net assets (A-L) collapse into one line usually called „investment‟. – Equity method is often called “one line consolidation”Sako Mayrick 28
  • 29. IPSAS 7 INVESTMENT IN ASSOCIATES • Caters for all investment where investor has significant influence – Exception • Venture capital organizations • Mutual fund or unit trust or similar entity, such as investment linked insurance fund that is measured at fair value • The investment shall be classified as held for sell if its is acquired exclusively with a view to its disposal within twelve months from acquisition and that management is actively seeking a buyer and accounted differently • Equity method is used for all investments in associates over which the entity has significant influence ( Rebuttable presumption of significant influence if it is more than 20% of voting power) – The investment is initially recorded at costs and subsequently adjusted by the investor’s share of the investee’s post acquisition change in net assets/equity. – Investors’ statement of financial performance reflects its share in the investee’s post-acquisition surplus or deficit • Investor’s FS shall be prepared using uniform accounting policies for like transactions and events in similar circumstances Sako Mayrick 29
  • 30. IPSAS 8 INTEREST IN JOINT VENTURES • JV is a binding arrangement ( IAS 31 uses contractual arrangement) whereby two or more parties are committed to undertake an activity that is subject to joint control • Applicable to all investments which investor has joint control – Exception • Venture capital organization • Mutual fund, trust or similar entity, such as an investment-linked insurance fund that is insured at fair value – It can be jointly controlled operations, jointly controlled assets and jointly controlled entities. Each has different accounting treatments Sako Mayrick 30
  • 31. IPSAS 8 INTEREST IN JOINT VENTURES • Jointly controlled operations – Venturer recognize the assets it controls and expenses and liabilities it incurs, and its share of revenue earned, in both its separate and consolidated FS • Jointly controlled assets – Venturer recognize in its FS its share of jointly controlled assets any liabilities that it has incurred and its share of any liabilities incurred jointly with other venturer, revenue earned from the sale or use of its share of output of the joint venture, its share of expenses incurred by joint venture and expenses incurred directly in respect of its interest in the joint venture. • Jointly controlled entities – It permits two accounting policies • Proportionate consolidated: under this method, the venture's SFP includes its share of the assets that it controls jointly and its share of liabilities for which it is jointly responsible. Its SFP includes its share of revenue and expenses of the jointly controlled entity • Equity method as described in IPSAS 7 Sako Mayrick 31
  • 32. IPSAS 9 REVENUE FROM EXCHANGE TRANSACTIONS • The exchange transactions includes the following events – Rendering of services – Sale of goods; and – The use of other entity assets yielding interest, royalties or dividends • Revenue shall be measured at fair value of the consideration received or receivable Sako Mayrick 32
  • 33. IPSAS 9 REVENUE FROM EXCHANGE TRANSACTIONS • Recognition – Sale of goods • When significant risks and rewards have been transferred to purchaser, loss of effective control by the seller, amount of revenue can be reliably measured; it is likely that the economic benefits or services potential associated with the transaction will flow to the entity, and the costs incurred or to be incurred can be measured reliably – Rendering of service • Stage of completion of transaction at the reporting date, provided outcome can be estimated reliably, if not then recognize only to the extent of expenses that are recoverable – Interest (on time proportion based on effective yield on the assets), royalties (substance of relevant agreement) and dividends ( when shareholders right to receive payment is established) • When it is probable that the economic benefits or services potential will flow to the entity and amount of revenue can be measured reliably Sako Mayrick 33
  • 34. IPSAS 10 FR IN HYPEINFLATIONARY ECONOMIES • FS of an entity that reports in the currency of a hyper- inflationary economy shall be stated in terms of the measuring unit current at the reporting date. • Comparative figures for prior periods shall be stated in the same measuring unit currency at reporting date • Surplus or deficit on the net monetary position shall be separately disclosed in the SFP • For Public Sector entities, the budgetary information shall also be restated into the same current measuring unit • The economy is hyperinflationary when there is a 100% cumulative rate of inflation over 3 years Sako Mayrick 34
  • 35. IPSAS 11 CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS • It deals with FS of the contractor – Contract revenue shall comprise of • Initial amount agreed in the contract; • Variations in the contract work; • Claims; • Incentive payments; to the extent which the result of revenue can be measured reliably. – Contract revenue is measured at fair value of consideration received or receivable – Contract cost shall comprise of costs directly related to specific contract, and are allocated to contract on systematic and rational basis Sako Mayrick 35
  • 36. IPSAS 12 INVENTORIES • Covers – Cost determination, expense recognition, write-down to the NRV – Guidance on the cost formula that are used to assign costs to inventories • Inventories are measured at – Lower of COST and NRV ( for exchange transactions) – If they are acquire through a non-exchange transaction, the cost shall be measured at their fair value as at the date of acquisition. – Lower of cost and current replacement costs if they are held for • Distribution at no charge or a nominal charge; or • Consumption in the production process of goods to be distributed at no charge or for nominal charge Sako Mayrick 36
  • 37. IPSAS 12 INVENTORIES • The costs includes; purchase costs, conversion cost ( material, labor and overhead) and other costs to bring the inventory into its present location and condition, but not foreign exchange differences and selling costs • An entity shall apply the same cost formula for all inventories having similar nature and use to the entity • For interchangeable items, cost is determined either by – FIFO or Weighted average basis, LIFO is not permitted • For inventories with different nature and use, different cost formulas may be justified • When the inventory is sold, exchanged or distributed, the carrying amount shall be recognized as an expense in the period in which the related revenue is recognized. If there is no related revenue, the expense is recognized when goods are distributed or related services have been rendered • Write down to NRV are recognized as an expense in the period the loss or the write down occurs. Reversals arising from the increase in NRV are recognized as reduction of inventory expense in the period in which they occur. Sako Mayrick 37
  • 38. IPSAS 13 LEASES • Scope – Explains appropriate accounting policies and disclosures to apply in relation to finance and operating leases • There are two types of leases – Finance lease – it transfers substantially all risks and rewards incidental to ownership of an asset. The title may or may not be eventually transferred • Eg. It covers substantially all the asset’s life or present value of lease payment is substantially equal to the assets fair value – Operating lease • The land and building element of the lease of land and buildings are considered separately for purpose of lease classification Sako Mayrick 38
  • 39. IPSAS 13 LEASES • Finance leases – lessee’s Accounting: – Assets and liabilities are recognized at lower of present value of minimum lease payments and the fair value of the assets, determined at inception of the lease. Discount rate shall be interest rate implicit in the lease or the incremental borrowing rate – Depreciation policy is as for owned assets – Finance lease payment – apportioned between interest and reduction in outstanding liability Sako Mayrick 39
  • 40. IPSAS 13 LEASES • Finance Leases - Lessor’s Accounting – An amount equal to the net investment in lease is recognized as a receivable in the SFP – Finance revenue is recognized based on a pattern reflecting a constant periodic rate of return on the lessor’s net investment • Operating leases – lessee’s Accounting – Lease payments are recognized as an expense in the SFPerformance on the straight line basis over the lease term • Operating leases – lessor’s accounting – Assets held for operating leases shall be presented in the statement of financial position according to the nature of assets – Lease revenue shall be recognized on a straight line basis over the lease term • Lessors of operating leases shall add initial direct costs incurred in negotiating and arranging an operating lease to the carrying amount of the leased asset and recognize them as an expense over the lease term on the same basis as the lease revenue • Sale and leaseback transaction will depend on whether these are essentially finance or operating leases. Sako Mayrick 40
  • 41. IPSAS 14 EVENTS AFTER THE REPORTING DATE • Scope – Describes as to when an entity shall adjust its FS for events after the reporting date – Disclosure to give when the FS were authorized for issue, and about events after reporting date • EARD are favorable and unfavorable events that occur between the reporting date and the date when the FS are authorized for issue. • There are two types – Adjusting events – Non adjusting events Sako Mayrick 41
  • 42. IPSAS 14 EVENTS AFTER THE REPORTING DATE • Adjusting events are those that provide evidence of conditions that existed at the reporting date – adjust the FS to reflect those events that provide evidence of condition that existed at the reporting date e.g. settlement of court case after reporting date, that confirms that the entity had an obligation at reporting date) • Non-adjusting events are those that are indicative of the conditions that arose after the reporting date but do not adjust the FS to reflect the events that arose after the reporting date e.g. decline in fair value of property after year end, which does not change the valuation of property at the reporting date) • Dividend proposed or declared after the reporting date shall not be recognized as a liability at the reporting date. Disclosure is required • An entity should not prepare its FS on the going concern basis if events after the reporting date indicate that the going concern assumption is not appropriate ( e.g. if there is an intention to liquidate the entity or cease operations after reporting date, or that there is no realistic alternative to do so) • The entity shall disclose the date its FS were authorized for issue and who gave that authorization. If another body has the power to amend the FS after issuance, the entity shall disclose the fact • If an entity obtains information after the reporting date, but before the FS are authorized for issue, about conditions that existed at the reporting date, the entity shall update disclosures that relate to these conditions in the light of the new information • An entity shall disclose the following for each material category of non adjusting event after the reporting date – The nature of the event and – An estimate of its financial effect, or a statement that such an estimate cannot be made Sako Mayrick 42
  • 43. IPSAS 16 INVESTMENT PROPERTY • Scope – Accounting treatment of IP and related disclosures • IP is a land or buildings held (whether by the owner or under a finance lease) to earn rentals or for capital appreciation or both, rather than for – Use in the production or supply of goods or services or for administrative purposes – Sale in the ordinary course of operations Sako Mayrick 43
  • 44. IPSAS 16 INVESTMENT PROPERTY • Recognition of IP – Only if the future economic benefit or service potential associated with the investment property will flow to the entity – The cost or fair value of the IP can be measured reliably • Measurement – Initially at cost including the transaction costs; if it has been acquired through non exchange transaction than at its fair value at the date of acquisition – Afterwards use either of two models • Fair value model; IP is measured at fair value and changes in FV are recognized in surplus or deficit for the period in which it arises • Cost model; investment property is measured at depreciated costs less any accumulated impairment losses. FV of the investment property shall still be discolsed. – A chosen measurement model shall be applied to all the entity’s investment property – If an entity uses the FV model, but when a particular property is acquired, there is clear evidence that the entity will not be able to determine FV on continuing basis, the cost model is used for that property – and it shall continue to be used until disposal of that property. In that case,the residual value of the investment property shall be assumed zero – Change from one model to another shall be made only if the change will result in a more appropriate presentation ( highly unlikely for change from FV to cost model) Sako Mayrick 44
  • 45. IPSAS 17 PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT • Scope – Explains principles for initial recognition and subsequent accounting (Carrying Amounts and depreciation charges and impairment losses) • Recognition – PPE shall be recognized as assets if, it is probable that the future economic benefit or service potential associated with the item will flow to the entity, and the cost or FV of the item can be measured reliably – Heritage assets are optional for IPSAS 17 – IPSAS 17 also covers other assets such as Military equipment, infrastructure assets e.g. road networks, sewer systems and communication networks – Initial recognition is done at cost which includes costs necessary to get the assets ready for its intended use. For non exchange assets, its cost is its fair value as at the date of acquisition. If payment is deferred, interest shall be recognized – Subsequent to acquisition, there are two accounting model for the entire class of PPE • Cost model: the asset is carried at cost less depreciation and impairment losses • Revaluation model: the asset is carried at revalued amount, which is fair value at revaluation date less subsequent depreciation and impairment losses Sako Mayrick 45
  • 46. IPSAS 17 PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT • Revaluation Model – Revaluations shall be carried out regularly. All items of a given class shall be revalued. Revaluation increases shall be credited directly to revaluation surplus. – Increases shall be recognized as revenue in surplus or deficit to the extent that it reverses a revaluation decreases of the same class of asset previously recognized as an expense in the surplus or deficit. – Decreases are debited first against the revaluation surplus related to the same class of assets, and any excess against surplus or deficit. – When the asset is disposed off, the revaluation surplus is transferred directly to accumulated surpluses or deficits and is not recycled through surplus or deficit. Sako Mayrick 46
  • 47. IPSAS 17 PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT • Each part of PPE that is significant in relation to the total cost of an item shall be depreciated separately • Depreciation is charged systematically over the asset’s useful life. It must reflect the pattern in which the asset’s future economic benefits or service potential is expected to be consumed by the entity. • The residual value must be reviewed must be reviewed at least annually and shall equal the amount the entity would receive currently if the assets were already of the age and condition expected a the end of its useful life. • If operation of an item of PPE (e.g. aircraft) requires regular major inspections, when each major inspections is performed, its cost is recognized in the carrying amount of the asset as a replacement, if the recognition criteria are satisfied. Sako Mayrick 47
  • 48. IPSAS 17 PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT • Land and buildings are separable assets and are accounted separately, even when they are acquired together. Land has normally unlimited useful life, and therefore is not depreciated • To determine whether an item of PPE is impaired, the entity applies IPSAS 21 or IPSAS 26 as appropriate • All exchange of PPE shall be measured at FV, including exchanges of similar items, unless the exchange transaction lack commercial substance or the fair value of neither the asset received nor the asset given up is reliably measurable • The carrying amount of item of PPE must be derecognized – On disposal, or – When no future economic benefit or service potential is expected from its use or disposal • The gains of disposal shall be included in surplus or deficit and shall not be classified as revenue. • IPSAS 17 contains transitional provisions allowing entities not to recognize PPE for reporting periods beginning on the date within five years following the date of first adoption of accrual accounting in accordance with IPSAS • The transitional provisions allows entities to recognize the PPE at cost or fair value on first adopting of the standard Sako Mayrick 48
  • 49. DETAILED EXAMPLE • PPE (send request from Sako Mayrick 49
  • 50. Review of xxxx Financials • Request for appendix 1 at Sako Mayrick 50

Editor's Notes

  1. Statement of financial performance may also be referred as a statement of revenues and expenses, an income statement, an operating statement, or profit and loss statement. Notes may include items referred as schedules in some jurisdictions
  2. IAS 1 prohibits an entity from presenting any item of income or expense asextraordinary items, either on the face of the income statement or in the notes.The IASB concluded that items treated as extraordinary result from thenormal business risks faced by an entity, and do not warrant presentation in aseparate component of the income statement. The nature or function of atransaction or other event, rather than its frequency, should determine itspresentation within the income statementIPSAS 1 (2000) defined extraordinary items as “revenue or expenses that arise from events ortransactions that are clearly distinct from the ordinary activities of the entity, are not expected torecur frequently or regularly and are outside the control or influence of the entity.” IAS 8 defined“extraordinary items” as “income or expenses that arise from events or transactions that are clearlydistinct from the ordinary activities of the enterprise and therefore are not expected to recurfrequently or regularly.”
  3. Entities are encouraged to report cash flows from operating activities usingthe direct method. The direct method provides information that (a) may beuseful in estimating future cash flows, and (b) not available under theindirect method. Under the direct method, information about major classesof gross cash receipts and gross cash payments may be obtained either:
  4. When an entity changes an accounting policy upon initialapplication of an IPSAS that does not include specific transitionalprovisions applying to that change, or changes an accounting policyvoluntarily, it shall apply the change retrospectively.
  5. When an entity changes an accounting policy upon initialapplication of an IPSAS that does not include specific transitionalprovisions applying to that change, or changes an accounting policyvoluntarily, it shall apply the change retrospectively.
  6. Exchange differences arising (a) on the settlement of monetary items, or(b) on translating monetary items at rates different from those at whichthey were translated on initial recognition during the period or inprevious financial statements, shall be recognized in surplus or deficit inthe period in which they arise, except as described in paragraph 37.When a gain or loss on a nonmonetary item is recognized directly in netassets/equity, any exchange component of that gain or loss shall berecognized directly in net assets/equity. Conversely, when a gain or losson a nonmonetary item is recognized in surplus or deficit, any exchangecomponent of that gain or loss shall be recognized in surplus or deficit.
  7. IPSAS 8 includes a transitional provision that permits entities that adoptproportionate consolidation treatment to not eliminate all balances andtransactions between venturers, their controlled entities, and entities thatthey jointly control for reporting periods beginning on a date withinthree years following the date of adopting accrual accounting for the firsttime in accordance with IPSASs. IAS 31 does not contain transitionalprovisions.
  8. A special, nonrecurring charge taken to write down an asset with an overstatedbook value. Generally an asset is considered to be value-impaired when its book valueexceeds the future net cash flows expected to be received from its use. An impairment write-downreduces an overstated book value to fair valueIdentifying an Asset That May Be ImpairedAt each balance sheet date, review all assets to look for any indication that an asset may be impaired (its carrying amount may be in excess of the greater of its net selling price and its value in use). IAS 36 has a list of external and internal indicators of impairment. If there is an indication that an asset may be impaired, then you must calculate the asset's recoverable amount. [IAS 36.9]The recoverable amounts of the following types of intangible assets should be measured annually whether or not there is any indication that it may be impaired. In some cases, the most recent detailed calculation of recoverable amount made in a preceding period may be used in the impairment test for that asset in the current period: [IAS 36.10]an intangible asset with an indefinite useful life an intangible asset not yet available for use goodwill acquired in a business combinationIndications of Impairment [IAS 36.12]External sources:market value declines negative changes in technology, markets, economy, or laws increases in market interest rates company stock price is below book value Internal sources: obsolescence or physical damage asset is part of a restructuring or held for disposal worse economic performance than expectedThese lists are not intended to be exhaustive. [IAS 36.13] Further, an indication that an asset may be impaired may indicate that the asset's useful life, depreciation method, or residual value may need to be reviewed and adjusted. [IAS 36.17]Recognition of an Impairment LossAn impairment loss should be recognised whenever recoverable amount is below carrying amount. [IAS 36.59] The impairment loss is an expense in the income statement (unless it relates to a revalued asset where the value changes are recognised directly in equity). [IAS 36.60] Adjust depreciation for future periods. [IAS 36.63Reversal of an Impairment LossSame approach as for the identification of impaired assets: assess at each balance sheet date whether there is an indication that an impairment loss may have decreased. If so, calculate recoverable amount. [IAS 36.110] No reversal for unwinding of discount. [IAS 36.116] The increased carrying amount due to reversal should not be more than what the depreciated historical cost would have been if the impairment had not been recognised. [IAS 36.117] Reversal of an impairment loss is recognised as income in the income statement. [IAS 36.119] Adjust depreciation for future periods. [IAS 36.121] Reversal of an impairment loss for goodwill is prohibited. [IAS 36.124]DisclosureDisclosure by class of assets: [IAS 36.126]impairment losses recognised in profit or loss impairment losses reversed in profit or loss which line item(s) of the statement of comprehensive income impairment losses on revalued assets recognised in other comprehensive income impairment losses on revalued assets reversed in other comprehensive income
  9. Impairments occur when a company's assets lose value. If the actual fair market value of an asset decreases less than the book value of an asset, then the asset is impaired. The fair market value is the value of the asset in a transaction between unrelated parties. The book value of the asset is the amount the asset is worth on the company's financial statements. Impairments take the difference between the book value and fair market value and report the difference as an impairment lossSubtract the fair market value of the asset from the book value of the asset. If the amount is positive, then there is no impairment loss.Determine if you are going to hold on and use the asset or if you are going to dispose of the asset.Subtract the future value or present value of any future net cash flows from the book value of the asset to find impairment loss if you are going to hold onto the asset. For this type of asset, you will then write the asset down to the fair market value. Continue to depreciate the asset using the new book value; you cannot restore any of the value in the asset you wrote down.Subtract the future value or present value of any future net cash flows from the book value of the asset, then add back the cost to dispose of the asset if you are going to get rid of it. This is the total impairment loss for an asset you are disposing of. With these assets, you need to write down the asset to fair market value, you can no longer depreciate the asset. If the asset regains value above the current book value, you are able to restore the value you wrote down.