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                    USN                                                                                              06AL61

                                  Sixth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, December 2Ol2
                                                Management and Entrepreneurship

              o     Time: 3 hrs.                                                                          Max. Marks:100

                     Note: Answer any FIVEfull questions, selecting atleast Tl,l/O questionsfrom each part.
              o                                                         PART. A
                     la.        What is Management? Considering management as operational process, explain its various
        oX                                                                                                          (08 Marks)
                                sub   - processes.
                           b.   Explain required change    in skill - mix of a manager, with respect to his level in        an
        6e                      organization.                                                                       (08 Marks)
        col                     What are the features of Bureaucratic administration?                               (04 Marks)
    .= Gl
        9di,         2a.      Dehne planning. Compare strategic planning with tactical planning.                  (06 Marks)
        o=                 b. What is rational decision? Explain steps involved in the process of rational decision making.
    =ts                                                                                                           (08 Marks)
                           c. What are different environments of decision making?                                 (06 Marks)


        oo)          3a.        Explain major principles to be followed to develop sound and efficient organuational
                                structure.                                                                    (08 Marks)
        o0c                b.   What is span of management / span of control? What is significance of number of relations
                                between manager and subordinates in span of control?                          (06 Marks)

                           c.   What are different advantages of decentrahzation?                             (06 Marks)

     OE              4a.        What is leadership? What are the major functions of a leader?$                      (08 Marks)
        :9                 b.   Explain Maslow's Need - Hierarchy theory.                                           (08 Marks)
        (.) j              c.   Explain the purpose of control system.                                              (04 Marks)

        t- ti                                                         PART - B
                     5a.      What are the major characteristics of an entrepreneurship?                            (08 Marks)
        v,                 b. Give the classification of entrepreneurs based on functional characteristics.         (04 Marks)
        aoo                c. What are internal and external barriers of entrepreneurship?                          (08 Marks)
                           a.   Explain using flowchart, formalities for setting up small scale industry (SSI) unit. (10 Marks)
                           b.   Give the classification of different state level agencies for the promotion of SSI. (10 Marks)

                           a. Explain objectives and functions of infrastructure agency KIADB.                      (08 Marks)
                           b. What is TECSOK? Explain services offered by TECSOK.                                   (08 Marks)
                           c. Write a note on single window load scheme of KSFC.                                    (04 Marks)
                           a. What are the criteria for selecting a project?                                        (08 Marks)
                           b. Compare PERT and CPM project scheduling techniques.                                   (08 Marks)
                           c. What is project appraisal? Give main stages of project appraisal.                     (04 Marks)

/                USN                                                                                            06cs62

                              Sixth Semester B.E. Degree Examinationo December 2Ol2
                                               Unix System Programming
                 Time: 3 hrs.                                                                   Max. Marks:100
                                            Note: Answer FIVE full questions, selecting
                                                   at leust TWO questions from each part.

                                                              PART _ A
           o      I a.      Explain the different functions used to query system-wide limits. Write a C program to
           o.               demonstrate how to use the functions to query the limits.                        (10 Marks)
                       b.   What is an API? List the functions which are performed by the Unix system APIs. Also
           (!               explain why calling an API is more time-consuming than calling a user defined functions.
                                                                                                             (06 Marks)
           L           c.   Differentiate between ANSIC and C++.                                             (04 Marks)
                       a.   Explain the different types of Unix or POSIX files. Also explain                these files.
                                                                                                                (10 Marks)
    _a                 b.   Differentiate between C stream pointers and file descriptors.                       (05 Marks)
    ,r!                c.   Differentiate between hard link and symbolic links.                                      Marks)

    Y()                a.   Explain the following file APIs with their prototypes:
                            i) write ii) lseek iii) link            iv) stat                                    (10 Marks)
    o>                 b.   Discuss the file and record locking in unix system. Explain the fc               locking.
    a2                                                                                                          (10 Marks)


                  4 a.      What are the different ways of process termination? Differentiate between exit and -exit
                            functions.                                                                          (06 Marks)
                       b.   Write a C program to echo all its command-line arguments to standard output.        (04 Marks)
                       c.   Explain the setjmp and longjmp functions with its prototypes. Illustrate the use of setjmp
                            and longjmp function, with a example program.                                   (10 Marks)
                                                           PART _ B
                  5 a.      Explain how vfork function is different than fork function. Also, write a program to
     ^X                     demonstrate both fork and vfork functions.                                          (10 Marks)
     (J    -.:         b.   Explain process groups and sessions. Discuss their relationship, with controlling terminal.
     a=                                                                                                         (10 Marks)
     LO           6 a.      Explain the following APIs related to signals with their prototypes:
     >. (H                  i) Sigprocmask ii) Sigaction iii) Sigsetjmp iv) kill.                           (10 Marks)
     i50               b.   What are Daemon processes? Explain the Daemon characteristics and coding rules.
     o=                                                                                                         (10 Marks)
     5L           7 a.      What are pipes? List the two limitations of pipes. Explain how to create a pipe. Write a
    lr<                     program to send data from parent to child over a pipe.                        (10 Marks)
                       b.   Explain how client and server will communicate using FIFOs.                   (05 Marks)
     o                 c.   Explain the following functions related to message queues:
    z                       i) msgget           ii) msgsnd                                                (05 Marks)

     a            8 a.      Explain the following socket programming functions with their prototypes:
                            i) socket ii) connect iii) listen iv) accept.                                      (10 Marks)
                       b.   Explain the different functions which will be used for exchanging data on sockets. (10 Marks)

USN                                                                                              06cs63

                           Sixth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, Decemb er 2Ol2
                                                          Gompiler Design
            Time: 3 hrs.                                                                           Max. Marks:100
                                             Note: Answer FIVEfull questions choosing
                                                  atleast TI,I/O questions from each part.
       o                                                       PART _ A
             I a.      How to handle reserved words and identifiers during recognition of tokens? Explain.
                                                                                                            (07 Marks)
                  b.   Discuss three types of software productivity tools.                                  (06 Marks)
                  c.   Enlist algebraic laws for regular expression.                                        (07 Marks)
            2 a.       Consider the production given below      :

-!, 2                        S-+CCICSC
6                      Prof. James wanted to parse input string CCCCCC, using recursive descent parsing. Is it
 oo ll
troo                   possible to do that? Justify your answer.                                   (04 Marks)
.=   ..1
                  b.   Remove left recursion from the grammar given below :
g[i                         S-+(M)la
-c    0)
                            M-+M;SlS.                                                                       (04 Marks)
 o>               c.   Enlist the conditions to test whether a given grammar is LL(1).                      (03 Marks)
                  d.   Construct predictive parsing table for the following grammar
,;*                          S-+aABb
                            A-+Acle                                                      //&
                            B-+dle.                                                     .&v/                (09 Marks)
>6                     Write an algorithm for computation of CLOSURE of LR(0).r
6-                                                                            '
                       Construct in(O) parsing table for the following g.u*ur' 
                                                                                                            (02 Marks)

-?o                         S-+Ac

o.w                         B-+aB1b.                                                                         (10 Marks)
                       Consider the grammar A -> (A) | a. Construct the DFA of sets of LR(0) items. Show the
                       parsing actions for the input string ((a)). Clearly show states and symbols on the stack.
                                                                                                            (08 Marks)
            4a.        Consider
o=                          S-+idlV::E
5!                          E-+Vln
J<                    Construct canonical LR(1) parsing table.                                             (14 Marks)
-N                b.   write a YACC specification for desk calculator with error recovery.                  (06 Marks)
z                                                                   PART _ B

a           5a.        Write semantic rules to compute 5 * 6, using a grammar suitable for top down parsing.
                                                                                                            (07 Marks)
                  b.   Give syntax directed definition for simple type declaration. Construct dependency graph for
                       the declaration, int idr, idz.                                                   (08 Marks)
                  c-   l/r.ife ST)T) f^. .,,l"ilo oraramanl
USN                                                                                              06cs63

                            Sixth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, Decemb er 2Ol2
                                                      Gompiler Design
              Time: 3 hrs.                                                                           Max. Marks:100
                                           Note: Answer FIVEfull questions choosing
                                                atleast TI,I/O questions from each part.
          o                                                   PART _ A
               I a.      How to handle reserved words and identifiers during recognition of tokens? Explain.
                                                                                                              (07 Marks)
                    b.   Discuss three types of software productivity tools.                                  (06 Marks)
                    c.   Enlist algebraic laws for regular expression.                                        (07 Marks)
    oo*,      2 a.       Consider the production given below    :

-!, 2                        S-+CCICSC
                         Prof. James wanted to parse input string CCCCCC, using recursive descent parsing. Is it
 Eoo                     possible to do that? Justify your answer.                                   (04 Marks)
.= ..i              b.   Remove left recursion from the grammar given below :

    E#                       S-+(M)la
_c()                         M-+M;SlS.                                                                        (04 Marks)
                    c.   Enlist the conditions to test whether a given gralnmar is LL(1).                     (03 Marks)
                    d.   Construct predictive parsing table for the following grammar
 ;I                          S-+aABb
 oO                          A-+Acle
                             B+dle.                                                                           (09 Marks)
>6                       Write an algorithm for computation of CLOSURE of LR(0).
6-                                                                                                            (02 Marks)
-o(0                     Construct LR(0) parsing table for the following grammar
o- 6.
                             B-+aB1b.                                                                          (10 Marks)
                         Consider the grammar A -> (A) | a. Construct the DFA of sets of LR(O) items. Show the
                         parsing actions for the input string ((a)). Clearly show states and symbols on the stack.
o lrI
Ni                                                                                                            (08 Marks)
              4a.        Consider
aJ=                          S-+idlV::E
o- :                        V+id
5L                           E+Vln
J<                      Construct canonical LR(1) parsing table.                                             (14 Marks)
-N                  b.   write a YACC specification for desk calculator with error recovery.                  (06 Marks)
                                                                    PART _ B

a             5a.        Write semantic rules to compute 5 * 6, using a grammar suitable for top down parsing.
                                                                                                              (07 Marks)
                    b. Give syntax directed definition for simple type declaration. Construct dependency graph for
                       the declaration, int idr, idz.                                                   (08 Marks)
                    c- l/r"ifa ST-)T) f^, .,,l"ilo orora'-anl

  a.   Describe syntax directed definition for flow of control statements.              (10 Marks)
  b.   Generate three address code for Boolean operations.                              (10 Marks)

  a.   Write intermediate code for the following :
            a: (b [i]).                                                                 (04 Marks)
  b.   Explain the procedures to maintain display, with an example.                     (08 Marks)
  c.   Discuss the performance metrics to be considered while designing a garbage collector.
                                                                                        (08 Marks)

8 a.   Write machine code equivalent for the following       :

           'ifx<ygotoL'                                                                 (04 Marks)
  b.   Write an algorithm for partitioning three address instructions into basic blocks. Consider
       intermediate code to set a 10 x 10 matrix to an identify matrix. Apply an algorithm to
       convert this code into basic blocks.                                             (08 Marks)
  c.   Discuss the different issues in the desigri of the function getReg(I).           (08 Marks)


                                                2   of2
                     USN                                                                                                       O6C5/15663

                                  Sixth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, December 2Ol2
                                                            Data Gompression
                     Time: 3 hrs.                                                                                         Max. Marks:100
                                                 Note: Answer FIVEfull questions, selecting
                                                       atleost TWO questions from each part.
                                                                                PART       -A
                      I a. How the compression algorithm can be evaluated? Explain.                                                 (06 Marks)
                        b. Derive the expression for average information.                                                           (10 Marks)
               ()       c. What is a model? Explain Markov model.                                                                   (04 Marks)
                      2 a.      Explain Huffman coding algorithm. For an alphabet             A:     with probabilities
                                                                                                      {u,,   d2,a.3, a4, as)

                                P(ar): P(ar): 0.2,P(a2):0.4 and P(a+): P(as):0.1 compute i) Entropy ii) Average length
    *ao                         of the code iii) Redundancy.                                                (10 Marks)

                           b.   Write a note on static dictionary and diagram coding.                        (05 Marks)
        =                  c.   Write the CALIC algorithm.                                                   (05 Marks)
                      3 a.      For two random variables x and y, show that H(x/y) < H(x) with equality if x is independent
                                of y. [Hind : E[og ((x))] < log {E[(x)]] (Jensen's inequality)                      (05 Marks)
                                Find the auto correlation function in terms of the model coeflcients and o2p for an ARCD
                                process.                                                                                            (05 Marks)
                           c.   Explain the two main approaches to adapting the quantizer              parameters.                  (10 Marks)
                      4 a.      Explain the procedure for vector quantization.                                    (06 Marks)
        ,6              b.      Explain the splitting technique for initializing the LBG algorithm. Training set vectors are
                                given in Table Q4b(i) and initial set of output points in Table Q4(bxii).         (10 Marks)
                                      Heisht    72     65    s9      64        65     57        72      44        '62   60     56   70
        o- 6.
        Eg                            Weieht    180   t20    119     150       162    88      t75       41        tt4   110    91   172
                                                                               Table Q4b(i)
        ,i .9.
        arE                                                 Heisht        45         75         45           80
                                                            Weieht                   tt7        1t7          1gu-

        o- :
                           c.   Explain adaptive quantization in DPCM.
                                                                      Table Q4(ii)
                                                                                                       ,ffi   cE{€T$ae't-
                                                                                                                                    (04 Marks)

        =o                                                                     PART _ B
        o                                                                                                      LlBffiecv
                           a.   Explain the two properties of a linear system.                                  (04 Marks)
        o                       Given the following input - output relationship yn     : 0.6yn-t         0.2xn-1. Find the
    z                           impulse response {h,}.                                                          (06 Marks)
                           c.   Write the algorithm that uses estimates of the variance is a recursive algorithm and also
        a                       explain the zigzag scanning pattern for an 8 x 8 transform.                     (10 Marks)

                      6a.       Explain the basic subband coding algorithm.                                                         (I0 Marks)
                           b.   Write a note on application to speech coding G.722.                                                 (05 Marks)
                           c.   Write a note on application to audio codins MPEG audio.                                             (05 Marks)

  a.   Prove that V;+r : Vr @Wr@ Wr*r @. . . . . Owj.                                  (10 Marks)
  b.   For the seven - level decomposition shown below in Fig. 7(b), obtain the bitstream
       generated by the EZW coder ii) Decode the bitstream generated in the previous step. Verify
       that you get the original coeffrcient values.

                                              26     6    13 10
                                              -7     7    64
                                               4-4        4-3
                                               L-L        -20
                                                                                       (10 Marks)

8 a.   With block diagram, explain ITU   -   T recommendation H.261.                   (10 Marks)
  b.   Explain the packet video.                                                       (10 Marks)


                              sixth semester B.E. Degree Examination, December 2o12
                                                           File Structures
                Time: 3 hrs.                                                                              Max. Marks:100
                                              Note: Answer FIVE full questions, selecting
                                                    at lesst TWO questions from each part-
          o                                                       PART _ A
                 1a.        Differentiate between physical file and logical file systems.                             (02 Marks)

                      b.    Given, a class of car *ith dutu members CAR {string model, string EngNo, string RegNo}
                            and number functions ReadCar Info ( ) and Display Car Info ( );write a C++ program for D

    E9                      creating a file and writing 'n' records into it; ii) display all car records from the file.
    bo-                                                                                                              (08 Marks)

                      c.    Explain strengths and weaknesses of     CD-ROM.                                          (10 Marks)


                 2a.        Explain with example the different ways of structuring i) fields; ii) records. (10 Marks)
    .= c.l
                      b.    nxphin how record blocking improves the performance of sequential search. (05 Marks)
     !: OO
     go               c.    List the LINIX tools for sequential processing with example explain their working. (05 Marks)

     o>               a.    Define internal and external fragmentation compare the 3 placement strategies. (05 Marks)
     8s               b.    What is an Index? Explain the operations required to maintain an indexed file. (10 Marks)
     d=               c.    Explain in brief the 2 solutions for improving the secondary index structure. (05 Marks)
                      a.    Briefly explain the different methods    used to sort files on a   type.         (10 Marks)

                      b.    Write the suitable assumptions and essential components of consequential processing model.
                                                                                                             (10 Marks)
                                                                   PART _ B

                 5 a.       Forthe givensequence "T C S D          AM    P   I B WN GU", sho*how B-tree oforder4,             is
     o'v                    constructed stepwise.                                                                    (10 Marks)

                      b.    What are the pioperties of B-tree? Explain the process of tree searching procedure'
                                                                                                                     (10 Marks)

                 6 a. Explain the issues in maintenance of simple prefix B* trees.                                   (10 Marks)

      c 01)        b. Explain the internal structure of index set blocks'                                            (10 Marks)

      tr>        7 a.       Brief, how hashing differs from indexing.                                                 (04 Marks)
      u!           b.       Explain the simple hasing algorithm.                                                      (12 Marks)
     J<           c.       What is packing density? And why it is needed.                                            (04 Marks)
     - c'i
      o                     Write short notes on:
     z                 a.   Key sorting.
      f                b.   Data compression.
      a                c.   Dynamic hashing.
                       d.   AVL trees.                                                                                (20 Marks)
USN                                                                                               06cs64

                             Sixth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, December 2Ol2
                                                Gomputer Networks                    - ll
               Time: 3 hrs.                                                                          Max. Marks:100

                                            Note: Answer FIVEfull questions, selecting
        !                                         at least TWO questions from each part.

        0)                                                     PART _ A
 oX             la.        Explain and derive delays in datagram packet switching and compare           it with   message
                           switching.                                                                          (10 Marks)
                      b.   Consider the network given below in Fig.Q.1(b). Use Dijkstra's algorithm to find shorted
 coo                       paths from source node 5 to all other destination nodes. Find the shortest path tree from node
.= a.l                     5 to other nodes.                                                                    (10 Marks)



 .6                                                                  Fig.Q.1(b)
 o;           '2a.         Explain Fair queuing and weighted fair queuing mechanism of traffic management at the
  tro-                     packet level.                                                                      (lo Marks)
  o'"                 b.   A host in on organization has on IP address and subnet mask255.255.240.0.
  o=                       What is the address of the subnet? What is the range of IP addresses that a host can have on
  4LE                      this subnet?                                                                       (10 Marks)
  5 .:i
  co0                      Explain IPv6 basic header format.                                                    (10 Marks)
                           Explain OSPF cofltmon header fields and also OSPF hello packet     format.           (10 Marks)

lr<             4a.        Explain BISDN reference model.                                                       (06 Marks)
iN                    b.   Explain ATM cell header format.                                                      (07 Marks)
                      c.   Briefly explain various QoS parameter and traffic descriptors          with respect to ATM
Z                          networks.                                                                            (07 Marks)


                                                                        I of2

                                           PART _ B

5a.    Write a note on structure of management information.                                       (08 Marks)
  b.   Apply RSA and do the following:
       i) Suppose P: 5, q: 1 1 find e and d.
       ii) Encrlpt the following to get the cipher texts Pr : 18,   P2   :   19 and P:   :   1.
       iii)   Decrypt the cirphertaxts obtained above.                                            (12 Marks)

6a.    Explain VPN and its types based on tunneling.                                              (07 Marks)
  b.   Explain the various types of resource allocation schemes.                                  (06 Marks)
  c.   Write a note on overlay networks.                                                          (07 Marks)

7a.    Explain the session initiation protocol.                                                   (10 Marks)
  b.   Explain Shannon's coding theorem in detail.                                                (10 Marks)

8a.    Write a note on the tlpes of attacks in Ad-hoc networks.                                   (06 Marks)
  b.   Differentiate between intracluster and intracluster protocols for WSN.                     (07 Marks)
  c.   Write a short note on Zigbec technology.                                                   (07 Marks)


                                              2 of2

                  USN                                                                                                 06IS6s

                                   Sixth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, December 2Ol2

                                                      lnformation Systems
                  Time: 3 hrs.                                                                          Max. Marks:100
             o                                Note: Answer FIVEfull questions, selecting
                                                    at lesst TWO questions from euch part.

                                                                  PART _ A
            o      I a.      Define information system and information technology.                                  (06 Marks)
      oX             b.      Describe in detail the information framework for business professionals.               (07 Marks)
                     c.      What are the components of information s,ystems?                                       (07 Marks)

    -oo     ll
                  2 a.       List and describe the five basic competitive strategies with a neat diagram.      (t0 Marks)
                    b.       What is an agile company? Explain the basic business strategies used in agile company.
                                                                                                                    (10 Marks)
    =o            3 a.       Define e-business. Explain with a neat sketch, the transaction processing cycle in detail.
                                                                                                                    (10 Marks)
     3s                 b.   Explain marketing information systems with an example.                                 (10 Marks)
     a:                                                                                              -Ot :
     oo)          4a.        Define CRM. With a neat diagram, explain the three phases       Cnffi$ft$;.(Io             Marks)
                                                                                   ERP    "f
                        b.   What is ERP? Explain the benefits and challenges of               i*Y           .-*uX,,(lp Marks)

                                                                  pa p.r
                                                                                              i:{ "-x;F i: i;i'
                                                                                              i={ "-X;is }li
                                                                                                -9 r-r*
                                                                                               ru]__ /$'
    -od                                                           PARr-B
                                                                     - rl
     o{:          5a.        What is e-commerce? Explain the scope and the categories of e-corNr@@&.7n example.
                                                                                                                    (10 Marks)
     !g                 b.   List and explain different e-commerce success   factors.                               (10 Marks)

                  6a.        Define MIS. Explain the four major reporting alternatives provided by the   MIS.       (10 Marks)
     C.F                b.   List the major domain areas of AI and its commercial applications.                     (10 Marks)
     >,!          7a.        What is hacking? Explain the common hacking tactics to assault the companies. (t0Marks)
     o=                 b.   Explain the goal of security management. List the important security defenses. (10 Marks)
     I            8a.        Explain the major components of business/IT planning process and IT architecturelto
    U<                                                                                                                 lvtu"t.;
    --.;   ..i          b.   Write notes on:
                             i)    Global data access issue
    Z                        ii)   Internet access issue                                                           (10 Marks)
USN                                                                                                  06cs6s

                             Sixth semester B.E. Degree Examination, Decemb er 2ol2
                                     Gomputer Graphics and Visualization
               Time: 3 hrs.                                                                          Max. Marks:100
                                             Note: Answer FIVEfull questions, selecting
          o                                        at lesst TWO questions from each part.
          o.                                                     PART _ A
                I a.      Briefly explain any six applications of computer graphics.                               (06 Marks)
                  b.      Explain the concept of pinhole camera with appropriate diagrams and equations.           (08 Marks)
                  c.      Explain the pipeline architecture in computer    graphics.                               (06 Marks)

               2 a.       Explain the different types of polygons in'openGl.                              (07 Marks)
                 b'       Write a program in OpenGL to display the following Fig.Q.2(b) on a raster display system.
-*11                      Assume suitable coordinates for the vertices.                                   (0g Marks)






 o.=                                                                  Fig.Q.2(b)
                     c.   What are two forms of text? Explain.                                                    (05 Marks)
4 lr=
               3a.        Explain the logical classification of I/O devices with examples.          (06 Marks)
                     b.   How are menus and submenus created in OpenGL? Illustrate with an example. (06 Marks)
                     c.   Using XOR mode of operation, how are erasable lines drawn in OpenGL. Write OpenGL
bo"                       code and   explain.                                                                     (08 Marks)
               4a.        what   are the data structures required to define a   cube?                             (06 Marks)
o-                   b.   Write the transformation matrices for 2D translation, rotation and scaling and explain.
                     c.   what are vertex arrays? Explain how vertex arrays can be used to model    a   color   .,r[11*"tut'
o                                                                                                                 (08 Marks)
                                                                PART _ B
               5 a.       Show that the following sequence commute:
                          D A rotation and a uniform scaling.
                          ii) Two rotations about the origin
                          Note: Assume 2D.                                                                        /06 Mrrlrs

  b.   In two dimensions, we can specifu a line by the equation y       :   fltx + h. Find an affrne
       transformation to reflect two dimensional points about this line.                 (06 Marks)
  c.   Write an OpenGL program to rotate a triangle whose vertices are A(0, 0), B(0, 0), C(5, 10)
       about the reference point (5, 10) by 450. Use builtin OpenGL functions for transformations.
                                                                                         (08 Marks)

  a.   Derive the perspective projection matrix.                                         (08 Marks)
  b.   Explain glFrustum (..) API with syntax.                                           (08 Marks)
  c.   Bring out the differences between object-space algorithms and image space algorithms.
                                                                                          (04 Marks)

7a.    Explain the different types of light sources in graphics.                          (10 Marks)
  b.   Explain with code the approximation of a sphere by recursive subdivision.          (10 Marks)

8a.    Explain the Cohen-Sutherland line clipping algorithm.                          (10 Marks)
  b.   Explain the Z-buffer algorithm for hidden surface removal. How do you enable the Z-buffer
       algorithm in OpenGL?                                                           110 Marks)

                                            ,i. ,< ,< ,t   {<


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Computer Science and Information Science 6th semester (2012-December) Question Papers

  • 1. I USN 06AL61 Sixth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, December 2Ol2 Management and Entrepreneurship ci (,) o Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks:100 Co ! Note: Answer any FIVEfull questions, selecting atleast Tl,l/O questionsfrom each part. o PART. A o ! la. What is Management? Considering management as operational process, explain its various oX (08 Marks) sub - processes. b. Explain required change in skill - mix of a manager, with respect to his level in an 6e organization. (08 Marks) ! col What are the features of Bureaucratic administration? (04 Marks) =oa .= Gl 6S 9di, 2a. Dehne planning. Compare strategic planning with tactical planning. (06 Marks) o= b. What is rational decision? Explain steps involved in the process of rational decision making. -O =ts (08 Marks) c. What are different environments of decision making? (06 Marks) a: oo) 3a. Explain major principles to be followed to develop sound and efficient organuational structure. (08 Marks) o0c b. What is span of management / span of control? What is significance of number of relations cg(3 between manager and subordinates in span of control? (06 Marks) !(! >cl c. What are different advantages of decentrahzation? (06 Marks) -o OE 4a. What is leadership? What are the major functions of a leader?$ (08 Marks) :9 b. Explain Maslow's Need - Hierarchy theory. (08 Marks) o!w (.) j c. Explain the purpose of control system. (04 Marks) o= t- ti PART - B !o )E 5a. What are the major characteristics of an entrepreneurship? (08 Marks) v, b. Give the classification of entrepreneurs based on functional characteristics. (04 Marks) ^: bo' aoo c. What are internal and external barriers of entrepreneurship? (08 Marks) iu= so =o VL a. Explain using flowchart, formalities for setting up small scale industry (SSI) unit. (10 Marks) tr< b. Give the classification of different state level agencies for the promotion of SSI. (10 Marks) -N O a. Explain objectives and functions of infrastructure agency KIADB. (08 Marks) b. What is TECSOK? Explain services offered by TECSOK. (08 Marks) Z c. Write a note on single window load scheme of KSFC. (04 Marks) o a. What are the criteria for selecting a project? (08 Marks) b. Compare PERT and CPM project scheduling techniques. (08 Marks) c. What is project appraisal? Give main stages of project appraisal. (04 Marks) vl
  • 2. / USN 06cs62 Sixth Semester B.E. Degree Examinationo December 2Ol2 Unix System Programming Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks:100 Note: Answer FIVE full questions, selecting at leust TWO questions from each part. d) PART _ A o o I a. Explain the different functions used to query system-wide limits. Write a C program to o. demonstrate how to use the functions to query the limits. (10 Marks) (! b. What is an API? List the functions which are performed by the Unix system APIs. Also (! explain why calling an API is more time-consuming than calling a user defined functions. (06 Marks) o L c. Differentiate between ANSIC and C++. (04 Marks) ux t- a. Explain the different types of Unix or POSIX files. Also explain these files. (10 Marks) _a b. Differentiate between C stream pointers and file descriptors. (05 Marks) =6 ,r! c. Differentiate between hard link and symbolic links. Marks) Y() a. Explain the following file APIs with their prototypes: o= -o =! i) write ii) lseek iii) link iv) stat (10 Marks) o> b. Discuss the file and record locking in unix system. Explain the fc locking. a2 (10 Marks) a= oc) 4 a. What are the different ways of process termination? Differentiate between exit and -exit functions. (06 Marks) b. Write a C program to echo all its command-line arguments to standard output. (04 Marks) c. Explain the setjmp and longjmp functions with its prototypes. Illustrate the use of setjmp .G and longjmp function, with a example program. (10 Marks) !;L PART _ B a= 5 a. Explain how vfork function is different than fork function. Also, write a program to ^X demonstrate both fork and vfork functions. (10 Marks) o.. (J -.: b. Explain process groups and sessions. Discuss their relationship, with controlling terminal. a= (10 Marks) A,i €E LO 6 a. Explain the following APIs related to signals with their prototypes: >. (H i) Sigprocmask ii) Sigaction iii) Sigsetjmp iv) kill. (10 Marks) i50 b. What are Daemon processes? Explain the Daemon characteristics and coding rules. o= (10 Marks) o. tr>hi =o 5L 7 a. What are pipes? List the two limitations of pipes. Explain how to create a pipe. Write a lr< program to send data from parent to child over a pipe. (10 Marks) - c.l b. Explain how client and server will communicate using FIFOs. (05 Marks) (J o c. Explain the following functions related to message queues: z i) msgget ii) msgsnd (05 Marks) a 8 a. Explain the following socket programming functions with their prototypes: i) socket ii) connect iii) listen iv) accept. (10 Marks) b. Explain the different functions which will be used for exchanging data on sockets. (10 Marks) {<**{<*
  • 3. USN 06cs63 Sixth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, Decemb er 2Ol2 Gompiler Design Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks:100 Note: Answer FIVEfull questions choosing atleast TI,I/O questions from each part. o o o PART _ A I a. How to handle reserved words and identifiers during recognition of tokens? Explain. (07 Marks) (J b. Discuss three types of software productivity tools. (06 Marks) d o c. Enlist algebraic laws for regular expression. (07 Marks) (JX 2 a. Consider the production given below : -!, 2 S-+CCICSC 6v 6 Prof. James wanted to parse input string CCCCCC, using recursive descent parsing. Is it oo ll troo possible to do that? Justify your answer. (04 Marks) .= ..1 b. Remove left recursion from the grammar given below : g[i S-+(M)la -c 0) M-+M;SlS. (04 Marks) o> c. Enlist the conditions to test whether a given grammar is LL(1). (03 Marks) o2 d. Construct predictive parsing table for the following grammar ,;* S-+aABb oO 60 A-+Acle //& io= B-+dle. .&v/ (09 Marks) E iv, Er >6 Write an algorithm for computation of CLOSURE of LR(0).r iz 6- ' Construct in(O) parsing table for the following g.u*ur' (02 Marks) -?o S-+Ac OE ^X A-+ABle o.w B-+aB1b. (10 Marks) oFi. Consider the grammar A -> (A) | a. Construct the DFA of sets of LR(0) items. Show the 0= parsing actions for the input string ((a)). Clearly show states and symbols on the stack. AE (08 Marks) !o x.Y >(r boo 4a. Consider coo o= S-+idlV::E go tr> Xo V-+id 5! E-+Vln J< Construct canonical LR(1) parsing table. (14 Marks) -N b. write a YACC specification for desk calculator with error recovery. (06 Marks) o o z PART _ B a 5a. Write semantic rules to compute 5 * 6, using a grammar suitable for top down parsing. (07 Marks) b. Give syntax directed definition for simple type declaration. Construct dependency graph for the declaration, int idr, idz. (08 Marks) c- l/r.ife ST)T) f^. .,,l"ilo oraramanl
  • 4. USN 06cs63 Sixth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, Decemb er 2Ol2 Gompiler Design Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks:100 Note: Answer FIVEfull questions choosing atleast TI,I/O questions from each part. o o o PART _ A ! I a. How to handle reserved words and identifiers during recognition of tokens? Explain. E (07 Marks) o b. Discuss three types of software productivity tools. (06 Marks) d o L c. Enlist algebraic laws for regular expression. (07 Marks) *a oo*, 2 a. Consider the production given below : -!, 2 S-+CCICSC 6e -.o I Prof. James wanted to parse input string CCCCCC, using recursive descent parsing. Is it ol) Eoo possible to do that? Justify your answer. (04 Marks) .= ..i b. Remove left recursion from the grammar given below : otr E# S-+(M)la _c() M-+M;SlS. (04 Marks) c. Enlist the conditions to test whether a given gralnmar is LL(1). (03 Marks) o2 d. Construct predictive parsing table for the following grammar ;I S-+aABb oO A-+Acle B+dle. (09 Marks) Er -v >6 Write an algorithm for computation of CLOSURE of LR(0). 6- (02 Marks) -o(0 Construct LR(0) parsing table for the following grammar OE S-+Ac o- 6. A-+ABle B-+aB1b. (10 Marks) oJ Consider the grammar A -> (A) | a. Construct the DFA of sets of LR(O) items. Show the o= parsing actions for the input string ((a)). Clearly show states and symbols on the stack. o lrI Ni (08 Marks) !O x.Y >(r boo 4a. Consider coo aJ= S-+idlV::E o- : V+id =o 5L E+Vln J< Construct canonical LR(1) parsing table. (14 Marks) -N b. write a YACC specification for desk calculator with error recovery. (06 Marks) O o PART _ B (! L a 5a. Write semantic rules to compute 5 * 6, using a grammar suitable for top down parsing. (07 Marks) b. Give syntax directed definition for simple type declaration. Construct dependency graph for the declaration, int idr, idz. (08 Marks) c- l/r"ifa ST-)T) f^, .,,l"ilo orora'-anl
  • 5. 06cs63 a. Describe syntax directed definition for flow of control statements. (10 Marks) b. Generate three address code for Boolean operations. (10 Marks) a. Write intermediate code for the following : a: (b [i]). (04 Marks) b. Explain the procedures to maintain display, with an example. (08 Marks) c. Discuss the performance metrics to be considered while designing a garbage collector. (08 Marks) 8 a. Write machine code equivalent for the following : 'ifx<ygotoL' (04 Marks) b. Write an algorithm for partitioning three address instructions into basic blocks. Consider intermediate code to set a 10 x 10 matrix to an identify matrix. Apply an algorithm to convert this code into basic blocks. (08 Marks) c. Discuss the different issues in the desigri of the function getReg(I). (08 Marks) 'l.{<*r<* 2 of2
  • 6. / USN O6C5/15663 Sixth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, December 2Ol2 Data Gompression Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks:100 Note: Answer FIVEfull questions, selecting atleost TWO questions from each part. (] o o L g PART -A I a. How the compression algorithm can be evaluated? Explain. (06 Marks) (.) b. Derive the expression for average information. (10 Marks) () c. What is a model? Explain Markov model. (04 Marks) 3e 2 a. Explain Huffman coding algorithm. For an alphabet A: with probabilities {u,, d2,a.3, a4, as) de P(ar): P(ar): 0.2,P(a2):0.4 and P(a+): P(as):0.1 compute i) Entropy ii) Average length *ao of the code iii) Redundancy. (10 Marks) =oo ' a.l b. Write a note on static dictionary and diagram coding. (05 Marks) . = c. Write the CALIC algorithm. (05 Marks) Yo otr -O 3 a. For two random variables x and y, show that H(x/y) < H(x) with equality if x is independent o> *,a of y. [Hind : E[og ((x))] < log {E[(x)]] (Jensen's inequality) (05 Marks) Find the auto correlation function in terms of the model coeflcients and o2p for an ARCD d= process. (05 Marks) oO c. Explain the two main approaches to adapting the quantizer parameters. (10 Marks) OE botr 4 a. Explain the procedure for vector quantization. (06 Marks) ,6 b. Explain the splitting technique for initializing the LBG algorithm. Training set vectors are Ed given in Table Q4b(i) and initial set of output points in Table Q4(bxii). (10 Marks) -4a OE Heisht 72 65 s9 64 65 57 72 44 '62 60 56 70 o- 6. Eg Weieht 180 t20 119 150 162 88 t75 41 tt4 110 91 172 Table Q4b(i) ,i .9. @= to arE Heisht 45 75 45 80 Weieht tt7 1t7 1gu- a !o 50 )E >'k bo- ioo o= o- : c. Explain adaptive quantization in DPCM. ion Table Q4(ii) ,ffi cE{€T$ae't- (04 Marks) =o PART _ B VL o LlBffiecv (r< a. Explain the two properties of a linear system. (04 Marks) -cl o Given the following input - output relationship yn : 0.6yn-t 0.2xn-1. Find the o z impulse response {h,}. (06 Marks) c. Write the algorithm that uses estimates of the variance is a recursive algorithm and also o a explain the zigzag scanning pattern for an 8 x 8 transform. (10 Marks) 6a. Explain the basic subband coding algorithm. (I0 Marks) b. Write a note on application to speech coding G.722. (05 Marks) c. Write a note on application to audio codins MPEG audio. (05 Marks)
  • 7. O6C5/15663 a. Prove that V;+r : Vr @Wr@ Wr*r @. . . . . Owj. (10 Marks) b. For the seven - level decomposition shown below in Fig. 7(b), obtain the bitstream generated by the EZW coder ii) Decode the bitstream generated in the previous step. Verify that you get the original coeffrcient values. 26 6 13 10 -7 7 64 4-4 4-3 11 L-L -20 (10 Marks) 8 a. With block diagram, explain ITU - T recommendation H.261. (10 Marks) b. Explain the packet video. (10 Marks) rf{<*{.{<
  • 8. / 06IS63 USN sixth semester B.E. Degree Examination, December 2o12 File Structures Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks:100 Note: Answer FIVE full questions, selecting at lesst TWO questions from each part- d o o o PART _ A E 1a. Differentiate between physical file and logical file systems. (02 Marks) b. Given, a class of car *ith dutu members CAR {string model, string EngNo, string RegNo} and number functions ReadCar Info ( ) and Display Car Info ( );write a C++ program for D 4) o E9 creating a file and writing 'n' records into it; ii) display all car records from the file. bo- (08 Marks) 69 c. Explain strengths and weaknesses of CD-ROM. (10 Marks) _-o 2a. Explain with example the different ways of structuring i) fields; ii) records. (10 Marks) ool troa .= c.l b. nxphin how record blocking improves the performance of sequential search. (05 Marks) !: OO go c. List the LINIX tools for sequential processing with example explain their working. (05 Marks) otr aO o> a. Define internal and external fragmentation compare the 3 placement strategies. (05 Marks) 8s b. What is an Index? Explain the operations required to maintain an indexed file. (10 Marks) d= c. Explain in brief the 2 solutions for improving the secondary index structure. (05 Marks) oO (!-O -! a. Briefly explain the different methods used to sort files on a type. (10 Marks) b. Write the suitable assumptions and essential components of consequential processing model. (10 Marks) -o >! ,G E(d 3(J LO PART _ B oe ^X 5 a. Forthe givensequence "T C S D AM P I B WN GU", sho*how B-tree oforder4, is o'v constructed stepwise. (10 Marks) r".9 6: b. What are the pioperties of B-tree? Explain the process of tree searching procedure' (10 Marks) att 9O >,9 6 a. Explain the issues in maintenance of simple prefix B* trees. (10 Marks) bo- c 01) b. Explain the internal structure of index set blocks' (10 Marks) o= o.U tr> 7 a. Brief, how hashing differs from indexing. (04 Marks) =o u! b. Explain the simple hasing algorithm. (12 Marks) J< c. What is packing density? And why it is needed. (04 Marks) - c'i o o Write short notes on: z a. Key sorting. f b. Data compression. a c. Dynamic hashing. d. AVL trees. (20 Marks)
  • 9. USN 06cs64 Sixth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, December 2Ol2 Gomputer Networks - ll Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks:100 oi (.) o Note: Answer FIVEfull questions, selecting Cd ! at least TWO questions from each part. 0) PART _ A o oX la. Explain and derive delays in datagram packet switching and compare it with message switching. (10 Marks) b. Consider the network given below in Fig.Q.1(b). Use Dijkstra's algorithm to find shorted -lil coo paths from source node 5 to all other destination nodes. Find the shortest path tree from node .= a.l 5 to other nodes. (10 Marks) U(J OE -cq o> o2 o: o() cno ootr -o .6 Fig.Q.1(b) -o(t 3o o; '2a. Explain Fair queuing and weighted fair queuing mechanism of traffic management at the io qO. tro- packet level. (lo Marks) o'" b. A host in on organization has on IP address and subnet mask255.255.240.0. o= What is the address of the subnet? What is the range of IP addresses that a host can have on 4LE this subnet? (10 Marks) GE LO 5 .:i ooo co0 Explain IPv6 basic header format. (10 Marks) o= so Explain OSPF cofltmon header fields and also OSPF hello packet format. (10 Marks) tr> 5- =o lr< 4a. Explain BISDN reference model. (06 Marks) iN b. Explain ATM cell header format. (07 Marks) o o c. Briefly explain various QoS parameter and traffic descriptors with respect to ATM Z networks. (07 Marks) o I of2
  • 10. 06cs64 PART _ B 5a. Write a note on structure of management information. (08 Marks) b. Apply RSA and do the following: i) Suppose P: 5, q: 1 1 find e and d. ii) Encrlpt the following to get the cipher texts Pr : 18, P2 : 19 and P: : 1. iii) Decrypt the cirphertaxts obtained above. (12 Marks) 6a. Explain VPN and its types based on tunneling. (07 Marks) b. Explain the various types of resource allocation schemes. (06 Marks) c. Write a note on overlay networks. (07 Marks) 7a. Explain the session initiation protocol. (10 Marks) b. Explain Shannon's coding theorem in detail. (10 Marks) 8a. Write a note on the tlpes of attacks in Ad-hoc networks. (06 Marks) b. Differentiate between intracluster and intracluster protocols for WSN. (07 Marks) c. Write a short note on Zigbec technology. (07 Marks) *d(,t(** 2 of2
  • 11. I l USN 06IS6s l Sixth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, December 2Ol2 lnformation Systems Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks:100 () o o Note: Answer FIVEfull questions, selecting 0. .= at lesst TWO questions from euch part. PART _ A () o I a. Define information system and information technology. (06 Marks) oX b. Describe in detail the information framework for business professionals. (07 Marks) c. What are the components of information s,ystems? (07 Marks) 6e -oo ll 2 a. List and describe the five basic competitive strategies with a neat diagram. (t0 Marks) troo .=N b. What is an agile company? Explain the basic business strategies used in agile company. (10 Marks) gil otr =o 3 a. Define e-business. Explain with a neat sketch, the transaction processing cycle in detail. (10 Marks) 3s b. Explain marketing information systems with an example. (10 Marks) a: -Ot : oo) 4a. Define CRM. With a neat diagram, explain the three phases Cnffi$ft$;.(Io Marks) (00 ERP "f b0c (!6 b. What is ERP? Explain the benefits and challenges of i*Y .-*uX,,(lp Marks) >cl pa p.r i:{ "-x;F i: i;i' i={ "-X;is }li -9 r-r* ru]__ /$' -od PARr-B - rl "/S',' -?o o{: 5a. What is e-commerce? Explain the scope and the categories of e-corNr@@&.7n example. (10 Marks) o-A !g b. List and explain different e-commerce success factors. (10 Marks) oj a-- 6,i, 6a. Define MIS. Explain the four major reporting alternatives provided by the MIS. (10 Marks) C.F b. List the major domain areas of AI and its commercial applications. (10 Marks) LO O.= >,! 7a. What is hacking? Explain the common hacking tactics to assault the companies. (t0Marks) bo" trbo o= b. Explain the goal of security management. List the important security defenses. (10 Marks) 90 tr> :o VL I 8a. Explain the major components of business/IT planning process and IT architecturelto U< lvtu"t.; --.; ..i b. Write notes on: o o i) Global data access issue Z ii) Internet access issue (10 Marks) P
  • 12. USN 06cs6s Sixth semester B.E. Degree Examination, Decemb er 2ol2 Gomputer Graphics and Visualization Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks:100 Note: Answer FIVEfull questions, selecting o at lesst TWO questions from each part. o o ! o. PART _ A a I a. Briefly explain any six applications of computer graphics. (06 Marks) b. Explain the concept of pinhole camera with appropriate diagrams and equations. (08 Marks) ?a C) L c. Explain the pipeline architecture in computer graphics. (06 Marks) 2 a. Explain the different types of polygons in'openGl. (07 Marks) b' Write a program in OpenGL to display the following Fig.Q.2(b) on a raster display system. -*11 Assume suitable coordinates for the vertices. (0g Marks) =ca oxJ ()tr -O o2 6= o() o-E 50a a6 -ao o.= Fig.Q.2(b) o5- c. What are two forms of text? Explain. (05 Marks) o.' o-i u= to 4 lr= 3a. Explain the logical classification of I/O devices with examples. (06 Marks) b. How are menus and submenus created in OpenGL? Illustrate with an example. (06 Marks) !o c. Using XOR mode of operation, how are erasable lines drawn in OpenGL. Write OpenGL iq ^.= bo" code and explain. (08 Marks) ibo o= qo tr> Xo 4a. what are the data structures required to define a cube? (06 Marks) o- b. Write the transformation matrices for 2D translation, rotation and scaling and explain. U< -61 c. what are vertex arrays? Explain how vertex arrays can be used to model a color .,r[11*"tut' (.) o (08 Marks) z L PART _ B o a 5 a. Show that the following sequence commute: D A rotation and a uniform scaling. ii) Two rotations about the origin Note: Assume 2D. /06 Mrrlrs
  • 13. 06cs65 b. In two dimensions, we can specifu a line by the equation y : fltx + h. Find an affrne transformation to reflect two dimensional points about this line. (06 Marks) c. Write an OpenGL program to rotate a triangle whose vertices are A(0, 0), B(0, 0), C(5, 10) about the reference point (5, 10) by 450. Use builtin OpenGL functions for transformations. (08 Marks) a. Derive the perspective projection matrix. (08 Marks) b. Explain glFrustum (..) API with syntax. (08 Marks) c. Bring out the differences between object-space algorithms and image space algorithms. (04 Marks) 7a. Explain the different types of light sources in graphics. (10 Marks) b. Explain with code the approximation of a sphere by recursive subdivision. (10 Marks) 8a. Explain the Cohen-Sutherland line clipping algorithm. (10 Marks) b. Explain the Z-buffer algorithm for hidden surface removal. How do you enable the Z-buffer algorithm in OpenGL? 110 Marks) ,i. ,< ,< ,t {< a