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The Geology of the Moine Thrust Zone on the eastern shores of
Loch Eriboll, Northwest Scotland.
An undergraduate mapping project by Stephen Gillham.
The contents of this thesis is the original work of the author and has not been
submitted for a degree at this or any other university. Other people’s work is
acknowledged by reference.
4th April 2015
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Birkbeck College, University of
Table of Contents
1 Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Mapping Area 1
1.2 Geological setting 1
2 Chapter 2 Formations within the mapping area 2
2.1 Eriboll Formation 2
2.1.1 Cross-bedded Member 2
2.1.2 Pipe Rock 4
2.2 An t-Sron Formation 6
2.2.1 Alltain Beds 6
2.2.2Salterella 8
2.3 Tor Liath Formation 9
2.3.1 Kempie Dolostone 9
2.3.2 Heilam Dolostone 10
2.4 Stratigraphic and sedimentological evolution of the area 11
3 Chapter 3 Igneous rocks 12
4 Chapter 4 Metamorphic geology 17
4.1 Lewisian Gneiss 17
4.1.1 Observations 17
4.1.2 Interpretation 20
4.2 Arnaboll Mylonite 21
4.2.1 Observations 21
4.2.2 Interpretation 22
4.3 Oystershell Mylonite 23
4.3.1 Observations 23
4.3.2 Interpretation 23
4.4 Quartz Mylonite 24
4.5 Metamorphic history of the area 24
5 Chapter 5 Structural geology 24
5.1 Faults/shear zones 24
5.1.1 Observations 24
5.1.2 Interpretation 30
5.2 Folds 31
5.2.1 Observations 32
5.2.2 Interpretation 34
5.3 Cleavage 34
5.4 Lineations on faults and stretching lineations 35
5.5 Stylolites and associated tension gashes 35
5.6 Structural history of the area 36
6 Chapter 6 Geological history of the area 37
6.1 Lewisian Gneiss 38
6.2 Cambrian sedimentology 39
6.3 Caledonian thrusting 40
6.4 Post orogenic events 42
6.5 Summary 42
7 References 45
8 Appendix 48
9 Acknowledgments 49
List of figures
Figure 1- Location of mapping area v
Figure 2- Geological map and cross-sections vi
Figure 3- Skolithos shear indicators 25
Figure 4- Overstepping and duplex geometry 25
Figure 5- Lateral ramp 29
Figure 6- Fault propagation folds 36
List of plates
Plate 1- Pipe Rock 13
Plate 2- Stretched quartz in mylonite 13
Plate 3- S-C fabric in Oystershell Mylonite 14
Plate 4- Sheared Alltain Beds 14
Plate 5- Hangingwall anticline 15
Plate 6- The Arnaboll Thrust on a regional scale 15
The geology of the Moine Thrust Zone (MTZ) has been studied since the early 19th Century by
eminent geologists such as Lapworth, Murchison and Geikie to name but a few. As our
understanding of the MTZ has developed over the years, so too has our understanding of similar
thrust belts across the globe. Much of the thrusting within the MTZ was accommodated within the
Cambrian sediments of the Ardverck and Durness groups which show remarkable continuity along
the Moine Thrust from Loch Eriboll in the north to the Isle of Skye (BGS). The uniformity of the
Cambrian sediments have been particularly helpful in the elucidation of Moine Thrust tectonics.
This thesis is based on the author’s own observations and interpretations of the mapping area.
Field work consisted of 29 days in the field, on the eastern shores of Loch Eriboll (Fig.1), where
geological mapping was conducted using 1:10 000 scale base maps. The author found that the
thrust zone comprised of a mainly foreland propagating thrust sequence with some later
overstepping thrusts stepping back into the orogen. This is broadly consistent with the findings of
other authors such as Butler (2004) and Holdsworth et al. (2006).
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Mapping area
The mapping area covers the area immediately east of Loch Eriboll on the north
coast of Scotland (Fig.1). From north to south, the area includes: the Heilam
Peninsula; Ben Arnaboll; Bealach Mhairi; and Kempie which is to the east of
Bealach Mhairi (Fig.2).
1.2 Geological setting
The area covers the northernmost extent of the Moine Thrust Zone (MTZ), where
compression during the Caledonian Orogeny resulted in major thrusting in a
predominantly west-northwest direction. It is an area which has been extensively
studied since the late 1800’s due to the excellent exposure of the MTZ. In the early
1880’s, Charles Lapworth concluded that the structural complexity of the area was
due to “contractional folding and faulting”, what we now know as thrusting. Terms
such as “mylonite” and “thrusts” were first coined by Geikie when he studied the
area in 1884. In the early twentieth century, Peach et al. (1907) discovered that
faulting occurred in linked arrays. Further work by numerous authors has placed
better constraints and understanding on the geological history of the MTZ at Loch
Eriboll (Law et al., 1984; Wilkinson & Soper, 1975; Butler 1984, Holdsworth et al.,
2006, 2007). The sequence of thrusting is complex within the area with some
thrusting stepping back into the orogen (Butler, 2004) and remains a much
discussed topic.
Chapter 2 Formations within the mapping area
2.1 Eriboll Formation
2.1.1 Cross-bedded Member
The Cross-bedded Member unconformably lies upon the pre-Cambrian Lewisian
Basement. Evidence of this unconformity can be seen around Bealach Mhairi [4510
5770], where a steeply dipping contact between the Lewisian basement and Cross-
bedded Member is clearly visible. The contact is sharp with no evidence of
tectonism, indicating that the contact is unconformable rather than tectonic. The
member is fine grained and is both texturally and compositionally mature,
consisting almost entirely of quartz grains approximately 2mm in diameter. Owing
to the compositional maturity of the member, it is likely that the original sediment
was the product of extensive re-cycling. Subordinate plagioclase is present but less
than 5%. The rock type is therefore a quartz arenite. There are no pore spaces
visible within the member, indicating substantial compaction or cementation.
Sedimentary structures are well preserved. Low angle trough cross-stratification is
clearly visible within many outcrops, where finer grained sediments on cross-
bedding surfaces have been preferentially weathered. Cross bedding is also
commonly picked out by fracturing which conforms to the curved cross-bed
surfaces. Typically, the beds are 30 to 40cm thick and are bounded by sub-
horizontal bedding planes. Cross-bedding is mainly unidirectional but there are
some sets of herringbone cross-bedding, which suggests a bi-modal flow regime
consistent with an intertidal marine setting. Cross-bedding foresets were restored
on a stereonet where a dominant palaeocurrent direction of 106o east was
obtained (Appendix 1). Excellent examples of palaeo-ripples can be seen on the
northern end of Druim na Teanga [4540 5960]. The ripples are symmetrical in
cross-section, have a wavelength of approximately 40mm and an amplitude of
8mm. The symmetry of the palaeo-ripples suggests a bi-modal flow regime. The
ripples trend 188o to the south. The palaeocurrent would have been normal to the
crest axis of the ripples, so again palaeocurrent direction is in an east-west
orientation and in agreement with the foresets. There are no evidence of fossils
within the member. This is possibly due to moderately high sediment deposition
rates within a high energy environment, rendering it uninhabitable to benthic
fauna. The thickness of the Cross-bedded Quartz Member is difficult to constrain
precisely as it has been substantially tectonised, but is in the region of
approximately 75-100 metres.
Given the maturity of the Cross-bedded Member, it is clear that the original
sediments have undergone extensive re-working and is highly likely that they have
been exposed to polycyclic events to reach the level of maturity seen in this
member. Deposition was in a relatively high energy environment where sediment
influx was moderate. The presences of herringbone cross-bedding and
symmetrical palaeo-ripples on bedding surfaces are strong indications that they
were deposited in an inter-tidal zone, above wave base where tides ebbed and
flowed east to west. There are two possible reasons for the lack of bioturbation
within the member: 1) fauna could not keep up with moderate sedimentation
rates; 2) benthic fauna had not yet evolved to inhabit such a palaeo-environment.
The latter is difficult to prove as paradoxically, with a lack of bio-stratigraphic
evidence it is difficult to date the sedimentary units.
2.1.2 Pipe Rock
The Pipe Rock Member lies conformably above the Cross-Bedded Member. The
contact can be observed by the road side, approximately 300m directly east of
Kempie [4485 5800] where beds are overturned, so that the older Cross-bedded
Member sits on top of the Pipe Rock Member. Evidence for the overturned beds
can be found within the cross-bedding of the Cross-bedded Member, where cross
laminations are clearly upside down. Compositionally, both members are similar.
In comparison with the Cross-bedded Member, the Pipe Rock is also a quartz
arenite. Grain size within the unit is fairly consistent at 1.5 to 2mm and there are
no relict pore spaces preserved. The member consists almost entirely of quartz.
There are no feldspars or any other detrital minerals visible. Grain interfaces are
interlocking but it is unclear whether this is due to cementation or pressure
solution. The lack of metamorphic fabric due to little lithostatic pressure within the
Alltain Beds directly above the Pipe Rock Member would suggest that quartz
overgrowth, rather than pressure solution was the main driver behind the inter-
locking fabric. This has implications for the rock type, as if the contacts are due to
quartz overgrowth the member would be classified as a quartz arenite, whereas if
pressure solution was the dominant cause of the interlocking fabric, the member
would be deemed a quartzite. The lack of feldspars within the Pipe Rock Member is
an indication that the sediments within the member may have undergone a slightly
more evolved history than that of the underlying Cross-bedded Member.
There is a distinct lack of cross-bedding within the Pipe Rock, although some sub-
horizontal bedding horizons are visible within some outcrops. The most
distinguishing feature is the abundance of skolithos trace fossils. They generally
take the form of vertical burrows which vary in length, but typically are between
20 to 40cm long and the thickness of the burrows are pretty consistent at 12 to
15mm in diameter. They are clearly visible in cross-sectional view as the member
is often stained red or purple (Plate 1), whereas the burrows retain the unstained
white colour of the quartz arenite. On bedding planes, burrow entrance holes are
visible as distinctive pock marks. Due to tectonic activity (discussed in Chapter 5),
some burrows are elliptical. Skolithos are often the dwelling or feeding burrows
marine worms or arthropods and are common in sedimentary rocks spanning the
whole of the Phanerozoic eon (Fillion & Pickerill, 1990), particularly within the
Cambrian. Some occasional tabular cross-bedding is preserved within the Pipe
Rock Member to the north of Ben Heilam [4710 6245], where Skolithos burrows
are not present. The Pipe Rock Member is approximately 75 metres thick
Similarly to the Cross-bedded Member, the Pipe Rock Member has undergone
extensive re-working prior to deposition. Deposition was in a high energy
environment and it is probable that this was in a shallow marine setting, given the
high level of grain sorting and the close proximity of the member to the Cross-
bedded Member below which is shallow marine in origin. The presence of
skolithos suggests that aggradation rates may have been slightly lower than that if
the Cross-bedded Member as benthic fauna were able to keep pace with
sedimentation rates. The presence of occasional cross-bedding lacking
bioturbation may be the result of storm events where sudden aggradation
occurred therefore burying any benthic organisms.
2.2 An t-Sron Formation
2.2.1 Alltain Beds
The Alltain Beds are heterogeneous in composition. Fine siltstones dominate but
medium to coarse sandstones are also present in the form of tabular cross-
bedding, hummocky cross-bedding, isolated lenses and occasional channel fills.
Laying conformably above the Pipe Rock Member, the Alltain sequence begins with
medium quartz sands where herring-bone cross-stratification is visible. Theses
pass up into ferruginous brown siltstones where fine ripples and sub-parallel
laminations are present. Mud drapes are visible on some ripple structures and
represent the settling out of fine sediments. Beds of vuggy grey dolomitic siltstones
are present within some horizons indicating a transition from a siliciclastic to a
carbonate dominated environment. Moving vertically through the beds, siltstones
are occasionally interrupted by medium quartz sands, typically 80cm in thickness.
They contain hummocky cross-stratification and have an erosional base. A
hummocky bedding plane is well preserved at An t-Sron [4415 5815]. Towards the
top of the sequence, the Alltain Beds are relatively homogenous where hummocky
sands are no longer present and dolomitic siltstones dominate. Occasional lenses
of quartz sands are present but are subordinate. Bioturbation is clearly visible on
some bedding planes where planolites are abundant and parallel to bedding.
Typically they are approximately 5mm in diameter and have an unusual seaweed
appearance. Cruziana can also be observed on some bedding planes, but are
generally not very well preserved. The Alltain Beds are approximately 20 metres
The Alltain Beds mark a general transgressive environment, where intertidal
herringbone cross-bedding at the base is succeeded by argillaceous siltstones
deposited below wave base. The presence of small ripple structures within some
horizons suggest that there was still a weak tidal influence present. Hummocky
cross-stratified quartz sands are the result of storm events washing clastic
material from the shore face, indicating that the Alltain Beds were generally below
wave base but above storm wave base. There is a distinct change from a
siliciclastic depositional environment within the lower Pipe Rock Member to a
transitional carbonate depositional environment within the Alltain Beds. Given the
vuggy nature of the dolomitic siltstones within the beds, it is likely that the original
protolith was predominantly a carbonate siltstone but has undergone extensive
dolomitisation. The transition to a carbonate dominated environment is most
likely a climatic response to a transition from temperate to tropical latitudes. The
loss of hummocky cross-stratification and the presence of more homogenous deep
water siltstone facies near the top of the member indicate that transgression
continued throughout its depositional history. The presence of cruziana suggests
that trilobites were in existence during this period, a tentative estimation as to the
age range of the member would be Early Cambrian to Permian.
2.2.2 Salterella
The Salterella Member is a compositionally mature sandstone which is similar to
the Pipe Rock Member. Quartz grains dominate (95%) with subordinate
plagioclase (<5%), the member is therefore a quartz arenite. Many quartz grains
are inter-locking indicative of substantial cementation, but distinctive well
rounded millet seed grains of 1 to 2mm in diameter are visible within some
outcrops. This suggests that the provenance of the sediments may stem from
terrigenous origin in the form of Aeolian sands. A distinctive feature of this
Member is the presence of small conical Salterella fossils, which is useful in
distinguishing it from the Pipe Rock Member. Within the member, Salterella are
most commonly visible as small conical voids, where the Salterella have weathered
out. They are typically 2 to 4mm long, with distribution being relatively sparse.
Originally identified as a form of cephalopod, later work by Yochelson (1977;
1983) revealed that Salterella was a member of the short lived phylum Agmata
that existed only during the late Early Cambrian (Bonnia-Olenellus zone).
The Salterella Member was deposited in a high energy intertidal zone similar to
that of the Eriboll Formation, where a regressive period resulted in the deposition
of terrigenous Aeolian sands over the muddy carbonates of the Alltain Member.
Deposition was possibly within a beach or barrier island setting but it is difficult to
prove given the lack of sedimentary structure, i.e., cross-bedding; palaeo-ripples;
etc. The member can be placed accurately within the Bonnia-Olenellus zone of the
late Early Cambrian (Yochelson 1977, 1983) due to the presence of the short lived
Salterella. The member is only 10 to 12 metres in thickness.
2.3 Tor Liath Formation
2.3.1 Kempie Dolostone
The contact between the Kempie Dolostone and the underlying Salterella is
conformable, where the quartz arenites of the Salterella give way to medium sands
consolidated within a fine grained dark grey matrix. Sand grains near the base of
the Kempie Dolostone are of well-rounded quartz and similar to that of the
underlying Salterella, it is therefore probable that are of similar terrigenous origin.
The fine grained matrix is dark grey in colour and does not react to HCl (10%), it is
therefore predominantly dolomitic. The texture is crystalline and abrasive.
Following vertically up sequence from sandy dolostones at the base, there is a
transition to monotonous dark grey dolostones devoid of any sedimentary
structures or fauna, other than occasional light bands of millimetre scale. The light
bands are sparse and follow no systematic pattern.
The lack of sedimentary and faunal evidence within this formation is possibly the
result of extensive dolomitisation, where much of the evidence may have been
destroyed. The process of dolomitisation is enigmatic and poorly understood, but
is thought to result from the diagenesis of carbonates post-deposition from
magnesium rich pore waters derived from saline environments such as sabkhas
through the following reaction:
2CaCO3 + Mg2+ ↔ CaMg(CO3) + Ca2+
It is difficult to define a depositional environment for this rock type due to its
altered nature. The dark grey colour suggests the presence of fine micritic muds.
This would indicate deposition in a low energy environment, possibly near the
base of a reef front, below wave base. More importantly, the presence of dolomitic
lithologies marks a distinct change from siliciclastic deposition to carbonate
deposition. This is usually in response to climatic change, where siliciclastic
deposition at temperate latitudes gives way to carbonate dominated deposition at
tropical latitudes nearer the equator. The thickness of this member is
approximately 50 metres.
2.4.2 Heilam Dolostone
The Heilam Formation bares many similarities to the Kempie Dolostone in that it is
a fine grained dolomitic rock with a crystalline abrasive texture. As with the
former, it is also devoid of any structures and fauna due to the extensive
dolomitisation. The only characteristic which distinguishes it from the Heilam
Formation is the lighter grey colour. The basal contact is not visible within the
mapping area, but can be observed just south of the area near Tor Liath [4415
5755]. The transition from dark to light grey is gradational.
Similarly to the Kempie Dolostone, assigning a facies to this rock type is difficult
due to the extensive dolomitisation. The lighter grey colour suggests that there is
distinctly less muds present when compared with the underlying Kempie member.
Deposition was therefore in a shallower environment, marking a regressional
event where carbonates were deposited within a shallow carbonate sea, probably
above wave base, within the reef flat or back lagoon. The thickness of this
formation is unknown as it is substantially tectonised and poorly represented
within the mapping area.
2.6 Stratigraphical and sedimentological evolution of the area.
The stratigraphic sequence within the mapping area started with the deposition of
marginal marine sediments onto cratonic basement rocks. This marks the
transition from a dominantly erosive regime which exposed the metamorphic
basement, to one where marine transgression was dominant. The first
sedimentary unit is the Cross-bedded Member, where the transgression took the
form of intertidal marine sands. The depositional environment was relatively high
energy and deposition rates were moderate. It is difficult to date the Cross-bedded
Member given the lack of fauna, but given that the conformably overlying Salterella
Member is late Early Cambrian in age (Yochelson, 1977; 1983), it is likely that the
Cross-bedded Member is Early Cambrian. The deposition of the Pipe Rock Member
represents a continuation of an intertidal marine setting. The well sorted sands are
again indicative of a high energy environment, but the lack of cross bedding within
the member is an indication that sedimentation rates were lower than that of the
Cross-bedded Member.
A transgression followed, where the argillaceous dolomitic Alltain Beds were
deposited just below wave-base. This was succeeded by a regression resulting in a
return to siliciclastic deposition within the intertidal Salterella Member where
deposited. The deposition of the micritic Kempie Dolostone marked a distinct
change to a low energy carbonate dominated environment where the depositional
environment was within tropical palaeo-latitudes nearer the equator. A further
regression followed, where the Heilam Dolostones represent shallow carbonate
deposition within a reef flat or reef lagoon.
Chapter 3 Igneous Rocks
Igneous rocks within the mapping area are exclusively within the Lewisian Gneiss.
A dolerite dyke near the summit of Ben Arnaboll has been extensively deformed
and amphibolitised so is therefore discussed in Chapter 4 (Metamorphic geology).
There are other highly modified relict ultramafic bodies within the Lewisian but it
is difficult to constrain their geological origin due to their protracted and
convoluted history, so any attempt based on field evidence would be purely
speculative so will not be discussed further.
Also pervading the Lewisian Gneiss are potassic pegmatites, which are relatively
ubiquitous throughout. They bare a crosscutting relationship where they clearly
cross-cut the fabric of the Lewisian Gneiss. Generally, they are coarse grained with
a typical grain size of 20mm, but some k-feldspar crystals are much larger.
Potassium feldspar is the dominant mineral giving the pegmatites a distinctive
pink colour. Quartz and plagioclase are also present, with the overall composition
being that of an alkali granite. Their emplacement is probably linked to the
existence of a larger pluton from which the pegmatites have originated, but there is
no field evidence of this. It is likely that the pluton is at depth and has not been
exposed at the current level. According to Černý et al. (2012), pegmatites usually
form from highly evolved melts that are rich in incompatible elements such as
boron, phosphorus and fluorine are intrinsically linked to the presence of H2O.
They also go on to say that pegmatites rarely fractionate from I-type granites but
are commonly fractionated from S-type and A-type granites, which could be useful
in disclosing the origin of the Lewisian Gneiss.
As discussed, the formation of pegmatite is largely dependent on the presence of
H2O. According to London & Černý (2008), shear zones can act as conduits which
can introduce fluids to evolved magmas hence aiding the formation of pegmatites.
It is possible therefore, that the emplacement of the pegmatites was associated
with a major tectonic event. This is highly likely as the pegmatite bodies
themselves have undergone deformation (Chapter 4.1.2). They are not however,
related to the post-Cambrian thrusting within the region as this was much later.
Chapter 4 Metamorphic Geology
4.1 Lewisian Gneiss
4.1.1 Observations
The Lewisian Gneiss is the dominant rock type around the Ben Arnaboll area and
lies structurally above the Cambrian imbricate sequence. On initial inspection they
are dull and weathered and commonly covered in lichen. Outcrops are often
smooth and rounded and possess a distinctively hummocky appearance, possibly
the result of glacial activity. Fresh surfaces reveal a coarsely crystalline,
granoblastic rock with bands of mafic minerals within a largely acidic rock type.
Compositionally, felsic bands are of quartz and plagioclase. Grains are generally
subhedral but some grains seem to be stretched in parallel to the foliation of the
rock. Typical grain size is approximately 2 to 3 mm. The plagioclase is typically
subhedral and cleavage is also visible. Grain size is similar to that of the quartz at 2
to 3 mm. Mafic minerals within the felsic bands are minimal and are only 0.5 mm
in diameter. Due to their size they are difficult to identify. They may well be oxides
rather than mafic minerals.
Mafic bands are ubiquitous within most outcrops. Grains of amphibole are
identifiable as largely anhedral grains of up to 3 mm long. Generally, they have a
vitreous lustre and cleavage is visible on some grains, although it is unclear
whether cleavage is intersecting. Elongate crystals are concordant with the
gneissose fabric. This suggests that the gneiss was subjected to non-coaxial strain.
In hand specimen in is difficult to distinguish amphiboles from pyroxenes, but at
outcrop level, mafic bands seem to have a dark green hue which is consistent with
amphibole rather than pyroxene. Furthermore, hornblende is a common
amphibole found within many amphibolite facies metamorphic rocks, it is
therefore plausible that the amphibole in this case is Hornblende. Other mafics
include biotite, identifiable by its dark brown colour and perfect basal cleavage. On
weathered surfaces, biotite has a distinctive flaky golden appearance. Plagioclase is
present but is subordinate to amphibole and biotite. Some garnets are present
within some outcrops and are typically 3 to 4 mm in diameter. The gneissose fabric
clearly wraps around the garnets indicating that they are pre or syn-tectonic.
Modal composition within the mafic bands are: hornblende (55%); biotite (35%);
plagioclase (10%); and garnet (0.5%). Based on the modal quantities and
gneissose texture of the rock as a whole, it can be classified as an acidic
hornblende, biotite, garnet gneiss, of amphibolite facies.
There are some examples of ultramafic boudins and enclaves within the gneiss. An
excellent example is observable approximately 400 metres south of Ben Arnaboll
[4549 5856], where an ultramafic boudin of approximately 1 metre in diameter is
enclosed within the gneissose fabric which wraps around the boudin. Well-
developed quartz megacrysts are present as pressure shadows around the more
competent boudin on either side, demonstrating a “top to the south” shear
direction. The boudins are mono-mineralic with blocky, equant crystals of 5 to 10
mm. Cleavage planes are clearly visible on some faces and lustre is vitreous. It is
dark green in colour. This is probably an amphibolitised pyroxenite, the blocky
texture being mimetic of the original pyroxenite protolith.
Much of the Lewisian Gneiss is pervaded by granitic pegmatites (discussed in
Chapter 3, p.16) that clearly cross-cut the fabric of the Lewisian. The contact
between the two bodies is sometimes diffuse, this could be due to some
metasomatic reactions between the volatiles within the pegmatites and the host
rock. The diffusive contact is also an indication that the host rock was relatively
hot during emplacement. There is no variation in grain size at the margins. The
intrusive nature of the pegmatites and their cross-cutting relationship with the
gneissose fabric illustrate clearly that they occurred at a later stage. However,
there is also field evidence to suggest that the pegmatites were also subjected to
deformation, as in some localised areas pegmatites have been folded. This
deformation was not co-genetic with earlier deformation so signifies a later
deformational event.
There is also evidence of basic intrusion within the Lewisian Gneiss.
Approximately 300 metres northeast of the summit of Ben Arnaboll [4610 5925]
lies the remnants of a dolerite dyke. As with the ultramafic boudin discussed
earlier in this chapter, the dyke has undergone extensive amphibolitisation. The
dyke has a maximum width of 7 metres, but quickly thins out to the southwest. The
significance of this dyke in the wider context of the metamorphic basement is that
its deformational vector, deduced from the stretching of serecitised feldspars is
concordant with the fabric of the Lewisian Gneiss. The implication of this is that
the dyke must post date the formation of the gneissose fabric during (D1) but was
later subjected to deformation during a later event (D2). The pegmatites were not
affected by D2, so they therefore postdate the emplacement of the dyke.
4.1.2 Interpretation
The quartzo-feldspathic composition of the Lewisian Gneiss is consistent with the
widely accepted view that most Archean gneisses of this type are derived from
plutonic tonalite, trondjhemite, granodiorite (TTG) protoliths associated with
Archean subduction zones (Rollinson & Windley, 1980). Commonly, subordinate
ultramafics are also found in association with TTG’s and are possibly derived from
deep plutonic cumulates such as pyroxenites, peridotites and dunites (Friend &
Kinny, 2001). The amphibolitised pyroxenite boudin for example could be the
product of such cumulates.
The extensive amphibolitisation of the gneiss indicates that it reached amphibolite
facies metamorphism during D1. It is possible that this was a retrogressive
metamorphic event where granulite facies gneisses were retrogressed to
amphibolite facies. Amphibolite facies lithologies typically form at depths of
approximately 20km assuming a typical geothermal gradient of 300C/km.
Following this, a further deformational event occurred. This event (D2) occurred
after the emplacement of the dolerite dyke as the dyke is concordant with the
foliation within the gneiss. Due to the cross-cutting relationship of the pegmatites
and the gneiss, it is clear that the pegmatites postdate these events. Their origin
seems somewhat enigmatic, but their emplacement must have been driven by a
tectono-thermal event where they were the product of highly evolved water
saturated granites (Jahns & Burnham, 1969). Unfortunately there is little evidence
in the field of any other associated igneous melts that could further elucidate their
geological provenance. Further deformation of the Lewisian Gneiss occurred
following emplacement of the pegmatites. This is observable within some outcrops
where some minor folding is visible. In some instances, thin pegmatitic veins are
clearly deformed and possess a sigmoidal appearance. This minor deformational
event (D3) will be overprinted onto D1 and D2 fabrics but due to the complexity of
poly-phase deformation it is difficult to see. Interference patterns such as dome
and basins; or crescent and mushroom (Park, 1989) were not observable in the
field at outcrop level. The fact that some pegmatites seem unaffected by
deformation may suggest that emplacement was contemporaneous with D3 rather
than predating it.
4.2 Arnaboll Mylonite
4.2.1 Observations
The Lewisian Gneiss is separated from younger Cambrian sediments by a major
thrust zone where Pipe Rock in the footwall is overlain Lewisian basement. This is
clearly a tectonic relationship as older Archean gneiss is juxtaposed upon younger
Phanerozoic sediments. The two units are separated by a band of ultramylonite
which varies in thickness between 10cm to >100cm. The mylonite is well exposed
just north of Ben Arnaboll summit [4615 5965] and from here it is laterally
continuous in a southerly direction for over 1km. By Sibson’s (1977) definition, the
ultramylonite (>90% matrix) is almost devoid of clasts and has undergone
extensive grain size reduction through crystal plastic deformation. The mylonites
have a distinctive green colour indicating that they are sub-greenschist grade.
Minerals are segregated into millimetre scale laminated bands, where darker
bands represent mafics and lighter bands represent the more felsic minerals such
as quartz and feldspars. Due to the microscopic grain size, it is difficult to ascertain
mineralogy, other than it contains mafic and felsic minerals. The mylonites readily
cleave along lamination planes giving them a flaggy appearance.
Given that the ultramylonites are green in colour, it is highly likely that they are
extensively chloritised. This suggests that that were subjected to greenschist facies
metamorphism. Asymmetrical quartz grains (Plate 2), of up to 30cm are useful
shear indicators and prove useful in determining shear sense. Similar mylonites
can be found covering an extensive area to the southeast of the mapping area
around Glac an Tioraidh [460 575].
4.2.2 Interpretation
Due to the extensive grain size reduction that the Arnaboll Mylonite has
undergone, and the highly ductile, finely laminated fabric that pervades
throughout the rock, it is highly likely that the overthrusting Lewisian has travelled
from substantial depths and over considerable distances. Most of the strain was
accommodated within a thin layer where frictional heating of framework silicates
formed an ultramylonite layer. Movement along the plane would have been sudden
and spontaneous which is evident from presence of pseudotachylite. However,
there is some deformation within the Pipe Rock, which is evident from the
deformation of skolithos burrows within the member which prove to be useful
shear indicators (Chapter 5.1, p.26). Some quartz grains are preserved within the
mylonite and have undergone diffusive mass transfer during shearing, giving them
a stretched appearance. Along with mineral lineations they are useful in
determining shear sense along the plane of movement.
4.3 Oystershell Mylonite
4.3.1 Observations
The Oystershell Mylonites (Plate 3) are structurally above the Arnaboll Mylonites
and outcrop on the southern side of Loch a Choin-bhoirinn [456 571]. They are
easily distinguishable by their crenulated appearance and S-C fabric, which is
useful in establishing shear sense within the unit. They bare a similar colour to the
Arnaboll Mylonites but are richer in phylosilicates where muscovite is clearly
visible in hand specimen. They are fine to medium grained and are therefore
coarser than the underlying Arnaboll Mylonites. Quartz within the mylonites are
concordant with the S fabric within the rock and often have a lunate appearance.
They often look like oyster shells, hence the name. In some instances, they contain
lenses of potassium feldspar which is similar to that of the pegmatites within the
Lewisian. According to White (1982), phyllonites are typically the product of lower
strain rates than laminated ultramylonites such as the Arnaboll Mylonites.
4.3.2 Interpretation
It is clear that the Oystershell Mylonites lie structurally above the Arnaboll
Mylonites, but are probably related to the same orogenic event. In their footwall
they contain mylonitised Lewisian basement. Hangingwall lithology in not exposed
so is difficult to interpret. It is possible that they are the product of Moine
metapsammites which outcrop to the east of the mapping area as they are rich in
mica, although the presence of potassium feldspar suggests that they are likely to
be derived from the Lewisian Gneiss.
4.4 Quartz Mylonite
Quartz Mylonites are interleaved within the Oystershell Mylonites and are
confined to two localised areas near Glac an Tioraidh [4615 5750]. They are
arenitic in composition, similar to that of the Cross-Bedded Member. Due to their
association with the Oystershell Mylonites, it is likely that they are from the basal
unconformity where the Oystershell Mylonites represent the Lewisian and the
Quartz Mylonite represents the Cross-bedded Member. This therefore is an
indication that the thrust zone cross-cuts the basal unconformity.
4.5 Metamorphic history of the area
The history of the Lewisian Gneiss has been covered in Chapter 4.1.2. The
mylonites within the area have undergone dynamic metamorphism but in an
historical context, they are best discussed within the structural history (see
Chapter 5.6) of the area rather than the metamorphic history.
Chapter 5 Structural Geology
5.1 Faults/shear zones
5.1.1 Observations
The Arnaboll Thrust- Due to the complex tectonic history of the mapping area,
faulting is common and pervasive throughout. Major thrust zones include the
Arnaboll Thrust, which carries allocthonous Archean gneiss in the hangingwall
onto the younger Pipe Rock Member of the Cambrian succession. This relationship
is best exposed at the northern end of Ben Arnaboll [461 596]. Virtually all of the
strain is incorporated within a relatively thin band of ultramylonite (see Chapter
4.2), where the trajectory of the fault can be inferred from the asymmetrical
deformation of quartz ribbons within the ultramylonite. The underlying Pipe Rock
in the footwall also exhibits substantial strain where formerly sub-vertical
skolithos burrows (normal to bedding) have been deformed to angles of
approximately 450 to bedding proximal to the ultramylonite zone (Fig.3), this
implies a shear ratio of 1. Both the quartz ribbons and the skolithos burrows
indicate a west-northwest trajectory for the Arnaboll Thrust. Approximately 100
metres to the east, the Arnaboll Thrust is breached by three younger thrust faults
which cut across the thrust and dip to the east. These are clearly later than the
Arnaboll thrust and may be related to imbricate thrusting to the north around Ben
Following the thrust contact south to the un-named lochan [4610 5885], the
Arnaboll Thrust forms an anticlinal structure where Lewisian basement is cored by
Pipe Rock, this implies that the Arnaboll Thrust is folded. This is consistent with a
model proposed by Butler (2004) of a foreland propagating duplex where an early
roof thrust, in this case the Arnaboll Thrust is folded by a series of sub- surface
imbricates which join onto the main roof thrust (Fig.4a). To the west, the Arnaboll
Thrust cuts up section into the Cross-bedded and the Pipe Rock Members of
Cambrian age.
The Tioraidh Thrust- Lying in the hangingwall of the Arnaboll Thrust, the
Tioraidh thrust generally consists of greenschist mylonites interleaved with
sheared Lewisian Gneiss, which gently dip to the east-southeast. The thrust zone is
much wider than the Arnaboll Thrust and mylonites are less developed. At the
base, laminated greenschist mylonites progressively give way to phyllonites
(Chapter 4.3) higher up the sequence. The presence of k-feldspar within the
phyllonites indicate that they are derived from the pegmatitic Lewisian Gneiss. L-S
fabric within the mylonite generally dips 150 to the east-southeast and S-C fabric
within the Oystershell Mylonites (Plate 3) indicate that movement was to the west-
As the mylonites within the Tioraidh Thrust are less well developed than the
Arnaboll Thrust mylonites, it is likely that they postdate the latter and were
emplaced at higher crustal levels. The lack of folding within the Tioraidh thrust
sheet also suggests that they were emplaced after the Arnaboll sheet. Subordinate
Quartz Mylonites interleaved with the Oystershell Mylonite are probably derived
from the basal Cambrian unconformity, which is compatible with the hypothesis
that the Tioraidh Thrust mylonites are predominantly from a Lewisian protolith,
rather than Moine metapelites.
To the south of the mapping area near Kempie Bay, the thrust crosscuts a series of
ductile folds within the underlying Arnaboll Sheet. The folds are tight and isoclinal
with fold axes that dip at a shallow angle to the east-southeast, similar to that of
the thrust sheet, suggesting that they are co-tectonic with the Tioraidh Thrust. This
is further evidence that the Tioraidh Thrust was emplaced later than the
underlying Arnaboll Sheet.
Imbricate Thrusts- The imbricate thrusts lie in the footwall of the Arnaboll Thrust
sheet and are composed of repeating successions of Cambrian formations that crop
out along the western shores of Loch Eriboll, north of Heilam [4590 6160]. The
imbricates propagate along a sole thrust which is not exposed within the mapping
area. Steeply dipping to the east-southeast, the thrusts often exploit weaker units
such as the Alltain Beds or the Heilam Dolostone. Individual slices are
approximately 20 metres thick and can be traced along strike for over 80 metres in
some parts. On the western shore, imbricates are within the Alltain and Salterella
Members but progressively change to Salterella and Heilam Members further east.
Where thrusting occurs within the Alltain Beds, a prominent shear fabric is visible
where the fissile nature of the Alltain Beds is exploited. They are often flanked by
competent sandstone beds either side (Plate 4). To the south, the imbricates climb
up section into the dolostones and die out onto a lateral thrust ramp at Ard Neakie
[4500 5990] which marks the southern limits of the imbricates. At this location,
the dolostones are southwardly dipping and have undergone sinstral shearing
within a wide shear zone (Fig.5) along the lateral ramp. The lateral ramp at Ard
Neakie adjoins onto the Arnaboll Thrust at Druim na Teanga. Walking across strike
in a south-easterly direction from the Lighthouse [4581 6178], there is a transition
from the steeply dipping imbricates in the footwall to gently dipping Pipe Rock
with occasional horizons of sheared Alltain Beds in the hangingwall.
The transition between the imbricates and the Pipe Rock is marked by a 1 metre
thick mylonitic zone, which is well exposed 400 metres to the east of the
Lighthouse [4640 6190]. Most of the shearing is accommodated within the
overlying Pipe Rock in the hangingwall and the presence of thick mylonite
indicates that it has travelled from considerable depth. The Pipe Rock dips gently
to the east-southeast with remarkable consistency, so it is unlikely that the
hangingwall is folded by an underlying duplex. It is therefore plausible that this
marks an overstepping geometry, where the imbricates in the footwall have been
truncated by a later, low angle thrust that steps back into the hinterland (Fig.4b).
The low angle mylonitic band that separates the hangingwall from the footwall is
consistent with a far travelled low angle thrust fault that oversteps the underlying
strata, as alluded to by Butler (2004) in his paper on the nature of roof thrusts.
Thrusting within the Pipe Rock dominated hangingwall is low angle, where fault
propagation folds have developed into hangingwall anticlines above sub-
horizontal thrust ramps. Most anticlines are not preserved but an excellent
example can be observed approximately 200 metres east of Loch a’ Choire [4686
6123]. It clearly illustrates how movement along the thrust ramp was to the west
(Plate 5). From the Heilam Cross-section (Fig.2), a tentative estimation for the
amount of crustal shortening within the Heilam imbricates alone can be put at
11km. This is an estimation only, as the exact number of imbricates could not be
measured in the field due to lack of exposure. The overall crustal shortening is
lightly to be much higher when movements along the Tioraidh and Arnaboll
Thrusts are taken into account.
Other Faults- The imbricates on the western Heilam Peninsula are crosscut by a
series of much later high angle faults which are downthrown to the north. These
are probably the result of thermal cooling and subsidence of the orogen in its post
orogenic state. Similar faults crosscut the Lewisian Gneiss and mylonites south of
Ben Arnaboll, where geological units are juxtaposed against one another. On the
northern end of the Heilam Peninsula, spectacular 1.5 metre wide brittle transform
faults can be observed. In the centre of the fault, lies a 15cm thick band of
cataclasite, which is flanked on either side by fault breccia. Movement along the
fault is sinstral and to the southwest and the fault obliquely cuts across open folds.
The fault remains linear across the folds so is therefore younger.
5.1.2 Interpretation
Owing to the complex nature of thrusting within the mapping area, it has
undergone a somewhat enigmatic history. This said, there are some key events
which can be placed into a temporal framework to ascertain a sequence of events:
1) Firstly, the emplacement of the Arnaboll Thrust Sheet occurred where a far
travelled thrust placed deep crustal Lewisian Gneiss onto Cambrian Pipe
2) Further crustal shortening resulted in a foreland propagating thrust
sequence within the footwall of the Arnaboll Sheet, which resulted in the
emplacement of a series of imbricate thrusts within the Cambrian
sediments. This event transformed the Arnaboll Thrust into a roof thrust,
where imbricates generally cut up section and joined onto and folded the
Arnaboll Thrust.
3) The Tioraidh Thrust then emplaced mylonitic Lewisian Gneiss and
Cambrian arenites onto the ductile Arnaboll Thrust Sheet, resulting in the
formation of tight to isoclinal folds within the Arnaboll Sheet around
Bealach Mahri and the formation of the Kempie Anticline.
4) The overstepping thrust on the Heilam Peninsula must post date the
imbricates due to its crosscutting relationship with the imbricates in the
footwall. As the breaching of the Arnaboll Thrust penetrates the same
hangingwall imbricates around Ben Heilam, it is probable that the
breaching is contemporaneous with these low lying thrusts.
All structural data including lineations; S-C fabrics; and stretched quartz are
consistent with vergence from the east-southeast.
5.2 Folds
Folding within the Lewisian Gneiss will not be discussed in this section as they
have been discussed in Chapter 4. The discussion will predominantly centre round
differences between folding in the northern Heilam region and further south
around Bealach Mhairi, and the implications these differences have with regard to
the structural styles of deformation within the regions.
5.2.1 Observations
On the Heilam Peninsula north of the A838, folding is strongly associated with
imbricate thrusting. On the western coast, any folding associated with the steeply
dipping Heilam Imbricates have been eroded, but originally they would have
culminated in a series of hangingwall anticlines. A large scale anticline is
associated with the lateral ramp at Ard Neakie (Fig.5). This marks the
southernmost extent of the imbricates where bedding dips to the south and shear
strain is accommodated with sinstral movement along the lateral ramp.
As discussed in Chapter 4.1.1 some excellent examples of folding are preserved
within the Pipe Rock Member around Ben Heilam, where fault propagation folds
have developed into hangingwall anticlines with axial planes that dip to the east
(Plate 5). Most of the crustal shortening is accommodated along brittle shear zones
along flat lying footwall ramps. The hangingwall anticlines take the form of tight to
isoclinal TLS (Tangential Longitudinal Strain) folds where strain is predominantly
coaxial, causing extension on the outer arc of the fold and compression within the
inner arcs (Park, 1989). The extension on the outer arc is quantifiable due to the
presence of skolithos burrow entrance holes on bedding planes. On the
hangingwall anticline south of Ben Heilam for example, originally round entrance
holes are stretched into ellipses, where the long axis of the ellipse is normal to the
fold axis, indicating that the outer arc was subjected to extension. Fold axial planes
where measurable, dip to the east-southeast.
On the northern end of the Heilam Peninsula [4750 6250], there are a series of
open folds which plunge gently to the southwest. They are exclusively within the
Pipe Rock Member and are in the footwall of the overlying imbricated Pipe Rocks
on Ben Heilam. Their formation is somewhat difficult to explain but are probably
linked to the lateral termination of thrusts on Ben Heilam where strain rates are
much less.
To the south, the Arnaboll Thrust Sheet is folded by the underlying duplex. The
folding is difficult to quantify within the thrust sheet as there is no bedding within
the Lewisian, so folding can only be inferred from the presence of the Pipe Rock
around the un-named lochan which is flanked by Lewisian Gneiss either side, and
the folded Cross-bedded arenites which lie in the hangingwall of the Arnaboll
Thrust Sheet at Druim na Teanga [4534 5930].
Moving to the southern end of the mapping area around Bealach Mhairi [4535
5760], folding is accommodated within the Arnaboll Thrust Sheet. Deformation
here takes the form of tight east-southeast dipping folds within the Lewisian and
the overlying Cross-bedded Arenites. The contact between the Lewisian and Cross-
bedded arenites is unconformable rather than tectonic as there is no evidence of
shearing. It is evident from cross-bedding that some beds are overturned.
Deformation here is ductile and moving east towards the Tioraidh Thrust, folds
become isoclinal and are interleaved with mylonites. This implies that at this
location there is a strong relationship between the overlying Tioraidh Thrust and
the ductile deformation within the Arnaboll Thrust Sheet. Based on this evidence it
is likely that the ductile folding in the footwall and the formation of the mylonites
in the hangingwall were co-genetic.
Towards the foreland to the west, folding becomes increasingly more open, where
a large anticline and syncline (Kempie Syncline) are present. This is an indication
that there is markedly less deformation here than there is further east towards the
Tioraidh Thrust, as almost all strain is accommodated within the higher sections
towards the thrust zone. The Kempie Syncline is cored by a thrust fault which dips
to the east-southeast. Most of the thrusting is accommodated within the Alltain
Beds and is clearly visible at Kempie [4460 5800]. This is likely to be a splay from
the underlying Arnaboll Thrust.
5.2.2 Interpretation
Most of the folding to the north of Ben Arnaboll is strongly linked to imbricate
thrusting, where folds take the form of hangingwall anticlines, these would have
initially developed as asymmetrical fault propagation folds (Fig.6).
Fold axes reveal that vergence was from the east-southeast. Thrust planes within
the Pipe Rock are narrow and brittle indication emplacement at relatively shallow
depths. In contrast, folding to the south of the mapping area around Bealach Mhairi
is of a much more ductile nature, where tight to isoclinal folding is strongly
associated with mylonites within the overlying Tioraidh Thrust Sheet. Proximal to
the thrust, tight isoclinal folds are subjected to intense non-coaxial shearing,
becoming mylonitic in texture.
It is evident that there are distinctive differences in structural style between the
Heilam area to the north and Bealach Mhairi to the south. The Heilam area is
dominated by brittle imbricate faulting, implying that emplacement was at
relatively shallow depths. In contrast, the folding to the south around Bealach
Mhairi is highly ductile which suggests emplacement at depth.
5.3 Cleavage
Most of the lithologies within the mapping area are massive and do not contain
platy minerals such as micas. Therefore most of the mapping area is devoid of
cleavage. The quartz arenites of the Eriboll Formation for example are completely
devoid of platy minerals so do not develop cleavage. Some beds do possess
foliation in the form of protomylonites and cataclasites but this if formed due to
the shear stresses associated with thrusting. This is not cleavage in the strictest
sense and is best described as foliation.
5.4 Lineations on faults and stretching lineations
Within sheared Alltain Beds, slikenlines are clearly visible on fault planes. These
are best preserved on the underside of faults where they are sheltered from the
elements. Within the mylonites around Ben Heilam and Bealach Mhairi, stretching
lineations are visible on some foliated surfaces. These are predominantly
preserves within stretched quartz grains which form a weak L-S fabric within the
mylonites. Lineation data from both the Alltain Beds and mylonites are consistent
and bare little variation. Out of a total of 20 lineation measurements taken in the
field, all plunged to the east-southeast (Appendix 2). The data was plotted on a
stereonet and a mean vector of 29o towards 109E was obtained.
5.5 Stylolites and associated tension gashes.
On the northern tip of the Heilam Peninsula [4740 6252], there are a series of
quartz filled en-echelon tension gashes. Stylolites associated with the tension
gashes are less well developed. The orientation of the tension gashes indicate that
the direction of greatest principle stress (σ1) is orientated southwest to northeast.
This is favourable with the late brittle faulting that occurs in the area (Chapter
5.1.1, p.30). The origin of the stress is unknown and is only evident along the
northern extent of the peninsula.
5.6 Structural history of the area
Crustal shorting was initiated within the area by the thrusting of deep crustal
Lewisian Gneiss onto Pipe Rock of Cambrian age along the Arnaboll Thrust.
Vergence was from the east-southeast and emplacement was post-Cambrian, i.e.
later than the Pipe Rock Member. The presence of ultramylonite along the thrust
plane indicates that exhumation was from depths of at 15km. A foreland
propagating sequence of imbricate thrusting followed this event and formed a
duplex where the Arnaboll Thrust acted as a roof thrust. Some thrusting stepped
back into the orogen, where a low angle thrust emplaced shallow dipping Pipe
Rock (Ben Heilam) onto the steeply dipping imbricates. The breaching of the
Arnaboll Thrust was contemporaneous with this event. Emplacement of the
Oystershell and Quartz mylonites of the Tioraidh Thrust then followed. The
anticline around Kempie Bay and the ductile folding on Bealach Mhairi was
contemporaneous with the emplacement of the Tioraidh Thrust. All tectonic events
discussed were due to compression from the east-southeast and the amount of
total crustal shortening is likely to be in the order of at least 10’s of kilometres.
Thermal subsidence post orogen resulted in a series of brittle faults, these are best
observed on the western side of Ben Heilam. A more recent tectonic event resulted
in the brittle transform faulting observed on the northern tip of the Heilam
Peninsula. The faulting here was the result of southwest to northeast compression.
Chapter 6 Geological history of the area
This is a brief summary of the geological history of the area, and where possible,
some correlation will be made with current understanding of the geology from
previous research and/or current understanding. Each sub-section is placed in
chronological order to give the reader an understanding of the temporal
distribution of events.
6.1 Lewisian Gneiss
 The emplacement of the Lewisian Gneiss was during the Archean and their
composition is similar to other TTG gneisses from around the globe. Friend
and Kinney (2001) assign them a protolith age of 2840-2800Ma. A
geochemical study by Goodenough et al. (2010), deduced that their most
likely origin was of parental melts from a mantle wedge setting, similar to
calc-alkaline rocks seen today.
 The protolith was then buried to depths of 20km or more and resulted in
the development of gneissose texture and metamorphism up to at least
amphibolite facies and possibly granulite facies. In Kinney and Friend’s
reappraisal on terrane based nomenclature (2005), they assigned the
Lewisian in this area to the Rhiconich Terrane, which covers the area north
of the Laxford Shear Zone from Laxford Bridge.
 The emplacement of the dolerite dyke on Ben Arnaboll followed. It is
believed that this is related to the emplacement of the Scourie Dyke
Complex. Emplacement pre-dates 1855Ma (Friend & Kinney 2001).
 A deformational event followed (D2). This resulted in the deformation and
amphibolitisation of the dyke. D2 is poorly constrained but there is evidence
that Badcallian event continued after the emplacement of the Scourie Dykes
(Trewin, 2002). However, the event was more commonly associated with
the Assynt Terrene.
 Emplacement of the pegmatites followed. It is likely that their emplacement
was related to the introduction of hydrous fluids through the Laxford Shear
Zone, Friend & Kinney (2001) identified this as the Laxfordian. The
commonly accepted hypothesis is that the Laxford Shear Zone separates the
Rhiconich Terrane of the north from the genetically distinct Assynt Terrane
to the south of the shear zone. This is based on the fact that the two
terranes have undergone distinctly different metamorphic histories (Coney
et al., 1980; Goodenough et al., 2010). The Laxfordian event has been dated
at c. 1705Ma, based on hornblende Ar/Ar dating (Dallmeyer et al., 2001)
and affects both the Rhiconich and Assynt Terranes.
 According to Friend & Kinney (2001), the Rhiconich Terrane was subjected
to a final deformational event at c.1670Ma. This event supposedly
overprints previous deformation but no evidence for this event was
observed in the field.
6.2 Cambrian sedimentology
 The Cambrian marked the start of a transgressional period where initially,
the deposition of quartz arenites of the Eriboll Formation dominated. These
were within tidal dominated environments and involved the reworking of
mature sediments. The Eriboll Formation is Early Cambrian in origin (Park
et al., 2002) and lay unconformably on the Lewisian Gneiss.
 Following the Eriboll Formation, there was a transgression marked by
deposition of the Alltain Beds. Generally these were deposited in a low
energy environment below wave base, with a marginal carbonate influence.
The Alltain Beds are more commonly known by their official name which is
the Fucoid Beds. Following this there was a return to intertidal siliciclastic
deposits of Salterella, formally known as the Salterella Grit member (Park et
al., 2002). The Salterella Member is accurately dated within the late Early
Cambrian (Yochelson, 1977).
 A transition to tropical latitudes followed, with carbonate shelf deposition
being dominant within the Tor Liath Formation. The Kempie Member was
deposited in a low energy environment, possibly near the base of a reef
front. The overlying Heilam Member was deposited within a shallower
carbonate environment, marking another regression. The above mentioned
members are known as separate formations in modern literature and go by
the name of Ghrudaidh Formation and Eilean Dubh Formation respectively
(Goodenough & Krabbendam, 2011).
6.3 Caledonian Thrusting
Following the Cambrian transgression, there was an intense period of crustal
shortening which resulted in intensive thrusting during the Caledonian Orogeny.
Compression was exclusively from the east-southeast and generally followed a
foreland propagating sequence with some instances of overstepping:
 The emplacement of the Arnaboll Thrust Sheet along the Arnaboll Thrust
occurred early on in the orogenic evolution, where a low angle thrust
emplaced Lewisian Gneiss onto Cambrian Pipe Rock.
 A foreland propagating thrust sequence followed, resulting in the
imbrication of Cambrian strata towards the west. This resulted in the
formation of a duplex where the Arnaboll Thrust acted as a roof thrust
(Plate 6).
 The Tioraidh Thrust then emplaced mylonitised Lewisian Gneiss and Lower
Cambrian quartzites onto the Arnaboll Thrust Sheet. This event resulted in
the ductile deformation and the formation of tight isoclinal folds within the
Arnaboll Sheet at Bealach Mhairi. The Tioraidh Thrust sheet, commonly
known as the Lochan Riabhach Thrust Sheet (Holdsworth et al., 2007) was
not folded.
 Further thrusting continued in the hinterland where a low angle thrust
(observed to the west of Ben Heilam) truncated imbricates in the foreland
and emplaced Pipe Rock onto them. The breaching of the Arnaboll Thrust is
contemporaneous with this event.
 Post orogenic extensional faults formed as a result of thermal sag.
The extensive thrusting within the mapping area is related to the closure of the
Iapetus Ocean and the bringing together of Laurentia, Avalonia and Baltica during
the Caledonian Orogeny in the Silurian. The area is the northernmost extension of
the Moine Thrust Zone, which places Moine metapsammites onto the Archean
Lewisian foreland (Goodenough & Krabbendam., 2011). The exact position of the
Moine Thrust has been debated for many years. Peach & Horne in their memoirs
(Peach et al., 1907) for example placed the Moine Thrust at the base of what is now
known as the Lochan Riabhach Thrust Sheet, whereas modern interpretation
places the Moine Thrust further towards the hinterland, where Moine Schists lie in
the hangingwall (Holdsworth et al., 2006). It is now believed that thrusting within
the Moine Thrust is both foreland propagating and overstepping (Butler, 2004;
2010). Within the mapping area there is evidence of both types.
6.4 Post orogenic events
Following the Caladonian Orogeny, the area was subjected to some brittle faulting
resulting in the formation of cataclasites and fault breccia. The faulting was
localised within the northern Heilam area and their origin and timing are
unknown. Sculpting from glacial activity is also observable from the presence of
glacial striations (trending north-northwest) on Pipe Rock within the Heilam area.
These are probably related to the last glacial period which ended during the end of
the Pleistocene.
6.5 Summary
In summary, the MTZ has undergone a complex history of thrusting during the
Caledonian orogeny. Most authors (Freeman et al., 1998; Dallmeyer et al., 2001;
Kinney et al., 2003) have concluded that deformation occurred during the Silurian
with the amount of crustal shortening estimated at well over 100km. Thrusting
within the MTZ generally follows a foreland propagating sequence with some later
overstepping thrusts at higher levels. Kinematic data from lineations, s-c fabric,
stretched quartz grains etc. illustrate that vergence was from an east/south-
easterly direction and show remarkable consistency. Despite all the research, the
relative timings of thrusting events within the MTZ and specifically within the Loch
Eriboll area are still poorly constrained. This is especially true of the Lochan
Riabhach Thrust.
Butler, R. W. (1984). Structural evolution of the Moine thrust belt between Loch
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A.1 Restored foresets
A.2 Lineations
Original bedding:
Original foresets:
Palaeocurrent (blue
arrow): 106oE
9 Acknowledgements
Firstly I would like to thank my supervisor Steve Hirons for his support. It was he
who during his second year field class first inspired me to map the Moine Thrust
Zone. I would also like to thank him for his support and expertise in the field so
thanks Steve. I must also thank Rick Allmendinger for use of his “Stereonet 9” open
source software, which proved really useful in the production of stereonets. A
special mention must go to Cara and Liam who have sacrificed many an Easter
holiday while I have been conducting my fieldwork, they have always been really
supportive so thanks guys. I would like to reserve my biggest thanks though to my
wife Sian. Without her influence I would not be in the position I find myself in now,
on the verge of completing my degree. She has been the true inspiration behind all
my endeavours. I now hope that I can be as supportive to her as she been to me as
she continues on the road to becoming a fully qualified Occupational Therapist,
thanks Sian.

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Moine Thrust Zone Geology of Loch Eriboll

  • 1. i The Geology of the Moine Thrust Zone on the eastern shores of Loch Eriboll, Northwest Scotland. An undergraduate mapping project by Stephen Gillham. Declaration: The contents of this thesis is the original work of the author and has not been submitted for a degree at this or any other university. Other people’s work is acknowledged by reference. 4th April 2015 Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Birkbeck College, University of London.
  • 2. ii Table of Contents 1 Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Mapping Area 1 1.2 Geological setting 1 2 Chapter 2 Formations within the mapping area 2 2.1 Eriboll Formation 2 2.1.1 Cross-bedded Member 2 2.1.2 Pipe Rock 4 2.2 An t-Sron Formation 6 2.2.1 Alltain Beds 6 2.2.2Salterella 8 2.3 Tor Liath Formation 9 2.3.1 Kempie Dolostone 9 2.3.2 Heilam Dolostone 10 2.4 Stratigraphic and sedimentological evolution of the area 11 3 Chapter 3 Igneous rocks 12 4 Chapter 4 Metamorphic geology 17 4.1 Lewisian Gneiss 17 4.1.1 Observations 17 4.1.2 Interpretation 20 4.2 Arnaboll Mylonite 21 4.2.1 Observations 21 4.2.2 Interpretation 22 4.3 Oystershell Mylonite 23 4.3.1 Observations 23 4.3.2 Interpretation 23 4.4 Quartz Mylonite 24 4.5 Metamorphic history of the area 24 5 Chapter 5 Structural geology 24 5.1 Faults/shear zones 24
  • 3. iii 5.1.1 Observations 24 5.1.2 Interpretation 30 5.2 Folds 31 5.2.1 Observations 32 5.2.2 Interpretation 34 5.3 Cleavage 34 5.4 Lineations on faults and stretching lineations 35 5.5 Stylolites and associated tension gashes 35 5.6 Structural history of the area 36 6 Chapter 6 Geological history of the area 37 6.1 Lewisian Gneiss 38 6.2 Cambrian sedimentology 39 6.3 Caledonian thrusting 40 6.4 Post orogenic events 42 6.5 Summary 42 7 References 45 8 Appendix 48 9 Acknowledgments 49
  • 4. iv List of figures Figure 1- Location of mapping area v Figure 2- Geological map and cross-sections vi Figure 3- Skolithos shear indicators 25 Figure 4- Overstepping and duplex geometry 25 Figure 5- Lateral ramp 29 Figure 6- Fault propagation folds 36 List of plates Plate 1- Pipe Rock 13 Plate 2- Stretched quartz in mylonite 13 Plate 3- S-C fabric in Oystershell Mylonite 14 Plate 4- Sheared Alltain Beds 14 Plate 5- Hangingwall anticline 15 Plate 6- The Arnaboll Thrust on a regional scale 15
  • 5. v Abstract The geology of the Moine Thrust Zone (MTZ) has been studied since the early 19th Century by eminent geologists such as Lapworth, Murchison and Geikie to name but a few. As our understanding of the MTZ has developed over the years, so too has our understanding of similar thrust belts across the globe. Much of the thrusting within the MTZ was accommodated within the Cambrian sediments of the Ardverck and Durness groups which show remarkable continuity along the Moine Thrust from Loch Eriboll in the north to the Isle of Skye (BGS). The uniformity of the Cambrian sediments have been particularly helpful in the elucidation of Moine Thrust tectonics. This thesis is based on the author’s own observations and interpretations of the mapping area. Field work consisted of 29 days in the field, on the eastern shores of Loch Eriboll (Fig.1), where geological mapping was conducted using 1:10 000 scale base maps. The author found that the thrust zone comprised of a mainly foreland propagating thrust sequence with some later overstepping thrusts stepping back into the orogen. This is broadly consistent with the findings of other authors such as Butler (2004) and Holdsworth et al. (2006).
  • 6. vi
  • 7. 1 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Mapping area The mapping area covers the area immediately east of Loch Eriboll on the north coast of Scotland (Fig.1). From north to south, the area includes: the Heilam Peninsula; Ben Arnaboll; Bealach Mhairi; and Kempie which is to the east of Bealach Mhairi (Fig.2). 1.2 Geological setting The area covers the northernmost extent of the Moine Thrust Zone (MTZ), where compression during the Caledonian Orogeny resulted in major thrusting in a predominantly west-northwest direction. It is an area which has been extensively studied since the late 1800’s due to the excellent exposure of the MTZ. In the early 1880’s, Charles Lapworth concluded that the structural complexity of the area was due to “contractional folding and faulting”, what we now know as thrusting. Terms such as “mylonite” and “thrusts” were first coined by Geikie when he studied the area in 1884. In the early twentieth century, Peach et al. (1907) discovered that faulting occurred in linked arrays. Further work by numerous authors has placed better constraints and understanding on the geological history of the MTZ at Loch Eriboll (Law et al., 1984; Wilkinson & Soper, 1975; Butler 1984, Holdsworth et al., 2006, 2007). The sequence of thrusting is complex within the area with some thrusting stepping back into the orogen (Butler, 2004) and remains a much discussed topic.
  • 8. 2 Chapter 2 Formations within the mapping area 2.1 Eriboll Formation 2.1.1 Cross-bedded Member Observations The Cross-bedded Member unconformably lies upon the pre-Cambrian Lewisian Basement. Evidence of this unconformity can be seen around Bealach Mhairi [4510 5770], where a steeply dipping contact between the Lewisian basement and Cross- bedded Member is clearly visible. The contact is sharp with no evidence of tectonism, indicating that the contact is unconformable rather than tectonic. The member is fine grained and is both texturally and compositionally mature, consisting almost entirely of quartz grains approximately 2mm in diameter. Owing to the compositional maturity of the member, it is likely that the original sediment was the product of extensive re-cycling. Subordinate plagioclase is present but less than 5%. The rock type is therefore a quartz arenite. There are no pore spaces visible within the member, indicating substantial compaction or cementation. Sedimentary structures are well preserved. Low angle trough cross-stratification is clearly visible within many outcrops, where finer grained sediments on cross- bedding surfaces have been preferentially weathered. Cross bedding is also commonly picked out by fracturing which conforms to the curved cross-bed surfaces. Typically, the beds are 30 to 40cm thick and are bounded by sub- horizontal bedding planes. Cross-bedding is mainly unidirectional but there are some sets of herringbone cross-bedding, which suggests a bi-modal flow regime
  • 9. 3 consistent with an intertidal marine setting. Cross-bedding foresets were restored on a stereonet where a dominant palaeocurrent direction of 106o east was obtained (Appendix 1). Excellent examples of palaeo-ripples can be seen on the northern end of Druim na Teanga [4540 5960]. The ripples are symmetrical in cross-section, have a wavelength of approximately 40mm and an amplitude of 8mm. The symmetry of the palaeo-ripples suggests a bi-modal flow regime. The ripples trend 188o to the south. The palaeocurrent would have been normal to the crest axis of the ripples, so again palaeocurrent direction is in an east-west orientation and in agreement with the foresets. There are no evidence of fossils within the member. This is possibly due to moderately high sediment deposition rates within a high energy environment, rendering it uninhabitable to benthic fauna. The thickness of the Cross-bedded Quartz Member is difficult to constrain precisely as it has been substantially tectonised, but is in the region of approximately 75-100 metres. Interpretation Given the maturity of the Cross-bedded Member, it is clear that the original sediments have undergone extensive re-working and is highly likely that they have been exposed to polycyclic events to reach the level of maturity seen in this member. Deposition was in a relatively high energy environment where sediment influx was moderate. The presences of herringbone cross-bedding and symmetrical palaeo-ripples on bedding surfaces are strong indications that they were deposited in an inter-tidal zone, above wave base where tides ebbed and flowed east to west. There are two possible reasons for the lack of bioturbation
  • 10. 4 within the member: 1) fauna could not keep up with moderate sedimentation rates; 2) benthic fauna had not yet evolved to inhabit such a palaeo-environment. The latter is difficult to prove as paradoxically, with a lack of bio-stratigraphic evidence it is difficult to date the sedimentary units. 2.1.2 Pipe Rock Observations The Pipe Rock Member lies conformably above the Cross-Bedded Member. The contact can be observed by the road side, approximately 300m directly east of Kempie [4485 5800] where beds are overturned, so that the older Cross-bedded Member sits on top of the Pipe Rock Member. Evidence for the overturned beds can be found within the cross-bedding of the Cross-bedded Member, where cross laminations are clearly upside down. Compositionally, both members are similar. In comparison with the Cross-bedded Member, the Pipe Rock is also a quartz arenite. Grain size within the unit is fairly consistent at 1.5 to 2mm and there are no relict pore spaces preserved. The member consists almost entirely of quartz. There are no feldspars or any other detrital minerals visible. Grain interfaces are interlocking but it is unclear whether this is due to cementation or pressure solution. The lack of metamorphic fabric due to little lithostatic pressure within the Alltain Beds directly above the Pipe Rock Member would suggest that quartz overgrowth, rather than pressure solution was the main driver behind the inter- locking fabric. This has implications for the rock type, as if the contacts are due to quartz overgrowth the member would be classified as a quartz arenite, whereas if pressure solution was the dominant cause of the interlocking fabric, the member
  • 11. 5 would be deemed a quartzite. The lack of feldspars within the Pipe Rock Member is an indication that the sediments within the member may have undergone a slightly more evolved history than that of the underlying Cross-bedded Member. There is a distinct lack of cross-bedding within the Pipe Rock, although some sub- horizontal bedding horizons are visible within some outcrops. The most distinguishing feature is the abundance of skolithos trace fossils. They generally take the form of vertical burrows which vary in length, but typically are between 20 to 40cm long and the thickness of the burrows are pretty consistent at 12 to 15mm in diameter. They are clearly visible in cross-sectional view as the member is often stained red or purple (Plate 1), whereas the burrows retain the unstained white colour of the quartz arenite. On bedding planes, burrow entrance holes are visible as distinctive pock marks. Due to tectonic activity (discussed in Chapter 5), some burrows are elliptical. Skolithos are often the dwelling or feeding burrows marine worms or arthropods and are common in sedimentary rocks spanning the whole of the Phanerozoic eon (Fillion & Pickerill, 1990), particularly within the Cambrian. Some occasional tabular cross-bedding is preserved within the Pipe Rock Member to the north of Ben Heilam [4710 6245], where Skolithos burrows are not present. The Pipe Rock Member is approximately 75 metres thick Interpretation Similarly to the Cross-bedded Member, the Pipe Rock Member has undergone extensive re-working prior to deposition. Deposition was in a high energy environment and it is probable that this was in a shallow marine setting, given the high level of grain sorting and the close proximity of the member to the Cross-
  • 12. 6 bedded Member below which is shallow marine in origin. The presence of skolithos suggests that aggradation rates may have been slightly lower than that if the Cross-bedded Member as benthic fauna were able to keep pace with sedimentation rates. The presence of occasional cross-bedding lacking bioturbation may be the result of storm events where sudden aggradation occurred therefore burying any benthic organisms. 2.2 An t-Sron Formation 2.2.1 Alltain Beds Observations The Alltain Beds are heterogeneous in composition. Fine siltstones dominate but medium to coarse sandstones are also present in the form of tabular cross- bedding, hummocky cross-bedding, isolated lenses and occasional channel fills. Laying conformably above the Pipe Rock Member, the Alltain sequence begins with medium quartz sands where herring-bone cross-stratification is visible. Theses pass up into ferruginous brown siltstones where fine ripples and sub-parallel laminations are present. Mud drapes are visible on some ripple structures and represent the settling out of fine sediments. Beds of vuggy grey dolomitic siltstones are present within some horizons indicating a transition from a siliciclastic to a carbonate dominated environment. Moving vertically through the beds, siltstones are occasionally interrupted by medium quartz sands, typically 80cm in thickness. They contain hummocky cross-stratification and have an erosional base. A hummocky bedding plane is well preserved at An t-Sron [4415 5815]. Towards the
  • 13. 7 top of the sequence, the Alltain Beds are relatively homogenous where hummocky sands are no longer present and dolomitic siltstones dominate. Occasional lenses of quartz sands are present but are subordinate. Bioturbation is clearly visible on some bedding planes where planolites are abundant and parallel to bedding. Typically they are approximately 5mm in diameter and have an unusual seaweed appearance. Cruziana can also be observed on some bedding planes, but are generally not very well preserved. The Alltain Beds are approximately 20 metres thick. Interpretation The Alltain Beds mark a general transgressive environment, where intertidal herringbone cross-bedding at the base is succeeded by argillaceous siltstones deposited below wave base. The presence of small ripple structures within some horizons suggest that there was still a weak tidal influence present. Hummocky cross-stratified quartz sands are the result of storm events washing clastic material from the shore face, indicating that the Alltain Beds were generally below wave base but above storm wave base. There is a distinct change from a siliciclastic depositional environment within the lower Pipe Rock Member to a transitional carbonate depositional environment within the Alltain Beds. Given the vuggy nature of the dolomitic siltstones within the beds, it is likely that the original protolith was predominantly a carbonate siltstone but has undergone extensive dolomitisation. The transition to a carbonate dominated environment is most likely a climatic response to a transition from temperate to tropical latitudes. The loss of hummocky cross-stratification and the presence of more homogenous deep
  • 14. 8 water siltstone facies near the top of the member indicate that transgression continued throughout its depositional history. The presence of cruziana suggests that trilobites were in existence during this period, a tentative estimation as to the age range of the member would be Early Cambrian to Permian. 2.2.2 Salterella Observations The Salterella Member is a compositionally mature sandstone which is similar to the Pipe Rock Member. Quartz grains dominate (95%) with subordinate plagioclase (<5%), the member is therefore a quartz arenite. Many quartz grains are inter-locking indicative of substantial cementation, but distinctive well rounded millet seed grains of 1 to 2mm in diameter are visible within some outcrops. This suggests that the provenance of the sediments may stem from terrigenous origin in the form of Aeolian sands. A distinctive feature of this Member is the presence of small conical Salterella fossils, which is useful in distinguishing it from the Pipe Rock Member. Within the member, Salterella are most commonly visible as small conical voids, where the Salterella have weathered out. They are typically 2 to 4mm long, with distribution being relatively sparse. Originally identified as a form of cephalopod, later work by Yochelson (1977; 1983) revealed that Salterella was a member of the short lived phylum Agmata that existed only during the late Early Cambrian (Bonnia-Olenellus zone). Interpretation
  • 15. 9 The Salterella Member was deposited in a high energy intertidal zone similar to that of the Eriboll Formation, where a regressive period resulted in the deposition of terrigenous Aeolian sands over the muddy carbonates of the Alltain Member. Deposition was possibly within a beach or barrier island setting but it is difficult to prove given the lack of sedimentary structure, i.e., cross-bedding; palaeo-ripples; etc. The member can be placed accurately within the Bonnia-Olenellus zone of the late Early Cambrian (Yochelson 1977, 1983) due to the presence of the short lived Salterella. The member is only 10 to 12 metres in thickness. 2.3 Tor Liath Formation 2.3.1 Kempie Dolostone Observations The contact between the Kempie Dolostone and the underlying Salterella is conformable, where the quartz arenites of the Salterella give way to medium sands consolidated within a fine grained dark grey matrix. Sand grains near the base of the Kempie Dolostone are of well-rounded quartz and similar to that of the underlying Salterella, it is therefore probable that are of similar terrigenous origin. The fine grained matrix is dark grey in colour and does not react to HCl (10%), it is therefore predominantly dolomitic. The texture is crystalline and abrasive. Following vertically up sequence from sandy dolostones at the base, there is a transition to monotonous dark grey dolostones devoid of any sedimentary structures or fauna, other than occasional light bands of millimetre scale. The light bands are sparse and follow no systematic pattern.
  • 16. 10 Interpretation The lack of sedimentary and faunal evidence within this formation is possibly the result of extensive dolomitisation, where much of the evidence may have been destroyed. The process of dolomitisation is enigmatic and poorly understood, but is thought to result from the diagenesis of carbonates post-deposition from magnesium rich pore waters derived from saline environments such as sabkhas through the following reaction: 2CaCO3 + Mg2+ ↔ CaMg(CO3) + Ca2+ It is difficult to define a depositional environment for this rock type due to its altered nature. The dark grey colour suggests the presence of fine micritic muds. This would indicate deposition in a low energy environment, possibly near the base of a reef front, below wave base. More importantly, the presence of dolomitic lithologies marks a distinct change from siliciclastic deposition to carbonate deposition. This is usually in response to climatic change, where siliciclastic deposition at temperate latitudes gives way to carbonate dominated deposition at tropical latitudes nearer the equator. The thickness of this member is approximately 50 metres. 2.4.2 Heilam Dolostone Observations The Heilam Formation bares many similarities to the Kempie Dolostone in that it is a fine grained dolomitic rock with a crystalline abrasive texture. As with the
  • 17. 11 former, it is also devoid of any structures and fauna due to the extensive dolomitisation. The only characteristic which distinguishes it from the Heilam Formation is the lighter grey colour. The basal contact is not visible within the mapping area, but can be observed just south of the area near Tor Liath [4415 5755]. The transition from dark to light grey is gradational. Interpretation Similarly to the Kempie Dolostone, assigning a facies to this rock type is difficult due to the extensive dolomitisation. The lighter grey colour suggests that there is distinctly less muds present when compared with the underlying Kempie member. Deposition was therefore in a shallower environment, marking a regressional event where carbonates were deposited within a shallow carbonate sea, probably above wave base, within the reef flat or back lagoon. The thickness of this formation is unknown as it is substantially tectonised and poorly represented within the mapping area. 2.6 Stratigraphical and sedimentological evolution of the area. The stratigraphic sequence within the mapping area started with the deposition of marginal marine sediments onto cratonic basement rocks. This marks the transition from a dominantly erosive regime which exposed the metamorphic basement, to one where marine transgression was dominant. The first sedimentary unit is the Cross-bedded Member, where the transgression took the form of intertidal marine sands. The depositional environment was relatively high energy and deposition rates were moderate. It is difficult to date the Cross-bedded
  • 18. 12 Member given the lack of fauna, but given that the conformably overlying Salterella Member is late Early Cambrian in age (Yochelson, 1977; 1983), it is likely that the Cross-bedded Member is Early Cambrian. The deposition of the Pipe Rock Member represents a continuation of an intertidal marine setting. The well sorted sands are again indicative of a high energy environment, but the lack of cross bedding within the member is an indication that sedimentation rates were lower than that of the Cross-bedded Member. A transgression followed, where the argillaceous dolomitic Alltain Beds were deposited just below wave-base. This was succeeded by a regression resulting in a return to siliciclastic deposition within the intertidal Salterella Member where deposited. The deposition of the micritic Kempie Dolostone marked a distinct change to a low energy carbonate dominated environment where the depositional environment was within tropical palaeo-latitudes nearer the equator. A further regression followed, where the Heilam Dolostones represent shallow carbonate deposition within a reef flat or reef lagoon. Chapter 3 Igneous Rocks Igneous rocks within the mapping area are exclusively within the Lewisian Gneiss. A dolerite dyke near the summit of Ben Arnaboll has been extensively deformed and amphibolitised so is therefore discussed in Chapter 4 (Metamorphic geology). There are other highly modified relict ultramafic bodies within the Lewisian but it is difficult to constrain their geological origin due to their protracted and
  • 19. 13
  • 20. 14
  • 22. 16 convoluted history, so any attempt based on field evidence would be purely speculative so will not be discussed further. Also pervading the Lewisian Gneiss are potassic pegmatites, which are relatively ubiquitous throughout. They bare a crosscutting relationship where they clearly cross-cut the fabric of the Lewisian Gneiss. Generally, they are coarse grained with a typical grain size of 20mm, but some k-feldspar crystals are much larger. Potassium feldspar is the dominant mineral giving the pegmatites a distinctive pink colour. Quartz and plagioclase are also present, with the overall composition being that of an alkali granite. Their emplacement is probably linked to the existence of a larger pluton from which the pegmatites have originated, but there is no field evidence of this. It is likely that the pluton is at depth and has not been exposed at the current level. According to Černý et al. (2012), pegmatites usually form from highly evolved melts that are rich in incompatible elements such as boron, phosphorus and fluorine are intrinsically linked to the presence of H2O. They also go on to say that pegmatites rarely fractionate from I-type granites but are commonly fractionated from S-type and A-type granites, which could be useful in disclosing the origin of the Lewisian Gneiss. As discussed, the formation of pegmatite is largely dependent on the presence of H2O. According to London & Černý (2008), shear zones can act as conduits which can introduce fluids to evolved magmas hence aiding the formation of pegmatites. It is possible therefore, that the emplacement of the pegmatites was associated with a major tectonic event. This is highly likely as the pegmatite bodies themselves have undergone deformation (Chapter 4.1.2). They are not however, related to the post-Cambrian thrusting within the region as this was much later.
  • 23. 17 Chapter 4 Metamorphic Geology 4.1 Lewisian Gneiss 4.1.1 Observations The Lewisian Gneiss is the dominant rock type around the Ben Arnaboll area and lies structurally above the Cambrian imbricate sequence. On initial inspection they are dull and weathered and commonly covered in lichen. Outcrops are often smooth and rounded and possess a distinctively hummocky appearance, possibly the result of glacial activity. Fresh surfaces reveal a coarsely crystalline, granoblastic rock with bands of mafic minerals within a largely acidic rock type. Compositionally, felsic bands are of quartz and plagioclase. Grains are generally subhedral but some grains seem to be stretched in parallel to the foliation of the rock. Typical grain size is approximately 2 to 3 mm. The plagioclase is typically subhedral and cleavage is also visible. Grain size is similar to that of the quartz at 2 to 3 mm. Mafic minerals within the felsic bands are minimal and are only 0.5 mm in diameter. Due to their size they are difficult to identify. They may well be oxides rather than mafic minerals. Mafic bands are ubiquitous within most outcrops. Grains of amphibole are identifiable as largely anhedral grains of up to 3 mm long. Generally, they have a vitreous lustre and cleavage is visible on some grains, although it is unclear whether cleavage is intersecting. Elongate crystals are concordant with the gneissose fabric. This suggests that the gneiss was subjected to non-coaxial strain. In hand specimen in is difficult to distinguish amphiboles from pyroxenes, but at
  • 24. 18 outcrop level, mafic bands seem to have a dark green hue which is consistent with amphibole rather than pyroxene. Furthermore, hornblende is a common amphibole found within many amphibolite facies metamorphic rocks, it is therefore plausible that the amphibole in this case is Hornblende. Other mafics include biotite, identifiable by its dark brown colour and perfect basal cleavage. On weathered surfaces, biotite has a distinctive flaky golden appearance. Plagioclase is present but is subordinate to amphibole and biotite. Some garnets are present within some outcrops and are typically 3 to 4 mm in diameter. The gneissose fabric clearly wraps around the garnets indicating that they are pre or syn-tectonic. Modal composition within the mafic bands are: hornblende (55%); biotite (35%); plagioclase (10%); and garnet (0.5%). Based on the modal quantities and gneissose texture of the rock as a whole, it can be classified as an acidic hornblende, biotite, garnet gneiss, of amphibolite facies. There are some examples of ultramafic boudins and enclaves within the gneiss. An excellent example is observable approximately 400 metres south of Ben Arnaboll [4549 5856], where an ultramafic boudin of approximately 1 metre in diameter is enclosed within the gneissose fabric which wraps around the boudin. Well- developed quartz megacrysts are present as pressure shadows around the more competent boudin on either side, demonstrating a “top to the south” shear direction. The boudins are mono-mineralic with blocky, equant crystals of 5 to 10 mm. Cleavage planes are clearly visible on some faces and lustre is vitreous. It is dark green in colour. This is probably an amphibolitised pyroxenite, the blocky texture being mimetic of the original pyroxenite protolith.
  • 25. 19 Much of the Lewisian Gneiss is pervaded by granitic pegmatites (discussed in Chapter 3, p.16) that clearly cross-cut the fabric of the Lewisian. The contact between the two bodies is sometimes diffuse, this could be due to some metasomatic reactions between the volatiles within the pegmatites and the host rock. The diffusive contact is also an indication that the host rock was relatively hot during emplacement. There is no variation in grain size at the margins. The intrusive nature of the pegmatites and their cross-cutting relationship with the gneissose fabric illustrate clearly that they occurred at a later stage. However, there is also field evidence to suggest that the pegmatites were also subjected to deformation, as in some localised areas pegmatites have been folded. This deformation was not co-genetic with earlier deformation so signifies a later deformational event. There is also evidence of basic intrusion within the Lewisian Gneiss. Approximately 300 metres northeast of the summit of Ben Arnaboll [4610 5925] lies the remnants of a dolerite dyke. As with the ultramafic boudin discussed earlier in this chapter, the dyke has undergone extensive amphibolitisation. The dyke has a maximum width of 7 metres, but quickly thins out to the southwest. The significance of this dyke in the wider context of the metamorphic basement is that its deformational vector, deduced from the stretching of serecitised feldspars is concordant with the fabric of the Lewisian Gneiss. The implication of this is that the dyke must post date the formation of the gneissose fabric during (D1) but was later subjected to deformation during a later event (D2). The pegmatites were not affected by D2, so they therefore postdate the emplacement of the dyke.
  • 26. 20 4.1.2 Interpretation The quartzo-feldspathic composition of the Lewisian Gneiss is consistent with the widely accepted view that most Archean gneisses of this type are derived from plutonic tonalite, trondjhemite, granodiorite (TTG) protoliths associated with Archean subduction zones (Rollinson & Windley, 1980). Commonly, subordinate ultramafics are also found in association with TTG’s and are possibly derived from deep plutonic cumulates such as pyroxenites, peridotites and dunites (Friend & Kinny, 2001). The amphibolitised pyroxenite boudin for example could be the product of such cumulates. The extensive amphibolitisation of the gneiss indicates that it reached amphibolite facies metamorphism during D1. It is possible that this was a retrogressive metamorphic event where granulite facies gneisses were retrogressed to amphibolite facies. Amphibolite facies lithologies typically form at depths of approximately 20km assuming a typical geothermal gradient of 300C/km. Following this, a further deformational event occurred. This event (D2) occurred after the emplacement of the dolerite dyke as the dyke is concordant with the foliation within the gneiss. Due to the cross-cutting relationship of the pegmatites and the gneiss, it is clear that the pegmatites postdate these events. Their origin seems somewhat enigmatic, but their emplacement must have been driven by a tectono-thermal event where they were the product of highly evolved water saturated granites (Jahns & Burnham, 1969). Unfortunately there is little evidence in the field of any other associated igneous melts that could further elucidate their geological provenance. Further deformation of the Lewisian Gneiss occurred following emplacement of the pegmatites. This is observable within some outcrops
  • 27. 21 where some minor folding is visible. In some instances, thin pegmatitic veins are clearly deformed and possess a sigmoidal appearance. This minor deformational event (D3) will be overprinted onto D1 and D2 fabrics but due to the complexity of poly-phase deformation it is difficult to see. Interference patterns such as dome and basins; or crescent and mushroom (Park, 1989) were not observable in the field at outcrop level. The fact that some pegmatites seem unaffected by deformation may suggest that emplacement was contemporaneous with D3 rather than predating it. 4.2 Arnaboll Mylonite 4.2.1 Observations The Lewisian Gneiss is separated from younger Cambrian sediments by a major thrust zone where Pipe Rock in the footwall is overlain Lewisian basement. This is clearly a tectonic relationship as older Archean gneiss is juxtaposed upon younger Phanerozoic sediments. The two units are separated by a band of ultramylonite which varies in thickness between 10cm to >100cm. The mylonite is well exposed just north of Ben Arnaboll summit [4615 5965] and from here it is laterally continuous in a southerly direction for over 1km. By Sibson’s (1977) definition, the ultramylonite (>90% matrix) is almost devoid of clasts and has undergone extensive grain size reduction through crystal plastic deformation. The mylonites have a distinctive green colour indicating that they are sub-greenschist grade. Minerals are segregated into millimetre scale laminated bands, where darker bands represent mafics and lighter bands represent the more felsic minerals such as quartz and feldspars. Due to the microscopic grain size, it is difficult to ascertain
  • 28. 22 mineralogy, other than it contains mafic and felsic minerals. The mylonites readily cleave along lamination planes giving them a flaggy appearance. Given that the ultramylonites are green in colour, it is highly likely that they are extensively chloritised. This suggests that that were subjected to greenschist facies metamorphism. Asymmetrical quartz grains (Plate 2), of up to 30cm are useful shear indicators and prove useful in determining shear sense. Similar mylonites can be found covering an extensive area to the southeast of the mapping area around Glac an Tioraidh [460 575]. 4.2.2 Interpretation Due to the extensive grain size reduction that the Arnaboll Mylonite has undergone, and the highly ductile, finely laminated fabric that pervades throughout the rock, it is highly likely that the overthrusting Lewisian has travelled from substantial depths and over considerable distances. Most of the strain was accommodated within a thin layer where frictional heating of framework silicates formed an ultramylonite layer. Movement along the plane would have been sudden and spontaneous which is evident from presence of pseudotachylite. However, there is some deformation within the Pipe Rock, which is evident from the deformation of skolithos burrows within the member which prove to be useful shear indicators (Chapter 5.1, p.26). Some quartz grains are preserved within the mylonite and have undergone diffusive mass transfer during shearing, giving them a stretched appearance. Along with mineral lineations they are useful in determining shear sense along the plane of movement.
  • 29. 23 4.3 Oystershell Mylonite 4.3.1 Observations The Oystershell Mylonites (Plate 3) are structurally above the Arnaboll Mylonites and outcrop on the southern side of Loch a Choin-bhoirinn [456 571]. They are easily distinguishable by their crenulated appearance and S-C fabric, which is useful in establishing shear sense within the unit. They bare a similar colour to the Arnaboll Mylonites but are richer in phylosilicates where muscovite is clearly visible in hand specimen. They are fine to medium grained and are therefore coarser than the underlying Arnaboll Mylonites. Quartz within the mylonites are concordant with the S fabric within the rock and often have a lunate appearance. They often look like oyster shells, hence the name. In some instances, they contain lenses of potassium feldspar which is similar to that of the pegmatites within the Lewisian. According to White (1982), phyllonites are typically the product of lower strain rates than laminated ultramylonites such as the Arnaboll Mylonites. 4.3.2 Interpretation It is clear that the Oystershell Mylonites lie structurally above the Arnaboll Mylonites, but are probably related to the same orogenic event. In their footwall they contain mylonitised Lewisian basement. Hangingwall lithology in not exposed so is difficult to interpret. It is possible that they are the product of Moine metapsammites which outcrop to the east of the mapping area as they are rich in
  • 30. 24 mica, although the presence of potassium feldspar suggests that they are likely to be derived from the Lewisian Gneiss. 4.4 Quartz Mylonite Quartz Mylonites are interleaved within the Oystershell Mylonites and are confined to two localised areas near Glac an Tioraidh [4615 5750]. They are arenitic in composition, similar to that of the Cross-Bedded Member. Due to their association with the Oystershell Mylonites, it is likely that they are from the basal unconformity where the Oystershell Mylonites represent the Lewisian and the Quartz Mylonite represents the Cross-bedded Member. This therefore is an indication that the thrust zone cross-cuts the basal unconformity. 4.5 Metamorphic history of the area The history of the Lewisian Gneiss has been covered in Chapter 4.1.2. The mylonites within the area have undergone dynamic metamorphism but in an historical context, they are best discussed within the structural history (see Chapter 5.6) of the area rather than the metamorphic history. Chapter 5 Structural Geology 5.1 Faults/shear zones 5.1.1 Observations
  • 31. 25
  • 32. 26 The Arnaboll Thrust- Due to the complex tectonic history of the mapping area, faulting is common and pervasive throughout. Major thrust zones include the Arnaboll Thrust, which carries allocthonous Archean gneiss in the hangingwall onto the younger Pipe Rock Member of the Cambrian succession. This relationship is best exposed at the northern end of Ben Arnaboll [461 596]. Virtually all of the strain is incorporated within a relatively thin band of ultramylonite (see Chapter 4.2), where the trajectory of the fault can be inferred from the asymmetrical deformation of quartz ribbons within the ultramylonite. The underlying Pipe Rock in the footwall also exhibits substantial strain where formerly sub-vertical skolithos burrows (normal to bedding) have been deformed to angles of approximately 450 to bedding proximal to the ultramylonite zone (Fig.3), this implies a shear ratio of 1. Both the quartz ribbons and the skolithos burrows indicate a west-northwest trajectory for the Arnaboll Thrust. Approximately 100 metres to the east, the Arnaboll Thrust is breached by three younger thrust faults which cut across the thrust and dip to the east. These are clearly later than the Arnaboll thrust and may be related to imbricate thrusting to the north around Ben Heilam. Following the thrust contact south to the un-named lochan [4610 5885], the Arnaboll Thrust forms an anticlinal structure where Lewisian basement is cored by Pipe Rock, this implies that the Arnaboll Thrust is folded. This is consistent with a model proposed by Butler (2004) of a foreland propagating duplex where an early roof thrust, in this case the Arnaboll Thrust is folded by a series of sub- surface imbricates which join onto the main roof thrust (Fig.4a). To the west, the Arnaboll
  • 33. 27 Thrust cuts up section into the Cross-bedded and the Pipe Rock Members of Cambrian age. The Tioraidh Thrust- Lying in the hangingwall of the Arnaboll Thrust, the Tioraidh thrust generally consists of greenschist mylonites interleaved with sheared Lewisian Gneiss, which gently dip to the east-southeast. The thrust zone is much wider than the Arnaboll Thrust and mylonites are less developed. At the base, laminated greenschist mylonites progressively give way to phyllonites (Chapter 4.3) higher up the sequence. The presence of k-feldspar within the phyllonites indicate that they are derived from the pegmatitic Lewisian Gneiss. L-S fabric within the mylonite generally dips 150 to the east-southeast and S-C fabric within the Oystershell Mylonites (Plate 3) indicate that movement was to the west- northwest. As the mylonites within the Tioraidh Thrust are less well developed than the Arnaboll Thrust mylonites, it is likely that they postdate the latter and were emplaced at higher crustal levels. The lack of folding within the Tioraidh thrust sheet also suggests that they were emplaced after the Arnaboll sheet. Subordinate Quartz Mylonites interleaved with the Oystershell Mylonite are probably derived from the basal Cambrian unconformity, which is compatible with the hypothesis that the Tioraidh Thrust mylonites are predominantly from a Lewisian protolith, rather than Moine metapelites. To the south of the mapping area near Kempie Bay, the thrust crosscuts a series of ductile folds within the underlying Arnaboll Sheet. The folds are tight and isoclinal with fold axes that dip at a shallow angle to the east-southeast, similar to that of the thrust sheet, suggesting that they are co-tectonic with the Tioraidh Thrust. This
  • 34. 28 is further evidence that the Tioraidh Thrust was emplaced later than the underlying Arnaboll Sheet. Imbricate Thrusts- The imbricate thrusts lie in the footwall of the Arnaboll Thrust sheet and are composed of repeating successions of Cambrian formations that crop out along the western shores of Loch Eriboll, north of Heilam [4590 6160]. The imbricates propagate along a sole thrust which is not exposed within the mapping area. Steeply dipping to the east-southeast, the thrusts often exploit weaker units such as the Alltain Beds or the Heilam Dolostone. Individual slices are approximately 20 metres thick and can be traced along strike for over 80 metres in some parts. On the western shore, imbricates are within the Alltain and Salterella Members but progressively change to Salterella and Heilam Members further east. Where thrusting occurs within the Alltain Beds, a prominent shear fabric is visible where the fissile nature of the Alltain Beds is exploited. They are often flanked by competent sandstone beds either side (Plate 4). To the south, the imbricates climb up section into the dolostones and die out onto a lateral thrust ramp at Ard Neakie [4500 5990] which marks the southern limits of the imbricates. At this location, the dolostones are southwardly dipping and have undergone sinstral shearing within a wide shear zone (Fig.5) along the lateral ramp. The lateral ramp at Ard Neakie adjoins onto the Arnaboll Thrust at Druim na Teanga. Walking across strike in a south-easterly direction from the Lighthouse [4581 6178], there is a transition from the steeply dipping imbricates in the footwall to gently dipping Pipe Rock with occasional horizons of sheared Alltain Beds in the hangingwall. The transition between the imbricates and the Pipe Rock is marked by a 1 metre thick mylonitic zone, which is well exposed 400 metres to the east of the
  • 35. 29 Lighthouse [4640 6190]. Most of the shearing is accommodated within the overlying Pipe Rock in the hangingwall and the presence of thick mylonite indicates that it has travelled from considerable depth. The Pipe Rock dips gently to the east-southeast with remarkable consistency, so it is unlikely that the hangingwall is folded by an underlying duplex. It is therefore plausible that this marks an overstepping geometry, where the imbricates in the footwall have been truncated by a later, low angle thrust that steps back into the hinterland (Fig.4b). The low angle mylonitic band that separates the hangingwall from the footwall is consistent with a far travelled low angle thrust fault that oversteps the underlying strata, as alluded to by Butler (2004) in his paper on the nature of roof thrusts. Thrusting within the Pipe Rock dominated hangingwall is low angle, where fault propagation folds have developed into hangingwall anticlines above sub- horizontal thrust ramps. Most anticlines are not preserved but an excellent example can be observed approximately 200 metres east of Loch a’ Choire [4686 6123]. It clearly illustrates how movement along the thrust ramp was to the west (Plate 5). From the Heilam Cross-section (Fig.2), a tentative estimation for the
  • 36. 30 amount of crustal shortening within the Heilam imbricates alone can be put at 11km. This is an estimation only, as the exact number of imbricates could not be measured in the field due to lack of exposure. The overall crustal shortening is lightly to be much higher when movements along the Tioraidh and Arnaboll Thrusts are taken into account. Other Faults- The imbricates on the western Heilam Peninsula are crosscut by a series of much later high angle faults which are downthrown to the north. These are probably the result of thermal cooling and subsidence of the orogen in its post orogenic state. Similar faults crosscut the Lewisian Gneiss and mylonites south of Ben Arnaboll, where geological units are juxtaposed against one another. On the northern end of the Heilam Peninsula, spectacular 1.5 metre wide brittle transform faults can be observed. In the centre of the fault, lies a 15cm thick band of cataclasite, which is flanked on either side by fault breccia. Movement along the fault is sinstral and to the southwest and the fault obliquely cuts across open folds. The fault remains linear across the folds so is therefore younger. 5.1.2 Interpretation Owing to the complex nature of thrusting within the mapping area, it has undergone a somewhat enigmatic history. This said, there are some key events which can be placed into a temporal framework to ascertain a sequence of events: 1) Firstly, the emplacement of the Arnaboll Thrust Sheet occurred where a far travelled thrust placed deep crustal Lewisian Gneiss onto Cambrian Pipe Rock.
  • 37. 31 2) Further crustal shortening resulted in a foreland propagating thrust sequence within the footwall of the Arnaboll Sheet, which resulted in the emplacement of a series of imbricate thrusts within the Cambrian sediments. This event transformed the Arnaboll Thrust into a roof thrust, where imbricates generally cut up section and joined onto and folded the Arnaboll Thrust. 3) The Tioraidh Thrust then emplaced mylonitic Lewisian Gneiss and Cambrian arenites onto the ductile Arnaboll Thrust Sheet, resulting in the formation of tight to isoclinal folds within the Arnaboll Sheet around Bealach Mahri and the formation of the Kempie Anticline. 4) The overstepping thrust on the Heilam Peninsula must post date the imbricates due to its crosscutting relationship with the imbricates in the footwall. As the breaching of the Arnaboll Thrust penetrates the same hangingwall imbricates around Ben Heilam, it is probable that the breaching is contemporaneous with these low lying thrusts. All structural data including lineations; S-C fabrics; and stretched quartz are consistent with vergence from the east-southeast. 5.2 Folds Folding within the Lewisian Gneiss will not be discussed in this section as they have been discussed in Chapter 4. The discussion will predominantly centre round differences between folding in the northern Heilam region and further south around Bealach Mhairi, and the implications these differences have with regard to the structural styles of deformation within the regions.
  • 38. 32 5.2.1 Observations On the Heilam Peninsula north of the A838, folding is strongly associated with imbricate thrusting. On the western coast, any folding associated with the steeply dipping Heilam Imbricates have been eroded, but originally they would have culminated in a series of hangingwall anticlines. A large scale anticline is associated with the lateral ramp at Ard Neakie (Fig.5). This marks the southernmost extent of the imbricates where bedding dips to the south and shear strain is accommodated with sinstral movement along the lateral ramp. As discussed in Chapter 4.1.1 some excellent examples of folding are preserved within the Pipe Rock Member around Ben Heilam, where fault propagation folds have developed into hangingwall anticlines with axial planes that dip to the east (Plate 5). Most of the crustal shortening is accommodated along brittle shear zones along flat lying footwall ramps. The hangingwall anticlines take the form of tight to isoclinal TLS (Tangential Longitudinal Strain) folds where strain is predominantly coaxial, causing extension on the outer arc of the fold and compression within the inner arcs (Park, 1989). The extension on the outer arc is quantifiable due to the presence of skolithos burrow entrance holes on bedding planes. On the hangingwall anticline south of Ben Heilam for example, originally round entrance holes are stretched into ellipses, where the long axis of the ellipse is normal to the fold axis, indicating that the outer arc was subjected to extension. Fold axial planes where measurable, dip to the east-southeast. On the northern end of the Heilam Peninsula [4750 6250], there are a series of open folds which plunge gently to the southwest. They are exclusively within the Pipe Rock Member and are in the footwall of the overlying imbricated Pipe Rocks
  • 39. 33 on Ben Heilam. Their formation is somewhat difficult to explain but are probably linked to the lateral termination of thrusts on Ben Heilam where strain rates are much less. To the south, the Arnaboll Thrust Sheet is folded by the underlying duplex. The folding is difficult to quantify within the thrust sheet as there is no bedding within the Lewisian, so folding can only be inferred from the presence of the Pipe Rock around the un-named lochan which is flanked by Lewisian Gneiss either side, and the folded Cross-bedded arenites which lie in the hangingwall of the Arnaboll Thrust Sheet at Druim na Teanga [4534 5930]. Moving to the southern end of the mapping area around Bealach Mhairi [4535 5760], folding is accommodated within the Arnaboll Thrust Sheet. Deformation here takes the form of tight east-southeast dipping folds within the Lewisian and the overlying Cross-bedded Arenites. The contact between the Lewisian and Cross- bedded arenites is unconformable rather than tectonic as there is no evidence of shearing. It is evident from cross-bedding that some beds are overturned. Deformation here is ductile and moving east towards the Tioraidh Thrust, folds become isoclinal and are interleaved with mylonites. This implies that at this location there is a strong relationship between the overlying Tioraidh Thrust and the ductile deformation within the Arnaboll Thrust Sheet. Based on this evidence it is likely that the ductile folding in the footwall and the formation of the mylonites in the hangingwall were co-genetic. Towards the foreland to the west, folding becomes increasingly more open, where a large anticline and syncline (Kempie Syncline) are present. This is an indication that there is markedly less deformation here than there is further east towards the Tioraidh Thrust, as almost all strain is accommodated within the higher sections
  • 40. 34 towards the thrust zone. The Kempie Syncline is cored by a thrust fault which dips to the east-southeast. Most of the thrusting is accommodated within the Alltain Beds and is clearly visible at Kempie [4460 5800]. This is likely to be a splay from the underlying Arnaboll Thrust. 5.2.2 Interpretation Most of the folding to the north of Ben Arnaboll is strongly linked to imbricate thrusting, where folds take the form of hangingwall anticlines, these would have initially developed as asymmetrical fault propagation folds (Fig.6). Fold axes reveal that vergence was from the east-southeast. Thrust planes within the Pipe Rock are narrow and brittle indication emplacement at relatively shallow depths. In contrast, folding to the south of the mapping area around Bealach Mhairi is of a much more ductile nature, where tight to isoclinal folding is strongly associated with mylonites within the overlying Tioraidh Thrust Sheet. Proximal to the thrust, tight isoclinal folds are subjected to intense non-coaxial shearing, becoming mylonitic in texture. It is evident that there are distinctive differences in structural style between the Heilam area to the north and Bealach Mhairi to the south. The Heilam area is dominated by brittle imbricate faulting, implying that emplacement was at relatively shallow depths. In contrast, the folding to the south around Bealach Mhairi is highly ductile which suggests emplacement at depth. 5.3 Cleavage Most of the lithologies within the mapping area are massive and do not contain platy minerals such as micas. Therefore most of the mapping area is devoid of
  • 41. 35 cleavage. The quartz arenites of the Eriboll Formation for example are completely devoid of platy minerals so do not develop cleavage. Some beds do possess foliation in the form of protomylonites and cataclasites but this if formed due to the shear stresses associated with thrusting. This is not cleavage in the strictest sense and is best described as foliation. 5.4 Lineations on faults and stretching lineations Within sheared Alltain Beds, slikenlines are clearly visible on fault planes. These are best preserved on the underside of faults where they are sheltered from the elements. Within the mylonites around Ben Heilam and Bealach Mhairi, stretching lineations are visible on some foliated surfaces. These are predominantly preserves within stretched quartz grains which form a weak L-S fabric within the mylonites. Lineation data from both the Alltain Beds and mylonites are consistent and bare little variation. Out of a total of 20 lineation measurements taken in the field, all plunged to the east-southeast (Appendix 2). The data was plotted on a stereonet and a mean vector of 29o towards 109E was obtained. 5.5 Stylolites and associated tension gashes. On the northern tip of the Heilam Peninsula [4740 6252], there are a series of quartz filled en-echelon tension gashes. Stylolites associated with the tension gashes are less well developed. The orientation of the tension gashes indicate that the direction of greatest principle stress (σ1) is orientated southwest to northeast. This is favourable with the late brittle faulting that occurs in the area (Chapter 5.1.1, p.30). The origin of the stress is unknown and is only evident along the northern extent of the peninsula.
  • 43. 37 Crustal shorting was initiated within the area by the thrusting of deep crustal Lewisian Gneiss onto Pipe Rock of Cambrian age along the Arnaboll Thrust. Vergence was from the east-southeast and emplacement was post-Cambrian, i.e. later than the Pipe Rock Member. The presence of ultramylonite along the thrust plane indicates that exhumation was from depths of at 15km. A foreland propagating sequence of imbricate thrusting followed this event and formed a duplex where the Arnaboll Thrust acted as a roof thrust. Some thrusting stepped back into the orogen, where a low angle thrust emplaced shallow dipping Pipe Rock (Ben Heilam) onto the steeply dipping imbricates. The breaching of the Arnaboll Thrust was contemporaneous with this event. Emplacement of the Oystershell and Quartz mylonites of the Tioraidh Thrust then followed. The anticline around Kempie Bay and the ductile folding on Bealach Mhairi was contemporaneous with the emplacement of the Tioraidh Thrust. All tectonic events discussed were due to compression from the east-southeast and the amount of total crustal shortening is likely to be in the order of at least 10’s of kilometres. Thermal subsidence post orogen resulted in a series of brittle faults, these are best observed on the western side of Ben Heilam. A more recent tectonic event resulted in the brittle transform faulting observed on the northern tip of the Heilam Peninsula. The faulting here was the result of southwest to northeast compression. Chapter 6 Geological history of the area This is a brief summary of the geological history of the area, and where possible, some correlation will be made with current understanding of the geology from previous research and/or current understanding. Each sub-section is placed in
  • 44. 38 chronological order to give the reader an understanding of the temporal distribution of events. 6.1 Lewisian Gneiss  The emplacement of the Lewisian Gneiss was during the Archean and their composition is similar to other TTG gneisses from around the globe. Friend and Kinney (2001) assign them a protolith age of 2840-2800Ma. A geochemical study by Goodenough et al. (2010), deduced that their most likely origin was of parental melts from a mantle wedge setting, similar to calc-alkaline rocks seen today.  The protolith was then buried to depths of 20km or more and resulted in the development of gneissose texture and metamorphism up to at least amphibolite facies and possibly granulite facies. In Kinney and Friend’s reappraisal on terrane based nomenclature (2005), they assigned the Lewisian in this area to the Rhiconich Terrane, which covers the area north of the Laxford Shear Zone from Laxford Bridge.  The emplacement of the dolerite dyke on Ben Arnaboll followed. It is believed that this is related to the emplacement of the Scourie Dyke Complex. Emplacement pre-dates 1855Ma (Friend & Kinney 2001).  A deformational event followed (D2). This resulted in the deformation and amphibolitisation of the dyke. D2 is poorly constrained but there is evidence that Badcallian event continued after the emplacement of the Scourie Dykes (Trewin, 2002). However, the event was more commonly associated with the Assynt Terrene.
  • 45. 39  Emplacement of the pegmatites followed. It is likely that their emplacement was related to the introduction of hydrous fluids through the Laxford Shear Zone, Friend & Kinney (2001) identified this as the Laxfordian. The commonly accepted hypothesis is that the Laxford Shear Zone separates the Rhiconich Terrane of the north from the genetically distinct Assynt Terrane to the south of the shear zone. This is based on the fact that the two terranes have undergone distinctly different metamorphic histories (Coney et al., 1980; Goodenough et al., 2010). The Laxfordian event has been dated at c. 1705Ma, based on hornblende Ar/Ar dating (Dallmeyer et al., 2001) and affects both the Rhiconich and Assynt Terranes.  According to Friend & Kinney (2001), the Rhiconich Terrane was subjected to a final deformational event at c.1670Ma. This event supposedly overprints previous deformation but no evidence for this event was observed in the field. 6.2 Cambrian sedimentology  The Cambrian marked the start of a transgressional period where initially, the deposition of quartz arenites of the Eriboll Formation dominated. These were within tidal dominated environments and involved the reworking of mature sediments. The Eriboll Formation is Early Cambrian in origin (Park et al., 2002) and lay unconformably on the Lewisian Gneiss.  Following the Eriboll Formation, there was a transgression marked by deposition of the Alltain Beds. Generally these were deposited in a low energy environment below wave base, with a marginal carbonate influence.
  • 46. 40 The Alltain Beds are more commonly known by their official name which is the Fucoid Beds. Following this there was a return to intertidal siliciclastic deposits of Salterella, formally known as the Salterella Grit member (Park et al., 2002). The Salterella Member is accurately dated within the late Early Cambrian (Yochelson, 1977).  A transition to tropical latitudes followed, with carbonate shelf deposition being dominant within the Tor Liath Formation. The Kempie Member was deposited in a low energy environment, possibly near the base of a reef front. The overlying Heilam Member was deposited within a shallower carbonate environment, marking another regression. The above mentioned members are known as separate formations in modern literature and go by the name of Ghrudaidh Formation and Eilean Dubh Formation respectively (Goodenough & Krabbendam, 2011). 6.3 Caledonian Thrusting Following the Cambrian transgression, there was an intense period of crustal shortening which resulted in intensive thrusting during the Caledonian Orogeny. Compression was exclusively from the east-southeast and generally followed a foreland propagating sequence with some instances of overstepping:  The emplacement of the Arnaboll Thrust Sheet along the Arnaboll Thrust occurred early on in the orogenic evolution, where a low angle thrust emplaced Lewisian Gneiss onto Cambrian Pipe Rock.  A foreland propagating thrust sequence followed, resulting in the imbrication of Cambrian strata towards the west. This resulted in the
  • 47. 41 formation of a duplex where the Arnaboll Thrust acted as a roof thrust (Plate 6).  The Tioraidh Thrust then emplaced mylonitised Lewisian Gneiss and Lower Cambrian quartzites onto the Arnaboll Thrust Sheet. This event resulted in the ductile deformation and the formation of tight isoclinal folds within the Arnaboll Sheet at Bealach Mhairi. The Tioraidh Thrust sheet, commonly known as the Lochan Riabhach Thrust Sheet (Holdsworth et al., 2007) was not folded.  Further thrusting continued in the hinterland where a low angle thrust (observed to the west of Ben Heilam) truncated imbricates in the foreland and emplaced Pipe Rock onto them. The breaching of the Arnaboll Thrust is contemporaneous with this event.  Post orogenic extensional faults formed as a result of thermal sag. The extensive thrusting within the mapping area is related to the closure of the Iapetus Ocean and the bringing together of Laurentia, Avalonia and Baltica during the Caledonian Orogeny in the Silurian. The area is the northernmost extension of the Moine Thrust Zone, which places Moine metapsammites onto the Archean Lewisian foreland (Goodenough & Krabbendam., 2011). The exact position of the Moine Thrust has been debated for many years. Peach & Horne in their memoirs (Peach et al., 1907) for example placed the Moine Thrust at the base of what is now known as the Lochan Riabhach Thrust Sheet, whereas modern interpretation places the Moine Thrust further towards the hinterland, where Moine Schists lie in the hangingwall (Holdsworth et al., 2006). It is now believed that thrusting within
  • 48. 42 the Moine Thrust is both foreland propagating and overstepping (Butler, 2004; 2010). Within the mapping area there is evidence of both types. 6.4 Post orogenic events Following the Caladonian Orogeny, the area was subjected to some brittle faulting resulting in the formation of cataclasites and fault breccia. The faulting was localised within the northern Heilam area and their origin and timing are unknown. Sculpting from glacial activity is also observable from the presence of glacial striations (trending north-northwest) on Pipe Rock within the Heilam area. These are probably related to the last glacial period which ended during the end of the Pleistocene. 6.5 Summary In summary, the MTZ has undergone a complex history of thrusting during the Caledonian orogeny. Most authors (Freeman et al., 1998; Dallmeyer et al., 2001; Kinney et al., 2003) have concluded that deformation occurred during the Silurian with the amount of crustal shortening estimated at well over 100km. Thrusting within the MTZ generally follows a foreland propagating sequence with some later overstepping thrusts at higher levels. Kinematic data from lineations, s-c fabric, stretched quartz grains etc. illustrate that vergence was from an east/south- easterly direction and show remarkable consistency. Despite all the research, the relative timings of thrusting events within the MTZ and specifically within the Loch
  • 49. 43 Eriboll area are still poorly constrained. This is especially true of the Lochan Riabhach Thrust.
  • 50. 44
  • 51. 45 References Butler, R. W. (1984). Structural evolution of the Moine thrust belt between Loch More and Glendhu, Sutherland. Scottish Journal of Geology, 20(2), 161-179. Butler, R. W. H. (2004). The nature of ‘roof thrusts’ in the Moine Thrust Belt, NW Scotland: implications for the structural evolution of thrust belts. Journal of the Geological Society, 161(5), 849-859. Butler, R. W. H. (2010). The role of thrust tectonic models in understanding structural evolution in NW Scotland. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 335(1), 293-320. Černý, P., London, D., & Novák, M. (2012). Granitic pegmatites as reflections of their sources. Elements, 8(4), 289-294. Coney, P. J., Jones, D. L., & Monger, J. W. (1980). Cordilleran suspect terranes. Nature, 288(5789), 329-333. Dallmeyer, R. D., Strachan, R. A., Rogers, G., Watt, G. R., & Friend, C. R. L. (2001). Dating deformation and cooling in the Caledonian thrust nappes of north Sutherland, Scotland: insights from 40Ar/39Ar and Rb–Sr chronology.Journal of the Geological Society, 158(3), 501-512. Fillion, D. and Pickerill, R.K. 1990. Ichnology of the Lower Ordovician Bell Island and Wabana Groups of eastern Newfoundland. Palaeontographica Canadiana, 7:1- 119. Freeman, S. R., Butler, R. W. H., Cliff, R. A., & Rex, D. C. (1998). Direct dating of mylonite evolution: a multi-disciplinary geochronological study from the Moine Thrust Zone, NW Scotland. Journal of the Geological Society, 155(5), 745-758. Friend, C., & Kinny, P. (2001). A reappraisal of the Lewisian Gneiss Complex: geochronological evidence for its tectonic assembly from disparate terranes in the Proterozoic. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 142(2), 198-218. Goodenough, K. M., Park, R. G., Krabbendam, M., Myers, J. S., Wheeler, J., Loughlin, S. C., & Graham, R. H. (2010). The Laxford Shear Zone: an end-Archaean terrane boundary?. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 335(1), 103-120. Goodenough, K.M., Krabbendam, M. (2011) A Geological excursion guide to the north-west highlands of Scotland. Edinburgh: NMS Enterprises Limited. Holdsworth, R. E., Strachan, R. A., Alsop, G. I., Grant, C. J., & Wilson, R. W. (2006). Thrust sequences and the significance of low-angle, out-of-sequence faults in the northernmost Moine Nappe and Moine Thrust Zone, NW Scotland. Journal of the Geological Society, 163(5), 801-814. Holdsworth, R. E., Alsop, G. I., & Strachan, R. A. (2007). Tectonic stratigraphy and structural continuity of the northernmost Moine Thrust Zone and Moine Nappe,
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  • 53. 47 Yochelson, E. L. (1983). Salterella (Early Cambrian; Agmata) from the Scottish Highlands. Palaeontology, 26(2), 253-260.
  • 54. 48 Appendix A.1 Restored foresets A.2 Lineations Original bedding: 173/22 Original foresets: 061/19 Palaeocurrent (blue arrow): 106oE
  • 55. 49 9 Acknowledgements Firstly I would like to thank my supervisor Steve Hirons for his support. It was he who during his second year field class first inspired me to map the Moine Thrust Zone. I would also like to thank him for his support and expertise in the field so thanks Steve. I must also thank Rick Allmendinger for use of his “Stereonet 9” open source software, which proved really useful in the production of stereonets. A special mention must go to Cara and Liam who have sacrificed many an Easter holiday while I have been conducting my fieldwork, they have always been really supportive so thanks guys. I would like to reserve my biggest thanks though to my wife Sian. Without her influence I would not be in the position I find myself in now, on the verge of completing my degree. She has been the true inspiration behind all my endeavours. I now hope that I can be as supportive to her as she been to me as she continues on the road to becoming a fully qualified Occupational Therapist, thanks Sian.