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Trinity Christian Academy

   Faculty Handbook

Table of Contents

About Trinity Christian Academy                     Hours                                  21
Mission Statement                  3                Immigration Law Compliance             21
Philosophy                         3                In Service Days
Statement of Faith                 3                        22
Statement of Vision and Purpose    4                Insurance Benefits                     22
                                                    Jury Duty Policy                       22
Policies and Procedures                             Leaving Campus                         22
Absence Policy                 5                    Maintenance Requests           22
Arrival of Students                5                Morning Care                           22
Child Abuse                        6                New Students                           22
Children of Staff                  6                Open House                             22
Church Attendance                  6                Orientation                            22
Church Use of Classrooms           6                Parent/Teacher Conferences             23
Class Activities and Parties       6                Parent/Teacher Relationships           24
Class Advisors                     6                Payroll                                24
Classroom Appearance               7                Personal Appearance                    25
Classroom Management               7                Personnel Files                        25
Code of Conduct                    8                Phone Calls/Messages                   26
Collecting Money                   9                Plagiarism                             26
Communication with Parents         9                Playground Responsibilities            26
Computer Support                   9                Preparations for Substitute Teachers   26
Continuation of Benefits (COBRA)   9                Purchasing                             26
Continuing Education               9                Recess                                 27
Continuous Supervision             10               Responsibilities and Duties            27
Correspondence                     10               Standardized Testing                   27
Crisis Management                  11               Student Dismissal                      27
Daily Attendance Record            10               Student Files                          28
Discipline                         10               Student Illness                        28
Employment Qualifications          11               Teacher Aides                          28
End of the Day Responsibilities    11               Teacher Characteristics                28
Equal Employment Opportunities     12               Technology Usage & Media Selection     29
Ethics in Education Policy         12               Weekly Lesson Plans                    29
Event Approvals                    19               Work Rules                             29
Field Trips                        20               Worker’s Compensation Insurance        30
Fire Drills                        20               Workplace Safety Rules                 30
Grades                             20               Crisis Management Plan                 33
Grievance Policy                   21

                                          Mission Statement
Trinity Christian Academy exists in order to assist parents in fulfilling their divine responsibility to
train the student in the knowledge of God and the Christian life, while providing an excellent
academic education. It is also the aim of the school to provide an environment in which the individual
pupil can mature spiritually as well as achieve academic excellence, and where pupils are directed
not only in the acquisition of knowledge and skills, but also in the pursuit of worthy interests, ideals
and attitudes essential to Christian maturity. Credo: An Education…with Spirit

Trinity Christian Academy’s purpose and philosophy are based upon a Christian world-view holding
that God is the Creator and sustainer of all life. God is the ultimate reality and the source and
essence of all goodness and truth. God has revealed Himself through nature and circumstances of
human life and history, but most explicitly through His Son, Jesus Christ, as revealed in Holy
Scripture, the Bible. The highest good on the part of man is realized in the conformity to God’s will.

The ultimate objective of Christian education must be to help young people realize their full potential
as human beings in God’s perfect will for their lives. Each student must be encouraged to become
“perfect”, that is a whole, complete, mature, and fully equipped person in Christ (2 Timothy 3:16, 17).
This accomplishment involves witnessing to and winning the lost child to Christ, providing for his
intellectual growth and development through academic studies, providing opportunities for social
activities consistent with biblical, moral and spiritual values, and providing for wholesome physical
exercise and development.

As ultimate reality and truth, God set the standards by which value judgments are to be made. He
has revealed Himself and His will most clearly through His Son and His Word; therefore, Christ and
the Bible must be central to every subject or activity. This means that the biblical viewpoint must
permeate the entire school program, including curriculum, co-curricular activities, athletics, business,
and interpersonal relationships of all those associated with the school.

A Christian teacher with a Christian philosophy of education teaches science as God’s creation,
Math as God’s order, Geography as God’s handiwork, History as God’s orderliness and absolute
truth, Physical Education and Health as our responsibility in caring for God’s temple, and Music and
Art as God’s beauty and tools for worship. All of this will help the student relate to everyday living
and contribute a positive influence for Jesus Christ.

The authority for such an education comes from God’s commands that children be taught to love
God and place Him first in their lives. We believe that the consistent implementation of this
philosophy will provide for the optimum spiritual, academic, social, and physical development of each
                                         Statement of Faith
We believe the Scriptures are inspired by God and declare His design and plan for mankind. (2
Timothy 3:15-17)

We believe there is only one true God, revealed in three persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Matthew 28:19)

We believe in the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ. As God’s son Jesus was both human and divine.
(Luke 1:35, John 1:1)

We believe though originally good, man willingly fell to sin, ushering evil and death, both physical
and spiritual, into the world. (Romans 5:12-19)

We believe every person can have restored fellowship with God through salvation. (Luke 24:47)

We believe and practice two ordinances: one, water baptism after repenting of one’s sins and
receiving Christ’s gift of salvation, (Matthew 28:19) and two, Holy Communion as a symbolic
remembrance of Christ’s suffering and death for our salvation. (1 Corinthians 11:26)

We believe the Holy Spirit empowers believers for witnessing and effective service. (Acts 1:8)

We believe sanctification initially occurs at salvation and is not only a declaration that a believer is
holy, but also a progressive lifelong process of separating from evil as believers continually draw
closer to God and become more Christ like. (2 Corinthians 5:17, Romans 12:1, 2)

We believe the church has a mission to seek and save all who are lost in sin. We believe the church
is the body of Christ and consists of the people who throughout time have accepted God’s offer of
redemption through the sacrificial death of His son Jesus Christ. (Ephesians 1:22, 23, Matthew
18:19, 20)

We believe a divinely called and scripturally ordained leadership ministry serves the church. The
bible teaches that each of us under leadership must commit ourselves to reach others for Christ, to
worship Him with other believers, and to build up or edify the body of believers, the church.
(Ephesians 4:11-16)

We believe divine healing of the sick is a privilege for Christians today is provided by Christ’s
sacrifice. (Matthew 8:16, 17, James 5:14-16)

We believe in the blessed hope, when Jesus raptures His church prior to His return to Earth. At this
future moment in time all believers who have died will rise from their graves and will meet the Lord in
the air, and Christians who are alive will be caught up with them, to be with the Lord forever.(1
Thessalonians 4:16, 17)

We believe in the millennial reign of Christ when Jesus returns with His saints at His second coming
and begins his benevolent rule over earth for 1,000 year. This millennial reign will bring the salvation
of national Israel and the establishment of universal peace. (Revelation 20 1-5)

We believe a final judgment will take place for those who have rejected Christ. They will be judged
for their sin and consigned to eternal punishment in a punishing lake of fire. (Revelation 20:11-15)

We believe and look forward to the perfect new heavens and a new earth that Christ is preparing for
all people, of all time, who have accepted him. We will live and dwell with Him there forever following
His millennial reign on earth. ‘And so shall we forever be with the Lord!” (Revelation 21:1, 2)

                                   Statement of Purpose and Vision
The administration and teachers of Trinity Christian Academy realize their solemn responsibility
before God in molding the life and character of each of their students, in order to build a solid
foundation for each child’s future and make him/her a true disciple of Jesus Christ. Trinity Christian
Academy views itself as an extension of the family. Our ultimate purpose for existing can be fulfilled
only if parents see and agree with the direction we are leading their child. Therefore, parents will be
expected to cooperate with the school in fulfilling its academic, social, and spiritual goals.
                                    POLICIES AND PROCEDURES

                                            Absence Policy
All salaried associates shall receive full pay for absences up to the allowable limit indicated. The
number of allowable absences shall not exceed 40 hours.

Trinity Christian Academy will pay up to 4 weeks after the birth of a child, minus the cost of the
substitute. Any unused sick time will rollover into your retirement plan. The amount allowed in the
403B plan is a total of 30 days which you can collect upon departure after 10 years of service.

Scheduled absences must be submitted to administration and approved prior to the absence. At
least one calendar week should be allowed for this approval.

Emergency absences or illness must be reported by calling the school secretary’s voice mail box
#151, and the Office Manager's voice mail box #155, as soon as the employee realizes he/she will
be absent. Also be sure that lesson assignments, etc., are given so that this information can be
passed on to a substitute.

If an associate needs an emergency absence that cannot occur outside school hours, it must be
scheduled and approved by administration prior to the absence.

Your timely attendance at work is crucial to making the school run smoothly. Any absence or
tardiness becomes a part of your employment record.

Staff is expected to be at their work area on time (all full-time faculty and key staff - 7:30 a.m.)
Tardiness is defined as being at your work area at least 5 minutes past your scheduled starting time.
You should also notify the appropriate person when you know you may be late for work. Being on
time makes it easier for all of us because tardiness hinders teamwork among employees. Being
tardy for work or leaving before quitting time will be considered cause for corrective action.

                                       Arrival of Students
Elementary School
   1. Students are never allowed in a classroom, unless there is proper supervision by a teacher
      or teacher’s aide.
   2. Teachers should be at the doors to greet parent/guardians by 7:45 a.m. and there should be
      seat work on top of each child’s desk to occupy them as other children arrive. Note: This is
      not a time for teacher/parent conferences. Let parents know that you want to talk with them
      and they should schedule a conference. It is important that children be supervised at all
      times; however, appointments for such conferences may be arranged at this time.
   3. All notes and money should be collected as soon as the teacher calls the class to order.

Middle School and High School
   1. Classroom doors must remain locked and lights turned off any time a teacher is not present
       in the classroom. Students are never allowed in a classroom without the supervision of a
   2. Students should not be allowed in the classrooms prior to the homeroom bell at 7:50 a.m.
       unless they are there for help from a particular teacher who is in that classroom.
   3. Any student that enters the classroom after the tardy bell without a signed pass with the
       student’s name, date, time, reason for tardiness, and signature by a faculty member,
       administration, or school office designee, will be given a detention by the teacher. If a
       student is tardy to homeroom and does not have the proper pass, the teacher documents
       and assigns a referral if appropriate.
   4. If a student was absent the previous day, they must first obtain an admit slip from the office.
       At no time should a teacher admit a student to class, whether it is homeroom or any other
       class, without the proper admit slip issued from the office. If the admit slip indicates that a
       student was excused then he/she will be allowed to make up all work missed. If the admit
       slip indicates that the student was unexcused, then he/she will not be allowed to make up
       work and will receive zeros for the work missed during absences. This policy must be strictly
       enforced; it is an effective way to ensure class attendance.

                                               Child Abuse
All faculty and support staff member are required to report suspected child abuse immediately. It is
Trinity Christian Academy’s policy to follow state law regarding child abuse reporting requirements.
Teachers will fulfill those obligations see pages 18-19 for more detail.

                                          Children of Staff
1. Children of staff members are expected to follow daily routines upon arrival and after school.
2. There is no charge for aftercare for staff children.
3. All family members who visit the campus must check in through the school office and wear a
   visitor tag.
4. All administrators, full time teachers and staff having children of school age are encouraged to
   attend Trinity Christian Academy. However, all teachers and staff, as parents, have the ultimate
   authority tin choosing what is best for their child’s education and will be supported in that
5. A tuition discount will be extended to the grandchildren of faculty. In lieu of any other discounts
   a maximum of 25% discount can be applied towards tuition for faculty’s grandchildren. No other
   discounts can apply. Reduced registration is allowed for faculty’s step-children prior to marriage.

                                           Church Attendance
Faculty members are required to faithfully attend and financially support a local church. Annually, a
letter shall be delivered to the office for inclusion in the teacher file that documents the teacher’s
church attendance.

                                       Church Use of Classrooms
1. Boards should be erased on Wednesday and Friday nights.
2. Materials and supplies should be put away on Wednesdays and Fridays. Drawers and files
3. Classrooms should be left extra clean on Wednesdays and Fridays.
4. Report any missing items or extreme inconvenience to principal the day it occurs.

                                       Class Activities and Parties
1.   Any parties or special activities must have clearance from the administration at least one day
     prior to the activity.
2.   Classroom teachers are to oversee plans and activities.
3.   Be sure that adequate faculty and adult supervision are provided.
4.   Please note that we do not have Halloween parties (fall festival parties are allowed), nor do we
     use Santa Claus or Easter bunnies for decorations.

                                            Class Advisors
1.   The homeroom teachers are the class advisors.
2.   Any fund raisers and trips must have prior approval from the administration.
3.   Any monies raised through class fund raisers must be turned into the business administrator or
     school secretary on the day collected with the proper deposit slip. No monies will be dispersed
     for class use without prior permission from the administration and by submitting the proper
     purchase order request for funds. Receipts will also be required.
4.   The junior class advisors are responsible for assisting the junior class in raising money and
     putting together the annual Prom.

                                         Classroom Appearance
Classroom appearance is of the utmost importance in producing an environment conducive to
learning for the child. A classroom that is in disarray can be distracting as well as hazardous. All
classroom decorations should include some Christian themed items such as scripture or Bible
stories. Teachers are responsible for their classroom’s appearance, and it is expected that the
classroom will not only be attractively decorated, but maintained in an orderly fashion.
1. Students are not allowed to sit on their desks, and should sit properly in their seats with feet flat
    on the floor. Students should not be allowed to lean back in their chairs or put their feet up on
    another chair or the desk. It is unprofessional for a teacher to sit on their desks, lean back in their
    chairs, and put their feet up on the desks.
2. Book racks under the desks are not waste baskets. Please be sure that students empty these
    areas and place all trash in the proper containers before leaving the classroom.

3. Please be sure that students do not write, mark, or carve on the top of their desks or chairs. The
   equipment should be checked on a routine basis.
4. Teachers are expected to keep their own rooms and furniture free of accumulating dust and
   cobwebs. Student help may be used for this and the daily cleaning of chalkboards. Have
   students pick up paper on the carpet daily during free time.
5. An alert teacher will be aware if desks are too small or too large for the students, and will make
   the necessary changes.
6. All associates must be sensitive to the fact that other organizations use their classrooms. At the
   end of each day, classrooms should be neat and in order, with all items put away in desks or

Bulletin Boards and Supplies
1. Supplies such as scissors, tape dispenser, pencil sharpener, glue sticks, etc. are issued to each
    teacher at the beginning of the school year, and additional items are distributed at the request of
    the teacher.
2. Bulletin boards must be changed at the very minimum every quarter and more often if the
    season and/or event warrant it. Supplies for bulletin boards may be requested through the
    school office.
3. All teachers shall leave one bulletin board unused so that the Wednesday night program may
    use it.

Resource Material
1. Resource material chosen and presented for the classroom must lend itself to the fulfillment of
   the objectives and philosophy of the school.
2. All supplemental materials to include outside books, magazines, videos, movies, etc. must
   receive administrative approval before being used in the classrooms.

                                        Classroom Management
Any problem that occurs in the classroom or about the campus which is observed by a faculty
member should be handled immediately. The decision as to the seriousness of a situation is at the
discretion of the faculty member and should be channeled to the proper person. To choose not to
respond to a violation of school rules or policies is to indicate your disregard for teaching ethics. If
you do not know what action to take, then indicate that you will take care of the problem later and
come to someone that can help you in taking the right action. If you have a question about a school
rule, come to the office and the administration will discuss it with you.
1. The most important person responsible for student achievement is the teacher.
2. Effective teachers manage their classrooms. Ineffective teachers discipline their classrooms.
3. The number one problem in the classroom is not discipline; it is the lack of procedures and
4. Where there is no management, students risk failure because of the lack of structure.
5. The first day of school is the most important day of the school year. Effective classroom
    management practices must begin on the first day of school.
6. Ineffective teachers begin the first day of school attempting to teach a subject and spend the rest
    of the school year running after the students.
7. Effective teachers spend much of the first two weeks of school teaching students to follow
    classroom procedures.
8. The only difference between an effective teacher and an ineffective teacher is that the ineffective
    teacher is just not doing what the effective teacher is doing.
9. The most effective form of a school improvement takes place when the entire staff works as a
    family and makes a concerted effort to establish a change that becomes consistent throughout
    the school.
10. If teachers are having a classroom management or minor discipline problem (such as classroom
    disruption) they must use the referral system; this system is outlined on the top of the referral
    form. On the first offense the teacher gives the student a formal warning: the teacher talks to the
    student and formally documents, on the referral form, the warning date, having the student initial
    next to it. At the second offense, the student and teacher have a formal conference outside the

presence of other students. This conference may happen after school, during lunch or any other
     time that both the student and the teacher are free. At the third offense, the parents are
     contacted and a conference time set up to discuss the issues. At the fourth offense the student is
     referred to the office for discipline. If a student is sent to the office for a classroom management
     issue and the above steps have not been taken, he/she will be returned to the classroom for the
     teacher to discipline using the above outlined steps. Please note that placing the same date next
     to each step does not constitute following the referral procedure. These procedures, if followed
     carefully, have resulted in effective classroom management.

                                              Code of Conduct
1. It is of the utmost importance that we all work together in brotherly love, be supportive, and pray
    for one another.
2. Teachers are not to be involved in the administration of the school except when they are officially
    asked to serve in a specific area or on an assigned committee by the Administrators.
3. At no time will teachers discuss with anyone negative factors concerning any school programs,
    other teachers, members of the staff, or students, but will remain objective and give all such
    reports to the Administrators.
4. No associate will engage in any business which competes directly or indirectly with Trinity
    Christian Academy (for example: running a home day care or summer program which is open
    during our hours of operation, or selling food products during our lunch period, etc.)
5. Trinity Christian Academy is an English-speaking business and school; all interactions and
    conversations between staff are to be conducted in English. A foreign language may be used
    only in courtesy to a parent who is not fluent in English. Conversations and communication
    between staff members are to be done in English only.
6. Information from a student’s cumulative folder or other private information may not be shared
    with anyone, unless parental written permission and administrative approval has been received.
7. For reasons of building intra-school loyalty, internal problems are to be discussed only between
    faculty members and the administrator, or individual parties involved. Principles from Matthew
    18:15-18 should be followed to involve only those necessary to resolve a problem.
8. Maintaining a professional relationship with everyone, especially parents/guardians, is of the
    utmost importance. Avoid developing a relationship with parents that makes you feel that you
    treat a student differently because of the relationship. Avoid “talking shop” with parents.
9. Avoid discussion of school problems in the office, halls or public areas where parents, salesmen
    or students may overhear. Please avoid socializing with parents and faculty members in the
    school office; it is not the teacher’s lounge.
10. Three Strike Policy: The first time an associate is given an order and it is not done or a policy is
    violated, a verbal warning will be issued. The second time you will receive a written warning; the
    third time you may be terminated at the sole discretion of administration.

                                             Collecting Money
1.   Field trip and fund-raiser monies will be collected by the teacher.
2.   Tally daily and turn in to the office.
3.   Do not leave money in the classroom overnight.
4.   Clearly mark class, teacher, event and date.

                                       Communication with Parents
1. Should be positive.
2. Courteous and to the point.
3. It is the teacher’s responsibility to establish good communication.
4. Parents should feel teacher is approachable; interested in their concerns, questions, and
   suggestions. Teachers should be available for parent conferences.
5. It is suggested that you do not give your first name to a parent.

                                        Computer Support
Each teacher is responsible to complete an IT request for problems encountered with computers and
network issues.
Continuation of Benefits (COBRA)
The federal Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) gives employees and their
qualified beneficiaries the opportunity to continue health insurance coverage under Trinity Christian
Academy’s health plan when a “qualifying event” would normally result in the loss of eligibility. Some
common qualifying events are resignation, termination of employment, or death of an employee; a
reduction in an employee’s hours or a leave of absence; an employee’s divorce or legal separation;
and a dependent child no longer meeting eligibility requirements.

Under COBRA, the employee or beneficiary pays the full cost of coverage at Trinity Christian
Academy’s group rates plus an administration fee. Trinity Christian Academy provides each eligible
employee with a written notice describing rights granted under COBRA when the employee
becomes eligible for coverage under Trinity Christian Academy’s health insurance plan. The notice
contains important information about the employee’s rights and obligations.

                                      Continuing Education
Trinity Christian Academy has established assistance for staff wishing to continue their education in
the pursuit of a Bachelor Degree or higher in the field study that is applicable to their position at
Trinity Christian Academy.

Trinity Christian Academy will reimburse a predetermined percentage of tuition as long as the
individual remains employed at Trinity Christian Academy for a period of two calendar years from the
date the course(s) end. If the employee chooses to resign Trinity Christian Academy prior to fulfilling
this two year obligation, the employee shall reimburse the school a pro-rated amount based on the
months of employment since the course(s) end date.

                                       Continuous Supervision
At no time are students to be left unattended in a classroom or on the playground. Staff members
leaving students unattended open themselves and the school to unnecessary charges of neglect that
could lead to serious legal problems. Teachers must have classrooms covered by another teacher or
staff member before leaving the classroom.

1. Notes, letters, discipline notices are approved through the office before sending home
2. Watch spelling
3. Notes to parents should not be written in red

                                           Crisis Management
1. It is the teacher’s responsibility to know the Crisis Management Plan.
2. Procedures are outlined in the Crisis Management Plan.

                                      Daily Attendance Record
1. Take attendance by having each student raise his hand and answer when you call their name.
   This will help you learn the students by name more quickly.
2. Call a student’s home after two days absence to see if the student is ill.
3. Teachers are expected to keep accurate attendance records. Bring your roll book to each faculty

1. Children are happier when boundaries are established, for it is within boundaries that children
   learn respect and obedience. You have the responsibility of getting your class in the proper order
   and maintaining control.
2. Preparation is the best way to achieve good goals.
3. Your attitude will be reflected in your class.
4. Be consistent.
5. Establish classroom habits and train students.

6. Make sure students know rewards for good behavior and consequences for misbehavior.
7. Follow consequence progression stated for misbehavior.
8. If a student has a discipline problem, please keep it between you, the child, the principal, and the
   child’s parents.
9. Negative conversations about students should not take place outside of the principal’s office.

Measures to Avoid
1. Never spank, shake, strike, or be rough with a child in any way!
2. Since playing gets rid of extra energy, making a child miss the entire recess period for
    disciplinary reasons is discouraged.
3. Children will not respond favorably to sarcasm, a sharp voice, or impatience.
4. Students should never be left alone in a classroom for any reason.
5. Name calling will not be tolerated. All students must be treated with respect.
6. Do not leave a student in a dark room or in an adjoining room.
7. Never use threats you are not certain you can carry out.
8. Check any new disciplinary ideas with the principal before using them.
9. Document disciplinary action. Include the date.
10. Do not send a student to the office with a discipline problem without the proper paperwork.

Five Steps toward Effective Discipline
1. Instruction: Ephesians 6:4, Proverbs 22:6
2. Reinforcement: mind, recognition that he/she deserves discipline
3. Correction: ultimate goal of discipline, responsibility for actions
4. Restitution: “right” the wrong if possible, Ephesians 4:28
5. Reassurance: expression of love and concern for the disciplined

                                       Employment Qualifications
Along with being a born-again Christian, it is expected that all employees maintain a regular and
contributing involvement in a church having a doctrine which is in agreement with the school's
Statement of Faith, and which is scripturally sound in his teaching (Hebrews 10:24, 25).
1. Associates must demonstrate a conviction that God has called them to become involved in a
    Christian school ministry.
2. Associates are expected to demonstrate spiritual maturity, a teachable spirit, and lifestyle
    consistent with principles set forth in the Scriptures.
3. All associates shall be in agreement with the stated purposes of the school as outlined in the
    Philosophy of Education.
4. All associates shall give evidence of good moral character. All associates will manifest by
    precept and example, high Christian virtue and personal decorum, serving as a Christian role
    model both in and out of school to pupils, and as an example to parents and fellow faculty
    members in judgment, dignity, respect, and Christian living. (1Timothy 4:12) Some examples of
    behaviors that do not reflect our standard of Christian living and could result in termination are,
    but not limited to: drinking alcohol, going to clubs or bars whose primary purpose is to serve
    alcohol (sitting in the bar area at a restaurant would not constitute a violation), sexual activity
    outside of marriage, extramarital affairs, any homosexual behavior or immoral statements or
    conduct, illicit or illegal use of drugs or abuse of prescription drugs, demonstrating a non-
    cooperative attitude toward the school or school personnel. This list is by no means exhaustive.
    Any behavior that, at the sole discretion of administration is judged to be outside TCA’s
    standards of Christian living could result in termination.
        a. Immoral conduct is defined as any actions or identifying statements concerning
            fornication, adultery, homosexuality, lesbianism, bisexuality or pornography. An
            identifying statement is a statement that an employee is a homosexual, bisexual, or
            otherwise immoral, or words to that effect, or language or behavior that a reasonable
            person would believe is intended to convey the statement that a person engages in or
            has a propensity or intent to engage in immoral and/or homosexual acts. Examples may
            be, but are not limited to: “I am gay,” “I am a homosexual,” or “I am a lesbian,” “I have a
            homosexual orientation,” or some other statement that conveys this type of message.

5. Teachers shall have a minimum of a Bachelor of Arts or a Bachelor of Science Degree from a
   recognized college or university, unless exception is made by the administration.
6. Teachers shall have or be in the process of obtaining a valid certification from the State of
   Florida or a recognized accrediting organization for a specific grade level or major subject fields.

                                      End of the Day Responsibilities
1.   Give students enough time to prepare to leave.
2.   Students should clean around desk area daily, and share in keeping room clean.
3.   Stay with your students at all times.
4.   Do not release a child to someone you do not know. Direct to office and ID will be checked there.
5.   Keys: You are responsible for any keys which have been issued to you. Do not loan them to
     anyone other than another school staff member. Outside doors are to be locked at all times. Staff
     members are responsible to lock the door after his/her class exits the room. Keep your school
     keys with you while entering and exiting buildings.

                                       Equal Employment Opportunities
Trinity Christian Academy has long been committed to equal opportunity to assure fair and equal
treatment of all employees. It is the policy of Trinity Christian Academy to afford equal opportunity for
employment to all individuals. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, ethnic origin, sex
or disability in the hiring of its certified or non-certified personnel. Trinity Christian Academy does not
discriminate in employment, including the terms and conditions of employment, on the basis of
gender, race, color, national or ethnic origin, age or disability. As a religious organization the school
is permitted to discriminate on the basis of religion and does so.
                                           Ethics in Education Policy
                               Based upon © 2008 Christian Law Association
To comply with the requirements established by the Florida Ethics in Education Act, Florida Statue
§1002.421, through the adoption, implementation, and enforcement of a policy that regulates and
creates ethical standards in employment and notifies all staff of their obligations to report child

Applicable Law
Florida Statue §220.187               Florida Statue §1012.01               Florida Statue §768.095
Florida Statue §1002.39               Florida Statue §943.0542              Florida Statue §1001.10(5)
Florida Statue §1002.41               Florida Statue §39.203                Florida Statue §1012.315

1. “Staff with direct student contact” means any employee, volunteer, or contracted personnel, who
    have unsupervised access to a scholarship student for whom the private school is responsible.
2. “Teachers” means staff members assigned the professional activity of instructing students in
    courses in classroom situations, including basic instruction, exceptional student education,
    career education, and adult education, including substitute teachers.
3. “School administrator” includes:
    a. School principals or school directors who are staff members performing the assigned
        activities as the administrative head of a school and to whom have been delegated
        responsibility for the coordination and administrative direction of the instructional and non-
        instructional activities of the school. This classification also includes career center directors.
    b. Assistant principals who are staff members assisting the administrative head of the school.
        This classification also includes assistant principals for curriculum and administration.

Non-Discrimination Clause
Trinity Christian Academy admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the
rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the
school. It does not discriminate in the administration of its educational policies, athletic and other
school administrative programs.

Employment Screening
All teachers, whether paid or volunteer, will hold a Bachelor or higher degrees, have at least three
years teaching experience in public or private schools, or have special skills, knowledge, or
expertise that qualifies them to provide instruction in subjects taught.

All staff members, whether paid or volunteer, who have direct student contact will undergo a state
and national background screening, pursuant to Senate Bill 1712, by filing with the Department of
Law Enforcement a complete set of fingerprints taken by an authorized law enforcement agency or
an employee of the private school, a school district, or a private company who is trained to take
fingerprints and deny employment to or terminate an employee if he or she fails to meet the
screening standards under s. §1012.315, F.S. Results of the screening shall become property of the

No person having direct student contact will begin working with the school, in any capacity, without
the school having first obtained a state and national background screen. Upon notification that a staff
member or potential staff member has failed the background screening, the staff member or
potential staff member will be dismissed or denied employment.

All staff members with direct student contact will undergo background screening every five years.
Upon notification that a staff member has failed the background screening, the staff member will be
immediately dismissed.

All potential staff member who will have direct student contact will provide past employer references
as a part of their reemployment screening process. No staff members will begin service to the
ministry until the ministry has contacted or has reasonably attempted to contact all past employer
references. All contact will be documented and become the property of the ministry/school.

All staff member with direct student contact will be screened using the following Department of
Education’s educator screening tools
1. The Professional Practices’ Database of Disciplinary Actions Against Educators
2. The Department of Education’s Teacher Certification Database described
All findings will be documented and will become the property of the ministry/school.

Disqualifying Crimes
Staff members that have direct contact with students will be disqualified from employment or
volunteer service if an employment screening document, interview or background check reveals a
conviction for any of the following offenses. If an employment screening document, interview or
background check reveals an arrest, investigation, or accusation, potential employees must be
prepared to discuss these issues prior to hire.
A. Any felony offense prohibited under any of the following Florida Statutes:
    1. Section 393.135, relating to sexual misconduct with certain developmentally disabled clients
        and reporting of such sexual misconduct;
    2. Section 394.4593, relating to sexual misconduct with certain mental health patients and
        reporting of such sexual misconduct;
    3. Section 415.111, relating to adult abuse, neglect, or exploitation of aged persons or disabled
    4. Section 741.30, relating to domestic violence and injunction for protection (defined in 741.28)
        means any assault, aggravated assault, battery, aggravated battery, sexual assault, sexual
        batter, stalking, aggravated stalking, kidnapping, false imprisonment, etc. of a family or
        household member;
    5. Section 782.04, relating to murder;
    6. Section 782.07, relating to manslaughter, aggravated manslaughter of an elderly person or
        disabled adult, aggravated manslaughter of a child, or aggravated manslaughter of an
        officer, a firefighter, an emergency medical technician, or a paramedic;
    7. Section 782.071, relating to vehicular homicide;
    8. Section 782.09; relating to killing an unborn child by injury to the mother;
9.    Section 784.011; relating to assault, if the victim of offense was a minor;
10.   Section 784.021; relating to aggravated assault;
11.   Section 784.03; relating to battery, if the victim of offense was a minor;
12.   Section 784.045; relating to aggravated battery;
13.    Section 784.075; relating to battery on a detention or commitment facility staff member or a
      juvenile probation officer;
14.   Section 787.01; relating to kidnapping;
15.   Section 787.02; relating to false imprisonment;
16.   Section 787.025; relating to luring or enticing a child;
17.   Section 787.04 (2), relating to leading taking, enticing, or removing a minor beyond the state
      limits, or concealing the location of a minor, with criminal intent pending custody
18.   Section 787.04(3), relating to leading, taking, enticing, or removing a minor beyond the state
      limits, or concealing the location of a minor, with criminal intent pending dependency
      proceeding or proceeding concerning alleged abuse or neglect of a minor;
19.   Section 790.115(1); relating to exhibiting firearms or weapons at a school-sponsored event,
      on school property, or within 1,000 feet of a school;
20.   Section 790.155 (2)(b), relating to possessing an electric weapon or device, destructive
      device, or other weapon at a school-sponsored event or on school property;
21.   Section 794.011; relating to sexual battery;
22.   Former s. 794.041, relating to sexual activity with or solicitation of a child by a person in
      familial or custodial authority.
23.   Section 794.05, relating to unlawful sexual activity with certain minors;
24.   Section 794.08, relating to female genital mutilation;
25.   Chapter 796, relation to prostitution
26.   Section 798.02; relating to lewd and lascivious behavior;
27.   Chapter 800, relating to lewdness and indecent exposure
28.   Section 806.01, relating to arson
29.   Section 810.14, relating to voyeurism.
30.   Section 810.145, relating to video voyeurism
31.   Chapter 812, relating to felony theft and/or robbery and related crimes
32.   Section 817.563; relating to fraudulent sale of controlled substances;
33.   Section 825.102, relating to abuse, aggravated abuse, or neglect of an elderly person or
      disabled adult;
34.   Section 825.1025, relating to lewd or lascivious offenses committed upon or in the presence
      of an elderly person or disabled adult;
35.   Section 825.103, relating to exploitation of an elderly person or disabled adult;
36.   Section 825.1025, relating to lewd or lascivious offenses committed upon or in the presence
      of an elderly person or disabled person;
37.   Section 826.04, relating to incest;
38.   Section 827.03, relating to child abuse, aggravated child abuse, or neglect of a child;
39.   Section 827.04, relating to contributing to the delinquency or dependency of a child;
40.   Section 827.05, relating to negligent treatment of children;
41.   Section 827.071, relating to sexual performance by a child;
42.   Section 843.01, relating to resisting arrest with violence;
43.   Section 843.025; relating to depriving an officer means of protection or communication;
44.   Section 843.13, relating to aiding in an escape;
45.   Section 843.13, relating to aiding in the escape of juvenile inmates in correctional institutions;
46.   Chapter 847, relating to obscenity and obscene literature;
47.   Section 874.05, relating to causing, encouraging, soliciting, ore recruiting another to join a
      criminal street gang;
48.   Section 874.05 (1), relating to encouraging or recruiting another to join a criminal gang;
49.   Chapter 893, relating to drug abuse prevention and control, if the offense was a felony of the
      second degree or greater severity;
50.   Section 916.1075, relating to sexual misconduct with certain forensic clients and reporting of
      such sexual misconduct;
51. Section 944.35(3), relating to inflicting cruel or inhumane treatment on an inmate resulting in
       great bodily harm;
   52. Section 944.46, relating to harboring, concealing, or aiding an escaped prisoner;
   53. Section 944.47, relating to introduction, removal, or possession of contraband at a
       correctional facility;
   54. Section 985.701, relating to sexual misconduct in juvenile justice programs; and/or
   55. Section 985.711, relating to introduction, removal, or possession of contraband at a juvenile
       detention facility or commitment program;
B. Any misdemeanor offense prohibited under any of the following statutes:
   1. Section 784.03, relating to battery, if the victim of the offense was a minor;
   2. Section 787.025, relating to luring or enticing a child;
   3. Any criminal act committed in another state or under federal law which, if committed in this
       state, constitutes an offense prohibited under any statue listed in subsection (1) or
       subsection (2) and/or
   4. Any delinquent act committed I this state or any delinquent or criminal act committed in
       another state or under federal law which, if omitted in this state, qualifies an individual for
       inclusion on the Registered Juvenile Sex Offender List under s. 943.0432(1) (a) 1.d.

   Trinity Christian Academy understands that scholarship funding shall be suspended if Trinity
   Christian Academy knowingly fails to comply with this subsection, and the Department of
   Education shall prohibit Trinity Christian Academy from enrolling new scholarship students, for
   one fiscal year and until the school complies.

Code of Ethical Conduct for Staff Members
Trinity Christian Academy values the worth and dignity of every person, the pursuit of truth, devotion
to excellence, acquisition of knowledge, and the nurture of spiritual growth. Essential to the
achievement of these standards are the freedom to learn and teach in a truly Christian environment.
Trinity Christian Academy’s primary professional concern will always be for the student and for the
development of the student’s potential, both from an educational perspective and a spiritual
perspective. Trinity Christian Academy will therefore strive for professional and spiritual growth and
will seek to exercise the best professional judgment and integrity while maintaining a proper
Christian testimony. Aware of the importance of maintaining the respect and confidence of one’s
colleagues, of students, of parents, and of other members of the community, Trinity Christian
Academy therefore strives to achieve and sustain the highest degree of ethical conduct.

Principles of Professional and Spiritual Conduct for Staff Members
The following disciplinary rules shall constitute Trinity Christian Academy’s ethical standards for all
staff members. Violation of any of these standards shall subject the individual to discipline and/or
A. Obligation to the student requires that the individual:
    1. Shall manifest by precept and example the highest Christian virtue and personal decorum,
        serving as a Christian Role Model both at and away from Trinity Christian Academy and as
        an example to all in judgment, dignity, respect, and Christian living.
    2. Shall make reasonable effort to protect the student from conditions harmful to learning and/or
        to the student’s mental and/or physical health and/or safety;
    3. Shall not engage in personal relationships with students outside of the classroom that are
        inappropriate, familiar or of an immature manner;
    4. Shall not invite student to overnight outings, outside of their family members without an
        approved staff chaperone present;
    5. Shall not unreasonably restrain a student from independent action in pursuit of learning;
    6. Shall not intentionally expose a student to unnecessary embarrassment or disparagement;
    7. Shall not intentionally violate or deny a student’s legal rights;
    8. Shall not harass any student;
    9. Shall not exploit a relationship with a student for personal gain or advantage; and

10. Shall keep in confidence personally identifiable information obtained in the course of
       professional service, unless disclosure serves professional purposes or is required by law.
B. Obligation to the public requires that the individual;
   1. Shall subscribe without reservation to the Statement of Faith and the Code of Conduct of
       Trinity Christian Academy and agree to abide by these doctrines and standards in all aspects
       of my life, both at and away from ministry functions;
   2. Shall understand that the bona fide occupational qualification of being a Christian Role
       Model includes but is not limited to abstaining from all acts of homosexuality, fornication,
       adultery, transvestitism and deviant gender identity;
   3. Shall not use institutional privileges for personal gain or advantage;
   4. Shall accept no gratuity, gift, or favor that might influence professional judgment; and
   5. Shall offer no gratuity, gift, or favor to obtain special advantages.
C. Obligation to the profession of education requires that the individual:
   1. Shall maintain honesty in all professional dealings;
   2. Shall remain loyal to the ministry/school leadership and the ministry’s/school’s programs in
       word and in action;
   3. Shall faithfully attend and financially support a local church whose fundamental beliefs are in
       agreement with the Statement of Faith of Trinity Christian Academy (Hebrews 10:25).
   4. Shall not engage in harassment or discriminatory conduct contrary to Trinity Christian
       Academy’s statement of faith, which unreasonably interferes with an individual’s
       performance of professional or work responsibilities or with the orderly processes of
       education or which creates a hostile, intimidating, abusive, offensive, or oppressive
       environment; and, further shall make reasonable effort to assure that each individual is
       protected from such harassment or discrimination;
   5. Shall abstain from the use of alcohol and tobacco products;
   6. Shall not engage in any intimate sexual activity outside of a marriage between me and a
       member of the opposite sex, shall not engage in viewing pornography, and shall not make
       any attempt to alter my gender by surgery or appearance;
   7. Shall understand that homosexual conduct defined as acts or identifying statements, is
       incompatible with employment at Trinity Christian Academy and is a basis for dismissal;
   8. Shall not make malicious or intentionally false statements about a colleague;
   9. Shall not use coercive means or promise special treatment to influence professional
       judgments of colleagues;
   10. Shall not misrepresent one’s own professional qualifications;
   11. Shall not submit fraudulent information on any document in connection with professional
   12. Shall not make any fraudulent statement or fail to disclose a material fact in one’s own or
       another’s application for a professional position;
   13. Shall not withhold information regarding a position from an applicant or misrepresent an
       assignment or conditions of employment
   14. Shall not assist entry into or continuance in the profession of any person known to be
       unqualified in accordance with this Code of Ethics;
   15. Shall self-report within 48 hours to appropriate authorities (as determined by the
       administration) any arrest/charges involving the abuse of a child or the sale and/or
       possession of a controlled substance. Such notice shall not be considered an admission of
       guilt nor shall such notice be admissible for any purpose in any proceeding, civil or criminal,
       administrative or judicial, investigatory or adjudicatory. In addition, shall self-report any
       conviction, finding of guilt, withholding of adjudication, commitment to a pretrial diversion
       program, or entering of a plea of guilty or Nolo Contendre for any criminal offense other than
       a minor traffic violation within 48 hours after the final judgment. When handling sealed and
       expunged records disclosed under this rule, school shall comply with the confidentiality
       provisions of Section 943.0585 (4)(c), Florida Statutes;
   16. Shall report to appropriate authorities any known allegation of a violation of the Florida
       School Code or State Board of Education Rules as defined in Section 1012.795 (1), Florida
17. Shall seek no reprisal against any individual who has reported any allegation of a violation
        against me;
    18. Shall understand and agree that my responsibilities as a church member and as a member
        of the ministry/school staff are inseparable and that I will be immediately removed from the
        ministry/school if I am out of fellowship with the church, as determined in the sole discretion
        of the pastor; and
    19. Shall understand and agree that God’s command for my role as a member of the staff is for
        me to perform at the will of the ministry/school leadership. Following this command of God, I
        agree to perform all duties and responsibilities entrusted to me by the ministry/school
        leadership to their complete and full satisfaction.

Confidentiality Agreements
Trinity Christian Academy, or any of its employees, may not enter into a confidentiality agreement
regarding terminated or dismissed staff members, or staff members who resign in lieu of termination,
based in whole or in part on misconduct that affects the health, safety, or welfare of a student, and
may not provide the staff member with employment references or discuss the personnel’s or
administrators’ performance with prospective employers in another educational setting, without
disclosing the staff member’s misconduct. Any part of an agreement or contract that has the purpose
or effect of concealing misconduct by staff members which affects the health, safety, or welfare of a
student is void, is contrary to public policy, and may not be enforced.

Mandatory Reporting Requirements
Trinity Christian Academy seeks to express God’s love of children and provide for their personal
wholeness. This caring community seeks to prevent child abuse of any form to our children and
youth and to minister to victims of abuse and their families. The Bible is foundational to our
understanding upon which all policies, procedures, and ministries must stand.

Our goal in response to these Biblical mandates is to maintain a safe, secure, and loving place
where children may grow: a place where caregivers, teachers, and leaders (both paid and volunteer)
minister appropriately to their needs.

Trinity Christian Academy desires to be a safe place for all children and adults who attend any
activity. Individuals they know and trust sometimes victimize children. The ministry is not immune to
such abuse, either by its members or by those in leadership positions. Incidents of child abuse or
neglect cut across racial, social, economic and religious boundaries. Although no organization or
individual can assure complete protection, this section along with Trinity Christian Academy’s Child
Abuse policies reflects Trinity Christian Academy’s commitment to help protect children from harm.

Trinity Christian Academy will not tolerate child abuse or neglect. Staff cooperation in this
commitment not only reflects a concern about children’s safety in this society, but also a willingness
to take steps toward halting child abuse and its detrimental effects.

For the safety and protection of our children and workers, all people who participate in
ministry/school-sponsored activities with children are required to comply with the guidelines provided
in this policy in conjunction with our Child Abuse Prevention Policy.

If Trinity Christian Academy receives an allegation of child abuse, it will respond with the utmost
concern to the victim, parent, or other party making such an allegation. The accused will be treated
with dignity and support. Without clear and convincing evidence to the contrary, Trinity Christian
Academy’s personnel will assume that such complaints are made in good faith. Persons making
such complaints should have no doubt that Trinity Christian Academy takes them seriously and will
take appropriate action.

When it becomes necessary to report suspected child abuse or neglect, the protection of children
must be the most important concern. It is the legal responsibility of any person with responsibility for
the care of children to report all cases of child abuse they observe, and further, to report visible signs

of alleged abuse. Failure to report could lead to liability, both civilly and criminally, on the part of the
ministry/school, the observer or both. Trinity Christian Academy has determined that it is the
responsibility of the program staff to report all cases of suspected child abuse to the proper legal
authorities. While the confidentiality of the pastor/parishioner relationship is very important, reporting
reasonable suspicion of child abuse has the potential for helping individuals receive help for a
previous problem and may prevent further harm to a child, that person or others.

What is reasonable suspicion? Reasonable suspicion means that there is credible evidence or a
discrepant or inconsistent history in explaining a child’s suspected abuse.

A report based on reasonable suspicion does not require proof that abuse or neglect has actually
occurred or that the reporter witnessed the incident in question. Reporting is not a determination that
child abuse or neglect has actually occurred; rather, it is a request for an assessment of the
condition of a child.
Because we believe children are our most important concern, Trinity Christian Academy has
adopted the following guidelines for reporting:
1. Treat each allegation of child abuse seriously.
2. Attempt to assure the safety and protection of persons who have been harmed.
3. Pray for the ministry/school and all persons affected by the allegation.
4. Immediately begin documenting all procedures observed in handling the allegation.
5. Immediately notify the school administrator. The school administrator will, along with the
    reporting staff member, immediately report allegations to the Department of Children and Family
6. Immediately notify the parents if it is not known that they have previous knowledge of the
    allegations, and allegations are not currently against them.
7. Immediately notify the ministry/school’s insurance company. As appropriate, the school
    administrator shall immediately notify the ministry/school’s insurance carrier of the possibility of a
    claim. If the abuse allegation does not implicate a ministry/school staff member or
    ministry/school volunteer, this step may be omitted.
8. If the accused has assigned duties within the life of the ministry/school, that person must be
    immediately relieved of his duties until the investigation is concluded.
9. The pastor/school authorities should extend whatever care and resources necessary. In
    providing care to the principals (alleged victim and the accused) and their families, the pastor,
    ministry leader, and/or school authorities, should under no circumstances be drawn into a
    discussion of the truth or falsity of the allegation which could contaminate an official
    investigation. Do not assign blame or take any steps that involve establishing or negating the
10. It is appropriate to show care and comfort for the alleged victim and accused until advised to the
    contrary by the pastor.
11. Observe confidentiality for both the alleged victim and the accused until advised to the contrary
    by the pastor.
12. Do not confront the accused until the safety of the child or student is secured.
13. Do not prejudge the situation, but take the allegations seriously and reach out to the alleged
    victim and his or her family. Showing care and support help to prevent further hurt. Extend
    whatever pastoral resources are needed. Remember that the care and safety of the alleged
    victim is the first priority. In some situation, ministries and schools have responded in a negative
    or non-supportive manner to the alleged victim. This conduct can increase the anger and pain of
    the alleged victim and his or her family. Further reconciliation can then be more difficult and the
    possibility of damaging litigation increases.
14. Treat the accused with dignity and support.
15. If the media or other parties contact a ministry official or school authorities about a pending
    allegation of child abuse, they should be referred to the pastor or principal. Only the ministry
    leader, school authorities, or their designees should make comments about the allegations,
    using a prepared public statement to answer the press and to convey news to the congregation,
    staff members and school personnel. The prepared statement shall be made only after
consultation with the ministry/school’s attorney and will include the steps the ministry/school has
    taken to protect children, such as the development and implementation of this manual, and the
    care and concern the ministry/school has for all parties involved. The privacy and confidentiality
    of all involved shall continue to be of primary concern.

All Faculty and Support Staff members are required to report suspected child abuse immediately.
Trinity Christian Academy adheres to the Florida Child Abuse Laws. The Professional’s Guide for
Child Abuse and Neglect in Florida is required reading for all school employees.

The 2008 Florida Statutes – 39.203 Immunity from liability in cases of child abuse, abandonment, or
neglect –
(1)(a) Any person, official, or other institution participating in good faith in any act authorized or
required by this chapter, or reporting in goof faith any instance of child abuse, abandonment, or
neglect to the department of any law enforcement agency, shall be immune from any civil or criminal
liability which might otherwise result by reason of such action.

All employees and agents of private schools, charter schools, or public school districts have an
obligation and legal responsibility to report misconduct by instructional personnel and school
administrators which affects the health, safety, or welfare of a student. Failure to report misconduct
may result in penalties up to termination of employment and revocation of an educator’s certificate.

To Report Abuse
National Child Abuse Hotline: 1.800.4.A.CHILD (1.800.422.4453)
Florida Child Abuse Hotline: 1.800.96.ABUSE (1.800.962.2873) – TDD: 1.800.453.5145
Department of Children and Services website: http://www/

                                        Event Approvals
An Event Approval Form must be submitted to administration for review and approval for the use of
vehicles and sound system, all events whether on or off campus, and the use of facilities other than
your normal classroom.

                                               Field Trips
1. Field trips should be educational and appropriate to grade level.
2. Field trip notices and check list should be completed and turned in to the office in a timely
3. All field trips are approved through the office. Includes special guests and speakers.
4. Field trip permission slips sent home one week prior to the trip. No slip, no trip.
5. The school buses may be used as transportation for field trips. Parents who have been
   background checked may attend field trip; however they can only transport their own children.
6. Take medical release forms on all field trips. Forms should remain in teacher’s care.

                                              Fire Drills
Teachers should teach fire prevention and safety techniques. A fire drill is given periodically. The first
fire drill will be announced in advance to both faculty and students. After the first fire drill, all others
will be unannounced. The first month of school there will be two fire drills.

Teachers will turn in grades to the front office at the appropriate time. Any comments should be
included. If it becomes necessary to change a grade after report cards have been distributed, you
may obtain a Grade Change Form in the school office. Please fill it out completely, including
student’s numbers, class period and semester, and submit it to the principal.
1. Any teacher wishing to deviate from these standards must get approval in writing from
2. All elementary teachers are required to submit to the administration all letters, memos, or
    newsletters a minimum of one week prior to mailing or distributing to parents/guardians. Please
    refer to the school calendar for the dates of distribution of progress reports and report cards.
3. At no time is a teacher permitted to distribute or mail anything without first obtaining
   administrative approval.
4. The value of tests, quizzes, and class work/homework, for the marking period, is as follows
      a. Tests: 40%
      b. Quizzes: 30%
      c. Class Work/Homework: 20%
      d. Quarter Exams: 10%
5. Grading Scale
                     Grade       GPA       Percentage
                        A      3.5 – 4.0    90 – 100
                        B     2.5 – 3.49     80 – 89
                        C     1.5 – 2.49     70 – 79
                        D     0.5 – 1.49     60 – 69
                        F      0 – 0.49     Below 60

Evaluation of Student Work
1. Paper or test will be graded by teachers in a timely manner. Students may check each other’s’
   quizzes or homework under the supervision of the teacher but will not assign grades.
2. Teachers are to notify students of grades in a private manner so that students will not be
   embarrassed in front of their classmates.
3. Teachers are to communicate student progress to parents when the student is working below his
   ability or is doing poorly in class by contacting the parent by telephone, letter or their voice
4. As a minimum, parents shall be notified if a student maintains a “D” or below for a two week
5. Teachers are to use grades as one of the means to evaluate the effectiveness of their teaching
   as well as the effectiveness of students’ learning.
6. Anytime that twenty percent or more of the students are receiving “D’s or F’s” in a subject at mid-
   quarter or the end of the quarter, a curriculum review board will be convened. This board will
   consist of the principal or assistant principal, the teacher, the school counselor, and a
   peer/mentor. The board will examine the materials and techniques and propose solutions.

1. Do not give “busy work” for homework or use homework as a punishment.
2. Be mindful of student’s other classes when deciding amount of homework.
3. Student aides are not to be used to check tests, quizzes or homework, or for taking attendance,
4. Teachers are encouraged to give weekly homework assignments in order that students and
   parents/guardians may be aware of homework requirements and of upcoming quizzes and tests.

                                          Grievance Policy
Trinity Christian Academy believes that the Bible commands them to make every effort to live at
peace and to resolve disputes with each other in private. We will follow biblically based mediation
based on the guidance found in Matthew 18. All employees of Trinity Christian Academy shall have
the Right of Appeal as to matters of grievance. Therefore, any claim or dispute arising from or
related to Trinity Christian Academy will be settled by biblically-based mediation. Each employee
shall follow the Right of Appeal procedure. Associate will consult their immediate supervisor first, if
no agreement is reached then the associate may meet with the headmaster. In the event no
agreement is reached the associate may meet with the senior pastor and the school board in that
order. The decision of the school board will be final.

1. The teacher agrees to be present and on time for faculty devotions, which begin at 7:30 a.m.
   each school day, and to remain in the building until 3:30 p.m. The teacher also agrees to remain
   after school for such meetings and conferences as may be called by the administration.

2. Faculty meeting every other Wednesday at 3:15, or covered by administration.
3. The length of the school day, as well as the hours of teaching and duties performed shall be
   fixed by the school. The teacher agrees that in addition to the regular school work to be
   performed, he/she will carry on a program of contacts with the students, pursuant to the
   directions of the administration.

                                   Immigration Law Compliance
Trinity Christian Academy is committed to employing only United States citizens and aliens who are
authorized to work in the United States. In compliance with the Immigration Reform and Control Act
of 186, each new employee, as a condition of employment, must complete the Employment Eligibility
Verification Form I-9 and present documentation establishing identity and employment eligibility.
Former employees who are rehired must also complete the form if they have not completed an I-9
with Trinity Christian Academy with the past three years, or if their previous I-9 is no longer retained
or valid.

Employees with questions and seeking more information on immigration law issues are encouraged
to contact the office. Employees may raise questions or complaints about immigration law
compliance without fear of reprisal.

                                            In Service Days
1. Teachers are to attend in-service activities.
2. Teachers will attend all faculty devotions and meetings or other meetings as directed, and
    perform other duties which may be assigned by the administration, without additional
3. While extra activities are few, there are times during the school year when Faculty members are
    required to be at the school for evening events. These activities will be announced in advance.
                                          Insurance Benefits
Trinity Christian Academy offers all employees health insurance opportunities at a partial paid rate.
Specifics can be obtained from the business office.

                                         Jury Duty Policy
Three days of Jury duty with pay and after that, days will be counted towards sick days; if that is the
employee’s desire

                                           Leaving Campus
1. Teachers are not to leave campus during a school day without receiving prior permission from
   the principal or his designee
2. Only administration has the right to allow a student to leave campus
3. Teachers and staff are required to clock-in and clock-out every day in the computer

                                        Maintenance Requests
Each teacher is responsible to report any classroom repairs needed, damages incurred, projector
equipment defects, etc. Fill out a Work Order form and submit to the school office.

                                           Morning Care
1. Students who arrive before 7:45 a.m. go to morning care.
2. Students should not go to the classroom early. When it is time to go, they quietly line up in the
   Cafeteria and wait to be escorted to their classroom.
3. Seat all of your students first; then have them put their things away (such as coats and back
   packs) by rows or tables. Lunch money or notes should be collected in an orderly fashion.

                                          New Students
1. Be alert to the needs of new students and take note if they are not adjusting well.
2. If a student appears to be unhappy or lonely, help him make friends and get adjusted. Give him
   some special attention (Compliment, converse, etc.)

3. There is sometimes a tendency on the part of our returning students to stay with their special
   friends and to be indifferent to new ones. This is an opportunity for you to do some character
   training in the traits of consideration and friendliness.

                                               Open House
1.   Teachers and staff are expected to dress in a totally professionally manner.
2.   Introduce yourself to the parents individually as they enter the classroom.
3.   During Open House the teacher is expected to be prepared to discuss general classroom
     procedures, expectations, projects and etc. it is also an opportunity for the parents to “walk
     through” a regular school day.
4.   This is not time for individual conferences; however, it is a time when appointments for individual
     conferences can be made.

Orientation will be held twice; first on the Friday evening and on the Saturday morning, immediately
prior to the first day of school in the sanctuary with Open House immediately following. All teachers
and staff are required to attend both. During Orientation, parents are acquainted with the goals and
expectations of Trinity Christian Academy for the school year, and faculty and staff are introduced to
the parents.

What to Do Before Orientation
1. Check your classroom for the following: a Bible, Christian flag, an American flag, chalk, dry
   markers, chalkboard erasers, and a wastebasket. Submit a list of any items need to the school
   office. Teachers, dust all of your classroom furniture. Be sure your shelves are neatly arranged.
2. Put up attractive bulletin boards that reflect the student’s level of interest and the curriculum.
3. New teachers should have their peer teacher check their Orientation notes before Orientation
4. Be completely prepared the day before Orientation.
5. Be in the sanctuary 15 minutes before the meeting begins.

What to Place on Student Desks
1. A student packet (includes student agenda)
2. Lunch menu
3. Welcome packet

                                     Parent/Teacher Conferences
Parent conferences are one of the most important activities of the teacher. Conduct a worthwhile
conference and you are on your way to parental support. Administration must be informed of any
parent/teacher conferences, so that they may be present during the conference, if desired. Please
contact the administration for conference setup.

Before the Conference
1. It is expected that before a parent conference takes place that the teacher has also made
   contact by the voice mail system and/or in person.
2. Know the child’s background, how many children in family, etc. discuss problem with
   administration before conference.
3. Make the conference flexible, and emphasize the strong areas and ask the parent for help on the
   weak areas.
4. Plan to meet in a room where you will not be interrupted. The child should not be present.
5. Feel that the success or failure of the conference depends on you. Tackle some easier
   challenges first.
6. Be enthusiastic about the contact.

During the Conference
1. Approach conference prayerfully.
2. Open conference in prayer
3. Show appreciation: start with a compliment - the worst child has some good features.
4. Avoid educational “double-talk”, and don’t talk up or down to the parent. We are the host or
    hostess - we should use courtesy. Use tact, but be truthful and honest.
5. Be prepared and have all the data you need, and have a folder of samples of the student’s work
    with you.
6. Encourage exploration of solution of the problem.
7. Plan for another meeting if necessary, and express your appreciation for the time and interest
8. Don’t waste time on idle chatter, but don’t rush through the conference either. Relax, and let the
    parent feel that he or she is wanted. Get the parent to take the initiative, encourage them to give
    information about the child.
9. Close the conference on a constructive and pleasant note.
10. Be willing to talk about the child in terms of ability, and talk about differences in children
11. Never criticize other teachers for the work a child has done in another grade, or give your opinion
    about how you would do things differently. Gracefully explain that is not professional to give your
    opinion about another teacher’s class.
12. Establish a joint responsibility for the youngster. Parent’s job and teacher’s job – togetherness.
13. Be open-minded, and willing to change your opinion with all the information. Never be too firm
    with a decision until you have all the information.
14. Pray with the parents.
15. All Parent/Teacher Conference forms must be completed within 24 hours of the meeting, and a
    copy placed in the student’s file, and given to Administration.

                                       Parent/Teacher Relationships
Parents are very important, and it is a privilege rather than a right for people to send their children to
Trinity Christian Academy. Once we have agreed to accept a student and the parent has agreed to
pay the school for training him or her, there must be a free flow of communication between parent
and teacher.
1. It is important that you always remain friendly and professional when speaking with parents. A
    teacher who shows favoritism to parents and students because of gifts, flowers, etc. is not ethical
    and creates a hardship on the student involved. The student will naturally expect preferential
    treatment the following year.
2. Teachers are to feel the calling of God to train children. They must be able to develop
    communication not only with the pupils but also with the pupils’ parents. It is essential that
    teachers be firm, fair and friendly. They will in difficult situations, rely heavily upon the advice and
    counsel of the Administrators.
3. Elementary teachers are required to update their personal voice mail boxes on a daily basis,
    middle school / high school teachers on a weekly basis.
4. It is extremely important that all teachers check their voicemail boxes in the morning, before
    leaving in the afternoon, and throughout the day if necessary.
5. Teachers are responsible to cooperate fully with parents and to respond to any phone calls or
    written messages the same day even if it means staying after school hours or calling from home.
6. If for some reason contact cannot be made during the school day of the initial telephone call, it is
    the responsibility of the teacher (not the parent) to continue making an effort to return the call.
7. If a parent/guardian cannot be reached, the teacher must write a note to be mailed to the parent
    and drop it off at the school office, or e-mail the parent if possible.
8. Avoid discussion of students or school policies when invited into a home for a social visit. It is
    assumed that you will be loyal and uphold school policies.
9. Teachers are not to discuss administrative discipline referrals or actions with parents, other
    teachers or staff.
10. It is also expected that teachers will not speak negatively or voice their opposing opinions
    concerning administrative issues.
11. If a parent/guardian raises questions concerning administrative decisions, it is expected that the
    teacher will be supportive of the administration, and if further reference is needed the teacher will
    refer the parent/guardian to the administration for clarification.
12. It is critical to remember that, as educators, we support parents but never replace them.

13. We should not counsel students on personal or family problems without the specific consent of
    the parents and the approval of administration.
14. No faculty or staff member will take a student into their home for any reason without the approval
    of the Administration.

1. Bi-weekly, end of the day on Friday
2. Salaries are confidential
3. Direct all questions concerning pay to principal

Paid Leave Time
1. 40 hours of paid sick/emergency time per year. Up to 24 hours of sick/emergency time may be
   “banked” per year. These “banked” hours will be credited to the retirement account (assuming
   the associate is a member) upon the associate’s departure, given they have been employed for
   ten contract years, starting with the 2006 – 2007 school year. Up to 240 hours may be credited,
   at the associates pay rate upon departure.
2. Bereavement time will be granted for the death of immediate family members. Immediate family
   members include mother, father, sister, brother, grandmother, grandfather, children and
   grandchildren of member or spouse. Associates may receive up to 16 hours of paid
   bereavement time.
3. Trinity Christian Academy will pay up to 4 weeks after the birth of a child, minus the cost of the

                                        Personal Appearance
1. Personal appearance is important.
2. Be neat, clean and professional in appearance.
3. It is preferred that women wear dresses, skirts or slacks with appropriate blouses. Men should
   wear Trinity Christian Academy polo shirts, or dress shirts and ties, or a nice sport shirt with nice
   dress slacks. Ladies are not allowed to wear stretch pants or shorts, short shirts or skirts, or
   tights. Teachers are not to wear jeans, shorts, sneakers or T-shirts or sweatshirts unless
   authorized by the administration.
4. Ladies are asked to be models in their cosmetics and jewelry. Men are not allowed to wear
   earrings. Facial hair on men must be neat, trimmed and not excessive.
5. On Christian T-shirt day Fridays, teachers may wear a Christian t-shirt and slacks. Jeans, shorts,
   sneakers, t-shirts or sweatshirts cannot be worn unless authorized by the administration.

                                         Personnel Files
Trinity Christian Academy maintains a personnel file on each employee. The personnel file includes
such information as the employee’s job application, resume, and other employment records.

Employees have a duty to keep their personnel records up to date and should notify the registrar, in
writing of any changes, including the following: name, address, telephone number, marital status,
number of dependents, and persons to be notified in case of emergency.

Personnel files are the property of Trinity Christian Academy, and access to the information they
contain is restricted. Only supervisors and ministry leadership personnel of Trinity Christian
Academy who has a legitimate, employment-related reason to review information in a personnel file
are allowed to do so.

Current employees may inspect their own personnel records and may copy, but not remove,
documents in the file. Employees who wish to review their own file should contact the headmaster.
Within a reasonable time after their request, employees will be allowed to review their personnel files
in Trinity Christian Academy’s offices in the presence of an individual appointed by Trinity Christian
Academy to maintain the files.

Current employees who believe that any personnel file material is incomplete, inaccurate, or
irrelevant may submit a written request for file revisions to the headmaster. If the request is not
granted, the employee may place a written statement of disagreement in the file and make a
complaint using the regular grievance procedure.

                                      Phone Calls/Messages
1. Personal messages will be taken for all calls received unless an emergency. Teachers are
   responsible to check with the receptionist for personal messages.
2. Check mail boxes daily.

Plagiarism is defined by the American College Dictionary as “Copying or imitating the language,
ideas, and thoughts of another author and passing off the same as one’s original work.” To be more
specific, it involves the copying of someone else’s writing without giving proper credit to the original
author. Merely changing words is not enough. In addition to a complete rewording, it is also
necessary to rework the order of ideas and thoughts. The personal ideas and thoughts of other
authors must be reworked until your work becomes “personal.” In other words, your organization of
information should be original. To steal someone’s organization (or order of ideas and thoughts
without giving them credit is also plagiarism.

In a research paper, you are not expected to come up with and discuss original ideas. Your task is to
collect and organize information. The proper way to give credit for information obtained from
someone else’s writing is with a footnote/citation. A good research paper abounds with
footnote/citations from any sources. If you quote the author, you would also enclose the information
in quotation marks.

                                     Playground Responsibilities
Teachers or other staff will be required to fulfill playground duty as part of their supervisory
responsibility and should avoid conversation or play that would keep them from watching students.
Teachers are to enforce playground rules, ensure safe behavior on the playground and discipline
misbehaving students. Children must be supervised at all times. The Pre-school playground is for
ages 2 – 5 and is located behind the sanctuary, the elementary playground for ages 5 – 12 is located
between the buildings, adjacent to the parking lot.

                                 Preparations for Substitute Teachers
Good planning is essential to good teaching. It is required, therefore, that the classroom teacher
keep a written record of his/her planning – both long and short range.

Pupils become adjusted to the classroom routine of the regular classroom teacher. It should be
made easy for substitute to carry on the same general procedure by heaving the following materials
available; i.e., seating chart, instructional plans, attendance book containing attendance sheets, and
a note concerning special problems.

Each teacher should keep a substitute folder in their classroom and a copy with the Assistant
Principal. The folder should include:
1. Daily plan for substitute
2. Weekly schedule for substitute
3. Lavatory directions
4. Entrance, recess, and dismissal responsibilities and procedures
5. Special classes’ information and schedule
6. Room habits and regulations
7. Seating chart
8. Note concerning special problems


1. Any necessary item for instructional purposes is to be cleared through the principal before
2. Purchase orders must be used.
3. Materials purchased without authorization from the principal, and without a school purchase
   order, will not be paid for by the school.

1. Each class has a scheduled recess time.
2. You should have several organized games planned for student participation (such as relay
   races, kick-ball, dodge-ball, etc.) You should also introduce several new games each month.
3. In the case of rain, conduct quiet group games in the classroom.
4. Before taking students outside, be sure that the weather conditions are conducive to playing
5. Make sure the students are properly supervised.
6. Teachers should be mindful that the play area is to be observed

                                    Responsibilities and Duties
1. The teacher agrees to adhere to 1 Corinthians 3:16-17, 6:19-20, along with Romans 14:13. We
   interpret this to mean abstinence in the use of profane and/or inappropriate language.
2. The teacher will avoid highly debatable topics as much as possible, especially as they relate to
   denominational issues.
3. Grade books are never to be out of a teacher's possession.
4. Classrooms are to be locked at all times when a teacher is not in the room.
5. The associate will maintain a classroom atmosphere that is conducive to learning. This includes
   maintaining a professional appearance.

                                          Standardized Testing
Trinity Christian Academy does national standardized testing on grades K4 – 11th grades. This
testing is usually given in April. Please refer to your calendar for specific dates.

                                           Student Dismissal
Elementary School
1. Teachers should begin clean-up and readiness for dismissal five minutes before the end of the
   class time. Children should be seated, and prepared to leave by the time the dismissal bell rings.
2. Teachers should stand at the door to greet parents and to call children for dismissal whose
   parents/guardians have arrived. Any student remaining in the classroom after 3:00 p.m. will be
   taken to extended care. Do not let parent/guardians know that you will keep their children in the
   classroom until 3:00 p.m.; this will give them reason to wait until the exact minute to get their
3. All rooms must be in order and cleaned of debris prior to departure.
4. ID should be checked on any person unfamiliar to the teacher. Only persons listed on the pickup
   authorization forms are allowed to pick up children. If in question send the person requesting
   pick up to the office. Do not release the student until you receive notification from the office.
5. There should no noisy hustle and bustle or whispering at dismissal time. Students should quietly
   collect their homework books and get ready for pick-up.
6. Teachers are asked to remain with their students until they are signed into aftercare.

Middle and High School
1. At no time are students to be dismissed from their classes before the dismissal bell rings.
2. Teachers are never to leave the room before all students have exited, and the room should be
   locked when the teacher leaves.
3. The detention room must also remain locked until the detention teacher has arrived to supervise
4. All classrooms must be in order and cleaned of debris prior to departure.

                                           Student Files
1.      All students enrolled must have health forms in the office.
2.      Current student files are filed alphabetically in the office by grade.
3.      Health forms are filed separately in the student’s medical file.
4.      Discipline files are kept in the administrative offices.
5.      Student files are to remain the fire-proof cabinets in the school office.

                                             Student Illness
1. If you have determined that a student is ill, call the office. Students must be escorted to the
   office. Students should not be sent through the parking area alone.
2. If a student appears to be sick to his stomach, rush him to the restroom or at least to a
   wastebasket. Then take the child to the office as soon as he is able to go. You will not need to
   stay with the student since someone from the office will take care of him. If the student vomits or
   soils his pants in his classroom, call for assistance immediately.
3. If a student faints or has any kind of blackout, help the child first, then call or send for assistance.
   The student will then be taken to the office and cared for there. Be very calm. Do not let the other
   students out of their chairs. Keep them seated and tell them to put their heads down during the
   “emergency”. After it is over, assure the rest of the students that the child is alright.
4. Be sure to call the office is student has a fever or is pale.

                                             Teacher Aides
1. The teacher’s aide is there is to assist the teacher in any way possible within the guidelines set
   down by the teacher and administration.
2. At no time will a teacher’s aide discuss with anyone negative factors concerning any school
   programs, other teachers, teacher’s aides, members of the staff, administration, students or the
   school itself, but will remain objective and give all such reports to administration.
3. At no time is a teacher’s aide to discuss a child’s progress, lack of progress or discipline with a
   parent or anyone else. This is the responsibility of the teacher.

                                         Teacher Characteristics
Trinity Christian Academy cannot maintain a strong educational program for long without a stable
core of teachers who are academically, professionally, and spiritually competent. The life of the
teacher has a tremendous impact on the lives of the students. Teachers are, as Dr. James Braley
has penned, “the living curriculum in our schools. After a pupil has been fully trained, he will be like
his teacher.” – Luke 6:40. The school staff determines the academic and spiritual quality of the
school. A teacher’s total lifestyle (value, attitudes, priorities and practice) should demonstrate a love
for his Lord as evidenced by his commitment to live in obedience to His word. The following
expresses Trinity Christian Academy’s requirements and expectations of all faculty and staff.
1. A “Born Again” Christian who has allowed Jesus Christ to be Lord of his or her life, and who is
    consistently maturing in that relationship with Jesus Christ.
2. A personal lifestyle which is an example of Christ’s likeness in language, recreation and
    entertainment on an unquestionable level. The teacher must also maintain total abstinence from
    the use of alcohol, tobacco, and drugs.
3. The teacher is expected to demonstrate the Christian faith daily through professional ethics,
    appearance, demeanor, and personal relationships that develop acceptance, respect, trust, and
    love for students and colleagues.
4. A personal prayer life should be maintained for colleagues, students, and their families. Each
    teacher is expected to be creative and prayerful in preparation as well as enthusiastic in
    classroom presentation, that active and involved young minds might be inspired with little or no
    discipline problems.
5. Relationships with parents must be honest, straight-forward and frequent, thus providing a sound
    basis for total cooperation.
6. The school is cooperative effort of the home and the church as characterized by Proverbs 22:6.
    “Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” This
    coordination is only possible through consistent Christian activities which provide a wholesome
    environment for Christian living and learning.

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Faculty handbook

  • 1. Trinity Christian Academy Faculty Handbook 2012-2013
  • 2. Table of Contents About Trinity Christian Academy Hours 21 Mission Statement 3 Immigration Law Compliance 21 Philosophy 3 In Service Days Statement of Faith 3 22 Statement of Vision and Purpose 4 Insurance Benefits 22 Jury Duty Policy 22 Policies and Procedures Leaving Campus 22 Absence Policy 5 Maintenance Requests 22 Arrival of Students 5 Morning Care 22 Child Abuse 6 New Students 22 Children of Staff 6 Open House 22 Church Attendance 6 Orientation 22 Church Use of Classrooms 6 Parent/Teacher Conferences 23 Class Activities and Parties 6 Parent/Teacher Relationships 24 Class Advisors 6 Payroll 24 Classroom Appearance 7 Personal Appearance 25 Classroom Management 7 Personnel Files 25 Code of Conduct 8 Phone Calls/Messages 26 Collecting Money 9 Plagiarism 26 Communication with Parents 9 Playground Responsibilities 26 Computer Support 9 Preparations for Substitute Teachers 26 Continuation of Benefits (COBRA) 9 Purchasing 26 Continuing Education 9 Recess 27 Continuous Supervision 10 Responsibilities and Duties 27 Correspondence 10 Standardized Testing 27 Crisis Management 11 Student Dismissal 27 Daily Attendance Record 10 Student Files 28 Discipline 10 Student Illness 28 Employment Qualifications 11 Teacher Aides 28 End of the Day Responsibilities 11 Teacher Characteristics 28 Equal Employment Opportunities 12 Technology Usage & Media Selection 29 Ethics in Education Policy 12 Weekly Lesson Plans 29 Event Approvals 19 Work Rules 29 Field Trips 20 Worker’s Compensation Insurance 30 Fire Drills 20 Workplace Safety Rules 30 Grades 20 Crisis Management Plan 33 Grievance Policy 21
  • 3. ABOUT TRINITY CHRISTIAN ACADEMY Mission Statement Trinity Christian Academy exists in order to assist parents in fulfilling their divine responsibility to train the student in the knowledge of God and the Christian life, while providing an excellent academic education. It is also the aim of the school to provide an environment in which the individual pupil can mature spiritually as well as achieve academic excellence, and where pupils are directed not only in the acquisition of knowledge and skills, but also in the pursuit of worthy interests, ideals and attitudes essential to Christian maturity. Credo: An Education…with Spirit Philosophy Trinity Christian Academy’s purpose and philosophy are based upon a Christian world-view holding that God is the Creator and sustainer of all life. God is the ultimate reality and the source and essence of all goodness and truth. God has revealed Himself through nature and circumstances of human life and history, but most explicitly through His Son, Jesus Christ, as revealed in Holy Scripture, the Bible. The highest good on the part of man is realized in the conformity to God’s will. The ultimate objective of Christian education must be to help young people realize their full potential as human beings in God’s perfect will for their lives. Each student must be encouraged to become “perfect”, that is a whole, complete, mature, and fully equipped person in Christ (2 Timothy 3:16, 17). This accomplishment involves witnessing to and winning the lost child to Christ, providing for his intellectual growth and development through academic studies, providing opportunities for social activities consistent with biblical, moral and spiritual values, and providing for wholesome physical exercise and development. As ultimate reality and truth, God set the standards by which value judgments are to be made. He has revealed Himself and His will most clearly through His Son and His Word; therefore, Christ and the Bible must be central to every subject or activity. This means that the biblical viewpoint must permeate the entire school program, including curriculum, co-curricular activities, athletics, business, and interpersonal relationships of all those associated with the school. A Christian teacher with a Christian philosophy of education teaches science as God’s creation, Math as God’s order, Geography as God’s handiwork, History as God’s orderliness and absolute truth, Physical Education and Health as our responsibility in caring for God’s temple, and Music and Art as God’s beauty and tools for worship. All of this will help the student relate to everyday living and contribute a positive influence for Jesus Christ. The authority for such an education comes from God’s commands that children be taught to love God and place Him first in their lives. We believe that the consistent implementation of this philosophy will provide for the optimum spiritual, academic, social, and physical development of each child. Statement of Faith We believe the Scriptures are inspired by God and declare His design and plan for mankind. (2 Timothy 3:15-17) We believe there is only one true God, revealed in three persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Matthew 28:19) We believe in the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ. As God’s son Jesus was both human and divine. (Luke 1:35, John 1:1) We believe though originally good, man willingly fell to sin, ushering evil and death, both physical and spiritual, into the world. (Romans 5:12-19) We believe every person can have restored fellowship with God through salvation. (Luke 24:47) 3
  • 4. We believe and practice two ordinances: one, water baptism after repenting of one’s sins and receiving Christ’s gift of salvation, (Matthew 28:19) and two, Holy Communion as a symbolic remembrance of Christ’s suffering and death for our salvation. (1 Corinthians 11:26) We believe the Holy Spirit empowers believers for witnessing and effective service. (Acts 1:8) We believe sanctification initially occurs at salvation and is not only a declaration that a believer is holy, but also a progressive lifelong process of separating from evil as believers continually draw closer to God and become more Christ like. (2 Corinthians 5:17, Romans 12:1, 2) We believe the church has a mission to seek and save all who are lost in sin. We believe the church is the body of Christ and consists of the people who throughout time have accepted God’s offer of redemption through the sacrificial death of His son Jesus Christ. (Ephesians 1:22, 23, Matthew 18:19, 20) We believe a divinely called and scripturally ordained leadership ministry serves the church. The bible teaches that each of us under leadership must commit ourselves to reach others for Christ, to worship Him with other believers, and to build up or edify the body of believers, the church. (Ephesians 4:11-16) We believe divine healing of the sick is a privilege for Christians today is provided by Christ’s sacrifice. (Matthew 8:16, 17, James 5:14-16) We believe in the blessed hope, when Jesus raptures His church prior to His return to Earth. At this future moment in time all believers who have died will rise from their graves and will meet the Lord in the air, and Christians who are alive will be caught up with them, to be with the Lord forever.(1 Thessalonians 4:16, 17) We believe in the millennial reign of Christ when Jesus returns with His saints at His second coming and begins his benevolent rule over earth for 1,000 year. This millennial reign will bring the salvation of national Israel and the establishment of universal peace. (Revelation 20 1-5) We believe a final judgment will take place for those who have rejected Christ. They will be judged for their sin and consigned to eternal punishment in a punishing lake of fire. (Revelation 20:11-15) We believe and look forward to the perfect new heavens and a new earth that Christ is preparing for all people, of all time, who have accepted him. We will live and dwell with Him there forever following His millennial reign on earth. ‘And so shall we forever be with the Lord!” (Revelation 21:1, 2) Statement of Purpose and Vision The administration and teachers of Trinity Christian Academy realize their solemn responsibility before God in molding the life and character of each of their students, in order to build a solid foundation for each child’s future and make him/her a true disciple of Jesus Christ. Trinity Christian Academy views itself as an extension of the family. Our ultimate purpose for existing can be fulfilled only if parents see and agree with the direction we are leading their child. Therefore, parents will be expected to cooperate with the school in fulfilling its academic, social, and spiritual goals. POLICIES AND PROCEDURES Absence Policy All salaried associates shall receive full pay for absences up to the allowable limit indicated. The number of allowable absences shall not exceed 40 hours. Trinity Christian Academy will pay up to 4 weeks after the birth of a child, minus the cost of the substitute. Any unused sick time will rollover into your retirement plan. The amount allowed in the 403B plan is a total of 30 days which you can collect upon departure after 10 years of service. 4
  • 5. Scheduled absences must be submitted to administration and approved prior to the absence. At least one calendar week should be allowed for this approval. Emergency absences or illness must be reported by calling the school secretary’s voice mail box #151, and the Office Manager's voice mail box #155, as soon as the employee realizes he/she will be absent. Also be sure that lesson assignments, etc., are given so that this information can be passed on to a substitute. If an associate needs an emergency absence that cannot occur outside school hours, it must be scheduled and approved by administration prior to the absence. Your timely attendance at work is crucial to making the school run smoothly. Any absence or tardiness becomes a part of your employment record. Staff is expected to be at their work area on time (all full-time faculty and key staff - 7:30 a.m.) Tardiness is defined as being at your work area at least 5 minutes past your scheduled starting time. You should also notify the appropriate person when you know you may be late for work. Being on time makes it easier for all of us because tardiness hinders teamwork among employees. Being tardy for work or leaving before quitting time will be considered cause for corrective action. Arrival of Students Elementary School 1. Students are never allowed in a classroom, unless there is proper supervision by a teacher or teacher’s aide. 2. Teachers should be at the doors to greet parent/guardians by 7:45 a.m. and there should be seat work on top of each child’s desk to occupy them as other children arrive. Note: This is not a time for teacher/parent conferences. Let parents know that you want to talk with them and they should schedule a conference. It is important that children be supervised at all times; however, appointments for such conferences may be arranged at this time. 3. All notes and money should be collected as soon as the teacher calls the class to order. Middle School and High School 1. Classroom doors must remain locked and lights turned off any time a teacher is not present in the classroom. Students are never allowed in a classroom without the supervision of a teacher. 2. Students should not be allowed in the classrooms prior to the homeroom bell at 7:50 a.m. unless they are there for help from a particular teacher who is in that classroom. 3. Any student that enters the classroom after the tardy bell without a signed pass with the student’s name, date, time, reason for tardiness, and signature by a faculty member, administration, or school office designee, will be given a detention by the teacher. If a student is tardy to homeroom and does not have the proper pass, the teacher documents and assigns a referral if appropriate. 4. If a student was absent the previous day, they must first obtain an admit slip from the office. At no time should a teacher admit a student to class, whether it is homeroom or any other class, without the proper admit slip issued from the office. If the admit slip indicates that a student was excused then he/she will be allowed to make up all work missed. If the admit slip indicates that the student was unexcused, then he/she will not be allowed to make up work and will receive zeros for the work missed during absences. This policy must be strictly enforced; it is an effective way to ensure class attendance. Child Abuse All faculty and support staff member are required to report suspected child abuse immediately. It is Trinity Christian Academy’s policy to follow state law regarding child abuse reporting requirements. Teachers will fulfill those obligations see pages 18-19 for more detail. Children of Staff 5
  • 6. 1. Children of staff members are expected to follow daily routines upon arrival and after school. 2. There is no charge for aftercare for staff children. 3. All family members who visit the campus must check in through the school office and wear a visitor tag. 4. All administrators, full time teachers and staff having children of school age are encouraged to attend Trinity Christian Academy. However, all teachers and staff, as parents, have the ultimate authority tin choosing what is best for their child’s education and will be supported in that decision. 5. A tuition discount will be extended to the grandchildren of faculty. In lieu of any other discounts a maximum of 25% discount can be applied towards tuition for faculty’s grandchildren. No other discounts can apply. Reduced registration is allowed for faculty’s step-children prior to marriage. Church Attendance Faculty members are required to faithfully attend and financially support a local church. Annually, a letter shall be delivered to the office for inclusion in the teacher file that documents the teacher’s church attendance. Church Use of Classrooms 1. Boards should be erased on Wednesday and Friday nights. 2. Materials and supplies should be put away on Wednesdays and Fridays. Drawers and files locked. 3. Classrooms should be left extra clean on Wednesdays and Fridays. 4. Report any missing items or extreme inconvenience to principal the day it occurs. Class Activities and Parties 1. Any parties or special activities must have clearance from the administration at least one day prior to the activity. 2. Classroom teachers are to oversee plans and activities. 3. Be sure that adequate faculty and adult supervision are provided. 4. Please note that we do not have Halloween parties (fall festival parties are allowed), nor do we use Santa Claus or Easter bunnies for decorations. Class Advisors 1. The homeroom teachers are the class advisors. 2. Any fund raisers and trips must have prior approval from the administration. 3. Any monies raised through class fund raisers must be turned into the business administrator or school secretary on the day collected with the proper deposit slip. No monies will be dispersed for class use without prior permission from the administration and by submitting the proper purchase order request for funds. Receipts will also be required. 4. The junior class advisors are responsible for assisting the junior class in raising money and putting together the annual Prom. Classroom Appearance Classroom appearance is of the utmost importance in producing an environment conducive to learning for the child. A classroom that is in disarray can be distracting as well as hazardous. All classroom decorations should include some Christian themed items such as scripture or Bible stories. Teachers are responsible for their classroom’s appearance, and it is expected that the classroom will not only be attractively decorated, but maintained in an orderly fashion. 1. Students are not allowed to sit on their desks, and should sit properly in their seats with feet flat on the floor. Students should not be allowed to lean back in their chairs or put their feet up on another chair or the desk. It is unprofessional for a teacher to sit on their desks, lean back in their chairs, and put their feet up on the desks. 2. Book racks under the desks are not waste baskets. Please be sure that students empty these areas and place all trash in the proper containers before leaving the classroom. 6
  • 7. 3. Please be sure that students do not write, mark, or carve on the top of their desks or chairs. The equipment should be checked on a routine basis. 4. Teachers are expected to keep their own rooms and furniture free of accumulating dust and cobwebs. Student help may be used for this and the daily cleaning of chalkboards. Have students pick up paper on the carpet daily during free time. 5. An alert teacher will be aware if desks are too small or too large for the students, and will make the necessary changes. 6. All associates must be sensitive to the fact that other organizations use their classrooms. At the end of each day, classrooms should be neat and in order, with all items put away in desks or cubbies. Bulletin Boards and Supplies 1. Supplies such as scissors, tape dispenser, pencil sharpener, glue sticks, etc. are issued to each teacher at the beginning of the school year, and additional items are distributed at the request of the teacher. 2. Bulletin boards must be changed at the very minimum every quarter and more often if the season and/or event warrant it. Supplies for bulletin boards may be requested through the school office. 3. All teachers shall leave one bulletin board unused so that the Wednesday night program may use it. Resource Material 1. Resource material chosen and presented for the classroom must lend itself to the fulfillment of the objectives and philosophy of the school. 2. All supplemental materials to include outside books, magazines, videos, movies, etc. must receive administrative approval before being used in the classrooms. Classroom Management Any problem that occurs in the classroom or about the campus which is observed by a faculty member should be handled immediately. The decision as to the seriousness of a situation is at the discretion of the faculty member and should be channeled to the proper person. To choose not to respond to a violation of school rules or policies is to indicate your disregard for teaching ethics. If you do not know what action to take, then indicate that you will take care of the problem later and come to someone that can help you in taking the right action. If you have a question about a school rule, come to the office and the administration will discuss it with you. 1. The most important person responsible for student achievement is the teacher. 2. Effective teachers manage their classrooms. Ineffective teachers discipline their classrooms. 3. The number one problem in the classroom is not discipline; it is the lack of procedures and routines. 4. Where there is no management, students risk failure because of the lack of structure. 5. The first day of school is the most important day of the school year. Effective classroom management practices must begin on the first day of school. 6. Ineffective teachers begin the first day of school attempting to teach a subject and spend the rest of the school year running after the students. 7. Effective teachers spend much of the first two weeks of school teaching students to follow classroom procedures. 8. The only difference between an effective teacher and an ineffective teacher is that the ineffective teacher is just not doing what the effective teacher is doing. 9. The most effective form of a school improvement takes place when the entire staff works as a family and makes a concerted effort to establish a change that becomes consistent throughout the school. 10. If teachers are having a classroom management or minor discipline problem (such as classroom disruption) they must use the referral system; this system is outlined on the top of the referral form. On the first offense the teacher gives the student a formal warning: the teacher talks to the student and formally documents, on the referral form, the warning date, having the student initial next to it. At the second offense, the student and teacher have a formal conference outside the 7
  • 8. presence of other students. This conference may happen after school, during lunch or any other time that both the student and the teacher are free. At the third offense, the parents are contacted and a conference time set up to discuss the issues. At the fourth offense the student is referred to the office for discipline. If a student is sent to the office for a classroom management issue and the above steps have not been taken, he/she will be returned to the classroom for the teacher to discipline using the above outlined steps. Please note that placing the same date next to each step does not constitute following the referral procedure. These procedures, if followed carefully, have resulted in effective classroom management. Code of Conduct 1. It is of the utmost importance that we all work together in brotherly love, be supportive, and pray for one another. 2. Teachers are not to be involved in the administration of the school except when they are officially asked to serve in a specific area or on an assigned committee by the Administrators. 3. At no time will teachers discuss with anyone negative factors concerning any school programs, other teachers, members of the staff, or students, but will remain objective and give all such reports to the Administrators. 4. No associate will engage in any business which competes directly or indirectly with Trinity Christian Academy (for example: running a home day care or summer program which is open during our hours of operation, or selling food products during our lunch period, etc.) 5. Trinity Christian Academy is an English-speaking business and school; all interactions and conversations between staff are to be conducted in English. A foreign language may be used only in courtesy to a parent who is not fluent in English. Conversations and communication between staff members are to be done in English only. 6. Information from a student’s cumulative folder or other private information may not be shared with anyone, unless parental written permission and administrative approval has been received. 7. For reasons of building intra-school loyalty, internal problems are to be discussed only between faculty members and the administrator, or individual parties involved. Principles from Matthew 18:15-18 should be followed to involve only those necessary to resolve a problem. 8. Maintaining a professional relationship with everyone, especially parents/guardians, is of the utmost importance. Avoid developing a relationship with parents that makes you feel that you treat a student differently because of the relationship. Avoid “talking shop” with parents. 9. Avoid discussion of school problems in the office, halls or public areas where parents, salesmen or students may overhear. Please avoid socializing with parents and faculty members in the school office; it is not the teacher’s lounge. 10. Three Strike Policy: The first time an associate is given an order and it is not done or a policy is violated, a verbal warning will be issued. The second time you will receive a written warning; the third time you may be terminated at the sole discretion of administration. Collecting Money 1. Field trip and fund-raiser monies will be collected by the teacher. 2. Tally daily and turn in to the office. 3. Do not leave money in the classroom overnight. 4. Clearly mark class, teacher, event and date. Communication with Parents 1. Should be positive. 2. Courteous and to the point. 3. It is the teacher’s responsibility to establish good communication. 4. Parents should feel teacher is approachable; interested in their concerns, questions, and suggestions. Teachers should be available for parent conferences. 5. It is suggested that you do not give your first name to a parent. Computer Support Each teacher is responsible to complete an IT request for problems encountered with computers and network issues. 8
  • 9. Continuation of Benefits (COBRA) The federal Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) gives employees and their qualified beneficiaries the opportunity to continue health insurance coverage under Trinity Christian Academy’s health plan when a “qualifying event” would normally result in the loss of eligibility. Some common qualifying events are resignation, termination of employment, or death of an employee; a reduction in an employee’s hours or a leave of absence; an employee’s divorce or legal separation; and a dependent child no longer meeting eligibility requirements. Under COBRA, the employee or beneficiary pays the full cost of coverage at Trinity Christian Academy’s group rates plus an administration fee. Trinity Christian Academy provides each eligible employee with a written notice describing rights granted under COBRA when the employee becomes eligible for coverage under Trinity Christian Academy’s health insurance plan. The notice contains important information about the employee’s rights and obligations. Continuing Education Trinity Christian Academy has established assistance for staff wishing to continue their education in the pursuit of a Bachelor Degree or higher in the field study that is applicable to their position at Trinity Christian Academy. Trinity Christian Academy will reimburse a predetermined percentage of tuition as long as the individual remains employed at Trinity Christian Academy for a period of two calendar years from the date the course(s) end. If the employee chooses to resign Trinity Christian Academy prior to fulfilling this two year obligation, the employee shall reimburse the school a pro-rated amount based on the months of employment since the course(s) end date. Continuous Supervision At no time are students to be left unattended in a classroom or on the playground. Staff members leaving students unattended open themselves and the school to unnecessary charges of neglect that could lead to serious legal problems. Teachers must have classrooms covered by another teacher or staff member before leaving the classroom. Correspondence 1. Notes, letters, discipline notices are approved through the office before sending home 2. Watch spelling 3. Notes to parents should not be written in red Crisis Management 1. It is the teacher’s responsibility to know the Crisis Management Plan. 2. Procedures are outlined in the Crisis Management Plan. Daily Attendance Record 1. Take attendance by having each student raise his hand and answer when you call their name. This will help you learn the students by name more quickly. 2. Call a student’s home after two days absence to see if the student is ill. 3. Teachers are expected to keep accurate attendance records. Bring your roll book to each faculty meeting. Discipline 1. Children are happier when boundaries are established, for it is within boundaries that children learn respect and obedience. You have the responsibility of getting your class in the proper order and maintaining control. 2. Preparation is the best way to achieve good goals. 3. Your attitude will be reflected in your class. 4. Be consistent. 5. Establish classroom habits and train students. 9
  • 10. 6. Make sure students know rewards for good behavior and consequences for misbehavior. 7. Follow consequence progression stated for misbehavior. 8. If a student has a discipline problem, please keep it between you, the child, the principal, and the child’s parents. 9. Negative conversations about students should not take place outside of the principal’s office. Measures to Avoid 1. Never spank, shake, strike, or be rough with a child in any way! 2. Since playing gets rid of extra energy, making a child miss the entire recess period for disciplinary reasons is discouraged. 3. Children will not respond favorably to sarcasm, a sharp voice, or impatience. 4. Students should never be left alone in a classroom for any reason. 5. Name calling will not be tolerated. All students must be treated with respect. 6. Do not leave a student in a dark room or in an adjoining room. 7. Never use threats you are not certain you can carry out. 8. Check any new disciplinary ideas with the principal before using them. 9. Document disciplinary action. Include the date. 10. Do not send a student to the office with a discipline problem without the proper paperwork. Five Steps toward Effective Discipline 1. Instruction: Ephesians 6:4, Proverbs 22:6 2. Reinforcement: mind, recognition that he/she deserves discipline 3. Correction: ultimate goal of discipline, responsibility for actions 4. Restitution: “right” the wrong if possible, Ephesians 4:28 5. Reassurance: expression of love and concern for the disciplined Employment Qualifications Along with being a born-again Christian, it is expected that all employees maintain a regular and contributing involvement in a church having a doctrine which is in agreement with the school's Statement of Faith, and which is scripturally sound in his teaching (Hebrews 10:24, 25). 1. Associates must demonstrate a conviction that God has called them to become involved in a Christian school ministry. 2. Associates are expected to demonstrate spiritual maturity, a teachable spirit, and lifestyle consistent with principles set forth in the Scriptures. 3. All associates shall be in agreement with the stated purposes of the school as outlined in the Philosophy of Education. 4. All associates shall give evidence of good moral character. All associates will manifest by precept and example, high Christian virtue and personal decorum, serving as a Christian role model both in and out of school to pupils, and as an example to parents and fellow faculty members in judgment, dignity, respect, and Christian living. (1Timothy 4:12) Some examples of behaviors that do not reflect our standard of Christian living and could result in termination are, but not limited to: drinking alcohol, going to clubs or bars whose primary purpose is to serve alcohol (sitting in the bar area at a restaurant would not constitute a violation), sexual activity outside of marriage, extramarital affairs, any homosexual behavior or immoral statements or conduct, illicit or illegal use of drugs or abuse of prescription drugs, demonstrating a non- cooperative attitude toward the school or school personnel. This list is by no means exhaustive. Any behavior that, at the sole discretion of administration is judged to be outside TCA’s standards of Christian living could result in termination. a. Immoral conduct is defined as any actions or identifying statements concerning fornication, adultery, homosexuality, lesbianism, bisexuality or pornography. An identifying statement is a statement that an employee is a homosexual, bisexual, or otherwise immoral, or words to that effect, or language or behavior that a reasonable person would believe is intended to convey the statement that a person engages in or has a propensity or intent to engage in immoral and/or homosexual acts. Examples may be, but are not limited to: “I am gay,” “I am a homosexual,” or “I am a lesbian,” “I have a homosexual orientation,” or some other statement that conveys this type of message. 10
  • 11. 5. Teachers shall have a minimum of a Bachelor of Arts or a Bachelor of Science Degree from a recognized college or university, unless exception is made by the administration. 6. Teachers shall have or be in the process of obtaining a valid certification from the State of Florida or a recognized accrediting organization for a specific grade level or major subject fields. End of the Day Responsibilities 1. Give students enough time to prepare to leave. 2. Students should clean around desk area daily, and share in keeping room clean. 3. Stay with your students at all times. 4. Do not release a child to someone you do not know. Direct to office and ID will be checked there. 5. Keys: You are responsible for any keys which have been issued to you. Do not loan them to anyone other than another school staff member. Outside doors are to be locked at all times. Staff members are responsible to lock the door after his/her class exits the room. Keep your school keys with you while entering and exiting buildings. Equal Employment Opportunities Trinity Christian Academy has long been committed to equal opportunity to assure fair and equal treatment of all employees. It is the policy of Trinity Christian Academy to afford equal opportunity for employment to all individuals. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, ethnic origin, sex or disability in the hiring of its certified or non-certified personnel. Trinity Christian Academy does not discriminate in employment, including the terms and conditions of employment, on the basis of gender, race, color, national or ethnic origin, age or disability. As a religious organization the school is permitted to discriminate on the basis of religion and does so. Ethics in Education Policy Based upon © 2008 Christian Law Association Purpose To comply with the requirements established by the Florida Ethics in Education Act, Florida Statue §1002.421, through the adoption, implementation, and enforcement of a policy that regulates and creates ethical standards in employment and notifies all staff of their obligations to report child abuse. Applicable Law Florida Statue §220.187 Florida Statue §1012.01 Florida Statue §768.095 Florida Statue §1002.39 Florida Statue §943.0542 Florida Statue §1001.10(5) Florida Statue §1002.41 Florida Statue §39.203 Florida Statue §1012.315 Definitions 1. “Staff with direct student contact” means any employee, volunteer, or contracted personnel, who have unsupervised access to a scholarship student for whom the private school is responsible. 2. “Teachers” means staff members assigned the professional activity of instructing students in courses in classroom situations, including basic instruction, exceptional student education, career education, and adult education, including substitute teachers. 3. “School administrator” includes: a. School principals or school directors who are staff members performing the assigned activities as the administrative head of a school and to whom have been delegated responsibility for the coordination and administrative direction of the instructional and non- instructional activities of the school. This classification also includes career center directors. b. Assistant principals who are staff members assisting the administrative head of the school. This classification also includes assistant principals for curriculum and administration. Non-Discrimination Clause Trinity Christian Academy admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate in the administration of its educational policies, athletic and other school administrative programs. 11
  • 12. Employment Screening All teachers, whether paid or volunteer, will hold a Bachelor or higher degrees, have at least three years teaching experience in public or private schools, or have special skills, knowledge, or expertise that qualifies them to provide instruction in subjects taught. All staff members, whether paid or volunteer, who have direct student contact will undergo a state and national background screening, pursuant to Senate Bill 1712, by filing with the Department of Law Enforcement a complete set of fingerprints taken by an authorized law enforcement agency or an employee of the private school, a school district, or a private company who is trained to take fingerprints and deny employment to or terminate an employee if he or she fails to meet the screening standards under s. §1012.315, F.S. Results of the screening shall become property of the ministry/school. No person having direct student contact will begin working with the school, in any capacity, without the school having first obtained a state and national background screen. Upon notification that a staff member or potential staff member has failed the background screening, the staff member or potential staff member will be dismissed or denied employment. All staff members with direct student contact will undergo background screening every five years. Upon notification that a staff member has failed the background screening, the staff member will be immediately dismissed. All potential staff member who will have direct student contact will provide past employer references as a part of their reemployment screening process. No staff members will begin service to the ministry until the ministry has contacted or has reasonably attempted to contact all past employer references. All contact will be documented and become the property of the ministry/school. All staff member with direct student contact will be screened using the following Department of Education’s educator screening tools 1. The Professional Practices’ Database of Disciplinary Actions Against Educators 2. The Department of Education’s Teacher Certification Database described All findings will be documented and will become the property of the ministry/school. Disqualifying Crimes Staff members that have direct contact with students will be disqualified from employment or volunteer service if an employment screening document, interview or background check reveals a conviction for any of the following offenses. If an employment screening document, interview or background check reveals an arrest, investigation, or accusation, potential employees must be prepared to discuss these issues prior to hire. A. Any felony offense prohibited under any of the following Florida Statutes: 1. Section 393.135, relating to sexual misconduct with certain developmentally disabled clients and reporting of such sexual misconduct; 2. Section 394.4593, relating to sexual misconduct with certain mental health patients and reporting of such sexual misconduct; 3. Section 415.111, relating to adult abuse, neglect, or exploitation of aged persons or disabled adults; 4. Section 741.30, relating to domestic violence and injunction for protection (defined in 741.28) means any assault, aggravated assault, battery, aggravated battery, sexual assault, sexual batter, stalking, aggravated stalking, kidnapping, false imprisonment, etc. of a family or household member; 5. Section 782.04, relating to murder; 6. Section 782.07, relating to manslaughter, aggravated manslaughter of an elderly person or disabled adult, aggravated manslaughter of a child, or aggravated manslaughter of an officer, a firefighter, an emergency medical technician, or a paramedic; 7. Section 782.071, relating to vehicular homicide; 8. Section 782.09; relating to killing an unborn child by injury to the mother; 12
  • 13. 9. Section 784.011; relating to assault, if the victim of offense was a minor; 10. Section 784.021; relating to aggravated assault; 11. Section 784.03; relating to battery, if the victim of offense was a minor; 12. Section 784.045; relating to aggravated battery; 13. Section 784.075; relating to battery on a detention or commitment facility staff member or a juvenile probation officer; 14. Section 787.01; relating to kidnapping; 15. Section 787.02; relating to false imprisonment; 16. Section 787.025; relating to luring or enticing a child; 17. Section 787.04 (2), relating to leading taking, enticing, or removing a minor beyond the state limits, or concealing the location of a minor, with criminal intent pending custody proceedings; 18. Section 787.04(3), relating to leading, taking, enticing, or removing a minor beyond the state limits, or concealing the location of a minor, with criminal intent pending dependency proceeding or proceeding concerning alleged abuse or neglect of a minor; 19. Section 790.115(1); relating to exhibiting firearms or weapons at a school-sponsored event, on school property, or within 1,000 feet of a school; 20. Section 790.155 (2)(b), relating to possessing an electric weapon or device, destructive device, or other weapon at a school-sponsored event or on school property; 21. Section 794.011; relating to sexual battery; 22. Former s. 794.041, relating to sexual activity with or solicitation of a child by a person in familial or custodial authority. 23. Section 794.05, relating to unlawful sexual activity with certain minors; 24. Section 794.08, relating to female genital mutilation; 25. Chapter 796, relation to prostitution 26. Section 798.02; relating to lewd and lascivious behavior; 27. Chapter 800, relating to lewdness and indecent exposure 28. Section 806.01, relating to arson 29. Section 810.14, relating to voyeurism. 30. Section 810.145, relating to video voyeurism 31. Chapter 812, relating to felony theft and/or robbery and related crimes 32. Section 817.563; relating to fraudulent sale of controlled substances; 33. Section 825.102, relating to abuse, aggravated abuse, or neglect of an elderly person or disabled adult; 34. Section 825.1025, relating to lewd or lascivious offenses committed upon or in the presence of an elderly person or disabled adult; 35. Section 825.103, relating to exploitation of an elderly person or disabled adult; 36. Section 825.1025, relating to lewd or lascivious offenses committed upon or in the presence of an elderly person or disabled person; 37. Section 826.04, relating to incest; 38. Section 827.03, relating to child abuse, aggravated child abuse, or neglect of a child; 39. Section 827.04, relating to contributing to the delinquency or dependency of a child; 40. Section 827.05, relating to negligent treatment of children; 41. Section 827.071, relating to sexual performance by a child; 42. Section 843.01, relating to resisting arrest with violence; 43. Section 843.025; relating to depriving an officer means of protection or communication; 44. Section 843.13, relating to aiding in an escape; 45. Section 843.13, relating to aiding in the escape of juvenile inmates in correctional institutions; 46. Chapter 847, relating to obscenity and obscene literature; 47. Section 874.05, relating to causing, encouraging, soliciting, ore recruiting another to join a criminal street gang; 48. Section 874.05 (1), relating to encouraging or recruiting another to join a criminal gang; 49. Chapter 893, relating to drug abuse prevention and control, if the offense was a felony of the second degree or greater severity; 50. Section 916.1075, relating to sexual misconduct with certain forensic clients and reporting of such sexual misconduct; 13
  • 14. 51. Section 944.35(3), relating to inflicting cruel or inhumane treatment on an inmate resulting in great bodily harm; 52. Section 944.46, relating to harboring, concealing, or aiding an escaped prisoner; 53. Section 944.47, relating to introduction, removal, or possession of contraband at a correctional facility; 54. Section 985.701, relating to sexual misconduct in juvenile justice programs; and/or 55. Section 985.711, relating to introduction, removal, or possession of contraband at a juvenile detention facility or commitment program; B. Any misdemeanor offense prohibited under any of the following statutes: 1. Section 784.03, relating to battery, if the victim of the offense was a minor; 2. Section 787.025, relating to luring or enticing a child; 3. Any criminal act committed in another state or under federal law which, if committed in this state, constitutes an offense prohibited under any statue listed in subsection (1) or subsection (2) and/or 4. Any delinquent act committed I this state or any delinquent or criminal act committed in another state or under federal law which, if omitted in this state, qualifies an individual for inclusion on the Registered Juvenile Sex Offender List under s. 943.0432(1) (a) 1.d. Trinity Christian Academy understands that scholarship funding shall be suspended if Trinity Christian Academy knowingly fails to comply with this subsection, and the Department of Education shall prohibit Trinity Christian Academy from enrolling new scholarship students, for one fiscal year and until the school complies. Code of Ethical Conduct for Staff Members Trinity Christian Academy values the worth and dignity of every person, the pursuit of truth, devotion to excellence, acquisition of knowledge, and the nurture of spiritual growth. Essential to the achievement of these standards are the freedom to learn and teach in a truly Christian environment. Trinity Christian Academy’s primary professional concern will always be for the student and for the development of the student’s potential, both from an educational perspective and a spiritual perspective. Trinity Christian Academy will therefore strive for professional and spiritual growth and will seek to exercise the best professional judgment and integrity while maintaining a proper Christian testimony. Aware of the importance of maintaining the respect and confidence of one’s colleagues, of students, of parents, and of other members of the community, Trinity Christian Academy therefore strives to achieve and sustain the highest degree of ethical conduct. Principles of Professional and Spiritual Conduct for Staff Members The following disciplinary rules shall constitute Trinity Christian Academy’s ethical standards for all staff members. Violation of any of these standards shall subject the individual to discipline and/or dismissal. A. Obligation to the student requires that the individual: 1. Shall manifest by precept and example the highest Christian virtue and personal decorum, serving as a Christian Role Model both at and away from Trinity Christian Academy and as an example to all in judgment, dignity, respect, and Christian living. 2. Shall make reasonable effort to protect the student from conditions harmful to learning and/or to the student’s mental and/or physical health and/or safety; 3. Shall not engage in personal relationships with students outside of the classroom that are inappropriate, familiar or of an immature manner; 4. Shall not invite student to overnight outings, outside of their family members without an approved staff chaperone present; 5. Shall not unreasonably restrain a student from independent action in pursuit of learning; 6. Shall not intentionally expose a student to unnecessary embarrassment or disparagement; 7. Shall not intentionally violate or deny a student’s legal rights; 8. Shall not harass any student; 9. Shall not exploit a relationship with a student for personal gain or advantage; and 14
  • 15. 10. Shall keep in confidence personally identifiable information obtained in the course of professional service, unless disclosure serves professional purposes or is required by law. B. Obligation to the public requires that the individual; 1. Shall subscribe without reservation to the Statement of Faith and the Code of Conduct of Trinity Christian Academy and agree to abide by these doctrines and standards in all aspects of my life, both at and away from ministry functions; 2. Shall understand that the bona fide occupational qualification of being a Christian Role Model includes but is not limited to abstaining from all acts of homosexuality, fornication, adultery, transvestitism and deviant gender identity; 3. Shall not use institutional privileges for personal gain or advantage; 4. Shall accept no gratuity, gift, or favor that might influence professional judgment; and 5. Shall offer no gratuity, gift, or favor to obtain special advantages. C. Obligation to the profession of education requires that the individual: 1. Shall maintain honesty in all professional dealings; 2. Shall remain loyal to the ministry/school leadership and the ministry’s/school’s programs in word and in action; 3. Shall faithfully attend and financially support a local church whose fundamental beliefs are in agreement with the Statement of Faith of Trinity Christian Academy (Hebrews 10:25). 4. Shall not engage in harassment or discriminatory conduct contrary to Trinity Christian Academy’s statement of faith, which unreasonably interferes with an individual’s performance of professional or work responsibilities or with the orderly processes of education or which creates a hostile, intimidating, abusive, offensive, or oppressive environment; and, further shall make reasonable effort to assure that each individual is protected from such harassment or discrimination; 5. Shall abstain from the use of alcohol and tobacco products; 6. Shall not engage in any intimate sexual activity outside of a marriage between me and a member of the opposite sex, shall not engage in viewing pornography, and shall not make any attempt to alter my gender by surgery or appearance; 7. Shall understand that homosexual conduct defined as acts or identifying statements, is incompatible with employment at Trinity Christian Academy and is a basis for dismissal; 8. Shall not make malicious or intentionally false statements about a colleague; 9. Shall not use coercive means or promise special treatment to influence professional judgments of colleagues; 10. Shall not misrepresent one’s own professional qualifications; 11. Shall not submit fraudulent information on any document in connection with professional activities; 12. Shall not make any fraudulent statement or fail to disclose a material fact in one’s own or another’s application for a professional position; 13. Shall not withhold information regarding a position from an applicant or misrepresent an assignment or conditions of employment 14. Shall not assist entry into or continuance in the profession of any person known to be unqualified in accordance with this Code of Ethics; 15. Shall self-report within 48 hours to appropriate authorities (as determined by the administration) any arrest/charges involving the abuse of a child or the sale and/or possession of a controlled substance. Such notice shall not be considered an admission of guilt nor shall such notice be admissible for any purpose in any proceeding, civil or criminal, administrative or judicial, investigatory or adjudicatory. In addition, shall self-report any conviction, finding of guilt, withholding of adjudication, commitment to a pretrial diversion program, or entering of a plea of guilty or Nolo Contendre for any criminal offense other than a minor traffic violation within 48 hours after the final judgment. When handling sealed and expunged records disclosed under this rule, school shall comply with the confidentiality provisions of Section 943.0585 (4)(c), Florida Statutes; 16. Shall report to appropriate authorities any known allegation of a violation of the Florida School Code or State Board of Education Rules as defined in Section 1012.795 (1), Florida Statutes; 15
  • 16. 17. Shall seek no reprisal against any individual who has reported any allegation of a violation against me; 18. Shall understand and agree that my responsibilities as a church member and as a member of the ministry/school staff are inseparable and that I will be immediately removed from the ministry/school if I am out of fellowship with the church, as determined in the sole discretion of the pastor; and 19. Shall understand and agree that God’s command for my role as a member of the staff is for me to perform at the will of the ministry/school leadership. Following this command of God, I agree to perform all duties and responsibilities entrusted to me by the ministry/school leadership to their complete and full satisfaction. Confidentiality Agreements Trinity Christian Academy, or any of its employees, may not enter into a confidentiality agreement regarding terminated or dismissed staff members, or staff members who resign in lieu of termination, based in whole or in part on misconduct that affects the health, safety, or welfare of a student, and may not provide the staff member with employment references or discuss the personnel’s or administrators’ performance with prospective employers in another educational setting, without disclosing the staff member’s misconduct. Any part of an agreement or contract that has the purpose or effect of concealing misconduct by staff members which affects the health, safety, or welfare of a student is void, is contrary to public policy, and may not be enforced. Mandatory Reporting Requirements Trinity Christian Academy seeks to express God’s love of children and provide for their personal wholeness. This caring community seeks to prevent child abuse of any form to our children and youth and to minister to victims of abuse and their families. The Bible is foundational to our understanding upon which all policies, procedures, and ministries must stand. Our goal in response to these Biblical mandates is to maintain a safe, secure, and loving place where children may grow: a place where caregivers, teachers, and leaders (both paid and volunteer) minister appropriately to their needs. Trinity Christian Academy desires to be a safe place for all children and adults who attend any activity. Individuals they know and trust sometimes victimize children. The ministry is not immune to such abuse, either by its members or by those in leadership positions. Incidents of child abuse or neglect cut across racial, social, economic and religious boundaries. Although no organization or individual can assure complete protection, this section along with Trinity Christian Academy’s Child Abuse policies reflects Trinity Christian Academy’s commitment to help protect children from harm. Trinity Christian Academy will not tolerate child abuse or neglect. Staff cooperation in this commitment not only reflects a concern about children’s safety in this society, but also a willingness to take steps toward halting child abuse and its detrimental effects. For the safety and protection of our children and workers, all people who participate in ministry/school-sponsored activities with children are required to comply with the guidelines provided in this policy in conjunction with our Child Abuse Prevention Policy. If Trinity Christian Academy receives an allegation of child abuse, it will respond with the utmost concern to the victim, parent, or other party making such an allegation. The accused will be treated with dignity and support. Without clear and convincing evidence to the contrary, Trinity Christian Academy’s personnel will assume that such complaints are made in good faith. Persons making such complaints should have no doubt that Trinity Christian Academy takes them seriously and will take appropriate action. When it becomes necessary to report suspected child abuse or neglect, the protection of children must be the most important concern. It is the legal responsibility of any person with responsibility for the care of children to report all cases of child abuse they observe, and further, to report visible signs 16
  • 17. of alleged abuse. Failure to report could lead to liability, both civilly and criminally, on the part of the ministry/school, the observer or both. Trinity Christian Academy has determined that it is the responsibility of the program staff to report all cases of suspected child abuse to the proper legal authorities. While the confidentiality of the pastor/parishioner relationship is very important, reporting reasonable suspicion of child abuse has the potential for helping individuals receive help for a previous problem and may prevent further harm to a child, that person or others. What is reasonable suspicion? Reasonable suspicion means that there is credible evidence or a discrepant or inconsistent history in explaining a child’s suspected abuse. A report based on reasonable suspicion does not require proof that abuse or neglect has actually occurred or that the reporter witnessed the incident in question. Reporting is not a determination that child abuse or neglect has actually occurred; rather, it is a request for an assessment of the condition of a child. Because we believe children are our most important concern, Trinity Christian Academy has adopted the following guidelines for reporting: 1. Treat each allegation of child abuse seriously. 2. Attempt to assure the safety and protection of persons who have been harmed. 3. Pray for the ministry/school and all persons affected by the allegation. 4. Immediately begin documenting all procedures observed in handling the allegation. 5. Immediately notify the school administrator. The school administrator will, along with the reporting staff member, immediately report allegations to the Department of Children and Family Services. 6. Immediately notify the parents if it is not known that they have previous knowledge of the allegations, and allegations are not currently against them. 7. Immediately notify the ministry/school’s insurance company. As appropriate, the school administrator shall immediately notify the ministry/school’s insurance carrier of the possibility of a claim. If the abuse allegation does not implicate a ministry/school staff member or ministry/school volunteer, this step may be omitted. 8. If the accused has assigned duties within the life of the ministry/school, that person must be immediately relieved of his duties until the investigation is concluded. 9. The pastor/school authorities should extend whatever care and resources necessary. In providing care to the principals (alleged victim and the accused) and their families, the pastor, ministry leader, and/or school authorities, should under no circumstances be drawn into a discussion of the truth or falsity of the allegation which could contaminate an official investigation. Do not assign blame or take any steps that involve establishing or negating the allegation. 10. It is appropriate to show care and comfort for the alleged victim and accused until advised to the contrary by the pastor. 11. Observe confidentiality for both the alleged victim and the accused until advised to the contrary by the pastor. 12. Do not confront the accused until the safety of the child or student is secured. 13. Do not prejudge the situation, but take the allegations seriously and reach out to the alleged victim and his or her family. Showing care and support help to prevent further hurt. Extend whatever pastoral resources are needed. Remember that the care and safety of the alleged victim is the first priority. In some situation, ministries and schools have responded in a negative or non-supportive manner to the alleged victim. This conduct can increase the anger and pain of the alleged victim and his or her family. Further reconciliation can then be more difficult and the possibility of damaging litigation increases. 14. Treat the accused with dignity and support. 15. If the media or other parties contact a ministry official or school authorities about a pending allegation of child abuse, they should be referred to the pastor or principal. Only the ministry leader, school authorities, or their designees should make comments about the allegations, using a prepared public statement to answer the press and to convey news to the congregation, staff members and school personnel. The prepared statement shall be made only after 17
  • 18. consultation with the ministry/school’s attorney and will include the steps the ministry/school has taken to protect children, such as the development and implementation of this manual, and the care and concern the ministry/school has for all parties involved. The privacy and confidentiality of all involved shall continue to be of primary concern. All Faculty and Support Staff members are required to report suspected child abuse immediately. Trinity Christian Academy adheres to the Florida Child Abuse Laws. The Professional’s Guide for Child Abuse and Neglect in Florida is required reading for all school employees. The 2008 Florida Statutes – 39.203 Immunity from liability in cases of child abuse, abandonment, or neglect – (1)(a) Any person, official, or other institution participating in good faith in any act authorized or required by this chapter, or reporting in goof faith any instance of child abuse, abandonment, or neglect to the department of any law enforcement agency, shall be immune from any civil or criminal liability which might otherwise result by reason of such action. All employees and agents of private schools, charter schools, or public school districts have an obligation and legal responsibility to report misconduct by instructional personnel and school administrators which affects the health, safety, or welfare of a student. Failure to report misconduct may result in penalties up to termination of employment and revocation of an educator’s certificate. To Report Abuse National Child Abuse Hotline: 1.800.4.A.CHILD (1.800.422.4453) Florida Child Abuse Hotline: 1.800.96.ABUSE (1.800.962.2873) – TDD: 1.800.453.5145 Department of Children and Services website: http://www/ Event Approvals An Event Approval Form must be submitted to administration for review and approval for the use of vehicles and sound system, all events whether on or off campus, and the use of facilities other than your normal classroom. Field Trips 1. Field trips should be educational and appropriate to grade level. 2. Field trip notices and check list should be completed and turned in to the office in a timely manner. 3. All field trips are approved through the office. Includes special guests and speakers. 4. Field trip permission slips sent home one week prior to the trip. No slip, no trip. 5. The school buses may be used as transportation for field trips. Parents who have been background checked may attend field trip; however they can only transport their own children. 6. Take medical release forms on all field trips. Forms should remain in teacher’s care. Fire Drills Teachers should teach fire prevention and safety techniques. A fire drill is given periodically. The first fire drill will be announced in advance to both faculty and students. After the first fire drill, all others will be unannounced. The first month of school there will be two fire drills. Grades Teachers will turn in grades to the front office at the appropriate time. Any comments should be included. If it becomes necessary to change a grade after report cards have been distributed, you may obtain a Grade Change Form in the school office. Please fill it out completely, including student’s numbers, class period and semester, and submit it to the principal. 1. Any teacher wishing to deviate from these standards must get approval in writing from administration. 2. All elementary teachers are required to submit to the administration all letters, memos, or newsletters a minimum of one week prior to mailing or distributing to parents/guardians. Please refer to the school calendar for the dates of distribution of progress reports and report cards. 18
  • 19. 3. At no time is a teacher permitted to distribute or mail anything without first obtaining administrative approval. 4. The value of tests, quizzes, and class work/homework, for the marking period, is as follows a. Tests: 40% b. Quizzes: 30% c. Class Work/Homework: 20% d. Quarter Exams: 10% 5. Grading Scale Grade GPA Percentage A 3.5 – 4.0 90 – 100 B 2.5 – 3.49 80 – 89 C 1.5 – 2.49 70 – 79 D 0.5 – 1.49 60 – 69 F 0 – 0.49 Below 60 Evaluation of Student Work 1. Paper or test will be graded by teachers in a timely manner. Students may check each other’s’ quizzes or homework under the supervision of the teacher but will not assign grades. 2. Teachers are to notify students of grades in a private manner so that students will not be embarrassed in front of their classmates. 3. Teachers are to communicate student progress to parents when the student is working below his ability or is doing poorly in class by contacting the parent by telephone, letter or their voice mailbox. 4. As a minimum, parents shall be notified if a student maintains a “D” or below for a two week period. 5. Teachers are to use grades as one of the means to evaluate the effectiveness of their teaching as well as the effectiveness of students’ learning. 6. Anytime that twenty percent or more of the students are receiving “D’s or F’s” in a subject at mid- quarter or the end of the quarter, a curriculum review board will be convened. This board will consist of the principal or assistant principal, the teacher, the school counselor, and a peer/mentor. The board will examine the materials and techniques and propose solutions. Homework 1. Do not give “busy work” for homework or use homework as a punishment. 2. Be mindful of student’s other classes when deciding amount of homework. 3. Student aides are not to be used to check tests, quizzes or homework, or for taking attendance, etc. 4. Teachers are encouraged to give weekly homework assignments in order that students and parents/guardians may be aware of homework requirements and of upcoming quizzes and tests. Grievance Policy Trinity Christian Academy believes that the Bible commands them to make every effort to live at peace and to resolve disputes with each other in private. We will follow biblically based mediation based on the guidance found in Matthew 18. All employees of Trinity Christian Academy shall have the Right of Appeal as to matters of grievance. Therefore, any claim or dispute arising from or related to Trinity Christian Academy will be settled by biblically-based mediation. Each employee shall follow the Right of Appeal procedure. Associate will consult their immediate supervisor first, if no agreement is reached then the associate may meet with the headmaster. In the event no agreement is reached the associate may meet with the senior pastor and the school board in that order. The decision of the school board will be final. Hours 1. The teacher agrees to be present and on time for faculty devotions, which begin at 7:30 a.m. each school day, and to remain in the building until 3:30 p.m. The teacher also agrees to remain after school for such meetings and conferences as may be called by the administration. 19
  • 20. 2. Faculty meeting every other Wednesday at 3:15, or covered by administration. 3. The length of the school day, as well as the hours of teaching and duties performed shall be fixed by the school. The teacher agrees that in addition to the regular school work to be performed, he/she will carry on a program of contacts with the students, pursuant to the directions of the administration. Immigration Law Compliance Trinity Christian Academy is committed to employing only United States citizens and aliens who are authorized to work in the United States. In compliance with the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 186, each new employee, as a condition of employment, must complete the Employment Eligibility Verification Form I-9 and present documentation establishing identity and employment eligibility. Former employees who are rehired must also complete the form if they have not completed an I-9 with Trinity Christian Academy with the past three years, or if their previous I-9 is no longer retained or valid. Employees with questions and seeking more information on immigration law issues are encouraged to contact the office. Employees may raise questions or complaints about immigration law compliance without fear of reprisal. In Service Days 1. Teachers are to attend in-service activities. 2. Teachers will attend all faculty devotions and meetings or other meetings as directed, and perform other duties which may be assigned by the administration, without additional compensation. 3. While extra activities are few, there are times during the school year when Faculty members are required to be at the school for evening events. These activities will be announced in advance. Insurance Benefits Trinity Christian Academy offers all employees health insurance opportunities at a partial paid rate. Specifics can be obtained from the business office. Jury Duty Policy Three days of Jury duty with pay and after that, days will be counted towards sick days; if that is the employee’s desire Leaving Campus 1. Teachers are not to leave campus during a school day without receiving prior permission from the principal or his designee 2. Only administration has the right to allow a student to leave campus 3. Teachers and staff are required to clock-in and clock-out every day in the computer Maintenance Requests Each teacher is responsible to report any classroom repairs needed, damages incurred, projector equipment defects, etc. Fill out a Work Order form and submit to the school office. Morning Care 1. Students who arrive before 7:45 a.m. go to morning care. 2. Students should not go to the classroom early. When it is time to go, they quietly line up in the Cafeteria and wait to be escorted to their classroom. 3. Seat all of your students first; then have them put their things away (such as coats and back packs) by rows or tables. Lunch money or notes should be collected in an orderly fashion. New Students 1. Be alert to the needs of new students and take note if they are not adjusting well. 2. If a student appears to be unhappy or lonely, help him make friends and get adjusted. Give him some special attention (Compliment, converse, etc.) 20
  • 21. 3. There is sometimes a tendency on the part of our returning students to stay with their special friends and to be indifferent to new ones. This is an opportunity for you to do some character training in the traits of consideration and friendliness. Open House 1. Teachers and staff are expected to dress in a totally professionally manner. 2. Introduce yourself to the parents individually as they enter the classroom. 3. During Open House the teacher is expected to be prepared to discuss general classroom procedures, expectations, projects and etc. it is also an opportunity for the parents to “walk through” a regular school day. 4. This is not time for individual conferences; however, it is a time when appointments for individual conferences can be made. Orientation Orientation will be held twice; first on the Friday evening and on the Saturday morning, immediately prior to the first day of school in the sanctuary with Open House immediately following. All teachers and staff are required to attend both. During Orientation, parents are acquainted with the goals and expectations of Trinity Christian Academy for the school year, and faculty and staff are introduced to the parents. What to Do Before Orientation 1. Check your classroom for the following: a Bible, Christian flag, an American flag, chalk, dry markers, chalkboard erasers, and a wastebasket. Submit a list of any items need to the school office. Teachers, dust all of your classroom furniture. Be sure your shelves are neatly arranged. 2. Put up attractive bulletin boards that reflect the student’s level of interest and the curriculum. 3. New teachers should have their peer teacher check their Orientation notes before Orientation Day. 4. Be completely prepared the day before Orientation. 5. Be in the sanctuary 15 minutes before the meeting begins. What to Place on Student Desks 1. A student packet (includes student agenda) 2. Lunch menu 3. Welcome packet Parent/Teacher Conferences Parent conferences are one of the most important activities of the teacher. Conduct a worthwhile conference and you are on your way to parental support. Administration must be informed of any parent/teacher conferences, so that they may be present during the conference, if desired. Please contact the administration for conference setup. Before the Conference 1. It is expected that before a parent conference takes place that the teacher has also made contact by the voice mail system and/or in person. 2. Know the child’s background, how many children in family, etc. discuss problem with administration before conference. 3. Make the conference flexible, and emphasize the strong areas and ask the parent for help on the weak areas. 4. Plan to meet in a room where you will not be interrupted. The child should not be present. 5. Feel that the success or failure of the conference depends on you. Tackle some easier challenges first. 6. Be enthusiastic about the contact. During the Conference 1. Approach conference prayerfully. 2. Open conference in prayer 21
  • 22. 3. Show appreciation: start with a compliment - the worst child has some good features. 4. Avoid educational “double-talk”, and don’t talk up or down to the parent. We are the host or hostess - we should use courtesy. Use tact, but be truthful and honest. 5. Be prepared and have all the data you need, and have a folder of samples of the student’s work with you. 6. Encourage exploration of solution of the problem. 7. Plan for another meeting if necessary, and express your appreciation for the time and interest spent. 8. Don’t waste time on idle chatter, but don’t rush through the conference either. Relax, and let the parent feel that he or she is wanted. Get the parent to take the initiative, encourage them to give information about the child. 9. Close the conference on a constructive and pleasant note. 10. Be willing to talk about the child in terms of ability, and talk about differences in children 11. Never criticize other teachers for the work a child has done in another grade, or give your opinion about how you would do things differently. Gracefully explain that is not professional to give your opinion about another teacher’s class. 12. Establish a joint responsibility for the youngster. Parent’s job and teacher’s job – togetherness. 13. Be open-minded, and willing to change your opinion with all the information. Never be too firm with a decision until you have all the information. 14. Pray with the parents. 15. All Parent/Teacher Conference forms must be completed within 24 hours of the meeting, and a copy placed in the student’s file, and given to Administration. Parent/Teacher Relationships Parents are very important, and it is a privilege rather than a right for people to send their children to Trinity Christian Academy. Once we have agreed to accept a student and the parent has agreed to pay the school for training him or her, there must be a free flow of communication between parent and teacher. 1. It is important that you always remain friendly and professional when speaking with parents. A teacher who shows favoritism to parents and students because of gifts, flowers, etc. is not ethical and creates a hardship on the student involved. The student will naturally expect preferential treatment the following year. 2. Teachers are to feel the calling of God to train children. They must be able to develop communication not only with the pupils but also with the pupils’ parents. It is essential that teachers be firm, fair and friendly. They will in difficult situations, rely heavily upon the advice and counsel of the Administrators. 3. Elementary teachers are required to update their personal voice mail boxes on a daily basis, middle school / high school teachers on a weekly basis. 4. It is extremely important that all teachers check their voicemail boxes in the morning, before leaving in the afternoon, and throughout the day if necessary. 5. Teachers are responsible to cooperate fully with parents and to respond to any phone calls or written messages the same day even if it means staying after school hours or calling from home. 6. If for some reason contact cannot be made during the school day of the initial telephone call, it is the responsibility of the teacher (not the parent) to continue making an effort to return the call. 7. If a parent/guardian cannot be reached, the teacher must write a note to be mailed to the parent and drop it off at the school office, or e-mail the parent if possible. 8. Avoid discussion of students or school policies when invited into a home for a social visit. It is assumed that you will be loyal and uphold school policies. 9. Teachers are not to discuss administrative discipline referrals or actions with parents, other teachers or staff. 10. It is also expected that teachers will not speak negatively or voice their opposing opinions concerning administrative issues. 11. If a parent/guardian raises questions concerning administrative decisions, it is expected that the teacher will be supportive of the administration, and if further reference is needed the teacher will refer the parent/guardian to the administration for clarification. 12. It is critical to remember that, as educators, we support parents but never replace them. 22
  • 23. 13. We should not counsel students on personal or family problems without the specific consent of the parents and the approval of administration. 14. No faculty or staff member will take a student into their home for any reason without the approval of the Administration. Payroll 1. Bi-weekly, end of the day on Friday 2. Salaries are confidential 3. Direct all questions concerning pay to principal Paid Leave Time 1. 40 hours of paid sick/emergency time per year. Up to 24 hours of sick/emergency time may be “banked” per year. These “banked” hours will be credited to the retirement account (assuming the associate is a member) upon the associate’s departure, given they have been employed for ten contract years, starting with the 2006 – 2007 school year. Up to 240 hours may be credited, at the associates pay rate upon departure. 2. Bereavement time will be granted for the death of immediate family members. Immediate family members include mother, father, sister, brother, grandmother, grandfather, children and grandchildren of member or spouse. Associates may receive up to 16 hours of paid bereavement time. 3. Trinity Christian Academy will pay up to 4 weeks after the birth of a child, minus the cost of the substitute. Personal Appearance 1. Personal appearance is important. 2. Be neat, clean and professional in appearance. 3. It is preferred that women wear dresses, skirts or slacks with appropriate blouses. Men should wear Trinity Christian Academy polo shirts, or dress shirts and ties, or a nice sport shirt with nice dress slacks. Ladies are not allowed to wear stretch pants or shorts, short shirts or skirts, or tights. Teachers are not to wear jeans, shorts, sneakers or T-shirts or sweatshirts unless authorized by the administration. 4. Ladies are asked to be models in their cosmetics and jewelry. Men are not allowed to wear earrings. Facial hair on men must be neat, trimmed and not excessive. 5. On Christian T-shirt day Fridays, teachers may wear a Christian t-shirt and slacks. Jeans, shorts, sneakers, t-shirts or sweatshirts cannot be worn unless authorized by the administration. Personnel Files Trinity Christian Academy maintains a personnel file on each employee. The personnel file includes such information as the employee’s job application, resume, and other employment records. Employees have a duty to keep their personnel records up to date and should notify the registrar, in writing of any changes, including the following: name, address, telephone number, marital status, number of dependents, and persons to be notified in case of emergency. Personnel files are the property of Trinity Christian Academy, and access to the information they contain is restricted. Only supervisors and ministry leadership personnel of Trinity Christian Academy who has a legitimate, employment-related reason to review information in a personnel file are allowed to do so. Current employees may inspect their own personnel records and may copy, but not remove, documents in the file. Employees who wish to review their own file should contact the headmaster. Within a reasonable time after their request, employees will be allowed to review their personnel files in Trinity Christian Academy’s offices in the presence of an individual appointed by Trinity Christian Academy to maintain the files. 23
  • 24. Current employees who believe that any personnel file material is incomplete, inaccurate, or irrelevant may submit a written request for file revisions to the headmaster. If the request is not granted, the employee may place a written statement of disagreement in the file and make a complaint using the regular grievance procedure. Phone Calls/Messages 1. Personal messages will be taken for all calls received unless an emergency. Teachers are responsible to check with the receptionist for personal messages. 2. Check mail boxes daily. Plagiarism Plagiarism is defined by the American College Dictionary as “Copying or imitating the language, ideas, and thoughts of another author and passing off the same as one’s original work.” To be more specific, it involves the copying of someone else’s writing without giving proper credit to the original author. Merely changing words is not enough. In addition to a complete rewording, it is also necessary to rework the order of ideas and thoughts. The personal ideas and thoughts of other authors must be reworked until your work becomes “personal.” In other words, your organization of information should be original. To steal someone’s organization (or order of ideas and thoughts without giving them credit is also plagiarism. In a research paper, you are not expected to come up with and discuss original ideas. Your task is to collect and organize information. The proper way to give credit for information obtained from someone else’s writing is with a footnote/citation. A good research paper abounds with footnote/citations from any sources. If you quote the author, you would also enclose the information in quotation marks. Playground Responsibilities Teachers or other staff will be required to fulfill playground duty as part of their supervisory responsibility and should avoid conversation or play that would keep them from watching students. Teachers are to enforce playground rules, ensure safe behavior on the playground and discipline misbehaving students. Children must be supervised at all times. The Pre-school playground is for ages 2 – 5 and is located behind the sanctuary, the elementary playground for ages 5 – 12 is located between the buildings, adjacent to the parking lot. Preparations for Substitute Teachers Good planning is essential to good teaching. It is required, therefore, that the classroom teacher keep a written record of his/her planning – both long and short range. Pupils become adjusted to the classroom routine of the regular classroom teacher. It should be made easy for substitute to carry on the same general procedure by heaving the following materials available; i.e., seating chart, instructional plans, attendance book containing attendance sheets, and a note concerning special problems. Each teacher should keep a substitute folder in their classroom and a copy with the Assistant Principal. The folder should include: 1. Daily plan for substitute 2. Weekly schedule for substitute 3. Lavatory directions 4. Entrance, recess, and dismissal responsibilities and procedures 5. Special classes’ information and schedule 6. Room habits and regulations 7. Seating chart 8. Note concerning special problems Purchasing 24
  • 25. 1. Any necessary item for instructional purposes is to be cleared through the principal before purchasing. 2. Purchase orders must be used. 3. Materials purchased without authorization from the principal, and without a school purchase order, will not be paid for by the school. Recess 1. Each class has a scheduled recess time. 2. You should have several organized games planned for student participation (such as relay races, kick-ball, dodge-ball, etc.) You should also introduce several new games each month. 3. In the case of rain, conduct quiet group games in the classroom. 4. Before taking students outside, be sure that the weather conditions are conducive to playing outdoors. 5. Make sure the students are properly supervised. 6. Teachers should be mindful that the play area is to be observed Responsibilities and Duties 1. The teacher agrees to adhere to 1 Corinthians 3:16-17, 6:19-20, along with Romans 14:13. We interpret this to mean abstinence in the use of profane and/or inappropriate language. 2. The teacher will avoid highly debatable topics as much as possible, especially as they relate to denominational issues. 3. Grade books are never to be out of a teacher's possession. 4. Classrooms are to be locked at all times when a teacher is not in the room. 5. The associate will maintain a classroom atmosphere that is conducive to learning. This includes maintaining a professional appearance. Standardized Testing Trinity Christian Academy does national standardized testing on grades K4 – 11th grades. This testing is usually given in April. Please refer to your calendar for specific dates. Student Dismissal Elementary School 1. Teachers should begin clean-up and readiness for dismissal five minutes before the end of the class time. Children should be seated, and prepared to leave by the time the dismissal bell rings. 2. Teachers should stand at the door to greet parents and to call children for dismissal whose parents/guardians have arrived. Any student remaining in the classroom after 3:00 p.m. will be taken to extended care. Do not let parent/guardians know that you will keep their children in the classroom until 3:00 p.m.; this will give them reason to wait until the exact minute to get their children. 3. All rooms must be in order and cleaned of debris prior to departure. 4. ID should be checked on any person unfamiliar to the teacher. Only persons listed on the pickup authorization forms are allowed to pick up children. If in question send the person requesting pick up to the office. Do not release the student until you receive notification from the office. 5. There should no noisy hustle and bustle or whispering at dismissal time. Students should quietly collect their homework books and get ready for pick-up. 6. Teachers are asked to remain with their students until they are signed into aftercare. Middle and High School 1. At no time are students to be dismissed from their classes before the dismissal bell rings. 2. Teachers are never to leave the room before all students have exited, and the room should be locked when the teacher leaves. 3. The detention room must also remain locked until the detention teacher has arrived to supervise detention. 4. All classrooms must be in order and cleaned of debris prior to departure. Student Files 25
  • 26. 1. All students enrolled must have health forms in the office. 2. Current student files are filed alphabetically in the office by grade. 3. Health forms are filed separately in the student’s medical file. 4. Discipline files are kept in the administrative offices. 5. Student files are to remain the fire-proof cabinets in the school office. Student Illness 1. If you have determined that a student is ill, call the office. Students must be escorted to the office. Students should not be sent through the parking area alone. 2. If a student appears to be sick to his stomach, rush him to the restroom or at least to a wastebasket. Then take the child to the office as soon as he is able to go. You will not need to stay with the student since someone from the office will take care of him. If the student vomits or soils his pants in his classroom, call for assistance immediately. 3. If a student faints or has any kind of blackout, help the child first, then call or send for assistance. The student will then be taken to the office and cared for there. Be very calm. Do not let the other students out of their chairs. Keep them seated and tell them to put their heads down during the “emergency”. After it is over, assure the rest of the students that the child is alright. 4. Be sure to call the office is student has a fever or is pale. Teacher Aides 1. The teacher’s aide is there is to assist the teacher in any way possible within the guidelines set down by the teacher and administration. 2. At no time will a teacher’s aide discuss with anyone negative factors concerning any school programs, other teachers, teacher’s aides, members of the staff, administration, students or the school itself, but will remain objective and give all such reports to administration. 3. At no time is a teacher’s aide to discuss a child’s progress, lack of progress or discipline with a parent or anyone else. This is the responsibility of the teacher. Teacher Characteristics Trinity Christian Academy cannot maintain a strong educational program for long without a stable core of teachers who are academically, professionally, and spiritually competent. The life of the teacher has a tremendous impact on the lives of the students. Teachers are, as Dr. James Braley has penned, “the living curriculum in our schools. After a pupil has been fully trained, he will be like his teacher.” – Luke 6:40. The school staff determines the academic and spiritual quality of the school. A teacher’s total lifestyle (value, attitudes, priorities and practice) should demonstrate a love for his Lord as evidenced by his commitment to live in obedience to His word. The following expresses Trinity Christian Academy’s requirements and expectations of all faculty and staff. 1. A “Born Again” Christian who has allowed Jesus Christ to be Lord of his or her life, and who is consistently maturing in that relationship with Jesus Christ. 2. A personal lifestyle which is an example of Christ’s likeness in language, recreation and entertainment on an unquestionable level. The teacher must also maintain total abstinence from the use of alcohol, tobacco, and drugs. 3. The teacher is expected to demonstrate the Christian faith daily through professional ethics, appearance, demeanor, and personal relationships that develop acceptance, respect, trust, and love for students and colleagues. 4. A personal prayer life should be maintained for colleagues, students, and their families. Each teacher is expected to be creative and prayerful in preparation as well as enthusiastic in classroom presentation, that active and involved young minds might be inspired with little or no discipline problems. 5. Relationships with parents must be honest, straight-forward and frequent, thus providing a sound basis for total cooperation. 6. The school is cooperative effort of the home and the church as characterized by Proverbs 22:6. “Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” This coordination is only possible through consistent Christian activities which provide a wholesome environment for Christian living and learning. 26