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Eight Ways of Teaching
How to Teach Practically Anything Using Multiple
Thomas Armstrong, Ph.D. (
Rise and Shine Expo 2013
Suntec Convention Hall 401
The Republic of Singapore
September 28, 2013
Workshop Modules
1. Experiential Intro to the Eight Kinds of Smart
2. Identifying Our Own Multiple Intelligences
3. Tips for Introducing MI to Students
4. Tips for Identifying MI in Students
5. Learning Something New in Eight Ways
6. MI Lesson Plan Mind Map
7. Demonstrations of Teaching Eight Ways
Examples of Word Smart Kids
• Book Worm
• Storyteller
• Super Speller
• Gifted Writer
• Trivia Expert
• Little Linguist
• Good Test Taker (Words)
Examples of Logic Smart Kids
• Little Scientist
• Mental Calculator
• Computer Programmer
• Pattern Seeker
• Statistics Maniac
• Categorizer
• Good Test Taker (Numbers)
Examples of Picture Smart Kids
• Visual Thinker
• Creative Artist
• Video Game Maniac
• Expert Doodler
• Perceptive See-er
• 3-D Lego Expert
• Machine Smart Tinkerer
Examples of Body Smart Kids
• Athlete
• Hands-On Learner
• Actor
• Spirited Mover
• Hobbyist
• Gut Thinker
• Sculptor
Examples of Music Smart Kids
• Instrumentalist
• Hummer/Singer
• Musical Memory Expert
• Sound Effects Engineer
• Musical Responder
• Rhythm King (or Queen)
• Composer
Examples of People Smart Kids
• Mediator
• Persuader
• Natural Leader
• Gossip Columnist
• Street Smart Kid
• Cooperative Learner
• Volunteer
Examples of Self Smart Kids
• Entrepreneur
• Goal-Setter
• Independent Learner
• Reflector
• Different Drummer
• Psychologist
• Confident Child
Examples of Nature Smart Kids
• Animal Lover
• Green Thumb Gardener
• Outdoor Enthusiast
• Environmentalist
• Nature Guide
• Natural Scientist
• Nature Collector
The Eight Intelligences
• Word Smart
• Logic Smart
• Picture Smart
• Body Smart
• Music Smart
• People Smart
• Self Smart
• Nature Smart
MI Inventory for Adults
Check those statements that apply:
Word Smart
__ Books are important to me.
__ I can hear words in my head before I read, speak, or write them down.
__I get more out of listening to talk radio or spoken-word audio clips than I do from television or films.
__ I enjoy entertaining myself or others with tongue twisters, nonsense rhymes, or puns.
__ Other people sometimes have to stop and ask me to explain the meaning of the words I use in my
writing and speaking.
__ English, social studies, and history were easier for me in school than math and science.
__ When I drive down a freeway, I pay more attention to the words written on billboards than to the scenery.
__ My conversation includes frequent references to things that I’ve read or heard.
__ I’ve written something recently that I was particularly proud of or that earned me recognition from others.
Logic Smart
__ I can easily compute numbers in my head.
__ Math and/or science were among my favorite subjects in school.
__ I enjoy playing games or solving brainteasers that require logical thinking.
__ I like to set up little “what if” experiments (for example, “What if I double the amount of water I give to my
rosebush each week?”).
__ My mind searches for patterns, regularities, or logical sequences in things.
__ I’m interested in new developments in science.
__ I believe that almost everything has a rational explanation.
__ I sometimes think in clear, abstract, wordless, imageless concepts.
__ I like finding flaws in things that people say or do at home and work.
__ I feel more comfortable when something has been measured, categorized, analyzed, or quantified in some way.
MI Inventory (cont’d)
Picture Smart
__ I often see clear visual images when I close my eyes.
__ I’m sensitive to color.
__ I frequently use a camera , iPhone, tablet, or camcorder to visually record what I see around me
__ I enjoy doing jigsaw puzzles, mazes, and other visual puzzles.
__ I have vivid dreams at night.
__ I enjoyed art a lot in school.
__ I like to draw or doodle.
__ Geometry was easier for me than algebra in school.
__ I can comfortably imagine how something might appear if it were looked down upon from directly above in a bird’s eye
__I prefer looking at reading materials that have lots of pictures in them
Body Smart
__ I engage in at least one sport or physical activity on a regular basis.
__ I find it difficult to sit still for long periods of time.
__ I like working with my hands at concrete activities such as sewing, weaving, carving, or model building.
__ My best ideas often come to me when I’m out for a long walk or a jog, or when I’m engage in some other kind of
physical activity.
__ I sometimes get “gut feelings” about things (e.g. I actually feel it in my body).
__ I frequently use hand gestures or other forms of body language when conversing with someone.
__ I need to touch things in order to learn more about them.
__ I enjoy daredevil amusement rides or similar thrilling physical experiences.
__ I would describe myself as well coordinated.
__ I need to practice a new skill rather than simply read about it, or see a video that describes it.
MI Inventory (cont’d)
Music Smart
__ I have a pleasant singing voice.
__ I can tell when a musical note is off-key.
__ I frequently listen to music on radio, CDs, smart phones, or tablets
__ I play a musical instrument.
__ My life would be poorer if there were no music in it.
__ I sometimes catch myself walking down the street with a jingle or other tune running through my mind.
__ I can easily keep time to a piece of music with a simple percussion instrument.
__ I know the tunes to many different songs or musical pieces.
__ If I hear a musical selection once or twice, I am usually able to sing it back fairly accurately.
__ I often make tapping sounds or sing little melodies while working, studying, or learning something new.
People Smart
__ I’m the sort of person that people come to for advice and counsel at work or in my neighborhood.
__ I prefer group sports like soccer, volleyball, or softball to solo sports such as swimming, jogging, and weight training.
__ When I have a problem, I’m more likely to seek out another person for help than attempt to work it out on my own.
__ I have at least three close friends.
__ I favor social pastimes such as Monopoly or bridge over individual recreations such as video games and solitaire.
__ I enjoy the challenge of teaching another person, or groups of people, what I know how to do.
__ I consider myself a leader (or others have called me that).
__ I feel comfortable in the midst of a crowd.
__ I like to get involved in social activities connected with my work, church, or community.
__ I would rather spend my evenings at a party than stay at home alone.
MI Inventory (cont’d)
Self Smart
__ I regularly spend time alone meditating, reflecting, or thinking about important life questions.
__ I have attended counseling sessions or personal growth seminars to learn more about myself.
__ I am able to respond to setbacks with resilience.
__ I have a special hobby or interest that I keep pretty much to myself.
__ I have some important goals for my life that I think about on a regular basis.
__ I have a realistic view of my strengths and weaknesses (borne out by feedback from other sources).
__ I would prefer to spend a weekend along in a cabin in the woods (or some other solitary place) than be at a resort with
lots of people around.
__ I consider myself to be strong willed or independent-minded.
__ I keep a personal diary or journal to record the events of my life.
__ I am self-employed or have at least thought seriously about starting my own business.
Nature Smart
__ I have pets that I love and/or enjoy animals when I’m around them.
__ I enjoy gardening and/or like to have plants around me at home or work.
__ I can find my way around unfamiliar natural terrain with some ease.
__ I like to visit nature museums, aquariums, zoos, or other places that display living things.
__ I prefer to spend my free time in some kind of natural setting (e.g. lakes, mountains, rivers, etc.).
__ I sometimes just enjoy looking at clouds, mountains, trees, or other natural formations.
__ I have an ability to identify different kinds of birds, plants, or other living things.
__ I have a pretty highly developed sense of ecological awareness and/or sense of responsibility for helping to take care
of Mother Earth.
__ I enjoy TV programs , videos and/or reading about nature topics (e.g. Nature on PBS or National Geographic).
__ I have been involved in organizations or clubs that focus on nature issues (e.g. Sierra Club, bird study group,
hiking group, animal rescue etc.).
MI Pizza
Human Intelligence Hunt
• Find Someone Who Can:
– whistle Mozart (M)
– do a dance step (BK)
– recite four lines of poetry (L)
– draw a picture of a horse (S)
– share a dream they’ve had (Intra)
– explain why the sky is blue (LM)
– say they’re feeling relaxed now (Inter)
– name 5 common birds in this area (N)
Introducing MI to Students
• MI Pizza
• Experiences
• Games
• People
• Trips
• Displays
• Books
Identifying MI in Students
• Observation
• Documents
• Records
• Colleagues
• Parents
• Children
MI Inventory for Children
Check those statements that apply:
Word Smart
__ Writes better than average for age.
__ Spins tall tales or tells jokes and stories.
__ Has a good memory for names, places, dates, or trivia.
__ Enjoys word games.
__ Enjoys reading books.
__ Spells words accurately
__ Appreciates nonsense rhymes, puns, tongue twisters, and other fun word antics.
__ Enjoys listening to the spoken word (stories, commentary on media, talking books etc.)
__ Has a good vocabulary for age.
__ Communicates to others in a highly verbal way.
Logic Smart
__ Asks a lot of questions about how things work.
__ Enjoys working or playing with numbers.
__ Enjoys math class.
__ Finds math and computer (logic) games interesting.
__ Enjoys playing chess, checkers, or other logical strategy games.
__ Enjoys working on logic puzzles or brainteasers.
__ Enjoys putting things in categories, hierarchies, or other logical patterns..
__ Enjoys science class.
__ Shows interest in science-related topics.
__ Does well on Piagetian-type assessments of logical thinking.
MI Inventory (cont’d)
Picture Smart
__ Reports clear visual images.
__ Reads maps, charts, and diagrams more easily than text.
__ Daydreams a lot.
__ Enjoys art activities.
__ Good at drawings.
__ Likes to view movies, slides, or other visual presentations.
__ Likes to draw or doodle.
__ Builds interesting three-dimensional constructions using legos or other building materials.
__ Gets more out of pictures than words while reading..
__Enjoys doing puzzles, mazes, or similar visual activities.
Body Smart
__ Excels in one or more sports..
__ Moves, twitches, taps, or fidgets while seated for a long time in one spot.
__ Cleverly mimics other people’s gestures or mannerisms.
__ Loves to take things apart and put them back together again.
__ Puts his/her hands all over something he’s/she’s just seen.
__ Enjoys running, jumping, wrestling, or similar activities (e.g. running to class, jumping over a chair etc.).
__ Shows skill in a craft (e.g. woodworking, sewing, mechanics), or good fine-motor coordination in other ways.
__ Has a dramatic way of expressing herself/himself.
__ Enjoys dare devil amusement rides.
__ Enjoys working with clay or other tactile experiences (e.g. finger painting).
MI Inventory (cont’d)
Music Smart
__ Has a pleasant singing voice.
__ Can tell when a musical note is off-key.
__ Frequently listens to music on radio, boom box, smart phone, tablet, or other source.
__ Plays a musical instrument.
__ Remembers melodies of songs.
__ Has a rhythmic way of speaking and/or moving.
__ Unconsciously hums to himself/herself.
__ Taps rhythmically on the table or desk as he/she works..
__ Is sensitive to environmental noises (e.g. rain on the roof)
__ Sings songs that he/she has learned outside of the classroom.
People Smart
__ Enjoys socializing with peers.
__ Seems to be a natural leader.
__ Gives sound advice to friends who have problems
__ Seems to be street-smart.
__ Belongs to clubs, committees, organizations,or informal peer groups (e.g. cliques, gangs, etc.).
__ Enjoys informally teaching other kids.
__ Likes to play games with other kids.
__ Has two or more close friends.
__ Has a good sense of empathy or concern for others.
__ Others seek out his/her company.
MI Inventory (cont’d)
Self Smart
__ Displays a sense of independence or a strong will..
__ Has a realistic sense of his/her abilities and weaknesses.
__ Does well when left alone to play or study.
__ Marches to the beat of a different drummer.
__ Has an interest or hobby that he/she doesn’t talk much about.
__ Has a good sense of self-direction.
__ Prefers working alone to working with others.
__ Accurately expresses how he/she is feeling.
__ Is able to learn from his/her mistakes and failures in life.
__ Has a good sense of self-esteem.
Nature Smart
__ Relates better to animals (e.g. pets),than to people..
__ Likes field trips to natural settings.
__ Notices details in natural formations (e.g. clouds, mountains, geology, etc.) that others might miss.
__ Likes to hang around the gerbil cage, aquarium, terrarium, or other natural objects in class.
__ Prefers to spend free time in natural setting.
__ Speaks out for the rights of animals, or the preservation of the environment.
__ Has an ability to identify different kinds of birds, plants, or other living things.
__ Has a pretty highly developed sense of ecological awareness and/or sense of responsibility for helping to take care
of Mother Earth.
__ Enjoys doing nature projects, such as bird watching, butterfly or insect collections, or raising animals..
__ Does well in topics at school related to living systems (e.g. biology, environment studies etc.).
Boyle's Law – 8 Ways
Boyle’s Law
Word Smart –
Logic Smart - equation
Picture Smart – visual
Music Smart – mnemonic chant
Body Smart – mouth experiment
Nature Smart – scuba diving
People Smart – cooperative simulation
Self Smart – personal reflection
(“think of a time in your life….”)
MI Lesson Plan Mind-Map
Word Smart - How can
I use the spoken or
written word?
Logic Smartl - How can I bring in
numbers, calculations, logic,
classifications, or critical
Picture Smart - How can I
use visual aids,
visualization, color, art, or
Music Smart - How can I bring in music or
environmental sounds, or set key points in
a rhythmic or melodic framework?
Body Smart - How can I involve
the whole body or the use of hands-
on experiences?Nature Smart - How can I
incorporate living things or
People Smart - How can I engage
students in peer sharing, cooperative
learning, or large group simulation?
Self Smart - How can I evoke
personal feelings or memories, or
give students choices?
Multiplication – 8 Ways
Times Tables
Word Smart -
Logic Smart -Pattern Seeking
Picture Smart -Modular
Music Smart - Clapping Rhythms
Body Smart -Math Calisthentics
Nature Smart -Multiples In Nature
People Smart - Cooperative Circle
Self Smart - Self-Discovery
Armstrong, Thomas. Multiple Intelligences in the Classroom, 3nd Ed.. Alexandria, VA: ASCD, 2009.
Armstrong, Thomas. 7 Kinds of Smart: Identifying and Developing Your Many Intelligences: Revised and
Updated with Information on 2 New Kinds of Smart. , New York: Plume, 1999.
Armstrong, Thomas. In Their Own Way: Discovering and Encouraging Your Child’s Multiple Intelligences.
New York: Tarcher/Putnam-Penguin, 2000.
Armstrong, Thomas. The Multiple Intelligences of Reading and Writing: Making the Words Come Alive.
Alexandria, VA: ASCD, 2003.
Armstrong, Thomas. You’re Smarter Than You Think: A Kids’ Guide to Multiple Intelligences. Minneapolis,
MN: Free Spirit, 2003.
Campbell, L. and B. Campbell. Multiple Intelligences and Student Achievement: Success Stories from Six
Schools. Alexandria, VA: ASCD, 2000.
Chen, Ji-Qi, S. Moran, and H. Gardner (eds). Multiple Intelligences Around the World. San Francisco, Jossey-
Bass, 2009.
Gardner, Howard. Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences. New York: Basic Books, 1983.
Gardner, Howard.. Intelligence Reframed: Multiple Intelligences for the 21st Century. New York: Basic, 1999
Multiple Intelligences Institute (online courses on MI) –
Shearer, Branton. Multiple Intelligences Developmental Assessment Scales. (MIDAS) .

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September 28, 2013 Singapore - Eight Ways of Teaching (Handouts)

  • 1. Eight Ways of Teaching How to Teach Practically Anything Using Multiple Intelligences Thomas Armstrong, Ph.D. ( Rise and Shine Expo 2013 Suntec Convention Hall 401 The Republic of Singapore September 28, 2013
  • 2. Workshop Modules 1. Experiential Intro to the Eight Kinds of Smart 2. Identifying Our Own Multiple Intelligences 3. Tips for Introducing MI to Students 4. Tips for Identifying MI in Students 5. Learning Something New in Eight Ways 6. MI Lesson Plan Mind Map 7. Demonstrations of Teaching Eight Ways
  • 3. Examples of Word Smart Kids • Book Worm • Storyteller • Super Speller • Gifted Writer • Trivia Expert • Little Linguist • Good Test Taker (Words)
  • 4. Examples of Logic Smart Kids • Little Scientist • Mental Calculator • Computer Programmer • Pattern Seeker • Statistics Maniac • Categorizer • Good Test Taker (Numbers)
  • 5. Examples of Picture Smart Kids • Visual Thinker • Creative Artist • Video Game Maniac • Expert Doodler • Perceptive See-er • 3-D Lego Expert • Machine Smart Tinkerer
  • 6. Examples of Body Smart Kids • Athlete • Hands-On Learner • Actor • Spirited Mover • Hobbyist • Gut Thinker • Sculptor
  • 7. Examples of Music Smart Kids • Instrumentalist • Hummer/Singer • Musical Memory Expert • Sound Effects Engineer • Musical Responder • Rhythm King (or Queen) • Composer
  • 8. Examples of People Smart Kids • Mediator • Persuader • Natural Leader • Gossip Columnist • Street Smart Kid • Cooperative Learner • Volunteer
  • 9. Examples of Self Smart Kids • Entrepreneur • Goal-Setter • Independent Learner • Reflector • Different Drummer • Psychologist • Confident Child
  • 10. Examples of Nature Smart Kids • Animal Lover • Green Thumb Gardener • Outdoor Enthusiast • Environmentalist • Nature Guide • Natural Scientist • Nature Collector
  • 11. The Eight Intelligences • Word Smart • Logic Smart • Picture Smart • Body Smart • Music Smart • People Smart • Self Smart • Nature Smart
  • 12. MI Inventory for Adults Check those statements that apply: Word Smart __ Books are important to me. __ I can hear words in my head before I read, speak, or write them down. __I get more out of listening to talk radio or spoken-word audio clips than I do from television or films. __ I enjoy entertaining myself or others with tongue twisters, nonsense rhymes, or puns. __ Other people sometimes have to stop and ask me to explain the meaning of the words I use in my writing and speaking. __ English, social studies, and history were easier for me in school than math and science. __ When I drive down a freeway, I pay more attention to the words written on billboards than to the scenery. __ My conversation includes frequent references to things that I’ve read or heard. __ I’ve written something recently that I was particularly proud of or that earned me recognition from others. Logic Smart __ I can easily compute numbers in my head. __ Math and/or science were among my favorite subjects in school. __ I enjoy playing games or solving brainteasers that require logical thinking. __ I like to set up little “what if” experiments (for example, “What if I double the amount of water I give to my rosebush each week?”). __ My mind searches for patterns, regularities, or logical sequences in things. __ I’m interested in new developments in science. __ I believe that almost everything has a rational explanation. __ I sometimes think in clear, abstract, wordless, imageless concepts. __ I like finding flaws in things that people say or do at home and work. __ I feel more comfortable when something has been measured, categorized, analyzed, or quantified in some way.
  • 13. MI Inventory (cont’d) Picture Smart __ I often see clear visual images when I close my eyes. __ I’m sensitive to color. __ I frequently use a camera , iPhone, tablet, or camcorder to visually record what I see around me __ I enjoy doing jigsaw puzzles, mazes, and other visual puzzles. __ I have vivid dreams at night. __ I enjoyed art a lot in school. __ I like to draw or doodle. __ Geometry was easier for me than algebra in school. __ I can comfortably imagine how something might appear if it were looked down upon from directly above in a bird’s eye view. __I prefer looking at reading materials that have lots of pictures in them Body Smart __ I engage in at least one sport or physical activity on a regular basis. __ I find it difficult to sit still for long periods of time. __ I like working with my hands at concrete activities such as sewing, weaving, carving, or model building. __ My best ideas often come to me when I’m out for a long walk or a jog, or when I’m engage in some other kind of physical activity. __ I sometimes get “gut feelings” about things (e.g. I actually feel it in my body). __ I frequently use hand gestures or other forms of body language when conversing with someone. __ I need to touch things in order to learn more about them. __ I enjoy daredevil amusement rides or similar thrilling physical experiences. __ I would describe myself as well coordinated. __ I need to practice a new skill rather than simply read about it, or see a video that describes it.
  • 14. MI Inventory (cont’d) Music Smart __ I have a pleasant singing voice. __ I can tell when a musical note is off-key. __ I frequently listen to music on radio, CDs, smart phones, or tablets __ I play a musical instrument. __ My life would be poorer if there were no music in it. __ I sometimes catch myself walking down the street with a jingle or other tune running through my mind. __ I can easily keep time to a piece of music with a simple percussion instrument. __ I know the tunes to many different songs or musical pieces. __ If I hear a musical selection once or twice, I am usually able to sing it back fairly accurately. __ I often make tapping sounds or sing little melodies while working, studying, or learning something new. People Smart __ I’m the sort of person that people come to for advice and counsel at work or in my neighborhood. __ I prefer group sports like soccer, volleyball, or softball to solo sports such as swimming, jogging, and weight training. __ When I have a problem, I’m more likely to seek out another person for help than attempt to work it out on my own. __ I have at least three close friends. __ I favor social pastimes such as Monopoly or bridge over individual recreations such as video games and solitaire. __ I enjoy the challenge of teaching another person, or groups of people, what I know how to do. __ I consider myself a leader (or others have called me that). __ I feel comfortable in the midst of a crowd. __ I like to get involved in social activities connected with my work, church, or community. __ I would rather spend my evenings at a party than stay at home alone.
  • 15. MI Inventory (cont’d) Self Smart __ I regularly spend time alone meditating, reflecting, or thinking about important life questions. __ I have attended counseling sessions or personal growth seminars to learn more about myself. __ I am able to respond to setbacks with resilience. __ I have a special hobby or interest that I keep pretty much to myself. __ I have some important goals for my life that I think about on a regular basis. __ I have a realistic view of my strengths and weaknesses (borne out by feedback from other sources). __ I would prefer to spend a weekend along in a cabin in the woods (or some other solitary place) than be at a resort with lots of people around. __ I consider myself to be strong willed or independent-minded. __ I keep a personal diary or journal to record the events of my life. __ I am self-employed or have at least thought seriously about starting my own business. Nature Smart __ I have pets that I love and/or enjoy animals when I’m around them. __ I enjoy gardening and/or like to have plants around me at home or work. __ I can find my way around unfamiliar natural terrain with some ease. __ I like to visit nature museums, aquariums, zoos, or other places that display living things. __ I prefer to spend my free time in some kind of natural setting (e.g. lakes, mountains, rivers, etc.). __ I sometimes just enjoy looking at clouds, mountains, trees, or other natural formations. __ I have an ability to identify different kinds of birds, plants, or other living things. __ I have a pretty highly developed sense of ecological awareness and/or sense of responsibility for helping to take care of Mother Earth. __ I enjoy TV programs , videos and/or reading about nature topics (e.g. Nature on PBS or National Geographic). __ I have been involved in organizations or clubs that focus on nature issues (e.g. Sierra Club, bird study group, hiking group, animal rescue etc.).
  • 17. Human Intelligence Hunt • Find Someone Who Can: – whistle Mozart (M) – do a dance step (BK) – recite four lines of poetry (L) – draw a picture of a horse (S) – share a dream they’ve had (Intra) – explain why the sky is blue (LM) – say they’re feeling relaxed now (Inter) – name 5 common birds in this area (N)
  • 18. Introducing MI to Students • MI Pizza • Experiences • Games • People • Trips • Displays • Books
  • 19. Identifying MI in Students • Observation • Documents • Records • Colleagues • Parents • Children
  • 20. MI Inventory for Children Check those statements that apply: Word Smart __ Writes better than average for age. __ Spins tall tales or tells jokes and stories. __ Has a good memory for names, places, dates, or trivia. __ Enjoys word games. __ Enjoys reading books. __ Spells words accurately __ Appreciates nonsense rhymes, puns, tongue twisters, and other fun word antics. __ Enjoys listening to the spoken word (stories, commentary on media, talking books etc.) __ Has a good vocabulary for age. __ Communicates to others in a highly verbal way. Logic Smart __ Asks a lot of questions about how things work. __ Enjoys working or playing with numbers. __ Enjoys math class. __ Finds math and computer (logic) games interesting. __ Enjoys playing chess, checkers, or other logical strategy games. __ Enjoys working on logic puzzles or brainteasers. __ Enjoys putting things in categories, hierarchies, or other logical patterns.. __ Enjoys science class. __ Shows interest in science-related topics. __ Does well on Piagetian-type assessments of logical thinking.
  • 21. MI Inventory (cont’d) Picture Smart __ Reports clear visual images. __ Reads maps, charts, and diagrams more easily than text. __ Daydreams a lot. __ Enjoys art activities. __ Good at drawings. __ Likes to view movies, slides, or other visual presentations. __ Likes to draw or doodle. __ Builds interesting three-dimensional constructions using legos or other building materials. __ Gets more out of pictures than words while reading.. __Enjoys doing puzzles, mazes, or similar visual activities. Body Smart __ Excels in one or more sports.. __ Moves, twitches, taps, or fidgets while seated for a long time in one spot. __ Cleverly mimics other people’s gestures or mannerisms. __ Loves to take things apart and put them back together again. __ Puts his/her hands all over something he’s/she’s just seen. __ Enjoys running, jumping, wrestling, or similar activities (e.g. running to class, jumping over a chair etc.). __ Shows skill in a craft (e.g. woodworking, sewing, mechanics), or good fine-motor coordination in other ways. __ Has a dramatic way of expressing herself/himself. __ Enjoys dare devil amusement rides. __ Enjoys working with clay or other tactile experiences (e.g. finger painting).
  • 22. MI Inventory (cont’d) Music Smart __ Has a pleasant singing voice. __ Can tell when a musical note is off-key. __ Frequently listens to music on radio, boom box, smart phone, tablet, or other source. __ Plays a musical instrument. __ Remembers melodies of songs. __ Has a rhythmic way of speaking and/or moving. __ Unconsciously hums to himself/herself. __ Taps rhythmically on the table or desk as he/she works.. __ Is sensitive to environmental noises (e.g. rain on the roof) __ Sings songs that he/she has learned outside of the classroom. People Smart __ Enjoys socializing with peers. __ Seems to be a natural leader. __ Gives sound advice to friends who have problems __ Seems to be street-smart. __ Belongs to clubs, committees, organizations,or informal peer groups (e.g. cliques, gangs, etc.). __ Enjoys informally teaching other kids. __ Likes to play games with other kids. __ Has two or more close friends. __ Has a good sense of empathy or concern for others. __ Others seek out his/her company.
  • 23. MI Inventory (cont’d) Self Smart __ Displays a sense of independence or a strong will.. __ Has a realistic sense of his/her abilities and weaknesses. __ Does well when left alone to play or study. __ Marches to the beat of a different drummer. __ Has an interest or hobby that he/she doesn’t talk much about. __ Has a good sense of self-direction. __ Prefers working alone to working with others. __ Accurately expresses how he/she is feeling. __ Is able to learn from his/her mistakes and failures in life. __ Has a good sense of self-esteem. Nature Smart __ Relates better to animals (e.g. pets),than to people.. __ Likes field trips to natural settings. __ Notices details in natural formations (e.g. clouds, mountains, geology, etc.) that others might miss. __ Likes to hang around the gerbil cage, aquarium, terrarium, or other natural objects in class. __ Prefers to spend free time in natural setting. __ Speaks out for the rights of animals, or the preservation of the environment. __ Has an ability to identify different kinds of birds, plants, or other living things. __ Has a pretty highly developed sense of ecological awareness and/or sense of responsibility for helping to take care of Mother Earth. __ Enjoys doing nature projects, such as bird watching, butterfly or insect collections, or raising animals.. __ Does well in topics at school related to living systems (e.g. biology, environment studies etc.).
  • 24. Boyle's Law – 8 Ways Boyle’s Law Word Smart – definition Logic Smart - equation Picture Smart – visual metaphor Music Smart – mnemonic chant Body Smart – mouth experiment Nature Smart – scuba diving example People Smart – cooperative simulation Self Smart – personal reflection (“think of a time in your life….”)
  • 25. MI Lesson Plan Mind-Map Objective Word Smart - How can I use the spoken or written word? Logic Smartl - How can I bring in numbers, calculations, logic, classifications, or critical thinking? Picture Smart - How can I use visual aids, visualization, color, art, or metaphor? Music Smart - How can I bring in music or environmental sounds, or set key points in a rhythmic or melodic framework? Body Smart - How can I involve the whole body or the use of hands- on experiences?Nature Smart - How can I incorporate living things or systems? People Smart - How can I engage students in peer sharing, cooperative learning, or large group simulation? Self Smart - How can I evoke personal feelings or memories, or give students choices?
  • 26. Multiplication – 8 Ways Times Tables Word Smart - Storytelling Logic Smart -Pattern Seeking Picture Smart -Modular Math Music Smart - Clapping Rhythms Body Smart -Math Calisthentics Nature Smart -Multiples In Nature People Smart - Cooperative Circle Self Smart - Self-Discovery
  • 27. Resources Armstrong, Thomas. Multiple Intelligences in the Classroom, 3nd Ed.. Alexandria, VA: ASCD, 2009. Armstrong, Thomas. 7 Kinds of Smart: Identifying and Developing Your Many Intelligences: Revised and Updated with Information on 2 New Kinds of Smart. , New York: Plume, 1999. Armstrong, Thomas. In Their Own Way: Discovering and Encouraging Your Child’s Multiple Intelligences. New York: Tarcher/Putnam-Penguin, 2000. Armstrong, Thomas. The Multiple Intelligences of Reading and Writing: Making the Words Come Alive. Alexandria, VA: ASCD, 2003. Armstrong, Thomas. You’re Smarter Than You Think: A Kids’ Guide to Multiple Intelligences. Minneapolis, MN: Free Spirit, 2003. Campbell, L. and B. Campbell. Multiple Intelligences and Student Achievement: Success Stories from Six Schools. Alexandria, VA: ASCD, 2000. Chen, Ji-Qi, S. Moran, and H. Gardner (eds). Multiple Intelligences Around the World. San Francisco, Jossey- Bass, 2009. Gardner, Howard. Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences. New York: Basic Books, 1983. Gardner, Howard.. Intelligence Reframed: Multiple Intelligences for the 21st Century. New York: Basic, 1999 Multiple Intelligences Institute (online courses on MI) – Shearer, Branton. Multiple Intelligences Developmental Assessment Scales. (MIDAS) .