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Dwarka, Delhi, India
DELHI 2050 Dwarka 6.1
Dwarka Water Design
Freelance Assistant Urban Designer
One Architecture
Surface runoff
Hydrology Ecology & Biology Comfort & Health
Groundwater recharge
Water level
Stream hydrology
Channel form
Human thermal comfort
Riparian vegetation
runoff runoff runoff
evapotranspiration evapotranspiration evapotranspiration
infiltration infiltration infiltration
Natural Peaky
High Very Low Moderate
Channelized Recovered
Natural Hot Comfortable, close to natural
Design partners Entrepreneurs
network diagram
Media Partners
Societies &
Builders &
Land owners
turnkey products
turnkey solutions
knowlegde output
feedback, projects
workshop and prom
feedback, projects
daily education and practice
financial support
knowledge exchange
knowledge exchange and collabration
One architecture (NL)
Studio Makkink & Bey (NL)
arch i platform (IN)
Shri Venkateshwar
International School (IN)
Dwarka International School (IN)
Unity Group (IN)
Outokumpu (IN)
stimulerings fonds (NL)
School of Planning and Architecture (IN)
GGSIP University, Dwarka (IN)
Jamia Millia Islamia (IN)
Green Technology Companies (NL & IN)
Khub Chand Tyagi (IN)
nearly thirty housing societies in
Dwarka (IN)
Dwarka Forum (IN)
Wageningen University (NL)
LOLA landscape (NL)
Indian National Trust for Art and
Cultural Heritage (INTACH) (IN)
Centre for Science and
Environment (CSE) (IN)
Indian Architect and Builder
Magazine (IN)
Radio Dwarka (online) (IN)
Ministry of Urban Development (MoUD) (IN)
Delhi Development Authority (DDA) (IN)
Delhi Jal Board(DJB) (IN)
green space
unbuilt space
intersection area
Annual rainfall: 600mm
80% rainfall in heavy rain period (June-September)
Amount of rainfall in heavy rain period per ha = 100m x 100m x 0.6m x 80% x 1000
= 4,800,000 liters/ha=1.2 MG/ha
Volume of water body = caption area x amount of rainfall in heavy rain period
Total volume of water body in sections:
A: 210 ha x 1.2 = 252 MG
B: 72 ha x 1.2 = 86 MG
C: 126 x 1.2 = 151 MG
D: 115x 1.2 = 138 MG
E: 153 x 1.2 = 183 MG
F: 105 x 1.2 = 126 MG
G: 30 x 1.2 = 36 MG
H: 165 x 1.2 = 198 MG
I: 97 x 1.2 = 97 MG
J: 124 x 1.2 = 149 MG
K: 148 x 1.2 = 177 MG
L: 650 x 1.2 = 780 MG
water body
drainage system
Volume of future water bodies
115 ha
115 ha x 1.2 MG/ha = 138 MG rainfall in heavy rain
public green space and unbuilt space green space: around 1/4 of the area
unbuilt space: around 1/4 of the area
If only green space is transformed to ponds, the
water body depth will reach around 1.2x4 =5 meters.
115 ha
115 ha x 1.2 MG/ha = 138 MG rainfall in heavy rain
public green space and unbuilt space green space: around 1/4 of the area
unbuilt space: around 1/4 of the area
If only green space is transformed to ponds, the
water body depth will reach around 1.2x4 =5 meters.
115 ha
115 ha x 1.2 MG/ha = 138 MG rainfall in heavy rain
public green space and unbuilt space green space: around 1/4 of the area
unbuilt space: around 1/4 of the area
If only green space is transformed to ponds, the
water body depth will reach around 1.2x4 =5 meters.
115 ha
115 ha x 1.2 MG/ha = 138 MG rainfall in heavy rain
public green space and unbuilt space green space: around 1/4 of the area
unbuilt space: around 1/4 of the area
If only green space is transformed to ponds, the
water body depth will reach around 1.2x4 =5 meters.
Leakage, losses and waste:
1. Install a water meter and check regularly to make sure they aren’t leaking (a leak of one drop each second wastes approximately 10,000 litres
of water each year).
2. maintenace of water transportation system/prevention of water leakage -13%
Face/hand washing & utensil washing
7. Choose the short cycle when using a dishwasher and make sure that the dishwasher is full. It saves 8-22 litres water then the regular cycle.
Clothes washing
9. urine and black water seperated toilet
12. waterless urinals: for 7000 uses without water consumption
14. careful choice for plants species: xeriscaping, native vegetation (-64% than 100% lawn)
collect rainwater to use on your lawn and garden.
Water Balance
Drinking 6 lpcd Cooking 5 lpcd
Gardening 5lpcd
Car washing 5 lpcd
65 lpcd
Leakage and losses in house 15% of domestic use 33 lpcd
Bathing 56 lpcd
Utensil washing 14 lpcd
Hand/face washing 15 lpcd
Clothes washing 9 lpcd
Toilet flush 72 lpcd
Floor washing 11 lpcd
Air conditioning 3lpcd
Community requirement
Fire protection 3 lpcd
302 lpcd
Reduce water consumption: technical & behaviourial approaches
domestic water consumption
potable use
cooling tower
Aquaponic garden
urine Hydroponic
sendiment tank
+ living machine
open garden
ground water
water pond/
vegetated swale
non-potable use
storm water managment
36% 16.2 lpcd
34 lpcd
45 lpcd
clean water
waste waterirrigating water
irrigating water
other sources with
high nutrient level
hand/face washing;
(cloth washing
utensil washing)
bathing/shower 29 lpcd hand/face washing 12 lpcd clothes washing 5 lpcd
Recycled greywater from domestic use 46 lpcd (85%)
roof runoff 26 lpcd plot ground runoff 7 lpcd
Stored rainwater in existing tankers 33 lpcd
Other sources 31 lpcd
Cooking 5 lpcdDrinking 8 lpcd
Gardening 3 lpcd
Bathing 35 lpcd
Utensil washing 14 lpcd
Hand/face washing 15 lpcd
Clothes washing 9 lpcd
Toilet flush 50 lpcd
Floor washing 6 lpcd Car washing 2 lpcd
Leakage and losses 5 lpcd
Public/Community requirement
47 lpcd
Fire protection 3 lpcd
195 lpcd
Other sources
( Yumuna River, Ganga River, Bhakra Storage )
Surface water 86% (remote sources)
Sub-surface water 14%
( Ranney Wells/Tube Wells)
private borewells, water tankers, bottled water
Delhi Jal Board 28%
217 lpcd
85 lpcd
( Yumuna River, Ganga River, Bhakra Storage )
Surface water 86% (remote sources)
Sub-surface water 14%
( Ranney Wells/Tube Wells)
Delhi Jal Board 28% 85 lpcd
Surface water + Ground water
Nature recharge from precipitation Artificial recharge
Water balance
working with all land-use and public space strategyWATERSUPPLYWATERCONSUMPTION
Dwarka 6.1 is part of the 6th step
of project DELHI 2050. In 6.1, at
the suggestion of the Delhi Devel-
opment Authority and the National
Capital Region, the team explores
the water issues in Dwarka. Ad-
dressing the water situation in
Dwarka is a crucial step before the
Delhi 2050 project can resume its
broader scope of the Dwarka test-
case, in step 7.
Dwarka is a sub-city of Delhi,
planned in the early ‘90s in order
to house the growing population of
the city. It is strategically located
close to the airport in South West
Delhi and is planned for a popula-
tion of more than a million (primari-
ly middle-class) inhabitants.
In spite of the rapid growth in the
rest of the Delhi metropolitan area,
development does not come off the
ground in Dwarka. This is caused
by the combination of specula-
tion with middle class housing,
and the severe water shortages.
Sizeable areas still stand vacant,
and apartment buildings are only
partly occupied. Water is key to a
future development of Dwarka. As
an essential building-block of any
future vision or scenario for Dwar-
ka, the water issue needs to be
addressed first.
After treatment, water is
transported to disposal area. It is
recharged to the groundwater or
stored in underground cisterns.
rainwater is filtrated through green
roof and transported to rainwater
Excess water from perforate
drainage pipes infiltrates to
Greywater and treated blackwater
from neighborhoods is
transported to reedbeds RAINWATER CISTERN
Retention pond
Water square
Septic tank
disposal field
setting of solids
hand washing
floor cleaning
flotation of oils and greases
constructed wetland
stormwater control
anaerobic breakdown of pollutants
non-potable water use
recharge to groundwater
discharge to disposal field
Increasing water-holding capacity, filtration and infiltration
water circulation in wet landscape
water circulation in arid landscape
Buiten de stad worden vervoer-
middelen passend bij de aantallen
gebruikers. Er kan bijna gesteld
worden dat er meer aandacht naar
de regio uit moet gaan. De grote
steden redden zich wel, maar in de
regio wordt massatransport
omgezet in (bottom-up gestuurde)
PEDESTRIAN WAYAndere keuzes of fysieke ingre-
pen kunnen makkelijk geïmple-
menteerd worden. Als in een
buurt de CO2 niveaus te hoog
worden, wordt het verkeer via
andere routes gestuurd. As de
school uitgaat of winkels open
zijn wordt de straat tijdelijk
Bij de keuze van een woonomge-
ving speelt de verkeersomgeving
minder een rol aangezien alles (met
name door elektrisch gedreven
autonome voertuigen) steeds stiller
en veiliger wordt. De leefkwaliteit
van steden en doorgaande wegen
neemt daarmee toe. Er is meer
ruimte voor groen en voorzienin-
Autonome voertuigen maken het
mogelijk om de tijd in de auto te
gebruiken voor andere activiteiten,
zoals werk, maar eventueel ook
fitness. Voorzieningen kunnen dan
ook mobiel worden. De rechtbank
of het gezondheidscentrum komt
dan door de buurt in plaats van een
nieuwe vestiging te hebben.
Er is (net als nu in Helsinki gebeurd) een rol voor de overheid in
het aansturen op een koppeling van de verschillende mobilitei-
tssystemen. Daarin zullen ook keuzes moeten worden gemaakt
op basis van leefkwaliteit in steden (CO2 niveaus, geluidsover-
last, doorgaande routes), maar ook op de wensen van het
achterland (welke modaliteiten houden we nog in stand?).
Auto’s zijn vaker onderweg, worden
gedeeld, of parkeren zichzelf op
afstand. Parkeerstroken verdwijnen
en de stoepen worden breder zodat
daar kiss & ride plekken en pick up
point georganiseerd kunnen
Op ieder moment stoppen bete-
kent een ander gebruik van de
bestaande infrastructuur. Feitelijk
ontstaat er een terugkeer van de
ventweg: verschillende snelheden
op één route.
Doordat de capaciteit en efficiëntie
wordt verhoogt neemt het totale
aantal verkeer af. Mobiliteit neemt
minder ruimte in beslag waardoor
er meer ruimte is voor groen,
voorzieningen en verdichting.
Er is nog veel te optimaliseren aan de
bezorging van goederen in de steden.
Grootschalige distributiecentra en
distriparks maken plaats voor peer-
to-peer distributiesystemen.
Er komen veel meer knooppunten
tussen de verschillende modalitei-
ten. Overstappen moet naadloos
kunnen, het wachten wordt tot een
minimum teruggebracht.
75%van de
ambtenaren in
Utrecht carpoolen
van de vracht-
wagens rijdt
In 2024,
is het openbaar vervoer in
Amsterdam 20% sneller
en kan meer passagiers
meenemen dankzij
digitale innovatie.
Even iemand oppikken of snel een boodschap
doen is overal mogelijk en legaal.
Bundeling alleen wanneer de vervoersstromen groot zijn
Het verschil tussen de stad en
het platteland wordt groter.
'Sociale netwerken' worden geïnstitutionaliseerde netwerken
waarin de mobiliteitsvraag en -aanbod gekoppeld wordt.
95%van de dag staan auto’s geparkeerd.
Voertuigen en we
8.00h 11.00h
14.00h 17.00h
from silos to meshing
smart mobility
smart government
modularize urban services
mobiel internet
real-time data
vliegende auto’s
internet of things
big data / datafication
sensoren / kwantificeren
In het proces van Gebundeld wordt Gedistribueerd is het vooral belangrijk om te be-
grijpen dat via sensoren en het internet of things alles constant met elkaar in verbinding
staat en gemonitord kan worden. Er is toegang tot het Internet of Things en big data om
analyses en voorspellende algoritmen te ontwikkelen die de efficiëntie kan versnellen,
de productiviteit verhogen en de marginale kosten van de productie en distributie van
fysieke dingen, waaronder energie, producten en diensten, tot bijna nul verlagen, net
zoals we nu doen met informatie producten.
Dit proces heeft vooral een effect in het domein van mobiliteit waar het mogelijk wordt
om de capaciteit veel beter te benutten, zowel van de voertuigen zelf als van de la-
dingen ervan. Kleinere netwerken en sensoren worden gekoppeld aan grotere en
creëren één decentraal systeem. Autonome voertuigen maken het systeem vervolgens
stiller en veiliger.
The Netherlands
Smart city: what if...?
Freelance Assistant Urban Designer
One Architecture
Digital technology has a huge im-
pact on mobility, both in the modes
of transportation as well as in the
(use of) physical infrastructure.
Technology makes transportation
more efficient, freeing up space for
other uses. It aims to understand-
how to design and transform cities
such that future developments in
mobility can be phased in. While
designing for mobility, working with
prototypes and beta versions gives
the possibility to adjust a process in
traffic system transit
city management
water management
Examining the significance and policies of Smart Cities using different ‘what if scenarios’
physical infrastructure
4 5
Dommelbeemd, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
The regeneration of a postwar neighbourhood to a sustainable
urban cell
---- Dommelbeemd district in Eindhoven as case study
Urban Design and Planning
Master Graduation Project
Supervisors: dr. ir. Doevendans, C.H.
ir. Rutgers, R.A.
d.p.l.g. Rousseau, S.S.S.
6 7
cut ribbon
ring structure
ribbon structure
The issue of achieving neighborhood sustainability is linked to the neighborhood regeneration. The transformation aims to enable
the neighborhoods or districts to be more livable, sustainable and adaptable in the future. Four typical postwar neighborhoods in
Eindhoven are selected as one district named Dommelbeemd as a case study. This research will study the district’s limitations as
well as the potentials on the physical, environment, social, design and economic aspects. To achieve that, the main focus will be on
possible interventions from a sustainable point of view. Based on the thorough literature study and site analysis, a pack of strate-
gies and designs are developed for the district’s sustainable future.
The general goal for Dommelbeemd is achieving sustainability. This goal is achieved through several methods: 1. Local mobility is
largely based on public transportation and cycling. 2. Dommelbeemd becomes carbon neutral. 3. District input and output are mini-
mized. 4. Local economy is largely self-sufficient. 5. The residents enjoy a healthy and happy community life. For each method, a
pack of approaches are proposed which can always answer the questions: “What” “Why” “How” “When” and “Who”.
radial structure
+ countryside
New green system
*local based eco-cycles
*more environmental awareness from
(food, water, energy, goods, clean air) consumption
reduce, reuse, recycle
(non-local produced food, water,
goods, air)
(local produced food, clean water,
energy, left waste, clean air)
(food, water, energy, waste)
(waste, wastewater, heat, CO2
Scenario: Eckart shopping centre
8 9
7.53.5 22
9.5 9.5
7.53.5 22
7.53.5 22
Before After
road structure parking lots bus line transformation of parking space transformation of road green
transformation of lake green
10 1110 11
greenhouse field in Vaartbroek park
greenhouse field
close to Eckart com-
munity centre
greenhouse field
between the district
and countryside
transformation of backyard spaceGreen structure of Dommelbeemd
12 13
Scenario A: Eckart shopping centre
transformation of supermarket squaretransformation of neighborhood road
transformation of collective parking lots
22 23
Oss, North Brabant, The Netherlands
Urban planning and Design
Master Project (second stage)
Supervisors: Dehaene
ir.Reinder Rutgers
Individual work
Date April. 2011 ~Jun. 2011
24 25
The city of Oss locates in the northern part of North Brabant province and, as a provincial
city, it situated between two relatively larger cities Den Bosch and Nijmegen.
In the near future, the large company Organon and the city hospital will leave. The city
faces a role transformation. After being labeled as agriculture city, industry city and liva-
ble city, what is the new image for Oss in the new era? What potentials and city problems
does Oss have? What is the future of the city? Oss is facing a moment to rethink the role
and being well prepared for future.
The center of Oss represents its origin, core and identity. The city was formed and devel-
oped largely on the base of the center. It means significance to the city both in the past
and nowadays. After the city expands and the centrality moves, it is time to ask: what
does the centrality mean to Oss in nowadays? Does the historical core still represent the
center of Oss?
Catholic city
Functional city
Livable city
However, the current situation is not satisfy-
ing. Large scale buildings are scattering on
the green carpet and the back yard is occu-
pied by parking lots. The space in front of the
buildings is open and unattractive. Overall,
the culture center is not well functioned as
the planner first expected.
Public space analysis
Catholic City
During the pre-war period, Oss can be
called ‘catholic city’ because the public
space is mainly related to the catholic
religion such as church and relating insti-
tutional buildings. At the same time, the
Molenstraat was quite important because
of public facilities and offices. A tension
was formed between north and south via
this street.
Functional City
After the amenity buildings moved to the
Molenstraat, the tension on the street was
strengthened.The railway was built up which
brought a large number of people to Oss.
They city expanded and centerality moves
towards south. At that time, people were
congregat ed in factory, historical center as
well as religious buildings.
Livable City
New type of public space and domain ap-
peared during the modern age since 1975.
In that time period, the car is dominative.
The centeral area was redesigned to be a
pedestrian area which surrouded by park-
ing lots. In that case, people are encouraged
to access the center by car. Until now, the
center is still like an island floating in the sea
of parking lots.
On the other hand, the amenties was relo-
cated to better service the people in south.
And it becomse a sub-center with culture
Morphological analysis
This part of analysis is focused on the morpho-
logical change due to the historical development
and planning of the city. The physical central
of Oss changed as a result of morphological
changes of the city. At first, Oss was formed
around a central triangular shaped square called
the ‘Heuvel’ and further developed along the rib-
bon structure.
Later a grid pattern was added on and ribbons
are cut off by new grid structure .As the city ex-
panded, gradually the center moved towards
south along Molenstraat and eventually stopped
by the railway track.
After the war, the city expanded more quickly,
a larger ring was constructed and the railway
runs from east to west, right through the city and
divides Oss into two parts. In 1974, a group of
amenity buildings were relocated along Raadhu-
islaan, paralleled to railway, in order to be better
accessed by all residents especially people liv-
ing in South. However this particular infrastruc-
ture pattern and city structure later lead to failure
of this public space.
study area
project area
Functional city
30 31
The concentration of public facilities and
wide spread green poses a unique and
ambitious gesture for future role. The
project attempts to create a new type of
park space. Different from a traditional park
concept, it is a multi-function and intensive
green space with public building and hous-
ing tower scattering inside. The landscape
is the tool to mediate the scale and arrange
the programs. After collecting, combining
and reallocating the existing open space,
new space and programs are designed ac-
cording to environment and urban needs.
Project Location
The area along the Raadhuislaan and rail-
way is a cluster of amenities established
since 1970s, containing public buildings
such as city hall, office of public health
service, library, theater, police office, cine-
ma, high school, church, swimming center,
etc. This area is one of the important pub-
lic space in last decades with high urban
potential. In the new plan, it is proposed to
be one of the most strategic area for future
development as a mediation between the
historical center and the expanded center.
Project plan
3-5 m
sports field
large size tree
medium size tree
Bird view of green spine
0 50 150m
Project area
0 50 150m
32 33
The second task is to increase the accessibility of
the park. The park is open to public on north side
while on the south side, road is hidden behind
a housing block and the park entrance is miss-
ing. For that, one housing block is tore down and
the space is transformed into a green anchor in
south. Functionally, it belongs to the park but also
it serves as a community park for housing near-
by. To make up for the housing lost, four housing
tower along the railway are built in park environ-
ment. Meanwhile, two bicycle routes run through
the park which provide an alternative for cyclists
to experience the green and meet people rather
than being parallel with cars.
Gree tunnel & Slope
The first task is to connect the space on the two
sides of railway. A tunnel with height of 5 meters
is designed over the track. In general, the tunnel
is both a passing route for pedestrian and cyclist
and a place for stopping, recreation and relaxa-
tion. Seen from outside, the tunnel is not recog-
nized as a cover but an integrated part of the
park. The slope grows slightly and leads people
pass over the train tunnel. To make it feasible
and integrate the tunnel into the landscape, two
actions are taken. First, after the train goes into
the tunnel from west side, the track inside sinks
for 1 meters and it raise again when it comes
out. In that case the height of middle tunnel is
4 meters. Second action is creating a comfort
slope for cycling from the ground to 4 meters
high. The route for bicycle is designated. On
these routes, the slope begins more than 100
meters away from the top. Thus, it ensure the
angle of cycling route is no more than 4%. Then
the slopes have a natural look and merge into
the landscape well. The tunnel improves space
quality by removing the parking and railway
boundary. Moreover, the tunnel is designed not
only for train passing, but also a substation of
the old parking lots at the back side. Under the
slope at the height of 2-3 meters the space is
preserved for parking which cars can access
from the main road without going cross the park
Section of cycling route
Old situation
Pespective on the tunnel
New situation
main road
secondery road
bicycle route
walking route
ground parking lots
height change
underground parking
0 50 150m
34 35
Unban context
The third task is integrate the park into urban con-
text and establish smooth transition. The green
spine is connection with city on different scale.
The main connection between historical center
and south is established on city scale. On district
level, industry, housing, spine park and hosptital
area work in cohesion functionally and physically.
In the site, the network and tthe tension inside is
created as well.
The east side starting from Jan Cunnen park, con-
nects the new bus station and the street in front
of the train station. It provide a legible route for
people to access the park or to the center via Mo-
lenstraat. To the west, along the railway are public
allotment garden. They are well maintained and
gated. These gardens will be open to public and
as a part of green spine park, people can walk
inside and even buy products from the owner,
such as vegetables, flower, honey, etc. It is aim to
enrich the park function and complete the green
spine structure.
Pespective of cycling slope and park in south
Pespective of city square
Bird view form west side of the park
city connection
district connection
sit connection
cultural program
city program
recreational program
garden program
educational program
City square
The space between the city hall and the office
of public health serviece is designed to be a city
square which is bounded by two diagonal line.
It aims to use the space maximally and also
provide open view for people on Raadhuislaan
which lead people in naturally. On the square
there are two triangle fountain of different size.
The steam water comes directly from the ground.
It will be big an attraction on large open field, also
it can a water mirror reflecting surroundings when
it does not work. The square will be one of the
most important public domain in the city on which
an annually city event or gathering can be held.
0 50 150m
36 37
Green structure
Considering the economic and function
reasons, the program ‘green spine’ is
composed by various types of green
which is owned and managed by differ-
ent shareholders. Diverse activies are
implemented into the green space as
Municipality owned
Part of green is owned by municipality which
includes park, sports field, garden, etc. It aim
to serve for public and city events. Most of the
green space are flexible with function. For exam-
ple, the green anchor in south play several roles
as a park space. As a city park it it provides a
large piece of green for the city and the entrance
for spine park. To the residents living nearby, it is
a community park for daily use. For the students
in high shool, it is a nature playground.
Institution owned
The other part is owned by the institutions. It
is accessible by public while it can be used for
commercial purpose sometimes. For example,
the book fair, art exhibition, open air theater can
be organized by library or theater. It will be an
interesting part of city culture and social life. The
financial problem can be solved by charging tick-
ets or getting support from sponsors. Also the
facilities for high schools can be used by public
during weekends or holidays. In return, the city
garden can be used for educational purpose.
Public owned
The last type of green, as mentioned above is the
open allotment garden. Urban agriculture can be
an important for future Oss because Oss owns
an agriculture background and it provides a sus-
tainable developing strategy for future. This part
of allotment garden can one experimental project
implemented into the large park.
Conclusion &
Potentials for future
The role of the central area of Oss faced signifi-
cant changes during the city development. Today,
the notion of centrality is redefined again. In new
plan, Oss will expand the central area. In this
area, function units will become multi-functional
and with different layer of network, it will be an
integrated entity.
The new expanded center will later be the base
structure for further development. By integrating
the city, it will increase urban activities on eco-
nomic, social and ecological aspects.
Moving the parking lots away from the center
will release the traffic load in the center. On the
contrary, the new road system are dominated by
slow traffic. For social aspect, without limited area
of pedestrian and too much traffic, the street life
will be largely improve. People are encouraged to
come out of the house and enjoy public life. For
economical aspect, after rebuilding the tension
between historical center and railway area, some
roads such as the Molenstraat will become impor-
tant again on city scale. Better accessibility and
increasing number of visiting people will increase
the value of the land and flourish the business.
New developing opportunities and housing refur-
bishment or densification will be required inthe
center. When the tension reaches the south side,
new housing projects can be developed.
On the city scale, the park owns key place in future
city development. First, it acts as linkage between
north-south and eastwest. The spine connected
the fragment area and by improving the space
quality, it brings dynamic urban life back to center.
Moreover, this ambitious design will catalyze the
whole city development in the future. For exam-
ple, later the hospital will leave. Along the road
Doctor Saal van Zwanenbergsingel which runs
across the park, the empty plots can be devel-
oped. Also after the Organon leaves, this industry
area will look for a new role Whether occupied by
new industry, business offices or housing project,
those projects will definitly benefit from the green
and multifunctional environment.
38 39
Oss, North Brabant, The Netherlands
Landscape Design
Course Assignment
Individual work
Supervisors: Dehaene
Date Nov. 2010 ~ Jan. 2011
44 45
46 47
48 49
50 51
66 67
68 69
70 71
72 73

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  • 1. Dwarka, Delhi, India DELHI 2050 Dwarka 6.1 Dwarka Water Design Freelance Assistant Urban Designer One Architecture 2014,Amsterdam
  • 2. Biodivesity Surface runoff Hydrology Ecology & Biology Comfort & Health Evapotranspiration Groundwater recharge Water level Stream hydrology Channel form Human thermal comfort Riparian vegetation NATURAL runoff runoff runoff evapotranspiration evapotranspiration evapotranspiration infiltration infiltration infiltration URBANIZED Low Low Low Low Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate High High High High Natural Peaky Natural Intact High Very Low Moderate RestoredDegraded Channelized Recovered Recovered Natural Hot Comfortable, close to natural SUSTAINABLE WATER MANAGEMENT Design partners Entrepreneurs Schools network diagram Institutional Partners Media Partners Funding Providers Knowledge Partners Societies & Residents Builders & Developers Land owners turnkey products turnkeyproducts turnkey solutions knowlegde output feedback, projects workshop and prom otion feedback, projects daily education and practice financial support policysupportandcollabration policyandsubsidysupport Lawenforcementandpolicysupport motivationandpolicysupport knowledgesupportprojects projects knowledgesupport knowledge exchange and collabratio n advocacy informationexchange knowledge exchange and collabration One architecture (NL) Studio Makkink & Bey (NL) arch i platform (IN) Shri Venkateshwar International School (IN) Dwarka International School (IN) Unity Group (IN) Outokumpu (IN) stimulerings fonds (NL) School of Planning and Architecture (IN) GGSIP University, Dwarka (IN) Jamia Millia Islamia (IN) Green Technology Companies (NL & IN) Khub Chand Tyagi (IN) nearly thirty housing societies in Dwarka (IN) Dwarka Forum (IN) Wageningen University (NL) LOLA landscape (NL) Indian National Trust for Art and Cultural Heritage (INTACH) (IN) Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) (IN) Indian Architect and Builder Magazine (IN) Radio Dwarka (online) (IN) Government Ministry of Urban Development (MoUD) (IN) Delhi Development Authority (DDA) (IN) Delhi Jal Board(DJB) (IN) green space unbuilt space intersection area sections Annual rainfall: 600mm 80% rainfall in heavy rain period (June-September) Amount of rainfall in heavy rain period per ha = 100m x 100m x 0.6m x 80% x 1000 = 4,800,000 liters/ha=1.2 MG/ha Volume of water body = caption area x amount of rainfall in heavy rain period Total volume of water body in sections: A: 210 ha x 1.2 = 252 MG B: 72 ha x 1.2 = 86 MG C: 126 x 1.2 = 151 MG D: 115x 1.2 = 138 MG E: 153 x 1.2 = 183 MG F: 105 x 1.2 = 126 MG G: 30 x 1.2 = 36 MG H: 165 x 1.2 = 198 MG I: 97 x 1.2 = 97 MG J: 124 x 1.2 = 149 MG K: 148 x 1.2 = 177 MG L: 650 x 1.2 = 780 MG water body drainage system N Volume of future water bodies A B C D E F G H I J K L D 115 ha 115 ha x 1.2 MG/ha = 138 MG rainfall in heavy rain period public green space and unbuilt space green space: around 1/4 of the area unbuilt space: around 1/4 of the area If only green space is transformed to ponds, the water body depth will reach around 1.2x4 =5 meters. D 115 ha 115 ha x 1.2 MG/ha = 138 MG rainfall in heavy rain period public green space and unbuilt space green space: around 1/4 of the area unbuilt space: around 1/4 of the area If only green space is transformed to ponds, the water body depth will reach around 1.2x4 =5 meters. D 115 ha 115 ha x 1.2 MG/ha = 138 MG rainfall in heavy rain period public green space and unbuilt space green space: around 1/4 of the area unbuilt space: around 1/4 of the area If only green space is transformed to ponds, the water body depth will reach around 1.2x4 =5 meters. D 115 ha 115 ha x 1.2 MG/ha = 138 MG rainfall in heavy rain period public green space and unbuilt space green space: around 1/4 of the area unbuilt space: around 1/4 of the area If only green space is transformed to ponds, the water body depth will reach around 1.2x4 =5 meters. Leakage, losses and waste: 1. Install a water meter and check regularly to make sure they aren’t leaking (a leak of one drop each second wastes approximately 10,000 litres of water each year). 2. maintenace of water transportation system/prevention of water leakage -13% Bathing/shower Face/hand washing & utensil washing 7. Choose the short cycle when using a dishwasher and make sure that the dishwasher is full. It saves 8-22 litres water then the regular cycle. Clothes washing 9. urine and black water seperated toilet 12. waterless urinals: for 7000 uses without water consumption Gardening: 14. careful choice for plants species: xeriscaping, native vegetation (-64% than 100% lawn) collect rainwater to use on your lawn and garden. 0 50 100 150 200 250 250 300 200 150 100 50 Water Balance 300 Drinking 6 lpcd Cooking 5 lpcd Gardening 5lpcd Car washing 5 lpcd 65 lpcd Leakage and losses in house 15% of domestic use 33 lpcd Bathing 56 lpcd Utensil washing 14 lpcd Hand/face washing 15 lpcd Clothes washing 9 lpcd Toilet flush 72 lpcd Floor washing 11 lpcd Air conditioning 3lpcd Community requirement Fire protection 3 lpcd 302 lpcd Reduce water consumption: technical & behaviourial approaches Rainwater harvest domestic water consumption potable use greywater cooling tower Aquaponic garden urine Hydroponic garden sendiment tank + living machine blackwater landscape/ open garden ground water water pond/ wadi/ vegetated swale non-potable use storm water managment 36% 16.2 lpcd 34 lpcd 45 lpcd fertilizer clean water recharge waste waterirrigating water irrigating water other sources with high nutrient level bathing/shower; hand/face washing; (cloth washing utensil washing) bathing/shower 29 lpcd hand/face washing 12 lpcd clothes washing 5 lpcd Recycled greywater from domestic use 46 lpcd (85%) roof runoff 26 lpcd plot ground runoff 7 lpcd Stored rainwater in existing tankers 33 lpcd Other sources 31 lpcd Cooking 5 lpcdDrinking 8 lpcd Gardening 3 lpcd Bathing 35 lpcd Utensil washing 14 lpcd Hand/face washing 15 lpcd Clothes washing 9 lpcd Toilet flush 50 lpcd Floor washing 6 lpcd Car washing 2 lpcd Leakage and losses 5 lpcd Public/Community requirement 47 lpcd Fire protection 3 lpcd 195 lpcd Other sources ( Yumuna River, Ganga River, Bhakra Storage ) Surface water 86% (remote sources) Sub-surface water 14% ( Ranney Wells/Tube Wells) private borewells, water tankers, bottled water Delhi Jal Board 28% 217 lpcd 85 lpcd ( Yumuna River, Ganga River, Bhakra Storage ) Surface water 86% (remote sources) Sub-surface water 14% ( Ranney Wells/Tube Wells) Delhi Jal Board 28% 85 lpcd Surface water + Ground water Nature recharge from precipitation Artificial recharge Water balance Principles working with all land-use and public space strategyWATERSUPPLYWATERCONSUMPTION 1 2 3 4 Dwarka 6.1 is part of the 6th step of project DELHI 2050. In 6.1, at the suggestion of the Delhi Devel- opment Authority and the National Capital Region, the team explores the water issues in Dwarka. Ad- dressing the water situation in Dwarka is a crucial step before the Delhi 2050 project can resume its broader scope of the Dwarka test- case, in step 7. Dwarka is a sub-city of Delhi, planned in the early ‘90s in order to house the growing population of the city. It is strategically located close to the airport in South West Delhi and is planned for a popula- tion of more than a million (primari- ly middle-class) inhabitants. In spite of the rapid growth in the rest of the Delhi metropolitan area, development does not come off the ground in Dwarka. This is caused by the combination of specula- tion with middle class housing, and the severe water shortages. Sizeable areas still stand vacant, and apartment buildings are only partly occupied. Water is key to a future development of Dwarka. As an essential building-block of any future vision or scenario for Dwar- ka, the water issue needs to be addressed first.
  • 3. PERMEABLE PAVE GREEN ROOF GREYWATER GREYWATER BLACKWATER PERFORATE DRAINAGE PIPE STORMWATER PLANTER VERTICAL FLOW REEDBED RUNOFF RETENTION POND After treatment, water is transported to disposal area. It is recharged to the groundwater or stored in underground cisterns. rainwater is filtrated through green roof and transported to rainwater cisterns. RAINFALL RAINFALL RAINFALL STORAGE TANK SUPPLY FOR NON-POTABLE USE ROOT TREATMENT ZONE PERMEABLE PAVEMENT IMPERMEABLE MATERIAL Excess water from perforate drainage pipes infiltrates to ground STORAGE TANK Greywater and treated blackwater from neighborhoods is transported to reedbeds RAINWATER CISTERN SEPTIC TANK Rainwater Greenroof/facade Retention pond Swale/ Stromwater planter Water square Underground Cistern Septic tank Constructed wetland Subsurface disposal field Greywater Primary treatment Secondary treatment Aquifer Blackwater setting of solids laundry hand washing bath/shower floor cleaning toilet irrigation flotation of oils and greases constructed wetland runoff stormwater control precipitation evapotranspiration anaerobic breakdown of pollutants non-potable water use AQUIFER recharge to groundwater discharge to disposal field infiltration Increasing water-holding capacity, filtration and infiltration detentionretention treatment infiltration filtration water circulation in wet landscape water circulation in arid landscape
  • 4. OVER ALWERKEN ANDER GEBRUIK Buiten de stad worden vervoer- middelen passend bij de aantallen gebruikers. Er kan bijna gesteld worden dat er meer aandacht naar de regio uit moet gaan. De grote steden redden zich wel, maar in de regio wordt massatransport omgezet in (bottom-up gestuurde) maatproducten. SPORT PEDESTRIAN WAYAndere keuzes of fysieke ingre- pen kunnen makkelijk geïmple- menteerd worden. Als in een buurt de CO2 niveaus te hoog worden, wordt het verkeer via andere routes gestuurd. As de school uitgaat of winkels open zijn wordt de straat tijdelijk voetgangersgebied. Bij de keuze van een woonomge- ving speelt de verkeersomgeving minder een rol aangezien alles (met name door elektrisch gedreven autonome voertuigen) steeds stiller en veiliger wordt. De leefkwaliteit van steden en doorgaande wegen neemt daarmee toe. Er is meer ruimte voor groen en voorzienin- gen. Autonome voertuigen maken het mogelijk om de tijd in de auto te gebruiken voor andere activiteiten, zoals werk, maar eventueel ook fitness. Voorzieningen kunnen dan ook mobiel worden. De rechtbank of het gezondheidscentrum komt dan door de buurt in plaats van een nieuwe vestiging te hebben. Er is (net als nu in Helsinki gebeurd) een rol voor de overheid in het aansturen op een koppeling van de verschillende mobilitei- tssystemen. Daarin zullen ook keuzes moeten worden gemaakt op basis van leefkwaliteit in steden (CO2 niveaus, geluidsover- last, doorgaande routes), maar ook op de wensen van het achterland (welke modaliteiten houden we nog in stand?). ROL VAN DE OVERHEID NLArchitects-Alb ertHeijntrein STADS M ANAGEMENT SolarRoadway s-digitalestraat Nike FootballSpain-Laserpitch OVE RALWONEN BUITENDES TADANDEREKEUZES Auto’s zijn vaker onderweg, worden gedeeld, of parkeren zichzelf op afstand. Parkeerstroken verdwijnen en de stoepen worden breder zodat daar kiss & ride plekken en pick up point georganiseerd kunnen worden. TERUGKEER VAN DE VENTWEG NAADLOZE OVERSTAP 70 KISS & RIDE Op ieder moment stoppen bete- kent een ander gebruik van de bestaande infrastructuur. Feitelijk ontstaat er een terugkeer van de ventweg: verschillende snelheden op één route. PARKEREN IS GEEN ISSUE MEER CAPACITEIT VERHOGEN Doordat de capaciteit en efficiëntie wordt verhoogt neemt het totale aantal verkeer af. Mobiliteit neemt minder ruimte in beslag waardoor er meer ruimte is voor groen, voorzieningen en verdichting. DISTRIBUTIE COMPLEXER Er is nog veel te optimaliseren aan de bezorging van goederen in de steden. Grootschalige distributiecentra en distriparks maken plaats voor peer- to-peer distributiesystemen. Er komen veel meer knooppunten tussen de verschillende modalitei- ten. Overstappen moet naadloos kunnen, het wachten wordt tot een minimum teruggebracht. 75%van de ambtenaren in Utrecht carpoolen EXHIBITION ROAD IN LONDON THE LAST MILE 1/3 van de vracht- wagens rijdt leeg KISS & RIDE 30 In 2024, is het openbaar vervoer in Amsterdam 20% sneller en kan meer passagiers meenemen dankzij digitale innovatie. RUIMTELIJKE VERANDERINGEN RKTL-HALO,Sm arttransithub MIT-Smartbusstop Sharedspace-Dixon& Jones-Exhibitionro adLondon Amazon-Dronedeliverypro gram FietsparkereninJapan Even iemand oppikken of snel een boodschap doen is overal mogelijk en legaal. Bundeling alleen wanneer de vervoersstromen groot zijn Het verschil tussen de stad en het platteland wordt groter. 'Sociale netwerken' worden geïnstitutionaliseerde netwerken waarin de mobiliteitsvraag en -aanbod gekoppeld wordt. Een systeem SCHAAL LOZEMOBILITEIT VE RSCHILTUSSENSTADENP LATTELANDWORDTGROT ER GERICHTOPSTROMEN I N PLAATVANSTILSTAND 95%van de dag staan auto’s geparkeerd. Voertuigen en we genwordenoptim aal benut. SYSTEMISCHE VERSCHUIVINGEN 8.00h 11.00h NOW 14.00h 17.00h VOORSPELL ENDEANALYSE N ETWERK SEN SOREN AUTONO MEVOERTUIGEN TECHNOLOGISCHE ASPECTEN schaal stad proces GEBUNDELD wordt GEDISTRIBUEERD from silos to meshing domein mobiliteit logistiek smart mobility domein overheid diensten smart government modularize urban services technologie mobiel internet real-time data wearables technologie autonome voertuigen vliegende auto’s technologie internet of things big data / datafication sensoren / kwantificeren NIEUW SMART CITY WIEL GEBUNDELD WORDT GEDISTRIBUEERD In het proces van Gebundeld wordt Gedistribueerd is het vooral belangrijk om te be- grijpen dat via sensoren en het internet of things alles constant met elkaar in verbinding staat en gemonitord kan worden. Er is toegang tot het Internet of Things en big data om analyses en voorspellende algoritmen te ontwikkelen die de efficiëntie kan versnellen, de productiviteit verhogen en de marginale kosten van de productie en distributie van fysieke dingen, waaronder energie, producten en diensten, tot bijna nul verlagen, net zoals we nu doen met informatie producten. Dit proces heeft vooral een effect in het domein van mobiliteit waar het mogelijk wordt om de capaciteit veel beter te benutten, zowel van de voertuigen zelf als van de la- dingen ervan. Kleinere netwerken en sensoren worden gekoppeld aan grotere en creëren één decentraal systeem. Autonome voertuigen maken het systeem vervolgens stiller en veiliger. The Netherlands Smart city: what if...? Freelance Assistant Urban Designer One Architecture 2014,Amsterdam SMART MOBILITY Digital technology has a huge im- pact on mobility, both in the modes of transportation as well as in the (use of) physical infrastructure. Technology makes transportation more efficient, freeing up space for other uses. It aims to understand- how to design and transform cities such that future developments in mobility can be phased in. While designing for mobility, working with prototypes and beta versions gives the possibility to adjust a process in real-time.
  • 5. traffic system transit city management water management Examining the significance and policies of Smart Cities using different ‘what if scenarios’ logistic physical infrastructure
  • 6. 4 5 Dommelbeemd, Eindhoven, The Netherlands The regeneration of a postwar neighbourhood to a sustainable urban cell ---- Dommelbeemd district in Eindhoven as case study Urban Design and Planning Master Graduation Project Supervisors: dr. ir. Doevendans, C.H. ir. Rutgers, R.A. d.p.l.g. Rousseau, S.S.S.
  • 7. 6 7 Heesterakker Vaartbroek Ecarkt Luytelaer MORPHOLOGY LOCATION John.F.Kennedylaand Sterrenlaan cut ribbon ring structure ribbon structure The issue of achieving neighborhood sustainability is linked to the neighborhood regeneration. The transformation aims to enable the neighborhoods or districts to be more livable, sustainable and adaptable in the future. Four typical postwar neighborhoods in Eindhoven are selected as one district named Dommelbeemd as a case study. This research will study the district’s limitations as well as the potentials on the physical, environment, social, design and economic aspects. To achieve that, the main focus will be on possible interventions from a sustainable point of view. Based on the thorough literature study and site analysis, a pack of strate- gies and designs are developed for the district’s sustainable future. The general goal for Dommelbeemd is achieving sustainability. This goal is achieved through several methods: 1. Local mobility is largely based on public transportation and cycling. 2. Dommelbeemd becomes carbon neutral. 3. District input and output are mini- mized. 4. Local economy is largely self-sufficient. 5. The residents enjoy a healthy and happy community life. For each method, a pack of approaches are proposed which can always answer the questions: “What” “Why” “How” “When” and “Who”. radial structure neighborhoods neighborhoods + countryside landscape New green system *local based eco-cycles *more environmental awareness from residents Input Input (food, water, energy, goods, clean air) consumption reduce, reuse, recycle (non-local produced food, water, goods, air) (local produced food, clean water, energy, left waste, clean air) (food, water, energy, waste) (waste, wastewater, heat, CO2 ) Output Output Scenario: Eckart shopping centre
  • 8. 8 9 150m 150m 150m 350m 200m 350m 200m 4 22 HOV 21 350m 200m 350m 200m 422 21 9.5 7.53.5 22 9.5 P P P P 9.5 9.5 P P 9.5 7.53.5 22 9.5 P P P P P PP P 9.5 7.53.5 22 9.5 P P P P Before After road structure parking lots bus line transformation of parking space transformation of road green transformation of lake green
  • 9. 10 1110 11 greenhouse field in Vaartbroek park greenhouse field close to Eckart com- munity centre greenhouse field between the district and countryside transformation of backyard spaceGreen structure of Dommelbeemd
  • 10. 12 13 Scenario A: Eckart shopping centre transformation of supermarket squaretransformation of neighborhood road transformation of collective parking lots
  • 11. 22 23 Oss, North Brabant, The Netherlands OSS_ GREEN SPINE Urban planning and Design Master Project (second stage) Supervisors: Dehaene ir.Reinder Rutgers Individual work Date April. 2011 ~Jun. 2011
  • 12. 24 25 Introduction The city of Oss locates in the northern part of North Brabant province and, as a provincial city, it situated between two relatively larger cities Den Bosch and Nijmegen. In the near future, the large company Organon and the city hospital will leave. The city faces a role transformation. After being labeled as agriculture city, industry city and liva- ble city, what is the new image for Oss in the new era? What potentials and city problems does Oss have? What is the future of the city? Oss is facing a moment to rethink the role and being well prepared for future. The center of Oss represents its origin, core and identity. The city was formed and devel- oped largely on the base of the center. It means significance to the city both in the past and nowadays. After the city expands and the centrality moves, it is time to ask: what does the centrality mean to Oss in nowadays? Does the historical core still represent the center of Oss? Catholic city Functional city Livable city However, the current situation is not satisfy- ing. Large scale buildings are scattering on the green carpet and the back yard is occu- pied by parking lots. The space in front of the buildings is open and unattractive. Overall, the culture center is not well functioned as the planner first expected. Analysis Public space analysis Catholic City During the pre-war period, Oss can be called ‘catholic city’ because the public space is mainly related to the catholic religion such as church and relating insti- tutional buildings. At the same time, the Molenstraat was quite important because of public facilities and offices. A tension was formed between north and south via this street. Functional City After the amenity buildings moved to the Molenstraat, the tension on the street was strengthened.The railway was built up which brought a large number of people to Oss. They city expanded and centerality moves towards south. At that time, people were congregat ed in factory, historical center as well as religious buildings. Livable City New type of public space and domain ap- peared during the modern age since 1975. In that time period, the car is dominative. The centeral area was redesigned to be a pedestrian area which surrouded by park- ing lots. In that case, people are encouraged to access the center by car. Until now, the center is still like an island floating in the sea of parking lots. On the other hand, the amenties was relo- cated to better service the people in south. And it becomse a sub-center with culture functions. Morphological analysis This part of analysis is focused on the morpho- logical change due to the historical development and planning of the city. The physical central of Oss changed as a result of morphological changes of the city. At first, Oss was formed around a central triangular shaped square called the ‘Heuvel’ and further developed along the rib- bon structure. Later a grid pattern was added on and ribbons are cut off by new grid structure .As the city ex- panded, gradually the center moved towards south along Molenstraat and eventually stopped by the railway track. After the war, the city expanded more quickly, a larger ring was constructed and the railway runs from east to west, right through the city and divides Oss into two parts. In 1974, a group of amenity buildings were relocated along Raadhu- islaan, paralleled to railway, in order to be better accessed by all residents especially people liv- ing in South. However this particular infrastruc- ture pattern and city structure later lead to failure of this public space. study area project area Functional city
  • 13. 30 31 Design The concentration of public facilities and wide spread green poses a unique and ambitious gesture for future role. The project attempts to create a new type of park space. Different from a traditional park concept, it is a multi-function and intensive green space with public building and hous- ing tower scattering inside. The landscape is the tool to mediate the scale and arrange the programs. After collecting, combining and reallocating the existing open space, new space and programs are designed ac- cording to environment and urban needs. Project Location The area along the Raadhuislaan and rail- way is a cluster of amenities established since 1970s, containing public buildings such as city hall, office of public health service, library, theater, police office, cine- ma, high school, church, swimming center, etc. This area is one of the important pub- lic space in last decades with high urban potential. In the new plan, it is proposed to be one of the most strategic area for future development as a mediation between the historical center and the expanded center. Project plan Legend 3-5 m 0-2m 2-3m 0m sports field water large size tree medium size tree N Bird view of green spine 0 50 150m Project area N 0 50 150m
  • 14. 32 33 Accessiblity The second task is to increase the accessibility of the park. The park is open to public on north side while on the south side, road is hidden behind a housing block and the park entrance is miss- ing. For that, one housing block is tore down and the space is transformed into a green anchor in south. Functionally, it belongs to the park but also it serves as a community park for housing near- by. To make up for the housing lost, four housing tower along the railway are built in park environ- ment. Meanwhile, two bicycle routes run through the park which provide an alternative for cyclists to experience the green and meet people rather than being parallel with cars. Gree tunnel & Slope The first task is to connect the space on the two sides of railway. A tunnel with height of 5 meters is designed over the track. In general, the tunnel is both a passing route for pedestrian and cyclist and a place for stopping, recreation and relaxa- tion. Seen from outside, the tunnel is not recog- nized as a cover but an integrated part of the park. The slope grows slightly and leads people pass over the train tunnel. To make it feasible and integrate the tunnel into the landscape, two actions are taken. First, after the train goes into the tunnel from west side, the track inside sinks for 1 meters and it raise again when it comes out. In that case the height of middle tunnel is 4 meters. Second action is creating a comfort slope for cycling from the ground to 4 meters high. The route for bicycle is designated. On these routes, the slope begins more than 100 meters away from the top. Thus, it ensure the angle of cycling route is no more than 4%. Then the slopes have a natural look and merge into the landscape well. The tunnel improves space quality by removing the parking and railway boundary. Moreover, the tunnel is designed not only for train passing, but also a substation of the old parking lots at the back side. Under the slope at the height of 2-3 meters the space is preserved for parking which cars can access from the main road without going cross the park area. Section of cycling route Old situation Pespective on the tunnel New situation Legend railway main road secondery road bicycle route walking route ground parking lots height change underground parking p p N 0 50 150m
  • 15. 34 35 Unban context The third task is integrate the park into urban con- text and establish smooth transition. The green spine is connection with city on different scale. The main connection between historical center and south is established on city scale. On district level, industry, housing, spine park and hosptital area work in cohesion functionally and physically. In the site, the network and tthe tension inside is created as well. The east side starting from Jan Cunnen park, con- nects the new bus station and the street in front of the train station. It provide a legible route for people to access the park or to the center via Mo- lenstraat. To the west, along the railway are public allotment garden. They are well maintained and gated. These gardens will be open to public and as a part of green spine park, people can walk inside and even buy products from the owner, such as vegetables, flower, honey, etc. It is aim to enrich the park function and complete the green spine structure. Pespective of cycling slope and park in south Pespective of city square Bird view form west side of the park Legend railway city connection district connection sit connection cultural program city program recreational program garden program educational program City square The space between the city hall and the office of public health serviece is designed to be a city square which is bounded by two diagonal line. It aims to use the space maximally and also provide open view for people on Raadhuislaan which lead people in naturally. On the square there are two triangle fountain of different size. The steam water comes directly from the ground. It will be big an attraction on large open field, also it can a water mirror reflecting surroundings when it does not work. The square will be one of the most important public domain in the city on which an annually city event or gathering can be held. N 0 50 150m
  • 16. 36 37 Green structure Considering the economic and function reasons, the program ‘green spine’ is composed by various types of green which is owned and managed by differ- ent shareholders. Diverse activies are implemented into the green space as well. Municipality owned Part of green is owned by municipality which includes park, sports field, garden, etc. It aim to serve for public and city events. Most of the green space are flexible with function. For exam- ple, the green anchor in south play several roles as a park space. As a city park it it provides a large piece of green for the city and the entrance for spine park. To the residents living nearby, it is a community park for daily use. For the students in high shool, it is a nature playground. Institution owned The other part is owned by the institutions. It is accessible by public while it can be used for commercial purpose sometimes. For example, the book fair, art exhibition, open air theater can be organized by library or theater. It will be an interesting part of city culture and social life. The financial problem can be solved by charging tick- ets or getting support from sponsors. Also the facilities for high schools can be used by public during weekends or holidays. In return, the city garden can be used for educational purpose. Public owned The last type of green, as mentioned above is the open allotment garden. Urban agriculture can be an important for future Oss because Oss owns an agriculture background and it provides a sus- tainable developing strategy for future. This part of allotment garden can one experimental project implemented into the large park. Conclusion & Potentials for future The role of the central area of Oss faced signifi- cant changes during the city development. Today, the notion of centrality is redefined again. In new plan, Oss will expand the central area. In this area, function units will become multi-functional and with different layer of network, it will be an integrated entity. The new expanded center will later be the base structure for further development. By integrating the city, it will increase urban activities on eco- nomic, social and ecological aspects. Moving the parking lots away from the center will release the traffic load in the center. On the contrary, the new road system are dominated by slow traffic. For social aspect, without limited area of pedestrian and too much traffic, the street life will be largely improve. People are encouraged to come out of the house and enjoy public life. For economical aspect, after rebuilding the tension between historical center and railway area, some roads such as the Molenstraat will become impor- tant again on city scale. Better accessibility and increasing number of visiting people will increase the value of the land and flourish the business. New developing opportunities and housing refur- bishment or densification will be required inthe center. When the tension reaches the south side, new housing projects can be developed. On the city scale, the park owns key place in future city development. First, it acts as linkage between north-south and eastwest. The spine connected the fragment area and by improving the space quality, it brings dynamic urban life back to center. Moreover, this ambitious design will catalyze the whole city development in the future. For exam- ple, later the hospital will leave. Along the road Doctor Saal van Zwanenbergsingel which runs across the park, the empty plots can be devel- oped. Also after the Organon leaves, this industry area will look for a new role Whether occupied by new industry, business offices or housing project, those projects will definitly benefit from the green and multifunctional environment.
  • 17. 38 39 Oss, North Brabant, The Netherlands PARK IN OSS Landscape Design Course Assignment Individual work Supervisors: Dehaene Date Nov. 2010 ~ Jan. 2011
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