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Collostructional Analysis とは何か?

                          TwiFULL 関西
      発表者:Yuzo Morishita (@pathos95606)
1. はじめに
2. 言語分析と量的研究
3. フィッシャーの正確確率検定

4. Collostructional Analysis

5. Bybee (2010) による批判

6. Gries (2012) による Bybee (2010) への反論

7. 大規模コーパスを用いた具体的分析



(1)   a. James came running up the stairs. (BNC-FRS)
      b. We went shopping in Brighton. (BNC-FB9)
      c. He sent the clerk hurrying into the back room to get a
         dark grey suit. (BNC-CDN)
      d. She ran after him, calling his name. (BNC-A0N)
      e. Dan walked from the room, his head reeling. (BNC-FAB)


       用法基盤モデル          (e.g., Langacker 1990, 2000)   の影響

    Collostructional Analysis   (Stefanowitsch and Gries 2003)

      手法の妥当性に関してほぼ無批判                         (cf. Bybee 2010)


  Sinclair (1991) の「コーパス駆動型研究」
  Kennedy (1998) の「コーパス検証型研究」

 WaC (Web as Corpus) の時代



                           (e.g., Chao 1950: (Zipf 1935) の Review
              Hockett 1953: (Shannon and Warren 1949) の Review)

                                             (e.g., Haspelmath 2008)

             (e.g., Bybee 1985, Baayen 1993, Bybee and Hopper 2001)

  問題点指摘タイプ                        (e.g., Johnson 1999, Kilgaliff 2005)


 構文文法 (Construction Grammar)と量的研究

  結果構文におけるフレームと量的研究                      (Boas 2001)

                      (Stefanowitsch and Gries 2003)

  スペイン語の構文研究           (Bybee and Eddington 2006)

構文文法 (Construction Grammar)
             (e.g., Fillmore 1988, Fillmore et al. 1988, Goldberg 1995)

                         (cf. Grimshaw 1990: Argument Structure,
           Levin and Rappaport 1995: Lexical Conceptual Structure)

  (Fisher's exact test)
Table 1: Chi-square test
              不正解              正解    ! 
Group A       21 (≒ 28.4)      433 (≒ 425.6) 454
Group B       44 (≒ 36.6)      540 (≒ 549.4) 584
!             65               975            1,038
                            #2= 3.68; df=1; p = 0.055

期待値の計算                            #2値の計算
          65                                            2
  454 ×       ≒ 28.4                   (実測値 ­ 期待値)
        1,038                     #2 = !
         975                              期待値
  454 ×       ≒ 425.6
    584 ×   65
                ≒ 36.6
           975 ≒
    584 ×         549.4
          1,038                                             8
Table 1: Chi-square test
                                               不正解                   正解    ! 
Group A                                        21 (≒ 28.4)          433 (≒ 425.6) 454
Group B                                        44 (≒ 36.6)          540 (≒ 549.4) 584
!                                              65                   975            1,038
                                                                 #2= 3.68; df=1; p = 0.055

                                        chi-squared(1) distribution
          0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5

                                    0      2        4            6    8    10
          フィッシャーの正確確率検定 (Fisher's exact test)
                                        chi-squared(1) distribution
          0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5

                                    0      2     4            6   8   10

                                                     chi-sq                Sir Ronald Aylmer Fisher (1980-1962)


フィッシャーの正確確率検定 (Fisher's exact test)


e.g. 6 C 2 =   2!(6−2)!

                                     Sir Ronald Aylmer Fisher (1980-1962)

フィッシャーの正確確率検定 (Fisher's exact test)

               The R Project for Statistical Computing

> fisher.test(matrix(c(21, 433, 44, 540), nrow = 2))

	   Fisher's Exact Test for Count Data

data: matrix(c(21, 433, 44, 540), nrow = 2)
p-value < 0.06992
alternative hypothesis: true odds ratio is not equal to 1
95 percent confidence interval:
  0.330999 1.041104
sample estimates:
odds ratio

> fisher.test(matrix(c(21, 433, 44, 540), nrow = 2))$p.value
[1] 0.06992
Collostructional Approach
Collostructional Approach
構文と語の結合度を調べる統計的手法                                        (Stefanowitsch and Gries 2003)

                                        collostruction < collocation + construction
Table 2: Collostructional Analysis
       Construction c Other constructions Row totals
Verb v                        w                    x         w+x
Other verbs                   y                    z         y+z
Column totals               a+c                  b+d     a+b+c+d

Table3: Observed frequencies of give and the ditransitive in the ICE-GB
                                                                    (Gries 2012: 480)
                 ditransitive construction ¬ditransitive construction Row totals
give                                  461 (9)                699 (1,151)       1,160
¬give                             574 (1,026)          136,930 (136,478)     137,504
Column totals                           1,035                    137,629     138,664

Collostructional Approach
Table 4: Collexemes most strongly attracted to the ditransitive construction
                                                 (Stefanowitsch and Gries 2003: 229)
Collexeme (n)   Collostruction strength        Collexeme (n) Collostruction strength
give (461)                           0         allocate (4)                 2.91E-06
tell (128)                    1.6E-127         wish (9)                     3.11E-06
send (64)                     7.26E-68         accord (3)                   8.15E-06
offer (43)                    3.31E-49         pay (13)                     2.34E-05
show (49)                     2.23E-33         hand (5)                     3.01E-05
cost (20)                     1.12E-22         guarantee (4)                4.72E-05
teach (15)                    4.32E-16         buy (9)                      6.35E-05
award (18)                    1.36E-11         assign (3)                   2.61E-04
allow (18)                    1.12E-10         charge (4)                   3.02E-04
lend (7)                      2.85E-09         cause (8)                    5.56E-04
deny (8)                       4.5E-09         ask (12)                     6.28E-04
owe (6)                       2.67E-08         afford (4)                   1.08E-03
promise (7)                   3.23E-08         cook (3)                     3.34E-03
earn (7)                      2.13E-07         spare (2)                     3.5E-03
grant (5)                     1.33E-06         drop (3)                     2.16E-02   14
Collostructional Approach
Goldberg (1995: 38)
 A: Central Sense: Agent successfully causes recipient to receive patient
      e.g. "give", "pass", "throw", "toss", "bring", "take"...
  (2) John gave Mary a book.
 B: Conditions of Satisfaction imply that agent causes recipient to receive patient
       e.g. "guarantee", "promise", "owe"...
   (3) Chris promised Pat a car.
 C: Agent causes recipient not to receive patient
      e.g. "refuse", "deny"...
  (4) Mary denied her sister a cake.
 D: ...
 E: ...
 F: ...

Collostructional Approach
Table 4: Collexemes most strongly attracted to the ditransitive construction
                                                 (Stefanowitsch and Gries 2003: 229)
Collexeme (n)   Collostruction strength        Collexeme (n) Collostruction strength
give (461)                           0         allocate (4)                 2.91E-06
tell (128)                    1.6E-127         wish (9)                     3.11E-06
send (64)                     7.26E-68         accord (3)                   8.15E-06
offer (43)                    3.31E-49         pay (13)                     2.34E-05
show (49)                     2.23E-33         hand (5)                     3.01E-05
cost (20)                     1.12E-22         guarantee (4)                4.72E-05
teach (15)                    4.32E-16         buy (9)                      6.35E-05
award (18)                    1.36E-11         assign (3)                   2.61E-04
allow (18)                    1.12E-10         charge (4)                   3.02E-04
lend (7)                      2.85E-09         cause (8)                    5.56E-04
deny (8)                       4.5E-09         ask (12)                     6.28E-04
owe (6)                       2.67E-08         afford (4)                   1.08E-03
promise (7)                   3.23E-08         cook (3)                     3.34E-03
earn (7)                      2.13E-07         spare (2)                     3.5E-03
grant (5)                     1.33E-06         drop (3)                     2.16E-02   16
Bybee (2010) による批判
Bybee (2010) による批判

 - 粗頻度 (raw frequencies) で十分では?

 - クロス表右下の数字は必要?どうやって数値化?
 Table 3: Observed frequencies of give and the ditransitive in the ICE-GB
       ditransitive construction ¬ditransitive construction Row totals
 give                                461 (9)                 699 (1,151)      1,160
 ¬give                           574 (1,026)           136,930 (136,478)    137,504
 Column totals                         1,035                     137,629    138,664

Bybee (2010) による批判
Bybee and Eddington (2006) を基に Collostruction Strength を計算

内省と Collostructional Approach の結果を比較
Table 5: Adjective with quedarse 'become' (Bybee 2010: 100)
                          High            Collostructional   Frequency in   Corpus
                          Acceptability   Strength           Construction   Frequency
High Frequency
dormido 'asleep'                    42              79.34             28          161
sorpendido 'surprised'              42              17.57              7           92
quieto 'still/calm'                 39              85.76             29          129
Low Frequency Related
perplejo 'paralyzed'                40               2.62               1         20
paralizado 'paralyzed'              35               2.49               1          1
pasmado 'amazed'                    30               2.72               1         16
Low Frequency Unrelated
desnutrido 'undernourished'         17               3.23               1           5
orgullosismo 'proud'                 6               3.92               1           1

Gries (2012) による Bybee (2010) への反論
Gries (2012) による Bybee (2010) への反論

Figure 1: The comparison of a frequency- vs and AM-based approach (Gries 2012: 502)
Gries (2012) や Bybee (2010) の研究は小規模コーパス
 Stefanowitsch and Gries (2003):ICE-GB (1 million words)

 Bybee (2010):A spoken (1.1 million) and written (1 million) corpora

大規模コーパス利用への展望                          (Gries and Stefanowitsch 2004: 235)


British National Corpus (BNC) を利用
 約1億語:ICE-GB の約100倍、Bybee (2010) の約50倍
             註)BYU-BNC     (   は似て非なるコーパス

(5)   a. He sent the clerk hurrying into the back room to get
         a dark grey suit.                                    (BNC-CDN)

      b. A series of small explosions one morning brought Alec
        running out of the top of the steps.               (BNC-B1X)

      c. A day's yacht charter took us threading through the islands

      d. My boyfriend Fisher Stevens will have to drag me
         kicking and screaming out of the house.          (BNC-CH2)21
定形の動詞と非定形 (-ing形) の動詞の collostruction strength  

Verbs of Sending and Carrying (Levin 1993: 132-137)
 e.g. "airmail", "FedEX", "pass", "send", "roll", "bring", "take", "drive"

NP V NP V-ing P(P) という形式を持つもの全て

結果:303 例

動詞の頻度検索:語彙素タグ                          e.g.   hw="send" pos="VERB"   (sent, sends, sending, etc.)

全構文数:センテンス・タグ                         e.g.    <s n="777">

Table 6: Collostructional Approach to the construction
                The Construction Other constructions Row totals
crashing                       38                  2,139        2,177
Other verbs                   265              6,023,842    6,024,107
Column totals                 303              6,025,981    6,026,284
                                                            = - 82.460

Collostructional Approach
Table 7: Collexemes strongly and weakly attracted to the construction
Collexeme (n)    Collostruction strength       Collexeme (n) Collostruction strength
crashing (38)                    82.460        banging (1)                     1.195
scurrying (19)                   52.117        raining (1)                     1.186
sprawling (13)                   33.354        smashing (1)                    1.153
flying (21)                       27.672        scattering (1)                  1.131
tumbling (10)                    20.423        marching (1)                    1.075
rushing (12)                     18.552        floating (1)                     1.046
kicking and screaming (5)        15.748        sailing (1)                     0.908
arcing (3)                       15.182        sliding (1)                     0.878
reeling (6)                      13.043        sinking (1)                     0.850
hurrying (8)                     12.184        swinging (1)                    0.828
screaming (8)                    11.684         pouring (1)                    0.797
hurtling (5)                     11.593        backing (1)                     0.695
scuttling (5)                    11.576        escaping (1)                     0.634
spinning (5)                      7.429         shooting (1)                   0.506
billowing (5)                     6.959         falling (1)                    0.000



                               0   10         20        30


  Figure 2: Correlation between Collostruction Strength and Raw Frequency

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--- and David Eddington. 2006. A usage-based approach to Spanish verbs of
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Fillmore, Charles J. 1988. The mechanisms of "Construction Grammar". Proceedings
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Sinclair, John. 1991. Corpus, concordance, collocation. Oxford; Tokyo: Oxford
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   An introduction to human ecology. Cambridge, Mass.: Addison-Wesley Press.

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  • 1. コーパスを用いた言語分析と統計 Collostructional Analysis とは何か? TwiFULL 関西 @神戸大学人文学研究科 20130327 発表者:Yuzo Morishita (@pathos95606)
  • 2. 発表の構成 1. はじめに 2. 言語分析と量的研究 3. フィッシャーの正確確率検定 4. Collostructional Analysis 5. Bybee (2010) による批判 6. Gries (2012) による Bybee (2010) への反論 7. 大規模コーパスを用いた具体的分析 1
  • 3. 自己紹介 英語の文法をコーパス基盤で量的・質的に研究 統計も少しだけ 以下のような構文について研究してます (1) a. James came running up the stairs. (BNC-FRS) b. We went shopping in Brighton. (BNC-FB9) c. He sent the clerk hurrying into the back room to get a dark grey suit. (BNC-CDN) d. She ran after him, calling his name. (BNC-A0N) e. Dan walked from the room, his head reeling. (BNC-FAB)   2
  • 5. はじめに 認知言語学では...  実験やコーパス頻度に基づく研究が増加  統計解析が必要な研究も増加  用法基盤モデル (e.g., Langacker 1990, 2000) の影響 近年、日本でも目立つようになってきた統計手法 Collostructional Analysis (Stefanowitsch and Gries 2003) 手法の妥当性に関してほぼ無批判 (cf. Bybee 2010) 3
  • 8. 言語分析と量的研究 言語分析と量的研究の歴史  本格的な量的言語研究の萌芽  (e.g., Chao 1950: (Zipf 1935) の Review Hockett 1953: (Shannon and Warren 1949) の Review)  類型論的研究 (e.g., Haspelmath 2008)  認知・機能系の研究 (e.g., Bybee 1985, Baayen 1993, Bybee and Hopper 2001)   問題点指摘タイプ (e.g., Johnson 1999, Kilgaliff 2005) 5
  • 9. 言語分析と量的研究 2000年代:言語分析のとコーパス研究の融合  構文文法 (Construction Grammar)と量的研究   結果構文におけるフレームと量的研究 (Boas 2001)   二重目的語構文での語と構文の統計解析 (Stefanowitsch and Gries 2003)   スペイン語の構文研究 (Bybee and Eddington 2006) 6
  • 10. 言語分析と量的研究 構文文法 (Construction Grammar) (e.g., Fillmore 1988, Fillmore et al. 1988, Goldberg 1995)  語と構文の間に明確な性質の違いを求めない  (cf. Grimshaw 1990: Argument Structure, Levin and Rappaport 1995: Lexical Conceptual Structure)   7
  • 12. フィッシャーの正確確率検定 カイ2乗検定 Table 1: Chi-square test 不正解 正解    !  Group A 21 (≒ 28.4) 433 (≒ 425.6) 454 Group B 44 (≒ 36.6) 540 (≒ 549.4) 584 !    65 975 1,038 #2= 3.68; df=1; p = 0.055 期待値の計算 #2値の計算 65 2 454 × ≒ 28.4 (実測値 ­ 期待値) 1,038 #2 = ! 975 期待値 454 × ≒ 425.6 1,038 584 × 65 ≒ 36.6 1,038 975 ≒ 584 × 549.4 1,038 8
  • 13. フィッシャーの正確確率検定 カイ2乗検定 Table 1: Chi-square test 不正解 正解    !  Group A 21 (≒ 28.4) 433 (≒ 425.6) 454 Group B 44 (≒ 36.6) 540 (≒ 549.4) 584 !    65 975 1,038 #2= 3.68; df=1; p = 0.055 chi-squared(1) distribution 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 density 0 2 4 6 8 10 8 chi-sq
  • 14. 統計の基礎 フィッシャーの正確確率検定 (Fisher's exact test) chi-squared(1) distribution 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 density 0 2 4 6 8 10 chi-sq Sir Ronald Aylmer Fisher (1980-1962) 理由:特定の分布を前提とする不正確性 10
  • 15. 統計の基礎 フィッシャーの正確確率検定 (Fisher's exact test) ありとあらゆる組み合せの可能性を考える 全ての組み合せのうち 現在の結果に当てはまる組み合せが生じる確率を計算 組み合せ(Combination)を計算するので計算量が膨大に... 6! e.g. 6 C 2 = 2!(6−2)! Sir Ronald Aylmer Fisher (1980-1962) 11
  • 16. 統計の基礎 フィッシャーの正確確率検定 (Fisher's exact test) The R Project for Statistical Computing > fisher.test(matrix(c(21, 433, 44, 540), nrow = 2)) Fisher's Exact Test for Count Data data: matrix(c(21, 433, 44, 540), nrow = 2) p-value < 0.06992 alternative hypothesis: true odds ratio is not equal to 1 95 percent confidence interval: 0.330999 1.041104 sample estimates: odds ratio 0.5955003 > fisher.test(matrix(c(21, 433, 44, 540), nrow = 2))$p.value [1] 0.06992 12 cf.
  • 18. Collostructional Approach 構文と語の結合度を調べる統計的手法 (Stefanowitsch and Gries 2003) collostruction < collocation + construction Table 2: Collostructional Analysis        Construction c Other constructions Row totals Verb v w x w+x Other verbs y z y+z Column totals a+c b+d a+b+c+d Table3: Observed frequencies of give and the ditransitive in the ICE-GB   (Gries 2012: 480)        ditransitive construction ¬ditransitive construction Row totals give 461 (9) 699 (1,151) 1,160 ¬give 574 (1,026) 136,930 (136,478) 137,504 Column totals 1,035 137,629 138,664 13
  • 19. Collostructional Approach 二重目的語構文における分析結果とその意義 Table 4: Collexemes most strongly attracted to the ditransitive construction (Stefanowitsch and Gries 2003: 229) Collexeme (n) Collostruction strength Collexeme (n) Collostruction strength give (461) 0 allocate (4) 2.91E-06 tell (128) 1.6E-127 wish (9) 3.11E-06 send (64) 7.26E-68 accord (3) 8.15E-06 offer (43) 3.31E-49 pay (13) 2.34E-05 show (49) 2.23E-33 hand (5) 3.01E-05 cost (20) 1.12E-22 guarantee (4) 4.72E-05 teach (15) 4.32E-16 buy (9) 6.35E-05 award (18) 1.36E-11 assign (3) 2.61E-04 allow (18) 1.12E-10 charge (4) 3.02E-04 lend (7) 2.85E-09 cause (8) 5.56E-04 deny (8) 4.5E-09 ask (12) 6.28E-04 owe (6) 2.67E-08 afford (4) 1.08E-03 promise (7) 3.23E-08 cook (3) 3.34E-03 earn (7) 2.13E-07 spare (2) 3.5E-03 grant (5) 1.33E-06 drop (3) 2.16E-02 14
  • 20. Collostructional Approach Goldberg (1995: 38) A: Central Sense: Agent successfully causes recipient to receive patient e.g. "give", "pass", "throw", "toss", "bring", "take"... (2) John gave Mary a book. B: Conditions of Satisfaction imply that agent causes recipient to receive patient e.g. "guarantee", "promise", "owe"... (3) Chris promised Pat a car. C: Agent causes recipient not to receive patient e.g. "refuse", "deny"... (4) Mary denied her sister a cake. D: ... E: ... F: ... 15
  • 21. Collostructional Approach 二重目的語構文における分析結果とその意義 Table 4: Collexemes most strongly attracted to the ditransitive construction (Stefanowitsch and Gries 2003: 229) Collexeme (n) Collostruction strength Collexeme (n) Collostruction strength give (461) 0 allocate (4) 2.91E-06 tell (128) 1.6E-127 wish (9) 3.11E-06 send (64) 7.26E-68 accord (3) 8.15E-06 offer (43) 3.31E-49 pay (13) 2.34E-05 show (49) 2.23E-33 hand (5) 3.01E-05 cost (20) 1.12E-22 guarantee (4) 4.72E-05 teach (15) 4.32E-16 buy (9) 6.35E-05 award (18) 1.36E-11 assign (3) 2.61E-04 allow (18) 1.12E-10 charge (4) 3.02E-04 lend (7) 2.85E-09 cause (8) 5.56E-04 deny (8) 4.5E-09 ask (12) 6.28E-04 owe (6) 2.67E-08 afford (4) 1.08E-03 promise (7) 3.23E-08 cook (3) 3.34E-03 earn (7) 2.13E-07 spare (2) 3.5E-03 grant (5) 1.33E-06 drop (3) 2.16E-02 16
  • 23. Bybee (2010) による批判 批判の論点  - 粗頻度 (raw frequencies) で十分では?  - クロス表右下の数字は必要?どうやって数値化? Table 3: Observed frequencies of give and the ditransitive in the ICE-GB   ditransitive construction ¬ditransitive construction Row totals give 461 (9) 699 (1,151) 1,160 ¬give 574 (1,026) 136,930 (136,478) 137,504 Column totals 1,035 137,629 138,664 17
  • 24. Bybee (2010) による批判 Bybee and Eddington (2006) を基に Collostruction Strength を計算 内省と Collostructional Approach の結果を比較 Table 5: Adjective with quedarse 'become' (Bybee 2010: 100) High Collostructional Frequency in Corpus Acceptability Strength Construction Frequency High Frequency dormido 'asleep' 42 79.34 28 161 sorpendido 'surprised' 42 17.57 7 92 quieto 'still/calm' 39 85.76 29 129 Low Frequency Related perplejo 'paralyzed' 40 2.62 1 20 paralizado 'paralyzed' 35 2.49 1 1 pasmado 'amazed' 30 2.72 1 16 Low Frequency Unrelated desnutrido 'undernourished' 17 3.23 1 5 orgullosismo 'proud' 6 3.92 1 1 18
  • 25. Gries (2012) による Bybee (2010) への反論
  • 26. Gries (2012) による Bybee (2010) への反論 Figure 1: The comparison of a frequency- vs and AM-based approach (Gries 2012: 502) 19
  • 28. 大規模コーパスでの分析による検証 Gries (2012) や Bybee (2010) の研究は小規模コーパス  Stefanowitsch and Gries (2003):ICE-GB (1 million words)    Bybee (2010):A spoken (1.1 million) and written (1 million) corpora 大規模コーパス利用への展望 (Gries and Stefanowitsch 2004: 235) 大規模コーパスを利用した研究の問題点  機械的に収集可能な現象だけに研究が制限される可能性    統計的分析への影響 20
  • 29. 大規模コーパスでの分析による検証 British National Corpus (BNC) を利用  約1億語:ICE-GB の約100倍、Bybee (2010) の約50倍    註)BYU-BNC ( は似て非なるコーパス 扱うのは以下の構文 (5) a. He sent the clerk hurrying into the back room to get a dark grey suit. (BNC-CDN) b. A series of small explosions one morning brought Alec running out of the top of the steps. (BNC-B1X) c. A day's yacht charter took us threading through the islands (BNC-BPJ) d. My boyfriend Fisher Stevens will have to drag me kicking and screaming out of the house. (BNC-CH2)21
  • 30. 大規模コーパスでの分析による検証 分析対象と方法 定形の動詞と非定形 (-ing形) の動詞の collostruction strength   Verbs of Sending and Carrying (Levin 1993: 132-137)  e.g. "airmail", "FedEX", "pass", "send", "roll", "bring", "take", "drive" NP V NP V-ing P(P) という形式を持つもの全て 結果:303 例 動詞の頻度検索:語彙素タグ e.g. hw="send" pos="VERB" (sent, sends, sending, etc.) 全構文数:センテンス・タグ e.g. <s n="777"> 22
  • 31. 大規模コーパスでの分析による検証 Table 6: Collostructional Approach to the construction        The Construction Other constructions Row totals crashing 38 2,139 2,177 Other verbs 265 6,023,842 6,024,107 Column totals 303 6,025,981 6,026,284   p=3.469382e-83 log103.46938e-83 = - 82.460 23
  • 32. Collostructional Approach Table 7: Collexemes strongly and weakly attracted to the construction Collexeme (n) Collostruction strength Collexeme (n) Collostruction strength crashing (38) 82.460 banging (1) 1.195 scurrying (19) 52.117 raining (1) 1.186 sprawling (13) 33.354 smashing (1) 1.153 flying (21) 27.672 scattering (1) 1.131 tumbling (10) 20.423 marching (1) 1.075 rushing (12) 18.552 floating (1) 1.046 kicking and screaming (5) 15.748 sailing (1) 0.908 arcing (3) 15.182 sliding (1) 0.878 reeling (6) 13.043 sinking (1) 0.850 hurrying (8) 12.184 swinging (1) 0.828 screaming (8) 11.684 pouring (1) 0.797 hurtling (5) 11.593 backing (1) 0.695 scuttling (5) 11.576 escaping (1) 0.634 spinning (5) 7.429 shooting (1) 0.506 billowing (5) 6.959 falling (1) 0.000 24
  • 33. 大規模コーパスでの分析による検証 80 60 Collostruction_Strength 40 20 0 0 10 20 30 Raw_Frequency Figure 2: Correlation between Collostruction Strength and Raw Frequency 25
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