artificial intelligence soft computing fuzzy logic neural networks machine learning knowledge mining cellular automata classification big data genetic algorithms data mining software computer science cloud computing distributed hog collision avoidance sfm object detection fca advanced computing symbolic machine learning • artificial intelligence xgboost multi layer perceptron 3d reconstruction tuberculosis nlp iot initial value problem singular statistical models synchronization human interface systems connectionist systems fuzzy systems state of charge internal impedance multiprocessor task scheduling network on chip big data summarization inter occlusion mutual tracking cxr home automation tooth segmentation level set pervasive computing text mining energy consumption preprocessing recommender systems k-nearest neighbours support vector machines feature extraction advanced driver assistance deep learning algorithms and bioinformatics network security accurate solution ai algorithms data new hyperchaotic system assessment cosmetology artificial intelligence  ai algorithms  artifici hybrid intelligent systems face recognition knowledge management • fuzzy logic evolutionary computation multimedia • neural networks biomedical engineering large-scale database image de-noising deep neural network gradient tree boosting advanced driver assistance (adas) total completion time makespan hybrid genetic algorithm parallel computing network processors data generalization semantic term identification text to speech voice command system query processing collision avoidance model adaboost data analysis cone beam computed tomography fingerprint extraction audio fingerprint tokenization virtualization decision tree boosting decision trees current sensors energy monitoring energy holographic memory symbolic reasoning cognitive models neural nets communications database search audio template authentication short message service global system for mobile commu invariant moment compiler design weights saturation contrast transform coefficients fusion cosine exposure discrete machine learning. iot networks big data analysis. artificial intelligence tools & applications reactive distributed ai cellular automata connectionist systems distribute image processing paradigm fuzzy based metrics android apps self-organizing systems postediting mt-evaluation machine translation sms pwm word sense disambiguation multilingual syntax analysis generalized backstepping method • genetic algorithms • soft computing • knowledge mining • spoken language processing • information extraction • parsing/grammatical formalisms • dialog systems • discourse • connectionist systems computer vision computer networks : lithium-ion battery network heuristics speech to text feature extraction. lobes global system for mobile communication (gsm) short message service (sms) three tier architecture real time analysis web based survey. security privacy biometrics heuristic algorithms accuracy lung cancer image processing techniques literature review sentimental analysis virtual machine task consolidation weighting summary association collaborative filtering information overload cluster analysis flower pollination algorithm k-means knowledge feature decision table web based survey encryption cryptanalysis wireless communication wireless sensor network normalized cut graph partitioning eigenvalue decomposition chaotic theory methodology image segmentation web spam conjugate gradient artificial neural network image registration super-resolution rectangular microstrip antenna resonant frequencies hirschberg random4 sql injection medicine automaticity fuzzy sets compositions of relations career counselling good translation at command automaticit ontology semantic web robotics semantic processing learning systems systems tree boosting block chain generalized backstepping metho pseudo-zernike moment identical twins local regions software engineering web and internet computing operating systems internet of things blockchain computer education modeling and simulation game and software engineering database software as a service ( saas) software automation devops models machi gabor wavelets accuracy. classifier neural network random forest screening autism spectrum disorder anomaly detection handshake protocols connectionist system data visualization reliable and autonomic computing deep learning dat grid and scalable computing geographical informati text mining networking and communications multimed etc.) security and information assurance parallel web and internet computing technology in education adaptation and learning systems knowledge mining n human interface systems evolutionary computation f poisson distribution. gaussian distribution uniform distribution on-demand instance reserved instance inventory theory amazon web services aws morphic computing communication systems vlsi design power optimization techniques speech processing signal processing big data mining cloud and grid computing for big data 5g and networks for big data big data management big data techniques software development natural language processing accurate solution. total completion time. jaya evolutionary algorithm. cluster validity indexes automatic clustering evolutionary clustering multi objective optimization artificial intelligence cellular automata connecti fmeasure meteor bleu mt-engine good translation at command. gsm gui transliteration morphological synthesizer named entity recognition bilingual hardware intelligent robotics digital convergence knowledge discovery software design electronic commerce information technology security information systems business it bio/medical engineering pattern recognition intelligence system chaos and hyperchaos generation hyperchaotic attractors simulations hyperchaotic system information technology neaural network web design computer • pattern recognition • ontology • statistical models • cellular automata morphology • phonology • medical image analysis • machine vision seismic engineering • information system civil engineering • computing and information sciences • cloud computing technology • wireless communications power aware design • low power • design vlsi • chemical engineering • biomaterials • signal or image processing • agricultural robotics automation • fuzzy expert system • fuzzy database • network operation • network architectures lithium-ion battery raspberry pi android apps. jaya evolutionary algorithm. cluster validity indexes automatic clustering evolutionary clusteri ng multi objective optimization database search. fast fourier transform audio te mplate iris recognition authenticati on line ar systems of equations sgmres wireless sensor networks energy-efficiency network lifetime filtering-power. re-clustering opinion e-commerce. trust metric swarm intelligence global optimum nature- text localization. overlaid text detection text information extraction profiles learning grade feedback collaboration
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