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Dr. AdityaTiwari,
Resident, Dept. of E.N.T.
 The skull base represents a central and complex bone structure of the skull
that forms the floor of the cranial cavity on which the brain lies.
 It separates brain from facial structures and suprahyoid neck.
 Anatomical knowledge of this particular region is important for under-
standing several pathologic conditions as well as for planning surgical
The human skull consists of three components:
(1) Membranous neurocranium Forms at bones of skull
(2) Cartilaginous neurocranium / chondrocranium Forms majority of
skull base
(3) Viscerocranium or facial skeleton
The basicranium Develops from cartilage precursors, with a small
component from membranous bone.
Development of the cartilaginous skull base begins around the 40th day of
gestation, with conversion of mesenchyme into cartilage.
Occipital sclerotomal mesenchyme concentrates around the notochord &
extends cephalically forming the floor of brain.
Embryology of the skull base
The parachordal cartilage – Around the notochord.
Sclerotomal cartilage – Occipital bone.
2 hypophyseal cartilage – Fuse to form basisphenoid cartilage.
2 presphenoid cartilage – body of sphenoid. ‘
Orbitosphenoid and Alisphenoid – wings of sphenoid.
The chondrification centres of skull
Dorsal view of the
chondrocranium, or base of the
skull, in the adult showing bones
formed by endochondral
Bones that form rostral to the
rostral half of the sella turcica arise
from neural crest and constitute
the prechordal (in front of the
notochord) chondrocranium (blue).
Those forming posterior to this
landmark arise from paraxial
mesoderm (chordal
chondrocranium) (red).
 Skull base boundaries:-
Anterior  Upper incisor teeth
Posterior  Sup. nuchal line of occipital bone,
Lateral Remaining upper teeth, the zygomatic
arch & its posterior root, the mastoid process
Composed of five bones:
1) Ethmoid, 2) Sphenoid, 3) Occipital ,
4) Paired temporal & 5) Paired frontal bones
Fossa :- 1) Anterior cranial fossa,
2) Middle cranial fossa, &
3) Posterior cranial fossa.
Anterior cranial fossa. Boundaries :-
Anterior: Posterior wall of the frontal sinus.
Posterior: lesser wing of the sphenoid & anteior clinoid processes.
Floor : roof of the nasal cavity & ethmoid sinuses medially.
Lateral wall : thick and strong orbital plates of the frontal bone
Middle cranial fossa Post. Cranial fossa
Anterior margin :- The
posterior surface of the
Laterally:- superiorly the
posterior surface of the
petrous part of temporal
bone & inferiorly the
condylar part of the
occipital bone.
Posteriorly:- the mastoid
part of temporal bone &
the squamous part of
occipital bone.
Foramen magnum
The sphenoid bone
contributes to the most
of the CSB.
Anterior border :-
Tuberculum sellae, ant.
clinoid process, post.
margin of lesser wing of
sphenoid & anterior
superior rim of greater wing
of sphenoid.
Posterior border :- superior
border of petrous part of
temporal bone & dorsum
sellae of sphenoid.
 Behind the faciomaxillary bones, its made up of the occipital bone, temporal
bones and part of the sphenoid bones.
Occipital bone
 Has foramen magnum squamous part, petrous part & basi occiput.
 Ant margin of F. magnum gives attachment to membrana tectoria,
vertical limb of the cruciform ligament, and the apical & pair of alar
ligaments of the odontoid peg
 Occipital condyle attaches to atlas.
 Ant condylar canal12th CN
 Post.condylar canal vein from
the sigmoid sinus to the suboccipital
venous plexus.
Osteology of the skull base
It shows sup & inf nuchal line and ext occipital proturbance & crest.
Each half of the occipital region is subdivided into four areas. two alongside the
foramen magnum receive the recti.
Rectus capitis post minor Supplied by C1 Extend the head . Rectus capitis
post major supplied by C1 extend & rotate the head.
Bwt sup & inf nuchal lines, medial area
receives semispinalis capitis, supplied
segmentally by post primary rami of the
spinal nerves Chief extensor of the head.
Lateral area, superior oblique muscle
Supplied by C1 lateral flexor of the head
Temporal bone
 Its made up of squamosal, mastoid, petrous & tympanic parts which ossify
separately and later fuse creating squamotympanic & petrosquamos fissure
 Has styloid process Behind its base, stylomastoid foramen & post the mastoid
bone has the digastric notch, medial to which there is a groove for the occipital
artery. Stylomastoid foramen transmits facial nerve.
Foundation of MCF & resembles that of a bird with wings outstretched.
It consist of  a central body; two sets of wings– the greater and lesser, which
course laterally ; & two pterygoid processes, directed inferiorly.
The superior surface articulates ant with the cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone
& contains a smooth central surface, the planum sphenoidal.
Post, the chiasmatic sulcus forms
a slight depression & leads laterally
to the optic canals.
The tuberculum sellae, a bony
elvation, just posterior to this sulcus.
The sphenoid bone
 Followed, posteriorly by sella turcica & dorsum sellae.
 The dorsum sellae terminates laterally into the posterior clinoid processes
 The anterior surface of the body of sphenoid forms the roof & posterior wall of
„The body houses the sphenoid sinus .
„Lesser wings Forms medial portion of
orbital apex.
„Greater wings – Course upward & laterally
from both sides of the sphenoid
body-forms floor of MCF, posterolateral
orbit & lateral calvaria.
Its the skull base part situated between the foramen magnum and the dorsum
Formed from sphenoid and occipital bones. Normal fat signals in adult (late
teens) in MRI.
The petroccipital fissure forms the anterior lateral margin of the clivus, while the
synchondrosis between the basioccipital and exoccipital bones forms the
posterior lateral margins.
Situated centrally in the skull base forming roof of the nasopharynx,
Boundaries Formed by the line of attachment of the pharyngeal wall.
The pharyngobasilar fascia is attached to the skull base and medial pterygoid
plates thickened post into a pharyngeal ligament that continues inferiorly as
the pharyngeal raphe.
Separated from the prevertebral
muscles post by prevertebral fascia.
 Tubal area lies just lateral to
pharyngeal area, comprises the
region occupied by eustachian tube
Pharyngeal &Tubal area
The pharyngobasilar fascia is attached to undersurface of the tube, & two
'paratubal' muscles arise one on each side of it.
The levator palati arises medially (within the pharynx) & the tensor palati arises
laterally (outside the pharynx).
Both muscles are partly attached to the tube, and open it during swallowing
3 muscles : Stylopharyngeus, Stylohyoid, Styloglossus.
Stylopharyngeus:- Pass lateral to ICA.
Origin Deep aspect of base of styloid process.
InsertionThyroid cartilage & side wall of pharynx.
Nerve supply Ninth nerve.
Function:- Elevates larynx & pharynx.
Stylohyoid:- Pass lateral to ECA.
Origin Back of the base of styloid process
Insertion2 slips over base of greater cornu of hyoid
Nerve supply Seventh nerve.
Function:- Elevates & retracts the hyoid.
Styloid apparatus
Styloglossus:- Pass lat. To ICA & then swings forwards med. to lingual nerve
Origin front of the styloid process &upper part of stylohyoid ligament
Insertion Side of the tongue
Nerve supply Hypoglossal nerve,
Function:- Retract the tongue .
Frontal crest :- Midline bony ridge that projects upwards & provide attachment to
the falx cerebri.
Foramen caecum:-Transmits emissary vein from nose to superior sagittal sinus
Crista galli :- Provides site for ant. most attachment of the falx cerebri.
Cribriform plate :- Sheet of bone contaning many small Olfactory foramina 
Transmit olfactory nerve fibres into the nasal cavity.
Ant & post ethmoidal foramen:-Transmits Ant & post.ethmoidal artery,nerve,vein
The contents & foramina's of ACF
Cavernous Sinus
Situated on each side of the body of sphenoid bone & extend
from sup. orbital fissure ant to petrous apex post.
Receives :- Sup.& inf. ophthalmic vein , Sphenoparietal sinus.
Drains into:- Petrosal sinus, Pterygoid plexus, Basilar plexus.
Contents:- 1) CN III, IV, V1, V2 & VI 2) ICA
The contents & foramina's of MCF
Only anatomic
location in the
body in which an
artery travels
through a
venous structure
Triangular shaped fissure bounded med. body of sphenoid, sup. lesser wing,
& inf. greater wing and is completed lat frontal bone as greater & lesser
wings converge.
Optic strut separates optic canal from superior orbital fissure.
Optic canal & superior orbital fissure together form the orbital apex.
Contents are as in dia-
Superior orbital fissure
Abducent nerve is most likely to damage 1st in
sup. orbital fissure syndrome
Extends from pterygopalatine fossa along orbital floor.
„Separates greater wings of the sphenoid from the maxilla.
Content –1) Maxillary branch of trigeminal nerve 2)Infra orbital vessels.
3) Emissary veins connecting inf ophthalmic vein to pterygoid venous plexus.
4) Zygomatic nerve.
Inferior orbital fissure
A fat filled space between the pterygoid plates and the posterior wall of maxillary
sinus. Shaped like an inverted pyramid.
Borders :- Med - Perpendicular plate palatine bone, Lat - Narrowing to
pterygomaxillary fissure, Ant - Post wall of maxillary sinus, Post - Med & Lat
pterygoid plates; inferior aspect of lesser wing of sphenoid bone.
It contains:-1) Pterygopalatine ganglion 2) Terminal third of the maxillary artery,
3) CN V2 4) Greater & deep petrosal nerve.
Pterygopalatine fossa
The PPF is an important pathway for the spread of neoplastic and infectious
Med - with nasal cavity via sphenopalatine F.
Lat - with masticator space (or infratemporal
fossa) via the pterygomaxillary fissure.
Ant - with orbit via the inferior orbital fissure.
Post & sup - with Meckel cave & cavernous
sinus (of MCF) via the F. rotundum.
Post & inf- with MCF via the vidian
canal, which transmits the Vidian nerve.
Inferiorly - with palate via the greater
and lesser palatine canals
Pterygopalatine fossa Communications
Dural invagination at posterior aspect of cavernous sinus. Contains gasserian
ganglion (trigeminal).
Dural layers shows thin peripheral enhancement.
In MRI, 3 sensory divisions of trigeminal nerve
can be visualized leaving the gasserian ganglion
Optic canal
 Formed by the lesser wing of sphenoid.
 The contents are :- Optic nerve .
Ophthalmic Artery.
Sympathetic fibers from carotid plexus
Foramen Rotendum Foramen ovale
Endocranially, its situated post-lat
to F. rotundum; exocranially, it is
found at the base of lateral
pterygoid plate.
Contents :- 1) Mandibular Nerve (CN
V3) 2) Accessory meningeal nerve
3) Lesser petrosal nerve 4)Emissary
vein 5)Occasionally ant. trunk of
middle meningeal artery
Is actually a canal in the base of the
greater sphenoid wing, is situated just
inf & lateral to supe orbital fissure.
It extends obliquely forward & slightly
inferiorly, connecting the MCF to
pterygopalatine fossa.
Transmits the maxillary nerve ( V2),
artery of the foramen Rotundum &
emissary veins.
Best visualized by means of coronal CT
Foramen spinosum Foramen Lacerum
Its located at the base of medial
pterygoid plate, ant to the petrous
Structures passing whole length:
1) Meningeal branch of Ascending
pharyngeal artery 2) Emissary vein
Other structures partially traversing:
3) Internal carotid artery
4) Greater petrosal nerve.
Its an aperture in the greater wing
of the sphenoid posterolateral to
foramen ovale.
Contents :- 1) Middle meningeal
artery & vein. 2) Emissary vein.
3) Nervous spinosus (Meningeal
branch of mandibular nerve)
Vidian Canal
Also c/a pterygoid canal.
Located in the floor of sphenoid sinus at the junction of the pterygoid process &
the sphenoid body connecting the pterygopalatine fossa ant & the foramen
lacerum posteriorly.
Contents:- 1) Vidian Artery ( Br. Of Maxillary Artery). 2) Vidian Nerve (greater
superficial petrosal nerve & deep petrosal nerve )
Its a passage within petrous temporal bone & transmits the ICA & sympathetic
plexus enters the MCF from the neck.
 Its initially directed superiorly, then turns anteromedially to reach up to
the petrous apex.
 Fibrous connective tissue that surrounds
vascular compartment of the neck.
 Layers:- Investing fascia, pretracheal fascia &
prevertebral fascia.
 Cervical part of the sympathetic trunk is embedded in prevertebral fascia
immediately post. to sheath.
Carotid canal
CONTENTS:-A) Above post belly of diagastric ICA, IJV,CN IX,X,XI,XII
B) Below post belly of diagastric ICA,IJV, CN X
 The carotid artery lies medial to the IJV, and the vagus nerve is situated post
between the two vessels.
The ansa cervicalis is embedded in
anterior wall of sheath. It is formed
by "descendens hypoglossi" (C1) &
"descendens cervicalis" (C2-C3).
For diagnostic imaging purposes, MCF further divided into
1) Midline sagittal, 2) Off-midline parasagittal, & 3) Lateral compartments
By drawing vertical lines passing medially to the petroclival fissure (medial 2 red
lines) and just lateral to the foramen ovale (lateral 2 red lines) respectively
Lateral compartment of MCF
 Formed by sphenoid triangle,
squamous part of temporal bone,
& temporomandibular joint
Midline sagittal compartment Parasaggital compartment
It includes the petroclival
synchondrosis, foramen lacerum &
medial aspect of the greater sphenoid
boundary sup & medparasellar region
containing cavernous sinus, sup & lat.
basal temporal lobes, and inf.
parapharyngeal & masticator spaces
Includes cavernous sinus, sup. orbital
fissure, F. rotundum, vidian canal , & F.
Includes body of sphenoid &
portion of clivus anterior to the
contains the sphenoid sinus
bordered superiorly by sella turcica
and inf by roof & posterior wall of
the nasopharynx
Foramen Magnum Internal acoustic canal
TransmitsVII & VIII cranial nerves
from pontomedullary junction to
inner ear
Divided by a bony lamina (falciform
crest) into :- 1) Smaller superior
part:Superior vestibular N. & Facial N
2) Larger Inferior part:- Inferior
vestibular N. & Cochlear nerve
The foramen magnum is entirely formed
within the occipital bone.
Contents :- 1. Medulla oblongata.
2.Vertebral arteries and veins.
3. Anterior & posterior spinal arteries.
4. spinal component of CN XI.
5. Tectorial membrane & alar ligaments.
The contents & foramina's of PCF
Located behind the carotid canal & formed in front by petrous portion of the
temporal, & behind by occipital.
Imaging based subclassification by bony ridge,
jugular spine, separate jugular foramen into 2 parts
A) Pars nervosa: smaller & ant-med compart.-
i) Inf petrosal sinus. Ii) Jacobson’s Nerve.
B) Pars vascularis: larger & post-lat compart.-
i) IJV. ii) Arnold’s nerve. iii) Spinal accessory nerve
Jugular foramen
IX & XITH CN lie more laterally than XTH CN in the foramen
It has anatomical variations & sometimes both cranial IX & XTH CN traverse
through the pars nervosa.
The right jugular foramen is larger than the left in 75% of the population.
When the roof of the jugular bulb is seen above the level of floor of IAC , it is
called a high riding jugular bulb, which is more common on the right side.
This is a dangerous variant & exposing during translabyrinthine surgery.
Also c/a ant condyloid canal. Located within occipital bone.
Its paired bone passage that runs lateral & slightly forward from PCF to
nasopharyngeal carotid spaceTransmits hypoglossal nerve.
Intracanalicular enhancement is always present (emissary veins), with linear
filling defects ( nerve rootlets).
Hypoglossal canal.
It is the space between the skull base, lateral pharyngeal wall & the ramus of
Boundaries :- 1) Lat.- Ramus and condylar process of the mandible.
2) „Med.- Lateral pterygoid plate.
3) Ant. – Posterolateral wall of maxilla.
4) Post. – Carotid sheath.
5) Sup. - Greater wing of the sphenoid bone.
6) „Inf. – Medial pterygoid muscles.
Infratemporal fossa
Medial Pterygoid muscles
 Origin:- Superficial head Maxillary tuberosity & pyramidal process of palatine
 Deep head Medial surface of lateral pterygoid plate of the sphenoid bone
 Action: Elevates & Protrusion of the mandible Side to side movement
 Nerve supply:- Medial pterygoid nerve branch of mandibular nerve
 Blood Supply:- Branch of mandibular nerve
Contents Of Infratemporal fossa
Origin:- Upper head infra-temporal surface & crest of greater wing of sphenoid
 Lower head Lateral surface of the lateral pterygoid plate
Action: Depression & Protrusion of the mandible, Side to side movement
Nerve supply:- branches from the masseteric or buccal nerve, branch of the ant.
trunk of the mandibular nerve
Blood Supply:- Pterygoid vessels from Maxillary artery
Lateral Pterygoid muscles
Its the larger of the 2 terminal branches of ECA Arises behind neck of the
mandible Imbedded in the substance of parotid gland Pass forward bwt
ramus of mandible & sphenomandibular ligament Then runs sup or deep to the
lateral pterygoid muscle Pterygomaxillary fissure Pterygopalatine fossa.
Described in 3 parts: before, on & beyond the lat. pterygoid muscle, with 5
branches coming from each part.
From 1ST & 3RD parts all branches enter bony foramina; from 2nd part none of
the branches go through bony foramina
PLEXUS:- Lies within & on lat surface of lat pterygoid muscle, & receives
branches of maxillary artery.
Drains into two short, large maxillary vein to join superficial temporal vein &
form retromandibular vein.
Communicating veins: 1) Inferior orbital fissure  Inferior opthalmic vein
2) a connecting vein
passes vertically
down from the
cavernous sinus
3) deep facial vein to
join ant facial vein.
The pterygoid plexus & maxillary veins
The mandibular nerve
Course:- Lat. wall of cavernous sinus Passing through foramen rotundum
Enter pterygopalatine fossaThe pterygomaxillary fissure Infratemporal
Divided into 4 groups: 1) In cranium,2) In pterygopalatine fossa, 3) In infraorbital
canal, 4) On the face.
In the cranium:- Middle meningeal nerve in the meninges
From the pterygopalatine fossa:- 1) Infraorbital nerve via Infraorbital canal
2)Zygomatic nerve (zygomaticotemporal nerve, zygomaticofacial nerve) via
Inferior orbital fissure 3) Nasal Branches (nasopalatine) via Sphenopalatine
foramen 4) Superior alveolar nerves (Ant, mid. & post. superior alveolar nerves)
5) Palatine Nerves (Greater & lesser palatine nerve)including the Nasopalatine
nerve 6)Pharyngeal nerve
In the infraorbital canal Anterior superior alveolar nerve, Infraorbital nerve
Parapharyngeal , masticator, carotid & retropharyngeal spaces seen in close
contact with the skull base along their cephalad aspect .
Parapharyngeal space extends caudally to the submandibular space & cranially
abuts the base skull Contains fat, which acts as a medium for infection.
Relation of skull base to the deep facial spaces
Masticator space connects the mandible to the skull base.
Odontogenic infections & oropharyngeal sq. cell ca. can tract along masticator
space to the base skull.
Intracranial extension of the tumor can occur via mandibular nerve (perineural
spread) through the foramen ovale.
Jugular vein thrombosis & neural tumors such as schwannoma, neurofibromas &
paraganglioma are seen in the carotid space.
Rt masseter space abscess PerineuralV3 spread via
Rt acoustic neuroma
 Also c/a Lateral pharyngeal space, Pharyngomaxillary space.
Boundaries:- Shape like an inverted pyramid
SupSkull base, sphenoid & temporal bones.
Inferior Greater cornu of hyoid bone
Anterior Pterygomandibular raphe.
Posterior Carotid sheath post-lat.
& retropharyngeal space post-med.
Med Sup. Constrictor,
Buccopharyngeal fascia
Lat Ramus of mandible, deep lobe
of parotid gland, medial pterygoid
Parapharyngeal space
Has two compartments Prestyloid compartment
Contains 2 musclesTensor palati & Levator palati muscles
2 artery Ascending palatine & ascending pharyngeal artery & int. jugular vein.
Retrostyloid compartment
It is neurovascular space,
& contains the carotid sheath.
Internal carotid artery: Carotid foramen curves upwards into F.lacerum in
MCF apex of petrous bone enters the cavernous sinus
It lies in front of cochlea & middle ear cavity, separated by thin plate of bone
(may be dehiscent) gives off small intrapetrous branches, including carotico-
tympanic artery feeding vessels for a glomus tumour.
Structures within the skull base
Jugular bulb
It is the point at which sigmoid sinus
feeds the upper end of IJV.
Lies below posterior part of the floor
of the middle ear.
Inferior petrosal sinus joints jugular
bulb at the skull base
 GSPN+ deep petrosal nerve= vidian N.
Pterygoid canalPterygopalatine G.
 CN IX,X,IX, Jacobsons & Arnold nerve
lies in & around the jugular foramen.
Less than 2 mm in width
Same width throughout the length
Lighter on X-ray compared with
fracture lines
At specific anatomic sites
Does not run in straight line
Greater than 3 mm in width
Widest at the centre & narrow at the
Runs through both the outer & the inner
lamina of bone, hence appears darker
Usually over temporoparietal area
Usually runs in a straight line
Angular turns
 There are 4 muscles as follow
Masseter muscle
 Origin:- From zygomatic arch
 Insertion:-Lateral aspect of mandible
from the angle forwards along the lower
border, & upwards over the lower
part of the ascending ramus.
 Nerve supply:- masseteric branch
from ant. division of the mandibular N.
 Action:-Elevation & protrusion
of mandible
Muscles superficial to the lateral skull base
Largest muscle of mastication & fan shape.
Origin: From inf. temporal line , floor of temporal fossa & from overlying
temporal fascia of the side of the skull.
Insertion: Superior border & medial tip of the coronoid process.
Action: Elevation (anterior fibers)
& Retraction (posterior fibers)
Nerve supply: Ant div. of mandibular N.
Blood Supply:- middle temporal artery,
branch of sup. temporal artery
deep temporal arteries, branches
of the maxillary artery
Temporalis muscle
Origin:- from 2 heads: manubrium & clavicle.
Inserted:- Curved line extending from tip of the mastoid process to superior
nuchal line of the occiput.
Nerve supply:- eleventh CN
Action:-To protract the head (moving it forwards while keeping it vertical with a
horizontal gaze).
Sternocleidomastoid muscle
Two bellies united by tendon
Origin – Anterior belly from diagastric fossa of mandible. Posterior belly from
mastoid notch of temporal bone.
Insertion –Both meet at the intermediate tendon and held by the fibrous pulley.
Nerve supply:- Post. belly is supplied
by seventh nerve (nerve to digastric)
& the ant. belly by the fifth nerve
(mylohyoid nerve).
Action:-To depress & retract the chin
Digastric muscle
Mastoid proces is absent It forms during 1st year as SCM muscles
complete their devp.& pull on petromastoid parts of temporal bones.
Styloid process is absent
Stylomastoid foramen is exposed on the lateral surface of the skull – (facial
nerve is vulnerable to injury)
Glabella and superciliary arches are not developed.
Paranasal sinuses are rudimentary or absent, (only maxillary sinus are
usually identifiable. Frontal sinus is absent)
Ext. acoustic meatus is short, straight and wholly cartilagenous
Ossification is incomplete – many bones are still in several pieces united by
fibrous tissue or cartilage
Characteristics Of Fetal Skull
Skull base anatomy by Dr. Aditya Tiwari

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Skull base anatomy by Dr. Aditya Tiwari

  • 2.  The skull base represents a central and complex bone structure of the skull that forms the floor of the cranial cavity on which the brain lies.  It separates brain from facial structures and suprahyoid neck.  Anatomical knowledge of this particular region is important for under- standing several pathologic conditions as well as for planning surgical procedures. Introduction
  • 3. The human skull consists of three components: (1) Membranous neurocranium Forms at bones of skull (2) Cartilaginous neurocranium / chondrocranium Forms majority of skull base (3) Viscerocranium or facial skeleton The basicranium Develops from cartilage precursors, with a small component from membranous bone. Development of the cartilaginous skull base begins around the 40th day of gestation, with conversion of mesenchyme into cartilage. Occipital sclerotomal mesenchyme concentrates around the notochord & extends cephalically forming the floor of brain. Embryology of the skull base
  • 4. The parachordal cartilage – Around the notochord. Sclerotomal cartilage – Occipital bone. 2 hypophyseal cartilage – Fuse to form basisphenoid cartilage. 2 presphenoid cartilage – body of sphenoid. ‘ Orbitosphenoid and Alisphenoid – wings of sphenoid. The chondrification centres of skull
  • 5. Dorsal view of the chondrocranium, or base of the skull, in the adult showing bones formed by endochondral ossification. Bones that form rostral to the rostral half of the sella turcica arise from neural crest and constitute the prechordal (in front of the notochord) chondrocranium (blue). Those forming posterior to this landmark arise from paraxial mesoderm (chordal chondrocranium) (red).
  • 6.  Skull base boundaries:- Anterior  Upper incisor teeth Posterior  Sup. nuchal line of occipital bone, Lateral Remaining upper teeth, the zygomatic arch & its posterior root, the mastoid process Composed of five bones: 1) Ethmoid, 2) Sphenoid, 3) Occipital , 4) Paired temporal & 5) Paired frontal bones Fossa :- 1) Anterior cranial fossa, 2) Middle cranial fossa, & 3) Posterior cranial fossa.
  • 7. Anterior cranial fossa. Boundaries :- Anterior: Posterior wall of the frontal sinus. Posterior: lesser wing of the sphenoid & anteior clinoid processes. Floor : roof of the nasal cavity & ethmoid sinuses medially. Lateral wall : thick and strong orbital plates of the frontal bone
  • 8. Middle cranial fossa Post. Cranial fossa Anterior margin :- The posterior surface of the clivus. Laterally:- superiorly the posterior surface of the petrous part of temporal bone & inferiorly the condylar part of the occipital bone. Posteriorly:- the mastoid part of temporal bone & the squamous part of occipital bone. Foramen magnum The sphenoid bone contributes to the most of the CSB. Anterior border :- Tuberculum sellae, ant. clinoid process, post. margin of lesser wing of sphenoid & anterior superior rim of greater wing of sphenoid. Posterior border :- superior border of petrous part of temporal bone & dorsum sellae of sphenoid.
  • 9.  Behind the faciomaxillary bones, its made up of the occipital bone, temporal bones and part of the sphenoid bones. Occipital bone  Has foramen magnum squamous part, petrous part & basi occiput.  Ant margin of F. magnum gives attachment to membrana tectoria, vertical limb of the cruciform ligament, and the apical & pair of alar ligaments of the odontoid peg  Occipital condyle attaches to atlas.  Ant condylar canal12th CN  Post.condylar canal vein from the sigmoid sinus to the suboccipital venous plexus. Osteology of the skull base
  • 10. It shows sup & inf nuchal line and ext occipital proturbance & crest. Each half of the occipital region is subdivided into four areas. two alongside the foramen magnum receive the recti. Rectus capitis post minor Supplied by C1 Extend the head . Rectus capitis post major supplied by C1 extend & rotate the head. Bwt sup & inf nuchal lines, medial area receives semispinalis capitis, supplied segmentally by post primary rami of the spinal nerves Chief extensor of the head. Lateral area, superior oblique muscle Supplied by C1 lateral flexor of the head
  • 11. Temporal bone  Its made up of squamosal, mastoid, petrous & tympanic parts which ossify separately and later fuse creating squamotympanic & petrosquamos fissure  Has styloid process Behind its base, stylomastoid foramen & post the mastoid bone has the digastric notch, medial to which there is a groove for the occipital artery. Stylomastoid foramen transmits facial nerve. 
  • 12. Foundation of MCF & resembles that of a bird with wings outstretched. It consist of  a central body; two sets of wings– the greater and lesser, which course laterally ; & two pterygoid processes, directed inferiorly. The superior surface articulates ant with the cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone & contains a smooth central surface, the planum sphenoidal. Post, the chiasmatic sulcus forms a slight depression & leads laterally to the optic canals. The tuberculum sellae, a bony elvation, just posterior to this sulcus. The sphenoid bone
  • 13.  Followed, posteriorly by sella turcica & dorsum sellae.  The dorsum sellae terminates laterally into the posterior clinoid processes  The anterior surface of the body of sphenoid forms the roof & posterior wall of nasopharynx „The body houses the sphenoid sinus . „Lesser wings Forms medial portion of orbital apex. „Greater wings – Course upward & laterally from both sides of the sphenoid body-forms floor of MCF, posterolateral orbit & lateral calvaria.
  • 14. Its the skull base part situated between the foramen magnum and the dorsum sellae. Formed from sphenoid and occipital bones. Normal fat signals in adult (late teens) in MRI. The petroccipital fissure forms the anterior lateral margin of the clivus, while the synchondrosis between the basioccipital and exoccipital bones forms the posterior lateral margins. CLIVUS
  • 15. Situated centrally in the skull base forming roof of the nasopharynx, Boundaries Formed by the line of attachment of the pharyngeal wall. The pharyngobasilar fascia is attached to the skull base and medial pterygoid plates thickened post into a pharyngeal ligament that continues inferiorly as the pharyngeal raphe. Separated from the prevertebral muscles post by prevertebral fascia.  Tubal area lies just lateral to pharyngeal area, comprises the region occupied by eustachian tube Pharyngeal &Tubal area
  • 16. The pharyngobasilar fascia is attached to undersurface of the tube, & two 'paratubal' muscles arise one on each side of it. The levator palati arises medially (within the pharynx) & the tensor palati arises laterally (outside the pharynx). Both muscles are partly attached to the tube, and open it during swallowing
  • 17. 3 muscles : Stylopharyngeus, Stylohyoid, Styloglossus. Stylopharyngeus:- Pass lateral to ICA. Origin Deep aspect of base of styloid process. InsertionThyroid cartilage & side wall of pharynx. Nerve supply Ninth nerve. Function:- Elevates larynx & pharynx. Stylohyoid:- Pass lateral to ECA. Origin Back of the base of styloid process Insertion2 slips over base of greater cornu of hyoid Nerve supply Seventh nerve. Function:- Elevates & retracts the hyoid. Styloid apparatus
  • 18. Styloglossus:- Pass lat. To ICA & then swings forwards med. to lingual nerve Origin front of the styloid process &upper part of stylohyoid ligament Insertion Side of the tongue Nerve supply Hypoglossal nerve, Function:- Retract the tongue .
  • 19. Frontal crest :- Midline bony ridge that projects upwards & provide attachment to the falx cerebri. Foramen caecum:-Transmits emissary vein from nose to superior sagittal sinus Crista galli :- Provides site for ant. most attachment of the falx cerebri. Cribriform plate :- Sheet of bone contaning many small Olfactory foramina  Transmit olfactory nerve fibres into the nasal cavity. Ant & post ethmoidal foramen:-Transmits Ant & post.ethmoidal artery,nerve,vein The contents & foramina's of ACF
  • 20. Cavernous Sinus Situated on each side of the body of sphenoid bone & extend from sup. orbital fissure ant to petrous apex post. Receives :- Sup.& inf. ophthalmic vein , Sphenoparietal sinus. Drains into:- Petrosal sinus, Pterygoid plexus, Basilar plexus. Contents:- 1) CN III, IV, V1, V2 & VI 2) ICA The contents & foramina's of MCF Only anatomic location in the body in which an artery travels completely through a venous structure
  • 21. Triangular shaped fissure bounded med. body of sphenoid, sup. lesser wing, & inf. greater wing and is completed lat frontal bone as greater & lesser wings converge. Optic strut separates optic canal from superior orbital fissure. Optic canal & superior orbital fissure together form the orbital apex. Contents are as in dia- Superior orbital fissure Abducent nerve is most likely to damage 1st in sup. orbital fissure syndrome
  • 22. Extends from pterygopalatine fossa along orbital floor. „Separates greater wings of the sphenoid from the maxilla. Content –1) Maxillary branch of trigeminal nerve 2)Infra orbital vessels. 3) Emissary veins connecting inf ophthalmic vein to pterygoid venous plexus. 4) Zygomatic nerve. Inferior orbital fissure
  • 23. A fat filled space between the pterygoid plates and the posterior wall of maxillary sinus. Shaped like an inverted pyramid. Borders :- Med - Perpendicular plate palatine bone, Lat - Narrowing to pterygomaxillary fissure, Ant - Post wall of maxillary sinus, Post - Med & Lat pterygoid plates; inferior aspect of lesser wing of sphenoid bone. It contains:-1) Pterygopalatine ganglion 2) Terminal third of the maxillary artery, 3) CN V2 4) Greater & deep petrosal nerve. Pterygopalatine fossa
  • 24. The PPF is an important pathway for the spread of neoplastic and infectious processes: Med - with nasal cavity via sphenopalatine F. Lat - with masticator space (or infratemporal fossa) via the pterygomaxillary fissure. Ant - with orbit via the inferior orbital fissure. Post & sup - with Meckel cave & cavernous sinus (of MCF) via the F. rotundum. Post & inf- with MCF via the vidian canal, which transmits the Vidian nerve. Inferiorly - with palate via the greater and lesser palatine canals Pterygopalatine fossa Communications
  • 25.
  • 26. Dural invagination at posterior aspect of cavernous sinus. Contains gasserian ganglion (trigeminal). Dural layers shows thin peripheral enhancement. In MRI, 3 sensory divisions of trigeminal nerve can be visualized leaving the gasserian ganglion Optic canal  Formed by the lesser wing of sphenoid.  The contents are :- Optic nerve . Ophthalmic Artery. Sympathetic fibers from carotid plexus MECKEL’S CAVE
  • 27. Foramen Rotendum Foramen ovale Endocranially, its situated post-lat to F. rotundum; exocranially, it is found at the base of lateral pterygoid plate. Contents :- 1) Mandibular Nerve (CN V3) 2) Accessory meningeal nerve 3) Lesser petrosal nerve 4)Emissary vein 5)Occasionally ant. trunk of middle meningeal artery Is actually a canal in the base of the greater sphenoid wing, is situated just inf & lateral to supe orbital fissure. It extends obliquely forward & slightly inferiorly, connecting the MCF to pterygopalatine fossa. Transmits the maxillary nerve ( V2), artery of the foramen Rotundum & emissary veins. Best visualized by means of coronal CT
  • 28. Foramen spinosum Foramen Lacerum Its located at the base of medial pterygoid plate, ant to the petrous apex. Structures passing whole length: 1) Meningeal branch of Ascending pharyngeal artery 2) Emissary vein Other structures partially traversing: 3) Internal carotid artery 4) Greater petrosal nerve. Its an aperture in the greater wing of the sphenoid posterolateral to foramen ovale. Contents :- 1) Middle meningeal artery & vein. 2) Emissary vein. 3) Nervous spinosus (Meningeal branch of mandibular nerve)
  • 29. Vidian Canal Also c/a pterygoid canal. Located in the floor of sphenoid sinus at the junction of the pterygoid process & the sphenoid body connecting the pterygopalatine fossa ant & the foramen lacerum posteriorly. Contents:- 1) Vidian Artery ( Br. Of Maxillary Artery). 2) Vidian Nerve (greater superficial petrosal nerve & deep petrosal nerve )
  • 30. Its a passage within petrous temporal bone & transmits the ICA & sympathetic plexus enters the MCF from the neck.  Its initially directed superiorly, then turns anteromedially to reach up to the petrous apex. CAROTID SHEATH  Fibrous connective tissue that surrounds vascular compartment of the neck.  Layers:- Investing fascia, pretracheal fascia & prevertebral fascia.  Cervical part of the sympathetic trunk is embedded in prevertebral fascia immediately post. to sheath. Carotid canal
  • 31. CONTENTS:-A) Above post belly of diagastric ICA, IJV,CN IX,X,XI,XII B) Below post belly of diagastric ICA,IJV, CN X  The carotid artery lies medial to the IJV, and the vagus nerve is situated post between the two vessels. The ansa cervicalis is embedded in anterior wall of sheath. It is formed by "descendens hypoglossi" (C1) & "descendens cervicalis" (C2-C3).
  • 32. For diagnostic imaging purposes, MCF further divided into 1) Midline sagittal, 2) Off-midline parasagittal, & 3) Lateral compartments By drawing vertical lines passing medially to the petroclival fissure (medial 2 red lines) and just lateral to the foramen ovale (lateral 2 red lines) respectively Lateral compartment of MCF  Formed by sphenoid triangle, squamous part of temporal bone, & temporomandibular joint
  • 33. Midline sagittal compartment Parasaggital compartment It includes the petroclival synchondrosis, foramen lacerum & medial aspect of the greater sphenoid wing. boundary sup & medparasellar region containing cavernous sinus, sup & lat. basal temporal lobes, and inf. parapharyngeal & masticator spaces Includes cavernous sinus, sup. orbital fissure, F. rotundum, vidian canal , & F. lacerum. Includes body of sphenoid & portion of clivus anterior to the basisphenoid. contains the sphenoid sinus bordered superiorly by sella turcica and inf by roof & posterior wall of the nasopharynx
  • 34. Foramen Magnum Internal acoustic canal TransmitsVII & VIII cranial nerves from pontomedullary junction to inner ear Divided by a bony lamina (falciform crest) into :- 1) Smaller superior part:Superior vestibular N. & Facial N 2) Larger Inferior part:- Inferior vestibular N. & Cochlear nerve The foramen magnum is entirely formed within the occipital bone. Contents :- 1. Medulla oblongata. 2.Vertebral arteries and veins. 3. Anterior & posterior spinal arteries. 4. spinal component of CN XI. 5. Tectorial membrane & alar ligaments. The contents & foramina's of PCF
  • 35. Located behind the carotid canal & formed in front by petrous portion of the temporal, & behind by occipital. Imaging based subclassification by bony ridge, jugular spine, separate jugular foramen into 2 parts A) Pars nervosa: smaller & ant-med compart.- i) Inf petrosal sinus. Ii) Jacobson’s Nerve. B) Pars vascularis: larger & post-lat compart.- i) IJV. ii) Arnold’s nerve. iii) Spinal accessory nerve Jugular foramen
  • 36. IX & XITH CN lie more laterally than XTH CN in the foramen It has anatomical variations & sometimes both cranial IX & XTH CN traverse through the pars nervosa. The right jugular foramen is larger than the left in 75% of the population. When the roof of the jugular bulb is seen above the level of floor of IAC , it is called a high riding jugular bulb, which is more common on the right side. This is a dangerous variant & exposing during translabyrinthine surgery.
  • 37. Also c/a ant condyloid canal. Located within occipital bone. Its paired bone passage that runs lateral & slightly forward from PCF to nasopharyngeal carotid spaceTransmits hypoglossal nerve. Intracanalicular enhancement is always present (emissary veins), with linear filling defects ( nerve rootlets). Hypoglossal canal.
  • 38. It is the space between the skull base, lateral pharyngeal wall & the ramus of mandible. Boundaries :- 1) Lat.- Ramus and condylar process of the mandible. 2) „Med.- Lateral pterygoid plate. 3) Ant. – Posterolateral wall of maxilla. 4) Post. – Carotid sheath. 5) Sup. - Greater wing of the sphenoid bone. 6) „Inf. – Medial pterygoid muscles. Infratemporal fossa
  • 39. Medial Pterygoid muscles  Origin:- Superficial head Maxillary tuberosity & pyramidal process of palatine bone  Deep head Medial surface of lateral pterygoid plate of the sphenoid bone  Action: Elevates & Protrusion of the mandible Side to side movement  Nerve supply:- Medial pterygoid nerve branch of mandibular nerve  Blood Supply:- Branch of mandibular nerve Contents Of Infratemporal fossa
  • 40. Origin:- Upper head infra-temporal surface & crest of greater wing of sphenoid  Lower head Lateral surface of the lateral pterygoid plate Action: Depression & Protrusion of the mandible, Side to side movement Nerve supply:- branches from the masseteric or buccal nerve, branch of the ant. trunk of the mandibular nerve Blood Supply:- Pterygoid vessels from Maxillary artery Lateral Pterygoid muscles
  • 41. Its the larger of the 2 terminal branches of ECA Arises behind neck of the mandible Imbedded in the substance of parotid gland Pass forward bwt ramus of mandible & sphenomandibular ligament Then runs sup or deep to the lateral pterygoid muscle Pterygomaxillary fissure Pterygopalatine fossa. MAXILLARYARTERY
  • 42. Described in 3 parts: before, on & beyond the lat. pterygoid muscle, with 5 branches coming from each part. From 1ST & 3RD parts all branches enter bony foramina; from 2nd part none of the branches go through bony foramina BRANCHES OF MAXILLARY ARTERY
  • 43. PLEXUS:- Lies within & on lat surface of lat pterygoid muscle, & receives branches of maxillary artery. Drains into two short, large maxillary vein to join superficial temporal vein & form retromandibular vein. Communicating veins: 1) Inferior orbital fissure  Inferior opthalmic vein 2) a connecting vein passes vertically down from the cavernous sinus 3) deep facial vein to join ant facial vein. The pterygoid plexus & maxillary veins
  • 44. The mandibular nerve Course:- Lat. wall of cavernous sinus Passing through foramen rotundum Enter pterygopalatine fossaThe pterygomaxillary fissure Infratemporal fossa Divided into 4 groups: 1) In cranium,2) In pterygopalatine fossa, 3) In infraorbital canal, 4) On the face. In the cranium:- Middle meningeal nerve in the meninges
  • 45. From the pterygopalatine fossa:- 1) Infraorbital nerve via Infraorbital canal 2)Zygomatic nerve (zygomaticotemporal nerve, zygomaticofacial nerve) via Inferior orbital fissure 3) Nasal Branches (nasopalatine) via Sphenopalatine foramen 4) Superior alveolar nerves (Ant, mid. & post. superior alveolar nerves) 5) Palatine Nerves (Greater & lesser palatine nerve)including the Nasopalatine nerve 6)Pharyngeal nerve In the infraorbital canal Anterior superior alveolar nerve, Infraorbital nerve
  • 46. Parapharyngeal , masticator, carotid & retropharyngeal spaces seen in close contact with the skull base along their cephalad aspect . Parapharyngeal space extends caudally to the submandibular space & cranially abuts the base skull Contains fat, which acts as a medium for infection. Relation of skull base to the deep facial spaces
  • 47. Masticator space connects the mandible to the skull base. Odontogenic infections & oropharyngeal sq. cell ca. can tract along masticator space to the base skull. Intracranial extension of the tumor can occur via mandibular nerve (perineural spread) through the foramen ovale. Jugular vein thrombosis & neural tumors such as schwannoma, neurofibromas & paraganglioma are seen in the carotid space. Rt masseter space abscess PerineuralV3 spread via F.ovale Rt acoustic neuroma
  • 48.  Also c/a Lateral pharyngeal space, Pharyngomaxillary space. Boundaries:- Shape like an inverted pyramid SupSkull base, sphenoid & temporal bones. Inferior Greater cornu of hyoid bone Anterior Pterygomandibular raphe. Posterior Carotid sheath post-lat. & retropharyngeal space post-med. Med Sup. Constrictor, Buccopharyngeal fascia Lat Ramus of mandible, deep lobe of parotid gland, medial pterygoid muscle Parapharyngeal space
  • 49. Has two compartments Prestyloid compartment Contains 2 musclesTensor palati & Levator palati muscles 2 artery Ascending palatine & ascending pharyngeal artery & int. jugular vein. Retrostyloid compartment It is neurovascular space, & contains the carotid sheath.
  • 50. Internal carotid artery: Carotid foramen curves upwards into F.lacerum in MCF apex of petrous bone enters the cavernous sinus It lies in front of cochlea & middle ear cavity, separated by thin plate of bone (may be dehiscent) gives off small intrapetrous branches, including carotico- tympanic artery feeding vessels for a glomus tumour. Structures within the skull base
  • 51. Jugular bulb It is the point at which sigmoid sinus feeds the upper end of IJV. Lies below posterior part of the floor of the middle ear. Inferior petrosal sinus joints jugular bulb at the skull base  GSPN+ deep petrosal nerve= vidian N. Pterygoid canalPterygopalatine G.  CN IX,X,IX, Jacobsons & Arnold nerve lies in & around the jugular foramen.
  • 53. FRACTURES SUTURES Less than 2 mm in width Same width throughout the length Lighter on X-ray compared with fracture lines At specific anatomic sites Does not run in straight line Curvaceous Greater than 3 mm in width Widest at the centre & narrow at the ends Runs through both the outer & the inner lamina of bone, hence appears darker Usually over temporoparietal area Usually runs in a straight line Angular turns
  • 54.  There are 4 muscles as follow Masseter muscle  Origin:- From zygomatic arch  Insertion:-Lateral aspect of mandible from the angle forwards along the lower border, & upwards over the lower part of the ascending ramus.  Nerve supply:- masseteric branch from ant. division of the mandibular N.  Action:-Elevation & protrusion of mandible Muscles superficial to the lateral skull base
  • 55. Largest muscle of mastication & fan shape. Origin: From inf. temporal line , floor of temporal fossa & from overlying temporal fascia of the side of the skull. Insertion: Superior border & medial tip of the coronoid process. Action: Elevation (anterior fibers) & Retraction (posterior fibers) Nerve supply: Ant div. of mandibular N. Blood Supply:- middle temporal artery, branch of sup. temporal artery deep temporal arteries, branches of the maxillary artery Temporalis muscle
  • 56. Origin:- from 2 heads: manubrium & clavicle. Inserted:- Curved line extending from tip of the mastoid process to superior nuchal line of the occiput. Nerve supply:- eleventh CN Action:-To protract the head (moving it forwards while keeping it vertical with a horizontal gaze). Sternocleidomastoid muscle
  • 57. Two bellies united by tendon Origin – Anterior belly from diagastric fossa of mandible. Posterior belly from mastoid notch of temporal bone. Insertion –Both meet at the intermediate tendon and held by the fibrous pulley. Nerve supply:- Post. belly is supplied by seventh nerve (nerve to digastric) & the ant. belly by the fifth nerve (mylohyoid nerve). Action:-To depress & retract the chin Digastric muscle
  • 58. Mastoid proces is absent It forms during 1st year as SCM muscles complete their devp.& pull on petromastoid parts of temporal bones. Styloid process is absent Stylomastoid foramen is exposed on the lateral surface of the skull – (facial nerve is vulnerable to injury) Glabella and superciliary arches are not developed. Paranasal sinuses are rudimentary or absent, (only maxillary sinus are usually identifiable. Frontal sinus is absent) Ext. acoustic meatus is short, straight and wholly cartilagenous Ossification is incomplete – many bones are still in several pieces united by fibrous tissue or cartilage Characteristics Of Fetal Skull