mass media persuasion communication minorities research quantitative puerto rico communications attitudes gender higher education mass communication critical thinking approach qualitative human communication teaching teaching as research learning outcomes tar learning participation engagement manager leader leadership follower power media rhetoric education modern liberal perspective radical perspective discrimination political economy conservative perspective diversity puerto rico and united states political status colony theory race symbols culture signs language equality lgbt issues values parent adult parenting minor analysis white 2017 2016 2015 2014 parents age non-white magazine polls technology study howard university mixed methods polleverywhere active learning non-stem mixed study socrative stem college nonstem classroom attendance guilt narrative messanger evidence charisma fear framing message extended parallel process model eppm persuasive communication compliance nfc central route peripheral route ability interpersonal communication elaboration likelihood model ditf counteraatitude dissonance behavior need for cognition motivation elm involvement fitd cognition general implicit beliefs specific propaganda influence coercion manipulation plato aristotle ethics ethical coomunication ethos rome pathos oratory logos burke self-persuasion charismatic leadership transformational leadership relational approach traits approach leadership development functional approach situational approach followership management political change national identity identity panethnic identification discourse colonial racism colonialism media ownership panethnicity world news ica ownership fcc women federal communications commission equal access broadcast stations plyer v. doe cra immigration act bolling v. sharpe ada brown v. board of education civil rights act fairness phenomenological interpretive communication theory semiotic ethical cybernetic socio-psychological free will socio-cultural determinism seven traditions of communication objective department of education school funding esea nclb waiver flexibility ayp federal funding race to the top federal funds classical liberal perspective gender equality marxism feminism academia affirmative action ethical challenge legal challenge news media puerto rico statehood international communications international agenda news media law freedom of speech traps and tricks critical ethnography jim thomas ethnography free market economics democracy synergy hegemony global marketplace first amendment free press freedom of expression legal controls social scientific studies approach cultural studies approach gay rights queer howard university institutional review board howard university irb irb huirb oscar h. gandy bill of rights civil rights u.s. citizenship united states material documents history data critical same sex marriage gender orientation human rights proposition 8 marriage sexual variability law doma
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