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                 Function in C
Prepared by:
Assistant Professor
Department of CSE
DIT University, Dehradun
Introduction to Function in C
• Rely on person for so many other things
Eg. call a mechanic to fix up your bike
       hire a gardener to mow your lawn
       rely on a store to supply you groceries every month

• Similarly a computer program cannot handle all the
  tasks by itself.
• So it requests other program —called ‘functions’ in
  C—to get its tasks done.

visit us:     2
Modular Programming
                             (Top-Down Programming)
• Large program is broken into segments
       i.e.number of smaller and simpler tasks.
• All individual segment is known as “module”.

Eg. In a mobile phone,
     contact list
      calculator                                      Module
      so on…

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Advantage of Modular Programming
• Codes and variables are isolated from other program

• Easy to debug or trace the errors

• Reuse the same code in other program also

• Less effort to write a new code for similar task
eg. printf(), scanf(), clrscr(),sqrt()

visit us:    4
• A function is a self-contained block of
  statements that perform a coherent task of
  some kind.
• A function that calls or activates the function
  and the function itself.
                      F                                SYSTEM-DEFINED FUNCTION
                      U                                 Or PRE-DEFINED function
                      N                                    Or Library function
                      C                                    Or Built-in Function
                                                         User-Defined Function

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Basic structure of function

Return_type                                 function_name (arguments_list)

    set of statements (or function body)


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Function (contd…)
• Built-in Function
Eg. Sqrt(),pow(),printf(),scanf()
• User-defined Function’s components
       – Return type
       – Function name
       – Function argument list
       – Function’s body= set of statements

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Function categories
        on the basis of argument_list and return_type
• Function with no arguments and no return values

• Function with arguments and no return values

• Function with arguments and return values

• Function with no arguments and return values

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First Program of Function
   void main()                                              Output:
1 printf(“n hello ”);                                      Hello
   printf(“n everyone”);
                                                            Good morning
   getch();                                                 everyone
   // function start
 2 printf(“n good morning”);
   }                          visit us:   9
First program of Function
                                     Header File
void main()                             Main function
{                                    (Calling function)
printf(“n hello ”);
message();                              body of statement in main function
printf(“n everyone”);
// function start                          Comments
message()                                      User-defined function name
{                                                      (Called function)
printf(“n good morning”);                Body of statement in user-defined functi
}                          visit us: 10
Program example
void main( )
printf ( "ni am in main function" ) ;
italy( ) ;
printf(“n i am in middle of main”);
brazil( ) ;
printf(“n i am back to main”);
getch();                                                    Output:
}                                                           I am in main function
italy()                                                     Hi how are you?
{                                                           I am in middle of main
printf(“n Hi how are you?”);                               Hmmm, not bad
                                                            I am back to main
printf(“n Hmmm, not bad!”);
}                                        visit us:   11
Why use function?
• Writing functions avoids rewriting the same
  code over and over.

• Separating the code into modular functions
  makes the program easier to design and

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Function categories
         on the basis of argument_list and return_type

• Function with no arguments and no return values

• Function with arguments and no return values

• Function with arguments and return values

• Function with no arguments and return values

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Function with
    no arguments and no return values
                            Function prototype declaration
void my_sms(void);
void main()                                  output:
   printf(“n send me a message”);
        my_sms();                            send me a message
        my_sms();                            plz rd my msg
}                                            plz rd my msg

void my_sms()
print(“n plz rd my msg.”);
}                             visit us:   14
Function with
         arguments and no return values
void factorial(int);
void main()
  int n;
printf(“n enter a no.”);
scanf(“%d”, &n);                                                       Output:
}                                                                      Enter a no. 5
void factorial(int m)
                                                                       Factorial of 5 is 120
int i,f=1;
printf(“n factorial of %d is %d”, m,f);
}                                          visit us:   15
Function with
           arguments and return values
#include<stdio.h>                                          float add (int,int);

int compute(int,int);                                      void main()
void main()                                                {
int n1=100,n2=500,ans;
                                                  ?        float n1,n2,ans;
                                                           printf(“n enter 2 no.”);
printf(“n largest no=%d”,ans);                            ans=add(n1,n2);
getch();                                                   printf(“n sum=%f”,ans);
}                                                          getch();
int compute(int x,int y)                                   float add(int a,int b)
{                                                          {
if(x>y)                                                    float result;
return x;                                                  result=a+b;
else                                                       return result;
return y;                                                  }                           16
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Function with
               No arguments and return values
#include<stdio.h>                                      int p()
#include<conio.h>                                      {
int p();                                                int i,power=1,n;
void main()                                             printf("n enter value for power:");
{                                                       scanf("%d",&n);
 int my_p;
 clrscr();                                             for(i=1;i<=n;i++)
 my_p=p();                                              power=power*n;
 printf("n power = %d", my_p);
 getch();                                              return power;
}                                                      }
   Output: enter value for power: 5
                                                               55= 5 x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5=3125
   Power= 3125
visit us:                                        17
  void main(){
                                                       void main()
  int i = 10, j = 20 ;                                 {
  printf ( "%d %d %d ", i, j ) ;                       int a = 1 ;
  printf ( "%d", i, j ) ;                              printf ( "%d %d %d", a,++a,a++ ) ;
  }                                                    }

   10 20 860                                                 Output:
   10                                                        331
         Garbage value

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• WAP to find the factorial of a number using
  function with arguments and return value
• Wap to find the cube of a number using
  function with argument but no return value
• Write a c function which returns the biggest of
  3 numbers.

• Do the exercise from Let-Us-C
visit us:   19
Function Prototype
Declaring a function is function prototype which
provides the compiler with a description that will be
defined at a later point in the program.
Return_type function_name(arg-type-1,arg-type-2,……..arg-type-n);
int my_square(int);
double amount(int,float,int);
void useless_msg(char[],int);

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Function definition
    • An actual function is a snippet code that gets
    • First line of function definition (known as
      function header) should be identical to function
      prototype with no semicolon.
    • Example:
                                                        int my_square(int x)
      Snippet                                          long int my_sq;
       code                                            my_sq=x*x;
                                                       return my_sq;
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                                                       }                       21
Actual and Formal Parameter
  int compute_sum(int,int);
  void main()                                 Actual Arguments
  {                        Variable used in (or Actual Parameter)
  int sum,n1=10,n2=30; Calling function
  printf(“total =%d”,sum);
  int compute_sum(int x, int y)
  return (x+y);         Variable used in
                                           Formal Parameter
  }                     Called function
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Actual & Formal Parameter example
#include<stdio.h>          #include<stdio.h>       Output
void plz_do_it(int);               square (float); Enter a number: 2
                                                   Enter a number: 2
void main( ) Output:       void main()             4.00000
                                                   Enter a number: 2.5
                                                   Enter a number: 2.5
{              60          {
int a = 30 ; 30            int a;
                           printf(“n enter a number”); wrong
plz_do_it ( a ) ;
printf ( "n%d", a ) ;     printf(“%f”,square(a));
}                          }
void plz_do_it ( int b )          square(float x)
{                               {
b = 60 ;                   return (x*x);
printf ( "n%d", b ) ;     }
}                          visit us:   23
Actual & Formal Parameter example
#include<stdio.h>                                  #include<stdio.h>
void plz_do_it(int);                                float square (float); Enter a number: 2
void main( ) Output:                               void main()             4.00000
                                                   {                       Enter a number: 2.5
{              60                                                          6.000000
int a = 30 ; 30                                    int a;
                                                   printf(“n enter a number”);
plz_do_it ( a ) ;
printf ( "n%d", a ) ;                             printf(“%f”,square(a));          correct
}                                                  }                        Output
void plz_do_it ( int b )                             float square(float x) Enter a number: 2
{                                                        {                  4.00000
                                                                            Enter a number: 2.5
b = 60 ;                                           return (x*x);
printf ( "n%d", b ) ;                             }                        Enter a number:1.5
}                                                                           2.250000
  visit us:
Scope Rules
• The scope of a variable is in the program or function in
  which it is declared.

• A global variable is visible to all contained functions
  including the function in which the variable is declared.

• An entity* declared in the scope of another entity is
  always a different entity even if their names are
   entity*= variable, function, parameter

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Scope Rule (contd…)
    1. The scope of a variable is in the program or
       function in which it is declared.
#include<stdio.h>      void add(int x1,int x2)
void add(int,int);     {
                       printf(“n sum=%d”,x1+x2);
void mul(int,int);
void main()
                       void mul(int y1,int y2)
int a=20,b=10;         printf(“n multiplication=%d”,y1*y2);
add(a,b);              }
                   Scope of variable a,b is within the main() only.
}                  Scope of variable x1,x2 is within the add() only.
/                                              Scope of variable y1,y2 is within the mul() only.
Scope Rule (contd…)
 2. A global variable is visible to all contained functions
    including the function in which the variable is declared.
#include<stdio.h>                                        Global variable
int add_me();
                           A variable declared outside of a function.
int n1,n2;
                           They are known or accessed by any function
void main() {
                           comprising the program.
int my_sum;
printf(“n sum=%d”,my_sum);
} /* end of main*/                                               Local Variable
int add_me(){
                           A variable declared inside of a function. They are
int result;                unknown to other function. i.e. scope is only within
Result=n1+n2;              the function in which They are declared. Variable are
return result;             Not accessed outside of function.
                     visit us:     27
Scope Rules (contd…)
• An entity* declared in the scope of another
  entity is always a different entity even if their
  names are identical.
   entity*= variable, function, parameter
          Example; ??????

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Parameter passing method
            on the basis of argument (or parameter)

                   Parameter passing method

            Pass by Value                                                 Pass by Reference
          Or Call by value                                              Or Call by Reference

When the values of arguments are passed                             Actual values are not passed, instead
From the calling function to the called                             their addresses are passed. There is no
function, The values are copied into called                         copying of values since their memory
function.                                                           locations are referenced.
If any changes made to the value in calling                         If any changes is made to value in
function, There is no change in the original                        called function, The original value gets
values within the calling function.                                 changed within the calling function.
             visit us :
Call by values
//swaping the value by callByValue
                                                    //no change in calling function
void call_by_value(int,int);
void main( )
                                                    void no_change_value(int);
                                                    void main( )                         Output:
int a = 10, b = 20 ;
                                                    {                                    B=60
call_by_value ( a, b ) ;
                                                    int a = 30 ;                         A=30
printf ( "na = %d t b = %d", a, b ) ;
                                                    no_change_value ( a ) ;
                                                    printf ( "na=%d", a ) ;
void call_by_value ( int x, int y )
                                                    void no_change_value ( int b )
int t ;          Output:
t=x;             x = 20 y = 10
                                                    b = 60 ;
x=y;             a = 10 b = 20
                                                    printf ( "nb= %d", b ) ;
printf ( "nx = %d t y = %d", x, y ) ;
                                    visit us:      30
    (know it before using call by reference)
 Let us take an example,          int i=3;
 This declaration tells the C compiler to:
 (a) Reserve space in memory to hold the integer value.
 (b) Associate the name i with this memory location.
 (c) Store the value 3 at this location.

Memory map
                            i                                  Location name

For                                                            Value at location
i’s location
                         65524                                  Location number
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Pointer (contd…)

  Memory map
                                           i                       Location name

  For                                                              Value at location
  i’s location
                                        65524                       Location number

  void main( )
                  %u=unsigned integer        output:
                                             Address of i = 65524
  int i = 3 ;
                                             Value of i = 3
  printf ( "nAddress of i = %u", &i ) ;
  printf ( "nValue of i = %d", i ) ;
  }                             First time used & in printf() indicating
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                                                       address of variable             32
Pointer (contd…)
      &(address operator) and *(indirection operator)

                                                       main( )
main( )                                                {
{                                                      int i = 3 ;
int i = 3 ;                                            printf ( "nAddress of i = %u", &i ) ;
printf ( "nAddress of i = %u", &i ) ;                 printf ( "nValue of i = %d", i ) ;
printf ( "nValue of i = %d", i ) ;                    printf ( "nValue of i = %d", *( &i ) ) ;
}                                                      }

output:                                                output:
                                                                              * is known as
Address of i = 65524                                   Address of i = 65524    ‘indirection
Value of i = 3                                         Value of i = 3
                                                       Value of i = 3
                                                                               operator’ or
                                                                            ‘value at address’
visit us:                                               33
Pointer (contd…)
main( )                                                        Address of i = 65524
{                                                              Address of i = 65524
                  Pointer variable (‘j’ in                     Address of j = 65522
int i = 3 ;
                   this case) contains                         Value of j = 65524
int *j ;                                                       Value of i = 3
                     address of other
                 variable (‘i’ in this case)                   Value of i = 3
j = &i ;                                                       Value of i = 3
printf ( "nAddress of i = %u", &i ) ;
printf ( "nAddress of i = %u", j ) ;
printf ( "nAddress of j = %u", &j ) ;                             i                       j
printf ( "nValue of j = %u", j ) ;
printf ( "nValue of i = %d", i ) ;
                                                                   3                     65524
printf ( "nValue of i = %d", *( &i ) ) ;                      65524                      65522
printf ( "nValue of i = %d", *j ) ;
}                                           visit us:   34
Call by reference
//swapping the value by reference                      void call_by_reference( int *x, int *y )
#include<stdio.h>                                       {
void call_by_reference(int*, int*);                    int t ;
void main( ) {                                         t = *x ;
int a = 10, b = 20 ;                                   *x = *y ;
printf(“n before swappingn”);                        *y = t ;
printf(“n a=%d t b=%d”,a,b);                         }
call_by_reference( &a, &b ) ;
printf(“n after swappingn”);                                  Output:
printf ( "na = %d b = %d", a, b ) ;
                                                                before swapping
                                                                a=10 b=20
                                                                after swapping
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                                                                a=20 b=10                 35
Call by value vs call by reference
         Call by value            Call by reference
 It consumes more memory    It consumes less memory
 space because formal       space because irrespective
 parameter also occupies    of data type of the actual
 memory space.              arguments, each pointer
                            occupies only 4 bytes
 It takes more time to      It takes less time because
 execute because the values no values are copied.
 are copied.

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• Write a C program using function to find the
  numbers between 1 to 1000 which follows the
  property that 12 possesses. i.e.
    (a)     The number is 12
    (b)     Take it reverse (i.e.21) and square it (i.e. 441)
    (c)     Now take the square of 12 (i.e. 144)
    (d)     Compare the result of step (b) & step (c)
    (e)     If they are reverse of each other then print 12.

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Recursion(A recursive function)
 • A function is called ‘recursive’ if a statement
   within the body of a function calls the same
 • Sometimes       called ‘circular      definition’,
   recursion is thus the process of defining
   something in terms of itself.
 • A situation in which a function calls itself
   either directly or indirectly.

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Recursion (contd…)
e.g. Recursion can be used to calculate factorial of a number.

X!= x* (x-1)* (x-2)*(x-3)*…*2*1
However x! may be calculated as                                  find the factorial of 4

And then (x-1)!= (x-1)*(x-2)!
And then (x-2)!=(x-2)*(x-3)!                                     4!=4*3!

And so on……

       visit us:                       39
Recursion example
                   Q find the factorial of a number using recursion
main( )                                                    rec ( int x )
{                                                          {
int a, fact ;                                              int f ;
printf ( "nEnter any number " ) ;                         if ( x == 1 )
                                                           return ( 1 ) ;
scanf ( "%d", &a ) ;                                       else
fact = rec ( a ) ;                                         return (x * rec ( x - 1 )) ;
printf ( "Factorial value = %d", fact ) ;                  }

    visit us:                                  40
Recursion concept understanding
return ( x * rec ( x - 1 )) ;                           Important line

   rec ( 5 ) returns ( 5 times rec ( 4 ),
       which returns ( 4 times rec ( 3 ),
            which returns ( 3 times rec ( 2 ),
                which returns ( 2 times rec ( 1 ),
                        which returns ( 1 ) ) ) ) )

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Recursion flow example

                                                       Starts here

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Assignment on recursion
1.   Find the factorial of a given number using recursion.
2.   Generate fibonacci series upto nth terms using recursion
3.   Define power function using recursion
4.   Find the greatest common divisor (GCD) of 2 no.
5.   Conversion from decimal to binary

     visit us:   43
Special assignment on function
• Go through Let-Us-C of chapter function
• Try to generate your own function, say myf()
• Save a defined function myf() with new .cpp file name ,
  say myf.cpp
• Save a new header file with declaring myf() prototype,
  say myf.h
• Add this header file myf.h to TurboC library
• Include this header file in your new file and execute the
  statement, #include ”myf.h”
1. do_it(). 2.print_me(). 3.add_me() 4.print_table()

 visit us:    44
Data Storage in C
  1.Variable’s value stores at two location:
     • Memory and
     • CPU Register

  2.Variable’s storage class tells us:
      Where the value would be stored.
      Default initial value
      Scope of a variable
      Life of a variable

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Type of Storage Class

                                                       Data storage

                                             Register            Static   External

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Automatic Storage Class (keyword:auto)
•      Storage- Memory
•      Default Initial Value- garbage value
•      Scope- local to the block in which variable is defined
•      Life- within the block
                                                           void main( ) {
     void main( )                                          auto int i = 1 ;
     {                                                     {                               Output:
     auto int i, j ;                                         {                             1 1 1
     printf ( "n%d %d", i, j ) ;                                printf ( "n%d ", i ) ;
     }                                                         }
                                                             printf ( "%d ", i ) ;
     Output:                      Garbage value
     1211 221                                              printf ( "%d", i ) ;
    visit us:                                       47
Automatic Storage class example
void main( )
auto int i = 1 ;                                             Output:
    auto int i = 2 ;
     {                                                       3
       auto int i = 3 ;                                      2
       printf ( "n%d ", i ) ;
   printf ( “n%d ", i ) ;
printf ( “n%d", i ) ;
                visit us:
Register storage class
•    Storage - CPU registers.
•    Default initial value - Garbage value.
•    Scope - Local to the block in which the variable is defined.
•    Life - remains within the block in which the variable is

    void main( )
    {                                                                    Register variable is
    register int i ;                                                       used to use the
    for ( i = 1 ; i <= 10 ; i++ )                                        variable frequently.
    printf ( "n%d", i ) ;
                  visit us:                     49
Static Storage class
 •    Storage − Memory.
 •    Default initial value − Zero.
 •    Scope − Local to the block in which the variable is defined.
 •    Life − Value of the variable persists between different function calls.

     void main( )                              increment( )                  Output:
     {                                         {                             1
     increment( ) ;                            static int i = 1 ;
     increment( ) ;                            printf ( "%dn", i ) ;
     increment( ) ;                            i=i+1;
     }                                         }                  auto int i=1; 1
                                                                                1         50
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External Storage Class
•   Storage               − Memory.
•   Default initial value − Zero.
•   Scope                 − Global.
•   Life − As long as the program’s execution doesn’t come to an end.

int i ;                       increment() {                                   Output:
main( )                       i=i+1;
{                             printf ( "non incrementing i = %d", i ) ;          i=0
printf ( "ni = %d", i ) ;    }                                                   on incrementing i =
                                decrement( )                                      1
increment( ) ;                  {                                                 on incrementing i =
increment( ) ;                  i=i-1;                                            2
decrement( ) ;                  printf ( "non decrementing i = %d", i ) ; on decrementing i =
decrement( ) ;                  }                                                 1
}                            visit us:
                                                                                  on decrementing i =
Extern Storage Class Example
   int x = 21 ;              global
   void main( )
   {              Declaring a variable
   extern int y ;   Requires no space                          Defining a
   printf ( "n%d %d", x, y ) ;                                 variable
                                                                     space gets
   }                                                                 reserved
   int y = 31 ;
visit us:                         52
Extern storage class example (contd…)
int x = 10 ;              Global x
main( )
{                                                      Confused ?
int x = 20 ;               Local x
printf ( "n%d", x ) ;
display( ) ;
}                      Output:                     Preference is given
                                           20      to local variable
display( )
printf ( "n%d", x ) ;
} us:
visit                                                                53
 • From Let-Us-C

visit us:          54

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ฟังก์ชั่นย่อยและโปรแกรมมาตรฐาน ม. 6 1
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ฟังก์ชั่นย่อยและโปรแกรมมาตรฐาน ม. 6 1Little Tukta Lita
11 2. variable-scope rule,-storage_class
11 2. variable-scope rule,-storage_class11 2. variable-scope rule,-storage_class
11 2. variable-scope rule,-storage_class웅식 전

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ฟังก์ชั่นย่อยและโปรแกรมมาตรฐาน ม. 6 1
ฟังก์ชั่นย่อยและโปรแกรมมาตรฐาน ม. 6  1ฟังก์ชั่นย่อยและโปรแกรมมาตรฐาน ม. 6  1
ฟังก์ชั่นย่อยและโปรแกรมมาตรฐาน ม. 6 1
11 2. variable-scope rule,-storage_class
11 2. variable-scope rule,-storage_class11 2. variable-scope rule,-storage_class
11 2. variable-scope rule,-storage_class


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Function lecture

  • 1. A Lecture on Function in C Prepared by: AJAY KUMAR Assistant Professor Department of CSE DIT University, Dehradun
  • 2. Introduction to Function in C • Rely on person for so many other things Eg. call a mechanic to fix up your bike hire a gardener to mow your lawn rely on a store to supply you groceries every month • Similarly a computer program cannot handle all the tasks by itself. • So it requests other program —called ‘functions’ in C—to get its tasks done. visit us: 2
  • 3. Modular Programming (Top-Down Programming) • Large program is broken into segments i.e.number of smaller and simpler tasks. • All individual segment is known as “module”. Eg. In a mobile phone, contact list SMS calculator Module games so on… visit us: 3
  • 4. Advantage of Modular Programming • Codes and variables are isolated from other program • Easy to debug or trace the errors • Reuse the same code in other program also • Less effort to write a new code for similar task eg. printf(), scanf(), clrscr(),sqrt() visit us: 4
  • 5. Function • A function is a self-contained block of statements that perform a coherent task of some kind. • A function that calls or activates the function and the function itself. F SYSTEM-DEFINED FUNCTION U Or PRE-DEFINED function N Or Library function C Or Built-in Function T I O User-Defined Function N 5 visit us:
  • 6. Basic structure of function Return_type function_name (arguments_list) { set of statements (or function body) } visit us: 6
  • 7. Function (contd…) • Built-in Function Eg. Sqrt(),pow(),printf(),scanf() • User-defined Function’s components – Return type – Function name – Function argument list – Function’s body= set of statements visit us: 7
  • 8. Function categories on the basis of argument_list and return_type • Function with no arguments and no return values • Function with arguments and no return values • Function with arguments and return values • Function with no arguments and return values visit us: 8
  • 9. First Program of Function #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void main() Output: { clrscr(); 1 printf(“n hello ”); Hello message(); printf(“n everyone”); Good morning 3 getch(); everyone } // function start message() { 2 printf(“n good morning”); } visit us: 9
  • 10. First program of Function #include<stdio.h> Header File #include<conio.h> void main() Main function { (Calling function) clrscr(); printf(“n hello ”); message(); body of statement in main function printf(“n everyone”); getch(); } // function start Comments message() User-defined function name { (Called function) printf(“n good morning”); Body of statement in user-defined functi } visit us: 10
  • 11. Program example void main( ) { printf ( "ni am in main function" ) ; Output: italy( ) ; printf(“n i am in middle of main”); brazil( ) ; ? printf(“n i am back to main”); getch(); Output: } I am in main function italy() Hi how are you? { I am in middle of main printf(“n Hi how are you?”); Hmmm, not bad } I am back to main brazil() { printf(“n Hmmm, not bad!”); } visit us: 11
  • 12. Why use function? • Writing functions avoids rewriting the same code over and over. • Separating the code into modular functions makes the program easier to design and understand. visit us: 12
  • 13. Function categories on the basis of argument_list and return_type • Function with no arguments and no return values • Function with arguments and no return values • Function with arguments and return values • Function with no arguments and return values visit us: 13
  • 14. Function with no arguments and no return values #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> Function prototype declaration void my_sms(void); void main() output: { printf(“n send me a message”); my_sms(); send me a message my_sms(); plz rd my msg } plz rd my msg void my_sms() { print(“n plz rd my msg.”); } visit us: 14
  • 15. Function with arguments and no return values #include<stdio.h> void factorial(int); void main() { int n; printf(“n enter a no.”); scanf(“%d”, &n); Output: factorial(n); getch(); } Enter a no. 5 void factorial(int m) Factorial of 5 is 120 { int i,f=1; for(i=1;i<=m;i++) f=f*i; printf(“n factorial of %d is %d”, m,f); } visit us: 15
  • 16. Function with arguments and return values #include<stdio.h> #include<stdio.h> float add (int,int); ? int compute(int,int); void main() void main() { { int n1=100,n2=500,ans; ans=compute(n1,n2); ? float n1,n2,ans; printf(“n enter 2 no.”); scanf(“%f%f”,&n1,&n2); printf(“n largest no=%d”,ans); ans=add(n1,n2); getch(); printf(“n sum=%f”,ans); } getch(); } int compute(int x,int y) float add(int a,int b) { { if(x>y) float result; return x; result=a+b; else return result; return y; } 16 visit us:
  • 17. Function with No arguments and return values #include<stdio.h> int p() #include<conio.h> { int p(); int i,power=1,n; void main() printf("n enter value for power:"); { scanf("%d",&n); int my_p; clrscr(); for(i=1;i<=n;i++) my_p=p(); power=power*n; printf("n power = %d", my_p); getch(); return power; } } Output: enter value for power: 5 55= 5 x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5=3125 Power= 3125 visit us: 17
  • 18. Excercise Exercise: void main(){ void main() int i = 10, j = 20 ; { printf ( "%d %d %d ", i, j ) ; int a = 1 ; printf ( "%d", i, j ) ; printf ( "%d %d %d", a,++a,a++ ) ; } } Output; 10 20 860 Output: 10 331 Garbage value visit us: 18
  • 19. assignment • WAP to find the factorial of a number using function with arguments and return value • Wap to find the cube of a number using function with argument but no return value • Write a c function which returns the biggest of 3 numbers. • Do the exercise from Let-Us-C visit us: 19
  • 20. Function Prototype Declaring a function is function prototype which provides the compiler with a description that will be defined at a later point in the program. Syntax: Return_type function_name(arg-type-1,arg-type-2,……..arg-type-n); Example: int my_square(int); double amount(int,float,int); void useless_msg(char[],int); visit us: 20
  • 21. Function definition • An actual function is a snippet code that gets executed. • First line of function definition (known as function header) should be identical to function prototype with no semicolon. • Example: int my_square(int x) { Snippet long int my_sq; code my_sq=x*x; return my_sq; visit us: } 21
  • 22. Actual and Formal Parameter #include<stdio.h> int compute_sum(int,int); void main() Actual Arguments { Variable used in (or Actual Parameter) int sum,n1=10,n2=30; Calling function sum=compute_sum(n1,n2); printf(“total =%d”,sum); getch(); } int compute_sum(int x, int y) { return (x+y); Variable used in Formal Parameter } Called function visit us: 22
  • 23. Actual & Formal Parameter example #include<stdio.h> #include<stdio.h> Output Output void plz_do_it(int); square (float); Enter a number: 2 Enter a number: 2 void main( ) Output: void main() 4.00000 4.00000 Enter a number: 2.5 Enter a number: 2.5 { 60 { 6.000000 6.000000 int a = 30 ; 30 int a; printf(“n enter a number”); wrong plz_do_it ( a ) ; scanf(“%f”,&a); printf ( "n%d", a ) ; printf(“%f”,square(a)); } } void plz_do_it ( int b ) square(float x) { { b = 60 ; return (x*x); printf ( "n%d", b ) ; } } visit us: 23
  • 24. Actual & Formal Parameter example #include<stdio.h> #include<stdio.h> wrong Output void plz_do_it(int); float square (float); Enter a number: 2 void main( ) Output: void main() 4.00000 { Enter a number: 2.5 { 60 6.000000 int a = 30 ; 30 int a; printf(“n enter a number”); plz_do_it ( a ) ; scanf(“%f”,&a); printf ( "n%d", a ) ; printf(“%f”,square(a)); correct } } Output void plz_do_it ( int b ) float square(float x) Enter a number: 2 { { 4.00000 Enter a number: 2.5 b = 60 ; return (x*x); 6.250000 printf ( "n%d", b ) ; } Enter a number:1.5 } 2.250000 24 visit us:
  • 25. Scope Rules • The scope of a variable is in the program or function in which it is declared. • A global variable is visible to all contained functions including the function in which the variable is declared. • An entity* declared in the scope of another entity is always a different entity even if their names are identical. entity*= variable, function, parameter visit us: 25
  • 26. Scope Rule (contd…) 1. The scope of a variable is in the program or function in which it is declared. #include<stdio.h> void add(int x1,int x2) void add(int,int); { printf(“n sum=%d”,x1+x2); void mul(int,int); } void main() void mul(int y1,int y2) { { int a=20,b=10; printf(“n multiplication=%d”,y1*y2); add(a,b); } mul(a,b); Scope of variable a,b is within the main() only. } Scope of variable x1,x2 is within the add() only. visit us: / Scope of variable y1,y2 is within the mul() only. 26
  • 27. Scope Rule (contd…) 2. A global variable is visible to all contained functions including the function in which the variable is declared. #include<stdio.h> Global variable int add_me(); A variable declared outside of a function. int n1,n2; They are known or accessed by any function void main() { comprising the program. int my_sum; my_sum=add_me(); printf(“n sum=%d”,my_sum); } /* end of main*/ Local Variable int add_me(){ A variable declared inside of a function. They are int result; unknown to other function. i.e. scope is only within Result=n1+n2; the function in which They are declared. Variable are return result; Not accessed outside of function. visit us: 27 }
  • 28. Scope Rules (contd…) • An entity* declared in the scope of another entity is always a different entity even if their names are identical. entity*= variable, function, parameter Example; ?????? visit us: 28
  • 29. Parameter passing method on the basis of argument (or parameter) Parameter passing method Pass by Value Pass by Reference Or Call by value Or Call by Reference When the values of arguments are passed Actual values are not passed, instead From the calling function to the called their addresses are passed. There is no function, The values are copied into called copying of values since their memory function. locations are referenced. If any changes made to the value in calling If any changes is made to value in function, There is no change in the original called function, The original value gets values within the calling function. changed within the calling function. 29 visit us :
  • 30. Call by values //swaping the value by callByValue //no change in calling function #include<stdio.h> void call_by_value(int,int); #include<stdio.h> void main( ) void no_change_value(int); { void main( ) Output: int a = 10, b = 20 ; { B=60 call_by_value ( a, b ) ; int a = 30 ; A=30 printf ( "na = %d t b = %d", a, b ) ; no_change_value ( a ) ; } printf ( "na=%d", a ) ; void call_by_value ( int x, int y ) } { void no_change_value ( int b ) int t ; Output: { t=x; x = 20 y = 10 b = 60 ; x=y; a = 10 b = 20 printf ( "nb= %d", b ) ; y=t; } printf ( "nx = %d t y = %d", x, y ) ; visit us: 30 }
  • 31. Pointer (know it before using call by reference) Let us take an example, int i=3; This declaration tells the C compiler to: (a) Reserve space in memory to hold the integer value. (b) Associate the name i with this memory location. (c) Store the value 3 at this location. Memory map i Location name For Value at location i’s location 65524 Location number 31 visit us:
  • 32. Pointer (contd…) Memory map i Location name For Value at location i’s location 65524 Location number void main( ) %u=unsigned integer output: { Address of i = 65524 int i = 3 ; Value of i = 3 printf ( "nAddress of i = %u", &i ) ; printf ( "nValue of i = %d", i ) ; } First time used & in printf() indicating visit us: address of variable 32
  • 33. Pointer (contd…) &(address operator) and *(indirection operator) main( ) main( ) { { int i = 3 ; int i = 3 ; printf ( "nAddress of i = %u", &i ) ; printf ( "nAddress of i = %u", &i ) ; printf ( "nValue of i = %d", i ) ; printf ( "nValue of i = %d", i ) ; printf ( "nValue of i = %d", *( &i ) ) ; } } output: output: * is known as Address of i = 65524 Address of i = 65524 ‘indirection Value of i = 3 Value of i = 3 Value of i = 3 operator’ or ‘value at address’ visit us: 33
  • 34. Pointer (contd…) Output: main( ) Address of i = 65524 { Address of i = 65524 Pointer variable (‘j’ in Address of j = 65522 int i = 3 ; this case) contains Value of j = 65524 int *j ; Value of i = 3 address of other variable (‘i’ in this case) Value of i = 3 j = &i ; Value of i = 3 printf ( "nAddress of i = %u", &i ) ; printf ( "nAddress of i = %u", j ) ; printf ( "nAddress of j = %u", &j ) ; i j printf ( "nValue of j = %u", j ) ; printf ( "nValue of i = %d", i ) ; 3 65524 printf ( "nValue of i = %d", *( &i ) ) ; 65524 65522 printf ( "nValue of i = %d", *j ) ; } visit us: 34
  • 35. Call by reference //swapping the value by reference void call_by_reference( int *x, int *y ) #include<stdio.h> { void call_by_reference(int*, int*); int t ; void main( ) { t = *x ; int a = 10, b = 20 ; *x = *y ; printf(“n before swappingn”); *y = t ; printf(“n a=%d t b=%d”,a,b); } call_by_reference( &a, &b ) ; printf(“n after swappingn”); Output: printf ( "na = %d b = %d", a, b ) ; before swapping } a=10 b=20 after swapping visit us: a=20 b=10 35
  • 36. Call by value vs call by reference Call by value Call by reference It consumes more memory It consumes less memory space because formal space because irrespective parameter also occupies of data type of the actual memory space. arguments, each pointer occupies only 4 bytes It takes more time to It takes less time because execute because the values no values are copied. are copied. visit us: 36
  • 37. Exercise • Write a C program using function to find the numbers between 1 to 1000 which follows the property that 12 possesses. i.e. (a) The number is 12 (b) Take it reverse (i.e.21) and square it (i.e. 441) (c) Now take the square of 12 (i.e. 144) (d) Compare the result of step (b) & step (c) (e) If they are reverse of each other then print 12. visit us: 37
  • 38. Recursion(A recursive function) • A function is called ‘recursive’ if a statement within the body of a function calls the same function. • Sometimes called ‘circular definition’, recursion is thus the process of defining something in terms of itself. • A situation in which a function calls itself either directly or indirectly. visit us: 38
  • 39. Recursion (contd…) e.g. Recursion can be used to calculate factorial of a number. X!= x* (x-1)* (x-2)*(x-3)*…*2*1 e.g. However x! may be calculated as find the factorial of 4 X!=x*(x-1)! And then (x-1)!= (x-1)*(x-2)! 4!=4*3*2*1 Or And then (x-2)!=(x-2)*(x-3)! 4!=4*3! ------------------------ ---------------------- And so on…… visit us: 39
  • 40. Recursion example . Q find the factorial of a number using recursion main( ) rec ( int x ) { { int a, fact ; int f ; printf ( "nEnter any number " ) ; if ( x == 1 ) return ( 1 ) ; scanf ( "%d", &a ) ; else fact = rec ( a ) ; return (x * rec ( x - 1 )) ; printf ( "Factorial value = %d", fact ) ; } } visit us: 40
  • 41. Recursion concept understanding return ( x * rec ( x - 1 )) ; Important line rec ( 5 ) returns ( 5 times rec ( 4 ), which returns ( 4 times rec ( 3 ), which returns ( 3 times rec ( 2 ), which returns ( 2 times rec ( 1 ), which returns ( 1 ) ) ) ) ) visit us: 41
  • 42. Recursion flow example Starts here visit us: 42
  • 43. Assignment on recursion 1. Find the factorial of a given number using recursion. 2. Generate fibonacci series upto nth terms using recursion 3. Define power function using recursion 4. Find the greatest common divisor (GCD) of 2 no. 5. Conversion from decimal to binary visit us: 43
  • 44. Special assignment on function • Go through Let-Us-C of chapter function • Try to generate your own function, say myf() • Save a defined function myf() with new .cpp file name , say myf.cpp • Save a new header file with declaring myf() prototype, say myf.h • Add this header file myf.h to TurboC library • Include this header file in your new file and execute the statement, #include ”myf.h” 1. do_it(). 2.print_me(). 3.add_me() 4.print_table() visit us: 44
  • 45. Data Storage in C 1.Variable’s value stores at two location: • Memory and • CPU Register 2.Variable’s storage class tells us:  Where the value would be stored.  Default initial value  Scope of a variable  Life of a variable visit us: 45
  • 46. Type of Storage Class Data storage Automatic Register Static External visit us: 46
  • 47. Automatic Storage Class (keyword:auto) • Storage- Memory • Default Initial Value- garbage value • Scope- local to the block in which variable is defined • Life- within the block void main( ) { void main( ) auto int i = 1 ; { { Output: auto int i, j ; { 1 1 1 { printf ( "n%d %d", i, j ) ; printf ( "n%d ", i ) ; } } printf ( "%d ", i ) ; Output: Garbage value } 1211 221 printf ( "%d", i ) ; } visit us: 47 }
  • 48. Automatic Storage class example void main( ) { auto int i = 1 ; Output: { auto int i = 2 ; { 3 auto int i = 3 ; 2 printf ( "n%d ", i ) ; } 1 printf ( “n%d ", i ) ; } printf ( “n%d", i ) ; } 48 visit us:
  • 49. Register storage class • Storage - CPU registers. • Default initial value - Garbage value. • Scope - Local to the block in which the variable is defined. • Life - remains within the block in which the variable is defined. void main( ) { Register variable is register int i ; used to use the for ( i = 1 ; i <= 10 ; i++ ) variable frequently. printf ( "n%d", i ) ; } visit us: 49
  • 50. Static Storage class • Storage − Memory. • Default initial value − Zero. • Scope − Local to the block in which the variable is defined. • Life − Value of the variable persists between different function calls. void main( ) increment( ) Output: { { 1 increment( ) ; static int i = 1 ; 2 increment( ) ; printf ( "%dn", i ) ; increment( ) ; i=i+1; 3 Output: } } auto int i=1; 1 1 50 visit us: 1
  • 51. External Storage Class (keyword:extern) • Storage − Memory. • Default initial value − Zero. • Scope − Global. • Life − As long as the program’s execution doesn’t come to an end. int i ; increment() { Output: main( ) i=i+1; { printf ( "non incrementing i = %d", i ) ; i=0 printf ( "ni = %d", i ) ; } on incrementing i = decrement( ) 1 increment( ) ; { on incrementing i = increment( ) ; i=i-1; 2 decrement( ) ; printf ( "non decrementing i = %d", i ) ; on decrementing i = decrement( ) ; } 1 } visit us: on decrementing i = 51
  • 52. Extern Storage Class Example int x = 21 ; global void main( ) { Declaring a variable extern int y ; Requires no space Defining a printf ( "n%d %d", x, y ) ; variable space gets } reserved int y = 31 ; global visit us: 52
  • 53. Extern storage class example (contd…) int x = 10 ; Global x main( ) { Confused ? int x = 20 ; Local x printf ( "n%d", x ) ; display( ) ; } Output: Preference is given 20 to local variable display( ) { 10 printf ( "n%d", x ) ; } us: visit 53
  • 54. Excercise • From Let-Us-C visit us: 54