esl ies galileo galilei presentation london english alive gap year presentations 1eso reading modal verbs museums schooltrip sights vocabulary appearance 4º eso schooltrips literacy bilingual passive conditinal sentences conditional condtionals relative clauses games cae fce the giver speaking aple 2bto present continuous ing/inf verb patterns reported speech reporting verbs uncountable 3rd eso countable grammar passive voice advanced 2ºbto galileogalilei natural disasters 3ºeso environment quizz 2ºeso past simple to be in past was were vampire killer 1 eso present simple questions present simple there is there are have got personality adjectives 3eso describing pictures voki avatar tutorial vokis esl grammar conditionals english science esl project glogs inventions inventors glog project news projects galileo galilei 4 eso many much a lot of 3 eso present perfect tenses eating disorders steven spielberg presentation ies galileo galilei iesgalileogalilei rosi artistic gymnastics jerrey lee lewis the stargate series serpents the silent killers skyscrapers the seven wonders of the world my 7 wonders child soldiers basketball oralpresentation aple 1bto olympic games theatres entertainment parks royal albert hall the tube musueums general information sciencemuseum britishmuseum nationalgallery alberthall naturalhistory the globe thames londoneye westminster picadilly buckingham images verbs feelings adjectives
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