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Pattern Story   (for .NET Developers) YoungSu, Son [email_address] Microsoft MVP Devpia Architecture&Design Sysop Devpia .NET Framework 3.0 Sysop Samsung Electronics Home Solution Group
Agenda ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],06/02/09 Devpia A&D EVA
Pattern & Model ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],06/02/09 Devpia A&D EVA
What’s the Design Pattern?
Dessin ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Pattern is Father ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
The Definition of Design Pattern 좋은  S/W 의 밑 그림을 잘 그릴수 있는 지침 / 가이드라인
Model is Mother !!!
GoF 2 Principles ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],06/02/09 Devpia A&D EVA
GoF 1 st  Principle. Program to an interface, Not to an implementation. ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Oh, down to lock …
How to use a key …
Oh, you  push  the PRESS button …
Who actually needs this data?
Why you don ’ t read rental car manuals  ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],The Power of Sameness
GoF 2 nd  Principle Favor Object Composition over Class Inheritance Don’t use  Inheritance?? Developer Only use Object Composition! A swindler
The Two Towers in Object World. Composition & Inheritance are Two Towers  in OO World A Great Architect
Inheritance and Composition 구분 상속 객체 합성 스타일 White Box Black Box 장점 단순하고 사용하기 편리 . 구조 명확 코드 재활용 약한 결합력 동적 바인딩 가능 캡슐화 유지 단점 부모 클래스에 종속성 발생 유연성 감소 클래스 수 폭발적 증가 캡슐화 파괴 구조가 복잡  사용시 유의해야 함 객체 수 증가 UML  구조
Composition versus Inheritance. ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Eric Gamma
Types of Inheritance. Class Interface1  { ISomething() = 0; } Class Impl  { ISomething() { ..   do();   .. } } Subtyping Subclassing Interface1 +ISomething() Concrete Class1 +ISomething() Concrete Class2 +ISomething() Impl. +ISomething() Impl Inheritance +ISomething() Impl Inheritance +ISomething() A Great Architect Don’t use  Subclassing
GoF 2 nd  Principle. ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Principles of GoF Pattern 객체합성 상속 (subtyping) SortAlgorithm Sort() BubbleSort Sort() QuickSort Sort() UltraSort Sort() DataArray SortAlgorithm* m_pSort SetAlgorithm(SortAlgorithm* pSort) Sort()
Basic Patterns ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],06/02/09 Devpia A&D EVA
Core Components of S/W Impl. 06/02/09 Devpia A&D EVA You must remember 3 Core Components! Common Part Configurable Part Variable Part Great Architect
Core Components of S/W Impl. 06/02/09 Devpia A&D EVA Configurable Part Variable Part Component  Configurator Factory Strategy <<LINKS>> <<CREATES>> Common Part (Modularity) Log Security Transaction AOP
Strategy Pattern ,[object Object],06/02/09 Devpia A&D EVA satellite Super Computer Do you think that  the same logic use between satellite and  super computer?
Strategy Pattern in GoF ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],06/02/09 Devpia A&D EVA CSort +Sorting() CBubble +Sorting() CQuick +Sorting()
Template Method Pattern ,[object Object],06/02/09 Devpia A&D EVA ODBC(JDBC) API Application ODBC (JDBC) Driver Manager MSSQL Driver Oracle Driver
Template Method Pattern in GoF 06/02/09 Devpia A&D EVA class CQueryTemplate { public void doQuery() {   string dbCommand;   dbCommand = FormatConnect();   dbCommand = FormantSelect(sql);   } ... } void main() { //pQT 라는 인터페이스를 선언한다 CQueryTemplate *pQT; Sql sql = “select * from AA”; if (GetDBProductInfo() = Oracle)   pQT = new COracleQT(); else    pQT = new CSqlSvrQT(); pQt->doQuery(sql); delete pQt; } CQueryTemplate +doQuery() #FormatConnect() #FormatSelect() COracleQT #FormatConnect() #FormatSelect() CSqlSvrQT #FormatConnect() #FormatSelect() Inversion of Control (Hollywood Principle)
Component Configurator Pattern ,[object Object],06/02/09 Devpia A&D EVA Configuration File HTTP Protocol Text Based  Log Component DES RSA XML Based Log Component FTP Protocol When  Change Config File Info , Component  Configuration  (Attribute)  dynamically Changes ! Great Architect
Component Configurator in POSA2 06/02/09 Devpia A&D EVA Component +Init() +Fini() +Suspend() +Resume() +Info() Core Component Core Component Component Repository Component Configurator
Component Configurator in POSA2 06/02/09 Devpia A&D EVA
Component Configurator Sample ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],06/02/09 Devpia A&D EVA Advanced Topic Reflection
Component Configurator Example ,[object Object],In App.config. <?xml version=&quot;1.0“ encoding=&quot;utf-8&quot; ?> <configuration>      <appSettings>         <add key=&quot;sqlCon&quot; value=&quot; 컨넥션 스트링 정의 &quot;/>      </appSettings> </configuration>  In C# Code. System.Configuration.ConfigurationSetings.AppSetting[“sqlCon”];
Reflection Pattern in POSA1 Component A UserInterface MetaObject A MetaObject B MOP Meta Level Base Level Component B uses uses uses uses modifies modifies provides  access to further base-level components further meta-level components retrieves information
Reflection ModuleBuilder AssemblyModule =  CreatedAssembly.DefineDynamicModule(&quot;MathModule&quot;,&quot;Math.dll&quot;); TypeBuilder MathType = AssemblyModule.DefineType(&quot;DoMath&quot;, TypeAttributes.Public | TypeAttributes.Class); System.Type [] ParamTypes = new Type[] {typeof(int),typeof(int) }; MethodBuilder SumMethod =  MathType.DefineMethod(&quot;Sum&quot;,  MethodAttributes.Public, typeof(int), ParamTypes); ParameterBuilder Param1 =  SumMethod.DefineParameter(1,ParameterAttributes.In, &quot;num1&quot;); ParameterBuilder Param2 =  SumMethod.DefineParameter(1,ParameterAttributes.In, &quot;num2&quot;); . . . MathType.CreateType();  return CreatedAssembly;
Reflection using System; using System.Reflection; ... public class EmitDemoTest {  static void Main() {  ... System.Type MathType = EmitAssembly.GetType(&quot;DoMath&quot;); object[] Parameters = new object [2]; Parameters[0] = (object) (5); Parameters[1] = (object) (9); object EmitObj = Activator.CreateInstance (MathType,false); object Result = MathType.InvokeMember(&quot;Sum&quot;,  BindingFlags.InvokeMethod ,null,EmitObj,Parameters); Console.WriteLine(&quot;Sum of {0}+{1} is {2}&quot;,  Parameters[0],Parameters[1],Result.ToString()); Console.ReadLine(); } }
Pipe & Filter Pattern in POSA1 Protocol Handler InputOutput Handler component->svc() io->receive_data() Filter::svc() parse() Filter::svc() perform() Filter::svc() log() pipe io component Protocol Pipeline svc() Read Request svc() Filter svc() Filter svc() parse() Parse Headers svc() parse() Perform Request svc() perform() Log Request svc() log()
Using Pipeline Perform Request Log Request HTTP/ 1.0 200 OK Date: Thu, 09 Oct 01:26:00 GMT Server: Eva/1.0 Last-Modified: Wed, 08 Oct 1997 .. Content-Length : 12345 Content-Type : text/html <HTML> <TITLE> Homepage </TITLE> .. </HTML> - - [09/Oct/1997:01:26:00 -0500] “ GET /~jxh/home.html HTTP/1.0 Read Request GET /~jxh/hoem.html HTTP/1.0 Connection: Keep-Alive User-Agent: Mothra/0.1 Host: Accept: image/gif, image/jpeg, */* Parse Request GET /users/jxh/public_thml/home.html HTTP /1.0 Parse Headers CONNECTION USER_AGENT HOST ACCEPT ACCEPT ACCEPT Keep-Alive Mothra/0.1 image/gif image/jpeg */*
Pipe & Filter in WCF Services Runtime Layer Messaging Layer Behaviors Channels Instancing Behavior Security Channel TCP Transport Channel UDP Transport Channel Cross-Proc Transport Channel Queue Transport Channel HTTP Transport Channel Full Duplex Channel Reliable Messaging Channel Custom Channel Transaction Behavior CLR Type Integration Behavior Throttling Behavior Metadata Behavior Error Handling Behavior Concurrency  Behavior Custom  Behavior Security Channel HTTP Transport Channel TCP Transport Channel UDP Transport Channel Reliable Messaging Channel Custom Channel Instancing Behavior Custom  Behavior Contract To Type Behavior
Factory Pattern ,[object Object],06/02/09 Devpia A&D EVA Main Function Based Coding Object Oriented Programming
Factory Pattern (Abstract Factory) ,[object Object],06/02/09 Devpia A&D EVA OO Design Advanced OO Design
Factory Pattern in GOF 06/02/09 Devpia A&D EVA void main() { CMessage *pMessage = new CMessage(); if ( GetComponentInfo(“Proto”) = HTTP )   pMessage->Protocol = HTTP; else   pMessage->Protocol = FTP; if ( GetComponentInfo(“Log”) = XML )   pMessage->Protocol = XML; else   pMessage->Protocol = TEXT; ... pMessage->Send(“Hello”); delete pMessage; } Abstract Factory +CrateProduct() Client Concrete Factory Abstract Product Concrete Product
Factory Pattern in GOF 06/02/09 Devpia A&D EVA class CFactory { CMessage* GetInstance() { CMessage *pMessage = new CMessage(); if ( GetComponentInfo(“Proto”) = HTTP )   pMessage->Protocol = HTTP; else   pMessage->Protocol = FTP; if ( GetComponentInfo(“Log”) = XML )   pMessage->Protocol = XML; else   pMessage->Protocol = TEXT; ... return pMessage; } } Abstract Factory +CrateProduct() Client Concrete Factory Abstract Product Concrete Product Reminds Component Configurator!!
3 Foe Patterns 06/02/09 Devpia A&D EVA Configurable Part Variable Part Common Part (Modularity) Log Security Transaction Component  Configurator Factory Strategy <<LINKS>> <<CREATES>>
Observer Pattern (Misconception) 06/02/09 Devpia A&D EVA Change Data Misconception!! Or Prejudices ( 편견 !) 1. Observation 2. Notification
Observer is Notifieer!! 06/02/09 Devpia A&D EVA Observer  in Observer Pattern  is Notifieer
Hollywood Principle 06/02/09 Devpia A&D EVA Applicants Manager Don’t  Call us!!
Hollywood Principle 06/02/09 Devpia A&D EVA Applicants Manager Don’t Call us! We Call You!!!
Flow of Observer Pattern 06/02/09 Devpia A&D EVA Data Client (Type1) Client (Type2) Client (Type3) Manager Client (Source) Observer is Notifieer Change 1. Change 2. Change 3. Notification
Observer Pattern in GoF 06/02/09 Devpia A&D EVA Subject +Attach (Observer o) +Detach (Observer o) +Notify() Concrete Subject Observer +Update () Concrete Observer
Publisher-Subscriber Replication DB Publisher Change DB Subscriber DB Subscriber DB Subscriber Reference Reference Reference
With Today’s Patterns Configuration File App.config Web.config Client A Client B Overhead!! File I/O Load Get Info Change Config File Notifiy Handler
With Today’s Patterns Configuration File App.config Web.config Client A Load Get Info Change Config File Notifiy FileSystemWatcher .NotifyFilter Handler A Smart Developer
Chain of Responsibility ,[object Object],06/02/09 Devpia A&D EVA
Chain of Responsibility ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],06/02/09 Devpia A&D EVA
Chain of Responsibility in GoF 06/02/09 Devpia A&D EVA +successor Client Handler +HandleRequest() Concrete Handler
Chain Of Responsibilty (cont’d) ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],06/02/09 Devpia A&D EVA
Review ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],06/02/09 Devpia A&D EVA
Pattern Explore
How to Study Pattern? 06/02/09 Devpia A&D EVA
Architectural Pattern (POSA1) ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],06/02/09 Devpia A&D EVA
Patterns  For Concurrent & Networked Object (POSA2) 06/02/09 Devpia A&D EVA
Patterns for Resource Management (POSA3) ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],06/02/09 Devpia A&D EVA
Refactoring & Anti-Patterns 06/02/09 Devpia A&D EVA
Various Patterns 06/02/09 Devpia A&D EVA
Various Patterns 06/02/09 Devpia A&D EVA
References ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
References ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Questions ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],06/02/09 Devpia A&D EVA

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인공지능 식별추적시스템 실증랩 구축및 운영 - 평가모델 고도화
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Prototype 패턴 (심만섭)
Prototype 패턴 (심만섭) Prototype 패턴 (심만섭)
Prototype 패턴 (심만섭) YoungSu Son
Chain of Responsibility (심수연 - 소프트웨어 마에스트로 10기)
Chain of Responsibility (심수연 - 소프트웨어 마에스트로 10기)Chain of Responsibility (심수연 - 소프트웨어 마에스트로 10기)
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Singleton 패턴 (김진영 - EVA, 소마에 10기)
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Singleton 패턴 (김진영 - EVA, 소마에 10기) YoungSu Son
실전 서버 부하테스트 노하우
실전 서버 부하테스트 노하우 실전 서버 부하테스트 노하우
실전 서버 부하테스트 노하우 YoungSu Son
생성 패턴 (강태우 - 소마에 10기)
생성 패턴 (강태우 - 소마에 10기) 생성 패턴 (강태우 - 소마에 10기)
생성 패턴 (강태우 - 소마에 10기) YoungSu Son
초보 개발자/학생들을 위한 오픈소스 트랜드
초보 개발자/학생들을 위한 오픈소스 트랜드 초보 개발자/학생들을 위한 오픈소스 트랜드
초보 개발자/학생들을 위한 오픈소스 트랜드 YoungSu Son
DevOps 오픈소스 트랜드 (클라우드, 모바일 중심)
DevOps 오픈소스 트랜드 (클라우드, 모바일 중심) DevOps 오픈소스 트랜드 (클라우드, 모바일 중심)
DevOps 오픈소스 트랜드 (클라우드, 모바일 중심) YoungSu Son
모바일 앱 성능 분석 방법 101 (Mobile Application Performance Analysis Methodology 101)
모바일 앱 성능 분석 방법 101 (Mobile Application Performance Analysis Methodology 101) 모바일 앱 성능 분석 방법 101 (Mobile Application Performance Analysis Methodology 101)
모바일 앱 성능 분석 방법 101 (Mobile Application Performance Analysis Methodology 101) YoungSu Son
DevOps 시대가 요구하는 품질확보 방법
DevOps 시대가 요구하는 품질확보 방법 DevOps 시대가 요구하는 품질확보 방법
DevOps 시대가 요구하는 품질확보 방법 YoungSu Son
클라우드 환경에서 알아야할 성능 이야기
클라우드 환경에서 알아야할 성능 이야기클라우드 환경에서 알아야할 성능 이야기
클라우드 환경에서 알아야할 성능 이야기YoungSu Son
Android 성능 지표와 Oreo 의 개선사항
Android 성능 지표와  Oreo 의 개선사항 Android 성능 지표와  Oreo 의 개선사항
Android 성능 지표와 Oreo 의 개선사항 YoungSu Son
안드로이드 Oreo의 변화와 모바일 앱/플랫폼의 적합한 성능 측정 방법
안드로이드 Oreo의 변화와  모바일 앱/플랫폼의 적합한 성능 측정 방법안드로이드 Oreo의 변화와  모바일 앱/플랫폼의 적합한 성능 측정 방법
안드로이드 Oreo의 변화와 모바일 앱/플랫폼의 적합한 성능 측정 방법YoungSu Son
클라우드 & 모바일 환경에서 알아야 할 성능 품질 이야기
클라우드 & 모바일 환경에서 알아야 할 성능 품질 이야기클라우드 & 모바일 환경에서 알아야 할 성능 품질 이야기
클라우드 & 모바일 환경에서 알아야 할 성능 품질 이야기YoungSu Son
SW 아키텍처 분석방법
SW 아키텍처 분석방법 SW 아키텍처 분석방법
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[NEXT] Android Profiler 사용법
[NEXT] Android Profiler 사용법 [NEXT] Android Profiler 사용법
[NEXT] Android Profiler 사용법 YoungSu Son
Android Studio 개발 셋팅 + Genymotion
Android Studio 개발 셋팅 + GenymotionAndroid Studio 개발 셋팅 + Genymotion
Android Studio 개발 셋팅 + GenymotionYoungSu Son
FullStack 개발자 만들기 과정 소개 (Android + MEAN Stack + Redis 다루기)
FullStack 개발자 만들기 과정 소개  (Android + MEAN Stack + Redis 다루기) FullStack 개발자 만들기 과정 소개  (Android + MEAN Stack + Redis 다루기)
FullStack 개발자 만들기 과정 소개 (Android + MEAN Stack + Redis 다루기) YoungSu Son

Más de YoungSu Son (20)

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Clean Code, Software Architecture, Performance Tuning
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인공지능 식별추적시스템 실증랩 구축및 운영 - 평가모델 고도화
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Prototype 패턴 (심만섭)
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Prototype 패턴 (심만섭)
Chain of Responsibility (심수연 - 소프트웨어 마에스트로 10기)
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Singleton 패턴 (김진영 - EVA, 소마에 10기)
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생성 패턴 (강태우 - 소마에 10기)
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초보 개발자/학생들을 위한 오픈소스 트랜드
DevOps 오픈소스 트랜드 (클라우드, 모바일 중심)
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모바일 앱 성능 분석 방법 101 (Mobile Application Performance Analysis Methodology 101)
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DevOps 시대가 요구하는 품질확보 방법
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클라우드 환경에서 알아야할 성능 이야기
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Android 성능 지표와 Oreo 의 개선사항
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안드로이드 Oreo의 변화와 모바일 앱/플랫폼의 적합한 성능 측정 방법
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클라우드 & 모바일 환경에서 알아야 할 성능 품질 이야기
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클라우드 & 모바일 환경에서 알아야 할 성능 품질 이야기
SW 아키텍처 분석방법
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닷넷 개발자를 위한 패턴이야기

  • 1. Pattern Story (for .NET Developers) YoungSu, Son [email_address] Microsoft MVP Devpia Architecture&Design Sysop Devpia .NET Framework 3.0 Sysop Samsung Electronics Home Solution Group
  • 2.
  • 3.
  • 5.
  • 6.
  • 7. The Definition of Design Pattern 좋은 S/W 의 밑 그림을 잘 그릴수 있는 지침 / 가이드라인
  • 9.
  • 10.
  • 11. Oh, down to lock …
  • 12. How to use a key …
  • 13. Oh, you push the PRESS button …
  • 14. Who actually needs this data?
  • 15.
  • 16. GoF 2 nd Principle Favor Object Composition over Class Inheritance Don’t use Inheritance?? Developer Only use Object Composition! A swindler
  • 17. The Two Towers in Object World. Composition & Inheritance are Two Towers in OO World A Great Architect
  • 18. Inheritance and Composition 구분 상속 객체 합성 스타일 White Box Black Box 장점 단순하고 사용하기 편리 . 구조 명확 코드 재활용 약한 결합력 동적 바인딩 가능 캡슐화 유지 단점 부모 클래스에 종속성 발생 유연성 감소 클래스 수 폭발적 증가 캡슐화 파괴 구조가 복잡 사용시 유의해야 함 객체 수 증가 UML 구조
  • 19.
  • 20. Types of Inheritance. Class Interface1 { ISomething() = 0; } Class Impl { ISomething() { .. do(); .. } } Subtyping Subclassing Interface1 +ISomething() Concrete Class1 +ISomething() Concrete Class2 +ISomething() Impl. +ISomething() Impl Inheritance +ISomething() Impl Inheritance +ISomething() A Great Architect Don’t use Subclassing
  • 21.
  • 22. Principles of GoF Pattern 객체합성 상속 (subtyping) SortAlgorithm Sort() BubbleSort Sort() QuickSort Sort() UltraSort Sort() DataArray SortAlgorithm* m_pSort SetAlgorithm(SortAlgorithm* pSort) Sort()
  • 23.
  • 24. Core Components of S/W Impl. 06/02/09 Devpia A&D EVA You must remember 3 Core Components! Common Part Configurable Part Variable Part Great Architect
  • 25. Core Components of S/W Impl. 06/02/09 Devpia A&D EVA Configurable Part Variable Part Component Configurator Factory Strategy <<LINKS>> <<CREATES>> Common Part (Modularity) Log Security Transaction AOP
  • 26.
  • 27.
  • 28.
  • 29. Template Method Pattern in GoF 06/02/09 Devpia A&D EVA class CQueryTemplate { public void doQuery() { string dbCommand; dbCommand = FormatConnect(); dbCommand = FormantSelect(sql); } ... } void main() { //pQT 라는 인터페이스를 선언한다 CQueryTemplate *pQT; Sql sql = “select * from AA”; if (GetDBProductInfo() = Oracle) pQT = new COracleQT(); else pQT = new CSqlSvrQT(); pQt->doQuery(sql); delete pQt; } CQueryTemplate +doQuery() #FormatConnect() #FormatSelect() COracleQT #FormatConnect() #FormatSelect() CSqlSvrQT #FormatConnect() #FormatSelect() Inversion of Control (Hollywood Principle)
  • 30.
  • 31. Component Configurator in POSA2 06/02/09 Devpia A&D EVA Component +Init() +Fini() +Suspend() +Resume() +Info() Core Component Core Component Component Repository Component Configurator
  • 32. Component Configurator in POSA2 06/02/09 Devpia A&D EVA
  • 33.
  • 34.
  • 35. Reflection Pattern in POSA1 Component A UserInterface MetaObject A MetaObject B MOP Meta Level Base Level Component B uses uses uses uses modifies modifies provides access to further base-level components further meta-level components retrieves information
  • 36. Reflection ModuleBuilder AssemblyModule = CreatedAssembly.DefineDynamicModule(&quot;MathModule&quot;,&quot;Math.dll&quot;); TypeBuilder MathType = AssemblyModule.DefineType(&quot;DoMath&quot;, TypeAttributes.Public | TypeAttributes.Class); System.Type [] ParamTypes = new Type[] {typeof(int),typeof(int) }; MethodBuilder SumMethod = MathType.DefineMethod(&quot;Sum&quot;, MethodAttributes.Public, typeof(int), ParamTypes); ParameterBuilder Param1 = SumMethod.DefineParameter(1,ParameterAttributes.In, &quot;num1&quot;); ParameterBuilder Param2 = SumMethod.DefineParameter(1,ParameterAttributes.In, &quot;num2&quot;); . . . MathType.CreateType(); return CreatedAssembly;
  • 37. Reflection using System; using System.Reflection; ... public class EmitDemoTest { static void Main() { ... System.Type MathType = EmitAssembly.GetType(&quot;DoMath&quot;); object[] Parameters = new object [2]; Parameters[0] = (object) (5); Parameters[1] = (object) (9); object EmitObj = Activator.CreateInstance (MathType,false); object Result = MathType.InvokeMember(&quot;Sum&quot;, BindingFlags.InvokeMethod ,null,EmitObj,Parameters); Console.WriteLine(&quot;Sum of {0}+{1} is {2}&quot;, Parameters[0],Parameters[1],Result.ToString()); Console.ReadLine(); } }
  • 38. Pipe & Filter Pattern in POSA1 Protocol Handler InputOutput Handler component->svc() io->receive_data() Filter::svc() parse() Filter::svc() perform() Filter::svc() log() pipe io component Protocol Pipeline svc() Read Request svc() Filter svc() Filter svc() parse() Parse Headers svc() parse() Perform Request svc() perform() Log Request svc() log()
  • 39. Using Pipeline Perform Request Log Request HTTP/ 1.0 200 OK Date: Thu, 09 Oct 01:26:00 GMT Server: Eva/1.0 Last-Modified: Wed, 08 Oct 1997 .. Content-Length : 12345 Content-Type : text/html <HTML> <TITLE> Homepage </TITLE> .. </HTML> - - [09/Oct/1997:01:26:00 -0500] “ GET /~jxh/home.html HTTP/1.0 Read Request GET /~jxh/hoem.html HTTP/1.0 Connection: Keep-Alive User-Agent: Mothra/0.1 Host: Accept: image/gif, image/jpeg, */* Parse Request GET /users/jxh/public_thml/home.html HTTP /1.0 Parse Headers CONNECTION USER_AGENT HOST ACCEPT ACCEPT ACCEPT Keep-Alive Mothra/0.1 image/gif image/jpeg */*
  • 40. Pipe & Filter in WCF Services Runtime Layer Messaging Layer Behaviors Channels Instancing Behavior Security Channel TCP Transport Channel UDP Transport Channel Cross-Proc Transport Channel Queue Transport Channel HTTP Transport Channel Full Duplex Channel Reliable Messaging Channel Custom Channel Transaction Behavior CLR Type Integration Behavior Throttling Behavior Metadata Behavior Error Handling Behavior Concurrency Behavior Custom Behavior Security Channel HTTP Transport Channel TCP Transport Channel UDP Transport Channel Reliable Messaging Channel Custom Channel Instancing Behavior Custom Behavior Contract To Type Behavior
  • 41.
  • 42.
  • 43. Factory Pattern in GOF 06/02/09 Devpia A&D EVA void main() { CMessage *pMessage = new CMessage(); if ( GetComponentInfo(“Proto”) = HTTP ) pMessage->Protocol = HTTP; else pMessage->Protocol = FTP; if ( GetComponentInfo(“Log”) = XML ) pMessage->Protocol = XML; else pMessage->Protocol = TEXT; ... pMessage->Send(“Hello”); delete pMessage; } Abstract Factory +CrateProduct() Client Concrete Factory Abstract Product Concrete Product
  • 44. Factory Pattern in GOF 06/02/09 Devpia A&D EVA class CFactory { CMessage* GetInstance() { CMessage *pMessage = new CMessage(); if ( GetComponentInfo(“Proto”) = HTTP ) pMessage->Protocol = HTTP; else pMessage->Protocol = FTP; if ( GetComponentInfo(“Log”) = XML ) pMessage->Protocol = XML; else pMessage->Protocol = TEXT; ... return pMessage; } } Abstract Factory +CrateProduct() Client Concrete Factory Abstract Product Concrete Product Reminds Component Configurator!!
  • 45. 3 Foe Patterns 06/02/09 Devpia A&D EVA Configurable Part Variable Part Common Part (Modularity) Log Security Transaction Component Configurator Factory Strategy <<LINKS>> <<CREATES>>
  • 46. Observer Pattern (Misconception) 06/02/09 Devpia A&D EVA Change Data Misconception!! Or Prejudices ( 편견 !) 1. Observation 2. Notification
  • 47. Observer is Notifieer!! 06/02/09 Devpia A&D EVA Observer in Observer Pattern is Notifieer
  • 48. Hollywood Principle 06/02/09 Devpia A&D EVA Applicants Manager Don’t Call us!!
  • 49. Hollywood Principle 06/02/09 Devpia A&D EVA Applicants Manager Don’t Call us! We Call You!!!
  • 50. Flow of Observer Pattern 06/02/09 Devpia A&D EVA Data Client (Type1) Client (Type2) Client (Type3) Manager Client (Source) Observer is Notifieer Change 1. Change 2. Change 3. Notification
  • 51. Observer Pattern in GoF 06/02/09 Devpia A&D EVA Subject +Attach (Observer o) +Detach (Observer o) +Notify() Concrete Subject Observer +Update () Concrete Observer
  • 52. Publisher-Subscriber Replication DB Publisher Change DB Subscriber DB Subscriber DB Subscriber Reference Reference Reference
  • 53. With Today’s Patterns Configuration File App.config Web.config Client A Client B Overhead!! File I/O Load Get Info Change Config File Notifiy Handler
  • 54. With Today’s Patterns Configuration File App.config Web.config Client A Load Get Info Change Config File Notifiy FileSystemWatcher .NotifyFilter Handler A Smart Developer
  • 55.
  • 56.
  • 57. Chain of Responsibility in GoF 06/02/09 Devpia A&D EVA +successor Client Handler +HandleRequest() Concrete Handler
  • 58.
  • 59.
  • 61. How to Study Pattern? 06/02/09 Devpia A&D EVA
  • 62.
  • 63. Patterns For Concurrent & Networked Object (POSA2) 06/02/09 Devpia A&D EVA
  • 64.
  • 65. Refactoring & Anti-Patterns 06/02/09 Devpia A&D EVA
  • 66. Various Patterns 06/02/09 Devpia A&D EVA
  • 67. Various Patterns 06/02/09 Devpia A&D EVA
  • 68.
  • 69.
  • 70.

Notas del editor

  1. POSA2/Dispatcher 06/02/09 Devpia A&amp;D Eva