software engineering gender software development empirical software engineering stackoverflow github diversity gender diversity inclusion research human aspects open source software open source software developers emotion sentiment analysis community smell code of conduct static analysis software evolution alarms empirical research computer science ai software engineering research age education transgender code smell communication software open source community tenure community technical debt doctoral school phd reflection women software ecosystems challenges software quality tools security sentiment reverse engineering perfbot benchmarking bot bots benchmarking performance measurement performance interviews devrant pandemic covid corona covid 19 acm distinguished paper award msr dependabot masako wakamiya japan intersectionality classroom experimental research social media c programming program analysis post-processing source code scam 2022 correctness job market ml job ads recruitment jobs ai engineer keynote bias mining software repositories management career university academic career opinion mining overview deep learning self-admitted technical debt satd sddi2020 sddi older software diversity programming survey first name automation open science open data data social software engineering social capital r slack bari how to review a paper how to write a paper user experience review scientific publications conferences science peer review oss variable names api chase emotional labor emtion service in academia conference ogranisation java 2017 anger lanubile anger direction emotion direction serebrenik novielli gachechiladze icse nier icse benevol conference affective computing nltk sentistrength stanford nlp kde repository mining sea gnome activity chi documentation scam tags recommender systems mesoca software measurement software metrics threshold icsme2014 metrics sattose hackathon john-businge eclipse plugins evolution online communities design measurement ejb interceptors sequence diagrams
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