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Alexey Turchin, Brian Green
Nuclear submarines
as global catastrophic
risk shelters
Foundation Science for Life Extension
Seth Baum
Isolated refuges for surviving global catastrophes
Nuclear submarines are
designed to be robust
Surface independence criteria:
• 0.5 - 5 years autonomy
• At least 400 meters below surface
• Could move throughout the ocean
Turchin, Alexey, and Brian Patrick Green. "Aquatic refuges for surviving a global catastrophe."
Futures 89 (2017): 26-37.
Nuclear submarines are
designed to be robust
Military-grade survivability:
• Protection from pressure and shock waves
• Hiddenness
• Air independence
• Radiation protection
Turchin, Alexey, and Brian Patrick Green. "Aquatic refuges for surviving a global catastrophe."
Futures 89 (2017): 26-37.
Nuclear submarines are
the cheapest solution
SSBN are cheaper than space colonies:
• They are already exist
• 1 trillion dollars spent on refining submarine
• Collectively thousands of years of experience
• Rate of accidents becomes very low
Turchin, Alexey, and Brian Patrick Green. "Aquatic refuges for surviving a global catastrophe."
Futures 89 (2017): 26-37.
Nuclear submarines
designed to survive
nuclear war
Subs were designed with nuclear war survival in mind
• Blast and EMP protection
• Radiation protection
• Able to move to Southern hemisphere, where will be less
• Able to go to the equator, where will be less ice in case of the
nuclear winter
• Able to survive under ice
• Not easy targets
Turchin, Alexey, and Brian Patrick Green. "Aquatic refuges for surviving a global catastrophe."
Futures 89 (2017): 26-37.
Nuclear submarines are
the cheapest solution
SSBNs could serve as refuges while continuing to
perform other functions:
• Worldwide, there are 20 subs in the sea everyday
• Women are already in crews
• Addition of seeds, books and data could convert
them into refuges with small investment
Turchin, Alexey, and Brian Patrick Green. "Aquatic refuges for surviving a global catastrophe."
Futures 89 (2017): 26-37.
Nuclear submarines
are better than bunkers
• They can move and not easy targets
• Could move to the safest place
• No looters or “infected friends”
• No need for air and water tubes on surface
• No heat dissipation problem
• Could go deeper because ocean is colder (no thermal
gradient problem)
• Already have nuclear power
• Information isolation: no Internet on board
Turchin, Alexey, and Brian Patrick Green. "Aquatic refuges for surviving a global catastrophe."
Futures 89 (2017): 26-37.
Nuclear submarines are
better than Mars colony
• They already exist
• They are proved to be safe
• They are cheaper even in best realisation ерт
smallest Mars colony
• Mars colony autonomy is impossible without self-
replicating robots, which creates new risks
• Mars colony is easy target in case of war
Turchin, Alexey, and Brian Patrick Green. "Aquatic refuges for surviving a global catastrophe."
Futures 89 (2017): 26-37.
Nuclear submarines have
their own energy source
• 25-50 years of operation for contemporary
• No heat dissipation problem
• No need for fuel or air
• Could be replaced by water turbines, generating
electricity from currents
Turchin, Alexey, and Brian Patrick Green. "Aquatic refuges for surviving a global catastrophe."
Futures 89 (2017): 26-37.
Nuclear submarines:
own supplies
• Oxygen generation from water
• Water desalination
• Plankton filtering is possible as source of food
Turchin, Alexey, and Brian Patrick Green. "Aquatic refuges for surviving a global catastrophe."
Futures 89 (2017): 26-37.
Nuclear submarines
could provide survival for
different catastrophes:
• Nuclear war with large radiological contamination and
nuclear winter
• Biological war or pandemic, especially slow and hidden
• Asteroid impacts and nuclear winter
• Short term but intense global warming
• Mutiny of a drone army
• Gamma ray burst
• Supervoclanic event
Turchin, Alexey, and Brian Patrick Green. "Aquatic refuges for surviving a global catastrophe."
Futures 89 (2017): 26-37.
Nuclear submarines will
not help for too large
high-tech catastrophe
• Unfriendly AI
• Grey goo of nanobots
• LHC catastrophe creates mini blackhole
Turchin, Alexey, and Brian Patrick Green. "Aquatic refuges for surviving a global catastrophe."
Futures 89 (2017): 26-37.
Turchin, Alexey, and Brian Patrick Green. "Aquatic refuges for surviving a global catastrophe."
Futures 89 (2017): 26-37.
Food for 5 years could be
stored in missile shafts
• Unfriendly AI
• Grey goo of nanobots
• LHC catastrophe creates mini blackhole
Turchin, Alexey, and Brian Patrick Green. "Aquatic refuges for surviving a global catastrophe."
Futures 89 (2017): 26-37.
Ohio-class SSBN
has crew of 155
• Minimal survivable population is around 100
• Eggs and sperm could be frozen
• Starting in 2010, women joined US submarine
Turchin, Alexey, and Brian Patrick Green. "Aquatic refuges for surviving a global catastrophe."
Futures 89 (2017): 26-37.
Submarine needs a
remote island to dock
• Submarines are good for surviving a short-term,
intense event
• Islands are good for long-term survival of medium
intensity event
• Islands could be good starting points for human
Turchin, Alexey, and Brian Patrick Green. "Aquatic refuges for surviving a global catastrophe."
Futures 89 (2017): 26-37.
Levels of realisation of
the project:
• Cheap: add some books and seeds to already
existing subs,1 mln USD, 6 month survival.
• Medium: convert decommissioned Ohio-class
submarine in “Yellow submarine”, 1 bn USD, 5 years
• High: create fleet of the ark-submarines from
scratch, 200 bn USD (still cheaper than ISS) - 20
years survival.
Turchin, Alexey, and Brian Patrick Green. "Aquatic refuges for surviving a global catastrophe."
Futures 89 (2017): 26-37.
• Negative price is possible: Navy could pay
from its advertising budgets for small scale
• Billionaires: Personal refuge + yacht +
recreational home + wildlife observation
• Space programs: Nuclear submarines could be
test environment for long-term survival in space
Turchin, Alexey, and Brian Patrick Green. "Aquatic refuges for surviving a global catastrophe."
Futures 89 (2017): 26-37.
• Nuclear submarines could be effective refuges from several types of global
• Existing military submarines could be upgraded for this function with relatively
low cost
• Contemporary submarines could provide several months of surface
• A specially designed fleet of nuclear submarines could potentially survive years
or even decades under water
• Nuclear submarine refuges could be a step towards the creation of space
The Map of Shelters and Refuges from Global Risks (Plan B of X-risks Prevention)
On the ground
Distance from typical habitats
Underground On the sea Under the sea
Number of shelters:
more than 10
Number of people: hun-
Independent survivabil-
ity: 1-5 years
Ability to re-create civi-
lization: high
Vulnerability: medium
Best protection against:
pandemics, nuclear winter,
Number of shelters:
around 10
Number of people: tho-
Independent survivabil-
ity: thousands years
Ability to re-create civili-
zation: medium
Vulnerability: high
Best protection against:
some types of pandemics
Number of shelters: thou-
sands or more
Number of people: millions
Independent survivabil-
ity: almost indefinite
Ability to re-create civili-
zation: high
Vulnerability: medium
Best protection against:
Number of shelters: de-
pends of type of catastrophe
Number of people: un-
Independent survivabil-
ity: months
Ability to re-create civili-
zation: low
Vulnerability: high
Best protection against:
stochastic events
Air planes
Tesla cars
with biosafety
Number of shelters: many
Number of people: thou-
Independent survivabil-
ity: days
Ability to re-create civili-
zation: medium
Vulnerability: high
Best protection against:
Price: included
Mines, caves
and subways
Number of shelters: thou-
Number of people: millions
Independent survivabil-
ity: days
Ability to re-create civili-
zation: high
Vulnerability: high
Best protection against:
explosions and acute fallout
Bomb shelters
and commercial shelters
Number of shelters: many
Number of people: millions
Independent survivabil-
ity: days, may be weeks
Ability to re-create civili-
zation: high
Vulnerability: medium
Best protection against:
explosions and acute fallout
Cold war com-
mand centers and
underground cities
Number of shelters: around 10
Number of people: unknown, may-
be hundreds
Independent survivability: years
Ability to re-create civilization:
Vulnerability: could be targeted in
Best protection against: explo-
sions, fallout, pandemics
Number of shelters: many
Number of people: millions
Independent survivabil-
ity: 1 year for some, may be
Ability to re-create civili-
zation: high
Vulnerability: medium
Best protection against:
explosions, pandemics
Number of shelters:
Number of people: mil-
Independent survivabil-
ity: indefinite
Ability to re-create civi-
lization: high
Vulnerability: medium
Best protection against:
Number of shelters: 10-
Number of people: thou-
Independent survivabil-
ity: around 1 year
Ability to re-create civili-
zation: high
Vulnerability: medium
Best protection against:
explosions and acute fallout
space station
Number of shelters: 1
Number of people: 6
Independent survivabil-
ity: 3 monthes- 1 years
Ability to re-create civili-
zation: low
Vulnerability: high
Best protection against:
short, but covering all earth
surface catastrophe (air-
borne pandemics)
Ship wrecks,
Number of shelters: de-
pends of a type of a catas-
Number of people: un-
known, maybe hundreds
Independent survivabil-
ity: months
Ability to re-create civili-
zation: low
Vulnerability: high to natu-
ral causes
Best protection against:
Distributed net of
Includes hoards with food
Trained people
Number of shelters: depends of
type of catastrophe
Number of people: thousands?
Independent survivability: months
Ability to re-create civilization:
Vulnerability: high
Best protection against: stochastic
events, pandemics, nuclear war
In near space Remote space
Doomsday vault
facilities which will help to rec-
reate civilization by preserving
important knowledge, instru-
ments, seeds, resources, but
not people
Number of shelters: now one
Number of people: thousands?
Independent survivability:
Ability to re-create civilization:
Vulnerability: high
Best protection against: sto-
chastic events, pandemics, nuclear
ALL existing
in temporary
asylums in
short notice
(~6 months)
People, who prepare to smaller
catastrophe and stock food
Number of people: 3 million people
in US
Independent survivability: months
Ability to re-create civilization:
Vulnerability: high
Best protection against: stochastic
events, pandemics, nuclear war
Food storages, and chemically syn-
thesised food, see work of Denken-
© Alexey Turchin, 2016, CC3.0
houses with
Number of shelters: mil-
Number of people: millions
Independent survivabil-
ity: months
Ability to re-create civili-
zation: high
Vulnerability: high
Best protection against:
pandemics, small impacts
and nuclear war
Price: high
Very deep
1 km deep with independent
energy sources
Number of shelters: several
Number of people: thousands
Independent survivability:
Ability to re-create civilization:
Vulnerability: low to natural risks,
high to human hostile action
Best protection against: pan-
Price: very high, many billions dol-
Risks: it could be places which
benefit from extinction event, start
an attack or make secret danger-
ous research
Sea steading
Independent living communities
at sea
Number of shelters: several
Number of people: thousands
Independent survivability:
Ability to re-create civiliza-
tion: medium
Vulnerability: low to natural
risks, high to human hostile ac-
Best protection against: pan-
Price: very high, billions dollars
Specially rebuilt
nuclear submarine
(“project Yellow
Number of shelters: several
Number of people: thousands
Independent survivability: years
Ability to re-create civilization:
Vulnerability: low to natural risks,
high to human hostile action
Best protection against: pandemic
Price: very high
Risks: could be targeted during nu-
clear war
Could provide defence against gam-
ma-ray burst with large surface radia-
tion levels
seems not to have much
value as it would be
Moon base
Number of shelters: one
Number of people: dozens
Independent survivability: years
Ability to re-create civilization:
Vulnerability: low to natural risks,
high to human hostile action
Best protection against: pandemic
Price: dozens of billions dollars
Risks: could be converted into nu-
clear military base by state actor,
and used in nuclear war, or attacked
Mars base
(Musk plan)
Number of shelters: one
Number of people: thousand or even million
Independent survivability: indefinite
Ability to re-create civilization: medium, de-
pends of robotics and many unknowns
Vulnerability: low to natural risks, high to human
hostile action
Best protection against: pandemics, impacts,
earth-limited catastrophes, including collider acci-
dents and grey goo
Price: trillions of dollars
Risks: could be targeted in space war or participate
in it as actor
Risks: transportation fleet could be used as kinetic
Risks: opportunity cost because of high price
Orion nuclear
generation ship
Number of shelters: one
Number of people: thousand or even
Independent survivability:
hundreds of years
Ability to re-create civilization:
medium, depends of many unknown
Vulnerability: low to natural risks,
high to human hostile action, high
probability of accidents and failure in-
side the ship
Best protection against: pandemics,
impacts, earth-limited catastrophes,
including collider accidents and grey
Price: trillions of dollars
Risks: could be targeted in space war
or participate in it as actor
Risks: the ship itself could explode,
be used as a weapon or a source of
weapons, as it has 100 000 nukes for
Risks: opportunity cost because of
high price
Remote moons in So-
lar system, comets,
asteroids, Oort cloud
Use of self-replicating ro-
bots and manufacturing
nanotechnology for build-
ing infrastructure, creation
of millions of habitats
Number of shelters: millions
Number of people: millions
Independent survivability: indefinite
Ability to re-create civilization: high
Vulnerability: low to natural risks, high
to unfriendly AI
Best protection against: pandemics, im-
pacts, earth-limited catastrophes, includ-
ing collider accidents and grey goo
Price: may be the small, just one first na-
Risks of space war or space grey goo
Risks of kinetic space weapons
Risks of extremely large artificial explo-
sions inside gas planets or of the creation
of very large nukes
Risk of wrong command to the whole sys-
High speed
starting coloni-
sation wave
Number of shelters: millions
Number of people: DNA sam-
ples or uploads
Independent survivability:
Ability to re-create civiliza-
tion: high
Vulnerability: low to natural
risks, medium to unfriendly AI
Best protection against: al-
most everything except false
vacuum decay and strong UFAI
Price: may be the small, just
one first nanorobot
Risks of space war or space
grey goo
Risks of laser weapons based in
space which are able to target
Nanotech based
are able to with-
stand any external
influences as adap-
tive shield
Nanotech based
Deep in Earth’s
crust, which are
running humans as
uploads and are in-
visible to any exter-
nal hostile surveil-
Immortal bodies
Upgraded human be-
ings able to survive in
space and any hostile
Closed cycle projects
Number of shelters: several
Number of people: thousands?
Independent survivability:
Ability to re-create civiliza-
tion: high
Vulnerability: high
Best protection against: pan-
demics, nuclear war
Digital shelters
Something like secret
location of uploads in
global digital network,
or secret recordings of
human DNA and con-
They may help to sur-
vive some form of Un-
friendly AI, if it is not
Special anti-ex-
tinction shelter
in remote place
as suggested by
Karim Jebari
Number of shelters: at least
Number of people: 100
Independent survivability:
30+ years
Ability to re-create civiliza-
tion: high
Vulnerability: low to natural
risks, medieum to human hostile
Best protection against: pan-
demic, nuclear war
Price: from 2 to 15 billions dol-
Place: secret fertile land (Alaski-
an island?)
Power: nuclear
Special refug-
es built exactly
to much known
type and type
of a catastrophe
after warning
Phil Torres space
Basic independent space station
Number of people: 200 in each
Independent survivability: dec-
Ability to re-create civilization:
Vulnerability: low
Best protection against: stochastic
events, pandemics, nuclear war
Very large air

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Nuclear submarines as global risk shelters

  • 1. Alexey Turchin, Brian Green Nuclear submarines as global catastrophic risk shelters Foundation Science for Life Extension
  • 2. Seth Baum Isolated refuges for surviving global catastrophes Nuclear submarines are designed to be robust survivors Surface independence criteria: • 0.5 - 5 years autonomy • At least 400 meters below surface • Could move throughout the ocean
  • 3. Turchin, Alexey, and Brian Patrick Green. "Aquatic refuges for surviving a global catastrophe." Futures 89 (2017): 26-37. Nuclear submarines are designed to be robust survivors Military-grade survivability: • Protection from pressure and shock waves • Hiddenness • Air independence • Radiation protection
  • 4. Turchin, Alexey, and Brian Patrick Green. "Aquatic refuges for surviving a global catastrophe." Futures 89 (2017): 26-37. Nuclear submarines are the cheapest solution SSBN are cheaper than space colonies: • They are already exist • 1 trillion dollars spent on refining submarine technology • Collectively thousands of years of experience • Rate of accidents becomes very low
  • 5. Turchin, Alexey, and Brian Patrick Green. "Aquatic refuges for surviving a global catastrophe." Futures 89 (2017): 26-37. Nuclear submarines designed to survive nuclear war Subs were designed with nuclear war survival in mind • Blast and EMP protection • Radiation protection • Able to move to Southern hemisphere, where will be less radiation • Able to go to the equator, where will be less ice in case of the nuclear winter • Able to survive under ice • Not easy targets
  • 6. Turchin, Alexey, and Brian Patrick Green. "Aquatic refuges for surviving a global catastrophe." Futures 89 (2017): 26-37. Nuclear submarines are the cheapest solution SSBNs could serve as refuges while continuing to perform other functions: • Worldwide, there are 20 subs in the sea everyday • Women are already in crews • Addition of seeds, books and data could convert them into refuges with small investment
  • 7. Turchin, Alexey, and Brian Patrick Green. "Aquatic refuges for surviving a global catastrophe." Futures 89 (2017): 26-37. Nuclear submarines are better than bunkers • They can move and not easy targets • Could move to the safest place • No looters or “infected friends” • No need for air and water tubes on surface • No heat dissipation problem • Could go deeper because ocean is colder (no thermal gradient problem) • Already have nuclear power • Information isolation: no Internet on board
  • 8. Turchin, Alexey, and Brian Patrick Green. "Aquatic refuges for surviving a global catastrophe." Futures 89 (2017): 26-37. Nuclear submarines are better than Mars colony • They already exist • They are proved to be safe • They are cheaper even in best realisation ерт smallest Mars colony • Mars colony autonomy is impossible without self- replicating robots, which creates new risks • Mars colony is easy target in case of war
  • 9. Turchin, Alexey, and Brian Patrick Green. "Aquatic refuges for surviving a global catastrophe." Futures 89 (2017): 26-37. Nuclear submarines have their own energy source • 25-50 years of operation for contemporary reactors • No heat dissipation problem • No need for fuel or air • Could be replaced by water turbines, generating electricity from currents
  • 10. Turchin, Alexey, and Brian Patrick Green. "Aquatic refuges for surviving a global catastrophe." Futures 89 (2017): 26-37. Nuclear submarines: own supplies • Oxygen generation from water • Water desalination • Plankton filtering is possible as source of food
  • 11. Turchin, Alexey, and Brian Patrick Green. "Aquatic refuges for surviving a global catastrophe." Futures 89 (2017): 26-37. Nuclear submarines could provide survival for different catastrophes: • Nuclear war with large radiological contamination and nuclear winter • Biological war or pandemic, especially slow and hidden • Asteroid impacts and nuclear winter • Short term but intense global warming • Mutiny of a drone army • Gamma ray burst • Supervoclanic event
  • 12. Turchin, Alexey, and Brian Patrick Green. "Aquatic refuges for surviving a global catastrophe." Futures 89 (2017): 26-37. Nuclear submarines will not help for too large high-tech catastrophe • Unfriendly AI • Grey goo of nanobots • LHC catastrophe creates mini blackhole
  • 13. Turchin, Alexey, and Brian Patrick Green. "Aquatic refuges for surviving a global catastrophe." Futures 89 (2017): 26-37.
  • 14. Turchin, Alexey, and Brian Patrick Green. "Aquatic refuges for surviving a global catastrophe." Futures 89 (2017): 26-37. Food for 5 years could be stored in missile shafts • Unfriendly AI • Grey goo of nanobots • LHC catastrophe creates mini blackhole
  • 15. Turchin, Alexey, and Brian Patrick Green. "Aquatic refuges for surviving a global catastrophe." Futures 89 (2017): 26-37. Ohio-class SSBN has crew of 155 • Minimal survivable population is around 100 • Eggs and sperm could be frozen • Starting in 2010, women joined US submarine crews
  • 16. Turchin, Alexey, and Brian Patrick Green. "Aquatic refuges for surviving a global catastrophe." Futures 89 (2017): 26-37. Submarine needs a remote island to dock • Submarines are good for surviving a short-term, intense event • Islands are good for long-term survival of medium intensity event • Islands could be good starting points for human recovery
  • 17. Turchin, Alexey, and Brian Patrick Green. "Aquatic refuges for surviving a global catastrophe." Futures 89 (2017): 26-37. Levels of realisation of the project: • Cheap: add some books and seeds to already existing subs,1 mln USD, 6 month survival. • Medium: convert decommissioned Ohio-class submarine in “Yellow submarine”, 1 bn USD, 5 years survival. • High: create fleet of the ark-submarines from scratch, 200 bn USD (still cheaper than ISS) - 20 years survival.
  • 18. Turchin, Alexey, and Brian Patrick Green. "Aquatic refuges for surviving a global catastrophe." Futures 89 (2017): 26-37. Funding • Negative price is possible: Navy could pay from its advertising budgets for small scale realisation • Billionaires: Personal refuge + yacht + recreational home + wildlife observation • Space programs: Nuclear submarines could be test environment for long-term survival in space
  • 19. Turchin, Alexey, and Brian Patrick Green. "Aquatic refuges for surviving a global catastrophe." Futures 89 (2017): 26-37. Conclusion • Nuclear submarines could be effective refuges from several types of global catastrophes • Existing military submarines could be upgraded for this function with relatively low cost • Contemporary submarines could provide several months of surface independence • A specially designed fleet of nuclear submarines could potentially survive years or even decades under water • Nuclear submarine refuges could be a step towards the creation of space refuges
  • 20. The Map of Shelters and Refuges from Global Risks (Plan B of X-risks Prevention) On the ground Distance from typical habitats Underground On the sea Under the sea Antarctic bases Number of shelters: more than 10 Number of people: hun- dreds Independent survivabil- ity: 1-5 years Ability to re-create civi- lization: high Vulnerability: medium Best protection against: pandemics, nuclear winter, fallout Uncontacted tribes Number of shelters: around 10 Number of people: tho- sands Independent survivabil- ity: thousands years Ability to re-create civili- zation: medium Vulnerability: high Best protection against: some types of pandemics Remote villages Number of shelters: thou- sands or more Number of people: millions Independent survivabil- ity: almost indefinite Ability to re-create civili- zation: high Vulnerability: medium Best protection against: pandemics Random survivors Number of shelters: de- pends of type of catastrophe Number of people: un- known Independent survivabil- ity: months Ability to re-create civili- zation: low Vulnerability: high Best protection against: stochastic events Air planes Tesla cars with biosafety system Number of shelters: many thousands Number of people: thou- sands Independent survivabil- ity: days Ability to re-create civili- zation: medium Vulnerability: high Best protection against: pandemic Price: included Mines, caves and subways Number of shelters: thou- sands Number of people: millions Independent survivabil- ity: days Ability to re-create civili- zation: high Vulnerability: high Best protection against: explosions and acute fallout Bomb shelters and commercial shelters Number of shelters: many thousands Number of people: millions Independent survivabil- ity: days, may be weeks Ability to re-create civili- zation: high Vulnerability: medium Best protection against: explosions and acute fallout Cold war com- mand centers and underground cities Number of shelters: around 10 Number of people: unknown, may- be hundreds Independent survivability: years Ability to re-create civilization: high Vulnerability: could be targeted in war Best protection against: explo- sions, fallout, pandemics Ships Number of shelters: many thousands Number of people: millions Independent survivabil- ity: 1 year for some, may be more Ability to re-create civili- zation: high Vulnerability: medium Best protection against: explosions, pandemics Islands Number of shelters: thousands Number of people: mil- lions Independent survivabil- ity: indefinite Ability to re-create civi- lization: high Vulnerability: medium Best protection against: pandemics Nuclear submarines Number of shelters: 10- 100 Number of people: thou- sands Independent survivabil- ity: around 1 year Ability to re-create civili- zation: high Vulnerability: medium Best protection against: explosions and acute fallout International space station Number of shelters: 1 Number of people: 6 Independent survivabil- ity: 3 monthes- 1 years Ability to re-create civili- zation: low Vulnerability: high Best protection against: short, but covering all earth surface catastrophe (air- borne pandemics) Time Refugesthatarecurrentlyinexistence;Typesofrisks:nuclearwar, multi-pandemics,supervolcanicexplosion Ship wrecks, rafts Number of shelters: de- pends of a type of a catas- trophe Number of people: un- known, maybe hundreds Independent survivabil- ity: months Ability to re-create civili- zation: low Vulnerability: high to natu- ral causes Best protection against: pandemics Distributed net of survivalists Includes hoards with food Trained people Number of shelters: depends of type of catastrophe Number of people: thousands? Independent survivability: months Ability to re-create civilization: high Vulnerability: high Best protection against: stochastic events, pandemics, nuclear war In near space Remote space Doomsday vault facilities which will help to rec- reate civilization by preserving important knowledge, instru- ments, seeds, resources, but not people Number of shelters: now one Number of people: thousands? Independent survivability: months Ability to re-create civilization: high Vulnerability: high Best protection against: sto- chastic events, pandemics, nuclear war Converting ALL existing nuclear submarines in temporary asylums in short notice (~6 months) “Preppers” People, who prepare to smaller catastrophe and stock food Number of people: 3 million people in US Independent survivability: months Ability to re-create civilization: high Vulnerability: high Best protection against: stochastic events, pandemics, nuclear war Food storages, and chemically syn- thesised food, see work of Denken- berger
  • 21. © Alexey Turchin, 2016, CC3.0 “Clever” houses with reinforcement Number of shelters: mil- lions?? Number of people: millions Independent survivabil- ity: months Ability to re-create civili- zation: high Vulnerability: high Best protection against: pandemics, small impacts and nuclear war Price: high Very deep shelters 1 km deep with independent energy sources Number of shelters: several Number of people: thousands Independent survivability: years Ability to re-create civilization: medium Vulnerability: low to natural risks, high to human hostile action Best protection against: pan- demic Price: very high, many billions dol- lars Risks: it could be places which benefit from extinction event, start an attack or make secret danger- ous research Sea steading Independent living communities at sea Number of shelters: several Number of people: thousands Independent survivability: years Ability to re-create civiliza- tion: medium Vulnerability: low to natural risks, high to human hostile ac- tion Best protection against: pan- demic Price: very high, billions dollars Specially rebuilt nuclear submarine (“project Yellow submarine”) Number of shelters: several Number of people: thousands Independent survivability: years Ability to re-create civilization: medium Vulnerability: low to natural risks, high to human hostile action Best protection against: pandemic Price: very high Risks: could be targeted during nu- clear war Could provide defence against gam- ma-ray burst with large surface radia- tion levels Underwater town seems not to have much value as it would be vulnerable Moon base Number of shelters: one Number of people: dozens Independent survivability: years Ability to re-create civilization: low Vulnerability: low to natural risks, high to human hostile action Best protection against: pandemic Price: dozens of billions dollars Risks: could be converted into nu- clear military base by state actor, and used in nuclear war, or attacked Mars base (Musk plan) Number of shelters: one Number of people: thousand or even million Independent survivability: indefinite Ability to re-create civilization: medium, de- pends of robotics and many unknowns Vulnerability: low to natural risks, high to human hostile action Best protection against: pandemics, impacts, earth-limited catastrophes, including collider acci- dents and grey goo Price: trillions of dollars Risks: could be targeted in space war or participate in it as actor Risks: transportation fleet could be used as kinetic weapon Risks: opportunity cost because of high price Orion nuclear powered generation ship Number of shelters: one Number of people: thousand or even million Independent survivability: hundreds of years Ability to re-create civilization: medium, depends of many unknown Vulnerability: low to natural risks, high to human hostile action, high probability of accidents and failure in- side the ship Best protection against: pandemics, impacts, earth-limited catastrophes, including collider accidents and grey goo Price: trillions of dollars Risks: could be targeted in space war or participate in it as actor Risks: the ship itself could explode, be used as a weapon or a source of weapons, as it has 100 000 nukes for propulsion Risks: opportunity cost because of high price Couldbebuiltusingexistingtechin10-30years Hightechsheltersagainsthi-techrisks,which couldbebuiltafter30-100yearsfromnow Remote moons in So- lar system, comets, asteroids, Oort cloud Use of self-replicating ro- bots and manufacturing nanotechnology for build- ing infrastructure, creation of millions of habitats Number of shelters: millions Number of people: millions Independent survivability: indefinite Ability to re-create civilization: high Vulnerability: low to natural risks, high to unfriendly AI Best protection against: pandemics, im- pacts, earth-limited catastrophes, includ- ing collider accidents and grey goo Price: may be the small, just one first na- norobot Risks of space war or space grey goo Risks of kinetic space weapons Risks of extremely large artificial explo- sions inside gas planets or of the creation of very large nukes Risk of wrong command to the whole sys- tem High speed nano-starships, starting coloni- sation wave Number of shelters: millions Number of people: DNA sam- ples or uploads Independent survivability: high Ability to re-create civiliza- tion: high Vulnerability: low to natural risks, medium to unfriendly AI Best protection against: al- most everything except false vacuum decay and strong UFAI Price: may be the small, just one first nanorobot Risks of space war or space grey goo Risks of laser weapons based in space which are able to target everything Nanotech based homes are able to with- stand any external influences as adap- tive shield Nanotech based microscopic shelters Deep in Earth’s crust, which are running humans as uploads and are in- visible to any exter- nal hostile surveil- lance. Immortal bodies Upgraded human be- ings able to survive in space and any hostile environment Isolated biospheres Closed cycle projects Number of shelters: several Number of people: thousands? Independent survivability: years Ability to re-create civiliza- tion: high Vulnerability: high Best protection against: pan- demics, nuclear war Digital shelters Something like secret location of uploads in global digital network, or secret recordings of human DNA and con- nectome They may help to sur- vive some form of Un- friendly AI, if it is not omnipotent Special anti-ex- tinction shelter in remote place as suggested by Karim Jebari Number of shelters: at least one Number of people: 100 Independent survivability: 30+ years Ability to re-create civiliza- tion: high Vulnerability: low to natural risks, medieum to human hostile action Best protection against: pan- demic, nuclear war Price: from 2 to 15 billions dol- lars Place: secret fertile land (Alaski- an island?) Power: nuclear Special refug- es built exactly to much known type and type of a catastrophe after warning Phil Torres space bunkers Basic independent space station Number of people: 200 in each Independent survivability: dec- ades Ability to re-create civilization: high Vulnerability: low Best protection against: stochastic events, pandemics, nuclear war Very large air blimps