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Why dramatic world
changing eventses
and different net resources
Every 2000 year cycle brings a New World Teacher
1920 Birth of the Messiah – “2013 time of KoH”.
I have already proclaimed that Jan 13, 2013
will be the Foundation Day.
That day will be the actual beginning of
God's Kingdom of Cheon Il Guk.
/SMM 27 Nov 2010
The Korean Books Of Prophecy
A white cross, a great heavenly way
that unifies Confucianism, Buddhism, Christianity
and all other religions into one.
He will come
April year (2000-2001) or
2024-2025 (Moon Calendar).
Believe in God this is the teaching of the Holy Man
who came from Heaven.
“Without understanding the invisible world, we cannot perfectly know the visible world.
Thus, the invisible world is the subjective world; the visible world is the objective
world, the latter operating like a shadow of the former” (Heb. 8:5). /DP Ch1
Form Spirit
Life Spirit
Divine Spirit
• 33 Then, behold, the veil of the temple was torn in two from top
to bottom; and the earth quaked, and the rocks were split,
and the graves were opened;… “Truly this was the Son of God!”
• 1920 Birth of the Messiah – 1918, end of WW1
• 1946 Start of public Witnessing in Korea – 1945, end of WW2
• 1950-53 Korean War 1954 Founding of HSA-UWC
Founding of HSA-UWC
The period until 1960 indemnified the failure of Christianity.
(in Korea)
You have to know that I had to go through courses
representative of all the suffering courses in God's will
in the Old and the New Testaments because of this.
I had to lay the foundation, indemnifying not only
everything the Israelites had failed to do and
everything the Christians had failed to do but also
everything that had Jesus failed to do.
But it is not likely that everyone will accept it, because
it needs education and it will take time.
Nobody can give away perfection.
Perfection was the ideal, and perfection was mans
goal from the beginning, but man choose himself to
loose that perfection, and she must now choose to
return to it.
But you cannot expect the message to be
accepted immediately by vast numbers of people
only those who are ready and who are willing to
listen and to whom this particular message
seems to be right and meaningful.
That is the way that all the world teachers have
had to go.
And remember one thing only, that if it is of God,
it can not fail. And it is of God.
/Arthur Ford sitting 1965
• East of Eden is a 1955 film, directed by Elia Kazan, and loosely
based on the second half of the novel of the same name by John Steinbeck.
It is about a wayward young man who, while seeking his own identity,
vies for the affection of his deeply religious father against his favored brother,
thus retelling the story of Cain and Abel.
• 1960 TP Blessing – End of First Rep. Korea, Syngman Rhee
– Earthquake 9.5 in Chile.
– Globalisation, Revolution in youth Music
– DP and Elvis
• 1984 HeungJinNim martyr – protecting TF
• 1992 Proclamation of Messiah in Korea, CAUSA
– Berlin Wall 1989 and
implosion of the Soviet Union itself 1991
• 2000 Beginning of CIG – 9-11
• 2000-2012 CIG beginning
• 2013 CIG Year 1
Many forces worked to bring down the unholy Communist Empire
• 1960 11 April TP Blessing – 19th
of Apr End of 1st
Rep. Korea,
Pres.Syngman Rhee
• 1948 -1960 1st
Korean Republic
• The April Revolution, sometimes called the April 19 Revolution
or April 19 Movement, was a popular uprising in April 1960,
led by labor and student groups, which overthrew the autocratic
First Republic of South Korea under Syngman Rhee.
Elvis Presley Museum Graceland
CAUSA International was launched in 1980, when Rev. Moon asked
Bo Hi Pak to visit political leaders of countries in South America and
offer a unique form of assistance in the defense against communism
and in bringing about a renaissance of morality and virtue.
Mankind seeking True Freedom – Arabian Spring
But, replacing one fallen leadership with another does not solve the root problem of Fall of Man
• Arabian spring 2011
2008, 2011,2012,2016-2022… European Financial Cricis
• Original EU 12 Countries – Holy Number
An Ideal World
Why still evil?
The Root cause!
The fall which took place through the sexual relationship
between the angel and Eve was the spiritual fall, while
the fall which occurred through the sexual relationship
between Eve and Adam was the physical fall.
The Spiritual Fall and the Physical Fall
He surely will establish the everlasting and
indestructible Kingdom of Heaven on earth.
Spiritual salvation
Physical salvation
The whole purpose of Human history
war and Religions
is to bring the new Adam = The Messiah
Foundation of
Providence of restoration in Adam’s Family
Foundation of Substance
On these two foundations, the foundation for the Messiah
was to have been established, and the Messiah could
have come to Adam’s family (p. 189).
Foundation for the Messiah
After Abraham failed in the symbolic offering, God commanded
him to sacrifice his only son Isaac as a burnt offering.
Abraham’s Offering of Isaac
offering (burnt offering)
(Abel) (Cain)
of Faith
The Foundation of Substance
To establish the foundation for the Messiah in Isaac’s family,
the foundation of substance had to be laid next.
For this purpose, Isaac’s sons, Esau and Jacob, had to be
placed in the divided positions of Cain and Abel respectively.
of Faith
By making the substantial offering, they were responsible
to fulfill the indemnity condition to remove the fallen
nature and lay the foundation of substance.
Indemnity condition to remove the fallen nature
(Abel) (Cain)
of Faith
of Substance
3.2 The Foundation of Substance
of Faith
If Abraham had not failed in the symbolic offering, Isaac and his half-brother Ishmael,
in place of Abel and Cain, should have set up the condition of indemnity to remove
the fallen nature, which had been left unaccomplished by Cain and Abel.
Because of Abraham's failure, God, by setting up Isaac in Abraham's position,
and Esau and Jacob in place of Ishmael and Isaac, worked the providence to have
them set up the condition of indemnity to remove the fallen nature.
So after Abram had been living in Canaan
ten years, Sarai his wife took her Egyptian
maidservant Hagar and gave her to her
husband to be his wife.
As discussed in the Principle, Ishmael, the elder of
Abraham's two sons, could not receive God's blessing
when Abrahams position a father of faith was passed to
Isaac,the second son.
Abraham made a mistake in the sacrifice of birds and
animals but through his determination to restore that
mistake he offered his son as sacrifice.
In the original dispensation, Abraham was to lay a
foundation of faith after which Ishmael and Isaac would lay
a foundation of substance:
God's blessing would then have been given to Isaac
and Ishmael.
Because Ishmael was not responsible for losing his
Providential position in Abraham's family, and the
blessing that came with it, God's promise to bless him
became a commitment to be fulfilled in time.
Ishmael, like Jacob, became the father of the twelve
sons who became the patriarchs
of 12 tribes.
These 12 tribes, cousins to the 12 tribes of Israel,
were progenitors of the Arabs.
The Ishmaelites inherited the burden of a blessing
denied, which created a historical base
for resentment towards the Israelites.
2000 year
Jewish diaspora
600 AD
Gods promiss
to Bless Abr.
1312 BCE(?*)
Exodus from Egypt (Moses)
Ca 1500 BCE(?*)
450BC – 1948AD
Israel Palestine
Wiki: Palestine=…used between
450 BC and 1948 AD to describe the
geographic region between the
Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan
River, and various adjoining lands.
Wiki: Israel =…. Following
the 1947 United Nations
decision to partition Palestine,
on 14 May 1948 David Ben-Gurion,
the Executive Head of the
World Zionist Organization
and president of the
Jewish Agency for Palestine,
declared Israel a state
independent from the
British Mandate for Palestine.
Neighboring Arab states
invaded the next day
in support of the Palestinian Arabs.
Israeli – Arab conflict and wars
Both Israel and Palestine
claim the land
• Jewish, Muslim and Christian groups invoke religious arguments for their
uncompromising positions.
• Contemporary history of the Arab–Israeli conflict is very much affected by Christian
and Muslim religious beliefs and their interpretations of the idea of the chosen
people in their policies with regard to the "Promised Land" and the "Chosen City" of
• The Land of Canaan or Eretz Yisrael (Land of Israel) was, according to the Torah
(and the Koran, The Table 5:23), promised by God to the Children of Israel.
• According to biblical studies, the Israelites ruled that land from the 13th or 14th
century BCE to the 1st century BCE (with short periods of foreign rule), remaining an
ethnic majority of the population in the area until the 7th century CE.
• In his 1896 manifesto, The Jewish State, Theodor Herzl repeatedly refers to the
Biblical Promised land concept. The Likud is currently the most prominent Israeli
political party to include the Biblical claim to the Land of Israel in its plaDr Moonorm.
Both claim the land
• Muslims also claim rights to that land in accordance with
the Quran.
• Contrary to the Jewish claim that this land was promised
only to the descendants of Abraham's younger son
Isaac, they argue that the Land of Canaan was promised
to all descendants of Abraham, including his elder son
Ishmael, from whom Arabs claim descent.
Both claim the land
• Additionally, Muslims also revere many sites holy for
Biblical Israelites, such as The Cave of the Patriarchs
and the Temple Mount, and in the past 1,400 years have
constructed Islamic landmarks on these ancient Israelite
sites, such as the Dome of the Rock and the Al-Aqsa
• Muslims also believe that Muhammad passed through
Jerusalem on his first journey to heaven. Hamas, which
governs the Gaza Strip, claims that all of the land of
Palestine (the current Israel and Palestinian territories) is
an Islamic what that must be governed by Muslims.
Sunni & Shia Muslims
• The division between Sunnis and Shi'as is the largest
and oldest in the history of Islam.
• They both agree on the fundamentals of Islam and share
the same Holy Book (The Qur'an), but there are
differences mostly derived from their different historical
experiences, political and social developments, as well
as ethnic composition.
• These differences originate from the question of who
would succeed the Prophet Muhammad as leader of the
emerging Muslim community after his death.
Sunni Muslims
The larger group of Muslims chose Abu Bakr, a close
Companion of the Prophet, as the Caliph (politico-social
leader) and he was accepted as such by much of the
community which saw the succession in political and not
spiritual terms. (Sunnis )
• Sunnis argue that the Prophet chose Abu Bakr to lead
the congregational prayers as he lay on his deathbed,
Shia Muslims
However another smaller group, which also included
some of the senior Companions, believed that
the Prophet's son-in-law and cousin, Ali, should be
Caliph. They understood that the Prophet had appointed
him as the sole interpreter of his legacy, in both political
and spiritual terms. (Shi'as )
• Muhammad stood up in front of his Companions on the
way back from his last Hajj, and proclaimed Ali the
spiritual guide and master of all believers. Shi'a reports
say he took Ali's hand and said that anyone who
followed Muhammad should follow Ali.
Israeli – Arab wars
• War of Independence 1948 - 1949 Israel
• Sinai War 1956 Israel United Kingdom UK France France
• Six Day War 1967 Israel
• War of Attrition 1967 - 1970 Israel
• Yom Kippur War 1973 Israel
• First Lebanon War 1982 Israel against South Lebanon Army
Patch.png SLA
• Second Lebanon War 2006 Israel
Korea proclaimed as two states North and South Korea.
"In 1948, Israel became independent; therefore, some might
think it reasonable for the Lord to come back to Israel.
Korea also became independent in 1948.
However, Korea was liberated from Japanese colonization,
in contrast to modern Israel's situation. Conceivably both
countries may have become independent at the same time
because the physical Israel inherited something from the
spiritual Israel, Korea.
/ 1975 The Turning Point of History S.M.Moon
The fact that the Jewish people, who had been wandering
for 2,000 years, found their nation, shows that all their sins
had been forgiven.
Therefore, they could return to their original position.
The prophecy that Israel would be restored when Jesus
returned was fulfilled.
Because Jesus' death was indemnified,
mankind was able to receive forgiveness
and the Lord of the Second Advent could come.”
/ 1975 The Turning Point of History S.M.Moon
• Hamas is the Palestinian Sunni Islamic or Islamist
political party that governs the Gaza Strip. Hamas also
has a military wing, the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades.
• Since June 2007 Hamas has governed the Gaza portion
of the Palestinian Territories, after it won a majority of
seats in the Palestinian Parliament in the January 2006
Palestinian parliamentary elections and then defeated
the Fatah political organization in a series of violent
• The European Union, the United States, Canada, Israel
and Japan classify Hamas as a terrorist organization,
while nations such as Russia, Turkey, and Switzerland
do not.
• Al-Qaeda "The Base" is a global Sunni Islamist militant
group founded by Osama bin Laden sometime between
August 1988 and late 1989.
• It operates as a network comprising both a multinational,
stateless army and a radical Sunni Muslim movement
calling for global Jihad.
• It has been designated a terrorist organization by the
United States, the United Nations Security Council, the
European Union, NATO, and various other countries
(see below).
• Al-Qaeda has attacked
civilian and military
targets in various countries,
such as the
September 11 attacks,
1998 US embassy bombings
and 2002 Bali bombings.
World Disasters
• 9-11 2001
Iraq War
Saddam Hussein
dictator of Iraq
US Pres. Bush
• The US government responded by launching the War on
Terror. Al-Qaeda has continued to exist and grew
through the decade from 2001 to 2011.
• Afghanistan - 2001
• Bush: Iraqi war – 2003
Saddam Hussein
• Usama Bin Ladin – killed May 2011
The road ahead!
towards Global & Cosmic Peace
World Religions
3 Abramic Religions
Unification of Religions
• Together we need to connect everything internally and externally. Even the
different kinds of martial arts, Tae Kwon Do and Won Hwa Do, must be unified
We must expand the realm of martial arts to block Satan. We have to reverse
the realm of incorrect teaching leading to terrorism. Terrorists are like false
martial arts practitioners. To reverse this, there must be true martial arts.
• Then we turn our eyes to the conflict in the Middle East. What began as a
struggle between religions is now grinding the entire world in a crucible of fear
over terrorism and murder. Meanwhile, the Korean peninsula, my homeland,
tragically remains the world's only divided nation. It still awaits its day of
unification with deep longing. By what means can we possibly save today's
world, where morality and family values are utterly degraded? /2004.12.13
Dr Moon on
• Three brothers, black brother, white brother and yellow brother must embrace
each other and bring love to everyone. This is a very serious time. We must
unite together. We committed for 12,000 ministers to come. We must make a *
coalition together and unite and bring hope to this nation.
Without this kind of blessing ideas this country will not have any direction.
White people should be humble, not be proud. Their power cannot stop these
problems. The jet terrorist attack could not be stopped by power.
• Now is the time to invite all religious leaders and give them the blessing.
Man’s ideas can never solve the problems of war and terrorism. /2001.09.18
• The US is 70% white. Maybe it is 30% worldwide. You are white, descendants
of the Scandinavians. In reality, not many people like America. If this trend
continues, terrorism will take place in the broad daylight, and assets of whites
will be taken and given away. I am trying to prevent that from happening, but
they don’t understand, and treat me as an enemy. /2001.02.17
Dr Moon on
• The rapid spread of HIV and sexually transmitted diseases threatens the very
existence of the human race. It is said that there is no safety zone against the
HIV virus. A greater terrorism than that over which the entire world is now
trembling is before our eyes, allowing us no safety zone. Once contracted, its
victims must give up their dreams for happiness, ideals, and life itself. Unless
we resolve this catastrophe plaguing our planet, how can we claim that we are
world leaders? . /2001.10.21
• Only through practicing true love can we become true individuals, true
parents, true teachers and true Lords. Only then can we finally become the
leaders who can bring about peace on Earth. A life of living for the sake of
others is the first gate to peace.
The path to peace ultimately must be based on "Godism" or "Head-Wing
Ideology," the teaching that can reconcile and embrace all sides in a conflict,
from the thought to the fruit, by dealing with the starting-point of conflict in the
relationship between Cain and Abel.
Dr Moon on
• How can we break the chain of hatred and violence we perpetrate against one
another? Returning hatred in response to hatred only leads to more hatred,
terror and destruction. This is certainly not the path to peace. We can touch,
embrace and educate conflicting parties only by true love. True love that
places God in the center disregards national boundaries; therefore it is
international. /2001.10.20
• The world today continues to agonize over issues affecting all of humanity,
such as the threat of war and terrorism, discord among races, antagonism
among religious groups and the destruction of the environment.
As we enter the new century, it is imperative that we give priority to developing
an awareness of our responsibility for bringing about
change in the family, nation and world. /1997.11.28
Dr Moon on
• Old UN
Kofi Annan
In 2005,
published his report
In Larger Freedom,
a proposal for reform of the UN.
• New UN
Internationl Day of Peace
Spiritual UN
Solution• New UN
The era after the coming of heaven that God and True
Parents have opened, is a time of dramatic change.
As registered citizens of Cheon Il Guk, you have the mission
to make this era blossom and bear fruit in blessing(s) and glory.
Therefore, please become Heaven's emissaries, fulfilling
the dual missions of the "peace-kingdom police-force" and
"peace-kingdom corps".
Serve humanity under the banner of the Universal Peace
Federation, which is working
to establish the position of the "Abel-type United Nations".
Solution• New UN
Worthy countrymen and women, if not you, then who,
will nurture and protect the Blessed (Unification Church-married)
families and this blessed planet Earth that God
has given us?
Solution• New UN
Please become true princes and princesses, who live in
attendance to God as your vertical True Parent, for He is
the Peace King of the multitudes.
Let us build the everlasting peace kingdom by attending
the King of Peace in Heaven and on Earth, and fulfill the
way (path) of a true, devoted child, a patriot, a saint,
and a member of the family of God's sons and daughters.
/Peace Messages
Cheon Il GukCheon Il Guk EraEra
2001- 2004
January 13, 2013
TPTP  FamilyFamily
King &King &
Queen ofQueen of
Hyun Jin Nim’s
7 Year Course
2009- 20122005- 2008
• 4th
• CIG Blessing
• UPF (Abel UN)
• Ambassadors
for Peace
Cheon JeongCheon Jeong
January 13, 2001
I have already proclaimed that Jan 13,
2013 will be the Foundation Day.
That day will be the actual beginning of
God's Kingdom of Cheon Il Guk.
/SMM 27 Nov 2010
After all earthly people are restored,
it will take a long time for the spirit world to be
completely restored because there are so very
many spirits who must be restored through the
principle of resurrection through people on earth.
It will be much faster for earthly people to be restored.
The number of spirits is very great.
And they must go through the resurrection in an
indirect way.
/SMM 1965:4
Comment: Indirect = Vitality Elements needed from physical human body
= physical people cooperating on Earth.
• True Parents Holy Blessing of Mankind
2011 Finland
23rd of March23rd of March 20122012
FebFeb 2013 Korea2013 Korea
Feb 2014Feb 2014
2015 Korea2015 Korea
2016 Korea2016 Korea
2016 Korea2016 Korea
2016 Korea2016 Korea
2016 Korea2016 Korea
The Prophecies of
" For as the lightning comes out of the East, and shines
even to the West, so shall the coming of the Son of
Man be. . ." Matt. 24:27.
II 29
A man from the East will come out of his seat
and will cross the Apennines to see France.
He will cross through the sky, the seas, and snows,
and will strike everyone with his rod. (=Truth! – Divine Principle)
The Prophecies of
X 75
Long awaited he will never return in Europe
He will appear in Asia; (Korea!)
One of the league issued from great Hermes,
He will grow above all other powers in the Orient.
Our world is at a dangerous point today
because it is dominated by Cain and Abel views
— childish views.
Reactionary and revolutionary approaches are
witnessed everywhere and, unfortunately,
often championed by reporters in the media,
military strategists, and leaders of powerful countries.
Gordon L. Anderson
Globalization has brought the world to
the top of the growth stage and the chaos we witness
is a result of the revolutionary and reactionary attitudes
of children in leadership positions of power,
but such leaders are not yet capable of genuine leadership.
The world is in need of True Parents,
and constructive transformers,
leading it forward.
Who Is He?
by Sung Mo Koo
The Messiah down to earth
in secret
The Korean Books of
EAST GARDEN 21st November ’98
Hoon Dok Hae
by independent journalist Mr Ku Sung Mo
After 20 years of studying prophecy by many Korean
prophets throughout the ages Mr Ku concludes that
someone must come to Korea
as the second coming of Buddha, Christ or Confucius.
He writes quite directly that Sun Myung Moon
is the one.
Chapter 2 - The Korean Books Of Prophecy
A white cross, a great heavenly way
that unifies Confucianism, Buddhism, Christianity
and all other religions into one.
He will come
April year (2000-2001) or
2024-2025 (Moon Calendar).
Believe in God
this is the teaching of the holy man who came from Heaven.
The fortune of this Messiah is as the coming
of Buddha (Second Coming of Buddha to this world).
When this time arrives, the entire world will be in chaos.
Fire will fly and fall to the ground and the world will become
hopelessly confused.
There will be no place for even one evil spirit to reside in the
new world.
The whole world will be unified and once again return to
the original point.
The families who read these messages are the blessed ones.
Human Respons- Ability
2000 year of preparation for the 2nd
Coming of Christ -
See more on slideshare bdp003 Prophecy
M Luther (1483-1546)
R. Steiner
Tagore Yeats
St John of Patmos
Fatima Ford Vanga
Korean prophecy
Chung Gam Rok
• Divine Principle Red Color slides
• BBC Introduction on Islam
• Wikipedia
• Picture from various Internet sources
• Mer information om Divine Principle på svenska
True Love

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2000 to 2025 World Changing Events

  • 1. 2000…2017… …2024/2025 Why dramatic world changing eventses and different net resources v.2.9
  • 2. Every 2000 year cycle brings a New World Teacher 1920 Birth of the Messiah – “2013 time of KoH”.
  • 3. I have already proclaimed that Jan 13, 2013 will be the Foundation Day. That day will be the actual beginning of God's Kingdom of Cheon Il Guk. /SMM 27 Nov 2010
  • 4. The Korean Books Of Prophecy A white cross, a great heavenly way that unifies Confucianism, Buddhism, Christianity and all other religions into one. He will come April year (2000-2001) or 2024-2025 (Moon Calendar). Believe in God this is the teaching of the Holy Man who came from Heaven.
  • 5.
  • 6.
  • 7. “Without understanding the invisible world, we cannot perfectly know the visible world. Thus, the invisible world is the subjective world; the visible world is the objective world, the latter operating like a shadow of the former” (Heb. 8:5). /DP Ch1
  • 9. • 33 Then, behold, the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom; and the earth quaked, and the rocks were split, and the graves were opened;… “Truly this was the Son of God!” • 1920 Birth of the Messiah – 1918, end of WW1 • 1946 Start of public Witnessing in Korea – 1945, end of WW2 • 1950-53 Korean War 1954 Founding of HSA-UWC
  • 10.
  • 12. The period until 1960 indemnified the failure of Christianity. (in Korea) You have to know that I had to go through courses representative of all the suffering courses in God's will in the Old and the New Testaments because of this. I had to lay the foundation, indemnifying not only everything the Israelites had failed to do and everything the Christians had failed to do but also everything that had Jesus failed to do.
  • 13. 1960
  • 14. But it is not likely that everyone will accept it, because it needs education and it will take time. Nobody can give away perfection. Perfection was the ideal, and perfection was mans goal from the beginning, but man choose himself to loose that perfection, and she must now choose to return to it.
  • 15. But you cannot expect the message to be accepted immediately by vast numbers of people only those who are ready and who are willing to listen and to whom this particular message seems to be right and meaningful. That is the way that all the world teachers have had to go. And remember one thing only, that if it is of God, it can not fail. And it is of God. /Arthur Ford sitting 1965
  • 16. • East of Eden is a 1955 film, directed by Elia Kazan, and loosely based on the second half of the novel of the same name by John Steinbeck. It is about a wayward young man who, while seeking his own identity, vies for the affection of his deeply religious father against his favored brother, thus retelling the story of Cain and Abel.
  • 17. • 1960 TP Blessing – End of First Rep. Korea, Syngman Rhee – Earthquake 9.5 in Chile. – Globalisation, Revolution in youth Music – DP and Elvis • 1984 HeungJinNim martyr – protecting TF • 1992 Proclamation of Messiah in Korea, CAUSA – Berlin Wall 1989 and implosion of the Soviet Union itself 1991 • 2000 Beginning of CIG – 9-11 • 2000-2012 CIG beginning • 2013 CIG Year 1
  • 18. Many forces worked to bring down the unholy Communist Empire
  • 19. • 1960 11 April TP Blessing – 19th of Apr End of 1st Rep. Korea, Pres.Syngman Rhee • 1948 -1960 1st Korean Republic • The April Revolution, sometimes called the April 19 Revolution or April 19 Movement, was a popular uprising in April 1960, led by labor and student groups, which overthrew the autocratic First Republic of South Korea under Syngman Rhee.
  • 20. Elvis Presley Museum Graceland
  • 21. CAUSA International was launched in 1980, when Rev. Moon asked Bo Hi Pak to visit political leaders of countries in South America and offer a unique form of assistance in the defense against communism and in bringing about a renaissance of morality and virtue.
  • 22. Mankind seeking True Freedom – Arabian Spring But, replacing one fallen leadership with another does not solve the root problem of Fall of Man • Arabian spring 2011
  • 23. 2008, 2011,2012,2016-2022… European Financial Cricis • Original EU 12 Countries – Holy Number
  • 26. ___________________________________________________ The fall which took place through the sexual relationship between the angel and Eve was the spiritual fall, while the fall which occurred through the sexual relationship between Eve and Adam was the physical fall.  Spirit self Physical fall Spiritual fall Physical self The Spiritual Fall and the Physical Fall
  • 27. He surely will establish the everlasting and indestructible Kingdom of Heaven on earth.  Spiritual salvation Physical salvation Heavenly Kingdom on Earth “CIG” The whole purpose of Human history war and Religions is to bring the new Adam = The Messiah The Messiah
  • 28. Foundation of Faith Providence of restoration in Adam’s Family Foundation of Substance On these two foundations, the foundation for the Messiah was to have been established, and the Messiah could have come to Adam’s family (p. 189). Foundation for the Messiah
  • 29. After Abraham failed in the symbolic offering, God commanded him to sacrifice his only son Isaac as a burnt offering.  Abraham’s Offering of Isaac Symbolic offering (burnt offering) Isaac
  • 30. (Abel) (Cain) Foundation of Faith The Foundation of Substance To establish the foundation for the Messiah in Isaac’s family, the foundation of substance had to be laid next. For this purpose, Isaac’s sons, Esau and Jacob, had to be placed in the divided positions of Cain and Abel respectively.  Foundation of Faith
  • 31. By making the substantial offering, they were responsible to fulfill the indemnity condition to remove the fallen nature and lay the foundation of substance. Indemnity condition to remove the fallen nature (Abel) (Cain) Foundation of Faith Foundation of Substance 3.2 The Foundation of Substance Foundation of Faith
  • 32. If Abraham had not failed in the symbolic offering, Isaac and his half-brother Ishmael, in place of Abel and Cain, should have set up the condition of indemnity to remove the fallen nature, which had been left unaccomplished by Cain and Abel. Because of Abraham's failure, God, by setting up Isaac in Abraham's position, and Esau and Jacob in place of Ishmael and Isaac, worked the providence to have them set up the condition of indemnity to remove the fallen nature. Halfbrothers So after Abram had been living in Canaan ten years, Sarai his wife took her Egyptian maidservant Hagar and gave her to her husband to be his wife.
  • 33. As discussed in the Principle, Ishmael, the elder of Abraham's two sons, could not receive God's blessing when Abrahams position a father of faith was passed to Isaac,the second son. Abraham made a mistake in the sacrifice of birds and animals but through his determination to restore that mistake he offered his son as sacrifice.
  • 34. In the original dispensation, Abraham was to lay a foundation of faith after which Ishmael and Isaac would lay a foundation of substance: God's blessing would then have been given to Isaac and Ishmael.
  • 35. Because Ishmael was not responsible for losing his Providential position in Abraham's family, and the blessing that came with it, God's promise to bless him became a commitment to be fulfilled in time. Ishmael, like Jacob, became the father of the twelve sons who became the patriarchs of 12 tribes. /Essentials of the UNIFICATION PRINCIPLE
  • 36. These 12 tribes, cousins to the 12 tribes of Israel, were progenitors of the Arabs. The Ishmaelites inherited the burden of a blessing denied, which created a historical base for resentment towards the Israelites. /Essentials of the UNIFICATION PRINCIPLE
  • 37. 2000 year Jewish diaspora Hitler Holocost 1948 Israel Palestine Palestine 600 AD Islam Gods promiss to Bless Abr. descendents 1312 BCE(?*) Exodus from Egypt (Moses) Ca 1500 BCE(?*) Canaan 450BC – 1948AD
  • 38. 1948 Israel Palestine Wiki: Palestine=…used between 450 BC and 1948 AD to describe the geographic region between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River, and various adjoining lands. Wiki: Israel =…. Following the 1947 United Nations decision to partition Palestine, on 14 May 1948 David Ben-Gurion, the Executive Head of the World Zionist Organization and president of the Jewish Agency for Palestine, declared Israel a state independent from the British Mandate for Palestine. Neighboring Arab states invaded the next day in support of the Palestinian Arabs.
  • 39. Israeli – Arab conflict and wars
  • 40. Both Israel and Palestine claim the land ISRAEL CLAIMS • Jewish, Muslim and Christian groups invoke religious arguments for their uncompromising positions. • Contemporary history of the Arab–Israeli conflict is very much affected by Christian and Muslim religious beliefs and their interpretations of the idea of the chosen people in their policies with regard to the "Promised Land" and the "Chosen City" of Jerusalem. • The Land of Canaan or Eretz Yisrael (Land of Israel) was, according to the Torah (and the Koran, The Table 5:23), promised by God to the Children of Israel. • According to biblical studies, the Israelites ruled that land from the 13th or 14th century BCE to the 1st century BCE (with short periods of foreign rule), remaining an ethnic majority of the population in the area until the 7th century CE. • In his 1896 manifesto, The Jewish State, Theodor Herzl repeatedly refers to the Biblical Promised land concept. The Likud is currently the most prominent Israeli political party to include the Biblical claim to the Land of Israel in its plaDr Moonorm.
  • 41. Both claim the land PALESTINE CLAIMS • Muslims also claim rights to that land in accordance with the Quran. • Contrary to the Jewish claim that this land was promised only to the descendants of Abraham's younger son Isaac, they argue that the Land of Canaan was promised to all descendants of Abraham, including his elder son Ishmael, from whom Arabs claim descent.
  • 42. Both claim the land PALESTINE CLAIMS • Additionally, Muslims also revere many sites holy for Biblical Israelites, such as The Cave of the Patriarchs and the Temple Mount, and in the past 1,400 years have constructed Islamic landmarks on these ancient Israelite sites, such as the Dome of the Rock and the Al-Aqsa Mosque. • Muslims also believe that Muhammad passed through Jerusalem on his first journey to heaven. Hamas, which governs the Gaza Strip, claims that all of the land of Palestine (the current Israel and Palestinian territories) is an Islamic what that must be governed by Muslims.
  • 43. Sunni & Shia Muslims Introduction • The division between Sunnis and Shi'as is the largest and oldest in the history of Islam. • They both agree on the fundamentals of Islam and share the same Holy Book (The Qur'an), but there are differences mostly derived from their different historical experiences, political and social developments, as well as ethnic composition. • These differences originate from the question of who would succeed the Prophet Muhammad as leader of the emerging Muslim community after his death.
  • 44. Sunni Muslims The larger group of Muslims chose Abu Bakr, a close Companion of the Prophet, as the Caliph (politico-social leader) and he was accepted as such by much of the community which saw the succession in political and not spiritual terms. (Sunnis ) • Sunnis argue that the Prophet chose Abu Bakr to lead the congregational prayers as he lay on his deathbed,
  • 45. Shia Muslims However another smaller group, which also included some of the senior Companions, believed that the Prophet's son-in-law and cousin, Ali, should be Caliph. They understood that the Prophet had appointed him as the sole interpreter of his legacy, in both political and spiritual terms. (Shi'as ) • Muhammad stood up in front of his Companions on the way back from his last Hajj, and proclaimed Ali the spiritual guide and master of all believers. Shi'a reports say he took Ali's hand and said that anyone who followed Muhammad should follow Ali.
  • 46. Israeli – Arab wars • War of Independence 1948 - 1949 Israel • Sinai War 1956 Israel United Kingdom UK France France • Six Day War 1967 Israel • War of Attrition 1967 - 1970 Israel • Yom Kippur War 1973 Israel • First Lebanon War 1982 Israel against South Lebanon Army Patch.png SLA • Second Lebanon War 2006 Israel
  • 47. 1948 Korea proclaimed as two states North and South Korea. "In 1948, Israel became independent; therefore, some might think it reasonable for the Lord to come back to Israel. Korea also became independent in 1948. However, Korea was liberated from Japanese colonization, in contrast to modern Israel's situation. Conceivably both countries may have become independent at the same time because the physical Israel inherited something from the spiritual Israel, Korea. / 1975 The Turning Point of History S.M.Moon
  • 48. 1948 The fact that the Jewish people, who had been wandering for 2,000 years, found their nation, shows that all their sins had been forgiven. Therefore, they could return to their original position. The prophecy that Israel would be restored when Jesus returned was fulfilled. Because Jesus' death was indemnified, mankind was able to receive forgiveness and the Lord of the Second Advent could come.” / 1975 The Turning Point of History S.M.Moon
  • 49.
  • 50. Hamas • Hamas is the Palestinian Sunni Islamic or Islamist political party that governs the Gaza Strip. Hamas also has a military wing, the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades. • Since June 2007 Hamas has governed the Gaza portion of the Palestinian Territories, after it won a majority of seats in the Palestinian Parliament in the January 2006 Palestinian parliamentary elections and then defeated the Fatah political organization in a series of violent clashes. • The European Union, the United States, Canada, Israel and Japan classify Hamas as a terrorist organization, while nations such as Russia, Turkey, and Switzerland do not.
  • 51. Al-Qaeda • Al-Qaeda "The Base" is a global Sunni Islamist militant group founded by Osama bin Laden sometime between August 1988 and late 1989. • It operates as a network comprising both a multinational, stateless army and a radical Sunni Muslim movement calling for global Jihad. • It has been designated a terrorist organization by the United States, the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, NATO, and various other countries (see below).
  • 52. Al-Qaeda • Al-Qaeda has attacked civilian and military targets in various countries, such as the September 11 attacks, 1998 US embassy bombings and 2002 Bali bombings.
  • 54. Iraq War 2003-present Saddam Hussein dictator of Iraq US Pres. Bush 2003
  • 55. Al-Qaeda • The US government responded by launching the War on Terror. Al-Qaeda has continued to exist and grew through the decade from 2001 to 2011. • Afghanistan - 2001 • Bush: Iraqi war – 2003 Saddam Hussein • Usama Bin Ladin – killed May 2011
  • 56. The road ahead! towards Global & Cosmic Peace
  • 57. World Religions united 3 Abramic Religions Judaism Christianity Islam Unification of Religions
  • 58. • Together we need to connect everything internally and externally. Even the different kinds of martial arts, Tae Kwon Do and Won Hwa Do, must be unified We must expand the realm of martial arts to block Satan. We have to reverse the realm of incorrect teaching leading to terrorism. Terrorists are like false martial arts practitioners. To reverse this, there must be true martial arts. /2007.07.06 • Then we turn our eyes to the conflict in the Middle East. What began as a struggle between religions is now grinding the entire world in a crucible of fear over terrorism and murder. Meanwhile, the Korean peninsula, my homeland, tragically remains the world's only divided nation. It still awaits its day of unification with deep longing. By what means can we possibly save today's world, where morality and family values are utterly degraded? /2004.12.13 Dr Moon on Terrorism
  • 59. • Three brothers, black brother, white brother and yellow brother must embrace each other and bring love to everyone. This is a very serious time. We must unite together. We committed for 12,000 ministers to come. We must make a * coalition together and unite and bring hope to this nation. Without this kind of blessing ideas this country will not have any direction. White people should be humble, not be proud. Their power cannot stop these problems. The jet terrorist attack could not be stopped by power. • Now is the time to invite all religious leaders and give them the blessing. Man’s ideas can never solve the problems of war and terrorism. /2001.09.18 • The US is 70% white. Maybe it is 30% worldwide. You are white, descendants of the Scandinavians. In reality, not many people like America. If this trend continues, terrorism will take place in the broad daylight, and assets of whites will be taken and given away. I am trying to prevent that from happening, but they don’t understand, and treat me as an enemy. /2001.02.17 Dr Moon on Terrorism
  • 60. • The rapid spread of HIV and sexually transmitted diseases threatens the very existence of the human race. It is said that there is no safety zone against the HIV virus. A greater terrorism than that over which the entire world is now trembling is before our eyes, allowing us no safety zone. Once contracted, its victims must give up their dreams for happiness, ideals, and life itself. Unless we resolve this catastrophe plaguing our planet, how can we claim that we are world leaders? . /2001.10.21 • Only through practicing true love can we become true individuals, true parents, true teachers and true Lords. Only then can we finally become the leaders who can bring about peace on Earth. A life of living for the sake of others is the first gate to peace. The path to peace ultimately must be based on "Godism" or "Head-Wing Ideology," the teaching that can reconcile and embrace all sides in a conflict, from the thought to the fruit, by dealing with the starting-point of conflict in the relationship between Cain and Abel. Dr Moon on Terrorism
  • 61. • How can we break the chain of hatred and violence we perpetrate against one another? Returning hatred in response to hatred only leads to more hatred, terror and destruction. This is certainly not the path to peace. We can touch, embrace and educate conflicting parties only by true love. True love that places God in the center disregards national boundaries; therefore it is international. /2001.10.20 • The world today continues to agonize over issues affecting all of humanity, such as the threat of war and terrorism, discord among races, antagonism among religious groups and the destruction of the environment. As we enter the new century, it is imperative that we give priority to developing an awareness of our responsibility for bringing about change in the family, nation and world. /1997.11.28 Dr Moon on Terrorism
  • 62. ? • Old UN Kofi Annan In 2005, published his report In Larger Freedom, a proposal for reform of the UN. UN
  • 63. Solution • New UN Internationl Day of Peace Spiritual UN
  • 64. Solution• New UN The era after the coming of heaven that God and True Parents have opened, is a time of dramatic change. As registered citizens of Cheon Il Guk, you have the mission to make this era blossom and bear fruit in blessing(s) and glory. Therefore, please become Heaven's emissaries, fulfilling the dual missions of the "peace-kingdom police-force" and "peace-kingdom corps". Serve humanity under the banner of the Universal Peace Federation, which is working to establish the position of the "Abel-type United Nations".
  • 65. Solution• New UN Worthy countrymen and women, if not you, then who, will nurture and protect the Blessed (Unification Church-married) families and this blessed planet Earth that God has given us?
  • 66. Solution• New UN Please become true princes and princesses, who live in attendance to God as your vertical True Parent, for He is the Peace King of the multitudes. Let us build the everlasting peace kingdom by attending the King of Peace in Heaven and on Earth, and fulfill the way (path) of a true, devoted child, a patriot, a saint, and a member of the family of God's sons and daughters. /Peace Messages
  • 67. Cheon Il GukCheon Il Guk EraEra 2001- 2004 January 13, 2013 Coronations:Coronations: GodGod JesusJesus TPTP  FamilyFamily (Wedding)(Wedding) King &King & Queen ofQueen of PeacePeace BCF USA  CIG Hyun Jin Nim’s Vision 7 Year Course 2009- 20122005- 2008 • UN / IIFWP • 4th Israel • IIPC • CIG Blessing • UPF (Abel UN) • Ambassadors for Peace Cheon JeongCheon Jeong GoongGoong (Settlement)(Settlement) ““AJU”AJU” January 13, 2001
  • 68. I have already proclaimed that Jan 13, 2013 will be the Foundation Day. That day will be the actual beginning of God's Kingdom of Cheon Il Guk. /SMM 27 Nov 2010
  • 69. After all earthly people are restored, it will take a long time for the spirit world to be completely restored because there are so very many spirits who must be restored through the principle of resurrection through people on earth.
  • 70. It will be much faster for earthly people to be restored. The number of spirits is very great. And they must go through the resurrection in an indirect way. /SMM 1965:4 Comment: Indirect = Vitality Elements needed from physical human body = physical people cooperating on Earth.
  • 71. Final Solution • True Parents Holy Blessing of Mankind 2010
  • 72. 2010
  • 74. 2012
  • 75. 23rd of March23rd of March 20122012
  • 83. The Prophecies of Nostradamus " For as the lightning comes out of the East, and shines even to the West, so shall the coming of the Son of Man be. . ." Matt. 24:27. II 29 A man from the East will come out of his seat and will cross the Apennines to see France. He will cross through the sky, the seas, and snows, and will strike everyone with his rod. (=Truth! – Divine Principle)
  • 84. The Prophecies of Nostradamus X 75 Long awaited he will never return in Europe He will appear in Asia; (Korea!) One of the league issued from great Hermes, He will grow above all other powers in the Orient.
  • 85. Our world is at a dangerous point today because it is dominated by Cain and Abel views — childish views. Reactionary and revolutionary approaches are witnessed everywhere and, unfortunately, often championed by reporters in the media, military strategists, and leaders of powerful countries. Gordon L. Anderson
  • 86. Globalization has brought the world to the top of the growth stage and the chaos we witness is a result of the revolutionary and reactionary attitudes of children in leadership positions of power, but such leaders are not yet capable of genuine leadership. The world is in need of True Parents, and constructive transformers, leading it forward.
  • 87. Who Is He? by Sung Mo Koo The Messiah down to earth in secret The Korean Books of Prophecy 1998 Online
  • 88. EAST GARDEN 21st November ’98 Hoon Dok Hae 'WHO IS HE? A BOOK OF PROPHECY' by independent journalist Mr Ku Sung Mo After 20 years of studying prophecy by many Korean prophets throughout the ages Mr Ku concludes that someone must come to Korea as the second coming of Buddha, Christ or Confucius. He writes quite directly that Sun Myung Moon is the one.
  • 89. Chapter 2 - The Korean Books Of Prophecy A white cross, a great heavenly way that unifies Confucianism, Buddhism, Christianity and all other religions into one. He will come April year (2000-2001) or 2024-2025 (Moon Calendar). Believe in God this is the teaching of the holy man who came from Heaven.
  • 90. The fortune of this Messiah is as the coming of Buddha (Second Coming of Buddha to this world). When this time arrives, the entire world will be in chaos. Fire will fly and fall to the ground and the world will become hopelessly confused.
  • 91. There will be no place for even one evil spirit to reside in the new world. The whole world will be unified and once again return to the original point. The families who read these messages are the blessed ones.
  • 93. 2000 year of preparation for the 2nd Coming of Christ - See more on slideshare bdp003 Prophecy M Luther (1483-1546) R. Steiner Antroposophy Korean Phophecies Nostradamus 1503-1566 Swedenborg 1688-1772 Theosophy 1800 ”1920” Tagore Yeats St John of Patmos Fatima Ford Vanga 1930s Branham Korean prophecy Chung Gam Rok Jesus
  • 94. Ref: • Divine Principle Red Color slides • • BBC Introduction on Islam • • Wikipedia • Picture from various Internet sources • Mer information om Divine Principle på svenska

Notas del editor

  1. v2.9 Oct 2016 Finland autumn 0C Mer information Divine Principle in Swedish
  4. Red arrows show how evil spirits can effect us. Even after Jesus death on the cross. 2000 years of challenge, indemnity being paid and continous prayers. Red line is the spiritual limit, that can only be crossed at the Second Coming of Christ and his bride.
  5. True Parents open the door to Completion Level, Divine Spirits, and Completed Testament Era
  6. WW=WorldWar TP=TrueParents, TF=True Father, SunMyungMoonHeung Jin Nim, son of fam Moon, died 1984 in car acident
  7. 1950 Jesus, above Korea – formed by clouds
  8. Why so much division within Christianity and also UC.
  9. WW=WorldWar TP=TrueParents, TF=True Father, SunMyungMoonHeung Jin Nim, son of fam Moon, died 1984 in car acident
  10. Many forces worked to bring down the unholy Communist Empire
  11. WW=WorldWar TP=TrueParents, TF=True Father, SunMyungMoonHeung Jin Nim, son of fam Moon, died 1984 in car acident
  12. At this picture from Elvis Presley Museum Graceland, the bottom book is Divine Principle v1973. Was he a supporter! Who witnessed! I Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter (DN) 5 March 1999, is an article about the american well known photographer William Egglestone. One of the pictures is the one above! I heard a long time ago that some member(s) witnessed to Elvis in the early-mid 70's and gave him a Divine Principle book. Later he is said to have remarked that this was "his favorite book". It was Mr. Ishii, the current Pres. of the UC Japan. His mission was to get Elvis to tour with the Little Angels, or visa-versa. The whole idea was nixed before it ever got to Elvis by Col. Parker. He claimed that Elvis was afraid to fly, especially on trips as far away as the the Orient. The Little Angels ended up touring with Liberace (one of *my* favorites). Now, about the DP book. In 1976, on Elvis' birthday we presented him with a signed DP book along with a large homemade birthday card from the UC of TN. We were not able to get to him directly, but rather to one of his body-guards. Gary Abrahams, your TN(Elvis) connection ------------------- Hi Gary, I was a new member in Las Vegas in 1974 when we invited a man named "King Solomon" for dinner. He was into metaphysics and was also a "guru" for Elvis Presley. I know that Mr. Nishi (a Japanese member bigwig) had been working with King Solomon to try to get Elvis to perform in Japan for Father's talk. I believe it never happened because King Solomon died before anything could materialize. I obviously don't have all the details, but I know that Taco Hose was the translator. That's all. God bless! Annie Gagn. ------------------- Yes Elvis did have the book at his bedside. I too have seen the picture , in fact it was mentioned that he had the DP in a Washington Times article once. It's a pity he never read it more. The latest bio on him (part 2..postarmy) reveals he had a lot of problems with women , more than I thought But he did have a religious streak. Bless his soul. John Haydon ------------------- Hello everyone, I was told a long time ago by an early American member that Taco Hose used to visit Elvis in his dressing room in Las Vegas and they would read Divine Principle together. I also saw an interview once with one of his   confidantes that Elvis believed very strongly that he had some kind of special mission on earth and he was frustrated that he could not figure it out.   ITN Debbie Anderson
  13. Replacing one corrupt leader or regime with another does not solve the root problem of Fall of Man.
  14. From Young Whi Kims Study Guide
  15. Goes back to Moses time!
  16. Sunni means 'one who follows the Sunnah' (what the Prophet said, did, agreed to or condemned). Shi'a is a contraction of the phrase 'Shiat Ali', meaning 'partisans of Ali'.
  17. Sunni means 'one who follows the Sunnah' (what the Prophet said, did, agreed to or condemned). Shi'a is a contraction of the phrase 'Shiat Ali', meaning 'partisans of Ali'.
  18. 2 peace loving koreans, Ban Ki-moon and Dr Sun Myung Moon.
  19. The spirits of people who died before they could reach perfection during their earthly life can be resurrected only by returning to earth and completing their unaccomplished responsibility through cooperation with earthly people. By assisting people of faith living on the earth to fulfill their missions, the spirits may complete their missions at the same time.
  20. Korea has a strong and long history of Christianity.Pyongyang = “Jerusalem of the East” See: Who Is He? by korean Sung Mo Koo The Messiah down to earth in secret The Korean Books of Prophecy.
  21. Source: Dr. Gordon L. Anderson (UTS Class of 1978) is the President ofParagon House, Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal on World Peace, and Adjunct Professor at the California Institute of Integral Studies. He earned an M.Div. in Christian Ethics at Union Theological Seminary and a Ph.D. in Philosophy of Religion from Claremont Graduate University.
  22. Source: Dr. Gordon L. Anderson (UTS Class of 1978) is the President ofParagon House, Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal on World Peace, and Adjunct Professor at the California Institute of Integral Studies. He earned an M.Div. in Christian Ethics at Union Theological Seminary and a Ph.D. in Philosophy of Religion from Claremont Graduate University.
  28. Chapter 2 - The Korean Books Of Prophecy
  29. All these people were more or less deeply aware of the whole picture and prepared for the Coming Messiah. Bailey published: The Reappearance of the Christ. Besant,Bailey and Rudolf Steiner all came from the roots of Russian Madame Blavatsky. Blavatsky wrote: The Secret Doctrine - Synthesis of Science, Religion and Philosophy Fatima, was the Portugese vilage where 3 children met Jesus mother Mary in a by many visible (photographed) Revelation: Proclaiming the Second Coming and danger of Nuclear War. Ford was American medium that clearly 1964-65 foretold Sun Myung Moon as the Second Coming of Christ. Blind Bulgarian women prophecy The Second Coming: Is He? Was publ 1998 by korean independent from UC, journalist Sung Mo Koo. Conclusion the Second Coming is to take place in Korea: Sun Myung Moon his name. Google for the names and read more: (in Swedish)
  30. Original Divine Principle - ODP