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Stereoselective Synthesis of α-
Hydroxy Acids and Application
Towards a Formal Synthesis of
                                                    Me       t-Bu
                                                i         Si
                    O                                                       HO CO2H
                            O             R3        Me                                     R2
               R1                                                           R1
                                                AgOTs (10 mol %),
                        O       R2                                               R3
                                                    –25 °C, Tol
                                                   ii. HF•Pyr

      Me                    O                               Me
                                                                        O              O
                                           O           HO2C
 Me        O   H        O                                                                       O       Me
                            HO        O                             O
      O                                                   HO
                             Me                                                       OP    O       R
               N                                            Me

                                               Brett E. Howard
Background: Silylene Transfer
                                                     t-Bu                              O
                                                Si                  t-Bu
                                                     t-Bu              Si t-Bu     H       Ph             O
                        n-Bu                                 n-Bu                                 t-Bu Si          Ph
                                         AgOCOCF3                                    ZnBr         n-Bu
                                          (5 mol %)                               (20 mol %)
                                                                                                      d.r. 65:35

      • Metal-catalyzed silylene transfer provides silacyclopropanes

                                                                                             OH   OH
                                  t-Bu Si O                 t-BuOOH, CsOH•H2O,
                                                             Bu4NF, DMF, 70 °C          Me            Ph
                                             Me                                                 Me
                                                                                       Single Diastereomer

     • Silicon-carbon bonds can be oxidized using modified Tamao

Smitrovich, J. H.; Woerpel, K. A. J. Org. Chem. 1996, 61, 6044-6046.
Ćiraković, J.; Driver, T. G.; Woerpel, K. A. J. Org. Chem. 2004, 69, 4007-4012.
Silylene Transfer To Esters
                                                               1.           Si
                                                                                 t-Bu     t-Bu
                                                O                                                       O
                                                                    AgOTf (5 mol %) t-Bu Si
                                            O       t-Bu                                            O       t-Bu
                                                               2. TMEDA
                                                                                           67% (1H NMR)

         • Non-enolizable esters give silacyclopropanation products

                                                    O                      Si                     t-Bu Si OH
                                                O       i-Pr                                        O
                                                                       (1 mol%)                   45%

                                                                               t-Bu                  t-Bu
                                        O                                 Si                   O  Si
                                                                               t-Bu                    Me
                                  EtO                                                   EtO
                                                                      (5 mol%)                98% (1H NMR)

Ćiraković, J.; Driver, T. G.; Woerpel, K. A. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2002, 124, 9370-9371.
Calad, A. S.; Woerpel, K. A. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2005, 127, 2046-2047.
Proposed Silacarbonyl Ylide
                                          t-Bu t-Bu                         t-Bu t-Bu
                                         TfO Si                                 Si                                 t-Bu
                             O                                                O                             O
                                               [AgLn]                                                           Si t-Bu
                         O       i-Pr                                       O   i-Pr                  O         i-Pr

                                                           t-Bu                              t-Bu
                                                 t-Bu                                   t-Bu Si OH
                                                          Si O
                                                    O                                     O
                                                        Me Me

                                                          t-Bu           t-Bu t-Bu            t-Bu
                                 O                   Si                      Si                      t-Bu
                                                          t-Bu             O                   O  Si
                         EtO                                                                           Me
                                              AgOCOCF3                EtO               EtO
                                               (5 mol%)

Driver, T. G.; Woerpel, K. A. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2004, 126, 9993-10002.
Silacarbonyl Ylide Formation
                           Me      Me                                Me     Me                      hv (> 460nm)                Me       Me
                                             hv (254nm)                                                  or ∆
        Mes2Si    +                     O                                      O SiMes2
                                                                                                        hv (254nm)                        O
                           Me      Me                                Me     Me                                                  Me       Me

                                   O                                               SiR2                                             Si
                                                   pyrolysis or hv            O                     O                           O        H
                 R2Si     +                                                               or            SiR2
                              R'       Me
                                                                       R'          Me          R'       Me                R'

                               t-Bu         t-Bu                      t-Bu         t-Bu
                                       Si                                     Si               HF•Pyr
                                                       H       Ph         O        O                           HO    OH
                              Me             Me CuI (10 mol%)
                                                                     Ph             Ph                         Ph     Ph
                                                                                                             61%, 2 Steps
                                                                                                               d.r. 93:7

Ando, W.; Haglwara,K.; Sekiguchi, A. Organometallics 1987, 6, 2270-2271.
Ando, W.; Ikeno, M.; Sekiguchi, A. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1977, 99, 6447-6449.
Franz, A.K.; Woerpel, K. A. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1999, 121, 949-957.
Proposed α-Keto Ester

                              t-Bu                           t-Bu
    O                    Si                                  Si t-Bu       6π e-
          O                   t-Bu                       O
O                                                              O
        Me          AgOCOCF3                         O
                     (1 mol%)                                 Me

             t-Bu                             t-Bu                           t-Bu
        O Si                   t-Bu                                             t-Bu
                                              O                            O Si
           O                                                   [3,3]
    O                =               O                                        O
             Me                                                        O
                                                O                              Me

•Ireland–Claisen expected to occur through chair TS
Silylene Transfer to 1,2

                                                        O                                            OMe
                                   MeO                                                         O Si
                                                 + Ph            O                                  O
                                      Me                    Ph                            Ph

         •Addition to 1,2 dicarbonyls has been observed previously

                                                                                           t-Bu t-Bu
                                      O                 1 eqv.         Si
                                                                            t-Bu               Si
                                                OEt                                          O    O
                                           O              C6D6, AgOCOCF3
                                                                                          Me      OEt
                                                         (1 mol%), 15 min, rt

                                                                                   29Si   NMR δ 14.2 ppm

Heinicke, J.; Gehrhus, B. J. Organomet. Chem. 1992, 423, 13-21.
Silylene Transfer to α-Keto Esters

                        O                                                                O
                                                            DCC, DMAP,
                                OH +                                                             O
                   Ph                     HO                                        Ph
                                                            CH2Cl2, 0 °C
                            O                                                                O


                                                     t-Bu        t-Bu                                       t-Bu
                                                                             t-Bu                                   t-Bu
                                 1 eqv.         Si                      Si                                   O  Si
       O                                             t-Bu           O                                              O
                                                                             O                       Ph
  Ph                                                           Ph
                                   C6D6, AgOCOCF3                            O                                   O
           O                      (1 mol%), 15 min, rt

                                                                                                       52% 1H NMR
                                                                                                     29Si   NMR δ 15.2 ppm

                    •Intermediate dioxacyclopentene not observed
Silylene Transfer Optimization
                          O                                                              O  Si
                                                         conditions                            O
                                  O                                              Ph
                              O                                                                O

     Entry     Catalyst       mol %        Silylene Source     Silylene eqv       Conditions       % Yield (1H NMR)
       1     AgOCOCF3             1          cyclohexyl               1           15 min, rt              53
       2     AgOCOCF3             1           dimethyl                1           15 min, rt              61
       3       Ag3PO4             10         cyclohexyl               1           2 h, 50 °C              46
       4       Ag3PO4             10          dimethyl                1                 20 h              62
       5       AgOTs              10         cyclohexyl               1           15 min, rt              63
       6       AgOTs              10          dimethyl                1           15 min, rt              73
       7       AgOBz              10         cyclohexyl               1           15 min, rt              53
       8       AgOBz              10          dimethyl                1           15 min, rt              72
       9      Cu(OTf)2            1          cyclohexyl               1           2 h, 50 °C              27
       10      AgOTs              10         cyclohexyl               1.3         15 min, rt              64
       11      AgOTs              10         cyclohexyl               1.6         15 min, rt              73
       12      AgOTs              10          dimethyl                1.6         15 min, rt              80

                                               t-Bu                              t-Bu
 dimethylsilacyclopropane             Me    Si                              Si             cyclohexylsilacyclopropane
Transfer Substrate Scope
                                           Me       t-Bu
        O                             i. AgOTs (10 mol %),         HO CO2H
                                            –25 °C
                O           R2
   R1                                                              R1
            O                           ii. HF•Pyr, rt                    R2

                                                                        ≥ 97:3
                    Entry        R1             R2       % Yield
                     1       Me                 Ph         70
                     2           Et             Ph         84
                     3       i-Pr               Ph         54
                     4       t-Bu               Ph         47
                     5       Ph                 Ph         71
                     6       Ph               Me           62
                     7       Ph              n-Bu          72
                     8       Ph            CH2OTBS         71
                     9           Et       (CH2)2OBn        75
Chiral α-Hydroxy Acid Synthesis

                                         i. (COCl)2, DMF,
          O                                                             O   Me
                            Me                CH2Cl2
    Me             +                                           Me
             OH                                                         O          n-Bu
                       HO         n-Bu        ii. Pyr
         OTBDPS                                                     OTBDPS
                                                                        > 97% ee

                                                  O       Me
                  1. TBAF, THF, –20 °C
                                                      O          n-Bu
                  2. DMP, Pyr, CH2Cl2
                                                      62% yield, 2 steps
Chiral α-Hydroxy Acid Synthesis

                                Me       t-Bu
                                      Si            t-Bu
                                Me                     Si t-Bu
      O                                              O
              O 4         n-Bu 10 mol % AgOTs      1      O                 6π electrocyclization
   Me 1                                          R 1
          O      Me                                      O 4         n-Bu

              t-Bu t-Bu                  t-Bu
                                                Si O
                  Si             [3,3]      O                           HO CO2H
               O                                           HF•Pyr
                     O                                                                 Me
                         n-Bu             Me         O                 Me
              O 4                        n-Bu                                 n-Bu
              Me Me
                                                                        71%, >98% ee
Confirmation of Stereochemistry


             Ph    Me
  HO CO2
Chiral α-Hydroxy Acid Synthesis

             NH2         NaNO2, AcOH,            OH         i. TBSCl, DMF, imid            OTBS
       Me                                  Me                                      Me
                  CO2H                                CO2H ii. KOH, MeOH, H O                  CO2H
                               H2O                                         2
            OBn                                 OBn                                     OBn

                                                 71%                                       97%

        Cl O
  Cl         Cl                OTBS                    1. TBAF, THF, –20 °C         O
                         Me        O            Ph                            Me           O          Ph
 cinnamyl alcohol,                                     2. DMP, Pyr, CH2Cl2
    DMAP,NEt3,                OBn O                                                OBn O
                                     54%                                               56%,
                                                                                     > 98% ee
Chiral α-Hydroxy Acid Synthesis

                             Me        t-Bu   t-Bu t-Bu
                             Me                  Si
      O                                        O                       HO CO2H
                            10 mol % AgOTs                        Me
Me           O 4       Ph                               6   Ph
       1                                      O 4
     OBn O                                                             OBn Ph
                                              Me        OBn
                                                                 80% diastereoselectivity
Silylene Transfer to Imines

                                 t-Bu                      t-Bu
      O                     Si                             Si t-Bu       6π e-
           NR                    t-Bu                  O
  O                                                          NR
                      AgOCOCF3                     O
                       (1 mol%)

               t-Bu                            t-Bu                        t-Bu
          O Si                     t-Bu                                       t-Bu
                                               O                         O Si
              N R                                            [3,3]
      O                 =          R N                                       N R
Silylene Transfer to Imines

        OH         Cl       Ph                       O            H5IO6, THF                     O
HO2C                                                                                                 OH
            CO2H                     Ph          O                             Ph            O
       OH           NEt3, DMF                            OH                                         OH
                                                                                      100%, complex
                                            61%                                     mixture of oligomers

                           NH2Bn, CH2Cl2                      O
                                            Ph            O


                                            Ph            O
                            CH2Cl2, MgSO4                         NPMP
Silylene Transfer to Imines

                                      Me       t-Bu
                                   AgOTs (10 mol %),
           Ph       O                                    Decomp.
                            NBn          –25 °C, Tol

                                    Me       t-Bu
                                    Me                           t-Bu
                    O                                  PMPN  Si
                                  AgOTs (10 mol %),             O
      Ph        O
                        NPMP          –25 °C, Tol       Ph     O


• p-methoxyphenyl group provided transfer product
Methodology Limits
                                          Me       t-Bu
                                     i. AgOTs (10 mol %),
               O           O               –25 °C           HO CO2H
                       O                                    Ph
          Ph                           ii. HF•Pyr, rt
                   O                                                       O

                           Me                               HO CO2H
     O                     O
                                O                           Ph
         O                                                        O

                                                                 HO CO2H
                   O           Me
               O           Me
                                                                      Me Me

                                                        Me             O
                                               Me            O   H     O
                                                                           HO     O

                            • Anti leukemia and solid tumor activity

              • Activity arises from DNA-Protein or DNA interstrand

                                     • Synthesized by Wood in 2001

Crowley, H. C.; Culvenor, C. C. J. Aust. J. Chem. 1962, 15, 139–144.
Rajski, S. R.; Williams, R. M. Chem. Rev. 1998, 98, 2723–2795.
(+)-Latifoline Retrosynthesis
                         Me                  O
               Me             O   H         O
                                                HO     O


              Me          HO                OH                           O
                                  H                   HO2C
     Me              +                            +
               OH                                          HO
          O                       N

      angelic acid            retronecine                  (+)-latifolic acid
(+)-Latifoline Retrosynthesis

        O                O                      R
  Me           Me                                             O
        O                OH                                            O       Me
HO2C         HO2C                           OP
   HO   Me      HO                                           OP    O       R
                         Me          HO     Me

                    Me            OH        +       HO        Me

                         OP   O                          R

                                                     O            Me

α-Keto Ester Synthesis

                                                Cl O
      OTBS                                                                  OTBS
                              OH          Cl        Cl
Me                +                                               Me            O        Me
                      Me         Et     DMAP,NEt3, PhH
     OBn                                                               OBn O        Et


                  1. TBAF, THF –20 °C
                                         Me              O             Me
                  2. DMP, Pyr, CH2Cl2
                                               OBn O         Et

                                                 71%, 2 steps
Silylene Transfer

                                Me       t-Bu
      O                    i. AgOTs (10 mol %),    HO2C OH
Me           O        Me         –25 °C           Me               Et

     OBn O       Et          ii. HF•Pyr, rt         OBn Me

                                                   50:50 dr, 72%
Transition State Analysis

     t-Bu t-Bu
          Si O            R                                   R                                    R
                      4                        120°       4                        120°        4
      6 O          Et                   Me   rotation   Et                  Me   rotation   Et                 Me
Me                  O             1 R                     O             R                     O            R
        O 4                                                         1
       Et                                                                                              1
                      Me           OBn                         H        Me                    BnO          H
 BnO  H                    H                                                                   Me
     Me                                                       BnO

                                                                                            σC–Me          σ∗C–C
                 R = dioxosilacyclopentyl

                          Et              Me             HO2C OH
                          HO2C           OH             Me                       Et
                           BnO                                OBn Me
Transition State Analysis

t-Bu t-Bu
   Si                                                   Et
 O                                 R                                    HO CO2H
  Et O                                  4                4
                      Me                      Me                   Me
          6   Me           R            O      HO       CO2H
O 4                            1                    1
                                                                        OBn Me    Et
Me        OBn          BnO          H         BnO    H
      H                            Me               Me
                      σC–Me       σ∗C–C
                   R = dioxosilacyclopentyl

                                                               Et A value 1.75
                                                               Me A Value 1.70
Transition State Analysis

                      CF3 O                                  CF3 OTMS                                           CF3 O
                                           i. LDA                                   PdCl2(PhCN)2
               i-Pr                   O               i-Pr           O                                   i-Pr              OH
                                          ii. TMSCl                                    reflux
                          6           4                       6       4

                                                                                                        74% yield, 88% syn

           O      CH3 O                                       O      CH3 OTMS                                          O    CH3 O
                                           i. LDA                                     PdCl2(PhCN)2
   Me2N                           O                    Me2N                   O                                 Me2N                OH
                                          ii. TMSCl                                        reflux
                      6           4                                       6     4

                                                                                                                   71% yield, 1:1

Yamazaki, T.; Ichige, T.; Takei, S.; Kawashita, S.; Kitazume, T.; Kubota, T. Org. Lett. 2001, 3, 2915–2918.
Confirmation of Chair
                                        Me       t-Bu

      O                           i. AgOTs (10 mol %),    HO2C OH                     HO CO2H
Me           O          Me              –25 °C           Me            Et        Me
                                      ii. HF•Pyr, rt
     OBn O       Et                                        OBn Me                     OBn Me    Et

                      HO2C OH         H                    HO2C OH     H
                  Me         α    β              Et      Me    α β               H

                       OBn       H Me        H              OBn Me H        Et
Increasing Steric Bulk

        O            O             R
  Me           Me                       O
        O            OH                         O       Me
HO2C         HO2C                 OP
   HO   Me      HO                     OP   O       R
                     Me      HO   Me
Increasing Steric Bulk

        O            O                         R
  Me           Me                                    O
        O            OH                                      O       Me
HO2C         HO2C                             OP
   HO   Me      HO                                  OP   O       R
                     Me           HO          Me

                     Me           O            Me

                          OBn O        t-Bu
Increasing Steric Bulk
                                                                          Me       t-Bu
      O                                      O                        i. AgOTs (10 mol %),
Me           O          Me
                              + Me               O             Me           –25 °C
     OBn O       t-Bu                    OBn O        t-Bu               ii. HF•Pyr, rt

                        50    :     50

       HO2C OH                               HO CO2H                HO CO2H
      Me                     t-Bu       Me                   + Me                t-Bu
          OBn Me                             OBn Me     t-Bu        OBn Me

                                        25 : 25 : 50
Vicinal Stereocontrol
                             t-Bu t-Bu
      O                       O                 HO CO2H      Me
                                  O                                    O
Me           O    Me                       Me              HO
                                                OBn Me             O
     OBn O                           OBn                  HO2C
                                H                             Me

                             t-Bu t-Bu
      O                       O     Me          HO CO2H      Me
                                  O                                    O
Me           O                             Me              HO                    Me
                                                                   O                        O
                                                OBn Me
     OBn O       Me
                         Me         OBn                   HO2C             HO2C
                                H                             Me
                             t-Bu t-Bu
                                  Si O
      O                                     HO2C OH          Me
                                O                                      O
Me           O    Me                       Me             HO2C             (+)-latifolic acid
                                      O                            O
     OBn O                                      OBn Me      HO
                         BnO         Me                       Me

                          t-Bu t-Bu
      O                  Me Si O            HO2C OH          Me
                             O                                         O
Me           O                             Me             HO2C
                                      O                            O
     OBn O       Me                             OBn Me      HO
                         BnO         Me                       Me
Lactone Synthesis

      HO CO2H
                        conditions     HO          O
                                              R2       X

Entry R1    R2    X         Conditions         Yield d.r.
 1 Ph       H     I    NaHCO3, I2, CH3CN, 0 °C 91% 3:2
 2   Et    n-Bu   OH    H2O, t-BuOH, AD mix        NR      -
 3   Et    n-Bu   Br       NBS, THF, 0 °C          76% 5:1
 4   Et    n-Bu   I        NIS, THF, 0 °C          92% 3:1
 5   Et    n-Bu   OH     OsO4, NMO, CH2Cl2         73% 1:0
 6   Et    n-Bu   OH      m-CPBA, CH2Cl2           56% 0:1
Potential Targets

                                    HO    O                               HO          O
                                  Me                                    Me
           OMe                                 PPh3, I2, Imid,
                           PMBO           O                                       O
      O        O                                  CH2Cl2, reflux
                                HO                                 PMBO
               H                          OH
    (-) delesserine                                                             95%

                           Me                                               O    Me
      Me         O                                       Me OAc
O                                             O                                       Me
                         OH                                             O
                   O   Me            Me
                                                  O                  OH
                     Me                                               Me
       H                                      Me      Me      O
Me         O         OAc                                              OH

          Ferupennin F                                     Trilobolide
                                                   Support Crew
UCI                     Weiss Lab                  Scott Chiou
Dr. Keith Woerpel       Dr. Allison Olszewski      Mike Ciriza
Dr. Gregory Weiss       Dr. Aron Levin             Lynda Ciriza
Dr. David Van Vranken   Dr. Sara Chiou             LOTC
                        Dr. Birte Feld             Dr. Yemi Adesokan
Dr. John Greaves        Woerpel Lab                My eternal roommate: Dr. Matt
Dr. Phil Dennison       Current and Past Woerpel   Morin
Dr. Joseph Ziller       Members                    Vicky Cox
UCI Staff + Faculty     Dr. Tim Clark              Chris Carol
                        Laura Bourque              Craig Bottolfson
Rainier Lab             Walter Salamant            Tom Campobello
Dr. Jon Rainier
                                                   Joey Georges
Dr. Jason Cox           Christian Ventocilla       Dr. David Colby
Dr. Jason Imbriglio     Kay Buchner                Dr. Rob Bahde
Dr. Scott Roberts       Dr. Susan Billings         Dr. David France
Dr. Shawn Allwein       Dr. Stacie Calad           Dr. Kevin Bahnck
Mike Taday              Catt Edgley                TMS Crew
Dr. Ryan Hadley         Andrew Thomas              DSK
                        Dr. Jennifer Krumper       Brandon Maggs
                        Dr. Michael Yang           This is a big horse HSN guy
                        Dr. Laura Anderson         Rockband 2, Guitar Hero 3
                        Dr. Pamela Haile
                        Dr. Renee Link
                        Dr. Nick Leonard
                        Dr. Tony Romero
                                                   Support Crew
UCI                     Weiss Lab                  Scott Chiou
Dr. Keith Woerpel       Dr. Allison Olszewski      Mike Ciriza
Dr. Gregory Weiss       Dr. Aron Levin             Lynda Ciriza
Dr. David Van Vranken   Dr. Sara Chiou             LOTC
                        Dr. Birte Feld             Dr. Yemi Adesokan
Dr. John Greaves        Woerpel Lab                My eternal roommate: Dr. Matt
Dr. Phil Dennison       Current and Past Woerpel   Morin
Dr. Joseph Ziller       Members                    Vicky Cox
UCI Staff + Faculty     Dr. Tim Clark              Chris Carol
                        Laura Bourque              Craig Bottolfson
Rainier Lab             Walter Salamant
                        Matt Beaver                Tom Campobello
Dr. Jon Rainier
                                                   Joey Georges
Dr. Jason Cox           Christian Ventocilla       Dr. David Colby
Dr. Jason Imbriglio     Kay Buchner                Dr. Rob Bahde
Dr. Scott Roberts       Dr. Susan Billings         Dr. David France
Dr. Shawn Allwein       Dr. Stacie Calad           Dr. Kevin Bahnck
Mike Taday              Catt Edgley                TMS Crew
Dr. Ryan Hadley         Andrew Thomas              DSK
                        Dr. Jennifer Krumper       Brandon Maggs
                        Dr. Michael Yang           This is a big horse HSN guy
                        Dr. Laura Anderson         Rockband 2, Guitar Hero 3
                        Dr. Pamela Haile
                        Dr. Renee Link
                        Dr. Nick Leonard
                        Dr. Tony Romero

 Mark and Bonnie Howard

   Kevin and Kristin Howard
  Howard, Aunt Julie, Uncle Steve
CA Peeps
CA Peeps
More CA Peeps
Phx Peeps
Tucson Peeps

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Thesis defense

  • 1. Stereoselective Synthesis of α- Hydroxy Acids and Application Towards a Formal Synthesis of t-Bu Me t-Bu i Si O HO CO2H O R3 Me R2 R1 R1 AgOTs (10 mol %), O R2 R3 –25 °C, Tol ii. HF•Pyr Me Me O Me O O O HO2C Me O H O O Me HO O O O HO Me OP O R N Me Brett E. Howard 4-3-2009
  • 2. Background: Silylene Transfer t-Bu O Si t-Bu t-Bu t-Bu Si t-Bu H Ph O n-Bu n-Bu t-Bu Si Ph AgOCOCF3 ZnBr n-Bu (5 mol %) (20 mol %) 100% 73% d.r. 65:35 • Metal-catalyzed silylene transfer provides silacyclopropanes t-Bu OH OH t-Bu Si O t-BuOOH, CsOH•H2O, Ph Bu4NF, DMF, 70 °C Me Ph Me Me Me 64% Single Diastereomer • Silicon-carbon bonds can be oxidized using modified Tamao conditions Smitrovich, J. H.; Woerpel, K. A. J. Org. Chem. 1996, 61, 6044-6046. Ćiraković, J.; Driver, T. G.; Woerpel, K. A. J. Org. Chem. 2004, 69, 4007-4012.
  • 3. Silylene Transfer To Esters t-Bu 1. Si t-Bu t-Bu O O AgOTf (5 mol %) t-Bu Si O t-Bu O t-Bu 2. TMEDA 67% (1H NMR) • Non-enolizable esters give silacyclopropanation products t-Bu t-Bu O Si t-Bu Si OH t-Bu O i-Pr O AgOTf (1 mol%) 45% t-Bu t-Bu t-Bu O Si O Si t-Bu Me EtO EtO AgOCOCF3 (5 mol%) 98% (1H NMR) Ćiraković, J.; Driver, T. G.; Woerpel, K. A. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2002, 124, 9370-9371. Calad, A. S.; Woerpel, K. A. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2005, 127, 2046-2047.
  • 4. Proposed Silacarbonyl Ylide t-Bu t-Bu t-Bu t-Bu TfO Si Si t-Bu O O O [AgLn] Si t-Bu O i-Pr O i-Pr O i-Pr t-Bu t-Bu t-Bu t-Bu Si OH Si O H O O Me Me t-Bu t-Bu t-Bu t-Bu O Si Si t-Bu t-Bu O O Si EtO Me AgOCOCF3 EtO EtO (5 mol%) Driver, T. G.; Woerpel, K. A. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2004, 126, 9993-10002.
  • 5. Silacarbonyl Ylide Formation Me Me Me Me hv (> 460nm) Me Me hv (254nm) or ∆ SiMes2 Mes2Si + O O SiMes2 hv (254nm) O Me Me Me Me Me Me 62% R2 O SiR2 Si pyrolysis or hv O O O H R2Si + or SiR2 R' Me R' Me R' Me R' 24-62% O t-Bu t-Bu t-Bu t-Bu Si Si HF•Pyr H Ph O O HO OH Me Me CuI (10 mol%) Ph Ph Ph Ph 61%, 2 Steps d.r. 93:7 Ando, W.; Haglwara,K.; Sekiguchi, A. Organometallics 1987, 6, 2270-2271. Ando, W.; Ikeno, M.; Sekiguchi, A. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1977, 99, 6447-6449. Franz, A.K.; Woerpel, K. A. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1999, 121, 949-957.
  • 6. Proposed α-Keto Ester t-Bu t-Bu O Si Si t-Bu 6π e- O t-Bu O O O Me AgOCOCF3 O (1 mol%) Me t-Bu t-Bu t-Bu t-Bu O Si t-Bu t-Bu Si O O Si O [3,3] O = O O Me O O Me Me •Ireland–Claisen expected to occur through chair TS
  • 7. Silylene Transfer to 1,2 Me O OMe MeO O Si + Ph O O Si Me Ph Ph Ph 24% •Addition to 1,2 dicarbonyls has been observed previously t-Bu t-Bu t-Bu O 1 eqv. Si t-Bu Si OEt O O Me O C6D6, AgOCOCF3 Me OEt (1 mol%), 15 min, rt 29Si NMR δ 14.2 ppm Heinicke, J.; Gehrhus, B. J. Organomet. Chem. 1992, 423, 13-21.
  • 8. Silylene Transfer to α-Keto Esters O O DCC, DMAP, OH + O Ph HO Ph CH2Cl2, 0 °C O O 58% t-Bu t-Bu t-Bu t-Bu t-Bu 1 eqv. Si Si O Si O t-Bu O O O Ph O Ph Ph C6D6, AgOCOCF3 O O O (1 mol%), 15 min, rt 52% 1H NMR 29Si NMR δ 15.2 ppm •Intermediate dioxacyclopentene not observed
  • 9. Silylene Transfer Optimization t-Bu t-Bu O O Si conditions O O Ph Ph O O Entry Catalyst mol % Silylene Source Silylene eqv Conditions % Yield (1H NMR) 1 AgOCOCF3 1 cyclohexyl 1 15 min, rt 53 2 AgOCOCF3 1 dimethyl 1 15 min, rt 61 3 Ag3PO4 10 cyclohexyl 1 2 h, 50 °C 46 4 Ag3PO4 10 dimethyl 1 20 h 62 5 AgOTs 10 cyclohexyl 1 15 min, rt 63 6 AgOTs 10 dimethyl 1 15 min, rt 73 7 AgOBz 10 cyclohexyl 1 15 min, rt 53 8 AgOBz 10 dimethyl 1 15 min, rt 72 9 Cu(OTf)2 1 cyclohexyl 1 2 h, 50 °C 27 10 AgOTs 10 cyclohexyl 1.3 15 min, rt 64 11 AgOTs 10 cyclohexyl 1.6 15 min, rt 73 12 AgOTs 10 dimethyl 1.6 15 min, rt 80 t-Bu t-Bu t-Bu dimethylsilacyclopropane Me Si Si cyclohexylsilacyclopropane t-Bu Me
  • 10. Transfer Substrate Scope t-Bu Me t-Bu Si Me O i. AgOTs (10 mol %), HO CO2H –25 °C O R2 R1 R1 O ii. HF•Pyr, rt R2 ≥ 97:3 Entry R1 R2 % Yield 1 Me Ph 70 2 Et Ph 84 3 i-Pr Ph 54 4 t-Bu Ph 47 5 Ph Ph 71 6 Ph Me 62 7 Ph n-Bu 72 8 Ph CH2OTBS 71 9 Et (CH2)2OBn 75
  • 11. Chiral α-Hydroxy Acid Synthesis i. (COCl)2, DMF, O O Me Me CH2Cl2 Me + Me OH O n-Bu HO n-Bu ii. Pyr OTBDPS OTBDPS 40% > 97% ee O Me 1. TBAF, THF, –20 °C Me O n-Bu 2. DMP, Pyr, CH2Cl2 O 62% yield, 2 steps
  • 12. Chiral α-Hydroxy Acid Synthesis t-Bu Me t-Bu Si t-Bu Me Si t-Bu O O O 4 n-Bu 10 mol % AgOTs 1 O 6π electrocyclization Me 1 R 1 6 O Me O 4 n-Bu 6 Me t-Bu t-Bu t-Bu t-Bu Si O Si [3,3] O HO CO2H O HF•Pyr O Me n-Bu Me O Me 6 O 4 n-Bu n-Bu Me Me Me 71%, >98% ee
  • 13. Confirmation of Stereochemistry NH3 Ph Me HO CO2 Me Me n-Bu
  • 14. Chiral α-Hydroxy Acid Synthesis NH2 NaNO2, AcOH, OH i. TBSCl, DMF, imid OTBS Me Me Me CO2H CO2H ii. KOH, MeOH, H O CO2H H2O 2 OBn OBn OBn 71% 97% Cl O Cl Cl Cl OTBS 1. TBAF, THF, –20 °C O Me O Ph Me O Ph cinnamyl alcohol, 2. DMP, Pyr, CH2Cl2 DMAP,NEt3, OBn O OBn O PhH 54% 56%, > 98% ee
  • 15. Chiral α-Hydroxy Acid Synthesis t-Bu Me t-Bu t-Bu t-Bu Si Me Si O O HO CO2H O 10 mol % AgOTs Me Me O 4 Ph 6 Ph 1 O 4 6 OBn O OBn Ph Me OBn H 63%, 80% diastereoselectivity
  • 16. Silylene Transfer to Imines t-Bu t-Bu O Si Si t-Bu 6π e- NR t-Bu O O NR AgOCOCF3 O (1 mol%) t-Bu t-Bu t-Bu t-Bu O Si t-Bu t-Bu Si O O Si N R [3,3] O = R N N R O O
  • 17. Silylene Transfer to Imines OH Cl Ph O H5IO6, THF O HO2C OH CO2H Ph O Ph O OH NEt3, DMF OH OH 2 100%, complex 61% mixture of oligomers NH2Bn, CH2Cl2 O MgSO4 Ph O NBn H2N O OMe Ph O CH2Cl2, MgSO4 NPMP
  • 18. Silylene Transfer to Imines t-Bu Me t-Bu Si Me O AgOTs (10 mol %), Ph O Decomp. NBn –25 °C, Tol t-Bu Me t-Bu Si t-Bu Me t-Bu O PMPN Si AgOTs (10 mol %), O Ph O NPMP –25 °C, Tol Ph O 48% • p-methoxyphenyl group provided transfer product
  • 19. Methodology Limits t-Bu Me t-Bu Si Me i. AgOTs (10 mol %), O O –25 °C HO CO2H O Ph Ph ii. HF•Pyr, rt O O Me HO CO2H Me O O O Ph O Ph O O O Me Me O HO CO2H O Me Ph Ph O Me Me Me
  • 20. (+)-Latifoline Me Me O O Me O H O HO O O Me N • Anti leukemia and solid tumor activity • Activity arises from DNA-Protein or DNA interstrand crosslinking • Synthesized by Wood in 2001 Crowley, H. C.; Culvenor, C. C. J. Aust. J. Chem. 1962, 15, 139–144. Rajski, S. R.; Williams, R. M. Chem. Rev. 1998, 98, 2723–2795.
  • 21. (+)-Latifoline Retrosynthesis Me Me O O Me O H O HO O O Me N (+)-latifoline Me Me HO OH O H HO2C Me + + O OH HO O N Me angelic acid retronecine (+)-latifolic acid
  • 22. (+)-Latifoline Retrosynthesis O O R Me Me O Me O OH O Me HO2C HO2C OP HO2C HO Me HO OP O R Me HO Me OP Me OH + HO Me OP O R O Me R
  • 23. α-Keto Ester Synthesis Cl O Cl OTBS OTBS OH Cl Cl Me + Me O Me CO2H Me Et DMAP,NEt3, PhH OBn OBn O Et 86% O 1. TBAF, THF –20 °C Me O Me 2. DMP, Pyr, CH2Cl2 OBn O Et 71%, 2 steps
  • 24. Silylene Transfer t-Bu Me t-Bu Si Me O i. AgOTs (10 mol %), HO2C OH Me O Me –25 °C Me Et OBn O Et ii. HF•Pyr, rt OBn Me 50:50 dr, 72%
  • 25. Transition State Analysis t-Bu t-Bu Si O R R R 4 120° 4 120° 4 6 O Et Me rotation Et Me rotation Et Me Me O 1 R O R O R O 4 1 Et 1 Me OBn H Me BnO H BnO H H Me Me BnO σC–Me σ∗C–C R = dioxosilacyclopentyl 4 Et Me HO2C OH HO2C OH Me Et 1 BnO OBn Me H Me
  • 26. Transition State Analysis t-Bu t-Bu Et Si Et O R HO CO2H Et O 4 4 Me Me Me 6 Me R O HO CO2H O 4 1 1 OBn Me Et Me OBn BnO H BnO H H Me Me σC–Me σ∗C–C R = dioxosilacyclopentyl Et A value 1.75 Me A Value 1.70
  • 27. Transition State Analysis CF3 O CF3 OTMS CF3 O i. LDA PdCl2(PhCN)2 1 i-Pr O i-Pr O i-Pr OH ii. TMSCl reflux 6 4 6 4 74% yield, 88% syn O CH3 O O CH3 OTMS O CH3 O i. LDA PdCl2(PhCN)2 1 Me2N O Me2N O Me2N OH ii. TMSCl reflux 6 4 6 4 71% yield, 1:1 Yamazaki, T.; Ichige, T.; Takei, S.; Kawashita, S.; Kitazume, T.; Kubota, T. Org. Lett. 2001, 3, 2915–2918.
  • 28. Confirmation of Chair t-Bu Me t-Bu Si Me O i. AgOTs (10 mol %), HO2C OH HO CO2H Me O Me –25 °C Me Et Me + ii. HF•Pyr, rt OBn O Et OBn Me OBn Me Et HO2C OH H HO2C OH H Me α β Et Me α β H OBn H Me H OBn Me H Et
  • 29. Increasing Steric Bulk O O R Me Me O Me O OH O Me HO2C HO2C OP HO2C HO Me HO OP O R Me HO Me
  • 30. Increasing Steric Bulk O O R Me Me O Me O OH O Me HO2C HO2C OP HO2C HO Me HO OP O R Me HO Me O Me O Me OBn O t-Bu
  • 31. Increasing Steric Bulk t-Bu Me t-Bu Si Me O O i. AgOTs (10 mol %), Me O Me + Me O Me –25 °C OBn O t-Bu OBn O t-Bu ii. HF•Pyr, rt 50 : 50 HO2C OH HO CO2H HO CO2H Me t-Bu Me + Me t-Bu + OBn Me OBn Me t-Bu OBn Me 25 : 25 : 50
  • 32. Vicinal Stereocontrol t-Bu t-Bu Si O O HO CO2H Me O O Me O Me Me HO Me O OBn Me O OBn O OBn HO2C Me H Me t-Bu t-Bu Si O O Me HO CO2H Me O O Me O Me HO Me O O O OBn Me OBn O Me Me OBn HO2C HO2C H Me O HO t-Bu t-Bu Si O Me O HO2C OH Me O O Me O Me Me HO2C (+)-latifolic acid Me O O OBn O OBn Me HO BnO Me Me H t-Bu t-Bu O Me Si O HO2C OH Me O O Me O Me HO2C O O OBn O Me OBn Me HO BnO Me Me H
  • 33. Lactone Synthesis O HO CO2H conditions HO O R1 R1 R2 R2 X Entry R1 R2 X Conditions Yield d.r. 1 Ph H I NaHCO3, I2, CH3CN, 0 °C 91% 3:2 2 Et n-Bu OH H2O, t-BuOH, AD mix NR - 3 Et n-Bu Br NBS, THF, 0 °C 76% 5:1 4 Et n-Bu I NIS, THF, 0 °C 92% 3:1 5 Et n-Bu OH OsO4, NMO, CH2Cl2 73% 1:0 6 Et n-Bu OH m-CPBA, CH2Cl2 56% 0:1
  • 34. Potential Targets HO O HO O Me Me OMe PPh3, I2, Imid, O PMBO O O O O CH2Cl2, reflux HO PMBO H OH HO OH (-) delesserine 95% O Me O Me Me O Me OAc O O Me OH O O Me Me O OH Me Me H Me Me O Me O OAc OH O O Ferupennin F Trilobolide
  • 35. Acknowledgements Support Crew UCI Weiss Lab Scott Chiou Dr. Keith Woerpel Dr. Allison Olszewski Mike Ciriza Dr. Gregory Weiss Dr. Aron Levin Lynda Ciriza Dr. David Van Vranken Dr. Sara Chiou LOTC Dr. Birte Feld Dr. Yemi Adesokan Dr. John Greaves Woerpel Lab My eternal roommate: Dr. Matt Dr. Phil Dennison Current and Past Woerpel Morin Dr. Joseph Ziller Members Vicky Cox UCI Staff + Faculty Dr. Tim Clark Chris Carol Laura Bourque Craig Bottolfson Rainier Lab Walter Salamant Tom Campobello Dr. Jon Rainier Joey Georges Dr. Jason Cox Christian Ventocilla Dr. David Colby Dr. Jason Imbriglio Kay Buchner Dr. Rob Bahde Dr. Scott Roberts Dr. Susan Billings Dr. David France Dr. Shawn Allwein Dr. Stacie Calad Dr. Kevin Bahnck Mike Taday Catt Edgley TMS Crew Dr. Ryan Hadley Andrew Thomas DSK Dr. Jennifer Krumper Brandon Maggs Dr. Michael Yang This is a big horse HSN guy Dr. Laura Anderson Rockband 2, Guitar Hero 3 Dr. Pamela Haile Dr. Renee Link Dr. Nick Leonard Dr. Tony Romero
  • 36. Acknowledgements Support Crew UCI Weiss Lab Scott Chiou Dr. Keith Woerpel Dr. Allison Olszewski Mike Ciriza Dr. Gregory Weiss Dr. Aron Levin Lynda Ciriza Dr. David Van Vranken Dr. Sara Chiou LOTC Dr. Birte Feld Dr. Yemi Adesokan Dr. John Greaves Woerpel Lab My eternal roommate: Dr. Matt Dr. Phil Dennison Current and Past Woerpel Morin Dr. Joseph Ziller Members Vicky Cox UCI Staff + Faculty Dr. Tim Clark Chris Carol Laura Bourque Craig Bottolfson Rainier Lab Walter Salamant Matt Beaver Tom Campobello Dr. Jon Rainier Joey Georges Dr. Jason Cox Christian Ventocilla Dr. David Colby Dr. Jason Imbriglio Kay Buchner Dr. Rob Bahde Dr. Scott Roberts Dr. Susan Billings Dr. David France Dr. Shawn Allwein Dr. Stacie Calad Dr. Kevin Bahnck Mike Taday Catt Edgley TMS Crew Dr. Ryan Hadley Andrew Thomas DSK Dr. Jennifer Krumper Brandon Maggs Dr. Michael Yang This is a big horse HSN guy Dr. Laura Anderson Rockband 2, Guitar Hero 3 Dr. Pamela Haile Dr. Renee Link Dr. Nick Leonard Dr. Tony Romero
  • 37. Acknowledgements Mark and Bonnie Howard Kevin and Kristin Howard Howard, Aunt Julie, Uncle Steve
  • 41.
  • 43. Fam

Notas del editor

  1. • sila carbonyl ylide is common intermediate • for rearrangement product, last arrow is not an equilibrium arrow, verify that this is correct. • figure out if you want to use the proposed silyl-silver complex rather than a symbolic one
  2. -Read these references, how do the generate their silylene? •mechanism from woerpel paper on how they get the d.r. that they do, note the woerpel example forms a new CC bond •basically 1,2 addition across the carbonly to give the oxasilacyclopropane or some derivative of.