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Volume 2, Number 2, 2007
© Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
DOI: 10.1089/bfm.2007.9995

                                      ABM Protocols

           ABM Clinical Protocol #16: Breastfeeding the
                        Hypotonic Infant


     A central goal of The Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine is the development of clinical
     protocols for managing common medical problems that may impact breastfeeding success. These
     protocols serve only as guidelines for the care of breastfeeding mothers and infants and do not
     delineate an exclusive course of treatment or serve as standards of medical care. Variations in
     treatment may be appropriate according to the needs of an individual patient.

                     GOAL                                            BACKGROUND

                                                        One of the more common causes of hypoto-
    feeding in children with hypotonia.
                                                     nia, which we shall use as an example, is Down
                                                     syndrome. Down syndrome is a genetic disor-
                                                     der caused by a trisomy of chromosome 21 re-
                 DEFINITION                          sulting in hypotonia in more than 90% of cases.
                                                     Associated oral abnormalities characteristically
   Hypotonia, a condition of diminished mus-         include malocclusion and a small mouth with
cle tone, is also referred to as “floppy infant      a relatively large, protruding tongue, which
syndrome,” and may occur with or without             when coupled to the hypotonia, result in sig-
muscle weakness. There are diverse etiologies        nificant associated feeding difficulties in some,
including abnormalities of the central or pe-        but not all, of these children.2
ripheral nervous system, neuromuscular junc-            The Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine,
tion, or muscle; metabolic, endocrine, or nutri-     American Academy of Pediatrics, World
tional disorders; connective tissue diseases;        Health Organization, and other international
and chromosomal abnormalities. Perinatal hy-         organizations have recommended that all chil-
poxia, hypotonic cerebral palsy, and nonspe-         dren should be breastfed, unless there is a med-
cific mental deficiency may all result in central    ical contraindication.3 It is particularly impor-
hypotonia. There is also a condition referred to     tant that Down syndrome and other hypotonic
as benign congenital hypotonia, which is a di-       children be breastfed, to minimize the risk of
agnosis of exclusion, and improves or disap-         morbidities associated with artificial feedings,
pears entirely with age.1 Preterm infants as well    many of which they are at increased risk from
will have age appropriate hypotonia. Hypo-           by virtue of their condition. For example, in ad-
tonic babies often have feeding problems that        dition to the oral abnormalities and malocclu-
result from abnormal or underdeveloped con-          sion, children with Down syndrome also have
trol of the oropharyngeal structures, contribut-     developmental delay, are more susceptible to
ing to an uncoordinated and/or weak suck.            ear, respiratory, and other infections, and have

ABM PROTOCOLS                                                                                       113

an increased incidence of other congenital          evidence suggests that these children need to
anomalies such as heart and gastrointestinal        feed from a bottle before going to breast.16
malformations. In looking at the effects of         Breastfeeding should be actively promoted and
breastfeeding on these problems in a healthy        supported in these infants.
population, approximately 44% of dental mal-           Sucking behavior, specifically in Down syn-
occlusion can be attributed to lack of or short     drome, has been documented to be less efficient
duration of breastfeeding,4 suggesting that         than in normal-term infants with multiple pa-
breastfeeding promotes oral motor strength, a       rameters affected, including sucking pressure,
potential benefit to those children with Down       frequency, and duration, as well as a deficiency
syndrome and other causes of hypotonia.2            in the smooth peristaltic tongue movement.22
Breastfeeding helps with normal mouth and           When followed longitudinally over the first
tongue coordination. Breastfeeding has also         year, sucking pressure increased significantly
been shown to be protective against the devel-      by 4 months and again by 8 months. Frequency
opment of ear and respiratory infections.4–8        increased by 4 months. Duration did not in-
Studies indicate that there is a positive neu-      crease over time, and peristalsis only normal-
rocognitive advantage of breastfeeding,9–12         ized in the minority of infants who were
which is most pronounced in low birth weight        restudied at 8 months. However, the overall re-
and small for gestational age children13–17 who     sult was improvement in sucking efficiency
may score as many as eight points higher on         over the first year. Mothers tended to report
intelligence tests than their formula-fed coun-     that feeding problems were substantially im-
terparts. As hypotonic babies may have disor-       proved by 3–4 months of age. Understanding
ders associated with neurocognitive impair-         this time frame allows practitioners to effec-
ment, the benefit of human milk feedings could      tively support these mothers and babies to im-
make an important difference to their long-         prove breastfeeding skills, and reach and main-
term outcome. Children with congenital heart        tain a sufficient milk supply that may enable
disease who breastfeed have better growth,          them to ultimately successfully breastfeed,
shorter hospital stays, and higher oxygen sat-      even with the presence of significant difficul-
urations than children with congenital heart        ties at the beginning.
disease that are formula fed.18 Again, this may
suggest potential benefit to hypotonic infants
with heart disease, seen in a significant pro-                      PROCEDURES
portion of babies with Down syndrome. Thus,
although children with Down syndrome and            Education
other forms of hypotonia have not been specif-
                                                    1. All mothers should be educated about the
ically studied, based on the wealth of informa-
                                                       benefits of breastfeeding for themselves and
tion available from studies in the general pop-
                                                       their infants. A significant percentage of hy-
ulation, they may be expected to benefit from
                                                       potonic infants can feed at the breast with-
breastfeeding and/or expressed breastmilk.
                                                       out difficulty.
   Some mothers of children with Down syn-
                                                    2. All babies should be followed closely both
drome express anxiety and fear at the time of
                                                       before and after discharge from the hospital
their child’s diagnosis. Many express feeling
                                                       for assessment of further needs.
“helpless”19 or frustrated that they were not
able to breastfeed, or felt as if they were not
                                                    Facilitation and assessment of feeding at the
given support for breastfeeding.20 The ability
                                                    breast in the immediate postpartum period
to breastfeed their babies may empower these
mothers.                                             1. The first feeding should be initiated as soon
   Challenges to breastfeeding the hypotonic            as the baby is stable. There is no reason this
child exist, but many can successfully feed at          cannot occur as early as the delivery room
the breast. No evidence exists that Down syn-           if the baby is physiologically stable.
drome or other hypotonic infants feed better         2. Kangaroo (skin-to-skin) care should be
with the bottle than at the breast.21 Further, no       strongly encouraged. If the baby does not
114                                                                                    ABM PROTOCOLS

    feed well, the touching may be stimulating,              tionally, pulling the jaw slightly forward
    so that the baby is easier to arouse for feed-           may allow the infant to better grasp the
    ings. Skin-to-skin care has also been shown              breast and form a seal. The other hand is
    to help increase mother’s milk supply,23                 free to be used to support the baby’s neck
    and it can assist with bonding, which may                and shoulders.
    be especially important for these families.         6.   Other strategies to help the infant latch and
 3. Assess the baby’s ability to latch, suck, and            transfer milk may also be effective. Some
    transfer milk. This assessment should in-                mothers facilitate milk transfer with the
    volve personnel specifically trained in                  technique of breastfeeding used in con-
    breastfeeding evaluation and management.                 junction with hand compression. Instead of
 4. Skin-to-skin contact will facilitate frequent            placing the thumb and index finger on the
    attempts at breast. For those attempts, par-             baby’s jaw for support (Dancer position),
    ticular attention should be given to pro-                the fingers are kept proximal to the areola,
    viding good head and body support since                  and milk is hand expressed as the baby
    the baby needs to spend effort sucking, not              suckles. A thin silicon nipple shield may be
    supporting body position. Use of a sling or              useful, if production is generous ( 500
    pillows to support the infant in a flexed po-            mL/day) and mothers learn how to keep
    sition allows the mother to use her hands                the reservoir filled by synchronizing
    to support both her breast and the infant’s              breastfeeding with hand compression or
    jaw simultaneously.                                      using a nursing supplementation device si-
 5. The “Dancer hand” position (see Fig. 1)                  multaneously inside the shield.26 By mak-
    may be helpful to the mother to try because              ing the mother aware of various tech-
    it supports both her breast and her baby’s               niques, aids, and ideas, she is empowered
    chin and jaw while the baby is nursing.                  to experiment and discover the best reper-
    This involves cupping her breast in the                  toire to fit her and her baby’s individual
    palm of her hand (holding her breast from                needs.
    below), with the third, fourth, and fifth fin-      7.   The mother, and family who is supporting
    gers curling up towards the side of her                  her, should be counseled that more time
    breast to support it, while simultaneously               may be necessary in the early weeks to
    allowing the baby’s chin to rest on the web              complete a feeding. They should also know
    space between her thumb and index finger                 than in many cases the baby’s ability to
    (see Fig. 1). The thumb and index finger can             feed will improve over the first weeks to
    then give gentle pressure to the masseter                months.
    muscle, which stabilizes the jaw.24,25 Addi-        8.   Trained personnel must reassess the baby
                                                             frequently (a minimum of once every 8
                                                             hours) because these babies must be con-
                                                             sidered high (breastfeeding) risk, similarly
                                                             to the near-term baby (see ABM Protocol
                                                             #10 Breastfeeding the Near-Term Baby).27
                                                             Encourage frequent nursing throughout
                                                             the day as the ability to sustain suck may
                                                             be impaired. Infants should go to breast as
                                                             often as possible, aiming for at least 8 to 12
                                                             times per 24 hours. Prolonged periods of
                                                             skin-to-skin contact will facilitate these fre-
                                                             quent attempts at breast. Assessments
                                                             should include state of hydration and jaun-
                                                             dice, as possible complications of poor in-
FIG. 1. Dancer hand position. (Original photograph by   9.   Once transitional milk is present, test-
author (JT) used with permission.)                           weighing with an appropriate digital scale
ABM PROTOCOLS                                                                                       115

    may be an option to judge adequate milk             press milk shortly after delivery, ideally
    transfer. Infants are weighed immediately           within 2 hours (certainly within the first 6
    prior to the feed on an electronic scale with       hours as is recommended with preterm
    accuracy at minimum          5 g, and then          mothers),31 and approximately every 3
    reweighed immediately after the feed with           hours thereafter. Aim to remove milk at least
    the exact same diaper, clothing, blankets,          eight times in a 24-hour period, mimicking
    etc. worn during the prefeed weight. Intake         the stimulation of a vigorous term breast-
    during the feed is reflected by weight gain,        feeding baby. Even if the baby shows some
    1 g 1 mL. Term infants with Down syn-               ability to go to breast, latch, and transfer
    drome gain weight more slowly than nor-             milk, the mother will likely need to express
    mal full-term infants,28 so this must be            or pump extra milk in the early weeks in or-
    taken into consideration during the early           der to build and maintain her milk supply
    weeks and months. Growth charts specific            at the higher level. A plentiful milk supply
    for Down syndrome are found at                      will enhance letdown for these less vigorous                babies, and facilitate their feeding effort.
    S/charts.htm (last accessed Jan 21, 2007).       2. Most of the research on initiating and main-
10. Consider alternative modes of feeding if            taining milk supply by expressing milk has
    the baby is unable to nurse at the breast or        been done on mothers of preterm infants.
    sustain adequate suckling, including the            The strongest determinant of duration and
    use of a cup,29 a spoon, or a wide-based sil-       exclusivity of breastfeeding the preterm in-
    icone bottle. The use of a nursing supple-          fant is the volume of milk produced by the
    mentation aid alone (without a nipple               pump-dependent mother, while insufficient
    shield—Section B6) may not be as helpful,           milk production is the most common reason
    as it works best with a baby who has an ef-         for cessation of efforts to provide milk for
    fective latch, the lack of which is often one       these infants.32–34 As the baby begins to
    of the significant problems of hypotonic            improve with milk transfer, developing
    infants.                                            rhythms, and showing feeding cues, pump-
11. If supplementation is necessary, please see         ing times can be led by these cues (i.e., breast
    Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine Pro-              emptying by expression after each attempt
    tocol #3 (Hospital Guidelines for the Use of        at breast). This pattern should continue un-
    Supplementary Feedings in the Healthy               til the couplet is reunited and/or the infant
    Term Breastfed Infant).30 If the baby is at-        is able to sustain successful breastfeeding. It
    tempting to suckle, following each breast-          is critical that mothers be instructed on ef-
    feeding encounter with breastmilk expres-           fective pumping, including both the use of
    sion (see below), followed by spoon or cup          a hospital grade electric pump if available
    feeding of the expressed milk to the baby,          and manual expression.
    provides more stimulation to the breasts         3. Extrapolating from preterm research for
    and more milk to the baby.                          guidance in the hypotonic baby, the pro-
                                                        duction of 500 mL/day is commonly cited
                                                        as the minimum volume enabling prema-
Preventative measures to protect a milk supply
                                                        ture babies 1500 grams to transition from
1. If the infant is unable to successfully and          tube or bottle feeding to successful, exclu-
   fully breastfeed, or if the mother is separated      sive breastfeeding.35 Until studies are done
   from her infant (e.g., neonatal intensive care       in the hypotonic infant population, this is a
   unit admission), lactation must be initiated         minimum volume from which to start, and
   and/or maintained through pumping or                 can be adjusted based on calculations of in-
   hand expression. Anticipating the initial dif-       take necessary for growth.
   ficulty an hypotonic infant will likely have      4. Simultaneous pumping of both breasts with
   with sustaining frequent and effective milk          a hospital-grade pump has been shown to
   removal, insufficient milk production may            be more effective than single pumping. Re-
   be prevented by encouraging mothers to ex-           cent research suggests manually assisted
116                                                                                ABM PROTOCOLS

   pumping improves effective emptying and              supply, recent evidence refutes this.37 How-
   production in pump-dependent women. In               ever, it is not unreasonable to encourage ma-
   contrast to the usual practice of passively de-      ternal rest and analgesics as needed. Review
   pending on the pump to suction milk from             and optimize breastmilk expression fre-
   the breast, manual techniques, used in con-          quency, schedule, and type of pump used,
   junction with pumping, enable mothers to             if necessary. A pumping diary/log (see ear-
   enhance emptying by using their hands for            lier) can be useful.
   breast compression, massage, and expres-          5. If maternal milk supply does not equal or
   sion.36                                              exceed the infant’s needs, or begins to slow
5. A pumping/feeding diary or log, to enable            despite optimal pumping, the use of galac-
   health care providers to track maternal milk         togogues to enhance maternal milk supply
   supply and intervene when needed, can                may be considered. Please see Academy of
   consist simply of a piece of paper with              Breastfeeding Medicine Protocol #9 (Use of
   columns for date, time started pumping,              Galactogogues in Initiating or Augmenting
   time ended pumping, amount of milk ex-               Maternal Milk Supply).38
   pressed, and comments (such as where              6. In the presence of significant cardiac, gas-
   pumped, unusual stressors, etc.), or can be          trointestinal, or renal complications, it is
   ordered or used as a model from various              sometimes necessary to increase the caloric
   Web sites, including: http:/    /www.cpqcc.          density of breastmilk with extra fat, carbo-
   org/Documents/NutritionToolkit/Nutri-                hydrate, or protein. If the mother’s milk sup-
   tionToolkit.pdf, appendix “O” (last accessed         ply is greater than the baby’s needs, a trial
   January 21, 2007).                                   of feeding hindmilk (higher fat content,
                                                        therefore more fat calories), either by ex-
                                                        pressing some of the foremilk before putting
At discharge and in the neonatal period
                                                        the baby to breast, or if supplements are be-
1. If the baby will remain hospitalized, the            ing used, by pumping off a small volume of
   mother’s milk supply should be assessed              milk first (foremilk) and then in a separate
   daily including pumping frequency, 24-               container pumping the rest of the milk pres-
   hour milk total, and any signs of breast dis-        ent (hindmilk) and feeding the baby only the
   comfort. Carefully monitor the baby’s                hindmilk.
   weight gain and consider supplementation
   as necessary.
                                                     Further research
2. Inform mothers that sucking efficiency fre-
   quently continues to improve over the first          This protocol was developed for the Acad-
   year, such that the breastfeeding experience      emy of Breastfeeding Medicine to give clini-
   may “normalize” and may not continue to           cians guidance based on the expert opinion of
   require interventions initially necessary for     practitioners who have worked extensively
   their own infant, for example, supplemen-         with this population. There is little scientific ev-
   tation, pumping, more frequent nursing, etc.      idence upon which to base recommendations.
3. Provide information about local support           Specific areas recommended for further re-
   groups for breastfeeding and for specific di-     search include:
   agnoses such as Down syndrome families.
   Support and encouragement is particularly         1. Methods of optimizing the hypotonic in-
   important for these mothers and families             fant’s suck and milk transfer need further
   with the additional patience and time that is        study.
   sometimes required to breastfeed these in-        2. Use of pacifiers in premature infants as
   fants.                                               “practice” oral feeding during gavage feeds
4. Maternal milk supply is affected by ineffec-         has assisted with the transition to breast, and
   tive or infrequent pumping/expressing. Al-           merits evaluation in hypotonic infants.39
   though stress, fatigue, and pain are fre-         3. Comparison of autonomic stability between
   quently cited as determinants of slow milk           breast and bottle fed infants with Down syn-
ABM PROTOCOLS                                                                                                          117

   drome or other etiologies of hypotonia may                  10. Anderson JW, Johnstone BM, Remley DT. Breast-
   be helpful.                                                     feeding and cognitive development: A meta-analysis.
                                                                   Am J Clin Nutr 1999;70:525–535.
4. Evaluation of weight gain in breastfed ver-
                                                               11. Horwood LJ, Fergusson DM. Breastfeeding and later
   sus formula fed hypotonic infants, once                         cognitive and academic outcomes. Pediatrics 1998;
   breastfeeding has been established.                             101:E9.
5. Evaluation of different methods available to                12. Jacobson SW, Chiodo LM, Jacobson JL. Breastfeeding
   supplement hypotonic babies (cup, bottle,                       effects on intelligence quotient in 4- and 11-year-old
   spoon) to determine efficacy and best prac-                     children. Pediatrics 1999;103:E71.
                                                               13. Vohr BR, Poindexter BB, Dusick AM, et al. Beneficial
   tice.                                                           effects of breastmilk in the neonatal intensive care
6. Modifiable factors which may compound or                        unit on the developmental outcomes of extremely low
   ameliorate the difficulties with breastfeed-                    birth weight infants at 18 months of age. Pediatrics
   ing in these infants in particular, for exam-                   2006;118:e115–e123.
   ple, labor analgesia/anesthesia, skin-to-skin               14. Mortensen EL, Michaelsen KF, Sanders SA, Reinisch
                                                                   JM. The association between duration of breastfeed-
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                                                                   ing and adult intelligence. JAMA 2002;287:2365–2371.
                                                               15. Rao MR, Hediger ML, Levine RJ, et al. Effect of breast-
                                                                   feeding on cognitive development of infants born
             ACKNOWLEDGMENT                                        small for gestational age. Acta Paediatr 2002;91:
  This work was supported in part by a grant                   16. Anderson JW, Johnstone BM, Remley DT. Breast-
from the Maternal and Child Health Bureau,                         feeding and cognitive development: A meta-analysis.
                                                                   Am J Clin Nutr 1999; 70:525–535.
Department of Health and Human Services.
                                                               17. Slykerman RF, Thompson JM, Becroft DM, et al.
                                                                   Breastfeeding and intelligence of preschool children.
                                                                   Acta Paediatr 2005;94:832–837.
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                                                                     Caroline J. Chantry M.D., Co-Chairperson
37. Hill PD, Aldag JC, Chatterton RT, Zinaman M. Psy-                        Cynthia R. Howard, M.D., MPH,
    chological distress and milk volume in lactating                                            Co-Chairperson
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38. Montgomery A, Wight N, Protocol Committee Acad-                Kathleen A. Marinelli, M.D., Co-Chairperson
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                                                                               Nancy G. Powers, M.D., FABM
    Number 9: Use of galactagogues in initiating or main-
                                                                                                           *Lead authors.
    taining maternal milk supply. 2004. Academy of
    Breastfeeding Medicine. Accessed January 21, 2007
    from                                                  For reprint requests:

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Breastfeeding Hypotonic Infant

  • 1. BREASTFEEDING MEDICINE Volume 2, Number 2, 2007 © Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. DOI: 10.1089/bfm.2007.9995 ABM Protocols ABM Clinical Protocol #16: Breastfeeding the Hypotonic Infant JENNIFER THOMAS, KATHLEEN A. MARINELLI, MARGARET HENNESSY, and THE ACADEMY OF BREASTFEEDING MEDICINE PROTOCOL COMMITTEE A central goal of The Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine is the development of clinical protocols for managing common medical problems that may impact breastfeeding success. These protocols serve only as guidelines for the care of breastfeeding mothers and infants and do not delineate an exclusive course of treatment or serve as standards of medical care. Variations in treatment may be appropriate according to the needs of an individual patient. GOAL BACKGROUND One of the more common causes of hypoto- T O PROMOTE, SUPPORT, AND SUSTAIN feeding in children with hypotonia. breast- nia, which we shall use as an example, is Down syndrome. Down syndrome is a genetic disor- der caused by a trisomy of chromosome 21 re- DEFINITION sulting in hypotonia in more than 90% of cases. Associated oral abnormalities characteristically Hypotonia, a condition of diminished mus- include malocclusion and a small mouth with cle tone, is also referred to as “floppy infant a relatively large, protruding tongue, which syndrome,” and may occur with or without when coupled to the hypotonia, result in sig- muscle weakness. There are diverse etiologies nificant associated feeding difficulties in some, including abnormalities of the central or pe- but not all, of these children.2 ripheral nervous system, neuromuscular junc- The Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine, tion, or muscle; metabolic, endocrine, or nutri- American Academy of Pediatrics, World tional disorders; connective tissue diseases; Health Organization, and other international and chromosomal abnormalities. Perinatal hy- organizations have recommended that all chil- poxia, hypotonic cerebral palsy, and nonspe- dren should be breastfed, unless there is a med- cific mental deficiency may all result in central ical contraindication.3 It is particularly impor- hypotonia. There is also a condition referred to tant that Down syndrome and other hypotonic as benign congenital hypotonia, which is a di- children be breastfed, to minimize the risk of agnosis of exclusion, and improves or disap- morbidities associated with artificial feedings, pears entirely with age.1 Preterm infants as well many of which they are at increased risk from will have age appropriate hypotonia. Hypo- by virtue of their condition. For example, in ad- tonic babies often have feeding problems that dition to the oral abnormalities and malocclu- result from abnormal or underdeveloped con- sion, children with Down syndrome also have trol of the oropharyngeal structures, contribut- developmental delay, are more susceptible to ing to an uncoordinated and/or weak suck. ear, respiratory, and other infections, and have 112
  • 2. ABM PROTOCOLS 113 an increased incidence of other congenital evidence suggests that these children need to anomalies such as heart and gastrointestinal feed from a bottle before going to breast.16 malformations. In looking at the effects of Breastfeeding should be actively promoted and breastfeeding on these problems in a healthy supported in these infants. population, approximately 44% of dental mal- Sucking behavior, specifically in Down syn- occlusion can be attributed to lack of or short drome, has been documented to be less efficient duration of breastfeeding,4 suggesting that than in normal-term infants with multiple pa- breastfeeding promotes oral motor strength, a rameters affected, including sucking pressure, potential benefit to those children with Down frequency, and duration, as well as a deficiency syndrome and other causes of hypotonia.2 in the smooth peristaltic tongue movement.22 Breastfeeding helps with normal mouth and When followed longitudinally over the first tongue coordination. Breastfeeding has also year, sucking pressure increased significantly been shown to be protective against the devel- by 4 months and again by 8 months. Frequency opment of ear and respiratory infections.4–8 increased by 4 months. Duration did not in- Studies indicate that there is a positive neu- crease over time, and peristalsis only normal- rocognitive advantage of breastfeeding,9–12 ized in the minority of infants who were which is most pronounced in low birth weight restudied at 8 months. However, the overall re- and small for gestational age children13–17 who sult was improvement in sucking efficiency may score as many as eight points higher on over the first year. Mothers tended to report intelligence tests than their formula-fed coun- that feeding problems were substantially im- terparts. As hypotonic babies may have disor- proved by 3–4 months of age. Understanding ders associated with neurocognitive impair- this time frame allows practitioners to effec- ment, the benefit of human milk feedings could tively support these mothers and babies to im- make an important difference to their long- prove breastfeeding skills, and reach and main- term outcome. Children with congenital heart tain a sufficient milk supply that may enable disease who breastfeed have better growth, them to ultimately successfully breastfeed, shorter hospital stays, and higher oxygen sat- even with the presence of significant difficul- urations than children with congenital heart ties at the beginning. disease that are formula fed.18 Again, this may suggest potential benefit to hypotonic infants with heart disease, seen in a significant pro- PROCEDURES portion of babies with Down syndrome. Thus, although children with Down syndrome and Education other forms of hypotonia have not been specif- 1. All mothers should be educated about the ically studied, based on the wealth of informa- benefits of breastfeeding for themselves and tion available from studies in the general pop- their infants. A significant percentage of hy- ulation, they may be expected to benefit from potonic infants can feed at the breast with- breastfeeding and/or expressed breastmilk. out difficulty. Some mothers of children with Down syn- 2. All babies should be followed closely both drome express anxiety and fear at the time of before and after discharge from the hospital their child’s diagnosis. Many express feeling for assessment of further needs. “helpless”19 or frustrated that they were not able to breastfeed, or felt as if they were not Facilitation and assessment of feeding at the given support for breastfeeding.20 The ability breast in the immediate postpartum period to breastfeed their babies may empower these mothers. 1. The first feeding should be initiated as soon Challenges to breastfeeding the hypotonic as the baby is stable. There is no reason this child exist, but many can successfully feed at cannot occur as early as the delivery room the breast. No evidence exists that Down syn- if the baby is physiologically stable. drome or other hypotonic infants feed better 2. Kangaroo (skin-to-skin) care should be with the bottle than at the breast.21 Further, no strongly encouraged. If the baby does not
  • 3. 114 ABM PROTOCOLS feed well, the touching may be stimulating, tionally, pulling the jaw slightly forward so that the baby is easier to arouse for feed- may allow the infant to better grasp the ings. Skin-to-skin care has also been shown breast and form a seal. The other hand is to help increase mother’s milk supply,23 free to be used to support the baby’s neck and it can assist with bonding, which may and shoulders. be especially important for these families. 6. Other strategies to help the infant latch and 3. Assess the baby’s ability to latch, suck, and transfer milk may also be effective. Some transfer milk. This assessment should in- mothers facilitate milk transfer with the volve personnel specifically trained in technique of breastfeeding used in con- breastfeeding evaluation and management. junction with hand compression. Instead of 4. Skin-to-skin contact will facilitate frequent placing the thumb and index finger on the attempts at breast. For those attempts, par- baby’s jaw for support (Dancer position), ticular attention should be given to pro- the fingers are kept proximal to the areola, viding good head and body support since and milk is hand expressed as the baby the baby needs to spend effort sucking, not suckles. A thin silicon nipple shield may be supporting body position. Use of a sling or useful, if production is generous ( 500 pillows to support the infant in a flexed po- mL/day) and mothers learn how to keep sition allows the mother to use her hands the reservoir filled by synchronizing to support both her breast and the infant’s breastfeeding with hand compression or jaw simultaneously. using a nursing supplementation device si- 5. The “Dancer hand” position (see Fig. 1) multaneously inside the shield.26 By mak- may be helpful to the mother to try because ing the mother aware of various tech- it supports both her breast and her baby’s niques, aids, and ideas, she is empowered chin and jaw while the baby is nursing. to experiment and discover the best reper- This involves cupping her breast in the toire to fit her and her baby’s individual palm of her hand (holding her breast from needs. below), with the third, fourth, and fifth fin- 7. The mother, and family who is supporting gers curling up towards the side of her her, should be counseled that more time breast to support it, while simultaneously may be necessary in the early weeks to allowing the baby’s chin to rest on the web complete a feeding. They should also know space between her thumb and index finger than in many cases the baby’s ability to (see Fig. 1). The thumb and index finger can feed will improve over the first weeks to then give gentle pressure to the masseter months. muscle, which stabilizes the jaw.24,25 Addi- 8. Trained personnel must reassess the baby frequently (a minimum of once every 8 hours) because these babies must be con- sidered high (breastfeeding) risk, similarly to the near-term baby (see ABM Protocol #10 Breastfeeding the Near-Term Baby).27 Encourage frequent nursing throughout the day as the ability to sustain suck may be impaired. Infants should go to breast as often as possible, aiming for at least 8 to 12 times per 24 hours. Prolonged periods of skin-to-skin contact will facilitate these fre- quent attempts at breast. Assessments should include state of hydration and jaun- dice, as possible complications of poor in- take. FIG. 1. Dancer hand position. (Original photograph by 9. Once transitional milk is present, test- author (JT) used with permission.) weighing with an appropriate digital scale
  • 4. ABM PROTOCOLS 115 may be an option to judge adequate milk press milk shortly after delivery, ideally transfer. Infants are weighed immediately within 2 hours (certainly within the first 6 prior to the feed on an electronic scale with hours as is recommended with preterm accuracy at minimum 5 g, and then mothers),31 and approximately every 3 reweighed immediately after the feed with hours thereafter. Aim to remove milk at least the exact same diaper, clothing, blankets, eight times in a 24-hour period, mimicking etc. worn during the prefeed weight. Intake the stimulation of a vigorous term breast- during the feed is reflected by weight gain, feeding baby. Even if the baby shows some 1 g 1 mL. Term infants with Down syn- ability to go to breast, latch, and transfer drome gain weight more slowly than nor- milk, the mother will likely need to express mal full-term infants,28 so this must be or pump extra milk in the early weeks in or- taken into consideration during the early der to build and maintain her milk supply weeks and months. Growth charts specific at the higher level. A plentiful milk supply for Down syndrome are found at will enhance letdown for these less vigorous babies, and facilitate their feeding effort. S/charts.htm (last accessed Jan 21, 2007). 2. Most of the research on initiating and main- 10. Consider alternative modes of feeding if taining milk supply by expressing milk has the baby is unable to nurse at the breast or been done on mothers of preterm infants. sustain adequate suckling, including the The strongest determinant of duration and use of a cup,29 a spoon, or a wide-based sil- exclusivity of breastfeeding the preterm in- icone bottle. The use of a nursing supple- fant is the volume of milk produced by the mentation aid alone (without a nipple pump-dependent mother, while insufficient shield—Section B6) may not be as helpful, milk production is the most common reason as it works best with a baby who has an ef- for cessation of efforts to provide milk for fective latch, the lack of which is often one these infants.32–34 As the baby begins to of the significant problems of hypotonic improve with milk transfer, developing infants. rhythms, and showing feeding cues, pump- 11. If supplementation is necessary, please see ing times can be led by these cues (i.e., breast Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine Pro- emptying by expression after each attempt tocol #3 (Hospital Guidelines for the Use of at breast). This pattern should continue un- Supplementary Feedings in the Healthy til the couplet is reunited and/or the infant Term Breastfed Infant).30 If the baby is at- is able to sustain successful breastfeeding. It tempting to suckle, following each breast- is critical that mothers be instructed on ef- feeding encounter with breastmilk expres- fective pumping, including both the use of sion (see below), followed by spoon or cup a hospital grade electric pump if available feeding of the expressed milk to the baby, and manual expression. provides more stimulation to the breasts 3. Extrapolating from preterm research for and more milk to the baby. guidance in the hypotonic baby, the pro- duction of 500 mL/day is commonly cited as the minimum volume enabling prema- Preventative measures to protect a milk supply ture babies 1500 grams to transition from 1. If the infant is unable to successfully and tube or bottle feeding to successful, exclu- fully breastfeed, or if the mother is separated sive breastfeeding.35 Until studies are done from her infant (e.g., neonatal intensive care in the hypotonic infant population, this is a unit admission), lactation must be initiated minimum volume from which to start, and and/or maintained through pumping or can be adjusted based on calculations of in- hand expression. Anticipating the initial dif- take necessary for growth. ficulty an hypotonic infant will likely have 4. Simultaneous pumping of both breasts with with sustaining frequent and effective milk a hospital-grade pump has been shown to removal, insufficient milk production may be more effective than single pumping. Re- be prevented by encouraging mothers to ex- cent research suggests manually assisted
  • 5. 116 ABM PROTOCOLS pumping improves effective emptying and supply, recent evidence refutes this.37 How- production in pump-dependent women. In ever, it is not unreasonable to encourage ma- contrast to the usual practice of passively de- ternal rest and analgesics as needed. Review pending on the pump to suction milk from and optimize breastmilk expression fre- the breast, manual techniques, used in con- quency, schedule, and type of pump used, junction with pumping, enable mothers to if necessary. A pumping diary/log (see ear- enhance emptying by using their hands for lier) can be useful. breast compression, massage, and expres- 5. If maternal milk supply does not equal or sion.36 exceed the infant’s needs, or begins to slow 5. A pumping/feeding diary or log, to enable despite optimal pumping, the use of galac- health care providers to track maternal milk togogues to enhance maternal milk supply supply and intervene when needed, can may be considered. Please see Academy of consist simply of a piece of paper with Breastfeeding Medicine Protocol #9 (Use of columns for date, time started pumping, Galactogogues in Initiating or Augmenting time ended pumping, amount of milk ex- Maternal Milk Supply).38 pressed, and comments (such as where 6. In the presence of significant cardiac, gas- pumped, unusual stressors, etc.), or can be trointestinal, or renal complications, it is ordered or used as a model from various sometimes necessary to increase the caloric Web sites, including: http:/ /www.cpqcc. density of breastmilk with extra fat, carbo- org/Documents/NutritionToolkit/Nutri- hydrate, or protein. If the mother’s milk sup- tionToolkit.pdf, appendix “O” (last accessed ply is greater than the baby’s needs, a trial January 21, 2007). of feeding hindmilk (higher fat content, therefore more fat calories), either by ex- pressing some of the foremilk before putting At discharge and in the neonatal period the baby to breast, or if supplements are be- 1. If the baby will remain hospitalized, the ing used, by pumping off a small volume of mother’s milk supply should be assessed milk first (foremilk) and then in a separate daily including pumping frequency, 24- container pumping the rest of the milk pres- hour milk total, and any signs of breast dis- ent (hindmilk) and feeding the baby only the comfort. Carefully monitor the baby’s hindmilk. weight gain and consider supplementation as necessary. Further research 2. Inform mothers that sucking efficiency fre- quently continues to improve over the first This protocol was developed for the Acad- year, such that the breastfeeding experience emy of Breastfeeding Medicine to give clini- may “normalize” and may not continue to cians guidance based on the expert opinion of require interventions initially necessary for practitioners who have worked extensively their own infant, for example, supplemen- with this population. There is little scientific ev- tation, pumping, more frequent nursing, etc. idence upon which to base recommendations. 3. Provide information about local support Specific areas recommended for further re- groups for breastfeeding and for specific di- search include: agnoses such as Down syndrome families. Support and encouragement is particularly 1. Methods of optimizing the hypotonic in- important for these mothers and families fant’s suck and milk transfer need further with the additional patience and time that is study. sometimes required to breastfeed these in- 2. Use of pacifiers in premature infants as fants. “practice” oral feeding during gavage feeds 4. Maternal milk supply is affected by ineffec- has assisted with the transition to breast, and tive or infrequent pumping/expressing. Al- merits evaluation in hypotonic infants.39 though stress, fatigue, and pain are fre- 3. Comparison of autonomic stability between quently cited as determinants of slow milk breast and bottle fed infants with Down syn-
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