devops devopsdays lean kata docker deming burnout toyota kata game theory nash equilibrium cloud devsecops tps sdn etsy cyber moneyball toyota supply chain immutable delivery mindsets spears rother immutable infrastructure containers data gravity microservices ovsdb chef ovs puppet value stream mapping netflix sopk tokyo #devops devops leanops devops leanops cloud sdlc #ccatl itsec hashicorp ansible configurationmanagement google mp3 eigenvector fourier math crd kubebuilder servicemesh istio kubernetes serverless kaizen kahneman kanhana pareto thinking fast and slow alldaydevops high performance orginizations human captial dekker human error does16 immuntale infrastructure supply chain mbi mindfullness sotu devopscon datagravity guns germs and steel jared diamond toyota alcola cybernetics karoshi karōjisatsu burnout devops sds nfv openflow velocity leanit deming2devops sinek gre vxlan culture devopsdays austin github complexity cloudstack outage. aws amazon itrevolution ebs profound knowledge aws goldratt puppetconf shewhart food egl velcoity gl gi enstratus devops botchagalupe austin #devopsdays #devops agile leanops con opscode chef devops operationsascode cloudcamp columbus cloudcamp #cloudcampcolumbus
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