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1. C o m po s ite indic a to rs a nd ra nk ing

2. T ra ditio na l m etho ds fo r c o ns truc ting
c o m po s ite indic a tors a nd their w ea k nes s

3. T he C FA R -m a lg o rithm

4. S om e ex a m ples of im plem enting C FA R -m

1. Composite indicators and ranking
                                                                         What is it ?…

A C o m po s ite I ndic a tor is a n a g reg a te index tha t s um m a rizes a la rg e a m o unt
o f info rm a tion g iven by s ing le indic a tors .

C om pos ite     I ndic a to rs   a re     inc rea s ing ly being us ed to m ea s ure
m ultidim ens iona l perfo rm a nc e a nd to ra nk c ountries , firm s , c lients ,
ins titutions , etc ., in m a ny fields , s uc h a s :

         Competitivity (Global Competitivity Index - FEM)
         Country risk (ICRG-PRS group)
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         Well-being (Health System Achievement Index-WHO)
         Environment (Environmental Sustainability Index- WEF)
         Governance (The Corruption Perceptions Index - Transparency
         Innovation (Technology Achievement Index- UN)

1. Composite indicators and ranking
                                                                            A real interest …

 D em a nd for, a nd produc tion o f C om pos ite I ndic a to rs a re ra pidly g ro w ing .

2 rea s o ns , ba s ic a lly :
                                          Google search results for "composite indicators"

1-  C om plex ity o f m o dern
ec ono m y : jus t one, o r a s et
of s ing le indic a tors is not
enoug h a ny m o re.

2-  D evelopm ent o f I C T s : it
m ea ns tha t a hug e m a s s o f
inform a tio n ha s to be
pro c es s ed

2. Traditional methods for constructing composite indicators and
                        their weakness             A great number …

 Most used weighting schema in aggregation methods:

 W eig hts ba s ed o n s ta tis tic a l m o dels
              E qua l w eig hts
              D a ta E nvelopm ent A na lys is (D E A )
              P rinc ipa l C o m po nent A na lys is (P C A )
              U no bs erved C o m po nents M o dels (U C M )

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 W eig hts ba s ed o n ex perts ’ o pinio ns
              B udg et a llo c a tio n

 W eig hts ba s ed o n the s ta tis tic a l qua lity o f da ta
              S ta nda rd devia tion

2. Traditional methods for constructing composite indicators and
                        their weakness            Many problems…

    Drawbacks of traditional methods :

      They are exogenous
      They are linear
      They lose information
      They offer a no posle style des sous-titres du
      Cliquez pour modifier itive capability to assist
      decision-making processes

3. The CFAR-m algorithm
                                                      Our solution …

A n orig ina l m ethod ba s ed on a rtific ia l intellig enc e for the
c o ns truc tion of c om pos ite indic a to rs tha t a llow s to
perform releva nt ra nk ing .


            T he w eig hting s c hem a o f s ing le indic a tors is
            g enera ted thro ug h a lea rning proc es s , from
            inform a tiona l c ontent of the va ria bles
            them s elves a nd their interna l dyna m ic s .

3. The CFAR-m algorithm
                                                                   Our solution …

C -FA R m w ork s in three s ta g es tha t a re s truc tura lly
c o m bined :
S ta g e 1 : Firstly, it carries out a c la s s ific a tio n (self-organization) of
objects (records, points, cases, samples, entities, or instances)
through a lea rning pro c es s that takes into account interactions
between the attributes (variables, fields, characteristics, or features)
in ho m o g eneo us c lus ters .

  Preliminary stage :                         Stage 1 :
  Preparing the data base                     Classification

3. The CFAR-m algorithm
                                                              Our solution …

Stage 1 :                         Stage 2 :
Classification                    Generating weights: one vector is defined
                                  for each object

S ta g e 2 : S ec ondly, a n a ppropria te w eig hts vec tor is
g enera ted for ea c h o bjec t.

3. The CFAR-m algorithm
                                                                         Our solution …

   Stage 2 :                                   Stage 3 :
   Generating weights: one vector is defined   Computing the composite indicators and
   for each object                             rankingthe objects

S ta g e 3 : T hirdly, w eig hts vec tors a re a pplied to the
orig ina l da ta to c om pute C FA R -m c om pos ite indic a to rs
a nd fina lly to c a rry out the overa ll ra nk ing o f objec ts .

3. The CFAR-m algorithm
                                                                  Our solution …
Preliminary stage :                   Stage 1 :
Preparing the data base               Classification

Stage 3 :                              Stage 2 :
Computing the composite indicators     Generating weights: one vector is
and rankingthe objects                 defined for each object

3. The CFAR-m algorithm

 O ur s olution is ba s ed on a n orig ina l tec hnique tha t
 us es neura l netw ork s a nd, unlik e ex is ting m etho ds ,
 pres ents the follo w ing c ha ra c teris tic s :

Objectivity T here is no m a nipula tion of w eig hts . The
Weights used to aggregate single indicators are generated
automatically from the database through a learning
process. Our model provides a fundamental s olution to the
main aggregation problem.
S pecificity E a c h objec t ha s a s pec ific equa tion to
compute its composite indicator.

Decis ion s upport I t a llow s perform ing of s im ula tio ns and
therefore, can help to decide on appropriate actions and

4. Some examples of implementing C-FARm

Case study 1 : Computing a CFAR-m Human Development Index
(comparison with the UNDP aggregation methodology based on equal weights)

Case study 2 : Computing a CFAR-m indicator Governance Index

(comparison with the MINEFI-France aggregation methodology using weights based on

statistical quality of data )

Case study 3 : Computing a CFAR-m Country Risk Index

(comparison with the PRS Group aggregation methodology based on expert opinion)

4. Some examples of implementing C-FARm

                       Case study 1 :
 Computing a CFAR-m Human Development Index
(comparison with the UNDP aggregation methodology based on
                        equal weights)

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Case study 1 : Computing a CFAR-m Human Development Index

I n its firs t Human Development R eport (1990), the U nited N a tio ns
D evelo pm ent P ro g ra m (U N D P ) intro duc e d a new index : H um a n
D evelo pm ent I ndex (H D I ).

H D I is intended to s um m a rize in o ne m ea s ure three dim ens io ns o f
the develo pm ent pro c es s : lo ng evity, educ a tio na l a tta inm ent, a nd
s ta nda rd o f living .
                      D im ens io ns         V a ria ble s (ba s ic indic a to rs )

                        H ea lth               L ife ex pec ta nc y a t birth

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      masque                                A dult litera c y             ra te
                      E duc a tio n
HDI                                         P rim a ry, s ec o nda ry a nd tertia ry
                                             s c ho o ling enro lm ent ra tio s

                 S ta nda rd of L iving
                                                      G D P per c a pita

Case study 1 : Computing a CFAR-m Human Development Index

T o c o m pute the H D I , U N D P c o ns ider the s im ple a vera g e
(equa lly w eig hted s um ) o f the tree dim ens io ns .

              T he three dim ens io ns ha ve the s a m e w eig ht

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                 L ife ex pec ta nc y   E duc a tio n   GDP
                        index              inde x       inde x

Case study 1 : Computing a CFAR-m Human Development Index

… … , thus , c o m pa ris o ns a m o ng different c o untries /reg io ns a re
c a rried o ut.

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Case study 1 : Computing a CFAR-m Human Development Index

 The main arguments against HDI:

I m po rta nt dim ens io ns a re no t c o ns idered (freedo m , hum a n rig hts ,
g o verna nc e, etc .)

H D I is hig hly c o rrela ted to the G D P (0,89 a c c o rding to M a c G illivra y,

T he three dim ens io ns a ls o a re hig hly c o rrela ted to the G D P

 W eig hting o f the three dim ens io ns is to o s ubjec tive

Case study 1 : Computing a CFAR-m Human Development Index

The main critics made to the HDI :

“The best known macro-indicator in the world is probably the Human
D evelopment Index (HD I) developed by the United Nations D evelopment
P rogram. It has been severely criticized for combining together indicators of
income, health and education to create a composite index, both on the grounds
that the weights are arbitrary and unjus tified and on the grounds that the
three components of the index are highly correlated and hence give redundant
results ”

                                   Literature Review of Frameworks for Macro-
                                   Andrew Sharpe (2004)

Case study 1 : Computing a CFAR-m
     Human Development Index

S ta g e 1 : C o untry c la s s ific a tio n

Case study 1 : Computing a CFAR-m Human Development Index

S ta g e 2 : G enera ting w eig hts : one vec to r is defined fo r ea c h
c o untry

   W eig hting s c hem e differs fro m o ne c o untry to a nother : C FA R -m is non-
   linea r

              L ife ex pec ta nc y      E duc a tio n             GDP
                     index                 index                  index

Case study 1 : Computing a CFAR-m Human Development Index

S ta g e 2 : G enera ting s pec ific w eig hting s w ith C FA R -m

   Weights are generated automatically through a learning
   process from the database :
                                O bjec tivity
   Each country has a specific equation to compute its
   development index :
                                S pec ific ity

   CFAR-m allows the identification, for each country,
   of the dimension that most influenced the
   calculation of its index, and therefore its ranking :
                                I ntens ity a nd S ig n

             T he ra nk ing of C FA R -m w ill be both
             objec tive a nd releva nt.                              22
Case study 1 : Computing a CFAR-m Human Development Index

     S ta g e 3 : C om puting a C FA R -m H um a n D evelo pm ent I ndex a nd ra nk ing
                                         c o untries

                               HDI dimensions - Year 2005              CFAR-m's results for year 2005

       Countries          Life         Education        GDP         Country                    CFAR-m rank
    topping the list   expectancy        index          index                      CFAR-m
                         index                                                                     minus
                                                                                                 UNDP rank

I c ela nd              0.941            0.978         0.985         IS L              1                0

N o rw a y              0.913            0.991         1.000         NOR               2                0

A us tra lia            0.931            0.993         0.962         AUS               3                0

C a na da               0.921            0.991         0.970         CAN               4                0

I re la nd              0.890            0.993         0.994         IR L              5                0

S w eden                0.925            0.978         0.965         S WE              6                0

U nite d S ta te s      0.881            0.971         1.000         US A              7                5

S w itzerla nd          0.938            0.946         0.981         CHE               8                1

J a pa n                0.954            0.946         0.959         JPN               9                1

Case study 1 : Computing a CFAR-m Human Development Index

S ta g e 3 : C om puting a C FA R -m H um a n D evelo pm ent I ndex a nd ra nk ing
                                     c ountries
                        HDI dimensions - Year 2005          CFAR-m's results for year 2005

 Countries closing       Life   Education      GDP         Country     CFAR-m       CFAR-m
     the list        expectancy   index        index                     rank        rank
                       index                                                         minus
                                                                                   UNDP rank


     Burundi           0.391      0.522       0.325          BDI          169           2

 Central Afr. Rep.     0.311      0.423       0.418         CAF           170           1

   Mozambique          0.296      0.435       0.421         MOZ           171           1

  Guinea-Bissau        0.347      0.421       0.353         GNB           172           3

      Chad             0.423      0.296       0.444         TCD           173           3

       Mali            0.469      0.282       0.390          MLI          174           1

   Sierra Leone        0.280      0.381       0.348         SLE           175           2

   Burkina Faso        0.440      0.255       0.417         BFA           176           0

      Niger            0.513      0.267       0.343         NER           177           3
Case study 1 : Computing a CFAR-m Human Development Index

              C FA R -m a s a dec is io n s uppo rt s o lutio n
 A s w eig ht s c hem a s a re s pec ific , it a llow s to perfo rm
 s im ula tions
         Impact on the rank of an improvement 0.1 in one dimension
                      (here, for North African countries)

                                                    Life expectancy

              Number of ranks gained in overall ranking

Case study 1 : Computing a CFAR-m Human Development Index

              C FA R -m a s a dec is io n s uppo rt s o lutio n
 A s w eig ht s c hem a s a re s pec ific , it a llow s to perfo rm
 s im ula tions
         Impact on the rank of an improvement 0.1 in one dimension
                      (here, for North African countries)

                                                      Education index
                                                      Life expectancy

              Number of ranks gained in overall ranking

Case study 1 : Computing a CFAR-m Human Development Index

              C FA R -m a s a dec is io n s uppo rt s o lutio n
 A s w eig ht s c hem a s a re s pec ific , it a llow s to perfo rm
 s im ula tions
         Impact on the rank of an improvement 0.1 in one dimension
                      (here, for North African countries)

                                                    GDP index
                                                    Education index
                                                    Life expectancy

              Number of ranks gained in overall ranking

Case study 2 :
      Computing a CFAR-m Governance Index
(comparison with the MINEFI-France aggregation methodology
     using weights based on statistical quality of data)

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Case study 2 : Computing a CFAR-m Governance Index

T he " I ns titutio na l pro files " da ta ba s e

It gathers a whole set of indicators characterizing the institutions
of 85 developed and emerging countries

     132                     I nfo rm a tio n            9
   variables                 a g g reg a tio n      governance
                                pro c es s           indicators

          Each variable is weighted according to its
                     standard deviation

Case study 2 : Computing a CFAR-m Governance Index

  T he " I ns titutio na l pro files " da ta ba s e

  Gathers a whole set of indicators characterizing the institutions of
  85 developed and emerging countries

                                                              9 g o verna nc e
               132 variables                                    indic a to rs
                                                       1 : Political institutions
                                                       2 : Public order
85 countries

                                                       3 :Perfomance of Administration
                                   I nfo rm a tio n    4 :Efficiency of free markets
                                   a g g reg a tio n
                                      proc es s        5 :Prospective and planning
                                                       6 : Security of transactions
                                                       7 : Regulation
                                                       8 : Foreign openness
                                                       9 : Social cohesion

Case study 2 : Computing a CFAR-m
            Governance Index

   S ta g e 1 : C ountry ra nk ing

1st dimension's case : ″political institutions″

Case study 2 : Computing a CFAR-m Governance Index

     S ta g e 2 : G enera ting s pec ific w eig hts w ith C FA R -m

      R em inder : in the M I N E FI 's m ethod, the w eig ht o f o ne va ria ble
      c o m es fro m its s ta nda rd devia tion
The component                                                                           The component
that weighs the                                                                         that weighs the
most in the                                                                             least in the
computation                                                                             computation

                           Components of the 1st dimension re. political institutions

                  H ow leg itim a te a re tho s e w eig hting s ?
                  A nd w ha t a bo ut the fa c t tha t they a pply to a ll c o untries ?
Case study 2 : Computing a CFAR-m Governance Index

S ta g e 2 : G enera ting s pec ific w eig hting s w ith C FA R -m

 T here is no em piric a l m a nipula tio n. W eig hting s a re pro c es s ed us ing the
 s o le inform a tio n em bedded in the va ria bles .


                  Components of the 1st dimension re. political institutions

Case study 2 : Computing a CFAR-m Governance Index

S ta g e 2 : G enera ting s pec ific w eig hting s w ith C FA R -m

 T here is no em piric a l m a nipula tio n. W eig hting s a re pro c es s ed us ing the
 s o le inform a tio n em bedded in the va ria bles .


                  Components of the 1st dimension re. political institutions

Case study 2 : Computing a CFAR-m Governance Index

S ta g e 2 : G enera ting s pec ific w eig hting s w ith C FA R -m
                               1st Dimension: "Political Institutions"
                       Countries         CFAR-m          MINEFI          Ranking
                    topping the list     ranking        ranking           spread
                Sweden                       1             1                0
                France                       2             3               -1
                New Zeland                   3             2                1
                Spain                        4             6               -2
                Canada                       5             4                1
                Germany                      6             5                1
                Norway                       7             7                0
                USA                          8             15              -7
                Italy                        9             12              -3
                India                        10            9                1
                Czech Rep.                   11            8                3
                Ireland                      12            11               1
                Senegal                      13            16              -3
                Brazil                       14            18              -4
                Israel                       15            21              -6
                Hong Kong                    16            26              -10
                Greece                       17            10               7
                Hungary                      18            14               4
                Argentine                    19            19               0
Case study 2 : Computing a CFAR-m Governance Index

  S ta g e 3 : C om puting a C FA R -m G o verna nc e I ndex a nd ra nk ing
                                 c o untries
O nc e a ll dim e ns io ns o f the ins titutio na l pro file ha ve bee n c o m puted w e ha ve pro c e s s ed w ith
the fina l a g g re g a tio n, pro duc ed a C FA R -m indic a to r fo r ea c h c o untry a nd the n a g lo ba l ra nk ing ,
w hic h the M I N E FI c o uld no t c o m ple te !

                         Ranking according to CFAR-m Governance Index
                                   Countries                           Countries
                                topping the list                    closing the list
                            1             Sweden               76               Nigeria
                            2              Ierland             77             Cameroon
                            3               Israel             78               Yemen
                            4              Spain               79            Ouzbekistan
                            5             Canada               80             Mauritanie
                            6             Norway               81                Egypt
                            7               Italy              82                Syria
                            8             Germany              83                 Iran
                            9             Portugal             84            Ivory Coast
                           10             Hungary              85                Chad

Case study 2 : Computing a CFAR-m Governance Index

                                                     C FA R -m is a va lua ble dec is ion s upport

                                                                                  T his is the dim ens io n
                                                                                       tha t a llow s to
                                                                                  pro g res s the quic k er
                                                                                      in the ra nk ing
Ranks gained in the world ranking

                                                                                                                   Security of

                                                                                                     & planning


                                                        Public order

                                                                                     Perf. of free
                                                                       Perf. of



                                      Dimensions of the "institutional profile" when affected with a 10% increase

Case study 3
      Computing a CFAR-m Country Risk Index
(comparison with the PRS Group aggregation methodology based on
                        expert opinion)

Case study 3 : Computing a CFAR-m Country Risk Index

P ro c es s :

E c ono m ic                I nfo rm a tio n             R is k
                            a g g reg a tio n
va ria bles                    pro c es s              indic a to r

                             "B la c k bo x "
         Generally, there is no indication about the computation

Case study 3 : Computing a CFAR-m Country Risk Index

       A pplic a tion to thehe P R S G ro up's International C ountry Risk Guide

T he I C R G brea k s the c ountry ris k into 3 s ub-c la s s es :

                                 C om pos ite indic a to r :

                                 C ountry-ris k indic a to r

      S ub-indic a to r #1 :         S ub-indic a to r #2 :         S ub-indic a to r #3 :
       P o litic a l ris k           E c o nom ic ris k              Fina nc ia l ris k

E a c h s ub-indic a to r is c o m po s ed w ith s evera l fa c tors to o :

Case study 3 : Computing a CFAR-m Country Risk Index

    A pplic a tion to thehe P R S G ro up's International C ountry Risk Guide

         E very s ub-indic a tor is a c om pos ite its elf :
                                            12 factors                  Score (max)
S ub-indic a to r #1 :
P o litic a l R is k     A   Government's stability                         12
                         B   Social and Economic environment                12
                         C   Investment environment                         12
                         D   Internal conflicts                             12
                         E   External conflicts                             12
                         F   Corruption                                     6
                         G   Military's influence on policy                 6
                         H   Influence of religions on policy               6

                         I   Law and regulation                             6
                         J   Ethnic lobbying                                6
                         K   Democratic responsibility                      6
                         M   Administration and stability of the            4
                                                                Total      100

Case study 3 : Computing a CFAR-m Country Risk Index

    A pplic a tion to thehe P R S G ro up's International C ountry Risk Guide

S ub-indic a to r #2 :                        5 factors           Score (max)
E c o nom ic ris k
                         A   GDP per capita                           5
                         B   GDP growth                               10
                         C   Inflation rate                           10
                         D   Balance of payments (% of GDP)           10
                         E   Current account (% of GDP)               15
                                                          Total       50

Case study 3 : Computing a CFAR-m Country Risk Index

    A pplic a tio n to thehe P R S G ro up's International C ountry Risk Guide

S ub-indic a to r #3 :                    5 factors                Score (max)
Fina nc ia l ris k
                         A   External debt (% of GDP)                  10
                         B   Cost of external debt (% of GDP)          10
                         C   Current account (% of goods and           15
                             services exports)
                         D   International net liquidity (months       5
                             of import funding)
                         E   Exchange rate stability                   10
                                                           Total       50

Case study 3 : Computing a CFAR-m Country Risk Index

                                                     C o untry-ris k indic a to r

               P o litic a l ris k                         E c onom ic ris k                      Fina nc ia l ris k

                        M ea s uring the po litic a l-ris k fa c tor for yea r 2006
 Country    Govern       Social    Invest   Internal External     Corrup Military's Influence Law and Ethnic Democrat Adminis
             ment's       and       ment    conflicts conflicts    tion  influence      of     regula lobbying      ic    tration
            stability    Econo    environ                                on policy religions    tion           responsib    and
                          mic       ment                                            on policy                     ility  stability
                        environ                                                                                            of the
                         ment                                                                                             institu

 Albania      8.5         5.5       8.0       10.0      11.0       1.0       5.0      5.0       2.5      4.5       5.0      2.0

 Algeria      9.6         5.8       9.1       8.9       10.0       1.5       3.0      2.5       3.0      3.5       4.5      2.0

 Angola       9.6         2.0       7.9       9.3       11.0       2.0       2.0      4.0       3.0      3.0       2.0      1.0

Argentina     10.2        5.2       6.6       10.0      10.0       2.5       4.5      6.0       2.5      6.0       4.5      3.0

Armenia       8.4         4.0       8.0       8.6        7.6       1.5       3.5      5.0       3.0      5.5       3.0      1.0

Australia     10.3        9.7      12.0       9.3        9.6       4.6       6.0      6.0       5.5      4.0       6.0      4.0


Case study 3 : Computing a CFAR-m
            Country Risk Index

S ta g e 1 : C ountry ra nk ing

Case study 3 : Computing a CFAR-m Country Risk Index

R em inder : P R S G ro up m etho do log y
     W eig hting o f ea c h va ria ble defined by ex perts
     W eig hting s a re the s a m e w ha tever the c o untry
                                                  12 factors

                                    V1   Government's stability   V7    Military's influence on policy

                                    V2   Social and Economic      V8    Influence of religions on policy
                                    V3   Investment environment   V9    Law and regulation

                                    V4   Internal conflicts       V10   Ethnic lobbying

                                    V5   External conflicts       V11   Democratic responsibility

                                    V6   Corruption               V12   Administration and stability of the

                   1st dimension factors re. political institutions

Case study 3 : Computing a CFAR-m Country Risk Index

S ta g e 2 : defining s pec ific w eig hting s w ith C FA R -m
        N ot a ll c o untries ha ve the s a m e w eig hting s : it s how s
                     tha t C FA R -m is a no n-linea r proc es s

                1st dimension factors re. political institutions
Case study 3 : Computing a CFAR-m Country Risk Index

S ta g e 2 : defining s pec ific w eig hting s w ith C FA R -m

        N o t a ll c ountries ha ve the s a m e w eig hting s : it s how s
                     tha t C FA R -m is a no n-linea r proc es s

               1st dimension factors re. political institutions

Case study 3 : Computing a CFAR-m Country Risk Index

               M ea s uring the c o untry-ris k fa c to r fo r yea r 2006

                          CFAR-m results             PRS Group results

 Countries        Ranking           Country        Ranking       Country    Spread
topping the


                     1              Finland           1          Finland      0

                     2              Iceland           2        Luxembourg     1

                     3            Luxembourg          3          Iceland      -1

                     4              Sweden            4          Ireland      1

                     5              Ireland           5          Sweden       -1

Case study 3 : Computing a CFAR-m Country Risk Index

                M ea s uring the c o untry-ris k fa c tor for yea r 2006

                       CFAR-m results               PRS Group results

Countries       Ranking          Country          Ranking       Country     Spread
  in the
middle of
 the list

                 ………              ………             ………           ………

                  68           Saudi Arabia         68       Saudi Arabia     0

                  69           El Salvador          74        El Salvador     -5

                  70            Guatemala           80        Guatemala      -10

                  71              Ghana             67          Ghana         4

                  72              Brazil            76           Brazil       -4

                 ………              ………             ………           ………

Case study 3 : Computing a CFAR-m Country Risk Index

                       M ea s uring the c o untry-ris k fa c tor fo r yea r 2006

                        CFAR-m results               PRS Group results

Countries       Ranking           Country          Ranking       Country       Spread
 the list

                  135              Haiti             135       Ivory Coast         1

                  136           Ivory Coast          136          Haiti            -1

                  137             Serbia             137       Congo, RD           3

                  138           Montenegro           138          Iraq             1

                  139               Iraq             139         Serbia            -2

                  140           Congo, RD            140       Montenegro          -2

                  141             Somalia            141        Somalia            0

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CFAR-m Presentation English

  • 1. Cliquez pour modifier le style des sous-titres du masque
  • 2. Summary 1. C o m po s ite indic a to rs a nd ra nk ing 2. T ra ditio na l m etho ds fo r c o ns truc ting c o m po s ite indic a tors a nd their w ea k nes s 3. T he C FA R -m a lg o rithm 4. S om e ex a m ples of im plem enting C FA R -m 2
  • 3. 1. Composite indicators and ranking What is it ?… A C o m po s ite I ndic a tor is a n a g reg a te index tha t s um m a rizes a la rg e a m o unt o f info rm a tion g iven by s ing le indic a tors . C om pos ite I ndic a to rs a re inc rea s ing ly being us ed to m ea s ure m ultidim ens iona l perfo rm a nc e a nd to ra nk c ountries , firm s , c lients , ins titutions , etc ., in m a ny fields , s uc h a s :  Competitivity (Global Competitivity Index - FEM)  Country risk (ICRG-PRS group) Cliquez pour modifier le style des sous-titres du  masque Well-being (Health System Achievement Index-WHO)  Environment (Environmental Sustainability Index- WEF)  Governance (The Corruption Perceptions Index - Transparency International)  Innovation (Technology Achievement Index- UN) 3
  • 4. 1. Composite indicators and ranking A real interest … D em a nd for, a nd produc tion o f C om pos ite I ndic a to rs a re ra pidly g ro w ing . 2 rea s o ns , ba s ic a lly : Google search results for "composite indicators" 1- C om plex ity o f m o dern ec ono m y : jus t one, o r a s et of s ing le indic a tors is not enoug h a ny m o re. 2- D evelopm ent o f I C T s : it m ea ns tha t a hug e m a s s o f inform a tio n ha s to be pro c es s ed 4
  • 5. 2. Traditional methods for constructing composite indicators and their weakness A great number … Most used weighting schema in aggregation methods: W eig hts ba s ed o n s ta tis tic a l m o dels  E qua l w eig hts  D a ta E nvelopm ent A na lys is (D E A )  P rinc ipa l C o m po nent A na lys is (P C A )  U no bs erved C o m po nents M o dels (U C M ) Cliquez pour modifier le style des sous-titres du W eig hts ba s ed o n ex perts ’ o pinio ns masque  B udg et a llo c a tio n W eig hts ba s ed o n the s ta tis tic a l qua lity o f da ta  S ta nda rd devia tion 5
  • 6. 2. Traditional methods for constructing composite indicators and their weakness Many problems… Drawbacks of traditional methods : They are exogenous They are linear They lose information They offer a no posle style des sous-titres du Cliquez pour modifier itive capability to assist masque decision-making processes 6
  • 7. 3. The CFAR-m algorithm Our solution … A n orig ina l m ethod ba s ed on a rtific ia l intellig enc e for the c o ns truc tion of c om pos ite indic a to rs tha t a llow s to perform releva nt ra nk ing . Innovation T he w eig hting s c hem a o f s ing le indic a tors is g enera ted thro ug h a lea rning proc es s , from inform a tiona l c ontent of the va ria bles them s elves a nd their interna l dyna m ic s . 7
  • 8. 3. The CFAR-m algorithm Our solution … C -FA R m w ork s in three s ta g es tha t a re s truc tura lly c o m bined : S ta g e 1 : Firstly, it carries out a c la s s ific a tio n (self-organization) of objects (records, points, cases, samples, entities, or instances) through a lea rning pro c es s that takes into account interactions between the attributes (variables, fields, characteristics, or features) in ho m o g eneo us c lus ters . Preliminary stage : Stage 1 : Preparing the data base Classification 8
  • 9. 3. The CFAR-m algorithm Our solution … Stage 1 : Stage 2 : Classification Generating weights: one vector is defined for each object S ta g e 2 : S ec ondly, a n a ppropria te w eig hts vec tor is g enera ted for ea c h o bjec t. 9
  • 10. 3. The CFAR-m algorithm Our solution … Stage 2 : Stage 3 : Generating weights: one vector is defined Computing the composite indicators and for each object rankingthe objects S ta g e 3 : T hirdly, w eig hts vec tors a re a pplied to the orig ina l da ta to c om pute C FA R -m c om pos ite indic a to rs a nd fina lly to c a rry out the overa ll ra nk ing o f objec ts . 10
  • 11. 3. The CFAR-m algorithm Our solution … Preliminary stage : Stage 1 : Preparing the data base Classification Stage 3 : Stage 2 : Computing the composite indicators Generating weights: one vector is and rankingthe objects defined for each object 11
  • 12. 3. The CFAR-m algorithm O ur s olution is ba s ed on a n orig ina l tec hnique tha t us es neura l netw ork s a nd, unlik e ex is ting m etho ds , pres ents the follo w ing c ha ra c teris tic s : Objectivity T here is no m a nipula tion of w eig hts . The Weights used to aggregate single indicators are generated automatically from the database through a learning process. Our model provides a fundamental s olution to the main aggregation problem. S pecificity E a c h objec t ha s a s pec ific equa tion to compute its composite indicator. Decis ion s upport I t a llow s perform ing of s im ula tio ns and therefore, can help to decide on appropriate actions and corrections. 12
  • 13. 4. Some examples of implementing C-FARm Case study 1 : Computing a CFAR-m Human Development Index (comparison with the UNDP aggregation methodology based on equal weights) Case study 2 : Computing a CFAR-m indicator Governance Index (comparison with the MINEFI-France aggregation methodology using weights based on statistical quality of data ) Case study 3 : Computing a CFAR-m Country Risk Index (comparison with the PRS Group aggregation methodology based on expert opinion) 13
  • 14. 4. Some examples of implementing C-FARm Case study 1 : Computing a CFAR-m Human Development Index (comparison with the UNDP aggregation methodology based on equal weights) Cliquez pour modifier le style des sous-titres du masque 14
  • 15. Case study 1 : Computing a CFAR-m Human Development Index I n its firs t Human Development R eport (1990), the U nited N a tio ns D evelo pm ent P ro g ra m (U N D P ) intro duc e d a new index : H um a n D evelo pm ent I ndex (H D I ). H D I is intended to s um m a rize in o ne m ea s ure three dim ens io ns o f the develo pm ent pro c es s : lo ng evity, educ a tio na l a tta inm ent, a nd s ta nda rd o f living . D im ens io ns V a ria ble s (ba s ic indic a to rs ) H ea lth L ife ex pec ta nc y a t birth Cliquez pour modifier le style des sous-titres du masque A dult litera c y ra te E duc a tio n HDI P rim a ry, s ec o nda ry a nd tertia ry s c ho o ling enro lm ent ra tio s S ta nda rd of L iving G D P per c a pita 15
  • 16. Case study 1 : Computing a CFAR-m Human Development Index T o c o m pute the H D I , U N D P c o ns ider the s im ple a vera g e (equa lly w eig hted s um ) o f the tree dim ens io ns . T he three dim ens io ns ha ve the s a m e w eig ht Cliquez pour modifier le style des sous-titres du masque L ife ex pec ta nc y E duc a tio n GDP index inde x inde x 16
  • 17. Case study 1 : Computing a CFAR-m Human Development Index … … , thus , c o m pa ris o ns a m o ng different c o untries /reg io ns a re c a rried o ut. Cliquez pour modifier le style des sous-titres du masque 17
  • 18. Case study 1 : Computing a CFAR-m Human Development Index The main arguments against HDI: I m po rta nt dim ens io ns a re no t c o ns idered (freedo m , hum a n rig hts , g o verna nc e, etc .) H D I is hig hly c o rrela ted to the G D P (0,89 a c c o rding to M a c G illivra y, 1991). T he three dim ens io ns a ls o a re hig hly c o rrela ted to the G D P W eig hting o f the three dim ens io ns is to o s ubjec tive 18
  • 19. Case study 1 : Computing a CFAR-m Human Development Index The main critics made to the HDI : “The best known macro-indicator in the world is probably the Human D evelopment Index (HD I) developed by the United Nations D evelopment P rogram. It has been severely criticized for combining together indicators of income, health and education to create a composite index, both on the grounds that the weights are arbitrary and unjus tified and on the grounds that the three components of the index are highly correlated and hence give redundant results ” Literature Review of Frameworks for Macro- indicators Andrew Sharpe (2004) 19
  • 20. Case study 1 : Computing a CFAR-m Human Development Index S ta g e 1 : C o untry c la s s ific a tio n 20
  • 21. Case study 1 : Computing a CFAR-m Human Development Index S ta g e 2 : G enera ting w eig hts : one vec to r is defined fo r ea c h c o untry W eig hting s c hem e differs fro m o ne c o untry to a nother : C FA R -m is non- linea r L ife ex pec ta nc y E duc a tio n GDP index index index 21
  • 22. Case study 1 : Computing a CFAR-m Human Development Index S ta g e 2 : G enera ting s pec ific w eig hting s w ith C FA R -m Weights are generated automatically through a learning process from the database : O bjec tivity Each country has a specific equation to compute its development index : S pec ific ity CFAR-m allows the identification, for each country, of the dimension that most influenced the calculation of its index, and therefore its ranking : I ntens ity a nd S ig n T he ra nk ing of C FA R -m w ill be both objec tive a nd releva nt. 22
  • 23. Case study 1 : Computing a CFAR-m Human Development Index S ta g e 3 : C om puting a C FA R -m H um a n D evelo pm ent I ndex a nd ra nk ing c o untries HDI dimensions - Year 2005   CFAR-m's results for year 2005 Countries Life Education GDP   Country CFAR-m rank topping the list expectancy index index CFAR-m index minus rankt UNDP rank               I c ela nd 0.941 0.978 0.985   IS L 1 0 N o rw a y 0.913 0.991 1.000   NOR 2 0 A us tra lia 0.931 0.993 0.962   AUS 3 0 C a na da 0.921 0.991 0.970   CAN 4 0 I re la nd 0.890 0.993 0.994   IR L 5 0 S w eden 0.925 0.978 0.965   S WE 6 0 U nite d S ta te s 0.881 0.971 1.000   US A 7 5 S w itzerla nd 0.938 0.946 0.981   CHE 8 1 J a pa n 0.954 0.946 0.959   JPN 9 1 23
  • 24. Case study 1 : Computing a CFAR-m Human Development Index S ta g e 3 : C om puting a C FA R -m H um a n D evelo pm ent I ndex a nd ra nk ing c ountries HDI dimensions - Year 2005   CFAR-m's results for year 2005 Countries closing Life Education GDP   Country CFAR-m CFAR-m the list expectancy index index rank rank index minus UNDP rank               Burundi 0.391 0.522 0.325 BDI 169 2 Central Afr. Rep. 0.311 0.423 0.418 CAF 170 1 Mozambique 0.296 0.435 0.421 MOZ 171 1 Guinea-Bissau 0.347 0.421 0.353 GNB 172 3 Chad 0.423 0.296 0.444 TCD 173 3 Mali 0.469 0.282 0.390 MLI 174 1 Sierra Leone 0.280 0.381 0.348 SLE 175 2 Burkina Faso 0.440 0.255 0.417 BFA 176 0 Niger 0.513 0.267 0.343 NER 177 3 24
  • 25. Case study 1 : Computing a CFAR-m Human Development Index C FA R -m a s a dec is io n s uppo rt s o lutio n A s w eig ht s c hem a s a re s pec ific , it a llow s to perfo rm s im ula tions Impact on the rank of an improvement 0.1 in one dimension (here, for North African countries) Life expectancy index Number of ranks gained in overall ranking 25
  • 26. Case study 1 : Computing a CFAR-m Human Development Index C FA R -m a s a dec is io n s uppo rt s o lutio n A s w eig ht s c hem a s a re s pec ific , it a llow s to perfo rm s im ula tions Impact on the rank of an improvement 0.1 in one dimension (here, for North African countries) Education index Life expectancy index Number of ranks gained in overall ranking 26
  • 27. Case study 1 : Computing a CFAR-m Human Development Index C FA R -m a s a dec is io n s uppo rt s o lutio n A s w eig ht s c hem a s a re s pec ific , it a llow s to perfo rm s im ula tions Impact on the rank of an improvement 0.1 in one dimension (here, for North African countries) GDP index Education index Life expectancy index Number of ranks gained in overall ranking 27
  • 28. Case study 2 : Computing a CFAR-m Governance Index (comparison with the MINEFI-France aggregation methodology using weights based on statistical quality of data) Cliquez pour modifier le style des sous-titres du masque 28
  • 29. Case study 2 : Computing a CFAR-m Governance Index T he " I ns titutio na l pro files " da ta ba s e It gathers a whole set of indicators characterizing the institutions of 85 developed and emerging countries 132 I nfo rm a tio n 9 variables a g g reg a tio n governance pro c es s indicators Each variable is weighted according to its standard deviation 29
  • 30. Case study 2 : Computing a CFAR-m Governance Index T he " I ns titutio na l pro files " da ta ba s e Gathers a whole set of indicators characterizing the institutions of 85 developed and emerging countries 9 g o verna nc e 132 variables indic a to rs 1 : Political institutions 2 : Public order 85 countries 3 :Perfomance of Administration I nfo rm a tio n 4 :Efficiency of free markets a g g reg a tio n proc es s 5 :Prospective and planning 6 : Security of transactions 7 : Regulation 8 : Foreign openness 9 : Social cohesion 30
  • 31. Case study 2 : Computing a CFAR-m Governance Index S ta g e 1 : C ountry ra nk ing 1st dimension's case : ″political institutions″ 31
  • 32. Case study 2 : Computing a CFAR-m Governance Index S ta g e 2 : G enera ting s pec ific w eig hts w ith C FA R -m R em inder : in the M I N E FI 's m ethod, the w eig ht o f o ne va ria ble c o m es fro m its s ta nda rd devia tion The component The component that weighs the that weighs the most in the least in the computation computation Components of the 1st dimension re. political institutions  H ow leg itim a te a re tho s e w eig hting s ?  A nd w ha t a bo ut the fa c t tha t they a pply to a ll c o untries ? 32
  • 33. Case study 2 : Computing a CFAR-m Governance Index S ta g e 2 : G enera ting s pec ific w eig hting s w ith C FA R -m T here is no em piric a l m a nipula tio n. W eig hting s a re pro c es s ed us ing the s o le inform a tio n em bedded in the va ria bles . Kuwait Components of the 1st dimension re. political institutions 33
  • 34. Case study 2 : Computing a CFAR-m Governance Index S ta g e 2 : G enera ting s pec ific w eig hting s w ith C FA R -m T here is no em piric a l m a nipula tio n. W eig hting s a re pro c es s ed us ing the s o le inform a tio n em bedded in the va ria bles . Kuwait Components of the 1st dimension re. political institutions 34
  • 35. Case study 2 : Computing a CFAR-m Governance Index S ta g e 2 : G enera ting s pec ific w eig hting s w ith C FA R -m 1st Dimension: "Political Institutions" Countries CFAR-m MINEFI Ranking topping the list ranking ranking spread         Sweden 1 1 0 France 2 3 -1 New Zeland 3 2 1 Spain 4 6 -2 Canada 5 4 1 Germany 6 5 1 Norway 7 7 0 USA 8 15 -7 Italy 9 12 -3 India 10 9 1 Czech Rep. 11 8 3 Ireland 12 11 1 Senegal 13 16 -3 Brazil 14 18 -4 Israel 15 21 -6 Hong Kong 16 26 -10 Greece 17 10 7 Hungary 18 14 4 Argentine 19 19 0 35
  • 36. Case study 2 : Computing a CFAR-m Governance Index S ta g e 3 : C om puting a C FA R -m G o verna nc e I ndex a nd ra nk ing c o untries O nc e a ll dim e ns io ns o f the ins titutio na l pro file ha ve bee n c o m puted w e ha ve pro c e s s ed w ith the fina l a g g re g a tio n, pro duc ed a C FA R -m indic a to r fo r ea c h c o untry a nd the n a g lo ba l ra nk ing , w hic h the M I N E FI c o uld no t c o m ple te ! Ranking according to CFAR-m Governance Index Countries Countries topping the list closing the list         1 Sweden 76 Nigeria 2 Ierland 77 Cameroon 3 Israel 78 Yemen 4 Spain 79 Ouzbekistan 5 Canada 80 Mauritanie 6 Norway 81 Egypt 7 Italy 82 Syria 8 Germany 83 Iran 9 Portugal 84 Ivory Coast 10 Hungary 85 Chad 36
  • 37. Case study 2 : Computing a CFAR-m Governance Index C FA R -m is a va lua ble dec is ion s upport T his is the dim ens io n tha t a llow s to pro g res s the quic k er in the ra nk ing Ranks gained in the world ranking Security of openness Prospective & planning transact. Foreign Public order cohesion Perf. of free Perf. of Admin. Social Regulation institutions markets Political Dimensions of the "institutional profile" when affected with a 10% increase 37
  • 38. Case study 3 Computing a CFAR-m Country Risk Index (comparison with the PRS Group aggregation methodology based on expert opinion) 38
  • 39. Case study 3 : Computing a CFAR-m Country Risk Index P ro c es s : E c ono m ic I nfo rm a tio n R is k a g g reg a tio n va ria bles pro c es s indic a to r "B la c k bo x " Generally, there is no indication about the computation method 39
  • 40. Case study 3 : Computing a CFAR-m Country Risk Index A pplic a tion to thehe P R S G ro up's International C ountry Risk Guide T he I C R G brea k s the c ountry ris k into 3 s ub-c la s s es : C om pos ite indic a to r : C ountry-ris k indic a to r S ub-indic a to r #1 : S ub-indic a to r #2 : S ub-indic a to r #3 : P o litic a l ris k E c o nom ic ris k Fina nc ia l ris k E a c h s ub-indic a to r is c o m po s ed w ith s evera l fa c tors to o : 40
  • 41. Case study 3 : Computing a CFAR-m Country Risk Index A pplic a tion to thehe P R S G ro up's International C ountry Risk Guide E very s ub-indic a tor is a c om pos ite its elf : 12 factors Score (max) S ub-indic a to r #1 : P o litic a l R is k A Government's stability 12 B Social and Economic environment 12 C Investment environment 12 D Internal conflicts 12 E External conflicts 12 F Corruption 6 G Military's influence on policy 6 H Influence of religions on policy 6 I Law and regulation 6 J Ethnic lobbying 6 K Democratic responsibility 6 M Administration and stability of the 4 institutions Total 100 41
  • 42. Case study 3 : Computing a CFAR-m Country Risk Index A pplic a tion to thehe P R S G ro up's International C ountry Risk Guide S ub-indic a to r #2 : 5 factors Score (max) E c o nom ic ris k A GDP per capita 5 B GDP growth 10 C Inflation rate 10 D Balance of payments (% of GDP) 10 E Current account (% of GDP) 15 Total 50 42
  • 43. Case study 3 : Computing a CFAR-m Country Risk Index A pplic a tio n to thehe P R S G ro up's International C ountry Risk Guide S ub-indic a to r #3 : 5 factors Score (max) Fina nc ia l ris k A External debt (% of GDP) 10 B Cost of external debt (% of GDP) 10 C Current account (% of goods and 15 services exports) D International net liquidity (months 5 of import funding) E Exchange rate stability 10 Total 50 43
  • 44. Case study 3 : Computing a CFAR-m Country Risk Index C o untry-ris k indic a to r P o litic a l ris k E c onom ic ris k Fina nc ia l ris k M ea s uring the po litic a l-ris k fa c tor for yea r 2006 Country Govern Social Invest Internal External Corrup Military's Influence Law and Ethnic Democrat Adminis ment's and ment conflicts conflicts tion influence of regula lobbying ic tration stability Econo environ on policy religions tion responsib and mic ment on policy ility stability environ of the ment institu tions Albania 8.5 5.5 8.0 10.0 11.0 1.0 5.0 5.0 2.5 4.5 5.0 2.0 Algeria 9.6 5.8 9.1 8.9 10.0 1.5 3.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.5 2.0 Angola 9.6 2.0 7.9 9.3 11.0 2.0 2.0 4.0 3.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 Argentina 10.2 5.2 6.6 10.0 10.0 2.5 4.5 6.0 2.5 6.0 4.5 3.0 Armenia 8.4 4.0 8.0 8.6 7.6 1.5 3.5 5.0 3.0 5.5 3.0 1.0 Australia 10.3 9.7 12.0 9.3 9.6 4.6 6.0 6.0 5.5 4.0 6.0 4.0 ………. 44
  • 45. Case study 3 : Computing a CFAR-m Country Risk Index S ta g e 1 : C ountry ra nk ing 45
  • 46. Case study 3 : Computing a CFAR-m Country Risk Index R em inder : P R S G ro up m etho do log y  W eig hting o f ea c h va ria ble defined by ex perts  W eig hting s a re the s a m e w ha tever the c o untry 12 factors V1 Government's stability V7 Military's influence on policy V2 Social and Economic V8 Influence of religions on policy environment V3 Investment environment V9 Law and regulation V4 Internal conflicts V10 Ethnic lobbying V5 External conflicts V11 Democratic responsibility V6 Corruption V12 Administration and stability of the institutions 1st dimension factors re. political institutions 46
  • 47. Case study 3 : Computing a CFAR-m Country Risk Index S ta g e 2 : defining s pec ific w eig hting s w ith C FA R -m N ot a ll c o untries ha ve the s a m e w eig hting s : it s how s tha t C FA R -m is a no n-linea r proc es s 1st dimension factors re. political institutions 47
  • 48. Case study 3 : Computing a CFAR-m Country Risk Index S ta g e 2 : defining s pec ific w eig hting s w ith C FA R -m N o t a ll c ountries ha ve the s a m e w eig hting s : it s how s tha t C FA R -m is a no n-linea r proc es s 1st dimension factors re. political institutions 48
  • 49. Case study 3 : Computing a CFAR-m Country Risk Index M ea s uring the c o untry-ris k fa c to r fo r yea r 2006   CFAR-m results   PRS Group results Countries   Ranking Country   Ranking Country Spread topping the list         1 Finland   1 Finland 0 2 Iceland   2 Luxembourg 1 3 Luxembourg   3 Iceland -1 4 Sweden   4 Ireland 1 5 Ireland   5 Sweden -1 49
  • 50. Case study 3 : Computing a CFAR-m Country Risk Index M ea s uring the c o untry-ris k fa c tor for yea r 2006   CFAR-m results   PRS Group results Countries   Ranking Country   Ranking Country Spread in the middle of the list         ……… ……… ……… ……… 68 Saudi Arabia 68 Saudi Arabia 0 69 El Salvador 74 El Salvador -5 70 Guatemala 80 Guatemala -10 71 Ghana 67 Ghana 4 72 Brazil 76 Brazil -4 ……… ……… ……… ……… 50
  • 51. Case study 3 : Computing a CFAR-m Country Risk Index M ea s uring the c o untry-ris k fa c tor fo r yea r 2006   CFAR-m results   PRS Group results Countries   Ranking Country   Ranking Country Spread closing the list         135 Haiti 135 Ivory Coast 1 136 Ivory Coast 136 Haiti -1 137 Serbia 137 Congo, RD 3 138 Montenegro 138 Iraq 1 139 Iraq 139 Serbia -2 140 Congo, RD 140 Montenegro -2 141 Somalia 141 Somalia 0 51
  • 52. Cliquez pourQuestions & Answers modifier le style des sous-titres du masque Going forward...