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Prof.  Dr.  C.  Bosau,  RFH  Köln
Nina  Bito,  RFH  Köln
Yvonne  Götze,  RFH  Köln
Explaining the FoMO-­Phenomenon – What are the
correlates and predictors of this fear-­of-­missing-­out?  
Contact:  christian.bosau@rfh-­
General  Online  Research  Conference  
GOR  17
15-­17  March  2017,  HTW-­Berlin  University  of  Applied  
Sciences,  Berlin,  Germany
This  work  is  licensed  under  a  Creative  Commons  Attribution  4.0  International  License  
Suggested  citation:  Bosau,  C.,  Bito,  N.  &  Götze,  Y.  2017.  “Explaining the FoMO-­Phenomenon – What are the correlates and
predictors of this fear-­of-­missing-­out?”  General  Online  Research  (GOR)  Conference,  Berlin.
Explaining  the  FoMO-­Phenomenon  
What  are  the  correlates  and  predictors  
of  this  fear-­of-­missing-­out?
C.  Bosau,  N.  Bito &  Y.  Götze
Nowadays ....
Recently ....
What is it about ....?
GOR  2017Bosau,  Bito &  Götze:  Explaining  the  FoMO phenomenon 6
Quelle: Quelle:
FoMO:  a  new phenomenon?
GOR  2017Bosau,  Bito &  Götze:  Explaining  the  FoMO phenomenon 7
Only recently,  the discussion about
this new phenomenon started
(JWT,  2011  &  2012;;  Przybylski,  
Murayama,  DeHaan &  Gladwell,  
Fear  of Missing Out  (FoMO)
„the uneasy and sometimes all-­
consuming feeling that you’re
missing out  — that your peers are
doing,  in  the know about or in  
possession of more or something
better than you.”  (JWT,  2011,  S.  4)
FoMO:  a  new phenomenon?
GOR  2017Bosau,  Bito &  Götze:  Explaining  the  FoMO phenomenon
Former  results
What we already know:
• Mobile  phones are potential  addiction sources (Carbonell,  Oberst  &  Beranuy,  2013)  
• FoMO correlates highly with social media engagement in  general (Przybylski,  Murayama,  
DeHaan,  &  Gladwell,  2013) and  Facebook  usage in  particular (Bosau,  Aelker &  Amaadachou,  2014,  
Bosau &  Müller,  2015)
• FoMO correlates with problematic mobile  phone use (PMPU)  and habitual
checking behaviour (Collins,  2013;;  Bosau &  Ludwig,  2017)
• FoMO leads to lower satisfaction as well as lower quality in  private  relationships
(Bosau &  Ruvinsky,  2016)
• FoMO increases the success of marketing campaigns (JWT  2011,  2012)
Main  questions:
What leads to FoMO?  What are the correlates and causes of this new
GOR  2017Bosau,  Bito &  Götze:  Explaining  the  FoMO phenomenon
Marketing  examples (see JWT,  2012)
GOR  2017Bosau,  Bito &  Götze:  Explaining  the  FoMO phenomenon
The  new two studies
Former  studies:
§ looked at  the outcomes and
the effects of FoMO
These  two studies:
§ analyzed the correlates and predictors of
§ gives further insight into the nomological
network of FoMO
Method Study  2:
• Online  questionnaire (posted via  Facebook,  mailing-­lists and personal  emails,  
partly snowball sampling)  in  2016;;  N  =  174
• age:  <  24y  =  44%,  25-­34y  =  28%,  35-­44y  =  12%,  45-­54y  =  12%,  >  54y  =  5%
• male  =  29%,  female =  71%
Method Study  1:
• Online  questionnaire (posted via  Facebook,  mailing-­lists and personal  emails,  
partly snowball sampling)  in  2016;;  N  =  94
• age:  <  24y  =  37%,  25-­34y  =  50%,  35-­44y  =  8%,  >  44y  =  5%
• male  =  45%,  female =  55%
GOR  2017Bosau,  Bito &  Götze:  Explaining  the  FoMO phenomenon
The  scales
social curiosity
(Renner,  2006)  
The  independent variable  in  study 1:
The  dependent variable: Fear  of Missing Out  -­ FoMO
(Przybylski,  Murayama,  DeHaan,  &  Gladwell,  2013)
need to belong
(Leary,  Kelly,  Cottrell  &  Schreindorfer,  2013)  
attachment styles
(Bartholomew  &  Horowitz,  1991)  
psychological need satisfaction
(Sheldon,  Elliot,  Kim  &  Kasser,  2001)  
The  independent variable  in  study 2:
life satisfaction
(Przybylski,  Murayama,  DeHaan &  Gladwell,  2013)  
general mood
(Diener &  Emmons,  1984)  
GOR  2017Bosau,  Bito &  Götze:  Explaining  the  FoMO phenomenon
1 2 3 4 5
FoMO – Fear  of Missing Out
Dependent variable
• scale of Przybylski,  Murayama,  DeHaan,  &  Gladwell (2013)
• scale:  1 =  „trifft  gar  nicht  zu“          vs.          5  =  „trifft  voll  zu“
• Cronbach’s α  =  .84  (study 1)  and α  =  .79  (study 2)  
  wording and des-­‐
criptive results study 2:
GOR  2017Bosau,  Bito &  Götze:  Explaining  the  FoMO phenomenon
Study  1:  the results
life satisfaction
general mood
bivariate results
GOR  2017Bosau,  Bito &  Götze:  Explaining  the  FoMO phenomenon
Study  1:  the results
Age -­‐.11
  male=1) .00
life satisfaction
  R2 -­‐.01
*  p  <  .10,  **  p  <  .05,  ***  p  <  .01
• dependent  variable:  Fear-­of-­missing-­out  (FoMO)
• stepwise  regression  analysis
GOR  2017Bosau,  Bito &  Götze:  Explaining  the  FoMO phenomenon
Study  2:  the results
social curiosity
need to belong
+++  preoccupied style  
+          fearful style
bivariate results
GOR  2017Bosau,  Bito &  Götze:  Explaining  the  FoMO phenomenon
Study  2:  the results
Age -­‐.33***
  male=2) -­‐.06
  -­‐ preoccupied style
  -­‐ fearful	
  -­‐ dismissing	
  R2 .11
*  p  <  .10,  **  p  <  .05,  ***  p  <  .01
• dependent  variable:  Fear-­of-­missing-­out  (FoMO)
• stepwise  regression  analysis
GOR  2017Bosau,  Bito &  Götze:  Explaining  the  FoMO phenomenon
Study  2:  the results
  curiosity .10
  belong .59***
  -­‐ preoccupied style .22***
  -­‐ fearful	
  style .05
  -­‐ dismissing	
  style .06
  R2 .52
*  p  <  .10,  **  p  <  .05,  ***  p  <  .01
• dependent  variable:  Fear-­of-­missing-­out  (FoMO)
• regression  analysis  – comparison  male  vs.  female
♀ ♂
GOR  2017Bosau,  Bito &  Götze:  Explaining  the  FoMO phenomenon 18
§ The  studies  can  show  what  important  correlates  and  predictors  of  fear  of  missing  out  are  
and  how  “fomotics”  (people  suffering  from  FoMO)  can  be  characterized:
§ “Fomotics“  are  people  that  do  not  feel  their  basic  psychological  needs  (autonomy,  
competence,  relatedness)  being  fulfilled.
§ Likewise,  they  tend  to  have  lower  life  satisfaction  and  a  lower  general  mood.
§ One  main  driver  for  this  fear  of  missing  out  on  social  contact  is  – plausibly  – an  
important  basic  psychological  need:  the  need  to  belong.
§ However,  “fomotics”  also  have  – to  some  extend,  namely  the  males  – social  
curiosity  and  can  be  charaterized by  a  preoccupied  attachment  style  (especially  
the  women).
For  marketeers:
If  you  try  to  use  the  concept  of  FoMO in  a  marketing  
campaign,  be  aware  of  the  problem,  what  kind  of  people  
eventually  would  be  attracted  by  your  campaign.
GOR  2017Bosau,  Bito &  Götze:  Explaining  the  FoMO phenomenon 19
• Bartholomew,  K.  &  Horowitz,  L.M.  (1991).  Attachment  Styles  Among Young  Adults:  A  Test  of a  Four-­Category Model.  Journal  of
Personality and Social Psychology,  Vol.  61  (2),  pp.  226-­244.
• Bosau C.,  Aelker,  L.  &  Amaadachou,  H.  (2014).  Ich  darf  nichts  verpassen!  – Kann  “Fear  of Missing Out  (FoMO)”  Suchtverhalten  in  
Facebook  erklären?  49.  Kongress  der  Deutschen  Gesellschaft  für  Psychologie  in  Bochum.
• Bosau,  C.  &  Ludwig,  T.  (2017).  FoMO (Fear  of Missing Out)  und  die  exzessive  Smartphone-­Nutzung  -­ Tatsächlich  ein  Risikofaktor  für  
Studienleistungen?  21.  Konferenz  der  Gesellschaft  für  angewandte  Wirtschaftspsychologie  (GWPs)  in  Darmstadt.
• Bosau,  C.  &  Müller,  P.  (2015).  FoMO (Fear  of Missing Out)  beeinträchtigt  Studienerfolg  – Warum  man  in  einer  Lehrveranstaltung  sein  
Smartphone  lieber  ausschalten  sollte.  19.  Konferenz  der  Gesellschaft  für  angewandte  Wirtschaftspsychologie  (GWPs)  in  Heide.
• Bosau,  C.  &  Ruvinsky,  M.  (2016).  Die  Nutzung  von  Smartphones  in  Partnerschaften  – Negative  Effekte  von  Phubbing und  FoMO auf  
die  Beziehungsqualität.  50.  Kongress  der  Deutschen  Gesellschaft  für  Psychologie  in  Leipzig.
• Carbonell,  X.,  Oberst,  U.  &  Beranuy,  M.  (2013).  The  Cell Phone  in  the Twenty-­First  Century:  A  Risk for Addiction or a  Necessary Tool?  
Principles of Addiction.  Vol.  1,  pp.  901-­909.
• Collins.  L.  (2013).  FoMO and Mobile  Phones:  A  Survey  Study.  Unveröffentlichte  Masterarbeit.  Tilburg  University,  Tilburg.
• Diener,  E.,  &  Emmons,  R.A.  (1984).  The  independence of positive  and negative  affect.  Journal  of Personality and Social Psychology,  
Vol.  47,  pp.  1005–1117.  
• JWT  (2011).  Fear  of Missing Out  (FOMO),  May  2011.  Retrieved from:  [01.09.2012].
• JWT  (2012).  Fear  of Missing Out  (FOMO),  March  2012.  Retrieved from:­content/uploads/2012/03/F  
_JWT_FOMO-­ update_3.21.12.pdf  [01.09.2012].
• Leary,  M.R.,  Kelly,  K.M.,  Cottrell,  A.  &  Schreindorfer,  L.S.  (2013).  Construct Validity of the Need  to Belong Scale:  Mapping  the
Nomological Network.  Journal  of Personality Assessment,  Vol.  95  (6),  pp.  610–624.  
• Przybylski,  A.K.,  Murayama,  K.,  DeHaan,  C.R.  &  Gladwell,  V.  (2013).  Motivational,  emotional,  and  behavioural correlates  of  fear  of  
missing  out.  Computers  in  Human  Behavior,  Vol.  29,  pp.  1841-­1848.
• Renner,  B.  (2006).  Curiosity  About  People:  The  Development  of  a  Social  Curiosity  Measure  in  Adults.  Journal  of  Personality  
Assessment,  Vol.  87  (3),  pp.  305-­316.
• Sheldon,  K.M,  Elliot,  A.J.,  Kim,  Y.  &  Kasser,  T.  (2001).  What  is  Satisfying  About  Satisfying  Events?  Testing  10  Candidate  
Psychological  Needs.  Journal  of  Personality  and  Social  Psychology,  Vol.  80  (2),  pp.  325–339.  
GOR  2017Bosau,  Bito &  Götze:  Explaining  the  FoMO phenomenon 20
Thank you very much for your
Contact details:
Rheinische  Fachhochschule  Köln
Prof.  Dr.  Christian  Bosau,  Dipl.-­Psych.  &  Master  of HRM  &  IR
Schaevenstraße 1a/b
50676  Köln
Tel.:  +49  221  20302-­0
e-­mail:  christian.bosau@rfh-­
Slideshare:  cbosau
Twitter:  cribocologne

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Explaining the FoMO-phenomenon - Presentation at GOR 2017

  • 1. Prof.  Dr.  C.  Bosau,  RFH  Köln Nina  Bito,  RFH  Köln Yvonne  Götze,  RFH  Köln Explaining the FoMO-­Phenomenon – What are the correlates and predictors of this fear-­of-­missing-­out?   Contact:  christian.bosau@rfh-­ General  Online  Research  Conference   GOR  17 15-­17  March  2017,  HTW-­Berlin  University  of  Applied   Sciences,  Berlin,  Germany This  work  is  licensed  under  a  Creative  Commons  Attribution  4.0  International  License   ( Suggested  citation:  Bosau,  C.,  Bito,  N.  &  Götze,  Y.  2017.  “Explaining the FoMO-­Phenomenon – What are the correlates and predictors of this fear-­of-­missing-­out?”  General  Online  Research  (GOR)  Conference,  Berlin.
  • 2. Explaining  the  FoMO-­Phenomenon   What  are  the  correlates  and  predictors   of  this  fear-­of-­missing-­out? C.  Bosau,  N.  Bito &  Y.  Götze
  • 6. GOR  2017Bosau,  Bito &  Götze:  Explaining  the  FoMO phenomenon 6 Quelle: Quelle: FoMO:  a  new phenomenon?
  • 7. GOR  2017Bosau,  Bito &  Götze:  Explaining  the  FoMO phenomenon 7 Quelle: Only recently,  the discussion about this new phenomenon started (JWT,  2011  &  2012;;  Przybylski,   Murayama,  DeHaan &  Gladwell,   2013): Fear  of Missing Out  (FoMO) „the uneasy and sometimes all-­ consuming feeling that you’re missing out  — that your peers are doing,  in  the know about or in   possession of more or something better than you.”  (JWT,  2011,  S.  4) FoMO:  a  new phenomenon?
  • 8. GOR  2017Bosau,  Bito &  Götze:  Explaining  the  FoMO phenomenon Former  results 8 What we already know: • Mobile  phones are potential  addiction sources (Carbonell,  Oberst  &  Beranuy,  2013)   • FoMO correlates highly with social media engagement in  general (Przybylski,  Murayama,   DeHaan,  &  Gladwell,  2013) and  Facebook  usage in  particular (Bosau,  Aelker &  Amaadachou,  2014,   Bosau &  Müller,  2015) • FoMO correlates with problematic mobile  phone use (PMPU)  and habitual checking behaviour (Collins,  2013;;  Bosau &  Ludwig,  2017) • FoMO leads to lower satisfaction as well as lower quality in  private  relationships (Bosau &  Ruvinsky,  2016) • FoMO increases the success of marketing campaigns (JWT  2011,  2012) Main  questions: What leads to FoMO?  What are the correlates and causes of this new phenomenon?
  • 9. GOR  2017Bosau,  Bito &  Götze:  Explaining  the  FoMO phenomenon Marketing  examples (see JWT,  2012) 9
  • 10. GOR  2017Bosau,  Bito &  Götze:  Explaining  the  FoMO phenomenon The  new two studies 10 Former  studies: § looked at  the outcomes and the effects of FoMO These  two studies: § analyzed the correlates and predictors of FoMO § gives further insight into the nomological network of FoMO Method Study  2: • Online  questionnaire (posted via  Facebook,  mailing-­lists and personal  emails,   partly snowball sampling)  in  2016;;  N  =  174 • age:  <  24y  =  44%,  25-­34y  =  28%,  35-­44y  =  12%,  45-­54y  =  12%,  >  54y  =  5% • male  =  29%,  female =  71% Method Study  1: • Online  questionnaire (posted via  Facebook,  mailing-­lists and personal  emails,   partly snowball sampling)  in  2016;;  N  =  94 • age:  <  24y  =  37%,  25-­34y  =  50%,  35-­44y  =  8%,  >  44y  =  5% • male  =  45%,  female =  55%
  • 11. GOR  2017Bosau,  Bito &  Götze:  Explaining  the  FoMO phenomenon The  scales 11 social curiosity (Renner,  2006)   The  independent variable  in  study 1: The  dependent variable: Fear  of Missing Out  -­ FoMO (Przybylski,  Murayama,  DeHaan,  &  Gladwell,  2013) need to belong (Leary,  Kelly,  Cottrell  &  Schreindorfer,  2013)   attachment styles (Bartholomew  &  Horowitz,  1991)   psychological need satisfaction (Sheldon,  Elliot,  Kim  &  Kasser,  2001)   The  independent variable  in  study 2: life satisfaction (Przybylski,  Murayama,  DeHaan &  Gladwell,  2013)   general mood (Diener &  Emmons,  1984)  
  • 12. GOR  2017Bosau,  Bito &  Götze:  Explaining  the  FoMO phenomenon 1,70 1,80 2,10 2,20 2,30 2,40 2,90 3,10 3,10 3,30 1 2 3 4 5 Ich$werde$nervös,$wenn$ich$nicht$weiß,$was$meine$Freunde$gerade$tun Wenn$ich$eine$tolle$Zeit$habe,$ist$es$mir$wichtig,$die$Details$online$zu$teilen$(z.B.$ Statusupdates) Auch$im$Urlaub$behalte$ich$im$Auge,$was$meine$Freunde$machen Manchmal$frage$ich$mich,$ob$ich$zu$viel$Zeit$damit$verbringe$zu$verfolgen,$was$ gerade$überall$passiert Ich$habe$Angst,$die$Erfahrungen$anderer$Menschen$seien$reichhaltiger$und$ intensiver$als$meine Ich$habe$Angst,$die$Erfahrungen$meiner$Freunde$seien$reichhaltiger$und$intensiver$ als$meine Wenn$ich$eine$Gelegenheit$verpasse,$mich$mit$meinen$Freunden$zu$treffen,$stört$ mich$das Wenn$ich$bemerke,$dass$meine$Freunde$ohne$mich$Spaß$haben,$betrübt$mich$das Es$ärgert$mich,$wenn$ich$an$einem$geplanten$Treffen$mit$Freunden$nicht$ teilnehmen$kann Es$ist$mir$wichtig,$die$Witze$meiner$Freunde$zu$verstehen,$für$die$man$eingeweiht$ sein$muss FoMO – Fear  of Missing Out 12 Dependent variable • scale of Przybylski,  Murayama,  DeHaan,  &  Gladwell (2013) • scale:  1 =  „trifft  gar  nicht  zu“          vs.          5  =  „trifft  voll  zu“ • Cronbach’s α  =  .84  (study 1)  and α  =  .79  (study 2)   Item  wording and des-­‐ criptive results study 2:
  • 13. GOR  2017Bosau,  Bito &  Götze:  Explaining  the  FoMO phenomenon Study  1:  the results 13 Fear  of Missing Out psychological need satisfaction life satisfaction general mood -­.47*** -­.26*** -­.28*** bivariate results autonomy competence relatedness
  • 14. GOR  2017Bosau,  Bito &  Götze:  Explaining  the  FoMO phenomenon standardized Beta -­‐.17* -­‐.02 -­‐.43*** .00 -­‐.11 .21 standardized Beta -­‐.15* -­‐.02 -­‐.47*** -­‐.03 .21 standardized Beta -­‐.15* -­‐.02 -­‐.48*** .22 Study  1:  the results 14 standardized Beta Age -­‐.11 Gender  (female=0;  male=1) .00 psychological  need  satisfaction life satisfaction general  mood corr.  R2 -­‐.01 *  p  <  .10,  **  p  <  .05,  ***  p  <  .01 • dependent  variable:  Fear-­of-­missing-­out  (FoMO) • stepwise  regression  analysis “psychological  need  satisfaction“   is  clearly  the  strongest  predictor
  • 15. GOR  2017Bosau,  Bito &  Götze:  Explaining  the  FoMO phenomenon Study  2:  the results 15 Fear  of Missing Out social curiosity need to belong attachment style .36*** .69*** +++  preoccupied style   +          fearful style bivariate results
  • 16. GOR  2017Bosau,  Bito &  Götze:  Explaining  the  FoMO phenomenon Study  2:  the results 16 standardized Beta Age -­‐.33*** Gender  (female=1;  male=2) -­‐.06 social  curiosity need  to  belong dummy  -­‐ preoccupied style dummy  -­‐ fearful  style dummy  -­‐ dismissing  style corr.  R2 .11 *  p  <  .10,  **  p  <  .05,  ***  p  <  .01 standardized Beta -­‐.29*** .01 .30*** .19 standardized Beta -­‐.18*** .05 .12** .61*** .51 standardized Beta -­‐.18*** .07 .13** .56*** .18*** .09 .07 .53 • dependent  variable:  Fear-­of-­missing-­out  (FoMO) • stepwise  regression  analysis “need  to  belong“  is  clearly   the  strongest  predictor
  • 17. GOR  2017Bosau,  Bito &  Götze:  Explaining  the  FoMO phenomenon Study  2:  the results 17 standardized Beta social  curiosity .10 need  to  belong .59*** dummy  -­‐ preoccupied style .22*** dummy  -­‐ fearful  style .05 dummy  -­‐ dismissing  style .06 corr.  R2 .52 *  p  <  .10,  **  p  <  .05,  ***  p  <  .01 standardized Beta .24** .56*** .01 .19 .08 .37 • dependent  variable:  Fear-­of-­missing-­out  (FoMO) • regression  analysis  – comparison  male  vs.  female ♀ ♂ “social   curiosity“  is   only  a  predictor   for  males preoccupied   attachment   correlates  only   for  females
  • 18. GOR  2017Bosau,  Bito &  Götze:  Explaining  the  FoMO phenomenon 18 § The  studies  can  show  what  important  correlates  and  predictors  of  fear  of  missing  out  are   and  how  “fomotics”  (people  suffering  from  FoMO)  can  be  characterized: § “Fomotics“  are  people  that  do  not  feel  their  basic  psychological  needs  (autonomy,   competence,  relatedness)  being  fulfilled. § Likewise,  they  tend  to  have  lower  life  satisfaction  and  a  lower  general  mood. § One  main  driver  for  this  fear  of  missing  out  on  social  contact  is  – plausibly  – an   important  basic  psychological  need:  the  need  to  belong. § However,  “fomotics”  also  have  – to  some  extend,  namely  the  males  – social   curiosity  and  can  be  charaterized by  a  preoccupied  attachment  style  (especially   the  women). Conclusion For  marketeers: If  you  try  to  use  the  concept  of  FoMO in  a  marketing   campaign,  be  aware  of  the  problem,  what  kind  of  people   eventually  would  be  attracted  by  your  campaign.
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  • 20. GOR  2017Bosau,  Bito &  Götze:  Explaining  the  FoMO phenomenon 20 Thank you very much for your attention! Contact details: Rheinische  Fachhochschule  Köln Prof.  Dr.  Christian  Bosau,  Dipl.-­Psych.  &  Master  of HRM  &  IR Schaevenstraße 1a/b 50676  Köln Tel.:  +49  221  20302-­0 e-­mail:  christian.bosau@rfh-­ Slideshare:  cbosau Twitter:  cribocologne