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Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
After Dark 1.5+End-to-End, Real-time, Advanced Analytics:

Reference Big Data Processing Pipeline
Melbourne Spark Meetup
Dec 09, 2015
Chris Fregly
Principal Data Solutions Engineer
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Who Am I?

Streaming Data Engineer
Open Source Committer

Data Solutions Engineer

Apache Contributor
Principal Data Solutions Engineer
IBM Technology Center
Advanced Apache Meetup
Advanced .
Due 2016
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Advanced Apache Spark Meetup
Meetup Metrics
Top 5 Most Active Spark Meetup!
1700+ Members in just 4 mos!!
2100+ Downloads of Docker Image

 with many Meetup Demos!!!

Meetup Goals
Code dive deep into Spark and related open source code bases
Study integrations with Cassandra, ElasticSearch,Tachyon, S3,

 BlinkDB, Mesos, YARN, Kafka, R, etc
Surface and share patterns and idioms of well-designed, 

 distributed, big data processing systems
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Upcoming Meetups and Conferences
London Spark Meetup (Oct 12th)
Scotland Data Science Meetup (Oct 13th)
Dublin Spark Meetup (Oct 15th)
Barcelona Spark Meetup (Oct 20th)
Madrid Big Data Meetup (Oct 22nd)
Paris Spark Meetup (Oct 26th)
Amsterdam Spark Summit (Oct 27th)
Brussels Spark Meetup (Oct 30th)
Zurich Big Data Meetup (Nov 2nd)
Geneva Spark Meetup (Nov 5th)
San Francisco Datapalooza (Nov 10th)
San Francisco Advanced Spark (Nov 12th)
Oslo Big Data Hadoop Meetup (Nov 19th)
Helsinki Spark Meetup (Nov 20th)
Stockholm Spark Meetup (Nov 23rd)
Copenhagen Spark Meetup (Nov 25th)
Budapest Spark Meetup (Nov 26th)
Istanbul Spark Meetup (Nov 28th)
Singapore Pre-Strata Spark Meetup (Dec 1st)
Sydney Spark Meetup (Dec 8th)
Melbourne Spark Meetup (Dec 9th)
San Francisco Advanced Spark (Dec 10th)
San Francisco Univ of San Francisco (Dec 11th)
Toronto Spark Meetup (Dec 14th)
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Topics of This Talk (15-20 mins each)
  Spark Streaming and Spark ML

Kafka, Cassandra, ElasticSearch, Redis, Docker
  Spark Core

Tuning and Profiling
  Spark SQL

Tuning and Customizing
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Live, Interactive Demo!
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Audience Participation Required!
You -> 
 Audience Instructions
 Navigate to
3 actresses & 3 actors

Data ->
This is Totally Anonymous!!
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Topics of This Talk (15-20 mins each)
  Spark Streaming and Spark ML

Kafka, Cassandra, ElasticSearch, Redis, Docker
  Spark Core

Tuning and Profiling
  Spark SQL

Tuning and Customizing
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Mechanical Sympathy
“Hardware and software working together.”

- Martin Thompson

“Whatever your data structure, my array will beat it.”

- Scott Meyers

 Every C++ Book, basically

Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Spark and Mechanical Sympathy

(Spark 1.4-1.6+)
(Spark 1.1-1.2)
Minimize Memory & GC
Maximize CPU Cache
Saturate Network I/O
Saturate Disk I/O
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
CPU Cache Line and Cache Sizes



Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
CPU Cache Sympathy (AlphaSort paper)
Key (10 bytes) + Pointer (4 bytes) = 14 bytes

Pre-process & Pull Key From Record
2x CPU Cache-line Friendly!
Key-Prefix (4 bytes) + Pointer (4 bytes) = 8 bytes
Key (10 bytes) + Pad (2 bytes) + Pointer (4 bytes) = 16 bytes
Must Dereference to Compare Key
Pointer (4 bytes) = 4 bytes

 CPU Cache-line Friendly!
Dereference full key only 
to resolve prefix duplicates
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Performance Comparison
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Sequential vs Random Memory Access
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Performance Impact of Random Pointer vs. Sequential Key Sort

Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Instrumenting and Monitoring CPU
Use Linux perf command!
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Results of Random vs. Sequential Sort
Naïve Random Access
Pointer Sort
Cache Friendly Sequential
Key/Pointer Sort
Must Dereference to Compare Key
Pre-process & Pull Key From Record
% Change
perf stat –event 
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Performance Impact of CPU Cache & Prefetch Misses

Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
CPU Cache Naïve Matrix Multiplication
// Dot product of each row & column vector
for (i <- 0 until numRowA)
for (j <- 0 until numColsB)
for (k <- 0 until numColsA)
res[ i ][ j ] += matA[ i ][ k ] * matB[ k ][ j ];

Bad: Row-wise traversal,

 not using full CPU cache line,

ineffective pre-fetching
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
CPU Cache Friendly Matrix Multiplication
// Transpose B
for (i <- 0 until numRowsB)
for (j <- 0 until numColsB)
matBT[ i ][ j ] = matB[ j ][ i ];
Good: Full CPU Cache Line,

Effective Prefetching
OLD: matB [ k ][ j ];
// Modify algo for Transpose B
for (i <- 0 until numRowsA)
for (j <- 0 until numColsB)
for (k <- 0 until numColsA)
res[ i ][ j ] += matA[ i ][ k ] * matBT[ j ][ k ];
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Results Of Matrix Multiply Challenge
Cache-Friendly Matrix Multiply
Naïve Matrix Multiply
perf stat –event 
% Change
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Thread and Context Switch Sympathy
Atomically Increment 2 Counters 

(each at different increments) by
1000’s of Simultaneous Threads

Possible Solutions
  Synchronized Immutable
  Synchronized Mutable
  AtomicReference CAS
Context Switches are Expen$ive!!
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Synchronized Immutable Counters
case class Counters(left: Int, right: Int)

object SynchronizedImmutableCounters {
var counters = new Counters(0,0)
def getCounters(): Counters = {

this.synchronized { counters }
def increment(leftIncrement: Int, rightIncrement: Int): Unit = {
this.synchronized {
counters = new Counters(counters.left + leftIncrement, 

 counters.right + rightIncrement)
Locks whole
outer object!!
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Synchronized Mutable Counters
class MutableCounters(left: Int, right: Int) {
def increment(leftIncrement: Int, rightIncrement: Int): Unit={
this.synchronized {…}
def getCountersTuple(): (Int, Int) = {
this.synchronized{ (counters.left, counters.right) }
object SynchronizedMutableCounters {
val counters = new MutableCounters(0,0)
def increment(leftIncrement: Int, rightIncrement: Int): Unit = {
counters.increment(leftIncrement, rightIncrement)
Locks just
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Lock-Free AtomicReference Counters
object LockFreeAtomicReferenceCounters {
val counters = new AtomicReference[Counters](new Counters(0,0))
def increment(leftIncrement: Int, rightIncrement: Int) : Long = {
var originalCounters: Counters = null
var updatedCounters: Counters = null
do {
originalCounters = getCounters()
updatedCounters = new Counters(originalCounters.left+ leftIncrement,
originalCounters.right+ rightIncrement)

 // Retry lock-free, optimistic compareAndSet() until AtomicRef updates
while !(counters.compareAndSet(originalCounters, updatedCounters))
Lock Free!!
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Lock-Free AtomicLong Counters
object LockFreeAtomicLongCounters {
// a single Long (64-bit) will maintain 2 separate Ints (32-bits each)
val counters = new AtomicLong()
def increment(leftIncrement: Int, rightIncrement: Int): Unit = {
var originalCounters = 0L
var updatedCounters = 0L
do {
originalCounters = counters.get()


 // Store two 32-bit Int into one 64-bit Long

 // Use >>> 32 and << 32 to set and retrieve each Int from the Long

// Retry lock-free, optimistic compareAndSet() until AtomicLong updates
while !(counters.compareAndSet(originalCounters, updatedCounters))
Q: Why not 

@volatile long?
A: The JVM does not
guarantee atomic

updates of 64-bit 
longs and doubles
Lock Free!!
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Performance Impact of Thread Blocking & Context Switching
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Results of 2 Counter Synchronization
Immutable Case Class

Lock-Free AtomicLong
perf stat –event 
LLC-load-misses, LLC-prefetch-misses,cache-misses,stalled-cycles-frontend
% Change
case class Counters(left: Int, right: Int)
this.synchronized {
counters = new Counters(counters.left + leftIncrement, 

 counters.right + rightIncrement)
val counters = new AtomicLong()
do {
} while !(counters.compareAndSet(originalCounters, 

Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Profile Visualizations: Flame Graphs
Example: Spark Word Count
Java Stack Traces are Good! JDK 1.8+
(-XX:-Inline -XX:+PreserveFramePointer)
Plateaus are Bad!
I/O stalls, Heavy CPU

serialization, etc
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Project Tungsten: CPU and Memory
Create Custom Data Structures & Algorithms

Operate on serialized and compressed ByteArrays!
Minimize Garbage Collection

Reuse ByteArrays

In-place updates for aggregations
Maximize CPU Cache Effectiveness

8-byte alignment

AlphaSort-based Key-Prefix
Utilize Catalyst Dynamic Code Generation

Dynamic optimizations using entire query plan

Developer implements genCode() to create Scala source code (String)

Project Janino compiles source code into JVM bytecode
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Why is CPU the Bottleneck?
CPU for serialization, hashing, & compression

Spark 1.2 updates saturated Network, Disk I/O

10x increase in I/O throughput relative to CPU

More partition, pruning, and pushdown support

Newer columnar file formats help reduce I/O
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Custom Data Structs & Algos: Aggs

Uses BytesToBytesMap internally

In-place updates of serialized aggregation

No object creation on hot-path

TungstenAggregate & TungstenAggregationIterator

Operates directly on serialized, binary UnsafeRow

2 steps to avoid single-key OOMs
  Hash-based (grouping) agg spills to disk if needed
  Sort-based agg performs external merge sort on spills
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Custom Data Structs & Algos: Sorting






2x CPU Cache-line Friendly!
SortDataFormat<RecordPointerAndKeyPrefix, Long[ ]>

Note: Mixing multiple subclasses of SortDataFormat 
simultaneously will prevent JIT inlining.
Supports merging compressed records
(if compression CODEC supports it, ie. LZF)
In-place external sorting of spilled BytesToBytes data
AlphaSort-based, 8-byte aligned sort key
In-place sorting of BytesToBytesMap data
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Code Generation

Boxing creates excessive objects

Expression tree evaluations are costly

JVM can’t inline polymorphic impls

Lack of polymorphism == poor code design

Code generation enables inlining

Rewrite and optimize code using overall plan, 8-byte align

Defer source code generation to each operator, UDF, UDAF

Use Janino to compile generated source code into bytecode

(More IDE friendly than Scala quasiquotes)
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Autoscaling Spark Workers (Spark 1.5+)
Scaling up is easy J

SparkContext.addExecutors() until max is reached
Scaling down is hard L


Lose RDD cache inside Executor JVM

Must rebuild active RDD partitions in another Executor JVM
Uses External Shuffle Service from Spark 1.1-1.2

If Executor JVM dies/restarts, shuffle keeps shufflin’!
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
“Hidden” Spark Submit REST API
Submit Spark Job

curl -X POST 

--header "Content-Type:application/json;charset=UTF-8" 

--data ’{"action" : "CreateSubmissionRequest”, 
"mainClass" : "org.apache.spark.examples.SparkPi”,

"sparkProperties" : {

 "spark.jars" : "file:/spark/lib/spark-examples-1.5.1.jar",

 "" : "SparkPi",…

Get Spark Job Status

Kill Spark Job

curl -X POST<job-id-from-submit-request>
(the snitch)
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
  Spark Streaming and Spark ML

Kafka, Cassandra, ElasticSearch, Redis, Docker
  Spark Core

Tuning and Profiling
  Spark SQL

Tuning and Customizing
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Parquet Columnar File Format
Based on Google Dremel paper ~2010
Collaboration with Twitter and Cloudera
Columnar storage format for fast columnar aggs
Supports evolving schema
Supports pushdowns
Support nested partitions
Tight compression
Min/max heuristics enable file and chunk skipping
Min/Max Heuristics
For Chunk Skipping
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Partition Based on Data Access Patterns


 /gender=F/… <-- Use Case: Access Users by Gender

Dynamic Partition Creation (Write)

Dynamically create partitions on write based on column (ie. Gender)


DF: gendersDF.write.format("parquet").partitionBy("gender")

Partition Discovery (Read)

Dynamically infer partitions on read based on paths (ie. /gender=F/…)

SQL: SELECT id FROM genders WHERE gender=F


Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Partition Pruning

Filter out rows by partition

SELECT id, gender FROM genders WHERE gender = ‘F’

Column Pruning

Filter out columns by column filter

Extremely useful for columnar storage formats (ie. Parquet)

Skip entire blocks of columns

SELECT id, gender FROM genders

Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
aka. Predicate or Filter Pushdowns 
Predicate returns true or false for given function
Filters rows deep into the data source
Reduces number of rows returned
Data Source must implement PrunedFilteredScan

def buildScan(requiredColumns: Array[String], 
filters: Array[Filter]): RDD[Row]
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Compare Performance of File Formats, Partitions, and Pushdowns
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Filter Pushdown and Collapsing
Filter pushdown (Parquet)
Filter collapsing (next best thing)
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Join Between Partitioned & Unpartitioned
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Join Between Partitioned & Partitioned
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Cartesian Join vs. Inner Join
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Broadcast Join vs. Normal Shuffle Join
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Visualizing the Query Plan
of Filter
Join Optimization
Similar to

Map-side Join
& DistributedCache
Peak Memory for
Joins and Aggs

Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Data Source API
Relations (o.a.s.sql.sources.interfaces.scala)

BaseRelation (abstract class): Provides schema of data

TableScan (impl): Read all data from source 

PrunedFilteredScan (impl): Column pruning & predicate pushdowns

InsertableRelation (impl): Insert/overwrite data based on SaveMode

RelationProvider (trait/interface): Handle options, BaseRelation factory

Filters (o.a.s.sql.sources.filters.scala)

Filter (abstract class): Handles all filters supported by this source

EqualTo (impl)

GreaterThan (impl)

StringStartsWith (impl)
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Native Spark SQL Data Sources
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
JSON Data Source

val ratingsDF ="json")
-- or –
val ratingsDF =

SQL Code
(path "file:/root/pipeline/datasets/dating/genders.json.bz2")

json() convenience method
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Parquet Data Source


spark.sql.parquet.mergeSchema=false (unless your schema is evolving)

spark.sql.parquet.cacheMetadata=true (requires sqlContext.refreshTable())


val gendersDF ="parquet")




CREATE TABLE genders USING parquet


(path "file:/root/pipeline/datasets/dating/genders.parquet")

Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
ElasticSearch Data Source




val esConfig = Map("pushdown" -> "true", "es.nodes" -> "<hostname>", 

 "es.port" -> "<port>")



Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Cassandra Data Source (DataStax)









Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Mythical New Cassandra Data Source
By-pass Cassandra CQL “front door”

(which is optimized for transactional data)

Bulk read and write directly against SSTables

(Similar to 5 year old NetflixOSS project Aegisthus)

Promotes Cassandra to first-class analytics option

Replicated analytics cluster not needed
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
DB2 and BigSQL Data Sources (IBM)
Coming Soon!
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Creating a Custom Data Source
① Study existing implementations

② Extend base traits & implement required methods


Spark JDBC (o.a.s.sql.execution.datasources.jdbc)

 class JDBCRelation extends BaseRelation

with PrunedFilteredScan 

with InsertableRelation
DataStax Cassandra (o.a.s.sql.cassandra)

 class CassandraSourceRelation extends BaseRelation

with PrunedFilteredScan 

with InsertableRelation!
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Create a Custom Data Source
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Publishing Custom Data Sources
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Spark SQL UDF Code Generation
100+ UDFs now generating code
More to come in Spark 1.6+
Details in 

SPARK-8159, SPARK-9571
Every UDF must use Expressions and

implement Expression.genCode()
to participate in the fun
Lambdas (RDD or Dataset API)
and sqlContext.udf.registerFunction()
are not enough!!
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Creating a Custom UDF with Code Gen
① Study existing implementations

② Extend and implement base trait


③ Don’t forget about Python!
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Creating a Custom UDF participating in Code Generation
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Spark 1.6 Improvements
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Adaptive Query Execution
Adapt query execution using data from previous stages
Dynamically choose spark.sql.shuffle.partitions (default 200)
Broadcast Join
(popular keys)
Shuffle Join
(not-so-popular keys)

Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Adaptive Memory Management
Spark <1.6

Manual configure between 2 memory regions

Spark execution engine (shuffles, joins, sorts, aggs)


RDD Data Cache 
Spark 1.6+

Unified memory regions

Dynamically expand/contract memory regions

Supports minimum for RDD storage (LRU Cache)
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Shows exact memory usage per operator & per node
Helps debugging and identifying skew
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Datasets type safe API (similar to RDDs) utilizing Tungsten

val ds ="ratings.csv").as[String]

val df = ds.flatMap(_.split(",")).filter(_ != "").toDF() // RDD API, convert to DF

val agg = df.groupBy($"rating").agg(count("*") as "ct”).orderBy($"ct" desc)
Typed Aggregators used alongside UDFs and UDAFs

val simpleSum = new Aggregator[Int, Int, Int] with Serializable {

 def zero: Int = 0

 def reduce(b: Int, a: Int) = b + a 

 def merge(b1: Int, b2: Int) = b1 + b2

 def finish(b: Int) = b


val sum = Seq(1,2,3,4).toDS().select(simpleSum)
Query files directly without registerTempTable()

%sql SELECT * FROM json.`/datasets/movielens/ml-latest/movies.json`
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Spark Streaming State Management
New trackStateByKey()

Store deltas, compaction later

No longer scan every key

Sessionization TTL

Integrated A/B Testing 

Shows failure output in Admin UI

Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Thank You!!!
Chris Fregly
IBM Spark Tech Center 
San Francisco, California, USA
Sign up for the Meetup and Book
Clone, Contribute, Commit on Github
Run All Demos in Docker
2100+ Docker Downloads!!
Find me on LinkedIn, Twitter, Github, Email, Fax
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
What’s Next?
After Dark 1.6+
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
What’s Next?
Autoscaling Docker/Spark Workers

Completely Docker-based

Docker Compose, Google Kubernetes
Lots of Demos and Examples

More Zeppelin & IPython/Jupyter notebooks

More advanced analytics use cases
More Performance Profiling

Work closely with Netflix & Databricks

Identify & fix performance bottlenecks

Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Upcoming Meetups and Conferences
London Spark Meetup (Oct 12th)
Scotland Data Science Meetup (Oct 13th)
Dublin Spark Meetup (Oct 15th)
Barcelona Spark Meetup (Oct 20th)
Madrid Big Data Meetup (Oct 22nd)
Paris Spark Meetup (Oct 26th)
Amsterdam Spark Summit (Oct 27th)
Brussels Spark Meetup (Oct 30th)
Zurich Big Data Meetup (Nov 2nd)
Geneva Spark Meetup (Nov 5th)
San Francisco Datapalooza (Nov 10th)
San Francisco Advanced Spark (Nov 12th)
Oslo Big Data Hadoop Meetup (Nov 19th)
Helsinki Spark Meetup (Nov 20th)
Stockholm Spark Meetup (Nov 23rd)
Copenhagen Spark Meetup (Nov 25th)
Budapest Spark Meetup (Nov 26th)
Istanbul Spark Meetup (Nov 28th)
Singapore Pre-Strata Spark Meetup (Dec 1st)
Sydney Spark Meetup (Dec 8th)
Melbourne Spark Meetup (Dec 9th)
San Francisco Advanced Spark (Dec 10th)
San Francisco Univ of San Francisco (Dec 11th)
Toronto Spark Meetup (Dec 14th)
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark
Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation.
IBM Spark

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Melbourne Spark Meetup Dec 09 2015

  • 1. Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark After Dark 1.5+End-to-End, Real-time, Advanced Analytics:
 Reference Big Data Processing Pipeline Melbourne Spark Meetup Dec 09, 2015 Chris Fregly Principal Data Solutions Engineer
  • 2. Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Who Am I? 2 Streaming Data Engineer Open Source Committer
 Data Solutions Engineer
 Apache Contributor Principal Data Solutions Engineer IBM Technology Center Founder Advanced Apache Meetup Author Advanced . Due 2016
  • 3. Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Advanced Apache Spark Meetup Meetup Metrics Top 5 Most Active Spark Meetup! 1700+ Members in just 4 mos!! 2100+ Downloads of Docker Image with many Meetup Demos!!! @ Meetup Goals Code dive deep into Spark and related open source code bases Study integrations with Cassandra, ElasticSearch,Tachyon, S3, BlinkDB, Mesos, YARN, Kafka, R, etc Surface and share patterns and idioms of well-designed, distributed, big data processing systems
  • 4. Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Upcoming Meetups and Conferences London Spark Meetup (Oct 12th) Scotland Data Science Meetup (Oct 13th) Dublin Spark Meetup (Oct 15th) Barcelona Spark Meetup (Oct 20th) Madrid Big Data Meetup (Oct 22nd) Paris Spark Meetup (Oct 26th) Amsterdam Spark Summit (Oct 27th) Brussels Spark Meetup (Oct 30th) Zurich Big Data Meetup (Nov 2nd) Geneva Spark Meetup (Nov 5th) San Francisco Datapalooza (Nov 10th) San Francisco Advanced Spark (Nov 12th) 4 Oslo Big Data Hadoop Meetup (Nov 19th) Helsinki Spark Meetup (Nov 20th) Stockholm Spark Meetup (Nov 23rd) Copenhagen Spark Meetup (Nov 25th) Budapest Spark Meetup (Nov 26th) Istanbul Spark Meetup (Nov 28th) Singapore Pre-Strata Spark Meetup (Dec 1st) Sydney Spark Meetup (Dec 8th) Melbourne Spark Meetup (Dec 9th) San Francisco Advanced Spark (Dec 10th) San Francisco Univ of San Francisco (Dec 11th) Toronto Spark Meetup (Dec 14th)
  • 5. Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Topics of This Talk (15-20 mins each)   Spark Streaming and Spark ML
 Kafka, Cassandra, ElasticSearch, Redis, Docker   Spark Core
 Tuning and Profiling   Spark SQL
 Tuning and Customizing 5
  • 6. Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Live, Interactive Demo! 6
  • 7. Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Audience Participation Required! 7 You -> Audience Instructions  Navigate to  Click 3 actresses & 3 actors Data -> Scientist This is Totally Anonymous!!
  • 8. Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Topics of This Talk (15-20 mins each)   Spark Streaming and Spark ML
 Kafka, Cassandra, ElasticSearch, Redis, Docker   Spark Core
 Tuning and Profiling   Spark SQL
 Tuning and Customizing 8
  • 9. Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Mechanical Sympathy “Hardware and software working together.” - Martin Thompson “Whatever your data structure, my array will beat it.” - Scott Meyers Every C++ Book, basically 9
  • 10. Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Spark and Mechanical Sympathy 10 Project 
 Tungsten (Spark 1.4-1.6+) GraySort Challenge (Spark 1.1-1.2) Minimize Memory & GC Maximize CPU Cache Saturate Network I/O Saturate Disk I/O
  • 11. Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark CPU Cache Line and Cache Sizes 11 My
 Laptop My
 BareMetal aka “LLC”
  • 12. Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark CPU Cache Sympathy (AlphaSort paper) Key (10 bytes) + Pointer (4 bytes) = 14 bytes 12 Key Ptr Pre-process & Pull Key From Record Ptr Key-Prefix 2x CPU Cache-line Friendly! Key-Prefix (4 bytes) + Pointer (4 bytes) = 8 bytes Key (10 bytes) + Pad (2 bytes) + Pointer (4 bytes) = 16 bytes Ptr Must Dereference to Compare Key Key Pointer (4 bytes) = 4 bytes Key Ptr Pad /Pad CPU Cache-line Friendly! Dereference full key only to resolve prefix duplicates
  • 13. Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Performance Comparison 13
  • 14. Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Sequential vs Random Memory Access 14
  • 15. Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Demo! Performance Impact of Random Pointer vs. Sequential Key Sort 15
  • 16. Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Instrumenting and Monitoring CPU Use Linux perf command! 16
  • 17. Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Results of Random vs. Sequential Sort 17 Naïve Random Access Pointer Sort Cache Friendly Sequential Key/Pointer Sort Ptr Key Must Dereference to Compare Key Key Ptr Pre-process & Pull Key From Record -35% -90% -68% -26% % Change -55% perf stat –event L1-dcache-load-misses,L1-dcache-prefetch-misses,LLC-load-misses,LLC-prefetch-misses
  • 18. Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Demo! Performance Impact of CPU Cache & Prefetch Misses 18
  • 19. Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark CPU Cache Naïve Matrix Multiplication // Dot product of each row & column vector for (i <- 0 until numRowA) for (j <- 0 until numColsB) for (k <- 0 until numColsA) res[ i ][ j ] += matA[ i ][ k ] * matB[ k ][ j ]; 19 Bad: Row-wise traversal, not using full CPU cache line,
 ineffective pre-fetching
  • 20. Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark CPU Cache Friendly Matrix Multiplication // Transpose B for (i <- 0 until numRowsB) for (j <- 0 until numColsB) matBT[ i ][ j ] = matB[ j ][ i ]; 20 Good: Full CPU Cache Line,
 Effective Prefetching OLD: matB [ k ][ j ]; // Modify algo for Transpose B for (i <- 0 until numRowsA) for (j <- 0 until numColsB) for (k <- 0 until numColsA) res[ i ][ j ] += matA[ i ][ k ] * matBT[ j ][ k ];
  • 21. Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Results Of Matrix Multiply Challenge Cache-Friendly Matrix Multiply 21 Naïve Matrix Multiply perf stat –event L1-dcache-load-misses,L1-dcache-prefetch-misses,LLC-load-misses, LLC-prefetch-misses,cache-misses,stalled-cycles-frontend -96% -93% -93% -70% -53% % Change -63% +8543%?
  • 22. Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Thread and Context Switch Sympathy Problem Atomically Increment 2 Counters 
 (each at different increments) by 1000’s of Simultaneous Threads 22 Possible Solutions   Synchronized Immutable   Synchronized Mutable   AtomicReference CAS   Volatile??? Context Switches are Expen$ive!! aka “LLC”
  • 23. Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Synchronized Immutable Counters case class Counters(left: Int, right: Int) object SynchronizedImmutableCounters { var counters = new Counters(0,0) def getCounters(): Counters = { this.synchronized { counters } } def increment(leftIncrement: Int, rightIncrement: Int): Unit = { this.synchronized { counters = new Counters(counters.left + leftIncrement, counters.right + rightIncrement) } } } 23 Locks whole outer object!!
  • 24. Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Synchronized Mutable Counters class MutableCounters(left: Int, right: Int) { def increment(leftIncrement: Int, rightIncrement: Int): Unit={ this.synchronized {…} } def getCountersTuple(): (Int, Int) = { this.synchronized{ (counters.left, counters.right) } } } object SynchronizedMutableCounters { val counters = new MutableCounters(0,0) … def increment(leftIncrement: Int, rightIncrement: Int): Unit = { counters.increment(leftIncrement, rightIncrement) } } 24 Locks just MutableCounters
  • 25. Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Lock-Free AtomicReference Counters object LockFreeAtomicReferenceCounters { val counters = new AtomicReference[Counters](new Counters(0,0)) … def increment(leftIncrement: Int, rightIncrement: Int) : Long = { var originalCounters: Counters = null var updatedCounters: Counters = null do { originalCounters = getCounters() updatedCounters = new Counters(originalCounters.left+ leftIncrement, originalCounters.right+ rightIncrement) } // Retry lock-free, optimistic compareAndSet() until AtomicRef updates while !(counters.compareAndSet(originalCounters, updatedCounters)) } } 25 Lock Free!!
  • 26. Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Lock-Free AtomicLong Counters object LockFreeAtomicLongCounters { // a single Long (64-bit) will maintain 2 separate Ints (32-bits each) val counters = new AtomicLong() … def increment(leftIncrement: Int, rightIncrement: Int): Unit = { var originalCounters = 0L var updatedCounters = 0L do { originalCounters = counters.get() … // Store two 32-bit Int into one 64-bit Long // Use >>> 32 and << 32 to set and retrieve each Int from the Long } // Retry lock-free, optimistic compareAndSet() until AtomicLong updates while !(counters.compareAndSet(originalCounters, updatedCounters)) } } 26 Q: Why not 
 @volatile long? A: The JVM does not guarantee atomic
 updates of 64-bit longs and doubles Lock Free!!
  • 27. Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Demo! Performance Impact of Thread Blocking & Context Switching 27
  • 28. Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Results of 2 Counter Synchronization Immutable Case Class 28 Lock-Free AtomicLong -64% -46% -17% -33% perf stat –event context-switches,L1-dcache-load-misses,L1-dcache-prefetch-misses, LLC-load-misses, LLC-prefetch-misses,cache-misses,stalled-cycles-frontend % Change -31% -32% -33% -27% case class Counters(left: Int, right: Int) ... this.synchronized { counters = new Counters(counters.left + leftIncrement, counters.right + rightIncrement) } val counters = new AtomicLong() … do { … } while !(counters.compareAndSet(originalCounters, 
  • 29. Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Profile Visualizations: Flame Graphs 29 Example: Spark Word Count Java Stack Traces are Good! JDK 1.8+ (-XX:-Inline -XX:+PreserveFramePointer) Plateaus are Bad! I/O stalls, Heavy CPU
 serialization, etc
  • 30. Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Project Tungsten: CPU and Memory Create Custom Data Structures & Algorithms Operate on serialized and compressed ByteArrays! Minimize Garbage Collection Reuse ByteArrays In-place updates for aggregations Maximize CPU Cache Effectiveness 8-byte alignment AlphaSort-based Key-Prefix Utilize Catalyst Dynamic Code Generation Dynamic optimizations using entire query plan Developer implements genCode() to create Scala source code (String) Project Janino compiles source code into JVM bytecode 30
  • 31. Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Why is CPU the Bottleneck? CPU for serialization, hashing, & compression Spark 1.2 updates saturated Network, Disk I/O 10x increase in I/O throughput relative to CPU More partition, pruning, and pushdown support Newer columnar file formats help reduce I/O 31
  • 32. Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Custom Data Structs & Algos: Aggs UnsafeFixedWidthAggregationMap Uses BytesToBytesMap internally In-place updates of serialized aggregation No object creation on hot-path TungstenAggregate & TungstenAggregationIterator Operates directly on serialized, binary UnsafeRow 2 steps to avoid single-key OOMs   Hash-based (grouping) agg spills to disk if needed   Sort-based agg performs external merge sort on spills 32
  • 33. Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Custom Data Structs & Algos: Sorting o.a.s.util.collection.unsafe.sort. UnsafeSortDataFormat UnsafeExternalSorter UnsafeShuffleWriter UnsafeInMemorySorter RecordPointerAndKeyPrefix
 33 Ptr Key-Prefix 2x CPU Cache-line Friendly! SortDataFormat<RecordPointerAndKeyPrefix, Long[ ]>
 Note: Mixing multiple subclasses of SortDataFormat simultaneously will prevent JIT inlining. Supports merging compressed records (if compression CODEC supports it, ie. LZF) In-place external sorting of spilled BytesToBytes data AlphaSort-based, 8-byte aligned sort key In-place sorting of BytesToBytesMap data
  • 34. Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Code Generation Problem Boxing creates excessive objects Expression tree evaluations are costly JVM can’t inline polymorphic impls Lack of polymorphism == poor code design Solution Code generation enables inlining Rewrite and optimize code using overall plan, 8-byte align Defer source code generation to each operator, UDF, UDAF Use Janino to compile generated source code into bytecode (More IDE friendly than Scala quasiquotes) 34
  • 35. Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Autoscaling Spark Workers (Spark 1.5+) Scaling up is easy J SparkContext.addExecutors() until max is reached Scaling down is hard L SparkContext.removeExecutors() Lose RDD cache inside Executor JVM Must rebuild active RDD partitions in another Executor JVM Uses External Shuffle Service from Spark 1.1-1.2 If Executor JVM dies/restarts, shuffle keeps shufflin’! 35
  • 36. Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark “Hidden” Spark Submit REST API Submit Spark Job curl -X POST --header "Content-Type:application/json;charset=UTF-8" --data ’{"action" : "CreateSubmissionRequest”, "mainClass" : "org.apache.spark.examples.SparkPi”, "sparkProperties" : { "spark.jars" : "file:/spark/lib/spark-examples-1.5.1.jar", "" : "SparkPi",… }}’ Get Spark Job Status curl<job-id-from-submit-request> Kill Spark Job curl -X POST<job-id-from-submit-request> 36 (the snitch)
  • 37. Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Outline   Spark Streaming and Spark ML
 Kafka, Cassandra, ElasticSearch, Redis, Docker   Spark Core
 Tuning and Profiling   Spark SQL
 Tuning and Customizing 37
  • 38. Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Parquet Columnar File Format Based on Google Dremel paper ~2010 Collaboration with Twitter and Cloudera Columnar storage format for fast columnar aggs Supports evolving schema Supports pushdowns Support nested partitions Tight compression Min/max heuristics enable file and chunk skipping 38 Min/Max Heuristics For Chunk Skipping
  • 39. Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Partitions Partition Based on Data Access Patterns /genders.parquet/gender=M/… /gender=F/… <-- Use Case: Access Users by Gender /gender=U/… Dynamic Partition Creation (Write) Dynamically create partitions on write based on column (ie. Gender) SQL: INSERT TABLE genders PARTITION (gender) SELECT … DF: gendersDF.write.format("parquet").partitionBy("gender")
 .save("/genders.parquet") Partition Discovery (Read) Dynamically infer partitions on read based on paths (ie. /gender=F/…) SQL: SELECT id FROM genders WHERE gender=F DF:"parquet").load("/genders.parquet/").select($"id"). .where("gender=F") 39
  • 40. Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Pruning Partition Pruning Filter out rows by partition SELECT id, gender FROM genders WHERE gender = ‘F’ Column Pruning Filter out columns by column filter Extremely useful for columnar storage formats (ie. Parquet) Skip entire blocks of columns SELECT id, gender FROM genders 40
  • 41. Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Pushdowns aka. Predicate or Filter Pushdowns Predicate returns true or false for given function Filters rows deep into the data source Reduces number of rows returned Data Source must implement PrunedFilteredScan def buildScan(requiredColumns: Array[String], filters: Array[Filter]): RDD[Row] 41
  • 42. Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Demo! Compare Performance of File Formats, Partitions, and Pushdowns 42
  • 43. Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Filter Pushdown and Collapsing 43 Filter pushdown (Parquet) Filter collapsing (next best thing)
  • 44. Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Join Between Partitioned & Unpartitioned 44
  • 45. Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Join Between Partitioned & Partitioned 45
  • 46. Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark 46 Cartesian Join vs. Inner Join
  • 47. Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark 47 Broadcast Join vs. Normal Shuffle Join
  • 48. Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Visualizing the Query Plan 48 Effectiveness of Filter Cost-based Join Optimization Similar to MapReduce
 Map-side Join & DistributedCache Peak Memory for Joins and Aggs UnsafeFixedWidthAggregationMap
  • 49. Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Data Source API Relations (o.a.s.sql.sources.interfaces.scala) BaseRelation (abstract class): Provides schema of data TableScan (impl): Read all data from source PrunedFilteredScan (impl): Column pruning & predicate pushdowns InsertableRelation (impl): Insert/overwrite data based on SaveMode RelationProvider (trait/interface): Handle options, BaseRelation factory Filters (o.a.s.sql.sources.filters.scala) Filter (abstract class): Handles all filters supported by this source EqualTo (impl) GreaterThan (impl) StringStartsWith (impl) 49
  • 50. Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Native Spark SQL Data Sources 50
  • 51. Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark JSON Data Source DataFrame val ratingsDF ="json") .load("file:/root/pipeline/datasets/dating/ratings.json.bz2") -- or – val ratingsDF =
 ("file:/root/pipeline/datasets/dating/ratings.json.bz2") SQL Code CREATE TABLE genders USING json OPTIONS (path "file:/root/pipeline/datasets/dating/genders.json.bz2") 51 json() convenience method
  • 52. Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Parquet Data Source Configuration spark.sql.parquet.filterPushdown=true spark.sql.parquet.mergeSchema=false (unless your schema is evolving) spark.sql.parquet.cacheMetadata=true (requires sqlContext.refreshTable()) spark.sql.parquet.compression.codec=[uncompressed,snappy,gzip,lzo] DataFrames val gendersDF ="parquet") .load("file:/root/pipeline/datasets/dating/genders.parquet") gendersDF.write.format("parquet").partitionBy("gender") .save("file:/root/pipeline/datasets/dating/genders.parquet") SQL CREATE TABLE genders USING parquet OPTIONS (path "file:/root/pipeline/datasets/dating/genders.parquet") 52
  • 53. Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark ElasticSearch Data Source Github Maven org.elasticsearch:elasticsearch-spark_2.10:2.1.0 Code val esConfig = Map("pushdown" -> "true", "es.nodes" -> "<hostname>", 
 "es.port" -> "<port>") df.write.format("org.elasticsearch.spark.sql”).mode(SaveMode.Overwrite) .options(esConfig).save("<index>/<document-type>") 53
  • 54. Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Cassandra Data Source (DataStax) Github Maven com.datastax.spark:spark-cassandra-connector_2.10:1.5.0-M1 Code ratingsDF.write .format("org.apache.spark.sql.cassandra") .mode(SaveMode.Append) .options(Map("keyspace"->"<keyspace>", "table"->"<table>")).save(…) 54
  • 55. Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Mythical New Cassandra Data Source By-pass Cassandra CQL “front door” (which is optimized for transactional data) Bulk read and write directly against SSTables (Similar to 5 year old NetflixOSS project Aegisthus) Promotes Cassandra to first-class analytics option Replicated analytics cluster not needed 55
  • 56. Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark DB2 and BigSQL Data Sources (IBM) Coming Soon! 56
  • 57. Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Creating a Custom Data Source ① Study existing implementations o.a.s.sql.execution.datasources.jdbc.JDBCRelation ② Extend base traits & implement required methods o.a.s.sql.sources.{BaseRelation,PrunedFilterScan} Spark JDBC (o.a.s.sql.execution.datasources.jdbc) class JDBCRelation extends BaseRelation with PrunedFilteredScan with InsertableRelation DataStax Cassandra (o.a.s.sql.cassandra) class CassandraSourceRelation extends BaseRelation with PrunedFilteredScan with InsertableRelation! 57
  • 58. Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Demo! Create a Custom Data Source 58
  • 59. Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Publishing Custom Data Sources 59
  • 60. Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark IBM | Spark SQL UDF Code Generation 100+ UDFs now generating code More to come in Spark 1.6+ Details in 
 SPARK-8159, SPARK-9571 Every UDF must use Expressions and
 implement Expression.genCode() to participate in the fun Lambdas (RDD or Dataset API) and sqlContext.udf.registerFunction() are not enough!!
  • 61. Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Creating a Custom UDF with Code Gen ① Study existing implementations o.a.s.sql.catalyst.expressions.Substring ② Extend and implement base trait o.a.s.sql.catalyst.expressions.Expression.genCode ③ Don’t forget about Python! 61
  • 62. Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Demo! Creating a Custom UDF participating in Code Generation 62
  • 63. Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Spark 1.6 Improvements 63
  • 64. Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Adaptive Query Execution Adapt query execution using data from previous stages Dynamically choose spark.sql.shuffle.partitions (default 200) 64 Broadcast Join (popular keys) Shuffle Join (not-so-popular keys) Hybrid
  • 65. Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Adaptive Memory Management Spark <1.6 Manual configure between 2 memory regions Spark execution engine (shuffles, joins, sorts, aggs) spark.shuffle.memoryFraction RDD Data Cache Spark 1.6+ Unified memory regions Dynamically expand/contract memory regions Supports minimum for RDD storage (LRU Cache) 65
  • 66. Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Metrics Shows exact memory usage per operator & per node Helps debugging and identifying skew 66
  • 67. Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Spark SQL API Datasets type safe API (similar to RDDs) utilizing Tungsten val ds ="ratings.csv").as[String] val df = ds.flatMap(_.split(",")).filter(_ != "").toDF() // RDD API, convert to DF val agg = df.groupBy($"rating").agg(count("*") as "ct”).orderBy($"ct" desc) Typed Aggregators used alongside UDFs and UDAFs val simpleSum = new Aggregator[Int, Int, Int] with Serializable { def zero: Int = 0 def reduce(b: Int, a: Int) = b + a def merge(b1: Int, b2: Int) = b1 + b2 def finish(b: Int) = b }.toColumn val sum = Seq(1,2,3,4).toDS().select(simpleSum) Query files directly without registerTempTable() %sql SELECT * FROM json.`/datasets/movielens/ml-latest/movies.json` 67
  • 68. Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Spark Streaming State Management New trackStateByKey() Store deltas, compaction later No longer scan every key Sessionization TTL Integrated A/B Testing Shows failure output in Admin UI 68
  • 69. Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Thank You!!! Chris Fregly IBM Spark Tech Center ( San Francisco, California, USA Sign up for the Meetup and Book Clone, Contribute, Commit on Github Run All Demos in Docker 2100+ Docker Downloads!! Find me on LinkedIn, Twitter, Github, Email, Fax 69
  • 70. Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark What’s Next? 70 After Dark 1.6+
  • 71. Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark What’s Next? Autoscaling Docker/Spark Workers Completely Docker-based Docker Compose, Google Kubernetes Lots of Demos and Examples More Zeppelin & IPython/Jupyter notebooks More advanced analytics use cases More Performance Profiling Work closely with Netflix & Databricks Identify & fix performance bottlenecks 71
  • 72. Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Upcoming Meetups and Conferences London Spark Meetup (Oct 12th) Scotland Data Science Meetup (Oct 13th) Dublin Spark Meetup (Oct 15th) Barcelona Spark Meetup (Oct 20th) Madrid Big Data Meetup (Oct 22nd) Paris Spark Meetup (Oct 26th) Amsterdam Spark Summit (Oct 27th) Brussels Spark Meetup (Oct 30th) Zurich Big Data Meetup (Nov 2nd) Geneva Spark Meetup (Nov 5th) San Francisco Datapalooza (Nov 10th) San Francisco Advanced Spark (Nov 12th) 72 Oslo Big Data Hadoop Meetup (Nov 19th) Helsinki Spark Meetup (Nov 20th) Stockholm Spark Meetup (Nov 23rd) Copenhagen Spark Meetup (Nov 25th) Budapest Spark Meetup (Nov 26th) Istanbul Spark Meetup (Nov 28th) Singapore Pre-Strata Spark Meetup (Dec 1st) Sydney Spark Meetup (Dec 8th) Melbourne Spark Meetup (Dec 9th) San Francisco Advanced Spark (Dec 10th) San Francisco Univ of San Francisco (Dec 11th) Toronto Spark Meetup (Dec 14th)
  • 73. Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark Power of data. Simplicity of design. Speed of innovation. IBM Spark @cfregly