india ecb country risk analysis opportunities and threats for international busine financial services financial products recession financial crisis icc guidelines federal bank practice numericals calculating broken period forward rates american terms forward markets premium and discounts mid rate european terms forex futures and currency options speculation and arbitrage various practices of writing quotations spot markets spread and its determinants cross rates common currency symbols bid and ask rates exchange rate quotations direct and indirect quotes ias 21 internal hedging methods. internal hedging translation risk forex risk transaction risk external hedging real operating exposure currency risk gdr fccb buyers credit and supplier’s credit loan syndication export finance adr international receivables and cash management trade settlement methods fdi and international sources of finance rupee convertibility sez foreign trade policy role of rbi fema and fera epz eou/stpi importance of yuan importance of rupee importance of yen importance of us dollar importance of euro relative ppp ppp absolute ppp exchange rate determination foreign currency foreign exchange participants in forex markets impact of imf use of it in international finance impact of wto nature of international finance special drawing rights european union south east asian currency crisis eu european crisis case study on trade laws bilateral trims wto saarc trade laws trips multilateral contractual modes foreign direct investment joint venture modes of entry into foreign markets case study on international marketing franchising case study on p&g exporting process of market selection licensing international marketing countertrade working capital financing letters of credit (l/c) banker’s acceptance (ba) medium-term capital goods factoring (cross-border factoring) accounts receivable financing working of letter of credit types of letter of credit financing (forfaiting) world bank asian development bank balance of payments international monetary fund difference between balance of payments and balance components of balance of payments bric countries convertibility risk political risk international trade environment economic risk transfer pest sovereign risk exchange rate risk trade blocks 3. international trade environment factor proportions theory bric economies theory of absolute advantage tariff theories of international trade trade barriers theory of comparative advantage non-tariff barriers international business stages of globalization tariff and non-tariff barriers and trade blocks dimensions of globalization globalization is a boon or bane globalization trading environment of international trade 2. theo customer financial needs and product solutions management of financial services understanding financial products financial planning process classification of financial products factoring fee based financial services asset based financial services types of financial services case study on receivables financing difference between fund based and non fund based f financial services marketing marketing of financial services characteristics of financial services need for financial services recession part 2 recession in india world economy 2012 outlook another downturn recession in europe recession 2012 is another recession coming greek exit from euro return of the crisis greece exit strategy corporate misgovernance scam by top management scams in retail industry in india bottlenecks to organized retail in india management fraud lilliput vishal retail subhiksha reebok scam problems in growth of indian retail frauds in indian retail rupee vs. dollar india's fiscal deficit current account deficit impact of rupee depreciation rupee depreciation solution to rupee fall why is rupee falling youtube ikea nike ambient marketing viral marketing buzz marketing guerrilla marketing european sovereign debt crisis eurozone piigs pepsi amul p&g coca-cola tnt surf excel marketing and advertising environment green economy subprime crisis central banks luxury marketing hidesign bottom of the pyramid rural marketing mutual fund fii vs mutual funds
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