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Leadership	in	Times	of	Transition	presented	by	Chris	Shade	
Leadership	in	Times	of	Transition	presented	by	Chris	Shade	
What	is	the	single	greatest	impediment	to	your	organization’s	
The	state	standards	outline	curricular	expectations	lack	specificity	
and	relevance.	Our	curriculum	is	“a	mile	wide	and	an	inch	deep”	
requiring	students	to	be	a	“jack	of	all	trades	and	master	of	none.”	
According	to	Robert	Marzano,	“If	you	wanted	to	teach	all	of	the	
standards	in	the		national	documents,	you	would	have	to	change	
schooling	from	K-12	to	K-22	.”
According	to	Sir	Ken	Robinson,	last	year,	the	NFL	was	a	nine-billion-dolla	
Hollywood	was	an	eleven-billion-dollar	industry.
Standardized	assessment?	A	sixteen-billion-dollar	industry.	This	sounds	
like	big	business	to	me;	and	to	that	I	say,	“education	is	none	of	your	
Government	policymakers,	in	an	effort	to	correct	what	they	
perceived	as	inefficiency	and	ineffectiveness	in	publication,	have	
over-mandated	and	over-regulated	the	local	function.	Multiple	and	
largely	punitive	accountability	provisions	were	created	to	ensure	
compliance.	Though	the	continual	proliferation	of	prescriptive	
rules	and	requirements	is	probably	well-intentioned,	its	impact	on	
schools	is	inherently	counterproductive.	Rather	than	focusing	
efforts	on	student	success,	school	districts	have	been	forced	to	
behave	like	inflexible	and	unresponsive	bureaucracies,	more	
accountable	to	policies	set	by	the	government	and	their	
enforcement	agencies	than	responsive	to	meeting	the	needs	of	
their	students	and	the	communities	they	serve.	This	shift	in	power	
has	stripped	the	local	community	of	a	sense	of	ownership	of	its	
schools	and	denied	its	citizens	the	right	and	opportunity	to	make	
meaningful	choices	about	the	quality	and	nature	of	education	it	
desires	for	its	youth.	[Visioning	Document]
Bureaucracy	Test	[from	Gary	Hamel]	
• Do	you	feel	there	are	too	many	rules	and	policies in	your	
organization,	too	much	red	tape?
• Do	those	rules	and	policies	often	get	in	the	way of	doing	
the	right	thing	for	customers?
• Do	you	feel	over-managed,	as	if	you're	not	really	
• Are	there	internal	processes,	like	budgeting and	the	
annual	performance	review,	that	seem	to	absorb more	
time	and	effort	than	they're	worth?
• Does	it	seem	unnecessarily	difficult	to	start	something	
new, to	get	a	bit	of	seed	funding	and	carve	out	some	
time to	experiment	with	a	new	service,	product,	or	work	
• Does	it	feel	like	speaking	up,	challenging	your	
manager, or	questioning	a	decision,	could	be	a	career-
limiting	move?
• Are	you	or	your	teammates	sometimes	reluctant	to	take	
risks for	fear	of	being	punished	for	failure?
• Do	internal	staff	functions,	like	HR	and	finance, seem	
more	focused	on	enforcing	their	rules than	facilitating	
your	success,	more	meddlesome than	generally	helpful?
• Does	it	often	feel	as	if	employees	are	treated	more	like	
resources	than	human	beings? That	profits	come	first,	
and	people	come	second?
• Do	you	feel	there	are	too	many	layers	in	your	
organization? Too	many	managers	who	spend	their	time	
managing	other	managers?
• Do	leaders	seem	more	inclined	to	protect	their decision-
making	prerogatives	than	to empower	those	around	
• And	does	it	often	seem	as	if	it's	the	best	politicians who	
get	promoted	rather	than	the	best	leaders? So	that's	a	
dozen	questions.
Reform	strategies	have	repeatedly	been	introduced	with	such	acts	
as	the	Elementary	and	Secondary	Education	Act,	Goals	2000,	No	
Child	Left	Behind,	and	the	recent	Every	Student	Succeeds	Act.		
Image	borrowed	from
Yet	each	new	reform	is	merely	putting	lipstick	on	the	pig.	Like	its	
predecessors	ESSA	emphasizes	standardized	assessment	despite	
knowing	that	weighing	the	pig	won’t	make	it	fatter.		
And	what	CEO	would	offer	to	be	rated	on	the	price	of	company	
stock	on	an	arbitrary	day	of	the	year?	
Name	some	of	the	greatest	breakthroughs	of	the	past	150	years.	
All	of	humanity’s	scientific	advances	would	have	contributed	little	
to	our	quality	of	life	if	they	hadn’t	been	accompanied	by	equally	
astounding	breakthroughs	in	management	science.	Over	the	past	
century,	much	of	this	innovation	was	focused	on	getting	people	to	
be	as	reliable	as	machines,	a	challenge	that	required	a	new	and	
systematic	approach	to	the	problem	of	control.	The	name	for	that	
approach:	bureaucracy.		
The	challenge	may	seem	intimidating,	but	take	heart.	Those	early	
management	pioneers	had	to	turn	free-thinking,	obstreperous	
human	beings	into	obedient,	kowtowing	employees.	They	were	
working	against	the	grain	of	human	nature.
In	routinizing	work,	we	risked	routinizied	human	beings.	Indeed,	
this	was	inevitable,	since	the	goal	of	bureaucracy	was	(and	is)	to	
excise	the	human	factor,	to	turn	people	into	machines	made	of	
flesh	and	blood.
When	we	think	of	factories,	we	think	of	Henry	Ford,	Model	T’s,	and	
assembly	lines.	Yet,	with	the	burgeoning	success	and	growth,	the	need	
for	a	new	type	of	worker	was	born,	the	white-collar	workers.	
Interestingly,	however,	these	white	collar	workers	were	still	factory	
workers.	Whether	pushing	a	pencil	or	hammering	away	on	a	keyboard,	
or	calling	on	customers,	the	work	was	planned,	controlled,	measured	
and	routinized.		
If	you	paid	attention	in	school,	followed	instructions,	showed	up	on	
time,	and	tried	hard,	you	were	promised	to	be	taken	care	of,	paid	a	lot	of	
money,	given	job	security,	offered	health	insurance	and	retirement	
benefits.	It	was	the	American	Dream.		
My	father	worked	in	the	factory,	in	a	white	collar,	in	sales.	Every	day	he	
would	fight	Houston	traffic	going	from	one	place	of	business	to	another.	
Meet	with	an	office	manager,	ask,	“What	paper	products	do	you	need?	
Paper	towel?	Toilet	paper?	Cleaning	supplies?	Chemicals?”	He	would	
take	the	order;	get	back	into	his	car	and	drive	to	another	place	of	
business,	church,	or	school.	“What	paper	products	do	you	need?	Paper	
towel?	Toilet	paper?	Cleaning	supplies?	Chemicals?”	He	was	
extraordinarily	talented	and	extremely	successful.		
In	routinizing	work,	we	routinized	human	beings.
No	corporation	or	school	can	thrive	in	the	absence	of	creativity,	
innovation,	and	learning,	and	the	greatest	threat	to	all	three	of	
these	is	disengagement.	[Daring	Greatly	by	Brene	Brown]	
Engagement	may	have	been	irrelevant	in	the	industrial	economy,	but	it's	
the	whole	game	now.
The	Texas	Center	for	Educational	Research	reviewed	a	number	of	
estimation	models	and	studied	three	representative	Texas	school	
districts.	They	concluded	that	the	districts	spend	20%	of	a	
departing	teacher’s	annual	salary	to	replace	him	or	her,	amounting	
to	a	conservative	estimate	of	$329	million	statewide	each	year.		
In	a	2004	study	of	teacher	retention,	the	Alliance	for	Excellent	
Education	estimated	that	the	costs	associated	with	teacher	
attrition	are	about	$12,500	per	teacher,	and	conclude	that	the	cost	
in	the	2000	school	year	could	have	been	nearly	$2.1	billion	across	
the	nation.	
1,000	teachers	x	15%	turnover	=	150	departing	teachers	
$30,496	x	20%	=	$6099.20	to	replace	one	[first	year]	teacher	
$6,099.20	x	150	=	$914,880	total	annual	expense	
[Building	Engaged	Schools	by	Gary	Gordon]
How	can	you	expect	engagement	at	work	if	work	isn't	engaging?	
Teachers	are	shackled	by	standardization,	standards	and	standardized	
assessments.	There	is	little	room	for	autonomy	and	creative	liberty.	
Technology	has	changed	everything.	The	white-collar	jobs	that	were	
once	machine-proof	are	now	being	replaced	by	machines.	When	it’s	
time	to	do	taxes,	many	no	longer	call	on	an	accountant,	but	instead	
go	online.	When	shoes	are	ordered	from	an	endless	supply	online,	
they	are	shipped	in	the	correct	size	the	next	day	with	a	click	of	a	
button	having	never	left	home.		
Today,	I	can	do	what	my	father	did	in	eight	hours	in	a	matter	of	
But	in	the	face	of	competition	and	technology,	the	bargain	has	fallen	
apart.	Job	growth	is	flat	at	best.	Wages	in	many	industries	are	in	a	
negative	cycle.	The	middle	class	is	under	siege	like	never	before,	and	
the	future	appears	dismal.	People	are	no	longer	being	taken	care	of—
pensions	are	gone;	401(k)s	have	been	sliced	in	half;	and	it’s	hard	to	
see	where	to	go	from	here.	It’s	futile	to	work	hard	at	restoring	the	
take-care-of-you	bargain.	The	bargain	is	gone	and	it’s	not	worth	
whining	about	and	it’s	not	effective	to	complain.	There’s	a	new	
bargain	now,	one	that	leverages	talent	and	creativity	and	art	more	
than	it	rewards	obedience.
In	their	viral	video	Shift	Happens,	Karl	Fisch	and	Scott	McLeod	state,	
“We	are	currently	preparing	students	for	jobs	that	don’t	yet	exist	
using	technologies	that	haven’t	been	invented	in	order	to	solve	
problems	we	don’t	even	know	are	problems	yet.”	
Until	1900	human	knowledge	doubled	approximately	every	
century.	By	the	end	of	World	War	II	knowledge	was	doubling	every	
25	years.	Today,	knowledge	is	doubling	every	13	months.		
According	to	IBM,	the	build	out	of	the	“internet	of	things”	will	lead	
to	the	doubling	of	knowledge	every	12	hours.	
Or	put	more	simply…
If	there	is	one	thing	you	can	always	count	on	to	happen	in	life,	it’s	
"If	you	don't	like	change,	you're	going	to	like	irrelevance	even	less."	Eric	
You	can't	outrun	the	future	if	you	don't	see	it	coming...
Because	an	influx	of	monies	for	education	is	unlikely,	we	must	
innovate	“inside	the	box.”	George	Couros	
We	need	to	turn	the	assumption	of	“organization	first,	human	
beings	second”	on	its	head.	Instead	of	asking,	how	do	we	get	
employees	to	better	serve	the	organization,	we	need	to	ask,	how	
do	we	build	organizations	that	deserve	the	extraordinary	gifts	that	
employees	could	bring	to	work?	The	most	important	task	for	any	
manager	today	is	to	create	a	work	environment	that	inspires	
exception	contribution	and	that	merits	an	outpouring	of	passion,	
imagination,	and	initiative.
To	create	an	organization	that’s	adaptable	and	innovative,	people	
need	the	freedom	to	challenge	precedent,	to	“waste”	time,	to	go	
outside	of	channels,	to	experiment,	to	take	risks	and	to	follow	their	
Policies	and	rules	are	important—no	organization	can	survive	
without	them.	Most	organizations,	though,	are	overcontrolled.	
That’s	because	control	works	like	a	ratchet.	Managers	are	
incentives	to	create	rules,	not	abolish	them.	More	rules	mean	
more	things	to	control,	and	that	means	more	job	security	and	
more	power.		
If	you’re	a	formally	appointed	leader,	and	you	want	to	turn	sheep	
into	shepherds,	you	have	to	take	off	your	leadership	mantle	and	
say	to	people,	“I	don’t	have	a	plan,	what’s	yours?”	That’s	
humbling,	but	it’s	the	only	way	to	release	the	latent	talents	within	
your	organization.	
Let	people	find	the	work	that	best	suits	their	interests.	This	is	the	
key	to	building	a	community	of	passion.	When	you	force	people	
into	slots,	you	get	slot-shaped	contributions;	you	don’t	get	bold	
and	astonishing	contributions.	If	you	want	the	unexpected,	you	
have	to	give	people	the	freedom	to	do	the	unexpected.		
Three	things	are	critical	to	engagement:	first,	the	scope	that	
employees	have	to	learn	and	advance	(are	there	opportunities	to	
grow?);	second,	the	company’s	reputation	and	its	commitment	to	
making	a	difference	in	the	world	(is	there	a	mission	that	warrants	
extraordinary	effort?);	and	third,	the	behaviors	and	values	of	the	
organization’s	leaders	(are	they	trusted,	do	people	want	to	follow	
Show	me	an	organization	where	compensation	is	largely	correlated	
with	hierarchy,	I	can	tell	you	that’s	not	going	to	be	a	very	
innovative	or	adaptable	organization.	People	are	going	to	spend	a	
lot	of	their	time	managing	up	rather	than	collaborating.	There	will	
be	a	lot	of	competition	that	goes	into	promotion	up	that	formal	
ladder	rather	than	competing,	really,	to	add	value.	So,	increasingly,	
compensation	has	to	be	a	correlate	of	value	created	wherever	you	
are,	rather	than	how	well	you	fought	that	political	battle,	what	you	
did	a	year	or	two	or	three	years	ago	that	made	you	an	EVP	or	
The	problem	is	with	the	technology	of	management,	the	systems,	
processes,	tools,	methods,	that	we	use	to	mobilize	and	organize	
human	beings	to	productive	ends.	
We	have	a	name	for	this	technology.	It's	called	bureaucracy.	And	
though	that	word	seems	archaic,	like	horsepower,	bureaucracy	is	
still	very	much	with	us.	In	fact,	it's	pretty	much	inescapable.		
Bureaucracies	are	disempowering.	Bureaucracies	partition	
thinking,	and	doing.	Those	in	the	top	envision,	while	everybody	
else	simply	enacts.	And	deprived	of	any	real	influence,	most	
employees	feel	emotionally	disconnected	from	their	work.	Unless	
your	organization	is	truly	exceptional,	it	contains	a	lot	of	people	
who	are	phoning	it	in.			
Three	things	are	critical	to	engagement:	first,	the	scope	that	
employees	have	to	learn	and	advance	(are	there	opportunities	to	
grow?);	second,	the	company’s	reputation	and	its	commitment	to	
making	a	difference	in	the	world	(is	there	a	mission	that	warrants	
extraordinary	effort?);	and	third,	the	behaviors	and	values	of	the	
organization’s	leaders	(are	they	trusted,	do	people	want	to	follow	
Rehumanizing	work	and	education	requires	courageous	leadership.	
Honest	conversations	about	vulnerability	and	shame	are	
disruptive.	The	reason	we’re	not	having	these	conversations	in	our	
organizations	is	that	they	shine	light	in	dark	corners.	Once	there	is	
language,	awareness,	and	understanding,	turning	back	is	almost	
impossible	and	carries	with	it	severe	consequences.	If	you	give	us	a	
glimpse	into	that	possibility,	we’ll	hold	it	as	our	vision.	It	can’t	be	
taken	away.”	[Daring	Greatly	by	Brene	Brown]	
What	about	our	children?
Learning	is	passive.	For	13	years,	we	learn	to	consume	info.		
America’s	schools	were	not	designed	to	teach	all	children	to	high	
levels.	They	were	designed	to	select	and	sort	young	people	into	
two	groups:	a	small	handful	of	thinkers	and	a	great	mass	of	doers.	
It	started	with	Thomas	Jefferson	who	considered	it	essential	all	
children	be	educated	“well	enough”	to	a)	transact	business,	and	b)	
effectively	participate	in	the	civic	life	of	the	community.		
In	the	Notes	on	the	State	of	Virginia,	Jefferson	proposed	teaching	
the	3	r’s,	reading,	writing,	and	arithmetic	to	children	three	years	
“gratis.”	A	visitor	was	to	chuse	the	boy	of	best	genius	in	the	school	
whose	parents	are	too	poor	to	provide	an	education,	and	to	send	
him	forward	to	one	of	the	20	grammar	schools	for	further	teaching	
in	more	complex	subjects.	From	there,	the	best	genius	of	the	
whole	was	raked	from	the	rubbish	and	continued	for	six	years	at	
the	public	expense.		
The	choosing	continued	until	the	turn	of	the	century	and	the	
industrial	revolution.	The	country	was	filling	up	with	factories;	and	
these	factories	need	workers.	Factories	replaced	farms	as	the	
primary	place	of	work.	Rural	Americans	flocked	to	the	cities	where	
they	seeking	greater	comfort	and	security.	They	entered	the	
regimented	world	and	were	closely	monitored	and	tightly	
controlled.	They	were	paid	to	do	what	they	were	told—no	more,	
no	less.
Here’s	the	deal	our	parents	signed	up	for:	Our	world	is	filled	with	
factories.	Factories	that	make	widgets	and	insurance	and	websites,	
factories	that	make	movies	and	take	care	of	sick	people	and	
answer	the	telephone.	These	factories	need	workers.	If	you	learn	
how	to	be	one	of	these	workers,	if	you	pay	attention	in	school,	
follow	instructions,	show	up	on	time,	and	try	hard,	we	will	take	
care	of	you.	We	will	pay	you	a	lot	of	money,	give	you	health	
insurance,	and	offer	you	job	security.	It	was	the	American	Dream.	
It	worked.	
Those	workers	were	not	only	adults,	but	children…and	the	adults	
were	incensed.	“Children	can’t	work	in	the	factory…They’re	taking	
our	jobs.”	Factory	owners	insisted	that	losing	child	workers	would	
be	catastrophic	and	said	they	couldn’t	afford	to	hire	adults.	And	a	
deal	was	struck.	They	were	sold	on	the	idea	children	would	
actually	be	more	prepared	to	be	compliant,	productive	members	
of	the	workforce	if	educated	to	sit	in	rows,	follow	the	rules,	and	do	
as	they	were	told	told.	Mass	education	was	designed	churn	out	
adults	who	worked	well	within	the	system.	The	economy	needed	
an	institution	that	would	churn	out	compliant	workers,	so	we	built	
it.	Factories	didn’t	happen	because	there	were	schools;	schools	
happened	because	there	were	factories.	The	reason	so	many	
people	grew	up	to	look	for	a	job	is	that	the	economy	has	needed	
people	who	would	grow	up	to	look	for	a	job.	Jobs	were	invented	
before	workers	were	invented.	[Stop	Stealing	Dreams:	What	Is	
School	For?
Factories	didn’t	happen	because	there	were	schools…schools	happended	
because	there	were	factories.
School,	no	surprise,	is	focused	on	creating	hourly	workers,	because	
that’s	what	the	creators	of	school	needed,	in	large	numbers.	Think	
about	the	fact	that	school	relentlessly	downplays	group	work.	It	
breaks	tasks	into	the	smallest	possible	measurable	units.	It	does	
nothing	to	coordinate	teaching	across	subjects.	It	often	isolates	
teachers	into	departments.	And	most	of	all,	it	measures,	
relentlessly,	at	the	individual	level,	and	re-processes	those	who	
don’t	meet	the	minimum	performance	standards.	
Today,	we	face	a	new	and	different	challenge.	
Technology	is	ubiquitous.		
The	white-collar	jobs	that	were	once	machine-proof	are	now	being	
replaced	by	machines.	When	it’s	time	to	do	taxes,	many	no	longer	
call	on	an	accountant,	but	instead	go	online.	When	shoes	are	
ordered	from	an	endless	supply	online,	they	are	shipped	in	the	
correct	size	the	next	day	with	a	click	of	a	button	having	never	left	
In	their	viral	video	Shift	Happens,	Karl	Fisch	and	Scott	McLeod	
state,	“We	are	currently	preparing	students	for	jobs	that	don’t	yet	
exist	using	technologies	that	haven’t	been	invented	in	order	to	
solve	problems	we	don’t	even	know	are	problems	yet.”
“If	I	can	google	your	questions,	your	questions	suck.”
If	you	use	google,	I	consider	your	resourceful.	If	kids	do	it,	they're	
There’s	no	competitive	advantage	today	in	knowing	more	than	the	next	
“We	can	no	longer	operate	a	19th
	century	system	using	20th
accountability	and	expect	21st
	century	learners.”	Dr.	Jeffrey	Turner,	
Innovation is a team sport.
Problems today are too complex
to solve alone.
Innovation	is	a	team	sport.	Problems	today	are	too	complex	to	solve	
Innovation	is	cross	disciplinary	and	explores	solutions	from	multiple	
Multiple	and	largely	punitive	accountability	provisions	were	
created	to	ensure	compliance.	[Visioning	Document]		
The	present	bureaucratic	structure	[is	a]	system	based	on	
compliance,	coercion,	and	fear.	If	proper	focus	is	to	be	restored,	
the	system	must	be	transformed	into	one	based	on	trust,	shared	
values,	creativity,	innovation,	and	respect.	[Visioning	Document]	
“We	don’t	like	to	use	fear,	but	it’s	the	only	tool	we’ve	got.”	Director	
at	the	Texas	Education	Agency,	ACET	Spring	Conference	2013	
Innovation	is	grounded	in	taking	risks	and	learning	via	trial	and	error.		
We	are	a	very	failure	adverse	society.
Innovative	learning	cultures	teach	creation,	not	consumption.		
Extrinsic	incentives	have	driven	learning:	carrots	and	sticks,	As	and	Fs.
Innovators	are	intrinsically	motivated	and	aren’t	interested	in	grades	or	
reward	systems.
Is	the	idea	of	completely	changing	school	as	we	know	it	scary?	Yes,	
but	I	think	no	more	frightening	than	how	the	farmers	felt	at	the	
turn	of	the	century	when	people	were	leaving	the	fields	for	the	
factories.	Over	the	next	50	years,	America	entered	its	most	
prosperous	time	in	history.
Don’t	think	of	how	it	is,	but	of	how	it	could	be.
Chris	Shade		
Coordinator	of	District	Improvement	&	Innovation	Coordinator	of	
Federal	&	State	Programs	Denton	ISD	Professional	Development	Center	
1212	Bolivar	Street	Denton,	TX	76201	(940)	369-0676		

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