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• Emerging Sustainable Technologies - Elodie Lecadre, Engie Research, Lead Scien4fic Advisor
• CCU & Molecules - Jan Mertens , Engie Research, Chief Science Officer (En)
• Ra9onals behind CCUS and Direct Air Capture - Grégoire Leonard, Associate Professor,
Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Liège
• CCU & heavy process industries - Jean-Yves Tilquin, Carmeuse, Group R&D Director & Vice-
President CO2 Value Europe
Introduction - TWEED
•  Networking between industrial or commercial companies and others actors
of sustainable energy sectors
•  Reactive and proactive approaches in order to stimulate new projects
•  Set-up technical support and management of projects
•  Promote networking by organizing specific events, general meetings,
workshops, bilateral meetings, face-to-face meetings, visits to companies,...
•  Develop synergies with other actors of sustainable energy sectors
•  Local and international promotion of members.
•  Carrying out industry, technical, market and economic studies on
sustainable energy sector
•  Participation in Regional/European/International projects
Cluster TWEED
Mission : Créer et animer des écosystèmes économiques pour catalyser, accélérer des
processus et des projets d’innovation de la transition environnementale dans les
domaines de GreenWin
P ô l e d e c o m p é t i t i v i t é d e l ’ i n g é n i e r i e
c h i m i q u e , d e s m a t é r i a u x e t d e l a
c o n s t r u c t i o n d u r a b l e
FEUILLE DE ROUTE 2020-2025 - 11
> Minéralisation du CO2 dans les déchets de démolition
> Carbon Capture & Use - par voie chimique
> Stockage de l’énergie (et smart grids)
> Efficacité énergétique des bâtiments
> Construction modulaire
> Circularité dans la construction
> Économie de la fonctionnalité dans la construction
> Chimie biosourcée
> Circularité des plastiques
> Substitution des sables dans les bétons
> Valorisation des sites en assainissement
TWEED	:	A	vos	agendas	
Cluster TWEED
TWEED	:	A	vos	agendas	
Cluster TWEED
TWEED	:	A	vos	agendas	
Cluster TWEED
TWEED	:	A	vos	agendas	
Cluster TWEED
TWEED	:	A	vos	agendas	
Cluster TWEED
TWEED	:	Opportunité,	Plan	Relance	
Cluster TWEED
Cluster TWEED
TWEED	:	Opportunité,	Plan	Relance
Cluster TWEED
TWEED	:	Opportunité,	Plan	Relance
•  10H30	:	Accueil	TWEED	&	GreenWin				
•  10H40	:	11H10	:	Emerging	Sustainable	Technologies	-	Elodie	Lecadre	,	Engie	
Research,	Lead	Scientific	Advisor	
•  11H10-11H40	:	CCU	&	Molecules	-	Jan	Mertens	,	Engie	Research,	Chief	
Science	Officer	(En)		
•  11H40	:	Rationals	behind	CCUS	and	Direct	Air	Capture	-	Grégoire	Leonard	,	
Associate	Professor,	Department	of	Chemical	Engineering,	University	of	Liège		
•  12H00	:	La	transformation	du	CO2	comme	option	pour	les	industries	
émettrices	du	CO2	-	Jean-Yves	Tilquin	,	Carmeuse,	Group	R&D	Director	&	
Vice-President	CO2	Value	Europe		
•  12H20	:	Q&A	et	next	steps		
•  12H30	:	End	
Cluster TWEED
Cluster	TWEED	
Rue	Natalis	2	•	4020	Liège	•	Belgique	
Contacts	:		
Cédric	Brüll	•	Directeur	•	
Paul	Bricout	•	Gestionnaire	de	projets	&	responsable	communication	•	
Renaud	Dachouffe	•	Développement	de	projets	•
An overview of the
Emerging Sustainable
Technologies document 2020
Cluster TWEED and Green Win, 2nd of February 2021
Elodie Le Cadre Loret, Jan Mertens, Jean-Pierre Keustermans, Monique Créach
Emerging Sustainable Technologies
Present a selection of emerging
technologies that:
Impact energy today
Very likely will impact energy in future
May impact energy directly or indirectly even
though today they seem far away from our
current and ‘planned’ future activities…
Objective of this document
So where possible link is made with
our activities but not always
straightforward TODAY…
In the
Emerging Sustainable Technologies
Emerging Sustainable Technologies
Sustainable catalysts as
energy transition
gasification of biomass
and waste
Pyrogasification of
waste (Solid Recovered
Cybersecurity and
Green ammonia and
green fertilizer
Direct Air Capture for a
circular carbon
Multi-purpose offshore
Small Modular Nuclear
Pumped Hydro
Compressed Air
Emerging Sustainable Technologies
Direct Air
Capture for a
circular carbon
Emerging Sustainable Technologies
Fans are processing air
through large contactor arrays
Cyclic process: absorption on
materials and desorption by heat
Contactor: solvent or
solid sorbent
CO2 capture from the air: myth or reality?
Technology wise, a reality
Carbon dioxide can be removed from ambient air through chemical processes based
on acid-base reactions. Direct Air Capture (DAC) is comparable to the respiratory
system or the photosynthesis.
Direct Air Capture for a circular carbon economy
The system moves the
air to the process
The process releases captured
gases from the material
Where the chemistry happens:
capacity and selectivity
Liquid adsorbent
and regeneration
at high T°C
Solid adsorbent
and regeneration
at low T°C
(80-100 °C)
Modified from Source [6]
Sources [6], [7]
Emerging Sustainable Technologies
200 m
6 m
Why capture from the air when there are so many
concentrated CO2 sources?
DAC can capture the CO2 emitted by decentralized
sources (e.g. transport)
It can be decentralized towards sites that offer a
cheap source of renewable electricity and heat
Deployed closed to CO2 storage sites, DAC becomes a
Negative Emission Technology (NET)
Its modular construction means many of them can be
built which can drive down cost
Direct Air Capture for a circular carbon economy
CO2 in the atmosphere is highly
diluted (~400 ppm):
Large energy footprint
Large land footprint
These challenges can be
overcome by:
Contactor development
Low carbon energy, such as
waste heat in the case of low
temperature DAC
DAC with storage can be a NET, next to bio-CCS, carbon soiling, reforestation
14 units
of these
Petra Nova – 1.4 Mt CO2/year
115 m tall, 20 m large absorber
the same
amount of
CO2 as this
Modified from Source [9] Sources [8], [9]
Emerging Sustainable Technologies
Roadmap < 2015 2015- 2020 2025 2030
Prototype Pilot Demo Commercial
Tons/year 1 1000 10,000 > 1,000,000
Proof Material Technology Economics Profit & Impact
CO2 capture from the air: myth or reality?
Next 5-10 years a major milestone to go from myth to reality
The leading DAC technology developers are all striving for the first large scale demonstration where the economics and technology
performances will be proven in an integrated business model (Enhanced Oil Recovery,e-fuels). 2025 will be a major milestone for DAC.
Direct Air Capture for circular carbon economy
Source [7]
Emerging Sustainable Technologies
catalysts as
energy transition
Emerging Sustainable Technologies
Its performance is driven by:
• Its composition (nature of the metal, enzyme…)
• Structure / morphology / microstructure
• Type and nature of support
• Immobilization method
Catalysis is a key enabling technology for energy transition
Sustainable catalysts as energy transition enablers
Metallic Ni supported on YSZ ceramic
Production of syngas by Solid Oxide
Electrolysis (SOEC) at High
CO2 hydrogenation into
Metallic Cu catalyst
Thermocatalytic conversion
Comparison of activation energy with
(green) and without (red) a catalyst
H2 production from water
Pt/IrO2 catalyst
Water electrolysis
Biocatalytic conversion
Sources [28], [29], [30], [31]
A catalyst is specific for each final product, reaction conditions and type of process
Emerging Sustainable Technologies
Platinum group metal (PGM) catalysts dominate today’s
Even at high production volumes, the PGM catalyst is expected to represent a significant part of the fuel cell cost.
The wide development of electrochemical processes, that bridge the molecule-based economy with a green electricity
production should avoid the intensive use of PGM materials. As such, a large scientific effort is devoted to the development of low-
PGM and PGM-free catalysts.
Developments of new catalytic materials with improved performance are focused on composition and microstructure.
Sustainable catalysts as energy transition enablers
2018 PEMFC Stack Cost Breakdown Platinum group metal
Illustration of the microstructure of a low PGM catalyst
Sources [32], [33]
Emerging Sustainable Technologies
Fossil fuel feedstock
Harsh reaction conditions
Low process flexibility
Low catalyst activity
Abundant and cheap materials
Renewable feedstock
Mild reaction conditions
Higher process flexibility
Higher catalyst activity
Rare and expensive materials
Renewable feedstock
Mild reaction conditions
High process flexibility
High catalyst activity
Non-transition metals
Conventional catalysts Alternative catalysts Tomorrow’s catalysts
150-250 bar
5-20 bar
<20 bar
2 bar
50-100 bar
<30 bar
10 bar
Sustainable catalysts as energy transition enablers
Sources [34], [35]
Emerging Sustainable Technologies
Future catalyst will have to be based on earth-abundant
materials and will require to work at moderate pressure
and temperature ultimately
The biocatalytic approach could allow the convergence of both approaches
Mimicking the reactions taking place in
living organisms, biocatalysis has many
attractive features in the context of
green and sustainable chemistry:
Mild reaction conditions: ambient
temperature and pressure
High flexibility
Highly selective
Sustainable : biodegradable catalyst
Recycling biocatalysts
Development of more stable
biocatalysts according to two different
- Keep wild type organisms / enzymes and
select organisms that live
in extreme environments as these will
be naturally more stable.
- Engineer it using genetic tools
Formate dehydrogenase
with focus on the active
site of Mo for the CO2
reduction into formate
Sustainable catalysts as energy transition enablers
Source [36]
Over the last few years, an acceleration of ENGIE’s
involvement in pilot and demonstration has been witnessed
45000 t/y
8000 t/y
E- methane
H2 electrolyser @ 1MWe
Emerging Sustainable Technologies
Emerging Sustainable Technologies
Commonly used microorganisms are hydrogenotrophs like Cupravidius necator, Rhodococcus opacus or Hydrogenobacter
thermophiles. These bacteria oxidize hydrogen in anaerobic conditions to power their metabolism and accumulate proteic
biomass at high rates (kg/m³.h scale)
Power-to-protein concept for food/feed production: a process that decompartmentalize energy, biology and agriculture sectors.
Power-to-proteins approach consists in the production of a
protein-rich material by bacterial cultures using electrolytic
H2 as energy source
Haber Bosch
Carbon capture and
utilization from industrial
point sources
Reactive Nitrogen
In-reactor microbial
based biomass
Human food as meat
Protein supplement for
livestock and
The cells are processed for separation
of the aqueous medium through
centrifugation/mechanical press/heat
drying and/or a combination of those.
Source [37]
Emerging Sustainable Technologies
Food for astronauts?
Power-to-proteins was actually initially
developed for that application by NASA and
still viewed as a long-distance space
exploration enabler
Parameter Animal based Vegetable based Microbial
Land footprint High and only
Medium and only arable
Low and can be
Water use High High Low
Greenhouse gases
High Medium Low
Production time Days to years,
non seasonal
Months, seasonal
Days, non
Proteic efficiency Low Low High
Large, linked to
vegetal feed
Large, through N
emissions when
fertilisers are applied
Close to 0
Resilience towards
climate change Low due to ecosystems change
High as it is
decoupled from
the environment
Pesticide and
antibiotics use
Yes No
No No Yes
Comparison of animal, vegetable and bioconversion protein production pathways.
This no-brainer protein production pathway remains
to be demonstrated economically at scale and
socially accepted
Foremost challenge is to make it renewable and economical as
hydrogen is the main cost
Social acceptance of eating a microbe or eating meat produced on
“Close loop”
carbon cycle
Sources [38], [39]
Emerging Sustainable Technologies
A dynamic portfolio of start-ups developing the subject at
different stages and with different focuses. Oil and gas as
well as electricity utilities are partnering
In partnerships with
Emerging Sustainable Technologies
Similarities with the
informatics wave?
Actors in the field sometimes compare this
evolution to the computer and IT revolution
that occurred the past decades as both show
impressive growth and several similar
The steadily growing biotech economy is experiencing
an ever growing momentum pulled by key enabling
technologies to harness biology without wasting resources
Biotechnologies have been ever rising since a couple of decades through 3 main different
sectors: industrial, pharmaceutical and agricultural applications.
Stronger development is observed due to several factors:
Dropping DNA sequencing costs to access massive information
Artificial intelligence (especially machine learning) developments to manage the
massive amount of data
CRISPR/Cas9 development, a genetic editing tool to screen large number of precisely
edited mutants
Laboratory increasing automatization capacity
“Blank” chassis “Evolutionary” based
Constructed by modules (parts)
Behavior code based
Non self replicative Self coding and self
Possible contamination by external code
Similarities with IT exists but fundamental differences
Nobel Price in
and Jennifer
Sources [40], [41], [42]
Emerging Sustainable Technologies
Emerging Sustainable Technologies
In the
Selected indicators to reach net-zero emissions by 2050 through technology
Source [3]
Emerging Sustainable Technologies
Let's collaborate to reach carbon neutrality!
Our Emerging Sustainable Technologies document 2020 is on-line
Feel free to contact us @ /
Emerging Sustainable Technologies
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Cluster Tweed presentation February 2021
Why the carbon neutral energy
transition will imply the use of lots
of carbon?
Jan Mertens
Chief Science Officer @ ENGIE
Visiting Professor @ Ugent
Thursday 2 February 2021
February 2021
Engie & Engie Research
3 pathways towards Carbon neutrality
• Increase energy efficiency and increase circularity where waste becomes a feedstock
• Electrify as much as possible (far beyond electric cars)
• The need for molecules: (green) hydrogen and synthetic hydrocarbons
Engie Research
February 2021
February 2021
More than half of the emission reduction will have to come from technologies that are
today not mature: Innovation and R&D are crucial and need to speed up!
Fatih Birol, IEA September 2020: ‘CCUS, Batteries and H2 are today where PV was 10 years ago.
GOVERNMENT need to support their development now!’
February 2021
France Belgium
OPV for
Bifacial Solar
Energy System
for Islands
Floating Wind
High Altitude
Airborne Wind
Portugal Germany
Pilots are key for ENGIE and a large part of the research budget
H2 co-
combustion in
gas turbine
H2 injection in
natural gas grid
Power to
CO2 cycle
Solar cooling
3 pathways towards
Carbon neutrality
3 pathways towards Carbon neutrality
(i) Increase energy efficiency and increase
circularity where waste becomes a feedstock
A renewable fuel to
generate heat (hot water
or steam) and electricity
(CHP) on site
Biogas is purified to be injected into the gas grid for
industrial and domestic uses, such as heating or
Is used as natural fertilizer
Organic waste goes
through an anaerobic
fermentation process
which produces
digestate and biogas.
2. Anaerobic Digestion
Organic waste are collected and
transported to the methanization site
1. Collection
3. Upgrade
4. end-uses
Biomethane is
considered carbon-
CO2 from the atmosphere is
captured by organic waste used
to produce biomethane
Its combustion produces
biogenic C02 emissions
Compensation effect: almost
no impact on greenhouse gas
1 RGGO = 1 MWh green
gas injected
©Engie BU GEM
3 pathways towards Carbon neutrality
(i) Increase energy efficiency and increase
circularity where waste becomes a feedstock
(ii) Electrify as much as possible (far beyond
electric cars)
January 2021
Making sure all our electricity generation is green is crucial but is not sufficient as it
will only reduce our overall emissions by 38 %.
Industry, transport and building account for half of emissions today! (IEA, ETP 2020)
January 2021
We must not only build new clean aluminum, cement, iron and steel, chemical, … plants BUT
must address emissions from EXISTING infrastructure since many assets are still young!
CCUS and H2 will be required.
January 2021
Belgian’s federal planning bureau estimated that even in the deep electrification scenario
(electrify as much as possible also in industry), molecules and import of renewable Energy
remain important
Import of renewable
energy remains
important and both
scenarios do not
(much) in terms of their
annual net import
position in 2050: 29.4
TWh in ‘Diversified
Energy Supply’ and 29.0
TWh in ‘Deep
3 pathways towards Carbon neutrality
(i) Increase energy efficiency and increase
circularity where waste becomes a feedstock
(ii) Electrify as much as possible (far beyond
electric cars)
(iii) The need for molecules: (green) hydrogen and
synthetic hydrocarbons
Pyrolysis H2
Cracking of methane under the effect
of heat separating H2 from solid carbon
Reforming of natural gas to
produce H2 associated with the
capture and storage of CO2.
Renewable H2
Electrolytic process breaking
down water into dioxygen and
hydrogen, using electricity
from green sourcing By product H2
Produced from other
industrial processes
H2 Storage
Nat Gas
Nat Gas
@Engie BU GEM
January 2021
How to transport or store 10kWh of energy?
≈ 13.3 L of H2
(20°C, 350 bar), gas
≈ 7.7 L of H2
(20°C, 700 bar), gas
≈ 4.2 L of H2
(-250°C, 1 bar), liquid
≈ 3.1 L of NH3
(-30°C, 1 bar), liquid
≈ 1.7 L of CH4
(-160°C, 1 bar), liquid
≈ 1.1 L of Diesel
≈ 27 L of battery electricity
* Mertens, J., R. Belmans and M. Webber, 2020. Why the carbon neutral transition will imply
the use of lots of carbon. C-Journal of Carbon research, 6 (39), 1-8
January 2021
How to transport renewable energy ?
Discrepancy between where people live
January 2021
How to transport renewable energy ?
Discrepancy between where people live and abundant solar resources
January 2021
It will be AND hydrogen AND methane AND methanol AND FT
fuels AND ….
Ram M., Galimova T., Bogdanov D., Fasihi M., Gulagi A., Breyer C., Micheli M., Crone K. (2020). Powerfuels in a Renewable Energy World - Global volumes, costs, and trading 2030 to 2050. LUT University
and Deutsche Energie-Agentur GmbH (dena). Lappeenranta, Berlin.
January 2021
(2014 - …)
Thermocatalytic hydrogenation
H2 electrolyser (2 * 0.5 MWe)
Thermocatalytic hydrogenation
H2 electrolyser (1 Nm3/h -15 bar)
Formic acid
Port of Antwerp
CCU Hub Ghent
Thermocatalytic hydrogenation
H2 electrolyser @ 63 MWe
E- methane
Engie ecosystem
ENGIE Impact ENGIE Disruption
H2 electrolyser @ 1MWe
Thermocatalytic hydrogenation
H2 electrolyser @ 3 MWe
Thermocatalytic hydrogenation
H2 electrolyser @ 250 kWe
Charleroi E-methane
H2 electrolyser @ 75 MWe
100 MW (2024/2025)
February 2021
• Energy efficiency and circular economy are first crucial steps towards carbon neutrality
• Electrification using renewable electricity of many processes (beyond electrical vehicles) is a good idea!
• Hydrogen is difficult to store and move → where possible, direct and local use
• Turning hydrogen into another molecule (e.g. synthetic hydrocarbon like methane, methanol, …) makes
transporting its energy possible and we have existing infrastructure to do so!
• CCU makes sense:
• So carbon will play an important role in the carbon neutral energy transition!
Rationals behind CCUS & DAC
Grégoire LEONARD
February 2, 2021
1. How big is the CO2 challenge?
2. Carbon Capture
3. Storage and/or re-use?
4. Perspectives
The energy transition is on-going…
It has to address 2 objectives in contradiction:
◼ Limit GHG emissions
◼ Meet the worldwide increasing energy demand!
Meeting the increasing demand is already a
challenge in itself!
BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2020.
CO2 Budget
IPCC, SR15 (2018).
Carbon budget
1-year emissions
Budget by 2050 for having 80% chances to stay below 2°C
Note: Values in Gt CO2 eq
At european level…
The EU Green Deal
◼ Carbon neutrality by 2050
◼ - 55% CO2 by 2030
CCUS forecasts
◼ CCUS = Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage
IEA, 2020.
2. CO2 Capture
CO2 capture
◼ It’s a question of fluid separation!
❑ Sources usually contain CO2, N2, H2O, H2, CH4, O2 …
❑ CO2 concentration varies between 0.04% and almost 100%
❑ Mature (exist for >50 years) & flexible, but cost only!
CO2 separation technologies
◼ Avoid fluid mixtures
◼ Absorption
❑ Physical
❑ Chemical
◼ Adsorption
◼ Membranes
◼ Cryogenic separation
◼ Others…
Threshold value ~15 vol-% in flue gas,
or 4 bar of P_CO2
CO2 capture configurations
CO2 capture thermodynamics
◼ Thermodynamic study on energy costs and penalties
Energy 103 (2016), 709.
CO2 capture benchmark – Power sector
IEAGHG, 2019. Further assessment of emerging CO2 capture technologies
for the power sector and their potential to reduce costs 13
Focus: research at ULiège
◼ Modeling and optimization of processes
◼ Stability of chemical solvents
IC: -4%
Split flow: -4%
LVC: -14%
Léonard et al., 2014&2015. DOI:10.1021/ie5036572, DOI:
10.1016/j.compchemeng.2015.05.003 14
VOC emissions
CAPEX (corrosion)
OPEX: viscosity, altered properties…
PROCURA ETF: Decision support tool
The appropriate CO2 capturing method
Engineering Economics Environment
Absorption Adsorption Membrane Cryogenic Looping
CO2 avoided
Direct Air Capture (DAC)
◼ Negative CO2 emissions
K.S. Lackner, CNCE ASU, 2017.
Direct Air Capture
◼ Motivations
❑ Address non-concentrated CO2 emissions
❑ Close the carbon cycle of synthetic fuels
❑ Reduce the need for transporting CO2
◼ No Nimby effect, you can go wherever you want, incl.
close to use or storage sites
❑ Long-term considerations: remove C from the atmosphere
❑ Cost mostly due to sorbent regeneration, not from air
❑ Sorbent regeneration has similar cost whatever the CO2
concentration in the gas stream
DOI: 10.1140/epjst/e2009-01150-3 17
Direct air capture
◼ ~ 410 ppm in the air
❑ Adsorption / Absorption
❑ Temperature-swing, moisture-swing
❑ Expected costs vary between 100 and 800 $/ton
Wang et al, Environ. Sci. Technol., 45, 6670–6675, 2011 18
Cost of CO2 capture
◼ Estimated cost for different industries
❑ Opex ~75% of the cost
Leeson et al, 2017, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijggc.2017.03.020
Abu-Zahra M., 2009. Carbon dioxide capture from flue gas. PhD
Thesis at the Technical University of Delft, The Netherlands
CO2 market
◼ European Emissions Trading System (ETS)
◼ CO2 price now reaches > 30 €/t!
3. Storage and/or re-use of CO2 ?
Storage is state-of-the-art
◼ Potential for storage exceeds by far the needs
❑ 5000 – 25 000 GtCO2 vs. ~ 2000 GtCO2
❑ Pure storage: ~ 5 Mtpa
❑ Capture and EOR: ~ 30 Mtpa in 2016
◼ Storage costs ~7-30 USD/t, large infrastructure costs needed!
Global CCS Institute 2017
doi: 10.3389/fclim.2019.00009
Northern lights
◼ Norway, off-shore field, saline aquifer
◼ Up to 5 Mt CO2/y
◼ Rotterdam, off-shore depleted gas field
◼ 2.5 Mt CO2/y
◼ No storage capacity offshore of Belgium
❑ Antwerp@C studies the infrastructure for connection to Norway
and The Netherlands
❑ => Pipelines, intermediate storage, liquefaction unit…
CO2, waste or feedstock?
◼ Sequestration or re-use?
❑ Consider CO2 as a resource, not as waste
◼ CO2 re-use potential up to ~ 4 – 16 Gtpa
◼ So far, sources for CO2 are high-purity ones
❑ Industrial (Ethanol, Ammonia, Ethylene, Natural gas…)
❑ Natural (Dome)
40 000
Main uses of CO2 (Mtpa)
World emissions
Global CCS Institute. Global Status of CCS 2016: Summary Report.
Koytsumpa et al, 2016.
Main CO2 re-use pathways
◼ Direct use, no transformation
◼ Biological transformation
◼ Chemical transformation
❑ To lower energy state
◼ Carbonatation
❑ To higher energy state
◼ Fuels
◼ Chemicals
◼ …
=> At large scale, need to make sure that energy comes
from renewables!
Frenzel et al, 2014. Doi:10.3390/polym6020327
Federation of Researchers in Innovative
Technologies for CO2 Transformation
Perspective ULiège: FRITCO2T platform
4. Conclusions and perspectives
State of technology CCUS
◼ Capture of CO2
❑ Mature but limited application yet
◼ Storage
❑ Commercially applied (mostly EOR)
◼ Re-use
❑ Maturity depends on technology, from TRL 1 to 9
◼ Big acceleration due to Paris COP21 agreement and environmental
❑ European Green Deal
IEA, 2020.
◼ We live in a carbon-based society, with very good reasons for that !
◼ A CO2 neutral future is in sight with passionating (and huge)
challenges for engineers!
Martens et al., (2017) The Chemical Route to a CO2‐neutral world, ChemSusChem
Saeys (2015), De chemische weg naar een CO2-neutrale wereld, Standpunt KVAB
Thank you for your attention!
CCU … a key option for heavy process
Group R&D Director
1.CCU … CVE ?
2.CCU vs CCS
mitigation potential and models
3.Challenges and solutions for the
process industry
4.The key role of Power to gas
1. CCU .. CVE ?
CCU : capturing and transforming CO2 into a variety of
value-added products
The only EU association fully
dedicated to CCU…
We cover all the value chain…
CO2 Value Europe : Who are we ?
Big companies, SME, Start-ups, Clusters, Research Centers and Universities
infrastructure &
marchés des
produits CCU
Industry Leaders
Albioma, Carmeuse,
Engie, HeidelbergCement,
Indaver, Keppel Seghers,
Lhoist, Mitsuibishi, PKN
Orlen, Saipem, Solvay,
Suez, Terega, Total,
Uniper, Veolia
Port of Antwerp
Fraunhofer, ICIQ, IFP-EN, KIT, LEAP,
LEITAT, Nova Institute, NOVA.ID.FCT,
Sotacarbo, Swerim, Tecnalia, TNO,
U Bologna, UC Louvain, U Gent,
U Liège, U Mons,
U Sevilla, U Surrey,
Facts & Figures
✓ Founded: Nov 2017
(Greenwin Scot project
✓ 70 members and
✓ Seen by EU
authorities as
legitimate rep. of
CCU community
✓ Attracting interest from
all over the globe
✓ Creating a completely
new business, turning
CO2 into real products
Specialised SMEs
ACP, AirCapture, Atmostat,
Avantium, Carbon8, Carbon Clean
Solutions, Climeworks, CRI, Econic,
EnviroAmbient, Hydrogenics,
Hysytech, IC2R, IDENER,
Lanzatech, Nordic Blue Crude,
Orbix, Svante, Sunfire,
CO2 Value Europe, la communauté des pionniers du CCU !
2. CCU vs CCS
mitigation potential
and models
Novel carbon capture and utilization technologies
Research and climate aspects
SAPEA Evidence Review Report No. 2 (2018)
Long Term Strategy Options
European Commission (2018). Supplementary information: In-depth analysis in support of the Commission Communication COM(2018)
CO2 capture and storage or reuse (2050)
European Commission (2018). Supplementary information: In-depth analysis in support of the Commission Communication COM(2018)
3. Challenges and solution
for the process industry
EU 28 Industrial direct emissions(2015)
and decarbonizing solutions
European Commission (2018). Supplementary information: In-depth analysis
in support of the Commission Communication COM(2018)
4. The key role of Power to gas?
Maximum potential of conversion of CO2(EU)
Novel carbon capture and utilization technologies
Research and climate aspects
SAPEA Evidence Review Report No. 2 (2018)
Why Power to Gas : energy storage
Why Power to Gas : existing infrastructure
Why Power to Gas : limited asset modification
EU Reference Scenario 2016 - Energy, transport and GHG emissions Trends to 2050
Why Power to Gas : limited asset modification
E-methane project in Wallonia
E-methane project in Wallonia

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Emerging Sustainable Technologies Overview

  • 1. • Emerging Sustainable Technologies - Elodie Lecadre, Engie Research, Lead Scien4fic Advisor • CCU & Molecules - Jan Mertens , Engie Research, Chief Science Officer (En) • Ra9onals behind CCUS and Direct Air Capture - Grégoire Leonard, Associate Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Liège • CCU & heavy process industries - Jean-Yves Tilquin, Carmeuse, Group R&D Director & Vice- President CO2 Value Europe
  • 2.
  • 3. 2 Introduction - TWEED •  Networking between industrial or commercial companies and others actors of sustainable energy sectors •  Reactive and proactive approaches in order to stimulate new projects •  Set-up technical support and management of projects •  Promote networking by organizing specific events, general meetings, workshops, bilateral meetings, face-to-face meetings, visits to companies,... •  Develop synergies with other actors of sustainable energy sectors (clusters,...) •  Local and international promotion of members. •  Carrying out industry, technical, market and economic studies on sustainable energy sector •  Participation in Regional/European/International projects Cluster TWEED
  • 4. Mission : Créer et animer des écosystèmes économiques pour catalyser, accélérer des processus et des projets d’innovation de la transition environnementale dans les domaines de GreenWin G R E E N W I N P ô l e d e c o m p é t i t i v i t é d e l ’ i n g é n i e r i e c h i m i q u e , d e s m a t é r i a u x e t d e l a c o n s t r u c t i o n d u r a b l e
  • 5. FEUILLE DE ROUTE 2020-2025 - 11 THEMATIQUES NEUTRALITÉ CARBONE > Minéralisation du CO2 dans les déchets de démolition > Carbon Capture & Use - par voie chimique > Stockage de l’énergie (et smart grids) CONSTRUCTION DURABLE > Efficacité énergétique des bâtiments > Construction modulaire > Circularité dans la construction > Économie de la fonctionnalité dans la construction CHIMIE VERTE > Chimie biosourcée > Circularité des plastiques VALORISATION DES RESSOURCES > Substitution des sables dans les bétons > Valorisation des sites en assainissement
  • 14. Programme •  10H30 : Accueil TWEED & GreenWin •  10H40 : 11H10 : Emerging Sustainable Technologies - Elodie Lecadre , Engie Research, Lead Scientific Advisor •  11H10-11H40 : CCU & Molecules - Jan Mertens , Engie Research, Chief Science Officer (En) •  11H40 : Rationals behind CCUS and Direct Air Capture - Grégoire Leonard , Associate Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Liège •  12H00 : La transformation du CO2 comme option pour les industries émettrices du CO2 - Jean-Yves Tilquin , Carmeuse, Group R&D Director & Vice-President CO2 Value Europe •  12H20 : Q&A et next steps •  12H30 : End Cluster TWEED 13
  • 16. An overview of the Emerging Sustainable Technologies document 2020 Cluster TWEED and Green Win, 2nd of February 2021 Elodie Le Cadre Loret, Jan Mertens, Jean-Pierre Keustermans, Monique Créach Research © Adobe Stock / Freepik
  • 17. Emerging Sustainable Technologies Present a selection of emerging technologies that: Impact energy today Very likely will impact energy in future May impact energy directly or indirectly even though today they seem far away from our current and ‘planned’ future activities… Objective of this document 2 So where possible link is made with our activities but not always straightforward TODAY… Energy Today Energy In the future Emerging technologies
  • 18. Emerging Sustainable Technologies 3 Emerging Sustainable Technologies © Adobe Stock © DNVL Sustainable catalysts as energy transition enablers Hydrothermal gasification of biomass and waste Pyrogasification of waste (Solid Recovered Fuel) Cybersecurity and biomimicry Green ammonia and green fertilizer Direct Air Capture for a circular carbon economy Power-to-proteins Multi-purpose offshore platforms Small Modular Nuclear © Paul Box Pumped Hydro Compressed Air
  • 19. Emerging Sustainable Technologies Direct Air Capture for a circular carbon economy © AdobeStock
  • 20. Emerging Sustainable Technologies SYSTEM Fans are processing air through large contactor arrays PROCESS Cyclic process: absorption on materials and desorption by heat MATERIALS Contactor: solvent or solid sorbent CO2 capture from the air: myth or reality? Technology wise, a reality Carbon dioxide can be removed from ambient air through chemical processes based on acid-base reactions. Direct Air Capture (DAC) is comparable to the respiratory system or the photosynthesis. Direct Air Capture for a circular carbon economy SYSTEM The system moves the air to the process Tree PROCESS The process releases captured gases from the material Photosynthesis MATERIALS Where the chemistry happens: capacity and selectivity Chlorophyll Amine based Non-amine Liquid adsorbent and regeneration at high T°C (900°C) Solid adsorbent and regeneration at low T°C (80-100 °C) 5 Modified from Source [6] Sources [6], [7]
  • 21. Emerging Sustainable Technologies 200 m 6 m Why capture from the air when there are so many concentrated CO2 sources? Advantages DAC can capture the CO2 emitted by decentralized sources (e.g. transport) It can be decentralized towards sites that offer a cheap source of renewable electricity and heat Deployed closed to CO2 storage sites, DAC becomes a Negative Emission Technology (NET) Its modular construction means many of them can be built which can drive down cost Direct Air Capture for a circular carbon economy Challenges CO2 in the atmosphere is highly diluted (~400 ppm): Large energy footprint Cost Large land footprint These challenges can be overcome by: Contactor development Low carbon energy, such as waste heat in the case of low temperature DAC DAC with storage can be a NET, next to bio-CCS, carbon soiling, reforestation 14 units of these Petra Nova – 1.4 Mt CO2/year 115 m tall, 20 m large absorber Capture the same amount of CO2 as this 6 Modified from Source [9] Sources [8], [9]
  • 22. Emerging Sustainable Technologies © Roadmap < 2015 2015- 2020 2025 2030 Prototype Pilot Demo Commercial Tons/year 1 1000 10,000 > 1,000,000 Proof Material Technology Economics Profit & Impact CO2 capture from the air: myth or reality? Next 5-10 years a major milestone to go from myth to reality The leading DAC technology developers are all striving for the first large scale demonstration where the economics and technology performances will be proven in an integrated business model (Enhanced Oil Recovery,e-fuels). 2025 will be a major milestone for DAC. Direct Air Capture for circular carbon economy 7 Source [7]
  • 23. Emerging Sustainable Technologies Sustainable catalysts as energy transition enablers © AdobeStock
  • 24. Emerging Sustainable Technologies Its performance is driven by: • Its composition (nature of the metal, enzyme…) • Structure / morphology / microstructure • Type and nature of support • Immobilization method Catalysis is a key enabling technology for energy transition Sustainable catalysts as energy transition enablers Metallic Ni supported on YSZ ceramic Production of syngas by Solid Oxide Electrolysis (SOEC) at High Temperature CO2 hydrogenation into methanol Metallic Cu catalyst Thermocatalytic conversion Comparison of activation energy with (green) and without (red) a catalyst H2O H2 production from water electrolysis H2 O2 H2O Pt/IrO2 catalyst Water electrolysis Biocatalytic conversion 9 Sources [28], [29], [30], [31] A catalyst is specific for each final product, reaction conditions and type of process
  • 25. Emerging Sustainable Technologies Platinum group metal (PGM) catalysts dominate today’s applications 10 CHALLENGES Even at high production volumes, the PGM catalyst is expected to represent a significant part of the fuel cell cost. The wide development of electrochemical processes, that bridge the molecule-based economy with a green electricity production should avoid the intensive use of PGM materials. As such, a large scientific effort is devoted to the development of low- PGM and PGM-free catalysts. Developments of new catalytic materials with improved performance are focused on composition and microstructure. Sustainable catalysts as energy transition enablers 2018 PEMFC Stack Cost Breakdown Platinum group metal Illustration of the microstructure of a low PGM catalyst Sources [32], [33] Ru Ruthenium 101.07 Rh Rhodium 102.91 Pd Palladium 106.42 Os Osmium 190.23 Ir Iridium 192.22 Pt Platinum 195.08
  • 26. Emerging Sustainable Technologies Fe Iron 55.845 Ni Nickel 58.693 Cu Copper 63.546 Ru Ruthenium 101.07 Rh Rhodium 102.91 Fossil fuel feedstock Harsh reaction conditions Low process flexibility Low catalyst activity Abundant and cheap materials Renewable feedstock Mild reaction conditions Higher process flexibility Higher catalyst activity Rare and expensive materials Renewable feedstock Mild reaction conditions High process flexibility High catalyst activity Non-transition metals Conventional catalysts Alternative catalysts Tomorrow’s catalysts H2 N2 NH3 + 300-600°C 150-250 bar CH4 H2 CO + CH3OH 400-600°C 5-20 bar H2 CO + H2 N2 NH3 + <400°C <20 bar H2 CO2 CH4 + 125°C 2 bar 250-300°C 50-100 bar Pd Palladium 106.42 <250°C <30 bar H2 CO2 + CH3OH Li Lithium 6.941 H2 N2 NH3 + 250°C 10 bar K Potassium 39.098 Cs Cesium 132.91 Na Sodium 22.989 … Sustainable catalysts as energy transition enablers 11 Sources [34], [35]
  • 27. Emerging Sustainable Technologies Demonstration Future catalyst will have to be based on earth-abundant materials and will require to work at moderate pressure and temperature ultimately The biocatalytic approach could allow the convergence of both approaches ADVANTAGES Mimicking the reactions taking place in living organisms, biocatalysis has many attractive features in the context of green and sustainable chemistry: Mild reaction conditions: ambient temperature and pressure High flexibility Efficient Highly selective Sustainable : biodegradable catalyst (enzyme) CHALLENGES Recycling biocatalysts Development of more stable biocatalysts according to two different approaches: - Keep wild type organisms / enzymes and select organisms that live in extreme environments as these will be naturally more stable. - Engineer it using genetic tools Formate dehydrogenase with focus on the active site of Mo for the CO2 reduction into formate Sustainable catalysts as energy transition enablers 12 Source [36] Demonstration Over the last few years, an acceleration of ENGIE’s involvement in pilot and demonstration has been witnessed North-C-Methanol Methanol Thermocatalytic hydrogenation 45000 t/y Power-to-Methanol Methanol Thermocatalytic hydrogenation 8000 t/y Power-to-gas Hycaunais E- methane Bioconversion H2 electrolyser @ 1MWe
  • 29. Emerging Sustainable Technologies Commonly used microorganisms are hydrogenotrophs like Cupravidius necator, Rhodococcus opacus or Hydrogenobacter thermophiles. These bacteria oxidize hydrogen in anaerobic conditions to power their metabolism and accumulate proteic biomass at high rates (kg/m³.h scale) Power-to-protein concept for food/feed production: a process that decompartmentalize energy, biology and agriculture sectors. Power-to-proteins approach consists in the production of a protein-rich material by bacterial cultures using electrolytic H2 as energy source Power-to-proteins Haber Bosch Nitrogen Renewable Energy Carbon capture and utilization from industrial point sources Reactive Nitrogen Water electrolysis CO2 In-reactor microbial based biomass production Human food as meat replacement Protein supplement for livestock and aquaculture The cells are processed for separation of the aqueous medium through centrifugation/mechanical press/heat drying and/or a combination of those. H2 O2 14 Source [37]
  • 30. Emerging Sustainable Technologies Food for astronauts? Power-to-proteins was actually initially developed for that application by NASA and still viewed as a long-distance space exploration enabler Parameter Animal based Vegetable based Microbial Land footprint High and only arable Medium and only arable Low and can be barren Water use High High Low Greenhouse gases footprint High Medium Low Production time Days to years, non seasonal Months, seasonal Days, non seasonal Proteic efficiency Low Low High Nutrients environment spillover Large, linked to vegetal feed needs Large, through N emissions when fertilisers are applied Close to 0 Resilience towards climate change Low due to ecosystems change High as it is decoupled from the environment Pesticide and antibiotics use Yes No Sterile environment No No Yes Comparison of animal, vegetable and bioconversion protein production pathways. This no-brainer protein production pathway remains to be demonstrated economically at scale and socially accepted CHALLENGES: Foremost challenge is to make it renewable and economical as hydrogen is the main cost Social acceptance of eating a microbe or eating meat produced on microbes. Power-to-proteins The “Close loop” carbon cycle 15 Sources [38], [39]
  • 31. Emerging Sustainable Technologies A dynamic portfolio of start-ups developing the subject at different stages and with different focuses. Oil and gas as well as electricity utilities are partnering 16 Power-to-proteins In partnerships with Start-ups
  • 32. Emerging Sustainable Technologies Similarities with the informatics wave? Actors in the field sometimes compare this evolution to the computer and IT revolution that occurred the past decades as both show impressive growth and several similar concepts The steadily growing biotech economy is experiencing an ever growing momentum pulled by key enabling technologies to harness biology without wasting resources 17 Biotechnologies have been ever rising since a couple of decades through 3 main different sectors: industrial, pharmaceutical and agricultural applications. Stronger development is observed due to several factors: Dropping DNA sequencing costs to access massive information Artificial intelligence (especially machine learning) developments to manage the massive amount of data CRISPR/Cas9 development, a genetic editing tool to screen large number of precisely edited mutants Laboratory increasing automatization capacity “Blank” chassis “Evolutionary” based chassis Constructed by modules (parts) Behavior code based Non self replicative Self coding and self replicative Possible contamination by external code Similarities with IT exists but fundamental differences © Alexander Heinel/Picture Alliance/DPA Nobel Price in Chemistry 2020: Emmanuelle Charpentier and Jennifer Doudna. Power-to-proteins Sources [40], [41], [42]
  • 34. Emerging Sustainable Technologies Conclusions 23 Energy Today Energy In the future 2050 2030 Selected indicators to reach net-zero emissions by 2050 through technology Source [3]
  • 35. Emerging Sustainable Technologies Let's collaborate to reach carbon neutrality! Our Emerging Sustainable Technologies document 2020 is on-line Feel free to contact us @ / Research technologies
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  • 38. RESTRICTED INTERNAL SECRET Cluster Tweed presentation February 2021 Why the carbon neutral energy transition will imply the use of lots of carbon? Jan Mertens Chief Science Officer @ ENGIE Visiting Professor @ Ugent Thursday 2 February 2021
  • 39. February 2021 Engie & Engie Research 3 pathways towards Carbon neutrality • Increase energy efficiency and increase circularity where waste becomes a feedstock • Electrify as much as possible (far beyond electric cars) • The need for molecules: (green) hydrogen and synthetic hydrocarbons Conclusion 1 2 3
  • 42. February 2021 More than half of the emission reduction will have to come from technologies that are today not mature: Innovation and R&D are crucial and need to speed up! Fatih Birol, IEA September 2020: ‘CCUS, Batteries and H2 are today where PV was 10 years ago. GOVERNMENT need to support their development now!’
  • 43. February 2021 Biomass gasification Gaya France Belgium Solar-H2 panels France OPV for Buildings Heliatek Global Bifacial Solar testing Chile Decentralized Energy System for Islands Singapore Floating Wind turbine High Altitude Airborne Wind Portugal Germany Battery Storage Pilots are key for ENGIE and a large part of the research budget France Belgium H2 co- combustion in gas turbine H2 injection in natural gas grid France High temperature SOEC/SOFC France Power to methane US Supercritical CO2 cycle France Solar cooling
  • 45. 3 pathways towards Carbon neutrality (i) Increase energy efficiency and increase circularity where waste becomes a feedstock
  • 46. A renewable fuel to generate heat (hot water or steam) and electricity (CHP) on site Biogas is purified to be injected into the gas grid for industrial and domestic uses, such as heating or cooking Biogas Digestate Is used as natural fertilizer Organic waste goes through an anaerobic fermentation process which produces digestate and biogas. 2. Anaerobic Digestion Organic waste are collected and transported to the methanization site 1. Collection 3. Upgrade 4. end-uses Biomethane is considered carbon- neutral CO2 from the atmosphere is captured by organic waste used to produce biomethane Its combustion produces biogenic C02 emissions Compensation effect: almost no impact on greenhouse gas emissions. 1 RGGO = 1 MWh green gas injected ©Engie BU GEM
  • 47. 3 pathways towards Carbon neutrality (i) Increase energy efficiency and increase circularity where waste becomes a feedstock (ii) Electrify as much as possible (far beyond electric cars)
  • 48. January 2021 Making sure all our electricity generation is green is crucial but is not sufficient as it will only reduce our overall emissions by 38 %. Industry, transport and building account for half of emissions today! (IEA, ETP 2020)
  • 49. January 2021 We must not only build new clean aluminum, cement, iron and steel, chemical, … plants BUT must address emissions from EXISTING infrastructure since many assets are still young! CCUS and H2 will be required.
  • 50. January 2021 Belgian’s federal planning bureau estimated that even in the deep electrification scenario (electrify as much as possible also in industry), molecules and import of renewable Energy remain important 88 (2018) Import of renewable energy remains important and both scenarios do not diverge (much) in terms of their annual net import position in 2050: 29.4 TWh in ‘Diversified Energy Supply’ and 29.0 TWh in ‘Deep Electrification’
  • 51. 3 pathways towards Carbon neutrality (i) Increase energy efficiency and increase circularity where waste becomes a feedstock (ii) Electrify as much as possible (far beyond electric cars) (iii) The need for molecules: (green) hydrogen and synthetic hydrocarbons
  • 52. GN Pyrolysis H2 Cracking of methane under the effect of heat separating H2 from solid carbon SMR-CCS H2 Reforming of natural gas to produce H2 associated with the capture and storage of CO2. Renewable H2 Electrolytic process breaking down water into dioxygen and hydrogen, using electricity from green sourcing By product H2 Produced from other industrial processes H2 Storage Nat Gas Nat Gas CO2 CO2 @Engie BU GEM
  • 53. January 2021 How to transport or store 10kWh of energy? ≈ 13.3 L of H2 (20°C, 350 bar), gas ≈ 7.7 L of H2 (20°C, 700 bar), gas ≈ 4.2 L of H2 (-250°C, 1 bar), liquid ≈ 3.1 L of NH3 (-30°C, 1 bar), liquid ≈ 1.7 L of CH4 (-160°C, 1 bar), liquid ≈ 1.1 L of Diesel ≈ 27 L of battery electricity * Mertens, J., R. Belmans and M. Webber, 2020. Why the carbon neutral transition will imply the use of lots of carbon. C-Journal of Carbon research, 6 (39), 1-8
  • 54.
  • 55. January 2021 How to transport renewable energy ? Discrepancy between where people live
  • 56. January 2021 How to transport renewable energy ? Discrepancy between where people live and abundant solar resources
  • 57. January 2021 It will be AND hydrogen AND methane AND methanol AND FT fuels AND …. Ram M., Galimova T., Bogdanov D., Fasihi M., Gulagi A., Breyer C., Micheli M., Crone K. (2020). Powerfuels in a Renewable Energy World - Global volumes, costs, and trading 2030 to 2050. LUT University and Deutsche Energie-Agentur GmbH (dena). Lappeenranta, Berlin.
  • 58. January 2021 R&D Pilot Demonstration (2014 - …) Thermocatalytic hydrogenation H2 electrolyser (2 * 0.5 MWe) Thermocatalytic hydrogenation H2 electrolyser (1 Nm3/h -15 bar) Formic acid DME E-methane E-methanol Port of Antwerp CCU Hub Ghent Thermocatalytic hydrogenation H2 electrolyser @ 63 MWe E-methanol Hycaunais Methycentre E- methane Engie ecosystem BU-GEN, BU-H2, BU-MESCAT STORENGY AXIMA ENGIE Impact ENGIE Disruption GRTgaz TRACTEBEL ELENGY GEM GRDF ENGIE Research E-methane Bioconversion H2 electrolyser @ 1MWe Thermocatalytic hydrogenation H2 electrolyser @ 3 MWe Thermocatalytic hydrogenation H2 electrolyser @ 250 kWe Charleroi E-methane Bioconversion H2 electrolyser @ 75 MWe HyNetherlands 100 MW (2024/2025)
  • 60. February 2021 • Energy efficiency and circular economy are first crucial steps towards carbon neutrality • Electrification using renewable electricity of many processes (beyond electrical vehicles) is a good idea! • Hydrogen is difficult to store and move → where possible, direct and local use • Turning hydrogen into another molecule (e.g. synthetic hydrocarbon like methane, methanol, …) makes transporting its energy possible and we have existing infrastructure to do so! • CCU makes sense: • So carbon will play an important role in the carbon neutral energy transition!
  • 61. 1 Rationals behind CCUS & DAC Grégoire LEONARD February 2, 2021
  • 62. Outline 1. How big is the CO2 challenge? 2. Carbon Capture 3. Storage and/or re-use? 4. Perspectives 2
  • 63. The energy transition is on-going… It has to address 2 objectives in contradiction: ◼ Limit GHG emissions ◼ Meet the worldwide increasing energy demand! 3
  • 64. Meeting the increasing demand is already a challenge in itself! BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2020. 4 5% 6.5% 4.3% 27% 24.2% 33%
  • 65. CO2 Budget IPCC, SR15 (2018). 1010 500 299 36 1850-1999 2000-2015 Carbon budget 1-year emissions Budget by 2050 for having 80% chances to stay below 2°C Note: Values in Gt CO2 eq 5
  • 66. At european level… The EU Green Deal ◼ Carbon neutrality by 2050 ◼ - 55% CO2 by 2030 6
  • 67. CCUS forecasts ◼ CCUS = Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage 7 IEA, 2020.
  • 69. CO2 capture ◼ It’s a question of fluid separation! ❑ Sources usually contain CO2, N2, H2O, H2, CH4, O2 … ❑ CO2 concentration varies between 0.04% and almost 100% ❑ Mature (exist for >50 years) & flexible, but cost only! 9
  • 70. CO2 separation technologies ◼ Avoid fluid mixtures ◼ Absorption ❑ Physical ❑ Chemical ◼ Adsorption ◼ Membranes ◼ Cryogenic separation ◼ Others… Threshold value ~15 vol-% in flue gas, or 4 bar of P_CO2 10
  • 72. CO2 capture thermodynamics ◼ Thermodynamic study on energy costs and penalties 12 Energy 103 (2016), 709.
  • 73. CO2 capture benchmark – Power sector IEAGHG, 2019. Further assessment of emerging CO2 capture technologies for the power sector and their potential to reduce costs 13
  • 74. Focus: research at ULiège ◼ Modeling and optimization of processes ◼ Stability of chemical solvents IC: -4% Split flow: -4% LVC: -14% Léonard et al., 2014&2015. DOI:10.1021/ie5036572, DOI: 10.1016/j.compchemeng.2015.05.003 14 VOC emissions CAPEX (corrosion) OPEX: viscosity, altered properties…
  • 75. 15 PROCURA ETF: Decision support tool The appropriate CO2 capturing method Engineering Economics Environment Absorption Adsorption Membrane Cryogenic Looping Goal: Criteria: Technology: TRL Capture rate CO2 avoided cost CAPEX/ OPEX LCA Safely/ Acceptance KPI:
  • 76. Direct Air Capture (DAC) ◼ Negative CO2 emissions ❑ BECCS or DAC K.S. Lackner, CNCE ASU, 2017. 16
  • 77. Direct Air Capture ◼ Motivations ❑ Address non-concentrated CO2 emissions ❑ Close the carbon cycle of synthetic fuels ❑ Reduce the need for transporting CO2 ◼ No Nimby effect, you can go wherever you want, incl. close to use or storage sites ❑ Long-term considerations: remove C from the atmosphere ❑ Cost mostly due to sorbent regeneration, not from air contacting ❑ Sorbent regeneration has similar cost whatever the CO2 concentration in the gas stream DOI: 10.1140/epjst/e2009-01150-3 17
  • 78. Direct air capture ◼ ~ 410 ppm in the air ❑ Adsorption / Absorption ❑ Temperature-swing, moisture-swing ❑ Expected costs vary between 100 and 800 $/ton Wang et al, Environ. Sci. Technol., 45, 6670–6675, 2011 18
  • 79. Cost of CO2 capture ◼ Estimated cost for different industries ❑ Opex ~75% of the cost Leeson et al, 2017, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijggc.2017.03.020 Abu-Zahra M., 2009. Carbon dioxide capture from flue gas. PhD Thesis at the Technical University of Delft, The Netherlands 19
  • 80. CO2 market ◼ European Emissions Trading System (ETS) ◼ CO2 price now reaches > 30 €/t! 20
  • 81. 21 3. Storage and/or re-use of CO2 ?
  • 82. Storage is state-of-the-art ◼ Potential for storage exceeds by far the needs ❑ 5000 – 25 000 GtCO2 vs. ~ 2000 GtCO2 ❑ Pure storage: ~ 5 Mtpa ❑ Capture and EOR: ~ 30 Mtpa in 2016 ◼ Storage costs ~7-30 USD/t, large infrastructure costs needed! 22 Global CCS Institute 2017 doi: 10.3389/fclim.2019.00009
  • 83. Northern lights ◼ Norway, off-shore field, saline aquifer ◼ Up to 5 Mt CO2/y 23
  • 84. Porthos ◼ Rotterdam, off-shore depleted gas field ◼ 2.5 Mt CO2/y 24
  • 85. Antwerp@C ◼ No storage capacity offshore of Belgium ❑ Antwerp@C studies the infrastructure for connection to Norway and The Netherlands ❑ => Pipelines, intermediate storage, liquefaction unit… 25
  • 86. CO2, waste or feedstock? ◼ Sequestration or re-use? ❑ Consider CO2 as a resource, not as waste ◼ CO2 re-use potential up to ~ 4 – 16 Gtpa ◼ So far, sources for CO2 are high-purity ones ❑ Industrial (Ethanol, Ammonia, Ethylene, Natural gas…) ❑ Natural (Dome) 26 40 000 120 44 80 244 Main uses of CO2 (Mtpa) World emissions Urea EOR Others Global CCS Institute. Global Status of CCS 2016: Summary Report. Koytsumpa et al, 2016.
  • 87. Main CO2 re-use pathways ◼ Direct use, no transformation ◼ Biological transformation ◼ Chemical transformation ❑ To lower energy state ◼ Carbonatation ❑ To higher energy state ◼ Fuels ◼ Chemicals ◼ … => At large scale, need to make sure that energy comes from renewables! 27 Frenzel et al, 2014. Doi:10.3390/polym6020327
  • 88. 28 Federation of Researchers in Innovative Technologies for CO2 Transformation Perspective ULiège: FRITCO2T platform
  • 89. 29 4. Conclusions and perspectives
  • 90. State of technology CCUS ◼ Capture of CO2 ❑ Mature but limited application yet ◼ Storage ❑ Commercially applied (mostly EOR) ◼ Re-use ❑ Maturity depends on technology, from TRL 1 to 9 ◼ Big acceleration due to Paris COP21 agreement and environmental urgency ❑ European Green Deal 30
  • 92. Perspective ◼ We live in a carbon-based society, with very good reasons for that ! ◼ A CO2 neutral future is in sight with passionating (and huge) challenges for engineers! 32 Martens et al., (2017) The Chemical Route to a CO2‐neutral world, ChemSusChem Saeys (2015), De chemische weg naar een CO2-neutrale wereld, Standpunt KVAB
  • 93. 33 Thank you for your attention!
  • 94. CARBON CAPTURE & UTILISATION (CCU) CCU … a key option for heavy process industries Vice-Président Jean-Yves Tilquin Group R&D Director
  • 95. 1.CCU … CVE ? 2.CCU vs CCS mitigation potential and models 3.Challenges and solutions for the process industry 4.The key role of Power to gas AGENDA
  • 96. 1. CCU .. CVE ?
  • 97. 4 CCU : capturing and transforming CO2 into a variety of value-added products
  • 98. 5
  • 99. The only EU association fully dedicated to CCU… We cover all the value chain… CO2 Value Europe : Who are we ? Big companies, SME, Start-ups, Clusters, Research Centers and Universities 6 EN AMONT Raffineries, distribution infrastructure & marchés des produits CCU EN AVAL PRODUITS TECHNOLOGIES DE CONVERSION
  • 100. 7 CO2 VALUE EUROPE ….2013 – 2016 SCOT PROJECT
  • 101. 20 Multinational Industry Leaders Albioma, Carmeuse, CRH, DEME, Drax, EEW, Engie, HeidelbergCement, Indaver, Keppel Seghers, Lhoist, Mitsuibishi, PKN Orlen, Saipem, Solvay, Suez, Terega, Total, Uniper, Veolia 20 5 25 Clusters Axelera, Euraenergie e-PURE, GreenWin, Port of Antwerp Research Organisations ACIB, CEA, DIFFER, EPFL, Fraunhofer, ICIQ, IFP-EN, KIT, LEAP, LEITAT, Nova Institute, NOVA.ID.FCT, Sotacarbo, Swerim, Tecnalia, TNO, U Bologna, UC Louvain, U Gent, U Liège, U Mons, U Sevilla, U Surrey, VITO, VTT 8 Facts & Figures ✓ Founded: Nov 2017 (Greenwin Scot project 2014-2016) ✓ 70 members and growing ✓ Seen by EU authorities as legitimate rep. of CCU community ✓ Attracting interest from all over the globe ✓ Creating a completely new business, turning CO2 into real products Specialised SMEs ACP, AirCapture, Atmostat, Avantium, Carbon8, Carbon Clean Solutions, Climeworks, CRI, Econic, EnviroAmbient, Hydrogenics, Hysytech, IC2R, IDENER, Lanzatech, Nordic Blue Crude, Orbix, Svante, Sunfire, Zeton CO2 Value Europe, la communauté des pionniers du CCU !
  • 102. 2. CCU vs CCS mitigation potential and models
  • 103. 10 CCU MODELS Novel carbon capture and utilization technologies Research and climate aspects SAPEA Evidence Review Report No. 2 (2018)
  • 104. 11 Long Term Strategy Options CCS CCU European Commission (2018). Supplementary information: In-depth analysis in support of the Commission Communication COM(2018)
  • 105. 12 CO2 capture and storage or reuse (2050) European Commission (2018). Supplementary information: In-depth analysis in support of the Commission Communication COM(2018)
  • 106. 3. Challenges and solution for the process industry
  • 107. 14 EU 28 Industrial direct emissions(2015) and decarbonizing solutions European Commission (2018). Supplementary information: In-depth analysis in support of the Commission Communication COM(2018)
  • 108. 4. The key role of Power to gas?
  • 109. 16 Maximum potential of conversion of CO2(EU) Novel carbon capture and utilization technologies Research and climate aspects SAPEA Evidence Review Report No. 2 (2018)
  • 110. 17 Why Power to Gas : energy storage
  • 111. 18 Why Power to Gas : existing infrastructure
  • 112. 19 Why Power to Gas : limited asset modification EU Reference Scenario 2016 - Energy, transport and GHG emissions Trends to 2050
  • 113. 20 Why Power to Gas : limited asset modification