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Tuesday AM Bible Study Prayer
In the quiet of this morning we pause to thank you for your
presence with us today, God, for the comfort of being held so
securely in your love. Thank you for this day—may we
experience it with expectation and faith and with a heart wide
open to joy and beauty and appreciation.
We‘re grateful for the gift of each other, Lord, for our families
and for all whom we‘re privileged to love. Heighten our
awareness of the needs of others, and especially those
whom we lift up to you today. May they be comforted and
strengthened, and if we might be your outreaching hand to
them, Lord, show us how.
We ask your blessings upon each of us. Look beneath our
surface, God, and minister to our needs and concerns and
hopes. Clear our minds and open our eyes so we can
receive and see your love and meaning for our lives. Bless
our study and our friendship and our laughter, and help us to
leave with a deeper understanding of you and of your will for
our lives.
SChapter 4, Mark‘s Gospel From Scratch
Good Samaritan UMC - Tuesday Morning Bible Study
Synoptic Gospels
Online Resources
S Online Parallel view of Synoptic Gospels:
S Bible Software Program that‘s on our
website. (about Us/Resource Links)
S Bible Gateway
Overview of Our Journey
First Half of Jesus‘ Ministry
S Chap 1: The Genius of Mark the Evangelist: Intro to Mark‘s Gospel
S Chap 2: The Beginning of the Gospel: Mark 1:1-3:35
S Chap 3: Jesus the Wonder Worker: Mark 4:1-7:37
Second Half of Jesus‘ Ministry
S Chap 4: Jesus the Prophet: Mark 8:1-10:52
S Chap 5: The End of Jesus‘ Public Ministry: Mark 11:1-14:72
S Chap 6: The End of the Gospel: Mark 15:1-16:8
Overview of Our Journey
In the first half of Mark‘s Gospel Jesus is portrayed as a
person powerful in WORD and DEED.
An example of the power of his WORDS is seen in the
calling of his disciples. They did not hesitate to drop what
they were doing and follow him.
Examples of his powerful DEEDs are seen in the miracles
he performed – silencing demons and opponents, healing
the blind and paralyzed, and cleansing lepers.
Mark Session 4 - Jesus the Prophet
Scripture Focus is: Mark 8:1-10:52
Todays sessions includes information about:
S Jesus Healing the Blind Man
S Exploring the Identity of Jesus as Messiah
S Interpreting the Transfiguration
S Comparing Jesus‘ 3 Passion Predictions
S Thinking about Discipleship
Healing of Deaf Man
Mark 7:31-37 (From Last Week)
Then he returned from the region of Tyre, and went by way of
Sidon towards the Sea of Galilee, in the region of the
Decapolis. They brought to him a deaf man who had an
impediment in his speech; and they begged him to lay his hand
on him. He took him aside in private, away from the crowd, and
put his fingers into his ears, and he spat and touched his
tongue. Then looking up to heaven, he sighed and said to
him, ―Ephphatha,‖ that is, ―Be opened.‖ And immediately his
ears were opened, his tongue was released, and he spoke
plainly. Then Jesus ordered them to tell no one; but the more
he ordered them, the more zealously they proclaimed it. They
were astounded beyond measure, saying, ―He has done
everything well; he even makes the deaf to hear and the mute
Miracle of Healing Blind Man
Mark 8:22-26
They came to Bethsaida. Some people brought a blind
man to him and begged him to touch him. He took the
blind man by the hand and led him out of the village; and
when he had put saliva on his eyes and laid his hands on
him, he asked him, ―Can you see anything?‖ And the
man looked up and said, ―I can see people, but they look
like trees, walking.‖ Then Jesus laid his hands on his
eyes again; and he looked intently and his sight was
restored, and he saw everything clearly.
Then he sent him away to his home, saying, ―Do not even
Miracle of Healing Blind Man
Mark 8:22-26
Do you notice
anything unusual
about this story?
Miracle of Healing Blind Man
Mark 8:22-26
S This narrative is at the transition point between the 1st
and 2nd half of Mark
S There are similarities between the healing of the blind
man at Bethsaida and the deaf-mute in the previous
S Both miracles are performed in private.
S Both involve Jesus using ―spit‖ and laying on of
Miracle of Healing Blind Man
Mark 8:22-26
S Both incidents represent ―double healings.‖ Former
incident involved 2 ailments (deaf & speech
impediment) while the latter involves 2 attempts at
healing deafness.
S Prior to this healing Jesus‘ power has been unfailing.
S Only in this healing does Jesus have to try a second
time in order to achieve complete success. Was this a
failure on Jesus‘ part or was it intentional?
S Look closely at the importance of Jesus‘ touching:
―took him by the hand,‖ ―laid his hands on him,‖ ―laid
Miracle of Healing Blind Man
Mark 8:22-26
Even though there are clear parallels between both
There are Unique Differences.
This healing narrative is not included in Matthew and
WHY is it not in Matthew and Luke?
(Did those writers see 2 attempts to succeed as a
Miracle of Healing Blind Man
Mark 8:22-26
S Up to this point Jesus has been portrayed as a
powerful wonder worker.
S He‘s already performed 10 healings and 4 nature
S Even demonstrated his power over spiritual
Miracle of Healing Blind Man
Mark 8:22-26
S This double healing of the blind men is
showcased as the FINAL miracle of the first ½ of
the Gospel of Mark and the FIRST miracle of the
last ½ of the Gospel of Mark.
S Something motivated Mark to place this miracle
story in this climatic position in the Gospel.
Exploring the Identity
of Jesus as Messiah
The authors of our book believe
Mark used a very significant
Editorial Pattern in sharing with us information
about events in the last days of Jesus‘ life.
They believe that What Jesus Did and
How Jesus Did What He Did was
Not Accidental But very INTENTIONAL!
Exploring the Identity
of Jesus as Messiah
So keep this in mind as we
begin to look at and talk about
events that lead us through to the
last days of Jesus‘ Life.
Let‘s see if we can discover a new perspective
and agree/disagree with
the INTENTIONAL things that
that our authors believe Jesus did.
Exploring the Identity
of Jesus as Messiah
Mark 8:27-30: Jesus went on with his disciples to
the villages of Caesarea Philippi; and on the way
he asked his disciples, ―Who do people say that I
am?‖ And they answered him, ―John the Baptist;
and others, Elijah; and still others, one of the
prophets.‖ He asked them, ―But who do you say
that I am?‖ Peter answered him, ―You are the
Messiah.‖ And he (Jesus) sternly ordered them not
to tell anyone about him.
Dead Sea
Sea of Galilee Bethsaida
Exploring the Identity
of Jesus as Messiah
S Jesus engages his disciples in a very significant
conversation as they travel to Caesarea Philippi.
S As they travel, Jesus asks the disciples the most
important question he‘s asked since asking them
to follow him:
Who do people say that I am?
Exploring the Identity
of Jesus as Messiahs
S The disciples answer:
John the Baptist, Elijah, one of the
Why do you think Jesus
is asking the Disciples this question?
Exploring the Identity
of Jesus as Messiahs
S Then Jesus asks them:
Who do YOU say that I am?
Exploring the Identity
of Jesus as Messiah
S Peter responds: You are the Messiah. Messiah
(Hebrew) Christos (Greek)
S This declaration by Peter is the first reference of the
term ―Christ‖ since Mark 1:1 ―The beginning of the
good news of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.‖
S Peter‘s declaration represents a significant turning
point in the story.
S It also represents a change in the disciples.
Exploring the Identity
of Jesus as Messiah
S Up to this point the disciples have been privy to Jesus‘
teachings and what they have witnessed of his
miraculous deeds – but, they have lacked understanding.
S Although Jesus‘ miraculous deeds and powerful words
have made him popular, they have not revealed his true
identity to the multitudes that follow him.
The Disciples however are different. They have seen and
heard all he‘s done. But now with Peter‘s declaration you
have the impression the Disciples are beginning to
Jesus’ Death
As you can already see in today‘s lesson this second half
of Mark portrays Jesus differently than the first half.
S It is dominated by the final week of Jesus‘ life – which
leads to and includes the death of Jesus in Jerusalem.
S The conversation about his death began on the road to
Caesarea Philippi even before Jesus arrives in
S It‘s like Mark is sharing how Jesus was preparing the
disciples and us as readers for what is to come.
Exploring the Identity
of Jesus as Messiah
S The Transfiguration
S Jesus takes Peter, James & John high on a mountain.
S Jesus‘ clothes become dazzling white.
S Moses and Elijah appear and speak with Jesus
S The climax is their hearing the voice of God saying
―This is my Beloved; listen to him!‖ (Mk 9:7)
S Even in this dialogue though we have evidence that
Peter, James, & John ―still don‘t get it.‖ They question
Jesus about ―what this rising from the dead mean?‖
Transfiguration View Point
What does it mean to be a follower of Jesus Christ? Well, it
means that mountain top experiences are necessary – we
all need time to get away, to commune with God, to draw
closer to the teaching of Jesus, and to be filled with the
Spirit; But, we can‘t stay on the mountain top;
If we only inhale, we will explode. If we only exhale, we will
be exhausted.
If we only commune with God, we will become ‗spiritually
bloated‘; if we only exhale, we will become‗spiritually
Jesus’ Death
Remember earlier my saying Mark used a very significant
Editorial Pattern in sharing with us information
about events in the last days of Jesus‘ life.
S There are 3 occasions when Jesus speaks about what is
going to happen to him (A passion prediction is made)
S Prior to each prediction Jesus has a significant encounter
with his disciples (or other individuals.)
S After each prediction, Jesus teaches something about the
meaning of discipleship
A Prediction - An Encounter - A
Jesus’ Death
It is important to note Marks editorial pattern.
S A passion prediction (8:31)
S Followed by an Encounter showing the disciples‘
misunderstanding of what Jesus predicts (8:32-
S Followed by a teaching on discipleship (8:34-9:1)
A Prediction - An Encounter - A
Passion Prediction
Passion Prediction 1
S Mark 8:31: Jesus predicts his own death. ―Then he
began to teach them that the Son of Man must undergo
great suffering, and be rejected by the elders, the chief
priests, and the scribes, and be killed, and after three
days rise again.‖
S This preview passage of what is to come is for-
shadowed in the plot of the Pharisees and the
Herodians to destroy Jesus. In this 8:31 scripture
Jesus declares exactly what is to happen to him.
Encounter With Jesus
Encounter Showing Misunderstanding 1
S Peter rebukes Jesus in 8:32 ― He said all this quite
openly. And Peter took him aside and began to
rebuke him.‖ To which Jesus replies: 8:32 ―But
turning and looking at his disciples, he rebuked Peter
and said, Get behind me, Satan! For you are setting
your mind not on divine things but on human things.‖
Discipleship Teaching 1
After Jesus rebukes Peter, he begins to teach them about
Disciples will:
S ―Deny themselves and take up their cross and follow
me‖ (8:34b)
S Only those who ―lose their life for my sake, and for the
sake of the gospel, will save it.‖ (8:35b)
Passion Prediction
Passion Prediction 2
S Another incidence of Jesus predicting his death
comes in (Mk 9:31)
S ―for he was teaching his disciples, saying to
them, ‗he Son of Man is to be betrayed into
human hands, and they will kill him, and three
days after being killed, he will rise again.‘‖ (9:31)
Encounter With Jesus
Encounter Showing Misunderstanding 2
S This second reference to his death also falls on deaf
ears. In fact, the disciples are busy disputing which of
them is the greatest or best disciple.
S Then they came to Capernaum; and when he was in the
house he asked them, ―What were you arguing about
on the way?‖ 34 But they were silent, for on the way
they had argued with one another who was the
greatest. (9:33-34)
Discipleship Teaching 2
Jesus uses this opportunity to speak about discipleship
a second time say:
In order to be first, Jesus explains, one must be last of all
and servant of all‖ (9:35)
Passion Prediction
Passion Prediction 3
S As they near Jerusalem, Jesus takes the 12 aside again in
order to tell them what is going to happen to him soon.
S This is the longest and most explicit prediction:
S ―See, we are going up to Jerusalem, and the Son of Man
will be handed over to the chief priests and the
scribes, and they will condemn him to death; then they
will hand him over to the Gentiles; 34 they will mock
him, and spit upon him, and flog him, and kill him; and
Encounter With Jesus
Encounter Showing Misunderstanding 3
S This is like the exact outline of what will happen to him.
Jesus could not be more specific. But the request of
James and John clearly indicate they still don‘t get it.
S James and John, the sons of Zebedee, came forward to
him and said to him, ―Teacher, we want you to do for us
whatever we ask of you.‖ And he said to them, ―What is it
you want me to do for you?‖ And they said to him, ―Grant
us to sit, one at your right hand and one at your left, in
your glory.‖ (10:35-37)
Discipleship Teaching 3
S Jesus‘ responds in teaching them again. ―You
do not know what you are asking. (10:38a)
S ―Whoever wishes to become great among you
must be your servant, and whoever wishes to be
first among you must be slave of all.‖ (10:43b-
S I have come not to be served but to serve, and
to give his life a ransom for many.‖ (10:45)
Thinking About Discipleship
Thinking About Discipleship
S The Disciples who see Jesus as the Christ still
misunderstand the nature of his messiahship. They cannot
grasp the idea that the Messiah must suffer and die. Our
writer suggests this is why the double healing of the Blind
man precedes Peter‘s confession.
S With Peter‘s confession Peter and the other disciples are
beginning to see who Jesus truly is. Mark sees this as a
metaphor in that the disciples are like the blind man after
Jesus touches him for the first time: they can see, but their
vision is still clouded. Like the blind man, Peter and the
disciples require a ―second touch‖ before they can perceive
everything clearly…
Thinking About Discipleship
There is a close connection between ―Who Christ is‖
and ―What it means to be a Disciple.‖
S Our author believes: ―one must know who Jesus
is and where he is going, because Jesus
commands his Disciples, ―Follow me.‖
S When Jesus redefines Messiahship‖ to include
S To follow Jesus is to follow him into suffering
Thinking About Discipleship
S How would you summarize what Jesus taught his followers
about Discipleship?
S What questions do you have about what Jesus requires of
those who would follow him?
S To what extent are Jesus‘ expectations of his followers
realistic or unrealistic in the 21st Century.
S What are some other teachings of Jesus in Mark or the other
Gospels that also describe what is expected of Jesus‘
S If you were to attempt to live according to what Jesus expects
of his followers, which of his teachings would be the most
challenging or difficult for you?

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Mark chapter 4

  • 1. Tuesday AM Bible Study Prayer In the quiet of this morning we pause to thank you for your presence with us today, God, for the comfort of being held so securely in your love. Thank you for this day—may we experience it with expectation and faith and with a heart wide open to joy and beauty and appreciation. We‘re grateful for the gift of each other, Lord, for our families and for all whom we‘re privileged to love. Heighten our awareness of the needs of others, and especially those whom we lift up to you today. May they be comforted and strengthened, and if we might be your outreaching hand to them, Lord, show us how. We ask your blessings upon each of us. Look beneath our surface, God, and minister to our needs and concerns and hopes. Clear our minds and open our eyes so we can receive and see your love and meaning for our lives. Bless our study and our friendship and our laughter, and help us to leave with a deeper understanding of you and of your will for our lives.
  • 2. SChapter 4, Mark‘s Gospel From Scratch Good Samaritan UMC - Tuesday Morning Bible Study
  • 3. Synoptic Gospels Online Resources S Online Parallel view of Synoptic Gospels: S Bible Software Program that‘s on our website. (about Us/Resource Links) S Bible Gateway
  • 4. Overview of Our Journey First Half of Jesus‘ Ministry S Chap 1: The Genius of Mark the Evangelist: Intro to Mark‘s Gospel S Chap 2: The Beginning of the Gospel: Mark 1:1-3:35 S Chap 3: Jesus the Wonder Worker: Mark 4:1-7:37 Second Half of Jesus‘ Ministry S Chap 4: Jesus the Prophet: Mark 8:1-10:52 S Chap 5: The End of Jesus‘ Public Ministry: Mark 11:1-14:72 S Chap 6: The End of the Gospel: Mark 15:1-16:8
  • 5. Overview of Our Journey In the first half of Mark‘s Gospel Jesus is portrayed as a person powerful in WORD and DEED. An example of the power of his WORDS is seen in the calling of his disciples. They did not hesitate to drop what they were doing and follow him. Examples of his powerful DEEDs are seen in the miracles he performed – silencing demons and opponents, healing the blind and paralyzed, and cleansing lepers.
  • 6. Mark Session 4 - Jesus the Prophet Scripture Focus is: Mark 8:1-10:52 Todays sessions includes information about: S Jesus Healing the Blind Man S Exploring the Identity of Jesus as Messiah S Interpreting the Transfiguration S Comparing Jesus‘ 3 Passion Predictions S Thinking about Discipleship
  • 7. Healing of Deaf Man Mark 7:31-37 (From Last Week) Then he returned from the region of Tyre, and went by way of Sidon towards the Sea of Galilee, in the region of the Decapolis. They brought to him a deaf man who had an impediment in his speech; and they begged him to lay his hand on him. He took him aside in private, away from the crowd, and put his fingers into his ears, and he spat and touched his tongue. Then looking up to heaven, he sighed and said to him, ―Ephphatha,‖ that is, ―Be opened.‖ And immediately his ears were opened, his tongue was released, and he spoke plainly. Then Jesus ordered them to tell no one; but the more he ordered them, the more zealously they proclaimed it. They were astounded beyond measure, saying, ―He has done everything well; he even makes the deaf to hear and the mute
  • 8. Miracle of Healing Blind Man Mark 8:22-26 They came to Bethsaida. Some people brought a blind man to him and begged him to touch him. He took the blind man by the hand and led him out of the village; and when he had put saliva on his eyes and laid his hands on him, he asked him, ―Can you see anything?‖ And the man looked up and said, ―I can see people, but they look like trees, walking.‖ Then Jesus laid his hands on his eyes again; and he looked intently and his sight was restored, and he saw everything clearly. Then he sent him away to his home, saying, ―Do not even
  • 9. Miracle of Healing Blind Man Mark 8:22-26 Do you notice anything unusual about this story?
  • 10. Miracle of Healing Blind Man Mark 8:22-26 S This narrative is at the transition point between the 1st and 2nd half of Mark S There are similarities between the healing of the blind man at Bethsaida and the deaf-mute in the previous chapter. S Both miracles are performed in private. S Both involve Jesus using ―spit‖ and laying on of hands.
  • 11. Miracle of Healing Blind Man Mark 8:22-26 S Both incidents represent ―double healings.‖ Former incident involved 2 ailments (deaf & speech impediment) while the latter involves 2 attempts at healing deafness. S Prior to this healing Jesus‘ power has been unfailing. S Only in this healing does Jesus have to try a second time in order to achieve complete success. Was this a failure on Jesus‘ part or was it intentional? S Look closely at the importance of Jesus‘ touching: ―took him by the hand,‖ ―laid his hands on him,‖ ―laid
  • 12. Miracle of Healing Blind Man Mark 8:22-26 Even though there are clear parallels between both healings There are Unique Differences. This healing narrative is not included in Matthew and Luke. WHY is it not in Matthew and Luke? (Did those writers see 2 attempts to succeed as a flaw?
  • 13. Miracle of Healing Blind Man Mark 8:22-26 S Up to this point Jesus has been portrayed as a powerful wonder worker. S He‘s already performed 10 healings and 4 nature miracles. S Even demonstrated his power over spiritual forces
  • 14. Miracle of Healing Blind Man Mark 8:22-26 S This double healing of the blind men is showcased as the FINAL miracle of the first ½ of the Gospel of Mark and the FIRST miracle of the last ½ of the Gospel of Mark. S Something motivated Mark to place this miracle story in this climatic position in the Gospel.
  • 15. Exploring the Identity of Jesus as Messiah The authors of our book believe Mark used a very significant Editorial Pattern in sharing with us information about events in the last days of Jesus‘ life. They believe that What Jesus Did and How Jesus Did What He Did was Not Accidental But very INTENTIONAL!
  • 16. Exploring the Identity of Jesus as Messiah So keep this in mind as we begin to look at and talk about events that lead us through to the last days of Jesus‘ Life. Let‘s see if we can discover a new perspective and agree/disagree with the INTENTIONAL things that that our authors believe Jesus did.
  • 17. Exploring the Identity of Jesus as Messiah Mark 8:27-30: Jesus went on with his disciples to the villages of Caesarea Philippi; and on the way he asked his disciples, ―Who do people say that I am?‖ And they answered him, ―John the Baptist; and others, Elijah; and still others, one of the prophets.‖ He asked them, ―But who do you say that I am?‖ Peter answered him, ―You are the Messiah.‖ And he (Jesus) sternly ordered them not to tell anyone about him.
  • 19. Exploring the Identity of Jesus as Messiah S Jesus engages his disciples in a very significant conversation as they travel to Caesarea Philippi. S As they travel, Jesus asks the disciples the most important question he‘s asked since asking them to follow him: Who do people say that I am?
  • 20. Exploring the Identity of Jesus as Messiahs S The disciples answer: John the Baptist, Elijah, one of the prophets. Why do you think Jesus is asking the Disciples this question?
  • 21. Exploring the Identity of Jesus as Messiahs S Then Jesus asks them: Who do YOU say that I am?
  • 22. Exploring the Identity of Jesus as Messiah S Peter responds: You are the Messiah. Messiah (Hebrew) Christos (Greek) S This declaration by Peter is the first reference of the term ―Christ‖ since Mark 1:1 ―The beginning of the good news of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.‖ S Peter‘s declaration represents a significant turning point in the story. S It also represents a change in the disciples.
  • 23. Exploring the Identity of Jesus as Messiah S Up to this point the disciples have been privy to Jesus‘ teachings and what they have witnessed of his miraculous deeds – but, they have lacked understanding. S Although Jesus‘ miraculous deeds and powerful words have made him popular, they have not revealed his true identity to the multitudes that follow him. The Disciples however are different. They have seen and heard all he‘s done. But now with Peter‘s declaration you have the impression the Disciples are beginning to understand
  • 24. Jesus’ Death As you can already see in today‘s lesson this second half of Mark portrays Jesus differently than the first half. S It is dominated by the final week of Jesus‘ life – which leads to and includes the death of Jesus in Jerusalem. S The conversation about his death began on the road to Caesarea Philippi even before Jesus arrives in Jerusalem. S It‘s like Mark is sharing how Jesus was preparing the disciples and us as readers for what is to come.
  • 25. Exploring the Identity of Jesus as Messiah S The Transfiguration S Jesus takes Peter, James & John high on a mountain. S Jesus‘ clothes become dazzling white. S Moses and Elijah appear and speak with Jesus S The climax is their hearing the voice of God saying ―This is my Beloved; listen to him!‖ (Mk 9:7) S Even in this dialogue though we have evidence that Peter, James, & John ―still don‘t get it.‖ They question Jesus about ―what this rising from the dead mean?‖
  • 26. Transfiguration View Point What does it mean to be a follower of Jesus Christ? Well, it means that mountain top experiences are necessary – we all need time to get away, to commune with God, to draw closer to the teaching of Jesus, and to be filled with the Spirit; But, we can‘t stay on the mountain top; If we only inhale, we will explode. If we only exhale, we will be exhausted. If we only commune with God, we will become ‗spiritually bloated‘; if we only exhale, we will become‗spiritually depleted.‘‖
  • 27. Jesus’ Death Remember earlier my saying Mark used a very significant Editorial Pattern in sharing with us information about events in the last days of Jesus‘ life. S There are 3 occasions when Jesus speaks about what is going to happen to him (A passion prediction is made) S Prior to each prediction Jesus has a significant encounter with his disciples (or other individuals.) S After each prediction, Jesus teaches something about the meaning of discipleship A Prediction - An Encounter - A
  • 28. Jesus’ Death It is important to note Marks editorial pattern. S A passion prediction (8:31) S Followed by an Encounter showing the disciples‘ misunderstanding of what Jesus predicts (8:32- 33) S Followed by a teaching on discipleship (8:34-9:1) A Prediction - An Encounter - A
  • 29. Passion Prediction Passion Prediction 1 S Mark 8:31: Jesus predicts his own death. ―Then he began to teach them that the Son of Man must undergo great suffering, and be rejected by the elders, the chief priests, and the scribes, and be killed, and after three days rise again.‖ S This preview passage of what is to come is for- shadowed in the plot of the Pharisees and the Herodians to destroy Jesus. In this 8:31 scripture Jesus declares exactly what is to happen to him.
  • 30. Encounter With Jesus Encounter Showing Misunderstanding 1 S Peter rebukes Jesus in 8:32 ― He said all this quite openly. And Peter took him aside and began to rebuke him.‖ To which Jesus replies: 8:32 ―But turning and looking at his disciples, he rebuked Peter and said, Get behind me, Satan! For you are setting your mind not on divine things but on human things.‖
  • 31. Discipleship Discipleship Teaching 1 After Jesus rebukes Peter, he begins to teach them about discipleship. Disciples will: S ―Deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me‖ (8:34b) S Only those who ―lose their life for my sake, and for the sake of the gospel, will save it.‖ (8:35b)
  • 32.
  • 33. Passion Prediction Passion Prediction 2 S Another incidence of Jesus predicting his death comes in (Mk 9:31) S ―for he was teaching his disciples, saying to them, ‗he Son of Man is to be betrayed into human hands, and they will kill him, and three days after being killed, he will rise again.‘‖ (9:31)
  • 34. Encounter With Jesus Encounter Showing Misunderstanding 2 S This second reference to his death also falls on deaf ears. In fact, the disciples are busy disputing which of them is the greatest or best disciple. S Then they came to Capernaum; and when he was in the house he asked them, ―What were you arguing about on the way?‖ 34 But they were silent, for on the way they had argued with one another who was the greatest. (9:33-34)
  • 35. Discipleship Discipleship Teaching 2 Jesus uses this opportunity to speak about discipleship a second time say: In order to be first, Jesus explains, one must be last of all and servant of all‖ (9:35)
  • 36.
  • 37. Passion Prediction Passion Prediction 3 S As they near Jerusalem, Jesus takes the 12 aside again in order to tell them what is going to happen to him soon. (10:32) S This is the longest and most explicit prediction: S ―See, we are going up to Jerusalem, and the Son of Man will be handed over to the chief priests and the scribes, and they will condemn him to death; then they will hand him over to the Gentiles; 34 they will mock him, and spit upon him, and flog him, and kill him; and
  • 38. Encounter With Jesus Encounter Showing Misunderstanding 3 S This is like the exact outline of what will happen to him. Jesus could not be more specific. But the request of James and John clearly indicate they still don‘t get it. S James and John, the sons of Zebedee, came forward to him and said to him, ―Teacher, we want you to do for us whatever we ask of you.‖ And he said to them, ―What is it you want me to do for you?‖ And they said to him, ―Grant us to sit, one at your right hand and one at your left, in your glory.‖ (10:35-37)
  • 39. Discipleship Discipleship Teaching 3 S Jesus‘ responds in teaching them again. ―You do not know what you are asking. (10:38a) S ―Whoever wishes to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wishes to be first among you must be slave of all.‖ (10:43b- 44) S I have come not to be served but to serve, and to give his life a ransom for many.‖ (10:45)
  • 41. Thinking About Discipleship S The Disciples who see Jesus as the Christ still misunderstand the nature of his messiahship. They cannot grasp the idea that the Messiah must suffer and die. Our writer suggests this is why the double healing of the Blind man precedes Peter‘s confession. S With Peter‘s confession Peter and the other disciples are beginning to see who Jesus truly is. Mark sees this as a metaphor in that the disciples are like the blind man after Jesus touches him for the first time: they can see, but their vision is still clouded. Like the blind man, Peter and the disciples require a ―second touch‖ before they can perceive everything clearly…
  • 42. Thinking About Discipleship There is a close connection between ―Who Christ is‖ and ―What it means to be a Disciple.‖ S Our author believes: ―one must know who Jesus is and where he is going, because Jesus commands his Disciples, ―Follow me.‖ S When Jesus redefines Messiahship‖ to include suffering, S To follow Jesus is to follow him into suffering (10:29-30)
  • 43. Thinking About Discipleship S How would you summarize what Jesus taught his followers about Discipleship? S What questions do you have about what Jesus requires of those who would follow him? S To what extent are Jesus‘ expectations of his followers realistic or unrealistic in the 21st Century. S What are some other teachings of Jesus in Mark or the other Gospels that also describe what is expected of Jesus‘ followers? S If you were to attempt to live according to what Jesus expects of his followers, which of his teachings would be the most challenging or difficult for you?