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Spark Saturday: Spark SQL &
DataFrames Workshop w/
Apache Spark 2.3
Jules S. Damji
Apache Spark Developer & Community Advocate
Spark Saturday , Santa ClaraAugust 4th,2018
I have used Apache Spark Before…
I have used SQL or Spark SQL Before…
I know the difference between
DataFrame and RDDs…
Spark Community &Developer Advocate @
Developer Advocate @ Hortonworks
Software engineering @: Sun Microsystems,
Netscape, @Home, VeriSign, Scalix, Centrify,
LoudCloud/Opsware, ProQuest
Morning Afternoon
Agenda for the day
• Introduction to DataFrames &
• DataFrames Labs
• Break
• DeveloperCertification
• Get to know Databricks
• Overview of Spark
Fundamentals & Architecture
• Unified APIs:SparkSessions,
SQL, DataFrames, Datasets…
• Break
• Spark SQL Labs
• Lunch
Know Thy Neighbor! J
Get to know Databricks
• Keepthis URL Open in a separate tab
• Labs @Copyrightedby Databricks. Cannotbe repurposedfor Commercialuse!
Use This
Why Apache Spark?
Big Data Systems of Yesterday…
Pregel Giraph
Dremel Mahout
Storm Impala
Drill . . .
Specialized systems
for newworkloads
Hard to combine in pipelines
Unified engine
Big Data Systems Today
Dremel Millwheel
S4 . . .
Specialized systems
for newworkloads
Faster, Easier to Use, Unified
First	Distributed
Processing	Engine
Specialized	Data	
Processing	Engines
Unified	Data	
Processing	Engine
Apache Spark Philosophy
Unified engine for complete
data applications
High-level user-friendly APIs
SQLStreaming ML Graph
An Analogy ….
New applications
Unified engineacross diverse workloads &
Apache Spark: The First Unified Analytics Engine
Spark	Core	Engine
Big Data Processing
ETL + SQL + Streaming
Machine Learning
MLlib + SparkR
Uniquelycombines Data & AI technologies
Databricks Delta ML Frameworks
Reliable & Scalable Simple & Integrated
Databricks Unified Analytics Platform
Dashboards End to end ML lifecycle
Where Apache Spark is Used?
Common Spark Use Cases
The Benefits of Apache Spark?
100x faster than
Hadoop for large
scale data processing
Simple APIs for
operating on large
data sets
Packaged withhigher-
level libraries (SQL,
Streaming, ML, Graph)
Spark in the Enterprise
Apache Spark at Massive Scale
# of tasks in a
single job
CPU performance
improvement over Hive
Apache Spark Architecture
Apache Spark Architecture
• Local
• Standalone
• Mesos
EC2 Machine
Student-1 Notebook
Student-2 Notebook
Local Mode in Databricks
30	GB	Container
30	GB	Container
30	GB	Container
30	GB	Container
... ...
Standalone Mode
Spark Deployment Modes
As spark 2.3 Kubernetes
Native Spark App in K8S
• New Spark scheduler backend
• Driver runs in a Kubernetes pod created
by the submission client and creates
pods that run the executors in response
to requests from the Spark scheduler.
[K8S-34377] [SPARK-18278]
• Make direct use of Kubernetes clusters for
multi-tenancy and sharing through
Namespaces and Quotas, as well as
administrative features such as Pluggable
Authorization, and Logging.
Spark on Kubernetes
• Supports Kubernetes1.6 and up
• Supports cluster mode only
• Staticresource allocation only
• Supports Java and Scala
• Can use container-local and
remote dependencies that are
In roadmap (2.4):
• Client mode
• Dynamic resource allocation +
external shuffle service
• Python and R support
• Submission client local dependencies
+ Resource staging server (RSS)
• Non-secured and KerberizedHDFS
access (injection of Hadoop
Apache Spark Application
Apache Spark Architecture
An Anatomy ofan Application
Spark	Application
• Jobs
• Stages
• Tasks
A Spark Executor
Resilient Distributed Dataset
What are RDDs?
A Resilient Distributed Dataset
1. Distributed Data Abstraction
Logical Model Across Distributed Storage
S3, Blob or HDFS
2. Resilient & Immutable
T = Transformation
3. Compile-time Type-safe
Integer RDD
String or Text RDD
Double or Binary RDD
4. Unstructured/Structured Data: Text (logs, tweets,
articles, social)
5. Lazy
T = Transformation
A = Action
2	kinds	of	Actions
collect, count, reduce, take, show..saveAsTextFile, (HDFS, S3, SQL, NoSQL, etc.)
Unified API Foundation for
the Future: SparkSessions,
DataFrame, Dataset, MLlib,
Structured Streaming
Major Themes in Apache Spark 2.x
TungstenPhase 2
speedupsof 5-10x
& Catalyst Optimizer
real-time engine
on SQL / DataFrames
Unifying Datasets
and DataFrames &
SparkSession – A Unified entry point to
• Conduit to Spark
– Creates Datasets/DataFrames
– Reads/writes data
– Works with metadata
– Sets/gets Spark
– Driver uses for Cluster
resource management
SparkSession vs SparkContext
SparkSessions	 Subsumes
• SparkContext
• SQLContext
• HiveContext
• StreamingContext
• SparkConf
DataFrame & Dataset Structure
Long Term
• RDD as the low-level API in Spark
• For control and certain type-safety in Java/Scala
• Datasets & DataFrames give richer semantics &
• For semi-structured data and DSL like operations
• New libraries will increasingly use these as interchange
• Examples: Structured Streaming, MLlib, GraphFrames,
and Deep Learning Pipelines
Spark 1.6 vs Spark 2.x
Spark 1.6 vs Spark 2.x
DataFrames/Dataset, Spark
SQL & Catalyst Optimizer
The not so secret truth…
is not about SQL
is about more thanSQL
Is About Creating and Running Spark Programs
•  Write less code
•  Read less data
•  Do less work
• optimizerdoes the hard work
Spark	SQL:	The	wholestory
Spark SQL Architecture
SQL DataFrames
Using Catalyst in Spark SQL
Logical Plan
Logical Plan
Logical Plan
Physical Plan
Analysis: analyzinga logicalplan to resolve references
Logical Optimization: logicalplan optimization
Physical Planning: Physical planning
Code Generation:Compileparts of the query to Java bytecode
Catalyst Optimizations
• Catalyst compiles operations into
physical plan for execution and
generates JVM byte code
• Intelligently choose between
broadcast joins and shuffle joins to
reduce network traffic
• Lower level optimizations:
eliminate expensive object
allocations and reduce virtual
functions calls
• Push filter predicate down to data
source, so irrelevant data can be
• Parquet: skip entire blocks, turn
comparisons into cheaper integer
comparisons via dictionary coding
• RDMS: reduce amount of data traffic
by pushing down predicates
with Predicate Pushdown
and Column Pruning
(users)events file userstable
users.join(events,	 users("id")	===	events("uid"))	 .
filter(events("date")	 >	"2015-01-01")
DataFrame Optimization
Columns: Predicate pushdown
.option("url", "jdbc:postgresql:dbserver")
.option("dbtable", "people")
.where($"name" === "michael")
You Write
Spark Translates
For Postgres SELECT * FROM people WHERE name = 'michael'
Columns: Predicate pushdown
SELECT firstName, LastName, SSN, COO, title FROM
people where firstName = ‘jules’ and COO = ‘tz’;
You Write
SparkWill Push it down
To Postgres or Parquet SELECT <items, item, …items > FROM people WHERE <condition>
Spark Core (RDD)
Catalyst & Tungsten
MLPipelines Structured
{ JSON }
FoundationalSpark2.x Components
Spark SQL
GraphFrames DL Pipelines
Spark SQL Lab
(Pair Up J)
DataFrames & Datasets
Spark 2.x APIs
Background: What is in an RDD?
• Partitions (with optional localityinfo)
• Compute function: Partition =>Iterator[T]
Opaque Computation
& Opaque Data
Structured APIs In Spark
SQL DataFrames Datasets
Runtime Compile
Analysis errors are reported before a distributed job starts
Unification of APIs in Spark 2.0
DataFrame API code.
//	convert	RDD	->	DF	with	column	names
val df	=	parsedRDD.toDF("project",	"page",	"numRequests")	
//filter,	groupBy,	sum,	and	then	agg()
df.filter($"project"	===	"en").
project page numRequests
en 23 45
en 24 200
Take DataFrame à SQL Table à Query
df. createOrReplaceTempView(("edits")	
val results	=	spark.sql("""SELECT	page,	sum(numRequests)	
AS	count	FROM	edits	WHERE	project	=	'en'	GROUP	BY	page	
LIMIT	100""")
project page numRequests
en 23 45
en 24 200
Easy to write code... Believe it!
from	pyspark.sql.functions	 import	avg	
dataRDD	=	sc.parallelize([("Jim",	20),	("Anne",	 31),	("Jim",	30)])	
dataDF	=	dataRDD.toDF(["name",	"age"])	
#	Using	RDD code	to	compute	aggregate	average
(	(x,y):	(x,	(y,1)))	 .reduceByKey(lambda	x,y:	(x[0]	+y[0],	x[1]	
+y[1]))	.map(lambda	(x,	(y,	z)):	(x,	y	/	z)))	
#	Using	DataFrame
name age
Jim 20
Ann 31
Jim 30
Why structure APIs? { case (dept, age) => dept -> (age, 1) }
.reduceByKey { case ((a1, c1), (a2, c2)) => (a1 + a2, c1 + c2)}
.map { case (dept, (age, c)) => dept -> age / c }
select dept, avg(age) from data group by 1
on domain objects
with compiled
lambda functions
Dataset API in Spark 2.x
v a l d f = s p a r k .r e ad.j s on( "pe opl e.js on ")
/ / Convert data to domain o b j e c ts .
case c l a s s Person(name: S tr i n g , age: I n t )
v a l d s : Dataset[Person] = d f.a s [P e r s on ]
v a l fi l te r D S = d s . f i l t e r ( p = > p . a g e > 30)
Datasets: Lightning-fast Serialization with Encoders
DataFrames are Faster than RDDs
Datasets < Memory RDDs
Why When
DataFrames & Datasets
• StructuredData schema
• Code optimization & performance
• Space efficiency with Tungsten
• High-level APIs and DSL
• StrongType-safety
• Ease-of-use & Readability
• What-to-do
Source: michaelmalak
Spark Summit Talk:
DataFrame Lab
(Pair Up J)
Databricks Developer
Certification for Apache
Spark 2.x
Why: Build Your Skills - Certification
● The industry standard for Apache Spark certification from
original creators at Databricks
○ Validate your overall knowledge on Apache Spark
○ Assure clients that you are up-to-date with the fast
moving Apache Spark project with features in new
What: Build Your Skills - Certification
● Databricks Certification Exam
○ The test is approximately 3 hours and is proctored
either online or at a test center
○ Series of randomly generated multiple choice
○ Test fee is $300
○ Two editions: Scala & Python
○ Can take it twice
How To Prepare for Certification
• Knowledge of Apace Spark Basics
• Structured Streaming, Spark Architecture, MLlib,
Performance & Debugging, Spark SQL, GraphFrames,
Programming Languages (offered Python or Scala)
• Experience Developing Spark apps in production
• Courses:
• Databricks Apache Spark Programing 105 & 110
• Getting Started with Apache Spark SQL
• 7 Steps for a Developer to Learn Apache Spark
• Spark: The Definitive Guide
Where To Sign for Certification
REGISTER: Databricks Certified Developer: Apache Spark 2.X
LOGISTICS: How to Take the Exam
• Getting Started Guide with Apache Spark on
• Spark Programming Guide
• Structured Streaming Programming Guide
• Databricks Engineering Blogs
Do you have any questions for my preparedanswers?

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Spark Saturday: Spark SQL & DataFrame Workshop with Apache Spark 2.3

  • 1. Spark Saturday: Spark SQL & DataFrames Workshop w/ Apache Spark 2.3 Jules S. Damji Apache Spark Developer & Community Advocate Spark Saturday , Santa ClaraAugust 4th,2018
  • 3. I have used Apache Spark Before…
  • 4. I have used SQL or Spark SQL Before…
  • 5. I know the difference between DataFrame and RDDs…
  • 6. Spark Community &Developer Advocate @ Databricks Developer Advocate @ Hortonworks Software engineering @: Sun Microsystems, Netscape, @Home, VeriSign, Scalix, Centrify, LoudCloud/Opsware, ProQuest @2twitme,
  • 7. Morning Afternoon Agenda for the day • Introduction to DataFrames & Datasets • DataFrames Labs • Break • DeveloperCertification • Get to know Databricks • Overview of Spark Fundamentals & Architecture • Unified APIs:SparkSessions, SQL, DataFrames, Datasets… • Break • Spark SQL Labs • Lunch
  • 9. Get to know Databricks • Keepthis URL Open in a separate tab • Labs @Copyrightedby Databricks. Cannotbe repurposedfor Commercialuse! Use This
  • 11. Big Data Systems of Yesterday… MapReduce/Hadoop Generalbatch processing Drill Storm Pregel Giraph Dremel Mahout Storm Impala Drill . . . Specialized systems for newworkloads Hard to combine in pipelines
  • 12. MapReduce Generalbatch processing Unified engine Big Data Systems Today ? Pregel Dremel Millwheel Drill Giraph ImpalaStorm S4 . . . Specialized systems for newworkloads
  • 13. Faster, Easier to Use, Unified 13 First Distributed Processing Engine Specialized Data Processing Engines Unified Data Processing Engine
  • 14. Apache Spark Philosophy Unified engine for complete data applications High-level user-friendly APIs SQLStreaming ML Graph … DL Applications
  • 15. An Analogy …. New applications
  • 16. Unified engineacross diverse workloads & environments
  • 17. Apache Spark: The First Unified Analytics Engine Runtime Delta Spark Core Engine Big Data Processing ETL + SQL + Streaming Machine Learning MLlib + SparkR Uniquelycombines Data & AI technologies
  • 18. DATABRICKS WORKSPACE Databricks Delta ML Frameworks DATABRICKS CLOUD SERVICE DATABRICKS RUNTIME Reliable & Scalable Simple & Integrated Databricks Unified Analytics Platform APIs Jobs Models Notebooks Dashboards End to end ML lifecycle
  • 19. Where Apache Spark is Used?
  • 21. The Benefits of Apache Spark? SPEED 100x faster than Hadoop for large scale data processing EASE OF USE Simple APIs for operating on large data sets UNIFIED ENGINE Packaged withhigher- level libraries (SQL, Streaming, ML, Graph)
  • 22. Spark in the Enterprise 22
  • 23. Apache Spark at Massive Scale 23 60TB+ Compressed data 250,000+ # of tasks in a single job 4.5-6x CPU performance improvement over Hive spark-scale-a-60-tb-production-use-case.html
  • 25. Apache Spark Architecture Deployments Modes • Local • Standalone • YARN • Mesos
  • 28. Spark Deployment Modes As spark 2.3 Kubernetes
  • 29. Native Spark App in K8S • New Spark scheduler backend • Driver runs in a Kubernetes pod created by the submission client and creates pods that run the executors in response to requests from the Spark scheduler. [K8S-34377] [SPARK-18278] • Make direct use of Kubernetes clusters for multi-tenancy and sharing through Namespaces and Quotas, as well as administrative features such as Pluggable Authorization, and Logging. 29
  • 30. Spark on Kubernetes Supported: • Supports Kubernetes1.6 and up • Supports cluster mode only • Staticresource allocation only • Supports Java and Scala applications • Can use container-local and remote dependencies that are downloadable 30 In roadmap (2.4): • Client mode • Dynamic resource allocation + external shuffle service • Python and R support • Submission client local dependencies + Resource staging server (RSS) • Non-secured and KerberizedHDFS access (injection of Hadoop configuration)
  • 32. Apache Spark Architecture An Anatomy ofan Application Spark Application • Jobs • Stages • Tasks
  • 36. A Resilient Distributed Dataset (RDD) 1. Distributed Data Abstraction Logical Model Across Distributed Storage S3, Blob or HDFS
  • 37. 2. Resilient & Immutable RDD RDD RDDT RDD à Tà RDD -> RDD T T = Transformation
  • 38. 3. Compile-time Type-safe Integer RDD String or Text RDD Double or Binary RDD
  • 39. 4. Unstructured/Structured Data: Text (logs, tweets, articles, social)
  • 40. 5. Lazy RDD RDD RDDT RDD à Tà RDD à Tà RDD T T = Transformation A = Action RDD RDD RDDT A
  • 41.
  • 42.
  • 43. 2 kinds of Actions collect, count, reduce, take, show..saveAsTextFile, (HDFS, S3, SQL, NoSQL, etc.)
  • 44.
  • 45.
  • 46.
  • 47. Unified API Foundation for the Future: SparkSessions, DataFrame, Dataset, MLlib, Structured Streaming
  • 48. Major Themes in Apache Spark 2.x TungstenPhase 2 speedupsof 5-10x & Catalyst Optimizer Faster StructuredStreaming real-time engine on SQL / DataFrames Smarter Unifying Datasets and DataFrames & SparkSessions Easier
  • 49. SparkSession – A Unified entry point to Spark • Conduit to Spark – Creates Datasets/DataFrames – Reads/writes data – Works with metadata – Sets/gets Spark Configuration – Driver uses for Cluster resource management
  • 50. SparkSession vs SparkContext SparkSessions Subsumes • SparkContext • SQLContext • HiveContext • StreamingContext • SparkConf
  • 51. DataFrame & Dataset Structure
  • 52. Long Term • RDD as the low-level API in Spark • For control and certain type-safety in Java/Scala • Datasets & DataFrames give richer semantics & optimizations • For semi-structured data and DSL like operations • New libraries will increasingly use these as interchange format • Examples: Structured Streaming, MLlib, GraphFrames, and Deep Learning Pipelines
  • 53. Spark 1.6 vs Spark 2.x
  • 54. Spark 1.6 vs Spark 2.x
  • 55. DataFrames/Dataset, Spark SQL & Catalyst Optimizer
  • 56. The not so secret truth… SQL is not about SQL is about more thanSQL
  • 57. 10 Is About Creating and Running Spark Programs Faster: •  Write less code •  Read less data •  Do less work • optimizerdoes the hard work Spark SQL: The wholestory
  • 59. 59 Using Catalyst in Spark SQL Unresolved Logical Plan Logical Plan Optimized Logical Plan RDDs Selected Physical Plan Analysis Logical Optimization Physical Planning CostModel Physical Plans Code Generation Catalog Analysis: analyzinga logicalplan to resolve references Logical Optimization: logicalplan optimization Physical Planning: Physical planning Code Generation:Compileparts of the query to Java bytecode SQL AST DataFrame Datasets
  • 60. LOGICAL OPTIMIZATIONS PHYSICAL OPTIMIZATIONS Catalyst Optimizations • Catalyst compiles operations into physical plan for execution and generates JVM byte code • Intelligently choose between broadcast joins and shuffle joins to reduce network traffic • Lower level optimizations: eliminate expensive object allocations and reduce virtual functions calls • Push filter predicate down to data source, so irrelevant data can be skipped • Parquet: skip entire blocks, turn comparisons into cheaper integer comparisons via dictionary coding • RDMS: reduce amount of data traffic by pushing down predicates
  • 61. PhysicalPlan with Predicate Pushdown and Column Pruning join optimized scan (events) optimized scan (users) LogicalPlan filter join PhysicalPlan join scan (users)events file userstable 61 scan (events) filter users.join(events, users("id") === events("uid")) . filter(events("date") > "2015-01-01") DataFrame Optimization
  • 62. Columns: Predicate pushdown .format("jdbc") .option("url", "jdbc:postgresql:dbserver") .option("dbtable", "people") .load() .where($"name" === "michael") 62 You Write Spark Translates For Postgres SELECT * FROM people WHERE name = 'michael'
  • 63. Columns: Predicate pushdown SELECT firstName, LastName, SSN, COO, title FROM people where firstName = ‘jules’ and COO = ‘tz’; 63 You Write SparkWill Push it down To Postgres or Parquet SELECT <items, item, …items > FROM people WHERE <condition>
  • 64. 43 Spark Core (RDD) Catalyst & Tungsten DataFrame/DatasetSQL MLPipelines Structured Streaming { JSON } JDBC andmore… FoundationalSpark2.x Components Spark SQL GraphFrames DL Pipelines TensorFrames
  • 67. Background: What is in an RDD? •Dependencies • Partitions (with optional localityinfo) • Compute function: Partition =>Iterator[T] Opaque Computation & Opaque Data
  • 68. Structured APIs In Spark 68 SQL DataFrames Datasets Syntax Errors Analysis Errors Runtime Compile Time Runtime Compile Time Compile Time Runtime Analysis errors are reported before a distributed job starts
  • 69. Unification of APIs in Spark 2.0
  • 70. DataFrame API code. // convert RDD -> DF with column names val df = parsedRDD.toDF("project", "page", "numRequests") //filter, groupBy, sum, and then agg() df.filter($"project" === "en"). groupBy($"page"). agg(sum($"numRequests").as("count")). limit(100). show(100) project page numRequests en 23 45 en 24 200
  • 71. Take DataFrame à SQL Table à Query df. createOrReplaceTempView(("edits") val results = spark.sql("""SELECT page, sum(numRequests) AS count FROM edits WHERE project = 'en' GROUP BY page LIMIT 100""") project page numRequests en 23 45 en 24 200
  • 72. Easy to write code... Believe it! from pyspark.sql.functions import avg dataRDD = sc.parallelize([("Jim", 20), ("Anne", 31), ("Jim", 30)]) dataDF = dataRDD.toDF(["name", "age"]) # Using RDD code to compute aggregate average ( (x,y): (x, (y,1))) .reduceByKey(lambda x,y: (x[0] +y[0], x[1] +y[1])) .map(lambda (x, (y, z)): (x, y / z))) # Using DataFrame dataDF.groupBy("name").agg(avg("age")) name age Jim 20 Ann 31 Jim 30
  • 73. Why structure APIs? { case (dept, age) => dept -> (age, 1) } .reduceByKey { case ((a1, c1), (a2, c2)) => (a1 + a2, c1 + c2)} .map { case (dept, (age, c)) => dept -> age / c } select dept, avg(age) from data group by 1 SQL DataFrame RDD data.groupBy("dept").avg("age")
  • 74. Type-safe:operate on domain objects with compiled lambda functions 8 Dataset API in Spark 2.x v a l d f = s p a r k .r e ad.j s on( "pe opl e.js on ") / / Convert data to domain o b j e c ts . case c l a s s Person(name: S tr i n g , age: I n t ) v a l d s : Dataset[Person] = d f.a s [P e r s on ] v a l fi l te r D S = d s . f i l t e r ( p = > p . a g e > 30)
  • 78. Why When DataFrames & Datasets • StructuredData schema • Code optimization & performance • Space efficiency with Tungsten • High-level APIs and DSL • StrongType-safety • Ease-of-use & Readability • What-to-do
  • 80. BLOG: Spark Summit Talk:
  • 83. 83 Why: Build Your Skills - Certification ● The industry standard for Apache Spark certification from original creators at Databricks ○ Validate your overall knowledge on Apache Spark ○ Assure clients that you are up-to-date with the fast moving Apache Spark project with features in new releases
  • 84. 84 What: Build Your Skills - Certification ● Databricks Certification Exam ○ The test is approximately 3 hours and is proctored either online or at a test center ○ Series of randomly generated multiple choice questions ○ Test fee is $300 ○ Two editions: Scala & Python ○ Can take it twice
  • 85. 85 How To Prepare for Certification • Knowledge of Apace Spark Basics • Structured Streaming, Spark Architecture, MLlib, Performance & Debugging, Spark SQL, GraphFrames, Programming Languages (offered Python or Scala) • Experience Developing Spark apps in production • Courses: • Databricks Apache Spark Programing 105 & 110 • Getting Started with Apache Spark SQL • 7 Steps for a Developer to Learn Apache Spark • Spark: The Definitive Guide
  • 86. 86 Where To Sign for Certification REGISTER: Databricks Certified Developer: Apache Spark 2.X LOGISTICS: How to Take the Exam
  • 88. Resources • Getting Started Guide with Apache Spark on Databricks • • Spark Programming Guide • Structured Streaming Programming Guide • Databricks Engineering Blogs •
  • 91. Do you have any questions for my preparedanswers?