technical communication bas 301 aktu syllabus communication counseling flexibility problem sensitivity idea fluency originality validity of claims creative thinking critical thinking personality assessment analysis of personality swami vivekanand maslow freud carl jung emotional intellingence feedback non-verbal cues linguistic context context of power context of culture context of gender social competence business presenatation public speaking behaviour attitude beliefs values tool of communication language drafting block format 7 c's variable nouns plural invariable concord according to singular invariable rules of 'of' concord of notion concord of proximity silence rate of words per minute articulation pitch tone volume application in legal counseling short answers tag question haptics chronemics proxemics kinesics euphemism coinages affixes backformation clipping blending compounding assimilation churning scanning skimming expository interrupted linear spatial chronological inductive deductive paragraph organization topic sentence accuracy clarity brevity approaches technical writing complex to simple sentence active passive modals auxiliaries participles gerunds
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