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BByy:: DDhhaannaannjjaayy KKuummaarr
• Introduction 
• Company Overview 
• Competitor 
• SWOT Analysis 
• Challenges 
• Strategy 
• Recommendation & Implementation 
• Conclusion
Frozen Yogurt 
It is known by the trade 
names Frogurt and FroY 
o. It is some kind of frozen 
dessert. Yogurt and 
sometimes other dairy 
products are its 
ingredients. Frozen yogurt 
may or may not contain 
live and active bacteria 
Frozen Yogurt VS Ice 
In comparison to ice cream, 
frozen yogurt is slightly to 
much more tart, and 
because of the use of milk 
instead of cream, it has 
lower in fat.
History of Frozen Yogurt 
Frozen yogurt was introduced in New 
England, north-east USA, in the 1970s as a 
soft serve dessert by H. P. Hood under the 
name Frogurt. In 1978, Brigham's, a Boston 
-based ice cream, candy and sandwich shop 
chain, under the direction of their VP of 
Marketing & Manufacturing, Jerry Lavely, a 
food industry innovator, who later became 
known as "The Foodmeister", developed and 
introduced the first packaged frozen yogurt 
calledHumphreez Yogart. Around this same 
time, another packaged frozen yogurt 
product, called "Danny" debuted 
from Dannon. This variation was a raspberry 
yogurt product on a stick and covered with 
dark chocolate.
Company Background 
• NAZA SDN BHD is a Master License Holder for Tutti Frutti Frozen 
Yogurt in Malaysia. 
• Naza Tutti frutti expanded their production brand in , Singapore , 
Thailand , Cambodia and Brunei as well. 
• In April 2012, the number of Tutti frutti has captured 90 overall 
Branch in Malaysia. 
• Now, Tutti frutti Malaysia has 42 outlets : 33 in the Klang valley , 2 in 
Ipoh, 2 in Penang, 1 in Pahang and 3 in Johor. 
• They want to expand their industry all over the Malaysia like 
Malacca , Sabah, Negeri sembilan and Sarawak.
SWOT Analysis Strength Weakness 
a) versatility 
b) rooms for innovation 
c) availability 
d) healthy product with low fat 
e) lots of flavor 
a) low total purchase per customer 
b) price 
b) it melts quickly 
c) taste compared to ice cream 
d) lack addictive element: coffee, fat, 
e) weak brand recognition 
f) low customer retention 
Opportunity Threat 
a) demand from college, women and health 
b) customer indulge in inexpensive luxury during 
gloomy time 
c) premium frozen yogurt: creamy, made in house 
compared to off the shelve 
d) brand partnership: use limited time marketing 
campaign in partnership with other lifestyle brand 
e) health awareness and related campaign 
a) seasonality based on weather 
b) Wide variety of competition 
e) Large selection of product substitution 
f) Potential price war with competitor
Major Competitor 
Side competitor 
Substitution competitor
• Frozen yogurt industry in our opinion has reached the maturity 
• During the maturity stage full employment is reach, size of the 
business stabilizes and sales increase slowly. Tutti Frutti need 
to be a leader or leading in the segment frozen yogurt 
segment and in the same time need to ensure customers 
expand beyond the existing loyalty based. 
• Competition becomes intense and pricing strategies are now 
competitive or promotional pricing. A lot of advertising is made 
to maintain sales growth. Promotion becomes significantly 
required and often used in competition
• Brand is referring to logo, advertisement, service or product. Brand is a promise 
between company and its customer. It sums up the past experience goals of good 
reputation and the virtue of reputation of their customers. 
• Customer experience is brand experience. 
• It a promise that is practiced in organization to deliver differentiate service. It is 
important to do the right thing and deliver your promise, build long term sustainable 
• Broad principle that defines brand values and turn into action. It describe the internal 
behavior which guide decision at all level. 
• Company need to build relationship by engaging individual customers especially in 
narrow segments in two-way communications, building long-term relationships by 
promoting whichever of the company’s products the customer would value most at 
any given time. 
• Brand will drive choice and create value (or the perception of value). If the entire 
products are same, we normally choose the cheapest. It move customer decision 
beyond price by creating perceptive value which lead to higher margin and better 
• Sales continue to increase but at a decreasing rate and the 
marketplace are approaching saturation with lots of competitors 
offering similar product. 
• Prices and profits begin to fall. 
• Younger generation is significant portion of the client of Tutti Frutti. It 
is a challege to retaianing younger generation as repeat buyers. 
They are all about finding their individual identities and brands that 
make consumer feels empowered and celebrated will gain their 
• Instead of asking "how can we realize higher price despite intense 
• Ask "how can we create additional customer value and increase 
customer willingness to pay, despite intense competition?"
• Demand should be created rather than fought over. 
• The innovation (in product, service, or delivery) must raise and 
create value for the market, while simultaneously reducing or 
eliminating features or services that are less valued by the current 
or future market. 
• By applying the four actions framework of eliminate, reduce, raise 
and create, one is able to reconstruct an existing industry offering to 
pursue differentiation (raise and create new key factors of 
unprecedented value) while lowering costs (reduce and eliminate 
key factors that are overdesigned or causing buyers to refuse your 
• The aim of this strategy is to maximize sale; where we will focus on 
brand, product, place, pricing, promotion and advertisement.
• Great Customer Experiences are differentiated 
by focusing on stimulating planned emotions. 
• What is the emotion you are trying to evoke in 
your customers? 
• People buy emotionally and then justify with 
• Providing your customers with these types of 
compelling experiences results in increased 
customer loyalty and superior long-term 
business results.
There are two types of Tutti Frutti product types which are tart and creamy. Tutti Frutti hhaass 2299 ttyyppeess ooff ttaarrtt 
ffllaavvoouurrss,, 3311 ttyyppeess ooff ccrreeaammyy ffllaavvoouurrss aanndd 88 ttyyppeess ooff ssooyy ffllaavvoouurrss.. 
TTuuttttii FFrruuttttii hhaass vvaarriioouuss ttyyppeess ooff yyoogguurrtt ffllaavvoouurrss.. TTuuttttii FFrruuttttii sshhoouulldd ccoonnttiinnuuee tthhiiss eexxiissttiinngg ssttrraatteeggyy tthhaatt eennaabblleess 
ttoo ccoonnssuummeerr ttoo ppiicckk tthhee ffllaavvoorr bbaasseedd oonn tthheeiirr pprreeffeerreenncceess.. 
NNeeww pprroodduucctt 
 AAss tthhee MMaarrkkeettiinngg MMiixx 44 PPrriinncciippllee ssaayyss;; AA 
pprroodduucctt iiss sseeeenn aass aann iitteemm tthhaatt ssaattiissffiieess wwhhaatt aa 
ccoonnssuummeerr nneeeeddss oorr wwaannttss.. 
 HHeennccee wwee wwoouulldd lliikkee ttoo ssuuggggeesstt TTuuttttii FFrruuttttii ttoo 
vveennttuurree iinnttoo nneeww pprroodduucctt wwhhiicchh iiss yyoogguurrtt 
 CCuuppccaakkeess aarree iinn hhoott ttrreenndd nnoowwaaddaayyss.. MMaannyy 
ppeeooppllee pprreeffeerr ccuuppccaakkeess oovveerr aa nnoorrmmaall ccaakkee.. 
HHeennccee tthhiiss wwoouulldd bbee aa ggoooodd ttiimmee ffoorr TTuuttttii FFrruuttttii 
ttoo ssttaarrtt mmaakkiinngg FFrroozzeenn YYoogguurrtt CCuuppccaakkeess..
 TTuuttttii FFrruuttttii ooffffeerrss aarroouunndd 4433 ttyyppeess ooff ttooppppiinngg 
wwhhiicchh iinncclluuddeess mmiixx jjeellllyy,, ccooccoo bbaallllss,, ppeeaacchh,, 
mmaarrsshhmmaallllooww,, cchhooccoollaattee cchhiipp,, ccooookkiieess,, cchhooccoollaattee 
mmiillkk,, ccoorrnnffllaakkeess,, ddrraaggoonn ffrruuiitt,, kkiiwwii aanndd mmaannyy 
 TTuuttttii FFrruuttttii sshhoouulldd eexxpplloorree aanndd ccoommee uupp wwiitthh 
mmoorree ttooppppiinnggss ffoorr ccoonnssuummeerrss’’ cchhooiiccee.. WWee aarree 
llooookkiinngg aatt eexxppaannddiinngg tthhee ccuurrrreenntt ttaarrggeett mmaarrkkeett 
ttoo ccaatteerr aaggee ggrroouupp 2255--3355.. 
 BByy ccoommiinngg uupp wwiitthh nneeww ttooppppiinngg ffllaavvoouurrss tthhaatt 
aaggee ggrroouupp 2255--3355 ccoonnssuummeerrss wwoouulldd pprreeffeerr,, TTuuttttii 
FFrruuttttii ccoouulldd aattttrraacctt mmoorree ppeeooppllee aatt tthhee ssaammee 
ttiimmee tthhiiss ccrreeaatteess vvaalluuee ffoorr lloonngg tteerrmm 
SSuuggggeessttiioonn ooff ttooppppiinnggss ffoorr aaggee ggrroouupp 2255 –– 3355 
wwoouulldd bbee aass lliisstteedd bbeellooww:: 
ii.. FFrreesshh bblluueebbeerrrriieess 
iiii.. TTooaasstteedd ccooccoonnuutt 
iiiiii.. GGrraannoollaa 
iivv.. PPeeppppeerrmmiinntt 
vv.. GGrreeeenn tteeaa 
vvii.. CCooffffeeee 
vviiii.. NNaacchhooss 
vviiiiii.. SSuunnfflloowweerr sseeeeddss 
SSuuggggeessttiioonnss ooff ttooppppiinnggss aallll aaggee ggrroouuppss wwoouulldd bbee 
aass lliisstteedd bbeellooww:: 
ii.. KKiitt--KKaatt 
iiii.. HHoonneeyy ssttaarrss 
iiiiii.. PPeeaannuutt bbuutttteerr 
iivv.. BBrroowwnniieess 
vv.. HHoonneeyy 
vvii.. CChheeeessee sspprriinnkklleess 
vviiii.. CChheeeesseeccaakkee ppiieecceess 
vviiiiii.. MMaannddaarriinn oorraannggeess 
iixx.. HHoorrlliicckkss ttaabblleettss
Health ffooccuusseedd pprroodduucctt 
 SSuuggaarr ffrreeee ooppttiioonn 
 AA ssttuuddyy ddoonnee bbyy tthhee MMiinniissttrryy ooff HHeeaalltthh llaasstt 
yyeeaarr rreevveeaalleedd tthhaatt oonnee oouutt ooff ffiivvee ppeeooppllee aabboovvee 
tthhee aaggee ooff 3300 ssuuffffeerr ffrroomm ddiiaabbeetteess.. MMaallaayyssiiaa hhaass 
tthhee hhiigghheesstt rraattee ooff ddiiaabbeetteess iinn tthhee rreeggiioonn.. BByy 
22002200,, iitt iiss pprreeddiicctteedd tthhaatt tthheerree wwiillll bbee 44..55 mmiilllliioonn 
ddiiaabbeettiiccss iinn MMaallaayyssiiaa aabboovvee tthhee aaggee ooff 1188.. 
 TTuuttttii FFrruuttttii ccaann ccoommee uupp wwiitthh aa ssppeecciiaall aarreeaa ffoorr 
oorrggaanniiccaallllyy pprroodduucceedd yyoogguurrtt iinn aallll ffllaavvoouurrss aanndd 
oorrggaanniicc ffrruuiitt aanndd ootthheerr ttooppppiinnggss.. 
TThhiiss wwoouulldd iinnccrreeaassee tthhee ccoonnssuummiinngg rraattee iinn 
cchhiillddrreenn.. PPaarreennttss nnoowwaaddaayyss ggiivvee iimmppoorrttaannccee ttoo 
tthheeiirr kkiiddss’’ hheeaalltthh.. BByy ccoommiinngg wwiitthh tthhiiss,, tthhee wwiillll bbee 
iinnccrreeaassee ssaalleess aammoonngg tthhee kkiiddss aaggee ggrroouupp.. 
VVoolluummee aanndd ssiizzee 
 TTuuttttii FFrruuttttii sshhoouulldd ccoonnssiiddeerr iinnccrreeaassiinngg tthhee ssiizzee 
ooff sseerrvviinngg ssppoooonn ffoorr tthhee eeaassee ooff ccoonnssuummeerrss.. 
 IItt wwoouulldd bbee ggoooodd iiff TTuuttttii FFrruuttttii ccoouulldd ccoommee uupp 
wwiitthh llaarrggee ppoott ffoorr ffaammiilliieess.. WWee hhaavvee ffaammiillyy 
ppaacckkaaggee iinn mmoosstt ooff tthhee ffaasstt ffoooodd.. 
 BByy ccoommiinngg uupp wwiitthh aa llaarrggee ppoott,, ffaammiilliieess wwoouulldd 
ccoonnssiiddeerr bbuuyyiinngg iinn llaarrggee qquuaannttiittyy eessppeecciiaallllyy ffoorr 
ffaammiillyy ggaatthheerriinnggss..
BBaasseedd oonn oouurr ssuurrvveeyy:: 
4455%% lliikkee ttoo eeaatt ffrroozzeenn 
yyoogguurrtt wwiitthh wwaaffffllee 
3300%% lliikkee ttoo eeaatt ffrroozzeenn 
yyoogguurrtt wwiitthh ccaakkeess 
3300%% lliikkee ttoo eeaatt ffrroozzeenn 
yyoogguurrtt wwiitthh ssccoonneess 
4400%% lliikkee ttoo eeaatt ffrroozzeenn 
yyoogguurrtt wwiitthh ssmmooootthhiieess
Your rival’s product….
 Tutti Frutti has around 114400 oouuttlleettss aaccrroossss 
MMaallaayyssiiaa.. IItt hhaass eexxppaannddeedd iittss bbuussiinneessss iinn KKllaanngg 
VVaalllleeyy,, NNoorrtthheerrnn,, SSoouutthheerrnn,, EEaasstt CCooaasstt aanndd EEaasstt 
 BBaasseedd oonn oouurr ssuurrvveeyy,, TTuuttttii FFrruuttttii sshhoouulldd 
eexxppaanndd tthheeiirr oouuttlleettss iinn ffeeww mmoorree ppllaacceess.. WWee 
hhaavvee ppiicckkeedd aa ppllaaccee wwhheerree iitt wwoouulldd ggeenneerraattee 
ggoooodd ssaalleess aanndd pprrooffiitt ffoorr TTuuttttii FFrruuttttii iiff iitt ooppeennss 
tthhee oouuttlleett iinn JJeellaappaanngg,, PPeerraakk.. 
 JJeellaappaanngg iiss aa ttoowwnn iinn KKiinnttaa ddiissttrriicctt,, PPeerraakk,, 
MMaallaayyssiiaa.. IItt iiss aa nnoorrtthheerrnn ssuubbuurrbb ooff IIppoohh,, tthhee 
ssttaattee ccaappiittaall.. IItt iiss aallssoo tthhee ssiittee ooff tthhee iinnffaammoouuss 
JJeellaappaanngg ttoollll ppllaazzaa ooff tthhee NNoorrtthh--SSoouutthh 
 WWee hhaavvee cchhoosseenn tthhiiss ppllaaccee aass iitt iiss ddeevveellooppiinngg 
ttrreemmeennddoouussllyy aanndd iitt’’ss aa mmoonneeyy--ssppiinnnneerr ffoorr TTuuttttii 
FFrruuttttii.. BBaasseedd oonn oouurr ssuurrvveeyy,, tthhee bbiiggggeesstt MMYYDDIINN 
wwhhoolleessaallee hhyyppeerrmmaarrkkeett wwaass nneewwllyy ooppeenneedd iinn 
JJeellaappaanngg.. AAss ppeerr oouurr ssuurrvveeyy 5555%% ooff ppeeooppllee wwoouulldd 
pprreeffeerr iiff TTuuttttii FFrruuttttii iiss iinn aa sshhooppppiinngg mmaallll.. HHeennccee,, 
MMYYDDIINN iinn JJeellaappaanngg wwoouulldd bbee aa bbiizzaarrrree cchhooiiccee.. 
 TToowwnnsshhiipp wwiitthh wwoorrkkiinngg,, sshhooppppiinngg,, 
rreeccrreeaattiioonnaall ffaacciilliittiieess,, aa cceennttrree ooff aaddmmiinniissttrraattiioonn,, 
ccoommmmeerrcciiaall,, ccoorrppoorraattee,, ttoouurriissmm aaccttiivviittiieess aanndd 
qquuaalliittyy lliivviinngg ssuuppppoorrtteedd bbyy iinntteeggrraatteedd IICCTT.. 
 PPooppuullaattiioonn ssuurrrroouunnddiinngg BBMMRR iiss mmoorree tthhaann 
110000,,000000 ppeeooppllee.. 
 EExxiissttiinngg ggoovveerrnnmmeenntt iinnssttiittuuttiioonnss bbeeiinngg llooccaatteedd 
aatt BBMMRR ssuucchh aass:: 
 KKeemmeenntteerriiaann HHaall EEhhwwaall DDaallaamm NNeeggeerrii 
 JJaabbaattaann AAuuddiitt NNeeggeerrii PPeerraakk 
 JJaabbaattaann PPeerrhhuuttaannaann NNeeggeerrii PPeerraakk 
 FFuuttuurree pprroojjeeccttss aarree:: 
 SSuurruuhhaannjjaayyaa PPeenncceeggaahh RRaassuuaahh 
MMaallaayyssiiaa ((SSPPRRMM)) 
 CCoommpplleexx YYaayyaassaann PPeerraakk 
 JJaabbaattaann AArrkkiibb 
 JJaabbaattaann KKeettuuaa PPeennggaarraahh TTaannaahh && 
GGaalliiaann ((JJKKPPTTGG))
 Important aspect for Tutti Frutti because 
it is very much relates to product 
 Differentiated Pricing Strategy : Allows to 
adjust pricing based on various situations 
or circumstances. Price variations: 
- Discounts for a particular age group of 
people (student vs income earner) to 
coupons or rebates for a purchase. 
- Allows to determine if this strategy is a 
possibility to gain market 
competitiveness. Tutti frutti can leverage 
on unique selling proposition and sell the 
product at a higher price since the target 
market (income earner) is not “price-sensitive”. 
 Tutti Frutti’s pricing strategy should 
focus on quality in which consumer to 
label the product as “product-quality”. 
- Reflect its special trait and satisfy 
the consumers in return for value 
of money consumer are paying. 
 Allowing consumer to choose their own 
price is an innovation & perfect price 
strategy. Tutti Frutti should continue 
this existing strategy that enables to 
charge price based on quantity 
preferred by consumer.
Your rival’s pricing….
• T-shirts are one of best way ttoo pprroommoottee bbuussiinneessss.. 
• BBaasseedd oonn rreesseeaarrcchh,, ccoolloorr hhaass aa ppoowweerrffuull eeffffeecctt,, wwiitthhoouutt eevveenn ssaayyiinngg aa 
wwoorrdd,, aann uunnddeerrssttaannddiinngg ooff mmeeaanniinnggss ooff ccoolloorr ggiivveess vvaalluuaabbllee iinnssiigghhtt 
aanndd aabbllee ggeett tthhee bbeesstt mmaarrkkeettiinngg aanndd pprroommoottiioonnaall rreessppoonnssee.. 
• RReedd wwhhiicchh ggiivveess ppoossiittiivvee mmeeaanniinnggss ssuucchh aass aaccttiioonn,, ppaassssiioonn,, ppoowweerr aanndd 
eenneerrggyy,, BBllaacckk rreepprreesseenntt eelleeggaannccee && qquuaalliittyy.. WWhhiittee rreepprreesseenntt nneeww 
bbeeggiinnnniinnggss,, eeffffiicciieennccyy,, eeqquuaalliittyy aanndd ffaaiirrnneessss.. 
T-Shirts to 
T-Shirts to 
Promote Tutti Frutti 
Promote Tutti Frutti
 Increase sponsorships of major national events such as sporting 
events to increase its public profile and continue to take part in 
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) events. 
 By sponsoring events, it will enhance Tutti Frutti’s corporate image. 
 Good way for private business entity to give back to society. 
 Enhance website to not just include information about product & 
features but also to be used for interactive marketing and facilitate 
2-way communications with customers. 
 For the examples, the website can include link to social media, 
interactive chatting service and alert customers via emails, SMSs and 
even Twitter. 
 Tutti Frutti had make the right decision in employing Website and 
it’s time for the company to re-vamps its website. 
 Link within website plays important part in making remarkable 
consumer online experiences. 
 Based on our checks on the current website, strategic development 
of relevant and suitable link is needed. 
 For example links & use of colour font within the site is not very 
Event Marketing & 
Event Marketing & 
Social Media : Interactive 
Marketing via Email, SMS, 
Social Media : Interactive 
Marketing via Email, SMS, 
Facebook alerts 
Facebook alerts 
Optimisations & 
Standardization of 
Optimisations & 
Standardization of 
Web Site 
Web Site
 Affiliate networks or partners who can assist in helping with the branding by 
established affliction with various Government agencies, banks, private organization 
and education institutions. 
 Ensure greater knowledge share and best practise among companies. 
 Good networking & partnership, will allow in building excellent client relationship. 
 Customer loyalty is essential which can give customers motivation to make frequent 
 For example, adding games/ quizzes to Tutti Frutti frozen yogurt business by having 
customers try the most flavor combinations or have a flavor suggestion contest. 
 Customer referrals are a highly valuable marketing tool. For example, friend is 
recommending a product to another friend 
 Tutti Frutti should offer special rates for student via schools groups, individual 
groups who are studying in various higher education intuitions. For example, host 
“happy hour” with discounted frozen yogurts or free yogurt for student with every 
Special rates for 
Special rates for 
• In line with Tutti Frutti’s vision and mission, the company should emphasis on marketing plan 
to further promote and strengthen its brand in the mind of customer in the market. As we 
have outlined & recommended, in today's highly competitive environment, T Tutti Frutti has 
to strategically reflect the best fit marketing strategies in order to retain competitive 
advantages in the rapidly changing business environment. 
• Tutti Frutti should consider adding a new product which is the Frozen Yogurt cupcakes as the 
current trend is there plus the increase in cupcakes demand is very high in Malaysia. 
• Tutti Frutti to sustain it should explore and come up with more toppings which are preferable 
by Malaysians especially venturing into organic yogurts flavours and organic fruit toppings to 
encourage parents to introduce Tutti Frutti to their kids. 
• Though Tutti Frutti has around 140 outlets across Malaysia, we propose a good place for 
Tutti Frutti to open their outlet, which is Bandar Meru Raya in Jelapang which is booming. 
• The implementation of the marketing plan needs everyone’s cooperation & participation 
from Tutti Frutti management to staffs. This in return helps Tutti Frutti’s to further promote 
its brand and strengthening its position in the market. 
• We believe the Marketing Plan that we have developed for Tutti Frutti, could further expand 
and enable it to build its business by continuing to broaden its customer service. The 
marketing plan should always be referred as guidance by Tutti Frutti throughout the period 
of the plan.
Marketing Strategy 
• Product consistency: In my opinion they should focus on their premium 
product, Rather than introducing too many variety of topping, they should 
focus on their highest selling premium product. They should improve the 
quality and presentation of their high selling product. 
• Email Marketing :The can use email marketing. They need to increase 
their communication between their exiting and loyal customers. They can 
develop an email, direct mail, and text messaging subscriber base. They 
can introduce competition with attractive prize through social media and 
Email marketing. 
• Customer Experience: Tutti Frutti offers good customer experience. But 
the can improve the outlook of their store. Customers always look for great 
ambience and good customer service. Tutti Frutti store look dull with their 
white colour ambience. In my opinion, they should use more bright colour 
like red and black. They can also introduce some quality music in their store
Marketing Strategy 
• Viral Marketing: Word of mouth is best way to reach new 
customers. Tutti frutti can focus on viral marketing. They can invite 
local celebrities (Movie start, sports star or other famous 
personality) to their store. Attachment with celebrities or famous 
personality will attract new customers 
• Introducing Drive- through service: Drive- through service 
provide a very good option to customers who are busy. Drive-through 
service for frozen yogurt is already famous in USA. Many 
frozen yogurt company are using Drive- through. Tutti frutti can 
introduce Drive-through service to their restaurant which near to big 
supermarket. This can attract new customers to this new approach. 
This will also create more awareness about Tutti frutti brand among 
new customers
• Emphasis on marketing plan to further 
promote and strengthen its brand in the 
mind of customer in the market 
• The implementation of the marketing plan 
needs everyone’s cooperation & 
participation from Tutti Frutti management 
to staffs.
Q & A

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Dhannajay Kumar's SWOT and Strategy Report for Tutti Frutti Frozen Yogurt

  • 2. Content • Introduction • Company Overview • Competitor • SWOT Analysis • Challenges • Strategy • Recommendation & Implementation • Conclusion
  • 3. Introduction Frozen Yogurt It is known by the trade names Frogurt and FroY o. It is some kind of frozen dessert. Yogurt and sometimes other dairy products are its ingredients. Frozen yogurt may or may not contain live and active bacteria cultures.
  • 4. Introduction Frozen Yogurt VS Ice Cream In comparison to ice cream, frozen yogurt is slightly to much more tart, and because of the use of milk instead of cream, it has lower in fat.
  • 5. Introduction History of Frozen Yogurt Frozen yogurt was introduced in New England, north-east USA, in the 1970s as a soft serve dessert by H. P. Hood under the name Frogurt. In 1978, Brigham's, a Boston -based ice cream, candy and sandwich shop chain, under the direction of their VP of Marketing & Manufacturing, Jerry Lavely, a food industry innovator, who later became known as "The Foodmeister", developed and introduced the first packaged frozen yogurt calledHumphreez Yogart. Around this same time, another packaged frozen yogurt product, called "Danny" debuted from Dannon. This variation was a raspberry yogurt product on a stick and covered with dark chocolate.
  • 6. Company Background • NAZA SDN BHD is a Master License Holder for Tutti Frutti Frozen Yogurt in Malaysia. • Naza Tutti frutti expanded their production brand in , Singapore , Thailand , Cambodia and Brunei as well. • In April 2012, the number of Tutti frutti has captured 90 overall Branch in Malaysia. • Now, Tutti frutti Malaysia has 42 outlets : 33 in the Klang valley , 2 in Ipoh, 2 in Penang, 1 in Pahang and 3 in Johor. • They want to expand their industry all over the Malaysia like Malacca , Sabah, Negeri sembilan and Sarawak.
  • 7. SWOT Analysis Strength Weakness a) versatility b) rooms for innovation c) availability d) healthy product with low fat e) lots of flavor a) low total purchase per customer b) price b) it melts quickly c) taste compared to ice cream d) lack addictive element: coffee, fat, e) weak brand recognition f) low customer retention Opportunity Threat a) demand from college, women and health conscious b) customer indulge in inexpensive luxury during gloomy time c) premium frozen yogurt: creamy, made in house compared to off the shelve d) brand partnership: use limited time marketing campaign in partnership with other lifestyle brand e) health awareness and related campaign a) seasonality based on weather b) Wide variety of competition e) Large selection of product substitution f) Potential price war with competitor
  • 8. Competitor Major Competitor Side competitor Substitution competitor
  • 10. • Frozen yogurt industry in our opinion has reached the maturity level. • During the maturity stage full employment is reach, size of the business stabilizes and sales increase slowly. Tutti Frutti need to be a leader or leading in the segment frozen yogurt segment and in the same time need to ensure customers expand beyond the existing loyalty based. • Competition becomes intense and pricing strategies are now competitive or promotional pricing. A lot of advertising is made to maintain sales growth. Promotion becomes significantly required and often used in competition
  • 11. BRAND • Brand is referring to logo, advertisement, service or product. Brand is a promise between company and its customer. It sums up the past experience goals of good reputation and the virtue of reputation of their customers. • Customer experience is brand experience. • It a promise that is practiced in organization to deliver differentiate service. It is important to do the right thing and deliver your promise, build long term sustainable relationship. • Broad principle that defines brand values and turn into action. It describe the internal behavior which guide decision at all level. • Company need to build relationship by engaging individual customers especially in narrow segments in two-way communications, building long-term relationships by promoting whichever of the company’s products the customer would value most at any given time. • Brand will drive choice and create value (or the perception of value). If the entire products are same, we normally choose the cheapest. It move customer decision beyond price by creating perceptive value which lead to higher margin and better profit.
  • 13. Product • Sales continue to increase but at a decreasing rate and the marketplace are approaching saturation with lots of competitors offering similar product. • Prices and profits begin to fall. • Younger generation is significant portion of the client of Tutti Frutti. It is a challege to retaianing younger generation as repeat buyers. They are all about finding their individual identities and brands that make consumer feels empowered and celebrated will gain their loyalty
  • 15. PRICING • Instead of asking "how can we realize higher price despite intense competition?", • Ask "how can we create additional customer value and increase customer willingness to pay, despite intense competition?"
  • 17. STRATEGY • Demand should be created rather than fought over. • The innovation (in product, service, or delivery) must raise and create value for the market, while simultaneously reducing or eliminating features or services that are less valued by the current or future market. • By applying the four actions framework of eliminate, reduce, raise and create, one is able to reconstruct an existing industry offering to pursue differentiation (raise and create new key factors of unprecedented value) while lowering costs (reduce and eliminate key factors that are overdesigned or causing buyers to refuse your offering). • The aim of this strategy is to maximize sale; where we will focus on brand, product, place, pricing, promotion and advertisement.
  • 18.
  • 19. • Great Customer Experiences are differentiated by focusing on stimulating planned emotions. • What is the emotion you are trying to evoke in your customers? • People buy emotionally and then justify with logic • Providing your customers with these types of compelling experiences results in increased customer loyalty and superior long-term business results.
  • 20. There are two types of Tutti Frutti product types which are tart and creamy. Tutti Frutti hhaass 2299 ttyyppeess ooff ttaarrtt ffllaavvoouurrss,, 3311 ttyyppeess ooff ccrreeaammyy ffllaavvoouurrss aanndd 88 ttyyppeess ooff ssooyy ffllaavvoouurrss.. TTuuttttii FFrruuttttii hhaass vvaarriioouuss ttyyppeess ooff yyoogguurrtt ffllaavvoouurrss.. TTuuttttii FFrruuttttii sshhoouulldd ccoonnttiinnuuee tthhiiss eexxiissttiinngg ssttrraatteeggyy tthhaatt eennaabblleess ttoo ccoonnssuummeerr ttoo ppiicckk tthhee ffllaavvoorr bbaasseedd oonn tthheeiirr pprreeffeerreenncceess.. NNeeww pprroodduucctt  AAss tthhee MMaarrkkeettiinngg MMiixx 44 PPrriinncciippllee ssaayyss;; AA pprroodduucctt iiss sseeeenn aass aann iitteemm tthhaatt ssaattiissffiieess wwhhaatt aa ccoonnssuummeerr nneeeeddss oorr wwaannttss..  HHeennccee wwee wwoouulldd lliikkee ttoo ssuuggggeesstt TTuuttttii FFrruuttttii ttoo vveennttuurree iinnttoo nneeww pprroodduucctt wwhhiicchh iiss yyoogguurrtt ccuuppccaakkeess..  CCuuppccaakkeess aarree iinn hhoott ttrreenndd nnoowwaaddaayyss.. MMaannyy ppeeooppllee pprreeffeerr ccuuppccaakkeess oovveerr aa nnoorrmmaall ccaakkee.. HHeennccee tthhiiss wwoouulldd bbee aa ggoooodd ttiimmee ffoorr TTuuttttii FFrruuttttii ttoo ssttaarrtt mmaakkiinngg FFrroozzeenn YYoogguurrtt CCuuppccaakkeess..
  • 21. TTooppppiinnggss  TTuuttttii FFrruuttttii ooffffeerrss aarroouunndd 4433 ttyyppeess ooff ttooppppiinngg wwhhiicchh iinncclluuddeess mmiixx jjeellllyy,, ccooccoo bbaallllss,, ppeeaacchh,, mmaarrsshhmmaallllooww,, cchhooccoollaattee cchhiipp,, ccooookkiieess,, cchhooccoollaattee mmiillkk,, ccoorrnnffllaakkeess,, ddrraaggoonn ffrruuiitt,, kkiiwwii aanndd mmaannyy mmoorree..  TTuuttttii FFrruuttttii sshhoouulldd eexxpplloorree aanndd ccoommee uupp wwiitthh mmoorree ttooppppiinnggss ffoorr ccoonnssuummeerrss’’ cchhooiiccee.. WWee aarree llooookkiinngg aatt eexxppaannddiinngg tthhee ccuurrrreenntt ttaarrggeett mmaarrkkeett ttoo ccaatteerr aaggee ggrroouupp 2255--3355..  BByy ccoommiinngg uupp wwiitthh nneeww ttooppppiinngg ffllaavvoouurrss tthhaatt aaggee ggrroouupp 2255--3355 ccoonnssuummeerrss wwoouulldd pprreeffeerr,, TTuuttttii FFrruuttttii ccoouulldd aattttrraacctt mmoorree ppeeooppllee aatt tthhee ssaammee ttiimmee tthhiiss ccrreeaatteess vvaalluuee ffoorr lloonngg tteerrmm ssuussttaaiinnaabbiilliittyy.. SSuuggggeessttiioonn ooff ttooppppiinnggss ffoorr aaggee ggrroouupp 2255 –– 3355 wwoouulldd bbee aass lliisstteedd bbeellooww:: ii.. FFrreesshh bblluueebbeerrrriieess iiii.. TTooaasstteedd ccooccoonnuutt iiiiii.. GGrraannoollaa iivv.. PPeeppppeerrmmiinntt vv.. GGrreeeenn tteeaa vvii.. CCooffffeeee vviiii.. NNaacchhooss vviiiiii.. SSuunnfflloowweerr sseeeeddss SSuuggggeessttiioonnss ooff ttooppppiinnggss aallll aaggee ggrroouuppss wwoouulldd bbee aass lliisstteedd bbeellooww:: ii.. KKiitt--KKaatt iiii.. HHoonneeyy ssttaarrss iiiiii.. PPeeaannuutt bbuutttteerr iivv.. BBrroowwnniieess vv.. HHoonneeyy vvii.. CChheeeessee sspprriinnkklleess vviiii.. CChheeeesseeccaakkee ppiieecceess vviiiiii.. MMaannddaarriinn oorraannggeess iixx.. HHoorrlliicckkss ttaabblleettss
  • 22. Health ffooccuusseedd pprroodduucctt  SSuuggaarr ffrreeee ooppttiioonn  AA ssttuuddyy ddoonnee bbyy tthhee MMiinniissttrryy ooff HHeeaalltthh llaasstt yyeeaarr rreevveeaalleedd tthhaatt oonnee oouutt ooff ffiivvee ppeeooppllee aabboovvee tthhee aaggee ooff 3300 ssuuffffeerr ffrroomm ddiiaabbeetteess.. MMaallaayyssiiaa hhaass tthhee hhiigghheesstt rraattee ooff ddiiaabbeetteess iinn tthhee rreeggiioonn.. BByy 22002200,, iitt iiss pprreeddiicctteedd tthhaatt tthheerree wwiillll bbee 44..55 mmiilllliioonn ddiiaabbeettiiccss iinn MMaallaayyssiiaa aabboovvee tthhee aaggee ooff 1188..  TTuuttttii FFrruuttttii ccaann ccoommee uupp wwiitthh aa ssppeecciiaall aarreeaa ffoorr oorrggaanniiccaallllyy pprroodduucceedd yyoogguurrtt iinn aallll ffllaavvoouurrss aanndd oorrggaanniicc ffrruuiitt aanndd ootthheerr ttooppppiinnggss.. TThhiiss wwoouulldd iinnccrreeaassee tthhee ccoonnssuummiinngg rraattee iinn cchhiillddrreenn.. PPaarreennttss nnoowwaaddaayyss ggiivvee iimmppoorrttaannccee ttoo tthheeiirr kkiiddss’’ hheeaalltthh.. BByy ccoommiinngg wwiitthh tthhiiss,, tthhee wwiillll bbee iinnccrreeaassee ssaalleess aammoonngg tthhee kkiiddss aaggee ggrroouupp.. VVoolluummee aanndd ssiizzee  TTuuttttii FFrruuttttii sshhoouulldd ccoonnssiiddeerr iinnccrreeaassiinngg tthhee ssiizzee ooff sseerrvviinngg ssppoooonn ffoorr tthhee eeaassee ooff ccoonnssuummeerrss..  IItt wwoouulldd bbee ggoooodd iiff TTuuttttii FFrruuttttii ccoouulldd ccoommee uupp wwiitthh llaarrggee ppoott ffoorr ffaammiilliieess.. WWee hhaavvee ffaammiillyy ppaacckkaaggee iinn mmoosstt ooff tthhee ffaasstt ffoooodd..  BByy ccoommiinngg uupp wwiitthh aa llaarrggee ppoott,, ffaammiilliieess wwoouulldd ccoonnssiiddeerr bbuuyyiinngg iinn llaarrggee qquuaannttiittyy eessppeecciiaallllyy ffoorr ffaammiillyy ggaatthheerriinnggss..
  • 23. BBaasseedd oonn oouurr ssuurrvveeyy:: 4455%% lliikkee ttoo eeaatt ffrroozzeenn yyoogguurrtt wwiitthh wwaaffffllee 3300%% lliikkee ttoo eeaatt ffrroozzeenn yyoogguurrtt wwiitthh ccaakkeess 3300%% lliikkee ttoo eeaatt ffrroozzeenn yyoogguurrtt wwiitthh ssccoonneess 4400%% lliikkee ttoo eeaatt ffrroozzeenn yyoogguurrtt wwiitthh ssmmooootthhiieess
  • 25.  Tutti Frutti has around 114400 oouuttlleettss aaccrroossss MMaallaayyssiiaa.. IItt hhaass eexxppaannddeedd iittss bbuussiinneessss iinn KKllaanngg VVaalllleeyy,, NNoorrtthheerrnn,, SSoouutthheerrnn,, EEaasstt CCooaasstt aanndd EEaasstt MMaallaayyssiiaa..  BBaasseedd oonn oouurr ssuurrvveeyy,, TTuuttttii FFrruuttttii sshhoouulldd eexxppaanndd tthheeiirr oouuttlleettss iinn ffeeww mmoorree ppllaacceess.. WWee hhaavvee ppiicckkeedd aa ppllaaccee wwhheerree iitt wwoouulldd ggeenneerraattee ggoooodd ssaalleess aanndd pprrooffiitt ffoorr TTuuttttii FFrruuttttii iiff iitt ooppeennss tthhee oouuttlleett iinn JJeellaappaanngg,, PPeerraakk..  JJeellaappaanngg iiss aa ttoowwnn iinn KKiinnttaa ddiissttrriicctt,, PPeerraakk,, MMaallaayyssiiaa.. IItt iiss aa nnoorrtthheerrnn ssuubbuurrbb ooff IIppoohh,, tthhee ssttaattee ccaappiittaall.. IItt iiss aallssoo tthhee ssiittee ooff tthhee iinnffaammoouuss JJeellaappaanngg ttoollll ppllaazzaa ooff tthhee NNoorrtthh--SSoouutthh EExxpprreesssswwaayy..  WWee hhaavvee cchhoosseenn tthhiiss ppllaaccee aass iitt iiss ddeevveellooppiinngg ttrreemmeennddoouussllyy aanndd iitt’’ss aa mmoonneeyy--ssppiinnnneerr ffoorr TTuuttttii FFrruuttttii.. BBaasseedd oonn oouurr ssuurrvveeyy,, tthhee bbiiggggeesstt MMYYDDIINN wwhhoolleessaallee hhyyppeerrmmaarrkkeett wwaass nneewwllyy ooppeenneedd iinn JJeellaappaanngg.. AAss ppeerr oouurr ssuurrvveeyy 5555%% ooff ppeeooppllee wwoouulldd pprreeffeerr iiff TTuuttttii FFrruuttttii iiss iinn aa sshhooppppiinngg mmaallll.. HHeennccee,, MMYYDDIINN iinn JJeellaappaanngg wwoouulldd bbee aa bbiizzaarrrree cchhooiiccee..  TToowwnnsshhiipp wwiitthh wwoorrkkiinngg,, sshhooppppiinngg,, rreeccrreeaattiioonnaall ffaacciilliittiieess,, aa cceennttrree ooff aaddmmiinniissttrraattiioonn,, ccoommmmeerrcciiaall,, ccoorrppoorraattee,, ttoouurriissmm aaccttiivviittiieess aanndd qquuaalliittyy lliivviinngg ssuuppppoorrtteedd bbyy iinntteeggrraatteedd IICCTT..  PPooppuullaattiioonn ssuurrrroouunnddiinngg BBMMRR iiss mmoorree tthhaann 110000,,000000 ppeeooppllee..  EExxiissttiinngg ggoovveerrnnmmeenntt iinnssttiittuuttiioonnss bbeeiinngg llooccaatteedd aatt BBMMRR ssuucchh aass::  KKeemmeenntteerriiaann HHaall EEhhwwaall DDaallaamm NNeeggeerrii ((KKHHEEDDNN))  JJaabbaattaann AAuuddiitt NNeeggeerrii PPeerraakk  JJaabbaattaann PPeerrhhuuttaannaann NNeeggeerrii PPeerraakk  FFuuttuurree pprroojjeeccttss aarree::  SSuurruuhhaannjjaayyaa PPeenncceeggaahh RRaassuuaahh MMaallaayyssiiaa ((SSPPRRMM))  BBOOMMBBAA  MMAARRAA  CCoommpplleexx YYaayyaassaann PPeerraakk  JJaabbaattaann AArrkkiibb  JJaabbaattaann KKeettuuaa PPeennggaarraahh TTaannaahh && GGaalliiaann ((JJKKPPTTGG))
  • 26.
  • 27.  Important aspect for Tutti Frutti because it is very much relates to product positioning.  Differentiated Pricing Strategy : Allows to adjust pricing based on various situations or circumstances. Price variations: - Discounts for a particular age group of people (student vs income earner) to coupons or rebates for a purchase. - Allows to determine if this strategy is a possibility to gain market competitiveness. Tutti frutti can leverage on unique selling proposition and sell the product at a higher price since the target market (income earner) is not “price-sensitive”.  Tutti Frutti’s pricing strategy should focus on quality in which consumer to label the product as “product-quality”. - Reflect its special trait and satisfy the consumers in return for value of money consumer are paying.  Allowing consumer to choose their own price is an innovation & perfect price strategy. Tutti Frutti should continue this existing strategy that enables to charge price based on quantity preferred by consumer.
  • 29. • T-shirts are one of best way ttoo pprroommoottee bbuussiinneessss.. • BBaasseedd oonn rreesseeaarrcchh,, ccoolloorr hhaass aa ppoowweerrffuull eeffffeecctt,, wwiitthhoouutt eevveenn ssaayyiinngg aa wwoorrdd,, aann uunnddeerrssttaannddiinngg ooff mmeeaanniinnggss ooff ccoolloorr ggiivveess vvaalluuaabbllee iinnssiigghhtt aanndd aabbllee ggeett tthhee bbeesstt mmaarrkkeettiinngg aanndd pprroommoottiioonnaall rreessppoonnssee.. • RReedd wwhhiicchh ggiivveess ppoossiittiivvee mmeeaanniinnggss ssuucchh aass aaccttiioonn,, ppaassssiioonn,, ppoowweerr aanndd eenneerrggyy,, BBllaacckk rreepprreesseenntt eelleeggaannccee && qquuaalliittyy.. WWhhiittee rreepprreesseenntt nneeww bbeeggiinnnniinnggss,, eeffffiicciieennccyy,, eeqquuaalliittyy aanndd ffaaiirrnneessss.. T-Shirts to T-Shirts to Promote Tutti Frutti Promote Tutti Frutti
  • 30.  Increase sponsorships of major national events such as sporting events to increase its public profile and continue to take part in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) events.  By sponsoring events, it will enhance Tutti Frutti’s corporate image.  Good way for private business entity to give back to society.  Enhance website to not just include information about product & features but also to be used for interactive marketing and facilitate 2-way communications with customers.  For the examples, the website can include link to social media, interactive chatting service and alert customers via emails, SMSs and even Twitter.  Tutti Frutti had make the right decision in employing Website and it’s time for the company to re-vamps its website.  Link within website plays important part in making remarkable consumer online experiences.  Based on our checks on the current website, strategic development of relevant and suitable link is needed.  For example links & use of colour font within the site is not very clear. Event Marketing & Event Marketing & Sponsorship Sponsorship Social Media : Interactive Marketing via Email, SMS, Social Media : Interactive Marketing via Email, SMS, Facebook alerts Facebook alerts Optimisations & Standardization of Optimisations & Standardization of Web Site Web Site
  • 31.  Affiliate networks or partners who can assist in helping with the branding by established affliction with various Government agencies, banks, private organization and education institutions.  Ensure greater knowledge share and best practise among companies.  Good networking & partnership, will allow in building excellent client relationship.  Customer loyalty is essential which can give customers motivation to make frequent visit.  For example, adding games/ quizzes to Tutti Frutti frozen yogurt business by having customers try the most flavor combinations or have a flavor suggestion contest.  Customer referrals are a highly valuable marketing tool. For example, friend is recommending a product to another friend  Tutti Frutti should offer special rates for student via schools groups, individual groups who are studying in various higher education intuitions. For example, host “happy hour” with discounted frozen yogurts or free yogurt for student with every purchase. Established Affiliation Established Affiliation Customer Loyalty Customer Loyalty Special rates for Special rates for University student University student
  • 32. • In line with Tutti Frutti’s vision and mission, the company should emphasis on marketing plan to further promote and strengthen its brand in the mind of customer in the market. As we have outlined & recommended, in today's highly competitive environment, T Tutti Frutti has to strategically reflect the best fit marketing strategies in order to retain competitive advantages in the rapidly changing business environment. • Tutti Frutti should consider adding a new product which is the Frozen Yogurt cupcakes as the current trend is there plus the increase in cupcakes demand is very high in Malaysia. • Tutti Frutti to sustain it should explore and come up with more toppings which are preferable by Malaysians especially venturing into organic yogurts flavours and organic fruit toppings to encourage parents to introduce Tutti Frutti to their kids. • Though Tutti Frutti has around 140 outlets across Malaysia, we propose a good place for Tutti Frutti to open their outlet, which is Bandar Meru Raya in Jelapang which is booming. • The implementation of the marketing plan needs everyone’s cooperation & participation from Tutti Frutti management to staffs. This in return helps Tutti Frutti’s to further promote its brand and strengthening its position in the market. • We believe the Marketing Plan that we have developed for Tutti Frutti, could further expand and enable it to build its business by continuing to broaden its customer service. The marketing plan should always be referred as guidance by Tutti Frutti throughout the period of the plan.
  • 33. Marketing Strategy • Product consistency: In my opinion they should focus on their premium product, Rather than introducing too many variety of topping, they should focus on their highest selling premium product. They should improve the quality and presentation of their high selling product. • Email Marketing :The can use email marketing. They need to increase their communication between their exiting and loyal customers. They can develop an email, direct mail, and text messaging subscriber base. They can introduce competition with attractive prize through social media and Email marketing. • Customer Experience: Tutti Frutti offers good customer experience. But the can improve the outlook of their store. Customers always look for great ambience and good customer service. Tutti Frutti store look dull with their white colour ambience. In my opinion, they should use more bright colour like red and black. They can also introduce some quality music in their store
  • 34. Marketing Strategy • Viral Marketing: Word of mouth is best way to reach new customers. Tutti frutti can focus on viral marketing. They can invite local celebrities (Movie start, sports star or other famous personality) to their store. Attachment with celebrities or famous personality will attract new customers • Introducing Drive- through service: Drive- through service provide a very good option to customers who are busy. Drive-through service for frozen yogurt is already famous in USA. Many frozen yogurt company are using Drive- through. Tutti frutti can introduce Drive-through service to their restaurant which near to big supermarket. This can attract new customers to this new approach. This will also create more awareness about Tutti frutti brand among new customers
  • 35. Conclusion • Emphasis on marketing plan to further promote and strengthen its brand in the mind of customer in the market • The implementation of the marketing plan needs everyone’s cooperation & participation from Tutti Frutti management to staffs.
  • 36. References • yogurt-company-to-open-100-tutti-frutti- outlets-by-the-end-of-2013/ • • zen_Yogurt • file=/2012/4/18/metrobiz/11111991&sec= metrobiz
  • 37. Q & A