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Underutilised	crops:	multi-actor	
and	on-farm	evaluation	
Session	2		
Cultivating	Diversity	and	Food	Quality	
DIVERSIFOOD	Final	Congress	
Rennes,	France,	10	December	2018
This	session	
•  Keynote	speech:		
Lessons	learned	from	DIVERSIFOOD	WP2	
•  Poster	presentations	
•  Slot	1	
•  From	genetic	resources	to	breeding	
•  Slot	2	
•  From	quality	back	to	the	rhizosphere	
•  Slot	3	
•  Participatory	evaluation	of	cereal	genetic	resources	
•  Overall	discussion
Diversity	of	plants,	
	diversity	of	people	
Ambrogio	Costanzo,	WP2	leader	
The	Organic	Research	Centre
Why	underutilised	crops?	
Background	and	working	hypotheses
250,000 plant species
12 plant species +
5 animal species
of world’s
60% of total
caloric input:
United Nations Food and Agricultural Organisation (1997)
7,000 crops used
for food worldwide
through History
•  Effective	low-input/organic	husbandry	and	crop	adaptation		
in	fluctuating	environments	
•  Support	local	market	and	diverse	diets	
•  Boost	ecosystem	functioning	and	resilience	
Why	is	it	so	important	to		
widen	the	diversity	of	crops?	
weed	control	
buckwheat	grain
•  A	plant	genetic	resource	…	
Be	that	either	a	species	or	a	germplasm,	or	a	genetic	structure		
•  with	limited	current	use	…	
having	been	either	forgotten	or	abandoned,	or	not	yet	explored	
•  and	potential	to	diversify	and	improve	…	
the	focus	is	set	on	the	advantages	we	expect	
•  cropping	systems	and	supply	chains	…	
both	cropping	systems	and	supply	chains	are	target	of	diversification		
to	improve	sustainability,	resilience	and	health	in	the	field,		
the	market	and	the	diet	
•  in	a	given	context	
the	reality,	in	geographic,	historic,	social,	economic	terms,		
in	which	the	case	for	the	underutilised	crop	is	embedded	
A	working	definition	of	underutilised	crops	
Not	just	“old”	germplasms:	an	
approach	open	to	innovation	
…	in	a	plurality	of	dimensions,	
“from	field	to	fork”	
Embedded	in	contexts:	
Not	for	the	sake	of	preserving,	
bot	to	ensure	benefits	…
Outsider	species	
•  Quinoa		
•  Chickpeas	in	the	UK,	…		
Neglected	species	
•  Rivet	wheat	
•  Emmer,	Einkorn,	Buckwheat,	…	
Alternative	germplasm	of	common	species	
•  Open-pollinated	broccoli	
•  Maize	OPVs,	wheat	CCPs,	…	
Depending	on	the	context:	the	environment	and	the	community	
A	working	definition	of	underutilised	crops
Questions	from	the	communities
Minor	cereals:	
Alternative	to	wheat,	but	
few	varieties,	no	
agronomic	knowledge	
No	OPVs	available	
Leaf	mould	resistance	
in	humid	areas?	
Too	few	varieties		
for	grain	production	
No	diversity		
in	legumes	
varieties	for	organic
What	and	how	to	evaluate	
Lessons	learned	from	33	trials	on	12	species	in	9	Countries
Interactions with the agroecoystem
Crop	descriptors	
1.  Legality	–	identification	–	“DUS”		
2.  Practicality		
• Description,		
• Accidental	mixtures	…	
3.  Heterogeneous	material
Blue	 White	 Red	
Not	necessarily	so	easy	and	straightforward	
Crop	descriptors
Three	Different	Populations	and	Landraces	
“Heterogeneous	Material”	
Crop	descriptors
Crop descriptors
Crop	descriptors	
Lessons	learned	
1.  Traits	lost	during	
modern	breeding		
•  some	undesired	
2.  Diversity	between	
3.  Diversity	within		
•  Accidental	mixtures	
•  Heterogeneous	
Researchers	Consumers	
Multiple	needs	
and	tools	for	
description	and	
Agroecosystem	performance	
e.g.	soil	fertility	
e.g.	water	availability	
e.g.	soil	fertility	
e.g.	water	availability	
What	are	Improved	Seeds?	An	Epistemology	of	the	Green	Revolution	
Lakshman	Yapa	-	Economic	Geography	
Vol.	69,	No.	3,	Environment	and	Development,	Part	1	(Jul.,	1993),	pp.	254-273
Agroecosystem	performance	
Local	climate	
Local	soil	
availability	 Weed	pressure	
Pest	and	
and	soil	biota	
Agroecosystem	performance	
milling	wheat	
Minor cereals
UK field performance
on “Blue Clay” soils
Agroecosystem	performance	
milling wheat
average yielding, yellow
rust-prone emmer
good yielding,
healthy, tall and
variable/good yield
and extreme
tillering in einkorn
average wheat
PCA 60% Expl. Var.
Minor cereals
UK field performance
on “Blue Clay” soils
See	Poster	Costanzo	A.	Amos	D.	Dinelli	G.	(2018)
Agroecosystem	performance	
UK field performance
Weed suppressive ability
Sandy loam
Crop	biomass	
Weed	biomass
Agroecosystem	performance	
Lessons	learned	
•  Fitness	to	environment		
•  E.g.	tolerance	of	abiotic	stresses	
•  Many	other	services	other	than	yield	
•  Ground	cover	
•  Weed	suppression	
•  Pollination	
•  Disease	reduction	
•  Performance	(=	service	magnitude,	stability	and	resilience)	
is	highly	local	
•  Great	diversity	=	possible	to	find	locally	fit	genetic	resources	
Improved	cropping	systems
Productive	performance	
•  Generally,	in	DIVERSIFOOD	experimental	conditions	
(mostly	organic/low-input	farms)	comparable	with	
commercial	crops	
•  Can	be	a	relief	for	marginal	areas	
•  Can	be	the	Achille’s	heel	
•  Can	be	both,	depending	on	the	environment
Productive	performance	
UK	2016/17	
“Blue	clay”	
dry	spring	and	wet	summer	
UK	2017/18	
Sandy	loam	
cold	long	winter	and	dry	summer	
Minor	cereals	vs.	mainstream	wheat
Productive	performance	
Lessons	learned	
•  Where	are	underutilised	outperforming	
•  Beyond	mere	quantity	
•  Length	of	harvest	season	(e.g.	vegetables)	
•  Acceptance	in	big	vs.	“small”	distribution		
(e.g.	heterogeneity	of	vegetable	products)	
•  Stability	over	time	vs.	stability	over	space
Quality	performance	
•  processing	
•  organoleptic	
•  nutritional	
•  intangible		
Researchers	Consumers	
Quality	performance	
•  Suitability	for	artisanal	processing	as	more	flexible	
•  Logistics	challenges		
e.g.	cereals	
•  Batches	of	diverse	grains:	adapting	processing	needed	
•  Different,	small	batches	of	grains:	economies	of	scale?
Quality	performance	
•  Active	compounds	
and	their	
dependence	on	
b	 b	
p	=	.003	**	
Einkorn,	UK	2018	
Total	Dietary	Fibre	
See	Poster	Costanzo	A.	Amos	D.	Dinelli	G.	(2018)
•  Active	compounds	
and	their	
dependence	on	
Einkorn,	UK	2018	
DPPH	(antioxidant	power)	
FRAP	(antioxidant	capacity)	
p	=	.000	***	p	=	.000	***	
LF	=	einkorn	after	oats	(“low-fert”)	
HF	=	einkorn	after	grass-clover	ley	(“high-fert”)	
Quality	performance	
See	Poster	Costanzo	A.	Amos	D.	Dinelli	G.	(2018)
•  Cultural,	identity	values	associated	to	a	product	
•  The	‘Cultural	Ecosystem	Services’	according	to	
Millennium	Ecosystem	Assessment?	
Quality	performance	
Quality	performance	
Lessons	learned	
•  Artisanal	=	flexible	processing	
•  Measurable	aspects:	dependent	on	environment	
•  Nutritional/nutraceutical:	get	the	right	message	out	
•  Effects	of	processing?	
•  Diet	changes	are	complex	
•  Understand	growing	conditions	(not	predictable	“by	the	book”)	
•  Non-measurable	aspects:	the	story	behind	a	product	
•  Make	sure	the	story	is	true
Multi-actor	and	on-farm	
Lessons	learned	and	open	questions
Organising	the	acquired	knowledge	
Database	of	DIVERSIFOOD	WP2	results	online	soon
Multi-actor	and	on-farm	
Researchers	Consumers	
How	to	make	
this	landscape	
a	community?
…	and	the	trial	moved	into	an	experimental	
station,	to	test	minor	cereals	in	a	factorial	design	
Multi-actor	and	on-farm
Multi-actor	and	on-farm	
Lessons	learned	
•  On-farm	≠	Participatory	and	Multi-actor	
•  Beware	of	simplifications	
•  Quality	(not	quantity)	of	the	interaction	
•  A	lot	of	enthusiasm	but	what	structures	do	we	need	
to	scale	it	up	and	out?	
•  Relevance	of	the	research	questions	(to	whom?)	
•  The	constructivist	hypothesis	that	the	more	different	
actors	involved	in	decisions,	the	less	likely	to	overlook	
something	important
Some	conclusive	questions	
Underutilised	crops:		
asset	to	diversify	and	revive	European	agriculture?		
No	instruction	book,	but	a	continuous	process	
1.  requires	distributed	and	continuous	innovation	
2.  needs	embedding	research	in	farming	and	vice-versa	
3.  maintaining	reliable	and	FAIR*	data	and	knowledge	
*findable,	accessible,	interoperable	and	reusable
Thanks for your attention
Ambrogio	Costanzo,	WP2	leader	
The	Organic	Research	Centre
Underutilised	crops:	multi-actor	
and	on-farm	evaluation	
Session	2		
Cultivating	Diversity	and	Food	Quality	
DIVERSIFOOD	Final	Congress	
Rennes,	France,	10	December	2018
Slot	1:		
From	genetic	resources	to	breeding			
1. Lathyrus	sativus	and	L.	cicera	germplasm	characterization	
and	breeding	
•  Rubiales	et	al.	
2. The	Honeycomb	Selection	Designs	in	Participatory	
Breeding	trials	with	cowpea	
•  Fasoula	et	al.	
3. Multiple-criteria	approach	to	select	drought-resistant	
maize	populations	
•  Vaz	Patto	et	al.
Lathyrus	sativus	and	L.	cicera		
germplasm	characterization	and	breeding		
Lathyrus sativus and L. cicera germplasm characterization and breeding
•  Reintroduce	the	crops	in	
Mediterranean	rainfed	
farming	systems	
•  Characterize		germplasm	collections	
•  Generate	segregating	populations	
•  Select	under	multiple	environments	
Ancient	legume	crops	that	are	largely	neglected	today	in	spite	of	their	
rusticity	and	value	for	food	and	feed	for	more	sustainable	farming	systems
Main	result	
-  Breeding	program	undergoing:		
-  Cultivars	already	submitted	for	registration	
-  Interspecific	hybridisation	program	
-  Tools	to	assist	selection	developed	
Lathyrus sativus and L. cicera germplasm characterization and breeding
-  Consumers	awareness	raised
•  Grasspea	and	chickling	peas	are	resilient	crops	ready	to	
be	reintroduced	in	our	crop	rotations	
Take Home Message
Lathyrus sativus and L. cicera germplasm characterization and breeding
The Honeycomb Selection
Designs in Participatory
Breeding Trials with Cowpea
Dionysia	A.	Fasoula,	Michalis	Omirou,	Ioannis	M.	Ioannides	
Agricultural	Research	Institute	(ARI),	CYPRUS
The Honeycomb Selection Designs in
Participatory Breeding Trials with Cowpea
Objective	–	Research	Question	
•  Can	we	inverse	the	
local	cowpea	landrace	
degeneration	and	
improve	its	fresh	pod	
yield	exploiting	the	
potentialities	of	the	
Honeycomb	Selection	
Designs	and	the	novel	
concept	of	“Nonstop	
Methods	-	Innovation	
•  Long-term	trials	(9	
years)	with	individual	
plants	grown	in	the	
absence	of	any	
interplant	interference	
(i.e.,	competition)	and	
allocated	according	to	
the	principles	of	one	of	
the	many	Honeycomb	
Selection	Designs
The Honeycomb Selection Designs in
Participatory Breeding Trials with Cowpea
•  Nonstop	selection	
dramatically	improved	
fresh	pod	yields	
(annual	genetic	gain	>	
20%)	without	any	
artificial	cross-
fertilization	and	
showing	no	signs	of	
levelling-off,	to	the	
excitement	of	the	
farmers	involved
The Honeycomb Selection Designs in
Participatory Breeding Trials with Cowpea
•  In	summary:	a	very	
successful,	evolutionary	
(nonstop)	way	to	overcome	
yield	stagnation	and	generate	
more	intra-species	diversity	
through	exploitation	of	the	
individual	plant	and	the	
potentialities	of	the	
Honeycomb	Selection	Designs	
that	control	soil	
heterogeneity	and	the	
negative	effects	of	interplant	
•  Acknowledgements	to	
all	our	technical	and	
field	staff	at	ARI		
Take Home Message
Multiple-criteria approach to
select drought-resistant maize
M.	Catarina	Bicho,	Mara	L.	Alves,	Susana	T.	Leitão,	Emanuel	
Ferreira,	Daniela	Santos,	Pedro	Mendes-Moreira,	J.	Miguel	
Costa,	M.	Carlota	Vaz	Patto
Multiple-criteria approach to select
drought-resistant maize populations
What	parameters	to	combine	for	an	expedite,	efficient	
and	non-invasive	drought	resistance	field	selection?	
Thermography,	chlorophyll	fluorescence	and	leaf	gas	
exchange	integration	on	field	population	evaluations
Main	result	
•  OJIP	test:	the	most	
expedite	and	efficient	
measures	under	WD	
•  The	optimal	selection	
drought	severity	
depends	on	the	variety	
(maturity	group)		
Multiple-criteria approach to select
drought-resistant maize populations
water	deficit	treatment	
well-	watered	treatment
Increased	efficiency		 H2020	Diversifood	(N.	633571),	FCT	(IF/
01337/2014,	UID/Multi/04551/2013)	
Take Home Message
Multiple-criteria approach to select
drought-resistant maize populations
...	add	OJIP	test	
to	selection	
+	easiness	
to	score
Underutilised	crops:	multi-actor	
and	on-farm	evaluation	
Session	2		
Cultivating	Diversity	and	Food	Quality	
DIVERSIFOOD	Final	Congress	
Rennes,	France,	10	December	2018
Slot	2:		
From	quality	back	to	the	rhizosphere		
1.  Antinutritive	ingredients	in	grain	legume	species	for	
organic	fodder	
Kessler	et	al.	
2.  Resistance	screening	of	pea	against	a	complex	of	root	
Hohmann	et	al.	
3.  Chickpea	genotypes	response	on	drought	and	its	impact	
on	mycorrhizal	symbiosis	
Kavadia	et	al.	
4.  Microbial	communities	and	plant	breeding:	challenges	and	
Omirou	et	al.
On the suitability of different grain
legume species for organic fodder
Gilles	Altmann	
Keßler	S.,	Zimmer	S.,	Stoll	E.,	Heidt	H.,	Schulz	H.,	Bohn	T.,	Heß	
On the suitability of different grain legume
species for organic fodder production
Do	antinutritive	and	
nutritive	substances	in	
different	grain	legume	
species	vary	between	
different	cultivars	and	
growth	conditions	in	
Luxembourg	and	
Germany	significantly?	
Both	sites	are	under	
organic	farming.	The	field	
trial	was	done	in	a	
randomized	block	design	
with	four	repetitions	for	
two	years.
On the suitability of different grain legume
species for organic fodder production
Main	result	
Although	most	anti-nutritive	
contents	(alkaloids,	trypsin	
inhibitor	activity,	vicine/convicine	
and	tannin)	are	within	the	ranges	
reported	in	literature,	significant	
variations	between	varieties,	sites	
and	growing	seasons	were	
On the suitability of different grain legume
species for organic fodder production
The	results	show	that	the	calculation	of	grain	
legumes	in	the	feed	ration	should	not	exclusively	
refer	to	literature	values	of	nutritive	and	
antinutritive	substances,	as	the	locally	produced	
grain	legumes	may	differ	significantly	depending	on	
the	year	and	location.	
Take Home Message
Resistance screening of pea
against a complex of root-rot
Lukas	Wille¹,²,	Bruno	Studer¹,	Monika	M.	Messmer²,	Natacha	
Bodenhausen²,	Pierre	Hohmann²	
1	Department	of	Crop	Sciences	–	Plant	Breeding	and	Variety	Testing,	Research	Institute	for	Organic	Agriculture	(FiBL)	
2	Institute	of	Agricultural	Sciences	–	Molecular	Plant	Breeding,	ETH	Zürich
Pea Resistance Screening – Our Approach
•  Identify	pea	lines	resistant	against	pathogen	complexes	
	è Controlled	conditions	screening	systems	
•  Elucidate	the	genetic	basis	of	polygenic	resistances	
è Genome-Wide	Association	Study	(GWAS)	
•  Understand	resistance-related	plant-microbe	interactions	
è qPCR	and	high-throughput	amplicon	sequencing
•  Resistance	assays:	Variation	in	
different	disease	parameters	
PC 1-
cortex decay
shoot lesion
dis. height
wilted nodes
shoot height
diff. NS/S
root biomass
ratios NS/S
shoot biomass
ratio NS/S
shoot biomass
diff. NS/S
Pea Resistance Screening - Results
•  Microbiome	analysis:	putative	
pathogens	and	beneficials	in	the	
Take Home Message
Include	plant-microbe	interactions	in	breeding	programmes	
Pea Resistance Screening
Wille	et	al.	2018.	Plant	Cell	Environ
Mycorrhizal symbiosis and
nutrient content in different
chickpea genotypes under
limited water availability
A.Kavadia,	D.A.Fasoula,	M.Omirou,	I.M.Ioannides	
Department	of	Agrobiotechnology	
Agricultural	Research	Institute,	Cyprus
Mycorrhizal symbiosis and nutrient content in different chickpea
genotypes under limited water availability
•  Evaluation	of	drought	
tolerant	traits	on	
chickpea	genotypes	
and	the	role	of	
mycorrhizal	fungi	on	
drought	response	
•  Pot	experiment	with	2	
chickpea	gen.	and	2	
water	availability	levels	
•  Completely	
Randomized	Design	
Mycorrhizal symbiosis and nutrient content in
different chickpea genotypes under limited water
Main	result	
•  Chickpea	response	to	
drought	stress	is	
related	to	plant	
genotype	and	its	ability	
to	establish	efficient	
AMF	symbiosis
Mycorrhizal symbiosis and nutrient content in different
chickpea genotypes under limited water availability
•  This	study	suggests	that	
the	symbiosis	between	
the	appropriate	
chickpea	genotype	and	
AMF	improves:	
•  plant	fitness	under	
drought	conditions	and	
•  nutrient	use	efficiency	
Thank	you	for	your	
Microbial communities and plant
breeding: challenges and
Michalis	Omirou1,	Dionysia	Fasoula1,	Veronique	Chamble2,	Ioannis	M.	Ioannides1		
Department of Agrobiotechnology, Agricultural Research Institute, Nicosia, Cyprus
Sciences pour l'Action et le Développement (SAD) - UMR BAGAP , INRA, France
Microbial communities and plant
breeding: challenges and perspectives
Objective	–	Research	Question	
•  How	microbial	
communities	and	
functional	soil	microbial	
guilds	can	assist	the	
selection	of	the	best	
performing	plants?	
•  Is	there	any	direct	
association	between	
microbial	diversity	and	
plant	breeding	
Methods	-	Innovation	
•  Honeycomb	designs	
•  7	maize	genotypes	
•  13	chickpea	genotypes	
•  6	local	cowpea	genotypes	
•  AMF	colonization	and	
extraradical	mycelium	
was	assessed	
•  NFB	were	isolated	and	
Microbial communities and plant
breeding: challenges and perspectives
•  All crops tested exhibited
different symbiotic
characteristics between
them as well as within
the same species.
•  High AMF colonization
was not always reflected
to high plant yields.
•  NFB are affecting AMF
colonization and plant
performance and is
genotype depended
Underutilized	cereals		
Microbial communities and plant
breeding: challenges and perspectives
In	summary:	
•  Functional	microbial	communities	
are	of	paramount	importance	for	
plant	performance	particularly	
under	stressful	conditions.		
•  Selection,	characterization	and	
application	of	these	functional	
microbial	guilds	along	with	their	
associated	genotypes	could	a	
useful	strategy	to	improve	plant	
•  Acknowledgements	to	all	our	
technical	and	field	staff	at	ARI		
Take Home Message
Underutilised	crops:	multi-actor	
and	on-farm	evaluation	
Session	2		
Cultivating	Diversity	and	Food	Quality	
DIVERSIFOOD	Final	Congress	
Rennes,	France,	10	December	2018
Slot	3:		
Participatory	evaluation	of	cereal	genetic	resources			
1. Re-discovering	ancient	wheat	populations	for	organic	
farming	in	Hungary	
Drexler	et	al.	
2. Participatory	assessment	of	local	and	traditional	
varieties	of	wheat	in	South	Spain	
Carrascosa	et	al.	
3. Mobilising	still	diversity	for	minor	cereals	in	West	of	
Serpolay	et	al.
Re-discovering ancient wheat
populations for organic
farming in Hungary
Dóra	Drexler,	Marianna	Makádi,	Attila	Tomócsik,	Szilvia	
Re-discovering ancient wheat
populations for organic farming in
•  10	emmer	and	5	
einkorn	varieties	were	
tested	under	organic	
conditions	to	assess	
their	performance	and	
potential	for	local	
organic	cultivation.	
•  Seeds	were	acquired	
from	gene	banks	and	
breeding	institutes	of	3	
•  Trial	site	had	marginal	
acidic	sandy	soil		
•  Low	input	cultivation	
was	applied
Re-discovering ancient wheat
populations for organic farming in
Main	result	
Most	important	factors:	
•  Winter	hardiness	
•  Yellow	rust	susceptibility	
•  Weed	infestation	
•  Landrace	yields	were	
similar	to	registered	
varieties’	yields!	
6.	2.	 6.	9.	 6.	16.	 6.	23.	 6.	30.	
Average	leaf	surface	coverage	of	
yellow	rust	(%)	
GT	143	
GT	196	
GT	381	
GT	831	
GT	1399	
GT	1400	
GT	1402
Re-discovering ancient wheat
populations for organic farming in
•  Emmer	and	einkorn	are	
viable	alternatives	for	
organic	farmers	also	
under	marginal	growing	
•  Einkorn	has	strong	
disease	tolerance	
•  Landrace	yields	are	not	
lower	that	reg.	
Dóra	Drexler	
ÖMKi,	Hungarian	Research	
Institute	of	Organic	Agriculture	
Take Home Message
Participatory assessment of
traditional varieties of wheat in
the south of Spain
María	 Carrascosa-García,	 Juan	 José	 Soriano	 Niebla,	 Alonso	
Navarro	 Chaves,	 Salvatore	 Ceccarelli,	 Eugenia	 Roldán,	 José	
Antonio	Fulgado,	Marta	González,	Maria	Pérez	Picón.
Participatory assessment of
traditional varieties of wheat in the
south of Spain
To generate basic information
on the morphological,
phenological and agronomic
characteristics of traditional
varieties of wheat and their
behaviour in Andalusian dry
lands in agro-ecologically
managed farms, for the
promotion of their use.
The incorporation of agro-
ecological farmers in all the
phases of the research.
Participatory assessment of
traditional varieties of wheat in the
south of Spain
Main	result	
Sheets	of	the	12	varieties	and	
populations	assessed.	
Trigo Chamorro de Los Portales
Estadios de crecimiento
Días entre la siembra y la nacencia 13-89 (35,75 media)
Días entre la siembra y el encañado 105-148 (124,57 media)
Días entre la siembra y el espigado 126-169 (138,56 media)
Días entre la siembra y la maduración 139-194 (152,06 media)
Días entre la siembra y maduración fisiológica 179-207 (190,69 media)
Días entre la siembra y la recolección 196-223 (209,42 media)
Rendimiento espigas (kg) 0,142-1,851 (0,79 media)
Rendimiento grano (kg) 0,078-1,111 (0,46 media)
Rendimiento paja (kg) 0,293-3,57 (1,35 media)
Peso de 50 granos (gr) 1,2-2,4 (2,15 media)
Caracterización morfológica
Ahijamiento (promedio). 1. Ausente 2. Presente 1,76
Número de hijuelos por planta 1-6 (3,1 media)
Hábito de crecimiento (promedio). 1. Postrado 2. Intermedio 3. Erecto 1,52 (intermedio-postrado)
Vitalidad de la planta (promedio)- 1. Alta 2. Media 3. Baja 1,16 (alta-media)
Homogeneidad de la planta 95,83% espigado, 4,17% color
Espigado de los hijuelos (promedio). 1. Elevado >70%, 2. Medio 70-40%, 3. Bajo <40%, 4.Nulo 0 1,36 (elevado-medio)
Altura de la planta (cm) 59-132 (94,64 media)
Barbas o aristas
Longitud de las barbas (cm) Ausencia
Rugosidad de las barbas NP
Color de las barbas NP
Longitud de la espiga (mm) 42-105 (71,22 media)
Número de granos por espiga 1-42 (20,93 media)
Peso de los granos de una espiga (gr) 0,2-2,2 (0,92 media)
Color de la gluma Blanco
Color de los granos Blanco
Características agronómicas
Poder emergente (promedio). 1. Alto 2. Bajo 1,04 (alto)
Encamado (promedio)
1. Ausente 2. Presente
Resistencia enfermedades (promedio). 1. Alta 2. Media 3. Baja 1,04 (alta)
Resistencia a plagas: Alta
Competencia con vegetación adventicia (promedio). 1. Alta 2. Media 3. Baja 1,55 (media-alta)
Resistencia a heladas Alta
Resistencia al calor Alta
Resistencia a la falta de agua Alta
Participatory assessment of traditional
varieties of wheat in the south of Spain
•  The	 active	 involvement	 of	 farmers	 in	
the	 description	 and	 assessment	 of	
traditional	 varieties	 (evaluation	 of	 the	
protocols,	 trial	 management,	 data	
collection,	etc.)	is	very	positive	for	the	
development	and	strengthening	of	the	
community	 cultivated	 biodiversity	
•  Variety	 sheets	 are	 valuable	 tools	 for	
the	 communication	 and	 dissemination	
of	 the	 potential	 of	 the	 diversity	 of	
Take Home Message
Mobilising still diversity for
minor cereals in West of France
Serpolay-Besson	Estelle1,	Kutelmak	argaux,	Flipon	Emma,	
Villard	Anne-Lise2,	Leprêtre	Franck-Emmanuel3,	Chable	
1	ITAB	(Institut	Technique	de	l’Agriculture	Biologique),	France,,	estelle.serpolay-	
2	INRA	de	Rennes,	France,,	
3Triptolème,	France,,
Mobilising still diversity for minor cereals
in West of France
Wake	up	the	«	stilling	
treasures	»	sleeping	the	
gene	banks	by	designing	
rapidly	and	efficiently	
diversified	populations	
adapted	to	organic	
agriculture	for	high	
quality	products	
Combining	research	skills	
and	means	with	farmers’	
demand	through	an	
innovative	methodology:	
designing	of	diversified	an	
personalised	populations	
by	bulking	several	
complementary	accessions	
with	common	traits	of	
interests	for	on-farm	
evaluation	and	dynamic	
Mobilising still diversity for minor
cereals in West of France
Good	success	of	the	
among	farmers	in	
2018	for	Rivet	
Main	result
Mobilising still diversity for minor
cereals in West of France
Take Home Message
A	tool	to	mobilise	rapidly	
and	efficiently	still	
diversity	for	on-farm	
adaptation	and	evolution	
To	be	tested	for	Organic	
and	Participatory	Plant	
Many	thanks	to	Audrey,	
Emma	and	Margaux	for	all	
the	work	done!
Underutilised	crops:	multi-actor	
and	on-farm	evaluation	
Session	2		
Cultivating	Diversity	and	Food	Quality	
DIVERSIFOOD	Final	Congress	
Rennes,	France,	10	December	2018
Looking	forward	to	seeing	
you	at	the	posters

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