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Building an eCommerce site in MEAN Stack
People10 Technosoft Private Limited
1) Javascript - An Introduction
2) The components of MEAN Stack
3) MEAN Stack - More about the components
a) Node.Js
b) AngularJs
c) MongoDB
4) Setting up the environment for MEAN Stack Coding
5) Building an eCommerce application - Preview 2
Javascript - An Introduction
Javascript is a High Level, Untyped and Interpreted programming Language.
Standardized in the ECMAScript language specification
Developed in 10 days in May 1995 by Brendan Eich, while he was working for
Let’s go back in Time
The Year is 1995
In 1995, Netscape hires Brendan Eich to create a programming Language for
Netscape collaborates with Sun to include Java Applets - Little programs that
could be run in the browser
Brendon is assigned with Task of creating a Glue Language to for the browser to
allow to run Java Applets
Why Javascript is the way it is
Brendon opted for simplicity since because he thought that in all
probability it was web designers who will be using it.
● Loosely typed interpreted language
● Avoided niceties like compilers and formal OO System concepts
● Made language forgiving of minor mistakes a more formal language would signal as errors and refuse to
Release history
ECMAScript 3 released in 1999
ECMAScript 5 released in 2009
ECMAScript 6 released in 2015
On yearly release schedule as of now
Imperative Style
Borrows Structured programming Style from C
Dynamically Typed
Prototype Based
Functions are First Class Citizens
Meteoric Rise of JS
Rise of AJAX, Rich UI Apps
Monopoly in Browser space / Web
Adoption of Internet, Network speeds are on the rise.
List of languages that compile to JS (Over 250)
The components of MEAN Stack
Collection of JavaScript based technologies used to develop web applications.
MEAN Stack - More about the components
Be Curious
Ryan Dahl
Node.js is a complete software platform for scalable server-side
and networking applications
Node.js is an Evented Non blocking I/o Server side language.
Node establishes real-time, two-way connections!
Built on the Google V8 JavaScript engine
Developed by Ryan Dahl in 2008
Showcased first at JS Conf in Europe in 2009.
In 2010 Joyent sponsors Node.js development.
Dahl stepped aside, promoting co worker and npm creator Isaac Schlueter to
manage the project
io.js, a fork of Node.js created in 2014, Due to internal conflict over Joyent's
2015 - Jun, the Node.js and io.js communities voted to work together under the
Node.js Foundation
2015 - Sep, Node.js v0.12 and io.js v3.3 were merged back together into Node
Main core, written in C and C++
Modules, such as Libuv library and V8 runtime engine, also written
in C++
Overall Structure
All requests handled by the Main Single Thread
API in JavaScript
Libuv responsible for both asynchronous I/O & event loop
Libuv contains fixed-size thread pool
In 2011, a package manager was introduced for the Node.js
environment called npm. The package manager makes it easier for
programmers to publish and share source code of Node.js libraries
and is designed to simplify installation, updating and uninstallation
of libraries
Plays very well with real time applications
Vibrant Community
Tons of Modules
Unified JavaScript development
Node.js can be combined with a browser, a document database
(such as MongoDB or CouchDB) and JSON
Why Should you Invest in JS
It’s HOT.
Why Should you Invest in JS
Excellent gateway for Entrepreneurs
Web has become Ubiquitous, So has the monopoly of JS
Hybrid Mobile Apps - Iconic, PhoneGap
Rise of Node.js (Unified Stack)
It is Evolving and is under a yearly release schedule
➔ AngularJS is a Client side Javascript framework developed and maintained by
Google. It is not a Javascript library like jQuery.
➔ Allows developing well architectured and easily maintainable web-applications.
➔ Simply an extension to HTML with new attributes.
➔ Has its own implementation of jQuery for DOM manipulation called jqLite. No
need to include jQuery.
➔ AngularJS makes use of declarative programming for building UI.
➔ Write code in such a way that it describes what you want to do, and not how you
want to do it. It is left up to the compiler to figure out the how.
➔ Write less do more.
Key features of AngularJS
● MVC Architecture
Key features of AngularJS
● Two way data binding
Key features of AngularJS
● Modules
Key features of AngularJS
● Dependency Injection
Key features of AngularJS
● Directives
<input type=”text” ng-model=”time” only-number/>
Key features of AngularJS
● In built Templating
● Excellent support for developing single page applications
● End to End Integration Testing / Unit Testing
Huge Community. Highest github stars (35,311) among client side JS frameworks.
How does Angular compiler work?
var myApp = angular.module(“testApp”,[‘ui.router’]);
myApp.controller(“customerCtrl”,function($scope, $http){
$scope.Customer = {};
$scope.submitData = function(){
Angular compiler traverses the DOM looking for attributes, finds attributes that are specific to angular. These
special attributes are basically Directive functions that will be called.
<body ng-app=”testApp”>
<form ng-controller=”customerCtrl”>
<input type=”text” id=”fname” ng-model=”Customer.fName”/>
<input type=”text” id=”lname” ng-model=”Customer.lName”/>
<button ng-click=”submitData”>Submit</button>
The NoSQL Movement
As stated in, the definition of NoSQL is
Next Generation Databases mostly addressing some of the points: being non-relational, distributed, open-source and
horizontally scalable.
It’s all about using the right choice. Not SQL is the only best option.
Consider all options and choose wisely.
★ Non Relational
★ Distributed
★ Open-Source
★ Horizontally Scalable
★ Schema-less or dynamic schema
★ Replication Support
Not Only SQL
Why NoSQL for eCommerce
➔ The data dilemma nature of eCommerce.
➔ Sane Schema - Which usually fits to one vertical
◆ Fine with few types of products
◆ Becomes tough when the types of products grow
➔ Insane Schema - Which is flexible
Why NoSQL for eCommerce - Contd.,
We are building an online shopping site, and we start with selling books in online.
A sample product information schema would be
Book Schema
Why NoSQL for eCommerce - Contd.,
And, we plan to extend our site to sell music albums
Book Schema Album Schema
Format: CD/DVD
Why NoSQL for eCommerce - Contd.,
And, now we plan to extend our site to dresses, probably we start with some branded jeans
Book Schema Album Schema Jeans Schema
Format: CD/DVD
How do we generally address such requirements in a RDBMS?
1) Add all the attributes in the same table.
2) Create different tables for each type of products.
3) Create a master table with common attributes, and make
individual tables for each type of products.
Major issues faced in such approaches
1) Horizontal scalability of the products table
2) Slow and inefficient search queries
Why NoSQL for eCommerce - Contd.,
How can we address this in MongoDB?
Products Collection
{ id: “10000”, “sku” : 50, “price” : 1500, “description” : “”, “title” : “MongoDB Definitive Guide”, “author” : “Kristina Chodorow”,
“publisher” : “o-reilly”}
{ id: “10001”, “sku” : 250, “price” : 750, “description” : “The best album of the year”, “title” : “Black Star”, “artist” : “David Bowle”,
“format” : “DVD”, “language” : “english”}
{ id: “10002”, “sku” : 500, “price” : 2000, “description” : “The slim fit jeans”, “brand” : “London Jeans”, “color” : “Dark Blue”, “material” :
“cotton” }
Why NoSQL for eCommerce - Contd.,
➔ MongoDB - the name derived from ‘humongous’ (huge).
➔ Is a free, open-source, cross-platform, high-performance, scalable, and document
based database.
➔ Is also a NoSQL (Not Only SQL) database.
➔ First released on 2009 by a company named 10gen, and later in the year 2013
10gen converted to MongoDB Inc, and the latest version now is 3.2.
➔ MongoDB is written in c++
➔ The philosophy behind NOSQL / MongoDB
◆ Stored in a format other than tabular format, usually in key-value pairs.
◆ Non relational databases scale horizontally much easily than relational
◆ Not concerned with the transactional stuff. 45
➔ Mapping SQL Knowledge with MongoDB
Database Database
Table Collection
Row Document
Column Field
Joins Embedded Documents
Primary Key Primary Key
MongoDB - Contd., (Key Features)
◆ Document
● At the heart of the MongoDB
● An ordered set of keys with associated values
◆ General purpose database / Stores data in JSON format
● { “field1”: “value1”, “field2”: “value2”}
● {“first_name” : “William”, “last_name” : “Shakespeare”}
◆ Embedded documents
● We can chose to embed related data in one document.
● With one query we can completely retrieve the information we need
{“first_name” : “William”, “last_name” : “Shakespeare”, “phone”: [ {“type” : “home”,
“number” : “+552133332343”} , {“type” : “work” , “number”: “+552100002356”} ] }
MongoDB - Contd., (Key Features)
➔ Key Features
◆ Dynamic Schema
● {“first_name” : “William”, “last_name” : “Shakespeare”}
● {“first_name” : “George”, “middle_name” : “M”, “last_name” : “Eliot”}
◆ Effective Querying
● Perform ad-hoc queries on the db using find, findOne functions
● We can query for ranges of records, in-equalities and other operations by using $-
conditionals. $-conditionals are in-built functions in MongoDB
● Retrieving the details of all the customers in a database, is as simple as executing the
following command db.Customers.find() in the terminal.
● We have Comparison, Logical, Evaluation and Array operators for effective querying.
MongoDB - Contd., (Key Features)
◆ Indexing
● A database index is similar to book’s index.
● A query that does not use an index is called a table scan.
● We can create indexes of fields, or fields of embedded documents.
● E.g db.Customers.createIndex ({username : 1}) (creates an index in the username field in the
ascending order)
● Indexes use a B-Tree data structure at the implementation level.
● Can be created on a single field, or more than one field.
● E.g db.Customers.createIndex ( {“state” : 1, “zipcode” : 1})
◆ Sharding
● Is the technique of distributing data through multiple physical partitions called shards
● Even though the db is physically partitioned, to the users the database is a single instance.
MongoDB - Contd., (Key Features)
◆ Automatic Failover
● Is a resource, that allows automatically to switch data handling to a standby system in the
event of system crash.
● MongoDB achieves this via Replica set.
● In a replica set, the primary member is the current master instance, which receives all write
operations, and a secondary member always replicate the contents of the primary member.
● Secondary might handle read requests, but only the primary members can handle the write
● The failover process in MongoDB makes the secondary to become the primary replica set in
case of failovers.
MongoDB - Contd. - Sharding
MongoDB - Contd. - Automatic Failover
Setting up the environment
before getting MEAN
Installing on Unix OS:
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install git
Installing on Windows:
● Visit the below link https://git-scm.
● Select windows as the OS,
Download should immediately
start after you are redirected.
Git is a free and open source distributed version control system designed to handle
everything from small to very large projects with speed and efficiency.
Installing on Unix OS:
Import public key of MongoDB apt repository using the following command
$ sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv EA312927
Add MongoDB APT repository url in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb.list
$ echo "deb "$(lsb_release -sc)"/mongodb-org/3.2 multiverse" | sudo tee
After adding required APT repositories, use following commands to install MongoDB
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install mongodb-org
Installing on Unix OS - Continued. :
After installation MongoDB will start automatically. To explicitly start/stop the service use the following
$ sudo service mongod start
$ sudo service mongod stop
Verify MongoDB installation by starting the mongo shell using the following command
$ mongo
> use mydb;
> { tecadmin: 100 } )
> db.test.find()
{ "_id" : ObjectId("52b0dc8285f8a8071cbb5daf"), "tecadmin" : 100 }
Installing on Windows :
● Download MongoDB from official MongoDB website (
● Extract the files to your preferred location, for example d:mongodb
● Create a MongoDB config file, it’s just a text file.
for example d:mongodbmongo.config
##store data here
##all output go here
● Use mongod.exe --config d:mongodbmongo.config to start MongoDB server
d:mongodbbin>mongod --config D:mongodbmongo.config
all output going to: D:mongodblogmongo.log
Installing on Windows - Continued :
● Use mongo.exe to connect to the started MongoDB server
MongoDB shell version: 2.2.3
connecting to: test
> //mongodb shell
● Install as Windows Service with --install
d:mongodbbin> mongod --config D:mongodbmongo.config --install
Installing on Unix OS:
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install nodejs
$ sudo ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs
$ sudo apt-get install npm
Installing on Windows:
● Download the windows installer
● Run the installer (the .msi file you
downloaded in the previous step.)
● Follow the prompts in the installer
● The installer package also comes
with npm, make sure to select npm
option while installing.
● Bower is a package manager optimised for front-end. It is a command line utility.
● Bower requires node, npm and git.
● Install it with npm
$ npm install -g bower
● Install packages with bower install
● Bower installs packages to bower_components/ folder in your project root by
● Create a bower.json file for your package with bower init
● Then save new dependencies to your bower.json with --save option.
$ bower install <PACKAGE> --save
● Use packages through bower_components/
<script src="bower_components/jquery/dist/jquery.min.js"></script>
● Create a directory to hold your application, and make that your working directory
$ mkdir myapp
$ cd myapp
● Use the npm init command to create a package.json file for your application
$ npm init
● Above command will prompt you for a number of things. Hit Return to accept the
default values.
● Install Express in the app directory and save it in the dependencies list
$ npm install express --save
Building an eCommerce App - Preview
The MVP for an eCommerce site
➔ A marketplace, where users can
➔ Search for products
➔ Add products to shopping cart
➔ Check-out
➔ View their order summary
➔ An Admin Panel
◆ Where admin can add/update products / categories
◆ Where admin can view the orders placed
Building an eCommerce App - Preview
Our Demo
➔ Designing the data model in MongoDB
➔ Building the database in MongoDB
➔ Setting up an express app, and the overview of the project structure.
➔ Creating RESTful APIs with NodeJs & Express Js
➔ Building the storefront in AngularJs and integrating the front-end app with
the NodeJs API
➔ Hosting the app live in Heroku, MongoLab 63

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Build an eCommerce Site with MEAN Stack

  • 1. Building an eCommerce site in MEAN Stack People10 Technosoft Private Limited
  • 2. Agenda 1) Javascript - An Introduction 2) The components of MEAN Stack 3) MEAN Stack - More about the components a) Node.Js b) AngularJs c) MongoDB 4) Setting up the environment for MEAN Stack Coding 5) Building an eCommerce application - Preview 2
  • 3. Javascript - An Introduction
  • 4. Javascript Javascript is a High Level, Untyped and Interpreted programming Language. Standardized in the ECMAScript language specification Developed in 10 days in May 1995 by Brendan Eich, while he was working for Netscape 4
  • 5. Let’s go back in Time The Year is 1995 5
  • 6. Beginning In 1995, Netscape hires Brendan Eich to create a programming Language for browser. Netscape collaborates with Sun to include Java Applets - Little programs that could be run in the browser Brendon is assigned with Task of creating a Glue Language to for the browser to allow to run Java Applets 6
  • 7. Why Javascript is the way it is Brendon opted for simplicity since because he thought that in all probability it was web designers who will be using it. ● Loosely typed interpreted language ● Avoided niceties like compilers and formal OO System concepts ● Made language forgiving of minor mistakes a more formal language would signal as errors and refuse to run 7
  • 8. Release history ECMAScript 3 released in 1999 ECMAScript 5 released in 2009 ECMAScript 6 released in 2015 On yearly release schedule as of now 8
  • 9. Features Imperative Style Borrows Structured programming Style from C Dynamically Typed Prototype Based Functions are First Class Citizens 9
  • 10. Meteoric Rise of JS Rise of AJAX, Rich UI Apps Monopoly in Browser space / Web Adoption of Internet, Network speeds are on the rise. List of languages that compile to JS (Over 250) 10
  • 11. The components of MEAN Stack
  • 12. JSON JSON JSON JSON Collection of JavaScript based technologies used to develop web applications. BSON 12
  • 13. MEAN Stack - More about the components
  • 15. Introduction Node.js is a complete software platform for scalable server-side and networking applications Node.js is an Evented Non blocking I/o Server side language. Node establishes real-time, two-way connections! Built on the Google V8 JavaScript engine
  • 16. History Developed by Ryan Dahl in 2008 Showcased first at JS Conf in Europe in 2009. In 2010 Joyent sponsors Node.js development. Dahl stepped aside, promoting co worker and npm creator Isaac Schlueter to manage the project
  • 17. History io.js, a fork of Node.js created in 2014, Due to internal conflict over Joyent's governance 2015 - Jun, the Node.js and io.js communities voted to work together under the Node.js Foundation 2015 - Sep, Node.js v0.12 and io.js v3.3 were merged back together into Node v4.0
  • 18. Components Main core, written in C and C++ Modules, such as Libuv library and V8 runtime engine, also written in C++
  • 19. Overall Structure All requests handled by the Main Single Thread API in JavaScript Libuv responsible for both asynchronous I/O & event loop Libuv contains fixed-size thread pool
  • 21. Npm In 2011, a package manager was introduced for the Node.js environment called npm. The package manager makes it easier for programmers to publish and share source code of Node.js libraries and is designed to simplify installation, updating and uninstallation of libraries
  • 22. Advantages Plays very well with real time applications Vibrant Community Tons of Modules
  • 23. Unified JavaScript development stack Node.js can be combined with a browser, a document database (such as MongoDB or CouchDB) and JSON
  • 25. 25
  • 26. 26
  • 27. Why Should you Invest in JS Excellent gateway for Entrepreneurs Web has become Ubiquitous, So has the monopoly of JS Hybrid Mobile Apps - Iconic, PhoneGap Rise of Node.js (Unified Stack) It is Evolving and is under a yearly release schedule 27
  • 29. ➔ AngularJS is a Client side Javascript framework developed and maintained by Google. It is not a Javascript library like jQuery. ➔ Allows developing well architectured and easily maintainable web-applications. ➔ Simply an extension to HTML with new attributes. ➔ Has its own implementation of jQuery for DOM manipulation called jqLite. No need to include jQuery. ➔ AngularJS makes use of declarative programming for building UI. ➔ Write code in such a way that it describes what you want to do, and not how you want to do it. It is left up to the compiler to figure out the how. ➔ Write less do more. AngularJS 29
  • 30. Key features of AngularJS ● MVC Architecture 30
  • 31. Key features of AngularJS ● Two way data binding 31
  • 32. Key features of AngularJS ● Modules 32
  • 33. Key features of AngularJS ● Dependency Injection 33
  • 34. Key features of AngularJS ● Directives 34 Example: <only-number></only-number> <input type=”text” ng-model=”time” only-number/>
  • 35. Key features of AngularJS ● In built Templating ● Excellent support for developing single page applications ● End to End Integration Testing / Unit Testing Huge Community. Highest github stars (35,311) among client side JS frameworks. 35
  • 36. How does Angular compiler work? HTML: 36 JS: var myApp = angular.module(“testApp”,[‘ui.router’]); myApp.controller(“customerCtrl”,function($scope, $http){ $scope.Customer = {}; $scope.submitData = function(){ $’/cust’,$scope.Customer); } }); Angular compiler traverses the DOM looking for attributes, finds attributes that are specific to angular. These special attributes are basically Directive functions that will be called. <html> <body ng-app=”testApp”> <form ng-controller=”customerCtrl”> <input type=”text” id=”fname” ng-model=”Customer.fName”/> <input type=”text” id=”lname” ng-model=”Customer.lName”/> <button ng-click=”submitData”>Submit</button> </form> </body> </html>
  • 38. The NoSQL Movement As stated in, the definition of NoSQL is Next Generation Databases mostly addressing some of the points: being non-relational, distributed, open-source and horizontally scalable. It’s all about using the right choice. Not SQL is the only best option. Consider all options and choose wisely. ★ Non Relational ★ Distributed ★ Open-Source ★ Horizontally Scalable ★ Schema-less or dynamic schema ★ Replication Support 38 Not Only SQL
  • 39. Why NoSQL for eCommerce ➔ The data dilemma nature of eCommerce. ➔ Sane Schema - Which usually fits to one vertical ◆ Fine with few types of products ◆ Becomes tough when the types of products grow ➔ Insane Schema - Which is flexible 39
  • 40. Why NoSQL for eCommerce - Contd., We are building an online shopping site, and we start with selling books in online. A sample product information schema would be Product id: sku: price: description: ……. author: title: publisher: isbn: pages: language: Book Schema 40
  • 41. Why NoSQL for eCommerce - Contd., And, we plan to extend our site to sell music albums Book Schema Album Schema Product id: sku: price: description: ……. author: title: publisher: isbn: pages: language: Product id: sku: price: description: ……. artist: title: release_date: Format: CD/DVD language: 41
  • 42. Why NoSQL for eCommerce - Contd., And, now we plan to extend our site to dresses, probably we start with some branded jeans Book Schema Album Schema Jeans Schema Product id: sku: price: description: ……. author: title: publisher: isbn: pages: language: Product id: sku: price: description: ……. artist: title: release_date: Format: CD/DVD language: Product id: sku: price: description: ……. brand: gender: make: style: color: material: Length: width: 42
  • 43. How do we generally address such requirements in a RDBMS? 1) Add all the attributes in the same table. 2) Create different tables for each type of products. 3) Create a master table with common attributes, and make individual tables for each type of products. Major issues faced in such approaches 1) Horizontal scalability of the products table 2) Slow and inefficient search queries Why NoSQL for eCommerce - Contd., 43
  • 44. How can we address this in MongoDB? Products Collection { id: “10000”, “sku” : 50, “price” : 1500, “description” : “”, “title” : “MongoDB Definitive Guide”, “author” : “Kristina Chodorow”, “publisher” : “o-reilly”} { id: “10001”, “sku” : 250, “price” : 750, “description” : “The best album of the year”, “title” : “Black Star”, “artist” : “David Bowle”, “format” : “DVD”, “language” : “english”} { id: “10002”, “sku” : 500, “price” : 2000, “description” : “The slim fit jeans”, “brand” : “London Jeans”, “color” : “Dark Blue”, “material” : “cotton” } Why NoSQL for eCommerce - Contd., 44
  • 45. MongoDB ➔ MongoDB - the name derived from ‘humongous’ (huge). ➔ Is a free, open-source, cross-platform, high-performance, scalable, and document based database. ➔ Is also a NoSQL (Not Only SQL) database. ➔ First released on 2009 by a company named 10gen, and later in the year 2013 10gen converted to MongoDB Inc, and the latest version now is 3.2. ➔ MongoDB is written in c++ ➔ The philosophy behind NOSQL / MongoDB ◆ Stored in a format other than tabular format, usually in key-value pairs. ◆ Non relational databases scale horizontally much easily than relational ◆ Not concerned with the transactional stuff. 45
  • 46. MongoDB ➔ Mapping SQL Knowledge with MongoDB SQL MongoDB Database Database Table Collection Row Document Column Field Joins Embedded Documents Primary Key Primary Key 46
  • 47. MongoDB - Contd., (Key Features) ◆ Document ● At the heart of the MongoDB ● An ordered set of keys with associated values ◆ General purpose database / Stores data in JSON format ● { “field1”: “value1”, “field2”: “value2”} ● {“first_name” : “William”, “last_name” : “Shakespeare”} ◆ Embedded documents ● We can chose to embed related data in one document. ● With one query we can completely retrieve the information we need {“first_name” : “William”, “last_name” : “Shakespeare”, “phone”: [ {“type” : “home”, “number” : “+552133332343”} , {“type” : “work” , “number”: “+552100002356”} ] } 47
  • 48. MongoDB - Contd., (Key Features) ➔ Key Features ◆ Dynamic Schema ● {“first_name” : “William”, “last_name” : “Shakespeare”} ● {“first_name” : “George”, “middle_name” : “M”, “last_name” : “Eliot”} ◆ Effective Querying ● Perform ad-hoc queries on the db using find, findOne functions ● We can query for ranges of records, in-equalities and other operations by using $- conditionals. $-conditionals are in-built functions in MongoDB ● Retrieving the details of all the customers in a database, is as simple as executing the following command db.Customers.find() in the terminal. ● We have Comparison, Logical, Evaluation and Array operators for effective querying. 48
  • 49. MongoDB - Contd., (Key Features) ◆ Indexing ● A database index is similar to book’s index. ● A query that does not use an index is called a table scan. ● We can create indexes of fields, or fields of embedded documents. ● E.g db.Customers.createIndex ({username : 1}) (creates an index in the username field in the ascending order) ● Indexes use a B-Tree data structure at the implementation level. ● Can be created on a single field, or more than one field. ● E.g db.Customers.createIndex ( {“state” : 1, “zipcode” : 1}) ◆ Sharding ● Is the technique of distributing data through multiple physical partitions called shards ● Even though the db is physically partitioned, to the users the database is a single instance. 49
  • 50. MongoDB - Contd., (Key Features) ◆ Automatic Failover ● Is a resource, that allows automatically to switch data handling to a standby system in the event of system crash. ● MongoDB achieves this via Replica set. ● In a replica set, the primary member is the current master instance, which receives all write operations, and a secondary member always replicate the contents of the primary member. ● Secondary might handle read requests, but only the primary members can handle the write operations. ● The failover process in MongoDB makes the secondary to become the primary replica set in case of failovers. 50
  • 51. MongoDB - Contd. - Sharding 51
  • 52. MongoDB - Contd. - Automatic Failover 52
  • 53. Setting up the environment before getting MEAN
  • 54. Installing on Unix OS: $ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get install git Installing on Windows: ● Visit the below link https://git-scm. com/download ● Select windows as the OS, Download should immediately start after you are redirected. Git is a free and open source distributed version control system designed to handle everything from small to very large projects with speed and efficiency. 54
  • 55. Installing on Unix OS: Import public key of MongoDB apt repository using the following command $ sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv EA312927 Add MongoDB APT repository url in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb.list $ echo "deb "$(lsb_release -sc)"/mongodb-org/3.2 multiverse" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb.list After adding required APT repositories, use following commands to install MongoDB $ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get install mongodb-org 55
  • 56. Installing on Unix OS - Continued. : After installation MongoDB will start automatically. To explicitly start/stop the service use the following commands $ sudo service mongod start $ sudo service mongod stop Verify MongoDB installation by starting the mongo shell using the following command $ mongo > use mydb; > { tecadmin: 100 } ) > db.test.find() { "_id" : ObjectId("52b0dc8285f8a8071cbb5daf"), "tecadmin" : 100 } 56
  • 57. Installing on Windows : ● Download MongoDB from official MongoDB website ( ● Extract the files to your preferred location, for example d:mongodb ● Create a MongoDB config file, it’s just a text file. for example d:mongodbmongo.config ##store data here dbpath=D:mongodbdata ##all output go here logpath=D:mongodblogmongo.log ● Use mongod.exe --config d:mongodbmongo.config to start MongoDB server d:mongodbbin>mongod --config D:mongodbmongo.config all output going to: D:mongodblogmongo.log 57
  • 58. Installing on Windows - Continued : ● Use mongo.exe to connect to the started MongoDB server d:mongodbbin>mongo MongoDB shell version: 2.2.3 connecting to: test > //mongodb shell ● Install as Windows Service with --install d:mongodbbin> mongod --config D:mongodbmongo.config --install 58
  • 59. Installing on Unix OS: $ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get install nodejs $ sudo ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/bin/node $ sudo apt-get install npm Installing on Windows: ● Download the windows installer from ● Run the installer (the .msi file you downloaded in the previous step.) ● Follow the prompts in the installer ● The installer package also comes with npm, make sure to select npm option while installing. 59
  • 60. ● Bower is a package manager optimised for front-end. It is a command line utility. ● Bower requires node, npm and git. ● Install it with npm $ npm install -g bower ● Install packages with bower install ● Bower installs packages to bower_components/ folder in your project root by default. ● Create a bower.json file for your package with bower init ● Then save new dependencies to your bower.json with --save option. $ bower install <PACKAGE> --save ● Use packages through bower_components/ <script src="bower_components/jquery/dist/jquery.min.js"></script> 60
  • 61. ● Create a directory to hold your application, and make that your working directory $ mkdir myapp $ cd myapp ● Use the npm init command to create a package.json file for your application $ npm init ● Above command will prompt you for a number of things. Hit Return to accept the default values. ● Install Express in the app directory and save it in the dependencies list $ npm install express --save 61
  • 62. Building an eCommerce App - Preview The MVP for an eCommerce site ➔ A marketplace, where users can ➔ Search for products ➔ Add products to shopping cart ➔ Check-out ➔ View their order summary ➔ An Admin Panel ◆ Where admin can add/update products / categories ◆ Where admin can view the orders placed 62
  • 63. Building an eCommerce App - Preview Our Demo ➔ Designing the data model in MongoDB ➔ Building the database in MongoDB ➔ Setting up an express app, and the overview of the project structure. ➔ Creating RESTful APIs with NodeJs & Express Js ➔ Building the storefront in AngularJs and integrating the front-end app with the NodeJs API ➔ Hosting the app live in Heroku, MongoLab 63