collaborative economy platform cooperativism ouishare sharing economy platformcoop platform capitalism platform collaborative economy 3.0 genossenschaftswesen new economy shareeconomy sharing city kollaborative Ökonomie collaborative production collaborative economy 2.0 uber genossenschaften cooperatives ouisharefest collaborative finance collaborative economy 1.0 uberization airbnb uberisation old economy plattform kapitalismus plattform kooperativismus p2p economy sharing evolution transformation share economy new story collaborative consumption kollaborative ökonomie 3.0 sharing city berlin plattformen smart city governance commons neue Ökonomie civic economy community new society paradigm shift collaborative society new economic order collaborative innovation p2p peer-to-peer disruption social innovation collaborative economy 4.0 convergence of movements platformcoopbarcelona platforms goethe institute indicators smart city berlin tina genopreneurship genopreneur genopreneurship summit akademie der genossenschaften open source cooperativismo plataforma cooperativa genossenschaft cooperativism open coop neue gesellschaft kollaborative finanzierung kollaborative produktion kollaborativer konsum uba collaborative learning collaboration reinventing space shareconomy treiber und bedingungen der collaborative economy change krise networking netzwerk bewegung real labore learning journey developpement urbain urban development stadtentwicklung baladiya stadtplanung europäische akademie berlin économie collaborative politische rahmenbedingungen shareholder-value platform economy plattformökonomie gemeinwohl business model befragung bundesministerium für bildung und forschung bmbf gemeinschaftlicher konsum forschungsprojekt geschäftsmodelle ifeu fona izt iow ecology sustainability kollaborative ökonomie 2.0 kollaborieren teilen lessing botsman access economy on-demand economy gig economy abfallvermeidung ökopol umweltministerium soziales sharing good economy newcommonsense rosa luxemburg stiftung connector evolution genossenschaftsbanken fiducia & gad geno-plattformen genossenschaft 2.0 sharing ansätze nachhaltigkeitseffekte nachhaltigkeit antidisintermediation disintermediation plattformkapitalismus social sharing counterantidisintermediation platformcooperativism nawiko platformcoopberlin convergence platformcoopvalencia platformcoop conference open value networks taz #wearetwitter #platformcoop #buytwitter plattform & nutzer alternative economy sharing ökonomie platform & users politische steuerung koordination return of the coop plattform-kooperativismus tenerifecolaborativa ouishare summit mx echo system economia solidaria digital democracy manifest nueva economia cooperativismo de plataformas cooperativa digital economia colaborativa eco system economia colaborativa 3.0 auswärtiges amt federal foreign office lecture journalism old vs. new economy amsterdam seoul sharing city seoul barcelona share sydney mapping sharing city amsterdam berlin parís under-dogs uber-predators there is no alternative re-imaging capitalism solidarität 3.0 austin wirtschaftsethik solidaritat dnwe business-ethics-summit michel bauwens commoners internet ownership plataforma cooperativa digital plataforma cooperative coop open cooperative b2b share or die b.a.u.m. jahrestagung zugang statt besitz bahnhof db deutsche bahn Ökonomie der gemeinschaft postwachstum kokonsum sharefair sharing city berlin week values urban networks transformap umweltbundesamt green economy networks community building commitment curve gesellschaft für internationale zusammenarbeit indo-german expert group levels of involvement inclusive economy organized by giz pakhuis de zwijger municipality of amsterdam need economy european urban knowledge network keynote transition eukn openness verschmelzung online-offline welt crowdinvesting Ökonomie der gemeinschaf crowdfunding crowdsourcing occupy occupy 2.0 occupy 1.0 seats2meet dienstleitungstag federal ministry of education and research chance fraunhofer developments
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