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Mental Health Conditions-Part-I
   Presentation made to Baker College
   January 29, 2013
   9:30-12:00
   Stuart S Segal, Ph.D.
   Director of the Office of Services for Students
    with Disabilities
   University of Michigan
   (734)- 764-7485
Anxiety Disorders Among College
 Anxiety  disorders are extremely common
  on college campuses
 40 million Americans suffer from anxiety
  disorders and 75% experience first
  episode of anxiety before age 22
 Evidence based treatments are available
  and effective
 Treatment frequently includes Cognitive
  Behavioral Therapy and medication
Anxiety Disorders Among College
   GAD
       Achievement worries, critical thinking, unrealistic
   Social Anxiety Disorder
        Avoidance of group social events/ parties, difficulty
        public speaking, test anxiety
   Panic Disorder
       Fear of being stuck in class or with roommate and
        having panic
   OCD – presentations are not specific to setting
   Trichotillomania
       Studies show may occur in 1-3% of college populations
Types of Anxiety Disorders
 Phobias
 Acute Traumatic Stress Disorder
 Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
 Adjustment Reaction with mixed Anxiety
 and Depression
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for
            Anxiety Disorders
   Short-term, evidence based treatment
   Based on the idea that thoughts and behaviors
    affect the way we feel
   Often includes Exposure therapy
   Studies show CBT and medication are more
    effective together than either are separately
General Goals in CBT treatment
     of Anxiety Disorders
 Understand the function of anxiety, triggers
  of anxiety and safety behaviors (anxiety
 Focus on seeing anxiety as uncomfortable
  rather than dangerous
 Not just thinking positive – what is the
  evidence for a fear? Realistic or not?
 Gather evidence through experience
 Learning to accept a lack of control / safety
  for a better quality of life
What’s “Normal” Anxiety? When
 does it become a “real” problem?
 Anxiety is a normal and necessary
 Key issues for when you need help for
     Is anxiety interfering with your life? Are you
      avoiding things or having to endure with
     Is anxiety happening too often? (you judge)
     Is your anxiety more severe than the actual
      danger/risk present?
Social Anxiety Disorder
     Fear/avoidance of social situations

     Feared situations avoided or endured
         with intense anxiety or distress

     Fear recognized as excessive or

     Fear/avoidance interferes with work,
         social, school, family activities
American Psychiatric Association: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th ed. Washington, DC,
American Psychiatric Association, 1994.
Social Anxiety Disorder
                 Common Fears
   Participating in small groups
   Eating, drinking, writing in public
   Talking to authority figures
   Performing or giving a talk
   Attending social events
   Meeting strangers or dating
   Using public bathroom
   Being center of attention/ being observed by others
Social Anxiety Disorder
 Test Anxiety
      Often caused by fears of judgment by others,
      fear of failure and other negative beliefs
     Classified and treated as a social anxiety
      CBT focus is on restructuring negative
      thoughts around test performance and using
      practice to desensitize anxiety response
     Treatment may include improvement of study
      skills in addition to cognitive behavioral
      therapy treatment
CBT for Social Anxiety
 Exposure :
      Gradual confrontation of progressively more challenging
      social encounters
     Prolonged sessions (60-90 minutes)
     Frequent sessions (daily is best)
     End session only when anxiety improves
 Common cognitive distortions
     Magnification - “It would be horrible if I didn’t know what to say”
     All or Nothing Thinking - “Why did I say that… I made a complete fool
      of myself”
     Mind Reading - “He looked away, he must think I am weird”
     Fortune Telling - “Why bother to talk to her, she will just reject me like
      all the others”
 Social Skills Training
Diagnostic Criteria For
                 Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
   (1)       recurrent or persistent thoughts, impulses, or images are experienced
             as intrusive or inappropriate and cause distress
   (2)       not simply excessive worries about real-life problems
   (3)       person attempts to ignore or suppress thoughts or neutralize them with
             another thought or action
   (4)       person recognizes that obsessions are product of his/her mind, not
             imposed from without
   (1)       repetitive behaviors or mental acts performed in response to an
             obsession or according to certain rules
   (2)       designed to neutralize or prevent discomfort or some dreaded event or
The obsessions and compulsions cause marked distress, are
 time-consuming, or significantly interfere with normal routine,
 usual social activities or relationships with others
  American Psychiatric Association: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th ed. Washington, DC, American Psychiatric Association, 1994.
OCD Symptom Clusters
Washers/Cleaners                        Harmers/Checkers


   Hoarders                             Sinners/Doubters

            Personality Disorder
   A pervasive pattern of preoccupation with orderliness,
    perfectionism, and mental and interpersonal control, at
    the expense of flexibility, openness, and efficiency,
    beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of
    contexts, as indicated by 4 or more of the following:
   Is preoccupied with details, rules, lists, order,
    organization, or schedules to the extent that the major
    point of the activity is lost
   Shows perfectionism that interferes with task completion
   Is excessively devoted to work and productivity to the
    exclusion of leisure activities and friendships
Obsessive-Compulsive Personality
              Disorder (cont.)
   Is over conscientious , scrupulous, and inflexible about
    matters of morality, ethics, or values
   Is unable to discard worn-out or worthless objects
    even when they have no sentimental value
   Is reluctant to delegate tasks or to work with others
    unless they submit to exactly his or her way of doing
   Adopts a miserly spending style toward both self and
    others; money is viewed as something to be hoarded
    for future catastrophes
   Shows rigidity and stubbornness
 OCD involves ego-dystonic           thoughts and
 urges to neutralize
      The person realizes the symptoms are
      Symptoms are distressing and anxiety-
 OCPD involves        ego-syntonic behavior
     Symptoms are consistent with person’s world
     Often associated with rigidity, inflexibility, and
Behavioral Treatment of Obsessive
      Compulsive Disorder
 Exposure and Response Prevention
  Therapy - 70 % Effective
 Requires Substantial Effort
 Durable Treatment
 Effective For Both Obsessions and
Exposure and Response
             Prevention for OCD
   Exposure Therapy
     Graded Hierarchy
     Continuous Exposure is Best
     Watch for patients Attempts at Avoidance of
   Response Prevention
       Rapid over very gradual
       Make rituals inconvenient to do
       Enlist family as a response prevention team
       Do not compromise on time… make the exposure
        exercise less difficult
Diagnostic Criteria for GAD
 Excessive anxiety and worry, for more days than
  not for ≥6 months, about many subjects
 Worry is difficult to control
 Anxiety, worry, physical symptoms impair social,
  occupational, and other functioning
 Associated with ≥3 of the following
         restlessness/keyed-up
         easily fatigued
         difficulty concentrating
         irritability
          muscle tension
         sleep disturbances

American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th ed. Washington, DC:
American Psychiatric Association; 1994.
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
 Worries, negative thoughts, or predictions
  that are future oriented
 Many worries around many topics with
  significant difficulty managing anxiety
  triggered by worry
 What if I don’t pass this class? I’ll never
  catch up. I’m not working hard enough. I
  should have known that answer. Failing
  would be terrible.
Symptom Overlap in GAD
         and Depression

           Depression                               GAD
                                   •   Agitation
•   Depressed Mood                 •   Dysphoria
                                   •   Sleep                   • Worry
•   Interest
                                   •   Fatigue                 • Anxiety
•   Appetite
                                   •   Concentration           • Tension
•   Esteem
•   Suicidality                    •   Restlessness
                                   •   Irritability

    Roy-Byrne et al. J Clin Psychiatry. 1997;58(suppl 3):34.
 Focus is on 3 areas:
      Lifestyle change: creating balance of work &
      leisure, exercise, sleep hygiene, etc.
     Relaxation Training : to address physical
      symptoms of anxiety such as muscle tension
      Cognitive Restructuring: Try to identify
      cognitive distortions in negative thinking,
      understand a situation in a realistic way, and
      develop a more balanced life perspective
Diagnostic Criteria For Panic Attack
  A discreet period of intense fear or discomfort, in which four or
  more of the following symptoms developed abruptly and reached
  a peak within 10 minutes:

  • Palpitations, pounding heart                       • Dizziness
  • Sweating                                           • Chills or hot flushes
  • Trembling or shaking                               • Feelings of unreality
  • Shortness of breath or                             • Fear of losing control or
    smothering                                           going crazy
  • Choking feeling                                    • Fear of dying
  • Chest pain or discomfort                           • Paresthesias (tingling /
  • Abdominal distress                                   numbness)

American Psychiatric Association: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th ed.
Washington, DC, American Psychiatric Association, 1994.
Panic Disorder
Recurrent, unexpected panic attacks followed by more
 than 1 month of persistent concern about another
 panic attack, worry about possible implications or
 consequences of panic attacks, or significant
 behavioral change related to attacks
May Occur with or without Agoraphobia
  * Agoraphobia is an intense fear of being alone in a
  place where help might not be available or escape
  might be difficult
Many times is exacerbated or onset during substance
 use (alcohol, marijuana, hallucinogens)
CBT for Panic
   Exposure to external panic cues
        Places where previously experienced panic or other avoidance cues
   Exposure to internal panic cues
        Panic patients avoid activities that create feelings similar to panic
        Create exercise to produce panic sensations

   Cognitive Therapy for panic fears
      Collect information to dispute distorted thoughts in panic by using:
     -BEHAVIORAL TESTS: Experience panic attacks without intervention to
       see if catastrophe takes place
    -AWFUL TESTS : Pretend to experience catastrophe and test whether it is
       really so awful, terrible
    -Patient’s previous experiences with panic
    -Information about symptoms
Impulse Control Disorders
 Trichotillomania – compulsive pulling of
      Pulling often occurs from scalp, eyelashes
      and/or eyebrows
 Compulsive Skin Picking
 While both are common problems, access
  to evidence based treatment is limited
 Both are treated with habit reversal
  therapy and medication
CBT for Impulse Control Disorders
 Focus is on using Habit Reversal Therapy
  to reduce the intensity of the urges
 Learn coping skills to use during high risk
  situations – very behavioral
 Gain an understanding of this as a
  neurobiological problem
 Engage in cognitive restructuring around
  negative self-talk related to pulling
Economic Burden of Anxiety Disorders
 Total Costs = $42.3 Billion Per Year
                     Total Mortality
                   Workplace Costs
      Pharmaceutical Costs
          Costs      (10%)

         Total Direct                              Medical Treatment
         Psychiatric                                    Costs
          Treatment                                     (54%)

Greenberg et al. J Clin Psychiatry. 1999;60:427.
Post-Tramatic Stress Disorder-

     An Anxiety Disorder.
     3-6% of adults in the United
     Twice as common in women as
     in men.
     Rates as high as 58% in heavy
     1-14% non combat
     Torture/POW 50-75%
     Natural Disaster victims 4-16%
DSM-IV diagnostic criteria for
    Exposure to a traumatic event in which
    the person
    Experienced, witnessed, or was
    confronted by death or serious injury
    to self or others
    Responded with intense fear,
    or horror
    Appear in 3 clusters: re-experiencing,
    avoidance/numbing, hyperarousal
    Last for > 1 month
    Cause clinically significant distress or
    impairment in functioning
DSM-IV Diagnostic Criteria of PTSD- Re-
 Persistent Re-experiencing of > 1 of the
 Recurrent Distressing Recollection of the
 Recurrent Distressing Dreams of the Event
 Acting or Feeling that Event was reocurring
 Psychological Distress of Cues Resembling
 Physiological Reactivity to Cues Resembling
DSM-IV Diagnostic Criteria for PTSD-
     Avoidance and Numbing
   Avoidance of Stimuli & Numbing of General
    Responsiveness indicated by >3 of the
   Avoid Thoughts, Feelings or Conversations
    related to trauma
   Avoid Activities, Places or People Related to
   Inability to Recall Parts of the Trauma
   Decreased Interests in Activities
   Estrangement from Others
   Restricted Range of Affect
   Sense of Foreshortened Future
Summary of Symptoms of PTSD

     Spontaneous re-experiencing of
     the trauma
     Startle responses
     Depression and Guilt
     Multiple physical complaints
     Impaired concentration and
     Disturbed sleep and distressing
Depression is complex!
•   Genetics
    ▫   Often runs in families
•   Medical Condition
    ▫   Injury (stroke, brain injuries)
    ▫   Illness (heart attacks, diabetes)
•   Neurotransmitters (brain chemicals)
    ▫   Abnormal levels or not functioning as they should
    ▫   Drug abuse
•   Stress and environment
    ▫   Abuse
    ▫   Trauma
                               Depression (major
depression (“little d”) of
   A temporary feeling       depressivelow mood or
                               Constant disorder)
   sadness                     anhedonia (lack of
  “Normal”                    pleasure)
                              Other symptoms

                              A common and

                               potentially destructive
Historical Names for

Fright Neurosis
Combat/War Neurosis
Shell Shock
Survivor Syndrome
Operational Fatigue
Compensation Neurosis
Brain function changes in

A PET scan can compare brain activity during periods of depression (left) with normal brain
activity (right). An increase of blue and green colors, along with decreased white and yellow
areas, shows decreased brain activity due to depression.
Types of depression:
 Adjustment disorder
 Depression NOS (depression)
 Dysthymic disorder
 Major depressive disorder
 Bipolar disorder (cycles of depression and
 mania)- Will be dealt with in Part II of this
What are the symptoms
              and signs of clinical
   Prolonged sadness, crying spells
   Loss of pleasure, social withdrawal, loss of motivation,
    decreased energy, pessimism
   Unexplained pains, fears, apprehension
   Significant changes in appetite, sleep and other physical
    functions (e.g., dry mouth, constipation, loss of taste)
   Irritability, anger, excessive worry, anxiety, guilt
   Inability to concentrate or make decisions
   Recurring thoughts of death or suicide
   Monthly or seasonal cycling is common
   Excessive consumption of alcohol or other chemical
    substances to seek relief
         These worsen rather than help clinical depression
Reasons for Depression

                                 2. Early
8. Brain Tissue                                      3.
   Changes                                     Undertreatment
                            ’s                  4. Genetic
7. Stigma and            BURDEN:               Vulnerability
     Poor                                         Stress-
 Adherence                                        genetic
                   6. Little         ,
                  Recurrence     Increased
                  Prevention       Cycles,
Depression is underdiagnosed
       and undertreated at all ages


                             No diagnosis / No treatment
                             Diagnosis, but no treatment
                             Diagnosis, inaccurate
                             treatment (BZD)
                             Diagnosis, proper treatment
                             but inadequate dose,
                             duration or discontinuation

                             Successfully treated
Symptoms of Major Depression
   S - Sleep changes (too
    much or too little)
   I - loss of Interests
   G - excessive Guilt
   E - lack of Energy
   C - loss of Concentration
   A - change in Appetite
   P - Psychomotor
    (movement) slowing or
   S - Suicidal thoughts
Depression affects many!
 1-2% prepubertal children
      Both sexes equally affected
 3-8% teenagers
     3:1 female to male ratio
      Lifetime prevalence ~20% by end of
 CDC (2007): Suicide is the
                           third leading
 cause of death people aged 15-24 years
Treating Depression
Types of Depression Treatment
1. Psychotherapy (“talk therapy”)
2. Antidepressant medication (selective
   serotonin reuptake inhibitors or SSRI)
• Other (sleep, exercise and nutrition)
   interventions may be helpful
• The best treatment is combination
   (medication and psychotherapy)

                     Raphe Nuclei
                     (5-HT source)

Cooper JR, Bloom FE. The Biochemical Basis of Neuropharmacology. 1996.
Heightened Risk of Suicide

 Feeling of hopelessness and
 Extreme anxiety, agitation or enraged
 Severe insomnia
 Increased alcohol/drug use
Warning Signs of Suicide
 Suicidal Thought/Expressions
 Obsession with death
 Decreased interest in friends
 Dramatic change in personality or
 Irrational, bizarre behavior
 Overwhelming sense of guilt, shame or
 Changes in eating or sleeping patterns
 Changes in school performance
 Worsening symptoms of depression

Asperger Disorder,
High Functioning Autism, and Nonverbal
     Learning Disabilities:
     Diagnostic, and Post Secondary
  Educational Considerations
 ASD: Autism  Spectrum Disorder
 AS: Asperger’s Syndrome
 HFA: High Functioning Autism
 NLD: Nonverbal Learning Disability
 DSM: Diagnostic & Statistical Manual of
  Mental Disorders 4th edition
First Described
 Kanner 1943
 Asperger 1944
 Bettleheim1967
 Asperger diagnosis in DSM-IV 1994
Kanner (1943)

 First to describe parents of children with
 autism as emotionally distant.

 Also stated that there was a considerable
 biological component which impacted the
 development of relationships.
Asperger (1944)

 Impairment in nonverbal communication.
 Verbose, one-sided communication style.
 Lack of friends despite interest in others.
 All-absorbing, circumscribed interests.
 Intellectualization of affect.
 Motoric clumsiness.
 Normal intelligence.
Bettelheim (1967)
Wrote, “The Empty Fortress”
Autistic symptoms represented a defensive
 reaction against cold and detached mothers
e.g., one patient’s obsession with weather could
 be understood by dissecting the word into
 we/eat/her – concerned that her mother and later,
 others, would devour her
Promoted a policy of “parentectomy”
After his suicide in 1990, it was discovered that his
 credential were fraudulent and the “successes” did
 not have autism in the first place.
  Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders

Asperger’s Disorder first appeared in the
 fourth edition in 1994.

  Qualitative Impairment in Social
At least two of the following:
(a) Marked impairment in this use of multiple non verbal
   behaviors to regulate social interactions (e.g., eye-to-eye gaze, facial
    expression, body pressure, and gestures).
(b) Failure to develop developmentally appropriate peer relationships.
(c) A lack of spontaneous seeking to share enjoyment, interests,
     or achievements (e.g. pointing, joint attention)
(d)A lack of social or emotional reciprocity.
    Qualitative Impairment in Social Interaction

        Often desire friendship but are isolated because
    their approaches to gain entry to social situations is

         Often can recite social rules but have a lot of
    difficulty with generalization and application.
Deficits in Social Interaction

Often desire friendship but are isolated
because their approaches to gain entry to
social situations is ineffective

Often can recite social rules but have a lot
of difficulty with generalization and
            Qualitative Impairment in Social Interaction
May reflect the tendency to focus on facts and finding relevance in
              what most others would find irrelevant.

   ME: Sorry I kept you waiting – I just spilled coffee all
    over my leg.

   JACOB: What kind of coffee?

   ME: Columbian Decafe.

   JACOB: Oh.
                  Deficits in Communication

                      At least one of the following:
(a)   Delay in, or lack of, development of spoken language (not
      accompanied by attempts to compensate through alternative
      modes of communication).
(b)   In individuals with adequate speech, marked impairments in
      the ability to initiate or sustain a conversation with others.
(c)   Stereotyped and repetitive use of language or idiosyncratic
(d)   Lack of varied, spontaneous make-believe play or social
      imitative play appropriate to developmental level.

    Deficits in Communication
 Good formal language skills but poor

 Tangential & Circumstantial Speech
     ►Failure to provide listener with context necessary for understanding

 Unusual prosody
     ►Restricted range of intonation patterns
     ►Volume, modulation, etc. that is not well orchestrated with
       communicative intent
Too Much Honesty

    Restricted Range of Interests, Activities, or
                    At least one of the following:
(a) encompassing preoccupation with one or more
   stereotyped and restricted patterns of interest that is
   abnormal either in intensity or focus
(b) apparently inflexible adherence to specific,
   nonfunctional routines or rituals
(c) stereotyped and repetitive motor mannerisms e.g.,
   hand or finger flapping or twisting, or complex whole-
   body movements
(d) persistent preoccupation with parts of objects

   Restricted Range of Interests, Activities, or

Preoccupation with parts over wholes has
  broader implications – ASD individuals
  tend to miss perceiving and
  communicating context.
Restricted Range of Activities or Behaviors –

encompassing preoccupation with one or
 more stereotyped and restricted patterns
 of interest that is abnormal either in
 intensity or focus
apparently inflexible adherence to
 specific, nonfunctional routines or rituals
stereotyped and repetitive motor
 mannerisms, e.g., hand or finger flapping
 or twisting, or complex whole-body
Circumscribed Interests

 All-absorbing
 Unusual topics
 Amasses facts
 MUST interfere with learning and social
Motor Characteristics

 Often clumsy
 Poor motor planning
 Delayed acquisition of self-help skills
 Problems with climbing, team   sports,
 Graph motor deficits
 Odd gait
 Proximity problems
Asperger’s has been used to describe:
 High Functioning Autism   (HFA) without
  cognitive impairment
 Pervasive Developmental Disorder-Not
  Otherwise Specified (PDD-NOS) aka
  Atypical Autism
 Shyness, social anxiety (shades of
 Distinct disorder
 In DSM-V all of these will become-Autism
  Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
Asperger’s v. HFA

ASPERGER’S                  HFA
Delays primarily in         More severe language
  nonverbal communication     delays
  and pragmatic language
                            Atypical attachment patterns
More typical attachment
  patterns                  Earlier diagnosis
Diagnosis common after      Less VIQ/PIQ discrepancy
  age 7                     Reduced social interest
Distinct VIQ/PIQ split      Failure of basic
Area of special interest      mechanisms of
  predominant                 socialization
Social motivation for
Failure to understand
  nonverbal communication
DSM-IV AS/Autism Distinction
   Significant delays across all areas

   There is no clinically significant delay in cognitive
    or in the development of age-appropriate self-help
    skills, adaptive behavior (other than social
    interaction), and
    curiosity about the environment in childhood.
Volkmar (2004)
FEATURE          AS          HFA
Social Skills    Poor        Very Poor
Motor Skills     Clumsy      Good
Circumscribed    Usual       Variable
Family History   Usual       Occasional
Age at           >24 mos.    <24 mos.
Nonverbal Learning
Nonverbal Learning Disability

 A neuropsychological profile
 Not a DSM-IV diagnosis
 Overlaps with deficits associated with
NLD Characteristics
 DEFICITS                   STRENGTHS
Visual-spatial              Language-based
  organization                thinking and
Nonverbal problem             reasoning
  solving                   Rote memory
Difficulty relating parts   Expressive language
  to wholes
The NLD Profile Results in:

Adapting to novel and complex situations
over reliance on rote behaviors in such
Relative deficits in mechanical arithmetic
 as compared to proficiencies in single
 word reading
Poor pragmatics
Unusual prosody in speech
Poor social perception, social judgment,
 and social interaction skills.
Other Overlapping Concepts…

 Semantic-Pragmatic Language Disorder
 (from psycholinguistics)

 Hyperlexia

 Pathological Demand Avoidance
Important Things for Service Providers to
                   remember :

ASD and NLD individuals have trouble imposing
  organization on the internal and external environment.
  This underlies their rigid adherence to rules and their
  difficulties in simultaneously processing stimuli from
  multiple sources.

Negative behaviors emerge primarily when the student is
  overwhelmed because the demands exceed their level
  of competence.
Common Co morbid Conditions

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Learning Disabilities
  ◦   Written expression
  ◦   Math disability
Gender Issues

 Male to female ratio estimated at 4:1
 Some evidence that females are less
  likely to develop autism, and when they
  do, they are generally less impaired.
 Tendency to view symptoms in females as
  psychologically based
Gender Issues-Continued

 Girls may be better at masking the
 The DSM-IV criteria are based on male
  presentation of the disorder
 Tendency to view girls’ problems as
  psychological or emotional in nature
Family Issues and Diagnosis of ASD

      Strain on family time, energy, and
    financial resources

    Frustrated by the confusion of special
    education and medical terms and

    Finding the “right” educational fit
ASD-Lack of Social
   Social Co-Regulation

   Emotional Coordination

   Social Referencing

   Intersubjectivity

   Emotional Regulation
ASD-Stereotypic Movements/ Interests

   Hypersensitivity           Inconsistent physical
   Responses can               and emotional
    cause distraction           modulation
   Strong preferences         Poor episodic
    for certain types of        memory
    sensory input              Poor self regulation
   Inconsistent               Reduced identity
    attentiveness               development
Rigid Thinking

 Difficulty generalizing
 Misinterpretation of information
 Lack of symmetry between verbalizations
  and actions
 Preference for static systems
 Black and white thinking
Education Issues-Questions for Families and
        Transition Specialists to Consider
   How much structure does the student need and can the
    school provide it?
    Is there someone in the SSD office with a specialty in
    these conditions?
   How receptive are staff and faculty to students with this
   What is the philosophical outlook of the SSD office?
   Given the students documentation and severity of
    disability what academic accommodations are available
Education Issues-Questions for Families and
         Transition Specialist to Consider
   Is tutoring, academic coaching, psychotherapy
    available at the school or in the community and
    what is the cost?
   Are there support groups?
   Are there workshops or professionals who teach
    study or social skills?
   Is there anyone to assist in academic advising,
    financial aid?
   Can a student take a reduced load and still be
    considered a full time student?

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Baker mental health talk part i

  • 1. Mental Health Conditions-Part-I  Presentation made to Baker College  January 29, 2013  9:30-12:00  Stuart S Segal, Ph.D.  Director of the Office of Services for Students with Disabilities  University of Michigan  (734)- 764-7485 
  • 2. Anxiety Disorders Among College Students  Anxiety disorders are extremely common on college campuses  40 million Americans suffer from anxiety disorders and 75% experience first episode of anxiety before age 22  Evidence based treatments are available and effective  Treatment frequently includes Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and medication
  • 3. Anxiety Disorders Among College Students  GAD  Achievement worries, critical thinking, unrealistic expectations  Social Anxiety Disorder  Avoidance of group social events/ parties, difficulty public speaking, test anxiety  Panic Disorder  Fear of being stuck in class or with roommate and having panic  OCD – presentations are not specific to setting  Trichotillomania  Studies show may occur in 1-3% of college populations
  • 4. Types of Anxiety Disorders continued  Phobias  Acute Traumatic Stress Disorder  Post Traumatic Stress Disorder  Adjustment Reaction with mixed Anxiety and Depression
  • 5. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Anxiety Disorders  Short-term, evidence based treatment  Based on the idea that thoughts and behaviors affect the way we feel  Often includes Exposure therapy  Studies show CBT and medication are more effective together than either are separately
  • 6. General Goals in CBT treatment of Anxiety Disorders  Understand the function of anxiety, triggers of anxiety and safety behaviors (anxiety fuel)  Focus on seeing anxiety as uncomfortable rather than dangerous  Not just thinking positive – what is the evidence for a fear? Realistic or not?  Gather evidence through experience  Learning to accept a lack of control / safety for a better quality of life
  • 7. What’s “Normal” Anxiety? When does it become a “real” problem?  Anxiety is a normal and necessary response  Key issues for when you need help for anxiety:  Is anxiety interfering with your life? Are you avoiding things or having to endure with dread?  Is anxiety happening too often? (you judge)  Is your anxiety more severe than the actual danger/risk present?
  • 8. Social Anxiety Disorder  Fear/avoidance of social situations  Feared situations avoided or endured with intense anxiety or distress  Fear recognized as excessive or unreasonable  Fear/avoidance interferes with work, social, school, family activities American Psychiatric Association: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th ed. Washington, DC, American Psychiatric Association, 1994.
  • 9. Social Anxiety Disorder Common Fears  Participating in small groups  Eating, drinking, writing in public  Talking to authority figures  Performing or giving a talk  Attending social events  Meeting strangers or dating  Using public bathroom  Being center of attention/ being observed by others
  • 10. Social Anxiety Disorder  Test Anxiety  Often caused by fears of judgment by others, fear of failure and other negative beliefs  Classified and treated as a social anxiety issue  CBT focus is on restructuring negative thoughts around test performance and using practice to desensitize anxiety response  Treatment may include improvement of study skills in addition to cognitive behavioral therapy treatment
  • 11. CBT for Social Anxiety  Exposure :  Gradual confrontation of progressively more challenging social encounters  Prolonged sessions (60-90 minutes)  Frequent sessions (daily is best)  End session only when anxiety improves  Common cognitive distortions  Magnification - “It would be horrible if I didn’t know what to say”  All or Nothing Thinking - “Why did I say that… I made a complete fool of myself”  Mind Reading - “He looked away, he must think I am weird”  Fortune Telling - “Why bother to talk to her, she will just reject me like all the others”  Social Skills Training
  • 12. Diagnostic Criteria For Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Obsessions: (1) recurrent or persistent thoughts, impulses, or images are experienced as intrusive or inappropriate and cause distress (2) not simply excessive worries about real-life problems (3) person attempts to ignore or suppress thoughts or neutralize them with another thought or action (4) person recognizes that obsessions are product of his/her mind, not imposed from without Compulsions: (1) repetitive behaviors or mental acts performed in response to an obsession or according to certain rules (2) designed to neutralize or prevent discomfort or some dreaded event or situation The obsessions and compulsions cause marked distress, are time-consuming, or significantly interfere with normal routine, usual social activities or relationships with others American Psychiatric Association: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th ed. Washington, DC, American Psychiatric Association, 1994.
  • 13. OCD Symptom Clusters Washers/Cleaners Harmers/Checkers Common OCD Symptom Clusters Hoarders Sinners/Doubters Orderers/Arrangers
  • 14. Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder  A pervasive pattern of preoccupation with orderliness, perfectionism, and mental and interpersonal control, at the expense of flexibility, openness, and efficiency, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts, as indicated by 4 or more of the following:  Is preoccupied with details, rules, lists, order, organization, or schedules to the extent that the major point of the activity is lost  Shows perfectionism that interferes with task completion  Is excessively devoted to work and productivity to the exclusion of leisure activities and friendships
  • 15. Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder (cont.)  Is over conscientious , scrupulous, and inflexible about matters of morality, ethics, or values  Is unable to discard worn-out or worthless objects even when they have no sentimental value  Is reluctant to delegate tasks or to work with others unless they submit to exactly his or her way of doing things  Adopts a miserly spending style toward both self and others; money is viewed as something to be hoarded for future catastrophes  Shows rigidity and stubbornness
  • 16. OCD vs. OCPD  OCD involves ego-dystonic thoughts and urges to neutralize  The person realizes the symptoms are senseless  Symptoms are distressing and anxiety- evoking  OCPD involves ego-syntonic behavior  Symptoms are consistent with person’s world view  Often associated with rigidity, inflexibility, and anger
  • 17. Behavioral Treatment of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder  Exposure and Response Prevention Therapy - 70 % Effective  Requires Substantial Effort  Durable Treatment  Effective For Both Obsessions and Compulsions
  • 18. Exposure and Response Prevention for OCD  Exposure Therapy  Graded Hierarchy  Continuous Exposure is Best  Watch for patients Attempts at Avoidance of Exercises  Response Prevention  Rapid over very gradual  Make rituals inconvenient to do  Enlist family as a response prevention team  Do not compromise on time… make the exposure exercise less difficult
  • 19. Diagnostic Criteria for GAD  Excessive anxiety and worry, for more days than not for ≥6 months, about many subjects  Worry is difficult to control  Anxiety, worry, physical symptoms impair social, occupational, and other functioning  Associated with ≥3 of the following  restlessness/keyed-up  easily fatigued  difficulty concentrating  irritability  muscle tension  sleep disturbances American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th ed. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association; 1994.
  • 20. Generalized Anxiety Disorder  Worries, negative thoughts, or predictions that are future oriented  Many worries around many topics with significant difficulty managing anxiety triggered by worry  What if I don’t pass this class? I’ll never catch up. I’m not working hard enough. I should have known that answer. Failing would be terrible.
  • 21. Symptom Overlap in GAD and Depression Depression GAD • Agitation • Depressed Mood • Dysphoria • Sleep • Worry • Interest • Fatigue • Anxiety • Appetite • Concentration • Tension • Esteem • Suicidality • Restlessness • Irritability Roy-Byrne et al. J Clin Psychiatry. 1997;58(suppl 3):34.
  • 22. CBT for GAD  Focus is on 3 areas:  Lifestyle change: creating balance of work & leisure, exercise, sleep hygiene, etc.  Relaxation Training : to address physical symptoms of anxiety such as muscle tension  Cognitive Restructuring: Try to identify cognitive distortions in negative thinking, understand a situation in a realistic way, and develop a more balanced life perspective
  • 23. Diagnostic Criteria For Panic Attack A discreet period of intense fear or discomfort, in which four or more of the following symptoms developed abruptly and reached a peak within 10 minutes: • Palpitations, pounding heart • Dizziness • Sweating • Chills or hot flushes • Trembling or shaking • Feelings of unreality • Shortness of breath or • Fear of losing control or smothering going crazy • Choking feeling • Fear of dying • Chest pain or discomfort • Paresthesias (tingling / • Abdominal distress numbness) American Psychiatric Association: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th ed. Washington, DC, American Psychiatric Association, 1994.
  • 24. Panic Disorder Recurrent, unexpected panic attacks followed by more than 1 month of persistent concern about another panic attack, worry about possible implications or consequences of panic attacks, or significant behavioral change related to attacks May Occur with or without Agoraphobia * Agoraphobia is an intense fear of being alone in a place where help might not be available or escape might be difficult Many times is exacerbated or onset during substance use (alcohol, marijuana, hallucinogens)
  • 25. CBT for Panic  Exposure to external panic cues  Places where previously experienced panic or other avoidance cues  Exposure to internal panic cues  Panic patients avoid activities that create feelings similar to panic  Create exercise to produce panic sensations  Cognitive Therapy for panic fears  Collect information to dispute distorted thoughts in panic by using: -BEHAVIORAL TESTS: Experience panic attacks without intervention to see if catastrophe takes place -AWFUL TESTS : Pretend to experience catastrophe and test whether it is really so awful, terrible -Patient’s previous experiences with panic -Information about symptoms
  • 26. Impulse Control Disorders  Trichotillomania – compulsive pulling of hair  Pulling often occurs from scalp, eyelashes and/or eyebrows  Compulsive Skin Picking  While both are common problems, access to evidence based treatment is limited  Both are treated with habit reversal therapy and medication
  • 27. CBT for Impulse Control Disorders  Focus is on using Habit Reversal Therapy to reduce the intensity of the urges  Learn coping skills to use during high risk situations – very behavioral  Gain an understanding of this as a neurobiological problem  Engage in cognitive restructuring around negative self-talk related to pulling behaviors
  • 28. Economic Burden of Anxiety Disorders Total Costs = $42.3 Billion Per Year Total Mortality Workplace Costs (3%) Pharmaceutical Costs Costs (10%) (2%) Direct Nonpsychiatric Total Direct Medical Treatment Psychiatric Costs Treatment (54%) Costs (31%) Greenberg et al. J Clin Psychiatry. 1999;60:427.
  • 29. Post-Tramatic Stress Disorder- PTSD An Anxiety Disorder. 3-6% of adults in the United States. Twice as common in women as in men. Rates as high as 58% in heavy combat 1-14% non combat Torture/POW 50-75% Natural Disaster victims 4-16%
  • 30. DSM-IV diagnostic criteria for PTSD Exposure to a traumatic event in which the person Experienced, witnessed, or was confronted by death or serious injury to self or others AND Responded with intense fear, helplessness, or horror Features Appear in 3 clusters: re-experiencing, avoidance/numbing, hyperarousal Last for > 1 month Cause clinically significant distress or impairment in functioning
  • 31. DSM-IV Diagnostic Criteria of PTSD- Re- experiencing  Persistent Re-experiencing of > 1 of the following:  Recurrent Distressing Recollection of the Event  Recurrent Distressing Dreams of the Event  Acting or Feeling that Event was reocurring  Psychological Distress of Cues Resembling Event  Physiological Reactivity to Cues Resembling Event
  • 32. DSM-IV Diagnostic Criteria for PTSD- Avoidance and Numbing  Avoidance of Stimuli & Numbing of General Responsiveness indicated by >3 of the following:  Avoid Thoughts, Feelings or Conversations related to trauma  Avoid Activities, Places or People Related to Trauma  Inability to Recall Parts of the Trauma  Decreased Interests in Activities  Estrangement from Others  Restricted Range of Affect  Sense of Foreshortened Future
  • 33. Summary of Symptoms of PTSD Spontaneous re-experiencing of the trauma Startle responses Irritability Depression and Guilt Phobias Multiple physical complaints Numbing Impaired concentration and memory Disturbed sleep and distressing dreams
  • 34. Depression is complex! • Genetics ▫ Often runs in families • Medical Condition ▫ Injury (stroke, brain injuries) ▫ Illness (heart attacks, diabetes) • Neurotransmitters (brain chemicals) ▫ Abnormal levels or not functioning as they should ▫ Drug abuse • Stress and environment ▫ Abuse ▫ Trauma
  • 35. Depression? Depression (major depression (“little d”) of  A temporary feeling depressivelow mood or  Constant disorder) sadness anhedonia (lack of  “Normal” pleasure)  Other symptoms present  A common and potentially destructive illness
  • 36. Historical Names for Diagnosis: Nostalgia Fright Neurosis Combat/War Neurosis Shell Shock Survivor Syndrome Operational Fatigue Compensation Neurosis
  • 37. Brain function changes in depression A PET scan can compare brain activity during periods of depression (left) with normal brain activity (right). An increase of blue and green colors, along with decreased white and yellow areas, shows decreased brain activity due to depression.
  • 38. Types of depression:  Adjustment disorder  Depression NOS (depression)  Dysthymic disorder  Major depressive disorder  Bipolar disorder (cycles of depression and mania)- Will be dealt with in Part II of this discussion
  • 39. What are the symptoms and signs of clinical depression?  Prolonged sadness, crying spells  Loss of pleasure, social withdrawal, loss of motivation, decreased energy, pessimism  Unexplained pains, fears, apprehension  Significant changes in appetite, sleep and other physical functions (e.g., dry mouth, constipation, loss of taste)  Irritability, anger, excessive worry, anxiety, guilt  Inability to concentrate or make decisions  Recurring thoughts of death or suicide  Monthly or seasonal cycling is common  Excessive consumption of alcohol or other chemical substances to seek relief  These worsen rather than help clinical depression
  • 40. Reasons for Depression 1. 2. Early Widesprea Symptom d Onset Prevalence 8. Brain Tissue 3. Underdiagnosis Degenerative and Changes Undertreatment Depression ’s 4. Genetic 7. Stigma and BURDEN: Vulnerability Poor Stress- REASONS Adherence genetic interactions 5.Recurrences 6. Little , Recurrence Increased Prevention Cycles, Severity
  • 41. Depression is underdiagnosed and undertreated at all ages 5% 5% No diagnosis / No treatment 10% Diagnosis, but no treatment 50% Diagnosis, inaccurate treatment (BZD) 30% Diagnosis, proper treatment but inadequate dose, duration or discontinuation Successfully treated
  • 42. Symptoms of Major Depression  S - Sleep changes (too much or too little)  I - loss of Interests  G - excessive Guilt  E - lack of Energy  C - loss of Concentration  A - change in Appetite  P - Psychomotor (movement) slowing or agitation  S - Suicidal thoughts
  • 43. Depression affects many!  1-2% prepubertal children  Both sexes equally affected  3-8% teenagers  3:1 female to male ratio  Lifetime prevalence ~20% by end of adolescence  CDC (2007): Suicide is the third leading cause of death people aged 15-24 years
  • 45. Types of Depression Treatment 1. Psychotherapy (“talk therapy”) 2. Antidepressant medication (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors or SSRI) • Other (sleep, exercise and nutrition) interventions may be helpful • The best treatment is combination (medication and psychotherapy)
  • 46. Prefrontal Cortex Raphe Nuclei (5-HT source) Cooper JR, Bloom FE. The Biochemical Basis of Neuropharmacology. 1996.
  • 47. Heightened Risk of Suicide  Feeling of hopelessness and desperation  Extreme anxiety, agitation or enraged behavior  Severe insomnia  Increased alcohol/drug use
  • 48. Warning Signs of Suicide  Suicidal Thought/Expressions  Obsession with death  Decreased interest in friends  Dramatic change in personality or appearance  Irrational, bizarre behavior  Overwhelming sense of guilt, shame or rejection  Changes in eating or sleeping patterns  Changes in school performance  Worsening symptoms of depression
  • 49. Overview: Asperger Disorder, High Functioning Autism, and Nonverbal Learning Disabilities: Diagnostic, and Post Secondary Educational Considerations
  • 50. Terms:  ASD: Autism Spectrum Disorder  AS: Asperger’s Syndrome  HFA: High Functioning Autism  NLD: Nonverbal Learning Disability  DSM: Diagnostic & Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 4th edition
  • 51. First Described  Kanner 1943  Asperger 1944  Bettleheim1967  Asperger diagnosis in DSM-IV 1994
  • 52. Kanner (1943)  First to describe parents of children with autism as emotionally distant.  Also stated that there was a considerable biological component which impacted the development of relationships.
  • 53. Asperger (1944)  Impairment in nonverbal communication.  Verbose, one-sided communication style.  Lack of friends despite interest in others.  All-absorbing, circumscribed interests.  Intellectualization of affect.  Motoric clumsiness.  Normal intelligence.
  • 54. Bettelheim (1967) Wrote, “The Empty Fortress” Autistic symptoms represented a defensive reaction against cold and detached mothers e.g., one patient’s obsession with weather could be understood by dissecting the word into we/eat/her – concerned that her mother and later, others, would devour her Promoted a policy of “parentectomy” After his suicide in 1990, it was discovered that his credential were fraudulent and the “successes” did not have autism in the first place.
  • 55. DSM-IV Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Asperger’s Disorder first appeared in the fourth edition in 1994.
  • 56. DSM-IV Qualitative Impairment in Social Interaction At least two of the following: (a) Marked impairment in this use of multiple non verbal behaviors to regulate social interactions (e.g., eye-to-eye gaze, facial expression, body pressure, and gestures). (b) Failure to develop developmentally appropriate peer relationships. (c) A lack of spontaneous seeking to share enjoyment, interests, or achievements (e.g. pointing, joint attention) (d)A lack of social or emotional reciprocity.
  • 57. COMMENT Qualitative Impairment in Social Interaction  Often desire friendship but are isolated because their approaches to gain entry to social situations is ineffective.  Often can recite social rules but have a lot of difficulty with generalization and application.
  • 58. Deficits in Social Interaction Often desire friendship but are isolated because their approaches to gain entry to social situations is ineffective Often can recite social rules but have a lot of difficulty with generalization and application.
  • 59. COMMENT: Qualitative Impairment in Social Interaction May reflect the tendency to focus on facts and finding relevance in what most others would find irrelevant.  ME: Sorry I kept you waiting – I just spilled coffee all over my leg.  JACOB: What kind of coffee?  ME: Columbian Decafe.  JACOB: Oh.
  • 60. DSM-IV Deficits in Communication At least one of the following: (a) Delay in, or lack of, development of spoken language (not accompanied by attempts to compensate through alternative modes of communication). (b) In individuals with adequate speech, marked impairments in the ability to initiate or sustain a conversation with others. (c) Stereotyped and repetitive use of language or idiosyncratic language. (d) Lack of varied, spontaneous make-believe play or social imitative play appropriate to developmental level.
  • 61. COMMENT: Deficits in Communication  Good formal language skills but poor pragmatics  Tangential & Circumstantial Speech ►Monologues ►Verbosity ►Failure to provide listener with context necessary for understanding  Unusual prosody ►Restricted range of intonation patterns ►Volume, modulation, etc. that is not well orchestrated with communicative intent
  • 63. DSM-IV Restricted Range of Interests, Activities, or Behaviors At least one of the following: (a) encompassing preoccupation with one or more stereotyped and restricted patterns of interest that is abnormal either in intensity or focus (b) apparently inflexible adherence to specific, nonfunctional routines or rituals (c) stereotyped and repetitive motor mannerisms e.g., hand or finger flapping or twisting, or complex whole- body movements (d) persistent preoccupation with parts of objects
  • 64. COMMENT: Restricted Range of Interests, Activities, or Behaviors Preoccupation with parts over wholes has broader implications – ASD individuals tend to miss perceiving and communicating context.
  • 65. Restricted Range of Activities or Behaviors – DSM-IV encompassing preoccupation with one or more stereotyped and restricted patterns of interest that is abnormal either in intensity or focus apparently inflexible adherence to specific, nonfunctional routines or rituals stereotyped and repetitive motor mannerisms, e.g., hand or finger flapping or twisting, or complex whole-body
  • 66. Circumscribed Interests  All-absorbing  Unusual topics  Amasses facts  MUST interfere with learning and social adaptation
  • 67. Motor Characteristics  Often clumsy  Poor motor planning  Delayed acquisition of self-help skills  Problems with climbing, team sports, catching  Graph motor deficits  Odd gait  Proximity problems
  • 68. Asperger’s has been used to describe:  High Functioning Autism (HFA) without cognitive impairment  Pervasive Developmental Disorder-Not Otherwise Specified (PDD-NOS) aka Atypical Autism  Shyness, social anxiety (shades of normalcy)  Distinct disorder  In DSM-V all of these will become-Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
  • 69. Asperger’s v. HFA ASPERGER’S HFA Delays primarily in More severe language nonverbal communication delays and pragmatic language Atypical attachment patterns More typical attachment patterns Earlier diagnosis Diagnosis common after Less VIQ/PIQ discrepancy age 7 Reduced social interest Distinct VIQ/PIQ split Failure of basic Area of special interest mechanisms of predominant socialization Social motivation for relationships Failure to understand nonverbal communication
  • 70. DSM-IV AS/Autism Distinction  Significant delays across all areas  There is no clinically significant delay in cognitive development or in the development of age-appropriate self-help skills, adaptive behavior (other than social interaction), and curiosity about the environment in childhood.
  • 71. Volkmar (2004) DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS FEATURE AS HFA Social Skills Poor Very Poor Motor Skills Clumsy Good Circumscribed Usual Variable Interests Family History Usual Occasional Age at >24 mos. <24 mos. Diagnosis
  • 72. Nonverbal Learning Disabilities
  • 73. Nonverbal Learning Disability  A neuropsychological profile  Not a DSM-IV diagnosis  Overlaps with deficits associated with AS/HFA
  • 74. NLD Characteristics  DEFICITS  STRENGTHS Visual-spatial Language-based organization thinking and Nonverbal problem reasoning solving Rote memory Difficulty relating parts Expressive language to wholes
  • 75. The NLD Profile Results in: Adapting to novel and complex situations over reliance on rote behaviors in such situations Relative deficits in mechanical arithmetic as compared to proficiencies in single word reading Poor pragmatics Unusual prosody in speech Poor social perception, social judgment, and social interaction skills.
  • 76. Other Overlapping Concepts…  Semantic-Pragmatic Language Disorder (from psycholinguistics)  Hyperlexia  Pathological Demand Avoidance
  • 77. Important Things for Service Providers to remember : ASD and NLD individuals have trouble imposing organization on the internal and external environment. This underlies their rigid adherence to rules and their difficulties in simultaneously processing stimuli from multiple sources. Negative behaviors emerge primarily when the student is overwhelmed because the demands exceed their level of competence.
  • 78. Common Co morbid Conditions AD/HD Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Depression Anxiety Dyspraxia Learning Disabilities ◦ Written expression ◦ Math disability
  • 79. Gender Issues  Male to female ratio estimated at 4:1  Some evidence that females are less likely to develop autism, and when they do, they are generally less impaired.  Tendency to view symptoms in females as psychologically based
  • 80. Gender Issues-Continued  Girls may be better at masking the symptoms.  The DSM-IV criteria are based on male presentation of the disorder  Tendency to view girls’ problems as psychological or emotional in nature
  • 81. Family Issues and Diagnosis of ASD  Strain on family time, energy, and financial resources  Frustrated by the confusion of special education and medical terms and procedures.  Finding the “right” educational fit
  • 82. ASD-Lack of Social Reciprocity  Social Co-Regulation  Emotional Coordination  Social Referencing  Intersubjectivity  Emotional Regulation
  • 83. ASD-Stereotypic Movements/ Interests  Hypersensitivity  Inconsistent physical  Responses can and emotional cause distraction modulation  Strong preferences  Poor episodic for certain types of memory sensory input  Poor self regulation  Inconsistent  Reduced identity attentiveness development
  • 84. Rigid Thinking  Difficulty generalizing  Misinterpretation of information  Lack of symmetry between verbalizations and actions  Preference for static systems  Black and white thinking
  • 85. Education Issues-Questions for Families and Transition Specialists to Consider  How much structure does the student need and can the school provide it?  Is there someone in the SSD office with a specialty in these conditions?  How receptive are staff and faculty to students with this condition?  What is the philosophical outlook of the SSD office?  Given the students documentation and severity of disability what academic accommodations are available
  • 86. Education Issues-Questions for Families and Transition Specialist to Consider  Is tutoring, academic coaching, psychotherapy available at the school or in the community and what is the cost?  Are there support groups?  Are there workshops or professionals who teach study or social skills?  Is there anyone to assist in academic advising, financial aid?  Can a student take a reduced load and still be considered a full time student?

Notas del editor

  1. Anything you notice that is a change for someone, just not quite right, has you even the slightest bit concerned or wondering if everything is ok, sometimes just a gut feeling or knowing about a situation, loss, event