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(excluding Title and Reference slides)
Weekly tasks or assignments (Individual or Group Projects) will
be due by Monday and late submissions will be assigned a late
penalty in accordance with the late penalty policy found in the
syllabus. NOTE: All submission posting times are based on
midnight Central Time.
Working with organizations to improve the interactions of
members and increase productivity through collaborative
behavior is an essential role of the organization development
human resources specialist. You will need to pick an
organization to use for this project. The organization you
choose may be your current employer, or alternatively, an
organization in which you volunteer or one about which you can
easily find information through the school library, the Internet,
or other sources.
Research and address the elements of organizational
effectiveness that will improve interactions in a presentation for
senior leaders:
· Explain the concept of organizational effectiveness, as it
relates to the interactions of members.
· Describe methods used to assess the behaviors and attitudes of
organizational members, and apply 1 model in an analysis of
your organization.
· Analyze methods used to improve the behavior and attitudes of
organizational members.
· Propose processes to build teams and manage their different
stages of development.
· Evaluate methods of managing conflict and change within the
Organizational Behavior Principles
Phase 3 Individual Project
Sean C Hall
Colorado Technical University
Dr. DM Arias
Explain sources of conflict within an organization.
Discuss types of conflict that can arise when groups vie for
Describe different models that address organizational conflict.
Develop recommendations for methods to address intergroup
Organizational Behavior Principles
Challenges and Opportunities for OB Today’s challenges bring
opportunities for managers to use OB concepts: - Responding to
Economic Pressures - Responding to Globalization (Increased
Foreign Assignments, Working with People from Different
Cultures, Overseeing Movement of Jobs to Countries with Low-
cost Labor) - Managing Workforce Diversity Improving
Customer Service Improving People Skills Stimulating
Innovation and Change Coping with “Temporariness” Working
in Networked Organizations Helping Employees Balance Work–
Life Conflicts - Creating a Positive Work Environment
Improving Ethical Behavior
Organizational Behavior Principles
Sources of conflict:
There are many causes or reasons for conflict in any work
setting. Some of the primary causes are:
Poor Communication: different communication styles can lead
to misunderstandings between employees or between employee
and manager. Lack of communication drives conflict
Different Values: any workplace is made up of individuals who
see the world differently. Conflict occurs when there is a lack
of acceptance and understanding of these differences.
Differing Interests: conflict occurs when individual workers
‘fight’ for their personal goals, ignoring organizational goals
and organizational well-being.
Scarce Resources: too often, employees feel they have to
compete for available resources in order to do their job. In a
resource scarce environment, this causes conflicts – despite
awareness of how scarce resources may be.
Personality Clashes: all work environments are made up of
differing personalities. Unless colleagues understand and accept
each other’s approach to work and problem-solving, conflict
will occur.
Poor Performance: when one or more individuals within a work
unit are not performing - not working up to potential – and this
is not addressed, conflict is inevitable.
Handling and resolving conflicts that arise in the workplace is
one of the biggest challenges managers and employees face.
Typically there are two responses to conflict: run away
(avoidance) or ‘battle it out’. In either case, we often feel
uncomfortable or dissatisfied with the results because no
resolution has been achieved. By learning to constructively
resolve conflict, we can turn a potentially destructive situation
into an opportunity for creativity and enhanced performance.
Organizational Behavior Principles
Types of Conflict in Organizations
Definition of Responsibility Unclear
When it is unclear who is responsible for what area of a project
or task, conflict can occur. Territorial issues arise when
decisions are made that appear to cross boundaries of
responsibility. To prevent this from happening it is imperative
that the roles and responsibilities of all the players are spelled
out clearly and agreed upon by everyone involved before the
project is started.
Conflict of Interest
Understanding how personal interests and goals fit within the
structure of the organization will alleviate conflict of interest
problems. When an individual's personal goals are at odds with
the goals of the organization, the individual may be tempted to
fight for his personal goals, creating a conflict situation that
will hamper success of the project.
Conflict is inevitable whenever two or more people interact,
whether in the workplace or at home. Conflict can occur
between two or more individuals, two or more groups, or an
individual and a group. When dealing with conflict in an
organization, it is important to remember to address the issue,
not the people. Types of conflict that can occur in any
organization include unclear definitions of role responsibility,
conflict of interest, lack of resources and interpersonal
relationships within the workplace.
Organizational Behavior Principles
Types of Conflict in Organizations continued
Not Enough Resources
Competition for resources, including money, time and materials,
will cause the teams to undercut each other, leading to conflict
between departments or other work groups. Valuable resources
need to be protected, as well as distributed fairly among all the
groups. Starting out a project with a clear picture of the
resources available will help waylay some of this conflict.
Interpersonal Relationships
The personalities of the people involved in the organizational
structure play an important part in conflict resolution. Often the
conflict is a result of interpersonal relationships where the
parties to the conflict are unable to resolve personal issues with
each other. It is not always easy to set aside personal prejudices
when entering the workplace, but it is important to recognize
what those prejudices are and deal with them before conflict
Not all conflict is destructive, however. Some conflicts are best
discussed openly: managed constructively, such discussions can
lead to deeper understanding and better decisions. The problem
is that conflict tends to be seen in terms of win–lose – that is,
one argument will win and the other will lose. But it is possible
to reach an outcome in which elements of both arguments are
accepted – a win–win situation. Negotiations over pay are a
simple example: employers may agree to pay employees more in
exchange for changes in working practices. For win–win
outcomes, however, there need to be mechanisms for open
discussion and fair decision-making. The likelihood of
resolving conflict depends on the behaviour of those involved.
To understand this better, it can be helpful to classify people’s
responses to interpersonal conflict in five categories (Figure 4).
These categories reflect the balance between cooperation
(attempts to satisfy the other person’s concerns) and
assertiveness (attempts to satisfy your own concerns).
Organizational Behavior Principles
5Ps of conflict model:
Organizational Behavior Principles
Individuals beliefs, values, and expectations about the
organization and the individuals
Individual perceptions influenced by what happens in and out of
the workplace
Perceptions primarily changed through Education and
Interventions resulting in reflective processes
Hayes, S. (2009)
Characteristics of the people
Social class or educational background
Experience in their position and others in organization
Organization of people in relation to others
Hayes, S. (2009) 13
For a company to be successful, departments must learn to work
together. The sales group cannot ship products without the help
of the manufacturing and logistics groups. Managers have
several methods at their disposal to improve the intergroup
cooperation in a workplace and thereby help improve efficiency
and productivity. By encouraging an environment of intergroup
cooperation, you are creating a better workplace.
Organizational Behavior Principles
Practices are what actually happen
Interpretation of policies based primarily in perception and
person characteristics
influenced by education and prior knowledge/experience with
similar policies or practices
Most organizational conflicts are at the level of
Behaviors can altered without altering perceptions or personal
Hayes, S. (2009)
Organizational culture
Work demands
Appropriate demeanor
Process of promotion
Whose involved in grievance and termination
Policy manual
Work schedules
Productivity expectations
Rules for promotion
Grievance & Termination
Hayes, S. (2009)
Managing team conflict typically involves working with team
members who have varying opinions, backgrounds and
experience to resolve differences. When you have multiple
teams working on a project, this complicates the situation even
more. You can reduce tension and dissension by proactively
scheduling team-building meetings that focus on conflict
resolution skills. For example, conduct role-playing exercises
that help people practice acknowledging the conflict,
understanding the situation and reaching agreement. Handling
inter-group conflict in a decisive manner prevents
disagreements from disrupting work further.
Organizational Behavior Principles
Persistence is the element of time, change takes place over time.
An interventions ability to be successful is dependent on
addressing persistence.”
Individual time ≤ Organizational time
Interventions are time limited.
Individuals must take long view, organizations see shorter term
interests of individuals
Hayes, S. (2009) 16
For a company to be successful, departments must learn to work
together. The sales group cannot ship products without the help
of the manufacturing and logistics groups. Managers have
several methods at their disposal to improve the intergroup
cooperation in a workplace and thereby help improve efficiency
and productivity. By encouraging an environment of intergroup
cooperation, you are creating a better workplace.
Organizational Behavior Principles
Improve Communication-
Groups function more efficiently when there is good
Clarify Roles-
When groups do not have a clear understanding of the roles
each department is to take in a given project, confusion and
frustration can develop and hinder cooperation.
Address Issues Quickly-
Problems and concerns will come up between work groups from
time to time.
Identify and understand the triggering events, and avoid or dull
Set rules for the conflict, for instance attempting to limit when
and how conflicting groups interact.
Developing coping strategies to help groups to more effectively
deal with the consequences of conflict.
Attempts to eliminate or resolve the latent issues that eventually
are triggered into conflict.
Any time you bring together a group of people with differing
opinions, backgrounds and tastes, you put the group at risk for
conflict. The way that you handle that conflict and the differing
opinions of your group will ultimately impact how much
conflict you experience as a whole. As a group leader, it's your
responsibility to adapt and allow so your group feels as though
concerns are heard and their ideas are embraced. Together, you
can reduce intergroup conflict and become more proactive and
Cummings, T.G., & Worley, C.G. (2001). Organization
Development and Change (7th edition). Cincinnati, OH: South-
Western College.
French, W.L., & Bell, C.H. Jr. (1999). Organizational
Development: Behavioral Science Interventions for
Organizational Improvement (Ch. 10). Upper Sandle Ridge, NJ:
Prentice Hall.
Nahavandi, A. & Malekzadeh, A.R. (1999). Organizational
Behavior: The Person-Organization Fit (Ch. 13). Upper Sandle
Ridge, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Rahim, M.A (1986). Referent roles and styles of handling
interpersonal conflict. Journal of Social Psychology, 126,
Rahim, M.A., & Magner, N.R. (1995). Confirmatory factor
analysis of the styles of handling interpersonal conflict: first-
order factor model and its invariance across groups. Journal of
Applied Psychology, 80, 122-132.
Motivational Theory
Sean C. Hall
Organizational Behavior Principles
Dr. DM Arias
April 21, 2014
Motivational Theories
Motivation is known as the force that helps to control,
guide, initiate, and helps to maintain ones goal-oriented
behavior. However, these forces which are beneath motivation
can be considered as social, biological, cognitive, and even
emotional in nature. There are considered to be a number of
different theories explaining motivation in which have been
developed by many researchers. Each individual theory tends to
be rather limited in choice. However, by exploring the key ideas
behind each theory, senior leaders gain a better understanding
on how to motivate employs in a variety of ways (Slocum and
Hellriegel, 2010). This research paper will focus on three
motivational theories, strengths and weaknesses on each theory,
strategies that can be applied and implementation methods.
Taylor’s Theory of Scientific Management
In 1909, the principle of scientific management was
published by Taylor where he proposed that by simplifying jobs
and optimizing, productivity would increase. Frederick Taylor
formulated this theory of motivation that states that most
workers are solely motivated by the pay they receive from the
work they do. However, he suggested that most workers do not
enjoy the work they do and perform only when given reward of
monetary payment directly. Henry Ford and other industrialists
adopted the ideas of Frederick Taylor and their workers were
paid according to the number of items produced. Notably, this
theory lost favor as workers became frustrated, and production
was halted frequently due to strikes by angry or dissatisfied
employees (Slocum and Hellriegel, 2010).
Strengths and weakness of scientific management theory
In this theory, efficiency is maximized totally. The
amount of time possible is wasted in day to day proceedings
leading to productivity raise in the place of work. Productivity,
that is at higher level, lead to a more successful business which
in turn leads to salaries increase for the workers. In addition,
staff members are provided with a plan that is structured to
follow so as the confusion is minimized.
Weaknesses of this theory
First, the theory is monotonous in nature since every worker has
different physical capacity. For example, there is over speeding
of the work because every worker is in rush to complete the
work in stipulated time leading to ignorant of environmental
factors. Although management of science sound perfectly in
theory, it is not so useful in authenticity. This is because its
usefulness depends completely on planning. However, things do
not always go according to plan every day. Scientific
management cannot function with these changes that are
constant. Therefore, models based on the theory tend to fall
apart quickly (Slocum and Hellriegel, 2010).
Mayo’s Theory of Human Relations
Elton Mayo formulated this theory of motivation to
examine the social worker’s needs. He believed that pay alone
was not enough for employees to be motivated to put forth their
best efforts. However, he argued that the social worker’s needs
should be taken into consideration so that the workers can put
forth their best efforts. Employers were recommended to treat
their workers in a humane and caring fashion that an interest is
demonstrated in an individual in order to have the best work
produced from them (Mayo, 1949).
Strengths and weaknesses of human relation theory
One of the strength of this theory is that it does very
closely give and describe us an idea of one of the foundation of
a workplace. The reward of the workers and their salaries is one
of the reasons as to why businesses are started or stopped.
However, human relation theory does a great job in explaining
that. Also, this theory helps to understand the expected
relationship from workers if they a given something such as
love or reward and something is expected in return in order to
maintain that relationship (Locke, 2000).
One of the weaknesses is that this theory neglects context
of the culture and variations of culture. Since all cultures are
different, some cultures might not seek a relationship reward
even though the theory is based off a reward concept.
Another weakness is that this theory makes people seem a
reward seeking and individualistic people. It does not seem to
think that best work is all needed in an industry in order to
attain the best production (Hellriegel, and Slocum, 2009).
Maslow and Herzberg's Theory of Human Needs
Both Herzberg and Maslow believed that the forces are the
psychological drive behavior of humans. Their theory suggested
that a graduated scale of human needs ranging from basic, the
ones that are physical such as thirst and hunger to the ones at
higher level such as the need for self-fulfillment and the need to
be loved. However, they believed that employers would see
results that are better from the workers if various needs of
individual workers are recognized. Also, better results would be
seen if employers vary the rewards they offer to the workers
(Locke, 2000).
Strengths and weaknesses of human needs theory
The biggest strength of this theory relates to its intuitive
nature. It makes sense that one may not be able to enjoy needs
of higher order when they have nothing to eat and have no place
to live. The desire for shelter and food would most assuredly
again become the primary focus since one might pursue
temporarily a need of higher level.
The weaknesses stem from the difficult of being able to
operationalize the variables. For instance, researchers lack
needs definition, safety meaning, esteem, security, and other
elements that make up theory of Maslow’s making the test to be
difficult (Locke, 2000).
Strategies and options an organization can use to apply
motivational theory
Organization can apply motivational theory to motivate
the employees by ensuring there is a good planner in the
organization. The plan guides the team to well-defined goals.
Also, in an organization, there must be a leader who can
maintain his or her position. This mostly depend on the skills
and knowledge that demonstrated his or her leadership position.
Motivational theories and all leadership emphasizes on
communication that is effective. Messages from the leaders
must be precise and clear and leading to a definite action steps.
Motivational theory suggest that these communications should
carry the reward promise. Therefore, communication must point
toward a goal that is clear (Hellriegel, and Slocum, 2009).
Hellriegel, D., & Slocum, J. W. (2009). Organizational behavior
(12th ed.). Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning.
Locke, E. A. (2000). The Blackwell handbook of principles of
organizational behavior. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Business.
Slocum, J. W., & Hellriegel, D. (2010). Principles of
organizational behavior (13th ed., International ed.). Mason,
Ohio: South-Western.
Organizational Behavior Principles
Phase 1 Individual Project
Sean C. Hall
Colorado Technical University
Dr. DM Arias
Factors That Affect Employee Morale
Employee morale is a huge factor in determining productivity.
There are many factors that can affect employee morale both
positively or negatively, and it is important to be aware of them
so that you can make sure your employees are happy and not
scanning the local job sites for something better. Here is a list
of factors known to have an impact.
Employees tend to have higher morale when working for a
company that is known outside of its walls as a "good" place to
be. Companies that donate to the community, treat their
employees well and have high integrity fall into this category. It
is tough to work for a company that creates a product that
erodes the public's health, pollutes the environment or is being
sued by former employees. It is important to be a good citizen
of the community in which your business is established, and to
conduct business with integrity.
Morale Factors
A hostile work environment contributes to low employee
morale. This type of environment can be prevented if members
of management treat employees like human beings instead of
Hostile Work Environment Feedback, or Lack of it
Not only does increasing the frequency and quality of feedback
have an immediate significant impact on morale, but it also
directly enhances work performance.
Work Load
Many companies today have to get by with fewer employees
than before which means that a lot of employees have a bigger
workload than they did in the past. And this can have a
negative effect on employee morale, because employees can feel
As a manager, one way to deal with this issue is to talk with the
employee about how their job can be done more efficiently. For
example, perhaps there are some tasks that have little or no
value that can be eliminated. Or maybe tasks that can't be
eliminated can be done in a more efficient way in order to save
time while the employee still does the task well. This is a
wonderful opportunity for both you and the employee to think
Employee Empowerment and Decision Making
Employee empowerment helps to cultivate innovation.
Employees that have a stake in the companys growth and
sustainability will offer more ideas and problem-solving
solutions when obstacles arise. However, as the employee meets
particular challenges or finds improvements in policies,
procedures or products, it will foster growth and more critical
and imaginative thinking. Employees may see a particular issue
differently than a manager and be able to think of a creative
solution, which may not be considered in a closed circle of
managerial staff.
Employee involvement is a philosophy practiced by many
companies that gives their employees stake in decisions that
directly affect their jobs, while employee empowerment is a
corporate structure that allows non-managerial employees to
make autonomous decisions. Each one is a distinct practice and
is usually mutually exclusive to one another, though the
benefits can be similar.
The main benefits of employee involvement and empowerment
are enhanced morale, more productivity, healthier coworker
relationships and creative thinking.
Recommendations for Positive Employee Morale
Participative Management
and Empowerment
Increasing job satisfaction by encouraging participation
Team management represents a growing trend
Open the lines of communication
When employees feel they are being kept in the loop, they are
more likely to trust that management has everyone’s best
interests in mind. Management should encourage the sharing of
ideas as a two-way street.
Express gratitude & reward employees
When employees feel appreciated, they are more likely to help
others; therefore increasing teamwork. Rewarding a job well
done will likely foster the desire to continue producing positive
As an organization, management holds the keys to increasing
employee morale and ultimately boosting productivity.
“Employees are more motivated when they feel needed,
appreciated, and valued” according to Kevin Plank, founder of
Under Armour. There are countless ways to positively motivate
employees and simple ways organizations can improve
employee morale:
Motivation and Leadership in the
Twenty-first Century
Security and pay are no longer enough
“Coach” mentality
Managers should understand the needs and wants of the current
and next generations, regarding motivation and performance in
the organization. The chosen management style should be one
that will successfully motivate the employees they manage and
give surety to performing their duties in accordance with the
organization’s objectives and financial goals. Leaders must
understand that employees are one of the most valuable assets
within the business; therefore, the administration understands
how to effectively motivate them to gain maximum productivity
in the workplace.
Satisfied Employees Are More Productive and More Committed
Job Satisfaction:
Degree of enjoyment employees derive from doing their jobs
High Morale:
An overall positive employee attitude toward the workplace
Low Turnover:
A low percentage of employees leave each year
When companies experience negative growth, managers and
leaders often forget to recognize and reward employees’
accomplishments. Even if monetary rewards were feasible,
employees often react more favorably to intrinsic rewards such
as compliments, encouragement, and praise. Therefore, business
owners and managers should strive to take five minutes each
week to thank his or her subordinates for their hard work and
accomplishments. This provides employees with a sense of
satisfaction and accomplishment while motivating employees to
continue to work hard and excel.
Employee Success
The success of any organization has become dependent upon the
effectiveness of its management, coupled with the effectiveness
of management styles utilized to motivate and enhance
employee performance. Across organizations, corporate leaders
are strategically placed in their designated positions to ensure
that the business provides superior products or services for their
targeted customer base.
The current workforce is comprised of a diverse age–
generational span that characterizes four generations. To be
effective, managers must recognize and respond to the
multigenerational needs. Companies and their management
staffs should also be acquainted with the motivational
necessities that will allow them to satisfy the employees and
enhance the work performance of each generation. Given these
organizational dynamics, the most empowered managers will
exceed the company’s expectations in being able to motivate
employees, regardless of their generational group.
Knippen, Jay T.; Getting Results...For the Hands-on Manager:
Plant Edition; Jul97, Vol. 42 Issue 7, p8
Escalera, Karen Weiner: Nation's Business; Jun98, Vol. 86 Issue
6, p12
Dolliver, Mark: AHA News; 9/4/95, Vol. 31 Issue 36, p6

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For this discussion, research a recent science news event that h.docxFor this discussion, research a recent science news event that h.docx
For this discussion, research a recent science news event that h.docxevonnehoggarth79783
For this Discussion, review the case Learning Resources and the .docx
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For this Discussion, review the case Learning Resources and the .docxevonnehoggarth79783
For this Discussion, give an example of how an event in one part.docx
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For this Discussion, give an example of how an event in one part.docxevonnehoggarth79783
For this discussion, consider the role of the LPN and the RN in .docx
For this discussion, consider the role of the LPN and the RN in .docxFor this discussion, consider the role of the LPN and the RN in .docx
For this discussion, consider the role of the LPN and the RN in .docxevonnehoggarth79783
For this discussion, after you have viewed the videos on this topi.docx
For this discussion, after you have viewed the videos on this topi.docxFor this discussion, after you have viewed the videos on this topi.docx
For this discussion, after you have viewed the videos on this topi.docxevonnehoggarth79783
For this discussion choose  one of the case studies listed bel.docx
For this discussion choose  one of the case studies listed bel.docxFor this discussion choose  one of the case studies listed bel.docx
For this discussion choose  one of the case studies listed bel.docxevonnehoggarth79783
For this assignment, you will use what youve learned about symbolic.docx
For this assignment, you will use what youve learned about symbolic.docxFor this assignment, you will use what youve learned about symbolic.docx
For this assignment, you will use what youve learned about symbolic.docxevonnehoggarth79783
For this Assignment, you will research various perspectives of a mul.docx
For this Assignment, you will research various perspectives of a mul.docxFor this Assignment, you will research various perspectives of a mul.docx
For this Assignment, you will research various perspectives of a mul.docxevonnehoggarth79783
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For this assignment, you will be studying a story from the Gospe.docxevonnehoggarth79783
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Más de evonnehoggarth79783 (20)

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For this essay, you will select one of the sources you have found th.docx
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For this discussion, you will address the following prompts. Keep in.docx
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For this discussion, you will address the following prompts. Keep in.docx
For this discussion, research a recent science news event that h.docx
For this discussion, research a recent science news event that h.docxFor this discussion, research a recent science news event that h.docx
For this discussion, research a recent science news event that h.docx
For this Discussion, review the case Learning Resources and the .docx
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For this Discussion, give an example of how an event in one part.docx
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For this Discussion, give an example of how an event in one part.docx
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For this discussion, consider the role of the LPN and the RN in .docx
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For this discussion choose  one of the case studies listed bel.docx
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For this assignment, you will use what youve learned about symbolic.docx
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For this assignment, you will discuss how you see the Design Princip.docx


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6–8 slides with speaker notes of 200–250 words per slides (excludi.docx

  • 1. 6–8 slides with speaker notes of 200–250 words per slides (excluding Title and Reference slides) Details: Weekly tasks or assignments (Individual or Group Projects) will be due by Monday and late submissions will be assigned a late penalty in accordance with the late penalty policy found in the syllabus. NOTE: All submission posting times are based on midnight Central Time. Working with organizations to improve the interactions of members and increase productivity through collaborative behavior is an essential role of the organization development human resources specialist. You will need to pick an organization to use for this project. The organization you choose may be your current employer, or alternatively, an organization in which you volunteer or one about which you can easily find information through the school library, the Internet, or other sources. Research and address the elements of organizational effectiveness that will improve interactions in a presentation for senior leaders: · Explain the concept of organizational effectiveness, as it relates to the interactions of members. · Describe methods used to assess the behaviors and attitudes of organizational members, and apply 1 model in an analysis of your organization. · Analyze methods used to improve the behavior and attitudes of organizational members. · Propose processes to build teams and manage their different stages of development. · Evaluate methods of managing conflict and change within the organization.
  • 2. Organizational Behavior Principles MGM335-1402A-01 Phase 3 Individual Project Sean C Hall Colorado Technical University Dr. DM Arias 4/28/14 1 OBJECTIVES Explain sources of conflict within an organization. Discuss types of conflict that can arise when groups vie for resources. Describe different models that address organizational conflict. Develop recommendations for methods to address intergroup conflicts. Organizational Behavior Principles
  • 3. Challenges and Opportunities for OB Today’s challenges bring opportunities for managers to use OB concepts: - Responding to Economic Pressures - Responding to Globalization (Increased Foreign Assignments, Working with People from Different Cultures, Overseeing Movement of Jobs to Countries with Low- cost Labor) - Managing Workforce Diversity Improving Customer Service Improving People Skills Stimulating Innovation and Change Coping with “Temporariness” Working in Networked Organizations Helping Employees Balance Work– Life Conflicts - Creating a Positive Work Environment Improving Ethical Behavior 3 Organizational Behavior Principles Sources of conflict: There are many causes or reasons for conflict in any work setting. Some of the primary causes are: Poor Communication: different communication styles can lead to misunderstandings between employees or between employee and manager. Lack of communication drives conflict ‘underground’.
  • 4. Different Values: any workplace is made up of individuals who see the world differently. Conflict occurs when there is a lack of acceptance and understanding of these differences. Differing Interests: conflict occurs when individual workers ‘fight’ for their personal goals, ignoring organizational goals and organizational well-being. Scarce Resources: too often, employees feel they have to compete for available resources in order to do their job. In a resource scarce environment, this causes conflicts – despite awareness of how scarce resources may be. Personality Clashes: all work environments are made up of differing personalities. Unless colleagues understand and accept each other’s approach to work and problem-solving, conflict will occur. Poor Performance: when one or more individuals within a work unit are not performing - not working up to potential – and this is not addressed, conflict is inevitable. Handling and resolving conflicts that arise in the workplace is one of the biggest challenges managers and employees face. Typically there are two responses to conflict: run away (avoidance) or ‘battle it out’. In either case, we often feel uncomfortable or dissatisfied with the results because no resolution has been achieved. By learning to constructively resolve conflict, we can turn a potentially destructive situation into an opportunity for creativity and enhanced performance. 4
  • 5. Organizational Behavior Principles Types of Conflict in Organizations Definition of Responsibility Unclear When it is unclear who is responsible for what area of a project or task, conflict can occur. Territorial issues arise when decisions are made that appear to cross boundaries of responsibility. To prevent this from happening it is imperative that the roles and responsibilities of all the players are spelled out clearly and agreed upon by everyone involved before the project is started. Conflict of Interest Understanding how personal interests and goals fit within the structure of the organization will alleviate conflict of interest problems. When an individual's personal goals are at odds with the goals of the organization, the individual may be tempted to fight for his personal goals, creating a conflict situation that will hamper success of the project. Conflict is inevitable whenever two or more people interact, whether in the workplace or at home. Conflict can occur between two or more individuals, two or more groups, or an individual and a group. When dealing with conflict in an organization, it is important to remember to address the issue, not the people. Types of conflict that can occur in any organization include unclear definitions of role responsibility, conflict of interest, lack of resources and interpersonal relationships within the workplace. 5 Organizational Behavior Principles
  • 6. Types of Conflict in Organizations continued Not Enough Resources Competition for resources, including money, time and materials, will cause the teams to undercut each other, leading to conflict between departments or other work groups. Valuable resources need to be protected, as well as distributed fairly among all the groups. Starting out a project with a clear picture of the resources available will help waylay some of this conflict. Interpersonal Relationships The personalities of the people involved in the organizational structure play an important part in conflict resolution. Often the conflict is a result of interpersonal relationships where the parties to the conflict are unable to resolve personal issues with each other. It is not always easy to set aside personal prejudices when entering the workplace, but it is important to recognize what those prejudices are and deal with them before conflict arises. Not all conflict is destructive, however. Some conflicts are best discussed openly: managed constructively, such discussions can lead to deeper understanding and better decisions. The problem is that conflict tends to be seen in terms of win–lose – that is, one argument will win and the other will lose. But it is possible to reach an outcome in which elements of both arguments are accepted – a win–win situation. Negotiations over pay are a simple example: employers may agree to pay employees more in exchange for changes in working practices. For win–win outcomes, however, there need to be mechanisms for open discussion and fair decision-making. The likelihood of resolving conflict depends on the behaviour of those involved.
  • 7. To understand this better, it can be helpful to classify people’s responses to interpersonal conflict in five categories (Figure 4). These categories reflect the balance between cooperation (attempts to satisfy the other person’s concerns) and assertiveness (attempts to satisfy your own concerns). 6 Organizational Behavior Principles 5Ps of conflict model: Perceptions People Practices Policies Persistence Organizational Behavior Principles Perceptions Individuals beliefs, values, and expectations about the organization and the individuals Individual perceptions influenced by what happens in and out of the workplace Perceptions primarily changed through Education and Experience Interventions resulting in reflective processes Hayes, S. (2009)
  • 8. People Characteristics of the people Age Gender Race/Ethnicity Social class or educational background Experience in their position and others in organization Organization of people in relation to others Hayes, S. (2009) 13 For a company to be successful, departments must learn to work together. The sales group cannot ship products without the help of the manufacturing and logistics groups. Managers have several methods at their disposal to improve the intergroup cooperation in a workplace and thereby help improve efficiency and productivity. By encouraging an environment of intergroup cooperation, you are creating a better workplace. 8 Organizational Behavior Principles Practices Practices are what actually happen
  • 9. Interpretation of policies based primarily in perception and person characteristics influenced by education and prior knowledge/experience with similar policies or practices Most organizational conflicts are at the level of practices Behaviors can altered without altering perceptions or personal characteristics Hayes, S. (2009) Policies Organizational culture Work demands Appropriate demeanor Process of promotion Whose involved in grievance and termination Policy manual Work schedules Productivity expectations Rules for promotion Grievance & Termination
  • 10. Hayes, S. (2009) Managing team conflict typically involves working with team members who have varying opinions, backgrounds and experience to resolve differences. When you have multiple teams working on a project, this complicates the situation even more. You can reduce tension and dissension by proactively scheduling team-building meetings that focus on conflict resolution skills. For example, conduct role-playing exercises that help people practice acknowledging the conflict, understanding the situation and reaching agreement. Handling inter-group conflict in a decisive manner prevents disagreements from disrupting work further. 9 Organizational Behavior Principles Persistence Persistence is the element of time, change takes place over time. An interventions ability to be successful is dependent on addressing persistence.” Individual time ≤ Organizational time Interventions are time limited. Individuals must take long view, organizations see shorter term interests of individuals Hayes, S. (2009) 16 For a company to be successful, departments must learn to work
  • 11. together. The sales group cannot ship products without the help of the manufacturing and logistics groups. Managers have several methods at their disposal to improve the intergroup cooperation in a workplace and thereby help improve efficiency and productivity. By encouraging an environment of intergroup cooperation, you are creating a better workplace. 10 Organizational Behavior Principles Recommendations Improve Communication- Groups function more efficiently when there is good communication. Clarify Roles- When groups do not have a clear understanding of the roles each department is to take in a given project, confusion and frustration can develop and hinder cooperation. Address Issues Quickly- Problems and concerns will come up between work groups from time to time. Identify and understand the triggering events, and avoid or dull them. Set rules for the conflict, for instance attempting to limit when and how conflicting groups interact.
  • 12. Developing coping strategies to help groups to more effectively deal with the consequences of conflict. Attempts to eliminate or resolve the latent issues that eventually are triggered into conflict. Any time you bring together a group of people with differing opinions, backgrounds and tastes, you put the group at risk for conflict. The way that you handle that conflict and the differing opinions of your group will ultimately impact how much conflict you experience as a whole. As a group leader, it's your responsibility to adapt and allow so your group feels as though concerns are heard and their ideas are embraced. Together, you can reduce intergroup conflict and become more proactive and productive. 11 References Cummings, T.G., & Worley, C.G. (2001). Organization Development and Change (7th edition). Cincinnati, OH: South- Western College. French, W.L., & Bell, C.H. Jr. (1999). Organizational Development: Behavioral Science Interventions for Organizational Improvement (Ch. 10). Upper Sandle Ridge, NJ: Prentice Hall. Nahavandi, A. & Malekzadeh, A.R. (1999). Organizational
  • 13. Behavior: The Person-Organization Fit (Ch. 13). Upper Sandle Ridge, NJ: Prentice Hall. Rahim, M.A (1986). Referent roles and styles of handling interpersonal conflict. Journal of Social Psychology, 126, 79-86. Rahim, M.A., & Magner, N.R. (1995). Confirmatory factor analysis of the styles of handling interpersonal conflict: first- order factor model and its invariance across groups. Journal of Applied Psychology, 80, 122-132. Running head: THEORIES OF MOTIVATION P1 THEORIES OF MOTIVATION P 6 Motivational Theory Sean C. Hall MGM335-1402A-01 Organizational Behavior Principles Dr. DM Arias April 21, 2014 Motivational Theories Introduction
  • 14. Motivation is known as the force that helps to control, guide, initiate, and helps to maintain ones goal-oriented behavior. However, these forces which are beneath motivation can be considered as social, biological, cognitive, and even emotional in nature. There are considered to be a number of different theories explaining motivation in which have been developed by many researchers. Each individual theory tends to be rather limited in choice. However, by exploring the key ideas behind each theory, senior leaders gain a better understanding on how to motivate employs in a variety of ways (Slocum and Hellriegel, 2010). This research paper will focus on three motivational theories, strengths and weaknesses on each theory, strategies that can be applied and implementation methods. Taylor’s Theory of Scientific Management In 1909, the principle of scientific management was published by Taylor where he proposed that by simplifying jobs and optimizing, productivity would increase. Frederick Taylor formulated this theory of motivation that states that most workers are solely motivated by the pay they receive from the work they do. However, he suggested that most workers do not enjoy the work they do and perform only when given reward of monetary payment directly. Henry Ford and other industrialists adopted the ideas of Frederick Taylor and their workers were paid according to the number of items produced. Notably, this theory lost favor as workers became frustrated, and production was halted frequently due to strikes by angry or dissatisfied employees (Slocum and Hellriegel, 2010). Strengths and weakness of scientific management theory In this theory, efficiency is maximized totally. The amount of time possible is wasted in day to day proceedings leading to productivity raise in the place of work. Productivity, that is at higher level, lead to a more successful business which in turn leads to salaries increase for the workers. In addition, staff members are provided with a plan that is structured to
  • 15. follow so as the confusion is minimized. Weaknesses of this theory First, the theory is monotonous in nature since every worker has different physical capacity. For example, there is over speeding of the work because every worker is in rush to complete the work in stipulated time leading to ignorant of environmental factors. Although management of science sound perfectly in theory, it is not so useful in authenticity. This is because its usefulness depends completely on planning. However, things do not always go according to plan every day. Scientific management cannot function with these changes that are constant. Therefore, models based on the theory tend to fall apart quickly (Slocum and Hellriegel, 2010). Mayo’s Theory of Human Relations Elton Mayo formulated this theory of motivation to examine the social worker’s needs. He believed that pay alone was not enough for employees to be motivated to put forth their best efforts. However, he argued that the social worker’s needs should be taken into consideration so that the workers can put forth their best efforts. Employers were recommended to treat their workers in a humane and caring fashion that an interest is demonstrated in an individual in order to have the best work produced from them (Mayo, 1949). Strengths and weaknesses of human relation theory One of the strength of this theory is that it does very closely give and describe us an idea of one of the foundation of a workplace. The reward of the workers and their salaries is one of the reasons as to why businesses are started or stopped. However, human relation theory does a great job in explaining that. Also, this theory helps to understand the expected relationship from workers if they a given something such as love or reward and something is expected in return in order to maintain that relationship (Locke, 2000). One of the weaknesses is that this theory neglects context
  • 16. of the culture and variations of culture. Since all cultures are different, some cultures might not seek a relationship reward even though the theory is based off a reward concept. Another weakness is that this theory makes people seem a reward seeking and individualistic people. It does not seem to think that best work is all needed in an industry in order to attain the best production (Hellriegel, and Slocum, 2009). Maslow and Herzberg's Theory of Human Needs Both Herzberg and Maslow believed that the forces are the psychological drive behavior of humans. Their theory suggested that a graduated scale of human needs ranging from basic, the ones that are physical such as thirst and hunger to the ones at higher level such as the need for self-fulfillment and the need to be loved. However, they believed that employers would see results that are better from the workers if various needs of individual workers are recognized. Also, better results would be seen if employers vary the rewards they offer to the workers (Locke, 2000). Strengths and weaknesses of human needs theory The biggest strength of this theory relates to its intuitive nature. It makes sense that one may not be able to enjoy needs of higher order when they have nothing to eat and have no place to live. The desire for shelter and food would most assuredly again become the primary focus since one might pursue temporarily a need of higher level. The weaknesses stem from the difficult of being able to operationalize the variables. For instance, researchers lack needs definition, safety meaning, esteem, security, and other elements that make up theory of Maslow’s making the test to be difficult (Locke, 2000). Strategies and options an organization can use to apply motivational theory Organization can apply motivational theory to motivate
  • 17. the employees by ensuring there is a good planner in the organization. The plan guides the team to well-defined goals. Also, in an organization, there must be a leader who can maintain his or her position. This mostly depend on the skills and knowledge that demonstrated his or her leadership position. Motivational theories and all leadership emphasizes on communication that is effective. Messages from the leaders must be precise and clear and leading to a definite action steps. Motivational theory suggest that these communications should carry the reward promise. Therefore, communication must point toward a goal that is clear (Hellriegel, and Slocum, 2009). References Hellriegel, D., & Slocum, J. W. (2009). Organizational behavior (12th ed.). Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning. Locke, E. A. (2000). The Blackwell handbook of principles of organizational behavior. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Business. Slocum, J. W., & Hellriegel, D. (2010). Principles of organizational behavior (13th ed., International ed.). Mason, Ohio: South-Western. Organizational Behavior Principles MGM335-1402A-01 Phase 1 Individual Project Sean C. Hall Colorado Technical University Dr. DM Arias 4/14/2014 Factors That Affect Employee Morale Employee morale is a huge factor in determining productivity. There are many factors that can affect employee morale both positively or negatively, and it is important to be aware of them
  • 18. so that you can make sure your employees are happy and not scanning the local job sites for something better. Here is a list of factors known to have an impact. Employees tend to have higher morale when working for a company that is known outside of its walls as a "good" place to be. Companies that donate to the community, treat their employees well and have high integrity fall into this category. It is tough to work for a company that creates a product that erodes the public's health, pollutes the environment or is being sued by former employees. It is important to be a good citizen of the community in which your business is established, and to conduct business with integrity. 2 Morale Factors A hostile work environment contributes to low employee morale. This type of environment can be prevented if members of management treat employees like human beings instead of machines.. Hostile Work Environment Feedback, or Lack of it Not only does increasing the frequency and quality of feedback have an immediate significant impact on morale, but it also directly enhances work performance. Work Load Many companies today have to get by with fewer employees than before which means that a lot of employees have a bigger workload than they did in the past. And this can have a negative effect on employee morale, because employees can feel overwhelmed
  • 19. As a manager, one way to deal with this issue is to talk with the employee about how their job can be done more efficiently. For example, perhaps there are some tasks that have little or no value that can be eliminated. Or maybe tasks that can't be eliminated can be done in a more efficient way in order to save time while the employee still does the task well. This is a wonderful opportunity for both you and the employee to think creatively. 3 Employee Empowerment and Decision Making Employee empowerment helps to cultivate innovation. Employees that have a stake in the companys growth and sustainability will offer more ideas and problem-solving solutions when obstacles arise. However, as the employee meets particular challenges or finds improvements in policies, procedures or products, it will foster growth and more critical and imaginative thinking. Employees may see a particular issue differently than a manager and be able to think of a creative solution, which may not be considered in a closed circle of managerial staff. Employee involvement is a philosophy practiced by many companies that gives their employees stake in decisions that directly affect their jobs, while employee empowerment is a corporate structure that allows non-managerial employees to make autonomous decisions. Each one is a distinct practice and is usually mutually exclusive to one another, though the
  • 20. benefits can be similar. The main benefits of employee involvement and empowerment are enhanced morale, more productivity, healthier coworker relationships and creative thinking. 4 Recommendations for Positive Employee Morale Participative Management and Empowerment Increasing job satisfaction by encouraging participation Team management represents a growing trend Open the lines of communication When employees feel they are being kept in the loop, they are more likely to trust that management has everyone’s best interests in mind. Management should encourage the sharing of ideas as a two-way street. Express gratitude & reward employees When employees feel appreciated, they are more likely to help others; therefore increasing teamwork. Rewarding a job well done will likely foster the desire to continue producing positive results. As an organization, management holds the keys to increasing employee morale and ultimately boosting productivity. “Employees are more motivated when they feel needed, appreciated, and valued” according to Kevin Plank, founder of Under Armour. There are countless ways to positively motivate employees and simple ways organizations can improve employee morale:
  • 21. 5 Motivation and Leadership in the Twenty-first Century Motivation Security and pay are no longer enough Leadership “Coach” mentality Diversity Flexibility Managers should understand the needs and wants of the current and next generations, regarding motivation and performance in the organization. The chosen management style should be one that will successfully motivate the employees they manage and give surety to performing their duties in accordance with the organization’s objectives and financial goals. Leaders must understand that employees are one of the most valuable assets within the business; therefore, the administration understands how to effectively motivate them to gain maximum productivity in the workplace. 6 Satisfied Employees Are More Productive and More Committed Job Satisfaction: Degree of enjoyment employees derive from doing their jobs High Morale: An overall positive employee attitude toward the workplace Low Turnover: A low percentage of employees leave each year MORALE TURNOVER MORALE
  • 22. TURNOVER When companies experience negative growth, managers and leaders often forget to recognize and reward employees’ accomplishments. Even if monetary rewards were feasible, employees often react more favorably to intrinsic rewards such as compliments, encouragement, and praise. Therefore, business owners and managers should strive to take five minutes each week to thank his or her subordinates for their hard work and accomplishments. This provides employees with a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment while motivating employees to continue to work hard and excel. 7 Employee Success The success of any organization has become dependent upon the effectiveness of its management, coupled with the effectiveness of management styles utilized to motivate and enhance employee performance. Across organizations, corporate leaders are strategically placed in their designated positions to ensure that the business provides superior products or services for their targeted customer base. The current workforce is comprised of a diverse age– generational span that characterizes four generations. To be effective, managers must recognize and respond to the multigenerational needs. Companies and their management staffs should also be acquainted with the motivational necessities that will allow them to satisfy the employees and enhance the work performance of each generation. Given these organizational dynamics, the most empowered managers will exceed the company’s expectations in being able to motivate
  • 23. employees, regardless of their generational group. 8 References Knippen, Jay T.; Getting Results...For the Hands-on Manager: Plant Edition; Jul97, Vol. 42 Issue 7, p8 Escalera, Karen Weiner: Nation's Business; Jun98, Vol. 86 Issue 6, p12 Dolliver, Mark: AHA News; 9/4/95, Vol. 31 Issue 36, p6