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ALL FOR THE PLANET, AL FOR THE PEACE – Global Action. Green Wave Movement contribution for human attitudes change, for peace and planet save / 1
/ Inputs Suggestion to Post-2015 GSA and to new Agreement 2015 from Clime
Global Action Proposition
GGrreeeenn WWaavvee MMoovveemmeenntt ccoonnttrriibbuuttiioonn ffoorr hhuummaann aattttiittuuddeess cchhaannggee,, ffoorr ppeeaaccee aanndd ppllaanneett ssaavvee //
// IInnppuuttss SSuuggggeessttiioonn ttoo PPoosstt--22001155 GGSSAA aanndd ttoo nneeww AAggrreeeemmeenntt 22001155 ffrroomm CClliimmee
From “Tropical Civilization2
”, Brazil, 2014 by Fernando Zornitta, Paulo Zornitta, Marco Zornitta, Luca Zornitta, Rafael Zornitta
Authors - Paulo Roberto Zornitta, José Fernando Zornitta, Marco Adriano Zornitta, Luciano Luca Zornitta, Rafael K. Zornitta
Title given by Darcy Ribeiro to the people and the Brazilian culture.
ALL FOR THE PLANET, AL FOR THE PEACE – Global Action. Green Wave Movement contribution for human attitudes change, for peace and planet save / 2
/ Inputs Suggestion to Post-2015 GSA and to new Agreement 2015 from Clime
ALL FOR THE PLANET, ALL FOR THE PEACE – Global Action Proposition / Green Wave Movement contribution for human attitudes change,
for peace and planet save / Inputs Suggestion to Post-2015 GSA and to new Agreement 2015 from Clime
From “Tropical Civilization”, Brazil, 2014 by Fernando Zornitta, Paulo Zornitta, Marco Zornitta, Luca Zornitta, Rafael Zornitta
Born in 10/07/1923, ascended in 07/07/2015
While this document was formatted
This light instrument for the humanity - for all and for the improvement of the planet
that welcomes us; brought through this document and addressed the General secretary
of ONU Ban Ki-Moon-it is dedicated by the authors-children and grandchildren - to
ALICE MARIA DELLA PASQUA ZORNITTA, woman, mother, grandmother, exemplary
citizen - Brazilian from birth and Italian recognized officially (for 8 Italian grandfathers'
descent and for the sanguine line-as indicates the constitution of this country); humble
for itself and big for all; which inspired with her spirit focused in the harmony, in the
beauty, in the attention, in the extreme care and in the pacification of everything and of
all, during all her life. It is dedicated to the creative being that it always motivated the
arts, the artists, the people and of the family- the small and the one that considered as
the “great family”- which believes that could be and to have in the Earth. It is dedicated
finally, to a big and humble human, that she was well where and with whom was - of
the humblest to the more nobleman. Extremely devoted to St. Mary and the Holy Family
(Jesus, Mary, Joseph).
- GGaazziiee bbeelllloo; GGrraazziiee bbeellllaa!”, alive and ready words for all; said always for Alice to thank
for the litle things....
ALL FOR THE PLANET, AL FOR THE PEACE – Global Action. Green Wave Movement contribution for human attitudes change, for peace and planet save / 3
/ Inputs Suggestion to Post-2015 GSA and to new Agreement 2015 from Clime
ALL FOR THE PLANET, ALL FOR THE PEACE – Global Action Proposition / Green Wave Movement contribution for human attitudes change,
for peace and planet save / Inputs Suggestion to Post-2015 GSA and to new Agreement 2015 from Clime
From “Tropical Civilization”, Brazil, 2014 by Fernando Zornitta, Paulo Zornitta, Marco Zornitta, Luca Zornitta, Rafael Zornitta
MMrr.. BBaann kkii--MMoooonn -- UUNN--GGeenneerraall--SSeeccrreettaarryy
By UN – Office of the Spokespersons for Secretary-General
MMrr.. SSTTÉÉPPHHAANNEE DDUUJJAARRRRIICC -- SSppookkeessmmaann ffoorr tthhee SSeeccrreettaarryy--GGeenneerraall //
SSppookkeessppeerrssoonnss ooff SSeeccrreettaarryy--GGeenneerraall BBAANN KKII--MMOOOONN
 Referring solutions to UN, Earth, Live, Humanity, clime / Our proposal- contribution of entitled action ALL FOR THE PLANET,
ALL FOR the PEACE for foment of a “planetary citizenship”; for “composition of the new objectives of sustainable development
of the millennium - goals and programs”; for “mitigation of the clime”; for “promotion of the peace” and for help to “changes
of the human attitudes on behalf of a more fraternal and maintainable planet.”
HHoonnoorraabbllee GGeenneerraall SSeeccrreettaarryy ooff UUNN//HHoonnoorraabbllee SSppookkeessppeerrssoonnss::
As commitment that we have with the humanity and with the universe, we saw to bring important contribution to the entity, that on this YEAR OF THE
LIGHT and of the 70th birthday, it plays important decisions, such as the revision of the objectives of the millennium, that will culminate with the new
sustainable development agenda, as suitable in the RIO + 20 and the new world agreement of the clime.
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Of our part and with the intention of helping to appear and to establish the new directions, objectives and goals of the millennium, in consonance with
the current picture and time - of climatic changes and their severe environmental effects, of litigations and perspectives of new “cold wars”; of urgency
of actions with humanitarian spirit to assist the crescent human suffering; in that we see the planet disintegrate in problems of all of the orders, doing
with that our responsibilities that are already immense grow (while members of this only species that promotes actions which have been changing the
direction and the planetary plumb line) and, their responsibilities-while General Secretary of UN-they become immeasurable; as well as the one of the
whole family UN4
We accompanied your dedication and persistence that resembles each other ours, to do what is to the reach, to improve the world in that we lived
and we believed that can help with the talent and the messages that God gives us and he brings for such.
Like this, we received and we bring some light for the pitch that we built in our human one “evolution” through the inspiration that comes us from that
larger source and that it tries to balance everything and in the right sense.
Even in that announced catastrophic picture, us, as artisans of the changes and while this humanity's contemporary participants and feeling co-
responsible for the destinies of the planet and of a lifetime that in him still inhabits, we still maintain the optimism and we saw roads, doors and
windows of exits for the environmental chaos that the humanity built in their passage for the Earth, especially on these last 150 years and, we
glimpsed a best and more harmonica coexistence possibility, if certain variables in the human and institutional relationships be put into practice; if the
assumed wisdom that distinguishes us of the simians and the new tools be used.
These doors, windows and exits can be those same ones that you even it indicated - of the need of they be found by the humanity - in his/her
pronouncement and communication on November 2, 2014, in Copenhagen, regarding the 5th report of IPCC of WMO/ONU, when it presented the
result of the exceptional study on the scientific bases of the climatic changes and that it highlights that the man and their activities as one of the main
causes of the elevation of the temperatures in the planet, as well as the consequences of their actions5
We don't make part of the agencies or programs of UN, but in 1988, one of the authors of this document, José Fernando Zornitta, had the privilege of having participated and to
be graduated in the Course of Specialization in Tourism, supplied in the Center of Training of OMT/ONU to Europe, in Rome, driven then by Prof. Alberto Sessa. We also
accompanied all of the activities and programs of the entity in Brazil and in the World.
Reminding that the man is also the responsible for all of the conflicts, litigations and aggressions among races; among religions, among nations - and that it has not been getting
to promote the peace and the mutual collaboration to develop in harmony.
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“- The man has responsibilities on the climatic system !”, according to the official report. That empirically knew already, we see and we felt the effects
of their actions every place. We also know, that the human activities are responsible for the emission of the gases causes of the greenhouse effect6
and global heating suffers the influence of the entropic human action, that it is also responsible for ¾ of the destruction of the layer of ozone and for
the largest problems of the Earth.
But now, through the fundamental study, it was more than proven that, according to their own words, “it is in franc growth”, as they were apposed
and communicated in the “three message-key” of the report:
- The human influence on the climatic system is clear - and in franc growth;
- We have to act quickly and decisively, if we want to avoid resulted more and more destructive;
- We have the means to limit the climatic alterations and to build a better future.
IPCC although it has appeared in their conclusions and in syntony with what happens with the planet, it confirmed the variables and it predicted the
catastrophic effects, but didn't leave -as could not have left (and nor it is this his/her function and nor attributions) - the keys to promote the
necessary reversion. It appeared with fame the road and the means - it deserves praises and it is the logical paper of the science. It didn't have as
proposing catalytic actions of the of the reverse-engineering of the chaos, in projects, programs and specific actions; because the effective solutions
will only come of a rummaged through the human pith or heart, in forgotten his feeling of we belong to the planet that welcomes us and to the system
that gives us support; as well as in the encounter of the new formulas of governing in a solidary way the life patrimony and of the resources that it was
relegated us while endowed with “wisdom” - although still badly used.
As your own words, during the announcement of the 5th report on the climate, “The good news is that, if we act now, immediately and in a decisive
way, we have the means to build a better and more maintainable world. A lot of tools and technologies are already available. Renewable Sources of
energy are more and more competitive economically. The energy efficiency already proved own value.”
Although some tools and possibilities, many other initiatives need to be put in practice, but only with a change of planetary posture and with all the
humanity's compromising and of their institutions and governments, it can have an effectiveness and the mitigation of the aggressions, in the
perspective of the reversion of the effects of the climatic changes. (in part 3 of this document we indicated 36 postures, beginnings and initiatives that
are indispensable and that can compose the new objectives of the millennium after-2015 and also the new agreement of the climate).
The main ones among others: carbon dioxide, methane, steam of water and nitrous oxide.
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While us, the only beings endowed with conscience look not for the harmony with the nature, with the planet and with our fellow creatures, we will
stay in that evolution process to the opposite, putting doubts on our assumed wisdom and distinction among the other species; suffering the effects of
our omission and wrong actions.
We are as humanity in “check-mate”7
– and we have to recognize with reverence and humility our crooked trodden road - from where came, where
we are and where we are wanting to go. That last one - where we are wanting to go - can still intervene and it only depends on our useful actions. We
still don't have the means, as affirmed in the third key of the report, but we met the potentials tools, as well as the correct roads for such actions. And,
with them and in that direction, we have to act in the syntony of the order and harmony of the nature and of the universe.
In analogy to the chess game.
Esteeming that there are 13,8 billion years everything has begun: the magic of the universe
and that the Earth has delayed 4,5 billion years to expose for the future human
administration-of the prehistory to the current days - but, in only 150 years-of the end of
XIXº to the beginning of this XXIº century-the man got to destroy with their natural
resources, to devastate atmospheres, to extinguish thousands of species and to commit in a
critical way other so many species that are in extinction process, besides yours. That proof
that his assumed intelligence is being used of wrong form and ego-masochist, because he is
full aware of that and doesn't act to revert that picture and announced destiny;
commanded by ephemeral beings that they commit the perennial capacity of the planet
through their insane and egocentric actions.
The humanity meets at the end of the autumn of their life in the Earth and if indeed we
don't make anything, will penetrate in the existential winter. The planet agonizes in the
earth, in the sea and in the air, as well as all their inhabitants and species, that moan and
they shout for a suitable process of application of the wisdom to begin and of the free
human will-that until then and in a proven way, it has been selfish, arbitrary; monopolizing
and guided in the inverse sense of the life.
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To limit and to revert the global heating, certainly it is the largest contemporary challenge, for the own survival of our species, because 34% of the
humanity already live and it suffers in arid areas-that can be transformed at deserts quickly; other, 2/3 of the population, lives in coastal areas-and
there are installed the physical structure of survival, that is also critically threatened and suffering the aggressions of the effects of the climatic
changes. More than 31% of the world population doesn’t have appropriate basic sanitation and more than 1 billion still purify outdoors8
, according to
their own words in the Conference of High Level of the International Decade for the Action “Water for the Life”, in Dushanbe, Tadjiquistonw.
The global heating can, besides the direct effects in the continents, mainly in the North of Latin America, in the Mid East and African North and in
Central Asia and Asian East9
to also reduce the productivity of the foods and to extinguish physical structures of sustentation of the economy; still can,
to reduce the production of foods significantly and to generate more poverty to the planet. Second report of the World Bank, could arrive from 30 to
70% of the soy grains and corn in Brazil, for instance, to reduce the plankton-which represents 90% of the life of the oceans and it contributes with
50% of the oxygen of the Earth.
The reversion process, in that new syntony, should have the focus and a courageous and possible global commitment10
; independent of the level of
development of the nations-if of 1st, 2nd or 3rd world; if of the axis north or south; if of blocks, of organisms, of flags, of political parties, of religions;
of nets, of communication groups; or that who follow other corporatism interests, ideologies and patterns, which demonstrate the selfishness and
they approximate us of the simians and of others you encourage irrational. The process and the actions should be courageous, coherent and focused in
the sustainability of the life and of the planet that welcomes us, in the syntony of the perfect order and of harmony; with a new form of government of
the natural resources. They should be like this apposed all the new commitments.
The nations more developed-that are what more pollutes and they contribute to emission of the gases of the greenhouse effect - they worry more
about the effects of the climatic changes than with the initiatives and formulas for the actions in the sense of to control the global heating and to
mitigate the effects of the climate. In the last meeting of G7 in Germany in the beginning of June of 2015, one of the themes was “the risk to the safety
of the countries in function of the extreme climatic events”, in other words, the fear of the effects, but no they didn't appear proposed positive for the
solutions; what is clear in the article “G7 Summit: Harper Faces Tough Talk On Climate Change And Security Threats11
”, with the leaders' of that fear
several depositions during the meeting. In that sense, several studies are already in development for if they guard against of the effects, but few for us
to project the preventive actions.
World Bank - Infographic: What Climate Change Means for Latin America, Middle East & Central Asia
A good example is the international Treaty of Antártida (1972), that it is respected by the 32 countries that fixed their bases and they develop studies in the area.
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The fear and the defense of the interests cannot be the focus of the concerns, but the procedures for the positive measures of prevention and
mitigation of the emissions of the gases and of help to the less prepared countries.
Albert Eisten believed in a creative source of that perfect order that exists in the universe12
. Us also and we received from her a message of that
creative energy; a formula of how to proceed for the promotion of some of these correct actions and on the tools that can aid in that sense. In the sea
of possibilities and of alternatives it will be one among so many other inspired human actions possible, however what proposes, we do aware that all
and any positive and contrary action the one of the current direction can have a maxim meaning for the survival of the macro system Earth. And, we
will only have the answers if we apply them.
In the same line that our inspiration, we noticed that Papa Francisco was also played by the same source and message, while it signals in his Encyclical
LAUDATO SI, the same syntony with the message that arrived us-as it arrives to many humans - for inspiration (what considered a syntony of souls).
The moment is precious and while all, inclusively UN. search for the correct keys, doors, windows and roads to mitigate and to revert the current
catastrophic direction that we created in the civilizatory process, we believed to opportune be the commemorative date the 70 years old, for the
humanity's calling for a change of action strategies, it Recognized to the RIO + 20:
“We recognize that people are at the center of sustainable development and, in this regard, we strive for a world
that is just, equitable and inclusive, and we commit to work together to promote sustained and inclusive economic
growth, social development and environmental protection and thereby to benefit all.” (Outcome document of the
United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development – Rio+20 - “The future we want”)
The benefits “for all” and for all the other species and life forms, not only the human, we signaled.
They will review of the current and catastrophic direction and the reverse-engineering of the chaos conforms to in a multi-dimensional dilemma, that
the neurons of very few humans can solve, but-mainly for that - any hypothesis, any that is an only representative's of the species contribution, it can
be despised, therefore it can be the magic key for the others and correct actions and changes of necessary postures .13
We believed to contribute to that reversion of directions and we be with some keys that will open these doors and windows of the good and useful
initiatives that came us for inspiration for they be used, which will move in the human heart and for that they deserve to be motivated-as any other
When asked if it believed in God, he answered that could not conceive such perfect order without a creator's existence.
To see item 3 of this documento:“Post-2015 Global Sustainable Development Agenda (GSA) - Important Inputs Suggestions”
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/ Inputs Suggestion to Post-2015 GSA and to new Agreement 2015 from Clime
with the same beginnings and intentions; without more bureaucracy and nor waits for the guarantee of those that don't have commitment with the
life and the humanity's future-that are vested in governments and in institutions and, we offered them also intending to contribute for that process.
We are also optimists-as we already said and in the road that was proposed in his pronouncement: “of still finding doors and windows for the exits
possible”. The exits exist, but the time is urgent and there is no more time to lose. “- We have to act quickly and decisively, if we want to avoid resulted
more and more destructive!” according to his affirmative during the presentation of the 5th report of IPCC. In our humble conception, we have to act
quickly, strategically, decisively, competently and globally - if we want to avoid resulted more and more destructive of the unbalances that witnessed
today and on that small time of our terrestrial passage. We have to act all, together, in a positive way, collaborative, solidary, with wisdom and in
We have commitment with the life and with the humanity's future in all our actions and, although we are with some of these special keys and with
light ammunition, the right road for us pointed it has not been seen by the political managers of the country in that we were born, Brazil (that reaps
devastating; in a pernicious direction to the planet and getting dirty in the mud of the corruption and of the corporate interests that permeate the
politics and the administration of the nation) and nor the incentive of the powers exists instituted to the essential causes as the one of preservation14
because they persist in the route of the globalization for the inclination of the economy, that proceeds as a train without direction for a right destiny
and announced: the one of the extinction of the life and of the planet that welcomes us and our anesthetized rulers and attraction for the gravitational
forces and for the status of being in the context of the countries with more powerful economy.
The timing is crucial for the planet and the life that is in it, and only collective action, structured, collaborative and sustained, could offer a chance for
the advertised chaos. And the solution is in our hands. Each and everyone with a conscience, we must do our part; help and infect the unsuspecting to
this urgency and cry of the planet.
“My appeal: the urgent challenge of protecting our common home includes concern to unite the whole human
family in the search for sustainable and integral development, because we know that things can change”15
. "The
In Brazil it is common the disrespect, us for instance, we were attacked by the barbarism of the aggression our more sacred expression form-that feels through the arts-for the
public agents of the State of Sergipe and against our artistic expression that it transmits that pressing message of the humanity's sensitization for the preservation, in our display
of sculptures with the theme the NATURE IN WAVES OF LIGHT, that after the exhibition that we did to his/her invitation, it never returned us 24 sculptures of great load, more
than 20 tons; and that it motivated us to promote a lawsuit (in that the aggression was proven); but until today-19 years after-we are still unavailable of our artistic creation and
any responsible of the public organs was punished. (to see summary in “rotten fruit” in
Pope Francisco, Encíclica LAUDATO SI´, 13, pg.5
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environment is a collective good, heritage of all humanity and responsibility of all. Who owns part is to just run for
the benefit of all."16
To be a fruitful action, must first exist for the line with the problem and solving strategies towards the harmony of life, sustainability, preservation - as
we all know is necessary and is always enhanced by the nations that make up the UN system17
. But what we see in contemporary actions of mankind
and their "managers" is the lack of logic and necessary tune in planetary actions, which still are guided by the reverie of the economy, the growth and
the instincts of the caves; that their attempts to promote litigation, disputes, devastation, memory and exclusion and destruction, it corrodes the soul
of those humans who are in true harmony of the correct alternative and committed to the planet and the life; endowed with rights - especially those
of expression and light affixed to the keys that can open these doors and windows that everyone expects and that the planet needs.
Intolerance, ignorance, the diversion of focus, lack of honesty in the proposals and the inertia towards environmental issues; of disasters, wars,
hunger, disease, exile; the lack of resources and humanitarian aid, - among many other problems plaguing mankind - can only be overcome by the
subtlety of intelligence and light.
We planetary citizens want to help in changing course of a harmonic and conscious way, in tune with nature and the local potential of mankind asleep,
to be awakened and placed at the service of life. Our actions are conspicuous by principles and not depend on consensus, agreements and treaties and
are not driven by interests. Are ideas; seeds with strength and life. These projects and socio-environmental technologies with several specific focuses -
arts, tourism, sports, social inclusion, citizenship, environment, public safety and business community, the homeless, housing for the population in
extreme poverty, income generation - among many others that can be replicated in any part of the world. Now numbering 108 ideas, projects and
actions that can become social technologies and help fix the world.
We believe that the key to the realignment of alleged human wisdom with his conscience and sense of right actions are rare today, but there are. Man
is part of nature, but gradually comes forgetting that, destroying life and yourself without realizing it. We must remind you and realign the future in a
systematic way and based beyond the three known of the alleged pillars "sustainable development": the social, economic and environmental, as
flagged in the UN document "Harmony with Nature" (Doc. A / 65/314).
Papa Francisco, Encíclica LAUDATO SI´, 95, pg.30
In the main conferences on maintainable development and environment, especially in 1972, 2002, 2012.
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Remind you that you can continue destroying and exploiting or that is part and can defend and help rebuild - doing the reverse of chaos reengineering
that he himself established. There are no other alternatives. For the second way, we need to realign the man with his alleged wisdom and
consciousness - that distinguishes primates and other animals and puts it on top of the classification of species.
And to realign it in a current planetary context of dementia, intense conflicts and disputes; of hunger, disease, exclusion; of upheavals and devastation,
we must look for the right tools to adjust human consciousness and reach the level of collective consciousness to change established patterns. We
have to double "the corner of the world" and offer "brotherhood" and not only food to our fellows.
The new agenda of the millennium has an important role in humanity's global commitment on the basis of this change in standards, as set out the
steps to be followed by all member countries and their populations. Should be an honest, strong and courageous agenda, as signaled in item 16 A / 68
/ L.4 UN:
Post-2015 development agenda - 16. In parallel with the intensification of efforts to accelerate the achievement of
the Millennium Development Goals, we are determined to craft a strong post-2015 development agenda that will
build on the foundations laid by the Millennium Development Goals, complete the unfinished business and respond
to new challenges18
The planet and the life must be the focus of the new millennium goals and not just humans. A strong agenda is effectively what the world needs to
regenerate and protect life.
The Homo sapiens is still the only rational being that inhabits the planet Earth and is different from other living beings, by their enacted ability to live in
society and to establish ethical standards of conduct. The "conscience" - that can make you act ethically is the higher quality of the human brain - it
vibrates with the universe respecting nature.19
In this line and finding the waywardness of mankind with reference to the environment and with the same determination of new awareness formulas
to put the planet on track, developed since 1995 in Brazil one art project that came in for inspiration to play the human soul, titled NATURE IN LIGHT
- which through the works materialized as cyber totems manifested in trees, flowers, lights, technology and magic; launches chance for art
and for life and focuses on "flora and its energy is expressed by the light." This project, which for us is a mission, came in as a message of a higher
Our Emphasis added.
In RIO + 10 - A FINDING OF IMPOTENCE / RIO + 20 - THE LAST CHANCE. / 13 Proposals and Assumptions Logic for Environmental Sustainability: Inputs to Zero Draft, and RIO +
20). Earth, 2011. Contribution of Paul o& Fernando Zornitta.
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order to develop it; arising from this major source and that everything moves. We have a certain undeniable, which is part of the seeds or remedies
remaining to fix one the world; He speaks exactly this urgency of actions enacted by the IPCC and by explicit subtlety of art for it.21
NATURE IN WAVES LIGHT sculptures By Paulo and Fernando Zornitta
The art that cannot change the world, but can change the man who can change the world; as wisely said Herbert Macuse.
While we think and we have many ideas and the necessary seeds, we see the actions of nations and international organizations seeking the same way,
but totally out of tune and time urgency which needs to be; out of context and without the correct persuasion strategies. We live in a world of global
pacts and agreements, absolutely everyone breached. On the other hand, we also see the ignorance, intolerance, disputes, terrorism and gain ground
and, paradoxically also in the name of freedom of expression in Western countries22
, prompting cultures, generating insecurity, fear and more discord.
We see hundreds of millions of humans who agonize as refugees and displaced conflicts, disasters and climate; we see the hunger, disease, ignorance
and exclusion on a planet that also dying.
We see human beings stretched to the sun like seals in the southern coastline of stones from Italy, waiting for the sense of brotherhood and a bit of
humanity on the part of nations that, contrary to expectation, want to raise new walls of separation, as in Hungary to prevent the entry of refugees in
Serbia. Today, of the 60 million refugees recorded in 2014, 50% are children. Some of them are also being treated as seals, along with their parents.
21 / Some works and the project's Green Wave Movement. See attached file of this work and view the text of the artist and
critical Clarice Tarragô entitled HUMAN NATURE, also in attachments.
As in the attack on Charlie Abdo in Paris and its effects in the same intolerance around the world.
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One of the exigencies of humanity is to live in peace and harmony, in order to jointly safeguard the planet that today suffers the destruction fueled by
hatred, greed, prejudice and the evil human actions on the environment; which in turn contribute and generate conflicts, wars, deaths, migration,
hunger, disease and exclusion.
Nowadays, the frequent occurrence of natural disasters such as earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanic eruptions as
well as man-made disasters, such as deforestation, pollution at sea, the sharp loss of wetlands, pollution of water
resources, desertification , species extinction, landslides in the cities, extreme climates, large floods, land collapse,
epidemic diseases, extreme drought, the decrease of grain and food security caused by climate change and
economic activities unsustainable, pose serious threats to human survival and economic development. The
occurrence of various disasters changed the political landscape of the world and exacerbated poverty, which in turn
has generated conflict (IESCO - International Ecological Safety Collaborative Organization).
To reach peace, necessary for sustainable development and resilient to the new component of climate change is necessary wending a path which will
certainly not be the case, aggression, wars. We seek peace, but a planet that recorded 13,500 attacks and hundreds of conflicts in 2014; some
promoted "for peace".
- Does peace can be achieved without peace and through a bellicose culture; or a new culture and way can be built for humanity?
- What path can lead us to peace?
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The instinct of the caves and the irrational race for survival populated the brain of our caveman ancestors, who supply of tomahawks and instruments
for the defense of aggression that could come from animals or other of the same species. So we walk and evolve contaminated by the same instinct,
spent for the development of crops that feeling superiors wanted to dominate others. The caves to the modern era, the primitive instinct continued
polluting and instigating the human entrepreneurial spirit and conqueror; making him go through evolution, domination and destruction. In modernity
no longer with local effects, but overall, as the two great wars of the last century or in the recent or Europe surroundings that make popping afflicted
people and the planet dying.
In 10 years, the need for humanitarian aid in the world has doubled and is expected to 1 billion people will be displaced by 2050 only because of
climate change (if we survive until then). In other causes, such as conflicts and wars, only tolerance and peace will prevent all mankind is reached and
part of that forecast and increase the number of displaced (which exceeds 60 million people today) because nations which proposes peace, have
thousands of times more weapons killing them potential and not fall apart; nations that have better conditions, are the least aid to refugees these
conflicts offer. Nations with invaluable cultural heritage such as Iraq and Syria, are destroyed soon by intolerance and by internal and international
conflicts, killing millions of defenseless citizens - as killed so far in Syria more than 220 thousand people and left 680,000 injured and maimed ; leaving
more than 4 million displaced.
What happens in the world today, the radicalism that kills in attacks, entered the gen of battered crops. Cannot forget the first morbid reality show the
whole world watched - all in the name of peace, "a single attack day on Iraq day in December 1998, the US and Britain moved in equipment and
weapons of war and maintenance of his men, more than U $ A 1 billion and invested in a single day U $ 300 million only in missiles (having launched the
24-hour period, three times more missiles than in all the Vietnam War this unique day attack Iraq). We also monitor NATO without UN authorization,
attacking the former Yugoslavia spending in less than a month more than 30 billion into action against the Serbs (April / 99), boasting to reach 400
goals in a single day (08/03 / 99) and had made 600 attacks on 4/30/9923
During and especially at the end of the twentieth century, we saw preposterous actions and bad funds invested across the planet. Witness sixteen
countries together invest US $ 300 billion in a single space station and superior features in the life of research on other planets, while billions of human
beings still dying in abject poverty in unsanitary conditions and hunger on earth. And the insanity continues. In late June 2015 a ship carrying food to a
few people in a space station exploded at launch. - What is the cost to maintain this season and utopia; how many people cannot be fed here on
The UN indicates that 267 billion dollars are needed to eliminate hunger in the world by 2030; less than the resources invested in the International Space Station.
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Among Warheads, Uranium and Plutonium and war potential thousands of times greater than necessary to destroy the planet, the world continues
with his hypocrisy. In 2012 the US and Russia signed a treaty to eliminate 34 tons of plutonium each, which would for the manufacture of 17,000
atomic bombs, however, 23 000 nuclear warheads and are still active and on standby to attack and hands of these two nations and a few more allied
nations. US and Russia also signed another treaty to reduce by seven years of that date, its nuclear arsenal to 1,550 warheads war and 800 vectors
each (30% of which had then). These two countries are continuing and will continue with the power to destroy the world, for only decreased fraction
of their military arsenal and still will have the material for the production of over 120 of these warheads25
Yet heard through the media, the new nuclear threats from countries with high military potential. And, according to V. Affirmative on the opening of
the plenary meeting for the Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) in New York (USA), at
UN Headquarters on 27/04 /2015 "progress in working for global nuclear non-proliferation stagnated and the trend toward zero nuclear weapons is
reversing." Also stated that "the elimination of nuclear weapons is a priority for the United Nations and that no other weapon has the potential to
cause such destruction in our world; however, instead of progress to reach new weapons reduction agreements have complaints of violations of existing
agreements. (Emphasis added)
Text "Among Warheads, Uranium and Plutonium The Lost in the Nuclear Security Summit." By Paul Zornitta & Fernando Zornitta 2012.
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"Instead of the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty into force or a treaty banning the production of fissile materials for nuclear
weapons, we see expensive modernization programs that will strengthen the nuclear weapons for decades to come.
Instead of pursuing proposals to speed up nuclear disarmament, including my Five Point Plan, there has been a
dangerous return to the Cold War mentality, "Ban warned.”This investment is a regression for our world26
(Emphasis added)
The sustainability of the Earth depends on the pressing condition of planetary peace and the start of construction of this planetary peace road passes
by changing human behavior and individual pass doors27
. The way of peace through the weapons, proved just have awakened the animal and warlike
instinct that inhabits the human spirit, generating more hatred, conflicts, wars and terrorist actions instigated, which put the planet in a state of fear
and dread. This way of seeking peace is bestial is difficult to solve, when combined with the variable "time" - extremely long in their view of solving (as
more instigates hatred and mutual aggressions and prevents the development and generating effects often unpredictable as the current of those
millions of civilians who sojourn like ants on the ground or as seals the seas in search of refuge in Europe); but the world continues with the warlike
spirit and brings us even closer to the irrational animals and caves.
Those most technologically prepared countries develop apparatuses of war rather than investing in actions to promote peace. This has to be worked
on and change because the planet is announced prone to "sustainable development" does not support the combination of these two variables -
“There has been a dangerous return to the Cold War mentality ', warns Secretary-General of the UN. Website of the UN Brazil 28 April 2015.”
See the authors' text PEACE ON EARTH - UTOPIA OR CHANCE? In
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climate and armed conflict; having so many emergency problems to solve. Incontestable proof of this are the current humanitarian actions for
displaced by conflict who arrive in Europe (totaling more than 260,000 refugees - at this writing this document) and that the European continent has to
meet - but do not want and refuses (to exception of Italy) - in the spirit of brotherhood that we are still relevant while also human. Fences and walls are
built, rather than offering them solidarity.
We should have seized - but not grasp - with the former and not so distant conflicts, which have always generated the same effects and problems,
such as the former Yugoslavia, Iraq - which forced millions of people to migrate in search of refuge and a chance of survival, even in Europe. Today
everything is repeated, as in Syria, North African countries and is still active in Iraq and other countries, which proves that the world has not grasped
the lesson. The UN plays a decisive role and may indicate new avenues for the culture of peace, but that can only be the way of peace.
It is necessary to review the jingoism by the expected stage in which we find ourselves - the quest for "democracy" parked - political system considered
"top line" contemporary evolution of mankind ', "simply because it is not working and not preventing atrocities and or the destruction of the earth.
The concern should not be only the "economy and globalization and its consequences - the exclusion of nations and least qualified; but also with the
"autonomy of nations (taken as examples and" free ") to promote the greatest aberrations" - a depleting natural resources, exacerbate polluting; other
murdering and oppressing their own citizens and peoples; making civilians, families and children uncommonly like ants for protection and refuge;
destroying the artistic, landscape and cultural heritage already protected as humanity. Other democratic nations said the debauchery in the
production and use of weapons and devices of war; still others, the appropriation of traditional knowledge and patenting of natural processes and to
earn income; others by lust and technical-scientific jingoism that refer to the search for intelligent life beyond Earth and to genetic research without
proper security.
If the primary objective is the maintenance of life on Earth, a new form and goal to be sought by intelligence left on Earth and out of the autonomy
and independence of nations: the "global governance of the planet free of the imposition of the stage where more nations Early, the bellicose and
warlike forces and towards a "democratic and sustainable planet."
The climate aspect, the COPs and other global initiatives, present the finding of the events indicate measures, ways and possibilities for solutions to
the climate problem, but has not had the necessary strength and not found the right keys "are able to effectively stop destructive processes and bring
about the necessary changes. " In Peru, the last Conference - COP-20 - hardly moved and not reached a consensus; only created an environment for
"presentation of the individual goals for reducing CO² emissions of each country", in the direction of a new "global deal" that will still sought in 2015
but with a forecast of these measures begin to be put into practice from 2020.
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Humanity needs to review its historical attitudes and omissions; act with honesty principles and make "my fault." According to V. Affirmative meeting
with the Pope Francis in April 28, 2015, "to fight climate change is a moral issue, social justice, human rights and fundamental ethics".
"..... We need new universal solidarity. As the bishops said in South Africa, "you need the talent and the involvement
of all to repair the damage done by humans on God's creation." [22] We can all work together as instruments of
God, care for creation, each from their culture, experience, initiatives and capabilities. "(Pope Francis, Encyclical
LAUDATO SI ', 14, p. 5)
Among these issues and among nations is necessary to begin to encourage an "economic osmosis and wellness," which begins with the collaborative
spirit and joint procedures, which does not occur today. 28
In the international banking system, for example, whose interest charged in less developed countries - such as Brazil - can reach 350% per year on your credit card; more than
200% in bank loans and 25% for government domestic debt interest to these banks. While the average interest does not reach 2% in developed countries for their fellow citizens
and loans to entrepreneurs and governments.
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And "to mitigate climate change is necessary to eradicate extreme poverty, reduce inequality and ensure fair and sustainable economic development"
as affirmative V. own.29
In this sense it is necessary to focus on the fundamentals of sustainability - the principles - "and not just the targets" because they are never and will
not be fulfilled. Therefore, the "principles for planetary sustainability" should be given priority to "new goals and Millennium Development Goals" to
be established for the post 2015 and be boldly betting 30
- a key issue for the effectiveness of the proposals31
Assertive agreed and added that "the urgency of promoting peace and appease the instincts of caves that still inhabit the human soul", as the conflict
for various reasons have caused the devastation like never before and ended any possibility of development; is economical, equitable and far less
environmentally sustainable (as V. souvenirs); putting defenseless civilians fleeing barbarism and away from their cultural, territorial roots, community,
family - migrating, migrating and being displaced; having to be assisted and subjected to inhuman situations - to international human trafficking,
hunger, disease and the humiliations to seek a chance of survival - as it is today - from North Africa to Europe; Asia and several countries in conflict or
emergency situations, without a destination and where they can see a perspective of save themselves.
It is certain that a "game time seconds" is crucial to the planet, but five years - as is announced for start of a new global climate agreement to start -
will be forever. The man is the cancer of the Earth32
to be worked and remedied, because it causes metastasis in the biome on Earth is corrosive and
devastating actions - are against his fellow and against the natural environment.
The G7 meeting in Germany in May this year - event with the presence V. - agrees with preposterous goals and without any objectivity, such as in 2100
end all emissions of greenhouse gases, pushing with the belly a problem that is emergency and that the UN itself proposes to establish real,
courageous and honest goals - which seems to be what the most developed nations of the world want. - And if they do not align with the pressing and
necessary actions that the planet and humanity need, what can we expect from the rest of the world?
The measures taken for the new climate agreement or the new millennium goals cannot be applied for the future start, but immediately. We can see
that not only future generations are committed, but our own. So the speeches and the time for action have to change: the thinking and the action
must go together. We also have to be aware that any new positions, results in climate mitigation will not be immediate, as stated by the scientist
James Lovelock, proponent of holistic theory of GAIA advocates sustainable withdrawal, stating that "no government - not democratic or dictatorial -
UN News Centre - "Ban: luchar contra el cambio climate es una moral cuestión". In
See item 3 of this document with our suggestions “Post-2015 Sustainable Development Agenda (GSA)- Important Inputs Suggestion”
In this sense we present in item 3 of this document the principles and objectives that should only be contemplated in the new agenda
EARTH CANCER. Fernando Zornitta. Text Fernando Zornitta. Em
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will be able to reduce with effectiveness CO² emissions in the immediate future; since the process is unstoppable; so the best we can go doing is
protecting ourselves and adapt to the changes we ourselves have caused."
To try to reverse processes, you must stop first with the causes. We are part of the process and we can mitigate the effects. And for that we need to
join forces to counter a power contrary to vector pull us to the end. The civilizing process of planetary destruction is enabled in perpetual continuo-
motion, consumption and domination and extermination have chosen and only the collective and conscious effort can be slowed and reversed.
Therefore, this review and all processes will be more important than waking up initiatives and goals for the future without reviewing these processes
and prevent further damage. It is more logical.
- How many trees will no longer be here in 2020 following this "lazy step or turtle" proposed for the start of the new climate change agreement
expected to have started in 2020 to try to get to 2030 with some advance ?
No use of having a new agenda for the so-called "sustainable development" and a new global agreement on climate, if not we propose courageous
actions, correct and "immediate" to those goals and setting aside the hypocrisy and deception of the masses who believe all that comes from
governments, the media, corporations and organizations.
10. Action to combat climate change and environmental degradation a key part of the agenda. Global nature of
challenge calls for widest possible international cooperation. Urgency of universal climate agreement. 33
There is a consensus among the countries that are part of the UN this urgency, but not a real stance, if we look separately nations involved - and all
human conscious and know they see it34
. And, they know as well as they see that "this urgency is not that urgent" for some nations which have a
special power to the United Nations, which hinder the establishment of honest and necessary form of the objectives and conduct of projects and
programs; and that these nations can also stop with all the Organization's operations - as indeed has already been done. (The world has learned a few
years ago that the UN very nearly closed its doors and the organization had to be met by substantial donation in the amount of U $ A 1 billion, by
American businessman communications and largest shareholder CNN, Ted Turner)
UN document Discução About the Sustainable Development agenda post-2015. In (our
In a second topic of this document (entitled "Our Brazil - a Required Reading's Bad Example", we demonstrate this with this country indicators where we were born and we can
better understand the inconsistencies with respect for the environment and the omission to their commitments.
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While this, we still believe in the UN principles and this year 2015 will have to show the necessary courage - of leaders and especially to Your Mr. Ban
Ki-Moon, so you can dial the story through posture to take now, as it will establish the goals to be pursued by mankind and for the protection of the
planet; as well as the new climate agreement. Most of the alienated population will continue to be deceived by misaligned goals, but not the planet; it
will charge with its ability to rebel and bring hardships to humanity through climate events already planned, for example.
But the time urge. If we think that only medium-sized tree provides oxygen to a human family for one year (or other species) and every second of time,
thousands of trees, animals and vegetables are cut off from planet; billion tons of gases and noxious emissions are voluntarily placed on the
environment and thus follow aimlessly until they stop, extending actions that cannot wait a second of time that we still have to act through right
actions, which only are likely targets and precise agreements and actions.
The planet cannot wait any longer and therefore we propose more than agreements; We propose working humans to "change attitudes and actions
based on principles35
", aware that changes in attitudes and focuses only occur from human attitudes and species representatives committed to the
planet and its sustainability, where man is an important part, but not the only, nor the main (although this is the attitude of governments that are
established by a vote in which to calling democracy and focus their actions in humans consuming and voting).
Invest in clean technologies, for example; "Become a human leading in the fight against climate change", as Your Excellency proposed, are options that
are born of the attitudes and the level of consciousness of those who take them.
- But how and with what tools to raise awareness, educate and equip the man for the peaceful struggle and for life?
The tools for work a human consciousness need to be broadened in terms of innovation, utopia and magic; like those used by our caveman ancestors
who painted the walls of the hunting scenes in the certainty of the success of the same or of our brothers nearly extinct Indians, who have always had
art as a form of earthly and spiritual communication.
Most religions propose prayer. Other adds meditation and contemplation to reach the same goals and together we make the changes. Conventional
education in schools is a viable way but slow and not accessible to much of humanity that survives with minimum conditions, living like rats in sub-
housing and without seeing met their basic needs of food and health. Millions of others, roam the world without land or driven by conflict in their
countries or for clima and depend on humanitarian aid to stay alive; that is, without possibility of action by global causes.
As indicated in Section 3 of this document.
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But most of mankind has how contributed and is mainly her that the programs and actions should be directed. In this context, art is an aspect that
transcends everything and brings together all forms with great potential to sensitize and equip to fight for the planet and peace. It transcends because
it stirs the soul of the people making them communicate with the superior energy - that supports all - and externalize it through the symbolic
languages that are relevant and own. It is the interaction of the universe with the means of expression - the artist is who manifest, trough this
interaction the ways designed by Good.
Art in its various forms is an expression of consciousness and spiritual emanations that man tries to express through supra senses, according to Serge
Raynaud de la Ferriere. And she has registered and perennial human passage of man on earth and is protected as a treasure - as "World Heritage Site",
including the UNESCO / UN; acquired by astronomical values by those who have the resources.
However, for Clarice Tarragô36
, in the course of time man has become insensitive to their relationship with nature. Blind, deaf and dumb. They pass
before your senses all the changes that technological process produced among animal, vegetable and mineral you live surrounded. This is where art,
sensitive to all the nonsense is manifested in favor of life, in its many forms of expression.
In his text HUMAN NATURE, about the artistic work we do (NATURE IN LIGHT WAVES). Porto Alegre, 1995
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Art is also a powerful tool to touch the human soul, to integrate efforts in terms of a common goal. For UNESCO, "art is a powerful force for promoting
peace, remodeling and re-creates the world, opening new spaces for dialogue and mutual understanding37
Art imitates life, the saying goes. But life can also imitate art and its processes. In this context, art is just one of the tools which we can provide for the
total reversal of the situation that there is and what we promote evil of the planet. But for this, the key knows how it will assist us in this process, in
raising awareness and motivation for action and collective efforts.
NATURE IN WAVES LIGHT sculptures By Paulo and Fernando Zornitta
Art alone cannot change the world, but you can certainly change the man, who in turn can change the world, according to Herbert Marcuse indicated.
It is the result of a man's communication with the universe - the source of all inspiration and the messenger of all - and that is manifested through a
fine line of universe communication with the artist - it is through the inspiration - and This, interacting with their materials and techniques, makes the
message reaches the observer. What can be done interactively, as Domenico De Masi indicated in its proposal of "open work" in which the observer is
a participant and interacts in the work and its results.
For us this tool is perhaps the most powerful and effective weapon we have in this critical beginning of this century, which can act in the subtleties and
directly in the human soul, contributing significantly to behavioral changes and to create the conditions for the man please tune with nature; with the
universe, with the source of creation receives the right message to do so to express themselves in their actions.
Site of UNESCO Brazil, on the Alfred Fried Award of Photography.
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We humans live at the beginning of frightened century with the uncertain future; frightened by the furious response disrespected nature; frightened
by technological avalanche; Frightened by the military and nuclear arsenal; frightened by our fellow men by their different religious and political
beliefs - which has been helping disputes and terrorist actions; frightened by insanity and disengagement of rulers; fearful for diseases with pollution,
with pollution and all the effects of what we sow wrong and so we will seek new paradigms for the world around us and to improve it.
In this context, the human spirit in conflict and seeing mutual aggression between different cultures, the environment and the most sacred
manifestations of the human spirit, that is through the arts38
- when you should be in peace, sees the skepticism of science to bow to religion and art
and make way for a multi and interdisciplinary approach to the events before studied on a single angle of view. And she, like Picasso's Guernica, realize
the barbarity and make us think (that is the key to the beginning of the awareness process, the same key used in psychology to show young people the
reality of urban drug addicts or the result of a proceeding prisons).
This worldview seeks a way out of the chaos that we saw building; an alternative that underlies the new theories about the universe. Quantum theory
- nonlinear reasoning, in which the universe manifests itself in chaos and, out of chaos can come into balance; where religion and art can permeate
science and vice versa, i.e. the possibility of earlier utopian.
Science and art have complementary objectives. Science maximum could always explain the operation, but not the essence. We begin to live a new
era, in which does not interest us more explain both, but simply accept and at best understand the essence of the complexity that involves the
universe. And not jettisoned, only help to mitigate the effects of our human passage through the planet.
It is certain that art brings light in the darkness of the uncertainties of the future of humanity and the planet and she can join spirits committed to our
permanence and survival, which can also contaminate other and all.
And the art in this context cannot only imitate life, but transcend it, stirring with the human soul, with its ethical, aesthetic and human values and offer
us new avenues for transformation and change of behavior.
“Every cultural change is also mental and psychological. Hope is a starter for the transformation and
metamorphosis. All inter solidary reforms are like streams that join to form rivers which come together to reach and
Amazon. Thus formed a new path and the former disintegrate”39
Destruction of the artistic and cultural heritage of humanity in countries like Iraq, Syria Taliban and Islam
Edgar Morim. Lectures Cycle Thinking Borders. Porto Alegre, 2011 Destruction of the artistic and cultural heritage of humanity in countries like Iraq, Syria Taliban and Islam
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So in a great chain formed by all humanity in favor of the planet, life and peace, ma be the mitigation of global warming and climate effects and have a
survival perspective.
The art world is a world of possibilities still unexplored by contemporary humanity and can help make the real world a better world. Great art is great
and can be life on the planet. The life can imitate art and help shape a better world. We cannot say as did Nietzsche, when he said "only it will save us
from death," but we have a certainty, for our work in the fine arts, which can help (which we noticed in the glow the eyes of children, the elderly and
couples lovers who get the message that comes to us and we pass through the sculptures show NATURE IN LIGHT WAVES)
While we anticipate some exits, we are sad because we live in this planetary moment, where all say they are concerned and proposed to get more
global and planetary sustainability peace; where all humans with the biome belonging spirit hope and trust in their governments and international
organizations, but has not found nor used the correct procedures to do so; because the processes are still plastered, time-consuming, costly, closed,
self-absorbed, misaligned, unfocused and without finding nor use "the right keys".
A world where "skeptics out convenience" on climate change manifest themselves in articles without any scientific basis - so only financially for their
pockets; where entertainment industry continues to produce and fostering competition and struggles, when you could be fostering peace40
The man has been considered by himself and placed as the center of the universe and denied the principle, the foundations and intricate system that
gives you life conditions. This has been his great and serious mistake and cause of barbarism, atrocities and disregard for the planet that welcomes us,
because putting yourself in a superior position to all and to all other species, subdues and is projected to chaos. Seek peace but promotes conflict and
the war moved by selfishness and greed that is accompanied by the instinct that could not help in the caves; devastates and destroys to benefit from
natural resources. To deny its very existence.
Man must put up as part and not as the center of the universe, to have a chance. No future prospects exist, to continue the current course of
devastation. Life has become a game in which it is not known who will be the winner. And at that moment in history when humanity sets new
millennium goals, you must contextualize what cannot continue - the devastation, disputes, wars and not only establish conditions only to human life
but for the life of all species. So, should obligatorily contain as much more than sustainable development goals; affixes the goals zero deforestation,
the elimination of all weapons and devices of war, the collective governance of natural resources - among others, as we propose especially in the last
We propose in section 2.4.2 of this document, new principles, approaches and actions on the way
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two sections of this document (2. From Chaos Local to Global Light, and 3. Post-2015 Sustainable Development agenda (GSA) - Important Inputs
Suggestions. 41
Having to focus towards the reorientation of humanity, as witnessed radicalism and friction religious order based on fundamentalism, as in the attack
on Charlie Abdo in Paris at the beginning of January 2015 or 5 attacks in a single day (26/06 / 2015 3 continents and 5 different cities, including France,
Tunisia Syria and Kuwait with 67 deaths) by apocalyptic ideology, without realizing the intrinsic message and seeing the world invest in more military
pressure, police, institutional and safe from the attacks. Mankind thus follows in the path of litigation, thinking of promoting peace through force and
firearms - peace ever be achieved this way.
In the four last 4 decades of the twentieth century, consume 1/3 of the world wilderness and 50% of these as he traced the guidelines of sustainable
development, the UN Conference of the proposal in 1984 and launched the ECO 92; 4% only in the last 10 years after Rio 92 (1992 to 2002). According
to the IUCN, 22 784 animal species are threatened with extinction - 40% of amphibians and 20% of mammals. And so, we followed with agreements
that do not comply by making new promises and no we control on the one hand what is happening in another world (100 000 elephants were killed
As indicated in the proposals and activities Topic 2 and their sub-topics; and, under the headings 3 and their 36 indications inputs to the GSA.
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between 2010 and 2012 for the withdrawal of their ivory tusks in Africa; ¾ of whales already They disappeared and all day we have news of the
disappearance of other species). We live promoting the 6th great extinction of life on the planet; now not due to an event in the last 65 million years,
when we were hit by a meteor; but an irrational and slow, the man's hand.
While those committed to peace and true sustainability seek consensus, we see the planet degenerate and pursuing wrong paths, in a perspective of
fear and destruction instead of harmony. And this bias comes to mind that man has the power to devastate the planet and annihilate with his own
humanity through nuclear and biological weapons in a push button or by breaking some test tubes.
The UN plays a key role, but has worked in more effects than the causes and being used to "put out fires". It operates in a context of emergency
problems that you take the possibilities of focus and efficiency, imposing limits that are like lead shoes. Problems of diseases and epidemics that
plague humanity - such as AIDS, Ebola, the ESRB and other pests that emerge suddenly (as the very "respiratory syndrome" in Korea), or resurface as
measles and tuberculosis; problem as the more than 60 million climate refugees, conflict and war; problems like hunger and food shortages; the
effects of climate mitigation; protection of the environmental and artistic heritage and many others are above the solving ability of any organism,
nation or economic bloc. It is a task of humanity as a whole - each and all citizens of the planet.
The world has its greatest hopes in the UN, in its commitment, in your experience and resoluteness but suspicions with member countries and the
pseudo democracies they represent; which can put - as put by voting - and inept individuals whose representatives set up in power are so
preposterous and are the current way in which the economic power purchase political power that easily corrupts42
- and this we call "process
democratic "; where all nations come together in a proven bankrupt and corrosive process of the biosphere - that of globalization - to deplete the
planet in the name of development / growth and, therefore using less pasta prepared culturally, which believing the false promises of changes They
lend themselves to appoint to the governments; but finally reproduce the same failed model that drives us all and the planet into chaos and leave the
world generating more deleted-voting future that perpetuate these pseudo-democracies that only do contribute to the degeneration of life and the
planet .
Not only in Brazil but in most "democracies" of the world, who funds the political campaigns of the legislative and the executive are the s companies that have interests. In Brazil
the financing of campaigns - "donations" - are historically made by large companies that are always among the top performing infrastructure works. In recent re-election to the
presidency of Brazil, 7 of the 10 largest donors are suspected of corruption and the procedure to return this money is the overpricing of the works. They consider an "investment"
campaign donation. According to Director of Open Accounts NGO, each donated £ 8.5 yields. A single company donated about R $ 300 million dollars for the last election.
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- What environmental commitment and planetary may have a being who comes into the world devoid of everything and fight as less force than an
animal just for survival ???43
- What is the environmental cost of keeping the human species as the center of the universe and a single species with absolute power over all the
planet's resources?
The ecological footprint is now 50% larger than the Earth can generate to meet the greed and the load on it and continue producing more people and
products on a planet that no longer offers support and continues to receive all kinds of aggressions.
- What are effective initiatives to reverse the current planetary picture that are promoted with positive results by nations and international
- That commitment to the planet and the sustainability of life may have the economy and the so-called "democratic" governments, constituted in this
magnetized aura of globalization and connected to the “train wreck of the economy” ???
- Saving the planet and safeguard the life that inhabits it?
54% of humanity goes hungry. - How will be able to adapt to climate change ???
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In Sydney, Australia on November 14, 2014, hundreds of people buried their heads in de sand, in a gesture that brings the message of the feeling of
lack of initiatives on climate change and called for actions in this regard in the G-20 event, as nations and G-20 leaders met and talked issues centered
on the economy and growth, seeking to establish the goals of global economy, the creation of funds and development banks, without giving up the
seriousness appointed by the IPCC and the WMO / UN and the absence of consensus for the climate agreement.
But at the end of the event received by the pressure, the climate issue was put on the agenda of the G-20 meeting.
Now, better late than never and even if parallel to the jingoism of economic growth, we need to invest in innovative, magical and outputs regarded as
utopian; if we seek honest solutions to the global sustainability as normal, committed and promoted by bureaucratic and intangible global governance
structure, imposed or agreed by nations, national and international agencies and those individuals set up this structure; follow with their themes,
traditional policies and procedures, and effectively "have not been aware of the problems and the planet"; shyly they have managed to sensitize
humanity to the sustainability and actions in the opposite direction of jingoism and goals of economic growth, sustainability absolutely nothing.
So walk with slow steps towards preservation and striding toward extinction, deluded by inefficient agreements are not fulfilled and that do not solve
the crucial problems of the planet and humanity.
The United Nations and all nations know that mankind has "big calluses on feet" and that the planet is a ball ready to surprise us more and more in
disasters and unpredictable damages. This international body does its part by studying and alerting, but this is too little, because the pernicious actions
continue in an increasingly fast pace.
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And if we do not take upon themselves the burden even with the pressures of the strong gravitational system of the economy and the greater power
of either nation, it will be remembered as an entity that was in service from scratch and that was complicit in the destruction of the planet.
Only we the "planetary society" - imbued with the same principles of creation - and we know where the calluses hurt and we remedies and magic
wands of inspiration and actions that can lead to solutions; we have the tools for mobilizing and can help eliminate them no more pain for humanity
and save life on the planet (although we may also be living in countries that gravitate in the magnet of economic globalization and that do not give
good examples, such as Brazil44
UN issues and focuses are adopting for several bins - disputes, wars, hunger, health, food, housing, environment, global emergencies and disasters,
refugees, extreme violence and terrorism, human rights, science and culture, tourism - among many others foci and vectors. Why and how brain
inducer of the world's ways, cannot disregard the light, keys, magic, utopia and doors and exits windows than any individual of the human species
brings you to remedy, mitigate, change, improve, meet, look, look, understand, resolve, stop, reduce, increase, delete, and also surprise towards
improving the human condition, of life and sustainability of the magical world that welcomes us. For this, it must be permeable the fruitful ideas and
follow them.
The problems that the UN has to face and which are already large can become insoluble if we find the correct keys to reverse. Some of the problems
are not attacked in origin and prevention become immense, as the disputes, conflicts and wars that affect innocent; forcing the creation of
humanitarian aid, refugee camps, displacement by conflict; immigrant crises; lack of food, education, housing, health, epidemics - among many others.
Other problems, such as raising the planet's temperature with its catastrophic effects, are also irreversible and therefore now have to work on the
«Tenemos que aprender a vivir de otra manera. No es el momento de hacer política, sino de buscar
soluciones pragmáticas. Por ejemplo, creando ciudades bien planificadas y resistentes al cambio
climático, como Singapur. Se supone que somos criaturas inteligentes e inventivas, seguro que
podemos adaptarnos» (James Lovelock).
Detail approach our country in the first item of this document.
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The UN, with its 36 branches, offices and various programs, you can if you want to find and foster collective forces to take care of the biosphere and,
therefore, must rely on the endogenous and creative potential of humanity, joining efforts for fruitful actions. Only now that these actions need to be
catalysts to ferment, raising awareness man and all humanity here is to make a difference and not as man comes walking - to feed, defecate, have
children and die - as enunciated Leonardo Da Vinci.
And for this, simply move a minimum of resources that humanity uses to advance toward the uncertain future; as the trillions of dollars that are
invested in research and space adventures or warlike actions, disputes, wars and weapons; and focus on global action to promote "global citizenship"
as we set "ALL THE PLANET, ALL FOR PEACE", as the ideogram statement later; believing that "a single citizen can make a difference and help change
the world"; for the world we want, more ethical, just, fraternal and sustainable. And many humans with the same spirit and action effectively change
the world.
We can no longer wait for solutions to difficult consensus blocks, associations, caught organisms and do not make the wheel spin; of countries that
supposedly protect us against imaginary enemies and causing "cold wars"; promoting research that seek and expect output to human life in outer
space at the expense of wisdom to foster and have it increased in the biosphere.
Covenants are transient, as well as agreements with date, time, and numbers to be fulfilled to an intangible level. No warranty offer at this critical time
of random variables and we can prove that are breached as time passes. At the turn of the XXth century for XXIº the world has created an expectation
on what would be the most important meeting that humanity will witness in the history of its evolution (after ECO-92), which took place in Hanover in
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Germany during the Fair World - EXPO 2000 is 100 in 100 years (which in 1899 was responsible for building the Eiffel Tower), which this year had as its
theme "The Planet Fate and the Future of Man," in which 87 countries gathered said seeking "exit doors and alternatives for sustaining life on the
planet", again in frustrated and to all mankind - he hoped courageous stances and indicative of "action" for the changes.
Two years later, in 2002, the Rio + 10 we expected that the next step faster; but only made note what we already knew. And it was followed by the RIO
+ 20, an important event and one of the last chances. But while their important contributions and indicative of ways, such as the new agenda, we as
humans we have an all do everything to help and without waiting any longer.
We "with his hand on the ground and on earth" is that we can save and preserve the world for the expected but uncertain future generations and,
before it are ultimate afternoon. We need to put as part and not the center of the universe and not only as we measure the environmental cost to
human life, but for life and other species that inhabit the planet: the man no longer is treated as the center, but so only as part of the universe.
Following the call of nature, humanity and the planet that is dying; given the V. call while UN Secretary General and the appeal of Pope Francis - which
has a spectacular coincidence of souls that are in line with the supreme will - and we more concerned with uniting mankind in unison to stop
aggression the planet and life and we activate the perpetual motion of the necessary actions, propose joint efforts so that together and counting in all
humility we can join forces to these necessary actions in tune with the harmony and peace needed to fix one up and re-orientate human actions on
the planet.45
So awareness man and mankind, he can no longer are the center, but only part of the universe. With this posture, valuing all other forms of life and
the planet's resources; the principles of maintenance of life and promote peace, overcome all the problems that the civilizing process created and left
us as a legacy.
11.. 11.. OOuurr BBrraazziill -- aa NNeecceessssaarryy RReeaaddiinngg aa BBaadd EExxaammppllee::
The important is not to run and get a first; essential is whether the right is the direction in which it goes.
Humberto Rohden
This is a chapter on the country we are born and live, who would not want to be exposed, but because of our familiarity with their problems and the
perception of forgotten possibilities of correction, the included herein, making the "mea culpa" data and information and recording the lines of our
So awareness man and mankind, that he can no longer be the center, but only part of the universe. With this posture, valuing all other forms of life and the planet's resources;
the principles of maintenance of life and promote peace, overcome all the problems that the civilizing process created and left us as a legacy
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understanding and possible solutions on them. We are aware that it is a bad example to the world along the lines of environmental sustainability and
that is also one of the countries that contribute the most to global warming.
Brazil is one of the three most critical regions of the planet in relation to climate effects - in Latin America46
- and here we are born and live in a country
that has one of the richest biodiversity on the planet; plenty of water, the biggest forest of splendid environmental and landscape wealth coast and we
see all be devastated and destroyed in the name of so-called "progress"; by the hand of man, the indiscriminate exploitation, economic
voluptuousness - Industrial and commercial.
South America and Africa are the largest of devastating forest areas and the Brazil planetary leader47
- both in its region and the world; is the 4th most
responsible for the greenhouse effect in the world, mainly due to deforestation. It is a country of paradoxes and misaligned behavior towards
sustainability and towards the protection of its environmental heritage. While taking nearly 20% of all surface water and nearly 30% of the planet's
biodiversity, following devastating and turning its rivers, lakes and seas in open sewers and polluting the earth, the sky and sea; compromising
biodiversity and life on Earth.
Tropical forests cover only 7% of the land, but contain nearly half of all the trees and animals on the planet and generate about 40% of Earth's oxygen.
Brazil has one third of all tropical forests in the world, portion composed of the Amazon and the Atlantic Forest, and the latter remains less than 8% of
its original cover. 72% of the Amazon forest is within the geographic boundaries of our country and the rest in neighboring countries.
Brazil has not given good example, is extremely cruel to the environment that gives you life support, which softens the climate and oxygenates the
earth; follows irresponsibly deforesting the most representative remnant of rainforest in the world, the Amazon - an average of 5-6 thousand square
kilometers a year and a relative increase of 29% between 2012 and 201348
, wiping out the flora and fauna, with hundreds of thousands of
simultaneous fires (only in the first half of October 2014 were registered 20 657 foci), a large part of these focuses on conservation areas. From
January 1 to November 29, 2014, INPE49
satellite recorded 170 715 forest fire outbreaks (65% difference the most, with the number of fires observed
in 2013) and of these, 79.1% were in the biome Amazon.
According to a study sponsored by the World Bank, with the support of the Research Institute for Climate Impact Potsdam, Germany.
Brazil is the largest deforester the world, according to Claudio Amarante, the NGO WWF Brazil.
Although official statistics indicate otherwise, namely the mitigation of deforestation in the Amazon
Brazilian National Institute of Spatial Research
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Over the past 40 years the Amazon forest has lost 762,979 square kilometers of area50
, and only three months in late 2014, lost 1,067 square
kilometers of its forest area; right under the noses of our rulers and the powers that be, who do nothing to stop this process, that prioritize the man
from the other species and their activities out of touch with life. Although the announced reductions in deforestation of the Federal Government,
increases were recorded in 169%, 282% and 195% compared to the months of January, February and March 2015, compared to the same periods in
2014 in the area of the Amazon and August 2014 to March 2015, the increase was 214% compared to the same period last year, representing 1,761
Km² deforested, according to the Imazon Istitute51
According to the coordinator of the Climate report The Future of the Amazon, researcher Antonio Donato Nobre, INPE:
The Amazonian occupation has destroyed 42 billion trees, that is, more than 2000 trees per minute continuously for
the past 40 years. Adding to the deforestation and degradation (which considers green areas, but unused) of forest,
destruction of the Amazon reaches more than 2, 062 million square kilometers.52
The deforestation reflections appear in the weather, with droughts, lack watermark, biological and loss of food productivity in Brazil and worldwide.
But the main effect is the release of CO² in the atmosphere and the contribution in raising the temperature of the planet.
Amazon deforestation has caused drought in southern Brazil, and estimates indicate that over 80% of our wildlife has been lost over the last 40 years
and an unimaginable biological loss, especially for the extinction of forests in the country. The same forests that act as deposit of CO² and are
producing hundreds of millions of tons of oxygen that would be released into the atmosphere every year - capable of meeting the need for O² of the
Brazilian population - is the same area that is deforested annually in the country.
In a single hectare of Amazon rainforest can find up to 300 plant species and Brazil is the country of the world most smuggles animals; about 12 million
animals throughout the year -of which only 10% survive after hunting and transportation. This reckless trade and anti-ecological, making U $ A one
billion / year. Victims are exported to Europe, to America, to Japan and other countries considered 1st world; for collectors, shops, zoos and fairs.
Brussels - European Union host city - the wild animals of "exotic wildlife", are sold in a public thoroughfare, as well as in several other European cities53
Report "The Climate Future of the Amazon", INPE
Amazonian it Accumulates 762 thousand km of Deforestation in 40 years. Source, editor Nadia Franco.
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In this morbid and degenerative context, we planetary society with universal thought, humanitarian and in favor of all forms of life, we seek ways to
prevent and fight these demonic forces, selfish, destructive and contrary to the maintenance of life in a country that moves forward without course for
the future without the alleged wisdom nor whether certain is the direction that will; put down by the forces of globalization and spiritually possessed
by demonic force of attraction and the political power internally.
The effects are catastrophic, but no action is inconceivable. In Brazil, from January to October 2014 we had over 32,000 fires "in legalized areas of
environmental preservation"; in the devastation field advances with fires and pollution by pesticides - Brazil is the world's largest consumer of these
products and agribusiness, is close to 25% of GDP, one of the six largest agricultural producers in the world and continues to focus on food and grains
to satisfy the world's voracity and feed humans and animals. The benefit and profits that are for farmers, but for that the environmental cost and the
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damage remains for humanity, for its activities to devastate areas and forests, absorb public funds and precious water resources; with poison pollute
the land, water, air and life, including humans. 54
The same rivers and pure surface waters that support life, is the fate of human sewage that are rarely treated. In northern Brazil, for example, where
are the most important water resources of the planet, only 20% of sewage is treated and released is being detected contamination with mercury used
in mining in major rivers of the Amazon, as the Tapajos; preventing the obtaining of fish for human consumption itself. The death of fish contamination
in rivers near urban areas is recorded from north to south and east to west. Only 1.5% of the country's coastal area is protected by conservation areas,
which also feature internally incompatible occupations and activities with such protective measure.
The world produces 41 million tons of "electronic junk" and Brazil alone accounts for more than 1.5 million tons / year and the second in electronic
disposal in the world, after the United States.
A quarter of the country's GDP comes from agricultural activities, however, Brazil develops agriculture and livestock extensive and unsustainable,
consuming natural resources and energy pathetically to bring as a result much less than produced and with a heavy environmental burden and legacy
of devastation. It has 5 million agricultural structures, but only 20% of these have technical assistance. Perhaps this is why the country is the world's
largest consumer of pesticides (19% of the total) and 50% of the products used here are banned in the EU and the USA. 70% of the food consumed in
Brazil is contaminated with these products. Soybeans, corn, cotton and sugarcane are responsible for the consumption of more than 80% of pesticides
used in the country.55
According to the FAO / UN, soils host 25% of the planet's biodiversity; account for 95% of food production and 33% are degraded and threaten global
food security in a world that currently has 805 million people chronically fed.
Close to 80% of the planet's fresh water lends to agriculture for food production to final destination of humans - whether of animal or plant source. In
Brazil there are over 200 million head of cattle and export all year more than 1.58 million tons in 2014 and without taking into account that to obtain 1
kg of meat, they are used throughout the process close to 13,000 liters of water and the same kilo is responsible for 300 kg of greenhouse gases, but
Between 2009 and 2010, the Studio GREEN WAVE GREEN WAVE Movement developed audiovisual production - genre documentary - titled PESTICIDES, ENVIRONMENTAL &
HUMAN HEALTH, which detected and registered the application unreasonable and harmful form of these products, using Hand labor of children, youth and adults working
without adequate protection; polluting the environment and contaminating the products with absurd levels of use of pesticides (a tomato with 53 applications, up to the sale to
the consumer and with internationally banned products)
According to the article "alarming" the use of pesticides in Brazil reaches 70% of the food, "published in El Pais on April 30, 2015, with bases in several studies. In
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follow planting grain and raising cattle and other slaughter animals to feed populations that sometimes are on the other side of the planet, like China
buying 30 40% of our production of soybeans and meat from eight major Brazilian slaughterhouses56
. In 2015 we will produce over 204 million tons of
grain - nearly all extensively with irreversible environmental impacts. On June 30, 2015 Brazil signed an agreement in Washington that the US release
the importation of fresh beef (unprocessed) estimated at 100 tons / year to that country by farmers, adding to the hundreds of thousands of tons to
other countries for which we have already exported, - Saudi Arabia, South Korea, Russia, Egypt, Venezuela, Italy - from more than 20 countries.
"Farming can issue alone 33% of the world's greenhouse gases, more than all the cars, trains, ships and planes together, totaling 14%57
" and produce
nearly 12 million kg of methane per year. Livestock serving for human consumption generates 18-19% of greenhouse gases in the world, according to
estimates of the minimum UN. 23% of the Earth's surface lends itself to sustain 3 billion ruminants, but we do not change our eating habits.
Everything revolves around the production for human consumption, and know that a single human being consumes in a lifetime more than 200 tons of
food between liquid and solid; the planet imposing a heavy environmental burden that individual are met their basic needs.
Brazil has 60% of its exports on commodities - based on natural resources; whereas ore, soybeans and oil account for 30% of its exports, according to
Deforestation also lends itself to logging and, it is noteworthy that our hardwoods and endangered remain ordered and imported by developed
countries and foods such as soy that is planted extensively or cattle and other protein sources animal, they lend themselves to feed the world; while
other importing nations these products save the soil, water and other local environmental resources. Brazil is yard for the production of cellulose;
while factories are closed in developed countries.
It is a more damaging posture than that of "carbon credits" - which damage in one place could be compensated economically in another, as proposed
and was used by countries bound by the Kyoto Protocol.
The changes of direction in a country like Brazil, which advances at any price, put down the economy and unplanned, cannot take care of your
environment. Not only extensive farming is harmful to the environment, but all agricultural areas - including settlements that have devastated their
forests and lend themselves to the production of food for human purposes of his maintenance and that are not deployed properly.
Agreement signed in late May 2015 by Prime Minister Chines directly with Brazilian President.
According to the article The Dark Side of Food. Ciro Antonio Roselen. In

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  • 1. 1 ALL FOR THE PLANET, AL FOR THE PEACE – Global Action. Green Wave Movement contribution for human attitudes change, for peace and planet save / 1 / Inputs Suggestion to Post-2015 GSA and to new Agreement 2015 from Clime Global Action Proposition ALL FOR THE PLANET, ALL FOR THE PEACE11 GGrreeeenn WWaavvee MMoovveemmeenntt ccoonnttrriibbuuttiioonn ffoorr hhuummaann aattttiittuuddeess cchhaannggee,, ffoorr ppeeaaccee aanndd ppllaanneett ssaavvee // // IInnppuuttss SSuuggggeessttiioonn ttoo PPoosstt--22001155 GGSSAA aanndd ttoo nneeww AAggrreeeemmeenntt 22001155 ffrroomm CClliimmee From “Tropical Civilization2 ”, Brazil, 2014 by Fernando Zornitta, Paulo Zornitta, Marco Zornitta, Luca Zornitta, Rafael Zornitta 1 Authors - Paulo Roberto Zornitta, José Fernando Zornitta, Marco Adriano Zornitta, Luciano Luca Zornitta, Rafael K. Zornitta 2 Title given by Darcy Ribeiro to the people and the Brazilian culture.
  • 2. 2 ALL FOR THE PLANET, AL FOR THE PEACE – Global Action. Green Wave Movement contribution for human attitudes change, for peace and planet save / 2 / Inputs Suggestion to Post-2015 GSA and to new Agreement 2015 from Clime ALL FOR THE PLANET, ALL FOR THE PEACE – Global Action Proposition / Green Wave Movement contribution for human attitudes change, for peace and planet save / Inputs Suggestion to Post-2015 GSA and to new Agreement 2015 from Clime From “Tropical Civilization”, Brazil, 2014 by Fernando Zornitta, Paulo Zornitta, Marco Zornitta, Luca Zornitta, Rafael Zornitta Born in 10/07/1923, ascended in 07/07/2015 3 3 While this document was formatted This light instrument for the humanity - for all and for the improvement of the planet that welcomes us; brought through this document and addressed the General secretary of ONU Ban Ki-Moon-it is dedicated by the authors-children and grandchildren - to ALICE MARIA DELLA PASQUA ZORNITTA, woman, mother, grandmother, exemplary citizen - Brazilian from birth and Italian recognized officially (for 8 Italian grandfathers' descent and for the sanguine line-as indicates the constitution of this country); humble for itself and big for all; which inspired with her spirit focused in the harmony, in the beauty, in the attention, in the extreme care and in the pacification of everything and of all, during all her life. It is dedicated to the creative being that it always motivated the arts, the artists, the people and of the family- the small and the one that considered as the “great family”- which believes that could be and to have in the Earth. It is dedicated finally, to a big and humble human, that she was well where and with whom was - of the humblest to the more nobleman. Extremely devoted to St. Mary and the Holy Family (Jesus, Mary, Joseph). - GGaazziiee bbeelllloo; GGrraazziiee bbeellllaa!”, alive and ready words for all; said always for Alice to thank for the litle things....
  • 3. 3 ALL FOR THE PLANET, AL FOR THE PEACE – Global Action. Green Wave Movement contribution for human attitudes change, for peace and planet save / 3 / Inputs Suggestion to Post-2015 GSA and to new Agreement 2015 from Clime ALL FOR THE PLANET, ALL FOR THE PEACE – Global Action Proposition / Green Wave Movement contribution for human attitudes change, for peace and planet save / Inputs Suggestion to Post-2015 GSA and to new Agreement 2015 from Clime From “Tropical Civilization”, Brazil, 2014 by Fernando Zornitta, Paulo Zornitta, Marco Zornitta, Luca Zornitta, Rafael Zornitta MMrr.. BBaann kkii--MMoooonn -- UUNN--GGeenneerraall--SSeeccrreettaarryy By UN – Office of the Spokespersons for Secretary-General MMrr.. SSTTÉÉPPHHAANNEE DDUUJJAARRRRIICC -- SSppookkeessmmaann ffoorr tthhee SSeeccrreettaarryy--GGeenneerraall // MMrrss.. aanndd MMeessssrrss.. FFAARRHHAANN HHAAQQ,, VVAANNNNIINNAA MMAAEESSTTRRAACCCCII,, EERRII KKAANNEEKKOO,, MMAATTHHIIAASS GGIILLLLMMAANNNN aanndd DDEEVVII PPAALLAANNIIVVEELLUU -- AAssssoocciiaatteess SSppookkeessppeerrssoonnss ooff SSeeccrreettaarryy--GGeenneerraall BBAANN KKII--MMOOOONN  Referring solutions to UN, Earth, Live, Humanity, clime / Our proposal- contribution of entitled action ALL FOR THE PLANET, ALL FOR the PEACE for foment of a “planetary citizenship”; for “composition of the new objectives of sustainable development of the millennium - goals and programs”; for “mitigation of the clime”; for “promotion of the peace” and for help to “changes of the human attitudes on behalf of a more fraternal and maintainable planet.” HHoonnoorraabbllee GGeenneerraall SSeeccrreettaarryy ooff UUNN//HHoonnoorraabbllee SSppookkeessppeerrssoonnss:: As commitment that we have with the humanity and with the universe, we saw to bring important contribution to the entity, that on this YEAR OF THE LIGHT and of the 70th birthday, it plays important decisions, such as the revision of the objectives of the millennium, that will culminate with the new sustainable development agenda, as suitable in the RIO + 20 and the new world agreement of the clime.
  • 4. 4 ALL FOR THE PLANET, AL FOR THE PEACE – Global Action. Green Wave Movement contribution for human attitudes change, for peace and planet save / 4 / Inputs Suggestion to Post-2015 GSA and to new Agreement 2015 from Clime Of our part and with the intention of helping to appear and to establish the new directions, objectives and goals of the millennium, in consonance with the current picture and time - of climatic changes and their severe environmental effects, of litigations and perspectives of new “cold wars”; of urgency of actions with humanitarian spirit to assist the crescent human suffering; in that we see the planet disintegrate in problems of all of the orders, doing with that our responsibilities that are already immense grow (while members of this only species that promotes actions which have been changing the direction and the planetary plumb line) and, their responsibilities-while General Secretary of UN-they become immeasurable; as well as the one of the whole family UN4 . We accompanied your dedication and persistence that resembles each other ours, to do what is to the reach, to improve the world in that we lived and we believed that can help with the talent and the messages that God gives us and he brings for such. Like this, we received and we bring some light for the pitch that we built in our human one “evolution” through the inspiration that comes us from that larger source and that it tries to balance everything and in the right sense. Even in that announced catastrophic picture, us, as artisans of the changes and while this humanity's contemporary participants and feeling co- responsible for the destinies of the planet and of a lifetime that in him still inhabits, we still maintain the optimism and we saw roads, doors and windows of exits for the environmental chaos that the humanity built in their passage for the Earth, especially on these last 150 years and, we glimpsed a best and more harmonica coexistence possibility, if certain variables in the human and institutional relationships be put into practice; if the assumed wisdom that distinguishes us of the simians and the new tools be used. These doors, windows and exits can be those same ones that you even it indicated - of the need of they be found by the humanity - in his/her pronouncement and communication on November 2, 2014, in Copenhagen, regarding the 5th report of IPCC of WMO/ONU, when it presented the result of the exceptional study on the scientific bases of the climatic changes and that it highlights that the man and their activities as one of the main causes of the elevation of the temperatures in the planet, as well as the consequences of their actions5 . 4 We don't make part of the agencies or programs of UN, but in 1988, one of the authors of this document, José Fernando Zornitta, had the privilege of having participated and to be graduated in the Course of Specialization in Tourism, supplied in the Center of Training of OMT/ONU to Europe, in Rome, driven then by Prof. Alberto Sessa. We also accompanied all of the activities and programs of the entity in Brazil and in the World. 5 Reminding that the man is also the responsible for all of the conflicts, litigations and aggressions among races; among religions, among nations - and that it has not been getting to promote the peace and the mutual collaboration to develop in harmony.
  • 5. 5 ALL FOR THE PLANET, AL FOR THE PEACE – Global Action. Green Wave Movement contribution for human attitudes change, for peace and planet save / 5 / Inputs Suggestion to Post-2015 GSA and to new Agreement 2015 from Clime “- The man has responsibilities on the climatic system !”, according to the official report. That empirically knew already, we see and we felt the effects of their actions every place. We also know, that the human activities are responsible for the emission of the gases causes of the greenhouse effect6 and global heating suffers the influence of the entropic human action, that it is also responsible for ¾ of the destruction of the layer of ozone and for the largest problems of the Earth. But now, through the fundamental study, it was more than proven that, according to their own words, “it is in franc growth”, as they were apposed and communicated in the “three message-key” of the report: - The human influence on the climatic system is clear - and in franc growth; - We have to act quickly and decisively, if we want to avoid resulted more and more destructive; - We have the means to limit the climatic alterations and to build a better future. IPCC although it has appeared in their conclusions and in syntony with what happens with the planet, it confirmed the variables and it predicted the catastrophic effects, but didn't leave -as could not have left (and nor it is this his/her function and nor attributions) - the keys to promote the necessary reversion. It appeared with fame the road and the means - it deserves praises and it is the logical paper of the science. It didn't have as proposing catalytic actions of the of the reverse-engineering of the chaos, in projects, programs and specific actions; because the effective solutions will only come of a rummaged through the human pith or heart, in forgotten his feeling of we belong to the planet that welcomes us and to the system that gives us support; as well as in the encounter of the new formulas of governing in a solidary way the life patrimony and of the resources that it was relegated us while endowed with “wisdom” - although still badly used. As your own words, during the announcement of the 5th report on the climate, “The good news is that, if we act now, immediately and in a decisive way, we have the means to build a better and more maintainable world. A lot of tools and technologies are already available. Renewable Sources of energy are more and more competitive economically. The energy efficiency already proved own value.” Although some tools and possibilities, many other initiatives need to be put in practice, but only with a change of planetary posture and with all the humanity's compromising and of their institutions and governments, it can have an effectiveness and the mitigation of the aggressions, in the perspective of the reversion of the effects of the climatic changes. (in part 3 of this document we indicated 36 postures, beginnings and initiatives that are indispensable and that can compose the new objectives of the millennium after-2015 and also the new agreement of the climate). 6 The main ones among others: carbon dioxide, methane, steam of water and nitrous oxide.
  • 6. 6 ALL FOR THE PLANET, AL FOR THE PEACE – Global Action. Green Wave Movement contribution for human attitudes change, for peace and planet save / 6 / Inputs Suggestion to Post-2015 GSA and to new Agreement 2015 from Clime While us, the only beings endowed with conscience look not for the harmony with the nature, with the planet and with our fellow creatures, we will stay in that evolution process to the opposite, putting doubts on our assumed wisdom and distinction among the other species; suffering the effects of our omission and wrong actions. We are as humanity in “check-mate”7 – and we have to recognize with reverence and humility our crooked trodden road - from where came, where we are and where we are wanting to go. That last one - where we are wanting to go - can still intervene and it only depends on our useful actions. We still don't have the means, as affirmed in the third key of the report, but we met the potentials tools, as well as the correct roads for such actions. And, with them and in that direction, we have to act in the syntony of the order and harmony of the nature and of the universe. 7 In analogy to the chess game. Esteeming that there are 13,8 billion years everything has begun: the magic of the universe and that the Earth has delayed 4,5 billion years to expose for the future human administration-of the prehistory to the current days - but, in only 150 years-of the end of XIXº to the beginning of this XXIº century-the man got to destroy with their natural resources, to devastate atmospheres, to extinguish thousands of species and to commit in a critical way other so many species that are in extinction process, besides yours. That proof that his assumed intelligence is being used of wrong form and ego-masochist, because he is full aware of that and doesn't act to revert that picture and announced destiny; commanded by ephemeral beings that they commit the perennial capacity of the planet through their insane and egocentric actions. The humanity meets at the end of the autumn of their life in the Earth and if indeed we don't make anything, will penetrate in the existential winter. The planet agonizes in the earth, in the sea and in the air, as well as all their inhabitants and species, that moan and they shout for a suitable process of application of the wisdom to begin and of the free human will-that until then and in a proven way, it has been selfish, arbitrary; monopolizing and guided in the inverse sense of the life.
  • 7. 7 ALL FOR THE PLANET, AL FOR THE PEACE – Global Action. Green Wave Movement contribution for human attitudes change, for peace and planet save / 7 / Inputs Suggestion to Post-2015 GSA and to new Agreement 2015 from Clime To limit and to revert the global heating, certainly it is the largest contemporary challenge, for the own survival of our species, because 34% of the humanity already live and it suffers in arid areas-that can be transformed at deserts quickly; other, 2/3 of the population, lives in coastal areas-and there are installed the physical structure of survival, that is also critically threatened and suffering the aggressions of the effects of the climatic changes. More than 31% of the world population doesn’t have appropriate basic sanitation and more than 1 billion still purify outdoors8 , according to their own words in the Conference of High Level of the International Decade for the Action “Water for the Life”, in Dushanbe, Tadjiquistonw. The global heating can, besides the direct effects in the continents, mainly in the North of Latin America, in the Mid East and African North and in Central Asia and Asian East9 to also reduce the productivity of the foods and to extinguish physical structures of sustentation of the economy; still can, to reduce the production of foods significantly and to generate more poverty to the planet. Second report of the World Bank, could arrive from 30 to 70% of the soy grains and corn in Brazil, for instance, to reduce the plankton-which represents 90% of the life of the oceans and it contributes with 50% of the oxygen of the Earth. The reversion process, in that new syntony, should have the focus and a courageous and possible global commitment10 ; independent of the level of development of the nations-if of 1st, 2nd or 3rd world; if of the axis north or south; if of blocks, of organisms, of flags, of political parties, of religions; of nets, of communication groups; or that who follow other corporatism interests, ideologies and patterns, which demonstrate the selfishness and they approximate us of the simians and of others you encourage irrational. The process and the actions should be courageous, coherent and focused in the sustainability of the life and of the planet that welcomes us, in the syntony of the perfect order and of harmony; with a new form of government of the natural resources. They should be like this apposed all the new commitments. The nations more developed-that are what more pollutes and they contribute to emission of the gases of the greenhouse effect - they worry more about the effects of the climatic changes than with the initiatives and formulas for the actions in the sense of to control the global heating and to mitigate the effects of the climate. In the last meeting of G7 in Germany in the beginning of June of 2015, one of the themes was “the risk to the safety of the countries in function of the extreme climatic events”, in other words, the fear of the effects, but no they didn't appear proposed positive for the solutions; what is clear in the article “G7 Summit: Harper Faces Tough Talk On Climate Change And Security Threats11 ”, with the leaders' of that fear several depositions during the meeting. In that sense, several studies are already in development for if they guard against of the effects, but few for us to project the preventive actions. 8 In 9 World Bank - Infographic: What Climate Change Means for Latin America, Middle East & Central Asia 10 A good example is the international Treaty of Antártida (1972), that it is respected by the 32 countries that fixed their bases and they develop studies in the area. 11 In
  • 8. 8 ALL FOR THE PLANET, AL FOR THE PEACE – Global Action. Green Wave Movement contribution for human attitudes change, for peace and planet save / 8 / Inputs Suggestion to Post-2015 GSA and to new Agreement 2015 from Clime The fear and the defense of the interests cannot be the focus of the concerns, but the procedures for the positive measures of prevention and mitigation of the emissions of the gases and of help to the less prepared countries. Albert Eisten believed in a creative source of that perfect order that exists in the universe12 . Us also and we received from her a message of that creative energy; a formula of how to proceed for the promotion of some of these correct actions and on the tools that can aid in that sense. In the sea of possibilities and of alternatives it will be one among so many other inspired human actions possible, however what proposes, we do aware that all and any positive and contrary action the one of the current direction can have a maxim meaning for the survival of the macro system Earth. And, we will only have the answers if we apply them. In the same line that our inspiration, we noticed that Papa Francisco was also played by the same source and message, while it signals in his Encyclical LAUDATO SI, the same syntony with the message that arrived us-as it arrives to many humans - for inspiration (what considered a syntony of souls). The moment is precious and while all, inclusively UN. search for the correct keys, doors, windows and roads to mitigate and to revert the current catastrophic direction that we created in the civilizatory process, we believed to opportune be the commemorative date the 70 years old, for the humanity's calling for a change of action strategies, it Recognized to the RIO + 20: “We recognize that people are at the center of sustainable development and, in this regard, we strive for a world that is just, equitable and inclusive, and we commit to work together to promote sustained and inclusive economic growth, social development and environmental protection and thereby to benefit all.” (Outcome document of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development – Rio+20 - “The future we want”) The benefits “for all” and for all the other species and life forms, not only the human, we signaled. They will review of the current and catastrophic direction and the reverse-engineering of the chaos conforms to in a multi-dimensional dilemma, that the neurons of very few humans can solve, but-mainly for that - any hypothesis, any that is an only representative's of the species contribution, it can be despised, therefore it can be the magic key for the others and correct actions and changes of necessary postures .13 We believed to contribute to that reversion of directions and we be with some keys that will open these doors and windows of the good and useful initiatives that came us for inspiration for they be used, which will move in the human heart and for that they deserve to be motivated-as any other 12 When asked if it believed in God, he answered that could not conceive such perfect order without a creator's existence. 13 To see item 3 of this documento:“Post-2015 Global Sustainable Development Agenda (GSA) - Important Inputs Suggestions”
  • 9. 9 ALL FOR THE PLANET, AL FOR THE PEACE – Global Action. Green Wave Movement contribution for human attitudes change, for peace and planet save / 9 / Inputs Suggestion to Post-2015 GSA and to new Agreement 2015 from Clime with the same beginnings and intentions; without more bureaucracy and nor waits for the guarantee of those that don't have commitment with the life and the humanity's future-that are vested in governments and in institutions and, we offered them also intending to contribute for that process. We are also optimists-as we already said and in the road that was proposed in his pronouncement: “of still finding doors and windows for the exits possible”. The exits exist, but the time is urgent and there is no more time to lose. “- We have to act quickly and decisively, if we want to avoid resulted more and more destructive!” according to his affirmative during the presentation of the 5th report of IPCC. In our humble conception, we have to act quickly, strategically, decisively, competently and globally - if we want to avoid resulted more and more destructive of the unbalances that witnessed today and on that small time of our terrestrial passage. We have to act all, together, in a positive way, collaborative, solidary, with wisdom and in harmony. We have commitment with the life and with the humanity's future in all our actions and, although we are with some of these special keys and with light ammunition, the right road for us pointed it has not been seen by the political managers of the country in that we were born, Brazil (that reaps devastating; in a pernicious direction to the planet and getting dirty in the mud of the corruption and of the corporate interests that permeate the politics and the administration of the nation) and nor the incentive of the powers exists instituted to the essential causes as the one of preservation14 , because they persist in the route of the globalization for the inclination of the economy, that proceeds as a train without direction for a right destiny and announced: the one of the extinction of the life and of the planet that welcomes us and our anesthetized rulers and attraction for the gravitational forces and for the status of being in the context of the countries with more powerful economy. The timing is crucial for the planet and the life that is in it, and only collective action, structured, collaborative and sustained, could offer a chance for the advertised chaos. And the solution is in our hands. Each and everyone with a conscience, we must do our part; help and infect the unsuspecting to this urgency and cry of the planet. “My appeal: the urgent challenge of protecting our common home includes concern to unite the whole human family in the search for sustainable and integral development, because we know that things can change”15 . "The 14 In Brazil it is common the disrespect, us for instance, we were attacked by the barbarism of the aggression our more sacred expression form-that feels through the arts-for the public agents of the State of Sergipe and against our artistic expression that it transmits that pressing message of the humanity's sensitization for the preservation, in our display of sculptures with the theme the NATURE IN WAVES OF LIGHT, that after the exhibition that we did to his/her invitation, it never returned us 24 sculptures of great load, more than 20 tons; and that it motivated us to promote a lawsuit (in that the aggression was proven); but until today-19 years after-we are still unavailable of our artistic creation and any responsible of the public organs was punished. (to see summary in “rotten fruit” in 15 Pope Francisco, Encíclica LAUDATO SI´, 13, pg.5
  • 10. 10 ALL FOR THE PLANET, AL FOR THE PEACE – Global Action. Green Wave Movement contribution for human attitudes change, for peace and planet save / 10 / Inputs Suggestion to Post-2015 GSA and to new Agreement 2015 from Clime environment is a collective good, heritage of all humanity and responsibility of all. Who owns part is to just run for the benefit of all."16 To be a fruitful action, must first exist for the line with the problem and solving strategies towards the harmony of life, sustainability, preservation - as we all know is necessary and is always enhanced by the nations that make up the UN system17 . But what we see in contemporary actions of mankind and their "managers" is the lack of logic and necessary tune in planetary actions, which still are guided by the reverie of the economy, the growth and the instincts of the caves; that their attempts to promote litigation, disputes, devastation, memory and exclusion and destruction, it corrodes the soul of those humans who are in true harmony of the correct alternative and committed to the planet and the life; endowed with rights - especially those of expression and light affixed to the keys that can open these doors and windows that everyone expects and that the planet needs. Intolerance, ignorance, the diversion of focus, lack of honesty in the proposals and the inertia towards environmental issues; of disasters, wars, hunger, disease, exile; the lack of resources and humanitarian aid, - among many other problems plaguing mankind - can only be overcome by the subtlety of intelligence and light. We planetary citizens want to help in changing course of a harmonic and conscious way, in tune with nature and the local potential of mankind asleep, to be awakened and placed at the service of life. Our actions are conspicuous by principles and not depend on consensus, agreements and treaties and are not driven by interests. Are ideas; seeds with strength and life. These projects and socio-environmental technologies with several specific focuses - arts, tourism, sports, social inclusion, citizenship, environment, public safety and business community, the homeless, housing for the population in extreme poverty, income generation - among many others that can be replicated in any part of the world. Now numbering 108 ideas, projects and actions that can become social technologies and help fix the world. We believe that the key to the realignment of alleged human wisdom with his conscience and sense of right actions are rare today, but there are. Man is part of nature, but gradually comes forgetting that, destroying life and yourself without realizing it. We must remind you and realign the future in a systematic way and based beyond the three known of the alleged pillars "sustainable development": the social, economic and environmental, as flagged in the UN document "Harmony with Nature" (Doc. A / 65/314). 16 Papa Francisco, Encíclica LAUDATO SI´, 95, pg.30 17 In the main conferences on maintainable development and environment, especially in 1972, 2002, 2012.
  • 11. 11 ALL FOR THE PLANET, AL FOR THE PEACE – Global Action. Green Wave Movement contribution for human attitudes change, for peace and planet save / 11 / Inputs Suggestion to Post-2015 GSA and to new Agreement 2015 from Clime Remind you that you can continue destroying and exploiting or that is part and can defend and help rebuild - doing the reverse of chaos reengineering that he himself established. There are no other alternatives. For the second way, we need to realign the man with his alleged wisdom and consciousness - that distinguishes primates and other animals and puts it on top of the classification of species. And to realign it in a current planetary context of dementia, intense conflicts and disputes; of hunger, disease, exclusion; of upheavals and devastation, we must look for the right tools to adjust human consciousness and reach the level of collective consciousness to change established patterns. We have to double "the corner of the world" and offer "brotherhood" and not only food to our fellows. The new agenda of the millennium has an important role in humanity's global commitment on the basis of this change in standards, as set out the steps to be followed by all member countries and their populations. Should be an honest, strong and courageous agenda, as signaled in item 16 A / 68 / L.4 UN: Post-2015 development agenda - 16. In parallel with the intensification of efforts to accelerate the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals, we are determined to craft a strong post-2015 development agenda that will build on the foundations laid by the Millennium Development Goals, complete the unfinished business and respond to new challenges18 The planet and the life must be the focus of the new millennium goals and not just humans. A strong agenda is effectively what the world needs to regenerate and protect life. The Homo sapiens is still the only rational being that inhabits the planet Earth and is different from other living beings, by their enacted ability to live in society and to establish ethical standards of conduct. The "conscience" - that can make you act ethically is the higher quality of the human brain - it vibrates with the universe respecting nature.19 In this line and finding the waywardness of mankind with reference to the environment and with the same determination of new awareness formulas to put the planet on track, developed since 1995 in Brazil one art project that came in for inspiration to play the human soul, titled NATURE IN LIGHT WAVES20 - which through the works materialized as cyber totems manifested in trees, flowers, lights, technology and magic; launches chance for art and for life and focuses on "flora and its energy is expressed by the light." This project, which for us is a mission, came in as a message of a higher 18 Our Emphasis added. 19 In RIO + 10 - A FINDING OF IMPOTENCE / RIO + 20 - THE LAST CHANCE. / 13 Proposals and Assumptions Logic for Environmental Sustainability: Inputs to Zero Draft, and RIO + 20). Earth, 2011. Contribution of Paul o& Fernando Zornitta. 20
  • 12. 12 ALL FOR THE PLANET, AL FOR THE PEACE – Global Action. Green Wave Movement contribution for human attitudes change, for peace and planet save / 12 / Inputs Suggestion to Post-2015 GSA and to new Agreement 2015 from Clime order to develop it; arising from this major source and that everything moves. We have a certain undeniable, which is part of the seeds or remedies remaining to fix one the world; He speaks exactly this urgency of actions enacted by the IPCC and by explicit subtlety of art for it.21 . NATURE IN WAVES LIGHT sculptures By Paulo and Fernando Zornitta The art that cannot change the world, but can change the man who can change the world; as wisely said Herbert Macuse. While we think and we have many ideas and the necessary seeds, we see the actions of nations and international organizations seeking the same way, but totally out of tune and time urgency which needs to be; out of context and without the correct persuasion strategies. We live in a world of global pacts and agreements, absolutely everyone breached. On the other hand, we also see the ignorance, intolerance, disputes, terrorism and gain ground and, paradoxically also in the name of freedom of expression in Western countries22 , prompting cultures, generating insecurity, fear and more discord. We see hundreds of millions of humans who agonize as refugees and displaced conflicts, disasters and climate; we see the hunger, disease, ignorance and exclusion on a planet that also dying. We see human beings stretched to the sun like seals in the southern coastline of stones from Italy, waiting for the sense of brotherhood and a bit of humanity on the part of nations that, contrary to expectation, want to raise new walls of separation, as in Hungary to prevent the entry of refugees in Serbia. Today, of the 60 million refugees recorded in 2014, 50% are children. Some of them are also being treated as seals, along with their parents. 21 / Some works and the project's Green Wave Movement. See attached file of this work and view the text of the artist and critical Clarice Tarragô entitled HUMAN NATURE, also in attachments. 22 As in the attack on Charlie Abdo in Paris and its effects in the same intolerance around the world.
  • 13. 13 ALL FOR THE PLANET, AL FOR THE PEACE – Global Action. Green Wave Movement contribution for human attitudes change, for peace and planet save / 13 / Inputs Suggestion to Post-2015 GSA and to new Agreement 2015 from Clime One of the exigencies of humanity is to live in peace and harmony, in order to jointly safeguard the planet that today suffers the destruction fueled by hatred, greed, prejudice and the evil human actions on the environment; which in turn contribute and generate conflicts, wars, deaths, migration, hunger, disease and exclusion. Nowadays, the frequent occurrence of natural disasters such as earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanic eruptions as well as man-made disasters, such as deforestation, pollution at sea, the sharp loss of wetlands, pollution of water resources, desertification , species extinction, landslides in the cities, extreme climates, large floods, land collapse, epidemic diseases, extreme drought, the decrease of grain and food security caused by climate change and economic activities unsustainable, pose serious threats to human survival and economic development. The occurrence of various disasters changed the political landscape of the world and exacerbated poverty, which in turn has generated conflict (IESCO - International Ecological Safety Collaborative Organization). To reach peace, necessary for sustainable development and resilient to the new component of climate change is necessary wending a path which will certainly not be the case, aggression, wars. We seek peace, but a planet that recorded 13,500 attacks and hundreds of conflicts in 2014; some promoted "for peace". - Does peace can be achieved without peace and through a bellicose culture; or a new culture and way can be built for humanity? - What path can lead us to peace?
  • 14. 14 ALL FOR THE PLANET, AL FOR THE PEACE – Global Action. Green Wave Movement contribution for human attitudes change, for peace and planet save / 14 / Inputs Suggestion to Post-2015 GSA and to new Agreement 2015 from Clime The instinct of the caves and the irrational race for survival populated the brain of our caveman ancestors, who supply of tomahawks and instruments for the defense of aggression that could come from animals or other of the same species. So we walk and evolve contaminated by the same instinct, spent for the development of crops that feeling superiors wanted to dominate others. The caves to the modern era, the primitive instinct continued polluting and instigating the human entrepreneurial spirit and conqueror; making him go through evolution, domination and destruction. In modernity no longer with local effects, but overall, as the two great wars of the last century or in the recent or Europe surroundings that make popping afflicted people and the planet dying. In 10 years, the need for humanitarian aid in the world has doubled and is expected to 1 billion people will be displaced by 2050 only because of climate change (if we survive until then). In other causes, such as conflicts and wars, only tolerance and peace will prevent all mankind is reached and part of that forecast and increase the number of displaced (which exceeds 60 million people today) because nations which proposes peace, have thousands of times more weapons killing them potential and not fall apart; nations that have better conditions, are the least aid to refugees these conflicts offer. Nations with invaluable cultural heritage such as Iraq and Syria, are destroyed soon by intolerance and by internal and international conflicts, killing millions of defenseless citizens - as killed so far in Syria more than 220 thousand people and left 680,000 injured and maimed ; leaving more than 4 million displaced. What happens in the world today, the radicalism that kills in attacks, entered the gen of battered crops. Cannot forget the first morbid reality show the whole world watched - all in the name of peace, "a single attack day on Iraq day in December 1998, the US and Britain moved in equipment and weapons of war and maintenance of his men, more than U $ A 1 billion and invested in a single day U $ 300 million only in missiles (having launched the 24-hour period, three times more missiles than in all the Vietnam War this unique day attack Iraq). We also monitor NATO without UN authorization, attacking the former Yugoslavia spending in less than a month more than 30 billion into action against the Serbs (April / 99), boasting to reach 400 goals in a single day (08/03 / 99) and had made 600 attacks on 4/30/9923 " During and especially at the end of the twentieth century, we saw preposterous actions and bad funds invested across the planet. Witness sixteen countries together invest US $ 300 billion in a single space station and superior features in the life of research on other planets, while billions of human beings still dying in abject poverty in unsanitary conditions and hunger on earth. And the insanity continues. In late June 2015 a ship carrying food to a few people in a space station exploded at launch. - What is the cost to maintain this season and utopia; how many people cannot be fed here on Earth?24 23 RIO + 10 A FINDING OF INCOMPETENCE / 13 ASSUMPTIONS LOGIC FOR ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY. Paulo Fernando & Zornitta. Green Wave Motion, 2010 24 The UN indicates that 267 billion dollars are needed to eliminate hunger in the world by 2030; less than the resources invested in the International Space Station.
  • 15. 15 ALL FOR THE PLANET, AL FOR THE PEACE – Global Action. Green Wave Movement contribution for human attitudes change, for peace and planet save / 15 / Inputs Suggestion to Post-2015 GSA and to new Agreement 2015 from Clime Among Warheads, Uranium and Plutonium and war potential thousands of times greater than necessary to destroy the planet, the world continues with his hypocrisy. In 2012 the US and Russia signed a treaty to eliminate 34 tons of plutonium each, which would for the manufacture of 17,000 atomic bombs, however, 23 000 nuclear warheads and are still active and on standby to attack and hands of these two nations and a few more allied nations. US and Russia also signed another treaty to reduce by seven years of that date, its nuclear arsenal to 1,550 warheads war and 800 vectors each (30% of which had then). These two countries are continuing and will continue with the power to destroy the world, for only decreased fraction of their military arsenal and still will have the material for the production of over 120 of these warheads25 . Yet heard through the media, the new nuclear threats from countries with high military potential. And, according to V. Affirmative on the opening of the plenary meeting for the Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) in New York (USA), at UN Headquarters on 27/04 /2015 "progress in working for global nuclear non-proliferation stagnated and the trend toward zero nuclear weapons is reversing." Also stated that "the elimination of nuclear weapons is a priority for the United Nations and that no other weapon has the potential to cause such destruction in our world; however, instead of progress to reach new weapons reduction agreements have complaints of violations of existing agreements. (Emphasis added) 25 Text "Among Warheads, Uranium and Plutonium The Lost in the Nuclear Security Summit." By Paul Zornitta & Fernando Zornitta 2012.
  • 16. 16 ALL FOR THE PLANET, AL FOR THE PEACE – Global Action. Green Wave Movement contribution for human attitudes change, for peace and planet save / 16 / Inputs Suggestion to Post-2015 GSA and to new Agreement 2015 from Clime "Instead of the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty into force or a treaty banning the production of fissile materials for nuclear weapons, we see expensive modernization programs that will strengthen the nuclear weapons for decades to come. Instead of pursuing proposals to speed up nuclear disarmament, including my Five Point Plan, there has been a dangerous return to the Cold War mentality, "Ban warned.”This investment is a regression for our world26 ." (Emphasis added) The sustainability of the Earth depends on the pressing condition of planetary peace and the start of construction of this planetary peace road passes by changing human behavior and individual pass doors27 . The way of peace through the weapons, proved just have awakened the animal and warlike instinct that inhabits the human spirit, generating more hatred, conflicts, wars and terrorist actions instigated, which put the planet in a state of fear and dread. This way of seeking peace is bestial is difficult to solve, when combined with the variable "time" - extremely long in their view of solving (as more instigates hatred and mutual aggressions and prevents the development and generating effects often unpredictable as the current of those millions of civilians who sojourn like ants on the ground or as seals the seas in search of refuge in Europe); but the world continues with the warlike spirit and brings us even closer to the irrational animals and caves. Those most technologically prepared countries develop apparatuses of war rather than investing in actions to promote peace. This has to be worked on and change because the planet is announced prone to "sustainable development" does not support the combination of these two variables - 26 “There has been a dangerous return to the Cold War mentality ', warns Secretary-General of the UN. Website of the UN Brazil 28 April 2015.” 27 See the authors' text PEACE ON EARTH - UTOPIA OR CHANCE? In
  • 17. 17 ALL FOR THE PLANET, AL FOR THE PEACE – Global Action. Green Wave Movement contribution for human attitudes change, for peace and planet save / 17 / Inputs Suggestion to Post-2015 GSA and to new Agreement 2015 from Clime climate and armed conflict; having so many emergency problems to solve. Incontestable proof of this are the current humanitarian actions for displaced by conflict who arrive in Europe (totaling more than 260,000 refugees - at this writing this document) and that the European continent has to meet - but do not want and refuses (to exception of Italy) - in the spirit of brotherhood that we are still relevant while also human. Fences and walls are built, rather than offering them solidarity. We should have seized - but not grasp - with the former and not so distant conflicts, which have always generated the same effects and problems, such as the former Yugoslavia, Iraq - which forced millions of people to migrate in search of refuge and a chance of survival, even in Europe. Today everything is repeated, as in Syria, North African countries and is still active in Iraq and other countries, which proves that the world has not grasped the lesson. The UN plays a decisive role and may indicate new avenues for the culture of peace, but that can only be the way of peace. It is necessary to review the jingoism by the expected stage in which we find ourselves - the quest for "democracy" parked - political system considered "top line" contemporary evolution of mankind ', "simply because it is not working and not preventing atrocities and or the destruction of the earth. The concern should not be only the "economy and globalization and its consequences - the exclusion of nations and least qualified; but also with the "autonomy of nations (taken as examples and" free ") to promote the greatest aberrations" - a depleting natural resources, exacerbate polluting; other murdering and oppressing their own citizens and peoples; making civilians, families and children uncommonly like ants for protection and refuge; destroying the artistic, landscape and cultural heritage already protected as humanity. Other democratic nations said the debauchery in the production and use of weapons and devices of war; still others, the appropriation of traditional knowledge and patenting of natural processes and to earn income; others by lust and technical-scientific jingoism that refer to the search for intelligent life beyond Earth and to genetic research without proper security. If the primary objective is the maintenance of life on Earth, a new form and goal to be sought by intelligence left on Earth and out of the autonomy and independence of nations: the "global governance of the planet free of the imposition of the stage where more nations Early, the bellicose and warlike forces and towards a "democratic and sustainable planet." The climate aspect, the COPs and other global initiatives, present the finding of the events indicate measures, ways and possibilities for solutions to the climate problem, but has not had the necessary strength and not found the right keys "are able to effectively stop destructive processes and bring about the necessary changes. " In Peru, the last Conference - COP-20 - hardly moved and not reached a consensus; only created an environment for "presentation of the individual goals for reducing CO² emissions of each country", in the direction of a new "global deal" that will still sought in 2015 but with a forecast of these measures begin to be put into practice from 2020.
  • 18. 18 ALL FOR THE PLANET, AL FOR THE PEACE – Global Action. Green Wave Movement contribution for human attitudes change, for peace and planet save / 18 / Inputs Suggestion to Post-2015 GSA and to new Agreement 2015 from Clime Humanity needs to review its historical attitudes and omissions; act with honesty principles and make "my fault." According to V. Affirmative meeting with the Pope Francis in April 28, 2015, "to fight climate change is a moral issue, social justice, human rights and fundamental ethics". "..... We need new universal solidarity. As the bishops said in South Africa, "you need the talent and the involvement of all to repair the damage done by humans on God's creation." [22] We can all work together as instruments of God, care for creation, each from their culture, experience, initiatives and capabilities. "(Pope Francis, Encyclical LAUDATO SI ', 14, p. 5) Among these issues and among nations is necessary to begin to encourage an "economic osmosis and wellness," which begins with the collaborative spirit and joint procedures, which does not occur today. 28 28 In the international banking system, for example, whose interest charged in less developed countries - such as Brazil - can reach 350% per year on your credit card; more than 200% in bank loans and 25% for government domestic debt interest to these banks. While the average interest does not reach 2% in developed countries for their fellow citizens and loans to entrepreneurs and governments.
  • 19. 19 ALL FOR THE PLANET, AL FOR THE PEACE – Global Action. Green Wave Movement contribution for human attitudes change, for peace and planet save / 19 / Inputs Suggestion to Post-2015 GSA and to new Agreement 2015 from Clime And "to mitigate climate change is necessary to eradicate extreme poverty, reduce inequality and ensure fair and sustainable economic development" as affirmative V. own.29 In this sense it is necessary to focus on the fundamentals of sustainability - the principles - "and not just the targets" because they are never and will not be fulfilled. Therefore, the "principles for planetary sustainability" should be given priority to "new goals and Millennium Development Goals" to be established for the post 2015 and be boldly betting 30 - a key issue for the effectiveness of the proposals31 . Assertive agreed and added that "the urgency of promoting peace and appease the instincts of caves that still inhabit the human soul", as the conflict for various reasons have caused the devastation like never before and ended any possibility of development; is economical, equitable and far less environmentally sustainable (as V. souvenirs); putting defenseless civilians fleeing barbarism and away from their cultural, territorial roots, community, family - migrating, migrating and being displaced; having to be assisted and subjected to inhuman situations - to international human trafficking, hunger, disease and the humiliations to seek a chance of survival - as it is today - from North Africa to Europe; Asia and several countries in conflict or emergency situations, without a destination and where they can see a perspective of save themselves. It is certain that a "game time seconds" is crucial to the planet, but five years - as is announced for start of a new global climate agreement to start - will be forever. The man is the cancer of the Earth32 to be worked and remedied, because it causes metastasis in the biome on Earth is corrosive and devastating actions - are against his fellow and against the natural environment. The G7 meeting in Germany in May this year - event with the presence V. - agrees with preposterous goals and without any objectivity, such as in 2100 end all emissions of greenhouse gases, pushing with the belly a problem that is emergency and that the UN itself proposes to establish real, courageous and honest goals - which seems to be what the most developed nations of the world want. - And if they do not align with the pressing and necessary actions that the planet and humanity need, what can we expect from the rest of the world? The measures taken for the new climate agreement or the new millennium goals cannot be applied for the future start, but immediately. We can see that not only future generations are committed, but our own. So the speeches and the time for action have to change: the thinking and the action must go together. We also have to be aware that any new positions, results in climate mitigation will not be immediate, as stated by the scientist James Lovelock, proponent of holistic theory of GAIA advocates sustainable withdrawal, stating that "no government - not democratic or dictatorial - 29 UN News Centre - "Ban: luchar contra el cambio climate es una moral cuestión". In 30 See item 3 of this document with our suggestions “Post-2015 Sustainable Development Agenda (GSA)- Important Inputs Suggestion” 31 In this sense we present in item 3 of this document the principles and objectives that should only be contemplated in the new agenda 32 EARTH CANCER. Fernando Zornitta. Text Fernando Zornitta. Em
  • 20. 20 ALL FOR THE PLANET, AL FOR THE PEACE – Global Action. Green Wave Movement contribution for human attitudes change, for peace and planet save / 20 / Inputs Suggestion to Post-2015 GSA and to new Agreement 2015 from Clime will be able to reduce with effectiveness CO² emissions in the immediate future; since the process is unstoppable; so the best we can go doing is protecting ourselves and adapt to the changes we ourselves have caused." To try to reverse processes, you must stop first with the causes. We are part of the process and we can mitigate the effects. And for that we need to join forces to counter a power contrary to vector pull us to the end. The civilizing process of planetary destruction is enabled in perpetual continuo- motion, consumption and domination and extermination have chosen and only the collective and conscious effort can be slowed and reversed. Therefore, this review and all processes will be more important than waking up initiatives and goals for the future without reviewing these processes and prevent further damage. It is more logical. - How many trees will no longer be here in 2020 following this "lazy step or turtle" proposed for the start of the new climate change agreement expected to have started in 2020 to try to get to 2030 with some advance ? No use of having a new agenda for the so-called "sustainable development" and a new global agreement on climate, if not we propose courageous actions, correct and "immediate" to those goals and setting aside the hypocrisy and deception of the masses who believe all that comes from governments, the media, corporations and organizations. 10. Action to combat climate change and environmental degradation a key part of the agenda. Global nature of challenge calls for widest possible international cooperation. Urgency of universal climate agreement. 33 There is a consensus among the countries that are part of the UN this urgency, but not a real stance, if we look separately nations involved - and all human conscious and know they see it34 . And, they know as well as they see that "this urgency is not that urgent" for some nations which have a special power to the United Nations, which hinder the establishment of honest and necessary form of the objectives and conduct of projects and programs; and that these nations can also stop with all the Organization's operations - as indeed has already been done. (The world has learned a few years ago that the UN very nearly closed its doors and the organization had to be met by substantial donation in the amount of U $ A 1 billion, by American businessman communications and largest shareholder CNN, Ted Turner) 33 UN document Discução About the Sustainable Development agenda post-2015. In (our destacs) 34 In a second topic of this document (entitled "Our Brazil - a Required Reading's Bad Example", we demonstrate this with this country indicators where we were born and we can better understand the inconsistencies with respect for the environment and the omission to their commitments.
  • 21. 21 ALL FOR THE PLANET, AL FOR THE PEACE – Global Action. Green Wave Movement contribution for human attitudes change, for peace and planet save / 21 / Inputs Suggestion to Post-2015 GSA and to new Agreement 2015 from Clime While this, we still believe in the UN principles and this year 2015 will have to show the necessary courage - of leaders and especially to Your Mr. Ban Ki-Moon, so you can dial the story through posture to take now, as it will establish the goals to be pursued by mankind and for the protection of the planet; as well as the new climate agreement. Most of the alienated population will continue to be deceived by misaligned goals, but not the planet; it will charge with its ability to rebel and bring hardships to humanity through climate events already planned, for example. But the time urge. If we think that only medium-sized tree provides oxygen to a human family for one year (or other species) and every second of time, thousands of trees, animals and vegetables are cut off from planet; billion tons of gases and noxious emissions are voluntarily placed on the environment and thus follow aimlessly until they stop, extending actions that cannot wait a second of time that we still have to act through right actions, which only are likely targets and precise agreements and actions. The planet cannot wait any longer and therefore we propose more than agreements; We propose working humans to "change attitudes and actions based on principles35 ", aware that changes in attitudes and focuses only occur from human attitudes and species representatives committed to the planet and its sustainability, where man is an important part, but not the only, nor the main (although this is the attitude of governments that are established by a vote in which to calling democracy and focus their actions in humans consuming and voting). Invest in clean technologies, for example; "Become a human leading in the fight against climate change", as Your Excellency proposed, are options that are born of the attitudes and the level of consciousness of those who take them. - But how and with what tools to raise awareness, educate and equip the man for the peaceful struggle and for life? The tools for work a human consciousness need to be broadened in terms of innovation, utopia and magic; like those used by our caveman ancestors who painted the walls of the hunting scenes in the certainty of the success of the same or of our brothers nearly extinct Indians, who have always had art as a form of earthly and spiritual communication. Most religions propose prayer. Other adds meditation and contemplation to reach the same goals and together we make the changes. Conventional education in schools is a viable way but slow and not accessible to much of humanity that survives with minimum conditions, living like rats in sub- housing and without seeing met their basic needs of food and health. Millions of others, roam the world without land or driven by conflict in their countries or for clima and depend on humanitarian aid to stay alive; that is, without possibility of action by global causes. 35 As indicated in Section 3 of this document.
  • 22. 22 ALL FOR THE PLANET, AL FOR THE PEACE – Global Action. Green Wave Movement contribution for human attitudes change, for peace and planet save / 22 / Inputs Suggestion to Post-2015 GSA and to new Agreement 2015 from Clime But most of mankind has how contributed and is mainly her that the programs and actions should be directed. In this context, art is an aspect that transcends everything and brings together all forms with great potential to sensitize and equip to fight for the planet and peace. It transcends because it stirs the soul of the people making them communicate with the superior energy - that supports all - and externalize it through the symbolic languages that are relevant and own. It is the interaction of the universe with the means of expression - the artist is who manifest, trough this interaction the ways designed by Good. Art in its various forms is an expression of consciousness and spiritual emanations that man tries to express through supra senses, according to Serge Raynaud de la Ferriere. And she has registered and perennial human passage of man on earth and is protected as a treasure - as "World Heritage Site", including the UNESCO / UN; acquired by astronomical values by those who have the resources. However, for Clarice Tarragô36 , in the course of time man has become insensitive to their relationship with nature. Blind, deaf and dumb. They pass before your senses all the changes that technological process produced among animal, vegetable and mineral you live surrounded. This is where art, sensitive to all the nonsense is manifested in favor of life, in its many forms of expression. 36 In his text HUMAN NATURE, about the artistic work we do (NATURE IN LIGHT WAVES). Porto Alegre, 1995
  • 23. 23 ALL FOR THE PLANET, AL FOR THE PEACE – Global Action. Green Wave Movement contribution for human attitudes change, for peace and planet save / 23 / Inputs Suggestion to Post-2015 GSA and to new Agreement 2015 from Clime Art is also a powerful tool to touch the human soul, to integrate efforts in terms of a common goal. For UNESCO, "art is a powerful force for promoting peace, remodeling and re-creates the world, opening new spaces for dialogue and mutual understanding37 ". Art imitates life, the saying goes. But life can also imitate art and its processes. In this context, art is just one of the tools which we can provide for the total reversal of the situation that there is and what we promote evil of the planet. But for this, the key knows how it will assist us in this process, in raising awareness and motivation for action and collective efforts. NATURE IN WAVES LIGHT sculptures By Paulo and Fernando Zornitta Art alone cannot change the world, but you can certainly change the man, who in turn can change the world, according to Herbert Marcuse indicated. It is the result of a man's communication with the universe - the source of all inspiration and the messenger of all - and that is manifested through a fine line of universe communication with the artist - it is through the inspiration - and This, interacting with their materials and techniques, makes the message reaches the observer. What can be done interactively, as Domenico De Masi indicated in its proposal of "open work" in which the observer is a participant and interacts in the work and its results. For us this tool is perhaps the most powerful and effective weapon we have in this critical beginning of this century, which can act in the subtleties and directly in the human soul, contributing significantly to behavioral changes and to create the conditions for the man please tune with nature; with the universe, with the source of creation receives the right message to do so to express themselves in their actions. 37 Site of UNESCO Brazil, on the Alfred Fried Award of Photography.
  • 24. 24 ALL FOR THE PLANET, AL FOR THE PEACE – Global Action. Green Wave Movement contribution for human attitudes change, for peace and planet save / 24 / Inputs Suggestion to Post-2015 GSA and to new Agreement 2015 from Clime We humans live at the beginning of frightened century with the uncertain future; frightened by the furious response disrespected nature; frightened by technological avalanche; Frightened by the military and nuclear arsenal; frightened by our fellow men by their different religious and political beliefs - which has been helping disputes and terrorist actions; frightened by insanity and disengagement of rulers; fearful for diseases with pollution, with pollution and all the effects of what we sow wrong and so we will seek new paradigms for the world around us and to improve it. In this context, the human spirit in conflict and seeing mutual aggression between different cultures, the environment and the most sacred manifestations of the human spirit, that is through the arts38 - when you should be in peace, sees the skepticism of science to bow to religion and art and make way for a multi and interdisciplinary approach to the events before studied on a single angle of view. And she, like Picasso's Guernica, realize the barbarity and make us think (that is the key to the beginning of the awareness process, the same key used in psychology to show young people the reality of urban drug addicts or the result of a proceeding prisons). This worldview seeks a way out of the chaos that we saw building; an alternative that underlies the new theories about the universe. Quantum theory - nonlinear reasoning, in which the universe manifests itself in chaos and, out of chaos can come into balance; where religion and art can permeate science and vice versa, i.e. the possibility of earlier utopian. Science and art have complementary objectives. Science maximum could always explain the operation, but not the essence. We begin to live a new era, in which does not interest us more explain both, but simply accept and at best understand the essence of the complexity that involves the universe. And not jettisoned, only help to mitigate the effects of our human passage through the planet. It is certain that art brings light in the darkness of the uncertainties of the future of humanity and the planet and she can join spirits committed to our permanence and survival, which can also contaminate other and all. And the art in this context cannot only imitate life, but transcend it, stirring with the human soul, with its ethical, aesthetic and human values and offer us new avenues for transformation and change of behavior. “Every cultural change is also mental and psychological. Hope is a starter for the transformation and metamorphosis. All inter solidary reforms are like streams that join to form rivers which come together to reach and Amazon. Thus formed a new path and the former disintegrate”39 . 38 Destruction of the artistic and cultural heritage of humanity in countries like Iraq, Syria Taliban and Islam 39 Edgar Morim. Lectures Cycle Thinking Borders. Porto Alegre, 2011 Destruction of the artistic and cultural heritage of humanity in countries like Iraq, Syria Taliban and Islam
  • 25. 25 ALL FOR THE PLANET, AL FOR THE PEACE – Global Action. Green Wave Movement contribution for human attitudes change, for peace and planet save / 25 / Inputs Suggestion to Post-2015 GSA and to new Agreement 2015 from Clime So in a great chain formed by all humanity in favor of the planet, life and peace, ma be the mitigation of global warming and climate effects and have a survival perspective. The art world is a world of possibilities still unexplored by contemporary humanity and can help make the real world a better world. Great art is great and can be life on the planet. The life can imitate art and help shape a better world. We cannot say as did Nietzsche, when he said "only it will save us from death," but we have a certainty, for our work in the fine arts, which can help (which we noticed in the glow the eyes of children, the elderly and couples lovers who get the message that comes to us and we pass through the sculptures show NATURE IN LIGHT WAVES) While we anticipate some exits, we are sad because we live in this planetary moment, where all say they are concerned and proposed to get more global and planetary sustainability peace; where all humans with the biome belonging spirit hope and trust in their governments and international organizations, but has not found nor used the correct procedures to do so; because the processes are still plastered, time-consuming, costly, closed, self-absorbed, misaligned, unfocused and without finding nor use "the right keys". A world where "skeptics out convenience" on climate change manifest themselves in articles without any scientific basis - so only financially for their pockets; where entertainment industry continues to produce and fostering competition and struggles, when you could be fostering peace40 . The man has been considered by himself and placed as the center of the universe and denied the principle, the foundations and intricate system that gives you life conditions. This has been his great and serious mistake and cause of barbarism, atrocities and disregard for the planet that welcomes us, because putting yourself in a superior position to all and to all other species, subdues and is projected to chaos. Seek peace but promotes conflict and the war moved by selfishness and greed that is accompanied by the instinct that could not help in the caves; devastates and destroys to benefit from natural resources. To deny its very existence. Man must put up as part and not as the center of the universe, to have a chance. No future prospects exist, to continue the current course of devastation. Life has become a game in which it is not known who will be the winner. And at that moment in history when humanity sets new millennium goals, you must contextualize what cannot continue - the devastation, disputes, wars and not only establish conditions only to human life but for the life of all species. So, should obligatorily contain as much more than sustainable development goals; affixes the goals zero deforestation, the elimination of all weapons and devices of war, the collective governance of natural resources - among others, as we propose especially in the last 40 We propose in section 2.4.2 of this document, new principles, approaches and actions on the way
  • 26. 26 ALL FOR THE PLANET, AL FOR THE PEACE – Global Action. Green Wave Movement contribution for human attitudes change, for peace and planet save / 26 / Inputs Suggestion to Post-2015 GSA and to new Agreement 2015 from Clime two sections of this document (2. From Chaos Local to Global Light, and 3. Post-2015 Sustainable Development agenda (GSA) - Important Inputs Suggestions. 41 Having to focus towards the reorientation of humanity, as witnessed radicalism and friction religious order based on fundamentalism, as in the attack on Charlie Abdo in Paris at the beginning of January 2015 or 5 attacks in a single day (26/06 / 2015 3 continents and 5 different cities, including France, Tunisia Syria and Kuwait with 67 deaths) by apocalyptic ideology, without realizing the intrinsic message and seeing the world invest in more military pressure, police, institutional and safe from the attacks. Mankind thus follows in the path of litigation, thinking of promoting peace through force and firearms - peace ever be achieved this way. In the four last 4 decades of the twentieth century, consume 1/3 of the world wilderness and 50% of these as he traced the guidelines of sustainable development, the UN Conference of the proposal in 1984 and launched the ECO 92; 4% only in the last 10 years after Rio 92 (1992 to 2002). According to the IUCN, 22 784 animal species are threatened with extinction - 40% of amphibians and 20% of mammals. And so, we followed with agreements that do not comply by making new promises and no we control on the one hand what is happening in another world (100 000 elephants were killed 41 As indicated in the proposals and activities Topic 2 and their sub-topics; and, under the headings 3 and their 36 indications inputs to the GSA.
  • 27. 27 ALL FOR THE PLANET, AL FOR THE PEACE – Global Action. Green Wave Movement contribution for human attitudes change, for peace and planet save / 27 / Inputs Suggestion to Post-2015 GSA and to new Agreement 2015 from Clime between 2010 and 2012 for the withdrawal of their ivory tusks in Africa; ¾ of whales already They disappeared and all day we have news of the disappearance of other species). We live promoting the 6th great extinction of life on the planet; now not due to an event in the last 65 million years, when we were hit by a meteor; but an irrational and slow, the man's hand. While those committed to peace and true sustainability seek consensus, we see the planet degenerate and pursuing wrong paths, in a perspective of fear and destruction instead of harmony. And this bias comes to mind that man has the power to devastate the planet and annihilate with his own humanity through nuclear and biological weapons in a push button or by breaking some test tubes. The UN plays a key role, but has worked in more effects than the causes and being used to "put out fires". It operates in a context of emergency problems that you take the possibilities of focus and efficiency, imposing limits that are like lead shoes. Problems of diseases and epidemics that plague humanity - such as AIDS, Ebola, the ESRB and other pests that emerge suddenly (as the very "respiratory syndrome" in Korea), or resurface as measles and tuberculosis; problem as the more than 60 million climate refugees, conflict and war; problems like hunger and food shortages; the effects of climate mitigation; protection of the environmental and artistic heritage and many others are above the solving ability of any organism, nation or economic bloc. It is a task of humanity as a whole - each and all citizens of the planet. The world has its greatest hopes in the UN, in its commitment, in your experience and resoluteness but suspicions with member countries and the pseudo democracies they represent; which can put - as put by voting - and inept individuals whose representatives set up in power are so preposterous and are the current way in which the economic power purchase political power that easily corrupts42 - and this we call "process democratic "; where all nations come together in a proven bankrupt and corrosive process of the biosphere - that of globalization - to deplete the planet in the name of development / growth and, therefore using less pasta prepared culturally, which believing the false promises of changes They lend themselves to appoint to the governments; but finally reproduce the same failed model that drives us all and the planet into chaos and leave the world generating more deleted-voting future that perpetuate these pseudo-democracies that only do contribute to the degeneration of life and the planet . 42 Not only in Brazil but in most "democracies" of the world, who funds the political campaigns of the legislative and the executive are the s companies that have interests. In Brazil the financing of campaigns - "donations" - are historically made by large companies that are always among the top performing infrastructure works. In recent re-election to the presidency of Brazil, 7 of the 10 largest donors are suspected of corruption and the procedure to return this money is the overpricing of the works. They consider an "investment" campaign donation. According to Director of Open Accounts NGO, each donated £ 8.5 yields. A single company donated about R $ 300 million dollars for the last election.
  • 28. 28 ALL FOR THE PLANET, AL FOR THE PEACE – Global Action. Green Wave Movement contribution for human attitudes change, for peace and planet save / 28 / Inputs Suggestion to Post-2015 GSA and to new Agreement 2015 from Clime - What environmental commitment and planetary may have a being who comes into the world devoid of everything and fight as less force than an animal just for survival ???43 - What is the environmental cost of keeping the human species as the center of the universe and a single species with absolute power over all the planet's resources? The ecological footprint is now 50% larger than the Earth can generate to meet the greed and the load on it and continue producing more people and products on a planet that no longer offers support and continues to receive all kinds of aggressions. - What are effective initiatives to reverse the current planetary picture that are promoted with positive results by nations and international organizations? - That commitment to the planet and the sustainability of life may have the economy and the so-called "democratic" governments, constituted in this magnetized aura of globalization and connected to the “train wreck of the economy” ??? - Saving the planet and safeguard the life that inhabits it? 43 54% of humanity goes hungry. - How will be able to adapt to climate change ???
  • 29. 29 ALL FOR THE PLANET, AL FOR THE PEACE – Global Action. Green Wave Movement contribution for human attitudes change, for peace and planet save / 29 / Inputs Suggestion to Post-2015 GSA and to new Agreement 2015 from Clime In Sydney, Australia on November 14, 2014, hundreds of people buried their heads in de sand, in a gesture that brings the message of the feeling of lack of initiatives on climate change and called for actions in this regard in the G-20 event, as nations and G-20 leaders met and talked issues centered on the economy and growth, seeking to establish the goals of global economy, the creation of funds and development banks, without giving up the seriousness appointed by the IPCC and the WMO / UN and the absence of consensus for the climate agreement. But at the end of the event received by the pressure, the climate issue was put on the agenda of the G-20 meeting. Now, better late than never and even if parallel to the jingoism of economic growth, we need to invest in innovative, magical and outputs regarded as utopian; if we seek honest solutions to the global sustainability as normal, committed and promoted by bureaucratic and intangible global governance structure, imposed or agreed by nations, national and international agencies and those individuals set up this structure; follow with their themes, traditional policies and procedures, and effectively "have not been aware of the problems and the planet"; shyly they have managed to sensitize humanity to the sustainability and actions in the opposite direction of jingoism and goals of economic growth, sustainability absolutely nothing. So walk with slow steps towards preservation and striding toward extinction, deluded by inefficient agreements are not fulfilled and that do not solve the crucial problems of the planet and humanity. The United Nations and all nations know that mankind has "big calluses on feet" and that the planet is a ball ready to surprise us more and more in disasters and unpredictable damages. This international body does its part by studying and alerting, but this is too little, because the pernicious actions continue in an increasingly fast pace.
  • 30. 30 ALL FOR THE PLANET, AL FOR THE PEACE – Global Action. Green Wave Movement contribution for human attitudes change, for peace and planet save / 30 / Inputs Suggestion to Post-2015 GSA and to new Agreement 2015 from Clime And if we do not take upon themselves the burden even with the pressures of the strong gravitational system of the economy and the greater power of either nation, it will be remembered as an entity that was in service from scratch and that was complicit in the destruction of the planet. Only we the "planetary society" - imbued with the same principles of creation - and we know where the calluses hurt and we remedies and magic wands of inspiration and actions that can lead to solutions; we have the tools for mobilizing and can help eliminate them no more pain for humanity and save life on the planet (although we may also be living in countries that gravitate in the magnet of economic globalization and that do not give good examples, such as Brazil44 ). UN issues and focuses are adopting for several bins - disputes, wars, hunger, health, food, housing, environment, global emergencies and disasters, refugees, extreme violence and terrorism, human rights, science and culture, tourism - among many others foci and vectors. Why and how brain inducer of the world's ways, cannot disregard the light, keys, magic, utopia and doors and exits windows than any individual of the human species brings you to remedy, mitigate, change, improve, meet, look, look, understand, resolve, stop, reduce, increase, delete, and also surprise towards improving the human condition, of life and sustainability of the magical world that welcomes us. For this, it must be permeable the fruitful ideas and follow them. The problems that the UN has to face and which are already large can become insoluble if we find the correct keys to reverse. Some of the problems are not attacked in origin and prevention become immense, as the disputes, conflicts and wars that affect innocent; forcing the creation of humanitarian aid, refugee camps, displacement by conflict; immigrant crises; lack of food, education, housing, health, epidemics - among many others. Other problems, such as raising the planet's temperature with its catastrophic effects, are also irreversible and therefore now have to work on the "resilience". «Tenemos que aprender a vivir de otra manera. No es el momento de hacer política, sino de buscar soluciones pragmáticas. Por ejemplo, creando ciudades bien planificadas y resistentes al cambio climático, como Singapur. Se supone que somos criaturas inteligentes e inventivas, seguro que podemos adaptarnos» (James Lovelock). 44 Detail approach our country in the first item of this document.
  • 31. 31 ALL FOR THE PLANET, AL FOR THE PEACE – Global Action. Green Wave Movement contribution for human attitudes change, for peace and planet save / 31 / Inputs Suggestion to Post-2015 GSA and to new Agreement 2015 from Clime The UN, with its 36 branches, offices and various programs, you can if you want to find and foster collective forces to take care of the biosphere and, therefore, must rely on the endogenous and creative potential of humanity, joining efforts for fruitful actions. Only now that these actions need to be catalysts to ferment, raising awareness man and all humanity here is to make a difference and not as man comes walking - to feed, defecate, have children and die - as enunciated Leonardo Da Vinci. And for this, simply move a minimum of resources that humanity uses to advance toward the uncertain future; as the trillions of dollars that are invested in research and space adventures or warlike actions, disputes, wars and weapons; and focus on global action to promote "global citizenship" as we set "ALL THE PLANET, ALL FOR PEACE", as the ideogram statement later; believing that "a single citizen can make a difference and help change the world"; for the world we want, more ethical, just, fraternal and sustainable. And many humans with the same spirit and action effectively change the world. We can no longer wait for solutions to difficult consensus blocks, associations, caught organisms and do not make the wheel spin; of countries that supposedly protect us against imaginary enemies and causing "cold wars"; promoting research that seek and expect output to human life in outer space at the expense of wisdom to foster and have it increased in the biosphere. Covenants are transient, as well as agreements with date, time, and numbers to be fulfilled to an intangible level. No warranty offer at this critical time of random variables and we can prove that are breached as time passes. At the turn of the XXth century for XXIº the world has created an expectation on what would be the most important meeting that humanity will witness in the history of its evolution (after ECO-92), which took place in Hanover in
  • 32. 32 ALL FOR THE PLANET, AL FOR THE PEACE – Global Action. Green Wave Movement contribution for human attitudes change, for peace and planet save / 32 / Inputs Suggestion to Post-2015 GSA and to new Agreement 2015 from Clime Germany during the Fair World - EXPO 2000 is 100 in 100 years (which in 1899 was responsible for building the Eiffel Tower), which this year had as its theme "The Planet Fate and the Future of Man," in which 87 countries gathered said seeking "exit doors and alternatives for sustaining life on the planet", again in frustrated and to all mankind - he hoped courageous stances and indicative of "action" for the changes. Two years later, in 2002, the Rio + 10 we expected that the next step faster; but only made note what we already knew. And it was followed by the RIO + 20, an important event and one of the last chances. But while their important contributions and indicative of ways, such as the new agenda, we as humans we have an all do everything to help and without waiting any longer. We "with his hand on the ground and on earth" is that we can save and preserve the world for the expected but uncertain future generations and, before it are ultimate afternoon. We need to put as part and not the center of the universe and not only as we measure the environmental cost to human life, but for life and other species that inhabit the planet: the man no longer is treated as the center, but so only as part of the universe. Following the call of nature, humanity and the planet that is dying; given the V. call while UN Secretary General and the appeal of Pope Francis - which has a spectacular coincidence of souls that are in line with the supreme will - and we more concerned with uniting mankind in unison to stop aggression the planet and life and we activate the perpetual motion of the necessary actions, propose joint efforts so that together and counting in all humility we can join forces to these necessary actions in tune with the harmony and peace needed to fix one up and re-orientate human actions on the planet.45 So awareness man and mankind, he can no longer are the center, but only part of the universe. With this posture, valuing all other forms of life and the planet's resources; the principles of maintenance of life and promote peace, overcome all the problems that the civilizing process created and left us as a legacy. 11.. 11.. OOuurr BBrraazziill -- aa NNeecceessssaarryy RReeaaddiinngg aa BBaadd EExxaammppllee:: The important is not to run and get a first; essential is whether the right is the direction in which it goes. Humberto Rohden This is a chapter on the country we are born and live, who would not want to be exposed, but because of our familiarity with their problems and the perception of forgotten possibilities of correction, the included herein, making the "mea culpa" data and information and recording the lines of our 45 So awareness man and mankind, that he can no longer be the center, but only part of the universe. With this posture, valuing all other forms of life and the planet's resources; the principles of maintenance of life and promote peace, overcome all the problems that the civilizing process created and left us as a legacy
  • 33. 33 ALL FOR THE PLANET, AL FOR THE PEACE – Global Action. Green Wave Movement contribution for human attitudes change, for peace and planet save / 33 / Inputs Suggestion to Post-2015 GSA and to new Agreement 2015 from Clime understanding and possible solutions on them. We are aware that it is a bad example to the world along the lines of environmental sustainability and that is also one of the countries that contribute the most to global warming. Brazil is one of the three most critical regions of the planet in relation to climate effects - in Latin America46 - and here we are born and live in a country that has one of the richest biodiversity on the planet; plenty of water, the biggest forest of splendid environmental and landscape wealth coast and we see all be devastated and destroyed in the name of so-called "progress"; by the hand of man, the indiscriminate exploitation, economic voluptuousness - Industrial and commercial. South America and Africa are the largest of devastating forest areas and the Brazil planetary leader47 - both in its region and the world; is the 4th most responsible for the greenhouse effect in the world, mainly due to deforestation. It is a country of paradoxes and misaligned behavior towards sustainability and towards the protection of its environmental heritage. While taking nearly 20% of all surface water and nearly 30% of the planet's biodiversity, following devastating and turning its rivers, lakes and seas in open sewers and polluting the earth, the sky and sea; compromising biodiversity and life on Earth. Tropical forests cover only 7% of the land, but contain nearly half of all the trees and animals on the planet and generate about 40% of Earth's oxygen. Brazil has one third of all tropical forests in the world, portion composed of the Amazon and the Atlantic Forest, and the latter remains less than 8% of its original cover. 72% of the Amazon forest is within the geographic boundaries of our country and the rest in neighboring countries. Brazil has not given good example, is extremely cruel to the environment that gives you life support, which softens the climate and oxygenates the earth; follows irresponsibly deforesting the most representative remnant of rainforest in the world, the Amazon - an average of 5-6 thousand square kilometers a year and a relative increase of 29% between 2012 and 201348 , wiping out the flora and fauna, with hundreds of thousands of simultaneous fires (only in the first half of October 2014 were registered 20 657 foci), a large part of these focuses on conservation areas. From January 1 to November 29, 2014, INPE49 satellite recorded 170 715 forest fire outbreaks (65% difference the most, with the number of fires observed in 2013) and of these, 79.1% were in the biome Amazon. 46 According to a study sponsored by the World Bank, with the support of the Research Institute for Climate Impact Potsdam, Germany. 47 Brazil is the largest deforester the world, according to Claudio Amarante, the NGO WWF Brazil. 48 Although official statistics indicate otherwise, namely the mitigation of deforestation in the Amazon 49 Brazilian National Institute of Spatial Research
  • 34. 34 ALL FOR THE PLANET, AL FOR THE PEACE – Global Action. Green Wave Movement contribution for human attitudes change, for peace and planet save / 34 / Inputs Suggestion to Post-2015 GSA and to new Agreement 2015 from Clime Over the past 40 years the Amazon forest has lost 762,979 square kilometers of area50 , and only three months in late 2014, lost 1,067 square kilometers of its forest area; right under the noses of our rulers and the powers that be, who do nothing to stop this process, that prioritize the man from the other species and their activities out of touch with life. Although the announced reductions in deforestation of the Federal Government, increases were recorded in 169%, 282% and 195% compared to the months of January, February and March 2015, compared to the same periods in 2014 in the area of the Amazon and August 2014 to March 2015, the increase was 214% compared to the same period last year, representing 1,761 Km² deforested, according to the Imazon Istitute51 . According to the coordinator of the Climate report The Future of the Amazon, researcher Antonio Donato Nobre, INPE: The Amazonian occupation has destroyed 42 billion trees, that is, more than 2000 trees per minute continuously for the past 40 years. Adding to the deforestation and degradation (which considers green areas, but unused) of forest, destruction of the Amazon reaches more than 2, 062 million square kilometers.52 The deforestation reflections appear in the weather, with droughts, lack watermark, biological and loss of food productivity in Brazil and worldwide. But the main effect is the release of CO² in the atmosphere and the contribution in raising the temperature of the planet. Amazon deforestation has caused drought in southern Brazil, and estimates indicate that over 80% of our wildlife has been lost over the last 40 years and an unimaginable biological loss, especially for the extinction of forests in the country. The same forests that act as deposit of CO² and are producing hundreds of millions of tons of oxygen that would be released into the atmosphere every year - capable of meeting the need for O² of the Brazilian population - is the same area that is deforested annually in the country. In a single hectare of Amazon rainforest can find up to 300 plant species and Brazil is the country of the world most smuggles animals; about 12 million animals throughout the year -of which only 10% survive after hunting and transportation. This reckless trade and anti-ecological, making U $ A one billion / year. Victims are exported to Europe, to America, to Japan and other countries considered 1st world; for collectors, shops, zoos and fairs. Brussels - European Union host city - the wild animals of "exotic wildlife", are sold in a public thoroughfare, as well as in several other European cities53 . 50 Report "The Climate Future of the Amazon", INPE 51 In 52 Amazonian it Accumulates 762 thousand km of Deforestation in 40 years. Source, editor Nadia Franco. 53 RIO + 10 A FINDING OF INCOMPETENCE / 13 ASSUMPTIONS LOGIC FOR ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY. Paulo Fernando & Zornitta. Green Wave Movement, 2010 (RIO + 10 A CONSTATAÇÃO DA INCOMPETÊNCIA / 13 PRESSUPOSTOS LÓGICOS PARA A SUSTENTABILIDADE AMBIENTAL.).
  • 35. 35 ALL FOR THE PLANET, AL FOR THE PEACE – Global Action. Green Wave Movement contribution for human attitudes change, for peace and planet save / 35 / Inputs Suggestion to Post-2015 GSA and to new Agreement 2015 from Clime In this morbid and degenerative context, we planetary society with universal thought, humanitarian and in favor of all forms of life, we seek ways to prevent and fight these demonic forces, selfish, destructive and contrary to the maintenance of life in a country that moves forward without course for the future without the alleged wisdom nor whether certain is the direction that will; put down by the forces of globalization and spiritually possessed by demonic force of attraction and the political power internally. The effects are catastrophic, but no action is inconceivable. In Brazil, from January to October 2014 we had over 32,000 fires "in legalized areas of environmental preservation"; in the devastation field advances with fires and pollution by pesticides - Brazil is the world's largest consumer of these products and agribusiness, is close to 25% of GDP, one of the six largest agricultural producers in the world and continues to focus on food and grains to satisfy the world's voracity and feed humans and animals. The benefit and profits that are for farmers, but for that the environmental cost and the
  • 36. 36 ALL FOR THE PLANET, AL FOR THE PEACE – Global Action. Green Wave Movement contribution for human attitudes change, for peace and planet save / 36 / Inputs Suggestion to Post-2015 GSA and to new Agreement 2015 from Clime damage remains for humanity, for its activities to devastate areas and forests, absorb public funds and precious water resources; with poison pollute the land, water, air and life, including humans. 54 The same rivers and pure surface waters that support life, is the fate of human sewage that are rarely treated. In northern Brazil, for example, where are the most important water resources of the planet, only 20% of sewage is treated and released is being detected contamination with mercury used in mining in major rivers of the Amazon, as the Tapajos; preventing the obtaining of fish for human consumption itself. The death of fish contamination in rivers near urban areas is recorded from north to south and east to west. Only 1.5% of the country's coastal area is protected by conservation areas, which also feature internally incompatible occupations and activities with such protective measure. The world produces 41 million tons of "electronic junk" and Brazil alone accounts for more than 1.5 million tons / year and the second in electronic disposal in the world, after the United States. A quarter of the country's GDP comes from agricultural activities, however, Brazil develops agriculture and livestock extensive and unsustainable, consuming natural resources and energy pathetically to bring as a result much less than produced and with a heavy environmental burden and legacy of devastation. It has 5 million agricultural structures, but only 20% of these have technical assistance. Perhaps this is why the country is the world's largest consumer of pesticides (19% of the total) and 50% of the products used here are banned in the EU and the USA. 70% of the food consumed in Brazil is contaminated with these products. Soybeans, corn, cotton and sugarcane are responsible for the consumption of more than 80% of pesticides used in the country.55 According to the FAO / UN, soils host 25% of the planet's biodiversity; account for 95% of food production and 33% are degraded and threaten global food security in a world that currently has 805 million people chronically fed. Close to 80% of the planet's fresh water lends to agriculture for food production to final destination of humans - whether of animal or plant source. In Brazil there are over 200 million head of cattle and export all year more than 1.58 million tons in 2014 and without taking into account that to obtain 1 kg of meat, they are used throughout the process close to 13,000 liters of water and the same kilo is responsible for 300 kg of greenhouse gases, but 54 Between 2009 and 2010, the Studio GREEN WAVE GREEN WAVE Movement developed audiovisual production - genre documentary - titled PESTICIDES, ENVIRONMENTAL & HUMAN HEALTH, which detected and registered the application unreasonable and harmful form of these products, using Hand labor of children, youth and adults working without adequate protection; polluting the environment and contaminating the products with absurd levels of use of pesticides (a tomato with 53 applications, up to the sale to the consumer and with internationally banned products) 55 According to the article "alarming" the use of pesticides in Brazil reaches 70% of the food, "published in El Pais on April 30, 2015, with bases in several studies. In
  • 37. 37 ALL FOR THE PLANET, AL FOR THE PEACE – Global Action. Green Wave Movement contribution for human attitudes change, for peace and planet save / 37 / Inputs Suggestion to Post-2015 GSA and to new Agreement 2015 from Clime follow planting grain and raising cattle and other slaughter animals to feed populations that sometimes are on the other side of the planet, like China buying 30 40% of our production of soybeans and meat from eight major Brazilian slaughterhouses56 . In 2015 we will produce over 204 million tons of grain - nearly all extensively with irreversible environmental impacts. On June 30, 2015 Brazil signed an agreement in Washington that the US release the importation of fresh beef (unprocessed) estimated at 100 tons / year to that country by farmers, adding to the hundreds of thousands of tons to other countries for which we have already exported, - Saudi Arabia, South Korea, Russia, Egypt, Venezuela, Italy - from more than 20 countries. "Farming can issue alone 33% of the world's greenhouse gases, more than all the cars, trains, ships and planes together, totaling 14%57 " and produce nearly 12 million kg of methane per year. Livestock serving for human consumption generates 18-19% of greenhouse gases in the world, according to estimates of the minimum UN. 23% of the Earth's surface lends itself to sustain 3 billion ruminants, but we do not change our eating habits. Everything revolves around the production for human consumption, and know that a single human being consumes in a lifetime more than 200 tons of food between liquid and solid; the planet imposing a heavy environmental burden that individual are met their basic needs. Brazil has 60% of its exports on commodities - based on natural resources; whereas ore, soybeans and oil account for 30% of its exports, according to UNCTAD58 . Deforestation also lends itself to logging and, it is noteworthy that our hardwoods and endangered remain ordered and imported by developed countries and foods such as soy that is planted extensively or cattle and other protein sources animal, they lend themselves to feed the world; while other importing nations these products save the soil, water and other local environmental resources. Brazil is yard for the production of cellulose; while factories are closed in developed countries. It is a more damaging posture than that of "carbon credits" - which damage in one place could be compensated economically in another, as proposed and was used by countries bound by the Kyoto Protocol. The changes of direction in a country like Brazil, which advances at any price, put down the economy and unplanned, cannot take care of your environment. Not only extensive farming is harmful to the environment, but all agricultural areas - including settlements that have devastated their forests and lend themselves to the production of food for human purposes of his maintenance and that are not deployed properly. 56 Agreement signed in late May 2015 by Prime Minister Chines directly with Brazilian President. 57 According to the article The Dark Side of Food. Ciro Antonio Roselen. In 58 In