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A Quarterly Review of the Global Digital Health
Market’s Overall Strength and Impact
Developed by Fard Johnmar, Futurist, Strategist and Researcher
A Digital Health Maven
Project Publication
digihealth impact trac
Q4 2017/2018 Trend Preview
About the Author || Page 3
Why digihealth impact trac? || Page 4
Data Source & Methodology || Page 6
Why the Global Digital Health
Market Strengthened During Q4 2017 || Pages 7 – 8
Overview: Key Q4 2017 Trends || Page 9
Ecosystem Analysis: Scope || Pages 10 - 11
Ecosystem Analysis: Momentum || Page 12
Ecosystem Analysis: Investments || Page 13
Ecosystem Analysis: Connections || Page 14
Trends That Will Matter in 2018 || Pages 15 – 17
About Enspektos and the
Digital Health Maven Project || Page 19
Additional Notes || Page 20
digihealth impact trac | Q4 2017 | published january 30, 2018
digihealth impact trac
Q4 2017/2018 Trend Preview
About the Author
Fard Johnmar is founder and president of the noted
innovation consultancy Enspektos.
Fard is a nearly 20-year global health industry veteran
and has spent nearly 13 in the digital health arena. He
has advised executives, entrepreneurs, medical
professionals and others focused on developing
groundbreaking digital health tools, technologies,
products and services at startups and large organizations
such as Johnson & Johnson, Novartis, Sanofi, the CDC
and the Canadian government.
In addition to speaking regularly about digital innovation
trends to audiences globally, Fard and his work have
been featured in numerous media outlets, including the
Los Angeles Times, NPR and Forbes. He is also a fellow
at the Columbia University-affiliated HITLAB.
Fard is the co-author of the #1 global bestseller, ePatient
2015: 15 Surprising Trends Changing Healthcare, which
explores the impact of digital technologies on health and
well-being. He also holds a U.S. patent for a unique
analytics engine that measures the impact of digital
content exposure on health behavior change.
Learn more about Fard at
Fard Johnmar
Futurist | Strategist
Researcher | Inventor
3 digihealth impact trac | Q4 2017 | published january 30, 2018
Why digihealth impact trac?
In Q3 2017, Enspektos released the first edition of digihealth impact trac, a
quarterly report series designed to improve understanding of how organizations,
startups, government agencies, universities and others are testing, developing and
commercializing digital solutions globally. This research compliments and expands
upon quarterly reports produced by StartUp Health, Rock Health and other
organizations focusing on U.S. and global digital health investment activity.
While investment data is beneficial, it provides limited information about two
important measures of the digital health market’s strength: implementation and
impact. Improving our understanding of the market’s scope requires investigating:
•  Where people are focused from an implementation perspective: This can
include looking at what technologies are receiving significant attention,
therapeutic categories of greatest interest and more
•  How digital technologies are impacting health, well-being, workflows and
other factors: While the jury is still out about whether many digital solutions
will have positive benefits on health outcomes, early evidence is emerging that
some technologies including virtual reality and mobile, may have significant
health benefits
The digihealth impact trac quarterly report series can deepen our
understanding of and encourage more nuanced analysis about digital health’s
global importance and influence.
Note: In addition to focusing on Q4 2017 digital health themes, this
edition of digihealth impact trac provides insights into key trends that will be
important for health industry stakeholders to consider throughout 2018.
4 digihealth impact trac | Q4 2017 | published january 30, 2018
How to Download This Report
This digihealth impact trac
quarterly report is not
available for download on
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Digital Health Maven Project’s Website.
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you’ll have access to numerous free innovation
tools, including courses, Webinars and videos.
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5 digihealth impact trac | Q4 2017 | published january 30, 2018
Data Source & Methodology
Enspektos has developed the world’s largest source of real-time digital health and emerging
technology market data. For each report, we analyze this industry-leading data set using a unique
methodology designed to aid the rapid and systematic analysis of health innovation ecosystems.
Data Source Methodology
Data in this report was sourced
from the Digihealth Informer real-time
database. This is an intelligence and
productivity platform with more than 4.5
million data points focusing on the
global digital and emerging technology
market, including:
•  Market Events: Product releases,
mergers, acquisitions, pilots and
other data on digital and emerging
technology implementation
•  Investment Activity: Funding
events, investors and more
•  Partnerships, Pilots and
Collaborations: Extensive
contextual data on how
organizations, startups and others
are implementing digital
technologies in health and medicine
Scope Momentum
Health Technology Ecosystem
Analysis Method: 4 Areas of Focus
Global digital and emerging technology
market data collected via DigiHealth Informer
during Q4 2017 and Q4 2016 was examined
(via search queries) using the Health
Technology Ecosystem Analysis Methodology.
This Enspektos-developed method focuses on
four key areas that define innovation
ecosystems: scope (global reach), momentum
(regional activity volume), investments and
connections (partnerships, etc.).
Source: Enspektos, LLC
6 digihealth impact trac | Q4 2017 | published january 30, 2018
The Global Digital Health Market
Strengthened in Q4 2017
77 digihealth impact trac | Q4 2017 | published january 30, 2018
Infrastructure Focus
Methodology and Definitions: For this analysis (except for the financial strength metric), searches of the DigiHealth Informer
database were conducted for the following keywords during the Q4 2017 and Q4 2016 time frames:
• Infrastructure Focus: References to data interoperability and analytics
(Keywords: digital health interoperability; digital health analytics)
• Regional Diversity: Number of countries referenced as engaging in digital health innovation
(Keyword: digital health)
• Health Outcomes Research Emphasis: References to outcomes research (clinical and non-clinical) activities
(Keywords: digital health outcomes)
• Financial Strength: Global digital health funding levels (as measured by StartUp Health)
No	Change
Interoperability,	Analy7cs	References	
(vs.	Q4	2016)
Regional Diversity
No	Change
Country-Specific	Innova7on	References	
(vs.	Q4	2016)
Health Outcomes Emphasis
No	Change
Health	Outcomes	Research	References	
(vs.	Q4	2016)
No	Change
Total	Global	Investment	Volume
(vs.	Q4	2016)
Financial Strength
Global Digital Health Strength Index (Q4 2017 vs. Q4 2016): Stronger
Source: Enspektos, LLC
Why Did the Global Digital Health
Market Strengthen During Q4 2017?
The Global Digital Health Strength Index: Q4 2017
Traditionally, the strength of the digital health market has been measured by
the level of investment dollars flowing into startups and other firms. While financial
strength is a valuable metric, it can provide an incomplete picture of overall market
potential. Other factors, specifically whether there is a focus on measuring digital
health-related outcomes, improving data infrastructure and global innovation diffusion,
also have a significant impact on whether digital technologies are (and will be)
To improve understanding of digital health’s impact and scope we created the
Global Digital Health Strength Index (displayed on the previous page) in Q3 2017.
Analysis of market landscape data collected via the DigiHealth Informer platform
indicates that in Q4 2017 (versus Q4 2016) the digital health market strengthened in
the following areas:
•  Infrastructure: Compared to Q4 2016, there was a greater global emphasis on
improving interoperability and analytics capabilities in order to derive meaningful
insights from genomic, clinical and other Big Health Data.
•  Regional Diversity: The spread of digital innovation to health ecosystems across
Asia, Southern Europe and other regions is accelerating.
•  Health Outcomes Emphasis: We saw a significant jump in references in the
digital health literature to outcomes research. Clearly health industry stakeholders
are increasingly looking at whether digital solutions deliver clinical, economic and
quality of life benefits across various populations.
•  Financial Strength: StartUp Health reported record-breaking Q4 2017 investment
numbers in its 2017 Year End Report (link). Q4 2017 investments surpassed $2
billion across 227 deals compared to $1.76 billion in investments during Q4 2016.
8 digihealth impact trac | Q4 2017 | published january 30, 2018
Overview: Key Q4 2017 Digital Health Trends
Transforma0ve	Impact	
Globally,	telemedicine	
solu2ons	are	having	a	
major	impact	on	access	to	
care,	health	spending	and	
the	prac2ce	of	medicine.	
Thinking	Global	is	Vital	
Regional	digital	health	
innova2on	ac2vity	is	
Understanding	how	
health	technologies	are	
being	deployed	in	
Europe,	Asia	and	other	
locales	is	crucial.			
Investment	Winners:	
Companies	With	Global	
Maturing	companies	with	
the	poten2al	to	succeed	
in	mul2ple	markets	are	
capturing	investment	
Partnerships	Focus	on		
Tech	Accelera0on	
New	partnerships	
focused	on	digital	
therapeu2cs	and	other	
emerging	technologies	
may	help	drive	global	
adop2on	and	research.	
Scope Momentum
What were the major digital health trends and themes
that drove interest and attention during Q4 2017? As
illustrated in the graphic below, during this period,
telemedicine’s global impact became more apparent, regional
(ex-U.S.) innovation activity accelerated in importance,
maturing companies with global reach captured investment
dollars and partnerships were formed to drive emerging
technology adoption.
+22% from Q3 2017
*Note: Between 70-80 percent of DigiHealth Informer data is focused on health and medical innovation. Non-health data
on mobile, virtual reality, blockchain and other sectors is tracked to monitor their evolution and potential impact on health.
Source: Enspektos, LLC
9 digihealth impact trac | Q4 2017 | published january 30, 2018
The number of digital and emerging
technology-related social posts, news
headlines and full-text articles collected
via DigiHealth Informer during Q4 2017.*
What was the breadth of innovation focus
(diseases, technology areas, etc.)?
Technology		 Major	Themes	and	Market	Events	Related	to	Technology	Area	
(Referenced	in	Ar0cles/Social	Posts	Collected	During	Q4	2017)		
Mobile/Mobile	Health	 •  Majority	of	pa2ents	interested	in	using	mobile	for	health	communica2on			
•  Many	apps	developed	during	2017,	but	concerns	persist	about	quality	
•  The	strong	(and	growing)	link	between	mobile	and	telemedicine	solu2ons	
Ar0ficial	Intelligence/
Machine	Learning	
•  The	use	of	machine	learning	in	electronic	medical	records	is	accelera2ng	
•  The	shiK	from	hype	to	real-world	solu2ons	in	health-focused	AI	
Telemedicine	 •  Telemedicine’s	surge	toward	increased	global	adop2on		
•  Telemedicine	is	transforming	how	physicians	interact	with	pa2ents:	i.e.,		
from	bedside	to	‘Webside’	manner	
•  The	poten2al	nega2ve	impacts	of	U.S.	net	neutrality’s	repeal	on	
Big	Data	 •  Prepara2on	for	the	EU’s	new	data	privacy	regula2ons	(to	be	implemented	
in	2018)	and	worries	about	how	it	will	impact	health	Big	Data			
•  How	major	players,	including	CVS	Health	and	Epic	are	using	Big	Data	to	
tackle	rising	drug	costs	in	the	U.S.		
Cloud	Compu0ng	 •  Amazon	is	working	with	Cerner	on	a	cloud-based	popula2on	health	
•  Royal	Phillips	buys	cloud-based	health	management	company	VitalHealth,	
another	indica2on	of	how	health	industry	players	are	ac2vely	acquiring	
technology	solu2ons	to	boost	their	profitability,	products	and	services	
Top Referenced Technologies: Q4 2017
Below are insights about the most discussed and referenced technologies in the digital
health online literature during Q4 2017 along with major themes associated with each.
To perform this analysis, DigiHealth Informer was used to identify the top innovations (and themes related to
them) referenced in full-text, news and social digital content collected from October 1 to December 31, 2017.
Source: Enspektos, LLC
Ecosystem Analysis
10 digihealth impact trac | Q4 2017 | published january 30, 2018
What was the breadth of innovation focus
(diseases, technology areas, etc.)?
Disease/Condi0on	 Top	Technologies	Being	Used	for	Disease	Management/Diagnosis	
	(Referenced	in	Ar0cles	Collected	During	Q4	2017)		
1.	Diabetes	 1.  Mobile/Smartphones	
2.  Ar2ficial	Intelligence/Machine	Learning*	
3.  Digital	Therapeu2cs	
2.	Cancer	 1.  Mobile/Mobile	Health	
2.  Ar2ficial	Intelligence*	
3.  Telemedicine*		
4.  Precision	Medicine	
3.	Aging	 1.  Mobile	
2.  Internet	and	IoT	Technologies*	
3.  Social	Media*	
4.  Wearables	
5.  Ar2ficial	Intelligence	
4.	Depression		 1.  Smartphones*	
2.  Mobile		
3.  Adherence	Technologies*	
4.  Ar2ficial	Intelligence/Machine	Learning*	
5.	Asthma	 1.  Mobile/Mobile	Health	
2.  Sensors		
3.  Adherence	Technologies		
4.  Wearables		
5.  Digital	Therapeu2cs	
Top Referenced Diseases/Conditions: Q4 2017
Below is a listing of the most discussed and referenced diseases or conditions in the
digital health online literature during Q4 2017. Notably, artificial intelligence,
telemedicine and Internet of Things technologies rose in prominence across several
disease areas between Q3 and Q4 2017.
To perform this analysis, we conducted a search of full text articles in the DigiHealth Informer database, using the keyword
“digital health” (and top diseases/conditions), collected between October 1 and December 31, 2017.
Source: Enspektos, LLC
Ecosystem Analysis
*These technologies/innovations rose in prominence between Q3 and Q4 2017.
11 digihealth impact trac | Q4 2017 | published january 30, 2017
Digital health innovations continue to diffuse across Asia, Africa and India.
The map at the left shows the top
referenced countries in articles
focusing on digital health collected by
DigiHealth Informer in Q4 2017. During
this period, global innovation activity
continued to accelerate across
Southern Europe, Africa and India.
Below are some of the themes
that attracted discussion and attention
during Q4 in key global health markets.
Top Referenced Geographic Locations in Articles
Related to Digital Health: Q4 2017
Country	 Key	Country-Related	Digital	Health	Events:	Q4	2017	
•  Singapore	Ministry	of	Health	launches	Healthhub	Track,	which	
provides	6	million	ci2zens	with	free	access	to	digital	therapeu2cs	
•  Spain’s	Barcelona	has	become	one	of	Europe’s	top	five	
technology	hubs.	Also,	the	country	boasts	an	increasing	number	
of	well-regarded	accelerators	run	by	Bayer	and	other	
South	Africa	
•  Long-standing	South	African	Na2onal	Department	of	Health	
mobile	ini2a2ve	MomConnect	integrates	Whatsapp	into	the	
placorm	and	drives	a	50%	increase	in	user	engagement.		
•  U.S.-based	healthcare	incubator	and	innova2on	accelerator	
MATTER	partners	with	Israel-based	Sheba	Medical	Center.	
Startups	will	have	the	opportunity	to	pilot	their	technologies	at	
Sheba	and	gain	customers	throughout	the	country.		
Source: DigiHealth Informer Platform, Enspektos, LLC
Source: Enspektos, LLC
Ecosystem Analysis
12 digihealth impact trac | Q4 2017 | published january 30, 2018
Where were investors focusing their resources?
Global digital health investment activity continues to accelerate
As discussed in the Q3 2017 edition of digihealth impact trac, regional investors in
Europe, Asia and other locations have become more comfortable with aggressive
investments in digital health companies — especially those that have the ability to
succeed in multiple markets. Below are sample digital health investments that illustrate
some of the global scope of digital health investment activity during Q4. (This list
includes firms that have global potential.)
Company	 Amount	 Company	Focus	 Region	
Biofourmis	 $5	M	
Remote	Pa2ent	
Monitoring	 Singapore	
$42	M	 Medical	Scheduling		
Ada	Health		 $49	M	
AI-Aided	Triage		
and	Diagnosis	 Germany	
DocsApp	 $5.5	M	 Gene2c	Diagnosis	
$60	M	
AI-Aided	Drug	
United	States	
Funding activity accessed via search of social posts/news headlines added to the DigiHealth Informer database
between October 1 and December 31, 2017. Keywords: Raise, Funding, Series A
Source: Enspektos, LLC
Ecosystem Analysis
13 digihealth impact trac | Q4 2017 | published january 30, 2018
Where were health organizations, startups, technology firms
and others forging partnerships and collaborations?
Frequently-Referenced Partnership Activity: Q4 2017
Below is an Innovation Map (generated via DigiHealth Informer) showcasing key partnerships that
received attention during Q4 2017.
Partnerships continue to be key in digital health, with new alliances focusing on
driving adoption and research related to digital therapeutics and other emerging
The above Innovation Map was generated via DigiHealth Informer. The platform automatically analyzed social posts and news headlines to
identify the most persistently referenced content related to digital health partnership-related activity between October 1 and December. 31,
Source: Enspektos, LLC
Ecosystem Analysis
14 digihealth impact trac | Q4 2017 | published january 30, 2018
What trends should industry players watch and capitalize on during 2018?
Source: Enspektos, LLC
Trends That Will Matter in 2018
Throughout 2017 we have seen a range of issues, innovations and technologies either
gain in prominence or solidify their importance to the global digital health ecosystem. Below
are five key trends that were identified via analysis of the more than 1.9 million data points
collected via the DigiHealth Informer platform in 2017 that will be important during 2018.
Advances in artificial intelligence,
robotics, the Internet of Voice and
related technologies accelerate
the development of technologies
that are more responsive,
empathetic and human-like,
which benefits elder care,
mental health and other areas.
Empathetic Health
Interfaces Mature
Policies and Regulations
Drive & Threaten Innovation
While the U.S. Food and Drug
Administration pushes to speed
digital health innovation,
uncertainty persists re: the
impact of net neutrality's repeal
and the EU's General Data
Protection Regulations.
Mobile has become the default
technology embedded into tools
focused on patient engagement,
compliance, clinical trials and
other areas. Efforts to improve
the vetting and review of mobile
applications further drive
mobile's central role in health.
Mobile Health = Healthcare
With hospital executives, payers
and others considering or
deploying blockchain solutions,
innovators recognize this
technology has great potential
in healthcare. Blockchain
use cases diversify into anti-
counterfeiting, health data
marketplaces and other areas.
Blockchain Health
Ecosystem Diversifies
The rise of passive biometric and
digital tracking technologies,
improved data analysis tools and
related innovations transform
patient-generated data into a
high-value resource.Patient-Generated
Data Comes of Age
Key Digital Health Trends to Watch: 2018
15 digihealth impact trac | Q4 2017 | published january 30, 2018
What trends should industry players watch and capitalize on during 2018?
Source: Enspektos, LLC
Trends That Will Matter in 2018
Empathetic Health
Interfaces Mature
Policies and Regulations
Drive & Threaten Innovation
Mobile Health = Healthcare
Empathe0c	Interfaces:	Key	Trend	Drivers	and	Impacts	
As	illustrated	during	CES	2018,	ar2ficial	intelligence-enhanced,	voice-enabled	
technologies	developed	by	Amazon,	Google,	Samsung	and	others	are	taking	center	
stage	due	to	growing	consumer	adop2on	and	ease	of	use.	These	innova2ons	are	
having	an	impact	on	healthcare	as	voice	assistants,	chatbots	and	robots	leverage	these	
technologies	to	begin	to	shape	the	treatment	of	depression,	improve	aging,	accelerate	
rehabilita2on	and	more.		
Policy	and	Regula0on:	Key	Trend	Drivers	and	Impacts	
Ongoing	concerns	about	data	privacy,	digital	health	device/soKware	quality	and	
innova2on	roadblocks	are	causing	legislators	and	regulators	to	take	steps	to	influence	
the	digital	health	market.	In	the	United	States,	the	Food	and	Drug	Administra2on	has	
been	working	to	provide	innovators	with	clarity	about	how	digital	tools	will	be	
regulated.	However,	in	Europe,	some	view	the	upcoming	General	Data	Protec2on	
Regula2ons	as	a	poten2al	barrier	to	innova2on,	data	liquidly	and	quality.		
Mobile	Health:	Key	Trend	Drivers	and	Impacts	
Despite	concerns	about	the	quality	of	mobile	health	applica2ons,	mobile	technologies	
have	clearly	established	their	central	role	in	the	global	health	ecosystem.	Across	
diabetes,	mental	health,	asthma	and	many	other	condi2ons,	mobile	is	the	most	
frequently-referenced	and	u2lized	technology.	In	many	respects	mobile	health	is	
becoming	healthcare,	as	its	importance	con2nues	to	rise	across	numerous	use	cases,	
industry	segments	and	therapeu2c	categories.		
16 digihealth impact trac | Q4 2017 | published january 30, 2018
What trends should industry players watch and capitalize on during 2018?
Source: Enspektos, LLC
Trends That Will Matter in 2018
Blockchain	and	Health:	Key	Trend	Drivers	and	Impacts	
Currently,	blockchain	is	one	of	the	most	an2cipated	and	discussed	technologies	of	the	
moment.	Also,	health	execu2ves,	payers	and	others	are	either	considering	or	
deploying	blockchain-based	solu2ons.		
During	2018	the	blockchain	ecosystem	may	evolve	in	two	ways.	First,	many	blockchain	
products	and	services	will	be	deployed	to	solve	long-standing	issues	in	healthcare,	but	
fail	because	they	are	simply	adding	a	blockchain	layer	to	exis2ng	technologies	and	
solu2ons	that	have	not	performed	well	in	the	past.	In	2018	people	will	begin	to	look	
past	the	hype	and	recognize	that	blockchain	is	far	from	a	cure-all.		
Second,	health	organiza2ons	and	innovators	will	find	specific	areas	where	blockchain	
not	only	performs	well,	but	adequately	solves	or	accounts	for	the	associated	adop2on,	
privacy,	security	and	interoperability	issues	associated	with	its	deployment.	Key	areas	
to	watch	in	blockchain	include	electronic	medical	records,	interoperability,	data	
marketplaces,	ar2ficial	intelligence	and	supply	chain	management.		
Pa0ent-Generated	Data:	Key	Trend	Drivers	and	Impacts	
Tradi2onally,	pa2ent-generated	health	data	has	had	a	poor	reputa2on	because	it	was	
difficult	to	collect,	prone	to	inaccuracies	and	of	limited	clinical	relevance.	Today,	these	
concerns	are	being	addressed	partly	due	to	innova2ons	such	as	(ever-cheaper)	sensors	
embedded	into	tamoos,	wearables,	patches	and	other	devices.		
During	2018,	pa2ent-generated	data	will	increase	in	importance	in	the	area	of	clinical	
trials	and	popula2on	health.	And,	advances	in	data	analy2cs	will	help	transform	the	
flood	of	data	from	wearables	and	other	devices	from	a	liability	into	an	asset.		
Blockchain Health
Ecosystem Diversifies
Data Comes of Age
17 digihealth impact trac | Q4 2017 | published january 30, 2018
The trends presented in
this report represent only
the tip of the digital
health iceberg. Want to
better understand the
market forces impacting
your specific product,
service, company or
industry? Here’s how.
Scope Momentum
Health Technology Ecosystem
Analysis Method: 4 Areas of Focus
What Next: Access Personalized Analysis & Insights
Data in this report is from Digihealth
Informer. This platform features the
world’s largest data set on digital and
emerging technologies in health,
including funding, tech and partnerships.
Interested in understanding how and why
these and other trends matter to your
specific company, sub-sector and more?
Get in contact to book a customized and
insightful live talk.
Learn More & Request Demo Book Speaking Engagement
18 digihealth impact trac | Q4 2017 | published january 30, 2018
About Enspektos and the
Digital Health Maven Project
Enspektos is a globally respected innovation consultancy.
Founded in 2005, Enspektos delivers technology, strategy, analysis and non-obvious
insights to executives, entrepreneurs, health professionals, government officials and
others globally focused on using digital and emerging technologies to re-shape health.
Learn more about Enspektos at
A global initiative supporting and accelerating digital innovation in health.
Founded in 2014 by Enspektos, the Digital Health Maven Project delivers research,
education, events, training and more to support digital innovation in health. To date, the
project’s outputs have reached and benefited more than 40,000 people globally. Learn
more about the Project at
19 digihealth impact trac | Q4 2017 | published january 30, 2018
Digital Health Definition: Enspektos defines digital
health as the use of multiple technologies (software,
analytics, genomics, devices, etc.) to track, improve,
support and modify health. Key digital health
technology centers include mobile, social media, Big
Data and wearables.
Data Sources: Insights featured in this report are
based on publicly available social and news data
published during Q4 2017 and Q4 2016.
Data Reliability: Enspektos makes every effort to
ensure that data is from reliable and reputable online
sources. However, we cannot warrant the ultimate
reliability and validity of data obtained via our
automated data collection and processing techniques.
Use of Data: This report is provided for informational
purposes and was prepared in good faith on the basis
of public information available at the time of
publication without independent verification.
Enspektos does not guarantee or warrant the reliability
or completeness of the data nor its usefulness in
achieving any particular purposes. Enspektos shall not
be liable for any loss, damage, cost or expense
incurred by reason of any persons use or reliance on
this report. This report is a proprietary aggregation of
publicly available data and shall not be reproduced
without the written consent of Enspektos, LLC.
Learn more about Enspektos at
Additional Notes

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Q4 2017/2018 Preview Report: digihealth impact trac - A Quarterly Review of the Global Digital Health Market's Strength and Impact

  • 1. A Quarterly Review of the Global Digital Health Market’s Overall Strength and Impact Developed by Fard Johnmar, Futurist, Strategist and Researcher A Digital Health Maven Project Publication digihealth impact trac Q4 2017/2018 Trend Preview
  • 2. Contents 2 About the Author || Page 3 Why digihealth impact trac? || Page 4 Data Source & Methodology || Page 6 Why the Global Digital Health Market Strengthened During Q4 2017 || Pages 7 – 8 Overview: Key Q4 2017 Trends || Page 9 Ecosystem Analysis: Scope || Pages 10 - 11 Ecosystem Analysis: Momentum || Page 12 Ecosystem Analysis: Investments || Page 13 Ecosystem Analysis: Connections || Page 14 Trends That Will Matter in 2018 || Pages 15 – 17 About Enspektos and the Digital Health Maven Project || Page 19 Additional Notes || Page 20 digihealth impact trac | Q4 2017 | published january 30, 2018 digihealth impact trac Q4 2017/2018 Trend Preview
  • 3. About the Author Fard Johnmar is founder and president of the noted innovation consultancy Enspektos. Fard is a nearly 20-year global health industry veteran and has spent nearly 13 in the digital health arena. He has advised executives, entrepreneurs, medical professionals and others focused on developing groundbreaking digital health tools, technologies, products and services at startups and large organizations such as Johnson & Johnson, Novartis, Sanofi, the CDC and the Canadian government. In addition to speaking regularly about digital innovation trends to audiences globally, Fard and his work have been featured in numerous media outlets, including the Los Angeles Times, NPR and Forbes. He is also a fellow at the Columbia University-affiliated HITLAB. Fard is the co-author of the #1 global bestseller, ePatient 2015: 15 Surprising Trends Changing Healthcare, which explores the impact of digital technologies on health and well-being. He also holds a U.S. patent for a unique analytics engine that measures the impact of digital content exposure on health behavior change. Learn more about Fard at Fard Johnmar Futurist | Strategist Researcher | Inventor 3 digihealth impact trac | Q4 2017 | published january 30, 2018
  • 4. Why digihealth impact trac? In Q3 2017, Enspektos released the first edition of digihealth impact trac, a quarterly report series designed to improve understanding of how organizations, startups, government agencies, universities and others are testing, developing and commercializing digital solutions globally. This research compliments and expands upon quarterly reports produced by StartUp Health, Rock Health and other organizations focusing on U.S. and global digital health investment activity. While investment data is beneficial, it provides limited information about two important measures of the digital health market’s strength: implementation and impact. Improving our understanding of the market’s scope requires investigating: •  Where people are focused from an implementation perspective: This can include looking at what technologies are receiving significant attention, therapeutic categories of greatest interest and more •  How digital technologies are impacting health, well-being, workflows and other factors: While the jury is still out about whether many digital solutions will have positive benefits on health outcomes, early evidence is emerging that some technologies including virtual reality and mobile, may have significant health benefits The digihealth impact trac quarterly report series can deepen our understanding of and encourage more nuanced analysis about digital health’s global importance and influence. Note: In addition to focusing on Q4 2017 digital health themes, this edition of digihealth impact trac provides insights into key trends that will be important for health industry stakeholders to consider throughout 2018. 4 digihealth impact trac | Q4 2017 | published january 30, 2018
  • 5. How to Download This Report This digihealth impact trac quarterly report is not available for download on SlideShare. Access the PDF of this publication via the Digital Health Maven Project’s Website. In addition to downloading this valuable resource, you’ll have access to numerous free innovation tools, including courses, Webinars and videos. You’ll also be notified when new quarterly digihealth impact trac reports are released. Click the button below to get started. Click Here to Download This Report 5 digihealth impact trac | Q4 2017 | published january 30, 2018
  • 6. Data Source & Methodology Enspektos has developed the world’s largest source of real-time digital health and emerging technology market data. For each report, we analyze this industry-leading data set using a unique methodology designed to aid the rapid and systematic analysis of health innovation ecosystems. 6 Data Source Methodology Data in this report was sourced from the Digihealth Informer real-time database. This is an intelligence and productivity platform with more than 4.5 million data points focusing on the global digital and emerging technology market, including: •  Market Events: Product releases, mergers, acquisitions, pilots and other data on digital and emerging technology implementation •  Investment Activity: Funding events, investors and more •  Partnerships, Pilots and Collaborations: Extensive contextual data on how organizations, startups and others are implementing digital technologies in health and medicine Scope Momentum $ InvestmentsConnections Health Technology Ecosystem Analysis Method: 4 Areas of Focus Global digital and emerging technology market data collected via DigiHealth Informer during Q4 2017 and Q4 2016 was examined (via search queries) using the Health Technology Ecosystem Analysis Methodology. This Enspektos-developed method focuses on four key areas that define innovation ecosystems: scope (global reach), momentum (regional activity volume), investments and connections (partnerships, etc.). Source: Enspektos, LLC 6 digihealth impact trac | Q4 2017 | published january 30, 2018
  • 7. The Global Digital Health Market Strengthened in Q4 2017 77 digihealth impact trac | Q4 2017 | published january 30, 2018 Infrastructure Focus Methodology and Definitions: For this analysis (except for the financial strength metric), searches of the DigiHealth Informer database were conducted for the following keywords during the Q4 2017 and Q4 2016 time frames: • Infrastructure Focus: References to data interoperability and analytics (Keywords: digital health interoperability; digital health analytics) • Regional Diversity: Number of countries referenced as engaging in digital health innovation (Keyword: digital health) • Health Outcomes Research Emphasis: References to outcomes research (clinical and non-clinical) activities (Keywords: digital health outcomes) • Financial Strength: Global digital health funding levels (as measured by StartUp Health) Higher Lower No Change Interoperability, Analy7cs References (vs. Q4 2016) Regional Diversity Higher Lower No Change Country-Specific Innova7on References (vs. Q4 2016) Health Outcomes Emphasis Higher Lower No Change Health Outcomes Research References (vs. Q4 2016) Stronger Weaker No Change Total Global Investment Volume (vs. Q4 2016) Financial Strength Global Digital Health Strength Index (Q4 2017 vs. Q4 2016): Stronger Source: Enspektos, LLC
  • 8. Why Did the Global Digital Health Market Strengthen During Q4 2017? 8 The Global Digital Health Strength Index: Q4 2017 Traditionally, the strength of the digital health market has been measured by the level of investment dollars flowing into startups and other firms. While financial strength is a valuable metric, it can provide an incomplete picture of overall market potential. Other factors, specifically whether there is a focus on measuring digital health-related outcomes, improving data infrastructure and global innovation diffusion, also have a significant impact on whether digital technologies are (and will be) successful. To improve understanding of digital health’s impact and scope we created the Global Digital Health Strength Index (displayed on the previous page) in Q3 2017. Analysis of market landscape data collected via the DigiHealth Informer platform indicates that in Q4 2017 (versus Q4 2016) the digital health market strengthened in the following areas: •  Infrastructure: Compared to Q4 2016, there was a greater global emphasis on improving interoperability and analytics capabilities in order to derive meaningful insights from genomic, clinical and other Big Health Data. •  Regional Diversity: The spread of digital innovation to health ecosystems across Asia, Southern Europe and other regions is accelerating. •  Health Outcomes Emphasis: We saw a significant jump in references in the digital health literature to outcomes research. Clearly health industry stakeholders are increasingly looking at whether digital solutions deliver clinical, economic and quality of life benefits across various populations. •  Financial Strength: StartUp Health reported record-breaking Q4 2017 investment numbers in its 2017 Year End Report (link). Q4 2017 investments surpassed $2 billion across 227 deals compared to $1.76 billion in investments during Q4 2016. 8 digihealth impact trac | Q4 2017 | published january 30, 2018
  • 9. Overview: Key Q4 2017 Digital Health Trends 9 Telemedicine’s Transforma0ve Impact Globally, telemedicine solu2ons are having a major impact on access to care, health spending and the prac2ce of medicine. Thinking Global is Vital Regional digital health innova2on ac2vity is accelera2ng. Understanding how health technologies are being deployed in Europe, Asia and other locales is crucial. Investment Winners: Companies With Global Reach Maturing companies with the poten2al to succeed in mul2ple markets are capturing investment dollars. Partnerships Focus on Tech Accelera0on New partnerships focused on digital therapeu2cs and other emerging technologies may help drive global adop2on and research. Scope Momentum Connections $ Investments What were the major digital health trends and themes that drove interest and attention during Q4 2017? As illustrated in the graphic below, during this period, telemedicine’s global impact became more apparent, regional (ex-U.S.) innovation activity accelerated in importance, maturing companies with global reach captured investment dollars and partnerships were formed to drive emerging technology adoption. 700,235 +22% from Q3 2017 *Note: Between 70-80 percent of DigiHealth Informer data is focused on health and medical innovation. Non-health data on mobile, virtual reality, blockchain and other sectors is tracked to monitor their evolution and potential impact on health. Source: Enspektos, LLC 9 digihealth impact trac | Q4 2017 | published january 30, 2018 The number of digital and emerging technology-related social posts, news headlines and full-text articles collected via DigiHealth Informer during Q4 2017.*
  • 10. What was the breadth of innovation focus (diseases, technology areas, etc.)? Scope Technology Major Themes and Market Events Related to Technology Area (Referenced in Ar0cles/Social Posts Collected During Q4 2017) Mobile/Mobile Health •  Majority of pa2ents interested in using mobile for health communica2on •  Many apps developed during 2017, but concerns persist about quality •  The strong (and growing) link between mobile and telemedicine solu2ons Ar0ficial Intelligence/ Machine Learning •  The use of machine learning in electronic medical records is accelera2ng •  The shiK from hype to real-world solu2ons in health-focused AI Telemedicine •  Telemedicine’s surge toward increased global adop2on •  Telemedicine is transforming how physicians interact with pa2ents: i.e., from bedside to ‘Webside’ manner •  The poten2al nega2ve impacts of U.S. net neutrality’s repeal on telemedicine Big Data •  Prepara2on for the EU’s new data privacy regula2ons (to be implemented in 2018) and worries about how it will impact health Big Data •  How major players, including CVS Health and Epic are using Big Data to tackle rising drug costs in the U.S. Cloud Compu0ng •  Amazon is working with Cerner on a cloud-based popula2on health solu2on •  Royal Phillips buys cloud-based health management company VitalHealth, another indica2on of how health industry players are ac2vely acquiring technology solu2ons to boost their profitability, products and services Top Referenced Technologies: Q4 2017 Below are insights about the most discussed and referenced technologies in the digital health online literature during Q4 2017 along with major themes associated with each. To perform this analysis, DigiHealth Informer was used to identify the top innovations (and themes related to them) referenced in full-text, news and social digital content collected from October 1 to December 31, 2017. Source: Enspektos, LLC Ecosystem Analysis 10 digihealth impact trac | Q4 2017 | published january 30, 2018
  • 11. What was the breadth of innovation focus (diseases, technology areas, etc.)? Scope Disease/Condi0on Top Technologies Being Used for Disease Management/Diagnosis (Referenced in Ar0cles Collected During Q4 2017) 1. Diabetes 1.  Mobile/Smartphones 2.  Ar2ficial Intelligence/Machine Learning* 3.  Digital Therapeu2cs 2. Cancer 1.  Mobile/Mobile Health 2.  Ar2ficial Intelligence* 3.  Telemedicine* 4.  Precision Medicine 3. Aging 1.  Mobile 2.  Internet and IoT Technologies* 3.  Social Media* 4.  Wearables 5.  Ar2ficial Intelligence 4. Depression 1.  Smartphones* 2.  Mobile 3.  Adherence Technologies* 4.  Ar2ficial Intelligence/Machine Learning* 5. Asthma 1.  Mobile/Mobile Health 2.  Sensors 3.  Adherence Technologies 4.  Wearables 5.  Digital Therapeu2cs Top Referenced Diseases/Conditions: Q4 2017 Below is a listing of the most discussed and referenced diseases or conditions in the digital health online literature during Q4 2017. Notably, artificial intelligence, telemedicine and Internet of Things technologies rose in prominence across several disease areas between Q3 and Q4 2017. To perform this analysis, we conducted a search of full text articles in the DigiHealth Informer database, using the keyword “digital health” (and top diseases/conditions), collected between October 1 and December 31, 2017. Source: Enspektos, LLC Ecosystem Analysis *These technologies/innovations rose in prominence between Q3 and Q4 2017. 11 digihealth impact trac | Q4 2017 | published january 30, 2017
  • 12. Digital health innovations continue to diffuse across Asia, Africa and India. Momentum The map at the left shows the top referenced countries in articles focusing on digital health collected by DigiHealth Informer in Q4 2017. During this period, global innovation activity continued to accelerate across Southern Europe, Africa and India. Below are some of the themes that attracted discussion and attention during Q4 in key global health markets. Top Referenced Geographic Locations in Articles Related to Digital Health: Q4 2017 Country Key Country-Related Digital Health Events: Q4 2017 Singapore •  Singapore Ministry of Health launches Healthhub Track, which provides 6 million ci2zens with free access to digital therapeu2cs technology. Spain •  Spain’s Barcelona has become one of Europe’s top five technology hubs. Also, the country boasts an increasing number of well-regarded accelerators run by Bayer and other organiza2ons. South Africa •  Long-standing South African Na2onal Department of Health mobile ini2a2ve MomConnect integrates Whatsapp into the placorm and drives a 50% increase in user engagement. Israel •  U.S.-based healthcare incubator and innova2on accelerator MATTER partners with Israel-based Sheba Medical Center. Startups will have the opportunity to pilot their technologies at Sheba and gain customers throughout the country. Source: DigiHealth Informer Platform, Enspektos, LLC Source: Enspektos, LLC Ecosystem Analysis 12 digihealth impact trac | Q4 2017 | published january 30, 2018
  • 13. Where were investors focusing their resources? $ Investments Global digital health investment activity continues to accelerate As discussed in the Q3 2017 edition of digihealth impact trac, regional investors in Europe, Asia and other locations have become more comfortable with aggressive investments in digital health companies — especially those that have the ability to succeed in multiple markets. Below are sample digital health investments that illustrate some of the global scope of digital health investment activity during Q4. (This list includes firms that have global potential.) Company Amount Company Focus Region Biofourmis $5 M Remote Pa2ent Monitoring Singapore DoctoLib $42 M Medical Scheduling France Ada Health $49 M AI-Aided Triage and Diagnosis Germany DocsApp $5.5 M Gene2c Diagnosis India Recursion Pharmaceu0cals $60 M AI-Aided Drug Discovery United States Funding activity accessed via search of social posts/news headlines added to the DigiHealth Informer database between October 1 and December 31, 2017. Keywords: Raise, Funding, Series A Source: Enspektos, LLC Ecosystem Analysis 13 digihealth impact trac | Q4 2017 | published january 30, 2018
  • 14. 14 Where were health organizations, startups, technology firms and others forging partnerships and collaborations? Connections Frequently-Referenced Partnership Activity: Q4 2017 Below is an Innovation Map (generated via DigiHealth Informer) showcasing key partnerships that received attention during Q4 2017. Partnerships continue to be key in digital health, with new alliances focusing on driving adoption and research related to digital therapeutics and other emerging innovations. The above Innovation Map was generated via DigiHealth Informer. The platform automatically analyzed social posts and news headlines to identify the most persistently referenced content related to digital health partnership-related activity between October 1 and December. 31, 2017. Source: Enspektos, LLC Ecosystem Analysis 14 digihealth impact trac | Q4 2017 | published january 30, 2018
  • 15. What trends should industry players watch and capitalize on during 2018? Momentum Source: Enspektos, LLC Trends That Will Matter in 2018 Throughout 2017 we have seen a range of issues, innovations and technologies either gain in prominence or solidify their importance to the global digital health ecosystem. Below are five key trends that were identified via analysis of the more than 1.9 million data points collected via the DigiHealth Informer platform in 2017 that will be important during 2018. Advances in artificial intelligence, robotics, the Internet of Voice and related technologies accelerate the development of technologies that are more responsive, empathetic and human-like, which benefits elder care, mental health and other areas. Empathetic Health Interfaces Mature Policies and Regulations Drive & Threaten Innovation While the U.S. Food and Drug Administration pushes to speed digital health innovation, uncertainty persists re: the impact of net neutrality's repeal and the EU's General Data Protection Regulations. Mobile has become the default technology embedded into tools focused on patient engagement, compliance, clinical trials and other areas. Efforts to improve the vetting and review of mobile applications further drive mobile's central role in health. Mobile Health = Healthcare = With hospital executives, payers and others considering or deploying blockchain solutions, innovators recognize this technology has great potential in healthcare. Blockchain use cases diversify into anti- counterfeiting, health data marketplaces and other areas. Blockchain Health Ecosystem Diversifies The rise of passive biometric and digital tracking technologies, improved data analysis tools and related innovations transform patient-generated data into a high-value resource.Patient-Generated Data Comes of Age Key Digital Health Trends to Watch: 2018 15 digihealth impact trac | Q4 2017 | published january 30, 2018
  • 16. 16 What trends should industry players watch and capitalize on during 2018? Momentum Source: Enspektos, LLC Trends That Will Matter in 2018 Empathetic Health Interfaces Mature Policies and Regulations Drive & Threaten Innovation Mobile Health = Healthcare = Empathe0c Interfaces: Key Trend Drivers and Impacts As illustrated during CES 2018, ar2ficial intelligence-enhanced, voice-enabled technologies developed by Amazon, Google, Samsung and others are taking center stage due to growing consumer adop2on and ease of use. These innova2ons are having an impact on healthcare as voice assistants, chatbots and robots leverage these technologies to begin to shape the treatment of depression, improve aging, accelerate rehabilita2on and more. Policy and Regula0on: Key Trend Drivers and Impacts Ongoing concerns about data privacy, digital health device/soKware quality and innova2on roadblocks are causing legislators and regulators to take steps to influence the digital health market. In the United States, the Food and Drug Administra2on has been working to provide innovators with clarity about how digital tools will be regulated. However, in Europe, some view the upcoming General Data Protec2on Regula2ons as a poten2al barrier to innova2on, data liquidly and quality. Mobile Health: Key Trend Drivers and Impacts Despite concerns about the quality of mobile health applica2ons, mobile technologies have clearly established their central role in the global health ecosystem. Across diabetes, mental health, asthma and many other condi2ons, mobile is the most frequently-referenced and u2lized technology. In many respects mobile health is becoming healthcare, as its importance con2nues to rise across numerous use cases, industry segments and therapeu2c categories. 16 digihealth impact trac | Q4 2017 | published january 30, 2018
  • 17. 17 What trends should industry players watch and capitalize on during 2018? Momentum Source: Enspektos, LLC Trends That Will Matter in 2018 Blockchain and Health: Key Trend Drivers and Impacts Currently, blockchain is one of the most an2cipated and discussed technologies of the moment. Also, health execu2ves, payers and others are either considering or deploying blockchain-based solu2ons. During 2018 the blockchain ecosystem may evolve in two ways. First, many blockchain products and services will be deployed to solve long-standing issues in healthcare, but fail because they are simply adding a blockchain layer to exis2ng technologies and solu2ons that have not performed well in the past. In 2018 people will begin to look past the hype and recognize that blockchain is far from a cure-all. Second, health organiza2ons and innovators will find specific areas where blockchain not only performs well, but adequately solves or accounts for the associated adop2on, privacy, security and interoperability issues associated with its deployment. Key areas to watch in blockchain include electronic medical records, interoperability, data marketplaces, ar2ficial intelligence and supply chain management. Pa0ent-Generated Data: Key Trend Drivers and Impacts Tradi2onally, pa2ent-generated health data has had a poor reputa2on because it was difficult to collect, prone to inaccuracies and of limited clinical relevance. Today, these concerns are being addressed partly due to innova2ons such as (ever-cheaper) sensors embedded into tamoos, wearables, patches and other devices. During 2018, pa2ent-generated data will increase in importance in the area of clinical trials and popula2on health. And, advances in data analy2cs will help transform the flood of data from wearables and other devices from a liability into an asset. Blockchain Health Ecosystem Diversifies Patient-Generated Data Comes of Age 17 digihealth impact trac | Q4 2017 | published january 30, 2018
  • 18. The trends presented in this report represent only the tip of the digital health iceberg. Want to better understand the market forces impacting your specific product, service, company or industry? Here’s how. Scope Momentum $ InvestmentsConnections Health Technology Ecosystem Analysis Method: 4 Areas of Focus What Next: Access Personalized Analysis & Insights Data in this report is from Digihealth Informer. This platform features the world’s largest data set on digital and emerging technologies in health, including funding, tech and partnerships. Interested in understanding how and why these and other trends matter to your specific company, sub-sector and more? Get in contact to book a customized and insightful live talk. Learn More & Request Demo Book Speaking Engagement 18 digihealth impact trac | Q4 2017 | published january 30, 2018
  • 19. About Enspektos and the Digital Health Maven Project Enspektos is a globally respected innovation consultancy. Founded in 2005, Enspektos delivers technology, strategy, analysis and non-obvious insights to executives, entrepreneurs, health professionals, government officials and others globally focused on using digital and emerging technologies to re-shape health. Learn more about Enspektos at A global initiative supporting and accelerating digital innovation in health. Founded in 2014 by Enspektos, the Digital Health Maven Project delivers research, education, events, training and more to support digital innovation in health. To date, the project’s outputs have reached and benefited more than 40,000 people globally. Learn more about the Project at 19 digihealth impact trac | Q4 2017 | published january 30, 2018
  • 20. Digital Health Definition: Enspektos defines digital health as the use of multiple technologies (software, analytics, genomics, devices, etc.) to track, improve, support and modify health. Key digital health technology centers include mobile, social media, Big Data and wearables. Data Sources: Insights featured in this report are based on publicly available social and news data published during Q4 2017 and Q4 2016. Data Reliability: Enspektos makes every effort to ensure that data is from reliable and reputable online sources. However, we cannot warrant the ultimate reliability and validity of data obtained via our automated data collection and processing techniques. Use of Data: This report is provided for informational purposes and was prepared in good faith on the basis of public information available at the time of publication without independent verification. Enspektos does not guarantee or warrant the reliability or completeness of the data nor its usefulness in achieving any particular purposes. Enspektos shall not be liable for any loss, damage, cost or expense incurred by reason of any persons use or reliance on this report. This report is a proprietary aggregation of publicly available data and shall not be reproduced without the written consent of Enspektos, LLC. Learn more about Enspektos at Additional Notes ®