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1 de 54 Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
为什么需要 Rails Best Practices? Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
遵循 Rails Best Practices 写出更漂亮的 Rails 代码 成为更优秀的 Rails 程序员 得到更好的回报 Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
提供一个分享最佳实践的地方 提供一个获取最佳实践的地方 Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
rails best practices 的故事 Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
很久很久以前。。。 Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
2009 年 10 月 24 日  上海 ihower 发表演讲 “ Rails Best Practices” Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
2009 年 11 月 03 日 rails_best_practices 项目启动 Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
rails_best_practices 项目 根据 ihower 的演讲对 rails 代码进行静态分析,找出 bad smell Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
2010 年 06 月 19 日 metric_fu 项目集成 rails_best_practices Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
2010 年 07 月 04 日 项目启动 Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
rails-bestpractices 从何开始? Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
Rails Template Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
Rails Template 创建 rails 应用的模板 扩展 rails 应用的模板 Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
Rails Template Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development   run “echo TOD > README” gem “haml”, “>= 3.0.13” plugin  “typus”, :git => “git://” generate “model User login:string email:string” route “root :to => 'home#show'” rake “db:migrate” git :add => “.”
Rails Template Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development   Demo
我碰到的 Rails3 变动 Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development   Generators Routes ActiveRecord 接口 Rspec2
Rails3 Route Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development   resources :posts do get :archive, :on => :collection resources :comments, :only => :create resources :votes, :only => [:create, :destroy] resource :implementation end match 'search' => 'search#show', :as => :search match 'page/:name' => 'pages#show', :as => :page root :to => "posts#index"
Rails3 Route Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development   /tags/rails/posts => /tags/rails?nav=posts /tags/rails/posts?page=2 => /tags/rails?nav=posts&page=2 /tags/rails/posts?action=show&controller=tags&nav=posts&page=2 => /tags/rails?nav=posts&page=2 match "/tags/:id/posts" => redirect { |params, req| if req.query_string.index('page') # query_string remove controller and action "/tags/#{params[:id]}?#{query_string}" else "/tags/#{params[:id]}?nav=posts" end }
Rails3 Scope Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development   scope :implemented, where(:implemented => true) default_scope order('created_at desc') with_exclusive_scope do scope :most_voted, order('vote_points desc') end
介绍一些非常实用的插件 Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
Haml Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development   一种 非常简洁的模板语言,是 ERB 的替代品
Haml  (Before) Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development   <div id=&quot;profile&quot;> <div class=&quot;left column&quot;> <div id=&quot;date&quot;><%= print_date %></div> </div> <div class=&quot;right column&quot;> <div id=&quot;email&quot;><%= %></div> <div id=&quot;bio&quot;><%= h %></div> </div> </div>
Haml  (After) Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development   #profile .left.column #date= print_date #address= current_user.address .right.column #email= #bio= h(
Compass Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development   一种 css 框架 使得 css 更易于创建和书写
Compass Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development   reset layout  (blueprint …) css3  (border radius, text shadow, gradient …) utilities  (clearfix, float, horizontal list …)
Compass  代码重用 Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development   @mixin wikistyle { margin: 1em 0; h1 { font-size: 170%; } h2 { font-size: 150%; } … }
Compass  代码重用 Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development   @import ‘wikistyle’ .post .wikistyle { @include wikistyle; margin-top: 10px; } .question .wikistyle { @include wikistyle; margin-top: 5px; }
Formtastic Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development   简化 form 表单的创建
Formtastic Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development   = semantic_form_for @user do |form| = form.inputs do = form.input :login, :label => 'Username' = form.input :email = form.input :password = form.input :password_confirmation = form.buttons do = form.submit &quot;Register&quot;
Inherited_resources Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development   加速 controller 的开发
Inherited_resources Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development   class AnswersController < InheritedResources::Base before_filter :require_user, :only => [:new, :edit, :create, :update] belongs_to :question create! do |success, failure| success.html { redirect_to question_path(@question) } failure.html { render 'questions/show' } end update! do |success, failure| success.html { redirect_to question_path(@question) } end end
Authlogic  authlogic-connect Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development   注册、登录 使用 facebook 、 twitter 帐号登录 使用 OpenID 帐号登录
Exception_notification Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development   邮件通知服务器上的错误 非常重要,必不可少!
简单的优化工作 Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
前端优化 Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development   把所有的 stylesheets 组合为一个 all.css 把所有的 javsacripts 组合为一个 all.js 把所有的图片组合为一个 css_sprite.png
组合 css Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development   = stylesheet_link_tag 'compiled/screen', 'compiled/layout', 'compiled/post', :cache => true
组合 javascript Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development   = javascript_include_tag 'jquery', 'rails', 'application', :cache => true
Css_sprite Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development   自动处理 css sprite 约定: images/css_sprite 目录下的图片组合成 css sprite 图片 生成 css_sprite.png 和 css_sprite.css (css, sass, scss)
Css sprite Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development   twitter_icon.png .twitter_icon hotmail-logo.png hotmail-logo icons/twitter_icon.png .icons .twitter_icon widget/icons/twitter_icon.png .widget .icons .twitter_icon twitter_icon_hover.png .twitter_icon:hover twitter-icon-hover.png .twitter-icon:hover logos_hover/gmail_logo.png .logos:hover .gmail_logo logos-hover/gmail-logo.png .logos:hover .gmail-logo .gmail-logo-active.png logos-active/gmail-logo.png .gmail-logo
SQL 查询优化 Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development   找出所有没有索引的数据表外键
N+1 查询 Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development   找出 N+1 的查询以及多余的 eager loading
N+1 查询 Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development   动态提示:  (alert, console.log, logger, growl, xmpp) N+1 Query detected Post => [:user] Add to your finder: :include => [:user] N+1 Query method call stack
测试 Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development   ngty  测试代码主要贡献者
remarkable_activerecord Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development   has_one :implementation, :dependent => :destroy has_many :posts, :dependent => :destroy validates_presence_of :title, :body validates_uniqueness_of :title
remarkable_activerecord Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development   should_have_one :implementation, :dependent => :destroy should_have_many :posts, :dependent => :destroy should_validate_presence_of :title, :body should_validate_uniqueness_of :title
Module, module, module Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development   class Post < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to user, :counter_cache => true def belongs_to?(user) self.user == user end end
Module, module, module Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development   module UserOwnable def self.included(base) base.class_eval do belongs_to :user, :counter_cache => true end end def belongs_to?(user) self.user == user end end class Post < ActiveRecord::Base include UserOwnable end
Module, module, module Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development   describe Post do include RailsBestPractices::Macros should_be_user_ownable end module RailsBestPractices::Macros def should_be_user_ownable describe 'being user ownable' do should_belong_to :user, :counter_cache => true it 'should belong to someone if he is the owner of it' it 'should not belong to someone if he is not the owner of it' end end end
分享你的 Rails 最佳实践 Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
Rails 最佳实践问答 Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
rails_best_practices gem demo Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
rails_best_practices 将会在本月底开始支持 rails3 Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
Q&A 谢谢 Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development

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  • 1. Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
  • 2. 为什么需要 Rails Best Practices? Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
  • 3. 遵循 Rails Best Practices 写出更漂亮的 Rails 代码 成为更优秀的 Rails 程序员 得到更好的回报 Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
  • 4. 提供一个分享最佳实践的地方 提供一个获取最佳实践的地方 Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
  • 5. rails best practices 的故事 Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
  • 6. 很久很久以前。。。 Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
  • 7. 2009 年 10 月 24 日 上海 ihower 发表演讲 “ Rails Best Practices” Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
  • 8. 2009 年 11 月 03 日 rails_best_practices 项目启动 Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
  • 9. rails_best_practices 项目 根据 ihower 的演讲对 rails 代码进行静态分析,找出 bad smell Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
  • 10. 2010 年 06 月 19 日 metric_fu 项目集成 rails_best_practices Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
  • 11. 2010 年 07 月 04 日 项目启动 Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
  • 12. rails-bestpractices 从何开始? Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
  • 13. Rails Template Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
  • 14. Rails Template 创建 rails 应用的模板 扩展 rails 应用的模板 Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
  • 15. Rails Template Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development run “echo TOD > README” gem “haml”, “>= 3.0.13” plugin “typus”, :git => “git://” generate “model User login:string email:string” route “root :to => 'home#show'” rake “db:migrate” git :add => “.”
  • 16. Rails Template Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development Demo
  • 17. 我碰到的 Rails3 变动 Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development Generators Routes ActiveRecord 接口 Rspec2
  • 18. Rails3 Route Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development resources :posts do get :archive, :on => :collection resources :comments, :only => :create resources :votes, :only => [:create, :destroy] resource :implementation end match 'search' => 'search#show', :as => :search match 'page/:name' => 'pages#show', :as => :page root :to => &quot;posts#index&quot;
  • 19. Rails3 Route Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development /tags/rails/posts => /tags/rails?nav=posts /tags/rails/posts?page=2 => /tags/rails?nav=posts&page=2 /tags/rails/posts?action=show&controller=tags&nav=posts&page=2 => /tags/rails?nav=posts&page=2 match &quot;/tags/:id/posts&quot; => redirect { |params, req| if req.query_string.index('page') # query_string remove controller and action &quot;/tags/#{params[:id]}?#{query_string}&quot; else &quot;/tags/#{params[:id]}?nav=posts&quot; end }
  • 20. Rails3 Scope Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development scope :implemented, where(:implemented => true) default_scope order('created_at desc') with_exclusive_scope do scope :most_voted, order('vote_points desc') end
  • 21. 介绍一些非常实用的插件 Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
  • 22. Haml Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development 一种 非常简洁的模板语言,是 ERB 的替代品
  • 23. Haml (Before) Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development <div id=&quot;profile&quot;> <div class=&quot;left column&quot;> <div id=&quot;date&quot;><%= print_date %></div> </div> <div class=&quot;right column&quot;> <div id=&quot;email&quot;><%= %></div> <div id=&quot;bio&quot;><%= h %></div> </div> </div>
  • 24. Haml (After) Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development #profile .left.column #date= print_date #address= current_user.address .right.column #email= #bio= h(
  • 25. Compass Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development 一种 css 框架 使得 css 更易于创建和书写
  • 26. Compass Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development reset layout (blueprint …) css3 (border radius, text shadow, gradient …) utilities (clearfix, float, horizontal list …)
  • 27. Compass 代码重用 Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development @mixin wikistyle { margin: 1em 0; h1 { font-size: 170%; } h2 { font-size: 150%; } … }
  • 28. Compass 代码重用 Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development @import ‘wikistyle’ .post .wikistyle { @include wikistyle; margin-top: 10px; } .question .wikistyle { @include wikistyle; margin-top: 5px; }
  • 29. Formtastic Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development 简化 form 表单的创建
  • 30. Formtastic Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development = semantic_form_for @user do |form| = form.inputs do = form.input :login, :label => 'Username' = form.input :email = form.input :password = form.input :password_confirmation = form.buttons do = form.submit &quot;Register&quot;
  • 31. Inherited_resources Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development 加速 controller 的开发
  • 32. Inherited_resources Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development class AnswersController < InheritedResources::Base before_filter :require_user, :only => [:new, :edit, :create, :update] belongs_to :question create! do |success, failure| success.html { redirect_to question_path(@question) } failure.html { render 'questions/show' } end update! do |success, failure| success.html { redirect_to question_path(@question) } end end
  • 33. Authlogic authlogic-connect Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development 注册、登录 使用 facebook 、 twitter 帐号登录 使用 OpenID 帐号登录
  • 34. Exception_notification Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development 邮件通知服务器上的错误 非常重要,必不可少!
  • 35. 简单的优化工作 Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
  • 36. 前端优化 Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development 把所有的 stylesheets 组合为一个 all.css 把所有的 javsacripts 组合为一个 all.js 把所有的图片组合为一个 css_sprite.png
  • 37. 组合 css Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development = stylesheet_link_tag 'compiled/screen', 'compiled/layout', 'compiled/post', :cache => true
  • 38. 组合 javascript Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development = javascript_include_tag 'jquery', 'rails', 'application', :cache => true
  • 39. Css_sprite Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development 自动处理 css sprite 约定: images/css_sprite 目录下的图片组合成 css sprite 图片 生成 css_sprite.png 和 css_sprite.css (css, sass, scss)
  • 40. Css sprite Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development twitter_icon.png .twitter_icon hotmail-logo.png hotmail-logo icons/twitter_icon.png .icons .twitter_icon widget/icons/twitter_icon.png .widget .icons .twitter_icon twitter_icon_hover.png .twitter_icon:hover twitter-icon-hover.png .twitter-icon:hover logos_hover/gmail_logo.png .logos:hover .gmail_logo logos-hover/gmail-logo.png .logos:hover .gmail-logo .gmail-logo-active.png logos-active/gmail-logo.png .gmail-logo
  • 41. SQL 查询优化 Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development 找出所有没有索引的数据表外键
  • 42. N+1 查询 Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development 找出 N+1 的查询以及多余的 eager loading
  • 43. N+1 查询 Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development 动态提示: (alert, console.log, logger, growl, xmpp) N+1 Query detected Post => [:user] Add to your finder: :include => [:user] N+1 Query method call stack
  • 44. 测试 Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development ngty 测试代码主要贡献者
  • 45. remarkable_activerecord Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development has_one :implementation, :dependent => :destroy has_many :posts, :dependent => :destroy validates_presence_of :title, :body validates_uniqueness_of :title
  • 46. remarkable_activerecord Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development should_have_one :implementation, :dependent => :destroy should_have_many :posts, :dependent => :destroy should_validate_presence_of :title, :body should_validate_uniqueness_of :title
  • 47. Module, module, module Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development class Post < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to user, :counter_cache => true def belongs_to?(user) self.user == user end end
  • 48. Module, module, module Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development module UserOwnable def self.included(base) base.class_eval do belongs_to :user, :counter_cache => true end end def belongs_to?(user) self.user == user end end class Post < ActiveRecord::Base include UserOwnable end
  • 49. Module, module, module Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development describe Post do include RailsBestPractices::Macros should_be_user_ownable end module RailsBestPractices::Macros def should_be_user_ownable describe 'being user ownable' do should_belong_to :user, :counter_cache => true it 'should belong to someone if he is the owner of it' it 'should not belong to someone if he is not the owner of it' end end end
  • 50. 分享你的 Rails 最佳实践 Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
  • 51. Rails 最佳实践问答 Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
  • 52. rails_best_practices gem demo Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
  • 53. rails_best_practices 将会在本月底开始支持 rails3 Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development
  • 54. Q&A 谢谢 Web Development & Graphic Design China Ruby on Rails Development - Rails Consulting - Rails Services - Merb - Offshore Web Development