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Training and deploying ML
with Kubeflow and TensorFlow Extended (TFX)
About us
Gabriel Moreira
Lead Data Scientist - CI&T
Doctoral Candidate - ITA
Rodrigo PereiraFábio Uechi
Data Scientist - CI&T
Master’s Student - UNICAMP
ML Engineer - CI&T
We are digital transformation agents
for the most valuable brands in the
world, generating business impact for
all projects we lead.
Investing in Machine
Learning since 2012
Recognized Expertise
Google ML Specialized Partner Reference
Machine Learning
● Motivation
● Kubeflow
● TFX (TensorFlow Extended)
● Demo - News Recommender System
○ Data validation
○ Transform
○ Model training and evaluation
○ Deploy
● Demo - ML models serving and monitoring
Building ML Products
At Scale
Roll-out Serving Monitoring
Prototype MVP With Demo In Jupyter
Notebook: 2 Weeks
Demo with front-end mockup with
blog post: +3 Days
Experiments.Github.Com: +3 Months
MOTIVATION - Perception
ML Code
Reality: ML requires DevOps; lots of it
Data Collection
Feature Extraction Process Management
Analysis Tools
Machine Resource
Source: Sculley et al.: Hidden Technical Debt in
Machine Learning Systems
Less devops work
Let data scientists and ML
engineers focus on models & data
Source: Monica Rogatti’s Hierarchy of Needs
ML Landscape (
ML platforms
● Uber - Michelangelo
● AirBnB - Bighead
● Facebook - FB Learner
● Lyft - Lyft Learn
A curated set of compatible tools and artifacts that lays a
foundation for running production ML apps on top of
What is Kubernetes ?
Greek for “Helmsman”; also the root of the word
● Container orchestrator
● Runs containers
● Supports multiple clouds and bare-metal environments
● Inspired and informed by Google’s experiences and internal
● Open source, written in Go
Manage applications, not machines
Kubeflow: A platform for building ML products
● Leverage containers and Kubernetes to solve the challenges of building ML products
○ Reduce the time and effort to get models launched
● Why Kubernetes
○ Kubernetes runs everywhere
○ Enterprises can adopt shared infrastructure and patterns for ML and non ML services
○ Knowledge transfer across the organization
● Kubeflow is open
○ No lock in
○ 120+ Members
○ 20+ Organizations
○ Stats available @
ML Components
● Goal: components for every stage of ML
● Examples:
○ Experimentation / Data Exploration
■ Jupyter/JupyterHub
○ Training
■ K8s CRDs for distributed training for
PyTorch & TFJob
■ Katib - For HP Tuning
○ Workflows:
■ Pipelines
○ Feature Store
■ Feast (from GOJEK)
○ Serving
■ Seldon, TF and NVIDIA RT
● End-to-end ML workflows
● Orchestration
● Service integration
● Components & sharing
● Job tracking, experimentation,
● Notebook integration
KubeFlow Pipelines
csv2tfrecord = dsl.ContainerOp(
"--input_clicks_csv_path", input_clicks_csv_path_regex,
"--output_sessions_tfrecords_path", output_sessions_tfrecords_path,
"--tfx_artifacts_dir", output_sessions_artifacts_path,
"--first_n_hours", first_n_hours,
"--runner", "DirectRunner"
"tfrecords_path": "/tfrecords_path.txt",
"tfx_path": "/tfx_path.txt"
data_validator = dsl.ContainerOp(
command=["python", "-m", "data_validator"],
arguments=['--input-data-path', input_clicks_csv_path_regex,
'--top-n', data_validator_top_n,
'--offset', data_validator_hour_offset]
train = dsl.ContainerOp(
command=["python", "-m", "nar.nar_trainer_gcom"],
"--model_dir", str(model_dir) + "/{{workflow.uid}}",
"--input_tfrecords_path", csv2tfrecord.outputs["tfrecords_path"],
"--train_files_from", 0,
"--train_files_up_to", first_n_hours,
"--training_hours_for_each_eval", 5,
'saved_model_path': '/saved_model_path.txt'
'mlpipeline-ui-metadata': '/mlpipeline-ui-metadata.json',
'mlpipeline-metrics': '/mlpipeline-metrics.json'
model_pusher = dsl.ContainerOp(
arguments=[ '-m', 'cp', '-r', saved_model_path + '/*', tfserving_path]
Demo: Run the pipe!
Use Case:
News Recommender
News Recommender Systems
1. Streaming clicks and news articles
2. Most users are anonymous
3. Users’ preferences shift
4. Accelerated relevance decay
Percentile of clicks Article age
10% up to 4 hours
25% up to 5 hours
50% (Median) up to 8 hours
75% up to 14 hours
90% up to 26 hours
Factors affecting news relevance
News Recommender Systems
Topics Entities Publisher
News static properties
Recency Popularity
News dynamic properties
News article
TimeLocation Device
User current context
Global factors
User interests
News session-based recommender overview
User session clicks
Next-click prediction
(RNN model)
Article B
Article A
Article C
Article D
Ranked articles
Candidate (recommendable) articles
Next-Article Recommendation (NAR)
User context
User interaction
past read articles
Article context
Users Past
candidate next articles
(positive and neg.)
active article
When a user reads a news article...
Predicted Next-Article Embedding
Session Representation (SR)
Recommendations Ranking (RR)
User-Personalized Contextual Article Embedding
Contextual Article Representation (CAR)
Active user session
Module Sub-Module EmbeddingInput Output Data repositoryAttributesLegend:
Recommendations Ranking
(RR) sub-module
Eq. 7 - Loss function (HUANG et al., 2013)
Eq. 4 - Relevance Score of an item for a user session
Eq. 5 - Cosine similarity
Eq. 6 - Softmax over Relevance Score (HUANG et al., 2013)
What goes inside the box?CHAMELEON
TensorFlow Extended
TFX is set of libraries that helps you to implement a scalable and high-performance machine learning
pipeline that might includes the steps: data preprocessing, modeling, training, serving inference, and
managing deployments to online, mobile and JavaScript targets.
Main Components:
● TensorFlow Data Validation (TFDV)
● TensorFlow Transform (TFT)
● TensorFlow Model Analysis (TFMA)
OBS: Apache Beam is required to build any TFX pipeline.
Demo: Session-based Recommender Systems using TFX components in a Kubeflow pipeline
TensorFlow Extended
TFDV - Data
TFDV - TensorFlow Data Validation
TensorFlow Data Validation (TFDV) is a library for data exploration and validation.
TFDV includes:
● Scalable calculation of summary statistics of training and test data.
● Integration with a viewer for data distributions and statistics
● Automated data-schema generation to describe expectations about data like required values, ranges,
and vocabularies
● Anomaly detection to identify anomalies, such as missing features, missing values, out-of-range
values, wrong feature types, distribution skewness
def analyse(input_data_list, top_n, offset=24):'Infer data schema from first file')
stats = tfdv.generate_statistics_from_csv(
inferred_schema = tfdv.infer_schema(statistics=stats)"Inferred schema n {}".format(inferred_schema))
curr_stats = stats
for file_i in range(offset, top_n, 1):'Checking for anomalies between {} and {}'.format(
input_data_list[file_i-offset], input_data_list[file_i]))
future_stats = tfdv.generate_statistics_from_csv(
for feat_name in ["click_article_id",
feature = tfdv.get_feature(inferred_schema, feat_name)
feature.skew_comparator.infinity_norm.threshold = 0.01
feature.drift_comparator.infinity_norm.threshold = 0.01
anomalies = tfdv.validate_statistics(previous_statistics=curr_stats,
statistics=future_stats, schema=inferred_schema)
n_anomalies = len(anomalies.anomaly_info.items())
if n_anomalies == 0:'No anomalies found')
logger.warn('{} anomalies found')
for feature_name, anomaly_info in anomalies.anomaly_info.items():"Feature {} Anomaly: {}".format(
feature_name, anomaly_info.description))
curr_stats = future_stats
TFT - TensorFlow Transform
A library for preprocessing data with TensorFlow. TensorFlow Transform is useful for data that requires a full-
pass transformations, such as:
● Input normalization.
● Convert strings to integers by generating a vocabulary over all input values.
Goal: Write transform function only once and use it both on training and serving.
OBS: Currently FixedLenSequenceFeature are not supported
def feature_spec_schema():
""" Feature specification schema
schema_dict = {}
for feat, feat_type in [('user_id', tf.int64),
('session_id', tf.int64),
('session_start', tf.int64),
('session_size', tf.int64),
schema_dict[feat] = tf.FixedLenFeature([], dtype=feat_type)
for feat, feat_type in [('click_timestamp', tf.int64),
('click_article_id', tf.int64),
('click_environment', tf.int64),
('click_deviceGroup', tf.int64),
('click_os', tf.int64),
('click_country', tf.int64),
('click_region', tf.int64),
('click_referrer_type', tf.int64)]:
schema_dict[feat] = tf.VarLenFeature(dtype=feat_type)
schema = dataset_metadata.DatasetMetadata(
return schema
import apache_beam as beam
import tensorflow_transform as tft
from tensorflow_transform.beam import impl
from tensorflow_transform.tf_metadata import dataset_schema
from tensorflow_transform.tf_metadata import dataset_metadata
from tensorflow_transform.coders import example_proto_coder
from tensorflow_transform.tf_metadata import metadata_io
from tensorflow_transform.beam.tft_beam_io import transform_fn_io
dataset_schema = feature_spec_schema()
with beam.Pipeline(options=pipeline_options) as pipeline:
with impl.Context(args.temp_dir):
clicks_hour_files_pc = (
pipeline | "Load Files" >> beam.Create(clicks_hour_files))
sessions_per_hour = (
clicks_hour_files_pc | "Load Sessions Per Hour" >> beam.ParDo(LoadSessionsPerHour()))
transformed_data, transform_fn = ((sessions_per_hour, dataset_schema) |
"Analyze and Transform" >> impl.AnalyzeAndTransformDataset(preprocess_fn))
transformed_dataset, transformed_metadata = transformed_data
timestamped_items = transformed_dataset | 'timestamp' >> beam.ParDo(
fixed_windowed_items = (
timestamped_items | 'window' >> beam.WindowInto(beam.window.FixedWindows(60 * 60), # Window size = 1h
_ = (fixed_windowed_items |
'Format' >> beam.ParDo(ExtractTimeWindowStartAsKey()) |
"Aggregate by hour_index" >> beam.GroupByKey() |
"Dump TFRecord per hour" >> beam.Map(
lambda g: DumpTFRecord(g, args.output_sessions_tfrecords_path)))
_ = transform_fn | 'Dump Transform Function Graph' >> transform_fn_io.WriteTransformFn(
def preprocess_fn(input_feature):
output_features = {}
# FixedLenFeature
output_features['user_id'] = input_feature['user_id']
output_features['session_id'] = input_feature['session_id']
output_features['session_start'] = input_feature['session_start']
output_features['session_size'] = input_feature['session_size']
# VarLenFeature
output_features['item_clicked'] = input_feature['click_article_id']
output_features['environment'] = input_feature['click_environment']
output_features['deviceGroup'] = input_feature['click_deviceGroup']
output_features['os'] = input_feature['click_os']
output_features['country'] = input_feature['click_country']
output_features['region'] = input_feature['click_region']
output_features['referrer_type'] = input_feature['click_referrer_type']
output_features['event_timestamp'] = input_feature['click_timestamp']
local_weekday = tf.SparseTensor(input_feature['click_timestamp'].indices,
output_features['local_weekday'] = local_weekday
local_hour_cos = tf.SparseTensor(input_feature['click_timestamp'].indices,
output_features['local_hour_cos'] = local_hour_cos
return output_features
transformed_train, transform_fn = ((raw_train, schema) |
"Analyze and Transform - train" >>
transformed_eval = (((raw_eval, schema), transform_fn) |
"Transform - eval" >> impl.TransformDataset())
What about eval set?
TF Estimator
def build_estimator(model_dir,
articles_metadata, articles_features_config,
"""Build an estimator appropriate for the given model type."""
run_config = tf.estimator.RunConfig(tf_random_seed=RANDOM_SEED,
estimator = tf.estimator.Estimator(
'batch_size': FLAGS.batch_size,
'lr': FLAGS.learning_rate,
'dropout_keep_prob': FLAGS.dropout_keep_prob,
'reg_weight_decay': FLAGS.reg_l2,
return estimator
Creating the Estimator
def nar_module_model_fn(features, labels, mode, params):
model = NARModuleModel(mode, features, labels,… )
hooks = [ItemsStateUpdaterHook(mode, model,… )]
if mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.TRAIN:
return tf.estimator.EstimatorSpec(mode, loss=model.total_loss,
train_op=model.train, training_chief_hooks=hooks)
elif mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.EVAL:
eval_metrics = {'mrr_at_n': (model.mrr, model.mrr_update_op), ... }
return tf.estimator.EstimatorSpec(mode, loss=model.total_loss,
eval_metric_ops=eval_metrics, evaluation_hooks=hooks)
elif mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.PREDICT:
predictions = model.predictions
export_outputs = {'predict_output': tf.estimator.export.PredictOutput(predictions)}
return tf.estimator.EstimatorSpec(mode, predictions=predictions,
Building the model function
tft_metadata = TFTransformOutput(FLAGS.tft_artifacts_dir)
model = build_estimator(model_output_dir, article_embeddings_matrix,
articles_metadata, articles_features_config, ...)
model.train(input_fn=lambda: prepare_dataset_iterator(training_files_chunk,
tft_metadata, batch_size=FLAGS.batch_size, ...))
model.evaluate(input_fn=lambda: prepare_dataset_iterator(eval_file,
tft_metadata, batch_size=FLAGS.batch_size, ...)
predictions = model.predict(input_fn=lambda:
prepare_dataset_iterator(tfrecords_files, tft_metadata,
FLAGS.batch_size, ...)
Training, Evaluating and Predicting with the Estimator
def prepare_dataset_iterator(files, tft_metadata, batch_size=128, ...)
feature_spec = tft_metadata.transformed_feature_spec()
# This makes a dataset of raw TFRecords
dataset =, compression_type='GZIP')
dataset = x:, feature_spec))
dataset = dataset.padded_batch(batch_size, padded_shapes=features_shapes)
# Define an abstract iterator that has the shape and type of our datasets
iterator = ds.make_one_shot_iterator()
# This is an op that gets the next element from the iterator
next_element = iterator.get_next()
return next_element
Defining input function
Features schema come from TFT!
def export_saved_model(model, model_output_path, additional_features_info, tft_metadata):
raw_feature_spec = feature_spec_schema()
def serving_input_fn():
raw_input_fn = tf.estimator.export.build_parsing_serving_input_receiver_fn(
raw_feature_spec, default_batch_size=None)
serving_input_receiver = raw_input_fn()
# Apply the transform function that was used to generate the materialized data.
raw_features = serving_input_receiver.features
transformed_features = tft_metadata.transform_raw_features(raw_features)
for feature_name in transformed_features.keys():
if type(transformed_features[feature_name]) == tf.sparse.SparseTensor
transformed_features[feature_name] = tf.sparse.to_dense(
return tf.estimator.export.ServingInputReceiver(
servable_model_path = model.export_savedmodel(
model_output_path, serving_input_fn, strip_default_attrs=True)
return servable_model_path
Defining serving function and exporting SavedModel
Apply transforms
from TFT graph
TFMA - Model Analysis
TensorFlow Model Analysis allows you to
perform model evaluations in the TFX pipeline,
and view resultant metrics and plots in a
Jupyter notebook. Specifically, it can provide:
● Metrics computed on entire training and
holdout dataset, as well as next-day
● Tracking metrics over time
● Model quality performance on different
feature slices
● Supports evaluation on large amounts of
data in the distributed manner
TFMA - Model Analysis
TFMA - Model Analysis
TFMA - Model Analysis
● Serving Seldon (A/B testing)
● Monitoring with Prometheus and Grafana
Machine Learning CI/CD - Gitops style
Data Scientist
Serving and monitoring: Single model
Model Repository
Model AEngineClients
Serving and monitoring: A/B testing
Model Repository
Model A
Model B
A/B TestClients
CHAMELEON research code:
P.s. The code demonstrated in this workshop will be
published soon on GitHub and will be referenced in the
README of the above repo)
Thank you!

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PAPIs LATAM 2019 - Training and deploying ML models with Kubeflow and TensorFlow Extended (TFX)

  • 1. Training and deploying ML with Kubeflow and TensorFlow Extended (TFX)
  • 2. About us Gabriel Moreira Lead Data Scientist - CI&T Doctoral Candidate - ITA @gspmoreira Rodrigo PereiraFábio Uechi Data Scientist - CI&T Master’s Student - UNICAMP @fabiouechi ML Engineer - CI&T
  • 3. DRIVEN BY IMPACT We are digital transformation agents for the most valuable brands in the world, generating business impact for all projects we lead.
  • 4. Investing in Machine Learning since 2012 Recognized Expertise Google ML Specialized Partner Reference Cognitive Solutions End-to-End Machine Learning Capabilities
  • 5. AGENDA ● Motivation ● Kubeflow ● TFX (TensorFlow Extended) ● Demo - News Recommender System ○ Data validation ○ Transform ○ Model training and evaluation ○ Deploy ● Demo - ML models serving and monitoring
  • 8. MOTIVATION Prototype MVP With Demo In Jupyter Notebook: 2 Weeks Demo with front-end mockup with blog post: +3 Days Experiments.Github.Com: +3 Months arch-3cd6d244a39c
  • 10. Reality: ML requires DevOps; lots of it Configuration Data Collection Data Verification Feature Extraction Process Management Tools Analysis Tools Machine Resource Management Serving Infrastructure Monitoring ML Code Source: Sculley et al.: Hidden Technical Debt in Machine Learning Systems
  • 11. Less devops work Let data scientists and ML engineers focus on models & data Source: Monica Rogatti’s Hierarchy of Needs
  • 13. ML platforms ● Uber - Michelangelo ● AirBnB - Bighead ● Facebook - FB Learner ● Lyft - Lyft Learn
  • 14. A curated set of compatible tools and artifacts that lays a foundation for running production ML apps on top of Kubernetes
  • 15. What is Kubernetes ? Greek for “Helmsman”; also the root of the word “Governor” ● Container orchestrator ● Runs containers ● Supports multiple clouds and bare-metal environments ● Inspired and informed by Google’s experiences and internal systems ● Open source, written in Go ● Manage applications, not machines
  • 16. Kubeflow: A platform for building ML products ● Leverage containers and Kubernetes to solve the challenges of building ML products ○ Reduce the time and effort to get models launched ● Why Kubernetes ○ Kubernetes runs everywhere ○ Enterprises can adopt shared infrastructure and patterns for ML and non ML services ○ Knowledge transfer across the organization ● Kubeflow is open ○ No lock in ○ 120+ Members ○ 20+ Organizations ○ Stats available @
  • 17. ML Components ● Goal: components for every stage of ML ● Examples: ○ Experimentation / Data Exploration ■ Jupyter/JupyterHub ○ Training ■ K8s CRDs for distributed training for PyTorch & TFJob ■ Katib - For HP Tuning ○ Workflows: ■ Pipelines ○ Feature Store ■ Feast (from GOJEK) ○ Serving ■ Seldon, TF and NVIDIA RT
  • 19. ● End-to-end ML workflows ● Orchestration ● Service integration ● Components & sharing ● Job tracking, experimentation, monitoring ● Notebook integration KubeFlow Pipelines
  • 20. csv2tfrecord = dsl.ContainerOp( name='csv2tfrecord', image='{}/chameleon/preproc:3bb6ab3'.format(project_id), command=["python3", "/app/"], arguments=[ "--input_clicks_csv_path", input_clicks_csv_path_regex, "--output_sessions_tfrecords_path", output_sessions_tfrecords_path, "--tfx_artifacts_dir", output_sessions_artifacts_path, "--first_n_hours", first_n_hours, "--runner", "DirectRunner" ], file_outputs={ "tfrecords_path": "/tfrecords_path.txt", "tfx_path": "/tfx_path.txt" } ).apply(gcp.use_gcp_secret('user-gcp-sa'))
  • 21. data_validator = dsl.ContainerOp( name='data-validator', image='{}/chameleon/data-validator:b356ed7'.format(project_id), command=["python", "-m", "data_validator"], arguments=['--input-data-path', input_clicks_csv_path_regex, '--top-n', data_validator_top_n, '--offset', data_validator_hour_offset] ).apply(gcp.use_gcp_secret('user-gcp-sa'))
  • 22. train = dsl.ContainerOp( name='train', image='{}/chameleon/train:4f19dbc'.format(project_id), command=["python", "-m", "nar.nar_trainer_gcom"], arguments=[ "--model_dir", str(model_dir) + "/{{workflow.uid}}", "--input_tfrecords_path", csv2tfrecord.outputs["tfrecords_path"], "--train_files_from", 0, "--train_files_up_to", first_n_hours, "--training_hours_for_each_eval", 5, ], file_outputs={ 'saved_model_path': '/saved_model_path.txt' }, output_artifact_paths={ 'mlpipeline-ui-metadata': '/mlpipeline-ui-metadata.json', 'mlpipeline-metrics': '/mlpipeline-metrics.json' } ).apply(gcp.use_gcp_secret('user-gcp-sa')) .after(csv2tfrecord)
  • 23. model_pusher = dsl.ContainerOp( name='pusher', image='', arguments=[ '-m', 'cp', '-r', saved_model_path + '/*', tfserving_path] ).apply(gcp.use_gcp_secret('user-gcp-sa')).after(train) Demo: Run the pipe!
  • 25. Challenges News Recommender Systems 1. Streaming clicks and news articles 2. Most users are anonymous 3. Users’ preferences shift 4. Accelerated relevance decay Percentile of clicks Article age 10% up to 4 hours 25% up to 5 hours 50% (Median) up to 8 hours 75% up to 14 hours 90% up to 26 hours
  • 26. Factors affecting news relevance News Recommender Systems News relevance Topics Entities Publisher News static properties Recency Popularity News dynamic properties News article User TimeLocation Device User current context Long-term interests Short-term interests Global factors Season- ality User interests Breaking events Popular Topics Referrer
  • 27. News session-based recommender overview CHAMELEON User session clicks C1 C2 C3 C4 Next-click prediction (RNN model) Article B Article A Article C Article D ... Ranked articles Candidate (recommendable) articles
  • 28. Article Context Article Content Embeddings Next-Article Recommendation (NAR) Time Location Device User context User interaction past read articles Popularity Recency Article context Users Past Sessions candidate next articles (positive and neg.) active article Active Sessions When a user reads a news article... Predicted Next-Article Embedding Session Representation (SR) Recommendations Ranking (RR) User-Personalized Contextual Article Embedding Contextual Article Representation (CAR) Active user session Module Sub-Module EmbeddingInput Output Data repositoryAttributesLegend: Article Content Embedding 28 Recommendations Ranking (RR) sub-module Eq. 7 - Loss function (HUANG et al., 2013) Eq. 4 - Relevance Score of an item for a user session Eq. 5 - Cosine similarity Eq. 6 - Softmax over Relevance Score (HUANG et al., 2013) Recommended articles What goes inside the box?CHAMELEON
  • 30. TensorFlow Extended TFX is set of libraries that helps you to implement a scalable and high-performance machine learning pipeline that might includes the steps: data preprocessing, modeling, training, serving inference, and managing deployments to online, mobile and JavaScript targets. Main Components: ● TensorFlow Data Validation (TFDV) ● TensorFlow Transform (TFT) ● TensorFlow Model Analysis (TFMA) OBS: Apache Beam is required to build any TFX pipeline.
  • 31. Demo: Session-based Recommender Systems using TFX components in a Kubeflow pipeline TensorFlow Extended
  • 33. TFDV - TensorFlow Data Validation TensorFlow Data Validation (TFDV) is a library for data exploration and validation. TFDV includes: ● Scalable calculation of summary statistics of training and test data. ● Integration with a viewer for data distributions and statistics ● Automated data-schema generation to describe expectations about data like required values, ranges, and vocabularies ● Anomaly detection to identify anomalies, such as missing features, missing values, out-of-range values, wrong feature types, distribution skewness
  • 34. def analyse(input_data_list, top_n, offset=24):'Infer data schema from first file') stats = tfdv.generate_statistics_from_csv( data_location=input_data_list[0]) inferred_schema = tfdv.infer_schema(statistics=stats)"Inferred schema n {}".format(inferred_schema)) curr_stats = stats for file_i in range(offset, top_n, 1):'Checking for anomalies between {} and {}'.format( input_data_list[file_i-offset], input_data_list[file_i])) future_stats = tfdv.generate_statistics_from_csv( data_location=input_data_list[file_i]) for feat_name in ["click_article_id", "session_start", "click_timestamp", "click_region", "click_environment", "click_country", "click_os", "session_size", "session_id", "click_deviceGroup", "user_id", "click_referrer_type"]: feature = tfdv.get_feature(inferred_schema, feat_name) feature.skew_comparator.infinity_norm.threshold = 0.01 feature.drift_comparator.infinity_norm.threshold = 0.01 anomalies = tfdv.validate_statistics(previous_statistics=curr_stats, statistics=future_stats, schema=inferred_schema) n_anomalies = len(anomalies.anomaly_info.items()) if n_anomalies == 0:'No anomalies found') else: logger.warn('{} anomalies found') for feature_name, anomaly_info in anomalies.anomaly_info.items():"Feature {} Anomaly: {}".format( feature_name, anomaly_info.description)) curr_stats = future_stats
  • 36. TFT - TensorFlow Transform A library for preprocessing data with TensorFlow. TensorFlow Transform is useful for data that requires a full- pass transformations, such as: ● Input normalization. ● Convert strings to integers by generating a vocabulary over all input values. Goal: Write transform function only once and use it both on training and serving. OBS: Currently FixedLenSequenceFeature are not supported
  • 37. def feature_spec_schema(): """ Feature specification schema """ schema_dict = {} for feat, feat_type in [('user_id', tf.int64), ('session_id', tf.int64), ('session_start', tf.int64), ('session_size', tf.int64), ]: schema_dict[feat] = tf.FixedLenFeature([], dtype=feat_type) for feat, feat_type in [('click_timestamp', tf.int64), ('click_article_id', tf.int64), ('click_environment', tf.int64), ('click_deviceGroup', tf.int64), ('click_os', tf.int64), ('click_country', tf.int64), ('click_region', tf.int64), ('click_referrer_type', tf.int64)]: schema_dict[feat] = tf.VarLenFeature(dtype=feat_type) schema = dataset_metadata.DatasetMetadata( dataset_schema.from_feature_spec(schema_dict)) return schema import apache_beam as beam import tensorflow_transform as tft from tensorflow_transform.beam import impl from tensorflow_transform.tf_metadata import dataset_schema from tensorflow_transform.tf_metadata import dataset_metadata from tensorflow_transform.coders import example_proto_coder from tensorflow_transform.tf_metadata import metadata_io from tensorflow_transform.beam.tft_beam_io import transform_fn_io
  • 38. dataset_schema = feature_spec_schema() with beam.Pipeline(options=pipeline_options) as pipeline: with impl.Context(args.temp_dir): clicks_hour_files_pc = ( pipeline | "Load Files" >> beam.Create(clicks_hour_files)) sessions_per_hour = ( clicks_hour_files_pc | "Load Sessions Per Hour" >> beam.ParDo(LoadSessionsPerHour())) transformed_data, transform_fn = ((sessions_per_hour, dataset_schema) | "Analyze and Transform" >> impl.AnalyzeAndTransformDataset(preprocess_fn)) transformed_dataset, transformed_metadata = transformed_data timestamped_items = transformed_dataset | 'timestamp' >> beam.ParDo( AddTimestampDoFn()) fixed_windowed_items = ( timestamped_items | 'window' >> beam.WindowInto(beam.window.FixedWindows(60 * 60), # Window size = 1h accumulation_mode=beam.trigger.AccumulationMode.DISCARDING )) _ = (fixed_windowed_items | 'Format' >> beam.ParDo(ExtractTimeWindowStartAsKey()) | "Aggregate by hour_index" >> beam.GroupByKey() | "Dump TFRecord per hour" >> beam.Map( lambda g: DumpTFRecord(g, args.output_sessions_tfrecords_path))) _ = transform_fn | 'Dump Transform Function Graph' >> transform_fn_io.WriteTransformFn( args.tfx_artifacts_dir)
  • 39. def preprocess_fn(input_feature): output_features = {} # FixedLenFeature output_features['user_id'] = input_feature['user_id'] output_features['session_id'] = input_feature['session_id'] output_features['session_start'] = input_feature['session_start'] output_features['session_size'] = input_feature['session_size'] # VarLenFeature output_features['item_clicked'] = input_feature['click_article_id'] output_features['environment'] = input_feature['click_environment'] output_features['deviceGroup'] = input_feature['click_deviceGroup'] output_features['os'] = input_feature['click_os'] output_features['country'] = input_feature['click_country'] output_features['region'] = input_feature['click_region'] output_features['referrer_type'] = input_feature['click_referrer_type'] output_features['event_timestamp'] = input_feature['click_timestamp'] local_weekday = tf.SparseTensor(input_feature['click_timestamp'].indices, tf.map_fn(fn=utc_timestamp_to_local_weekday, elems=input_feature['click_timestamp'].values, back_prop=False, infer_shape=False, dtype=tf.int64), input_feature['click_timestamp'].dense_shape) output_features['local_weekday'] = local_weekday ... local_hour_cos = tf.SparseTensor(input_feature['click_timestamp'].indices, tf.map_fn(fn=utc_timestamp_to_local_hour_cos, elems=input_feature['click_timestamp'].values, back_prop=False, infer_shape=False, dtype=tf.float32), input_feature['click_timestamp'].dense_shape) output_features['local_hour_cos'] = local_hour_cos return output_features
  • 40. transformed_train, transform_fn = ((raw_train, schema) | "Analyze and Transform - train" >> impl.AnalyzeAndTransformDataset(preprocess_fn)) transformed_eval = (((raw_eval, schema), transform_fn) | "Transform - eval" >> impl.TransformDataset()) What about eval set?
  • 42.
  • 44. def build_estimator(model_dir, content_article_embeddings_matrix, articles_metadata, articles_features_config, session_features_config): """Build an estimator appropriate for the given model type.""" run_config = tf.estimator.RunConfig(tf_random_seed=RANDOM_SEED, keep_checkpoint_max=1, save_checkpoints_secs=1200, save_summary_steps=100, log_step_count_steps=100 ) estimator = tf.estimator.Estimator( config=run_config, model_dir=model_dir, model_fn=nar_module_model_fn, params={ 'batch_size': FLAGS.batch_size, 'lr': FLAGS.learning_rate, 'dropout_keep_prob': FLAGS.dropout_keep_prob, 'reg_weight_decay': FLAGS.reg_l2, ... }) return estimator Creating the Estimator
  • 45. def nar_module_model_fn(features, labels, mode, params): model = NARModuleModel(mode, features, labels,… ) hooks = [ItemsStateUpdaterHook(mode, model,… )] if mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.TRAIN: return tf.estimator.EstimatorSpec(mode, loss=model.total_loss, train_op=model.train, training_chief_hooks=hooks) elif mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.EVAL: eval_metrics = {'mrr_at_n': (model.mrr, model.mrr_update_op), ... } return tf.estimator.EstimatorSpec(mode, loss=model.total_loss, eval_metric_ops=eval_metrics, evaluation_hooks=hooks) elif mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.PREDICT: predictions = model.predictions export_outputs = {'predict_output': tf.estimator.export.PredictOutput(predictions)} return tf.estimator.EstimatorSpec(mode, predictions=predictions, export_outputs=export_outputs) Building the model function
  • 46. tft_metadata = TFTransformOutput(FLAGS.tft_artifacts_dir) model = build_estimator(model_output_dir, article_embeddings_matrix, articles_metadata, articles_features_config, ...) model.train(input_fn=lambda: prepare_dataset_iterator(training_files_chunk, tft_metadata, batch_size=FLAGS.batch_size, ...)) model.evaluate(input_fn=lambda: prepare_dataset_iterator(eval_file, tft_metadata, batch_size=FLAGS.batch_size, ...) predictions = model.predict(input_fn=lambda: prepare_dataset_iterator(tfrecords_files, tft_metadata, FLAGS.batch_size, ...) Training, Evaluating and Predicting with the Estimator
  • 47. def prepare_dataset_iterator(files, tft_metadata, batch_size=128, ...) feature_spec = tft_metadata.transformed_feature_spec() # This makes a dataset of raw TFRecords dataset =, compression_type='GZIP') dataset = x:, feature_spec)) dataset = dataset.padded_batch(batch_size, padded_shapes=features_shapes) # Define an abstract iterator that has the shape and type of our datasets iterator = ds.make_one_shot_iterator() # This is an op that gets the next element from the iterator next_element = iterator.get_next() return next_element Defining input function Features schema come from TFT!
  • 48. def export_saved_model(model, model_output_path, additional_features_info, tft_metadata): raw_feature_spec = feature_spec_schema() def serving_input_fn(): raw_input_fn = tf.estimator.export.build_parsing_serving_input_receiver_fn( raw_feature_spec, default_batch_size=None) serving_input_receiver = raw_input_fn() # Apply the transform function that was used to generate the materialized data. raw_features = serving_input_receiver.features transformed_features = tft_metadata.transform_raw_features(raw_features) for feature_name in transformed_features.keys(): if type(transformed_features[feature_name]) == tf.sparse.SparseTensor transformed_features[feature_name] = tf.sparse.to_dense( transformed_features[feature_name]) return tf.estimator.export.ServingInputReceiver( receiver_tensors=serving_input_receiver.receiver_tensors, features=transformed_features) servable_model_path = model.export_savedmodel( model_output_path, serving_input_fn, strip_default_attrs=True) return servable_model_path Defining serving function and exporting SavedModel Apply transforms from TFT graph
  • 50. TFMA - Model Analysis TensorFlow Model Analysis allows you to perform model evaluations in the TFX pipeline, and view resultant metrics and plots in a Jupyter notebook. Specifically, it can provide: ● Metrics computed on entire training and holdout dataset, as well as next-day evaluations ● Tracking metrics over time ● Model quality performance on different feature slices ● Supports evaluation on large amounts of data in the distributed manner
  • 51. TFMA - Model Analysis
  • 52. TFMA - Model Analysis
  • 53. TFMA - Model Analysis
  • 54. Demo ● CI/CD ● Serving Seldon (A/B testing) ● Monitoring with Prometheus and Grafana
  • 55. Machine Learning CI/CD - Gitops style Data Scientist
  • 56. Tensorflow Serving Serving and monitoring: Single model Model Repository Model BModel A Model AEngineClients REST / GRPC metrics
  • 57. Tensorflow Serving Serving and monitoring: A/B testing Model Repository Model BModel A Model A Model B A/B TestClients REST / GRPC metrics
  • 58. CHAMELEON research code: P.s. The code demonstrated in this workshop will be published soon on GitHub and will be referenced in the README of the above repo)