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1. Instructional Context

       This entry features twenty-one third graders in a social studies class. There are eight girls

and thirteen boys, all of whom are eight or nine years old. At this age, students are most

motivated by their families. Many of the students were born outside of our local community and

all have relationships with family members abroad. All but one student come from families with

at least one college graduate, and all place high values on their children’s education and future

careers. Students each have a computer with internet access at home, and are technologically

savvy. This entry occurred over several days in our school computer lab, when it was available.

However, because the lab accommodates the entire school, some of the work occurred in our

trailer/classroom, where the two computers and interactive white board work inconsistently.

       Students in this self-contained class are in the highly academically gifted (HAG)

program, which pools the students with the highest aptitudes in our district. Students receive an

accelerated and enriched curriculum to meet their unique needs. Some students show their

giftedness through the speed of their thinking, others show it through the depth of their ideas.

There is a wide range of academic motivation and achievement in the class. Several students

have been identified with attention-deficit disorder, but all students are enthusiastic to use

technology because it quickly responds to them. Students in the class have mixed learning styles

– some are auditory and others are visual-spatial. The class is very active and curious, though

sometimes competitive because this is the students’ first year in the HAG program. Students

struggle to emotionally adjust to a more challenging environment in which they are not the top

performing student in all areas, leading to social disruptions such as interruptions and poor

listening skills. Students join us from across the county and are becoming more independent, so

they are increasingly aware of our community.

2. Planning and Instruction

       In this portfolio, students learned strategies to analyze visual and auditory information

obtained using the internet in order to create a class timeline of our community’s history. In

order to bond the class community, students contributed to a collaborative product. Having a

sense of belonging leads to school success, especially for these students who will be in classes

together until they graduate from high school. Working toward a joint goal encourages students

to have high expectations for themselves and others, as they hold each other accountable and are

increasingly social throughout the third grade.

       Students need to read auditory and visual texts with fluency and purpose. While schools

have historically focused on reading, writing, and math, people experience the world through

their senses. At ages eight and nine, my students are still growing in their ability to assess print

materials and express themselves in writing. This project encourages success in students who

have different learning styles and gives all students strategies to explore various media.

       Students need to skillfully browse and gather information from digital texts such as web

pages, Podcasts, television clips, and online collections of art. This enables them to become

reflective consumers of resources in an increasingly digital age. Students’ ability to analyze

digital texts and use this information to create products will help them become successful in

school and the workplace. When students are familiar with credible digital resources and

practice time management, they have unparalleled resources to achieve their goals.

       Presentation skills are essential for students to clearly articulate their ideas, to be

understood, and to be appreciated. I am fortunate to work with students who have high academic

aptitudes. However, I realize that their brain power is only useful if it is shared with the world.

When students share their ideas, they are proud and validated, and they can teach others their

knowledge, experiences, and unique perspective.

       Students need to notice patterns in order to predict future changes. Because I teach gifted

students, my class is adept at noticing patterns – not only in math, but trends and themes in the

greater world. The theme of change over time has been examined in a number of cases

throughout the year – watching the moon wax and wane over the period of a month, observing

changes in a tree over the course of a year, and learning how our community has evolved over

centuries. Understanding this big picture concept will serve as a reference point for students to

cope cognitively and emotionally with the inevitable transformations they will go through as

they grow up so that they can be resilient.

       Students need to become aware of their surrounding community. By participating in

interesting and meaningful activities that relate to our school and the surrounding community,

students recognize the relevance of our studies in their lives. As they learn about our community

and their power to influence it, students will become more involved citizens.

       A number of assessments and observations indicated my students’ readiness to achieve

the above goals. Students have successfully completed a number of virtual products, and their

enthusiasm is apparent when technology activities are offered. Conversations with families

during conferences and engagement during field trips reveal curiosity about activities and sites in

our area. Also, when students share current events, they increasingly reference local events.

Students report reading challenging visual and auditory texts independently. Students encounter

challenging texts frequently during school – listening to interviews, examining photos and

diagrams in textbooks, etc., and have noticed themes, such as change over time, in a number of

subjects. For example, when we read historical fiction, students were quick to compare lifestyles

of the past and present. As students present their work, they become increasingly aware of and

critical of their performance. They are more motivated when they can share their knowledge

with an audience outside of our classroom. They are most engaged when working on

challenging and long-term projects, but several students are still attaining organizational skills to

manage time and materials. Checklists and frequent conferences help them stay on track.

       The skills and concepts learned while creating our community timeline are

interdisciplinary and can be applied to a number of areas. The ability to read visual and auditory

texts is a life skill, for images and sounds surround us that communicate meaning. Whether at an

art museum, listening to the radio, or following directions to a local restaurant, students must

determine significant information and use it. The theme of change over time can be applied to

almost any study or experience, as change is inevitable. Styles of music change, our

understanding of physics changes, friendships change… the list is endless. Skills used in the

creation of a timeline, such as sequencing, determining significance, and presentation apply to

many subjects – math and social studies, in particular. This project integrates all of the language

arts (reading, writing, listening, viewing, and speaking) so that students with differing learning

styles learn skills to develop each component of communication. The technology used in this

lesson can be used to study and to present information from a number of different subjects.

When students recognize the connection between school activities and our community, they will

become more engaged in other areas of study. The reflective process “Two Stars and a Wish”

that students learned can be applied to any endeavor in order to improve performance.

       Technology is valuable because it absorbs students and encourages all students to be

engaged in their work. Students become active, each busily working at his own pace, rather than

passive, as during traditional lectures. They feel confident because technology responds as

quickly as they do – this means that fast students get an immediate response to their questions

and commands and are not frustrated waiting on others. It also means that students, like those

who are more reflective or have attention deficit disorder, have time to process their thoughts

without encountering the impatience of others. Technology responds to the various speeds and

depths of responses from students and gives them choices regarding how to obtain and to display

information, while also broadening the audience for student work. Since my students are at an

age when they are heavily motivated by their families, and all of my students have contact with

family members abroad, the ability to share student work and get feedback from outside our class

has been tremendous.

       I used a number of hardware and software products making our time line. Our classroom

received an ActivBoard interactive white board in the middle of the school year, and student

response to lessons using it has been drastic because it engages visual learners, when traditional

lectures were biased toward auditory learners. It also allows me to walk students through the

process and products they will use. xTimeline is the software students utilized to create our

timeline because it sequences and formats the images and information students submit. It also

allowed all students to log on to one account at the same time so that we could contribute to the

same product. VoiceThread is an application that utilized a web cam in order to record students

as they respond to an unloaded image. Students used this program earlier this year and

expressed the desire to use it again because students at this age are more comfortable responding

in speaking than in writing.

       I used a number of digital data resources making our time line. We watched an archived

news clip from a station in another part of our state and visited our state website to gather

information about historical mile markers. We listened to two radio Podcasts about minor league

baseball mascots and stadiums, then went to the website of our new minor league team and

submitted suggested names for our new mascot because we’ll visit the new field this spring. We

went to two museums’ digital art collections. We also searched in a collection (Digital Forsyth)

of local historical photos.

        Our classroom is becoming more comfortable speaking and respectfully listening

throughout the year. This unit allowed the school technology coordinator and me to practice and

to model collaboration. Time in the computer lab allows my students to see me as a facilitator,

rather than as a source of information. I am more able to offer suggestions and support while

moving among the students to confer about their progress, so they are able to practice speaking

and listening with me. Student roles shift when using technology because they become peer

coaches and tutors, assisting each other and sharing their discoveries throughout the process.

Students are empowered and confident as they use tools that professionals use, because they are

trusted with expensive equipment and complicated software and their work is valued. The

interaction and attitude of students with less initiative or facility for traditional activities in class

improves with technology use. Students actively apply our school’s motto, The 3 R’s, to their

work. They are respectful of themselves and others by assisting and encouraging classmates.

They are responsible to use their time and do offer their best effort. They are reflective when

they review their work and behavior and consider how to improve it. These attitudes are key

social skills that will continue to develop over time, and will be useful throughout school and

into students’ careers. Establishing a learning environment in which students feel comfortable

speaking and are respectful learners is a year-long endeavor. Because this group is prone to

interruptions and teasing, I make a point of planning collaborative activities in which children

are encouraged to talk.

3. Video Analysis

       This lesson focuses on analyzing visual art and social studies as we learn about our

community. It was the second of several lessons in which I taught students techniques for

analyzing audio and video texts using the interactive white board. Students had previously been

assigned a piece of art to locate and to analyze during a field trip. Upon returning, students in

this lesson reviewed the process of analyzing images, and selected another piece they had seen at

the museum to analyze because the first analyses were inconsistent in quality. Between the

video clips, students explored a variety of resources to help them gather information about our

community. Students analyzed a number of images, audio clips, and video clips. Throughout

the project, I gave students increasing amounts of choice in the images they selected and

encouraged personal connections to these selections. The analyses from all sources were

incorporated into a class timeline using xTimeline. During the second clip, students revisited

VoiceThread to create a self-reflection about their contribution to the community timeline. After

the video recording, students participated in a “Think Pair Share”, in which students reflected on

the benefits and drawbacks of creating a community timeline using xTimeline, discussed their

findings with a partner, and shared their thoughts with the group to pass on to future classes.

       Students clarified their listening skills as I led a discussion reviewing what students

recalled when visiting a museum exhibit. This effectively activated prior knowledge, as

students’ comments reflected increasing depth, from the boy in black’s comment “some places in

New York” to Emily’s (off screen), “We heard about he loved city life and he wanted to make

sure other people knew what it was like, so that was why he painted all of those paintings”.

Students used visual cues and context while I gave directions to clarify vocabulary terms, such as

quadrant, vertical, horizontal, foreground, and background, like when the boy in camouflage

pointed out the mountains in the background. While I explained, then modeled the analysis of an

image, students went through the quantitative process of labeling key facts in a heading and

listing objects in each quadrant fairly easily. Inferring significance of the objects, connecting the

community in the image to our community, listing questions, and considering where to find the

answer to those questions are more challenging qualitative skills for students. This activity is

significant because my students are surrounded by visual texts, yet often disregard them as

sources of valuable information in textbooks, on field trips, and in class.

       I utilized “Two Stars and a Wish” as a method for students to react to their completed

community timeline. Students were asked to reflect on two things they were proud of

contributing to the community timeline and one thing they would like to improve. This

documentation will be reviewed when students create individual timelines as part of a later

biography unit. I gave the instructions using VoiceThread so that students would have a

subconscious reminder of how to navigate in the program and to visualize their audience.

Following filming, students performed a “Think Pair Share” in which the class discussed benefits

and drawbacks of the tools we used to create our timeline, and shared these results so that future

classes could work efficiently. By setting the purpose to reflect and to plan for future instruction,

discussions were effectively guided.

       My interactions with students guided, then gradually released student responsibilities. I

first explained, then modeled the steps in the analysis of visual products. The process of analysis

can be applied to any visual text in any context. Opening the discussion with a review or

previous experiences at the museum activated prior knowledge. I explained then showed

expectations, and allowed questions so that students would clearly know what to do. I asked

leading questions to guide students in the desired direction in the conversation, “I’m not just

standing in front of it in any way. Justin, what else do you notice?” This prompts students to

look closer at the image. I connected the photograph I analyzed to our scientific study of plant

adaptations so that students would recognize their ability to apply this skill in all content areas. I

taught a similar process for analyzing auditory texts, and students had repeated practice

opportunities using a variety of digital media between the two clips filmed. We had some

problems as students edited others’ work on the timeline, and respect had to be reinforced.

Students are encouraged by comments of visitors to our timeline. xTimeline also allows students

to add events to our timeline, so it will be a work in progress as we learn throughout the year.

        A variety of accommodations were made to meet the needs of diverse learners when

creating our community timeline. Throughout this lesson, I provided opportunities for responses

in writing and speaking, as when students write analyses of visual texts and speak to the camera

to reflect on their work. Using the ActivBoard, students were able to read or to listen to the

example, depending on their preferred learning style. Student choice in selecting a piece of art to

analyze encourages them to pick a piece that reflects their personal background or interests. In

class conversations, I model wait time, so that students who need more processing time are not

disrupted when they are sharing their ideas, as when Sophie slowly pauses when saying

“You’re… obviously… in a place where it’s very hot”. I periodically called on Sam to ensure

he comprehend the conversation, because he is an at-risk learner. I adapted the number of

required timeline entries for students who were particularly successful or struggling so that they

could complete their work in the allotted time in the computer lab. The quality of analyses I

expected varied depending on the students’ needs. For example, I have a student who is learning

disabled in writing, so I was less critical of conventions in his writing. One boy who has

attention deficit disorder worked with a partner to whom he dictated his responses.

4. Reflection

       Varying levels of progress were made toward achieving the goals of this lesson. Students

are noticeably more skilled at reading visual texts. When we visited a local museum for a field

trip, the docent commented on the students’ thoughtful analysis of paintings. Students are also

more apt to examine and refer to photographs in textbooks and the newspaper during class

activities. Students are gaining skills as they practice gathering information from digital sources.

They are more willing to try several keywords in a search, and our school media coordinator has

documented increasing diversity in the use of community and internet sources among students.

Students are familiar with a broader variety of digital sources with authority, but unfortunately

still often rely on more convenient resources, such as Google and Wikipedia, rather than

reviewed resources. Parents have commented on students’ increased awareness of our

community’s geography, as students have pointed out highway markers, the upcoming baseball

stadium, and other landmarks during local drives. Qualitatively, students have been more helpful

and attentive to others since this project. Students are confident using new technology and are

more willing to present to their peers because of the positive feedback from family members. I

feel that I met the needs of visual and auditory learners because I presented information using

both visual and auditory means, and students were encouraged to express their ideas using both

writing and speaking.

       In the future, there are some adaptations I would like to make to this project. Next year, I

would like to introduce a community timeline at the beginning of the school year so that the

respect, responsibility, reflection, and collaboration could be reinforced sooner. I enjoyed

collaborating with our technology facilitator, and would like to plan computer lab time more in

advance so that parents might be able to come in and assist students as they learn new software.

I would also like to encourage more parents to comment on digital student work in my weekly

newsletter. I was proud of how students have become more independent problem solvers and

have coped with the inevitable technical difficulties we encountered. I would continue to give

students as much free choice about the items they want to add to the timeline, as that seemed to

engage them. Rather than e-mailing or using my class website to communicate information to

families, I would like to establish a class wiki where parents, students, and I could all contribute.

       I feel that students made the most growth as viewers and reflective speakers. Their

newfound strategies for analyzing images can be applied across subjects and locations. We live

in a society rich with visual texts – billboards, advertisements, photographs in textbooks, internet

sites, the list is endless. My students now have strategies to analyze these.

       In the future, I would like to have more time in the computer lab to allow students to

explore. Students used VoiceThread in a previous unit, and have shown that they are more

independent with its use, both in terms of being able to maneuver through the software as well as

speaking to an audience and being more comfortable in front of the web camera. Now that

students are comfortable with xTimeline software and with collaborating as a group, I would like

for them to use it in future studies individually, such as when we write biographies.

       I would like for students to contribute to our Community Timeline throughout the year,

such as when we go on field trips. I plan on extending this project so that students will each add

an organization that contributes to our community and needs support. I think that hosting a

fundraiser or service project would have a better response and would benefit from our

advertisement. The activity pertaining to the baseball team is especially significant because we

will be participating in a reading challenge this spring, and will be having a night at the ballgame

to celebrate the end of our school year.


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Creating a Community Timeline Write Up

  • 1. 1. Instructional Context This entry features twenty-one third graders in a social studies class. There are eight girls and thirteen boys, all of whom are eight or nine years old. At this age, students are most motivated by their families. Many of the students were born outside of our local community and all have relationships with family members abroad. All but one student come from families with at least one college graduate, and all place high values on their children’s education and future careers. Students each have a computer with internet access at home, and are technologically savvy. This entry occurred over several days in our school computer lab, when it was available. However, because the lab accommodates the entire school, some of the work occurred in our trailer/classroom, where the two computers and interactive white board work inconsistently. Students in this self-contained class are in the highly academically gifted (HAG) program, which pools the students with the highest aptitudes in our district. Students receive an accelerated and enriched curriculum to meet their unique needs. Some students show their giftedness through the speed of their thinking, others show it through the depth of their ideas. There is a wide range of academic motivation and achievement in the class. Several students have been identified with attention-deficit disorder, but all students are enthusiastic to use technology because it quickly responds to them. Students in the class have mixed learning styles – some are auditory and others are visual-spatial. The class is very active and curious, though sometimes competitive because this is the students’ first year in the HAG program. Students struggle to emotionally adjust to a more challenging environment in which they are not the top performing student in all areas, leading to social disruptions such as interruptions and poor listening skills. Students join us from across the county and are becoming more independent, so they are increasingly aware of our community. 1
  • 2. 2. Planning and Instruction In this portfolio, students learned strategies to analyze visual and auditory information obtained using the internet in order to create a class timeline of our community’s history. In order to bond the class community, students contributed to a collaborative product. Having a sense of belonging leads to school success, especially for these students who will be in classes together until they graduate from high school. Working toward a joint goal encourages students to have high expectations for themselves and others, as they hold each other accountable and are increasingly social throughout the third grade. Students need to read auditory and visual texts with fluency and purpose. While schools have historically focused on reading, writing, and math, people experience the world through their senses. At ages eight and nine, my students are still growing in their ability to assess print materials and express themselves in writing. This project encourages success in students who have different learning styles and gives all students strategies to explore various media. Students need to skillfully browse and gather information from digital texts such as web pages, Podcasts, television clips, and online collections of art. This enables them to become reflective consumers of resources in an increasingly digital age. Students’ ability to analyze digital texts and use this information to create products will help them become successful in school and the workplace. When students are familiar with credible digital resources and practice time management, they have unparalleled resources to achieve their goals. Presentation skills are essential for students to clearly articulate their ideas, to be understood, and to be appreciated. I am fortunate to work with students who have high academic aptitudes. However, I realize that their brain power is only useful if it is shared with the world. 2
  • 3. When students share their ideas, they are proud and validated, and they can teach others their knowledge, experiences, and unique perspective. Students need to notice patterns in order to predict future changes. Because I teach gifted students, my class is adept at noticing patterns – not only in math, but trends and themes in the greater world. The theme of change over time has been examined in a number of cases throughout the year – watching the moon wax and wane over the period of a month, observing changes in a tree over the course of a year, and learning how our community has evolved over centuries. Understanding this big picture concept will serve as a reference point for students to cope cognitively and emotionally with the inevitable transformations they will go through as they grow up so that they can be resilient. Students need to become aware of their surrounding community. By participating in interesting and meaningful activities that relate to our school and the surrounding community, students recognize the relevance of our studies in their lives. As they learn about our community and their power to influence it, students will become more involved citizens. A number of assessments and observations indicated my students’ readiness to achieve the above goals. Students have successfully completed a number of virtual products, and their enthusiasm is apparent when technology activities are offered. Conversations with families during conferences and engagement during field trips reveal curiosity about activities and sites in our area. Also, when students share current events, they increasingly reference local events. Students report reading challenging visual and auditory texts independently. Students encounter challenging texts frequently during school – listening to interviews, examining photos and diagrams in textbooks, etc., and have noticed themes, such as change over time, in a number of subjects. For example, when we read historical fiction, students were quick to compare lifestyles 3
  • 4. of the past and present. As students present their work, they become increasingly aware of and critical of their performance. They are more motivated when they can share their knowledge with an audience outside of our classroom. They are most engaged when working on challenging and long-term projects, but several students are still attaining organizational skills to manage time and materials. Checklists and frequent conferences help them stay on track. The skills and concepts learned while creating our community timeline are interdisciplinary and can be applied to a number of areas. The ability to read visual and auditory texts is a life skill, for images and sounds surround us that communicate meaning. Whether at an art museum, listening to the radio, or following directions to a local restaurant, students must determine significant information and use it. The theme of change over time can be applied to almost any study or experience, as change is inevitable. Styles of music change, our understanding of physics changes, friendships change… the list is endless. Skills used in the creation of a timeline, such as sequencing, determining significance, and presentation apply to many subjects – math and social studies, in particular. This project integrates all of the language arts (reading, writing, listening, viewing, and speaking) so that students with differing learning styles learn skills to develop each component of communication. The technology used in this lesson can be used to study and to present information from a number of different subjects. When students recognize the connection between school activities and our community, they will become more engaged in other areas of study. The reflective process “Two Stars and a Wish” that students learned can be applied to any endeavor in order to improve performance. Technology is valuable because it absorbs students and encourages all students to be engaged in their work. Students become active, each busily working at his own pace, rather than passive, as during traditional lectures. They feel confident because technology responds as 4
  • 5. quickly as they do – this means that fast students get an immediate response to their questions and commands and are not frustrated waiting on others. It also means that students, like those who are more reflective or have attention deficit disorder, have time to process their thoughts without encountering the impatience of others. Technology responds to the various speeds and depths of responses from students and gives them choices regarding how to obtain and to display information, while also broadening the audience for student work. Since my students are at an age when they are heavily motivated by their families, and all of my students have contact with family members abroad, the ability to share student work and get feedback from outside our class has been tremendous. I used a number of hardware and software products making our time line. Our classroom received an ActivBoard interactive white board in the middle of the school year, and student response to lessons using it has been drastic because it engages visual learners, when traditional lectures were biased toward auditory learners. It also allows me to walk students through the process and products they will use. xTimeline is the software students utilized to create our timeline because it sequences and formats the images and information students submit. It also allowed all students to log on to one account at the same time so that we could contribute to the same product. VoiceThread is an application that utilized a web cam in order to record students as they respond to an unloaded image. Students used this program earlier this year and expressed the desire to use it again because students at this age are more comfortable responding in speaking than in writing. I used a number of digital data resources making our time line. We watched an archived news clip from a station in another part of our state and visited our state website to gather information about historical mile markers. We listened to two radio Podcasts about minor league 5
  • 6. baseball mascots and stadiums, then went to the website of our new minor league team and submitted suggested names for our new mascot because we’ll visit the new field this spring. We went to two museums’ digital art collections. We also searched in a collection (Digital Forsyth) of local historical photos. Our classroom is becoming more comfortable speaking and respectfully listening throughout the year. This unit allowed the school technology coordinator and me to practice and to model collaboration. Time in the computer lab allows my students to see me as a facilitator, rather than as a source of information. I am more able to offer suggestions and support while moving among the students to confer about their progress, so they are able to practice speaking and listening with me. Student roles shift when using technology because they become peer coaches and tutors, assisting each other and sharing their discoveries throughout the process. Students are empowered and confident as they use tools that professionals use, because they are trusted with expensive equipment and complicated software and their work is valued. The interaction and attitude of students with less initiative or facility for traditional activities in class improves with technology use. Students actively apply our school’s motto, The 3 R’s, to their work. They are respectful of themselves and others by assisting and encouraging classmates. They are responsible to use their time and do offer their best effort. They are reflective when they review their work and behavior and consider how to improve it. These attitudes are key social skills that will continue to develop over time, and will be useful throughout school and into students’ careers. Establishing a learning environment in which students feel comfortable speaking and are respectful learners is a year-long endeavor. Because this group is prone to interruptions and teasing, I make a point of planning collaborative activities in which children are encouraged to talk. 6
  • 7. 3. Video Analysis This lesson focuses on analyzing visual art and social studies as we learn about our community. It was the second of several lessons in which I taught students techniques for analyzing audio and video texts using the interactive white board. Students had previously been assigned a piece of art to locate and to analyze during a field trip. Upon returning, students in this lesson reviewed the process of analyzing images, and selected another piece they had seen at the museum to analyze because the first analyses were inconsistent in quality. Between the video clips, students explored a variety of resources to help them gather information about our community. Students analyzed a number of images, audio clips, and video clips. Throughout the project, I gave students increasing amounts of choice in the images they selected and encouraged personal connections to these selections. The analyses from all sources were incorporated into a class timeline using xTimeline. During the second clip, students revisited VoiceThread to create a self-reflection about their contribution to the community timeline. After the video recording, students participated in a “Think Pair Share”, in which students reflected on the benefits and drawbacks of creating a community timeline using xTimeline, discussed their findings with a partner, and shared their thoughts with the group to pass on to future classes. Students clarified their listening skills as I led a discussion reviewing what students recalled when visiting a museum exhibit. This effectively activated prior knowledge, as students’ comments reflected increasing depth, from the boy in black’s comment “some places in New York” to Emily’s (off screen), “We heard about he loved city life and he wanted to make sure other people knew what it was like, so that was why he painted all of those paintings”. Students used visual cues and context while I gave directions to clarify vocabulary terms, such as quadrant, vertical, horizontal, foreground, and background, like when the boy in camouflage 7
  • 8. pointed out the mountains in the background. While I explained, then modeled the analysis of an image, students went through the quantitative process of labeling key facts in a heading and listing objects in each quadrant fairly easily. Inferring significance of the objects, connecting the community in the image to our community, listing questions, and considering where to find the answer to those questions are more challenging qualitative skills for students. This activity is significant because my students are surrounded by visual texts, yet often disregard them as sources of valuable information in textbooks, on field trips, and in class. I utilized “Two Stars and a Wish” as a method for students to react to their completed community timeline. Students were asked to reflect on two things they were proud of contributing to the community timeline and one thing they would like to improve. This documentation will be reviewed when students create individual timelines as part of a later biography unit. I gave the instructions using VoiceThread so that students would have a subconscious reminder of how to navigate in the program and to visualize their audience. Following filming, students performed a “Think Pair Share” in which the class discussed benefits and drawbacks of the tools we used to create our timeline, and shared these results so that future classes could work efficiently. By setting the purpose to reflect and to plan for future instruction, discussions were effectively guided. My interactions with students guided, then gradually released student responsibilities. I first explained, then modeled the steps in the analysis of visual products. The process of analysis can be applied to any visual text in any context. Opening the discussion with a review or previous experiences at the museum activated prior knowledge. I explained then showed expectations, and allowed questions so that students would clearly know what to do. I asked leading questions to guide students in the desired direction in the conversation, “I’m not just 8
  • 9. standing in front of it in any way. Justin, what else do you notice?” This prompts students to look closer at the image. I connected the photograph I analyzed to our scientific study of plant adaptations so that students would recognize their ability to apply this skill in all content areas. I taught a similar process for analyzing auditory texts, and students had repeated practice opportunities using a variety of digital media between the two clips filmed. We had some problems as students edited others’ work on the timeline, and respect had to be reinforced. Students are encouraged by comments of visitors to our timeline. xTimeline also allows students to add events to our timeline, so it will be a work in progress as we learn throughout the year. A variety of accommodations were made to meet the needs of diverse learners when creating our community timeline. Throughout this lesson, I provided opportunities for responses in writing and speaking, as when students write analyses of visual texts and speak to the camera to reflect on their work. Using the ActivBoard, students were able to read or to listen to the example, depending on their preferred learning style. Student choice in selecting a piece of art to analyze encourages them to pick a piece that reflects their personal background or interests. In class conversations, I model wait time, so that students who need more processing time are not disrupted when they are sharing their ideas, as when Sophie slowly pauses when saying “You’re… obviously… in a place where it’s very hot”. I periodically called on Sam to ensure he comprehend the conversation, because he is an at-risk learner. I adapted the number of required timeline entries for students who were particularly successful or struggling so that they could complete their work in the allotted time in the computer lab. The quality of analyses I expected varied depending on the students’ needs. For example, I have a student who is learning disabled in writing, so I was less critical of conventions in his writing. One boy who has attention deficit disorder worked with a partner to whom he dictated his responses. 9
  • 10. 4. Reflection Varying levels of progress were made toward achieving the goals of this lesson. Students are noticeably more skilled at reading visual texts. When we visited a local museum for a field trip, the docent commented on the students’ thoughtful analysis of paintings. Students are also more apt to examine and refer to photographs in textbooks and the newspaper during class activities. Students are gaining skills as they practice gathering information from digital sources. They are more willing to try several keywords in a search, and our school media coordinator has documented increasing diversity in the use of community and internet sources among students. Students are familiar with a broader variety of digital sources with authority, but unfortunately still often rely on more convenient resources, such as Google and Wikipedia, rather than reviewed resources. Parents have commented on students’ increased awareness of our community’s geography, as students have pointed out highway markers, the upcoming baseball stadium, and other landmarks during local drives. Qualitatively, students have been more helpful and attentive to others since this project. Students are confident using new technology and are more willing to present to their peers because of the positive feedback from family members. I feel that I met the needs of visual and auditory learners because I presented information using both visual and auditory means, and students were encouraged to express their ideas using both writing and speaking. In the future, there are some adaptations I would like to make to this project. Next year, I would like to introduce a community timeline at the beginning of the school year so that the respect, responsibility, reflection, and collaboration could be reinforced sooner. I enjoyed collaborating with our technology facilitator, and would like to plan computer lab time more in advance so that parents might be able to come in and assist students as they learn new software. 10
  • 11. I would also like to encourage more parents to comment on digital student work in my weekly newsletter. I was proud of how students have become more independent problem solvers and have coped with the inevitable technical difficulties we encountered. I would continue to give students as much free choice about the items they want to add to the timeline, as that seemed to engage them. Rather than e-mailing or using my class website to communicate information to families, I would like to establish a class wiki where parents, students, and I could all contribute. I feel that students made the most growth as viewers and reflective speakers. Their newfound strategies for analyzing images can be applied across subjects and locations. We live in a society rich with visual texts – billboards, advertisements, photographs in textbooks, internet sites, the list is endless. My students now have strategies to analyze these. In the future, I would like to have more time in the computer lab to allow students to explore. Students used VoiceThread in a previous unit, and have shown that they are more independent with its use, both in terms of being able to maneuver through the software as well as speaking to an audience and being more comfortable in front of the web camera. Now that students are comfortable with xTimeline software and with collaborating as a group, I would like for them to use it in future studies individually, such as when we write biographies. I would like for students to contribute to our Community Timeline throughout the year, such as when we go on field trips. I plan on extending this project so that students will each add an organization that contributes to our community and needs support. I think that hosting a fundraiser or service project would have a better response and would benefit from our advertisement. The activity pertaining to the baseball team is especially significant because we will be participating in a reading challenge this spring, and will be having a night at the ballgame to celebrate the end of our school year. 11