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Using MVP in the Skroutz
Chris Mpitzios
MVC approach and
Skroutz Application facts
Skroutz is a network intensive application. Almost all of its screens require communication with Skroutz API in order to fetch and display relevant data.
● 11% responsible for static content displaying.
● 89% responsible for network communication
● Only portrait orientation supported
● Average LOC for active presentation elements ≈500 lines
(excluding placeholder activities)
● All network related screens follow the same view state pattern:
○ Load in the background
○ Display loading view
○ Display fetched data or an error message if needed
Skroutz App with MVC
Expectations from MVC approach:
Good separation of concerns
Clean, reusable, testable code
Minimizing of spaghetti effect
Keep code complexity low
MVC does not fit Android
Skroutz App with MVC
Review of MVC approach:
View just structures displayed interface
High complexity - Spaghetti code - hard to test code-
Unmaintainable state
One god object responsible for everything
MVC-View responsibilities move to Controller
Controller should: data bind, manage
animations, user interactions ……..
Additional requirements
Eliminate memory leaks
Support orientation changes
Define abstractions for repeated view flows
Separates presentation layer from the logic
● fetches, formats, delivers data to View
● instruct View for UI actions according to data
● keeps a reference to both View and Model
View :
● completely passive
● displays data
● cannot access model
MVP to the rescue
Controller is part of the view
View-Presenter -> one-to-one relationship
Multiple Presenters for complex Views
Next alternative
Let's implement MVP
How? Custom implementation or use an existing library?
Check available implementations before reinventing the wheel
Most popular implementations at the time were Mosby and Nucleus
Mosby vs Nucleus
Mosby vs Nucleus
public interface MainActivityView extends MvpView {
void showLoading();
void setData(API.Item[] response);
void showContent();
void showError(Throwable throwable);
public class MainPresenter extends MvpBasePresenter<MainActivityView> {
// Public
public void loadData() {
return App.getRestAdapterInstance().getItems(mApiCallback);
private final Callback<API.Item[]> mApiCallback = new Callback<API.Item[]>()
public void failure(final Throwable throwable) {
if (isViewAttached())
public void success(API.Item[] response) {
if (isViewAttached())
Mosby Presenter implementation:
MainActivityView interface:
public class MainPresenter extends RxPresenter<MainActivity> {
private static final int REQUEST_ITEMS_RESTARTABLE_ID = 1;
public void onCreate(Bundle savedState) {
new Func0<Observable<ServerAPI.Response>>() {
public Observable<ServerAPI.Response> call() {
return App.getServerAPI()
.getItems(“request Argument”)
new Action2<MainActivity, ServerAPI.Response>() {
public void call(MainActivity activity, ServerAPI.Response response) {
activity.setData(response.items, “requestArgument”);
new Action2<MainActivity, Throwable>() {
public void call(MainActivity activity, Throwable throwable) {
if (savedState == null)
// Public
public void loadData() {
Nucleus Presenter implementation:
Mosby vs Nucleus
An important difference
Nucleus presenter had an onCreate() method which means that some kind of lifecycle exists
Mosby on the other hand does not retain Presenters in any way
Mosby vs Nucleus
Main concepts and differences
Custom annotations to inject presenters
RxJava/observables used and mandatory
No separate interface for view actions
Presenters have a primitive lifecycle
All running tasks reattached automatically
Presenters can survive an activity recreation
Based on delegation so one can use delegates
to integrate it in a custom way
Presenters must be explicitly provided
MvpView as API for view related methods
Presenters independent from view’s lifecycle
Previous running tasks not restored
Presenters are not retained in any way
Based on delegation so one can use delegates
to integrate it in a custom way
ViewState provided to restore UI state
RxJava/observables not mandatory
Mosby was more documented and
embraced from the community
Skroutz App Categories screen
Main concepts
One placeholder activity hosting Categories fragment
Network call to API’s Categories endpoint
Endpoint requires/provides paging
Retrofit (and OkHttp) used
Both orientations supported
One RecyclerView to display data
CategoriesFragment MVC implementation
public class CategoriesFragment extends Fragment implements AdapterView.OnItemClickListener {
private AbstractRecyclerViewAdapter<Category> mAdapter;
private Paginator mPaginator = new Paginator();
private boolean mIsAlreadyLoading= false;
public void onActivityCreated(@Nullable final Bundle savedInstanceState) {
mCategory = getActivity().getIntent().getParcelableExtra(KEY_BUNDLE_CATEGORY);
public void onDestroy() {
private void setData(List<Category> list) {
if (list == null){
private void showLoading() {............}
private void showContent() {............}
private void showError(SKError error) {............}
private void loadData() {
if (mPaginator.isPagesCompleted())
if (mIsAlreadyLoading)
mIsAlreadyLoading = true;
Category.fetchSubCategories(, + 1,
private final SKCallback<ResponseCategories> mApiCallback = new
SKCallback<ResponseCategories>() {
public void failure(final SKError error) {
mIsAlreadyLoading = false;
public void success(ResponseCategories response) {
mIsAlreadyLoading = false;
mPaginator = response.meta.paginator;
CategoriesFragment MVC implementation review
Unneeded complexity, no separation of concerns!
Everything takes place in Fragment (View). Network calls, interface handling..
Paginator (part of business logic) included and preserved in View
Memory leaks and random crashes detected
UI flow for orientation change was broken
View is not dumb but absolutely stateful
Mosby implementation
CategoriesFragment Mosby implementation
public class CategoriesFragment extends MvpFragment<CategoriesView, CategoriesPresenter,
Category> implements CategoriesView{
private AbstractRecyclerViewAdapter<Category> mAdapter;
public void onActivityCreated(@Nullable final Bundle savedInstanceState) {
mCategory = getActivity().getIntent().getParcelableExtra(KEY_BUNDLE_CATEGORY);
if (savedInstanceState != null) {
if (getSavedDataFromBundle() != null) {
public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) {
outState.putParcelableArrayList(KEY_BUNDLE_DATA, (ArrayList<Category>) mAdapter.getData());
public CategoriesPresenter createPresenter() {
return new CategoriesPresenter();
public void loadData() {
public void setData(List<Category> list) {
public void showLoading() {............}
public void showContent() {............}
public void showError(SKError error) {............}
CategoryPresenter and CategoryView - Mosby
public class CategoryPresenter extends MvpBasePresenter<CategoryView> {
// Attributes
private boolean mIsLoadingMore = false;
private Paginator mPaginator = new Paginator();
public void onRestoreInstanceState(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
mPaginator = savedInstanceState.getParcelable(KEY_BUNDLE_PAGINATOR);
public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
savedInstanceState.putParcelable(KEY_BUNDLE_PAGINATOR, mPaginator);
public void loadData(final int categoryId, final boolean nextPageWanted) {
if (mPaginator.isPagesCompleted())
if (mIsLoadingMore)
mIsLoadingMore = true;
Category.fetchSubCategories(categoryId, + 1, mApiCallback);
private final SKCallback<ResponseCategories> mApiCallback = new
SKCallback<ResponseCategories>() {
public void failure(final SKError error) {
mIsLoadingMore = false;
if (isViewAttached())
public void success(ResponseCategories response) {
mIsLoadingMore = false;
mPaginator = response.meta.paginator;
if (response.categories == null) {
if (isViewAttached())
if (isViewAttached()) {
public interface CategoryView<List<Category>> extends MvpView {
void showLoading();
void showContent();
void showError(SKError error);
void setData(List<Category> data);
void loadData();
CategoryView interface
CategoriesFragment implementation review
Mosby implementation review
Low level of complexity
Code decoupling, test friendly
Paginator logic and model access moved to
Fragment cares only about displaying data
Memory leaks and random crashes
Reusable code because our presenter can
be used from other views
No UI flow interruptions, or unneeded
repeated network calls
Mosby implementation issues faced
Issues/limitation faced during
First versions of Mosby came with a lot of external libraries dependencies
First versions of Mosby were extending from
No available or proposed solution for the pagination pattern, so we have to save and restore
paginator variable from bundle (the only state being kept manually from the presenter)
We did not like that we have to store data to preserve a sane orientation change flow.
ViewState feature can save us from that but could not save us from paginator concept
problems. So, not an overall solution
Using Adapter Delegates in the
Skroutz application
George Metaxas
Skroutz Application facts
Skroutz is a moderate sized application, with a significant number of Android building blocks. The majority of the activities are simply fragment containers. Only a
couple of activities have actual real implementations (e.g. for supporting fragment ViewPagers).
Mostly fragment containers,
although some have actual UI
Most of the UI logic is
implemented in separate
consisting of
List Fragments
The majority of the fragments
display some sort of a list of
most of which
Migrating away from ListView
ListView limitations:
Support section headers
Buggy addHeader/addFooter when
setting adapter after header/footer
Need different components for switching
between lists and grids
Not very easy to handle multiple click
targets per cell
Multiple cell type support is cumbersome
But most important of all...
ListView is as old as
William Shakespeare
Transition to the RecyclerView component
Handling clicks and multiple click targets
Add headers
Add footers
Reuse Adapter code
Keep it DRY and free of spaghetti code
Support showing unrelated entities
Demo app shows how we
tackled the problem
First Iteration – use inheritance
OOP promotes inheritance naturally
Use different View Types (e.g
cell types) per subclass
Base adapter functionality
in generic superclasses
Extend in subclasses
Override getItemViewType for
managing new view types
Add/extend ViewHolders
Give access to existing ViewHolders
– across packages
Our demo app – Adapter Inheritance vs Adapter Delegates
screen - single object type view
Very basic navigation logic, click cell and open same
activity or a different one
Most common use case scenario
Show objects of type Category
Single RecyclerView with simple adapter
CategoriesAdapter implementation
public int getItemViewType(final int position) {
int baseItemViewType = super.getItemViewType(position);
if (baseItemViewType == INVALID_VIEW) {
return baseItemViewType;
public RecyclerView.ViewHolder onCreateViewHolder(final ViewGroup parent,
final int viewType) {
if (viewType == CATEGORY_VIEW_TYPE) {
final View newView = mInflater.inflate(R.layout.cell_category, parent, false);
return new CategoriesViewHolder(newView, mClickListener);
return super.onCreateViewHolder(parent, viewType);
CategoriesAdapter implementation (2)
public void onBindViewHolder(
final RecyclerView.ViewHolder holder, final int position) {
if (holder.getItemViewType() == CATEGORY_VIEW_TYPE) {
CategoriesViewHolder viewHolder = (CategoriesViewHolder) holder;
Category category = mData.get(position);
} else {
super.onBindViewHolder(holder, position);
static class CategoriesViewHolder extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder {
TextView categoryText;
CategoriesViewHolder(final View view, final View.OnClickListener onClickListener) {
categoryText = (TextView) view.findViewById(;
Our demo app - Adapter inheritance vs Adapter delegates
2nd screen - complex requirements
Different types of objects (Category vs Shop)
Style the same object type differently, according to
an object’s internal property
Reuse adapter code from the 1st
A more complex example – CategoriesAndShopAdapter
public RecyclerView.ViewHolder onCreateViewHolder(final ViewGroup parent, final int viewType) {
if (viewType == LEAF_CATEGORY_VIEW_TYPE) {
return new LeafCategoryViewHolder(mInflater.inflate(R.layout.cell_leaf_category,
parent, false), mClickListener);
} else if (viewType == SHOP_VIEW_TYPE) {
return new ShopViewHolder(mInflater.inflate(R.layout.cell_shop,parent, false),
return super.onCreateViewHolder(parent, viewType);
public int getItemViewType(final int position) {
if (position == DEFAULT_SHOP_POSITION) {
} else if (mData.get(position).isLeaf) {
return super.getItemViewType(position);
Our onBindViewHolder just got a bit more complex
public void onBindViewHolder(final RecyclerView.ViewHolder holder, final int position) {
if (holder.getItemViewType() == LEAF_CATEGORY_VIEW_TYPE) {
LeafCategoryViewHolder viewHolder =(LeafCategoryViewHolder) holder;
if (position % 2 == 0) {
} else {
} else if (holder.getItemViewType() == SHOP_VIEW_TYPE) {
ShopViewHolder viewHolder = (ShopViewHolder) holder;
} else {
super.onBindViewHolder(holder, position);
And don’t forget about the View Holders for the additional objects
static class ShopViewHolder extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder {
TextView shopText;
ShopViewHolder(final View view, View.OnClickListener listener) {
shopText = (TextView) view.findViewById(;
static class LeafCategoryViewHolder extends CategoriesViewHolder {
ImageView categoryIcon;
LeafCategoryViewHolder(final View view, View.OnClickListener listener) {
super(view, listener);
categoryIcon = (ImageView) view.findViewById(;
Scalability issues
Welcome to Adapter Hell!
Very cumbersome to extend - requires adapter modifications
Does not scale very well
Not what inheritance is all about
There has to be something better that we can do
Adapters become maintenance nightmares
Second Iteration - Use Adapter Delegates
A more appropriate solution
Favours composition over inheritance - delegates pattern
AdapterDelegates are orchestrated through an AdapterDelegatesManager
The decision about which cell will be rendered is given to the AdapterDelegates
Easy to extend
All view rendering logic is moved to the AdapterDelegates
Using AdapterDelegates
Migrating towards Adapter Delegates
Next initialise an instance of the AdapterDelegatesManager in your Base Adapter
In each adapter, create one AdapterDelegate per View Type
Override the base getItemViewType, onCreateViewHolder and onBindViewHolder and
delegate them to the AdapterDelegatesManager
First of all add the gradle dependency
Consider breaking down complex layouts into separate
AdapterDelegates (if possible)
Base Adapter Code
protected final AdapterDelegatesManager<List<T>> mAdapterDelegateManager;
public void onBindViewHolder(final RecyclerView.ViewHolder holder, final int position) {
mAdapterDelegateManager.onBindViewHolder(mData, position, holder);
public RecyclerView.ViewHolder onCreateViewHolder(final ViewGroup parent, final int
viewType) {
return mAdapterDelegateManager.onCreateViewHolder(parent, viewType);
public int getItemViewType(final int position) {
return mAdapterDelegateManager.getItemViewType(mData, position);
Modify the concrete adapter implementations - CategoriesAdapter
The CategoriesAdapter becomes empty!
Move the code for the onBindViewHolder, onCreateViewHolder, and the ViewHolder to a
new CategoriesAdapterDelegate class
The new class will implement the AdapterDelegate interface
Control when the adapter will be used by implementing the isForViewType method
Initialise the CategoriesAdapterDelegate in the Adapter and add its instance to the
public class CategoriesAdapter extends BaseAdapter<Category> {
public CategoriesAdapter(final Context context, final LayoutInflater layoutInflater,
final View.OnClickListener onClickListener, List<Category> data) {
super(context, layoutInflater, onClickListener);
mAdapterDelegateManager.addDelegate(new CategoriesAdapterDelegate(mContext, mInflater,
public class CategoriesAdapterDelegate implements AdapterDelegate<List<Category>>
public void onBindViewHolder(@NonNull final List<Category> items, final int position,
@NonNull final RecyclerView.ViewHolder holder) {
CategoriesViewHolder viewHolder = (CategoriesViewHolder) holder;
Category category = items.get(position);
public RecyclerView.ViewHolder onCreateViewHolder(final ViewGroup parent) {
return new CategoriesViewHolder(mInflater.inflate(R.layout.cell_category,
parent, false), mClickListener);
public boolean isForViewType(@NonNull final List<Category> items, final int position) {
return true;
What about our complex adapter? CategoriesAndShopAdapter
Modifying our complex adapter
Use inheritance and subclass the CategoriesAdapterDelegate for supporting the Leaf
Categories view type
Εxtract the Shop View type to an Adapter Delegate – cannot use it with our
AdapterDelegateManager – not the same generic type
Manage the Shop View Type and delegate everything else to the base class logic
Reuse CategoriesAdapterDelegate as a fallback delegate
public CategoriesAndShopAdapter(final Context context, final LayoutInflater layoutInflater,
final View.OnClickListener onClickListener,
final List<Category> data, final Shop shop) {
super(context, layoutInflater, onClickListener);
mAdapterDelegateManager.addDelegate(new LeafCategoriesAdapterDelegate(mContext, mInflater,
mAdapterDelegateManager.setDefaultDelegate(new CategoriesAdapterDelegate(mContext, mInflater,
mShopAdapterDelegate = new ShopAdapterDelegate(mContext, mInflater, mClickListener);
public int getItemViewType(final int position) {
if (position == 0) {
return super.getItemViewType(position);
CategoriesAndShopAdapter (2)
public RecyclerView.ViewHolder onCreateViewHolder(final ViewGroup parent, final int viewType) {
if (viewType == SHOP_VIEW_TYPE) {
return mShopAdapterDelegate.onCreateViewHolder(parent);
return mAdapterDelegateManager.onCreateViewHolder(parent, viewType);
public void onBindViewHolder(final RecyclerView.ViewHolder holder, final int position) {
if (holder.getItemViewType() == SHOP_VIEW_TYPE) {
mShopAdapterDelegate.onBindViewHolder(mShop, 0, holder);
} else {
mAdapterDelegateManager.onBindViewHolder(mData, position, holder);
public class LeafCategoriesAdapterDelegate extends CategoriesAdapterDelegate
public void onBindViewHolder(@NonNull final List<Category> items, final int position, @NonNull final
RecyclerView.ViewHolder holder) {
super.onBindViewHolder(items, position, holder);
LeafCategoryViewHolder viewHolder = (LeafCategoryViewHolder) holder;
if (position % 2 == 0) {
} else {
public boolean isForViewType(@NonNull final List<Category> items, final int position) {
return items.get(position).isLeaf;
public RecyclerView.ViewHolder onCreateViewHolder(final ViewGroup parent) {
return new LeafCategoryViewHolder(mInflater.inflate(R.layout.cell_leaf_category,parent, false),
public class ShopAdapterDelegate implements AdapterDelegate<Shop>
public void onBindViewHolder(@NonNull final Shop items, final int position, @NonNull final
RecyclerView.ViewHolder holder) {
ShopViewHolder viewHolder = (ShopViewHolder) holder;
public boolean isForViewType(@NonNull final Shop items, final int position) {
return true;
public RecyclerView.ViewHolder onCreateViewHolder(final ViewGroup parent) {
return new ShopViewHolder(mInflater.inflate(R.layout.cell_shop,parent, false),
AdapterDelegate - Retrospect
AdapterDelegate benefits:
Reduces the adapter complexity
Increased performance due to:
- Specialised (smaller) layouts
- Avoid excessive branching in onBindViewHolder
Reuse the code across different adapters
Easily extend adapter functionality
Code decoupling
AdapterDelegate – Retrospect (2)
AdapterDelegate limitations:
No easy support for displaying objects of completely different classes
At present, you cannot access AdapterDelegates in the DelegateManager
Skroutz Sample Application
Adapter Delegates Library code
Adapter Delegates Original Blog Post
MVP Library code:
MVP Original Blog Posts:
Q & A
Thank you
George Metaxas -
Chris Mpitzios -

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Skroutz Android MVP and Adapter Delegates presentation

  • 1. Using MVP in the Skroutz application Chris Mpitzios
  • 2. MVC approach and Skroutz Application facts Skroutz is a network intensive application. Almost all of its screens require communication with Skroutz API in order to fetch and display relevant data. ● 11% responsible for static content displaying. ● 89% responsible for network communication ● Only portrait orientation supported ● Average LOC for active presentation elements ≈500 lines (excluding placeholder activities) ● All network related screens follow the same view state pattern: ○ Load in the background ○ Display loading view ○ Display fetched data or an error message if needed 27 Screens
  • 3. Skroutz App with MVC Expectations from MVC approach: Good separation of concerns Clean, reusable, testable code Minimizing of spaghetti effect Keep code complexity low
  • 4. MVC does not fit Android
  • 5. Skroutz App with MVC Review of MVC approach: View just structures displayed interface High complexity - Spaghetti code - hard to test code- Unmaintainable state RESULT One god object responsible for everything MVC-View responsibilities move to Controller Controller should: data bind, manage animations, user interactions ……..
  • 6. Additional requirements Eliminate memory leaks Support orientation changes Define abstractions for repeated view flows (Load-Content-Error)
  • 7. Separates presentation layer from the logic Presenter: ● fetches, formats, delivers data to View ● instruct View for UI actions according to data ● keeps a reference to both View and Model View : ● completely passive ● displays data ● cannot access model MVP to the rescue Controller is part of the view View-Presenter -> one-to-one relationship Multiple Presenters for complex Views Next alternative
  • 8. Let's implement MVP How? Custom implementation or use an existing library? Check available implementations before reinventing the wheel Most popular implementations at the time were Mosby and Nucleus
  • 10. Mosby vs Nucleus public interface MainActivityView extends MvpView { void showLoading(); void setData(API.Item[] response); void showContent(); void showError(Throwable throwable); } public class MainPresenter extends MvpBasePresenter<MainActivityView> { // Public public void loadData() { return App.getRestAdapterInstance().getItems(mApiCallback); } private final Callback<API.Item[]> mApiCallback = new Callback<API.Item[]>() { @Override public void failure(final Throwable throwable) { if (isViewAttached()) getView().showError(throwable); } @Override public void success(API.Item[] response) { if (isViewAttached()) getView().setData(response); } }; } Mosby Presenter implementation: MainActivityView interface: public class MainPresenter extends RxPresenter<MainActivity> { private static final int REQUEST_ITEMS_RESTARTABLE_ID = 1; @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedState) { super.onCreate(savedState); restartableLatestCache(REQUEST_ITEMS_RESTARTABLE_ID, new Func0<Observable<ServerAPI.Response>>() { @Override public Observable<ServerAPI.Response> call() { return App.getServerAPI() .getItems(“request Argument”) .observeOn(AndroidSchedulers.mainThread()); } }, new Action2<MainActivity, ServerAPI.Response>() { @Override public void call(MainActivity activity, ServerAPI.Response response) { activity.setData(response.items, “requestArgument”); } }, new Action2<MainActivity, Throwable>() { @Override public void call(MainActivity activity, Throwable throwable) { activity.showError(throwable); } }); if (savedState == null) start(REQUEST_ITEMS_RESTARTABLE_ID); } // Public public void loadData() { start(REQUEST_ITEMS_RESTARTABLE_ID); } } Nucleus Presenter implementation:
  • 11. Mosby vs Nucleus An important difference Nucleus presenter had an onCreate() method which means that some kind of lifecycle exists Mosby on the other hand does not retain Presenters in any way
  • 12. Mosby vs Nucleus Main concepts and differences Custom annotations to inject presenters Nucleus:Mosby: RxJava/observables used and mandatory No separate interface for view actions Presenters have a primitive lifecycle All running tasks reattached automatically Presenters can survive an activity recreation Based on delegation so one can use delegates to integrate it in a custom way Presenters must be explicitly provided MvpView as API for view related methods Presenters independent from view’s lifecycle Previous running tasks not restored Presenters are not retained in any way Based on delegation so one can use delegates to integrate it in a custom way ViewState provided to restore UI state RxJava/observables not mandatory Mosby was more documented and embraced from the community
  • 13. Skroutz App Categories screen Main concepts One placeholder activity hosting Categories fragment Network call to API’s Categories endpoint Endpoint requires/provides paging Retrofit (and OkHttp) used Both orientations supported One RecyclerView to display data
  • 14. CategoriesFragment MVC implementation public class CategoriesFragment extends Fragment implements AdapterView.OnItemClickListener { private AbstractRecyclerViewAdapter<Category> mAdapter; private Paginator mPaginator = new Paginator(); private boolean mIsAlreadyLoading= false; @Override public void onActivityCreated(@Nullable final Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onActivityCreated(savedInstanceState); mCategory = getActivity().getIntent().getParcelableExtra(KEY_BUNDLE_CATEGORY); loadData(); } @Override public void onDestroy() { super.onDestroy(); mApiCallback.invalidate(); } private void setData(List<Category> list) { if (list == null){ showError(SKError.noResultsError()); return; } mAdapter.addData(list); mAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); showError(null); } private void showLoading() {............} private void showContent() {............} private void showError(SKError error) {............} private void loadData() { if (mPaginator.isPagesCompleted()) return; if (mIsAlreadyLoading) return; mIsAlreadyLoading = true; showLoading(); Category.fetchSubCategories(, + 1, mApiCallback); } private final SKCallback<ResponseCategories> mApiCallback = new SKCallback<ResponseCategories>() { @Override public void failure(final SKError error) { mIsAlreadyLoading = false; showError(error); } @Override public void success(ResponseCategories response) { mIsAlreadyLoading = false; mPaginator = response.meta.paginator; setData(response.categories); showContent() } };
  • 15. CategoriesFragment MVC implementation review Unneeded complexity, no separation of concerns! Everything takes place in Fragment (View). Network calls, interface handling.. Paginator (part of business logic) included and preserved in View Memory leaks and random crashes detected UI flow for orientation change was broken View is not dumb but absolutely stateful
  • 17. CategoriesFragment Mosby implementation public class CategoriesFragment extends MvpFragment<CategoriesView, CategoriesPresenter, Category> implements CategoriesView{ private AbstractRecyclerViewAdapter<Category> mAdapter; @Override public void onActivityCreated(@Nullable final Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onActivityCreated(savedInstanceState); mCategory = getActivity().getIntent().getParcelableExtra(KEY_BUNDLE_CATEGORY); if (savedInstanceState != null) { presenter.onRestoreInstanceState(savedInstanceState); if (getSavedDataFromBundle() != null) { setData(getSavedDataFromBundle()); return; } } loadData(); } @Override public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) { super.onSaveInstanceState(outState); presenter.onSaveInstanceState(outState); outState.putParcelableArrayList(KEY_BUNDLE_DATA, (ArrayList<Category>) mAdapter.getData()); } @Override public CategoriesPresenter createPresenter() { return new CategoriesPresenter(); } @Override public void loadData() { presenter.loadData(; } @Override public void setData(List<Category> list) { mAdapter.addData(list); mAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); showError(null); } @Override public void showLoading() {............} @Override public void showContent() {............} @Override public void showError(SKError error) {............}
  • 18. CategoryPresenter and CategoryView - Mosby public class CategoryPresenter extends MvpBasePresenter<CategoryView> { // Attributes private boolean mIsLoadingMore = false; private Paginator mPaginator = new Paginator(); public void onRestoreInstanceState(Bundle savedInstanceState) { mPaginator = savedInstanceState.getParcelable(KEY_BUNDLE_PAGINATOR); } public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle savedInstanceState) { savedInstanceState.putParcelable(KEY_BUNDLE_PAGINATOR, mPaginator); } public void loadData(final int categoryId, final boolean nextPageWanted) { if (mPaginator.isPagesCompleted()) return; if (mIsLoadingMore) return; mIsLoadingMore = true; getView().showLoading(true); Category.fetchSubCategories(categoryId, + 1, mApiCallback); } } private final SKCallback<ResponseCategories> mApiCallback = new SKCallback<ResponseCategories>() { @Override public void failure(final SKError error) { mIsLoadingMore = false; if (isViewAttached()) getView().showError(error); } @Override public void success(ResponseCategories response) { mIsLoadingMore = false; mPaginator = response.meta.paginator; if (response.categories == null) { if (isViewAttached()) getView().showError(SKError.noResultsError()); return; } if (isViewAttached()) { getView().setData(response.categories); getView().showContent(); } } }; public interface CategoryView<List<Category>> extends MvpView { void showLoading(); void showContent(); void showError(SKError error); void setData(List<Category> data); void loadData(); } CategoryView interface
  • 19. CategoriesFragment implementation review Mosby implementation review Low level of complexity Code decoupling, test friendly Paginator logic and model access moved to Presenter Fragment cares only about displaying data (dumb-stateless) Memory leaks and random crashes minimized Reusable code because our presenter can be used from other views No UI flow interruptions, or unneeded repeated network calls
  • 20. Mosby implementation issues faced Issues/limitation faced during implementation First versions of Mosby came with a lot of external libraries dependencies First versions of Mosby were extending from AppCompatActivity No available or proposed solution for the pagination pattern, so we have to save and restore paginator variable from bundle (the only state being kept manually from the presenter) We did not like that we have to store data to preserve a sane orientation change flow. ViewState feature can save us from that but could not save us from paginator concept problems. So, not an overall solution
  • 21. Using Adapter Delegates in the Skroutz application George Metaxas
  • 22. Skroutz Application facts Skroutz is a moderate sized application, with a significant number of Android building blocks. The majority of the activities are simply fragment containers. Only a couple of activities have actual real implementations (e.g. for supporting fragment ViewPagers). 13 Activities Mostly fragment containers, although some have actual UI logic 24 Fragments Most of the UI logic is implemented in separate fragments. consisting of 15 List Fragments The majority of the fragments display some sort of a list of items most of which are
  • 23. Migrating away from ListView ListView limitations: Support section headers Buggy addHeader/addFooter when setting adapter after header/footer Need different components for switching between lists and grids Not very easy to handle multiple click targets per cell Multiple cell type support is cumbersome But most important of all...
  • 24. ListView is as old as Shakespeare William Shakespeare
  • 25. Transition to the RecyclerView component Requirements Handling clicks and multiple click targets Add headers Add footers Reuse Adapter code Keep it DRY and free of spaghetti code Support showing unrelated entities Demo app shows how we tackled the problem
  • 26. First Iteration – use inheritance OOP promotes inheritance naturally Use different View Types (e.g cell types) per subclass Base adapter functionality in generic superclasses Extend in subclasses Override getItemViewType for managing new view types Add/extend ViewHolders Give access to existing ViewHolders – across packages
  • 27. Our demo app – Adapter Inheritance vs Adapter Delegates 1st screen - single object type view Very basic navigation logic, click cell and open same activity or a different one Most common use case scenario Show objects of type Category Single RecyclerView with simple adapter
  • 28. CategoriesAdapter implementation @Override public int getItemViewType(final int position) { int baseItemViewType = super.getItemViewType(position); if (baseItemViewType == INVALID_VIEW) { return CATEGORY_VIEW_TYPE; } return baseItemViewType; } @Override public RecyclerView.ViewHolder onCreateViewHolder(final ViewGroup parent, final int viewType) { if (viewType == CATEGORY_VIEW_TYPE) { final View newView = mInflater.inflate(R.layout.cell_category, parent, false); return new CategoriesViewHolder(newView, mClickListener); } return super.onCreateViewHolder(parent, viewType); }
  • 29. CategoriesAdapter implementation (2) @Override public void onBindViewHolder( final RecyclerView.ViewHolder holder, final int position) { if (holder.getItemViewType() == CATEGORY_VIEW_TYPE) { CategoriesViewHolder viewHolder = (CategoriesViewHolder) holder; Category category = mData.get(position); viewHolder.categoryText.setText(; viewHolder.itemView.setTag(category); } else { super.onBindViewHolder(holder, position); } } static class CategoriesViewHolder extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder { TextView categoryText; CategoriesViewHolder(final View view, final View.OnClickListener onClickListener) { super(view); categoryText = (TextView) view.findViewById(; view.setOnClickListener(onClickListener); } }
  • 30. Our demo app - Adapter inheritance vs Adapter delegates 2nd screen - complex requirements Different types of objects (Category vs Shop) Style the same object type differently, according to an object’s internal property Reuse adapter code from the 1st screen
  • 31. A more complex example – CategoriesAndShopAdapter @Override public RecyclerView.ViewHolder onCreateViewHolder(final ViewGroup parent, final int viewType) { if (viewType == LEAF_CATEGORY_VIEW_TYPE) { return new LeafCategoryViewHolder(mInflater.inflate(R.layout.cell_leaf_category, parent, false), mClickListener); } else if (viewType == SHOP_VIEW_TYPE) { return new ShopViewHolder(mInflater.inflate(R.layout.cell_shop,parent, false), mClickListener); } return super.onCreateViewHolder(parent, viewType); } @Override public int getItemViewType(final int position) { if (position == DEFAULT_SHOP_POSITION) { return SHOP_VIEW_TYPE; } else if (mData.get(position).isLeaf) { return LEAF_CATEGORY_VIEW_TYPE; } return super.getItemViewType(position); }
  • 32. Our onBindViewHolder just got a bit more complex @Override public void onBindViewHolder(final RecyclerView.ViewHolder holder, final int position) { if (holder.getItemViewType() == LEAF_CATEGORY_VIEW_TYPE) { LeafCategoryViewHolder viewHolder =(LeafCategoryViewHolder) holder; viewHolder.categoryText.setText(mData.get(position).name); if (position % 2 == 0) { viewHolder.categoryIcon.setImageDrawable(mPlayDrawable); } else { viewHolder.categoryIcon.setImageDrawable(mSaveDrawable); } } else if (holder.getItemViewType() == SHOP_VIEW_TYPE) { ShopViewHolder viewHolder = (ShopViewHolder) holder; viewHolder.shopText.setText(; viewHolder.itemView.setTag(mShop); } else { super.onBindViewHolder(holder, position); } }
  • 33. And don’t forget about the View Holders for the additional objects static class ShopViewHolder extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder { TextView shopText; ShopViewHolder(final View view, View.OnClickListener listener) { super(view); shopText = (TextView) view.findViewById(; view.setOnClickListener(listener); } } static class LeafCategoryViewHolder extends CategoriesViewHolder { ImageView categoryIcon; LeafCategoryViewHolder(final View view, View.OnClickListener listener) { super(view, listener); categoryIcon = (ImageView) view.findViewById(; } }
  • 34. Scalability issues Welcome to Adapter Hell! Very cumbersome to extend - requires adapter modifications Does not scale very well Not what inheritance is all about There has to be something better that we can do Adapters become maintenance nightmares
  • 35. Second Iteration - Use Adapter Delegates A more appropriate solution Favours composition over inheritance - delegates pattern AdapterDelegates are orchestrated through an AdapterDelegatesManager The decision about which cell will be rendered is given to the AdapterDelegates Easy to extend All view rendering logic is moved to the AdapterDelegates
  • 36. Using AdapterDelegates Migrating towards Adapter Delegates Next initialise an instance of the AdapterDelegatesManager in your Base Adapter In each adapter, create one AdapterDelegate per View Type Override the base getItemViewType, onCreateViewHolder and onBindViewHolder and delegate them to the AdapterDelegatesManager First of all add the gradle dependency Consider breaking down complex layouts into separate AdapterDelegates (if possible)
  • 37. Base Adapter Code protected final AdapterDelegatesManager<List<T>> mAdapterDelegateManager; @Override public void onBindViewHolder(final RecyclerView.ViewHolder holder, final int position) { mAdapterDelegateManager.onBindViewHolder(mData, position, holder); } @Override public RecyclerView.ViewHolder onCreateViewHolder(final ViewGroup parent, final int viewType) { return mAdapterDelegateManager.onCreateViewHolder(parent, viewType); } @Override public int getItemViewType(final int position) { return mAdapterDelegateManager.getItemViewType(mData, position); }
  • 38. Modify the concrete adapter implementations - CategoriesAdapter The CategoriesAdapter becomes empty! Move the code for the onBindViewHolder, onCreateViewHolder, and the ViewHolder to a new CategoriesAdapterDelegate class The new class will implement the AdapterDelegate interface Control when the adapter will be used by implementing the isForViewType method Initialise the CategoriesAdapterDelegate in the Adapter and add its instance to the AdapterDelegatesManager
  • 39. CategoriesAdapter public class CategoriesAdapter extends BaseAdapter<Category> { public CategoriesAdapter(final Context context, final LayoutInflater layoutInflater, final View.OnClickListener onClickListener, List<Category> data) { super(context, layoutInflater, onClickListener); mAdapterDelegateManager.addDelegate(new CategoriesAdapterDelegate(mContext, mInflater, mClickListener)); } }
  • 40. CategoriesAdapterDelegate public class CategoriesAdapterDelegate implements AdapterDelegate<List<Category>> @Override public void onBindViewHolder(@NonNull final List<Category> items, final int position, @NonNull final RecyclerView.ViewHolder holder) { CategoriesViewHolder viewHolder = (CategoriesViewHolder) holder; Category category = items.get(position); viewHolder.categoryText.setText(; viewHolder.itemView.setTag(category); } @NonNull @Override public RecyclerView.ViewHolder onCreateViewHolder(final ViewGroup parent) { return new CategoriesViewHolder(mInflater.inflate(R.layout.cell_category, parent, false), mClickListener); } @Override public boolean isForViewType(@NonNull final List<Category> items, final int position) { return true; }
  • 41. What about our complex adapter? CategoriesAndShopAdapter Modifying our complex adapter Use inheritance and subclass the CategoriesAdapterDelegate for supporting the Leaf Categories view type Εxtract the Shop View type to an Adapter Delegate – cannot use it with our AdapterDelegateManager – not the same generic type Manage the Shop View Type and delegate everything else to the base class logic Reuse CategoriesAdapterDelegate as a fallback delegate
  • 42. CategoriesAndShopAdapter public CategoriesAndShopAdapter(final Context context, final LayoutInflater layoutInflater, final View.OnClickListener onClickListener, final List<Category> data, final Shop shop) { super(context, layoutInflater, onClickListener); mAdapterDelegateManager.addDelegate(new LeafCategoriesAdapterDelegate(mContext, mInflater, mClickListener)); mAdapterDelegateManager.setDefaultDelegate(new CategoriesAdapterDelegate(mContext, mInflater, mClickListener)); mShopAdapterDelegate = new ShopAdapterDelegate(mContext, mInflater, mClickListener); } @Override public int getItemViewType(final int position) { if (position == 0) { return SHOP_VIEW_TYPE; } return super.getItemViewType(position); }
  • 43. CategoriesAndShopAdapter (2) @Override public RecyclerView.ViewHolder onCreateViewHolder(final ViewGroup parent, final int viewType) { if (viewType == SHOP_VIEW_TYPE) { return mShopAdapterDelegate.onCreateViewHolder(parent); } return mAdapterDelegateManager.onCreateViewHolder(parent, viewType); } @Override public void onBindViewHolder(final RecyclerView.ViewHolder holder, final int position) { if (holder.getItemViewType() == SHOP_VIEW_TYPE) { mShopAdapterDelegate.onBindViewHolder(mShop, 0, holder); } else { mAdapterDelegateManager.onBindViewHolder(mData, position, holder); } }
  • 44. LeafCategoriesAdapterDelegate public class LeafCategoriesAdapterDelegate extends CategoriesAdapterDelegate @Override public void onBindViewHolder(@NonNull final List<Category> items, final int position, @NonNull final RecyclerView.ViewHolder holder) { super.onBindViewHolder(items, position, holder); LeafCategoryViewHolder viewHolder = (LeafCategoryViewHolder) holder; if (position % 2 == 0) { viewHolder.categoryIcon.setImageDrawable(mPlayDrawable); } else { viewHolder.categoryIcon.setImageDrawable(mSaveDrawable); } } @Override public boolean isForViewType(@NonNull final List<Category> items, final int position) { return items.get(position).isLeaf; } @NonNull @Override public RecyclerView.ViewHolder onCreateViewHolder(final ViewGroup parent) { return new LeafCategoryViewHolder(mInflater.inflate(R.layout.cell_leaf_category,parent, false), mClickListener); }
  • 45. ShopAdapterDelegate public class ShopAdapterDelegate implements AdapterDelegate<Shop> @Override public void onBindViewHolder(@NonNull final Shop items, final int position, @NonNull final RecyclerView.ViewHolder holder) { ShopViewHolder viewHolder = (ShopViewHolder) holder; viewHolder.shopText.setText(; viewHolder.itemView.setTag(items); } @Override public boolean isForViewType(@NonNull final Shop items, final int position) { return true; } @NonNull @Override public RecyclerView.ViewHolder onCreateViewHolder(final ViewGroup parent) { return new ShopViewHolder(mInflater.inflate(R.layout.cell_shop,parent, false), mClickListener); }
  • 46. AdapterDelegate - Retrospect AdapterDelegate benefits: Reduces the adapter complexity Increased performance due to: - Specialised (smaller) layouts - Avoid excessive branching in onBindViewHolder Reuse the code across different adapters Easily extend adapter functionality Code decoupling
  • 47. AdapterDelegate – Retrospect (2) AdapterDelegate limitations: No easy support for displaying objects of completely different classes At present, you cannot access AdapterDelegates in the DelegateManager
  • 48. Skroutz Sample Application Resources Adapter Delegates Library code Adapter Delegates Original Blog Post MVP Library code: MVP Original Blog Posts:
  • 49. Q & A Thank you George Metaxas - Chris Mpitzios -