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An introduction to the Ruby programming language

               LPOO — MIEIC — FEUP

                     May 2011
     Created by Yukihiru “Matz” Matsumoto, in Japan
     Perl + SmallTalk + Eiffel + Ada + Lisp = Ruby

“I wanted a scripting language that was more powerful than Perl, and more object-oriented than Python.” — matz
  Interpreted language, with many implementations: YARV , Rubinius , JRuby , etc

  Functional, object-oriented, imperative and reflective

  Dynamically typed, with automatic garbage collection, exception handling and
built-in unit testing

  Optimized for programmer productivity and happiness

def hello_world()
  return "Hello world!"


def hello_world # no need for ()
  "Hello world!" # implicit return

hello_world # no need for ()

class HelloWorld
  def say
    "Hello world done right!"

hello_world_object =
It's object-oriented

class Lecture
  def initialize(name = "TBA", duration_in_minutes = 60)
    @name = name
    @duration = duration_in_minutes/60.0;

  def description
    "Name: #{@name}nDuration: #{@duration} hours"

lecture ="Ruby", 45)
It's really object-oriented

// Java
maximum = Math.max(1, 3)

# Ruby
maximum = [1, 3].max
It's really object-oriented

# Python
positive = abs(num)

# Ruby
positive = num.abs
It's really object-oriented

// C
length = strlen(name)

# Ruby
length = name.length
It's really object-oriented
In Ruby, all functions and most operators are methods of an object

In Python, for instance, some functions are procedural
Classes themselves are instances of Class
It's really object-oriented
Ruby has a permanent notion of the current object : self

self controls how Ruby accesses instance variables

All method calls are made on some object, called the receiver

If no receiver is specified, self is used — it is implicit!
It's really object-oriented

# self is "main", an instance of Object
class MyClass
  # self is MyClass

  def my_method
    # self will depend on the receiver for this method

# self is "main" again, so my_object exists in the main scope
my_object =

# explicit receiver, so self will be my_object inside my_method
 Store indexed collections of objects accessible through an integer key

 Can contain objects with different classes simultaneously

# array
a = [1, "second", 3.14]
  Store indexed collections of objects accessible through a key which can be any

  Slightly less efficient but much more flexible

# hash
h = {
  "string"    =>   [3,4,5],
  2           =>   "everything can be a value!",
  [1,2]       =>   "everything can be a key!"
 A significant name, generally a static variable

// java
static final int NORTH = 1;
// ... more code

# ruby

 No need to predeclare these constants, they are unique

return true if direction == :north
Control Structures

# if
if score.between?(100, 199)
  puts "You rock!"
elsif score < 50
  puts "You suck!"
  puts "Meh"

# while
while score < 100
  puts "You're almost there! Try again..."
  # ...

# more goodness with unless, until, case, for, etc

# and awesome shortcuts like statement modifiers
puts "You cheated!" if score >= 200
Blocks and Iterators
 A chuck of code enclosed between { } or do/end keywords
 Similar to the concept of anonymous methods

 Can take parameters

 Can be passed to methods as arguments (at the end, like an extra parameter)

sum = 0
(1..5).each do |n| # same as [1,2,3,4,5]
  sum += n

# same thing with { }
sum = 0
(1..5).each { |n| sum += n }
Blocks as Objects
 Can be converted into objects
 Can be stored in variables, pass them around, invoke them whenever you want

 Great for implementing callbacks, dispatch tables, etc

class BlockAsObject
  def store_block(&my_block)
    @stored_block = my_block # converted to Proc

  def use_block(parameter)

foo =
foo.store_block { |param| "The block was called with " + param }
Blocks as Closures
 They can use local variables from the surrounding scope

def powers_of_2_proc
  value = 1
  lambda { value += value }

powers_of_2 = powers_of_2_proc     #   2     #   4     #   will return 8!

 So, powers_of_2_proc returns a Proc that references value
 When the block is called, value is out of scope

 The block is still able to access it (and will be for the remaining life of this block)
  In many languages, collections implement methods to generate external iterator

// C++
for (std::vector<int>::iterator i=list.begin(); i!=list.end(); i++) {
  // code
  In many languages, collections implement methods to generate external iterator

// C#
IEnumerator<int> i = list.GetEnumerator();
while (i.MoveNext()) {
  // code
  In many languages, collections implement methods to generate external iterator

// Java
Iterator i = list.iterator();
while (i.hasNext()) {
  // code
 When coming from other languages, many people iterate collections like this:

# familiar?
for i in 0..2
  number = array[i][0]
  word   = array[i][1]

  puts "#{word}: #{number}"
  However, there's another approach:

# the "ruby way", with a lot less coupling
array.each do |word, number|
  puts "#{word}: #{number}"

 The “Ruby way” is different: an iterator is internal to the collection... it's just a
method that calls yield every time it generates a new value
 Ruby provides a lot of useful iterators: each, map , inject , etc

 But you can build your own

def fib(max)
  i1, i2 = 1, 1 # parallel assignment
  while i1 <= max
    yield i1
    i1, i2 = i2, i1+i2

result = ""
fib(1337) { |n| result += "#{n} " }
Ruby's internal iterators aren't necessarily the best solution
What if you need the iterator to be an object?

What if you want to iterate multiple collections simultaneously?
 When iterators aren't suitable, you can resort to enumerators
 To put it simply, an enumerator is an external iterator

array = ["my", 1337, "array"]
enumerator = array.to_enum # same as "enumerator = array.each" # returns "my" and moves to the next element
 Most internal iterators are can be used as enumerators

string = "le fu"
enumerator = string.each_char # returns "l" and moves to the next char # returns "e" and moves to the next char
Containers, containers, containers!
  Blocks and iterators are core concepts of Ruby

  With practice, you'll start building classes that iterate over their contents instead
of using the conventional looping constructs

  It might seem complicated at first, but you'll start using these features naturally

  Easy to read and maintain

class SuperClass
  def hello_world
    "Hello world!"

class SubClass < SuperClass

superclass =
subclass   =

"Hello world from the superclass: #{superclass.hello_world}n" +
"Hello world from the subclass : #{subclass.hello_world}"
Single inheritance, unlike C++
Top-level classes are subclasses of Object , which is a subclass of BasicObject

Classes have built-in functionality because they inherited it!
 Modules provide a namespace, avoiding name collisions

module MyModule # a module has it all
  MY_CONSTANT = "my constant" # constants

 def my_method # methods

  class MyClass # and classes

namespaced =

 Modules have another wonderful use: mixins
Mixins and Inheritance
  Some OO languages support multiple inheritance (C++, Lisp, Python, etc)

  This is very powerful, but can be troublesome because of inheritance ambiguity

  Ruby offers a great compromise: the simplicity of single inheritance and the
power of multiple inheritance
 include is used to mix modules into classes or other modules

module ToBeIncluded
  def foo

class MyClass
  include ToBeIncluded

object =
 extend is used to add instance methods to a given object

module ToBeIncluded
  def foo

class MyClass

object =
object.extend ToBeIncluded
 extend is also used to mix instance methods into a class

module ToBeIncluded
  def foo

class MyClass
  extend ToBeIncluded

module StringHelpers                       class Over9000Number < Number
  def stringify                              include StringHelpers
    if self.value > 9000
      "Over 9000!"                           def initialize(value)
    else                                       super(value + 9000)
      "Meh"                                  end
  end                                        def status
end                                            "Current status: "+stringify
class Number                               end
  attr_reader :value
                                           number =
  def initialize(value)                    number.status
    @value = value                         # => "Current status: Over 9000!"

 Inherit from one class, include functionality from multiple modules — mixins !
Inheritance, Mixins and Design
Ruby allows you to right code once and inject it into multiple places

When to use each?

         You should be able to replace a parent object with a child object, honoring
      its contract

        A child object is a kind of the parent (an apple is a fruit)

        In the real world, strict hierarchies are restrictive... we need composition!


        For composition: A has a B, or A uses a B

        Exclusively using mixins can be messy — both should be combined
Inheritance, Mixis and Design
 Each of them serves its purpose, our job is to use the appropriately

 None of these make any sense:

class Person < DataWrapper

class Banana
  include FruitProperties

 Think before you type
    Ruby is very powerful when it comes to examining the aspects of a program
  within itself
     It can discover information about:
           What objects exist

           All class hierarchies

           Attributes and methods of all objects

           Information about methods

“When you introspect, you think about your thoughts and feelings. This is interesting because you're using thought to
                                        analyze thought.” — Dave Thomas
Reflection and Objects
 You can transverse all living objects:

ObjectSpace.each_object(Float) { |x| puts x }
Reflection and Objects
 You can look inside objects:



Reflection and Objects
 You can invoke any method by name using send :

a = [1,2,3]
a.send(a.private_methods.first.to_sym) # "initialize"
a # now it's empty!
Reflection and Objects
 Another way is to use the Method class:

a = [1,2,3]
constructor = a.method(:initialize)

 You get a Method object which you can store, pass around and call anytime!
Reflection and Classes
 It's also possible to look inside classes:

String.ancestors # all superclasses and mixed-in modules
Reflection and Classes
 It's also possible to look inside classes:

klass = String
result = klass.to_s
  klass = klass.superclass
  result += " < " + klass.to_s
end while klass.superclass
Reflection and Classes
 It's also possible to look inside classes:




Fixnum.instance_methods(false) # private/protected/public prefix
Reflection and the Program's
  Ruby let's you look at the interpreter while it executes your code

set_trace_func lambda { |event, file, line, id, binding, classname|
  printf "%8s %s:%s-2d %-15sn", event, file, line, classname, id

# all code is traced from now on

 And you can also get the current call stack by using calling caller on your
Reflection and the Program's
  You can even get the current source file being executed with the __FILE__ special
variable, leading to an interesting Quine :


  A program that outputs itself!
  Ruby code can modify aspects of its own structure at runtime and it makes it all

  You've seen it before on this presentation: remember include and extend? Ruby is
effectively injecting their code into their receiver
Singleton Methods
  Ruby lets you define methods specific to a particular object

person = "person" # String object
def person.say_hi

  Magic? No. Ruby created an anonymous class (often called singleton class) based
on String and added the method say_hi to it
Singleton Class
 There are other ways of creating methods in an object's singleton class

person = "person"
class << person
  def say_hi
    "Hi there!"
Inherited Visibility
 The visibility of an inherited method can be changed

class SuperClass
    def my_private_method
      "U can't touch this"

class SubClass < SuperClass
  public :my_private_method

object =
object.my_private_method # not so private anymore
Inherited Visibility
  What's really happening is that Ruby is inserting a hidden proxy method in the
subclass that invokes the original method with super

class SubClass < SuperClass
  def my_private_method

  public :my_private_method

  super calls can access the parent's method regardless of its visibility
Defining Methods
  Ruby allows you to define methods at runtime using define_method

class BabyInfo
  ["cry", "eat", "poop"].each do |baby_action|
    define_method(baby_action) do
      "Of course, babies #{baby_action}"

baby_info =

  Methods can also be blocked/removed by calling undef_method and remove_method,
Class-level Macros
 Ruby has a few class-level macros that generate code behind the scenes

class Laptop
  attr_accessor :memory # injects a getter/setter for "memory"

 If you've used Ruby on Rails, you've probably dealt with associations

class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :comments
 Similarly to other languages, eval evaluates the passed Ruby expression(s)

course = "LPOO"
eval "'Hello ' + course + '!'"
Instance eval
  instance_eval allows you to evaluate Ruby expression(s) in the context of an

string = "cool man cool"
string.instance_eval "def shout; self.upcase; end"

  Remember: classes are instances of Class, so you can also use instance_eval with

Fixnum.instance_eval "def ten; 10; end"
Class eval
  As the name implies, class_eval can only be used with classes

  It evaluates the code as if you were in the context of the class definition

String.class_eval do
  def shout
string = "cool man cool"

  Note: eval, instance_eval and class_eval can take blocks as arguments as shown
Eval evilness
eval is slow

eval is dangerous

eval doesn't generally make sense, given all other metaprogramming facilities
  Ruby provides hook methods , called by the interpreter when a specific event
  Among all available hook methods —also known as callbacks —are:
      Method-related hooks: method_added, method_missing, method_removed, etc

      Class/Module-related hooks: const_missing, extended, included, inherited, etc

      Object marshaling and coercion hooks
Callbacks: method_missing
 Ruby allows you to act upon calls to undefined methods by using method missing

class BabyInfo
  ["cry", "eat", "poop"].each do |baby_action|
    define_method(baby_action) do
      "Of course, babies #{baby_action}"

  def method_missing(name, *args, &block)
    "Nope, babies don't #{name}"

baby_info =
Callbacks: inherited
 Ruby allows your classes to act when they're subclassed

class SuperClass
  @children = [] # class variable

 def self.inherited(child)
   @children << child

  def self.children
Callback: method calls
  Ruby allows you to intercept calls to specific methods:

class Object
  alias_method :old_to_s, :to_s
  def to_s
    result = self.old_to_s
    "Your modified to_s returned this (should be '"+result+"')"

object =

  This isn't a direct hook: you're copying the original method and inserting a hook
by yourself
Wrapping Up
  Ruby is an incredibly powerful language

  Many successful projects/products use it at their core: Ruby on Rails, God,
Redmine, etc

  You can add and remove code in a running process, redefine methods on the fly,
change their scope

  You can even modify basic types like String, Float or even Class and Object

   After using it for a while, you'll notice the lack of flexibility on static languages
like C++ or half-static languages like Java
 This presentation, for instance, is running on a Sinatra application
 And most of the shown code was executed in real time

 No? Then check this out:

class Lecture
  def initialize(name = "TBA")
    @name = name

  def finish
    "Finished at #{('%H:%M:%S')}!"

lecture ="Ruby")
       Programming Ruby 1.9 by Dave Thomas

       Metaprogramming Ruby by Paolo Perrotta

Mailing lists:
       Ruby-Talk (subscribe through Ruby's website)

       Ruby-pt (Google Groups)

       #ruby and #ruby-pt on Freenode

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Ruby — An introduction

  • 1. Ruby An introduction to the Ruby programming language LPOO — MIEIC — FEUP May 2011
  • 3. Ruby Created by Yukihiru “Matz” Matsumoto, in Japan Perl + SmallTalk + Eiffel + Ada + Lisp = Ruby “I wanted a scripting language that was more powerful than Perl, and more object-oriented than Python.” — matz
  • 4. Ruby Interpreted language, with many implementations: YARV , Rubinius , JRuby , etc Functional, object-oriented, imperative and reflective Dynamically typed, with automatic garbage collection, exception handling and built-in unit testing Optimized for programmer productivity and happiness
  • 6. Methods def hello_world() return "Hello world!" end hello_world()
  • 7. Methods def hello_world # no need for () "Hello world!" # implicit return end hello_world # no need for ()
  • 8. Classes class HelloWorld def say "Hello world done right!" end end hello_world_object = hello_world_object.say
  • 9. It's object-oriented class Lecture def initialize(name = "TBA", duration_in_minutes = 60) @name = name @duration = duration_in_minutes/60.0; end def description "Name: #{@name}nDuration: #{@duration} hours" end end lecture ="Ruby", 45) lecture.description
  • 10. It's really object-oriented // Java maximum = Math.max(1, 3) # Ruby maximum = [1, 3].max
  • 11. It's really object-oriented # Python positive = abs(num) # Ruby positive = num.abs
  • 12. It's really object-oriented // C length = strlen(name) # Ruby length = name.length
  • 13. It's really object-oriented In Ruby, all functions and most operators are methods of an object In Python, for instance, some functions are procedural Classes themselves are instances of Class
  • 14. It's really object-oriented Ruby has a permanent notion of the current object : self self controls how Ruby accesses instance variables All method calls are made on some object, called the receiver If no receiver is specified, self is used — it is implicit!
  • 15. It's really object-oriented # self is "main", an instance of Object class MyClass # self is MyClass def my_method # self will depend on the receiver for this method end end # self is "main" again, so my_object exists in the main scope my_object = # explicit receiver, so self will be my_object inside my_method my_object.my_method
  • 16. Arrays Store indexed collections of objects accessible through an integer key Can contain objects with different classes simultaneously # array a = [1, "second", 3.14] a[2]
  • 17. Hashes Store indexed collections of objects accessible through a key which can be any object Slightly less efficient but much more flexible # hash h = { "string" => [3,4,5], 2 => "everything can be a value!", [1,2] => "everything can be a key!" } h[[1,2]]
  • 18. Symbols A significant name, generally a static variable // java static final int NORTH = 1; // ... more code move(NORTH); # ruby move(:north) No need to predeclare these constants, they are unique return true if direction == :north
  • 19. Control Structures # if if score.between?(100, 199) puts "You rock!" elsif score < 50 puts "You suck!" else puts "Meh" end # while while score < 100 puts "You're almost there! Try again..." # ... end # more goodness with unless, until, case, for, etc # and awesome shortcuts like statement modifiers puts "You cheated!" if score >= 200
  • 21. Blocks A chuck of code enclosed between { } or do/end keywords Similar to the concept of anonymous methods Can take parameters Can be passed to methods as arguments (at the end, like an extra parameter) sum = 0 (1..5).each do |n| # same as [1,2,3,4,5] sum += n end sum # same thing with { } sum = 0 (1..5).each { |n| sum += n } sum
  • 22. Blocks as Objects Can be converted into objects Can be stored in variables, pass them around, invoke them whenever you want Great for implementing callbacks, dispatch tables, etc class BlockAsObject def store_block(&my_block) @stored_block = my_block # converted to Proc end def use_block(parameter) end end foo = foo.store_block { |param| "The block was called with " + param } foo.use_block("delay")
  • 23. Blocks as Closures They can use local variables from the surrounding scope def powers_of_2_proc value = 1 lambda { value += value } end powers_of_2 = powers_of_2_proc # 2 # 4 # will return 8! So, powers_of_2_proc returns a Proc that references value When the block is called, value is out of scope The block is still able to access it (and will be for the remaining life of this block)
  • 24. Iterators In many languages, collections implement methods to generate external iterator objects // C++ for (std::vector<int>::iterator i=list.begin(); i!=list.end(); i++) { // code }
  • 25. Iterators In many languages, collections implement methods to generate external iterator objects // C# IEnumerator<int> i = list.GetEnumerator(); while (i.MoveNext()) { // code }
  • 26. Iterators In many languages, collections implement methods to generate external iterator objects // Java Iterator i = list.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { // code }
  • 27. Iterators When coming from other languages, many people iterate collections like this: # familiar? for i in 0..2 number = array[i][0] word = array[i][1] puts "#{word}: #{number}" end
  • 28. Iterators However, there's another approach: # the "ruby way", with a lot less coupling array.each do |word, number| puts "#{word}: #{number}" end The “Ruby way” is different: an iterator is internal to the collection... it's just a method that calls yield every time it generates a new value
  • 29. Iterators Ruby provides a lot of useful iterators: each, map , inject , etc But you can build your own def fib(max) i1, i2 = 1, 1 # parallel assignment while i1 <= max yield i1 i1, i2 = i2, i1+i2 end end result = "" fib(1337) { |n| result += "#{n} " } result
  • 30. Iterators Ruby's internal iterators aren't necessarily the best solution What if you need the iterator to be an object? What if you want to iterate multiple collections simultaneously?
  • 31. Enumerators When iterators aren't suitable, you can resort to enumerators To put it simply, an enumerator is an external iterator array = ["my", 1337, "array"] enumerator = array.to_enum # same as "enumerator = array.each" # returns "my" and moves to the next element
  • 32. Enumerators Most internal iterators are can be used as enumerators string = "le fu" enumerator = string.each_char # returns "l" and moves to the next char # returns "e" and moves to the next char
  • 33. Containers, containers, containers! Blocks and iterators are core concepts of Ruby With practice, you'll start building classes that iterate over their contents instead of using the conventional looping constructs It might seem complicated at first, but you'll start using these features naturally Easy to read and maintain
  • 35. Inheritance class SuperClass def hello_world "Hello world!" end end class SubClass < SuperClass end superclass = subclass = "Hello world from the superclass: #{superclass.hello_world}n" + "Hello world from the subclass : #{subclass.hello_world}"
  • 36. Inheritance Single inheritance, unlike C++ Top-level classes are subclasses of Object , which is a subclass of BasicObject Classes have built-in functionality because they inherited it!
  • 37. Modules Modules provide a namespace, avoiding name collisions module MyModule # a module has it all MY_CONSTANT = "my constant" # constants def my_method # methods end class MyClass # and classes end end namespaced = Modules have another wonderful use: mixins
  • 38. Mixins and Inheritance Some OO languages support multiple inheritance (C++, Lisp, Python, etc) This is very powerful, but can be troublesome because of inheritance ambiguity Ruby offers a great compromise: the simplicity of single inheritance and the power of multiple inheritance
  • 39. Mixins include is used to mix modules into classes or other modules module ToBeIncluded def foo "bar" end end class MyClass include ToBeIncluded end object =
  • 40. Mixins extend is used to add instance methods to a given object module ToBeIncluded def foo "bar" end end class MyClass end object = object.extend ToBeIncluded
  • 41. Mixins extend is also used to mix instance methods into a class module ToBeIncluded def foo "bar" end end class MyClass extend ToBeIncluded end
  • 42. Mixins module StringHelpers class Over9000Number < Number def stringify include StringHelpers if self.value > 9000 "Over 9000!" def initialize(value) else super(value + 9000) "Meh" end end end def status end "Current status: "+stringify end class Number end attr_reader :value number = def initialize(value) number.status @value = value # => "Current status: Over 9000!" end end Inherit from one class, include functionality from multiple modules — mixins !
  • 43. Inheritance, Mixins and Design Ruby allows you to right code once and inject it into multiple places When to use each? Inheritance You should be able to replace a parent object with a child object, honoring its contract A child object is a kind of the parent (an apple is a fruit) In the real world, strict hierarchies are restrictive... we need composition! Mixins For composition: A has a B, or A uses a B Exclusively using mixins can be messy — both should be combined
  • 44. Inheritance, Mixis and Design Each of them serves its purpose, our job is to use the appropriately None of these make any sense: class Person < DataWrapper end class Banana include FruitProperties end Think before you type
  • 46. Reflection Ruby is very powerful when it comes to examining the aspects of a program within itself It can discover information about: What objects exist All class hierarchies Attributes and methods of all objects Information about methods “When you introspect, you think about your thoughts and feelings. This is interesting because you're using thought to analyze thought.” — Dave Thomas
  • 47. Reflection and Objects You can transverse all living objects: ObjectSpace.each_object(Float) { |x| puts x }
  • 48. Reflection and Objects You can look inside objects: [1,2,3].methods[0..4] [1,2,3].respond_to?(:to_s) [1,2,3].kind_of?(Hash)
  • 49. Reflection and Objects You can invoke any method by name using send : a = [1,2,3] a.send(a.private_methods.first.to_sym) # "initialize" a # now it's empty!
  • 50. Reflection and Objects Another way is to use the Method class: a = [1,2,3] constructor = a.method(:initialize) a You get a Method object which you can store, pass around and call anytime!
  • 51. Reflection and Classes It's also possible to look inside classes: String.ancestors # all superclasses and mixed-in modules
  • 52. Reflection and Classes It's also possible to look inside classes: klass = String result = klass.to_s begin klass = klass.superclass result += " < " + klass.to_s end while klass.superclass result
  • 53. Reflection and Classes It's also possible to look inside classes: Fixnum.constants Fixnum.class_variables Fixnum.singleton_methods(false) Fixnum.instance_methods(false) # private/protected/public prefix
  • 54. Reflection and the Program's Execution Ruby let's you look at the interpreter while it executes your code set_trace_func lambda { |event, file, line, id, binding, classname| printf "%8s %s:%s-2d %-15sn", event, file, line, classname, id } # all code is traced from now on And you can also get the current call stack by using calling caller on your methods
  • 55. Reflection and the Program's Execution You can even get the current source file being executed with the __FILE__ special variable, leading to an interesting Quine : print A program that outputs itself!
  • 57. Metaprogramming Ruby code can modify aspects of its own structure at runtime and it makes it all easy You've seen it before on this presentation: remember include and extend? Ruby is effectively injecting their code into their receiver
  • 58. Singleton Methods Ruby lets you define methods specific to a particular object person = "person" # String object def person.say_hi "Hi!" end person.say_hi Magic? No. Ruby created an anonymous class (often called singleton class) based on String and added the method say_hi to it
  • 59. Singleton Class There are other ways of creating methods in an object's singleton class person = "person" class << person def say_hi "Hi there!" end end person.say_hi
  • 60. Inherited Visibility The visibility of an inherited method can be changed class SuperClass private def my_private_method "U can't touch this" end end class SubClass < SuperClass public :my_private_method end object = object.my_private_method # not so private anymore
  • 61. Inherited Visibility What's really happening is that Ruby is inserting a hidden proxy method in the subclass that invokes the original method with super class SubClass < SuperClass def my_private_method super end public :my_private_method end super calls can access the parent's method regardless of its visibility
  • 62. Defining Methods Ruby allows you to define methods at runtime using define_method class BabyInfo ["cry", "eat", "poop"].each do |baby_action| define_method(baby_action) do "Of course, babies #{baby_action}" end end end baby_info = baby_info.cry Methods can also be blocked/removed by calling undef_method and remove_method, respectively
  • 63. Class-level Macros Ruby has a few class-level macros that generate code behind the scenes class Laptop attr_accessor :memory # injects a getter/setter for "memory" end If you've used Ruby on Rails, you've probably dealt with associations class Post < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :comments end
  • 64. Eval Similarly to other languages, eval evaluates the passed Ruby expression(s) course = "LPOO" eval "'Hello ' + course + '!'"
  • 65. Instance eval instance_eval allows you to evaluate Ruby expression(s) in the context of an instance string = "cool man cool" string.instance_eval "def shout; self.upcase; end" string.shout Remember: classes are instances of Class, so you can also use instance_eval with them: Fixnum.instance_eval "def ten; 10; end" Fixnum.ten
  • 66. Class eval As the name implies, class_eval can only be used with classes It evaluates the code as if you were in the context of the class definition String.class_eval do def shout self.upcase end end string = "cool man cool" string.shout Note: eval, instance_eval and class_eval can take blocks as arguments as shown above
  • 67. Eval evilness eval is slow eval is dangerous eval doesn't generally make sense, given all other metaprogramming facilities
  • 68. Callbacks Ruby provides hook methods , called by the interpreter when a specific event occurs Among all available hook methods —also known as callbacks —are: Method-related hooks: method_added, method_missing, method_removed, etc Class/Module-related hooks: const_missing, extended, included, inherited, etc Object marshaling and coercion hooks
  • 69. Callbacks: method_missing Ruby allows you to act upon calls to undefined methods by using method missing class BabyInfo ["cry", "eat", "poop"].each do |baby_action| define_method(baby_action) do "Of course, babies #{baby_action}" end end def method_missing(name, *args, &block) "Nope, babies don't #{name}" end end baby_info =
  • 70. Callbacks: inherited Ruby allows your classes to act when they're subclassed class SuperClass @children = [] # class variable def self.inherited(child) @children << child end def self.children @children end end
  • 71. Callback: method calls Ruby allows you to intercept calls to specific methods: class Object alias_method :old_to_s, :to_s def to_s result = self.old_to_s "Your modified to_s returned this (should be '"+result+"')" end end object = object.to_s This isn't a direct hook: you're copying the original method and inserting a hook by yourself
  • 73. Ruby Ruby is an incredibly powerful language Many successful projects/products use it at their core: Ruby on Rails, God, Redmine, etc You can add and remove code in a running process, redefine methods on the fly, change their scope You can even modify basic types like String, Float or even Class and Object After using it for a while, you'll notice the lack of flexibility on static languages like C++ or half-static languages like Java
  • 74. Ruby This presentation, for instance, is running on a Sinatra application And most of the shown code was executed in real time No? Then check this out: class Lecture def initialize(name = "TBA") @name = name end def finish "Finished at #{('%H:%M:%S')}!" end end lecture ="Ruby") lecture.finish
  • 75. More Books: Programming Ruby 1.9 by Dave Thomas Metaprogramming Ruby by Paolo Perrotta Mailing lists: Ruby-Talk (subscribe through Ruby's website) Ruby-pt (Google Groups) IRC: #ruby and #ruby-pt on Freenode
  • 76. ?