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Dear Jørgen
Dear Lars
Five ..
• Leth must remake the film in Cuba (but with no set) with no shot longer than 12 frames, and
he must answer the questions posed in the original film; Leth successfully completes this
• Leth must remake the film in the worst place in the world but not show that place onscreen;
additionally, Leth must play the role of "the man". The meal must be included but the
woman is not to be included. Leth remakes the film in the red light district of Bombay, only
partially hiding it behind a translucent screen.
• Because Leth failed to complete task 2 perfectly, von Trier punishes him, telling him to either
remake the film in any way he chooses, or redo obstruction 2 in Bombay again. Leth chooses
the first option and remakes it in Brussels using split-screen effects.
• Leth must remake the film as a cartoon. He does so with the aid of Bob Sabiston, a specialist
in rotoscoping, who creates animated versions of shots from the previous films. As such the
final product is technically an animation but not a cartoon. Nevertheless von Trier considers
the task to be completed successfully.
• The fifth obstruction is that von Trier has already made the fifth version, but it must be
credited as Leth's, and Leth must read a voice-over narration ostensibly from his own
perspective but in fact written by von Trier.
Her er det så ikke Lars og Jørgen
• Først en intro
• Så en intro med illustration
• Så en afrunding – og en re-perspektivering
Slide 6
Det er blevet meget populært
Slide 8
Kreativitet og innovation som et problem i
Kreativitet som en bregrebslig flyder
Udenfor forståelse
“Any reaction to stimulus may be causally explained; but the
creative act, which is the absolute antithesis of mere reaction,
will forever elude the human
understanding.(Jung 1933, p. 23)
Tentativt kunne det være:
Transformation af det latente til former, der
underkastes anerkendelse over tid…
• Innovation er transformation af nye former til
ny praksis. – Eller transformation af kreativitet
til ny praksis
The Creative Set-Up
• A kind of practice
• How do we understand practice and learing
• How do we understand practice and
Vs skolen…….
Slide 14
”Skolen” - Uddannelsessystemet
• Uddannelsesesystemet kan læses på flere
• Det kan læses som en særlig uddifferentiering
som har en kode
• Koden er barnets læring
• Og så som noget særligt karriereselektion
Hvorfor begrænset
• Fordi denne diskurs konflikter med
• Inkluderende og med fokus på
udviklingspotentiale –
• Praksissens rekursivitet konstitueres af en
normativ kanon. Det vi gør, gør vi fordi vi gør
det – det generelle (evalueringskriterium
”godt nok”)
• Vs en æstetisk – det sublime
Tesen kunne derfor være:
• At skolen fanges i et krydspres mellem det
moderne projekts krav om det sublime –den
æstetiske kanon og skolekulturens krav om
• Projektet kunne så være at tage afsæt i, hvad
denne skole er god til
Den danske skole laver elever, der er:
• Gode til idéudvikling og samarbejde
• Gode til at lave temporære praksisser
• Dårlige til at lave bæredygtige praksisser
• Oversat: De er kreative og innovative, men
ikke særligt gode til entreprenørskab
• Eller da ”ostejapanerne” faldt i vandet, den
gang de holdt op med at stjæle og i stedet
begyndte at kopiere
• Virker det?
• Kilgour, Mark, Scott Koslow. 2009: “Why and how do creative thinking
techniques work?: Trading off originality and appropriateness to make
more creative advertising”, in Journal of the Academy of Marketing
Science, 37 (3) : 298-309.
• Scott, Ginamarie, Leritz, Lyle E. and Mumford, Michael D. (2004)The
Effectiveness of Creativity Training: A Quantitative Review, in Creativity
Research Journal 2004, Vol. 16, No. 4, 361–388
• Skabes gennem læreprocessen, hvor der er
fokus på, at det har mening
• Anerkendelse gennem feedback og
• Distinktionsindskrivelser – temporære
• Fordybelse
• Refleksionsfrie zoner
Den hylomorfiske model
• Fortolkningens reversibilitet – læringens emplotment
• Fra værk til proces til proces/værk
• Udvikling af iterationer og initirationer
• Altså differencerne indenfor repetition – eller den
kontinuerlige variation af variabler frem for
uddragelse af konstanten
• Og overskridelsen
Overskridelse-Communities of Interest
• Kreative produktioner sker gennem projekter
• Ofte konstitueret af temporære samlinger fx
workshops, som påkalder sig en særlig
interesse, fordi:
Workshops kan:
• Kan alt efter, hvordan de tilrettelægges,
generere hybride oplevelser og erfaringer.
Disse oplevelser finder sted i et COI, der
består af forskellige aktører, der
repræsenterer forskellige praksisfællesskaber
• Workshoppen samler de forskellige
praksisfællesskaber om et fælles arbejde for
at producere fælles resultater og for at udvikle
en kollektiv handlingsplan.
Medierende artefakter
• Deltagerne må samarbejde for at definere
deres nye omstændigheder og forhold.
Kombinationen af heterogene aktører og
erfaringer medfører synteser i perspektiv og i
• I forbindelse med at opnå disse synteser
spiller de medierende artefakter en central
En udfordring..
• ”..findes i at opbygge en kollektiv forståelse af
opgaven, der skal udføres, en forståelse der
ofte ikke eksisterer i udgangspunktet, men
som udvikles kollaborativt og trinvist og siden
vokser frem i de deltagendes tanker og i
eksterne artefakter.”
• (Fischer, 2001: 4.)
Udfordringen er videre :
• …, at de forskellige aktører skal udvikle en praksis og opbygge
et fælles vokabular samt forståelse af den opgave,
projektteamet søger at løse, og metoderne, der kan tages i
brug for at nå i mål. Dette er en kompleks form for
fællesskab, hvor artikuleringer har en essentiel plads i og
med, at disse samler, medierer mellem og transformerer
erfaringer og viden.
Forskellige læringskontekster
• Forskellige praksisformer – tydeliggørelse af
spilleregler, værdier og vurderingskriterier
En skole er en skole er en skole
• Altså at skolens rationalitet er
læring/selektion vs andre systemers
• Fordybelse og møder
• Sprog og begreber
Skolen er en skole er en skole –
• distintionsindskrivelse i forhold til andre
• Elev – ”hæves” – grad af ”hævelse”
• Deltager –deltagelse – grad af? Kvalitet af
• Lærende – læring? Omlæring? Ny-læring?
Innovation og kreativitet læres ved
Begrænsninger– The Design
A product or response will judged as creative to the extent that
(a) it is both anovel or valuable response to the task at hand,
and (b) the task is heuristic rather than algortimic (Amabile p.
“ Den kreative organisation - ”
ORIGIN mid 16th cent.: from
Latin innovat- ‘renewed,
altered,’ from the verb
innovare, from in- ‘into’ +
novare ‘make new’ (from
novus ‘new’).
. . Creativity is our limitations
(Picture Credit;)
”In my opinion, creativity is completely involved
with limitations.
For instance, even in our childhood,
when we want to draw something, there is a
limitation concerning the paper.
All sorts of creativity are concerned with the
specification of our limitation.
Drawing, writing or whatever..
. . Creativity is our limitations.” (Ozcan 2004)
Historie – tilbage fra antikken....
• Den romantiske – eller
• Den rationelle tilgang..
• The concept of creativity is difficult to grasp. The etymology of the word
refers to the act of divine creation – that is creating something out of
nothing (creatio ex nihilo). Often, creativity has been associated with the
“divine inspiration” that artists in particular are gifted with. Such use of
the concept is a construction of 19th Century romanticism. However, it
remains a part of our everyday understanding of what creativity means.
Typically, creativity is seen as something special; deriving from inspiration,
and constrained by rationality.
• In the years following World War Two, there was an increasing interest, especially within
American psychology, in identifying creativity traits and to developing measurements for
individual creativity. Growing criticism from the fields of psychology, management theory,
and also learning theory of this notion of measurability has opened up for a number of
alternative understandings.
• Firstly, they tell us that creativity is a term that is used to describe how novelty is generated.
• Secondly, that the understanding and hence the definition of the term is a product of history
and culture. In consequence, it is difficult to define creativity in a general sense. Rather it has
to be understood in the particular socio-cultural context where it is debated and/or where it
occurs (Saywer 2006).
• In a slightly different but also more operational model the generative
socio cultural model suggested by Sawyer with references to Amabile and
Csikszentmihalayi defines three elements: Person, Field and domain. The
creator develops new ideas. The field then again decide whether this is
first of all appropriate and then whether it is “new”. These gatekeepers
then allow for the product to enter the domain – or it is rejected (Sawyer
The interesting part would then be to observe – how
this is happening
• How does creativity take place?
• ”A Micro-Case Study”
• We will move back to the sixties
Imposed Contraints
• Four Steps
• Role setting
• Objects
• Reality
• Viewer
• (No post manipulation)
• Rubbish
• Lack of Competence
• Mastering
Tentative Components
• Estrangement (Koestler)
• Programme (Idiosyncrasy vs. isomorphic
• Double double competence (Helms)
Four Micro Cases
• Ålen and von Trier Dogme/Zentropa
• René Redzepi and Claus Meyer :NOMA
• Mark Elliot Zuckerberg and Sean Parker :Face
• Olafur Eliasson and Einar Thorsteinn : Eliasson
• Ålen and von Trier
• René Redzepi and Claus Meyer
• Mark Elliot Zuckerberg and
Sean Parker :Face Book
• Olafur Eliasson and Einar
Thorsteinn : Eliasson Studio
• Mastering
• The estrangement
• The programme
• The organisation
• Double competencies
References 1
Alvarez, Jos´e Luis (et al.). 2005. “Shielding Idiosyncrasy from Isomorphic Pressures:
Towards Optimal Distinctiveness in European Filmmaking”, in: Organization 12 (6):
Bereiter and Scardamalia. 2003. Learning to Work Creatively With Knowledge.
OISE/University of Toronto
Elster, J. 2000. Ulysses Unbound: Studies in Rationality, Precommitment, and
Constraints. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press
Ericsson, K.A. Prietula, M. J. and Cokely, E.T. (2007). “The Making of an Expert", in
Harvard Business Review, July–August 2007.
Frank, S. 2010. Mød verdens bedste kok,
Fischer, G., (2001): “Communities of interest: Learning through the interaction of
multiple knowledge systems”, 24th Annual Information Systems Research Seminar In
Scandinavia (IRIS'24), Ulvik, Norway, pp. 1-14
Guilford, J.P. (1950). “Creativity”, in American Psychologist, 5 (9).
Gleerup, Jørgen (2007): ”Behovet for en ny praksisepistemologi”, Alexander von Oettingen
og Finn Wiedemann: Mellem teori og praksis, Syddansk Universitetsforlag.
Gleerup, Jørgen (2009): ”Fra simpel til kompleks og emergent kausalitet”, Dominque
Bouchet: Forandringer af betydning, Forlaget Afveje.
Helms, N.H.(2010):”Kan vi lære af Kunsten”..
Hjort, M. (2008): “The Five Obstructions”, in Carl Plantinga (ed.): The Routledge
Companion to Philosophy and Film Paisley Livingston. New York: Routledge.
References 2
Ingold, T. 2010. “The textility of making”, in Cambridge Journal of Economics 34: 91–
Lave, J., E Wenger. (1991). “Situated learning: Legitimate peripheral participation.
Cambridge University Press. Cambridge
Morell, L. (2009). Broderskabet - Den eksperimenterende Kunstskole 1961-69
Ozcan, O. 2004: “Feel-in Touch!: Imagination through Vibration: A Utopia of Vibro-
Acoustic Technology”, in Puppetry and Multimedia Art Leonardo, 37 (4): 325-330.
Sawyer, R. K. (2006). Explaining creativity: The science of human innovation. New
York: Oxford University Press.
Philipsen, H. 2009: ”Spilleregler i filmskabelse behjælpelige begrænsninger”, in Mathieu
& Pedersen (red.): Dansk film i krydsfeltet mellem samarbejde og konkurrence.
Stockholm: Ariadne förlag.
Røjel, T.2010: ”Verdens bedste”,
Suchman.L, (1987): “Plans and situated actions : The Problem of Human-Machine
Communication.” Cambridge University Press, New York.
Zetterfalk, P. (2008): Inter Esse, Det skapande subjektet. Norén och Reality Gidlunds
förlag. Stockholm.

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Kreativitet som et problem i uddannelse

  • 4.
  • 5. Five .. • Leth must remake the film in Cuba (but with no set) with no shot longer than 12 frames, and he must answer the questions posed in the original film; Leth successfully completes this task. • Leth must remake the film in the worst place in the world but not show that place onscreen; additionally, Leth must play the role of "the man". The meal must be included but the woman is not to be included. Leth remakes the film in the red light district of Bombay, only partially hiding it behind a translucent screen. • Because Leth failed to complete task 2 perfectly, von Trier punishes him, telling him to either remake the film in any way he chooses, or redo obstruction 2 in Bombay again. Leth chooses the first option and remakes it in Brussels using split-screen effects. • Leth must remake the film as a cartoon. He does so with the aid of Bob Sabiston, a specialist in rotoscoping, who creates animated versions of shots from the previous films. As such the final product is technically an animation but not a cartoon. Nevertheless von Trier considers the task to be completed successfully. • The fifth obstruction is that von Trier has already made the fifth version, but it must be credited as Leth's, and Leth must read a voice-over narration ostensibly from his own perspective but in fact written by von Trier.
  • 6. Her er det så ikke Lars og Jørgen • Først en intro • Så en intro med illustration • Så en afrunding – og en re-perspektivering Slide 6
  • 7. Det er blevet meget populært med..
  • 9. Kreativitet og innovation som et problem i uddannelse Kreativitet som en bregrebslig flyder
  • 10. Udenfor forståelse “Any reaction to stimulus may be causally explained; but the creative act, which is the absolute antithesis of mere reaction, will forever elude the human understanding.(Jung 1933, p. 23)
  • 11. Definition: Tentativt kunne det være: Transformation af det latente til former, der underkastes anerkendelse over tid…
  • 12. Så.. • Innovation er transformation af nye former til ny praksis. – Eller transformation af kreativitet til ny praksis
  • 13. The Creative Set-Up • A kind of practice • How do we understand practice and learing • How do we understand practice and creativity/innovation
  • 15. ”Skolen” - Uddannelsessystemet • Uddannelsesesystemet kan læses på flere måder • Det kan læses som en særlig uddifferentiering som har en kode • Koden er barnets læring • Og så som noget særligt karriereselektion
  • 16. Hvorfor begrænset • Fordi denne diskurs konflikter med skolekulturen • Inkluderende og med fokus på udviklingspotentiale – • Praksissens rekursivitet konstitueres af en normativ kanon. Det vi gør, gør vi fordi vi gør det – det generelle (evalueringskriterium ”godt nok”) • Vs en æstetisk – det sublime
  • 17. Tesen kunne derfor være: • At skolen fanges i et krydspres mellem det moderne projekts krav om det sublime –den æstetiske kanon og skolekulturens krav om normativitet • Projektet kunne så være at tage afsæt i, hvad denne skole er god til
  • 18. Den danske skole laver elever, der er: • Gode til idéudvikling og samarbejde • Gode til at lave temporære praksisser • Dårlige til at lave bæredygtige praksisser • Oversat: De er kreative og innovative, men ikke særligt gode til entreprenørskab • Eller da ”ostejapanerne” faldt i vandet, den gang de holdt op med at stjæle og i stedet begyndte at kopiere
  • 19. Kreativitetstræning • Virker det? • Kilgour, Mark, Scott Koslow. 2009: “Why and how do creative thinking techniques work?: Trading off originality and appropriateness to make more creative advertising”, in Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 37 (3) : 298-309. • Scott, Ginamarie, Leritz, Lyle E. and Mumford, Michael D. (2004)The Effectiveness of Creativity Training: A Quantitative Review, in Creativity Research Journal 2004, Vol. 16, No. 4, 361–388
  • 20. Autenticitet • Skabes gennem læreprocessen, hvor der er fokus på, at det har mening • Anerkendelse gennem feedback og feedforward • Distinktionsindskrivelser – temporære koblinger • Fordybelse • Refleksionsfrie zoner
  • 21. Den hylomorfiske model • Fortolkningens reversibilitet – læringens emplotment • Fra værk til proces til proces/værk • Udvikling af iterationer og initirationer • Altså differencerne indenfor repetition – eller den kontinuerlige variation af variabler frem for uddragelse af konstanten • Og overskridelsen
  • 22. Overskridelse-Communities of Interest • Kreative produktioner sker gennem projekter • Ofte konstitueret af temporære samlinger fx workshops, som påkalder sig en særlig interesse, fordi:
  • 23. Workshops kan: • Kan alt efter, hvordan de tilrettelægges, generere hybride oplevelser og erfaringer. Disse oplevelser finder sted i et COI, der består af forskellige aktører, der repræsenterer forskellige praksisfællesskaber (COP’s). • Workshoppen samler de forskellige praksisfællesskaber om et fælles arbejde for at producere fælles resultater og for at udvikle en kollektiv handlingsplan.
  • 24. Medierende artefakter • Deltagerne må samarbejde for at definere deres nye omstændigheder og forhold. Kombinationen af heterogene aktører og erfaringer medfører synteser i perspektiv og i viden. • I forbindelse med at opnå disse synteser spiller de medierende artefakter en central rolle.
  • 25. En udfordring.. • ”..findes i at opbygge en kollektiv forståelse af opgaven, der skal udføres, en forståelse der ofte ikke eksisterer i udgangspunktet, men som udvikles kollaborativt og trinvist og siden vokser frem i de deltagendes tanker og i eksterne artefakter.” • (Fischer, 2001: 4.)
  • 26. Udfordringen er videre : • …, at de forskellige aktører skal udvikle en praksis og opbygge et fælles vokabular samt forståelse af den opgave, projektteamet søger at løse, og metoderne, der kan tages i brug for at nå i mål. Dette er en kompleks form for fællesskab, hvor artikuleringer har en essentiel plads i og med, at disse samler, medierer mellem og transformerer erfaringer og viden.
  • 27. Forskellige læringskontekster • Forskellige praksisformer – tydeliggørelse af spilleregler, værdier og vurderingskriterier
  • 28. En skole er en skole er en skole • Altså at skolens rationalitet er læring/selektion vs andre systemers rationaliteter • Fordybelse og møder • Sprog og begreber
  • 29. Skolen er en skole er en skole – • distintionsindskrivelse i forhold til andre sammenhænge • Elev – ”hæves” – grad af ”hævelse” • Deltager –deltagelse – grad af? Kvalitet af deltagelse? • Lærende – læring? Omlæring? Ny-læring? Selvkonstruktion.
  • 30. Innovation og kreativitet læres ved Deltagelse Autenticitet Begrænsninger– The Design Outcome: A product or response will judged as creative to the extent that (a) it is both anovel or valuable response to the task at hand, and (b) the task is heuristic rather than algortimic (Amabile p. 35)
  • 31. “ Den kreative organisation - ” ORIGIN mid 16th cent.: from Latin innovat- ‘renewed, altered,’ from the verb innovare, from in- ‘into’ + novare ‘make new’ (from novus ‘new’).
  • 32. . . Creativity is our limitations (Picture Credit;) ”In my opinion, creativity is completely involved with limitations. For instance, even in our childhood, when we want to draw something, there is a limitation concerning the paper. All sorts of creativity are concerned with the specification of our limitation. Drawing, writing or whatever.. . . Creativity is our limitations.” (Ozcan 2004)
  • 33. Historie – tilbage fra antikken.... • Den romantiske – eller • Den rationelle tilgang..
  • 34. • The concept of creativity is difficult to grasp. The etymology of the word refers to the act of divine creation – that is creating something out of nothing (creatio ex nihilo). Often, creativity has been associated with the “divine inspiration” that artists in particular are gifted with. Such use of the concept is a construction of 19th Century romanticism. However, it remains a part of our everyday understanding of what creativity means. Typically, creativity is seen as something special; deriving from inspiration, and constrained by rationality.
  • 35. • In the years following World War Two, there was an increasing interest, especially within American psychology, in identifying creativity traits and to developing measurements for individual creativity. Growing criticism from the fields of psychology, management theory, and also learning theory of this notion of measurability has opened up for a number of alternative understandings. • Firstly, they tell us that creativity is a term that is used to describe how novelty is generated. • Secondly, that the understanding and hence the definition of the term is a product of history and culture. In consequence, it is difficult to define creativity in a general sense. Rather it has to be understood in the particular socio-cultural context where it is debated and/or where it occurs (Saywer 2006).
  • 36. • In a slightly different but also more operational model the generative socio cultural model suggested by Sawyer with references to Amabile and Csikszentmihalayi defines three elements: Person, Field and domain. The creator develops new ideas. The field then again decide whether this is first of all appropriate and then whether it is “new”. These gatekeepers then allow for the product to enter the domain – or it is rejected (Sawyer 2006).
  • 37. The interesting part would then be to observe – how this is happening • How does creativity take place? • ”A Micro-Case Study” • We will move back to the sixties
  • 38. 1969
  • 39. Imposed Contraints • Four Steps • Role setting • Objects • Reality • Viewer • (No post manipulation)
  • 40. Result • Rubbish • Lack of Competence • Mastering
  • 41. Tentative Components • Mastery (ANDERS K ERICSSON) • Estrangement (Koestler) • Programme (Idiosyncrasy vs. isomorphic pressure) • Double double competence (Helms)
  • 42. Four Micro Cases • Ålen and von Trier Dogme/Zentropa • René Redzepi and Claus Meyer :NOMA • Mark Elliot Zuckerberg and Sean Parker :Face Book • Olafur Eliasson and Einar Thorsteinn : Eliasson Studio
  • 43. • Ålen and von Trier Dogme/Zentropa • René Redzepi and Claus Meyer :NOMA • Mark Elliot Zuckerberg and Sean Parker :Face Book • Olafur Eliasson and Einar Thorsteinn : Eliasson Studio • Mastering • The estrangement • The programme • The organisation • Double competencies
  • 44. References 1 Alvarez, Jos´e Luis (et al.). 2005. “Shielding Idiosyncrasy from Isomorphic Pressures: Towards Optimal Distinctiveness in European Filmmaking”, in: Organization 12 (6): 863–888. Bereiter and Scardamalia. 2003. Learning to Work Creatively With Knowledge. OISE/University of Toronto Elster, J. 2000. Ulysses Unbound: Studies in Rationality, Precommitment, and Constraints. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press Ericsson, K.A. Prietula, M. J. and Cokely, E.T. (2007). “The Making of an Expert", in Harvard Business Review, July–August 2007. Frank, S. 2010. Mød verdens bedste kok, cafeer/artikel/verdens-maaske-bedste-kok Fischer, G., (2001): “Communities of interest: Learning through the interaction of multiple knowledge systems”, 24th Annual Information Systems Research Seminar In Scandinavia (IRIS'24), Ulvik, Norway, pp. 1-14 Guilford, J.P. (1950). “Creativity”, in American Psychologist, 5 (9). Gleerup, Jørgen (2007): ”Behovet for en ny praksisepistemologi”, Alexander von Oettingen og Finn Wiedemann: Mellem teori og praksis, Syddansk Universitetsforlag. Gleerup, Jørgen (2009): ”Fra simpel til kompleks og emergent kausalitet”, Dominque Bouchet: Forandringer af betydning, Forlaget Afveje. Helms, N.H.(2010):”Kan vi lære af Kunsten”.. Hjort, M. (2008): “The Five Obstructions”, in Carl Plantinga (ed.): The Routledge Companion to Philosophy and Film Paisley Livingston. New York: Routledge.
  • 45. References 2 Ingold, T. 2010. “The textility of making”, in Cambridge Journal of Economics 34: 91– 102. Lave, J., E Wenger. (1991). “Situated learning: Legitimate peripheral participation. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge Morell, L. (2009). Broderskabet - Den eksperimenterende Kunstskole 1961-69 Ozcan, O. 2004: “Feel-in Touch!: Imagination through Vibration: A Utopia of Vibro- Acoustic Technology”, in Puppetry and Multimedia Art Leonardo, 37 (4): 325-330. Sawyer, R. K. (2006). Explaining creativity: The science of human innovation. New York: Oxford University Press. Philipsen, H. 2009: ”Spilleregler i filmskabelse behjælpelige begrænsninger”, in Mathieu & Pedersen (red.): Dansk film i krydsfeltet mellem samarbejde og konkurrence. Stockholm: Ariadne förlag. Røjel, T.2010: ”Verdens bedste”, Suchman.L, (1987): “Plans and situated actions : The Problem of Human-Machine Communication.” Cambridge University Press, New York. Zetterfalk, P. (2008): Inter Esse, Det skapande subjektet. Norén och Reality Gidlunds förlag. Stockholm.

Notas del editor

  1. Fargo Ex-skolen