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Cardiff School of Engineering

Coursework Cover Sheet

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Student No: 1056984

Family Name: Divecha            First Name: Hiren

Personal Tutor: Prof Sam Davies       Discipline: MMM

Module Details

Module Name: Engineering Theory 1             Module No: ENT536

Coursework Title: Static analysis of the Ankle joint

Lecturer: Dr D M O’Doherty

Submission Deadline: 30/10/2010


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Static analysis of the Ankle joint

Hiren Maganlal Divecha

Candidate Number: 1056984

ENT536 – Engineering Theory 1

1. Abstract

The ankle joint plays an important role in supporting the body and allowing for propulsion. The

forces experienced vary greatly under different loading conditions and can reach up to 15 times

the body weight whilst sprinting. Under static conditions, free body analysis has been used in this

report to demonstrate the changes in joint reaction force from single leg stance (1.8 times body

weight) to single leg tip-toe stance (2.5 times body weight). Finally, the biomechanical reason for

maintaining non-weight-bearing status in conservatively managed small posterior malleolar

fractures is discussed after demonstrating that the joint reaction force with the foot suspended

horizontal in mid-air is only around 0.02 times the body weight acting in a near horizontal

direction. When compared to the near vertical direction and the magnitude of the joint reaction

force in single stance, it is clear to see how fracture displacement could occur if weight bearing

were allowed.

(word count = 2787)

Table of Contents
1.        Abstract ...................................................................................................................................... 2

2.        Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 4

3.        Basic Anatomy of the Tibio-talar Joint ....................................................................................... 5

4.        Static Analyses of the Tibio-talar Joint ....................................................................................... 6

     a)      Single Leg Stance .................................................................................................................... 7

     b)      Single Leg Tip-toe Stance ..................................................................................................... 10

     c)      Foot Suspended in Mid-Air................................................................................................... 13

5.        Conclusion ................................................................................................................................ 15

6.        References ................................................................................................................................ 17

2. Introduction

The ankle joint is located between the leg and the foot. It is involved in supporting the body

during standing or the stance phase of gait, provides a lever arm for the push-off phase of gait

(thus resulting in propulsion) and provides some amount of “shock absorption” during walking

and running activities. The ankle joint experiences loading of half the body weight during bipedal

standing. This can rise to 3 times body weight during walking and up to 15 times body weight

during sprinting. The ankle joint will be considered in certain positions (single leg stance, single leg

tip-toe stance and suspended horizontally in mid-air) with static analysis to estimate the joint

reaction force as well as the muscle force exerted by either the gastrocnemius-soleus-plantaris

group or the tibialis anterior muscle.

3. Basic Anatomy of the Tibio-talar Joint

The ankle joint or, more specifically, the tibio-talar joint is formed by the articulation between the

distal tibia, distal fibula and the trochlea of the talus. The distal tibia and fibula form a mortise

into which the talus fits. This forms a uni-planar, hinged synovial joint. The joint is stabilized by its

bony congruency, which is tightest in dorsiflexion as the wider anterior part of the talus engages

within the mortise. This in part explains why injuries are more likely to occur in the plantar-flexed

foot when there is some relative “looseness” of the talus in the ankle mortise. Furthermore,

ligamentous structures stabilize the tibio-talar joint. These include the lateral ligamentous

complex (anterior talo-fibular, posterior talo-fibular and calcaneo-fibular ligaments) and the

stronger medial deltoid ligament, as well as the syndesmotic structures.

The axis of rotation of the tibio-talar joint has been determined to run from just inferior and

anterior to the tip of the lateral malleolus to just inferior to the tip of the medial malleolus (Isman

& Inman 1969). This allows dorsiflexion of 10° - 30° and plantar-flexion of 20° - 50°. Dorsi-flexion

is produced by contraction of the tibialis anterior muscle, which is weakly assisted by the extensor

digitorum longus, extensor hallucis longus and peroneus tertius muscles. Plantar-flexion is

produced by the contraction of the gastrocnemius, soleus and to a lesser extent the plantaris

muscle. These muscles have a common tendon, the Achilles tendon, which inserts into the

calcaneal tuberosity. It has been shown that in the normal tibio-talar joint during walking, the

average dorsi-flexion is 10.2° and plantar-flexion 14.2° (Stauffer et al 1977).

4. Static Analyses of the Tibio-talar Joint

For the purposes of the following static analyses of the tibio-talar joint, the following assumptions

have been made:

    1. The ankle – foot is considered as a free body

    2. The sagittal plane is only considered

    3. The foot is taken as being a rigid structure. Only movements about the tibio-talar joint

        centre of rotation are considered (i.e.: dorsi-plantar-flexion)

    4. The tibio-talar joint is frictionless

    5. The subject’s mass is 70 kg

    6. The acceleration due to gravity (g) is 9.81 m.s-2

Electromyographic studies of standing subjects have shown that the gastrocnemius and soleus are

active whereas the tibialis anterior is not (Joseph & Nightingale 1952 & 1956). Thus, the tibialis

anterior shall be excluded from these analyses. More specifically, the tibialis anterior is active

during two specific points in the gait cycle. Firstly, for the first 10% of the stride at the point of

heel contact to mid-stance when its dorsiflexion action prevents foot slap and decelerates the

foot into stance. Secondly, for the latter 40% of the stride corresponding to the “swing phase”

from toe-off to heel strike when its function is to ensure clearance of the foot from the ground

throughout the swing phase. This pattern of activation has been confirmed by dynamic

electromyographic studies of the gait cycle in normal walking (Winter & Yack 1987; Ounpuu &

Winter 1989).

A combination of sources have been referred to for specific measurements and angles in the foot

and ankle (Sammarco & Hockenbury 2001; Snijders 2001; Winter 2009). The length of the foot

from heel to metatarsals is 21 cm. The centre of rotation of the tibio-talar joint lies 5 cm anterior

and 4 cm superior to the point of action of the Achilles tendon (AT) on the calcaneum. The

Achilles tendon acts at an angle of 87° to the horizontal axis (Procter & Paul 1982). The ground

reaction force (GRF) is equivalent to the weight of the body minus the weight of the foot and acts

4 cm anterior to the centre of rotation of the tibio-talar joint (Hellebrandt et al 1938). The centre

of mass of the foot lies 6 cm anterior to and 2 cm below the centre of rotation of the tibio-talar

joint. The mass of the foot (mfoot) is taken as 1.5% of the total body mass i.e. 1.05 kg.

a) Single Leg Stance

The following static analysis will determine the force exerted by the Achilles tendon whilst a

subject performs a single leg stance with the foot flat on the floor. As the centre of gravity of the

body during standing acts in front of the tibio-talar axis of rotation, there is a moment acting to

rotate the body forwards around the tibio-talar joint (Smith 1957). This is balanced by the plantar

flexor muscle group (gastro-soleus-plantaris complex) acting via the Achilles tendon. Figure 1

shows the free body diagram of the ankle and foot with the relevant forces acting on it.

The joint reaction force is denoted by J and is shown to have orthogonal components Jx and Jy. It

acts at an angle β to the horizontal. The Achilles tendon force has orthogonal components ATx and

ATy and has a moment arm (p) from the centre of rotation of the tibio-talar joint.


                                     β                                                                x

                            4 cm

           87°          α                 6 cm               2 cm

                   5 cm             4 cm
                                                      mfoot x g

                                                          21 cm


       Figure 1: Free body diagram of static forces acting on ankle joint in single leg flat stance







Thus, when performing a single leg stance with the foot flat on the ground, the Achilles tendon

force in this simplified model is found to be 551 N with an overall joint reaction force of 1 217 N

(1.8 times the body weight) acting at an angle of 88.6° to the horizontal axis.

b) Single Leg Tip-toe Stance

When performing a single leg tip-toe, the foot – ankle behaves as a class 2 lever i.e. the load is

located between the effort and the pivot. The ground reaction force now acts at the pivot point,

which is the plantar surface of the metatarsal heads. The plantar surface of the foot in this

example is inclined at 45° to the horizontal. The angle of action of the Achilles tendon is taken to

remain constant. The free body diagram of this scenario is shown in Figure 2 and the moment arm

of the weight of the foot (q) is calculated in Figure 3.


                                          Jy               J

      ATy                         p
                                                      β        Jx
             γ                                                        r
                                2 cm
                 87°     α

                                               6 cm
                 5 cm

                                                          mfoot x g
                                           16 cm


    Figure 2: Free body diagram of static forces acting on ankle joint in single leg tip-toe stance
q                             r

           2 cm


                  6 cm        δ


                                    mfoot x g

     Figure 3: Calculation of moment arm of weight of foot (q)








Thus, when performing a single leg tip-toe stance, the Achilles tendon force in this simplified

model is found to be 1 192 N with a resulting joint reaction force of 1 711 N (2.5 times body

weight) acting at an angle of 58.8° to the horizontal axis.

c) Foot Suspended in Mid-Air

With the foot suspended in mid-air in a horizontal position, the tibialis anterior (TA) muscle is

active in generating a dorsiflexion moment to counteract the plantar-flexing moment generated

by the weight of the foot around the centre of rotation of the tibio-talar joint. The gastrocnemius-

soleus-plantaris complex is presumed not be active in this situation, and this is certainly found to

be the case in electromyographic studies which show no activity during the latter 40% of the gait

cycle, corresponding to the “swing” phase when the foot is off the ground (Joseph & Nightingale

1952 & 1956; Winter & Yack 1987; Ounpuu & Winter 1989). The tibialis anterior muscle force is

taken to act at 30° to the horizontal (Procter & Paul 1982) with a perpendicular moment arm of

3.5 cm from the centre of rotation of the tibio-talar joint (Maganaris et al 1999). Figure 4

demonstrates the free body diagram for this scenario.



                               3.5 cm

                        4 cm            TAx

                                        6 cm

                5 cm
                                                      mfoot x g

                                                          21 cm

Figure 4: Free body diagram of static forces acting on ankle joint in mid-air horizontal suspension





Thus in the suspended horizontal foot, the tibialis anterior force is calculated to be 18N with a

resulting joint reaction force of 15N (0.02 times body weight) acting at 5.5° to the horizontal.

5. Conclusion

Free body static analyses are useful in mathematically modelling joints and limbs under various

loading situations. However, because of the nature of the assumptions made, they only give us an

estimate of muscle and joint reaction forces. The in vivo situation is much more complicated. The

ankle – foot region has 33 articulations, which each experience some amount of friction and three

dimensional joint movement and muscle action. Furthermore, joints are never truly static (rather

quasi-static with very small torques experienced which are corrected under subconscious control

to maintain balance and posture). In the examples demonstrated above, the joint reaction force

has been shown to increase from 1.8 times body weight in single leg flat stance to 2.5 times body

weight when performing a single leg tip-toe stance with the foot at 45°. This explains why

patients with significant tibio-talar joint osteoarthritis experience increased pain when attempting

to stand up on their tip-toes.

The scenario of a small posterior malleolar (posterior segment of the distal tibial articular surface)

fracture is a good example of the clinical application of comparing free body analyses of the tibio-

talar joint in different weight-bearing situations. Undisplaced fractures involving less than 25% of

the distal tibial articular surface are usually managed without internal fixation and are treated in

cast immobilisation with a period of non weight-bearing (usually 6 – 8 weeks). The risk of post-

traumatic arthritis has been estimated at around 30% and initially this was felt to be related to

the increased overall contact stress on the joint surface due to a reduced contact area (Macko et

al 1991). However, recent studies have shown that the contact stresses with simulated posterior

malleolar fractures are not increased. Rather, the centre of stress distribution over the remaining

joint surface shifts more anteriorly. This anterior region does not normally experience much

loading under physiological conditions, which may explain the higher incidence of degenerative

changes seen in patients with these types of injuries (Fitzpatrick et al 2004).

From the simplified model of a horizontal suspended foot, the joint reaction force is low (0.02

times body weight; this does not include the weight of a below knee cast) compared to the joint

reaction force expected with weight-bearing stance (1.8 times body weight). Furthermore, the

joint reaction force has been calculated to act at a near vertical angle (88°) in single leg stance

compared to the near horizontal joint reaction force (5.5°) when the foot is suspended

horizontally. The risk of fracture displacement is obvious if weight-bearing mobilisation in this

scenario were to be permitted before significant fracture healing had commenced.

6. References

Fitzpatrick, D. C., et al. 2004. Kinematic and Contact Stress Analysis of Posterior Malleolus

Fractures of The Ankle. Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma 18 (5), pp. 271-278.

Hellebrandt, F. A., et al. 1938. The Location of The Cardinal Anatomical Orientation Planes Passing

Through The Center of Weight in Young Adult Women. American Journal of Physiology, pp. 465-


Isman, R. E., & Inman, V. T. 1969. Anthropometric Studies of The Human Foot and Ankle. Bulletin

of Prosthetics Research , pp. 97-129.

Joseph, J., & Nightingale, A. 1956. Electromyography of Muscles of Posture: Leg and Thigh

Muscles In Women, Including The Effects of High Heels. Journal of American Physiology 132 (3),

pp. 465-468.

Joseph, J., & Nightingale, A. 1952. Electromyography of Muscles of Posture: Leg Muscles in Males.

Journal of Physiology 117 (4), pp. 484-491.

Macko, V. W., et al. 1991. The Joint-Contact Area of The Ankle. The Contribution of the Posterior

Malleolus. The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery 73, pp. 347-351.

Maganaris, C. M., et al. 1999. Changes in The Tibialis Anterior Tendon Moment Arm from Rest to

Maximum Isometric Dorsiflexion: In Vivo Observations in Man. Clinical Biomechanics 14, pp. 661-


Ounpuu, S., & Winter, D. A. 1989. Bilateral Electromyographical Aanalysis of The Lower Limbs

During Walking in Normal Adults. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology 72, pp.


Procter, P., & Paul, J. P. 1982. Ankle Joint Biomechanics. Journal of Biomechanics 15 (9), pp. 627-


Sammarco, G. J., & Hockenbury, R. T. 2001. Biomechanics of the Foot and Ankle. In: M. Nordin, &

V. H. Frankel, Basic Biomechanics of The Musculoskeletal System. 3rd ed. Lippincott Williams &

Wilkins, pp. 223-255.

Smith, J. W. 1957. The Forces Operating at The Human Ankle Joint During Standing. Journal of

Anatomy 91 (4), pp. 545-564.

Snijders, C. J. 2001. Engineering Approaches to Standing, Sitting, and Lying. In: M. Nordin, & V. H.

Frankel, Basic Biomechanics of The Musculoskeletal System. 3rd ed. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins,

pp. 421-424.

Stauffer, R. N., et al. 1977. Force and Motion Analysis of the Normal, Diseased and Prosthetic

Ankle Joints. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research 127, pp. 189-196.

Winter, D. A., & Yack, H. J. 1987. EMG Profiles During Normal Human Walking: Stride-to-Stride

and Inter-subject Variability. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology 67, pp. 402-


Winter, D. A. 2009. Kinetics: Forces and Moments of Force. In: Biomechanics and Motor Control of

Human Movement. 4th ed. John Wiley & Sons, pp. 107-138.


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Static analysis of the ankle joint

  • 1. Cardiff School of Engineering Coursework Cover Sheet Personal Details Student No: 1056984 Family Name: Divecha First Name: Hiren Personal Tutor: Prof Sam Davies Discipline: MMM Module Details Module Name: Engineering Theory 1 Module No: ENT536 Coursework Title: Static analysis of the Ankle joint Lecturer: Dr D M O’Doherty Submission Deadline: 30/10/2010 Declaration I hereby declare that, except where I have made clear and full reference to the work of others, this submission, and all the material (e.g. text, pictures, diagrams) contained in it, is my own work, has not previously been submitted for assessment, and I have not knowingly allowed it to be copied by another student. In the case of group projects, the contribution of group members has been appropriately quantified. I understand that deceiving, or attempting to deceive, examiners by passing off the work of another as my own is plagiarism. I also understand that plagiarising another's work, or knowingly allowing another student to plagiarise from my work, is against University Regulations and that doing so will result in loss of marks and disciplinary proceedings. I understand and agree that the University’s plagiarism software ‘Turnitin’ may be used to check the originality of the submitted coursework. Signed: …..…………………………………….………... Date: ……………………… 1
  • 2. Static analysis of the Ankle joint Hiren Maganlal Divecha Candidate Number: 1056984 ENT536 – Engineering Theory 1 1. Abstract The ankle joint plays an important role in supporting the body and allowing for propulsion. The forces experienced vary greatly under different loading conditions and can reach up to 15 times the body weight whilst sprinting. Under static conditions, free body analysis has been used in this report to demonstrate the changes in joint reaction force from single leg stance (1.8 times body weight) to single leg tip-toe stance (2.5 times body weight). Finally, the biomechanical reason for maintaining non-weight-bearing status in conservatively managed small posterior malleolar fractures is discussed after demonstrating that the joint reaction force with the foot suspended horizontal in mid-air is only around 0.02 times the body weight acting in a near horizontal direction. When compared to the near vertical direction and the magnitude of the joint reaction force in single stance, it is clear to see how fracture displacement could occur if weight bearing were allowed. (word count = 2787) Table of Contents 2
  • 3. 1. Abstract ...................................................................................................................................... 2 2. Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 4 3. Basic Anatomy of the Tibio-talar Joint ....................................................................................... 5 4. Static Analyses of the Tibio-talar Joint ....................................................................................... 6 a) Single Leg Stance .................................................................................................................... 7 b) Single Leg Tip-toe Stance ..................................................................................................... 10 c) Foot Suspended in Mid-Air................................................................................................... 13 5. Conclusion ................................................................................................................................ 15 6. References ................................................................................................................................ 17 3
  • 4. 2. Introduction The ankle joint is located between the leg and the foot. It is involved in supporting the body during standing or the stance phase of gait, provides a lever arm for the push-off phase of gait (thus resulting in propulsion) and provides some amount of “shock absorption” during walking and running activities. The ankle joint experiences loading of half the body weight during bipedal standing. This can rise to 3 times body weight during walking and up to 15 times body weight during sprinting. The ankle joint will be considered in certain positions (single leg stance, single leg tip-toe stance and suspended horizontally in mid-air) with static analysis to estimate the joint reaction force as well as the muscle force exerted by either the gastrocnemius-soleus-plantaris group or the tibialis anterior muscle. 4
  • 5. 3. Basic Anatomy of the Tibio-talar Joint The ankle joint or, more specifically, the tibio-talar joint is formed by the articulation between the distal tibia, distal fibula and the trochlea of the talus. The distal tibia and fibula form a mortise into which the talus fits. This forms a uni-planar, hinged synovial joint. The joint is stabilized by its bony congruency, which is tightest in dorsiflexion as the wider anterior part of the talus engages within the mortise. This in part explains why injuries are more likely to occur in the plantar-flexed foot when there is some relative “looseness” of the talus in the ankle mortise. Furthermore, ligamentous structures stabilize the tibio-talar joint. These include the lateral ligamentous complex (anterior talo-fibular, posterior talo-fibular and calcaneo-fibular ligaments) and the stronger medial deltoid ligament, as well as the syndesmotic structures. The axis of rotation of the tibio-talar joint has been determined to run from just inferior and anterior to the tip of the lateral malleolus to just inferior to the tip of the medial malleolus (Isman & Inman 1969). This allows dorsiflexion of 10° - 30° and plantar-flexion of 20° - 50°. Dorsi-flexion is produced by contraction of the tibialis anterior muscle, which is weakly assisted by the extensor digitorum longus, extensor hallucis longus and peroneus tertius muscles. Plantar-flexion is produced by the contraction of the gastrocnemius, soleus and to a lesser extent the plantaris muscle. These muscles have a common tendon, the Achilles tendon, which inserts into the calcaneal tuberosity. It has been shown that in the normal tibio-talar joint during walking, the average dorsi-flexion is 10.2° and plantar-flexion 14.2° (Stauffer et al 1977). 5
  • 6. 4. Static Analyses of the Tibio-talar Joint For the purposes of the following static analyses of the tibio-talar joint, the following assumptions have been made: 1. The ankle – foot is considered as a free body 2. The sagittal plane is only considered 3. The foot is taken as being a rigid structure. Only movements about the tibio-talar joint centre of rotation are considered (i.e.: dorsi-plantar-flexion) 4. The tibio-talar joint is frictionless 5. The subject’s mass is 70 kg 6. The acceleration due to gravity (g) is 9.81 m.s-2 Electromyographic studies of standing subjects have shown that the gastrocnemius and soleus are active whereas the tibialis anterior is not (Joseph & Nightingale 1952 & 1956). Thus, the tibialis anterior shall be excluded from these analyses. More specifically, the tibialis anterior is active during two specific points in the gait cycle. Firstly, for the first 10% of the stride at the point of heel contact to mid-stance when its dorsiflexion action prevents foot slap and decelerates the foot into stance. Secondly, for the latter 40% of the stride corresponding to the “swing phase” from toe-off to heel strike when its function is to ensure clearance of the foot from the ground throughout the swing phase. This pattern of activation has been confirmed by dynamic electromyographic studies of the gait cycle in normal walking (Winter & Yack 1987; Ounpuu & Winter 1989). 6
  • 7. A combination of sources have been referred to for specific measurements and angles in the foot and ankle (Sammarco & Hockenbury 2001; Snijders 2001; Winter 2009). The length of the foot from heel to metatarsals is 21 cm. The centre of rotation of the tibio-talar joint lies 5 cm anterior and 4 cm superior to the point of action of the Achilles tendon (AT) on the calcaneum. The Achilles tendon acts at an angle of 87° to the horizontal axis (Procter & Paul 1982). The ground reaction force (GRF) is equivalent to the weight of the body minus the weight of the foot and acts 4 cm anterior to the centre of rotation of the tibio-talar joint (Hellebrandt et al 1938). The centre of mass of the foot lies 6 cm anterior to and 2 cm below the centre of rotation of the tibio-talar joint. The mass of the foot (mfoot) is taken as 1.5% of the total body mass i.e. 1.05 kg. a) Single Leg Stance The following static analysis will determine the force exerted by the Achilles tendon whilst a subject performs a single leg stance with the foot flat on the floor. As the centre of gravity of the body during standing acts in front of the tibio-talar axis of rotation, there is a moment acting to rotate the body forwards around the tibio-talar joint (Smith 1957). This is balanced by the plantar flexor muscle group (gastro-soleus-plantaris complex) acting via the Achilles tendon. Figure 1 shows the free body diagram of the ankle and foot with the relevant forces acting on it. The joint reaction force is denoted by J and is shown to have orthogonal components Jx and Jy. It acts at an angle β to the horizontal. The Achilles tendon force has orthogonal components ATx and ATy and has a moment arm (p) from the centre of rotation of the tibio-talar joint. 7
  • 8. y Jy J ATx AT ATy β x p Jx 4 cm 87° α 6 cm 2 cm 5 cm 4 cm mfoot x g 21 cm GRF Figure 1: Free body diagram of static forces acting on ankle joint in single leg flat stance 1. 2. 3. 8
  • 9. 4. 5. 6. Thus, when performing a single leg stance with the foot flat on the ground, the Achilles tendon force in this simplified model is found to be 551 N with an overall joint reaction force of 1 217 N (1.8 times the body weight) acting at an angle of 88.6° to the horizontal axis. 9
  • 10. b) Single Leg Tip-toe Stance When performing a single leg tip-toe, the foot – ankle behaves as a class 2 lever i.e. the load is located between the effort and the pivot. The ground reaction force now acts at the pivot point, which is the plantar surface of the metatarsal heads. The plantar surface of the foot in this example is inclined at 45° to the horizontal. The angle of action of the Achilles tendon is taken to remain constant. The free body diagram of this scenario is shown in Figure 2 and the moment arm of the weight of the foot (q) is calculated in Figure 3. y ATx Jy J AT ATy p x β Jx γ r q 2 cm 87° α 6 cm 5 cm mfoot x g 16 cm 45° GRF Figure 2: Free body diagram of static forces acting on ankle joint in single leg tip-toe stance 10
  • 11. q r 2 cm ε 6 cm δ μ κ mfoot x g 45° Figure 3: Calculation of moment arm of weight of foot (q) 1. 2. 3. 11
  • 12. 4. 5. 6. 7. Thus, when performing a single leg tip-toe stance, the Achilles tendon force in this simplified model is found to be 1 192 N with a resulting joint reaction force of 1 711 N (2.5 times body weight) acting at an angle of 58.8° to the horizontal axis. 12
  • 13. c) Foot Suspended in Mid-Air With the foot suspended in mid-air in a horizontal position, the tibialis anterior (TA) muscle is active in generating a dorsiflexion moment to counteract the plantar-flexing moment generated by the weight of the foot around the centre of rotation of the tibio-talar joint. The gastrocnemius- soleus-plantaris complex is presumed not be active in this situation, and this is certainly found to be the case in electromyographic studies which show no activity during the latter 40% of the gait cycle, corresponding to the “swing” phase when the foot is off the ground (Joseph & Nightingale 1952 & 1956; Winter & Yack 1987; Ounpuu & Winter 1989). The tibialis anterior muscle force is taken to act at 30° to the horizontal (Procter & Paul 1982) with a perpendicular moment arm of 3.5 cm from the centre of rotation of the tibio-talar joint (Maganaris et al 1999). Figure 4 demonstrates the free body diagram for this scenario. y Jy J TAy x 3.5 cm β TA Jx 30° 4 cm TAx 6 cm 5 cm mfoot x g 21 cm Figure 4: Free body diagram of static forces acting on ankle joint in mid-air horizontal suspension 13
  • 14. 1. 2. 3. 4. Thus in the suspended horizontal foot, the tibialis anterior force is calculated to be 18N with a resulting joint reaction force of 15N (0.02 times body weight) acting at 5.5° to the horizontal. 14
  • 15. 5. Conclusion Free body static analyses are useful in mathematically modelling joints and limbs under various loading situations. However, because of the nature of the assumptions made, they only give us an estimate of muscle and joint reaction forces. The in vivo situation is much more complicated. The ankle – foot region has 33 articulations, which each experience some amount of friction and three dimensional joint movement and muscle action. Furthermore, joints are never truly static (rather quasi-static with very small torques experienced which are corrected under subconscious control to maintain balance and posture). In the examples demonstrated above, the joint reaction force has been shown to increase from 1.8 times body weight in single leg flat stance to 2.5 times body weight when performing a single leg tip-toe stance with the foot at 45°. This explains why patients with significant tibio-talar joint osteoarthritis experience increased pain when attempting to stand up on their tip-toes. The scenario of a small posterior malleolar (posterior segment of the distal tibial articular surface) fracture is a good example of the clinical application of comparing free body analyses of the tibio- talar joint in different weight-bearing situations. Undisplaced fractures involving less than 25% of the distal tibial articular surface are usually managed without internal fixation and are treated in cast immobilisation with a period of non weight-bearing (usually 6 – 8 weeks). The risk of post- traumatic arthritis has been estimated at around 30% and initially this was felt to be related to the increased overall contact stress on the joint surface due to a reduced contact area (Macko et al 1991). However, recent studies have shown that the contact stresses with simulated posterior malleolar fractures are not increased. Rather, the centre of stress distribution over the remaining joint surface shifts more anteriorly. This anterior region does not normally experience much 15
  • 16. loading under physiological conditions, which may explain the higher incidence of degenerative changes seen in patients with these types of injuries (Fitzpatrick et al 2004). From the simplified model of a horizontal suspended foot, the joint reaction force is low (0.02 times body weight; this does not include the weight of a below knee cast) compared to the joint reaction force expected with weight-bearing stance (1.8 times body weight). Furthermore, the joint reaction force has been calculated to act at a near vertical angle (88°) in single leg stance compared to the near horizontal joint reaction force (5.5°) when the foot is suspended horizontally. The risk of fracture displacement is obvious if weight-bearing mobilisation in this scenario were to be permitted before significant fracture healing had commenced. 16
  • 17. 6. References Fitzpatrick, D. C., et al. 2004. Kinematic and Contact Stress Analysis of Posterior Malleolus Fractures of The Ankle. Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma 18 (5), pp. 271-278. Hellebrandt, F. A., et al. 1938. The Location of The Cardinal Anatomical Orientation Planes Passing Through The Center of Weight in Young Adult Women. American Journal of Physiology, pp. 465- 470. Isman, R. E., & Inman, V. T. 1969. Anthropometric Studies of The Human Foot and Ankle. Bulletin of Prosthetics Research , pp. 97-129. Joseph, J., & Nightingale, A. 1956. Electromyography of Muscles of Posture: Leg and Thigh Muscles In Women, Including The Effects of High Heels. Journal of American Physiology 132 (3), pp. 465-468. Joseph, J., & Nightingale, A. 1952. Electromyography of Muscles of Posture: Leg Muscles in Males. Journal of Physiology 117 (4), pp. 484-491. Macko, V. W., et al. 1991. The Joint-Contact Area of The Ankle. The Contribution of the Posterior Malleolus. The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery 73, pp. 347-351. Maganaris, C. M., et al. 1999. Changes in The Tibialis Anterior Tendon Moment Arm from Rest to Maximum Isometric Dorsiflexion: In Vivo Observations in Man. Clinical Biomechanics 14, pp. 661- 666. Ounpuu, S., & Winter, D. A. 1989. Bilateral Electromyographical Aanalysis of The Lower Limbs During Walking in Normal Adults. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology 72, pp. 429-438. 17
  • 18. Procter, P., & Paul, J. P. 1982. Ankle Joint Biomechanics. Journal of Biomechanics 15 (9), pp. 627- 634. Sammarco, G. J., & Hockenbury, R. T. 2001. Biomechanics of the Foot and Ankle. In: M. Nordin, & V. H. Frankel, Basic Biomechanics of The Musculoskeletal System. 3rd ed. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, pp. 223-255. Smith, J. W. 1957. The Forces Operating at The Human Ankle Joint During Standing. Journal of Anatomy 91 (4), pp. 545-564. Snijders, C. J. 2001. Engineering Approaches to Standing, Sitting, and Lying. In: M. Nordin, & V. H. Frankel, Basic Biomechanics of The Musculoskeletal System. 3rd ed. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, pp. 421-424. Stauffer, R. N., et al. 1977. Force and Motion Analysis of the Normal, Diseased and Prosthetic Ankle Joints. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research 127, pp. 189-196. Winter, D. A., & Yack, H. J. 1987. EMG Profiles During Normal Human Walking: Stride-to-Stride and Inter-subject Variability. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology 67, pp. 402- 411. Winter, D. A. 2009. Kinetics: Forces and Moments of Force. In: Biomechanics and Motor Control of Human Movement. 4th ed. John Wiley & Sons, pp. 107-138. 18