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Ruby 1.9: It works!
Ruby 1.9: It (must) works!
•           a.k.a. ihower


•     2006                  Ruby
•       (    )      Rails Developer

• Overview
• What’s changed?
• What’s New?
  (External Interater, M17N, The Threading Model)

• Ruby 1.9 on Rails
1. Overview
Ruby 1.8.6
• Ruby 1.8.6, release at 2007/3/12
• Stable
• Performance sucks
• Memory leaks
• NewRelic Report 69.4%
Ruby 1.8.7

• Ruby 1.8.7 release at 2008/5/31
•               1.9
• gems, library            (   1.8.6   )

• JRuby 1.8.7
• NewRelic Report 14.5%
Ruby 1.9

• Ruby 1.9.0 release development version in
• Ruby 1.9.1 release stable/production version
  in 2009/1/30
• Better performance
• Better encoding support
Ruby Implementations

•   Ruby 1.8.6, 1.8.7 (MRI, Matz’ Ruby Interpreter)
    •   EngineYard                    1.8.6
        MBARI      GC patch

•   Ruby 1.9.1 (YARV)
•    JRuby
    •     Ruby1.8.6         1.9

•    Ruby Enterprise Edition(REE)
    •       Ruby 1.8.6   GC     memory leak
Ruby Implementations

• MacRuby (based on Objective-C)
• Rubinius (Engine yard project)
• MagLev (based on smalltalk)
• IronRuby (based on Microsoft .NET)
• Cardinal (based on Parrot VM)
Performance                   (    1.8   2~2.5   )
Ubuntu : Intel® Q6600® quad-core
Computer Language Benchmarks Game
2. What’s changed?
Ordered Hash
{ :a => 1, :b=> 2, :c => 3 }.merge( :d => 4 )

     1.8   {:a=>1, :d=>4, :b=>2, :c=>3}

     1.9   {:a=>1, :b=>2, :c=>3, :d=>4}
new Hash literal

          config = { :foo => 1234, :bar => 6789 }

          Person.find(:all, :conditions => { :name => 'ihower' } )

          config = { foo: 1234, bar: 6789 }
          Person.find(:all, :conditions => { name: 'ihower' } )
Hash syntax

1.8   => {1=>2, 3=>4}

      => syntax error, unexpected ',', expecting tASSOC
hash = { :a => 1, :b => 2, :c => 3 }{ |k, v| v > 1 }

           [[:b, 2], [:c, 3]]

           {:b=>2, :c=>3}
Array#to_s, Hash#to_s
 1.8                1.9

 [1,2,3,4].to_s     [1,2,3,4].to_s
 => quot;1234quot;          => quot;[1, 2, 3, 4]quot;

 {1=>2,3=>4}.to_s   {1=>2,3=>4}.to_s
 => quot;1234quot;          => quot;{1=>2, 3=>4}quot;
case syntax
name = case                        name = case
        when x == 1 : quot;onequot;                  when x == 1
 1.8    when x == 2 : quot;twoquot;                       quot;onequot;
        else quot;manyquot;                          when x == 2
       end                                        quot;twoquot;
name = case
          when x == 1 then quot;onequot;
          when x == 2 then quot;twoquot;
          else quot;manyquot;
block’s parameter always local

               x = quot;fooquot;
               y = quot;barquot;

               [1,2,3].each do |x|

 1.8 [x,y] => [3, 4]       1.9 [x,y] => [quot;fooquot;, 4]
block’s parameter always local

               x = quot;fooquot;
               y = quot;barquot;

               [1,2,3].each do |x|

 1.8 [x,y] => [3, 4]       1.9 [x,y] => [quot;fooquot;, 4]
block-local variable

                                                         bar = quot;ihowerquot;
          bar = quot;ihowerquot;

                                                         [1,2,3].each do |val; bar|
          [1,2,3].each do |val|
                                                          bar = val
           foo = val
           bar = val
                                                         bar => quot;ihowerquot;
          foo   # NameError: undefined
                  local variable or method `foo’
          bar => 3
block-local variable

                                                         bar = quot;ihowerquot;
          bar = quot;ihowerquot;

                                                         [1,2,3].each do |val; bar|
          [1,2,3].each do |val|
                                                          bar = val
           foo = val
           bar = val
                                                         bar => quot;ihowerquot;
          foo   # NameError: undefined
                  local variable or method `foo’
          bar => 3
block can accept block argrments

  proc1 = lambda do |a, *b, &block|
  end,2,3,4) { puts quot;in block1quot; }

  quot;in block1quot;
new lambda literal

            lambda { |a| a*3 }.call(4)
            # => 12

            lambda { |a| a*3 }[4]
            # => 12

            ->(a) { a*3 }.(4)
   1.9      # => 12
def my_if(condition, then_clause, else_clause)
    if condition

5.times do |val|
    my_if (val < 3),
    -> { puts quot;#{val} is smallquot; },
    -> { puts quot;#{val} is bigquot; }

0   is   small
1   is   small
2   is   small
3   is   big
4   is   big
def my_while(cond, &body)

my_while -> { a < 3 } do
    puts a
    a += 1

           , do not use it!

  • proc           lambda

1.9 proc 

          Class.superclass.superclass => Object

1.8       Class.superclass.superclass.superclass => nil

          Class.superclass.superclass.superclass => BasicObject
          BasicObject.superclass => nil
          => [:==, :equal?, :!, :!=, :instance_eval,   :instance_exec, :__send__]

                                                          blank canvas
standard library changes
• + Rubygems
  •   no longer needed require ‘rubygems’

• + Rake
  •   no longer gem install rake

• ~ Test::Unit replaced by MiniTest
• - soap, jcode...etc, some rarely used, old
3. What’s new?
External Iterator

          Internal               External

arr = [ 1, 2, quot;ihowerquot; ]   arr = [ 1, 2, quot;ihowerquot; ]
arr.each do |a|            enum_a = arr.to_enum
    puts a                 #     Enumerators      (    each)
                  # => 1
# => 1            # => 2
# => 2            # => quot;ihowerquot;
# => quot;ihowerquot;
1.9                              1.9
                                 arr = [ 1, 2, quot;ihowerquot; ]
h = { foo: quot;567quot;, bar: quot;890quot; }
                                 enum_a =
enum_h = h.to_enum
# => [:foo, quot;567quot;]
                        # => [1, 0]
                        # => [2, 1]
# => [:bar, quot;890quot;]
                        # => [quot;ihowerquot;, 2]
StopIteration exception
      short_enum = [1, 2, 3].to_enum
      long_enum = ('a'..'z').to_enum

      loop do
          puts quot;#{} #{}quot;

      # => 1-a
      # => 2-b
      # => 3-c
StopIteration exception
      short_enum = [1, 2, 3].to_enum
      long_enum = ('a'..'z').to_enum

      loop do
          puts quot;#{} #{}quot;

      # => 1-a
      # => 2-b
      # => 3-c
Enumerator from iterator
                          iterator method
      arr = [ 1, 2, quot;ihowerquot; ]
      enum_a = arr.each #                   Enumerator # => 1 # => 2 # => quot;ihowerquot;
              code block
1.9   seq = do |yielder|
          n1 = 0
          n2 = 1
          loop do
              n3 = n1 + n2
              yielder.yield n3
              n1 = n2
              n2 = n3
      end # 1 # 2
      2.times { puts }
Enumerator objects are
    also enumerable
      # => [1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89]

      # Don’t do this if your Enumerator has infinite elements
In Ruby 1.8, a String is always
   just a collection of bytes
Ruby 1.8 String fails
        >> quot;   quot;.reverse
        => quot;207226 344quot;

        >> quot;   quot;.size
        => 6
Ruby 1.8 Regexp

• Support None (n or N), EUC (e or E),
  Shift_JIS (s or S), UTF-8 (u or U)

               >> quot;     quot;.scan(/./u)

               => [quot;   quot;, quot; quot;]
Use Regexp to handle String

          >> quot;   quot;.scan(/./u).reverse.join

          => quot;   quot;

          >> quot;   quot;.scan(/./u).size
          => 2
$KCODE = “U”
                      or ruby -KU

•    regular expressions            default encoding
• $KCODE = quot;Uquot;                    terminal
            >>   quot;   quot;
            =>   quot;344270255346226207quot;
            >>   $KCODE='u'
            >>   quot;   quot;
            =>   quot;   quot;
Unicode codepoint
                 Ruby 1.8         UTF-8

          >> quot;   quot;.unpack(quot;U*quot;)
          => [20013, 25991]

          >> quot;   quot;.unpack(quot;U*quot;).reverse.pack(quot;U*quot;)
          => quot;   quot;

          >> quot;   quot;.unpack(quot;U*quot;).size
          => 2
Unicode codepoint(cont.)
              Rails ActiveSupport

           >> quot;   quot;.chars # in Rails
           => #<ActiveSupport::Multibyte::Chars:0x25aebbc
           @wrapped_string=quot;   quot;>

           >> quot;   quot;.chars.size
           => 2
iconv library
                            UTF-8 data

•   C Library, it’s fast.

•   convert your encoding to UTF-8

•   handle it

•   export back to your encoding
jcode library
      too simple, not useful

        $KCODE = 'UTF8'
        require 'jcode'

        str = quot;   quot;
        str.size # 9
        str.jsize # 2
No enough encodings
           supported in Ruby 1.8
• String                Encoding
• Regexp
 •           encoding                          Regexp letter

 •                                       #String.upcase encoded data   valid?

 •   String, IO object, program source
pick one encoding, likely Unicode, and works all data in one format? No.

Ruby 1.9 make it possible to work
  with data with 83 encoding.
>> Encoding.name_list

=> [quot;ASCII-8BITquot;, quot;UTF-8quot;, quot;US-ASCIIquot;, quot;Big5quot;, quot;CP949quot;, quot;Emacs-Mulequot;, quot;EUC-JPquot;,
quot;EUC-KRquot;, quot;EUC-TWquot;, quot;GB18030quot;, quot;GBKquot;, quot;ISO-8859-1quot;, quot;ISO-8859-2quot;, quot;ISO-8859-3quot;,
quot;ISO-8859-4quot;, quot;ISO-8859-5quot;, quot;ISO-8859-6quot;, quot;ISO-8859-7quot;, quot;ISO-8859-8quot;,
quot;ISO-8859-9quot;, quot;ISO-8859-10quot;, quot;ISO-8859-11quot;, quot;ISO-8859-13quot;, quot;ISO-8859-14quot;,
quot;ISO-8859-15quot;, quot;ISO-8859-16quot;, quot;KOI8-Rquot;, quot;KOI8-Uquot;, quot;Shift_JISquot;, quot;UTF-16BEquot;,
quot;UTF-16LEquot;, quot;UTF-32BEquot;, quot;UTF-32LEquot;, quot;Windows-1251quot;, quot;BINARYquot;, quot;IBM437quot;,
quot;CP437quot;, quot;IBM737quot;, quot;CP737quot;, quot;IBM775quot;, quot;CP775quot;, quot;CP850quot;, quot;IBM850quot;, quot;IBM852quot;,
quot;CP852quot;, quot;IBM855quot;, quot;CP855quot;, quot;IBM857quot;, quot;CP857quot;, quot;IBM860quot;, quot;CP860quot;, quot;IBM861quot;,
quot;CP861quot;, quot;IBM862quot;, quot;CP862quot;, quot;IBM863quot;, quot;CP863quot;, quot;IBM864quot;, quot;CP864quot;, quot;IBM865quot;,
quot;CP865quot;, quot;IBM866quot;, quot;CP866quot;, quot;IBM869quot;, quot;CP869quot;, quot;Windows-1258quot;, quot;CP1258quot;,
quot;GB1988quot;, quot;macCentEuroquot;, quot;macCroatianquot;, quot;macCyrillicquot;, quot;macGreekquot;,
quot;macIcelandquot;, quot;macRomanquot;, quot;macRomaniaquot;, quot;macThaiquot;, quot;macTurkishquot;, quot;macUkrainequot;,
quot;CP950quot;, quot;stateless-ISO-2022-JPquot;, quot;eucJPquot;, quot;eucJP-msquot;, quot;euc-jp-msquot;, quot;CP51932quot;,
quot;eucKRquot;, quot;eucTWquot;, quot;GB2312quot;, quot;EUC-CNquot;, quot;eucCNquot;, quot;GB12345quot;, quot;CP936quot;, quot;ISO-2022-
JPquot;, quot;ISO2022-JPquot;, quot;ISO-2022-JP-2quot;, quot;ISO2022-JP2quot;, quot;ISO8859-1quot;, quot;Windows-1252quot;,
quot;CP1252quot;, quot;ISO8859-2quot;, quot;Windows-1250quot;, quot;CP1250quot;, quot;ISO8859-3quot;, quot;ISO8859-4quot;,
quot;ISO8859-5quot;, quot;ISO8859-6quot;, quot;Windows-1256quot;, quot;CP1256quot;, quot;ISO8859-7quot;,
quot;Windows-1253quot;, quot;CP1253quot;, quot;ISO8859-8quot;, quot;Windows-1255quot;, quot;CP1255quot;, quot;ISO8859-9quot;,
quot;Windows-1254quot;, quot;CP1254quot;, quot;ISO8859-10quot;, quot;ISO8859-11quot;, quot;TIS-620quot;, quot;Windows-874quot;,
quot;CP874quot;, quot;ISO8859-13quot;, quot;Windows-1257quot;, quot;CP1257quot;, quot;ISO8859-14quot;, quot;ISO8859-15quot;,
quot;ISO8859-16quot;, quot;CP878quot;, quot;SJISquot;, quot;Windows-31Jquot;, quot;CP932quot;, quot;csWindows31Jquot;,
quot;MacJapanesequot;, quot;MacJapanquot;, quot;ASCIIquot;, quot;ANSI_X3.4-1968quot;, quot;646quot;, quot;UTF-7quot;,
quot;CP65000quot;, quot;CP65001quot;, quot;UTF8-MACquot;, quot;UTF-8-MACquot;, quot;UCS-2BEquot;, quot;UCS-4BEquot;, quot;UCS-4LEquot;,
quot;CP1251quot;, quot;localequot;, quot;externalquot;, quot;internalquot;]
All String are Encoded
• In Ruby 1.9 a String is a collection of
  encoded characters.
           raw bytes     Encoding

            >> quot;   quot;
            => quot;UTF-8quot;
String works in characters
       1.9   >> quot;   quot;.reverse
             => quot;   quot;

             >> quot;   quot;.size
             => 2

             >> quot;   quot;.bytesize
             => 6
String Indexing
      >> quot;abcquot;[0]     >> quot;abcquot;[0]
      => 97           => quot;aquot;

      >> quot;   quot;[1]     >> quot;       quot;[1]
      => 184          => quot;   quot;

                      >> quot;abcquot;[0].ord
                      => 97

In Ruby 1.9, String has attached
 Encoding object, and works in
      utf8 = quot;   quot;
      utf8.bytesize # 6
      utf8.bytes.to_a # [230, 184, 172, 232, 169, 166]

      big5 = utf8.encode(quot;big5quot;) # ”Big5”
      big5.bytesize # 4
      big5.bytes.to_a # [180, 250, 184, 213]
Transcoding fails
      str = quot;Résuméquot;
1.9   str.encode(quot;big5quot;)

      => Encoding::UndefinedConversionError: quot;xC3xA9quot;
      from UTF-8 to Big5
      	 from (irb):2:in `encode'
      	 from (irb):2
      	 from /usr/local/bin/irb19:12:in `<main>'
Force Transcoding
                          byte data

      utf8 = quot;   quot;
      big5 = utf8.encode(quot;big5quot;)
      => true

      => false
Force Transcoding fails
      big5.valid_encoding? # false
1.9   big5 =~ /123456/

      => ArgumentError: invalid byte sequence in UTF-8
      	 from (irb):11
      	 from /usr/local/bin/irb19:12:in `<main>'
                : ASCII with a bigger Encoding

       ascii = quot;my quot;.force_encoding(quot;asciiquot;)
       utf8 = quot;Résuméquot;

       Encoding.compatible?(ascii, utf8)

       my_resume = ascii + utf8
       puts my_resume                 # quot;My Résuméquot;
       puts   # UTF-8
      big5 = quot;   quot;.encode(quot;big5quot;)
      utf8 = quot;Résuméquot;

      Encoding.compatible?(big5, utf8)   # nil

      big5 + utf8

      => Encoding::CompatibilityError: incompatible character
      encodings: Big5 and UTF-8
      	 from (irb):25
      	 from /usr/local/bin/irb19:12:in `<main>'
String Iteration

 • Strings are no longer enumerable
 • Ruby 1.8 each() has been removed
1.9 Ruby 1.9 use explicit iterator

    • each_line
    • each_byte
    • each_char
    • each_codepoint
What’s default encoding?
       ?   encoding   ?
program source encoding
                magic comment

    # encoding: UTF-8

    #!/usr/bin/env ruby -w
    # encoding: UTF-8

    # coding: UTF-8

    # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
program without magic comment

ruby foobar.rb # US-ASCII

ruby -e foobar.rb     irb #   OS   ($LC_CTYPE, $LANG)

ruby -KU foobar.rb # UTF-8
program source
      encoding           error

invalid multibyte char (US-ASCII)
IO Object
      # encoding: utf-8
      f =;big5.txtquot;,quot;r:big5quot;)
      puts f.external_encoding # Big5
      puts f.gets.encoding # Big5
IO Object
      # encoding: utf-8
      f =;big5.txtquot;,quot;r:big5:utf-8quot;)
      puts f.external_encoding # Big5
      puts f.internal_encoding # UTF-8
      puts f.gets.encoding # UTF-8
IO Object
      # encoding: utf-8
      f =;another_big5.txtquot;, quot;w:big5quot;)
      puts f.external_encoding # Big5
      data = quot;     quot;
      puts # UTF-8
      f << data
IO Object
      # encoding: utf-8
      f =;another_big5.txtquot;, quot;w:big5quot;)
      puts f.external_encoding # Big5
      data = quot;     quot;
      puts # UTF-8
      f << data
Regexp has encoding too
                          • Oniguruma engine

                          • Same basic API
=> #<Encoding:US-ASCII>

                          • better performance
/   /.encoding
=> #<Encoding:UTF-8>

                          • support for a lot of encoding
                          • extended syntax
Default Encoding Overview

• String literal program source
• Symbols Regexp                             7-bit
  US-ASCII                          program source
• IO             external_encoding           OS
 •     ruby -E

 •     Encoding.external_encoding
The Threading model
           code block
f = {
          2.times do
              puts quot;Fiber say hiquot;
              Fiber.yield #
              puts quot;Fiber say byequot;

      >>   f.resume
      #       Fiber say hi
      >>   f.resume
      #        Fiber say bye
      #        Fiber say hi
      >>   f.resume
      #        Fiber say bye
      >>   f.resume
       FiberError: dead fiber called
      	 from (irb):78:in `resume'
      	 from (irb):78
      	 from /usr/local/bin/irb19:12:in `<main>'
•        Enumerator
•        fiber library                                  fiber
• (Ruby 1.8             continuation
               continuation        kernel   library)

•                        ... zzz
Native Threads
 • Green threads
       Ruby thread          native thread

 • Native (operation system) thread
       Ruby thread       native thread
                Giant Interpreter Lock

                 C extension libraries
      thread safe
      (                     Ruby Threads   JRuby)
4. Ruby on Rails
Ruby 1.9 on Rails

• Rails 2.3.2 or edge
• mysql-ruby driver for Ruby 1.9
• Passenger(mod_rails) or Thin
Upgrade issue
• program source encoding problem
 •   invalid multibyte char                                    # encoding: UTF-8

• encoding compatibility problem
 •                                  ACSII-8BIT (binary)          UTF-8 String

 • (UTF-8 friendly)

• some gem, plugins are not Ruby 1.9 compatible

• Rails 2.3.2 production mode
• No DB, just render :text => 'hello'
• My MacBook Pro 2.2G
• httperf
              Reply rate [replies/s]

              min       avg            max   stddev
Ruby 1.8.6   241.8     258.3       267.4      14.4
Ruby 1.8.6   244.6     260.9       271.2      11.4
Ruby 1.9.1   264.0     269.5       273.4      4.9
Ruby 1.8.6   244.5     273.2       299.6      22.7
Thin 1.0.0
Ruby 1.9.1   348.4     363.2       371.2      12.8
Thin 1.0.0
Ruby 1.9                            Rails Stack                   !!


                                             Ruby 1.8.6/Mongrel 1.1.5
                                             Ruby 1.8.6/mod_rails edge
 200                                         Ruby 1.9.1/mod_rails edge
                                             Ruby 1.8.6/Thin 1.0.0
                                             Ruby 1.9.1/Thin 1.0.0

           Reply rate [replies/s]
Ruby 1.9                            Rails Stack                   !!


                                             Ruby 1.8.6/Mongrel 1.1.5
                                             Ruby 1.8.6/mod_rails edge
 200                                         Ruby 1.9.1/mod_rails edge
                                             Ruby 1.8.6/Thin 1.0.0
                                             Ruby 1.9.1/Thin 1.0.0

           Reply rate [replies/s]
5. Conclusion
TIOBE Programming Community Index for April 2009
Ruby challenge
• Ruby 1.9 change a lot and 1.8 is slow and
  should be deprecated.
• Migrate to Ruby 1.9 is the big challenge
  in 2009.
•   Understanding M17n

•   Books
    •     Programming Ruby 1.9 (Pragmatic)
    •     The Ruby Programming Language (O’Reilly)
    •     Ruby Best Practices (O’Reilly)
    •     The Well-Grounded Rubyist (Manning)
•   Slide
    •     MigrationToRuby 1.9
    •     Ruby 1.9: What to Expect

    •     Matz on Ruby 1.9
Other reference links





Thank you.
puts quot;dogquot;.reverse
          .tap{ |o| puts quot;reversed: #{o}quot; }

reversed: god

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Similar a Ruby 1.9

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Ruby 1.9

  • 1. Ruby 1.9: It works! 2009/4/18 OSDC.TW
  • 2. Ruby 1.9: It (must) works! 2009/4/18 OSDC.TW
  • 3. ? • a.k.a. ihower • • • 2006 Ruby • ( ) Rails Developer • •
  • 4. Agenda • Overview • What’s changed? • What’s New? (External Interater, M17N, The Threading Model) • Ruby 1.9 on Rails
  • 6. Ruby 1.8.6 • Ruby 1.8.6, release at 2007/3/12 • Stable • Performance sucks • Memory leaks • NewRelic Report 69.4%
  • 7. Ruby 1.8.7 • Ruby 1.8.7 release at 2008/5/31 • 1.9 • gems, library ( 1.8.6 ) • JRuby 1.8.7 • NewRelic Report 14.5%
  • 8. Ruby 1.9 • Ruby 1.9.0 release development version in 2007/12/25 • Ruby 1.9.1 release stable/production version in 2009/1/30 • Better performance • Better encoding support
  • 9. Ruby Implementations production • Ruby 1.8.6, 1.8.7 (MRI, Matz’ Ruby Interpreter) • EngineYard 1.8.6 MBARI GC patch • Ruby 1.9.1 (YARV) • JRuby • Ruby1.8.6 1.9 • Ruby Enterprise Edition(REE) • Ruby 1.8.6 GC memory leak
  • 10. Ruby Implementations production • MacRuby (based on Objective-C) • Rubinius (Engine yard project) • MagLev (based on smalltalk) • IronRuby (based on Microsoft .NET) • Cardinal (based on Parrot VM)
  • 11. Performance ( 1.8 2~2.5 )
  • 12. Ubuntu : Intel® Q6600® quad-core Computer Language Benchmarks Game
  • 14. Ordered Hash { :a => 1, :b=> 2, :c => 3 }.merge( :d => 4 ) 1.8 {:a=>1, :d=>4, :b=>2, :c=>3} 1.9 {:a=>1, :b=>2, :c=>3, :d=>4}
  • 15. new Hash literal config = { :foo => 1234, :bar => 6789 } 1.8,1.9 Person.find(:all, :conditions => { :name => 'ihower' } ) config = { foo: 1234, bar: 6789 } 1.9 Person.find(:all, :conditions => { name: 'ihower' } )
  • 16. Hash syntax => {1,2,3,4} 1.8 => {1=>2, 3=>4} {1,2,3,4} 1.9 => syntax error, unexpected ',', expecting tASSOC
  • 17. Hash#select hash = { :a => 1, :b => 2, :c => 3 }{ |k, v| v > 1 } [[:b, 2], [:c, 3]] 1.8 {:b=>2, :c=>3} 1.9
  • 18. Array#to_s, Hash#to_s 1.8 1.9 [1,2,3,4].to_s [1,2,3,4].to_s => quot;1234quot; => quot;[1, 2, 3, 4]quot; {1=>2,3=>4}.to_s {1=>2,3=>4}.to_s => quot;1234quot; => quot;{1=>2, 3=>4}quot;
  • 19. case syntax name = case name = case when x == 1 : quot;onequot; when x == 1 1.8 when x == 2 : quot;twoquot; quot;onequot; 1.8,1.9 else quot;manyquot; when x == 2 end quot;twoquot; else quot;manyquot; end name = case when x == 1 then quot;onequot; when x == 2 then quot;twoquot; 1.8,1.9 else quot;manyquot; end
  • 20. block’s parameter always local local x = quot;fooquot; y = quot;barquot; [1,2,3].each do |x| y=x+1 end 1.8 [x,y] => [3, 4] 1.9 [x,y] => [quot;fooquot;, 4]
  • 21. block’s parameter always local local x = quot;fooquot; y = quot;barquot; [1,2,3].each do |x| y=x+1 end 1.8 [x,y] => [3, 4] 1.9 [x,y] => [quot;fooquot;, 4]
  • 22. block-local variable local bar = quot;ihowerquot; 1.9 bar = quot;ihowerquot; 1.8,1.9 [1,2,3].each do |val; bar| [1,2,3].each do |val| bar = val foo = val end bar = val end bar => quot;ihowerquot; foo # NameError: undefined local variable or method `foo’ bar => 3
  • 23. block-local variable local bar = quot;ihowerquot; 1.9 bar = quot;ihowerquot; 1.8,1.9 [1,2,3].each do |val; bar| [1,2,3].each do |val| bar = val foo = val end bar = val end bar => quot;ihowerquot; foo # NameError: undefined local variable or method `foo’ bar bar => 3
  • 24. block can accept block argrments proc1 = lambda do |a, *b, &block| pa pb pc end,2,3,4) { puts quot;in block1quot; } # 1 [2,3,4] quot;in block1quot;
  • 25. new lambda literal lambda lambda { |a| a*3 }.call(4) 1.8,1.9 # => 12 lambda { |a| a*3 }[4] 1.8,1.9 # => 12 ->(a) { a*3 }.(4) 1.9 # => 12
  • 26. def my_if(condition, then_clause, else_clause) if condition else end end 5.times do |val| my_if (val < 3), -> { puts quot;#{val} is smallquot; }, -> { puts quot;#{val} is bigquot; } end # 0 is small 1 is small 2 is small 3 is big 4 is big
  • 27. def my_while(cond, &body) while end end a=0 my_while -> { a < 3 } do puts a a += 1 end # 0 1 2
  • 28. Kernel.proc , do not use it! • proc lambda 1.8 • 1.9 proc
  • 29. BasicObject root Class.superclass.superclass => Object 1.8,1.9 1.8 Class.superclass.superclass.superclass => nil Class.superclass.superclass.superclass => BasicObject 1.9 BasicObject.superclass => nil BasicObject.instance_methods => [:==, :equal?, :!, :!=, :instance_eval, :instance_exec, :__send__] metaprogramming blank canvas
  • 30. standard library changes • + Rubygems • no longer needed require ‘rubygems’ • + Rake • no longer gem install rake • ~ Test::Unit replaced by MiniTest • - soap, jcode...etc, some rarely used, old libraries
  • 33. Iterators to_enum Internal External 1.9 1.8,1.9 arr = [ 1, 2, quot;ihowerquot; ] arr = [ 1, 2, quot;ihowerquot; ] arr.each do |a| enum_a = arr.to_enum puts a # Enumerators ( each) end # => 1 # => 1 # => 2 # => 2 # => quot;ihowerquot; # => quot;ihowerquot;
  • 34. Enumerators 1.9 1.9 arr = [ 1, 2, quot;ihowerquot; ] h = { foo: quot;567quot;, bar: quot;890quot; } enum_a = enum_h = h.to_enum arr.to_enum(:each_with_index) # => [:foo, quot;567quot;] # => [1, 0] # => [2, 1] # => [:bar, quot;890quot;] # => [quot;ihowerquot;, 2]
  • 35. StopIteration exception 1.9 short_enum = [1, 2, 3].to_enum long_enum = ('a'..'z').to_enum loop do puts quot;#{} #{}quot; end # => 1-a # => 2-b # => 3-c
  • 36. StopIteration exception 1.9 short_enum = [1, 2, 3].to_enum long_enum = ('a'..'z').to_enum loop do puts quot;#{} #{}quot; end # => 1-a StopIteration # => 2-b # => 3-c
  • 37. Enumerator from iterator iterator method 1.9 arr = [ 1, 2, quot;ihowerquot; ] enum_a = arr.each # Enumerator # => 1 # => 2 # => quot;ihowerquot;
  • 38. code block 1.9 seq = do |yielder| n1 = 0 n2 = 1 loop do n3 = n1 + n2 yielder.yield n3 n1 = n2 n2 = n3 end end # 1 # 2 2.times { puts } #3 #5
  • 39. Enumerator objects are also enumerable 1.9 seq.first(10) # => [1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89] seq.to_a # Don’t do this if your Enumerator has infinite elements
  • 41. In Ruby 1.8, a String is always just a collection of bytes
  • 42. Ruby 1.8 String fails >> quot; quot;.reverse 1.8 => quot;207226 344quot; >> quot; quot;.size => 6
  • 43. Ruby 1.8 Regexp UTF-8 • Support None (n or N), EUC (e or E), Shift_JIS (s or S), UTF-8 (u or U) >> quot; quot;.scan(/./u) 1.8,1.9 => [quot; quot;, quot; quot;]
  • 44. Use Regexp to handle String Regexp >> quot; quot;.scan(/./u).reverse.join 1.8,1.9 => quot; quot; >> quot; quot;.scan(/./u).size => 2
  • 45. $KCODE = “U” or ruby -KU • regular expressions default encoding • $KCODE = quot;Uquot; terminal >> quot; quot; 1.8 => quot;344270255346226207quot; >> $KCODE='u' >> quot; quot; => quot; quot;
  • 46. Unicode codepoint Ruby 1.8 UTF-8 >> quot; quot;.unpack(quot;U*quot;) 1.8,1.9 => [20013, 25991] >> quot; quot;.unpack(quot;U*quot;).reverse.pack(quot;U*quot;) => quot; quot; >> quot; quot;.unpack(quot;U*quot;).size => 2
  • 47. Unicode codepoint(cont.) Rails ActiveSupport >> quot; quot;.chars # in Rails 1.8,1.9 => #<ActiveSupport::Multibyte::Chars:0x25aebbc @wrapped_string=quot; quot;> >> quot; quot;.chars.size => 2
  • 48. iconv library UTF-8 data • C Library, it’s fast. • convert your encoding to UTF-8 • handle it • export back to your encoding
  • 49. jcode library too simple, not useful $KCODE = 'UTF8' 1.8 require 'jcode' str = quot; quot; str.size # 9 str.jsize # 2
  • 50. No enough encodings supported in Ruby 1.8 • String Encoding • Regexp • encoding Regexp letter • #String.upcase encoded data valid? • $KCODE • String, IO object, program source
  • 51. pick one encoding, likely Unicode, and works all data in one format? No. Ruby 1.9 make it possible to work with data with 83 encoding.
  • 52. >> Encoding.name_list => [quot;ASCII-8BITquot;, quot;UTF-8quot;, quot;US-ASCIIquot;, quot;Big5quot;, quot;CP949quot;, quot;Emacs-Mulequot;, quot;EUC-JPquot;, quot;EUC-KRquot;, quot;EUC-TWquot;, quot;GB18030quot;, quot;GBKquot;, quot;ISO-8859-1quot;, quot;ISO-8859-2quot;, quot;ISO-8859-3quot;, quot;ISO-8859-4quot;, quot;ISO-8859-5quot;, quot;ISO-8859-6quot;, quot;ISO-8859-7quot;, quot;ISO-8859-8quot;, quot;ISO-8859-9quot;, quot;ISO-8859-10quot;, quot;ISO-8859-11quot;, quot;ISO-8859-13quot;, quot;ISO-8859-14quot;, quot;ISO-8859-15quot;, quot;ISO-8859-16quot;, quot;KOI8-Rquot;, quot;KOI8-Uquot;, quot;Shift_JISquot;, quot;UTF-16BEquot;, quot;UTF-16LEquot;, quot;UTF-32BEquot;, quot;UTF-32LEquot;, quot;Windows-1251quot;, quot;BINARYquot;, quot;IBM437quot;, quot;CP437quot;, quot;IBM737quot;, quot;CP737quot;, quot;IBM775quot;, quot;CP775quot;, quot;CP850quot;, quot;IBM850quot;, quot;IBM852quot;, quot;CP852quot;, quot;IBM855quot;, quot;CP855quot;, quot;IBM857quot;, quot;CP857quot;, quot;IBM860quot;, quot;CP860quot;, quot;IBM861quot;, quot;CP861quot;, quot;IBM862quot;, quot;CP862quot;, quot;IBM863quot;, quot;CP863quot;, quot;IBM864quot;, quot;CP864quot;, quot;IBM865quot;, quot;CP865quot;, quot;IBM866quot;, quot;CP866quot;, quot;IBM869quot;, quot;CP869quot;, quot;Windows-1258quot;, quot;CP1258quot;, quot;GB1988quot;, quot;macCentEuroquot;, quot;macCroatianquot;, quot;macCyrillicquot;, quot;macGreekquot;, quot;macIcelandquot;, quot;macRomanquot;, quot;macRomaniaquot;, quot;macThaiquot;, quot;macTurkishquot;, quot;macUkrainequot;, quot;CP950quot;, quot;stateless-ISO-2022-JPquot;, quot;eucJPquot;, quot;eucJP-msquot;, quot;euc-jp-msquot;, quot;CP51932quot;, quot;eucKRquot;, quot;eucTWquot;, quot;GB2312quot;, quot;EUC-CNquot;, quot;eucCNquot;, quot;GB12345quot;, quot;CP936quot;, quot;ISO-2022- JPquot;, quot;ISO2022-JPquot;, quot;ISO-2022-JP-2quot;, quot;ISO2022-JP2quot;, quot;ISO8859-1quot;, quot;Windows-1252quot;, quot;CP1252quot;, quot;ISO8859-2quot;, quot;Windows-1250quot;, quot;CP1250quot;, quot;ISO8859-3quot;, quot;ISO8859-4quot;, quot;ISO8859-5quot;, quot;ISO8859-6quot;, quot;Windows-1256quot;, quot;CP1256quot;, quot;ISO8859-7quot;, quot;Windows-1253quot;, quot;CP1253quot;, quot;ISO8859-8quot;, quot;Windows-1255quot;, quot;CP1255quot;, quot;ISO8859-9quot;, quot;Windows-1254quot;, quot;CP1254quot;, quot;ISO8859-10quot;, quot;ISO8859-11quot;, quot;TIS-620quot;, quot;Windows-874quot;, quot;CP874quot;, quot;ISO8859-13quot;, quot;Windows-1257quot;, quot;CP1257quot;, quot;ISO8859-14quot;, quot;ISO8859-15quot;, quot;ISO8859-16quot;, quot;CP878quot;, quot;SJISquot;, quot;Windows-31Jquot;, quot;CP932quot;, quot;csWindows31Jquot;, quot;MacJapanesequot;, quot;MacJapanquot;, quot;ASCIIquot;, quot;ANSI_X3.4-1968quot;, quot;646quot;, quot;UTF-7quot;, quot;CP65000quot;, quot;CP65001quot;, quot;UTF8-MACquot;, quot;UTF-8-MACquot;, quot;UCS-2BEquot;, quot;UCS-4BEquot;, quot;UCS-4LEquot;, quot;CP1251quot;, quot;localequot;, quot;externalquot;, quot;internalquot;]
  • 53. All String are Encoded • In Ruby 1.9 a String is a collection of encoded characters. raw bytes Encoding >> quot; quot; 1.9 => quot;UTF-8quot; Encoding object
  • 54. String works in characters 1.9 >> quot; quot;.reverse => quot; quot; >> quot; quot;.size => 2 >> quot; quot;.bytesize => 6
  • 55. String Indexing 1.9 1.8 >> quot;abcquot;[0] >> quot;abcquot;[0] => 97 => quot;aquot; >> quot; quot;[1] >> quot; quot;[1] => 184 => quot; quot; >> quot;abcquot;[0].ord => 97
  • 56. ! In Ruby 1.9, String has attached Encoding object, and works in characters.
  • 57. Transcoding utf8 = quot; quot; 1.9 utf8.bytesize # 6 utf8.bytes.to_a # [230, 184, 172, 232, 169, 166] big5 = utf8.encode(quot;big5quot;) # ”Big5” big5.bytesize # 4 big5.bytes.to_a # [180, 250, 184, 213]
  • 58. Transcoding fails str = quot;Résuméquot; 1.9 str.encode(quot;big5quot;) => Encoding::UndefinedConversionError: quot;xC3xA9quot; from UTF-8 to Big5 from (irb):2:in `encode' from (irb):2 from /usr/local/bin/irb19:12:in `<main>'
  • 59. Force Transcoding byte data utf8 = quot; quot; 1.9 big5 = utf8.encode(quot;big5quot;) big5.valid_encoding? => true big5.force_encoding(quot;utf-8quot;) big5.valid_encoding? => false
  • 60. Force Transcoding fails big5.valid_encoding? # false 1.9 big5 =~ /123456/ => ArgumentError: invalid byte sequence in UTF-8 from (irb):11 from /usr/local/bin/irb19:12:in `<main>'
  • 61. Encoding.compatible? : ASCII with a bigger Encoding ascii = quot;my quot;.force_encoding(quot;asciiquot;) 1.9 utf8 = quot;Résuméquot; # Encoding.compatible?(ascii, utf8) #<Encoding:UTF-8> # my_resume = ascii + utf8 puts my_resume # quot;My Résuméquot; puts # UTF-8
  • 62. Encoding.compatible? big5 = quot; quot;.encode(quot;big5quot;) 1.9 utf8 = quot;Résuméquot; # Encoding.compatible?(big5, utf8) # nil # big5 + utf8 => Encoding::CompatibilityError: incompatible character encodings: Big5 and UTF-8 from (irb):25 from /usr/local/bin/irb19:12:in `<main>'
  • 63. String Iteration each • Strings are no longer enumerable • Ruby 1.8 each() has been removed • 1.9 Ruby 1.9 use explicit iterator • each_line • each_byte • each_char • each_codepoint
  • 65. program source encoding magic comment # encoding: UTF-8 #!/usr/bin/env ruby -w # encoding: UTF-8 # coding: UTF-8 # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
  • 66. program without magic comment ruby foobar.rb # US-ASCII ruby -e foobar.rb irb # OS ($LC_CTYPE, $LANG) ruby -KU foobar.rb # UTF-8
  • 67. program source encoding error invalid multibyte char (US-ASCII)
  • 68. IO Object 1.9 # encoding: utf-8 f =;big5.txtquot;,quot;r:big5quot;) puts f.external_encoding # Big5 puts f.gets.encoding # Big5
  • 69. IO Object 1.9 # encoding: utf-8 f =;big5.txtquot;,quot;r:big5:utf-8quot;) puts f.external_encoding # Big5 puts f.internal_encoding # UTF-8 puts f.gets.encoding # UTF-8
  • 70. IO Object 1.9 # encoding: utf-8 f =;another_big5.txtquot;, quot;w:big5quot;) puts f.external_encoding # Big5 data = quot; quot; puts # UTF-8 f << data
  • 71. IO Object 1.9 # encoding: utf-8 f =;another_big5.txtquot;, quot;w:big5quot;) puts f.external_encoding # Big5 data = quot; quot; puts # UTF-8 f << data
  • 72. Regexp has encoding too • Oniguruma engine 1.9 /w/.encoding • Same basic API => #<Encoding:US-ASCII> • better performance / /.encoding => #<Encoding:UTF-8> • support for a lot of encoding • extended syntax
  • 73. Default Encoding Overview • String literal program source • Symbols Regexp 7-bit US-ASCII program source • IO external_encoding OS • ruby -E • Encoding.external_encoding
  • 75. Fibers (semi-coroutine) code block
  • 76. f = { 1.9 2.times do puts quot;Fiber say hiquot; Fiber.yield # puts quot;Fiber say byequot; end }# >> f.resume # Fiber say hi >> f.resume # Fiber say bye # Fiber say hi >> f.resume # Fiber say bye >> f.resume FiberError: dead fiber called from (irb):78:in `resume' from (irb):78 from /usr/local/bin/irb19:12:in `<main>'
  • 77. Fibers • Enumerator • fiber library fiber object • (Ruby 1.8 continuation continuation kernel library) • ... zzz
  • 78. Native Threads • Green threads 1.8 Ruby thread native thread • Native (operation system) thread 1.9 Ruby thread native thread
  • 79. GIL Giant Interpreter Lock • 1.9 C extension libraries thread safe Thread ( Ruby Threads JRuby)
  • 80. 4. Ruby on Rails
  • 81. Ruby 1.9 on Rails • Rails 2.3.2 or edge • mysql-ruby driver for Ruby 1.9 • Passenger(mod_rails) or Thin
  • 82. Upgrade issue • program source encoding problem • invalid multibyte char # encoding: UTF-8 • encoding compatibility problem • ACSII-8BIT (binary) UTF-8 String • (UTF-8 friendly) • some gem, plugins are not Ruby 1.9 compatible •
  • 83. Benchmark • Rails 2.3.2 production mode • No DB, just render :text => 'hello' • My MacBook Pro 2.2G • httperf
  • 84. Performance Reply rate [replies/s] min avg max stddev Ruby 1.8.6 241.8 258.3 267.4 14.4 Mongrel 1.1.5 Ruby 1.8.6 244.6 260.9 271.2 11.4 mod_rails Ruby 1.9.1 264.0 269.5 273.4 4.9 mod_rails Ruby 1.8.6 244.5 273.2 299.6 22.7 Thin 1.0.0 Ruby 1.9.1 348.4 363.2 371.2 12.8 Thin 1.0.0
  • 85. Performance Ruby 1.9 Rails Stack !! 400 300 Ruby 1.8.6/Mongrel 1.1.5 Ruby 1.8.6/mod_rails edge 200 Ruby 1.9.1/mod_rails edge Ruby 1.8.6/Thin 1.0.0 Ruby 1.9.1/Thin 1.0.0 100 0 Reply rate [replies/s]
  • 86. Performance Ruby 1.9 Rails Stack !! 400 300 Ruby 1.8.6/Mongrel 1.1.5 Ruby 1.8.6/mod_rails edge 200 Ruby 1.9.1/mod_rails edge Ruby 1.8.6/Thin 1.0.0 Ruby 1.9.1/Thin 1.0.0 100 0 Reply rate [replies/s]
  • 88. TIOBE Programming Community Index for April 2009
  • 89. Ruby challenge • Ruby 1.9 change a lot and 1.8 is slow and should be deprecated. • Migrate to Ruby 1.9 is the big challenge in 2009.
  • 90. Reference • Understanding M17n • Books • Programming Ruby 1.9 (Pragmatic) • The Ruby Programming Language (O’Reilly) • Ruby Best Practices (O’Reilly) • The Well-Grounded Rubyist (Manning) • Slide • MigrationToRuby 1.9 • Ruby 1.9: What to Expect • Matz on Ruby 1.9
  • 91. Other reference links • • • • ruby-1-9 • ruby-1-9 •
  • 93. Bonus
  • 94. Object#tap puts quot;dogquot;.reverse .tap{ |o| puts quot;reversed: #{o}quot; } .upcase # reversed: god GOD