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Hello India Journey 2014 introduce You for the most comprehensive tour in India with daily yoga and
meditation classes. This non-profit tour organized by Yoga In The Himalayas, the subsidiary of Bhagirathi Tour
& Travel which has been operating tour & travel business for over ten years and in accordance with the highest
ethical and business standards.
Our mission is to provide you with the best service and expertise for all of your travel needs in India. Our goal is
to exceed your expectation at every phase of your India journey as well as fit your body – mind – soul during
the travel. Hello India Journey 2014 includes all of the most popular heritage sites and holy places of India
and inter alia the holy pilgrimage tour of indians what is called Char Dham Yatra in the Himalayas.
India is a beautiful kaleidoscope of culture, tradition and natural beauty. From the magnificiant Himalayan
mountain range in the North to divine beauty of Kerala in the South. India is place where you can see all the
glorious facades of nature. The snow covered peaks, the vast expanse of beautiful desert, the plains, the
plateaus, the lush green tree cover and the ornamental beaches all emanate natural elegance.
Hello India Journey 2014 takes You places that are full of natural beauty, cultural heritage and the Himalayas.
A perfect blend of neo-traditional element for the memorable experience.
Anita Szentesi & Naveen Rana
(the organizers & guides of the Journey)
AAbboouutt YYooggaa IInn TThhee HHiimmaallaayyaass 44--77
HHeelllloo IInnddiiaa JJoouurrnneeyy 22001144 88
TToouurr HHiigghhlliigghhttss AAnndd PPrriiccee 99
CCoosstt IInncclluuddeess AAss FFoolllloowwiinngg 1100
PPrrooggrraamm ((DDaayy 11--1111)) 1111
PPrrooggrraamm ((DDaayy 1122--2222)) 1122
AAbboouutt TThhee PPllaacceess 1133
˙˙DDeellhhii 1144
˙˙HHaarriiddwwaarr 1155
˙˙UUttttaarrkkaasshhii 1166
˙˙GGaannggoottrrii 1177
˙˙GGoommuukkhh ((SSoouurrccee OOff TThhee GGaannggeess)) 1188
˙˙JJoosshhiimmaatthh 1199
˙˙BBaaddrriinnaatthh 2200
˙˙RRuuddrraapprraayyaagg 2211
˙˙KKaarrnnpprraayyaagg 2222
˙˙DDeevvpprraayyaagg 2233
˙˙RRiisshhiikkeesshh 2244
˙˙VVaarraannaassii 2255
˙˙AAggrraa 2266
˙˙TTaajj MMaahhaall 2277
˙˙FFaatteehhppuurr SSiikkrrii 2288
˙˙JJaaiippuurr ((PPiinnkk CCiittyy)) 2299
˙˙GGoollddeenn TTeemmppllee ((AAmmrriittssaarr)) 3300
AAccccoommooddaattiioonn 3311
TTrraannssppoorrttaattiioonn 3322
CCoonnttaacctt 3333
BBooookkiinngg 3344
OOuurr PPaarrttnneerrss && SSuuppoorrtteerrss 3355
YYooggaa IInn TThhee HHiimmaallaayyaass
YYooggaa IIss LLiiffee.. HHiimmaallaayyaa IIss TThhee HHoommee OOff IItt..
 Yoga has a complete message for humanity
 It has a message for the human body
 It has a message for the human mind
 And it has also a message for the human soul
44 AAbboouutt YYooggaa IInn TThhee HHiimmaallaayyaass
Introduce the yoga
Yoga is an ancient art of holistic well being, which was originated
during the times of the rishis and munis (holy men of the past) in ancient
India. Even though it is an ancient system, many people have lately
become interested in learning this technique. Nowadays people have
started opening yoga classes in countries like the UK, USA, Europe, etc. to
teach western form of yoga to the people.
But to learn ancient indian yoga tourists have to come for yoga
tours in The Himalayas as well as Rishikesh in the capital of Yoga.
Rishikesh is the holy city in India it is in this town that the art of yoga was
developed; even today you will find people who regularly practice yoga to
keep themselves fit. Rishikesh is the first city that falls on the course of
Ganga as it makes its way to the Bay of Bengal. Rishikesh is dotted with
ashrams where you can mediate or practice yoga. Located at the foot
hills of the Himalayas with the river Ganga flowing by Rishikesh is perfect
place for learning yoga.
Benefits of Yoga in Everyday Life
Weight loss, a strong and flexible body, glowing beautiful skin,
peaceful mind, good health - whatever you may be looking for, yoga
has it on offer. However, very often, yoga is only partially understood
as being limited to Asanas (yoga poses). As such, its benefits are only
perceived to be at the body level and we fail to realize the immense
benefits yoga offers in uniting the body, mind and breath.
When you are in harmony, the journey through life is calmer,
happier and more fulfilling.
With all this and much more to offer, the benefits of yoga are
felt in a profound yet subtle manner. Here, we look at the top 10
benefits of regular yoga practice.
1) All-round fitness 6) Living with greater awareness
2) Weight loss 7) Better relationships
3) Stress relief 8) Increased energy
4) Inner peace 9) Better flexibility & posture
5) Improved immunity 10)Better intuition
Yoga In The Himalayas is a group of young spiritual teachers with a traditional ashram/monastic background and deeply passionate about
spiritual, cultural and natural lover exchange of East and West. All our teachers are either monks or scholars or spiritual and natural lovers
seekers who are enriched with years of experience in teaching the students from different countries around the world.
We offer a wide range of body-mind-spiritual retreats, trainings, courses that includes Asanas, breathing (pranayamas), Chakra balancing
practices, meditation, ayurveda, detox kriyas, Sanskrit Language and a practical philosophy to live a dynamic life with a peaceful heart. The
uniqueness of our courses is that we don't impose any fixed manuals, guidelines, books, traditions, rules etc... We evaluate each students
individually and respect their choices and requirements throughout the programs.
We don't promise Nirvana (enlightenment ) or deep spiritual experiences, nor do we bang you with some abstract spiritual philosophies. What we
teach is simple yoga and meditation practices that can be of practical use in your daily life and harmonize all areas of life, including diet,
sleep, relationships and work attitudes. Yoga In The Himalayas offers a variety of yoga packages in the Himalayas as well as bank of Ganges and
the capital of Yoga in Rishikesh for both beginners and teachers.
Learning yoga in The Himalayas is a truly
unique & life changing experience.
Himalayas has been the cradle of this
ancient wisdom tradition for centuries.
Many great saints and numerous
practitioners have spent their lives
practicing and developing this wonderful
science of life in these very mountains.
Yoga students feel a very palpable
spiritual energy and grace when they
spend time in practice in the central of
HHHeeellllllooo IIInnndddiiiaaa JJJooouuurrrnnneeeyyy IIImmmaaagggiiinnnaaatttiiiooonnn CCChhhaaannngggeeesss IIInnntttooo RRReeeaaallliiitttyyy
FFRROOMM 0011sstt ttoo 2222nndd JJUUNNEE 22001144
Delhi – Haridwar – Uttarkashi – Gangotri – Gomukh (The Source of
Ganges) - Joshimath – Badrinath – Rudraprayag – Karnprayag –
Devprayag – Rishikesh – Varanasi – Agra ( Taj Mahal & Red Fort) –
Fatehpur Sikri – Jaipur ( Pink City) – Golden Temple (Amritsar)
VViissiitt DDeellhhii
VViissiitt HHaarriiddwwaarr
VViissiitt MMuussssoooorriiee
VViissiitt UUttttaarrkkaasshhii
VViissiitt GGaannggoottrrii TTeemmppllee
VViissiitt SSoouurrccee OOff GGaannggeess
VViissiitt JJoosshhiimmaatthh
VViissiitt AAuullii
VViissiitt BBaaddrriinnaatthh TTeemmppllee
VViissiitt RRiisshhiikkeesshh
VViissiitt VVaarraannaassii
VViissiitt AAggrraa
VViissiitt TTaajj MMaahhaall
VViissiitt JJaaiippuurr ((TThhee PPiinnkk CCiittyy))
VViissiitt GGoollddeenn TTeemmppllee ((AAmmrriittssaarr))
99 TToouurr HHiigghhlliigghhttss && PPrriiccee
((7733..550000 IINNRR))
•• IInntteerrnnaattiioonnaall fflliigghhtt ttiicckkeettss ffrroomm HHoommee ttoo DDeellhhii aanndd bbaacckk
ttoo HHoommee // EEccoonnoommyy CCllaassss
•• AAllll aaccccoommmmooddaattiioonn oonn ddoouubbllee sshhaarriinngg,, ssiinnggllee sshhaarriinngg oorr
ttwwiinn sshhaarriinngg bbaassiiss iinn HHootteell,, GGuueesstt HHoouussee aanndd CCaammpp
•• AAllll ttrraannssppoorrttaattiioonn ffrroomm DDeellhhii aaiirrppoorrtt ttoo DDeellhhii aaiirrppoorrtt bbyy
aaiirr--ccoonnddiittiioonn ssmmaallll vveehhiicclleess // ccooaacchh ddeeppeennddiinngg oonn tthhee
ggrroouupp ssiizzee
•• EEvveerryy ddaayy YYooggaa && MMeeddiittaattiioonn ccllaassss
•• DDaaiillyy bbrreeaakkffaasstt && ddiinnnneerr
•• AAllll ttoouurriisstt ttaaxxeess
•• CCaammppiinngg dduurriinngg tthhee ttrreekk
•• AAllll ssiigghhttsseeeeiinngg ttoouurrss
•• SSeerrvviicceess ooff ttoouurr gguuiiddee
•• VViissiitt ttoo aallll iimmppoorrttaanntt tteemmpplleess aanndd ppllaacceess dduurriinngg tthhee eennttiirree
•• YYooggaa mmaasstteerr dduurriinngg tthhee ttrriipp
•• YYooggaa mmaatt
•• AAllll ttrraaiinn ttiicckkeettss
•• MMoonnuummeenntt && FFoorrtt eennttrraannccee ffeeeess iinn AAggrraa,, JJaaiippuurr aanndd DDeellhhii
•• TTrreekkkkiinngg ttrriipp ttoo ssoouurrccee ooff GGaannggeess
•• OOnnee ddaayy rraaffttiinngg ttrriipp oonn tthhee GGaannggeess aatt RRiisshhiikkeesshh
•• EEnngglliisshh ssppeeaakkiinngg ttoouurr gguuiiddee ffrroomm aaiirrppoorrtt ttoo aaiirrppoorrtt ffoorr 2255
•• AAnnyy cchhaarrggeess ffoorr ccaarrrryyiinngg ssttiillll//vviiddeeoo ccaammeerraass eettcc..
•• AAllccoohhooll,, ssoofftt ddrriinnkkss,, bboottttlleedd wwaatteerr,, bbeevveerraaggeess,, eettcc..
•• PPeerrssoonnaall eexxppeennsseess lliikkee ttiippss,, tteelleepphhoonnee ccaallllss,, llaauunnddrryy,, eettcc..
•• AAnnyy ccoossttss aarriissiinngg oouutt ooff uunnffoorreesseeeenn cciirrccuummssttaanncceess lliikkee
llaannddsslliiddeess,, rrooaadd bblloocckkss,, bbaadd wweeaatthheerr,, eettcc..
•• TTrraavveell iinnssuurraannccee
•• PPaassssppoorrtt ffeeeess
1100CCoosstt IInncclluuddeess AAss FFoolllloowwiinngg
DDeellhhii –– AAggrraa –– JJaaiippuurr –– AAmmrriittssaarr –– VVaarraannaassii
33--44 SSttaarr HHootteellss
RRiisshhiikkeesshh –– HHaarriiddwwaarr
22 ssttaarr HHootteellss wwiitthh sswwiimmmmiinngg ppooooll
NNoo SSttaarr HHootteellss bbuutt nneeaatt aanndd cclleeaann GGuueesstt HHoouussee oorr
BBuunnggaalloowwss wwiitthh vveerryy ccoommffoorrttaabbllee rroooommss eeaacchh aanndd
eevveerryy ppllaacceess
1111 PPrrooggrraamm ((DDaayy 11--1111))
DDaayy 0011 AArrrriivvee aatt NNeeww DDeellhhii,, IInnddiiaa // EEvveenniinngg ssiigghhttsseeeeiinngg
ttoouurr ooff OOlldd DDeellhhii && NNeeww DDeellhhii // OOvveerrnniigghhtt ssttaayy iinn
DDaayy 0022 DDeellhhii ––>> HHaarriiddwwaarr bbyy ttrraaiinn // EEvveenniinngg vviissiitt
HHaarriiddwwaarr // OOvveerrnniigghhtt ssttaayy iinn HHootteell
DDaayy 0033 HHaarriiddwwaarr ––>> UUttttaarrkkaasshhii // EEvveenniinngg vviissiitt UUttttaarrkkaasshhii
//OOvveerrnniigghhtt ssttaayy iinn HHootteell
DDaayy 0044 UUttttaarrkkaasshhii ––>> GGaannggoottrrii // EEvveenniinngg vviissiitt GGaannggoottrrii //
OOvveerrnniigghhtt ssttaayy iinn HHootteell
DDaayy 0055 GGaannggoottrrii ––>> BBhhoojjwwaassaa //1144 kkmmss ttrreekk ((66 hhrrss)) //
OOvveerrnniigghhtt ssttaayy iinn CCaammpp
DDaayy 0066 BBhhoojjwwaassaa ––>> GGoouummuukkhh ((TThhee SSoouurrccee ooff GGaannggeess))
BBhhoojjwwaassaa 1100 kkmmss ttrreekk ((44 hhrrss)) // OOvveerrnniigghhtt ssttaayy iinn
DDaayy 0077 BBhhoojjwwaassaa ––>> GGaannggoottrrii ––>> UUttttaarrkkaasshhii //1144 kkmmss ttrreekk
((55hhrrss)) ++ 110000 kkmmss ddrriivvee ((33 hhrrss))// OOvveerrnniigghhtt ssttaayy iinn
DDaayy 0088 UUttttaarrkkaasshhii ––>> RRuuddrraapprryyaagg // 117711 kkmmss ddrriivvee ((77 hhrrss))
//OOvveerrnniigghhtt ssttaayy iinn HHootteell
DDaayy 0099 RRuuddrraapprryyaagg ––>> JJoosshhiimmaatthh ––>> BBaaddrriinnaatthh
//ddrriivvee 115577 kkmmss ((66 hhrrss)) // OOvveerrnniigghhtt ssttaayy iinn HHootteell
DDaayy 1100 FFuullll ddaayy rreellaaxx iinn BBaaddrriinnaatthh // OOvveerrnniigghhtt ssttaayy iinn
DDaayy 1111 BBaaddrriinnaatthh ––>> RRiisshhiikkeesshh //DDrriivvee // SSttaayy iinn HHootteell
DDaayy 1122 VViissiitt RRiisshhiikkeesshh ++ YYooggaa ++ WWhhiittee wwaatteerr rraaffttiinngg oonn
tthhee GGaannggeess // OOvveerrnniigghhtt ssttaayy HHootteell oorr BBeeaacchh CCaammpp
oonn tthhee GGaannggeess
DDaayy 1133 FFuullll ddaayy rreellaaxx iinn RRiisshhiikkeesshh aanndd eevveenniinngg ttrraannssffeerr
ttoo rraaiillwwaayy ssttaattiioonn aanndd ttrraaiinn ttoo DDeellhhii // OOvveerrnniigghhtt
ssttaayy iinn HHootteell
DDaayy 1144 DDeellhhii ––>> VVaarraannaassii // MMoorrnniinngg ttrraaiinn ttoo VVaarraannaassii //
OOvveerrnniigghhtt ssttaayy iinn HHootteell
DDaayy 1155 VViissiitt VVaarraannaassii // OOvveerrnniigghhtt SSttaayy iinn HHootteell
DDaayy 1166 MMoorrnniinngg VViissiitt VVaarraannaassii ––>> AAggrraa // BByy oovveerrnniigghhtt
AA//CC.. ttrraaiinn ttoo AAggrraa
DDaayy 1177 MMoorrnniinngg aarrrriivvee aatt AAggrraa aanndd ttrraannssffeerr ttoo HHootteell
EEvveenniinngg ssiigghhttsseeeeiinngg ttoouurr ooff AAggrraa // OOvveerrnniigghhtt ssttaayy
iinn HHootteell
DDaayy 1188 MMoorrnniinngg vviissiitt TTaajj MMaahhaall aanndd llaattee bbrreeaakkffaasstt// DDrriivvee
ttoo JJaaiippuurr vviiaa FFaatteehhppuurr SSiikkrrii // OOvveerrnniigghhtt ssttaayy iinn
DDaayy 1199 MMoorrnniinngg vviissiitt JJaaiippuurr && eevveenniinngg ttrraannssffeerr ttoo rraaiillwwaayy
ssttaattiioonn ffoorr AAmmrriittssaarr bbyy OOvveerrnniigghhtt AA//CC.. ttrraaiinn
DDaayy 2200 MMoorrnniinngg aarrrriivvee aatt AAmmrriittssaarr && ttrraannssffeerr ttoo HHootteell ffoorr
rreesstt && eevveenniinngg vviissiitt GGoollddeenn TTeemmppllee // OOvveerrnniigghhtt
ssttaayy iinn HHootteell
DDaayy 2211 AAfftteerr bbrreeaakkffaasstt ttrraannssffeerr ttoo rraaiillwwaayy ssttaattiioonn aanndd
ttrraaiinn ttoo DDeellhhii //aarrrriivvee aanndd ttrraannssffeerr ttoo HHootteell //
OOvveerrnniigghhtt ssttaayy iinn DDeellhhii
DDaayy 2222 MMoorrnniinngg ffrreeee ttiimmee aatt DDeellhhii eevveenniinngg ttrraannssffeerr ttoo
aaiirrppoorrtt aanndd ffllyy bbaacckk ttoo HHoommee..
1122 PPrrooggrraamm ((DDaayy 1122--2222))
TTThhheee jjjooouuurrrnnneeeyyy ooofff aaa ttthhhooouuusssaaannnddd mmmiiillleeesss,,, bbbeeegggiiinnnsss wwwiiittthhh ooonnneee sssttteeeppp...
1133 AAbboouutt TThhee PPllaacceess
DDeellhhii 1144
Delhi is known to have been
continuously inhabited since the 6th
century BC. Through most of its history,
Delhi has served as a capital of various
kingdoms and empires. It has been
captured, sacked and rebuilt several
times, particularly during the medieval
period, and therefore the modern
conurbation of Delhi is a cluster of a
number of cities spread across the
metropolitan region. Delhi is believed to
have been the site of Indraprastha, the
legendary capital of the Pandavas
during the times of the Mahabharata.
Delhi re-emerged as a major
political, cultural and commercial city
along the trade routes between
northwest India and the Gangetic plain
during the period of the Delhi
sultanates. In AD 1639, the Mughal
emperor Shahjahan built a new walled
city in Delhi which served as the capital
of the Mughal Empire from 1649 until
the Rebellion of 1857. The British
captured Delhi in 1857 and the city
replaced Kolkata as the seat of British
government in India in 1911. A new
capital city, New Delhi, was built to the
south of the old city during the 1920s.
When the British left India in
1947, New Delhi became the national
capital and seat of government. Today
Delhi contains many important
historical monuments, buildings and
Haridwar (the Gateway to God Har
& Hari / Lord Shiva & Lord Vishnu) is one
of the seven holiest places in India, and
one of the oldest living world cities. It is
made up of a fascinating and colorful
collection of sadhus, pundits and pilgrims.
Every evening, the Ganges comes alive
with the magic of the Aarti (worship with
fire), as lamps are lit, prayers are offered
and small candles are floated down to the
river. There are numerous other
interesting sights and ancient heritage
temples on which our trip guide would
share information on. For us, a visit to
Haridwar is believed to provide liberation
from the endless cycle of death and
Evening Arti at Har Ki Paudi -The
evening prayer at dusk (Aarti) offered to
Goddess Ganga at Hari-Ki-Pairi (step
towards God Hari) is an enchanting
experience for any visitor. A spectacle of
sound and colour is seen when, after the
ceremony, pilgrims float diyas (floral floats
with lamps) and incense on the river,
commemorating their deceased ancestors.
Thousands of people from all round the
world do make a point to attend this
prayer on their visit to Hardwar.
Uttarkashi is a small and beautiful
town, situated between two rivers: Varuna
and Ashi, whose water flow into the
Bhagirathi from either side of the town.
Elevated, at a height of 1588 meters, this
little town is very similar to Kashi and
Varanasi, in that it has the same kind of
temples and ghats and likewise, a north or
'Uttar' facing river. The major temple in
Uttarkashi is The Vishwanath Temple,
dedicated to Lord Shiva. Two other very
important temples are located in the
Chowk area are the Annapurna Temple
and the Bhairav Temple.
Once it is said, there were 365
temples here. Hiuen Tsang referred to this
place as Brahma Pura, while the Skanda
Puran has recorded it as Varunavata. It is
believed that in the second millennium of
Kaliyug Kashi will be submerged, and
Uttarkashi will replace it as an important
religious centre.
UUttttaarrkkaasshhii 1166
Gangotri, 2nd of Char Dham.
Gangotri, the origin of the River Ganges and
seat of the goddess Ganga, is one of the four
sites in the Char Dham pilgrimage circuit.
The river is called Bhagirathi at the source
and acquires the name Ganga (Ganges) from
Devaprayag onwards where it meets the
Alaknanda. The origin of the holy river is at
Goumukh, set in the Gangotri Glacier, and is
a 18 km trek from Gangotri.
This small town is centered around
the temple of goddess Ganga, which was
built by the Nepalese General, Amar Singh
Thapa in the early 18th century. The temple
is closed on Diwali day every year and is
reopened in April/ May. According to Hindu
mythology, Goddess Ganga took the form of
a river to absolve the sins of King
Bhagirathi's predecessors, following his
severe penance of several centuries.
No other river is wound as closely
with the warp and weft of Hinduism as the
Ganga in India. Venerated since time
immemorial as spiritual purifier and the
giver of health and prosperity, it is part of
the country's social and religious fabric. The
irresistible attraction of these sacred waters,
enhanced by the myths and legends woven
around the river and its origins, has drawn
ascetics and adventurers alike since
mythical times.
Gangotri, the temple dedicated to the
Goddess Ganga near the source of the river
and one of the Chardham of Uttarakhand is
among the most sanctifying experiences of a
Hindu's life; and as uplifting and inspiring
for the traveler. Million of pilgrims and
travelers have undertaken the yatra to
Gangotri for centuries in search of salvation
and the sacred river has provided those
scours and hope.
GGoommuukkhh –– TThhee SSoouurrccee OOff TThhee GGaannggeess 1188
Gomukh (The Source of Ganges) the
terminus or snout of the Gangotri Glacier,
from where source of Ganges River
originates. The place is situated at a height
of 13,200 ft. or 4000mts. It is one of the
largest in the Himalayas with an estimated
volume of over 27 cubic kilometers,
Gomukh is also referred to as "Gaumukh"
or "Gomukhi" The word "Gomukh" (Go +
Mukh) literally means "Mouth of a Cow".
According to some sayings, earlier the
snout exactly looked like "Mouth of a
Gomukh is mentioned in the
Puranas. It is said there that searching a
lost sheep a shepherd boy reached near a
glacier in Gangotri, the snout of which
exactly looked like the mouth of a cow, and
thus it got its name 'Gomukh'. From then
many saints, holy travellers, as well as
religious people went there to worship the
Joshimath is the uttarāmnāya
matha or northern monastery, one of the
four cardinal institutions established by
Adi Shankara, the others being those at
Shringeri, Puri and Dwaraka. Their heads
are titled "Shankaracharya". According to
the tradition initiated by Adi Shankara,
this matha is in charge of the Atharvaveda.
Jyotirmath is close to the pilgrimage town
of Badrinath.
This place can be a base station for
travellers going to Guru Gobind Ghat or
the Valley of Flowers National Park. The
temple Narasimha, is enshrined
Badrinarayan along with a pantheon of
deities. The presiding deity Lord
Narasimha is believed to have been
established by Adi Sankara. It is one of the
"Divya Desams", the 108 temples of
Vishnu revered by the 12 Tamil poet-saints
or Alvars.
BBaaddrriinnaatthh 2200
Badrinath and its route is, for the
newcomer, a journey of initiation. For
those who are visiting the shrine, the
landmarks and vistas forever provide a
newer view, a different emotion, a further
nuance to an experience in memory.
The journey to Badrinath can
sometimes be unforgiving, but only to a
closed mind. The people visiting the shrine
are but the faces of the country. Journey
from Rishikesh to Badrinath, to borrow
from one of Sir Edmund Hillary's
expeditions, is in many ways, a journey
from the ocean to the sky, as much mental
as physical and another route to heaven -
and spiritual liberation.
Rudraprayag - Today's Garhwal was
known as kedar-khand in the past. In
puranas kedar-khand was said to be
abode of God. It seems from the facts
Vedas puran, Ramayana and Mahabharata
that these Hindu scriptures are scripted in
kedar-khand. In Kedar-khand Puran this
land is regarded the land of lord Shiva,
Named after Lord Shiva (Rudra),
Rudraprayag is situated at the holy
confluence of Alaknanda and Mandakini
rivers, at a distance of 34 kms from
Srinagar (Garhwal).
The meeting of the Mandakini and
Alaknanda rivers has a unique beauty of
its own and it seems as if two sisters were
embracing each other. It is believed that to
master the mysteries of music, Narad
Muni worshipped Lord Shiva, who
appeared in his Rudra Avtaar (incarnation)
to bless Narad. The Shiva and Jagdamba
temples are of great religious importance
at Rudraprayag.
The entire region is blessed with
immense natural beauty, places of
religious importance, lakes and glaciers.
KKaarrnnpprraayyaagg 2222
Karan Prayag is one of five sites
where the confluence of rivers occurs. The
five prayags are Vishnuprayag,
Nandprayag, Karanprayag, Rudraprayag
and Devprayag. Allahabad where the
Ganges, Yamuna and mythical Saraswati
join, is known as Prayag, and is one of the
holy places of Hindu pilgrimage.
Karanprayag is believed by many to
be the place where Karna of the
Mahabharata, was to have worshipped the
Sun God. It is the ancient temple, devoted
to Uma and Karna.
"Devaprayaga" means "Godly
Confluence" in Sanskrit. As per Hindu
scriptures, Devaprayaga is the sacred
event of merging two heavenly rivers,
Alakananda and Bhagirathi, to form the
holy Ganges. On a terrace in the upper
part of the village is the temple of
Raghunathji, built of huge stones,
pyramidal in form and capped by a white
Devprayag is the home of the late
Acharya Shri Pt. Chakradhar Joshi (a
scholar in Astronomy and Astrology) who
established Nakshatra Vedh Shala (an
observatory) in the year 1946. This is
located on a mountain called
Dashrathanchal at Devprayag.
The observatory is well equipped with two
telescopes and many books to support
research in astronomy. It also contains
about 3000 manuscripts from 1677 AD
onwards collected from various parts of
country. Apart from the latest equipment,
it also has the ancient equipment like
Surya Ghati, Jal Ghati and Dhruv Ghati
which showcase the pride of Bharatiya
progress in the field of astronomy. Shri Dr.
Prabhakar Joshi and Acharya Shri
Bhaskar Joshi (Popularly known as
Guruji) are currently in charge and
caretakers of the observatory.
RRiisshhiikkeesshh 2244
Rishikesh is located in the foothills
of the Himalaya and attracts thousands of
pilgrim and tourists each year from within
India, as well as from other countries.
Rishikesh, the religious town known for its
religious and spiritual connections, has
some of the world's exquisite views too.
Surrounded by the lesser Himalayas and
holy Ganga flowing through it Rishikesh is
one of the mesmerizing places in India.
On Rishikesh tours tourists can
visit the beautiful temples, or mediate at
the various ashrams. The adventure
enthusiasts can try some thrilling sports
like white river rafting, trekking etc. many
people visit Rishikesh for practicing yoga
at the "yog ashrams".
Rishikesh is a vegetarian city by
law, as well as an alcohol-free city. Here
one could visit Laxman Jhulla, Ram jhulla
and several ghats in and around this holy
Varanasi is one of the oldest living
cities in the world and the ultimate
pilgrimage for Hindus, who believe that to
die in the city is to attain instant salvation.
Varanasi is the tract of holy land lying
between the Ganga and the Assi rivers.
The Assi river also flows into Ganga.
Varanasi is also known as Kashi,
the city of light since one of the twelve
'Jyortinglinga's is installed here. Varanasi
has been a great cultural centre, especially
in the fields of music, learning and the
craft of silk weaving.
AAggrraa 2266
Though Agra's history is largely
recognised with Mughal Empire, the place
was established much before it and has
linkages since Mahabharat period and
Mahirshi Angira in 1000 BC. It is generally
accepted that Sultan Sikandar Lodī, the
Ruler of the Delhi Sultanate founded Agra
in the year 1504. After the Sultan's death
the city passed on to his son Sultan
Ibrāhīm Lodī. He ruled his Sultanate from
Agra until he fell fighting to Bābar in the
First battle of Panipat fought in 1526.
In the year 1556, the great Hindu
warrior Hemu Vikramaditya, also known
as Samrat Hem Chander Vikramaditya,
won the state of Agra as the prime minister
cum Chief of Army of Adil Shah of the
Afghan Sūrī Dynasty. The commander of
Humāyūn / Akbar's forces in Agra, Tardi
Beg Khan, was so scared of Hemu that he
retreated from the city without a fight. This
was Hemu's 21st continuous win since
1554, and he later went on to conquer
Delhi, having his coronation at Purānā
Qil'a in Delhi on 7 October 1556 and re-
established the Hindu Kingdom and the
Vikramaditya Dynasty in North India.
The golden age of the city began
with the Mughals. It was known then as
Akbarabād and remained the capital of the
Mughal Empire under the Emperors
Akbar, Jahāngīr and Shāh Jahān. Shāh
Jahān later shifted his capital to
Shāhjahānabād in the year 1649.
TTaajj MMaahhaall2277
The Taj Mahal is a white marble
mausoleum located in Agra, Uttar Pradesh,
India. It was built by Mughal emperor
Shah Jahan in memory of his third wife,
Mumtaz Mahal. The Taj Mahal is widely
recognized as "the jewel of Muslim art in
India and one of the universally admired
masterpieces of the world's heritage"
Taj Mahal is regarded by many as
the finest example of Mughal architecture,
a style that combines elements from
Islamic, Persian, Ottoman Turkish and
Indian architectural styles.
In 1983, the Taj Mahal became a
UNESCO World Heritage Site. While the
white domed marble mausoleum is the
most familiar component of the Taj Mahal,
it is actually an integrated complex of
structures. The construction began around
1632 and was completed around 1653,
employing thousands of artisans and
craftsmen. The construction of the Taj
Mahal was entrusted to a board of
architects under imperial supervision,
including Abd ul-Karim Ma'mur Khan,
Makramat Khan, and Ustad Ahmad
Lahauri. Lahauri is generally considered to
be the principal designer.
FFaatteehhppuurr SSiikkrrii 2288
Fatehpur Sikri is a city and a
municipal board in Agra district in the
state of Uttar Pradesh, India. The city was
founded in 1569 by the Mughal emperor
Akbar, and served as the capital of the
Mughal Empire from 1571 to 1585. After
his military victories over Chittor and
Ranthambore, Akbar decided to shift his
capital from Agra to a new location 23
miles (37 km) on the Sikri ridge, to honor
the Sufi saint Salim Chishti. Here he
commenced the construction of a planned
walled city which took the next fifteen
years in planning and construction of a
series royal palaces, harem, courts, a
mosque, private quarters and other utility
He named the city, Fatehabad,
with Fateh, a word of Arabic origin in
Persian, meaning "victory." it was later
called Fatehpur Sikri. It is at Fatehpur
Sikri that the legends of Akbar and his
famed courtiers, the nine jewels or
Navaratnas, were born . Fatehpur Sikri is
one of the best preserved collection of
Mughal architecture in India.
JJaaiippuurr –– PPiinnkk CCiittyy2299
Jaipur is the capital and largest city
of the Indian state of Rajasthan. It was
founded on 18 November 1727 by
Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh II, the ruler of
Amber, after whom the city has been
named. The city today has a population of
3.1 million. Jaipur is known as the Pink
City of India.
The city is remarkable among pre-
modern Indian cities for the width and
regularity of its streets which are laid out
into six sectors separated by broad streets
34 m (111 ft) wide. The urban quarters are
further divided by networks of gridded
streets. Five quarters wrap around the
east, south, and west sides of a central
palace quarter, with a sixth quarter
immediately to the east. The Palace
quarter encloses the sprawling Hawa
Mahal palace complex, formal gardens,
and a small lake. Nahargarh Fort, which
was the residence of the King Sawai Jai
Singh II, crowns the hill in the northwest
corner of the old city. The observatory,
Jantar Mantar, is one of the World
Heritage Sites.
Included on the Golden Triangle
tourist circuit, along with Delhi and Agra,
Jaipur is an extremely popular tourist
destination in Rajasthan and India. The
2012 British comedy-drama film, The Best
Exotic Marigold Hotel was set and filmed
in Jaipur.
AAmmrriittssaarr –– GGoollddeenn TTeemmppllee 3300
The Golden Temple Amritsar India
(Sri Harimandir Sahib Amritsar) is not only
a central religious place of the Sikhs, but
also a symbol of human brotherhood and
equality. Everybody, irrespective of cast,
creed or race can seek spiritual solace and
religious fulfilment without any hindrance.
It also represents the distinct identity,
glory and heritage of the Sikhs. To pen-
down the philosophy, ideology, the inner
and outer beauty, as well as the historical
legacy of Sri Harimandir Sahib is a
momentous task. It is a matter of
experience rather than a of description.
As advised by Sri Guru Amar Dass
Ji (3rd Sikh Guru), Sri Guru Ram Dass Ji
(4th Sikh Guru) started the digging of
Amrit Sarovar (Holy Tank) in 1577 A.D.,
which was later on brick-lined by Sri Guru
Arjan Dev Ji (5th Sikh Guru) on December
15, 1588 and He also started the
construction of Sri Harimandir Sahib. Sri
Guru Granth Sahib (scripture of the
Sikhs), after its compilation, was first
installed at Sri Harimandir Sahib on
August 16, 1604 A.D. A devout Sikh, Baba
Budha Ji was appointed its first Head
WWee’’llll pprroovviiddee yyoouu tthhee mmoosstt ccoommffoorrttaabbllee aaccccoommooddaattiioonnss dduurriinngg tthhee JJoouurrnneeyy..
22--33--44 ssttaarr hhootteellss iinn tthhee cciittiieess,, gguueesstt hhoouussee aanndd bbuunnggaallooww iinn tthhee HHiimmaallaayyaass,, ccaammppiinngg aatt tthhee ssoouurrccee ooff GGaannggeess..
VVaarraannaassii RRiisshhiikkeesshh
HHiimmaallaayyaass44 SSttaarr HHootteell
HHootteell RRoooomm
GGuueesstt HHoouussee
TToo DDeellhhii aanndd bbaacckk ttoo HHoommee tthhee bbeesstt AAiirrlliinneess pprroovviiddeess YYoouu tthhee ssaaffeettyy ttrraavveelliinngg wwiitthh ffuullll bbooaarrdd:: tteelleevviissiioonn,, mmuussiicc,, mmeeaallss && yyoouurr vviisshheess..
WWee hhooppee YYoouu wwiillll eennjjooyy ttoo sseeee tthhee cclloouuddss ffrroomm aabboovvee......
TToo vviissiitt tthhee ppllaacceess yyoouu nneeeedd ttoo ttrraavveell sseevveerraall hhoouurrss aanndd wwee hhaavvee ttoo kknnooww YYoouu eennjjooyy tthhee ttrraavveelliinngg bbeettwweeeenn ttwwoo ppllaacceess..
WWee pprroovviiddee ffoorr YYoouu tthhee mmoosstt ccoommffoorrttaabbllee aanndd AA//CC vveehhiicclleess..
AAiirrppllaannee CCaarr SSeeaattss
IInnssiiddee TThhee CCooaacchh
Please feel free to contact us at any time!
You can call us or write e-mail with your
questions and requirements.
You can transfer the money to the below
bank account, but please first send your
clarificatin in e-mail or phone.
Thank You!
Anita Szentesi
(english & hungarian)
+ 91-783-017-2236
Naveen Rana
(english & hindi)
+ 91-971-901-6952
Bhagirathi Tour & Travel
Badrinath Road, Tapovan, Rishikesh - 249192
Uttarakhand, India
- Hotel Sai Ganga Cottage -
Tel: + 91-9719016952, 9760813947
CCoonnttaacctt 3333
Bank Account Details
Account Name: M/S. Bhagirathi Tour & Travel
Account Number.30369772000
Branch: Dhalwala, Rishikesh, Uttarkhand, India
Bank: State Bank of India
Account Type: Corporate account
IFSE Code: SBIN0011413
Swift Code: SBININBB558
BBooookkiinngg 3344
Terms & conditions
All correspondence should be addressed to M/s. Bhagirathi Tour & Travel at the below mentioned
address. We require 50% advance payment to hold the booking on confirmed basis & the balance
payment should be paid within 30 days of reservation date OR Arrive in India (If the booking made
within 30 days of travel date) OR either 30 days prior of Travel date for the services contracted. We
(Bhagirathi Tour & Travel) hold the right to decide on the amount to be paid as advance payment,
based on the nature of service & the time left for the commencement of the service. Besides above,
during the peak season (Christmas/ New Year) or during fairs/festivals and in certain cases like hotels
or resorts bookings, Train Journeys, full payment may be required in order to hold space on
CONFIRMED BASIS. In certain occasion & dates such payments are NON REFUNDABLE.
Payment Options
 Cash Payments
 Internet Banking
 Credit Card - Master card or visa card or American express Card
 Debit Card - Master card or visa card or American express Card
 Travellers Cheque
 Western Union Money Transfer
 Moneygram online money transfer
 Demand Draft / Payment can be made by Demand Draft in favor of Bhagirathi
Tour & Travel at Rishikesh
OOuurr PPaarrttnneerrss && SSuuppppoorrtteerrss3355 wwwwww..TTrreekkkkiinnggIInnIInnddiiaa..nneett
PPrriivvaaccyy PPoolliiccyy
AAllll ccoonntteennttss ooff „„HHeelllloo IInnddiiaa JJoouurrnneeyy 22001144”” bbrroosscchhuurree oowwnneedd bbyy BBhhaaggiirraatthhii TToouurr && TTrraavveell aanndd pprrootteecctteedd bbyy ccooppyyrriigghhtt llaaww..
CCooppyyiinngg oorr ppuubblliisshhiinngg iitt iinn aannyy wwaayy wwiitthhoouutt tthhee wwrriitttteenn ppeerrmmiissssiioonn ooff tthhee oowwnneerr eennttaaiillss lleeggaall ccoonnsseeqquueenncceess..
The bridge between possible and impossible does not exist. It is one.
Bhagirathi Tour & Travel – Rishikesh Office
Badrinath Road, Tapovan, Rishikesh - 249192 Uttarakhand, India
- Hotel Sai Ganga Cottage - Tel: + 91-9719016952, 9760813947
Email: Website:
LLiiffee IIss JJoouurrnneeyy
...... BBee
-- KKnnooww
TThhee WWoorrlldd

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Hello india journey 2014 june 1-22

  • 1.
  • 2. Hello India Journey 2014 introduce You for the most comprehensive tour in India with daily yoga and meditation classes. This non-profit tour organized by Yoga In The Himalayas, the subsidiary of Bhagirathi Tour & Travel which has been operating tour & travel business for over ten years and in accordance with the highest ethical and business standards. Our mission is to provide you with the best service and expertise for all of your travel needs in India. Our goal is to exceed your expectation at every phase of your India journey as well as fit your body – mind – soul during the travel. Hello India Journey 2014 includes all of the most popular heritage sites and holy places of India and inter alia the holy pilgrimage tour of indians what is called Char Dham Yatra in the Himalayas. India is a beautiful kaleidoscope of culture, tradition and natural beauty. From the magnificiant Himalayan mountain range in the North to divine beauty of Kerala in the South. India is place where you can see all the glorious facades of nature. The snow covered peaks, the vast expanse of beautiful desert, the plains, the plateaus, the lush green tree cover and the ornamental beaches all emanate natural elegance. Hello India Journey 2014 takes You places that are full of natural beauty, cultural heritage and the Himalayas. A perfect blend of neo-traditional element for the memorable experience. Anita Szentesi & Naveen Rana (the organizers & guides of the Journey)
  • 3. AAbboouutt YYooggaa IInn TThhee HHiimmaallaayyaass 44--77 HHeelllloo IInnddiiaa JJoouurrnneeyy 22001144 88 TToouurr HHiigghhlliigghhttss AAnndd PPrriiccee 99 CCoosstt IInncclluuddeess AAss FFoolllloowwiinngg 1100 PPrrooggrraamm ((DDaayy 11--1111)) 1111 PPrrooggrraamm ((DDaayy 1122--2222)) 1122 AAbboouutt TThhee PPllaacceess 1133 ˙˙DDeellhhii 1144 ˙˙HHaarriiddwwaarr 1155 ˙˙UUttttaarrkkaasshhii 1166 ˙˙GGaannggoottrrii 1177 ˙˙GGoommuukkhh ((SSoouurrccee OOff TThhee GGaannggeess)) 1188 ˙˙JJoosshhiimmaatthh 1199 ˙˙BBaaddrriinnaatthh 2200 ˙˙RRuuddrraapprraayyaagg 2211 ˙˙KKaarrnnpprraayyaagg 2222 ˙˙DDeevvpprraayyaagg 2233 ˙˙RRiisshhiikkeesshh 2244 ˙˙VVaarraannaassii 2255 ˙˙AAggrraa 2266 ˙˙TTaajj MMaahhaall 2277 ˙˙FFaatteehhppuurr SSiikkrrii 2288 ˙˙JJaaiippuurr ((PPiinnkk CCiittyy)) 2299 ˙˙GGoollddeenn TTeemmppllee ((AAmmrriittssaarr)) 3300 AAccccoommooddaattiioonn 3311 TTrraannssppoorrttaattiioonn 3322 CCoonnttaacctt 3333 BBooookkiinngg 3344 OOuurr PPaarrttnneerrss && SSuuppoorrtteerrss 3355 CCoonntteennttss
  • 4. YYooggaa IInn TThhee HHiimmaallaayyaass YYooggaa IIss LLiiffee.. HHiimmaallaayyaa IIss TThhee HHoommee OOff IItt..  Yoga has a complete message for humanity  It has a message for the human body  It has a message for the human mind  And it has also a message for the human soul 44 AAbboouutt YYooggaa IInn TThhee HHiimmaallaayyaass
  • 5. Introduce the yoga Yoga is an ancient art of holistic well being, which was originated during the times of the rishis and munis (holy men of the past) in ancient India. Even though it is an ancient system, many people have lately become interested in learning this technique. Nowadays people have started opening yoga classes in countries like the UK, USA, Europe, etc. to teach western form of yoga to the people. But to learn ancient indian yoga tourists have to come for yoga tours in The Himalayas as well as Rishikesh in the capital of Yoga. Rishikesh is the holy city in India it is in this town that the art of yoga was developed; even today you will find people who regularly practice yoga to keep themselves fit. Rishikesh is the first city that falls on the course of Ganga as it makes its way to the Bay of Bengal. Rishikesh is dotted with ashrams where you can mediate or practice yoga. Located at the foot hills of the Himalayas with the river Ganga flowing by Rishikesh is perfect place for learning yoga. Benefits of Yoga in Everyday Life Weight loss, a strong and flexible body, glowing beautiful skin, peaceful mind, good health - whatever you may be looking for, yoga has it on offer. However, very often, yoga is only partially understood as being limited to Asanas (yoga poses). As such, its benefits are only perceived to be at the body level and we fail to realize the immense benefits yoga offers in uniting the body, mind and breath. When you are in harmony, the journey through life is calmer, happier and more fulfilling. With all this and much more to offer, the benefits of yoga are felt in a profound yet subtle manner. Here, we look at the top 10 benefits of regular yoga practice. 1) All-round fitness 6) Living with greater awareness 2) Weight loss 7) Better relationships 3) Stress relief 8) Increased energy 4) Inner peace 9) Better flexibility & posture 5) Improved immunity 10)Better intuition 55
  • 6. Yoga In The Himalayas is a group of young spiritual teachers with a traditional ashram/monastic background and deeply passionate about spiritual, cultural and natural lover exchange of East and West. All our teachers are either monks or scholars or spiritual and natural lovers seekers who are enriched with years of experience in teaching the students from different countries around the world. We offer a wide range of body-mind-spiritual retreats, trainings, courses that includes Asanas, breathing (pranayamas), Chakra balancing practices, meditation, ayurveda, detox kriyas, Sanskrit Language and a practical philosophy to live a dynamic life with a peaceful heart. The uniqueness of our courses is that we don't impose any fixed manuals, guidelines, books, traditions, rules etc... We evaluate each students individually and respect their choices and requirements throughout the programs. We don't promise Nirvana (enlightenment ) or deep spiritual experiences, nor do we bang you with some abstract spiritual philosophies. What we teach is simple yoga and meditation practices that can be of practical use in your daily life and harmonize all areas of life, including diet, sleep, relationships and work attitudes. Yoga In The Himalayas offers a variety of yoga packages in the Himalayas as well as bank of Ganges and the capital of Yoga in Rishikesh for both beginners and teachers. 66
  • 7. Learning yoga in The Himalayas is a truly unique & life changing experience. Himalayas has been the cradle of this ancient wisdom tradition for centuries. Many great saints and numerous practitioners have spent their lives practicing and developing this wonderful science of life in these very mountains. Yoga students feel a very palpable spiritual energy and grace when they spend time in practice in the central of Himalayas. 77
  • 8. 88 HHHeeellllllooo IIInnndddiiiaaa JJJooouuurrrnnneeeyyy IIImmmaaagggiiinnnaaatttiiiooonnn CCChhhaaannngggeeesss IIInnntttooo RRReeeaaallliiitttyyy
  • 9. HHEELLLLOO IINNDDIIAA JJOOUURRNNEEYY SSTTAARRTT FFRROOMM 0011sstt ttoo 2222nndd JJUUNNEE 22001144 DDEESSTTIINNAATTIIOONN CCOOVVEERREEDD IINN HHEELLLLOO IINNDDIIAA JJOOUURRNNEEYY AASS:: Delhi – Haridwar – Uttarkashi – Gangotri – Gomukh (The Source of Ganges) - Joshimath – Badrinath – Rudraprayag – Karnprayag – Devprayag – Rishikesh – Varanasi – Agra ( Taj Mahal & Red Fort) – Fatehpur Sikri – Jaipur ( Pink City) – Golden Temple (Amritsar) TTOOUURR HHIIGGHHLLIIGGHHTTSS IINN HHEELLLLOO IINNDDIIAA JJOOUURRNNEEYY:: VViissiitt DDeellhhii VViissiitt HHaarriiddwwaarr VViissiitt MMuussssoooorriiee VViissiitt UUttttaarrkkaasshhii VViissiitt GGaannggoottrrii TTeemmppllee VViissiitt SSoouurrccee OOff GGaannggeess VViissiitt JJoosshhiimmaatthh VViissiitt AAuullii VViissiitt BBaaddrriinnaatthh TTeemmppllee VViissiitt RRiisshhiikkeesshh VViissiitt VVaarraannaassii VViissiitt AAggrraa VViissiitt TTaajj MMaahhaall VViissiitt JJaaiippuurr ((TThhee PPiinnkk CCiittyy)) VViissiitt GGoollddeenn TTeemmppllee ((AAmmrriittssaarr)) TTOOUURR SSEERRVVIICCEESS FFRROOMM DDEELLHHII AAIIRRPPOORRTT TTOO DDEELLHHII AAIIRRPPOORRTT 99 TToouurr HHiigghhlliigghhttss && PPrriiccee PPRRIICCEE PPEERR PPEERRSSOONN 22..112255 UUSSDD IINNCCLLUUDDEE IINNTTEERRNNAATTIIOONNAALL FFLLIIGGHHTTSS && AALLLL SSEERRVVIICCEESS PPRRIICCEE PPEERR PPEERRSSOONN 11..330000 UUSSDD ((7733..550000 IINNRR)) IINNCCLLUUDDEE AALLLL SSEERRVVIICCEESS -- WWIITTHHOOUUTT FFLLIIGGHHTTSS
  • 10. CCOOSSTT IINNCCLLUUDDEESS AASS FFOOLLLLOOWWIINNGG:: •• IInntteerrnnaattiioonnaall fflliigghhtt ttiicckkeettss ffrroomm HHoommee ttoo DDeellhhii aanndd bbaacckk ttoo HHoommee // EEccoonnoommyy CCllaassss •• AAllll aaccccoommmmooddaattiioonn oonn ddoouubbllee sshhaarriinngg,, ssiinnggllee sshhaarriinngg oorr ttwwiinn sshhaarriinngg bbaassiiss iinn HHootteell,, GGuueesstt HHoouussee aanndd CCaammpp •• AAllll ttrraannssppoorrttaattiioonn ffrroomm DDeellhhii aaiirrppoorrtt ttoo DDeellhhii aaiirrppoorrtt bbyy aaiirr--ccoonnddiittiioonn ssmmaallll vveehhiicclleess // ccooaacchh ddeeppeennddiinngg oonn tthhee ggrroouupp ssiizzee •• EEvveerryy ddaayy YYooggaa && MMeeddiittaattiioonn ccllaassss •• DDaaiillyy bbrreeaakkffaasstt && ddiinnnneerr •• AAllll ttoouurriisstt ttaaxxeess •• CCaammppiinngg dduurriinngg tthhee ttrreekk •• AAllll ssiigghhttsseeeeiinngg ttoouurrss •• SSeerrvviicceess ooff ttoouurr gguuiiddee •• VViissiitt ttoo aallll iimmppoorrttaanntt tteemmpplleess aanndd ppllaacceess dduurriinngg tthhee eennttiirree ttrriipp •• YYooggaa mmaasstteerr dduurriinngg tthhee ttrriipp •• YYooggaa mmaatt •• AAllll ttrraaiinn ttiicckkeettss •• MMoonnuummeenntt && FFoorrtt eennttrraannccee ffeeeess iinn AAggrraa,, JJaaiippuurr aanndd DDeellhhii •• TTrreekkkkiinngg ttrriipp ttoo ssoouurrccee ooff GGaannggeess •• OOnnee ddaayy rraaffttiinngg ttrriipp oonn tthhee GGaannggeess aatt RRiisshhiikkeesshh •• EEnngglliisshh ssppeeaakkiinngg ttoouurr gguuiiddee ffrroomm aaiirrppoorrtt ttoo aaiirrppoorrtt ffoorr 2255 ddaayyss CCOOSSTT NNOOTT IINNCCLLUUDDEESS AASS FFOOLLLLOOWWIINNGG:: •• AAnnyy cchhaarrggeess ffoorr ccaarrrryyiinngg ssttiillll//vviiddeeoo ccaammeerraass eettcc.. •• AAllccoohhooll,, ssoofftt ddrriinnkkss,, bboottttlleedd wwaatteerr,, bbeevveerraaggeess,, eettcc.. •• PPeerrssoonnaall eexxppeennsseess lliikkee ttiippss,, tteelleepphhoonnee ccaallllss,, llaauunnddrryy,, eettcc.. •• AAnnyy ccoossttss aarriissiinngg oouutt ooff uunnffoorreesseeeenn cciirrccuummssttaanncceess lliikkee llaannddsslliiddeess,, rrooaadd bblloocckkss,, bbaadd wweeaatthheerr,, eettcc.. •• TTrraavveell iinnssuurraannccee •• VVIISSAA && LLUUNNCCHH CCOOSSTT NNOOTT IINNCCLLUUDDEE IINN AABBOOVVEE PPAACCKKAAGGEE •• PPaassssppoorrtt ffeeeess 1100CCoosstt IInncclluuddeess AAss FFoolllloowwiinngg HHOOTTEELL DDEETTAAIILLSS:: DDeellhhii –– AAggrraa –– JJaaiippuurr –– AAmmrriittssaarr –– VVaarraannaassii 33--44 SSttaarr HHootteellss RRiisshhiikkeesshh –– HHaarriiddwwaarr 22 ssttaarr HHootteellss wwiitthh sswwiimmmmiinngg ppooooll HHiimmaallaayyaa NNoo SSttaarr HHootteellss bbuutt nneeaatt aanndd cclleeaann GGuueesstt HHoouussee oorr BBuunnggaalloowwss wwiitthh vveerryy ccoommffoorrttaabbllee rroooommss eeaacchh aanndd eevveerryy ppllaacceess
  • 11. 1111 PPrrooggrraamm ((DDaayy 11--1111)) DDaayy 0011 AArrrriivvee aatt NNeeww DDeellhhii,, IInnddiiaa // EEvveenniinngg ssiigghhttsseeeeiinngg ttoouurr ooff OOlldd DDeellhhii && NNeeww DDeellhhii // OOvveerrnniigghhtt ssttaayy iinn HHootteell DDaayy 0022 DDeellhhii ––>> HHaarriiddwwaarr bbyy ttrraaiinn // EEvveenniinngg vviissiitt HHaarriiddwwaarr // OOvveerrnniigghhtt ssttaayy iinn HHootteell DDaayy 0033 HHaarriiddwwaarr ––>> UUttttaarrkkaasshhii // EEvveenniinngg vviissiitt UUttttaarrkkaasshhii //OOvveerrnniigghhtt ssttaayy iinn HHootteell DDaayy 0044 UUttttaarrkkaasshhii ––>> GGaannggoottrrii // EEvveenniinngg vviissiitt GGaannggoottrrii // OOvveerrnniigghhtt ssttaayy iinn HHootteell DDaayy 0055 GGaannggoottrrii ––>> BBhhoojjwwaassaa //1144 kkmmss ttrreekk ((66 hhrrss)) // OOvveerrnniigghhtt ssttaayy iinn CCaammpp DDaayy 0066 BBhhoojjwwaassaa ––>> GGoouummuukkhh ((TThhee SSoouurrccee ooff GGaannggeess)) BBhhoojjwwaassaa 1100 kkmmss ttrreekk ((44 hhrrss)) // OOvveerrnniigghhtt ssttaayy iinn CCaammpp DDaayy 0077 BBhhoojjwwaassaa ––>> GGaannggoottrrii ––>> UUttttaarrkkaasshhii //1144 kkmmss ttrreekk ((55hhrrss)) ++ 110000 kkmmss ddrriivvee ((33 hhrrss))// OOvveerrnniigghhtt ssttaayy iinn HHootteell DDaayy 0088 UUttttaarrkkaasshhii ––>> RRuuddrraapprryyaagg // 117711 kkmmss ddrriivvee ((77 hhrrss)) //OOvveerrnniigghhtt ssttaayy iinn HHootteell DDaayy 0099 RRuuddrraapprryyaagg ––>> JJoosshhiimmaatthh ––>> BBaaddrriinnaatthh //ddrriivvee 115577 kkmmss ((66 hhrrss)) // OOvveerrnniigghhtt ssttaayy iinn HHootteell DDaayy 1100 FFuullll ddaayy rreellaaxx iinn BBaaddrriinnaatthh // OOvveerrnniigghhtt ssttaayy iinn HHootteell DDaayy 1111 BBaaddrriinnaatthh ––>> RRiisshhiikkeesshh //DDrriivvee // SSttaayy iinn HHootteell
  • 12. Ű DDaayy 1122 VViissiitt RRiisshhiikkeesshh ++ YYooggaa ++ WWhhiittee wwaatteerr rraaffttiinngg oonn tthhee GGaannggeess // OOvveerrnniigghhtt ssttaayy HHootteell oorr BBeeaacchh CCaammpp oonn tthhee GGaannggeess DDaayy 1133 FFuullll ddaayy rreellaaxx iinn RRiisshhiikkeesshh aanndd eevveenniinngg ttrraannssffeerr ttoo rraaiillwwaayy ssttaattiioonn aanndd ttrraaiinn ttoo DDeellhhii // OOvveerrnniigghhtt ssttaayy iinn HHootteell DDaayy 1144 DDeellhhii ––>> VVaarraannaassii // MMoorrnniinngg ttrraaiinn ttoo VVaarraannaassii // OOvveerrnniigghhtt ssttaayy iinn HHootteell DDaayy 1155 VViissiitt VVaarraannaassii // OOvveerrnniigghhtt SSttaayy iinn HHootteell DDaayy 1166 MMoorrnniinngg VViissiitt VVaarraannaassii ––>> AAggrraa // BByy oovveerrnniigghhtt AA//CC.. ttrraaiinn ttoo AAggrraa DDaayy 1177 MMoorrnniinngg aarrrriivvee aatt AAggrraa aanndd ttrraannssffeerr ttoo HHootteell EEvveenniinngg ssiigghhttsseeeeiinngg ttoouurr ooff AAggrraa // OOvveerrnniigghhtt ssttaayy iinn HHootteell DDaayy 1188 MMoorrnniinngg vviissiitt TTaajj MMaahhaall aanndd llaattee bbrreeaakkffaasstt// DDrriivvee ttoo JJaaiippuurr vviiaa FFaatteehhppuurr SSiikkrrii // OOvveerrnniigghhtt ssttaayy iinn HHootteell DDaayy 1199 MMoorrnniinngg vviissiitt JJaaiippuurr && eevveenniinngg ttrraannssffeerr ttoo rraaiillwwaayy ssttaattiioonn ffoorr AAmmrriittssaarr bbyy OOvveerrnniigghhtt AA//CC.. ttrraaiinn DDaayy 2200 MMoorrnniinngg aarrrriivvee aatt AAmmrriittssaarr && ttrraannssffeerr ttoo HHootteell ffoorr rreesstt && eevveenniinngg vviissiitt GGoollddeenn TTeemmppllee // OOvveerrnniigghhtt ssttaayy iinn HHootteell DDaayy 2211 AAfftteerr bbrreeaakkffaasstt ttrraannssffeerr ttoo rraaiillwwaayy ssttaattiioonn aanndd ttrraaiinn ttoo DDeellhhii //aarrrriivvee aanndd ttrraannssffeerr ttoo HHootteell // OOvveerrnniigghhtt ssttaayy iinn DDeellhhii DDaayy 2222 MMoorrnniinngg ffrreeee ttiimmee aatt DDeellhhii eevveenniinngg ttrraannssffeerr ttoo aaiirrppoorrtt aanndd ffllyy bbaacckk ttoo HHoommee.. 1122 PPrrooggrraamm ((DDaayy 1122--2222))
  • 13. TTThhheee jjjooouuurrrnnneeeyyy ooofff aaa ttthhhooouuusssaaannnddd mmmiiillleeesss,,, bbbeeegggiiinnnsss wwwiiittthhh ooonnneee sssttteeeppp... 1133 AAbboouutt TThhee PPllaacceess
  • 14. DDeellhhii 1144 Delhi is known to have been continuously inhabited since the 6th century BC. Through most of its history, Delhi has served as a capital of various kingdoms and empires. It has been captured, sacked and rebuilt several times, particularly during the medieval period, and therefore the modern conurbation of Delhi is a cluster of a number of cities spread across the metropolitan region. Delhi is believed to have been the site of Indraprastha, the legendary capital of the Pandavas during the times of the Mahabharata. Delhi re-emerged as a major political, cultural and commercial city along the trade routes between northwest India and the Gangetic plain during the period of the Delhi sultanates. In AD 1639, the Mughal emperor Shahjahan built a new walled city in Delhi which served as the capital of the Mughal Empire from 1649 until the Rebellion of 1857. The British captured Delhi in 1857 and the city replaced Kolkata as the seat of British government in India in 1911. A new capital city, New Delhi, was built to the south of the old city during the 1920s. When the British left India in 1947, New Delhi became the national capital and seat of government. Today Delhi contains many important historical monuments, buildings and features.
  • 15. Haridwar (the Gateway to God Har & Hari / Lord Shiva & Lord Vishnu) is one of the seven holiest places in India, and one of the oldest living world cities. It is made up of a fascinating and colorful collection of sadhus, pundits and pilgrims. Every evening, the Ganges comes alive with the magic of the Aarti (worship with fire), as lamps are lit, prayers are offered and small candles are floated down to the river. There are numerous other interesting sights and ancient heritage temples on which our trip guide would share information on. For us, a visit to Haridwar is believed to provide liberation from the endless cycle of death and rebirth. Evening Arti at Har Ki Paudi -The evening prayer at dusk (Aarti) offered to Goddess Ganga at Hari-Ki-Pairi (step towards God Hari) is an enchanting experience for any visitor. A spectacle of sound and colour is seen when, after the ceremony, pilgrims float diyas (floral floats with lamps) and incense on the river, commemorating their deceased ancestors. Thousands of people from all round the world do make a point to attend this prayer on their visit to Hardwar. HHaarriiddwwaarr1155
  • 16. Uttarkashi is a small and beautiful town, situated between two rivers: Varuna and Ashi, whose water flow into the Bhagirathi from either side of the town. Elevated, at a height of 1588 meters, this little town is very similar to Kashi and Varanasi, in that it has the same kind of temples and ghats and likewise, a north or 'Uttar' facing river. The major temple in Uttarkashi is The Vishwanath Temple, dedicated to Lord Shiva. Two other very important temples are located in the Chowk area are the Annapurna Temple and the Bhairav Temple. Once it is said, there were 365 temples here. Hiuen Tsang referred to this place as Brahma Pura, while the Skanda Puran has recorded it as Varunavata. It is believed that in the second millennium of Kaliyug Kashi will be submerged, and Uttarkashi will replace it as an important religious centre. UUttttaarrkkaasshhii 1166
  • 17. Gangotri, 2nd of Char Dham. Gangotri, the origin of the River Ganges and seat of the goddess Ganga, is one of the four sites in the Char Dham pilgrimage circuit. The river is called Bhagirathi at the source and acquires the name Ganga (Ganges) from Devaprayag onwards where it meets the Alaknanda. The origin of the holy river is at Goumukh, set in the Gangotri Glacier, and is a 18 km trek from Gangotri. This small town is centered around the temple of goddess Ganga, which was built by the Nepalese General, Amar Singh Thapa in the early 18th century. The temple is closed on Diwali day every year and is reopened in April/ May. According to Hindu mythology, Goddess Ganga took the form of a river to absolve the sins of King Bhagirathi's predecessors, following his severe penance of several centuries. No other river is wound as closely with the warp and weft of Hinduism as the Ganga in India. Venerated since time immemorial as spiritual purifier and the giver of health and prosperity, it is part of the country's social and religious fabric. The irresistible attraction of these sacred waters, enhanced by the myths and legends woven around the river and its origins, has drawn ascetics and adventurers alike since mythical times. Gangotri, the temple dedicated to the Goddess Ganga near the source of the river and one of the Chardham of Uttarakhand is among the most sanctifying experiences of a Hindu's life; and as uplifting and inspiring for the traveler. Million of pilgrims and travelers have undertaken the yatra to Gangotri for centuries in search of salvation and the sacred river has provided those scours and hope. GGaannggoottrrii1177
  • 18. GGoommuukkhh –– TThhee SSoouurrccee OOff TThhee GGaannggeess 1188 Gomukh (The Source of Ganges) the terminus or snout of the Gangotri Glacier, from where source of Ganges River originates. The place is situated at a height of 13,200 ft. or 4000mts. It is one of the largest in the Himalayas with an estimated volume of over 27 cubic kilometers, Gomukh is also referred to as "Gaumukh" or "Gomukhi" The word "Gomukh" (Go + Mukh) literally means "Mouth of a Cow". According to some sayings, earlier the snout exactly looked like "Mouth of a Cow". Gomukh is mentioned in the Puranas. It is said there that searching a lost sheep a shepherd boy reached near a glacier in Gangotri, the snout of which exactly looked like the mouth of a cow, and thus it got its name 'Gomukh'. From then many saints, holy travellers, as well as religious people went there to worship the place.
  • 19. JJoosshhiimmaatthh1199 Joshimath is the uttarāmnāya matha or northern monastery, one of the four cardinal institutions established by Adi Shankara, the others being those at Shringeri, Puri and Dwaraka. Their heads are titled "Shankaracharya". According to the tradition initiated by Adi Shankara, this matha is in charge of the Atharvaveda. Jyotirmath is close to the pilgrimage town of Badrinath. This place can be a base station for travellers going to Guru Gobind Ghat or the Valley of Flowers National Park. The temple Narasimha, is enshrined Badrinarayan along with a pantheon of deities. The presiding deity Lord Narasimha is believed to have been established by Adi Sankara. It is one of the "Divya Desams", the 108 temples of Vishnu revered by the 12 Tamil poet-saints or Alvars.
  • 20. BBaaddrriinnaatthh 2200 Badrinath and its route is, for the newcomer, a journey of initiation. For those who are visiting the shrine, the landmarks and vistas forever provide a newer view, a different emotion, a further nuance to an experience in memory. The journey to Badrinath can sometimes be unforgiving, but only to a closed mind. The people visiting the shrine are but the faces of the country. Journey from Rishikesh to Badrinath, to borrow from one of Sir Edmund Hillary's expeditions, is in many ways, a journey from the ocean to the sky, as much mental as physical and another route to heaven - and spiritual liberation.
  • 21. RRuuddrraapprraayyaagg2211 Rudraprayag - Today's Garhwal was known as kedar-khand in the past. In puranas kedar-khand was said to be abode of God. It seems from the facts Vedas puran, Ramayana and Mahabharata that these Hindu scriptures are scripted in kedar-khand. In Kedar-khand Puran this land is regarded the land of lord Shiva, Named after Lord Shiva (Rudra), Rudraprayag is situated at the holy confluence of Alaknanda and Mandakini rivers, at a distance of 34 kms from Srinagar (Garhwal). The meeting of the Mandakini and Alaknanda rivers has a unique beauty of its own and it seems as if two sisters were embracing each other. It is believed that to master the mysteries of music, Narad Muni worshipped Lord Shiva, who appeared in his Rudra Avtaar (incarnation) to bless Narad. The Shiva and Jagdamba temples are of great religious importance at Rudraprayag. The entire region is blessed with immense natural beauty, places of religious importance, lakes and glaciers.
  • 22. KKaarrnnpprraayyaagg 2222 Karan Prayag is one of five sites where the confluence of rivers occurs. The five prayags are Vishnuprayag, Nandprayag, Karanprayag, Rudraprayag and Devprayag. Allahabad where the Ganges, Yamuna and mythical Saraswati join, is known as Prayag, and is one of the holy places of Hindu pilgrimage. Karanprayag is believed by many to be the place where Karna of the Mahabharata, was to have worshipped the Sun God. It is the ancient temple, devoted to Uma and Karna.
  • 23. DDeevvpprraayyaagg2233 "Devaprayaga" means "Godly Confluence" in Sanskrit. As per Hindu scriptures, Devaprayaga is the sacred event of merging two heavenly rivers, Alakananda and Bhagirathi, to form the holy Ganges. On a terrace in the upper part of the village is the temple of Raghunathji, built of huge stones, pyramidal in form and capped by a white cupola. Devprayag is the home of the late Acharya Shri Pt. Chakradhar Joshi (a scholar in Astronomy and Astrology) who established Nakshatra Vedh Shala (an observatory) in the year 1946. This is located on a mountain called Dashrathanchal at Devprayag. The observatory is well equipped with two telescopes and many books to support research in astronomy. It also contains about 3000 manuscripts from 1677 AD onwards collected from various parts of country. Apart from the latest equipment, it also has the ancient equipment like Surya Ghati, Jal Ghati and Dhruv Ghati which showcase the pride of Bharatiya progress in the field of astronomy. Shri Dr. Prabhakar Joshi and Acharya Shri Bhaskar Joshi (Popularly known as Guruji) are currently in charge and caretakers of the observatory.
  • 24. RRiisshhiikkeesshh 2244 Rishikesh is located in the foothills of the Himalaya and attracts thousands of pilgrim and tourists each year from within India, as well as from other countries. Rishikesh, the religious town known for its religious and spiritual connections, has some of the world's exquisite views too. Surrounded by the lesser Himalayas and holy Ganga flowing through it Rishikesh is one of the mesmerizing places in India. On Rishikesh tours tourists can visit the beautiful temples, or mediate at the various ashrams. The adventure enthusiasts can try some thrilling sports like white river rafting, trekking etc. many people visit Rishikesh for practicing yoga at the "yog ashrams". Rishikesh is a vegetarian city by law, as well as an alcohol-free city. Here one could visit Laxman Jhulla, Ram jhulla and several ghats in and around this holy town.
  • 25. VVaarraannaassii2255 Varanasi is one of the oldest living cities in the world and the ultimate pilgrimage for Hindus, who believe that to die in the city is to attain instant salvation. Varanasi is the tract of holy land lying between the Ganga and the Assi rivers. The Assi river also flows into Ganga. Varanasi is also known as Kashi, the city of light since one of the twelve 'Jyortinglinga's is installed here. Varanasi has been a great cultural centre, especially in the fields of music, learning and the craft of silk weaving.
  • 26. AAggrraa 2266 Though Agra's history is largely recognised with Mughal Empire, the place was established much before it and has linkages since Mahabharat period and Mahirshi Angira in 1000 BC. It is generally accepted that Sultan Sikandar Lodī, the Ruler of the Delhi Sultanate founded Agra in the year 1504. After the Sultan's death the city passed on to his son Sultan Ibrāhīm Lodī. He ruled his Sultanate from Agra until he fell fighting to Bābar in the First battle of Panipat fought in 1526. In the year 1556, the great Hindu warrior Hemu Vikramaditya, also known as Samrat Hem Chander Vikramaditya, won the state of Agra as the prime minister cum Chief of Army of Adil Shah of the Afghan Sūrī Dynasty. The commander of Humāyūn / Akbar's forces in Agra, Tardi Beg Khan, was so scared of Hemu that he retreated from the city without a fight. This was Hemu's 21st continuous win since 1554, and he later went on to conquer Delhi, having his coronation at Purānā Qil'a in Delhi on 7 October 1556 and re- established the Hindu Kingdom and the Vikramaditya Dynasty in North India. The golden age of the city began with the Mughals. It was known then as Akbarabād and remained the capital of the Mughal Empire under the Emperors Akbar, Jahāngīr and Shāh Jahān. Shāh Jahān later shifted his capital to Shāhjahānabād in the year 1649.
  • 27. TTaajj MMaahhaall2277 The Taj Mahal is a white marble mausoleum located in Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India. It was built by Mughal emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his third wife, Mumtaz Mahal. The Taj Mahal is widely recognized as "the jewel of Muslim art in India and one of the universally admired masterpieces of the world's heritage" Taj Mahal is regarded by many as the finest example of Mughal architecture, a style that combines elements from Islamic, Persian, Ottoman Turkish and Indian architectural styles. In 1983, the Taj Mahal became a UNESCO World Heritage Site. While the white domed marble mausoleum is the most familiar component of the Taj Mahal, it is actually an integrated complex of structures. The construction began around 1632 and was completed around 1653, employing thousands of artisans and craftsmen. The construction of the Taj Mahal was entrusted to a board of architects under imperial supervision, including Abd ul-Karim Ma'mur Khan, Makramat Khan, and Ustad Ahmad Lahauri. Lahauri is generally considered to be the principal designer.
  • 28. FFaatteehhppuurr SSiikkrrii 2288 Fatehpur Sikri is a city and a municipal board in Agra district in the state of Uttar Pradesh, India. The city was founded in 1569 by the Mughal emperor Akbar, and served as the capital of the Mughal Empire from 1571 to 1585. After his military victories over Chittor and Ranthambore, Akbar decided to shift his capital from Agra to a new location 23 miles (37 km) on the Sikri ridge, to honor the Sufi saint Salim Chishti. Here he commenced the construction of a planned walled city which took the next fifteen years in planning and construction of a series royal palaces, harem, courts, a mosque, private quarters and other utility buildings. He named the city, Fatehabad, with Fateh, a word of Arabic origin in Persian, meaning "victory." it was later called Fatehpur Sikri. It is at Fatehpur Sikri that the legends of Akbar and his famed courtiers, the nine jewels or Navaratnas, were born . Fatehpur Sikri is one of the best preserved collection of Mughal architecture in India.
  • 29. JJaaiippuurr –– PPiinnkk CCiittyy2299 Jaipur is the capital and largest city of the Indian state of Rajasthan. It was founded on 18 November 1727 by Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh II, the ruler of Amber, after whom the city has been named. The city today has a population of 3.1 million. Jaipur is known as the Pink City of India. The city is remarkable among pre- modern Indian cities for the width and regularity of its streets which are laid out into six sectors separated by broad streets 34 m (111 ft) wide. The urban quarters are further divided by networks of gridded streets. Five quarters wrap around the east, south, and west sides of a central palace quarter, with a sixth quarter immediately to the east. The Palace quarter encloses the sprawling Hawa Mahal palace complex, formal gardens, and a small lake. Nahargarh Fort, which was the residence of the King Sawai Jai Singh II, crowns the hill in the northwest corner of the old city. The observatory, Jantar Mantar, is one of the World Heritage Sites. Included on the Golden Triangle tourist circuit, along with Delhi and Agra, Jaipur is an extremely popular tourist destination in Rajasthan and India. The 2012 British comedy-drama film, The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel was set and filmed in Jaipur.
  • 30. AAmmrriittssaarr –– GGoollddeenn TTeemmppllee 3300 The Golden Temple Amritsar India (Sri Harimandir Sahib Amritsar) is not only a central religious place of the Sikhs, but also a symbol of human brotherhood and equality. Everybody, irrespective of cast, creed or race can seek spiritual solace and religious fulfilment without any hindrance. It also represents the distinct identity, glory and heritage of the Sikhs. To pen- down the philosophy, ideology, the inner and outer beauty, as well as the historical legacy of Sri Harimandir Sahib is a momentous task. It is a matter of experience rather than a of description. As advised by Sri Guru Amar Dass Ji (3rd Sikh Guru), Sri Guru Ram Dass Ji (4th Sikh Guru) started the digging of Amrit Sarovar (Holy Tank) in 1577 A.D., which was later on brick-lined by Sri Guru Arjan Dev Ji (5th Sikh Guru) on December 15, 1588 and He also started the construction of Sri Harimandir Sahib. Sri Guru Granth Sahib (scripture of the Sikhs), after its compilation, was first installed at Sri Harimandir Sahib on August 16, 1604 A.D. A devout Sikh, Baba Budha Ji was appointed its first Head Priest.
  • 31. AAccccoommooddaattiioonn3311 WWee’’llll pprroovviiddee yyoouu tthhee mmoosstt ccoommffoorrttaabbllee aaccccoommooddaattiioonnss dduurriinngg tthhee JJoouurrnneeyy.. 22--33--44 ssttaarr hhootteellss iinn tthhee cciittiieess,, gguueesstt hhoouussee aanndd bbuunnggaallooww iinn tthhee HHiimmaallaayyaass,, ccaammppiinngg aatt tthhee ssoouurrccee ooff GGaannggeess.. VVaarraannaassii RRiisshhiikkeesshh HHiimmaallaayyaass44 SSttaarr HHootteell HHootteell RRoooomm CCaammppiinngg GGuueesstt HHoouussee
  • 32. TTrraannssppoorrttaattiioonn3322 TToo DDeellhhii aanndd bbaacckk ttoo HHoommee tthhee bbeesstt AAiirrlliinneess pprroovviiddeess YYoouu tthhee ssaaffeettyy ttrraavveelliinngg wwiitthh ffuullll bbooaarrdd:: tteelleevviissiioonn,, mmuussiicc,, mmeeaallss && yyoouurr vviisshheess.. WWee hhooppee YYoouu wwiillll eennjjooyy ttoo sseeee tthhee cclloouuddss ffrroomm aabboovvee...... TToo vviissiitt tthhee ppllaacceess yyoouu nneeeedd ttoo ttrraavveell sseevveerraall hhoouurrss aanndd wwee hhaavvee ttoo kknnooww YYoouu eennjjooyy tthhee ttrraavveelliinngg bbeettwweeeenn ttwwoo ppllaacceess.. WWee pprroovviiddee ffoorr YYoouu tthhee mmoosstt ccoommffoorrttaabbllee aanndd AA//CC vveehhiicclleess.. AAiirrppllaannee CCaarr SSeeaattss CCooaacchh IInnssiiddee TThhee CCooaacchh TTrraaiinn SSeeaattss RRiicckksshhaaww
  • 33. Please feel free to contact us at any time! You can call us or write e-mail with your questions and requirements. You can transfer the money to the below bank account, but please first send your clarificatin in e-mail or phone. Thank You! Anita Szentesi (english & hungarian) + 91-783-017-2236 Naveen Rana (english & hindi) + 91-971-901-6952 Bhagirathi Tour & Travel Badrinath Road, Tapovan, Rishikesh - 249192 Uttarakhand, India - Hotel Sai Ganga Cottage - Tel: + 91-9719016952, 9760813947 Email: Website: CCoonnttaacctt 3333
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  • 35. OOuurr PPaarrttnneerrss && SSuuppppoorrtteerrss3355 wwwwww..TTrreekkkkiinnggIInnIInnddiiaa..nneett wwwwww..CChhaarrddhhaammTTrraavveell..iinn wwwwww..BBhhaaggiirraatthhiiTToouurr..ccoomm wwwwww..IInnddiieennTToouurreenn..ddee
  • 36. PPrriivvaaccyy PPoolliiccyy AAllll ccoonntteennttss ooff „„HHeelllloo IInnddiiaa JJoouurrnneeyy 22001144”” bbrroosscchhuurree oowwnneedd bbyy BBhhaaggiirraatthhii TToouurr && TTrraavveell aanndd pprrootteecctteedd bbyy ccooppyyrriigghhtt llaaww.. CCooppyyiinngg oorr ppuubblliisshhiinngg iitt iinn aannyy wwaayy wwiitthhoouutt tthhee wwrriitttteenn ppeerrmmiissssiioonn ooff tthhee oowwnneerr eennttaaiillss lleeggaall ccoonnsseeqquueenncceess..
  • 37. The bridge between possible and impossible does not exist. It is one. Bhagirathi Tour & Travel – Rishikesh Office Badrinath Road, Tapovan, Rishikesh - 249192 Uttarakhand, India - Hotel Sai Ganga Cottage - Tel: + 91-9719016952, 9760813947 Email: Website: C2014 LLiiffee IIss JJoouurrnneeyy NNoott AA DDeessttiinnaattiioonn ...... ...... BBee FFrreeee -- KKnnooww TThhee WWoorrlldd AA