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Dr. Indranil Bhattacharya
MD & WHO Fellow (Pathology)
HOD – Dept. of Pathology
Jagjivan Ram Hospital
Myelodysplastic Syndromes
MDSs are clonal disorders of the
hematopoietic stem cell characterized by
ineffective hematopoiesis leading to
peripheral blood cytopenias, reflecting
defects in erythroid, myeloid and
megakaryocytic maturation and by frequent
evolution to AML.
Different Terminology of MDS
 Refractory anemia 1938 Rhoades and Barker
 Preleukemic anemia 1949 Hamilton-Paterson
 Preleukemia 1953 Block et al.
 Refractory anemia with ringed sideroblasts 1956 Bjorkman
 Refractory normoblastic anemia 1959 Dacie et al
 Smoldering acute leukemia 1963 Rheingold et al
 Chronic erythremic myelosis 1969 Dameshek
 Preleukemic syndrome 1973 Saarni and Linman
 Subacute myelomonocytic leukemia 1974 Sexauer et al
 Chronic myelomonocytic leukemia 1974 Miescher and Farguet
 Hypoplastic acute myelogenous leukemia 1975 Beard et al
 Refractory anemia with excess myeloblasts 1976 Dreyfus
 Hematopoietic dysplasia 1978 Linman and Bagby
 Subacute myeloid leukemia 1979 Cohen et al
 Dysmyelopoietic syndrome 1980 Streuli et al
 Myelodysplastic syndromes 1982 Bennet et al
Predisposing Factors
Heritable predisposition
Constitutional genetic disorders
Down syndrome, Trisomy 8 mosaicism
Familial monosomy 7
Neurofibromatosis 1
Germ cell tumors (embryonal dysgenesis)
DNA repair deficiencies
Fanconi anemia, Ataxia telangiectasia, Bloom syndrome
Xeroderma pigmentosum
Predisposing factors…..
Mutagen exposure
Genotoxic therapy
ß-emitters (phosphorus-32)
Autologous bone marrow transplantation
Environmental or occupational exposure (e.g., benzene)
Cytogenetic Abnormalities in
Myelodysplastic Syndromes
Prognosis Alteration
Intermediate Trisomy 8
Favorable 5q-, 20q-, 12p-
Unfavorable i(17q ) or t(17p), inv(3),
translocation (3;3), complex (at
least 3 anomalies)
Theories of
in MDS Development
Potential Targets/
Overall Result of Abnormality
Environmental / Aging
Aging Increased BM
Decreased hematopoietic stem cell
Viral Infections
Direct Toxicity to hematopoietic
stem cells.
Telomere Abnormalities Potential decreased
telomerase and
telomere shortening
•Impaired ability to renew stem cell
•Genetic Instability
Potential Targets/
Components Involved
Overall Result of Abnormality
Common Abnormalities:
• 5q- , 20q-
• Y- , Trisomy 8
• 7q-/Monosomy7, 17p
• 11q23, 3q
• p53 mutations, Ras mutations
• Complex Cytogenetics
• Abnormalities: typically
unbalanced genetic loss
• Numerous theories of tumor
suppressor Loss
• Multi-Hit progression from low
risk MDS to AML
• Genetic Instability
•Acetylation Alterations
Methylation and acetylation
abnormalities lead to silencing of
genes important in cell cycle,
differentiation, apoptosis,
Altered Bone Marrow
Overall Result of Abnormality
Altered Bone Marrow
Up regulation of:
TNF-, IFN-gamma,
TGF-Beta, IL-1B, IL-6,
• Alteration of growth,
differentiation, angiogenesis
• Immune modulation
Alterations in Apoptosis
via Signalling
• Increased TNF-
• FAS: Increased
• BCL-2 alterations
• Increased apoptosis and
proliferation in early stage MDS
leading to hypercellular marrow
with peripheral cytopenias
• Decreased apoptosis and
increased proliferation in later
stage MDS leading to progression
to AML
• Increased VEG-F
• Possible Increase:
gFGF and EGF
Increased Microvessel Density
(MVD): role in pathogenesis not
clearly elucidated but associated
with progression to AML
Altered Bone Marrow
Components Involved Overall Result of
Immune Dysregulation • T cell Expansion
• B cell alterations
• Increased T cells leading to
potential attack on
hematopoietic stem cells.
• Etiology: Possible chronic
antigenic stimulation
Abnormal Differentiation • Cell Cycle Maturation
• Altered Proliferation.
• Transcription Factors
• Impaired maturation
• Cytopenias
• Progression to leukaemia
FAB Classification of MDS
FAB Subtype Peripheral smear Bone Marrow
Refractory anemia
Anaemia, Blasts< 1%,
Monocytes <1x109 /L
Blasts< 5%, ringed siderblasts
< 15% of erythroblasts
Refractory anemia
with Ringed
Anaemia, Blasts< 1%,
Monocytes <1x109 /L
Blasts< 5%, ringed siderblasts
> than 15% of erythroblasts
Refractory anemia
with excess blasts
Anaemia, Blasts>1%,
Monocytes <1x109 /L
Blasts <5%
Blasts 5%
FAB Subtype Peripheral
Bone Marrow
Refractory Anemia with
Excess Blasts in
Transformation (RAEB-T)
Anaemia, Blasts 5%
OR present Auer rods
Blasts 20-29%
OR present Auer rods
CMML Monocytes>1x109 /L,
Granulocytes often
increased, Blasts
Blasts upto 20%,
Promonocytes often
WHO Classification of MDS
Subtype Blood Bone Marrow
Anaemia (RA, RN,
Single or bicytopenia,
no blasts
Unilineage dysplasia 10% of
the cells in one myeloid lineage,
< 5% blasts, <15% ringed
Anaemia with
Ring Sideroblasts
Anaemia, no blasts Erythroid dysplasia only, < 5%
blasts, 15% ringed
Cytopenia with
Cytopenia(s), no or
rare blasts (<1%), no
Auer rods, < 1 x 109/L
Dysplasia in 10% of cells in 2
or more hematopoietic lineages,
<15% ring sideroblasts, < 5%
blasts, no Auer rods.
RCMD and
Cytopenias (bi or
pancytopenia), No or
rare blasts, No Auer
rods, < 1 x 109/L
Dysplasia in  10% of cells in 2
or more myeloid cell lines, < 5%
blasts, 15% ringed
sideroblasts, No Auer rods
Subtype Blood Bone Marrow
Refractory anemia
with excess blasts-1
Cytopenias,< 5%
No Auer rods, < 1 x
109/L monocytes
Unilineage or multilineage
dysplasia, no Auer rods,
5-9% blasts
Refractory anemia
with excess blasts-2
Cytopenias, 5-19%
blasts, Auer rods ±, <
1 x 109/L monocytes
Unilineage or multilineage
dysplasia, Auer rods ±, 10-
19% blasts
MDS, unclassified
Cytopenia(s), No or
rare blasts (<1%), No
Auer rods
Unilineage dysplasia in
granulocytes or
Megakaryocytes, < 5%
blasts, No Auer rods
MDS associated with
isolated del(5q)
Anemia, < 1% blasts,
platelets normal or
Normal to increased
megakaryocytes with
hypolobated nuclei, < 5%
blasts, No Auer rods Isolated
Myelodysplastic/Myeloprolifierative Neoplasms
(MDS/MPN) WHO Classification
Myelodysplastic/Myeloprolifierative Neoplasms
(MDS/MPN) WHO Classification
Subtype Blood Bone Marrow
CMML-1 > 1 x 10/L monocytes, < 5%
blasts 9
Dysplasia in 1 hematopoietic
line, < 10% blasts
CMML-2 > 1 x 10 /L monocytes, 5%-
19% blasts or Auer rods
Dysplasia in  1 hematopoietic
line, 10%-19% blasts, or Auer
Atypical chronic
myeloid leukemia
(CML), Bcr-Abl 1
WBC 13 x 10 /L, neutrophil
precursors > 10%, < 20%
Hypercellular, < 20% blasts
leukemia (JMML)
> 1 x 10/L monocytes, <
20% blasts
> 1 x 10 /L monocytes, < 20%
('Overlap syndrome')
Dysplasia +
myeloproliferative features,
no prior MDS or MPN
Dysplasia + myeloproliferative
Changes made by WHO classification
 The criteria for the diagnosis of AML was altered
(20% blasts).
 RAEB -T------ RAEB-II category.
 Problem relating to the classification of CMML/a
CML was resolved by creation of MDS/MPD
category to which both were assigned together with
other cases with features overlapping between
Drawback of WHO classification
 They incorporate very little cytogenetic and molecular
genetic information.
 Only the 5q- syndrome is defined.
Clinical manifestations
 The symptoms experienced by patients with MDS
are related to the type and severity of the peripheral
blood cytopenias.
 Symptoms:
o Fatigue,
o decreased exercise tolerance,
o bleeding,
o easy bruisability, or recurrent bacterial infections.
Physical examination
• Pallor
• Peripheral oedema
• Evidence of heart failure (severe anaemia).
• Petechiae on the lower extremities or on the buccal mucosa
(if severe thrombocytopenia is present).
• Splenomegaly may be present, especially in patients with
chronic myelomonocytic leukemia (CMML).
Laboratory tests
 Decrease of one peripheral blood count or multiple
 Anaemia- Microcytic/normocytic/macrocytic.
 Reticulocytopenic (corrected reticulocyte count <1%).
 Leukopenia due to a decrease in the absolute neutrophil
 Leukoerythroblastic picture.
 An absolute monocytosis (monocytes >1000/μL) is present
in CMML.
 Thrombocytopenia may be present
 Thrombocytosis {Refractory Anaemia (RA) and an isolated
5q− abnormality, or in some cases of RARS}.
Bone marrow
 Essential to diagnose MDS.
 The BM trephine biopsy provides better assessment of
marrow cellularity and is required to evaluate the
existence of fibrosis. Abnormal distribution of cells is
 The bone marrow biopsy usually is hypercellular for the
age of the patient.
 However, approx 15% of patients have a hypocellular
marrow (cellularity <25%).
Bone marrow..…
 Granulocytic precurosrs may be clustered centrally
rather than showing their normal paratrabecular
 This phenomenon has been designated as abnormal
localization of immature precurors (ALIP).
 ALIPs are diagnostically important if they are detected
in since their presence confirms MDS rather than a
secondary anaemia.
 Use of antiglycophorin antibody highlights the presence
of clusters of immature erythroid cells and helps to
distinguish from ALIPs.
Bone marrow ..…
 Abnormal megakaryocytes are readily assessed.
 Megakaryocytes may be clustered or found in
paratrabecular position.
 Apoptosis is increased.
 Nonspecific abnormalities - increased macrophages,
prominent mast cells, lymphoid follicles and plasma cell
BM trephine biopsy section, RAEB-T, showing increased numbers of blasts
forming a small cluster (centre) (an abnormal localization of immature
precursors or ALIP).
Cytochemical Reactions
 Most important and essential - Perl’s stain for iron.
 Sudan Black B and MPO - Ensure that all cases
with Auer rods are recognized and classified as
 In CMML - Non Specific Estarage (NSE) is
necessary to identify monocyte component in bone
 PAS - Erythroblasts
Morphological abnormalities in MDSs
 PS Bone marrow
 Ovalomacrocytes Megaloblastoid erythropoiesis
 Elliptocytes Nuclear budding
 Acanthocytes Ringed sideroblasts
 Stomatocytes Internuclear bridging
 Teardrops Karyorrhexis
 Nucleated erythrocytes Nuclear fragments
 Basophilic stippling Cytoplasmic vacuolization
 Howell-Jolly bodies Multinucleation
Ring sideroblasts
 PS Bone marrow
 Pseudo–Pelger-Huet anomaly Defective granulation.
 Auer rods Maturation arrest at
myelocyte stage.
 Hypogranulation Increase in monocytoid
 Nuclear sticks Abnormal localization of
immature precursors.
 Hypersegmentation
 Ring-shaped nuclei
 Pseudo- Chediak Higashi granules
 PS Bone marrow
 Giant platelets Micromegakaryocytes
 Hypogranular or agranular Hypogranulation
Platelets Multiple small nuclei
PB film, MDS, showing anisocytosis, poikilocytosis and two pseudo-Pelger–
Huët neutrophils, one of which is also hypogranular.
Refractory cytopenia with multilineage dysplasia (RCMD). Bone marrow aspirate
(Wright–Giemsa stain – 100x). Erythroid precursors with nuclear irregularity and
myeloid precursors with hypogranulation and hyposegmentation
Internuclear bridging
Dysrythropoietic changes - nuclear budding, karyohexxis
A) Leishman Stain (×100 magnification). Showing dyserythropoiesis.
B) May–Grunwald Giemsa Stain (×100 magnification). Arrow showing
binucleate erythroblast. C) Leishman Stain (×200 magnification).
Showing multinucleate erythroblast and erythroid dysplasia
erythroid precursor with multi-nucleation and nuclear fragments (arrow) and
dysplastic myeloid precursor with both eosinophilic and basophilic granulation
Bone marrow biopsy shows
uniformly small and monolobated
megakaryocytes (arrows).
BM aspirate, RA, showing a binucleate micromegakaryocyte which is budding
Dysplasia in myeloid precursors can be manifested by dysplastic
granulation with granules of eosinophilic type and basophilic type (arrow)
Abnormal nuclear lobation such as seen in this myelocyte with two nuclei (long
arrow), abnormal distribution of granules causing granular polarity (arrowhead),
and mixed eosinophilic and basophilic granulation (top arrow)
Neutrophils with ring-like nuclei (ringed-neutrophil, arrow), A megaloblastoid
erythroid precursor is also seen (arrowhead)
Refractory anaemia, RCUD, RN, RT (WHO)
 10-20% of MDS.
 Older adults, median age- 65-70years.
 PS-
 Anaemia, marked anisocytosis, poikilocytosis.
 Normochromic, normocytic/macrocytic,
occasional hypochromia.
 Blasts are uncommon, less than 1%.
Refractory anaemia with ring sideroblasts
 Bone marrow shows erythroid hyperplasia.
 Myeloblasts are <5% of BM nucleated cells.
 15% or more of red cell precursors are ring
 Iron laden macrophages may be prominent.
 Very low rate of evolution to AML.
BM aspirate, RARS, showing numerous ring sideroblasts, several of which
can be seen to have defectively haemoglobinized cytoplasm. Perls’ stain
Refractory anaemia with excess of
 It is categorized as RAEB-2 if bone marrow blasts
are 10-19%, if the peripheral blood blasts are 5-
19% (regardless of bone marrow blast count) or if
Auer rods are present.
 Dysplasia in at least 10% of cells of one or more
myeloid lineages.
 More than a third patient suffered transformation
to AML.
 Median survival poor than RAEB-1.
BM trephine biopsy section from a patient with hypoplastic MDS (RAEB)
showing: (a) a disorganized marrow of low cellularity
Evolution of MDS
 Patients with MDS may die of marrow failure as a direct
consequence of MDS or may die following
transformation to acute leukemia.
 Myelodysplastic syndromes may evolve into other
 Change is usually into a worse prognostic category and
very rarely into favorable.
 Thus RA and RARS may evolve into either CMML.
Evolution of MDS…..
 Variation in number of monocytes can alter
classification, mainly between CMML and RAEB and
rarely ring sideroblasts disappear so that RARS
converts to RA.
 When acute leukemia supervenes it may develop
within a brief period or there may be stepwise
evolution over weeks and months.
 Acute leukemia that occurs in MDS is always AML,
but rare cases of ALL and bilineage/ biphenotypic
leukemia have been reported.
Algorithm of MDS diagnosis
Has there been exposure to cytotoxic drugs or
Are there 5-19% blast cells in the blood or 10-19%
blast cells in the bone marrow or Auer rods
Are there no more than 5% blasts cells in the
blood and 5-9% in the bone marrow
Is there an isloated 5q-
Is there multilineage dysplasia
Therapy related MDS
5q- syndrome
Myelodysplastic Syndrome

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Myelodysplastic Syndrome

  • 1. Dr. Indranil Bhattacharya MD & WHO Fellow (Pathology) HOD – Dept. of Pathology Jagjivan Ram Hospital Mumbai Myelodysplastic Syndromes
  • 2. Definition: MDSs are clonal disorders of the hematopoietic stem cell characterized by ineffective hematopoiesis leading to peripheral blood cytopenias, reflecting defects in erythroid, myeloid and megakaryocytic maturation and by frequent evolution to AML.
  • 3. Different Terminology of MDS  Refractory anemia 1938 Rhoades and Barker  Preleukemic anemia 1949 Hamilton-Paterson  Preleukemia 1953 Block et al.  Refractory anemia with ringed sideroblasts 1956 Bjorkman  Refractory normoblastic anemia 1959 Dacie et al  Smoldering acute leukemia 1963 Rheingold et al  Chronic erythremic myelosis 1969 Dameshek  Preleukemic syndrome 1973 Saarni and Linman  Subacute myelomonocytic leukemia 1974 Sexauer et al  Chronic myelomonocytic leukemia 1974 Miescher and Farguet  Hypoplastic acute myelogenous leukemia 1975 Beard et al  Refractory anemia with excess myeloblasts 1976 Dreyfus  Hematopoietic dysplasia 1978 Linman and Bagby  Subacute myeloid leukemia 1979 Cohen et al  Dysmyelopoietic syndrome 1980 Streuli et al  Myelodysplastic syndromes 1982 Bennet et al
  • 4. Predisposing Factors Heritable predisposition Constitutional genetic disorders Down syndrome, Trisomy 8 mosaicism Familial monosomy 7 Neurofibromatosis 1 Germ cell tumors (embryonal dysgenesis) DNA repair deficiencies Fanconi anemia, Ataxia telangiectasia, Bloom syndrome Xeroderma pigmentosum
  • 5. Predisposing factors….. Acquired: Senescence Mutagen exposure Genotoxic therapy Alkylators ß-emitters (phosphorus-32) Autologous bone marrow transplantation Environmental or occupational exposure (e.g., benzene) Tobacco
  • 6. Cytogenetic Abnormalities in Myelodysplastic Syndromes Prognosis Alteration Intermediate Trisomy 8 Favorable 5q-, 20q-, 12p- Unfavorable i(17q ) or t(17p), inv(3), translocation (3;3), complex (at least 3 anomalies)
  • 7. Theories of Pathophysiology involved in MDS Development Potential Targets/ Components Involved Overall Result of Abnormality Environmental / Aging Aging Increased BM apoptosis Decreased hematopoietic stem cell pool Environmental Exposures Smoking Radiation Benzene Viral Infections Chemotherapy Direct Toxicity to hematopoietic stem cells. Telomere Abnormalities Potential decreased telomerase and subsequent telomere shortening •Impaired ability to renew stem cell pool. •Genetic Instability
  • 8. Genetic Alterations Potential Targets/ Components Involved Overall Result of Abnormality Cytogenetic Abnormalities Common Abnormalities: • 5q- , 20q- • Y- , Trisomy 8 • 7q-/Monosomy7, 17p Syndrome • 11q23, 3q • p53 mutations, Ras mutations • Complex Cytogenetics • Abnormalities: typically unbalanced genetic loss • Numerous theories of tumor suppressor Loss • Multi-Hit progression from low risk MDS to AML • Genetic Instability Epigenetic Modulation •Hypermethylation •Acetylation Alterations Methylation and acetylation abnormalities lead to silencing of genes important in cell cycle, differentiation, apoptosis, angiogenesis
  • 9. Altered Bone Marrow Microenvironment Components Involved Overall Result of Abnormality Altered Bone Marrow Microenvironment Cytokines Up regulation of: TNF-, IFN-gamma, TGF-Beta, IL-1B, IL-6, Il-11 • Alteration of growth, differentiation, angiogenesis • Immune modulation Alterations in Apoptosis via Signalling • Increased TNF- levels • FAS: Increased Apoptosis • BCL-2 alterations • Increased apoptosis and proliferation in early stage MDS leading to hypercellular marrow with peripheral cytopenias • Decreased apoptosis and increased proliferation in later stage MDS leading to progression to AML Increased Angiogenesis • Increased VEG-F • Possible Increase: gFGF and EGF Angiogenin Increased Microvessel Density (MVD): role in pathogenesis not clearly elucidated but associated with progression to AML
  • 10. Altered Bone Marrow Microenvironment Components Involved Overall Result of Abnormality Immune Dysregulation • T cell Expansion • B cell alterations • Increased T cells leading to potential attack on hematopoietic stem cells. • Etiology: Possible chronic antigenic stimulation Abnormal Differentiation • Cell Cycle Maturation arrest. • Altered Proliferation. • Transcription Factors alterations • Impaired maturation • Cytopenias • Progression to leukaemia
  • 11.
  • 12.
  • 13. FAB Classification of MDS FAB Subtype Peripheral smear Bone Marrow Refractory anemia (RA) Anaemia, Blasts< 1%, Monocytes <1x109 /L Blasts< 5%, ringed siderblasts < 15% of erythroblasts Refractory anemia with Ringed sideroblasts (RARS) Anaemia, Blasts< 1%, Monocytes <1x109 /L Blasts< 5%, ringed siderblasts > than 15% of erythroblasts Refractory anemia with excess blasts (RAEB) Anaemia, Blasts>1%, Monocytes <1x109 /L OR Blasts <5% Blasts 5% BUT Blasts20%
  • 14. FAB Subtype Peripheral smear Bone Marrow Refractory Anemia with Excess Blasts in Transformation (RAEB-T) Anaemia, Blasts 5% OR present Auer rods Blasts 20-29% OR present Auer rods CMML Monocytes>1x109 /L, Granulocytes often increased, Blasts <5%. Blasts upto 20%, Promonocytes often increased.
  • 16. Subtype Blood Bone Marrow Refractory Anaemia (RA, RN, RT)/RCUD Single or bicytopenia, no blasts Unilineage dysplasia 10% of the cells in one myeloid lineage, < 5% blasts, <15% ringed sideroblasts Refractory Anaemia with Ring Sideroblasts (RARS) Anaemia, no blasts Erythroid dysplasia only, < 5% blasts, 15% ringed sideroblasts Refractory Cytopenia with Multilineage Dysplasia (RCMD) Cytopenia(s), no or rare blasts (<1%), no Auer rods, < 1 x 109/L monocytes Dysplasia in 10% of cells in 2 or more hematopoietic lineages, <15% ring sideroblasts, < 5% blasts, no Auer rods. RCMD and Ringed Sideroblasts (RCMD-RS) Cytopenias (bi or pancytopenia), No or rare blasts, No Auer rods, < 1 x 109/L monocytes Dysplasia in  10% of cells in 2 or more myeloid cell lines, < 5% blasts, 15% ringed sideroblasts, No Auer rods
  • 17. Subtype Blood Bone Marrow Refractory anemia with excess blasts-1 (RAEB-1) Cytopenias,< 5% blasts No Auer rods, < 1 x 109/L monocytes Unilineage or multilineage dysplasia, no Auer rods, 5-9% blasts Refractory anemia with excess blasts-2 (RAEB-2) Cytopenias, 5-19% blasts, Auer rods ±, < 1 x 109/L monocytes Unilineage or multilineage dysplasia, Auer rods ±, 10- 19% blasts MDS, unclassified (MDS-U) Cytopenia(s), No or rare blasts (<1%), No Auer rods Unilineage dysplasia in granulocytes or Megakaryocytes, < 5% blasts, No Auer rods MDS associated with isolated del(5q) Anemia, < 1% blasts, platelets normal or increased Normal to increased megakaryocytes with hypolobated nuclei, < 5% blasts, No Auer rods Isolated del(5q)
  • 19. Myelodysplastic/Myeloprolifierative Neoplasms (MDS/MPN) WHO Classification Subtype Blood Bone Marrow CMML-1 > 1 x 10/L monocytes, < 5% blasts 9 Dysplasia in 1 hematopoietic line, < 10% blasts CMML-2 > 1 x 10 /L monocytes, 5%- 19% blasts or Auer rods Dysplasia in  1 hematopoietic line, 10%-19% blasts, or Auer rods Atypical chronic myeloid leukemia (CML), Bcr-Abl 1 negative WBC 13 x 10 /L, neutrophil precursors > 10%, < 20% blasts Hypercellular, < 20% blasts Juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia (JMML) > 1 x 10/L monocytes, < 20% blasts > 1 x 10 /L monocytes, < 20% blasts MDS/MPN, unclassifiable ('Overlap syndrome') Dysplasia + myeloproliferative features, no prior MDS or MPN Dysplasia + myeloproliferative features
  • 20. Changes made by WHO classification  The criteria for the diagnosis of AML was altered (20% blasts).  RAEB -T------ RAEB-II category.  Problem relating to the classification of CMML/a CML was resolved by creation of MDS/MPD category to which both were assigned together with other cases with features overlapping between MDS/MPD.
  • 21. Drawback of WHO classification  They incorporate very little cytogenetic and molecular genetic information.  Only the 5q- syndrome is defined.
  • 22. Clinical manifestations  The symptoms experienced by patients with MDS are related to the type and severity of the peripheral blood cytopenias.  Symptoms: o Fatigue, o decreased exercise tolerance, o bleeding, o easy bruisability, or recurrent bacterial infections.
  • 23. Physical examination • Pallor • Peripheral oedema • Evidence of heart failure (severe anaemia). • Petechiae on the lower extremities or on the buccal mucosa (if severe thrombocytopenia is present). • Splenomegaly may be present, especially in patients with chronic myelomonocytic leukemia (CMML).
  • 24. Laboratory tests  Decrease of one peripheral blood count or multiple cytopenias.  Anaemia- Microcytic/normocytic/macrocytic.  Reticulocytopenic (corrected reticulocyte count <1%).  Leukopenia due to a decrease in the absolute neutrophil count  Leukoerythroblastic picture.  An absolute monocytosis (monocytes >1000/μL) is present in CMML.  Thrombocytopenia may be present  Thrombocytosis {Refractory Anaemia (RA) and an isolated 5q− abnormality, or in some cases of RARS}.
  • 25. Bone marrow  Essential to diagnose MDS.  The BM trephine biopsy provides better assessment of marrow cellularity and is required to evaluate the existence of fibrosis. Abnormal distribution of cells is detectable.  The bone marrow biopsy usually is hypercellular for the age of the patient.  However, approx 15% of patients have a hypocellular marrow (cellularity <25%).
  • 26. Bone marrow..…  Granulocytic precurosrs may be clustered centrally rather than showing their normal paratrabecular distribution.  This phenomenon has been designated as abnormal localization of immature precurors (ALIP).  ALIPs are diagnostically important if they are detected in since their presence confirms MDS rather than a secondary anaemia.  Use of antiglycophorin antibody highlights the presence of clusters of immature erythroid cells and helps to distinguish from ALIPs.
  • 27. Bone marrow ..…  Abnormal megakaryocytes are readily assessed.  Megakaryocytes may be clustered or found in paratrabecular position.  Apoptosis is increased.  Nonspecific abnormalities - increased macrophages, prominent mast cells, lymphoid follicles and plasma cell aggregates.
  • 28. BM trephine biopsy section, RAEB-T, showing increased numbers of blasts forming a small cluster (centre) (an abnormal localization of immature precursors or ALIP).
  • 29. Cytochemical Reactions  Most important and essential - Perl’s stain for iron.  Sudan Black B and MPO - Ensure that all cases with Auer rods are recognized and classified as RAEB-T (FAB) or RAEB-2 (WHO).  In CMML - Non Specific Estarage (NSE) is necessary to identify monocyte component in bone marrow.  PAS - Erythroblasts
  • 31. Erythroid  PS Bone marrow  Ovalomacrocytes Megaloblastoid erythropoiesis  Elliptocytes Nuclear budding  Acanthocytes Ringed sideroblasts  Stomatocytes Internuclear bridging  Teardrops Karyorrhexis  Nucleated erythrocytes Nuclear fragments  Basophilic stippling Cytoplasmic vacuolization  Howell-Jolly bodies Multinucleation Ring sideroblasts
  • 32. Myeloid  PS Bone marrow  Pseudo–Pelger-Huet anomaly Defective granulation.  Auer rods Maturation arrest at myelocyte stage.  Hypogranulation Increase in monocytoid forms.  Nuclear sticks Abnormal localization of immature precursors.  Hypersegmentation  Ring-shaped nuclei  Pseudo- Chediak Higashi granules
  • 33. Megakaryocyte  PS Bone marrow  Giant platelets Micromegakaryocytes  Hypogranular or agranular Hypogranulation Platelets Multiple small nuclei
  • 34. PB film, MDS, showing anisocytosis, poikilocytosis and two pseudo-Pelger– Huët neutrophils, one of which is also hypogranular.
  • 35. Refractory cytopenia with multilineage dysplasia (RCMD). Bone marrow aspirate (Wright–Giemsa stain – 100x). Erythroid precursors with nuclear irregularity and myeloid precursors with hypogranulation and hyposegmentation
  • 37. Dysrythropoietic changes - nuclear budding, karyohexxis
  • 38. A) Leishman Stain (×100 magnification). Showing dyserythropoiesis. B) May–Grunwald Giemsa Stain (×100 magnification). Arrow showing binucleate erythroblast. C) Leishman Stain (×200 magnification). Showing multinucleate erythroblast and erythroid dysplasia
  • 39. REFRACTORY CYTOPENIA WITH MULTILINEAGE DYSPLASIA: Dysplastic erythroid precursor with multi-nucleation and nuclear fragments (arrow) and dysplastic myeloid precursor with both eosinophilic and basophilic granulation (arrowhead)
  • 40. Bone marrow biopsy shows uniformly small and monolobated megakaryocytes (arrows).
  • 41. BM aspirate, RA, showing a binucleate micromegakaryocyte which is budding platelets
  • 42. Dysplasia in myeloid precursors can be manifested by dysplastic granulation with granules of eosinophilic type and basophilic type (arrow)
  • 43. Abnormal nuclear lobation such as seen in this myelocyte with two nuclei (long arrow), abnormal distribution of granules causing granular polarity (arrowhead), and mixed eosinophilic and basophilic granulation (top arrow)
  • 44. Neutrophils with ring-like nuclei (ringed-neutrophil, arrow), A megaloblastoid erythroid precursor is also seen (arrowhead)
  • 45. Refractory anaemia, RCUD, RN, RT (WHO)  10-20% of MDS.  Older adults, median age- 65-70years.  PS-  Anaemia, marked anisocytosis, poikilocytosis.  Normochromic, normocytic/macrocytic, occasional hypochromia.  Blasts are uncommon, less than 1%.
  • 46. Refractory anaemia with ring sideroblasts (WHO)………  Bone marrow shows erythroid hyperplasia.  Myeloblasts are <5% of BM nucleated cells.  15% or more of red cell precursors are ring sideroblasts.  Iron laden macrophages may be prominent.  Very low rate of evolution to AML.
  • 47. BM aspirate, RARS, showing numerous ring sideroblasts, several of which can be seen to have defectively haemoglobinized cytoplasm. Perls’ stain
  • 48. Refractory anaemia with excess of blasts-2  It is categorized as RAEB-2 if bone marrow blasts are 10-19%, if the peripheral blood blasts are 5- 19% (regardless of bone marrow blast count) or if Auer rods are present.  Dysplasia in at least 10% of cells of one or more myeloid lineages.  More than a third patient suffered transformation to AML.  Median survival poor than RAEB-1.
  • 49. BM trephine biopsy section from a patient with hypoplastic MDS (RAEB) showing: (a) a disorganized marrow of low cellularity
  • 50. Evolution of MDS  Patients with MDS may die of marrow failure as a direct consequence of MDS or may die following transformation to acute leukemia.  Myelodysplastic syndromes may evolve into other MDS.  Change is usually into a worse prognostic category and very rarely into favorable.  Thus RA and RARS may evolve into either CMML.
  • 51. Evolution of MDS…..  Variation in number of monocytes can alter classification, mainly between CMML and RAEB and rarely ring sideroblasts disappear so that RARS converts to RA.  When acute leukemia supervenes it may develop within a brief period or there may be stepwise evolution over weeks and months.  Acute leukemia that occurs in MDS is always AML, but rare cases of ALL and bilineage/ biphenotypic leukemia have been reported.
  • 52. Algorithm of MDS diagnosis
  • 53. Has there been exposure to cytotoxic drugs or radiation No Are there 5-19% blast cells in the blood or 10-19% blast cells in the bone marrow or Auer rods Are there no more than 5% blasts cells in the blood and 5-9% in the bone marrow No No Is there an isloated 5q- No Is there multilineage dysplasia No RA or RARS Yes Therapy related MDS Yes RAEB-II Yes RAEB-I Yes 5q- syndrome Yes RCMD

Notas del editor

  1. Dysfunction of enzymes required for detoxification, DNA mismatch repair, or differentiation
  2. Degree of elevation of blast count
  3. Although the FAB group classified MDS as CMML, atypical chronic myeloid leukemia, a condition characterized by equal if not more dysplasia, was characterized as a type of chronic myeloid leukemia.
  4. Megakaryocytes- Megakaryocytes- Normal/increased and cytologically abnormal. They have non-lobed or bilobed nuclei but are mainly more than 30-40um in diameter. Thus they differ from the mononuclear and binuclear micromegakaryocytes associated with other forms of MDS.
  5. Myelodysplastic syndrome with isolated del (5q). A, B) Bone marrow aspirate (40x and 100x). Hypolobated megakaryocyte seen. C, D) Bone marrow biopsy – (10x and 40x – H&E stain). Hypercellular bone marrow with myeloid proliferation associated with hypolobated or nonlobated megakaryocytes
  6. ;
  7. PB, aCML (Ph-negative), showing a myelocyte, a bizarre macropolycyte, an abnormal monocyte, an unidentifiable cell and a lymphocyte.
  8. BM aspirate, aCML showing granulocytic and monocytic hyperplasia
  9. PB, JMML, showing a monocyte, a basophil, dysplastic neutrophils, neutrophil precursors and thrombocytopenia
  10. BM aspirate, JMML, showing granulocyte precursors and a dysplastic binucleated micromegakaryoc
  11. Good indicates normal, 2Y,del(5q); poor, complex ($3 abnormalities), chromosome 7 anomalies; and intermediate, other abnormalities. ‡ Neutropenia indicates neutrophil level less than 1800/mL; anemia, hemoglobin level less than 10 g/dL (,6.21 mmol/L); and thrombocytopenia, platelet level less than 100 000/mL.