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Descargar para leer sin conexión	Workshops
Technical	Review	of
Worksh op	Details	an d	In stru ction s
About	the	workshop
Th is	is	a	h an ds-on 	worksh op
Lab	m aterials	are	available	for	th is	worksh op
Th is	worksh op	an d	m aterials	are	available	on 	ou r	GitH u b	repo
Workshop	Goals
U n derstan d	on 	all	of	its	com pon en ts
Be	able	to	deploy
Pu sh 	an d	Qu ery	data	from 	th e	system
Draw	basic	Visu alization s
Lab	Details
Du rin g	th is	worksh op	we'll	be	accessin g	an 	on lin e	lab
Please	SSH 	with 	th e	followin g
$	s s h	work s

Password:	password
*	ac c es s 	to	the	abov e	lab	is 	whitelis ted
What	is
$	npm	ins tall

Featu re	packed	Data	An alytics	an d	Visu alization 	Fram ework
Written 	in 	N ode.JS
Scalable	to	deal	with 	h igh 	volu m es	of	data	an d	realtim e	qu eries
Secu re	an d	m u lti-ten an t
Em bed	an d	in tegrate	data	visu alization s	in to	existin g	sites	an d	apps
Open 	Sou rce
How	does	it	work?
Operates	an d	m an aged	via	a	set	of	H TTP	API	en dpoin ts
Data	pu sh ed	u sin g	JSON 	via's	Beacon 	API
Stored	in 	cach in g	layer,	optim ized	for	qu ery
Qu eries	an d	Visu alization s	provided	by	Javascript	SDK

Th at's	all	in 	a	n u tsh ell!
Developer	Friendly
By	Data	Lovers	for	Developers
Ease	of	u se
Exten d
Em bed	an d	In tegrate
Site	specific	au tom ated	testin g
Rich 	docu m en tation
IT	Friendly
M asterless	grid
Easy	in stallation
Zero	con figu ration
Powerfu l	CLI
Sm all	footprin t
M on itor,	Alerts	an d	Logs
DBA	Friendly
Easy	Data	M odellin g
Sch em a-less
Zero	down tim e	u pdates
Com plete	con trol
Nodes	Everywhere
Each 	n ode	is	a	fu lly	fu n ction in g	system
Com m u n ication 	is	based	on 	Pu b/Su b
A	n ode	n eeds	to	qu alify	for	exeu ction
Qu alification 	can 	vary	an d	be	exten ded
Geo	prioritization
Dispatch	Routing
Every	action 	is	a	m essage
All	m essages	are	distribu ted
M essages	con tain 	secu rity	con text
Defau lt	`n otm e`	h an dlin g	logic
Backlog	processin g	of	stu ck	m essages
Command	the	Grid
U se	REPL,	CLI	or	SDK	
$ li	#	admin@loc alhos t:8080	>	joolaio.s y s tem.lis tnodes ();	#	admin@loc alhos t:8080	>	joolaio.s y s tem.terminate('nodeuid');

Wh en 	you 're	con n ected	to	on e	n ode,	you 're	con n ected	to	th e	Grid
N o	action 	is	execu ted	on 	th e	local	n ode,	bu t	dispatch ed
All	n odes	su bscribe	to	con figu ration 	ch an ges
Node.JS'	Event	Loop	Block
M an y	con sider	as	N ode.JS'	ach illes	h eel,	we	don 't
Th e	Grid	an d	Pu b/Su b	approach 	resolves	th e	core	issu e
ELB	cou n ters	an d	m on itors

U sin g	th e	righ t	tool	for	th e	job
M ade	ou r	software	better
Via	H TTP	API	en dpoin ts
U se	SDK,	CLI,	cU RL	or	write	you r	own
Sh ipped	with 	Web	Adm in 	con sole
Ou t-of-th e-box	fu lly	fu n ction in g	an alytics	site
Rich 	docu m en tation
Pushing	Data
Pushing	Data	is	Easy
joolaio.beac on.ins ert('c ollec tion-purc has es ',	{
				times tamp:	new	Date(),
				Play er:	{
								Us ername:	'A	play er',
								Dev ic e:	'Des k top',
								Brows er:	'Chrome'
				ip:	'',
				Vis its :	1,
				Vis itDuration:	123,
				Clic k s :	23,
				Purhc as es :	{
								Amount:	123
								Currenc y :	'USD',
								Status :	'Proc es s ed'
Data	Modelling
Describe	you r	data	as	a	JSON 	docu m en t(s)
Docu m en ts	are	stored	in 	a	Collection
Sch em a-less,	docu m en ts	can 	be	of	differen t	stru ctu re
Su pport	for	all	data	types
Su pport	for	Stron g-Typed	collection s
Push	What	You'll	Need
Store	on ly	data	relatin g	to	An alytics
Separate	in to	logical	collection s
Describe	every	m etric	with 	as	m an y	attribu tes	as	possible
Pass	raw	data,	don 't	aggregate
Pu sh 	an 	array	of	docu m en ts	wh en 	possible
Caching	Layer
Based	on 	leadin g	providers,	su ch 	as	M on goDB,	Cassan dra	an d	m ore
Exten d	to	su pport	addition al
In sert,	u pdate	an d	delete	directly	from 	cach e
Execu te	qu eries	directly	on 	cach in g	layer
N orm alized	access	to	u n derlyin g	cach e	via	Beacon 	API
Understanding	Queries
Describe	wh at	you 	wish 	to	display,	rath er	th an 	h ow	to	get	it	(SQL)
Su pport	for	Realtim e	(WebSocket)
Join 	data	from 	m u ltiple	collection s
Relative	tim efram es
Advan ced	filters
Dim en sion 	an d	M etric	tran sform ation s
M an y	aggregation 	operators,	in clu din g	U n iqu e	Cou n t
Basic	Query
Describe	th e	requ ired	dim en sion s	an d	m etric,	n ot	h ow	to	qu ery	th em
joolaio.query .fetc h({
				timeframe:	'las t_month',
				interv al:	'day s ',
				dimens ions :	['times tamp',	'dev ic e'],
				metric s :	['v is its ',	{
								k ey :	'av gv is itduration',
								name:	'Av g.	Vis it	Duration',
								depends On:	'v is itduration',
								aggregation:	'av g',
								s uffix :	'ms .'
},	func tion(err,	res ult){
				c ons ole.log(res ult.doc uments );
Calculated	Metrics
Com pose	virtu al,	calcu lated	m etrics	on -th e-fly
metric s :	[{
				k ey :'av gamountperplay er',
				name:	'Av g.	Amount	per	Play er',
				formula:	{
								depends On:[{
												k ey :	'av gamount',
												depends On:	'Purc has e.Amount',
												aggregation:	'av g'
								},	{
												k ey :	'play erc ount',
												depends On:	'Play er.Us ername',
												aggregation:	'uc ount'
								run:	'func tion(av gamount,	play erc ount)	{return	av gamount/play erc ount;}'
Query	Filters
M u ltiple	filters	-	m u tli-level	filters	-	per	m etric	filters
timeframe:	'las t_month',
interv al:	'day s ',
metric s :	[{
				k ey :	'play erc ount',
				depends On:	'Play er.Us ername',
				aggregation:	'uc ount',
				filter:	[
								['Play er.Brows er',	'eq',	'Chrome']]
filter:	[
				['Play er.Dev ic e',	'eq',	'Des k top']
Query	Results
Con tain 	retrieved	docu m en ts	an d	m eta-data	describin g	th e	qu ery	an d	its	tim in gs.
Resu lts	con tain 	both 	raw	an d	form atted	valu es.
res ults :	[
								v alues :{
												times tamp:	'2014-03-09T14:03:34.412Z',
												av gduration:	'123	ms .'
								formattedValues :	{
												times tamp:	'Sun	Mar	09	2014	15:03:34	GMT+0100	(CET)',
												av gduration:	123'
Bu ilt-in 	in to	all	visu alization s	an d	in tegral	part	of	qu ery.fetch
joolaio.query .fetc h({
				//query 	params ,	s uc h	as 	timeframe,	metric s ,	etc ...
				realtime:	true

First	execu tion 	retu rn s	en tire	tim efram e
Followin g	packets	retu rn 	on ly	delta
Data	con sisten cy	assu ran ce
Plotting	Data
Part	of	th e	Javascript	SDK
Easy	as	copy-paste
Sh ape	to	th e	desired	look,	feel	an d	beh avior
Offers	jQu ery	plu gin s
Rich 	Docu m en tation 	an d	Playgrou n d
Visualization	Types
M etric	Box
Sparklin e
Pie	Ch art
Tim elin e
Drawing	a	Visualization
Easy	as	a	copy-pastin g	from 	th e	wiki
Accepts	a	Qu ery	object	an d	addition al	form attin g	option s
joolaio.v iz .timeline({
				c ontainer:	doc ument.getElementBy Id('drawhere'),
				query :	{
								dimens ions :['times tamp'],
								metric s :	['v alue']

U ses	H TM L5,	su pports	all	device	types	(m obiles,	tablets)
Integrate,	Embed	and	Extend
Design ed	an d	bu ilt	for	in tegration
Pu sh 	data	from 	an y	data	sou rce	type	wh ile	keepin g	con trol	of	logic
Su pport	for	h igh -rate	distribu ted,	gu aran teed	writes
JSON 	collection s	provide	flexibility	an d	site	specific	in tegration
Collect	data	from 	all	parts	of	th e	bu sin ess
Leverage	to	redu ce	overh ead	of	operation al	databases
Seam less	drop-in 	visu alization s	in 	you r	site	an d	apps
Even t	driven 	com m u n ication 	with 	con tain er	page
Copy-paste	from 	wiki
On ly	fron t-en d	developers	are	n eeded,	redu ce	DBA	overh ead
Con trol	th e	tin iest	detail	of	look,	feel	an d	flow
Respon sive,	H TM L5,	CSS3	stan dards
M issin g	a	featu re?
Easy	to	learn 	in frastru ctu re	an d	code
Follows	best	practices	gu idelin es	an d	m eth odology
Access	to	sou rce	code,	issu es,	wiki	an d	kn ow-h ow
Con tribu te	to	open 	sou rce	project
Exten d	an yth in g	from 	cach in g	layer	to	visu alization s
Endless	Possibilities
Offer	an alytics	an d	visu alization s	to	you r	en d-u sers	
Scalable	an d	redu n dan t	to	su pport	very	large	operation s
M u lti-ten an t	an d	secu re
Easy	bran din g	an d	clien t	in tegration
Web	Analytics
Easy	to	setu p	an d	con figu ration
Gath er	an d	join 	m u ltiple	data	sou rces	in to	a	sin gle	store
joolaio.beac on.ins ert('performanc e',	window.performanc e);

Setu p	alerts	on 	specific	u ser	activity	or	th resh old
Ad	Serving
N o	n eed	to	pre-determ in e	au dien ces	an d	segm en ts
Leverage	split	secon d	qu ery	tim es
Apply	advan ced	filters	an d	segm en ts	in 	realtim e
Determ in e	best	m atch 	by	u n lim ited	param eters
Perform 	fu ll/partial	segm en tation 	on -th e-fly
Offer	"live"	in fograph ics
Com bin e	realtim e	calcu lation s	in to	static	con ten t
Segm en ted	in fograph ics
Secu re/m u lti-ten an t	in fograph ics
Visit	ou r	GitH u b	to	read	m ore	abou t

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Technical Review of Workshops

  • 3. About the workshop Th is is a h an ds-on worksh op Lab m aterials are available for th is worksh op Th is worksh op an d m aterials are available on ou r GitH u b repo
  • 4. Workshop Goals U n derstan d on all of its com pon en ts Be able to deploy Pu sh an d Qu ery data from th e system Draw basic Visu alization s
  • 5. Lab Details Du rin g th is worksh op we'll be accessin g an on lin e lab Please SSH with th e followin g $ s s h work s Password: password * ac c es s to the abov e lab is whitelis ted
  • 7. What is $ npm ins tall Featu re packed Data An alytics an d Visu alization Fram ework Written in N ode.JS Scalable to deal with h igh volu m es of data an d realtim e qu eries Secu re an d m u lti-ten an t Em bed an d in tegrate data visu alization s in to existin g sites an d apps Open Sou rce
  • 8. How does it work? Operates an d m an aged via a set of H TTP API en dpoin ts Data pu sh ed u sin g JSON via's Beacon API Stored in cach in g layer, optim ized for qu ery Qu eries an d Visu alization s provided by Javascript SDK Th at's all in a n u tsh ell!
  • 9. Developer Friendly By Data Lovers for Developers Ease of u se Exten d Em bed an d In tegrate Site specific au tom ated testin g Rich docu m en tation
  • 10. IT Friendly M asterless grid Easy in stallation Zero con figu ration Powerfu l CLI Sm all footprin t M on itor, Alerts an d Logs
  • 11. DBA Friendly Easy Data M odellin g Sch em a-less Flexible Zero down tim e u pdates Com plete con trol
  • 13. Nodes Everywhere Each n ode is a fu lly fu n ction in g system Com m u n ication is based on Pu b/Su b A n ode n eeds to qu alify for exeu ction Qu alification can vary an d be exten ded Geo prioritization
  • 14. Dispatch Routing Every action is a m essage All m essages are distribu ted M essages con tain secu rity con text Defau lt `n otm e` h an dlin g logic Backlog processin g of stu ck m essages
  • 15. Command the Grid U se REPL, CLI or SDK $ li # admin@loc alhos t:8080 > joolaio.s y s tem.lis tnodes (); # admin@loc alhos t:8080 > joolaio.s y s tem.terminate('nodeuid'); Wh en you 're con n ected to on e n ode, you 're con n ected to th e Grid N o action is execu ted on th e local n ode, bu t dispatch ed All n odes su bscribe to con figu ration ch an ges
  • 16. Node.JS' Event Loop Block M an y con sider as N ode.JS' ach illes h eel, we don 't Th e Grid an d Pu b/Su b approach resolves th e core issu e ELB cou n ters an d m on itors U sin g th e righ t tool for th e job M ade ou r software better
  • 17. Accessing Via H TTP API en dpoin ts U se SDK, CLI, cU RL or write you r own Sh ipped with Web Adm in con sole Ou t-of-th e-box fu lly fu n ction in g an alytics site Rich docu m en tation
  • 19. Pushing Data is Easy joolaio.beac on.ins ert('c ollec tion-purc has es ', { times tamp: new Date(), Play er: { Us ername: 'A play er', Dev ic e: 'Des k top', Brows er: 'Chrome' }, ip: '', Vis its : 1, Vis itDuration: 123, Clic k s : 23, Purhc as es : { Amount: 123 Currenc y : 'USD', Status : 'Proc es s ed' } }});
  • 20. Data Modelling Describe you r data as a JSON docu m en t(s) Docu m en ts are stored in a Collection Sch em a-less, docu m en ts can be of differen t stru ctu re Su pport for all data types Su pport for Stron g-Typed collection s
  • 21. Push What You'll Need Store on ly data relatin g to An alytics Separate in to logical collection s Describe every m etric with as m an y attribu tes as possible Pass raw data, don 't aggregate Pu sh an array of docu m en ts wh en possible
  • 22. Caching Layer Based on leadin g providers, su ch as M on goDB, Cassan dra an d m ore Exten d to su pport addition al In sert, u pdate an d delete directly from cach e Execu te qu eries directly on cach in g layer N orm alized access to u n derlyin g cach e via Beacon API
  • 23. Query
  • 24. Understanding Queries Describe wh at you wish to display, rath er th an h ow to get it (SQL) Su pport for Realtim e (WebSocket) Join data from m u ltiple collection s Relative tim efram es Advan ced filters Dim en sion an d M etric tran sform ation s M an y aggregation operators, in clu din g U n iqu e Cou n t
  • 25. Basic Query Describe th e requ ired dim en sion s an d m etric, n ot h ow to qu ery th em joolaio.query .fetc h({ timeframe: 'las t_month', interv al: 'day s ', dimens ions : ['times tamp', 'dev ic e'], metric s : ['v is its ', { k ey : 'av gv is itduration', name: 'Av g. Vis it Duration', depends On: 'v is itduration', aggregation: 'av g', s uffix : 'ms .' }] }, func tion(err, res ult){ c ons ole.log(res ult.doc uments ); });
  • 26. Calculated Metrics Com pose virtu al, calcu lated m etrics on -th e-fly metric s : [{ k ey :'av gamountperplay er', name: 'Av g. Amount per Play er', formula: { depends On:[{ k ey : 'av gamount', depends On: 'Purc has e.Amount', aggregation: 'av g' }, { k ey : 'play erc ount', depends On: 'Play er.Us ername', aggregation: 'uc ount' }], run: 'func tion(av gamount, play erc ount) {return av gamount/play erc ount;}' } }]
  • 27. Query Filters M u ltiple filters - m u tli-level filters - per m etric filters timeframe: 'las t_month', interv al: 'day s ', metric s : [{ k ey : 'play erc ount', depends On: 'Play er.Us ername', aggregation: 'uc ount', filter: [ ['Play er.Brows er', 'eq', 'Chrome']] }], filter: [ ['Play er.Dev ic e', 'eq', 'Des k top'] ]
  • 28. Query Results Con tain retrieved docu m en ts an d m eta-data describin g th e qu ery an d its tim in gs. Resu lts con tain both raw an d form atted valu es. res ults : [ { v alues :{ times tamp: '2014-03-09T14:03:34.412Z', av gduration: '123 ms .' }, formattedValues : { times tamp: 'Sun Mar 09 2014 15:03:34 GMT+0100 (CET)', av gduration: 123' } }, {...} ]
  • 29. Realtime Bu ilt-in in to all visu alization s an d in tegral part of qu ery.fetch joolaio.query .fetc h({ //query params , s uc h as timeframe, metric s , etc ... realtime: true }); First execu tion retu rn s en tire tim efram e Followin g packets retu rn on ly delta Data con sisten cy assu ran ce
  • 31. Plotting Data Part of th e Javascript SDK Easy as copy-paste Sh ape to th e desired look, feel an d beh avior Offers jQu ery plu gin s Rich Docu m en tation an d Playgrou n d
  • 33. Drawing a Visualization Easy as a copy-pastin g from th e wiki Accepts a Qu ery object an d addition al form attin g option s joolaio.v iz .timeline({ c ontainer: doc ument.getElementBy Id('drawhere'), query : { dimens ions :['times tamp'], metric s : ['v alue'] }); U ses H TM L5, su pports all device types (m obiles, tablets)
  • 35. Integrate Design ed an d bu ilt for in tegration Pu sh data from an y data sou rce type wh ile keepin g con trol of logic Su pport for h igh -rate distribu ted, gu aran teed writes JSON collection s provide flexibility an d site specific in tegration Collect data from all parts of th e bu sin ess Leverage to redu ce overh ead of operation al databases
  • 36. Embed Seam less drop-in visu alization s in you r site an d apps Even t driven com m u n ication with con tain er page Copy-paste from wiki On ly fron t-en d developers are n eeded, redu ce DBA overh ead Con trol th e tin iest detail of look, feel an d flow Respon sive, H TM L5, CSS3 stan dards
  • 37. Extend M issin g a featu re? Easy to learn in frastru ctu re an d code Follows best practices gu idelin es an d m eth odology Access to sou rce code, issu es, wiki an d kn ow-h ow Con tribu te to open sou rce project Exten d an yth in g from cach in g layer to visu alization s
  • 39. Analytics-as-a-Service Offer an alytics an d visu alization s to you r en d-u sers Scalable an d redu n dan t to su pport very large operation s M u lti-ten an t an d secu re Easy bran din g an d clien t in tegration
  • 40. Web Analytics Easy to setu p an d con figu ration Gath er an d join m u ltiple data sou rces in to a sin gle store joolaio.beac on.ins ert('performanc e', window.performanc e); Setu p alerts on specific u ser activity or th resh old
  • 41. Ad Serving N o n eed to pre-determ in e au dien ces an d segm en ts Leverage split secon d qu ery tim es Apply advan ced filters an d segm en ts in realtim e Determ in e best m atch by u n lim ited param eters Perform fu ll/partial segm en tation on -th e-fly
  • 42. Infographics Offer "live" in fograph ics Com bin e realtim e calcu lation s in to static con ten t Segm en ted in fograph ics Secu re/m u lti-ten an t in fograph ics
  • 43. THANK YOU Visit ou r GitH u b to read m ore abou t