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Digital Goods / Subscriptions / One-Time Payments API

Last updated on 2012/08/22

      Paymentwall Widget Call
             Default widget call
                   Required parameters
                   Optional Parameters
                   Security Parameters
                          Signature (version 1)
                          Signature (version 2)

                    Signature (version 1) example
                    Signature (version 2) example

             Flexible Widget Call
                    Widget URL
                    Request method
                    Protocols supported
                    Signature calculation & building widget URL

      Pingback Processing
            HTTP Pingback
                  Request method
                  Protocols supported
                  Example of parameters:
                  Pingback URL example
                  Return value
                  Chargeback processing
                  Sample Pingback listener script

Digital Goods / Subscriptions / One-Time Payments API allows you to monetize such products and services as

      Recurring membership
      In-game virtual items
      Digital content
      Full version of a game
      Other one-time payments

The technical integration includes two steps:

      Paymentwall Widget Call
      Pingback Processing

Paymentwall Widget Call
The Paymentwall is customized for each user landing on the iframe. The system collects any profile data passed
from the application, combines it with a user’s past behavioral data and customize the experience each time they
land on the Paymentwall. The age/sex/location data is used for appropriate offers targeting (e.g. – adult offers
not served to minors).

Default widget call

Required parameters
      key – application key, can be found in General Settings of the application under your account.
      uid – your internal ID of the end-user (e.g. Facebook Third-Party ID).
      widget – widget type code with standard css schema (w1, w2) or with customized (w1_1, w1_2 etc.,
      obtained in Widgets section of the application under your account), default: w1.
      ps – required only for the Paymentwall Uni (single payment option) widget. Name of the payment method
      which is displayed in the widget. Here are some of the most popular payment methods: paypal, amazon,
      zong, paymo, daopay. We keep adding new methods even now, and if you want to use some other
      method in Paymentwall Uni – feel free to enquire about it.

Optional Parameters
       firstname – firsname of the user
       lastname – lastname of the user
       email – email of the user
       birthday – date of user's birth (Unix timestamp or formatted string)
       sex – sex of user (male, female)
       location[city] – city name
       location[state] – state/province name
       location[address] - address
       location[country] – country name
       location[country_code] - ISO alpha-2 country code
       location[zip] – postal code
       default_goodsid – SKU ID of the product that is selected by default
       display_goodsid – SKU ID of the only product that should be displayed
       hide_goodsid – array of SKU IDs of the products that should be hidden, e.g.
      hide_goodsid[0]=product_2&hide_goodsid[1]=product_3 will hide products with SKU ids product_3 and

Security Parameters
      sign – widget signature. If you want to secure widget and disallow unauthorized widget access, you can
      sign widget
      sign_version – version of the signature. Optional. Default value is 1
      ts – Time when request was initiated, represented as Unix timestamp - seconds since the Unix epoch
      (January 1 1970 00:00:00 GMT). If it’s older then 60 minutes, user sees an error message.
      Recommended for preventing widget from being shared.

If you would like to make the signature parameter mandatory for loading the widget, please contact us.

Signature (version 1)

Less secure. Signs only the id of the end-user. Any additional optional parameters can be changed without
changing the signature.

sign = MD5([USER_ID][SECRET_KEY]).

[USER_ID] - ID of the end-user passed in uid parameter.
[SECRET_KEY] - Secret Key of your application.

Signature (version 2)
More secure. Signs all the parameters passed into the widget.

sign =

[SECRET_KEY] - Secret Key of your application
[PARAM_NAME_N] - name of the parameter that is on Nth position of alphabetical order of all parameters
[PARAM_VALUE_N] - value of the according parameter

Additional parameters (e.g. [PARAM_NAME_1], [PARAM_NAME_2]) are supposed to be sorted by parameter
name in alphabetical order. E.g. in case if parameters sign_version, widget, uid and key are used, the supposed
order in signature is: key=[KEY]sign_version=[SIGN_VERSION]uid=[USER_ID]widget=[WIDGET].
sign parameter itself is not present among signed parameters.
See the code example below.


MD5, or Message-Digest algorithm 5, is a 32 character long hexadecimal hash. For more details on this hash
function click here.

Hint for flash developers: if you're using flash application, don't store SECRET_KEY in it, since flash can be
decompiled and your SECRET_KEY might be known by fraudster. Instead, we kindly recommend you to
calculate signature in server script and pass it to flash via parameter.


For payments widgets (p1, p2, p3):[APPLICATION_KEY]&uid=[USER_ID]&widget=[WIDGET]

For offers widgets (w1, w2, s1, s2, s3):[APPLICATION_KEY]&uid=[USER_ID]&widget=[WIDGET]


Signature (version 1) example
       SECRET_KEY = 3b5949e0c26b87767a4752a276de9570
       uid = 100
       sign = MD5([USER_ID][SECRET_KEY]) = MD5(1003b5949e0c26b87767a4752a276de9570) =

Signature (version 2) example

       function calculateWidgetSignature($params, $secret) {
           // work with sorted data
           // generate the base string
           $baseString = '';
           foreach($params as $key => $value) {
               $baseString .= $key . '=' . $value;
           $baseString .= $secret;
           return md5($baseString);

       $params = array(
           'key' => '[APPLICATION_KEY]', // YOUR APPLICATION KEY
           'uid' => '[USER_ID]',
           'widget' => 'p1',
           'sign_version' => 2,
           'custom_parameter' => 'custom_value'

       $secret = '[SECRET_KEY]'; // YOUR SECRET KEY

       $params['sign'] = calculateWidgetSignature($params, $secret);

       echo '<iframe src="' .
       http_build_query($params) . '" width="100%" height="100%"

Flexible Widget Call

Widget URL

Request method


Protocols supported

http, https


 Parametr                             Required                 Description

 key                                  yes                      Application key

 uid                                  yes                      User id, alphanumeric

 widget                               yes                      Widget key, e.g. p1
amount             yes    Amount of the purchase, e.g.

currencyCode       yes    Currency of the purchase, e.g.
                          USD, EUR

ag_name            yes    Product name

ag_external_id     yes    Alphanumeric SKU ID of the
                          product in your system, which
                          we communicate back to you via
                          the pingback as goodsid

ag_type            yes    Either fixed or subscription.
                          subscription type is used for time
                          products, e.g. 3 month
                          membership; fixed is used
                          for one-time payments, like lifetime

ag_period_length   yes*   Length of product period, e.g. 3.
                          Required when ag_type is

ag_period_type     yes*   Type of product period. Possible
                          values: day, week,
                          month, year. Required when
                          ag_type is subscription.

ag_recurring       no     Possible values: 1, 0. Whether the
                          product is recurring.
                          Recurring billing is supported only
                          when ag_type is

ts                 no     Time when request was initiated,
                          represented as Unix
                          timestamp - seconds since the
                          Unix epoch (January 1 1970
                          00:00:00 GMT). If it’s older then 60
                          minutes, user sees an error
                          message. Recommended for
                          preventing widget from being

sign_version       yes    Version of signature.
                          sign_version=2 needs to be used

sign               yes    Request signature. All parameters
                          in request need to be
                          signed. Refer to instructions on sig
                          nature (version 2) above or
                          signature calculation code below.
Signature calculation & building widget URL

        function calculateWidgetSignature($params, $secret) {
            // work with sorted data
            // generate the base string
            $baseString = '';
            foreach($params as $key => $value) {
                $baseString .= $key . '=' . $value;
            $baseString .= $secret;
            return md5($baseString);
        $params = array(
            'key' => '7e5493348058db49c82dbcfe70f14716',
            'uid' => '123456',
            'widget' => 'p1',
            //'ts' => time(),
            'sign_version' => 2,
            'amount' => '13.37',
            'currencyCode' => 'EUR',
            'ag_name' => '"Gold" Membership',
            'ag_external_id' => 'gold3w',
            'ag_type' => 'subscription',
            'ag_period_length' => '3',
            'ag_period_type' => 'week',
            'ag_recurring' => 1
        $secret = 'b3842906095a44c6b538e8571dacc990';
        $params['sign'] = calculateWidgetSignature($params, $secret);
        $url = '';
        echo '<iframe src="' . $url . '?' . http_build_query($params) . '" width="750"
        height="800" frameborder="0"></iframe>';

Given example will output an iframe with the following source:


Pingback Processing
Whenever a user pays or completes an offer, we send you a pingback, also known as callback, postback, or
instant payment notification.

Pingbacks can be sent in one of the two formats:

 Type                                                    Description
HTTP request                                              HTTP request is sent from our servers to your
                                                           Pingback listener script where we communicate to
                                                           your server details about the payment so that your
                                                           server can process the pingback automatically and
                                                           deliver the product to the according user. URL of your
                                                           script that listens for pingbacks is called Pingback
                                                           This format is preferrable.

 Email                                                     An email is sent to the address that you configure as
                                                           your Pingback Email once a user pays or completes
                                                           an offer. Once you receive the email, you should
                                                           deliver the product manually to the according user.

HTTP Pingback


Request method


Protocols supported

http, https

        uid – id of user to be credited. The value of uid parameter from Paymentwall Call is used (e.g. Facebook
       Third-Party ID). The uid parameter is also case-insensitive, so the usernames such as superUser and
       Superuser are going to be the same thing;
        goodsid – SKU ID of product (subscription, package) that you enter when defining them, alphanumeric,
       e.g. gold_membership;
        slength – length of product, positive whole number, e.g. 5. When sold item is a fixed package, slength
       contains empty string;
        speriod – period of product: day, week, month, year. When sold item is a fixed package, speriod contains
       empty string;
        type – type of callback. 0 – when product is bought, 1 – when product is given as a customer service
       courtesy (write-off), 2 – in case of chargeback (see below);
        ref – reference id, alphanumeric. It's a unique parameter that is going same for the initial pingback as well
       as for the negative pingback (chargeback). E.g. If the pingback occurred with the reference "itest", then
       the negative pingback should also occur with the reference "itest";
        sig =
       ]type=[TYPE]ref=[REF][SECRET_KEY]) – MD5 (Message-Digest algorithm 5) hash in form of 32 digit
       hexadecimal number.

Example of parameters:
         SECRET_KEY = 3b5949e0c26b87767a4752a276de9570
         uid = 1
         goodsid = gold_membership
         slength = 3
         speriod = month
         type = 0
ref = 3
       sig = MD5(uid=[USER_ID]goodsid=[GOODS_ID]slength=[PRODUCT_LENGTH]speriod=[PRODUCT_PE
      RIOD]type=[TYPE]ref=[REF][SECRET_KEY]) =
      76de9570) = 84d081d1af73ccdf5f7281a145d03ce6

Pingback URL example


Return value

If you are able to process the callback requests, please start your response message with 'OK'.
If we don't receive a confirmation message, or if the response status code is different from 200, we'll send
pingback again within 30 minutes and the subsequent retries will happen at 30 minute increments after that.


Please add the following IP Addresses as authorized IP addresses to access the script:

Chargeback processing

Required. This is used in cases of fraud, correction etc. Paymentwall sends request to the Callback URL and
communicates subscription package that should be taken back from which userID. Format, Request method and
Parameters are the same as for common Callback except for

        slength – if applicable (not a fixed package), negative whole number (e.g. 2), empty string otherwise
        type = 2 in case of ChargeBack
        reason – code of ChargeBack reason. Possible reasons are:

 Code                                  Reason                                Recommedation

 1                                     Chargeback

 2                                     Credit Card fraud                     Ban user

 3                                     Order fraud                           Ban user

 4                                     Bad data entry

 5                                     Fake / proxy user

 6                                     Rejected by advertiser

 7                                     Duplicate conversions

 8                                     Goodwill credit taken back

 9                                     Cancelled order

 10                                    Partially reversed transaction
Sample Pingback listener script

      define('SECRET', ''); // YOUR SECRET KEY
      define('CREDIT_TYPE_CHARGEBACK', 2);
      $ipsWhitelist = array(
      $userId = isset($_GET['uid']) ? $_GET['uid'] : null;
      $goodsId = isset($_GET['goodsid']) ? $_GET['goodsid'] : null;
      $length = isset($_GET['slength']) ? $_GET['slength'] : null;
      $period = isset($_GET['speriod']) ? $_GET['speriod'] : null;
      $type = isset($_GET['type']) ? $_GET['type'] : null;
      $refId = isset($_GET['ref']) ? $_GET['ref'] : null;
      $signature = isset($_GET['sig']) ? $_GET['sig'] : null;
      $result = false;
      if (!empty($userId) && !empty($goodsId) && isset($type) && !empty($refId) &&
      !empty($signature)) {
          $signatureParams = array(
              'uid' => $userId,
              'goodsid' => $goodsId,
              'slength' => $length,
              'speriod' => $period,
              'type' => $type,
              'ref' => $refId
          $signatureCalculated = calculatePingbackSignature($signatureParams, SECRET);
          // check if IP is in whitelist and if signature matches
          if (in_array($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $ipsWhitelist) && ($signature ==
      $signatureCalculated)) {
              $result = true;

               if ($type == CREDIT_TYPE_CHARGEBACK) {

                  // Take membership from user
                  // This is optional, but we recommend this type of crediting to be
      implemented as well

               else {
                   // Give membership to user
      if ($result) {
           echo 'OK';
        * Generates signature using given parameters array and secret
        * @param array $params
        * @param string $secret
        * @return string
      function calculatePingbackSignature($params, $secret) {
           $str = '';
           foreach ($params as $k=>$v) {
$str .= "$k=$v";
$str .= $secret;
    return md5($str);

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Design Portfolio - 2024 - William Vickery
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Paymentwall subscriptions-api

  • 1. Digital Goods / Subscriptions / One-Time Payments API Last updated on 2012/08/22 Introduction Paymentwall Widget Call Default widget call Required parameters Optional Parameters Security Parameters Signature (version 1) Signature (version 2) Comments URL Examples Signature (version 1) example Signature (version 2) example Flexible Widget Call Widget URL Request method Protocols supported Parameters Signature calculation & building widget URL Pingback Processing HTTP Pingback Format Request method Protocols supported Parameters: Example of parameters: Pingback URL example Return value Security Chargeback processing Sample Pingback listener script Introduction Digital Goods / Subscriptions / One-Time Payments API allows you to monetize such products and services as Recurring membership In-game virtual items Digital content Full version of a game Other one-time payments The technical integration includes two steps: Paymentwall Widget Call Pingback Processing Paymentwall Widget Call
  • 2. The Paymentwall is customized for each user landing on the iframe. The system collects any profile data passed from the application, combines it with a user’s past behavioral data and customize the experience each time they land on the Paymentwall. The age/sex/location data is used for appropriate offers targeting (e.g. – adult offers not served to minors). Default widget call Required parameters key – application key, can be found in General Settings of the application under your account. uid – your internal ID of the end-user (e.g. Facebook Third-Party ID). widget – widget type code with standard css schema (w1, w2) or with customized (w1_1, w1_2 etc., obtained in Widgets section of the application under your account), default: w1. ps – required only for the Paymentwall Uni (single payment option) widget. Name of the payment method which is displayed in the widget. Here are some of the most popular payment methods: paypal, amazon, zong, paymo, daopay. We keep adding new methods even now, and if you want to use some other method in Paymentwall Uni – feel free to enquire about it. Optional Parameters firstname – firsname of the user lastname – lastname of the user email – email of the user birthday – date of user's birth (Unix timestamp or formatted string) sex – sex of user (male, female) location[city] – city name location[state] – state/province name location[address] - address location[country] – country name location[country_code] - ISO alpha-2 country code location[zip] – postal code default_goodsid – SKU ID of the product that is selected by default display_goodsid – SKU ID of the only product that should be displayed hide_goodsid – array of SKU IDs of the products that should be hidden, e.g. hide_goodsid[0]=product_2&hide_goodsid[1]=product_3 will hide products with SKU ids product_3 and product_2 Security Parameters sign – widget signature. If you want to secure widget and disallow unauthorized widget access, you can sign widget sign_version – version of the signature. Optional. Default value is 1 ts – Time when request was initiated, represented as Unix timestamp - seconds since the Unix epoch (January 1 1970 00:00:00 GMT). If it’s older then 60 minutes, user sees an error message. Recommended for preventing widget from being shared. If you would like to make the signature parameter mandatory for loading the widget, please contact us. Signature (version 1) Less secure. Signs only the id of the end-user. Any additional optional parameters can be changed without changing the signature. sign = MD5([USER_ID][SECRET_KEY]). [USER_ID] - ID of the end-user passed in uid parameter. [SECRET_KEY] - Secret Key of your application. Signature (version 2)
  • 3. More secure. Signs all the parameters passed into the widget. sign = MD5([PARAM_NAME_1]=[PARAM_VALUE_1][PARAM_NAME_2]=[PARAM_VALUE_2][PARAM_NAME_3]=[P ARAM_VALUE_3]...[SECRET_KEY]) [SECRET_KEY] - Secret Key of your application [PARAM_NAME_N] - name of the parameter that is on Nth position of alphabetical order of all parameters [PARAM_VALUE_N] - value of the according parameter Additional parameters (e.g. [PARAM_NAME_1], [PARAM_NAME_2]) are supposed to be sorted by parameter name in alphabetical order. E.g. in case if parameters sign_version, widget, uid and key are used, the supposed order in signature is: key=[KEY]sign_version=[SIGN_VERSION]uid=[USER_ID]widget=[WIDGET]. sign parameter itself is not present among signed parameters. See the code example below. Comments MD5, or Message-Digest algorithm 5, is a 32 character long hexadecimal hash. For more details on this hash function click here. Hint for flash developers: if you're using flash application, don't store SECRET_KEY in it, since flash can be decompiled and your SECRET_KEY might be known by fraudster. Instead, we kindly recommend you to calculate signature in server script and pass it to flash via parameter. URL For payments widgets (p1, p2, p3):[APPLICATION_KEY]&uid=[USER_ID]&widget=[WIDGET] For offers widgets (w1, w2, s1, s2, s3):[APPLICATION_KEY]&uid=[USER_ID]&widget=[WIDGET] Examples Signature (version 1) example SECRET_KEY = 3b5949e0c26b87767a4752a276de9570 uid = 100 sign = MD5([USER_ID][SECRET_KEY]) = MD5(1003b5949e0c26b87767a4752a276de9570) = 2fa09ff8065a6151844135261f95ad58 Signature (version 2) example
  • 4. <?php function calculateWidgetSignature($params, $secret) { // work with sorted data ksort($params); // generate the base string $baseString = ''; foreach($params as $key => $value) { $baseString .= $key . '=' . $value; } $baseString .= $secret; return md5($baseString); } $params = array( 'key' => '[APPLICATION_KEY]', // YOUR APPLICATION KEY 'uid' => '[USER_ID]', 'widget' => 'p1', 'sign_version' => 2, 'custom_parameter' => 'custom_value' ); $secret = '[SECRET_KEY]'; // YOUR SECRET KEY $params['sign'] = calculateWidgetSignature($params, $secret); echo '<iframe src="' . http_build_query($params) . '" width="100%" height="100%" frameborder="0"></iframe>'; Flexible Widget Call Widget URL Request method GET Protocols supported http, https Parameters Parametr Required Description key yes Application key uid yes User id, alphanumeric widget yes Widget key, e.g. p1
  • 5. amount yes Amount of the purchase, e.g. 10.00 currencyCode yes Currency of the purchase, e.g. USD, EUR ag_name yes Product name ag_external_id yes Alphanumeric SKU ID of the product in your system, which we communicate back to you via the pingback as goodsid parameter. ag_type yes Either fixed or subscription. subscription type is used for time based products, e.g. 3 month membership; fixed is used for one-time payments, like lifetime membership. ag_period_length yes* Length of product period, e.g. 3. Required when ag_type is subscription. ag_period_type yes* Type of product period. Possible values: day, week, month, year. Required when ag_type is subscription. ag_recurring no Possible values: 1, 0. Whether the product is recurring. Recurring billing is supported only when ag_type is subscription. ts no Time when request was initiated, represented as Unix timestamp - seconds since the Unix epoch (January 1 1970 00:00:00 GMT). If it’s older then 60 minutes, user sees an error message. Recommended for preventing widget from being shared. sign_version yes Version of signature. sign_version=2 needs to be used sign yes Request signature. All parameters in request need to be signed. Refer to instructions on sig nature (version 2) above or signature calculation code below.
  • 6. Signature calculation & building widget URL <?php function calculateWidgetSignature($params, $secret) { // work with sorted data ksort($params); // generate the base string $baseString = ''; foreach($params as $key => $value) { $baseString .= $key . '=' . $value; } $baseString .= $secret; return md5($baseString); } $params = array( 'key' => '7e5493348058db49c82dbcfe70f14716', 'uid' => '123456', 'widget' => 'p1', //'ts' => time(), 'sign_version' => 2, 'amount' => '13.37', 'currencyCode' => 'EUR', 'ag_name' => '"Gold" Membership', 'ag_external_id' => 'gold3w', 'ag_type' => 'subscription', 'ag_period_length' => '3', 'ag_period_type' => 'week', 'ag_recurring' => 1 ); $secret = 'b3842906095a44c6b538e8571dacc990'; $params['sign'] = calculateWidgetSignature($params, $secret); $url = ''; echo '<iframe src="' . $url . '?' . http_build_query($params) . '" width="750" height="800" frameborder="0"></iframe>'; Given example will output an iframe with the following source: 56&widget=p1&sign_version=2&amount=13.37&currencyCode=EUR&ag_name=%22Gold%22+Memb ership&ag_external_id=gold3w&ag_type=subscription&ag_period_length=3&ag_period_ty pe=week&ag_recurring=1&sign=2d84d1a259cc974c9b99b875207f1da5 Pingback Processing Whenever a user pays or completes an offer, we send you a pingback, also known as callback, postback, or instant payment notification. Pingbacks can be sent in one of the two formats: Type Description
  • 7. HTTP request HTTP request is sent from our servers to your Pingback listener script where we communicate to your server details about the payment so that your server can process the pingback automatically and deliver the product to the according user. URL of your script that listens for pingbacks is called Pingback URL. This format is preferrable. Email An email is sent to the address that you configure as your Pingback Email once a user pays or completes an offer. Once you receive the email, you should deliver the product manually to the according user. HTTP Pingback Format[USER_ID]&goodsid=[GOODS_ID]&slength=[SUBSCRIPTION_LENG TH]&speriod=[SUBSCRIPTION_PERIOD]&type=[TYPE]&ref=[REF]&sig=[SIGNATURE] Request method GET Protocols supported http, https Parameters: uid – id of user to be credited. The value of uid parameter from Paymentwall Call is used (e.g. Facebook Third-Party ID). The uid parameter is also case-insensitive, so the usernames such as superUser and Superuser are going to be the same thing; goodsid – SKU ID of product (subscription, package) that you enter when defining them, alphanumeric, e.g. gold_membership; slength – length of product, positive whole number, e.g. 5. When sold item is a fixed package, slength contains empty string; speriod – period of product: day, week, month, year. When sold item is a fixed package, speriod contains empty string; type – type of callback. 0 – when product is bought, 1 – when product is given as a customer service courtesy (write-off), 2 – in case of chargeback (see below); ref – reference id, alphanumeric. It's a unique parameter that is going same for the initial pingback as well as for the negative pingback (chargeback). E.g. If the pingback occurred with the reference "itest", then the negative pingback should also occur with the reference "itest"; sig = MD5(uid=[USER_ID]goodsid=[GOODS_ID]slength=[PRODUCT_LENGTH]speriod=[PRODUCT_PERIOD ]type=[TYPE]ref=[REF][SECRET_KEY]) – MD5 (Message-Digest algorithm 5) hash in form of 32 digit hexadecimal number. Example of parameters: SECRET_KEY = 3b5949e0c26b87767a4752a276de9570 uid = 1 goodsid = gold_membership slength = 3 speriod = month type = 0
  • 8. ref = 3 sig = MD5(uid=[USER_ID]goodsid=[GOODS_ID]slength=[PRODUCT_LENGTH]speriod=[PRODUCT_PE RIOD]type=[TYPE]ref=[REF][SECRET_KEY]) = MD5(uid=1goodsid=gold_membershipslength=3speriod=monthtype=0ref=33b5949e0c26b87767a4752a2 76de9570) = 84d081d1af73ccdf5f7281a145d03ce6 Pingback URL example =month&type=0&ref=3&sig=84d081d1af73ccdf5f7281a145d03ce6 Return value If you are able to process the callback requests, please start your response message with 'OK'. If we don't receive a confirmation message, or if the response status code is different from 200, we'll send pingback again within 30 minutes and the subsequent retries will happen at 30 minute increments after that. Security Please add the following IP Addresses as authorized IP addresses to access the script: Chargeback processing Required. This is used in cases of fraud, correction etc. Paymentwall sends request to the Callback URL and communicates subscription package that should be taken back from which userID. Format, Request method and Parameters are the same as for common Callback except for slength – if applicable (not a fixed package), negative whole number (e.g. 2), empty string otherwise type = 2 in case of ChargeBack reason – code of ChargeBack reason. Possible reasons are: Code Reason Recommedation 1 Chargeback 2 Credit Card fraud Ban user 3 Order fraud Ban user 4 Bad data entry 5 Fake / proxy user 6 Rejected by advertiser 7 Duplicate conversions 8 Goodwill credit taken back 9 Cancelled order 10 Partially reversed transaction
  • 9. Sample Pingback listener script <?php define('SECRET', ''); // YOUR SECRET KEY define('CREDIT_TYPE_CHARGEBACK', 2); $ipsWhitelist = array( '', '', '', '', '' ); $userId = isset($_GET['uid']) ? $_GET['uid'] : null; $goodsId = isset($_GET['goodsid']) ? $_GET['goodsid'] : null; $length = isset($_GET['slength']) ? $_GET['slength'] : null; $period = isset($_GET['speriod']) ? $_GET['speriod'] : null; $type = isset($_GET['type']) ? $_GET['type'] : null; $refId = isset($_GET['ref']) ? $_GET['ref'] : null; $signature = isset($_GET['sig']) ? $_GET['sig'] : null; $result = false; if (!empty($userId) && !empty($goodsId) && isset($type) && !empty($refId) && !empty($signature)) { $signatureParams = array( 'uid' => $userId, 'goodsid' => $goodsId, 'slength' => $length, 'speriod' => $period, 'type' => $type, 'ref' => $refId ); $signatureCalculated = calculatePingbackSignature($signatureParams, SECRET); // check if IP is in whitelist and if signature matches if (in_array($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $ipsWhitelist) && ($signature == $signatureCalculated)) { $result = true; if ($type == CREDIT_TYPE_CHARGEBACK) { // Take membership from user // This is optional, but we recommend this type of crediting to be implemented as well } else { // Give membership to user } } } if ($result) { echo 'OK'; } /** * Generates signature using given parameters array and secret * * @param array $params * @param string $secret * @return string */ function calculatePingbackSignature($params, $secret) { $str = ''; foreach ($params as $k=>$v) {
  • 11. $str .= $secret; return md5($str); }